Erica bauera

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Bridal. Heath (Erica bauera), a South African erica that grows to around 12m tall It flowers throughout the year, mainly from late winter through summer to early autumn. Pink tints intensify as the flowers age. Note how many of the flowers are damaged at the base. This is where bumble bees have bitten into them to reach the nectaries. erica-2109htm'>Erica. Order: Ericales, Family: Ericaceae

Bridal. Heath (Erica bauera), a South African erica that grows to around 12m tall It flowers throughout the year, mainly from late winter through summer to early autumn. Pink tints intensify as the flowers age. Note how many of the flowers are damaged at the base. This is where bumble bees have bitten into them to reach the nectaries. erica-2109htm'>Erica. Order: Ericales, Family: Ericaceae


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ID: CFGt760.jpg






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