Why Playfulness is Important

Why Playfulness is Important

Summer is in full swing. See pic above!

When was the last time your energy was purely playful?

Play changes the chemistry in your body and brain. It reduces stress, increases creativity and makes life fun. You know all of these facts, but sometimes we still resist play.

We think:

I’m too old.

I don’t have time.

I’m not a child.

It’s stupid.

I have too much to do.

STOP with all the social conditioning that’s eroding your Spirit.

Instead of feeling guilty for taking a moment to giggle, embrace it.

Brilliant Self-leaders know that choosing to be playful has huge rewards.

It’s often where creativity leads to innovation.

Brilliant parents know that choosing to be playful has huge rewards.

It’s way easier to get shoes tied and coats on with a little levity than with loud, impatient demands.

So … make a playdate this weekend or next, BEFORE summer ends, and get yourself a bit o’ playful positivity.

To hopping on a swing the next time you see one!



When you’re ready to fire up your peeps and elevate their performance & productivity, I’d be honored to partner.

Learn more about my speaking & training programs.

As Mike shared…

I cannot think of a more meaningful way to invest back in my team than a session with AmyK! Establishing herself as a world class leader, communicator, and role model, she understands the real challenges business professionals face in today’s everchanging workplace. Her artful use of humor, storytelling, and engaging thought exercises leave her audience energized and inspired. Fused with her scientific, yet fresh, approach to self-awareness, collaboration, and innovation, AmyK helps leaders establish a deliberate road map to achieving personal and professional success.
– Michael Limauro, Vice President, Asset Protection, Whole Foods Market

Mike, it was truly my honor! Thank you for inviting me to play in the Whole Foods sandbox.

AmyK Hutchens is an international award-winning speaker, Amazon bestselling author, Entrepreneur contributor and has over 20 years’ experience training, coaching and consulting. With over 75+ speaking events per year for clients such as Starbucks Canada, Expedia, Lockheed Martin, IBM, Wells Fargo, Walmart, John Paul Mitchell Systems, and many more, AmyK travels the world helping leaders become Master Communicators so they can lead, innovate, sell and collaborate more effectively. One. Conversation. At. A. Time. Learn more about AmyK at AmyK.com and SheGetsIt.com. Follow AmyK on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at @AmyKHutchens.

Vince Lunetta

Regional Sales Leader-Grateful Guy


PLAY is critical. Hallowell writes: “Columbus was at play when it dawned on him that the world was round. Newton was at play in his mind when he saw the apple tree and suddenly conceived of the force of gravity. Watson and Crick were playing with possible shapes of the DNA molecule when they stumbled upon the double helix. Shakespeare played with iambic pentameter his whole life. Mozart barely lived a waking moment when he was not at play. Einstein’s thought experiments are brilliant examples of the mind invited to play.”9   Greg McKeown, Greg . Essentialism (pp. 87-88). Crown. Kindle Edition.

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