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'The Bachelorette' Star Rachel Recchia Is Floridian & She's The Central Region's Biggest Fan

She flys all around the state! ✈

Rachel Recchia in a white top. Right: Rachel Recchia in front of 'The Bachelorettes' sign.

Rachel Recchia in a white top. Right: Rachel Recchia in front of 'The Bachelorettes' sign.

Florida Associate Editor

On this new season of The Bachelorette, producers definitely amped up the concept of the show for 2022. They included two ladies looking for love, and one of them is Florida's very own Rachel Recchia.

The reality star grew up in Chicago, but she moved to the Central region in her teens. Her social media is flooded with content from the Sunshine State, and she's probably been to some of your favorite spots.

Recchia was a cheerleader at Ohio University and, after college, she became a pilot and flight instructor.

During her off time, she spends time soaking up the sun at Siesta Key beach, on the West Coast of FL, but you can largely find her around Orlando.

She's been seen exploring the magical Cassadega Fairy Trail just north of the East Coast city, and she's also been seen at Universal Studios. If you live in Florida, you know it's practically a staple to go to the theme park at least once.

The star's family lives in the Orlando area and she's even been seen geo-tagging her location for a cute Christmas photo.

When she's in the South you can largely find her in Lakeland and Clermont, where she goes clear bottom kayaking to explore the area.

The flight instructor also takes day trips to other popular hot spots, such as the Florida Keys — and, you bet she is co-pilot on that plane.

Recchia isn't the only cast member in Bachelor Nation familiar to the sunny state. The new host, Jesse Palmer, went to the University of Florida in Gainesville and played for the Gators.

There are also a few contestants on the show that claim FL home, but if she chooses them, only time will tell.

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