Tiny white Crassula, Cape Point - 2003

Tiny white Crassula, Cape Point - 2003

Observation - Tiny white Crassula, Cape Point - 2003 - Southern Africa. Description: Photographed on a walk to Sirkelsvlei with the Wednesday Walkers. Illustrated in Mary Maytham Kidd (

Photographed on a walk to Sirkelsvlei with the Wednesday Walkers.
Illustrated in Mary Maytham Kidd (1996)
At first thought it might be Crassula vaillantii but according to MaltaWildPlants it is Pink or Inconspicuous http://www.maltawildplants.com/CRSS/Crassula_vaillantii.php
and the redlist has Naturalized exotics not assessed for National Red List
Crassula natans is widespread in SA and Lesotho
Also described in the West Coast Guide
JSTOR https://plants.jstor.org/compilation/Crassula.natans
HerbWeb Specimen K000310432
Current name Crassula natans var. natans
Collector & no: Wolley-Dod, A.H. 1781