Andreas Rasche’s Post

View profile for Andreas Rasche, graphic

Professor and Associate Dean at Copenhagen Business School I focused on ESG and corporate sustainability

Germany rejects the #CSDDD compromise reached yesterday arguing that the directive is still "too bureaucratic and contains unmanageable civil liability risks" (Marco Buschmann, FDP). They suggest to "put the current legal text aside [...] and to work on a leaner proposal after the election." Yesterday's compromise deal was supposed to pull over Italy and France, and I do not think that negotiators ever seriously considered that it would change Germany's position. Coreper 1 vote is tomorrow - Germany has 18.72% of population-weighed votes. The CSDDD is rejected if 35% of votes and at least four member states either abstain or are against. Sometimes hope rests on a thin margin - in this case that no more than 16.28% of abstain/no votes come on top of Germany's...

Justizminister Buschmann lehnt neuen Vorschlag zur Lieferkettenrichtlinie ab

Justizminister Buschmann lehnt neuen Vorschlag zur Lieferkettenrichtlinie ab

Peter Paul Van De Wijs

Chief External Affairs Officer, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)


Andreas Rasche think you made a valid point in the podcast with Richard Howitt around the short sightedness of this position. How it basically undermines the position of farmers in Germany (and the rest of Europe) by allowing food products produced using force and child labour to enter the market and undercut the prices of locally produced food! #irresponsible

Magnus Schmauch (Dr.Iur. HSG)

Sustainable transactions - Capital markets - Regulatory advice


This whole exercise is slightly absurd, considering that Germany and France already have corresponding legislation in place.

Kirsten Glück, CESGA

Manager Sustainability/ESG at Software AG


No words decent enough for posting to express my level of frustration.

Jens Nordmann

Bilder bauen Brücken! Graphic Recording und Strategische Visualisierung bringt Menschen zusammen. Wo das schwarz/weiß aufhört, fängt das Bild erst an! Warum nicht etwas mehr „sowohl als auch“ wagen? Gerne per du!


I hope there wount be no FDP after the election! Considering the numbers of this party it causes remarkably huge damage for sustainability. It’s a shame!!

Ralph Thurm

Founder A|HEAD|ahead, Co-Founder r3.0 & Managing Director OnCommons gGmbH


CSDDD is either dead or a farce given how much it got reduced already. Both are useless.

Oliver Fels

Passion for Sustainable Solutions & Innovative Value Chains: Experience the Difference


"too bureaucratic and contains unmanageable civil liability risks" I like that one. It means in other words: We don't want to get caught in the act of violating basic principles of sustainable actions.

Scott Barger

Chief Risk Officer serving the Hospitality Industry. Strategic Consultant and Headhunter with a four-decade track record of thought leadership and innovation.


Nostalgic for the time when Germany was a responsible leader on critical issues such as this. #leadership ? #csddd #fdp

Donato Calace

SVP of Accounts & Innovation at Datamaran, Member EFRAG Expert Working Group on EU Sustainability Reporting Standards


This was expected

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