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News » Lifestyle » Breakfast Game: Arjun Kapoor's Favorite Turkish Eggs Recipes

Breakfast Game: Arjun Kapoor's Favorite Turkish Eggs Recipes

Curated By: Lifestyle Desk

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Mumbai, India

Shakshuka is a popular dish in Israel, Turkey, and other Mediterranean regions.

Shakshuka is a popular dish in Israel, Turkey, and other Mediterranean regions.

Arjun Kapoor was recently seen relishing Turkish eggs prepared by chef and entrepreneur Akshay Arora.

Turkish eggs have been capturing the attention of food lovers worldwide, including Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, who seems to be a big fan. Recently, he was seen relishing Turkish eggs prepared by chef and entrepreneur Akshay Arora. This traditional breakfast dish from Turkey is famous for its delicious and flavourful combination of poached eggs, creamy yoghurt, and melted butter seasoned with paprika and chilli flakes. It’s a simple yet delectable recipe that can be easily prepared and is perfect for breakfast or brunch.

Here are some dishes that you can easily try at home and add some Turkish taste to your breakfast menu.

  1. Shakshuka – Shakshuka is a popular dish in Israel, Turkey, and other Mediterranean regions. The dish has many variations in terms of its preparation, but it typically consists of a spicy and flavourful thick sauce made with cumin, coriander, and chilli powders, mixed with onions, garlic, tomatoes, and red and green bell peppers.
  2. Cilbir – This is a classic Turkish breakfast recipe that consists of poached eggs, yoghurt, and garlic and is usually accompanied by flatbread. In the past, during the Ottoman era, Cilbir referred to poached eggs cooked in different styles.
  3. Kaygana – Kaygana is a Turkish omelette with cheese, herbs, and veggies. It’s a popular breakfast or light meal. Mixed with batter, and fried in butter, it’s a cross between an omelette and a pancake.
  4. Menemen – It is a popular Turkish breakfast dish made with scrambled eggs cooked with tomatoes, peppers, onions, and spices. It’s served with bread and sold at most breakfast or brunch places in Turkey.
  5. Ispanaklı yumurta – Ispanaklı yumurta is a hot Turkish breakfast dish made with scrambled eggs, sautéed spinach, garlic, and other ingredients. It can be served on its own or with crusty bread and a glass of yoghurt on the side.

Turkish eggs offer numerous health benefits. These nutrient-dense eggs are an excellent source of protein. They are also rich in various minerals and vitamins that are necessary for maintaining good health. Moreover, Turkish eggs are highly beneficial for thyroid health as it contains an important micro-mineral called selenium. The high protein content in eggs also promotes hair and skin health, making them an essential part of a healthy diet.

first published:May 04, 2023, 07:49 IST
last updated:August 14, 2023, 18:27 IST