Feel the passion of Vasili Grigorevich Perov in our art prints.

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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur

Feel the passion of Vasili Grigorevich Perov in our art prints.

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Vasili Grigorevich Perov
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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
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The most popular works of Vasili Grigorevich Perov

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The most popular works of Vasili Grigorevich Perov

These artworks are particularly popular with our customers.

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Discover more artworks by Vasili Grigorevich Perov

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Plastounes a Sebastopol. (Batail...
Undated | oil on canvas

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Unbekanntes Bild
1868 | Oil on canvas

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V. Perov. Ocherednaya г bassejna
1885 | Unknown

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Vasili Grigorevich Perov

Vasili Grigorevich Perov

  January 2, 1834
  May 26, 1882
   •   Realism   •   Wikipedia: Vasili Grigorevich Perov

The Russian painter Vasili Gigorevich Perov (other spelling: Vasili Grigorevich Perov) preferred to devote his works to rural scenes, children and simple people. His paintings radiate enormous liveliness, the figures seem to move before the eyes of the viewer. Some scenes are cheerful, but most are dark and oppressive. With great detail, Perov's paintings tell of the social inequality in Russia of his time. He sketched emotional insights into abject poverty and the harassment of child labor, which was common at the time. Perov experienced first-hand what exclusion means. As the illegitimate son of a noble public prosecutor, he was not allowed to bear his father's name - despite his parents' later marriage. Instead, he was named after his godfather. The name Perov goes back to the Russian word for pen and is a nickname given to him by his calligraphy teacher, which he kept as a stage name throughout his life.

Perov belongs to the academic painters of his generation. Although he was only temporarily enrolled at the Alexander Stupins School of Art in Arsamas, he later studied at the Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in Moscow. Already at this time he received numerous awards for his paintings. Perov became known for his scenes of everyday life, some of which were created during a scholarship in Germany. On a detour to Paris he painted street musicians, merchants and simple people. Despite the wealth of inspiration, Perov did not feel at home in the French capital. The misery of the Parisian population was great, the most necessary things were lacking. The depraved customs and the lack of morals also affected him. So after two years he wrote to the Academy and asked to be allowed to return home early. He justified his request by saying that he had been unable to create a single picture that could satisfy him. Diplomatically, he attributed this to his lack of knowledge of the Parisian mentality and customs, which is why he preferred to concentrate from then on on the urban and rural life of his native Russia, which he did. In addition to scenes of everyday life, in the following years he will increasingly devote himself to portrait painting as well as religious and biblical motifs.

On his return to Moscow Perov was elevated to the rank of scientist and shortly afterwards was appointed to a professorship. Andrei Petrovitch Rjabuschkin is considered his most famous student. Perov was one of the founders of the so-called Peredwischniki, an artistic society that was founded alongside Grigory Grigoryevich Myasosiaedov, Ivan Nikolayevich Kramskoi and Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge. This was an artistic society that emerged as a response to the realists' confrontation with representatives of the avant-garde and organized numerous travelling exhibitions until 1923. The aim of the group was to denounce the absolutist regime in Russia by presenting the real life reality of the population. Perov died of tuberculosis in Moscow in 1882 at the age of only 49 years.

Vasili Grigorevich Perov

Vasili Grigorevich Perov
  January 2, 1834
  May 26, 1882
   •   Realism   •   Wikipedia: Vasili Grigorevich Perov

The Russian painter Vasili Gigorevich Perov (other spelling: Vasili Grigorevich Perov) preferred to devote his works to rural scenes, children and simple people. His paintings radiate enormous liveliness, the figures seem to move before the eyes of the viewer. Some scenes are cheerful, but most are dark and oppressive. With great detail, Perov's paintings tell of the social inequality in Russia of his time. He sketched emotional insights into abject poverty and the harassment of child labor, which was common at the time. Perov experienced first-hand what exclusion means. As the illegitimate son of a noble public prosecutor, he was not allowed to bear his father's name - despite his parents' later marriage. Instead, he was named after his godfather. The name Perov goes back to the Russian word for pen and is a nickname given to him by his calligraphy teacher, which he kept as a stage name throughout his life.

Perov belongs to the academic painters of his generation. Although he was only temporarily enrolled at the Alexander Stupins School of Art in Arsamas, he later studied at the Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in Moscow. Already at this time he received numerous awards for his paintings. Perov became known for his scenes of everyday life, some of which were created during a scholarship in Germany. On a detour to Paris he painted street musicians, merchants and simple people. Despite the wealth of inspiration, Perov did not feel at home in the French capital. The misery of the Parisian population was great, the most necessary things were lacking. The depraved customs and the lack of morals also affected him. So after two years he wrote to the Academy and asked to be allowed to return home early. He justified his request by saying that he had been unable to create a single picture that could satisfy him. Diplomatically, he attributed this to his lack of knowledge of the Parisian mentality and customs, which is why he preferred to concentrate from then on on the urban and rural life of his native Russia, which he did. In addition to scenes of everyday life, in the following years he will increasingly devote himself to portrait painting as well as religious and biblical motifs.

On his return to Moscow Perov was elevated to the rank of scientist and shortly afterwards was appointed to a professorship. Andrei Petrovitch Rjabuschkin is considered his most famous student. Perov was one of the founders of the so-called Peredwischniki, an artistic society that was founded alongside Grigory Grigoryevich Myasosiaedov, Ivan Nikolayevich Kramskoi and Nikolai Nikolaevich Ge. This was an artistic society that emerged as a response to the realists' confrontation with representatives of the avant-garde and organized numerous travelling exhibitions until 1923. The aim of the group was to denounce the absolutist regime in Russia by presenting the real life reality of the population. Perov died of tuberculosis in Moscow in 1882 at the age of only 49 years.

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Personalizing your art print at Meisterdrucke is a simple and intuitive process that allows you to design an artwork exactly to your specifications: Choose a frame, determine the image size, decide on a printing medium, and add suitable glazing or a stretcher frame. We also offer customization options such as mats, fillets, and spacers. Our customer service is available to help you design your perfect artwork.

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Do not worry. At Meisterdrucke, we do not proceed mechanically. We manually review each order. If there are any inconsistencies or peculiarities in the configuration, we will immediately contact you. Of course, our courteous and patient support is always at your side to assist you with the configuration. Together with you, we adjust your image by phone or email so that the final result exactly meets your expectations.

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+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


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        +43 4257 29415
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