Mohammed Kaleem – Big And Heavy Hands

When Kaleem was born, his hands were already twice the size of a normal baby. And his hands only continued to grow. By the time he was nine, his hands already weighed more than his head. Fortunately, in 2014 a doctor was able to help reduce the size of his hands to make his life easier.

Annie Hawkins-Turner – World’s Biggest Natural Boobs

Annie Hawkins-Turner didn’t seek out her ‘strange’ feature, she was born with them. Well, she developed them, giving this gifted woman the world’s biggest boobs. Turner’s 48V clangers are 100% natural and a sight to behold. Understandably, she has cashed in on her bust by doing fetish work under the stage name Norma Stitz.

Valeria Lukyanova – The Human Barbie

Valeria Lukyanova became an internet sensation when she started posting images of herself on social media. The Ukrainian model described herself as a “Human Barbie”. She claims to be 100% natural, aside from breast implants. “Wow, what a doll!” Wait for a second, is she a doll or is she human? This Ukrainian model became an instant internet sensation when she began posting photos of herself as the self-described “Human Barbie.” She claims to be 100 percent natural, except for her breast implants. It must be pretty hard for her to find shirts that fit correctly!

Taylor Muhl – Human Chimera

Taylor Muhl was born with a strange birthmark on her stomach. As it turns out, it wasn’t a birthmark. She has a condition called chimerism, where, early on in development, one-half of a set of fraternal twins passes and the remaining cells are absorbed into the surviving one. Thus, the embryo has two sets of DNA. Most people with chimerism go completely undiagnosed, but some, like Muhl, have unusual features. Muhl’s currently a model.

Jyoti Amge – Shortest Woman On Earth

Dangi actually has a counterpart in terms of height. While men are taller on average though, Jyoti Amge, the shortest woman alive, was actually taller than him. She had a rare growth disorder called achondroplasia which caused her to stop growing at two feet, one inch. She also appeared in American Horror Story: Freak Show. Women are usually shorter than men, but Jyoti Amge is taller than Dangi. A rare growth disorder called achondroplasia has limited Jyoti to a diminutive 2’1″ stature and given her the claim to fame as the world’s smallest woman.

Paul Karason – The Blue Man

Paul Karason ingested colloidal silver to treat a skin condition, but the silver in his medication reacted with sunlight and turned his skin blue. This is called argyria. He gained unexpected fame and notoriety, appearing on several talks and news shows. This actually prompted the FDA to ban silver in over-the-counter drugs. Karason passed away in 2013 from a heart attack, although it wasn’t related to his argyria.

Yu Zhenhuan – The Hairiest Man In China

Roughly 96% of Yu Zhenhuan’s body is covered in hair. Some refer to him as the “human yeti”. While the hair may be a bit of a nuisance, Zhenhuan seems to be pretty comfortable with his situation.

Jocelyn Wildenstein – Plastic Surgery Taken Too Far

Jocelyn Wildenstein is probably the picture you’ve seen when people make warnings about getting too much plastic surgery. According to the story, she tried to get her face to look more cat-like, which her husband at the time claimed to like. Although, the pair divorced in 1999 after she caught him with another woman.

Rolf Buchholz – The Most Piercings On Someone’s Face

The tattoos and horns are interesting enough, but the number of piercings on Rolf Buchholz is just insane. It’s almost like he’s addicted to them. He actually does have more piercings than anyone on the planet as well.

Abigail And Brittany Hensel – Conjoined Twin

Abigail and Brittany Hensel are a rare pair of conjoined twins. They share a body and some internal organs, although they both have their own heart, brain, and other key body parts. They’re pretty famous, having had a documentary and mini-series made that focused on them. Since then, they’ve managed to get their teaching job.

Zydrūnas Savickas – World’s Strongest Man

Zydrūnas Savickas holds the record as the world’s strongest man. You may not be able to tell just from looking at him, but the Lithuanian powerlifter has the record for heaviest deadlift at 1,155 pounds. That’s over half a ton. And he’s still working to improve his strength so that he can break his record!

Asha Mandela – World’s Longest Dreads

Asha Mandela has the longest dread in the world. She even refers to herself as the black Repunzel. Dreads braid hair into more tightly woven strands as well, imagine how much hair she actually has given how long her dreads are in the first place.

Julia Gnuse – Most Tattooed Woman

Julia Gnuse had 96% of her body covered in ink. Initially, she only got tattoos to cover up a skin condition, but it soon became a passion of hers. Unfortunately, she passed away in 2016.

Lucky Damond Rich – Most Tattooed Man

Unlike Gnuse, Lucky Diamond Rick made sure to get ink on every inch of his body. Even the insides of his eyelids and mouth have been inked. And in his case, the only reason he seemed to have done so is just that he can.

Mikel Ruffinelli – World’s Widest Hips

“I want the world’s biggest hips, even if it kills me”. That’s a direct quote from the woman who currently has the world’s widest hips, Mikeli Ruffinelli. They measure in at eight feet all the way around.

Mandy Sellars – World’s Largest Legs

Mandy Sellars’ legs grew abnormally large due to a rare genetic mutation. Things got worse in 2010 when one leg needed to be amputated just above the knee because of a serious blood infection. But even the stump continued to grow. Now it weighs 40 pounds by itself. Although, Mandy took all of this stride. After appearing in a ton of television shows, she used her media influence to raise awareness for others with her condition.

Patrick Deuel – World’s Heaviest Man

At 1,126 pounds, Patrick Deuel was known as the “Half-Ton Man”. Although, it was a nickname that he wasn’t too fond of, himself. After a hospital visit that required a special ambulance and his bedroom wall being removed so he could leave his house, he decided he needed a major change. He had gastric bypass surgery and ended up losing 700 pounds. In 2016, he died at the age of 54, but his story inspired others.

Nick Stoeberl – World’s Longest Tongue

Nick Stoberl actually is in the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest tongue, and he puts it to good use. He actually paints with it and used that skill to audition for America’s Got Talent. Unfortunately, Simon Cowell called it “stupid” and a “complete waste of time”. Fortunately, Stoeberl has a career as a model to fall back on.

Liam Hoekstra – World’s Strongest Kid

Liam Hoekstra was doing chin-ups without a problem at age three. It turns out he had a rare genetic myostatin-related condition called hypertrophy. This allows the body to build muscle fast while inhibiting body fat. While he could be a real Superman in the future, for now, he just does some wrestling.

Brooke Greenberg – The Girl Who Never Aged

Brooke Greenberg was born in 1993, but she never aged physically or cognitively past the age of a year. She was still the size of a sixth-month-old at eight years old. Her family to her to countless specialists and doctors, but none could figure out what was happening to Brooke. They ended up calling her condition Syndrome X. Unfortunately, she passed away in 2013 at age 20.

Whitney Weldon – A Human Statue

Whitney Weldon is one of around 800 people in the world with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). It’s an incredibly rare genetic disease where the muscles, tendons, and ligaments become ossified if the patient suffers even the most minor of injuries. This means that someone will become completely frozen in place. Her first flare-up was at age nine when her arm froze at a 120-degree angle. It was described as being excruciatingly painful, and every time she has a flare-up, Weldon just had to accept there was a part of her body she could no longer use.

Christine Walton – World’s Longest Fingernails

Christine Walton of Las Vegas has the longest fingernails in the world. Her nails are a ridiculous 19 feet and nine inches. She stopped trimming them in 1990, leading to the length they’re at now. She’s also a singer with the stage name “The Dutchess”.

Sajad Gharibi – The Most Muscular Bodybuilder

Sajad Gharibi looks like an action figure or some kind of superhero with how big he is. He’s an Iranian bodybuilder, weighing 390 pounds of pure muscle. Some people even refer to him as the “Persian Hulk”. Every morning after hitting the gym, he eats a full English breakfast, while also making sure to get plenty of fruits and vegetables. This gives him the energy he needs to go all out.

María José Cristerna – The Jaguar Woman

María José Cristerna got her first tattoo at the age of 14 and the rest was history. She’s had over 95% of her body inked and even earned the title of “Most Tattooed Woman in the World” from Guinness World Records. She’s also had her body modified to possess a split tongue, subdermal implants, piercings, ear expansions, scarifications, and dental implants. It shouldn’t be surprising that she owns her own tattoo studio, and a clothing line called Mujeres Vampiro (“Vampire Woman”). Oh yeah, and she’s also a criminal justice attorney.

Sultan Kösen – Tallest Man On Earth

At eight feet, three inches, Sultan Kösen holds the record for tallest man alive. Unfortunately, the Turkish citizen’s height is rather debilitating. His long bones make it rather difficult for him to walk.

Chandra Bahadur Dangi – Shortest Man On Earth

Speaking of the world’s tallest man, we have to talk about the shortest. Chandra Bahadur Dangi was a Nepalese man that measure only one foot, ten inches tall. Unfortunately, he died at age 75 in 2015.

Nick Vujicic – The Limbless Man

Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker that was born with tetra-amelia syndrome. This means that he was born with no arms and no legs. All he had in regard to limbs was a pseudo-leg he referred to as his “chicken drumstick”. However, his unwillingness to let that put him down is what led to his current profession. His chicken drumstick even seems to actually have a faster reaction time in comparison to most people’s hands. Now he’s a husband and father of four.

Tom Staniford – The Skinniest Cyclist In The World

Tom Staniford is a well-known para-cyclist, although it’s not just for his skill. He was born with a rare illness, MDP syndrome. He’s only one of eight people in the world to develop it. This prevents his body from storing fat beneath the skin, owing to his emaciated appearance. His muscle tone is also 40% less than the average man’s. This ended up making him the skinniest cyclist in the world. Although, he’s still quite skilled at it.

Amoo Hadji – The Dirtiest Man Alive

When they say “dirtiest man alive” they mean it. Amoo Hadji hasn’t taken a shower in 65 years! This 85-year-old lives in the village of Dezhgah in Iran. He lives a fairly low-tech life, cooking things such as porcupine carcasses. His only notable possession is a three-inch steel pipe he uses to smoke tobacco. His skin is brown and scaly from all the dirt covering him. And he just has to smell awful.

Joey DeGrandis – Photographic Memory

Joey DeGrandis is one of only 100 people in the world with highly superior autographical memory (HSAM). This means that he’s able to recall any information that’s occurred to him during his life with 100% accuracy. He thought it was just a neat parlor trick until he saw a broadcast about it on the news. He currently participates in experiments to study his intelligence, but it’s also somewhat of a curse. People with HSAM often complain of depression and anxiety, often linked to it.

Zlata – The World’s Most Flexible Woman

Julia Gunther, better known by her stage name Zlata, is known as the world’s most flexible woman. At least according to the Guinness Book of World Records. The secret to her success, outside of general training, is that her ligaments never hardened as she aged. According to doctors, she has the ligaments of a baby.

Francisco Domingo Joaquin – World’s Widest Mouth

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Mr. Joaquin is capable of stretching their mouth up to seven inches. that may sound small, so here’s something to put it into perspective. That means that they can fit an entire Coke can in their mouth.

Michele Kobke – World’s Thinnest Waist

People at home, please don’t try to repeat this. Michele Kobke has the world’s thinnest waist. However, this is not a genetic trait, but the result of consistent and constant usage of a corset. Her waistline is a minuscule 16 inches.

Velu Radhakrishna – Human Tow Truck

There have been a couple of people on this list deemed inhumanly strong because of their muscles. Well, that’s not why Velu Radhakrishna is considered the “Human Tow Truck”. For him, it’s all in the jaws. In 2003 he pulled two KTM commuter trains that weighed 574,964 pounds. He still holds the record for the heaviest object pulled with their teeth and it’s hard to believe someone will ever surpass it.

Thai Ngoc – The Man Who Never Sleeps

The recommended amount for every healthy adult to sleep is around eight hours. Well, Thai Ngoc’s body apparently didn’t get that message. He’s an extreme insomniac that can’t seem to get even a wink in. Ordinarily, the sleeping cycle is so important people will start hallucinating after a few days, and possibly die after a few more. Well, Thai Ngoc has reportedly gone 46 years without any sleep. Yet, he doesn’t appear to be suffering any ill effects. He even gets more manual labor done than a man who does sleep can get through in a day.

Dean Karnazes – The Man Who Feels No Fatigue

Ordinarily, exercise causes a buildup of lactic acids. This is what causes fatigue, muscle ache, and tiredness. It’s an overall natural process. However, Dean Karnazes’ body is capable of flushing these lactic acids from his body at an incredibly quick rate. What does this mean? Well, he never gets tired. He’s capable of running hundreds of miles without stopping or sleeping. Once he ran 350 miles over 80 hours. Apparently, he first discovered this ability when he needed to hike back home to Santa Cruz from San Francisco.

Maci Currin – World’s Longest Legs

Maci Currin holds the world record for having the world’s longest legs on a female, having also previously held the record for longest legs on a teenager. Her left leg measures 135.267 cm (53.255 in), while her right measures 134.3 cm (52.874 in). All in all, Currin is 6 ft 10 in, 60% of which is all leg!

Ram Singh – The 14 Foot Moustache

Moustaches saw a resurgence in popularity during the 2010s but whatever came of it doesn’t hold a candle to the feat of biology that is sitting on Ram Singh Chauhan’s upper lip. Standing at a whopping 14 feet, Chauhan’s moustache was even measured for proof in Italy on the set of Low Show dei Record. He hasn’t cut the thing for over 40 years.

Garry Turner – The Stretchiest Skin

Britain’s own Garry Turner can stretch the skin of his stomach to 6.25 inches, thanks to a rare medical condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. EDS is a connective-tissue disorder where the collagen becomes defective, loosening the skin. Garry’s unique condition may look painful but he actually doesn’t feel any!

Jonah Falcon – The Biggest Penis in the World

Jonah Falcon had no idea about the monster he was packing until he got dressed in a school changing room as a kid and his classmates noticed that he had a bigger manhood than their own fathers. Often billed as the largest penis in the world, Falcon’s member is a staggering 13.5 inches long when erect and a humble 9.5 inches when flaccid.

Amar Bharati – The Hand That’s Been In the Air For 50 Years

Amar Bharati’s physical anomaly is self-inflicted but it’s still crazy to see. Back in 1973, he decided to dedicate his life to the Hindu deity Shiva, proving his dedication lifting his right arm in the air. He has never taken it down and the emaciated frame of the thing is evidence of that. Do not, under any circumstances, high five this man as you’ll only be getting in between a man and his God.

Mayra Hill – World’s Biggest Fake Boobs

Mayra Hill just couldn’t get enough of breast augmentations in her 20s. Once this German popped, she couldn’t stop. Today she boasts the largest fake boobs in the whole word, shopping for no less than 32Z sized bras. Each boob weighs nine kilos and holds ten litres of saline. Madly enough, she wants to go bigger.

Valery Smagliy – Three Inch Eyelashes

Don’t stand too close to Vallery Smagliy when he’s in the mood for blinking, as you might be swept off your feet into the horizon. This Ukrainian has the longest eyelashes in the world, which measure an astonishing three inches. Smagliy has put down his endowment to a secret diet. Let’s hope he one day reveals it.

Carlos Rodriguez – The Man With Half a Head

Carlos Rodriguez came about his unique head shape thanks to a dark time in his life. While buzzed on drink and drugs, Rodriguez crashed his car into a tree, losing a massive chunk of his skull in the process. It was only when he was later arrested for soliciting prostitution that the remains of his head became public knowledge thanks to a jaw-dropping mug shot.

Jena Amend – Cartoon Hands

Jena Amend was born with a condition called hemangioma, meaning a large red tumour grew on the outside of her body. Jena’s grew on one of her fingers, which was eventually removed. Now she has one hand that only has four fingers, much like a cartoon character. Don’t worry, it works fine!

Shilah Madison – The Hair That Can’t Be Combed

Shilah Madison has uncombable hair. Genuinely. Uncombable hair syndrome affects just 100 people in the world, which makes the likes of Shilah incredibly unique. Her mother Celeste has said that “her daily routine of taking care of hair is a long and painful one. We minimise brushing unless it’s really needed.”

Sara Jimenez Galan – Colourless Hair

Filling out any form that asks for hair colour must be awkward for Sara Jimenez Galan, as a part of hers doesn’t have any. Piedbaldism, a condition which causes the front part of a person’s hair to grow without colour, leaves Galan with an interesting and yes very cool appearance.

Matthew Hogg – The Man Who’s Always Drunk

Being drunk all the time might seem a pretty fun way to live your life, but for people like Matthew Hogg, it’s more of a nuisance. His body converts all sugar and carbohydrates into ethanol, leaving him either drunk or hungover. Hogg has dismissed the notion that his condition is an enjoyable life and tries to raise awareness for his condition.

DoubleD**kDude – The Dude With Two D**ks

Diphallia effects about one in 5.5 million American men. One of them is someone only known by the Reddit alias ‘DoubleD**kDude’. He sent the web into a spin when he revealed he had two penises a few years ago, even releasing a memoir. “My prostate gets inflamed if I don’t ejaculate enough,” he said. “I’m probably the only guy with a legit reason to orgasm at least once every day or two days.”

Wang Fang – The Woman With Backwards Feet

If you’re ever at a children’s birth party with Wang Fang, refrain from making her do the hokey-cokey unless you want to isolate an innocent woman in the worst way possible. Why? She was born with her feet facing backwards, that’s why. Fang’s attitude is admirable. She refuses to let her feet hold her back by working as a waitress in a Chongqing city restaurant.