Football at the Fed

NFL Draft

The view of the 2023 NFL Draft from the Kansas City Fed.

The view of the 2023 NFL Draft from the Kansas City Fed.

Draft fans visited the Money Museum.

Draft fans visited the Money Museum.

Marquee letters in the Money Museum invited employees and fans to take photos.

Marquee letters in the Money Museum invited employees and fans to take photos.

The statues outside the Bank were dressed for the NFL Draft.

The statues outside the Bank were dressed for the NFL Draft.

2023 Super Bowl Parade

The view of the Super Bowl parade from the Bank.

The view of the Super Bowl parade from the Bank.

Kansas City Fed employees brought family members to the Bank to see the parade.

Kansas City Fed employees brought family members to the Bank to see the parade.

Employees walked from the Bank to the parade.

Employees walked from the Bank to the parade.