Charles W Swan

On (Date unknown. Being researched. See content integrity note below.) Private First Class Swan was declared a casualty of World War II. He served with honor in the United States Army. He is remembered by the people of Illinois. May his positive example inspire us. Working together towards peace, mutual respect, and equality for all.
Charles W Swan
World War II
Please note that we do not have a verified profile image in our archive for this service member. Our research team is working to locate and study additional supporting documentation.
World War II
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Our displayed data concerning the life and military history of Charles W Swan is a work in progress. We've assembled a list of elements we are in the process of researching and reviewing. This profile has not been edited recently and is overdue for our attention.
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Missing : Supplemental Data
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Service Details
This Profile ID460741
Service ID36028570
NameCharles W Swan
FromMcHenry County, Illinois
WarWorld War II
Service BranchArmy
RankPrivate First Class
Casualty TypeKIA - Killed in Action
Notable Awards
Purple Heart
Commendations + Awards
World War II Victory Medal
Purple Heart
American Campaign Medal
Army Presidential Unit Citation
Army Good Conduct Medal
Illinois Gold Star Veterans Gallery
Honoring the men and women of Illinois who gave their all for their country. May their example of courage and sacrifice be our guide. To be strong and responsible in our lives as citizens of the world. Through honest daily actions, we honor them.
Illinois was home to over 28,681 American Gold Star veterans from 4 wars of the 20th Century. Some notable statistics:
• 4,579 World War I
• 19,314 World War II
• 1,845 Korean War
• 2,943 Vietnam War
• 395 Prisoners of war
• 4,734 Missing in action
• 124 Pearl Harbor casualties
• 210 D-Day Normandy casualties
• 28 Medal of Honor recipients
Guardians of Honor Credits
Research Honor States Admin
Supporters National D-Day Memorial San Diego Coin & Bullion USS Midway Museum 75th Pearl Harbor Wall of Honor Rolling Thunder National Riders
Sources National Archives (NARA) Library of Congress (LOC) Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA)
honoring our fallen healing together Honoring our fallen. Together. Uniting us in meaningful common cause. When we work together to honor our Gold Star veterans, we heal our nation together. It's a team effort. Everyone's invited to join as a Citizen Historian and Guardian of Honor. - learn more
Here is Some Important Information!
featured supporter
American Veterans Center 75th D-Day Congressional Reception
On May 7, 2019 the Honor States organization, in conjunction with Spirit of 45, was selected to be a featured content provider at the American Veterans Center hosted event in tribute to the 75th anniversary of D-Day. This took place at the Rayburn House in Washington DC, the center of Congressional Representative offices.
Featured National Supporter
Our Supporters are Essential Team Members! - learn more
thank you
We appreciate the generous help + encouragement from our research teams, volunteers, and foundational supporters. Each of them are essential team members contributing to the archive building progress.
Honor States and the National Unified Archive of American Gold Star Veterans has an established policy of developing "most complete" datasets. These are groups, campaigns and actions of special historical significance. Some notable examples include:
It's required 8+ years, 1000s of skilled labor hours, scores of active contributors, and millions of visitors to realize the value in the National Unified Archive of American Gold Star Veterans. We have not satisfied everyone. That's impossible, considering the unique + personal needs of individuals. However, our annual positivity ratings exceed 95%. It's tough to get that many people to agree on anything. So, we do seem to be on the right track.
None of us would be who we are, or have what we have, if not for the strengths and sacrifices of others. Most of us enjoy lives of relative freedom. Our freedom has come at enormous cost. The price paid by those who gave their all. In service to their country, states and communities. Each of them a beloved member of our global family.
You meet a new friend. Common question. "Where are you from"? Alabama. Ohio. California. Grew up in the Bronx. Family lives in Pasadena. Went to school in Boston. Worked in Chicago. We have roots everywhere. These state and community identities are foundational in defining who Americans are at heart. It's the who and what we fight for when pressed.
Taylor - It is unbelievable what these young Americans sacrifice to preserve our freedom. I'm inspired and humbled by them all.
Travis - What an incredibly determined human being. These guys are what make up the backbone of our country. Thanks for your work.
Mary - Thank you for remembering these men. I am certainly proud to share this with my family. We have many ancestors who served.
Lenor - I look forward each day to helping get the word out about Honor States. Especially to the kids who really need to learn.