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Lineus ruber Red Ribbon Worm

Lineus ruberis commonly referred to as Red Ribbon Worm. Difficulty in the aquarium: There are no reports available yet that this animal has already been kept in captivity successfully. Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown.

Profilbild Urheber Anne Frijsinger & Mat Vestjens, Holland

Lineus ruber © Anne Frijsinger & Mat Vestjens, Bild aus der Adria

Courtesy of the author Anne Frijsinger & Mat Vestjens, Holland Anne Frijsinger & Mat Vestjens, Holland. Please visit for more information.

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Lineus ruber 
rote Nemertine,Roter Schnurwurm 
Red Ribbon Worm 
Sea Worms 
Family tree:
Animalia (Kingdom) > Nemertea (Phylum) > Pilidiophora (Class) > Heteronemertea (Order) > Lineidae (Family) > Lineus (Genus) > ruber (Species) 
Initial determination:
(Müller, ), 1774 
Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean), North Atlantic Ocean 
2.76" - 4.72" (7cm - 12cm) 
41 °F - 77 °F (5°C - 25°C) 
Algae, Clams, Phytoplankton, Worms, Zooplankton 
There are no reports available yet that this animal has already been kept in captivity successfully 
Toxic hazard unknown 
Not evaluated 
Red List:
Not evaluated (NE) 
Related species at
Catalog of Life:
  • Lineus acutifrons
  • Lineus albifrons
  • Lineus albocinctus
  • Lineus albonasus
  • Lineus alborostratus
  • Lineus alienus
  • Lineus anellatus
  • Lineus angulosus
  • Lineus arenicola
  • Lineus atradentis
Last edit:
2013-10-31 19:41:00 


Lineus ruber (Müller, 1774)

Red Ribbon Worm is a very common nemertean, typically found on muddy sand, beneath stones and boulders.Often can be found under rocks, in mussel beds, between barnacles, on rock-pool algae,especially Cladophora and Ceramium and among the holdfasts of the larger brown seaweeds.

Lineus ruber is not uncommonly occurring in brackish waters.The worm has 2 to 8 eyes in irregular Sort side of the head. It feeds on polychaetes, mussels and algae.

Synonymised names:
Borlasia gesserensis (synonym (partim))
Borlasia purpurea (synonym)
Borlasia rufa (synonym)
Cerebratulus fuscescens (synonym)
Fasciola rubra Müller, 1774 (synonym)
Lineus gesserensis ruber (synonym)
Lineus purpureus (synonym)
Meckelia carnea Diesing, 1850 (synonym)
Meckelia fusca (Fabricius, 1780) (synonym)
Nemertes communis Beneden, 1861 (junior synonym)
Nemertes fusca (Fabricius, 1780) (synonym)
Nemertes fuscescens (synonym)
Nemertes gesserensis (synonym)
Nemertes obscura sensu Desor, 1848 (synonym)
Nemertes octoculata Keferstein, 1862 (junior synonym)
Nemertes olivacea Johnston, 1837 (synonym)
Nemertes opaca (synonym)
Nemertes purpurea Johnston, 1837 (synonym)
Nemertes rufa (synonym)
Notospermus gesserensis (synonym)
Notospermus viridis (synonym)
Planaria carnea Rathke, 1799 (synonym)
Planaria fusca Fabricius, 1780 (synonym)
Planaria fuscescens Fabricius, 1798 (synonym, also Nemertes fuscescens)
Planaria gesserensis Müller, 1788 (synonym)
Planaria octoculata Johnston, 1828 (synonym)
Polia gracilis Girard, 1851 (synonym)
Polystemma carneum Müller, 1774 (synonym)
Poseidon colei Girard, 1852 (synonym)
Poseidon ruber Müller, 1774

Scientific paper

  1. Genetic differentiation of populations of the common intertidal nemerteans Lineus ruber and Lineus viridis (Nemertea, Anopla), Alex D. Rogers; John P. Thorpe; Ray Gibson; Jon L. Norenburg, 1997-1998
  2. The sexual reproduction of Intoshia linei (Orthonectida) endoparasite of Lineus ruber (Heteronemertea), HALOTI, SAÏD; VERNET, GUY , 1995
  3. The influence of light and sea water temperature on the reproductive cycle ofLineus ruber(Heteronemertea), Guy Vernet; Jacques Bierne, 1993
  4. 10.6 Late graft-versus-host disease in allografted Lineus ruber, J. Bierne; C. Langlet, 1989
  5. Ultrastructure of lineus ruber (rhyncocoela) epidermis, John Adams Oaks, 1978
  6. Evidence for a Nonintestinal Nutritional Mechanism in the Rhynchocoelan, Lineus ruber, Frank M. Fisher, Jr. and John A. Oaks, 1978
  7. Ultrastructure des photorécepteurs deLineus ruber(O. F. Müller) (Hétéronémertes Lineidae), Guy Vernet, 1972
  8. The Proboscis Apparatus of the Nemertine Lineus ruber, E. A. Ling, 1971
  9. Further investigations on the structure and function of cephalic organs of a nemertine Lineus ruber, E.A. Ling, 1970
  10. Ultrastructure des photorécepteurs deLineus ruber(O. F. Müller) (Hétéronémertes Lineïdae), Guy Vernet, 1970
  11. Sur le développement abortif de certains embryons deLineus ruber(O.F. Müller) (Hétéronémertes), Marie Josèphe Alluchon-Gerard; Marie Gontcharoff, 1970
  12. The structure and function of the cephalic organ of a nemertine Lineus ruber, E.A. Ling, 1969
  13. Ultrastructure et histochimie des glandes sous épidermiques chez lineus ruber et lineus viridis, M. Gontcharoff; H. Lechenault, 1966
  14. A Histochemical Study of Digestion and Digestive Enzymes in the Rhynchocoelan Lineus ruber (O. F. Müller), J. B. Jennings, 1962
  15. Observations on the Nutrition of the Rhynchocoelan Lineus ruber (O. F. Müller), J. B. Jennings, 1960
  16. Die Paketdrüsenzone vonlineus ruber O. F. Müller(Nemertini)., Heinz-Jürgen Boie, 1952
  17. Die Diovogonie oder die Entwicklung eines Embryo aus zwei Eiern bei der Nemertine Lineus ruber Müll, Józef Nusbaum; Mieczysław Oxner, 1913

External links

  1. Encyclodedia of Life (EOL) (multi). Abgerufen am 07.08.2020.
  2. Homepage von Anne Frijsinger & Mat Vestjens (multi). Abgerufen am 07.08.2020.
  3. Marine Species Identification Portal (en) ( Abgerufen am 07.08.2020.
  4. Unterwasserwelt-Mittelmeer (de). Abgerufen am 07.08.2020.
  5. World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) (en). Abgerufen am 07.08.2020.



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