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HomeBig KidLearning & EducationHealthy Eating Habits For Preschoolers - Importance And Activities

Healthy Eating Habits For Preschoolers – Importance And Activities

When it comes to eating, some children generally have particular food preferences, whereas some consistently are up for trying any new variety of food that comes their way. No matter what children prefer, we should always encourage them to eat healthy food to help them build the best eating habits. After all, it’s always a good time to nurture positivity around food, food habits, and eating experiences. Children begin to develop eating habits while growing up, which follow them throughout their lives. When we introduce kids to healthy food choices, it starts the process of developing healthy food habits that they will carry into adulthood.


If you find it hard to know what needs to be given to provide your child with a balanced and nutritious diet, this article is for you. Remember that it takes time and patience to develop healthy food habits in children, so don’t get discouraged if your child takes time to map these habits.


What Is Healthy Eating?

We all know that it is important for children to eat healthily as it’s beneficial for their good health, growth and development. Good habits or healthy eating in childhood lowers the risk of developing chronic diseases, like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, tooth decay, obesity, etc. It also means that children will have a better and healthy life ahead. But, children must be taught that to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight, they need to eat the right amount of nutrients to balance the energy they use. They should lower the intake of food items that contain saturated fat, added salt or sugar, and should also be encouraged to choose water to drink in place of sodas and carbonated drinks.


Here are 7 healthy eating habits for children:

  1. Eat at least five colours in a day.
  2. Drink enough water in a day.
  3. Eat your food slowly and chew it properly.
  4. Concentrate on food while eating.
  5. Eat healthy snacks as mini-meals.
  6. Limit sugary beverages like soda and juice.
  7. Eat together as a family.

What Is The Importance Of Healthy Eating Habits For Children?

Now that you are aware of what healthy eating is, let’s take a look at why it matters. Here are some benefits of eating healthy for children.


1. Normal Development

Nutritious food is very important for children as it ensures normal development. Healthy eating habits provide children with the right amount of nutrition required by the body to grow and function properly. Optimum nutrition is required by people of all ages, however, as children are at a growing stage, it becomes utmost important for them to maintain a highly nutritious diet intake.

2. Healthy Body Weight

According to research, 38.9 per cent of the world population is overweight or obese. Even children have been suffering from this lifestyle ailment in recent times. Eating habit has a key role to play when it comes to body weight. Being overweight as a kid puts an individual at an increased risk for health problems throughout life. It even hampers the child’s ability to be active, play and enjoy with friends. Good eating habits can help lower calorie consumption, helping kids maintain a healthy weight or lose extra weight. A healthy body is important for a healthy mind, which is highly significant in a child’s life.


3. Improved Energy Levels

Some kids eat food items that lower their energy levels, leaving them sluggish or tired throughout the day. On the other side, children who eat a lot of sugar turn out to be overly active. Therefore, a balanced diet and healthy eating habits give kids the right amount of energy boost. When a child has eaten well, they are armoured with an optimum amount of energy required by their body to grow and remain active throughout the day for activities like walking, running, playing and even mental activities like concentrating in school.

4. Reduces Health Issues

Well, weight gain isn’t the only issue connected to poor eating habits. Good eating habits contribute to an overall healthy body and lifestyle. On the other hand, poor nutrition can cause harm to a child’s health in many ways. For instance, an excess amount of sugar intake results in cavities and tooth decay, eating extra oily food can lead to lethargy and heart diseases in the future and more such health problems. Therefore, changing eating habits of a child should not be overlooked, and they must be encouraged to eat healthy food items. If a child is in the habit of consuming nutritious food, they will also have better immunity against diseases.


5. Life-Long Habit

The earlier you introduce your child to healthy eating habits, the more likely they are to learn about it and eat healthy food throughout their life. Healthy eating is nothing but a habit, just like brushing your teeth or bathing, that you need to introduce to your child, and make them understand why it is important. Eating meals at the correct time, choosing fresh and local ingredients, ensuring a balanced diet and not over-consuming junk food are important rules that a child must learn to follow since the beginning and make them a part of their lifestyle even after they grow up.

How To Motivate Your Child To Develop Healthy Eating Habits?

If you teach your child how to eat healthily, they are more likely to make their own healthy food choices as they grow up. Here are some tips on how to encourage healthy eating habits in kids:


1. Meal Time

Sit together as a family at mealtimes, and eat the same food. Eating the same food that you give to your child will encourage them to eat healthy food, just like their parents.

2. Make It Fun

Make healthy food look attractive by presenting it to your child in an interesting way. You can cut the fruits into interesting shapes, add colourful vegetables to make the meal look more appealing, and include a variety of flavours in the meal.


3. Take Help From Your Child

Take help from your child while preparing the food by involving them in flame-less cooking. They will definitely try the food they have helped prepare as they will be excited to have handled the important responsibility themselves.

4. Take Them To Shop

Take your child with you when you go out to buy healthy food items. Knowing more about the ingredients that go into food is always exciting. Let them be a part of this experience to increase their participation and their knowledge about healthy food.


5. Try New Recipes

Always look for different recipes when preparing healthy food dishes for your child. If your child doesn’t enjoy a particular dish, ask them to be more specific. For instance, ask them: did you find it too salty? Would you prefer it to be more tangy? Try a different way of preparing the same ingredient to let your child be exposed to it in a variety of ways. You can also get creative with stuffing, substitutions and other ways of adding healthy ingredients to your child’s favourite dishes. For instance, if your child loves pasta, you can try to offer spinach-stuffed ravioli or zucchini noodles in a yummy pasta sauce.

6. Limit Junk Food Purchase

The best way to keep children away from junk food is by not bringing it to your home. When your child does not have junk food at home, they will be encouraged to eat healthy food. Reserve these for outings, parties and special occasions to lay down a clear distinction between daily meals and junk food.

7. Let Them Decide

Let your child choose from two or three healthy food options for a meal. This way, you will make what they picked, and they will eat it without any tantrums.

8. Healthy Snacks

Even if your child wants to have some munching time while watching their favourite cartoon, offer them healthy snacks like dry fruits, whole wheat crackers, fruit and veggie chips, pop corn, makhanas, baked pretzels, etc.

9. Be A Role Model

“If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then parents should consider themselves seriously flattered.” Children pick up the habits you model for them, so make sure you’re demonstrating healthy eating habits in front of your child if you want them to emulate.

10. Embrace Moderation

You do not need to give up salty and sweet snacks entirely while teaching your child about eating healthy. Make your child understand that those foods are treats and not everyday indulgences. It is okay to enjoy an occasional slice of cake or a scoop of ice cream.

11. Be Supportive

You need to be supportive if you want your child to have healthy eating habits. Praise and hug them when they eat something healthy or try something healthy for the first time. This will encourage them to ask for more such healthy foods.

Which Things To Avoid While Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits In Kids?

When introducing healthy eating habits to kids, you must avoid the following things:

1. Limit Sugar Intake

Added sugar only means a lot of empty calories that contribute to hyperactivity and increase the risk for obesity, diabetes, etc.

2. Avoid Foods That Impair Your Child’s Mood

Avoid foods like sweet desserts, fried food, soda, caffeine, etc.

3. Limit Screen Time

The light that is emitted from screens can interrupt their sleep cycles and cause insomnia, leading to health problems.

4. Limit Saturated Fats

Avoid giving your child food item like butter, cakes, biscuits etc.

A few simple steps that you take in your daily routine can go a long way into forming a healthy habit for your child. Healthy food should not be looked upon as a punishment, but a blessing that nourishes our body and keeps our body and mind fit and fine. When children are educated about healthy eating habits rather than just being forced to eat healthy and avoid junk, they will be empowered to make the decision for their own lives in the long run too.

Also Read:

How to Teach Colours to Toddlers and Preschoolers
Fun Activities to Make Your Preschooler Giggle and Laugh
When and How to Teach Backward Counting to Preschool Kids

Shraddha Mishra
Writer, journalist and content creator, she has worked across several publications. She takes a keen interest in travel, food and culture. A new mother, she loves talking about her parenting journey and watching her toddler play, learn and grow. When not working, you will find her watching a movie or web series, or reading a novel, chasing a good story everywhere.
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