What the Name "Rima" Means, and Why Numerologists Like It

What does the name Rima mean?

What the name "Rima" means:

Rima Gender:
Rima is a female name
Rima Origin:
Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries

The lovely baby-name Rima is customarily for girls. The original meaning of this customarily-female name is "rhyme or poetry".

The name Rima originates in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries. It is typically pronounced, \r(i)-ma\.

How to use numerology to interpret "Rima"

Additionally, it's possible to apply ancient numerology to further interpret this name's meaning. The name Rima reduces using numerology to the very quick "single digit" number 5.

The quixotic number 5 according to numerologists, is the number which corresponds with change. Because it represents the central position of the single-digit numbers from 1-9, it is sometimes called the "pivot number", or the number which other 1-digit numbers move around.

Five is adapatable and always changing — capable of surviving in almost any environment or scenario. Its mutability makes it a socialite number, which can get along with almost anyone. The number 5 is also gifted with a naturally inquisitive nature, and never stops exploring.

Mirroring the attributes of the adventurous number 5, the baby-name Rima is filled with numerological energies of adaptability, curiosity and mutability.

How to calculate the name Rima's numerology value

So how did we calculate the name "Rima's" base number 5 in the above section? Here's a quick tutorial:

Through the process of basic numerological reduction, we can use a number in the place of every letter in the name Rima — as shown below:

Letters in the name "Rima" Position in Alphabet Reduced Value

To get our final reduced number, we can add-up the reduced values from the last column. The reduction of the name Rima is in the diagram below:

meaning of the name Rima with numerology


Keep in mind however, that using ancient numerological reduction to analyze a customarily-female first-name like Rima is just a minor part of an overall numerology reading. For a more detailed name-interpretation using numerology, which includes a complete first-name and last-name — and birthday, try iFate's free numerology page now.

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