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 Major Groups | Crustacea (crustaceans) | Malacostraca (malacostracans) | Isopoda (water slaters) | Amphisopidae


Major Group: Crustacea
Minor group: Malacostraca
Order: Isopoda
Family: Amphisopidae (including former Mesamphisopidae)

Descriptive Features:

  • head short
  • eyes large, prominent
  • both mandibles with lacinia mobilis
  • body robust, sub-cylindrical
  • coxae fused to body
  • pleotelson posterior margin reflexed, with distinct lateral plates
  • pereopods with articular plate on propodus
  • Total length: up to 20 mm

      Phreatomerus latipes

      Taxonomic Checklist: Species
      2 species
      Eophreatoicus kershawi Nicholls (+2 undescribed)
      Eremisopus beei Wilson & Keable
      Paramphisopus 3 species
      Peludo paraliotus Wilson & Keable
      Phreatomerus latipes Chilton
      Platypyga subpetrae Wilson & Keable
      Synamphisopus 2 species 

      Distribution: WA, SA, NT


      Sensitivity Rating: SIGNAL grade 1, SIGNAL grade 3 (former Mesamphisopidae)

      Functional Feeding Group: shredders, gathering collectors


      Torrens River, Adelaide SA

      Ecology: Amphisopidae belongs to the suborder Phreatoicidea.
      Instream habitat: Phreatoicideans occur in streams, burrows in moist soil, in yabby burrows, ground water and underground streams. Amphisopidae species are inhabitants of permanent freshwater lakes, streams, springs and seeps. They are found crawling amongst detritus and sediments of mound springs. Phreatomerus latipes lives along the margins of hot, saline springs in South Australia.
      Feeding ecology: Amphisopid water slaters are omnivores.
      Habit: Many phreatoicidean species are curled under at the end. This spiny posterior is used to push them through the cryptic habitats they favour. The ‘head to toe’ curl is typically a resting or defensive position.
      Life history:


      Information Sources: Hawking & Smith 1997, Poore 2002, Wilson 2003 & 2005, Wilson & Keable 2002, ABRS 2013
      Key to Genera: Wilson & Keable 2000 (partial), 2002 (WA)
      Key to Species: none