My favorite part of this whole thing is connecting with you. If you have any comments, questions, problems, gripes, ideas, or just want to connect, please do not hesitate to send an email.

Struggling with something…

Life is hard. Let’s connect, sometimes it helps even just to write it all out…


Need a video for your organization, parish, ministry, group - interested in collaboration, partnerships, or in commissioning a video, please inquire here.

  • Video/content Development

  • Full Design and Animation Studio

  • Collaborations and partnerships welcome


For some strange reason, I have received invitations for speaking engagements. If you wish to subject yourselves, your parish group, your youth group, your retreat or your classroom to some non-sensical dribble accompanied by odd and unusual animations, (while having some fun) by all means... contact me, and I look forward to meeting you.