Fauna Marin GmbH Aqua Medic

Heteromysis (Olivemysis) schoenbrunnensis Heteromysis (Olivemysis) schoenbrunnensis

Heteromysis (Olivemysis) schoenbrunnensisis commonly referred to as Heteromysis (Olivemysis) schoenbrunnensis. Difficulty in the aquarium: Easy. Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown.

Profilbild Urheber Helmuth Goldammer, Österreich

Foto: Tiergarten Schönbrunn, Wien, Österreich

Heteromysis schoenbrunnensis sp. nov. aus Aquarien in Wien (Österreich), Holotyp, Männchen mit Körperlänge 4,7 mm (E: NHMW-27023), Paratypen Weibchen 4,7 mm (A: MNINGA MYS 442), 6,0 mm (B: NHMW-27024), und Männchen 4,9 mm (C-D, F: NHMW-27025); A, Weibchen mit nauplioiden Larven im Brutbeutel, seitlich; B, Weibchen mit postnauplioiden Larven (dunkle braune Hornhaut, teilweise durch den transparenten Körper sichtbar), dorsal; C, Männchen, lateral; D, dasselbe Männchen, dorsal; E, Cephalothorax eines anderen eines anderen Männchens, lateral; F, Schwanzfächer, dorsal. A, E, CO2 -behandelte lebende Exemplare; B-D, F, kältebehandelt. Fotos mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Helmuth Goldammer (Wien).
Courtesy of the author Helmuth Goldammer, Österreich

Uploaded by AndiV.

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Heteromysis (Olivemysis) schoenbrunnensis 
Heteromysis (Olivemysis) schoenbrunnensis 
Heteromysis (Olivemysis) Schoenbrunnensis 
Other Crustaceans 
Family tree:
Animalia (Kingdom) > Arthropoda (Phylum) > Malacostraca (Class) > Mysida (Order) > Mysidae (Family) > Heteromysis (Genus) > (Olivemysis) schoenbrunnensis (Species) 
Initial determination:
Wittmann, Abed-Navandi, Dubois & Chevaldonné, 2021 
Schönbrunn-Zoo, Vienna, Austria, Indo-Pacific coral triangle 
Sea depth:
0" - 0" (0,32cm - 0,61cm) 
Brine Shrimp Nauplii, Copepods, Zooplankton 
Not available as offspring 
Toxic hazard unknown 
Not evaluated 
Red List:
Not evaluated (NE) 
Related species at
Catalog of Life:
  • Heteromysis abrucei
  • Heteromysis actiniae
  • Heteromysis agelas
  • Heteromysis arianii
  • Heteromysis armoricana
  • Heteromysis atlantidea
  • Heteromysis australica
  • Heteromysis beetoni
  • Heteromysis bermudensis
  • Heteromysis bredini
More related species
in this lexicon:
Last edit:
2021-09-08 18:29:05 


Sometimes it is coincidences that lead to the discovery of a new species, as happened in a shrimp aquarium behind the filter sump of the Coral Reef Aquarium at Schönbrunn Zoo, Vienna, Austria.
During a visit there, marine biologist Dr. Daniel Abed-Navandi of the Vienna House of the Sea noticed a small shrimp species that he did not know, which he handed over to suspended shrimp specialist Prof. Karl Wittmann. The latter compared it with over a hundred already known species of the same genus, recognized the new species and described it.
One can certainly imagine the great amount of work that went into it

We recommend reading the linked report "Marine biologist of the Haus des Meeres found unknown shrimp species in the Schönbrunn Zoo, which describes the elaborate process of identifying the small shrimp in great detail.

Short Description:
Heteromysis (Olivemysis) schoenbrunnensis appeared reddish to transparent when observed in the aquarium, non-transparent specimens were colored lighter during transport to the laboratory for microphotography. Eggs and naupliar larvae are yellow, sometimes with a slight green tint.
The contents of the foregut, intestine and gonads can be observed very well through the (semi)-transparent body.
The iridescence of the visible body parts and appendages varies with the direction of the incident light.

Feeding in the filter sump:
The gut contents of four specimens consisted mainly of crustacean remains (copepods, Artemia), small amounts of unidentifiable material, and mineral particles.

Observations in the aquarium. The mysids stayed near surfaces in the dark areas of the aquarium and the attached filter tanks.
In the filter sump, the small shrimp moved mainly over the bottom and walls with the ventral side of the body facing the substrate.
The movement patterns of the crustaceans were parallel to the respective surface and were of the stop-and-go type.
The mysids swam back and forth, mostly along predominantly linear, constant paths.
Loose aggregations were formed by fewer than five specimens, and size-specific segregation was evident in these aggregations.
Occasionally, larger animals exhibited chase-like behavior in which speed was rapidly accelerated and brief direct encounters occurred.

According to the site of discovery, the Schönbrunn Zoo, the new species was now named Heteromysis (Olivemysis) schoenbrunnensis.

Occurrence: so far found in Vienna Zoo Schönbrunn, Vienna House of the Sea and Düsseldorf Aquazoo. Natural occurrence probably Indo-Pacific coral triangle.

We thank the two first authors, Dr. Magister Abed-Navandi and Prof. Karl Wittmann, very much for the permission to use the information and the great photos of the new species.



Foto: Tiergarten Schönbrunn, Wien, Österreich

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