Beschorneria ‘Flamingo Glow,’ A True Showstopper

One of our favorite plants for low-water gardens, Beschorneria yuccoides 'Flamingo Glow' truly delivers on so many levels, with soft, delicate leaves, pretty variegated color, and of course that wildly exotic bloom. We grow this stone cold fox of a plant at our farms in the Rainbow Valley, and it’s often in stock at both our stores.

An agave cousin, this Beschorneria is indeed a succulent, but its leaves have a softly undulating texture, with a more delicate effect than its agave relatives.

The plant will bloom once a year, typically in summer, with a stalk that can grow to six feet tall. Watching the stalks emerge is such a delight!

If you saw Flora's home garden in Sunset magazine a few months ago, maybe you spotted her pair of thriving Beschorneria in the pics (above right).

We grow this plant ourselves at our farms at Grubb & Nadler in the beautiful Rainbow Valley. That's our production crop above!

This plant is frequently in stock in both our stores, in San Francisco and Marina del Rey. Come visit us and bring one home for your garden!

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