Home pado



Business Description
pado developed an alpha-level parking app solution which transforms the parking challenge into a parking experience for people and digital identities by building a community who manages parking slots efficiently and sustainably. There are already a lot of parking app solutions around but no currently available solution: 1) is based on the creation and the dynamics of a community 2) has all existing parking slots worldwide as addressable market 3) has a recurrent revenue model that can be extended with additional features (e.g. Dynamic Slot Offering, Traffic Management as a Service (TMaaS), Data Ownership Platform, Thermal Management optimisation of electrical vehicles. 4) All of the above captured in a provisional patent filing containing 20 innovation claims. The alpha-level version of the pado app has been used to learn and improve the concept, to have the hypothesis on which the solution and business model is based confirmed and to receive valuable feedback from different user groups The pado alpha Parking app, internet site and social media platforms are currently being further developed and optimised for launch on Q2/2021 latest to generate traction and matrixes needed to onboard (an) investor(s) to proceed with native app developments and execute the go-to-market.
Based in
Mobile Apps, Smart Cities, Mobility Service
Total Funding
Between €100K-€500K

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