Where the Lost Wander

Dearest Reader,

Never could I have imagined that a journey along the Oregon Trail in 1853 could have so many parallels with the lives we are living right now. The isolation, the unknowns, the narrowing of our worlds to our own walls, where everything becomes simultaneously simpler and a thousand times harder. I was afraid to write this book. History is always tricky. It’s ugly and hard and politically incorrect. It’s uncomfortable! But it’s beautiful too. It’s triumphant. It’s relatable. And I hope that as you take this journey with John Lowry and Naomi May you will walk in their shoes and see the world through their eyes. I hope you will gasp in excitement, and your heart will pound with dread. But mostly, I hope you will fall in love. Not just with John and Naomi and the May family, but with the real people who blazed a trail and built a foundation for our own lives. Thank you for reading, my friends. Now saddle up!

Amy Harmon

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Published on April 28, 2020 03:09
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message 1: by Amanda (new)

Amanda What a wonderful book!!!! You say you were afraid to write it, but I am so glad you did. A truly touching and thoroughly entertaining story. Thank you!

message 2: by Jill (new)

Jill Anderson This is the first book I've read of yours and absolutely loved everything about it! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story where I felt the sun beating on my head and shoulders, felt the pain of their hunger and loss, felt the fear of the unknown, the toil and exhaustion from their long journey, and also the joy and simplicity of their lives. I will definitely be reading more of your books!

message 3: by Angie (last edited Mar 15, 2021 12:13PM) (new)

Angie Wins Sadly your books had gotten by me and I had never read anything by you till the first of this year. Which pains me to say since I am a librarian. So far I have read 19 books this year and this book has been my favorite thus far. I absolutely loved it and I am telling every reader I know about it! I am so glad that you wrote it. I am beyond tired of reading books lately where every author thinks they have to be constantly politically correct. Instead you just told a beautiful and honest story and for that I thank you. I have never enjoyed an author's work so much that I have picked up several of her or his past works but I am about to finish my 4th book by you and a 5th one that I purchased is waiting to be read next. I have immensely enjoyed them all. Including the fantasy ones titled The Bird and the Sword, and The Queen and the Cure, which happens to be a genre that I don't usually read. You are a gifted author and I look forward to reading your next work of art.

message 4: by Amy (new)

Amy Harmon Angie wrote: "Sadly your books had gotten by me and I had never read anything by you till the first of this year. Which pains me to say since I am a librarian. So far I have read 19 books this year and this book..."

I'm just reading this now, Angie. I guess I need to spend more time on Goodreads. Your message inspires me and encourages me. Many days I feel like I'm in a huge sea, and I will never find the readers I write for, that my books will never penetrate the noise of so many options and so little time. But maybe, with patience and continued effort, they will. You've made me think it's possible. Thank you for your message and thank you for being a librarian! --Amy

message 5: by Amy (new)

Amy Harmon Jill wrote: "This is the first book I've read of yours and absolutely loved everything about it! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story where I felt the sun beating on my head and shoulders, felt the pain..."

Thank you. You've expressed yourself beautifully.

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