Worm Hill

Worm Hill

Worm Hill

Worm Hill

Worm Hill, 2019

Turf installation and interactive performance

“Come to visit the worm hill, where you may encounter a friendly group of worms who want to share some exciting facts with you!”

 Worm hill is much to do with play, much to do with dirt  Humanizing animals and animalizing humans  Beyond the fence of the vegetable allotment, the worms set up camp  Located directly within the earth, the worms/hands snake upwards and make contact

Worm hill is much to do with play, much to do with dirt

Humanizing animals and animalizing humans

Beyond the fence of the vegetable allotment, the worms set up camp

Located directly within the earth, the worms/hands snake upwards and make contact!

A joyous occasion!

An information booth // a rebranding // a worm public relations manager

Handing out tiny leaflets & worm facts from the muddy cavern located within worm hill

Fun facts! Challenging facts! Worm facts!

worm facts!.jpg

Worm Hill 2019