When does technology represent a disadvantage for our companies?

When does technology represent a disadvantage for our companies?

If you asked yourself, would it be true that technology can affect my business performance when we believe the opposite?

I write this article based on lived experiences regarding this topic.

Technology may or may not be an excellent ally to our development as a company and person, although we know how to use it and define the purpose and scope of what we will do with it.

Technology is not used to shorten paths or eliminate or streamline processes because it is fashionable. It must be used and managed to guarantee the proper functioning of operations in all aspects, from the internal and external points of view, without affecting the relationships with our clients and collaborators.

What should I know before implementing any technological change in my company?

  What are the internal and external impacts on the organization?

Are we prepared to make the change? Do we have the trained personnel to do it?

Are we willing to train them properly?

Are we willing and prepared to assume the risks and losses?

Have I validated the effectiveness of the tool in terms of customer service?

Are we flexible to change?

Do we have an organizational culture focused on innovation and development?


Why these questions?

When we are not prepared to answer them when we cannot evaluate, measure, and weigh the results of the implementation when there is no real purpose, what could progress becomes a setback, and all for not taking the necessary precautions.

The loss of human connection is among the disadvantages that most impact a company when we implement technologies without a clear objective. The processes become too impersonal, and therefore, the client-company relationship ends up deteriorating.

When our team is not trained to apply and explain the use of technology, it becomes irrelevant and can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding of our client's needs. Our staff cannot stand to face and resolve problems effectively, lengthening the process longer than it should.

The dehumanization of processes leads to a decrease in commitment on the part of employees, lowering their appreciation and sense of belonging within the organizational culture. There is less creativity and innovation since this lack of personalization in the process can limit collaboration and the exchange of ideas between employees. They work mechanically without evaluating or measuring reasons, only following instructions they often do not understand. If they do not understand them, they will never be able to provide good service.

So before making any change, especially if it involves technology, first answer the questions presented in that article and save time and money on something for which you or your company may need more preparation. I know many companies with CRM systems that they do not use, databases that they do not use, and platforms that they do not understand. I must remember that change is a constant, but I must also recognize that in the face of any change, I must be prepared to accept it, adapt, and learn to evolve. Awareness of trends in my industry can be vital in taking advantage of technology and investing in training and training for company employees, always promoting a culture of innovation.

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