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Jack Dylan Grazer

Jack Dylan Grazer was born in Los Angeles and grew up in and around the entertainment world. Grazer was invited to the ARTE program (Adderley Repertory Theatre Ensemble) at the Adderley School for the Performing Arts where he has performed in multiple productions, including “Les Miserables.”

This fall, Grazer will star as Eddie in Stephen King’s feature film “It.” His other film credits include “Tales of Halloween” and “Scales: Mermaids are Real,” which will be his first lead role in a feature film.

His television credits include “Comedy Bang! Bang!” and “The Greatest Event in Television History.”

Grazer practices Kenpo and loves boogie boarding, surfing, creative writing, playing his flute, script writing and shooting his own films with his friends. He won Best Documentary Film at his school film festival for his project titled “Family Is Family.” Grazer hopes to continue acting and writing but also hopes to begin directing and producing.

His birthday is Sept. 3. Follow him on Twitter @jackgrazer4ya and Instagram @jackdgrazer.