Smallest Fish in the World

03 Nov,2023

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A popular fish for nano aquariums because of its diminutive size, first on our list is the Celestial Pearl Danio, more formally known as Danio margaritatus. This fish measures in at just barely under an inch or around 25 millimeters in length.

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Celestial Pearl Danio

The Knipowitschia goerneri, more commonly known as the Corfu dwarf goby, measures around 22 millimeters in length, or just under one inch. These goby are white or tan with brown speckles over the top halves of their bodies.

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Corfu Dwarf Goby

The Trimmatom nanus, known commonly as the Midget dwarf goby, is number five on our list, with a length of about 10 millimeters. The Midget dwarf goby is a beautiful bright reddish-orange, with bulbous eyes and feathery-looking fins.

Midget Dwarf Goby

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The male Dwarf pygmy goby, Pandaka pygmaea, also known as the Phillipine goby, comes in at nine millimeters long or approximately one-third of one inch. At the most, it is capable of teaching 1.1 centimeters in length. 

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Dwarf Pygmy Goby

This tiny relative of the carp has no common name, but the Paedocypris progenetica is a pretty remarkable fish! The smallest specimen was a 7.9-millimeter female. 

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Paedocypris progenetica

Some argue that the Stout infantfish, scientific name Schindleria brevipinguis, is actually the smallest fish because it is the lightest fish of record and both the male and female are of a similar small size. 

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Stout Infantfish

Photocorynus spiniceps, a type of anglerfish, is our smallest fish. The males, which are parasitic and attach to the much larger females, only reach a length of 6.2 millimeters long, which is less than a quarter of an inch!

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Photocorynus spiniceps