Blind leading the blind

Blind leading the blind

I've often heard this phrase and I thought it was self explanatory. You don't want to follow someone that doesn't know where they want to go. It is like getting in a taxi or on a boat with someone who has never driven in the city or has sailed the waters. This concept woke me up in the middle of the night for some reason because I believe it is even more than the surface level definition.

In work, you need to have proof of concept that things work. You need to show customers that what you do and how you do it will get them to where they want to go. If you don't have either, you must have a vision so powerful that they are willing to follow even if you can't tell them it has proven to work. If you can't do either, you should probably get out of the taxi or off the boat and let someone else drive and if you are the passenger you better ask yourself do I have a sense of what the result could be and how they got there or do I believe so strongly that they know what their doing to just trust them.

Think about your work. Do you work in an industry where you have data and examples that prove to your customers you can lead them to where they want to go......? you have a "why" and vision so strong that people will follow?

Now put those that and you will turn blind leading the blind into a powerful journey where all those on board feel inspired and confident that no matter the traffic or waters, they will get there!

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