How to Become an Influential Writer

How to Become an Influential Writer

Many of us dream about writing a book - have you?

Many of us are capable, have brilliant ideas and stories but only a small percent succeed.

Lack of motivation, time, incentive and then there are another 49 excuses why we don't start or finish the book.

I know because I have also said them and used them as a reason to avoid writing.

It is like many of the projects we wish and want to start and have under our belts.

But the obstacles often outweigh the desire to take action.

I found it was about giving priority to the things that would bring me

Value - Success and Rewards.

It meant re-arranging my Very-Important-To-Do-List.

Recognising the importance of my work, my writing, my book.

- If there is a book you want to read but hasn't been written yet - then you must write it - Toni Morrison

I think Toni Morrison sums it up with clarity.

If you know you have the knowledge, experience and expertise and some adventures - then you must write about it.

  • Turn your expertise into a brilliant business book.
  • Translate your knowledge, answers and solutions into a book.
  • Develop some more confidence, courage and creativity.

It is interesting to note that many people hold back on starting to write their book because they can't invest in themselves or won't.

It is one of the big questions we ask others when we are running our own business but how often do we invest in ourselves?

I often find that people focus on the cost of investing in themselves but not considering the cost of being in the same place 1 year from now!

When I write it out like that it seems illogical and crazy doesn't it?

As business people and entrepreneurs we advice our clients and prospects to invest in themselves, surely we have to do the same?

Time and money are the main reasons why people do not invest in their own progress and development.

And yet, it is exactly why we need to invest in ourselves, to SAVE time and money!

The mindset coaches will say it is about your limiting beliefs.

The money mindset coaches will say it is about not believing in yourself.

So think twice before you say No, I can't invest in me.

Recognise that your development and learning has worth and value.

Time to invest in you and watch how it will save you time and money.

And when it comes to writing your book, I offer:

The writing process - A marketing plan - Publication options.

I also offer a free monthly masterclass to inspire, motivate and encourage you to write your book.

Next free masterclass Wednesday 19th January - 6 pm GMT - 7 pm CET

Register for free here

Knowing what to do after you have finished your manuscript is also important.

This is why when you work with me, I have some amazing recommendations to take you onto the next step of editing, publishing and even the PR for your brilliant book.

Rest assured as part of every program I offer, I am able to recommend the best in publishing that considers your timeline and budget.

From my recent and first hand experience, I have excellent professional people to advocate to take your book to the next stage. 

There is no action without decisions, learn to flex your decision making muscles today and say Yes to writing your book.

You can arrange a book plan call here and there are some super stimulating questions to answer too!

- You can't judge a book by it's cover but you sure can sell a bunch of them if you have a good one - Joyce O'Neal

Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach ✨

Showing women how to love themselves and their bodies so they can create a life they love ✨ Love Yourself International Online Coaching Sessions ✨ Let Go of the Weight Online Course ✨Louise Hay ✨Mind Body & Spirit


Very interesting - is this just for business or does it cover writing fiction too?


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