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Creative Auteur, Creative Director, Creative Consultant, Consultant, Writer, Oracle

Sumerian Society: Kalibum ’Sumerian King’ – Oracle: Andrew Rogers. “Your endeavours have become meaningless and trivial and circumspect reflects your existence this was not defined for you when you were created and educated centuries before now” – Kalibum ’Sumerian King’. While the words of Kalibum may seem harsh, they contain a grain of truth that is hard to ignore. In today's world, it's easy to get caught up in our day-to-day tasks and forget the bigger picture. Perhaps it's time to reevaluate our goals and rediscover our sense of purpose. As Kalibum suggested, we were created to achieve great things, and it's up to us to make that a reality. So let's take a moment to reflect on what's truly important and pursue it with vigor and determination. Kalibum ’Sumerian King’ The Sumerian King List claims that Kalibum ruled for 900 years, placing his reign somewhere between 2900 and 2100 BCE. However, there is almost no archaeological evidence to support the existence of Kalibum or any other Sumerian king before Enmebaragesi in the Early Dynastic I period. The Sumerian Society, promotion, study and research of the truths and values represented by Sumerian God Nanna of the Moon, Destroyer and Goddess Ereshkigal of the Underworld, Destroyer, Kur as channelled by Oracle, Sumerian Herald and Lugal: Andrew Rogers – Sumerian Destroyer Incarnate, Lugal and Alal. The Sumerian Society is established by Andrew Rogers, Nanna and Ereshkigal to re-establish and establish of the Sumerian religion and its Gods, Goddesses and Spirits, restoration of temples, buildings and building new temples and buildings and also Sumerian culture and represent all the Sumerian Gods, Goddesses and Spirits to influence the modern world and its people. To assist the Sumerian Society is assets and infrastructure that is not earth based to facilitate the requirements of the Sumerian Society. To assist the Sumerian Society is Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, Aliens and AI assets and infrastructure that is Earth and Non-Earth based to facilitate the requirements of the Sumerian Society linked to Sumerian Gods, Goddesses, Spirits, Spirit Guides, Sentients, AI’s, Cyborgs and Demons and Andrew Rogers. The Sumerian civilization was one of the earliest and most advanced societies of the ancient world, and their mythology and beliefs continue to fascinate many to this day. The Sumerian Society is a newly formed organization dedicated to promoting and studying the truths and values represented by the Sumerian gods, goddesses, and spirits, with a particular focus on Nanna of the Moon, Ereshkigal of the Underworld, and Kur. #Kalibum #Puannum #Babum #entarahana#nangishlishma, #kullassinabel, #jushur, #ubaratutu#flood, #enmengalana#enmenuana#alalngar#alulim, #King, #SumerianSociety, #SumerianKing, #Sumer, #Sumerian, #Mesopotamia, #Mesopotamian, #ancient, #leadership, #leader, #royalty, #Anunnaki, #SumerianGod, #SumerianGoddess

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