Two New Species of the Genus Dictyota (Phaeophyceae: Dictyotales) from the Mexican Caribbean

Two New Species of the Genus Dictyota (Phaeophyceae: Dictyotales) from the Mexican Caribbean

During a molecular characterization of the genus Dictyota J. V. Lamouroux (Phaeophyceae, Dictyotales) along the Mexican coasts of the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Caribbean, using psbA and cox1 genes, it was found that two particular collections did not match with the sequences published for a total of 39 species of Dictyota. For each gene, both collections diverged in high-uncorrected “p” distance values with respect to other related species. This high genetic divergence was corroborated by morphological analysis. Hence, we proposed Dictyota mayae J. Lozano-Orozco & Sentíes and Dictyota pedrochei J. Lozano-Orozco & Sentíes as new species.

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