UAW Files Charges Against Honda, Hyundai, and Volkswagen as Its Membership Grows

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Key Takeaways

  • The United Auto Workers (UAW) union filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) against Honda Motor Co., Hyundai Motor Co., and Volkswagen in three U.S. states.
  • The union alleges that the automakers illegally blocked unionization efforts at plants where hundreds of workers have signed up to join the UAW.
  • The moves come just weeks after the union announced plans to organize non-union workers at several major automakers in the U.S.

The United Automobile Workers (UAW) union filed labor practice charges against Honda Motor Co. (HMC), Hyundai Motor Co., and Volkswagen for suppressing unionization efforts in several U.S. states as the union steps up its efforts to expand membership.

Filing charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) against Honda in Indiana, Hyundai in Alabama, and Volkswagen in Tennessee, the UAW on Monday alleged that the three automakers used illegal practices to prevent workers from organizing.

UAW President Shawn Fain also released a video address on Monday evening stating the union would continue in its efforts to organize workers at Tesla and 12 other automakers in the U.S. as its membership grows.

Over 1,000 Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, signed union cards in a week, with hundreds following suit, according to the UAW, amounting to more than 30% of workers at the plant. Hundreds of workers at Honda's Indiana Auto Plant in Greensburg and at Hyundai's Montgomery plant in Alabama have signed up as well. Fain said the union wants the support of at least 70% of workers before calling for a vote.

The NLRB charges come just weeks after the UAW announced a deal with GM, the last holdout among the Detroit Big Three automakers against which the union led a strike lasting several weeks as it demanded better contracts.

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  2. YouTube. “UAW President Shawn Fain Update 12/11/23.”

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