Asarum blumei   Dù héng   Blumes wild ginger   Family: Aristolochiaceae     
Dù héng
also describes Asarum forbesii.
Nature- warm   FLAVOR: Acrid  CHANNELS: Lung, Kidney TOXICITY: Slightly toxic.[2]
1. Suppresses cough and removes sputum.[1]
2. Expels flatus.[1]
3. Scatters Cold.[1]
1. Wind Chill coughing, excessive salivation.[1]
2. Enlarged lymphatic nodes of the neck.[1]
3. Edema.[1]
4. Rheumatism, traumatic injuries.[1]
PREPARATIONS: Decoction. Roots 6-9 g each dose.[1]

HABITAT: Grows wild in damp shady spots on mountainsides.
DESCRIPTION: Perennial evergreen herb. Rhizome; horizontal underground, with short internodal spaces, fibrous roots numerous, emitting characteristic fragrance. Leaves; 1 to 3 growing from the rhizome, heart-shaped or broadly oval, margins intact, surface showing white spots, petioles long. Flowers; in the spring, bell-shaped purple, appearing from axils. Fruit; a rounded capsule.
[1] Barefoot Doctor's Manual - 1977 Prepared by the Revolutionary Health Committee of Hunan Province. Original Chinese manual- Victor W. Sidel. Originally published by Dr Joseph Quin and the Fogarty International centre, Bethdesda (1974). Madrona Publishers Seattle Washington ISBN 0-914842-52-8
2. [1]
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