Reseda Lutea Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

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This is a wildflower bank alongside a road in Mitcham, Surrey. Regarding the prominent yellow flower, lady's bedstraw, legend relates that Our Lady the Virgin Mary prepared the manger in Bethlehem with bedstraw. This herb's honey-scented flowers and hay-scented dried foliage were traditionally used as mattress stuffing. In the Middle Ages it was used to colour lady's hair, giving rise to the alternative name 'maid's hair'. In the background is wild mignonette ((Reseda lutea)), and a large dock plant.

Useful and medicinal plants, top: Tall yellow sweetclover (Melilotus altissimus, or Melilotus altissima), a-plant, b-blossom, c-stamen in the calyx, d-stamen, e-pistil, f+g-pod; Lettuce (Lactuca sativa), a-plant, b-single blossom, c-fruit; Prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola, or Lactuca scariola); Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), a+b-plant, c-blossom (cross section), d-ray bloom, e-disc floret, f-fruit; Hoary alyssum (Berteroa incana, or Alyssum incanum), a-flowering twigs, b-blossom, c-opened fruit. Below: Marsh woundwort (Stachys palustris), a-root and stem, b-blossom, c-calyx (cross section), d-fruit calyx; Fringed water lily (Nymphoides peltata, or Lamnanthemum nymphaeodes), a-plant with leaves, buds, and blossoms, b-floating leaf (scaled down), c-blossom, d-fruit; Field mint (Mentha arvensis), a-flowering plant, b-hermaphrodite flower, c-female blossom with stunted stamens, d-böossom (cross section); Wild mignonette (Reseda lutea), a+b-plant, c-blossom (enlarged), d-blossom and fruit of the garden mignonette (Reseda odorata). Wood engravings, published in 1884.

Wild mignonette is a self-fertile wildflower that is noted for attracting wildlife. In particular, a clump of these flowers will attract bees, and it is a noted food plant for (Pieris) white butterflies. It is closely related to weld, a plant used in the vegetable dye industry. This photograph provides a good illustration of how graveyards can be good for the conservation of wild flower populations.

It is middle of spring (April) and fragrant reseda lutea, the yellow mignonette or wild mignonette flourished. The cluster of flowers has a conical appearance, and the tiny flowers a tender, very beautiful appearance. Its leaves and flowers have been used to make a yellow dye called "weld" since the first millennium BC

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