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Let me pose a challenge to you.

Take away the scandal. Take away the fact that she apparently cheated with a married man. Take away what she allegedly did to America’s sweetheart and let me ask you this:


Is Michelle “Bombshell” McGee, Jesse James’ mistress, beautiful?


Take a look at the following pictures and see if you can objectively see a source of beauty..



Here’s what I see:

Underneath the tattoos, McGee is quite attractive. She has striking blue eyes, a classically lovely face and a killer body. But, because she’s completely covered from head to toe in tattoos, you can’t see HER. She’s an inky hot mess. Where is she?! Who is she? I can’t see her because all I see is ink.

I know tattoos are an art form. My entire family is adorned in some beautiful work. But, for me, it goes past a point of adornment into an area where the person is almost hiding behind the ink.

Additionally, can we separate a woman from her deeds? Her essence? Her past?

The reason I ask because of a recent conversation I had with former Sciencedude Gary Robbins. He got me thinking about how each of us perceives beauty differently. What one deems sexy, another deems trashy, even boring.


What are your thoughts??


Photos courtesy of,