Famn’s Post [Video]

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The two biggest myths about imposter syndrome ⬇️ once you unlearn them, your perspective will totally change 🤯 1️⃣ It's a "syndrome". 2️⃣ It's a bad thing. Watch the video to learn more ⬇️

Lori De Coster

Learning & OD Partner | Passionate about People, Learning & Development | Personal Development & Leadership Coach


Love this, and completely aligns with what I read recently in W.B. Irvine's book "A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy". He uses evolutionary science and psychology to explain why we worry, why we seek social status (and sometimes don't feel good enough when we don't have it), why we always seem to need/want more ... all those things are 'normal' from an evolutionary perspective, but not unavoidable; we all have the possibility to 'overprogram' these tendencies by being more mindful of what we think, feel and act accordingly. These insights have been (at least for me :-)) really valuable! #mindfulness #stoicism #psychology

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