Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Portrait

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I'll end the hummingbird series with this portrait of a Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, which was the most common species we saw during our trip to Costa Rica. This individual loved to perch on this specific branch and agressively chased out any other bird that came into its small territory. So it made it quite easy to find a spot with some fun foreground color and a beautiful background and then sit and wait. The soft morning light made for a lovely portrait and that made me happy.

•Location: Costa Rica

•Exposure: 1/160 @f/2.8 

•ISO: 1,600

•Exposure Mode: Manual

•Focal Length: 400mm

•Lens: Nikon Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S

•Camera: Nikon Z9

Ray Hennessy
Nature photography has become a very passionate hobby of mine and whenever I get a chance I love to get outside and enjoy being outdoors. I am also the co-owner of KGM Expressions, a wedding and portrait photography business, with my wife Kim. This is how we make our living and I love that we get to do that together.

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How I Photograph Birds in Flight