How Speaking Convincingly Can Help You Secure That Promotion
It really can, I did it, twice.

How Speaking Convincingly Can Help You Secure That Promotion


You've been watching your boss closely, and you know you're next in line for a promotion. But there's one problem: you're not confident in your public speaking skills.

When it comes to giving presentations or speeches, a lot of people feel understandably intimidated. After all, you're putting yourself out there in front of other people, and you want to make sure that your words make an impression.

You're not alone. Many people feel this way, but it doesn't mean you can't overcome your fear. In fact, speaking convincingly can help you secure that promotion – or any other career opportunity.

In this newsletter, I'll share tips on how to speak convincingly and overcome your fear of public speaking [and maaaybe the story of how I got on my boss’s radar for promotion.

The Importance of Speaking Convincingly

In order to get ahead in your career, it's important that you speak convincingly. When you're able to express yourself confidently and coherently, you come across as someone who knows what they're talking about—and that's the kind of person people want to work with. When you speak with authority and conviction, it shows that you're knowledgeable and capable of handling the responsibilities of the role. It also demonstrates your commitment and dedication to the organization.

Think about it: if you're interviewing for a promotion, or trying to land a new client, the ability to speak convincingly is going to be crucial. You need to be able to sell yourself and your ideas, and make a strong case for why you're the best person for the job.

So start working on your speaking skills, and learn how to communicate with conviction. It'll pay off in the long run.

Tips to Try [LISTICLE TIME!]

  1. Make a point to know your topic inside and out. Be prepared to answer any questions about it, even if they're asked off the cuff.

  2. Practice, practice, practice. Rehearse your presentation or pitch until you feel confident delivering it.

  3. Be assertive, not aggressive. There's a big difference between confidently stating your opinions and coming across as pushy or demanding.

  4. Stay calm and collected. Avoid getting defensive or emotional, no matter how challenging the discussion may become.

  5. Confidence: You need to be able to project self-confidence, even if you don't feel it inside. This comes across in your posture, your tone of voice, and the words you choose.

  6. Authority: You need to sound like you know what you're talking about. Be prepared for questions, and have answers ready.

  7. Clarity: Make sure your points are clear and easy to understand. Don't use jargon or complex language; stick to terms your audience will be familiar with.

  8. Engagement: Keep your audience engaged by using strong visuals, keeping your talk short and sweet, and using humor when appropriate.

  9. Persuasion: Use logical arguments and evidence to back up your points, and appeal to your audience's emotions when necessary.

Sell It

Convincing your boss or colleagues of your skills and abilities is a key part of demonstrating that you're the best candidate for the job. In fact, research shows that when it comes to making an impression and securing a promotion, speaking convincingly is one of the most important skills you can have.

Joining a Toastmaster Club

You've decided you want to sharpen your speaking skills, but would like a guided approach? Well, one great way to get started is by joining a Toastmasters Club. At Toastmasters, you'll have the opportunity to speak in front of a supportive audience and receive feedback on your speeches. This will help you to become more confident and competent when speaking in public, or to anyone, really!

My Story

My boss may not recall this, but I bugged him for about a week [well, 3 days] for a lunch meeting, so talk about career progression. At the time, I was a Financial Services Manager [or senior FSM, can’t recall exactly]. He had a short window of time and an errand to run, and asked if we could speak on the go.

I said YES, and off we went. I outlined my career thoughts to him in a 5year plan, and sought his advice on what to look at and how to assist the growth of the company. Like, what were the areas they needed a pair of hands and a willing brain.

Fast forward to today, where I am currently a Senior Group Financial Services Director. I’d say that particular career chat went very well.


Your dream job is just a step away. All you need to do is speak convincingly in your interview and show them what you're made of.

Practice makes perfect, so start rehearsing your pitch today. Not only will you feel more confident, but you'll be able to answer any question that comes your way.

You got this!

Cathie Chew 周丽华

Claims-RIGHT! Creator & Trainer, “Reverse” Insurance Claim Specialist, Author For GOOD, Speaker For GOOD, Trainer For GOOD & BEYOND…


I spoke confidently on the phone and got a successful sponsorship deal through that phone call. It was in 2021.

Tal Singh

Britain's Chief Wellbeing Officer 🙌 Let's Make the People of this Nation Healthy Once Again! 😊Workplace Wellbeing Expert & Social Wellbeing Champion



Alex Rosborough

Turn LinkedIn Followers into Clients & Grow a 6-Figure Pipeline | Marketing Systems for Coaches & Consultants ⚙️


Dropping those golden articles again brother!

Ms Nava

Founder @Nava's Zen/LinkedIn Top Voice/Zen Yoga Holistic Wellness Coach/Counsellor/Ex-Lecturer To Zen Wellness Entrepreneur/Shall We ZEN for Self-Bliss, Amidst Nature?


Confidence says it all. Thank you. Clarence Cheong

Julian Lim

Seasoned Professional | Customer Success | IT Project Management | Financial Product Sales | Training and Development


Knowing your sh!t in the workplace and mentioning that is really promotion friendly.

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