Isolated Ignorance

You know this morning was filled with several moments and I languished in my own thoughts over the despair I feel for things. I am by all accounts a thinker. I was given a gift that I do not take for granted. I love intellectual stimulation. Taking into account that the things I think of maybe someone else has, but that I am not someone else. I am me, I am me, I am me, I am me, and these thoughts at this time are mine!  I’m not naïve enough to believe that I am the only thinker. Many greater men than I, I’m sure have had moments of isolated ignorance. Yet I wrestled with these thoughts none the less. I thought of subliminal messages overtly advertised because many will miss it looking at the media flash and glitz.

How our souls and spirits are being infected, affected, redirected, neglected and subjected to more moments of isolated ignorance at the hand of a corrupted media mission. Our fears stoked so that the fire of foolishness will continue to burn in us. Our failures to understand our own ignorance is because we are not formally taught by teachers who teach total truth, but render a watered down version of more of his story thus distorting our history with that version of his story. Truth is not always as it seems.

 Funny how that story always has a villain who, is not the one telling his story. We either buy the lie, live by the lie, are sold on the lie, or are sold the lie. In any way the lie comes we are now one with the lie by manipulation or isolated ignorance. And as we lie in bed,head filled with lies we don’t even know yet they exist . The roots of such we don't see until they manifest in a moment of rage.

Our understanding is skewed because many spend so much time in lieville or are torn between reality and the twitterverse or even more are socially addicted to all the crapchats,fakebooks and such that they  can’t even answer a phone because texting has become the normal way many communicate. Never realizing all the text can be tracked easier than the phone call, and in moments of isolated ignorance not even thinking this happens at all.

Isolation by definition is a person, often shy or lacking in social skills, who avoids the company of others and has no friends within a group. Isolation is an inbreeding population that is isolated from similar populations by physiological, behavioral, or geographic barriers. Get it.

I have coined a phrase reversed isolation which  isolation thus becomes what we now see as normal. Simply put social media is all about connection, it’s all about friends, it’s all about groups of people who are by all accounts inbred in circles of like minded individual who share similar truths, half-truths, all out lies and even some who create all new identities. It is all about making statements true or untrue because people will listen or love to share. Even if they listen to or share a lie. This dangerous phenomena is eating away at the core of sensible values and replacing it with an anything goes mentality. This is a dangerous combination to say the least. When Pandora’s Box was opened this is what came out!

Think about this what good is a lie if it’s not shared? A lie alone is no fun. Yet many lie alone as a result of choices made. By  default social media now becomes the vehicle that drives isolation, lies, reverse isolation and a host of other toxic agendas. Well-designed ideas and good intentions have destroyed many, and continue to do so. Yet because so many have momentary moments of isolated ignorance many are duped, fooled, tricked, bamboozled or simply choose to follow the path of least resistance yet are the most acidic.

My mind is alive with superior insight which is other than my own reasoning. I know that this comes from a higher source that defies natural laws and understanding other than my own mind. Superior answers and intellect that I cannot comprehend without divine insight and understanding. Superior reasoning far stronger than my mind can conceptualize with my limited knowledge.

Yet my thoughts of superior understanding are of concepts, of time, of principles, formulas, ideas and thoughts that are higher than my own understanding of limited things. It is knowledge far more superior, far more invoking of thoughts that I question. Thoughts that are even far more reaching of ideas and concepts of things unknown that are in no way my everyday thinking. This knowledge can be achieved by study either in a good way or negative way. If we never wake up, we continue to sleepwalk and they make a TV show about the real Walking Dead.

Are all our geniuses are locked up? Many black ideas are imprisoned twice, once by the system many believe in ,then by the choices many make. This systemic genocide continues to be perpetuated daily across the world wherever oppression takes place. Not only do black lives matter which I agree. But all lives matter. I hope this morning is not one moment in time that I realized I had a face to face conversation with myself in a moment of isolated ignorance. Just thinking can be therapeutic, sharing those thoughts fulfilling, praying for change rewarding, and believing that I am called to a purpose by my Lord is just a powerful testament to being alive.

 This will be foolish to some, profound to others, and even others may criticize but I learned a long time ago to always Consider the Source of such criticisms. So I leave you with this thought. What do you do in an isolated moment of ignorance?

Rose Highland-Sharpe, MA

UNC-Chapel Hill/Liberty U Seminary Alum/Edutainer/TV-Radio Broadcaster/Minister/Trustee, Moore Co Library/Literacy Programs Professional


Thank you!


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