Wafels and Dinges in the East Village

Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

We were going to an art gallery on my birthday and stumbled upon Wafels and Dinges, an outpost of the now famous Belgian waffle truck (more than a truck today...). Nice place with the yellow color being omnipresent, and with various waffle makers hanging around. 

Direction to Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

Direction to Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

Kitchen at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

Kitchen at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

Breakfast promotion at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

Breakfast promotion at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

Dining room at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

Dining room at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

We wanted to try their two kinds of waffles, the Brussels one and the Liege one, but they mentioned to us that they only had the latter, that was weird and prompted me to think that they probably get the batter delivered instead of making it on site. So we got the Liege waffle that was quite good, light and chewy, that we simply ordered with sugar and a side of strawberries. We could have gone crazy as we could have added an insane amount of toppings, from Nutella to whipped cream, without forgetting speculoos, a paste that some people find addictive, not me.

Liege waffle at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY 

Liege waffle at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY 

Liege waffle at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY 

Liege waffle at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY 

Although, I took few speculoos cookies that were offered in a basket. 

Speculoos cookies at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY 

Speculoos cookies at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY 

As they did not have the Brussels waffle, I decided to try instead a banana and Nutella milkshake that was very good. 

Banana and nutella milkshake at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

Banana and nutella milkshake at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

Banana and nutella milkshake at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

Banana and nutella milkshake at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY

We also got an espresso (double, although small) and a tea for Jodi. 

Espresso and tea at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY 

Espresso and tea at Wafels and Dinges in the East Village, NYC, NY 

It was good. I just wished that they had the two kinds of waffles so I could have compared each of them. I guess it means that I will have to go back to Wafels and Dinges...

Enjoy (I did)!

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Wafels and Dinges - 15 Avenue B, New York, NY 10009

Wafels & Dinges Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato