Patalugo-maior (Leontodon filii)

Perennial, milky sap, woody base, up to 50 cm and often branched. Leaves are elliptic to oblanceolate, dentate, and form a basal rosette, up to 20 cm long and 8 cm wide. Flowerheads are yellow in panicles of 1-10 at the apex of the stems. Endemic to the Azores, found in Pico, Terceira, São Jorge and São Miguel, where it is relatively abundant. Usually present on craters, ravines, rocky outcrops and hillsides, generally above 500 m altitude, but more rarely on coastal cliffs. It is mainly under threat from habitat degradation, agricultural expansion, invasion of exotic species and animal grazing. The genus Leontodon is represented in the Azores by two other species: L. rigens and one yet to be described, which is possibly the one shown in the photo.

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