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An illustrated catalogue of Rudolf Sturany’s type specimens in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria (NHMW): Red Sea gastropods


Abstract and Figures

The Natural History Museum in Vienna hosts the samples of the late 19th century Austro-Hungarian “Pola” expeditions to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Rudolf Sturany studied these samples and described several new species. The type material of 35 species and forms of gastropods collected in the Red Sea is listed and illustrated. For each species, the available type material is listed, the original description and a translation into English is provided, and the current taxonomic status of the species is commented upon whenever possible. All species are illustrated in colour and with SEM imaging, with the exception of Stylifer thielei, whose only specimen was broken by Johannes Thiele in Berlin to study the soft parts. Finally, a table of the Pola deep and coastal stations where molluscs were collected is provided, with modern names.
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museum für naturkunde
An illustrated catalogue of Rudolf Sturany’s type specimens in
the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria (NHMW):
Red Sea gastropods
Paolo G. Albano1, Piet A.J. Bakker2, Ronald Janssen3, Anita Eschner4
1 Department of Palaeontology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria
2 Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, The Netherlands
3 Malacology Section, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany,
4 Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, 3. Zoologische Abteilung, Burgring 7, 1010 Wien
Corresponding author: Paolo G. Albano (
The Natural History Museum in Vienna hosts the samples of the late 19th century Aus-
tro-Hungarian “Pola” expeditions to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Rudolf
Sturany studied these samples and described several new species. The type material of
35 species and forms of gastropods collected in the Red Sea is listed and illustrated. For
each species, the available type material is listed, the original description and a translation
into English is provided, and the current taxonomic status of the species is commented
upon whenever possible. All species are illustrated in colour and with SEM imaging, with
the exception of Stylifer thielei, whose only specimen was broken by Johannes Thiele in
Berlin to study the soft parts. Finally, a table of the Pola deep and coastal stations where
molluscs were collected is provided, with modern names.
Key Words
Type specimens
Pola expeditions
Indo-Pacic province
Red Sea
Rudolf Sturany
Rudolf Sturany was a malacologist who worked at the Nat-
ural History Museum (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien,
NHMW) in Vienna between 1889 and 1922. He studied
the samples collected by the Austro-Hungarian deep-sea
expeditions to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Red
Sea aboard the vessel “Pola”, the rst to explore the deep
habitats of the Red Sea (Janssen and Taviani 2015). For a
detailed account of the Austro-Hungarian deep-sea expe-
ditions see Schefbeck (1996) and, for the material collect-
ed by the “Pola” expeditions, see Stagl et al. (1996).
Sturany described several molluscan species (Stur-
any 1896, 1899, 1900a,b, 1903). This paper focuses on
the 35 gastropod taxa described in two dierent works
Received 3 September 2016
Accepted 29 November 2016
Published 18 January 2017
Academic editor:
Matthias Glaubrecht
(Sturany 1900a,b and 1903). In 1900, Sturany described
a rst batch of deep water species (Solariella illustris,
Fusus bifrons, Nassa thaumasia, Nassa steindachneri,
Nassa xesta, Nassa munda, Nassa lathraia, Nassa stiph-
ra, Nassa sporadica, Columbella erythraeensis, Colum-
bella nomanensis, Pleurotoma nannodes, Pleurotoma
potti, Pleurotoma inchoata and Pleurotoma siebenrocki).
This paper was published in two issues of the journal An-
zeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, and it did
not have gures. The main work on Red Sea gastropods
was published later in the Denkschriften der kaiserlichen
Akademie der Wissenschaften, in 1903. It listed all the
species found and illustrated all the new species, whether
described in 1900 or 1903. Tables with locality data were
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94 | DOI 10.3897/zse.93.10039
Copyright Paolo G. Albano et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods46
provided. It is important to highlight that the 1903 work
included a repeat of the descriptions of the species de-
scribed in 1900. A line just before the description refers
to the original description in the Anzeiger. Moreover, in
some later works, this paper is cited as being published in
1904, probably because the volume of the Denkschriften
had this date on the frontispiece. However, the rst page
of this work species that it was vorgelegt in der Sitzu-
ng am 2 April 1903 (presented in the meeting of 2 April,
1903). In the library of the Natural History Museum of
Vienna, preprints (Besonders abgedruckt…) with double
pagination published in 1903 (date on their frontispiece)
are present, and this should be considered the correct year
of publication for the new names therein introduced.
Knowledge about name-bearing types is fundamental to
sound taxonomic research. Indeed, the International Code of
Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999: 72F.4) recommends
the publication of lists of types housed in institutions. Our
work follows this recommendation; moreover, we tried to
provide to the taxonomic community detailed illustrations of
type specimens and their diagnostic characters.
A glimpse on Rudolf Sturany’s life
Rudolf Sturany (13 April 1867 – 28 February 1935) was
a Viennese zoologist and one of the most important Aus-
trian malacologists. He studied at the Universities of Vi-
enna and Leipzig and obtained his PhD in 1891 in Vienna
(Adensamer 1935a, b, c; Stagl 2012). He began to work
as a volunteer at the Natural History Museum of Vienna
in September 1889. One year later he started his ocial
career at the NHMW as assistant, became adjunct curator
in 1901 and 6 years later curator, being responsible for
the collections of molluscs, bryozoans, brachiopods and
tunicates. Excursions for scientic research took him to
Bosnia, Herzegovina, Dalmatia, Montenegro, Albania and
Crete, where he found and described several species new
to science, especially land and freshwater snails. His good
contacts with zoologists and malacologists of his time en-
abled Sturany to work on important scientic material (the
"Taurus" expedition to the Sea of Marmara, Obrutschew’s
expedition to the region of Pamir, the "Pola" expeditions).
He obtained important collections (Obrutschew, Tschapek,
Gerstenbrandt, parts of Möllendor’s, Monterosato’s and
Velitschowsky’s collections), which led to an enormous
growth and enrichment of the Museum mollusc collection.
During World War I, an eye disease occurred and steadi-
ly deteriorated, forcing Sturany to retire in 1922, after 33
years dedicated to his malacological work at the NHMW.
Malacological collections at the Naturhis-
torisches Museum Wien
Besides the important type-material of Sturany, there are
other valuable types of historical importance at the mol-
lusc collection of the NHMW. Ignaz von Born established
its oldest part with his work on the imperial collection,
which was published in the 1778 “Index rerum naturali-
um Musei Cæsarei Vindobonensis – Pars I. Testacea”
and in the superb 1780 volume “Testacea Musei Caesarei
Vindobonensis, quae jusso Mariae Theresiae Augustae”
(Eschner 2005). Later, parts of the Monterosato Collec-
tion were acquired in 1889 and the Draparnaud Collection
was purchased probably in 1815 (Vinarski and Eschner
2016). Georg von Frauenfeld, curator of the mollusc col-
lection at the beginning of the 19th century, collected and
described many new species (Eschner 2008).
Materials and methods
This work fulls the eorts carried out by museum cura-
torial sta and external researchers to segregate, label and
properly store Sturany’s type material. Type series of spe-
cies described by Sturany were retrieved from the main
collection. Only for one species, Stylifer thielei, no type
material is available, because the only collected specimen
was broken by J. Thiele of the Museum of Berlin to study
the soft parts (Sturany 1903). We identied the syntypes
best matching the original description but refrained from
any lectotype designation following recommendation
74G of the International Code of Zoological Nomencla-
For each species, we provide references to the original
description and gure, and indicate the original localities,
a list of the type and additional (i.e., collected during the
“Pola” expedition but not explicitly mentioned in Sturany’s
original descriptions) material, the original description and
its translation into English. All inventory numbers provided
refer to the Mollusca collection of NHMW. Earlier attempts
to update the taxonomy of Sturany’s species have been un-
dertaken by Dekker and Orlin (2000) and Janssen in Janssen
and Taviani (2015). Specialist taxonomists helped us with
notes on the validity of the species and other comments (D.
Geiger for Fissurellidae, D. Herbert for Chilodontidae and
Trochidae, A. Warén for Eulimidae, A. Kohn for Conidae
s.s., A. Bontto for Turridae and allied families). The sys-
tematic arrangement follows Bouchet and Rocroi (2005)
for most families and Bouchet et al. (2011) for Conoidea.
Photos were mostly shot with a Nikon SMZ25 mi-
croscope; large shells were photographed with a Canon
350D camera, a 50 mm lens and extension tubes. SEM
images were taken with a JEOL JSM-6610LV, using low
vacuum without coating. Specimen measurements have
been added if substantially dissimilar from those reported
in the original description or missing.
The material studied by Sturany comes from o-shore
“stations” (Table 1) and coastal “localities” (Table 2); we
stuck to this terminology. In the two tables, we report the
collecting sites with their original orthography in German
and a modern name among square brackets. The coordi-
nates are those provided by Sturany. Type localities were
established based on the information provided by Stura-
ny. In case the type series came from several stations or
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Table 1. O-shore stations of the “Pola” expedition (from Sturany 1903).
number Locality Coordinates Depth
1 “unweit Suez” [near Suez, Egypt] 29° 37'N, 32° 29'E –48
9 “südlich von Yenbo” [south of Yanbu’ al Bahr, Saudi Arabia] 23° 21'N, 37° 37'E –791
20 “nächst den St. Johns-Inseln” [cose to St. John’s Island, Egypt] 23° 20'N, 36° 20'E –780
44 “vor Jidda” [off Jeddah, Saudi Arabia] 21° 36'N, 38° 33'E –902
47 “bei Yenbo” [Yanbu’ al Bahr, Saudi Arabia] 23° 41'N, 38° 9'E –610
48 “vor Yenbo” [off Yanbu’ al Bahr, Saudi Arabia] 24° 5'N, 37° 45'E –700
51 “bei Sherm Sheikh” [near Abu Ghusun, Egypt] 24° 15'N, 35° 37'E –562
54 [Red Sea] 24° 48'N, 35° 25'E –535
76 “südlich der Insel Senafir” [south of Sanafir Island] 27° 43'N, 34° 47'E –900
79 “nächst der Noman-Insel” [Noman Island, Saudi Arabia] 26° 53'N, 35° 17'E –740
81 “unweit von Ras Abu Massahrib, Noman Insel” [close to Ras Abu Massahrib, Noman
Island, Saudi Arabia] 26° 34'N, 35° 33'E –825
87 “bei Ras Mallap im Golfe von Suez” [Ra’s Mal’ab in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt] 29° 7.6'N, 32° 56'E –50
88 “bei Tor im Golfe von Suez” [El Tor, Egypte] 28° 9.3'N, 33° 35.5'E –38
93 “bei Nawibi im Golfe von Akabah” [Nuweiba, Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt] 29° 7.5'N, 34° 49.5'E –920
94 “bei Nawibi im Golfe von Akabah” [Nuweiba, Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt] 28° 58.6'N, 34° 43.7'E –314
96 “nördlicher Theil des Golfes von Akabah” [northern part of the Gulf of Aqaba] 29° 13.5'N, 34° 47.8'E –350
107 “südlich von Jidda” [south of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia] 21° 19'N, 38° 51'E –748
109 “westlich von Jidda” [Jeddah, Saudi Arabia] 21° 19'N, 37° 39'E –890
114 “zwischen Suakim und Lith” [between Suakin, Sudan, and Al Lith, Saudi Arabia] 19° 38'N, 37° 55'E –535
117 “südlich von Raveya” [south of Raveya, Sudan] 20° 16.9'N, 37° 33.5'E –638
121 “westlich von Kunfidah” [west of Al Qunfudhah, Saudi Arabia] 18° 51.9'N, 39° 5.4'E –690
124 “bei Lith” [Al Lith, Saudi Arabia] 19° 57.3'N, 39° 29.2'E –430
127 “südöstlich von Akik Seghir” [South-east of Akik Seghir Eritrea] 17° 42.2'N, 39° 42.3'E –341
128 “bei Akik Seghir” [Akik Seghir, Eritrea] 18° 7.7'N, 39° 11.2'E –457
130 “westlich von Kunfidah” [west of Al Qunfudhah, Saudi Arabia] 19° 17'N, 39° 37'E –439
135 “südöstlich von Akik Seghir” [south-east of Akik Seghir, Eritrea] 17° 26.1'N, 39° 19'E –332
138 “östlich von Akik Seghir” [east of Akik Seghir, Eritrea] 18° 3'N, 40° 14.7'E –1308
143 “nächst der Insel Harmil” [near Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea] 17° 7'N, 39° 55'E –212
145 “östlich von J. Dahalak” [east of Dahlak Island, Eritrea] 16° 2.6'N, 41° 13.5'E –800
156 “nördlich von Jidda” [north of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia] 22° 51'N, 38° 2'E –712
165 “nächst der Insel Senafir” [near Sanafir Island] 27° 37.4'N, 35° 3.6'E –780
170 “bei der Insel Noman” [Noman Island, Saudi Arabia] 27° 0.2'N, 35° 17.6'E –690
175 “bei Koseir” [El Quseir, Egypt] 26° 4'N, 34° 30'E –690
176 “bei Koseir” [El Quseir, Egypt] 25° 57'N, 34° 36.1'E –612
177 “bei Koseir” [El Quseir, Egypt] 26° 14'N, 34° 22.4'E –676
178 “bei Koseir” [El Quseir, Egypt] 26° 19'N, 34° 24.5'E –720
179 “bei Koseir” [El Quseir, Egypt] 26° 34.5'N, 34° 14.7'E –490
184 “nächst den Brothers-Inseln” [near Brother Islands, northern Red Sea] 26° 34'N, 35° 25.5'E –876
localities, we stated as type locality the smaller geograph-
ical area that encompasses all collecting sites.
A taxon list in alphabetical order with the page number
of this paper is provided in Table 3.
Systematic list of taxa
Family Fissurellidae Fleming, 1822
Emarginula harmilensis Sturany, 1903
Figure 1
Sturany, 1903: 235, plate V, gures 12a–b.
Type locality. Station 143, “nächst der Insel Harmil”
[near Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea]
17°7'N, 39°55'E, 212 m.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84290, length 6.8 mm.
Original description. Von der Station 143 (212 m); 1
Die Schale ist 7 ½ mm lang, 4 mm hoch, 5 ¼ mm breit.
Der stark nach rückwärts und etwas nach unten gekehrte
Apex fällt fast mit dem Hinterende der Schale zusammen:
die absolute Distanz des Wirbelendes zum Schalenende
beträgt 2 mm, die relative (bei Projection derselben zur
Basis) nur ½ mm. Die schmutzigweiße bis gelbe Grund-
farbe des Gehäuses erhält durch radiär angeordnete
Fleckchen, Linien und Punkte von brauner bis grünli cher
Farbe ein gesprenkeltes Aussehen. Milchweiß gefärbt
sind die zahlreichen Hauptradiärrippen, zwischen denen
zartere Rippen liegen, die mitunter dunkler erscheinen
(zwischen je 2 Hauptrippen liegt eine Nebenrippe). Die
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods48
Table 2. Coastal localities of the “Pola” expedition (from Sturany (1903)).
Locality number Locality Coordinates/Region
1 “Ismalia am Timsah-See” [Timsah Lake, Ismailia, Egypt] Suez Canal
2 “Bittersee” [Great Bitter Lake, Egypt] Suez Canal
3 “Suez” [Suez, Egypt] Gulf of Suez
4 “Zafarana” [Zaafarana, Egypt] Gulf of Suez
5 “Ras Mallap” [Ra’s Mal’ab, Egypt] Gulf of Suez
6 “Ras Abu Zenima (Zenihme)” [Abu Zenima, Egypt] Gulf of Suez
7 “Ras Gharib” [Ras Ghareb, Egypt] Gulf of Suez
8 “Tor” [El Tor, Egypt] Gulf of Suez
9 Akabah” [Aqaba, Jordan] Gulf of Aqaba
10 “Nawibi” [Nuweiba, Egypt] Gulf of Aqaba
11 “Bir al Mashiya” [Bir al Mashiya, Saudi Arabia] Gulf of Aqaba
12 “Dahab (Mersa Dahab)” [Dahab, Egypt] Gulf of Aqaba
13 “Senafir-Insel” [Sanafir Island, Strait of Tiran] Northern Red Sea, 28° – 26°N
14 “Sherm Sheik” [Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt] Northern Red Sea, 28° – 26°N
15 “Ras Muhammed” [Ras Mohammed, Egypt] Northern Red Sea, 28° – 26°N
16 “Shadwan-Insel” [Jazirat Shakir, Egypt] Nor thern Red Sea, 28° – 26°N
17 “Noman-Insel (Ras Abu Massahrib)” [Ras Abu Massahrib, Noman Island, Saudi Arabia] Northern Red Sea, 28° – 26°N
18 “Ras Abu Somer” [Ra’s Abu Sawmah, Egypt] Northern Red Sea, 28° – 26°N
19 “Brothers-Insel” [Brother Islands, Egypt] Northern Red Sea, 28° – 26°N
20 “Sherm Habban (Abban)” [Sharm Habban, Saudi Arabia] Northern Red Sea, 28° – 26°N
21 Koseir [El Quseir, Egypt] Northern Red Sea, 28° – 26°N
22 “Mersa Dhiba” [Mersa Dhiba, Egypt] 26° – 24°N
23 “Dädalus Riff” [Daedalus Reef, Red Sea] 26° – 24°N
24 “Hassani-Insel” [Al Hasani, Saudi Arabia] 26° – 24°N
25 “Sherm Sheikh (Mersa Sheikh)” [near Abu Ghusun, Egypt] 26° – 24°N
26 “Yenbo (Jembo)” [Yanbu’ al Bahr, Saudi Arabia] 26° – 24°N
27 “Port Berenice” [Berenice Troglodytica, Egypt] 24° – 22°N
28 “St. Johns-Insel” [St. John’s Island, Egypt] 24° – 22°N
29 “Sherm Rabegh” [Rabigh, Saudi Arabia] 24° – 22°N
30 “Mersa Halaib” [Halayeb, Egypt] 24° – 22°N
31 “Jidda (Djeddah)” [Jeddah, Saudi Arabia] 22° – 20°N
32 “Raveiya (Mahommed Ghul)” [Gul Mohammad, Saudi Arabia] 22° – 20°N
33 “Lith” [Al Lith, Saudi Arabia] 22° – 20°N
34 “Sawakin (Suakim)” [Suakin, Sudan] 20° – 18°N
35 “Kunfidah (Kunfuda)” [Al Qunfudhah, Saudi Arabia] 20° – 18°N
36 Akik Seghir” [Eritrea] 20° – 18°N
37 “Ras Turfa” [near Jazan, Saudi Arabia] 18° – 16°N
38 “Sarso-Insel” [Sarso Island, Saudi Arabia] 18° – 16°N
39 “Harmil-Insel” [Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea] 18° – 16°N
40 “Kadhu-Insel” [Kad-Hu, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea] 18° – 16°N
41 “Massawa (Massaua)” [Massawa, Eritrea] 16° – 11°N
42 “Dahalak-Insel, resp. Nakhra Khor Island” [Nakhra Khor, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea] 16° – 11°N
43 “Kamaran-Insel” [Kamaran Island, Yemen] 16° – 11°N
44 “Zebayir-Insel (Zebejir)” [Jabal Zubayr, Yemen] 16° – 11°N
45 “Ghuleifaka (= Landzunge Ras Mujamela)” [Ras Mujamila, Yemen] 16° – 11°N
46 “Hanfela-Insel” [island in the Bay of Anfile, Eritrea] 16° – 11°N
47 “Jebel Zukur-Insel (Djebel Zukur)” [Jazirat Jabal Zuqar, Yemen] 16° – 11°N
48 Abayil-Insel” [Sel Abayil Deset, Eritrea] 16° – 11°N
49 Asab” [Assab, Eritrea] From 14°N until the end of the
Bab al-Mandab Strait
50 “Perim-Insel” [Perim Island, Yemen] From 14°N until the end of the
Bab al-Mandab Strait
erwähnten Rippen werden von vielen zarten Querlini-
en gekreuzt, an den Kreuzungsstellen der Hauptrippen
sind perlenförmige Verdickungen ausgebildet. Der Ein-
schnitt der Schale ist etwas länger als 3 mm: die Ränder
derselben sind gerade und innen mit einem verdickten
Belage versehen, der sich in Form einer immer stärker
werdenden weißen Schwiele bis in die Wirbelgegend fort-
setzt. Die Rinne zwischen der Wirbelhöhe und dem blin-
den Ende des Einschnittes ist stark vertieft, weiß gefärbt
und quer gestreift.
Die neue Art ist mit E. bellula A. Ad. von den Philip-
pinen verwandt.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
slit [anal fasciole] is very deep, white and transversely
The new species is related to E. bellula A. Adams from
the Philippines.
Comments. [text by D. Geiger] The species is clearly a
member of Emarginula given the overall shell outline, the
height of the shell as well as the slit with parallel margins.
It is not a juvenile Fissurellinae or Diodorinae, because at
the size of Sturany’s specimen a hole would have formed.
Note that some juvenile Diodora have been described as
distinct species, such as Puncturella piccirida Palazzi &
Villari, 2001 from the Mediterranean. However it lacks
the distinctive internal septum of Puncturella.
Sturany’s E. harmilensis is characterized by a rather
uncommon color pattern of tan spiral bands. Those are
also found in E. costulata Deshayes, 1863, described
from Reunion Island. Herbert (1987: gs 39–40) illustrat-
ed the by him designated lectotype, and a more typical,
fully-grown specimen (gs 41–42), and discussed previ-
ous misidentications of the species as E. tenuicostata
Adams & Sowerby, 1863. The shared characters include
overall shape, placement of the spire, length of the slit,
color pattern, and number and strength of the ribs. Many
species found along the coast of East Africa are also en-
countered in the Red Sea. Accordingly, E. harmilensis
Sturany, 1903 is a junior synonym of E. costulata Desh-
ayes, 1963.
Family Chilodontidae Wenz, 1938
Euchelus erythraeensis Sturany, 1903
Figure 2
Sturany, 1903: 266, plate V, gure 6.
Type locality. Locality 10 “Nawibi” [Nuweiba, Gulf of
Aqaba, Egypt].
Additional original localities. Locality 25 (Northern
Red Sea) (Table 2).
Type material. Lectotype: NHMW 37964 (station not
specied, but likely locality 10, height 6.6 mm), designat-
ed by D.G. Herbert (1996), illustrated by Sturany (1903)
in plate V, gure 6. Further two paralectotypes NHMW
37963 (locality 25).
Original description. Von den Localitäten 10 und 25.
Das abgebildete Exemplar stammt von Nawibi und
weist die folgenden Dimensionen auf: Höhe der Schale
6,5 mm, Breite derselben 6 mm Höhe (Länge) der Münd-
ung 3,6, Breite derselben 2,5 mm. Von den 6 Umgängen
sind bloß die beiden ersten frei von einer Sculptur auf
dem 3. Umgange sind bereits 3 Spiralrippen, auf dem 5.
deren 4 bis 5 zu sehen. Diese Spiralrippen, nicht gleich
in der Stärke, sondern meist etwas variabel, tragen zahl-
reiche Knoten von weißer oder gelbbrauner Farbe. Die
Grundfarbe des Gehäuses ist weiß, Flecken von gelb-
brauner oder olivengrüner Farbe nden sich ohne Re-
Translation. From station 143 (212 m); one specimen.
The shell is 7.5 mm long, 4 mm high, 5.25 mm wide.
Apex positioned strongly backward and downward al-
most coinciding with the end of the shell: the absolute
distance from the apex to the shell margin is 2 mm, the
distance between the apex projection on the base and the
posterior margin is only 0.5 mm. The whitish to yellow
background shell colour has a spotted appearance be-
cause of the radially arranged blotches, lines and dots
of brown to greenish colour. The numerous main radial
ribs are milky white, whereas the ner ribs in between
are darker (between two main ribs there is one ner rib).
The ribs are crossed by many delicate transverse lines,
the intersections form pearl-shaped tubercles. The slit is
slightly longer than 3 mm: its edges are straight show-
ing internally a thickened coating, continuing as white
callus in the spire. The groove between the apex and the
Table 3. List of treated taxa in alphabetical order, with original
name, current family placement, and gure in this paper.
Taxon Family Page, Figure
batheon, Conus planiliratus va r. Conidae Page 82, Figure 27
beblammena, ?Pleurotoma Raphitomidae Page 85, Figure 28
bifrons, Fusus Fasciolariidae Page 60, Figure 11
camaranensis, Capulus Hipponicidae Page 53, Figure 4
dichroma, Clathurella Raphitomidae Page 86, Figure 29
epicharis, Mangelia
(Glyphostoma)Raphitomidae Page 88, Figure 30
erythraeensis, Columbella
(Mitrella)Columbellidae Page 57, Figure 9
erythraeensis, Euchelus Chilodontidae Page 49, Figure 2
gonatophora, Mitra (?Thala)Mitridae Page 73, Figure 19
halaibensis, Elusa Pyramidellidae Page 90, Figure 31
harmilensis, Emarginula Fissurellidae Page 47, Figure 1
illustris, Solariella Trochidae Page 51, Figure 3
inchoata, Pleurotoma (?Drillia)Drilliidae Page 77, Figure 22
lathraia, Nassa Nassariidae Page 62, Figure 12
lithensis, Atys (Roxania)Haminoeidae Page 91, Figure 33
minor, Mitra tenuis f. Mitridae Page 73, Figure 20
muelleriae, Eulima Eulimidae Page 53, Figure 5
munda, Nassa Nassariidae Page 64, Figure 13
nana, Nassa thaumasia va r. Nassariidae Page 69, Figure 17
nannodes, Pleurotoma (Surcula)Horaiclavidae Page 79, Figure 24
nomanensis, Columbella
(Mitrella)Columbellidae Page 59, Figure 10
orthophyes, Eulima Eulimidae Page 55, Figure 6
paucicostata, Fusus bifrons f. Fasciolariidae Page 62, Figure 11
pertabulata, Mangelia Clathurellidae Page 79, Figure 25
potti, Pleurotoma (Drillia)Drilliidae Page 75, Figure 21
senafirensis, Triforis (?Viriola)Triphoridae Page 57, Figure 8
siebenrocki, Pleurotoma (Clavus)Drilliidae Page 78, Figure 23
sporadica, Nassa Nassariidae Page 65, Figure 14
steindachneri, Nassa Nassariidae Page 66, Figure 15
stiphra, Nassa Nassariidae Page 68, Figure 16
thaumasia, Nassa Nassariidae Page 68, Figure 17
thielei, Stylifer Eulimidae Page 56, Figure 7
torensis, Conus aculeiformis f. Conidae Page 81, Figure 26
trivittata, Syrnola Pyramidellidae Page 91, Figure 32
xesta, Nassa Nassariidae Page 69, Figure 18
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods50
Figure 1. Emarginula harmilensis Sturany, 1903, Station 143 (Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea, Red Sea). A–F, H. Holo-
type, NHMW 84290: top (A–B), aperture (C), left side (D–E), protoconch (F), microsculpture (H). G. Original gure by Sturany
(1903). Scale bars: A–E: 1 mm, F: 0.1 mm, H: 0.5 mm.
gelmäßigkeit und häug in Zickzacklinien quer über die
letzten Umgänge vertheilt. Die Basis der Schale trägt
zwischen der Peripherie und dem perspectivischen Na-
bel 7 concentrische Knotenreihen von gemischter Farbe.
Mit E. foveolatus A. Ad. ist diese Form nahe verwandt.
Translation. From localities 10 and 25.
The gured specimen is from Nawibi and has the fol-
lowing dimensions: height of the shell 6.5 mm, width 6
mm, height (length) of the mouth 3.6, width 2.5 mm. Of
the six whorls, the rst two lack a sculpture. On the third
whorl, three spiral ribs are visible; on the fth whorl, four
to ve ribs. These spiral ribs are not of equal size and
carry numerous white or yellow-brown tubercles. The
background colour of the shell is white; patches of yel-
low-brown or olive green colour can be found without
regularity and often distributed in zigzag lines across the
last whorls. The base of the shell shows seven concentric
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 2. Euchelus erythraeensis Sturany, 1903, Locality 10 (Nawibi, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea). A–F, I. Lectotype, NHMW 37964:
front (A–B), right side (C), top (D), back (E), bottom (F), protoconch (I). G. Original lectotype label. H. Original gure by Sturany
(1903). Scale bars: A–F: 2 mm, I: 0.2 mm.
series of tubercles of mixed colour between the periphery
and the umbilicus.
Form closely related to E. foveolatus A. Adams.
Comments. This name is considered a junior synonym of
Clanculus tonnerrei (G. Nevill & H. Nevill, 1874) (Her-
bert 1996).
Family Trochidae Ranesque, 1815
Solariella illustris Sturany, 1900
Figure 3
Sturany, 1900b: 211–212; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903),
page 234, plate I, gures 7a–c.
Original localities. Station 48 (700 m) and Station 143
(212 m) (Central and Southern Red Sea; Table 1).
Type material. Two syntypes: NHMW 84287 (station
48), the specimen gured by Sturany (1903), plate I,
gure 7a–c has been segregated, its diameter is 8.3 mm.
Further seven syntypes NHMW 84288 (station 48).
Original description. Gehäuse ziemlich festschalig,
breit kegelig, weit und perspectivisch genabelt, oben
weißlich mit unregelmäßig vertheilten, gelben Flecken
und irisierend. Unten milchweiß mit glasig durchschei-
nenden Querstreifen (die allerdings nur bei frischen
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods52
Figure 3. Solariella illustris Sturany, 1900, Station 48 (Yanbu’ al Bahr, Saudi Arabia, Red Sea). A–D, F–G. Figured syntype,
NHMW 84287: front (A), right side (B), back (C), top (D), bottom (F), apex (G). E. Original gure by Sturany (1903). Scale bars:
A–D, F: 2 mm, G: 0.2 mm.
Stücken sichtbar sind und dann einen stark irisierenden
Glanz besitzen), mit brauner Einfassung des Nabels.
Von den mäßig gewölbten 6 – 7 Windungen ist der Apex
(1 – 1 1/2 Umgänge) glatt, gelb oder mitunter rosig an-
gehaucht; auf der folgenden Windung beginnt ein Mit-
telkiel, der sich bis zur Mündung verfolgen lasst, dort
jedoch schon über die Mitte gerückt ist und welcher mit-
unter auf der vorletzten Windung von einem ganz nahe
darunter entspringenden Kiel begleitet und schließlich an
Stärke übertroen wird. Auf den Schlusswindungen steht
nächst der Naht eine Spiralreihe von Höckerchen, welche
sich vor der Mündung wieder abschwächen, ferner ist die
letzte Windung noch durch einige Spiralrippen oben und
zahlreiche concentrische Spiralfurchen auf der Unter-
seite ausgezeichnet. Überall, und zwar am deutlichsten
auf den nächst der Naht gelegenen Umgangspartien sind
auch Anwachsstreifen in Form von Querriefen sichtbar.
Der Nabel beträgt 1/3 der Gehäusebreite und wird von
einigen Reihen dicht stehender, durch zahlreiche Quer-
einschnitte regelmäßig gegitterter oder geperlter Rippen
umstellt, die sich tief hinein verfolgen lassen. Die oben
vorgezogen Mündung ist innen perlmutterglänzend: der
Deckel häutig, mit einigen concentrischen Ringen.
Großer Durchmesser der Schale 7,4 – 9,1, kleiner
Durchmesser 6,1 – 8,0 mm, Höhe 4,7 – 6,4, respective
3,6 – 5,0; Längendurchmesser der Mündung 3,5 – 4,1,
Breite derselben 2,9 – 3,6 mm.
Die neue Art liegt von Station 48 (700 m) in leeren Ge-
häusen, von Station 143 (212 m) sammt dem Thiere vor.
Translation. Fairly thick shell, broadly conical, with a
wide and deep umbilicus, on top whitish with irregular
yellow spots and iridescence. The bottom is milky white
with glassy translucent horizontal stripes (these are only
visible in fresh specimens and have a strong iridescent
lustre), the umbilicus rim is brown. Of the moderately
convex six to seven whorls, the apex (1 – 1.5 whorls) is
smooth, yellow or pink coloured sometimes; on the next
whorl, a keel in the middle of the whorl starts and can be
followed down to the aperture, but here it is positioned
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
above the centre and it is sometimes accompanied on
the penultimate whorl by a keel, which arises very close
below it and is nally stronger. On the nal whorls, a
spiral row of tubercles develops next to the suture, and
is less strong close to the mouth, furthermore the last
whorl is characterized by several spiral lines on top and
numerous concentric spiral grooves on bottom. Every-
where, but especially close to the suture, transversal
growth lines are visible. The umbilicus is one third of
the shell width and is surrounded by a few dense se-
ries of transversal incisions crossed by tubercled ribs,
which continue deep inside it. Mouth elongated above,
inside nacreous: the operculum is membranaceus, with
concentric grooves.
Larger shell diameter 7.4 to 9.1, smaller diameter 6.1
to 8.0 mm, height 4.7 to 6.4, respectively 3.6 -5.0; the
mouth is 3.5 to 4.1 high, and 2.9 to 3.6 mm wide.
The new species was collected as empty shells at sta-
tion 48 (700 m), while empty shells were collected at sta-
tion 143 (212 m).
Comments. Solariella illustris is closely related to
Ethminolia nektonica (Okutani, 1961) (Herbert 1992).
Dekker and Orlin (2000: 18) and Janssen in Janssen and
Tavia ni (2015: 525) assigned this species to Ilanga.
Family Hipponicidae Troschel, 1861
Capulus camaranensis Sturany, 1903
Figure 4
Sturany, 1903: 256–257, plate VII, gures 11a–c.
Original locality: Locality 43, “Kamaran-Insel” [Kama-
ran Island, Yemen], 16°– 11°N.
Type material. Ten syntypes: NHMW 37797 (locality
43), the specimen gured by Sturany (1903), plate I, g-
ure 11a–c has been segregated, its width is 8.4 mm.
Original description. Die erwachsene Schale be-
steht im ganzen aus 3 Umgängen; die ersten 2 glas-
hellen Windungen bilden einen aufwärts gerichteten
Apex, der jedoch nicht immer deutlich erkennbar ist,
die letzte Windung den Haupttheil des Gehäuses. Die
große querovale Mündung ist unten vorgezogen und
hat einen breiten, verdickten Spindelrand. Die weiße
Grundfarbe der Schale wird von mehreren verschieden
breiten Längs- oder Spiralbändern von gelbbraunem
bis orangefarbigem Ton verdrängt. An der Unterseite
der Schlusswindung und gegen den Mundrand zu treten
bei diesen Binden häug Verschmelzungen zu Flecken-
partien auf.
Junge Schalen sind einfarbig weiß und haben die Ge-
stalt von C. hungaricus; die Mündung ist kreisrund, der
aufwärts gekehrte Apex steht noch näher zum Spindel-
rande, erst mit dem Anwachsen der Schale werden sie
voneinander durch einen weiteren Raum getrennt.
Die Art wurde von der Localität 43 (Kamaran-Insel)
gebracht, und zwar sitzen die meisten.
Exemplare auf Stacheln von Goniocidaris canaliculata
A. Ag. Einige junge Schalen haben sich auf älteren Exem-
plaren derselben Art angesetzt. Das Ansetzen geschieht
unter Ausbildung eines festen, dicken, kalkigen Basal-
stückes, das genau in die Mündung der Schale passt und
2 neben einander liegende, annähernd ovale Flecken als
Muskelabdrücke erkennen lässt.
Translation. The adult shell consists of three whorls; the
rst two glassy whorls form an antrorse apex that is not
always clearly recognizable, the last whorl is the main
part of the shell. The large transversely oval mouth is
elongated at the bottom and has a broad, thickened col-
umellar lip. The white background colour of the shell is
replaced by several dierent wide longitudinal or spiral
yellow-brown to orange bands. On the basal part of the
last whorl and towards the lip these bands frequently
merge into dotted areas.
Young shells are plain white and have the shape of C.
hungaricus; the aperture is circular, the antrorse apex is
very close to the columellar lip; only with shell growth,
they get separated by more space.
The species was brought from the locality 43 (Kama-
ran Island), sitting usually on spines of Goniocidaris can-
aliculata A. Ag. Some young shells are attached to older
specimens of the same species. They adhere by forming a
solid, thick, chalky base tting precisely into the aperture
and revealing two adjacent, almost oval dots from muscle
Comments. The identication of the echinoderm Gonio-
cidaris canaliculata A. Agassiz, 1863 cannot be veried
based on the available material (Figure 4 F). Capulus
camaranensis was considered a synonym of Malluvium
lissum (E. A. Smith, 1894) in the family Hipponicidae by
Dekker and Orlin (2000: 21).
Family Eulimidae Philippi, 1853
Eulima muelleriae Sturany, 1903
Figure 5
Sturany, 1903: 258, plate VI, gure 10.
Type locality. Locality 31, “Jidda (Djeddah)” [Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia] 22°– 20°N.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 37809, height 3.1 mm.
Original description. Von der Localität 31.
Die neue Art gründet sich auf ein einziges in Mülleria
mauritiana Q. & G. gefundenes Exemplar (Dr. v. Maren-
zeller hat die Schale bei der Bestimmung jener Holothu-
rie entdeckt). Sie ist nahe verwandt mit E. modicella A.
Ad. von Japan und den Philippinen, von ihr jedoch in
einigen Punkten verschieden. Das Gehäuse ist stark nach
rechts geneigt (mithin links concav, rechts oben convex
gebaut) und besteht aus etwa 11 allmählich anwachsend-
en Umgängen; die Höhe der Schale beträgt 3,4, die Brei-
te 1,2, die Höhe der Mündung circa 1 mm.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods54
Figure 4. Capulus camaranensis Sturany, 1903, Locality 43 (Kamaran Island, Yemen, Red Sea). A–E. Figured syntype, NHMW
37797: left side (A–B), protoconch (C), aperture (D), top (E). F. Post-metamorphic stage attached to Goniocidaris canaliculata (A.
Agassiz, 1863). G. Original gure by Sturany (1903). H. Original label. Scale bars: A–B, D–F: 1 mm, C: 0.2 mm.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 5. Eulima muelleriae Sturany, 1903, Locality 31 (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Red Sea). A–E, G. Holotype, NHMW 37809: front
(A–B), right side (C–D), back (E), protoconch (G). F. Original gure by Sturany (1903). H. Original holotype label. Scale bars:
A–E: 0.5 mm, G: 0.1 mm.
Translation. From locality 31.
The new species is based on a single specimen found
on Mülleria mauritiana Quoy & Gaimard [Echinoder-
mata, Holothuriidae] (the shell was discovered by Dr.
von Marenzeller when identifying this holothurian). It
is closely related to E. modicella A. Adams from Japan
and the Philippines, but diers in some respects. The
shell is strongly bent to the right (therefore concave
on left side, convex on top right side [it looks like a
mistake because the opposite is true]) and consists of
about 11 gradually increasing whorls; the height of the
shell is 3.4, the width of 1.2, the height of the aperture
about 1 mm.
Comments. Warén (1984) placed this species in Mela-
nella and provided photos of living specimens and of sec-
tions of the snail in situ on the host.
Eulima orthophyes Sturany, 1903
Figure 6
Sturany, 1903: 258, plate VI, gure 8.
Type locality. Locality 32, “Raveiya (Mahommed Ghul)”
[Gul Mohammad, Saudi Arabia] 22°– 20°N.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 37810, height 7 mm.
Original description. Von der Localität 32; ein einziges
Die glatte, stark glänzende, weiß gefärbte Schale ist
nahezu gerade gewachsen, der Apex ist nur minimal
nach rechts geneigt. Es sind 11 Umgänge vorhanden,
die durch eine fadenförmige Naht voneinander getrennt
werden; das Ausmaß der Schale beträgt 7,4 : 2,6 mm, die
Mündung ist ungefähr 2 ½ mm hoch.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods56
Figure 6. Eulima orthophyes Sturany, 1903, Locality 32 (Gul Mohammad, Saudi Arabia, Red Sea). A–E, G. Holotype, NHMW
37810: front (A–B), right side (C–D), back (E), protoconch (G). F. Original gure by Sturany (1903). H. Original holotype label.
Scale bars: A–E: 1 mm, G: 0.1 mm.
Der Gestalt nach hat die neue Art eine gewisse
Ähnlich keit mit Stylifer acicula Gld., im Gehäuseaufbau
auch mit E. solidula Ad. u. Rve. von den Sandwich-Inseln
(Berliner Museum!).
Translation. From locality 32; a single specimen.
The smooth, very shiny, white-coloured shell is almost
straight; the apex is minimally inclined to the right. There
are 11 whorls, which are separated by a liform suture;
the size of the shell is 7.4 mm high and 2.6 mm wide, the
mouth is about 2.5 mm high.
The form of the new species resembles Stylifer acicula
Gould, the shell shape is similar to E. solidula Adams and
Reeve from the Sandwich Islands (Berlin Museum).
Stylifer thielei Sturany, 1903
Figure 7
Sturany, 1903: 258, with text gure.
Type locality. Locality 31, “Jidda (Djeddah)” [Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia] 22°– 20°N.
Type material. Destroyed.
Original description. Von der Localität 31; ein einziges
Die merkwürdig gestaltete und insbesondere auch
durch den geschweiften Mundrand ausgezeichnete Schale
ist aus 5 Umgängen aufgebaut und besitzt einen zitzen-
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
förmigen Apex. Sie entbehrt jedweder Sculptur, ist matt
im Glänze und weiß der Farbe nach. Höhe der Schale
5 ½, Breite 3 ½ mm. Herr Prof. Dr. Johannes Thiele in
Berlin war so freundlich, die Weichtheile dieser Schnecke
zu untersuchen und vor der nothwendig gewordenen Zer-
trümmerung der Schale die beigegebenen Zeichnungen
anzufertigen. Zufolge des Fehlens einer Radula gehört
das Thier zur Gattung Stylifer Brod.
Translation. From the locality 31; a single specimen.
The remarkably shaped shell is characterized by the
curly lip, it consists of ve whorls and has a teat-shaped
apex. It lacks any sculpture, is dull in lustre and white
in colour. Height of shell 5.5, width 3.5 mm. Prof. Dr.
Johannes Thiele in Berlin was so kind to examine the
soft parts of the snail and to prepare the drawings before
crushing the shell. According to the lack of a radula the
animal belongs to the genus Stylifer Broderip.
Comments. Sturany found a single specimen and sent it to
Johannes Thiele in Berlin for the study of the soft parts (Stu-
rany 1903). The shell was reported to have been crushed
to extract the animal, indeed no shells were found in the
Vienna and the Berlin museums (C. Zorn, pers. comm.).
Warén (1981) placed it in the genus Stylapex and provided
further gures of the shell and of living individuals. In any
case, Stilifer is the correct spelling of the genus, Stylifer
being an incorrect subsequent spelling by Broderip (1832).
Family Triphoridae Gray, 1847
Triforis (?Viriola) senarensis Sturany, 1903
Figure 8
Sturany, 1903: 262–263, plate V, gures 7a–b.
Type locality. Locality 13, “Senar-Insel” [Sanar Is-
land, Strait of Tiran], Northern Red Sea, 28°– 26°N.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 37912, height 4.2 mm.
Original description. Von der Localität 13; ein einziges
Exemplar. Das 5 mm hohe und 1½ mm breite Gehäuse ist
zierlich gebaut und lässt die Naht, welche einem zwischen
Spiralrippen laufenden Raum gleichkommt, schwer er-
kennen. Es bilden ungefähr 5 feinsculptierte Umgänge das
mützenförmig gestaltete, blasig aufgetriebene Embryonal-
gewinde, und darauf folgen die 9–10 Hauptumgänge der
Schale. Auf jenem Embryonalgewinde werden zahlreiche
Querlinien von 2 spiral angeordneten Rippchen gekreuzt,
auf den übrigen Schalenwindungen laufen zuerst 2, dann 3
Spiralrippen von milchweißer Farbe und achgedrückter
Oberäche, zwischen denen mikroskopisch feine Quer-
strichelchen erkennbar sind. Die Gesammtfarbe des Ge-
häuses ist dunkelrothbraun. Die Mündung ist entsprech-
end dem Gattungscharakter gestaltet und trägt oben am
Außenrande einen kleinen Ausschnitt. Die Form ist ähnlich
der als T. hilaris Hinds. bekannten Art von Zebu (Berliner
Museum!) und dem Pacischen Ocean (Tryon-Pilsbry).
Translation. From location 13; a single specimen. The 5
mm high and 1.5 mm wide shell is nely built and makes
the suture, which is similar to the space between spiral
cords, hard to see. About ve nely sculpted whorls form
the cap-shaped inated protoconch, then followed by the
nine to ten teleoconch whorls. On the protoconch numer-
ous axial ribs cross two spiral keels; on the teleoconch
whorls, initially two, then three spiral milky-white at
cords run, microscopically ne horizontal lines can be
seen between them. The main colour of the shell is dark
reddish brown. The aperture is typical of the genus and
carries on top of the outer lip of a small notch. The shape
is similar to T. hilaris Hinds known from Cebu (Berlin
Museum!) and the Pacic Ocean (Tryon-Pilsbry).
Comments. The holotype had originally a complete pro-
toconch because Sturany described it as being formed by
ve whorls. Now the apex is clearly broken and only two
whorls are left. Nonetheless, it can be seen that the apex
is multispiral.
Family Columbellidae Swainson, 1840
Columbella (Mitrella) erythraeensis Sturany, 1900
Figure 9
Sturany, 1900b: 208–209; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903),
page 226, plate I, gure 5.
Type locality. Station 54, 24°48'N, 35°25'E, Central Red
Sea, 535 m.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84221, height 13.1 mm.
Original description. Schale spindelförmig, glänzend,
weiß, mit Spuren von gelber Netzzeichnung; von den 8
Umgängen sind die ersten 2 milchweiß, glatt, zitzenför-
mig, die folgenden 1 1/2 mit ziemlich entfernt voneinander
stehenden, deutlichen und derben Querrippchen ausges-
tattet, die übrigen bis auf die fadenförmige Naht und eine
allerfeinste mikroskopische Spiralsculptur, so wie die mit
Spiralreifen umstellte Basis des letzten Umganges glatt.
Mit Ausnahme der Embryonalschale sind die Windungen
nahezu ach und ungefähr stug abgesetzt. Mündung mit
6 Zähnchen am Außenrande, mit einer Verdickung hinter
demselben und mit schwachen
Figure 7. Original gure of Stylifer thielei Sturany, 1903.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods58
Figure 8. Triforis senafirensis Sturany, 1903, Locality 13 (Sanar Island, Strait of Tiran, Northern Red Sea). A–H. Holotype,
NHMW 37912: front (A–B), left side (C–D), back (E), protoconch (F, H), peristome (G). I. Original gure by Sturany (1903).
J. Original holotype label. Scale bars: A–E: 1 mm, F, H: 0.2 mm, G: 0.5 mm.
Höckerchen auf der Spindel.
Höhe des Gehäuses 12,5 mm, Breite 4,0 mm, Höhe der
Mündung 5,5 mm. Ein einziges Exemplar von Station 54
(535 m).
Translation. Shell fusiform, shiny, white, with traces of
a yellow net pattern; of the eight whorls, the rst two are
milky white, smooth, teat-shaped, the following one and
half has separated, pronounced and coarse axial ribs, the
others almost smooth with the exception of the thread-
like suture, the ne microscopic spiral sculpture, and
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 9. Columbella erythraeensis Sturany, 1900, Station 54 (Central Red Sea). A. Original gure by Sturany (1903). B–E. Holotype,
NHMW 84221: front (B), right side (C), back (D), protoconch (E). F. Original holotype label. Scale bars: B–D: 2 mm, E: 0.2 mm.
spiral rings at base of the last whorl. With exception of
the embryonic shell, the whorls are nearly at and scalar.
Aperture with six teeth on the outer lip, with a fold and
weak tubercles on the columella.
Shell height 12.5 mm, width 4.0 mm, height of the
mouth 5.5 mm. One specimen from station 54 (535 m).
Comments. The species has a ne spiral sculpture which
is poorly visible in our gure.
Columbella (Mitrella) nomanensis Sturany, 1900
Figure 10
Sturany, 1900b: 209; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903), page
226, plate I, gure 6.
Type locality. Station 170, “bei der Insel Noman” [No-
man Island, Saudi Arabia] 27°0.2'N, 35°17.6'E, 690 m.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84222, height 7.2 mm.
Original description. Schale spindel-bis eiförmig, matt
glänzend, mit Spuren von orangegelben Flecken auf
gelb lich weißem Grunde; von den 8 1/2 Umgängen sind
die ersten 31/2 milchweiß und glatt, die übrigen kaum
gewölbt und mit ziemlich dicht stehenden Spiralstreifen
ausgestattet, die an der Basis zu gröberen Spiralrip-
pchen anwachsen.
Naht fadenförmig. Am äußeren Mündungsrande sitzen
6 Zähnchen, an der Spindel schwache undeutliche Höck-
erchen, Mündungscanal breit und abgestutzt, zurückge-
Höhe des Gehäuses 8,0 mm, Breite 3,2 mm; Höhe der
Mündung 3,7 mm. Ein Exemplar von Station 170 (690 m).
Translation. Shell fusiform to ovoid, glossy, with trac-
es of orange-yellow ammules on a yellowish-white
ground; of the eight and half whorls, the rst three and
half are milky white and smooth, the others slightly
curved and with dense spiral striae that grow into coarse
spiral ridges at the base.
Suture liform. At the outer lip six teeth, on the colu-
mella weak indistinct tubercles, siphonal canal wide and
truncate, curved.
Shell height 8.0 mm, width 3.2 mm; mouth height 3.7
mm. One specimen from station 170 (690 m).
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods60
Figure 10. Columbella nomanensis Sturany, 1900, Station 170 (Noman Island, Saudi Arabia, Red Sea). A–E, H–I. Holotype,
NHMW 84222: front (A–B), right side (C–D), back (E), protoconch (H–I). F. Original gure by Sturany (1903). G. Original holo-
type label. Scale bars: A–E: 1 mm, H: 0.2 mm, I: 0.1 mm.
Family Fasciolariidae Gray, 1853
Fusus bifrons Sturany, 1900
Figure 11A–D, I–J
Sturany, 1900a: 197–198; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903),
pages 220–221, plate I, gures 1 and 3.
Original localities. Stations 9, 20, 47, 48, 76, 81, 107,
109, 121, 145, 156, 165, 170, 175, 176, 178, 179, 184
(490 – 900 m) (Red Sea; Table 1). In the original descrip-
tion Sturany did not refer to any particular station. There-
fore, it is assumed that the whole material listed in 1903
constitutes the type material as listed below.
Type material. Figured syntypes: NHMW 84162 (local-
ity 145), illustrated by Sturany (1903) in plate I, gure
1a, height 137.6 mm. NHMW 84147 (station 20): 1 spec-
imen, illustrated by Sturany (1903) in plate I, gure 3a.
Further syntypes: NHMW 84148 (station 20): 1 spec-
imen; NHMW 84150 (station 20): 1 specimen; NHMW
84152 (station 48): 1 specimen; NHMW 84153 (station
76): 1 specimen; NHMW 84157 (station 107): 1 speci-
men; NHMW 84158 (station 109): 1 specimen; NHMW
84159 (station 121): 1 specimen; NHMW 84163 (station
156): 5 specimens.
Additional material. NHMW 84160 (station 145): 3
specimens; NHMW 84161 (station 145): 1 specimen;
NHMW 84169 (station 175): 1 specimen, form paucicos-
tata written on label, but looks like the nominal species.
Original description. Schale lang spindelförmig, ziem-
lich schlank, mehr oder minder festschalig, mit langem,
kaum gedrehtem Canal; von den 11 stärker oder schwä-
cher gewölbten Umgängen sind die ersten 1 1/2 als glat-
tes, bläschenförmiges
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 11. Fusus bifrons Sturany, 1900, Station 145 (east of Dahlak Island, Eritrea). A. Original gure of form typica by Sturany
(1903). B–D, I–J. Figured syntype, NHMW 84147 (f. typica): front (B), right side (C), back (D), protoconch (I–J). E. Original gure
of form paucicostata by Sturany (1903). F–H, K–L. Figured syntype, NHMW 84146 (f. paucicostata): front (F), right side (G), back
(H), protoconch (K–L). Scale bars: B–D, F–H: 20 mm; I–J, K–L: 0.2 mm.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods62
Embryonalgewinde abgesetzt, auf welches einige
zarte Querrippen folgen, die nun aber bald zu derberen
Querwülsten anwachsen und als solche entweder bis auf
die letzte Windung reichen (F. typica) oder nur drei bis
vier Umgänge besetzen (F. paucicostata). Ferner ist eine
deutliche, engstehende Spiralsculptur ausgeprägt: es
wechseln stärkere und schwächere Spiralreifen ziemlich
regelmäßig ab, welche entsprechend gewellt sind, wo sie
über die Faltenrippen laufen. Spindel mit Belag, schwach
oder gar nicht gerunzelt. Gaumen mit engen Falten be-
setzt. Mündung oval, nach oben etwas zugespitzt. Farbe
gelblichweiß, bei frischen Exemplaren etliche Spiralrei-
fen braun gefärbt.
Bis 160 mm lang und 38mm breit; Mündung sammt
Canal bis 92 mm lang und 19 mm breit.
Diese neue Art lässt sich weder mit F. multicarinatus
Lm., noch mit F. turricula Kien. (= forceps Perry) glatt
vereinigen, doch ist sie immerhin von der letztgenannten
Art abzuleiten, von der sie durch eine weniger einschnei-
dende Naht, feinere Spiralreifen und engere Berippung
des Gaumens unterschieden ist. Sie bewohnt die conti-
nentale Zone des Rothen Meeres und wurde hier zwi-
schen 490 und 900 m Tiefe des Öfteren gedredscht. Die
F. paucicostata ist eine charakteristische Abweichung,
die sich gewöhnlich schon bei jungen Schalen durch das
relativ großblasige Embryonalgewinde verräth, sowie
durch das frühzeitige Aufhören der Querwülste, wodurch
die folgenden Windungen acher sich gestalten und ge-
rade verlaufende Spiralreifen bekommen, das ganze Ge-
häuse auch specisch leichter wird.
Translation. Fusiform and elongated shell, rather slen-
der, more or less robust, with long, slightly twisted canal;
of the 11 more or less convex whorls, the rst 1 1/2 are
separated into a smooth, inated
protoconch after which some delicate axial ribs follow,
which soon grow into coarser varices and either contin-
ue down to the last whorl (f. typica) or are present only
on three to four whorls (f. paucicostata). Additionally, a
clear, ne spiral sculpture takes form: stronger and weaker
spiral rings alternate on a fairly regular basis and are un-
dulated when they cross the ribs. Columella with a callus,
weakly or not at all wrinkled. Aperture with ne teeth,
oval, slightly pointed in the upper part. Colour yellowish
white, with some brown spiral lines in fresh specimens.
Up to 160 mm long and 38 mm wide; aperture with
canal up to 92 mm long and 19 mm wide.
This new species cannot be merged either with F. mul-
ticarinatus Lamarck or with F. turricula Kiener (= forceps
Perry), but it can be distinguished from the latter species
because of a shallower suture, ner spiral threads and nar-
rower ribbing of the lip. It inhabits the continental zone
of the Red Sea and was dredged at depths of 490-900 m.
The form paucicostata is a characteristic deviation, usually
shown in young shells by the relatively large bubbled pro-
toconch and the early disappearance of the axial ribs, so
that the following whorls appear atter, the spiral threads
straighter and the whole shell is signicantly lighter.
Comments. Sturany described two forms or varieties
of this species, which dier only slightly in the more or
less extended development of axial ribs in respect to their
strength and number. Both forms intergrade and are con-
sidered phenotypical variations of the same taxon (see
also Snyder 2002).
Fusus bifrons f. paucicostata Sturany, 1900
Figure 11E-H, K-L
Sturany, 1900a: 197–198; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903),
pages 220–221, plate I, gures 2 and 4.
Original localities. Stations 9, 20, 47, 48, 76, 81, 107,
109, 121, 145, 156, 165, 170, 175, 176, 178, 179, 184
(490 – 900 m) (Red Sea; Table 1). In the original descrip-
tion Sturany did not refer to any particular station. There-
fore, it is assumed that the whole material listed in 1903
constitutes the type material as listed below.
Type material. Figured syntypes: NHMW 84146 (station
9): 1 specimen, illustrated by Sturany (1903) in plate I,
gure 4a; NHMW 84171 (station 175): 1 specimen, re-
ported on label that this specimen is illustrated by Sturany
(1903) in plate I, gure 2a, height 113 mm.
Further syntypes: NHMW 84149 (station 20): 2 spec-
imens; NHMW 84151 (station 20): 1 specimen; NHMW
84154 (station 76): 1 specimen; NHMW 84155 (station
76): 5 specimens; NHMW 84156 (station 81): 1 speci-
men; NHMW 84164 (station 165): 1 specimen; NHMW
84165 (station 165): 1 specimen; NHMW 84172 (station
176): 1 specimen; NHMW 84173 (station 176): 1 speci-
men; NHMW 84175 (station 179): 3 specimens; NHMW
84176 (station 179): 3 specimens; NHMW 84177 (sta-
tion 179): 2 specimens; NHMW 84178 (station 179): 1
specimen; NHMW 84179 (station 184): 1 specimen. Two
more specimens are present without labels and inventory
numbers, they probably come from stations 47 and 178.
Additional material. NHMW 84166 (station 170): 3
specimens; NHMW 84167 (station 175): 1 specimen;
NHMW 84168 (station 175): 1 specimen; NHMW 84169
(station 175): 1 specimen, form paucicostata written on
label, but looks like the nominal species; NHMW 84170
(station 175): 7 specimens.
Original description, translation and comment. See
Fusus bifrons.
Family Nassariidae Iredale, 1916
Nassa lathraia Sturany, 1900
Figure 12
Sturany, 1900a: 200–201; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903),
pages 224–225, plate II, gures 2a–b.
Type locality. Station 130, “westlich von Kundah”
[west of Al Qunfudhah, Saudi Arabia], 19°17'N, 39°37'E,
439 m.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 12. Nassa lathraia Sturany, 1900, Station 130 (Al Qunfudhah, Saudi Arabia, Red Sea). A–B, D–G, I. Figured syntype,
NHMW 84203: front (A–B), right side (D–E), back (F), protoconch (G, I). C. Original gure by Sturany (1903). H. Original label
of gured syntype. Scale bars: A–B, D–F: 1 mm, G, I: 0.2 mm.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods64
Additional original localities. Stations 48, 51, 54, 107,
114, 121, 127, 130 (439 – 748 m) (Central and Southern
Red Sea; Table 1).
Type material. Figured syntypes: NHMW 84203 (station
130; height: 6.6 mm, gured in Sturany 1903, plate II,
gures 2a–b), NHMW 84205 (station 135): 1 specimen
(gured in Sturany 1903, plate II, gures 1a–b). Further
syntypes: NHMW 71640/O/745 (station 130): 2 specimens;
NHMW 84196 (station 48): 2 specimens; NHMW 84197
(station 51): 3 specimens; NHMW 84198 (station 54): 5
specimens; NHMW 84199 (station 107): 2 specimens;
NHMW 84200 (station 114): 5 specimens; NHMW 84201
(station 121): 1 specimen; NHMW 84202 (station 127):
1 specimen; NHMW 84204 (station 130): 12 specimens.
Original description. Von den Stationen 48, 51, 54, 107,
114, 121, 127, 130 (439 – 748 m). Diese Form ist von
N. munda durch die bedeutend spärlicher vorhandenen,
jedoch schärfer ausgeprägten Querrippen unterschieden,
zwischen denen die Spiralstreifung deutlich sichtbar
wird. Mit Ausnahme der glatten Anfangswindungen tra-
gen die Umgänge oben nächst der Naht eine besonders
abgesetzte Körnchenreihe.
Höhe des Gehäuses circa 7 1/2, Breite circa 3 1/2 mm;
Mündung circa 3 1/2 mm hoch und 2 mm breit.
Wie N. munda m. in der continentalen Zone gefunden,
in Tiefen zwischen 439 und 748 m.
Translation. From stations 48, 51, 54, 107, 114, 121,
127, 130 (439 – 748 m). Distinguished from N. munda
by the much sparser, but more sharply pronounced axial
ribs between which the spiral stripes are clearly visible.
Except for the smooth initial whorls, the others bear a
tubercled cord on their upper part next to the suture.
Shell height about 7.5, width about 3.5 mm; mouth
about 3.5 mm high and 2 mm wide.
Like N. munda, it is found in the continental zone, at
depths of 439-748 m.
Comments. For discussion of relationships and nomen-
clature see under Nassa munda.
Nassa munda Sturany, 1900
Figure 13
Sturany, 1900a: 200; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903), page
223–224, plate II, gures 4a–b.
Type locality. Station 135, “südöstlich von Akik Seghir”
[south-east of Akik Seghir, Eritrea], 17°26.1'N, 39°19'E,
Additional original localities. Station 135 (332 m) and
145 (800 m) (Southern Red Sea; Table 1).
Type material. Figured syntype: NHMW 84190 (station
135; height: 9.9 mm; gured in Sturany 1903, plate II,
gures 4a–b). Further syntypes: NHMW 71640/O/746
(station 135): 4 specimens; NHMW 84191 (station 135):
14 specimens; NHMW 84192 (station 145): 1 specimen.
Additional material. NHMW 84193 (station 170): 1
Original description. Gehäuse klein und festschalig,
kegelig-oval; von den acht Umgängen sind die ersten
gerundet und glatt, die übrigen stug abgesetzt und mit
zahlreichen Querwülsten (etwa 26 auf der Schlusswin-
dung) ausgestattet, die von Spiralstreifen gekreuzt und
gekerbt werden. Auch ist durch eine schärfer eingegra-
bene Spirallinie der oberste Theil jeder Windung als eine
Reihe von Höckerchen abgesetzt. Auf dem Außenrande
der Mündung in der Regel sechs bis acht Zähnchen, von
denen einige besonders hervortreten können. Andeutung
von Bänderung nur selten zu beobachten.
Höhe der Schale 7 1/2 bis 9 3/4, Breite 4 1/4 bis 5 mm;
Höhe der Mündung 3 1/2 bis 4 1/2, Breite derselben 2 bis
2 3/4 mm.
Von Station 135 (332 m) und 145 (800 m) vorliegend.
Translation. Shell small and thick, conical-oval; of the
eight whorls, the rst are rounded and smooth, the other
scalariform with numerous axial ribs (about 26 on the last
whorl) which are crossed and notched by spiral threads.
The uppermost part of each whorl bears a strongly sculp-
tured spiral cord with a series of tubercles. On the outer
edge of the mouth, there are usually six to eight teeth,
some of which may be particularly prominent. Traces of
colour bands can rarely be observed.
Height of the shell 7.5 to 9.75, width 4.25 to 5 mm;
height of the mouth 3.5 to 4.5, width 2 to 2.75 mm.
From station 135 (332 m) and 145 (800 m).
Comments. Cernohorsky (1984: 156) listed munda
as nomen dubium and possible synonym of Nassarius
(Zeuxis) idyllius (Melvill & Standen, 1901).
Nassa lathraia as well as N. sporadica, N. stiphra and
N. munda are published at the same date and are regarded
synonymous. Examination of the type material as well as
of rich material from various expeditions to the deep Red
Sea (RJ) shows that the various names only denote sculp-
tural variants which can be observed to occur together in
part at the same stations and which cannot be told apart
as dierent taxa. Whereas Janssen in Janssen and Tavi-
ani (2015) used lathraia as valid name, Dekker and Orlin
(2000: 28) should be regarded as rst revisers who se-
lected Nassarius mundus (Sturany, 1900) as valid name
for the taxon explicitly denoting the other names as syn-
onyms. Cernohorsky (1984: 103) regarded lathraia as a
possible synonym of Nassarius (Niotha) sinusigerus (A.
Adams, 1852). Whether this is correct needs further study
and comparison of many other conchologically similar
species. If it proves correct, sinusigerus would become
the valid name for this assemblage of forms denoted by
Sturany with four names.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 13. Nassa munda Sturany, 1900, Station 135 (Akik Seghir, Eritrea, Red Sea). A–C, E. Figured syntype, NHMW 84190:
front (A), right side (B), back (C), protoconch (E). D. Original gure by Sturany (1903). F. Original label of gured syntype. Scale
bars: A–C: 2 mm, E: 0.2 mm.
Nassa sporadica Sturany, 1900
Figure 14
Sturany, 1900a: 201; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903), page
224, plate II, gures 5a–b.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84194, height 11.7 mm.
Type locality. Station 54, 24°48'N, 35°25'E, Central Red
Sea, 535 m.
Original description. Das Gewinde dieser mit N. munda
m. verwandten Form besteht aus 8 1/2 Umgängen und ist
oben stug abgesetzt. Die Querwülste stehen bedeutend
enger als bei jener Art, so dass auf der letzten Windung
etwa 35 abzuzählen sind. Von einer Bänderung nur ganz
geringe Spuren sichtbar. Außenrand der Mündung mehr-
fach und unregelmäßig gezähnt.
Höhe der Schale 11 ½, Breite 6 1/4 mm; Mündung 6
mm hoch und 3 1/2 mm breit. — Ein einziges Exemplar
von Station 54 (535 m).
Translation. The spire of this species is related to the
one of N. munda and consists of 8.5 whorls and is sca-
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods66
Figure 14. Nassa sporadica Sturany, 1900, Station 54 (Central Red Sea). A–C, E. Holotype, NHMW 84194: front (A), right side
(B), back (C), protoconch (E). D. Original gure by Sturany (1903). F. Original holotype label. Scale bars: A–C: 2 mm, E: 0.2 mm.
lariform on top. The axial ribs are signicantly closer
compared to the mentioned species, so on the last whorl
35 can be counted. Only very small traces of colour
bands are visible. Lip with numerous and irregular
Shell height 11.5, width 6.25 mm; mouth 6 mm high
and 3.5 mm wide. One specimen from station 54 (535 m).
Comments. Nassa sporadica was regarded as nomen du-
bium and possible synonym of Nassarius (Zeuxis) crebri-
costatus (Schepman, 1911) by Cernohorsky (1984: 160).
For further comments on validity of sporadica see under
Nassa munda.
Nassa steindachneri Sturany, 1900
Figure 15
Sturany, 1900a: 199; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903), pages
222–223, plate II, gures 9a–c.
Type locality. Station 170, “bei der Insel Noman” [No-
man Island, Saudi Arabia], 27°0.2'N, 35°17.6'E, 690 m.
Additional original localities. Stations 124, 135, 170
and 179 (314 – 690 m) (Red Sea; Table 1).
Type material. Figured syntype: NHMW 84187 (sta-
tion 179): 1 specimen (gured in Sturany 1903, plate II,
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 15. Nassa steindachneri Sturany, 1900, Station 170 (Noman Island, Saudi Arabia, Red Sea). A–C, H. Syntype, NHMW
84186: front (A), right side (B), back (C), protoconch (H). D–F. Syntype, NHMW 84185, Station 135 (Akik Seghir, Eritrea, Red
Sea): front (D), right side (E), back (F). G. Original gure by Sturany (1903). I. Original label of syntypes NHMW 84186. Scale
bars: A–F: 3 mm, H: 0.2 mm.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods68
gures 9a–c). Further syntypes: NHMW 84186 (station
170) 3 specimens ; NHMW 84185 (station 135): 3 spec-
imens and 1 fragment; NHMW 84188 (station 179): 5
Additional material. NHMW 84184 (station 94): 3 spec-
imens; NHMW 111537 (station 51): 1 specimen.
Original description. Gehäuse in Gestalt und Win-
dungszahl mit der vorigen Art übereinstimmend, von ihr
aber durch die bis zur Mündung herabreichende Cancel-
lierung gut unterschieden. Nur das Embryonalgewinde
ist glatt, die übrigen Umgänge sind durch gröbere,
etwas gekrümmte Querwülste und zarte Spirallinien
regelmäßig gegittert; der oberste Theil der letzten vier
Windungen ist überdies von dem übrigen Theile der-
selben durch eine mit der Naht parallel laufende, tiefer
einschneidende Spiralfurche als wulstige Körnchenreihe
getrennt. Von den Binden der verwandten Art sind nur
noch Spuren sichtbar.
Höhe der Schale 29, Breite 13 mm; Mündung 13 mm
hoch und 7 mm breit. — Von den Stationen 124, 135, 170
und 179 vorliegend; in Tiefen bis 690 m gefunden.
Translation. Shell in shape and number of whorls ana-
logue the previous species, but well dierentiated by the
cancellated sculpture descending to the mouth. Only the
protoconch is smooth, the remaining whorls are regularly
gridded by coarser, slightly curved varices and delicate
spiral lines; the uppermost part of the last four whorls is
also separated from the other parts by an incised spiral
channel running parallel to the suture as a thick series
of tubercles. Of the colour bands observed in the related
species, only traces are here visible.
Shell height 29, width 13 mm; mouth 13 mm high and
7 mm wide. Found in stations 124, 135, 170 and 179; at
depths up to 690 m.
Comments. When a lectotype shall be selected, a spec-
imen should be taken which is better preserved than the
specimen gured by Sturany, which has a partly eroded
protoconch and early teleoconch whorls. For discussion
of relationships see under thaumasia.
Nassa stiphra Sturany, 1900
Figure 16
Sturany, 1900a: 200–201; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903),
page 224, plate II, gures 3a–b.
Type locality. Station 143, “nächst der Insel Harmil”
[near Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea]
17°7'N, 39°55'E, 212 m.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84195, height: 6.9 mm.
Original description. Schale gedrungen, kegelförmig,
aus sieben gerundeten, durch eine tiefe Naht getrennten
Umgängen aufgebaut, von denen das Embryonalgewinde
schwach gekielt und glatt ist, die übrigen wie bei N. mun-
da mit deutlichen Querwülsten ausgestattet sind (mit 22
Wülsten auf der Schlusswindung). Auch zarte Spiral-
linien treten auf, jedoch nur unter der Naht und im Um-
kreise des Nabels deutlich. Der Außenrand der Mündung
trägt sechs bis sieben Zähne, von denen ein mittlerer und
der unterste kräftiger sind. Auf der letzten Windung zwei
gelbe Binden auf weißem Grunde.
Höhe der Schale 7,2, Breite 4,2 mm; Mündung 3,5 mm
hoch und circa 2 mm breit. — Ein Exemplar von Station
143 (212 m).
Translation. Shell compact, cone-shaped, composed of
seven rounded whorls separated by a deep suture; the pro-
toconch is weakly keeled and smooth, the teleoconch is
equipped with signicant axial ribs (22 on the nal whorl)
as in N. munda. Also delicate spiral threads occur, but
are distinct only under the suture and around the umbili-
cus. The outer lip carries internally six to seven teeth, of
which the median and the lowest are the strongest. On the
last whorl, there are two yellow bands on white ground.
Shell height 7.2, width 4.2 mm; mouth 3.5 mm high
and about 2 mm wide. One specimen from station 143
(212 m).
Comments. This name was listed by Cernohorsky (1984:
107) as a questionable synonym of Nassarius (Niotha)
agapetus (Watson, 1882). For further comments see un-
der munda.
Nassa thaumasia Sturany, 1900
Figure 17A-E
Sturany, 1900a: 198–199; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903),
page 222, plate II, gure 8.
Type locality. Ras Abu Somer (not specied in the origi-
nal text, but very likely locality 18, littoral; Table 2).
Additional original localities. 94 (314 m) (Northern Red
Sea, Table 1).
Type material. Lectotype: NHMW 37579 (locality 18;
height 27 mm), xed by erroneous inference of “holo-
type” (ICZN art. 74.6) by Cernohorsky 1984: 132, pl. 25
g. 10. Paralectotype: NHMW 111535: 1 specimen (Ras
Abu Somer, likely locality 18).
Additional material. NHMW 84180 (station 87): 7
Original description. Gehäuse festschalig, aus 10 1/2
langsam zunehmenden, schwach stug abgesetzten
Windungen kegelig aufgebaut; das Embryonalgewinde
glatt, die darauolgenden Umgänge mit breiten Quer-
wülsten und vier bis fünf Spiralreihen ausgestattet, die
Schlusswindungen (2 1/2 oder mehr) abgeglättet bis auf
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
eine zur Naht parallel ziehende Spiralfurche und eine
Reihe von Spirallinien in der Nabelgegend im Umkrei-
se des Ausschnittes der Mündungsbasis; auf gelblich-
weißem Grundtone sind gelbbraune Querstriemen in
unregelmäßiger und spärlicher Vertheilung und auf dem
letzten Umgänge zwei breite, gelbbraune Längsbinden
mehr oder minder ausgeprägt; kurz vor dem äußeren
Mündungsrand ein dicker Wulst, im Gaumen, sowie auf
dem Wulste der Spindel und der Mündungswand eine
größere Anzahl von Falten; der untere Theil des äußeren
Mündungsrandes etwas ausgezackt.
Höhe der Schale 27,2, Breite 13,0mm; Höhe der
Mündung 14,0, Breite 7,5mm. Fundort: Ras Abu Somer
Translation. Shell thick, conical, made of 10.5 slowly
growing, weakly scalariform whorls; smooth protoconch,
the following whorls have broad axial ribs and four to
ve spiral threads, the nal whorls (two and half or more)
smooth except for a groove parallel to the suture and a
series of spiral lines in the umbilical region close to the
aperture; on the yellowish-white background there are
irregularly and sparsely distributed yellow-brown ecks
and on the last whorl there are two wide, yellow-brown
spiral bands more or less pronounced; shortly before the
outer lip there is a thick varix; there is a large number of
folds on the callus of the columella and the inner lip; the
lower part of the lip is slightly jagged.
Shell height 27.2, width 13.0 mm; height of the mouth
14.0, width 7.5 mm. Locality: Ras Abu Somer (littoral).
Comments. Nassa steindachneri, thaumasia, thauma-
sia var. nana and xesta are regarded as synonymous. N.
thaumasia var. nana and steindachneri occur togeth-
er at station 94 and both lots show the same variability
of sculpture from regularly reticulated to nearly smooth
last whorls. Janssen in Janssen and Taviani (2015: 526)
used steindachneri as valid name because this is the most
common variant, but Dekker and Orlin (2000: 28) syn-
onymised already these taxa and as rst revisers selected
Nassarius thaumasius (Sturany, 1900) as valid name. Nas-
sa thaumasia was considered by Cernohorsky (1984: 130)
as synonym of Nassarius (Zeuxis) castus (Gould, 1850).
However, this is most probably wrong, because accord-
ing to own observations (RJ) thaumasia has a much ner
sculpture consisting of dense reticulation, especially on
the early whorls, more numerous and ner spiral ribs on
the fasciole, only weakly canaliculated sutures and a much
lesser developed sutural nodules. Cernohorsky gured the
alleged “holotype” of thaumasia on his pl. 25 g. 10.
According to Cernohorsky (1984: 135), Nassa stein-
dachneri is a synonym of Nassarius (Zeuxis) siquijoren-
sis (A. Adams, 1852). If this proves to be correct, siquijo-
rensis would become the valid name for the assemblage
of nominal taxa described by Sturany, but this needs fur-
ther study.
Nassa thaumasia f. nana Sturany, 1900
Figure 17H-J
Sturany, 1900a: 199; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903), page
222, plate II, gure 7.
Original localities. 94 (314 m) and 96 (350 m) (Northern
Red Sea, Table 1).
Type material. Syntypes: NHMW 84181 (station 94):
1 specimen; NHMW 84182 (station 94): 11 specimens;
NHMW 84183 (station 96): 1 specimen.
Original description. In der continentalen Zone (Station
94 [314 m] und Station 96 [350 m]) kommt eine kleinere
Form vor (var. nana m.), deren Länge 20 und deren Brei-
te 10 mm betragt bei einer Mündungsausdehnung von 10
½: 6mm.
Translation. In the continental zone (station 94 [314 m]
and station 96 [350 m]), there is a smaller form (var. nana)
with 20 mm length and 10 mm width, at the aperture 10.5
high and 6 mm wide.
Comments. The variety nana was introduced for the
deep water specimens; the specimen illustrated in Figure
17 H-J is 19.8 mm high. For further comments see under
Nassa xesta Sturany, 1900
Figure 18
Sturany, 1900a: 199–200; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903),
page 223, plate II, gures 6a–b.
Type locality. Station 143, “nächst der Insel Harmil”
[near Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea]
17°7'N, 39°55'E, 212 m.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84189, height 19.4 mm.
Original description. Gehäuse kegelig aufgebaut,
dickschalig, fettglänzend; von den 9 1/2 Windungen
sind nur die vierte und fünfte mit Querwülsten ausge-
stattet, die übrigen glatt mit Ausnahme etwa noch des
Basaltheiles der Schlusswindung, wo wieder concen-
trisch angeordnet und am Außenrande der Mündung als
Kerbung endigend, fünf bis sechs Spiralreifen zu zählen
sind. Eine Bänderung ist nur in Spuren vorhanden,
ferner sind nächst der Naht gelbbraune Flecken sicht-
bar, welche von milchweißen Partien des Grundtones
besonders abstechen. Vor der Mündung ein Wulst, im
Gaumen zahlreiche Falten und ebenso auf den Callus-
partien eine Fältelung.
Höhe des Gehäuses 20, Breite 10mm; Mündung 9,5
mm hoch und 5,5 mm breit. — Von Station 143 (212 m)
ein einziges Exemplar vorliegend.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods70
Figure 16. Nassa stiphra Sturany, 1900, Station 143 (Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea). A–B, D–G, I. Holotype, NHMW
84195: front (A–B), right side (D–E), back (F), protoconch (G, I). C. Original gure by Sturany (1903). H. Original holotype label.
Scale bars: A–B, D–F: 1 mm, G, I: 0.2 mm.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 17. Nassa thaumasia Sturany, 1900. A–C, E. Lectotype, NHMW 37579, Ras Abu Somer, Egypt, Red Sea (likely “locality
18): front (A), right side (B), back (C), protoconch (E). D. Original gure by Sturany (1903). F. Original lectotype label. G. Ori ginal
label of the form nana. H–J. Form nana, syntype NHMW 84181, Station 94 (Nuweiba, Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt): front (H), right side (I),
back (J). Scale bars: A–C, H–J: 5 mm, E: 0.2 mm.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods72
Figure 18. Nassa xesta Sturany, 1900, Station 143 (Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea, Red Sea). A–C, E. Holotype,
NHMW 84189: front (A), right side (B), back (C), protoconch (E). D. Original gure by Sturany (1903). F. Original holotype label.
Scale bars: A–C: 3 mm, E: 0.2 mm.
Diese und die vorhergehenden Nassa-Arten gehören
in eine Reihe und lassen sich etwa von N. gaudiosa
Hinds ableiten.
Translation. Shell conical, thick, shiny; of the 9.5 whorls,
only the fourth and the fth have axial ribs, the others are
smooth except at the base of the nal whorl, where ve to
six concentric spiral grooves can be counted ending at the
lip as notches. Only traces of colour bands are present,
next to the suture yellow-brown ecks are visible, which
contrast with the milky white ground colour. Before the
aperture there is a thickened spiral rib, the lip and the cal-
lus have numerous folds.
Height of the shell 20, width 10 mm; aperture 9.5 mm
high and 5.5 mm wide. From station 143 (212 m) a single
specimen was found.
This and the preceding Nassa species belong to a se-
ries and are related to N. gaudiosa Hinds.
Comments. Cernohorsky (1984: 146) listed xesta as pos-
sible synonym of Nassarius (Zeuxis) comptus (A. Adams,
1852). However, closer examination of the types demon-
strates that xesta is only an extreme form of thaumasia to
which it agrees completely with regard to colour pattern
and sculpture of the early teleoconch whorls. For further
comments see under thaumasia.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Family Mitridae Swainson, 1831
Mitra (?Thala) gonatophora Sturany, 1903
Figure 19
Sturany, 1903: 225, plate IV, gure 2.
Original localities. Station 48 (700 m) and 51 (262 m)
(Central Red Sea; Table 1).
Type material. Figured syntype: NHMW 84210 (station
48), illustrated by Sturany (1903) in plate IV, gure 2,
height 7.2 mm. Further syntypes: NHMW 84211 (station
48): 1 specimen; NHMW 84212 (station 51): 2 specimens.
Original description. Von den Stationen 48 (700 m) und
51 (562 m).
Der zunächst folgenden Beschreibung ist ein zur
Abbildung gebrachtes Exemplar von der Station 48 zu
Grunde gelegt, welches bei kaum 8 Umgängen 8,2 mm
hoch und 2,5 mm breit ist, während die Mündungshöhe
4,2 und die Mündungsbreite 1,5 mm beträgt. Die Schale
ist spindelförmig und an der Basis etwas zurückgebogen.
Die Sculptur beginnt auf der 4. Windung, kurz nach Ab-
lauf der dritten, und zwar mit 3 Spiralreihen von Knoten.
Mit dem Beginne der vorletzten Windung setzt auch eine
Spaltung der beiden unteren Knotenreihen in je 2 zartere
Spiralreifen ein, so dass also auf der vorletzten Windung
1 breitere obere Knotenreihe und 4 zartere, darunter ge-
legene Spiralreifen abzuzählen sind. Auf der Schlusswin-
dung verlaufen unter den genannten Knotenreihen noch
9 in gleichmäßigen Entfernungen voneinander getrennte
Knotenreihen, welche am äußeren Mundrande endigen,
und überdies noch einige um den untersten Theil der
Schale gelagerte Spiralreifen. In den Zwischenräumen
der Knotenreihen liegen regelmäßige Querstriche, so
dass eine Cancellierung hervorgebracht ist. Das Gehäu-
se ist nicht ganz einfarbig braun, in der Mündung und
ebenso in der ziemlich tieiegenden Naht ist eine weiße
Färbung erkennbar. Auf der Spindel, welche weiß ausge-
schlagen ist, stehen 3 stärkere Querfalten und unter die-
sen eine schwächere; über ihnen erscheinen einige der
Spiralreifen des letzten Umganges in Form von in das
Spindelfeld hereinragenden Falten fortgesetzt.
Das zweite minder gut erhaltene Exemplar von Station
48 (700 m) lässt gleichwohl einige Ergänzungen
der obigen Diagnose zu. Es misst 7 ½: 2 ½ mm und
lässt einen schwachen Glanz des Embryonalgewindes er-
kennen, sowie eine geringe Anzahl von Columellarfalten
(nur 3 Hauptfalten und keine darübergelagerten
Fortsetzungen der Spiralreifen bis ins Spindelfeld).
Mitra mirica Rve. ist wohl eine der nächststehenden
Translation. From stations 48 (700 m) and 51 (562 m).
The following description is based on a gured spec-
imen from station 48 [Figure 19 A-G], which has almost
eight whorls, 8.2 mm high and 2.5 mm wide, while the
height of the mouth is 4.2 and the width 1.5 mm. The shell
is fusiform and at the base slightly curved. The sculpture
starts on the fourth whorl, shortly after the end of the third,
with three spiral rows of tubercles. At the beginning of
the penultimate whorl a splitting of the two lower rows of
tubercles in two delicate spiral cords begins, so that on the
penultimate whorl one expanded upper row of tubercles
and four more delicate, lower spiral rows can be counted.
On the nal whorl under the mentioned rows of tubercles,
nine further rows of tubercles run at uniform distances and
end at the outer lip, additionally some more spiral rows
run on the lowest part of the shell. In the interstices of the
spiral rows, there are regular axial riblets so that a can-
cellated sculpture is generated. The shell is not uniformly
brown, in the mouth and on the quite deep suture a white
colouration can be seen. On the columella, which has a
white callus, there are three strong transverse folds, and
below them a weak one; some of the spiral rows of the last
whorl continue above them under the columellar callus.
The second less well-preserved specimen from Station
48 (700 m) [Figure 19 I-K] allows nevertheless some addi-
tions to the diagnosis above. It measures 7.5 mm [height]
2.5 mm [width] and reveals a weak lustre of the proto-
conch, and a small number of columellar folds (only three
main folds, not continuing under the columella callus).
Mitra mirica Reeve is probably one of the closest rel-
Mitra tenuis f. minor Sturany, 1903
Figure 20
Sturany, 1903: 244–245, plate VII, gure 7.
Original localities. Localities 10 and 21 (Northern Red
Sea; Table 2).
Type material. Figured syntype: NHMW 37613 (locality
21), illustrated by Sturany (1903) in plate IV, gure 2,
height 12 mm. Further syntypes: NHMW 37612 (locality
10): 1 specimen; NHMW 37185 (locality 21): 1 specimen
(preserved in ethanol).
Original description. Von den Localitäten 10 und 21.
Das zur Abbildung gebrachte gelbbraune Gehäuse von
Koseir ist 11,5 mm hoch und 3,5 mm breit, besitzt eine
Mündung von 6 mm Höhe und besteht aus 10 Umgängen.
Die Anfangswindungen sind glatt, zitzenförmig, hellgelb
gefärbt, die folgenden Umgänge mit einer fadenförmigen,
hellfarbigen Verdickung an der oberen Naht und einigen
Spirallinien ausgestattet. Auf dem letzten Umgange läuft
eine mediane helle Binde, die ebenso wie die erwähnte
lichte Nahtpartie sich schärfer von der sie umgebenden
Färbung abheben kann (beispielsweise bei einem etwas
kleineren Exemplare von Nawibi). Die Spindel ist mit ei-
ner stärkeren und einigen schwächeren Falten versehen.
Für das Rothe Meer ist M. tenuis noch nicht bekannt ge-
wesen. Das Berliner Museum besitzt sie von Mauritius und
ebendaher stammt die nahverwandte M. exilabris Sow.
Translation. From localities 10 and 21.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods74
Figure 19. Mitra gonatophora Sturany, 1903, Station 48 (Yanbu’ al Bahr, Saudi Arabia, Red Sea). A–G. Figured syntype, NHMW
84210: front (A–B), right side (C–D), back (E), protoconch (F–G). H–K. Syntype, NHMW 84211: protoconch (H), front (I), right
side (J), back (K). L. Original gure by Sturany (1903). Scale bars: A–E, I–K: 1 mm, F–H: 0.2 mm.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 20. Mitra tenuis f. minor Sturany, 1903, Locality 21 (El Quseir, Egypt, Red Sea). A. Original gure by Sturany (1903). B–F. Figured
syntype, NHMW 37613: front (B), right side (C), back (D), microsculpture (E), protoconch (F). G. Original label. Scale bars: B–D: 2 mm,
E–F: 0.25 mm.
The gured shell from El Quseir [locality 21] is 11.5
mm high and 3.5 mm wide, has an aperture 6 mm high
and consists of 10 whorls. The protoconch is smooth,
teat-shaped, light yellow, the following whorls show a
liform, brightly coloured thickening on the suture and
some spiral lines. On the last whorl, there is a median
light coloured band, which may show up from the sur-
rounding colour like the mentioned bright suture (like
in a slightly smaller specimen from Nawibi [locality
10]). The columella has one stronger and some weaker
M. tenuis was not yet known from the Red Sea. The Ber-
lin Museum has specimens from Mauritius and from the
same locality the closely related M. exilabris Sowerby.
Comments. The description of Mitra tenuis G.B. Sow-
erby III, 1874 is based on an immature specimen. Cer-
nohorsky (1976) considered both it and Sturany’s minor
form junior synonyms of Mitra typha Reeve, 1845.
Family Drilliidae Olsson, 1964
Pleurotoma (Drillia) potti Sturany, 1900
Figure 21
Sturany, 1900b: 209–210; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903),
page 229, plate III, gures 6a–b.
Type locality. Station 143, “nächst der Insel Harmil”
[near Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea] 17°7'N,
39°55'E, 212 m.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods76
Figure 21. Pleurotoma potti Sturany, 1900, Station 143 (Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea, Red Sea). A–C, E. Holotype,
NHMW 84250: front (A), right side (B), back (C), protoconch (E). D. Original gure by Sturany (1903). F. Original holotype label.
Scale bars: A–C: 2 mm, E: 0.2 mm.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84250, height 12.4 mm.
Original description. Gehäuse spindelförmig, aus nahe-
zu 8 Umgängen gebildet, gelbbraun mit geringen Spuren
von etwa 6—7 braunen Spiralbändern, welche nur an
dem Wulste vor der Mündung sichtbar sind; die Anfangs-
windungen glatt, glänzend und gerundet, die übrigen mit
9—10 starken, schief gestellten und gewinkelten Querfal-
ten ausgestattet, so dass die ganzen Windungen gewin-
kelt erscheinen. Auf dem letzten Umgange schieben sich
zwischen diese hier nur mehr in der 8-Zahl vorhandenen
Querfalten einige undeutliche Nebenfalten ein und steht
unmittelbar vor der Mündung eine gewaltige, von der
Naht bis zur Basis verlaufende, rippenartige Verdickung.
Spiralsculptur nur an der Basis der Schlusswindung an-
gedeutet (schief über den stielförmigen Canal verlaufen-
de Linien). Mündung langgestreckt, mit leicht zurückge-
bogenem Canal, scharfem, innen weiß gelippten Rande
und rundem Ausschnitte.
Höhe des Gehäuses 12,0, Breite 4,3 mm; Mündung 6,0
hoch und 2,2 mm breit.
Ein Exemplar von Station 143 (212 m).
Als verwandte Formen seien P. pudica Hinds und P.
studeriana Marts, genannt.
Translation. Shell fusiform, with nearly eight whorls,
light brown with ne traces of about 6 7 brown spi-
ral bands, which are visible only on the lip varix; the
protoconch is smooth, shiny and rounded, the other
9–10 whorls have strong, oblique and angulate axial
ribs, so that the whole whorls appear angulated. On the
last whorl, further indistinct axial threads are present
among the last eight axial ribs and, before the aperture,
there is a large axial thickening running from the suture
to the base. Spiral sculpture can be recognized only at
the base of the last whorl (oblique threads run on the
siphonal canal). Aperture elongated, with slightly re-
curved canal, and a sharp, white inside, aperture border.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 22. Pleurotoma inchoata Sturany, 1900, Station 145 (Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea, Red Sea). A. Original gure by Sturany
(1903). B–D, F. Holotype, NHMW 84251: front (B), right side (C), back (D), protoconch (F). E. Original holotype label. Scale
bars: B–D: 5 mm, F: 0.5 mm.
Height of the shell 12.0 mm, width 4.3 mm; mouth 6.0
mm high and 2.2 mm wide.
One specimen from station 143 (212 m).
P. pudica Hinds and P. studeriana Martens are known
as related forms.
Comments. It is considered to belong to genus Drillia Gray,
1838 by Tucker (2004), but it does not seem to t well into
this genus. It may belong to Leiocithara Hedley, 1922.
Pleurotoma (?Drillia) inchoata Sturany, 1900
Figure 22
Sturany, 1900b: 210; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903), page
229–230, plate III, gures 8a–b.
Type locality. Station 145, “östlich von J. Dahalak” [east
of Dahlak Island, Eritrea], 16°2.6'N, 41°13.5'E, 800 m.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84251, height 21.2 mm.
Original description. Schale abgestutzt spindelför-
mig, hellgelb, aus 9 1/2 Umgängen bestehend, deren
jeder mit Ausnahme des Embryonalgewindes in seiner
oberen Hälfte concav, in seiner unteren convex gebaut
ist, und welche mit zahlreichen Spiralreifen und circa
15—16 wellenförmig verlaufenden Querrippen ausge-
stattet sind; überdies stehen zwischen den Querrippen
noch mikroskopisch feine Anwachsstreifen. Unmittelbar
vor der (leider mangelhaft erhaltenen) Mündung eine
knotig angeschwollene und nach rechts vorgezogene
Höhe der Schale 21,3, Breite 9,0 mm; Höhe der
Mündung 9,1 mm.
Ein einziges Exemplar von Station 145 (800 m).
Verwandt mit P. (Drillia) pallida Sow.; in der Form an
Columbella angularis Sow. gemahnend.
Translation. Shell truncated and fusiform, pale yellow,
made by 9.5 whorls, concave in their upper half and con-
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods78
vex in the lower half, with the exception of the proto-
conch; with numerous spiral threads and approximately
15 – 16 undulated axial ribs among which microscopi-
cally ne growth lines stand. Immediately prior to the
(unfortunately poorly preserved) aperture, there is a thick
nodulose axial rib bent to the right.
Height of the shell 21.3 mm, width 9.0 mm; height of
the mouth 9.1 mm.
A single specimen from station 145 (800 m).
Related to P. (Drillia) pallida Sowerby; shape remind-
ing Columbella angularis Sowerby.
Comments. This species can be assigned to the genus
Drillia Gray, 1838
Pleurotoma (Clavus) siebenrocki Sturany, 1900
Figure 23
Sturany, 1900b: 210–211; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903),
page 230, plate III, gures 9a–c.
Type locality. Station 76, “südlich der Insel Senar”
[south of Sanar Island], 27°43'N, 34°47'E, 900 m.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84252, height 36.6 mm.
Original description. Schale gethürmt, geritzt, hellgelb-
braun, aus 12 Umgängen aufgebaut, die mit Ausnahme
des Embryonalgewindes mit 7—8 knotenartigen Rippen
besetzt sind. In der tief eingeschnürten oberen Partie
der Umgänge verlaufen feine Spirallinien, im übrigen
großere, mitunter unregelmäßig geknickte oder undu-
lierte Leistchen; die zahlreichen, feinen Anwachsstreifen
sind meist nur in den concaven Partien sichtbar. Mün-
dung mit tiefem, zungenförmigen Ausschnitt oben und
sehr kurzem, zurückgebogenen Canal unten.
Höhe des Gehäuses 36,7, Breite 14,0 mm; Mündung
16,0 mm hoch und 5,5 mm breit.
Ein Exemplar von Station 76 (900 m).
Von der nächstverwandten Art P. (Clavus) dun-
keri Wk. durch die gestrecktere Form und die minder
„strombus-artige“ Mündung unterschieden.
Translation. Shell turriculate, striated, light golden
brown, composed of 12 whorls, which have 7-8 nodular
ribs except on the protoconch. In the deeply constricted
upper part of the whorls, there are ne spiral lines, where-
as in the lower part coarser, sometimes irregularly exed
or undulated threads; the numerous, ne growth lines are
usually visible in the concave part only. Mouth with deep,
tongue-shaped posterior siphonal canal and a very short,
recurved anterior canal at the base.
Height of the shell 36.7 mm, width 14.0 mm; mouth
16.0 mm high and 5.5 mm wide.
One specimen from station 76 (900 m).
Distinguished from the closely related species P. (Cla-
vus) dunkeri Weinkau by the more elongated shape and
the less “strombus-like” aperture.
Family Horaiclavidae Bouchet, Kantor, Sysoev and
Puillandre, 2011
Pleurotoma (Surcula) nannodes Sturany, 1900
Figure 24
Sturany, 1900b: 209; redescribed and illustrated in Sturany (1903), page
230, plate III, gures 2a–c.
Original localities. Stations 48 (700 m) and 143 (212 m)
(Central and Southern Red Sea; Table 1).
Type material. Illustrated syntype: NHMW 84254 (sta-
tion 143), illustrated by Sturany (1903) in plate III, g-
ures 2 a–c, height 8 mm. Further one syntype NHMW
84253 (station 48).
Original description. Schale reinweiß, abgestutzt spin-
delförmig, aus 9 Umgängen bestehend. Die Embryo-
nalwindungen glatt, die übrigen gegittert und knotig
sculptiert; ein median angelegter, dominierend breiter,
geperlter Spiralreifen, eine nächst der Naht verlaufende
schwächere Knotenreihe und 1 bis 2 feinste Spirallinien
ober und unter der Mitte (auf dem letzten Umgange sind
es naturgemäß deren mehr) werden nämlich von den
zahlreichen quer und bogig über die Umgänge gestellten
Längsrippen gekreuzt. Mündungsrand scharf, mit zungen-
förmigem Ausschnitte nächst der Naht und halbkreisför-
miger Bucht an der Basis.
Höhe der Schale 7,1 und 8,4 mm, Breite 2,7 und 3,1
mm; Mündungshöhe 2,6 und 3,0, Mündungsbreite 1,2 und
1,4 mm.
Von den Stationen 48 (700 m) und 143 (212 m) je ein
Die neue Art ist gewissermaßen eine Miniaturausgabe
von P. radula Hinds.
Translation. Shell pure white, truncate fusiform, composed
by nine whorls. Protoconch smooth, the other whorls with
a reticulated and tubercled sculpture; a median, prominent,
wide, tubercled spiral thread; closer to the suture, there are
weaker tubercled threads and one or two ne spiral lines
above and below the median prominent spiral thread (on
the last whorl there are naturally more); the spiral sculpture
is crossed by numerous curved axial ribs. Lip sharp, with
tongue-shaped posterior siphonal canal next to the suture
and a semi-circular anterior canal at the base.
Height of shells is 7.1 mm and 8.4 mm, width 2.7 mm
and 3.1 mm; mouth height 2.6 mm and 3.0 mm, mouth
width 1.2 mm and 1.4 mm. From each of stations 48 (700
m) and 143 (212 m) one specimen.
The new species is a kind of miniature version of P.
radula Hinds.
Comments. This species was assigned to the genus
Paradrillia Makiyama, 1940 by Orlin and Dekker (2000:
32) and Janssen in Janssen and Taviani (2015: 526); it
looks like Paradrillia melvilli Powell, 1969, which could
be a junior synonym.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 23. Pleurotoma siebenrocki Sturany, 1900, Station 76 (Sanar Island, Strait of Tiran, Red Sea). A. Original gure by Sturany
(1903). B–E. Holotype, NHMW 84252: front (B), right side (C), back (D), protoconch (E). F. Original holotype label. Scale bars:
B–D: 5 mm, E: 1 mm.
Family Clathurellidae H. Adams & A. Adams, 1858
Mangilia pertabulata Sturany, 1903
Figure 25
Sturany, 1903: 231, plate III, gures 1a–c.
Type locality. Station 145, “östlich von J. Dahalak” [east
of Dahlak Island, Eritrea], 16°2.6'N, 41°13.5'E, 800 m.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84255, height 5.4 mm.
Original description. Von der Station 145 (800 m); ein
einziges Exemplar.
Das spindelförmig gestaltete Gehäuse besteht aus
8 Windungen, es ist der Farbe nach weiß, nur geringe
Spuren von gelbbrauner Färbung insbesondere am
äußeren Mundrande und am Embryonalgewinde sind zu
bemerken. Das Embryonalgewinde besteht aus einem
zitzenförmigen, glatten Apex (ungefähr 1 Umgang) und
2 doppelt gekielten Umgängen (1 schnurförmiger Kiel
steht in der Mitte, ein zweiter schwer auszunehmender
läuft an der Naht). Die nun folgenden Umgänge
haben eine mäßige Anzahl Spiralreifen, von denen
regelmäßig der mittlere der stärkste und der am
meisten vorgezogene ist (daher der fast rechtwinkelige
Umriss jeder Windung!) und überdies Längs- und
Querwülste, die in nicht allzu geringen Entfernungen
von einander stehen und zwischen sich mikroskopisch
feine, schief gestellte Querstrichelchen erkennen
lassen. Bezüglich jener Spiralreifen sei noch bemerkt,
dass 3 — 4 feine über dem stärkeren mittleren und 1
mittelstarker unter ihm liegen und dass auf der letzten
Windung vom Hauptstreifen abwärts zur Basis der
Schale 12 schwächere Spiralreifen vertheilt sind.
Die Kreuzungsstellen der Reifen und Wülste sind
naturgemäß spitzhöckerig vorgezogen. Die Mündung
hat einen vorgezogenen, gewellten Mundrand, eine
tiefe, halb mondförmige Bucht rechts oben und einen an
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods80
Figure 24. Pleurotoma nannodes Sturany, 1900, Station 143 (Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea, Red Sea). A–E, G. Figured
syntype, NHMW 84254: front (A–B), right side (C–D), back (E), protoconch (G). F. Original gure by Sturany (1903). H. Original
label. Scale bars: A–E: 1 mm, G: 0.2 mm.
can be noticed especially on the outer lip and on the
protoconch. The protoconch consists of a teat-shaped,
smooth, apex (about one whorl) and two double-keeled
whorls (one rope-like cord in the middle, a second hard-
ly visible at the suture). The following whorls have a
moderate number of spiral threads, of which regular-
ly the median is the strongest and the most prominent
(hence the almost rectangular prole of each whorl!)
and also show axial and spiral cords which are not too
far away one from each other and among which it is pos-
sible to recognize microscopically ne threads. On these
threads, it is remarkable that three or four ne threads
run above the strongest median cord and one below it,
and on the last whorl from the strongest median cord
der Basis etwas zurückgebogenen kurzen Canal; an der
Mündungswand ist ein Höckerchen zu sehen.
Die Höhe der Schale beträgt 5,5, die Breite 2,5 mm die
Mündung ist circa 3 mm hoch und sehr schmal.
Für die systematische Stellung der neuen Art sei ihre
Verwandtschaft mit der ähnlich gestalteten, jedoch viel
größeren Mangilia spurca Hinds (Moll. Voy. Sulph. p. 17,
t. 5, gure 14) und insbesondere mit Mangilia albata E. A.
Smith aus dem Persischen Golfe (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5]
X, 1882, p. 210) maßgebend.
Translation. From station 145 (800 m); a single specimen.
The fusiform shell consists of eight whorls, it has
a white colour, small traces of yellow-brown colour
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 25. Mangilia pertabulata Sturany, 1903, Station 145 (Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea, Red Sea). A–D, F–G. Holotype, NHMW
84255: front (A–B), right side (C), back (D), protoconch (F), microsculpture (G). E. Original gure by Sturany (1903). Scale bars:
A–D: 1 mm, F–G: 0.2 mm.
to the base of the shell there are 12 weaker spiral rings.
The intersections of the ribs and threads show sharp tu-
bercles. The aperture has an elongated, undulated lip, a
deep, semi-circular posterior sinus on the top right and
at the base a slightly recurved short canal; a small tuber-
cle can be seen on the inner lip.
The height of the shell is 5.5 mm, the width 2.5 mm,
the aperture is about 3 mm high and very narrow.
Decisive for the systematic position of the new spe-
cies is its relationship with the similar, much larger Man-
gilia spurca Hinds (Moll. Voy. Sulph. p. 17, t. 5, gure
14) and in particular with Mangilia albata E.A. Smith
from the Persian Gulf (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [5] X, 1882,
p. 210).
Comments. The species was assigned to Clathurella
Carpenter, 1857 s.l. by Janssen in Janssen and Taviani
2015: 526.
Family Conidae Fleming, 1822
Conus aculeiformis f. torensis Sturany, 1903
Figure 26
Sturany, 1903: 227, plate IV, gures 8a–b.
Original locality: Station 88 (58 m) (El Tor, Egypt, Red
Sea; Table 1).
Type material. Figured syntype: NHMW 84223 (station
88), illustrated by Sturany (1903) in plate III, gures 2a–c,
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods82
height 30.7 mm. Further ve syntypes NHMW 84224
(station 88).
Original description. Von der Station 88 (58 m); einige
wenige Exemplare.
Das langgestreckte, schlanke Gehäuse besteht aus ei-
nem Doppelkegel. Das Gewinde ist erhaben und ziemlich
stug abgesetzt; von dem glatten und glänzenden Embryo-
nalgewinde, das sich von dem übrigen Theile des Gewin-
des ziemlich deutlich abhebt, fehlt in der Regel das oberste
Spitzchen (ein Umgang oder mehr). Ungefähr auf der 3.
Windung beginnt die Sculptur, welche aus einem unter der
Mitte gegen die Naht zu gelegenen, breiten Spiralwulste
und aus 2—3 über diesem in einem etwas ausgehöhlten
Räume liegenden schwachen Spiralreifen besteht. Auf der
Schlusswindung, die nach unten in einen langen, schmalen
Kegel endigt, nimmt dann jener starke Spiralwulst den
obersten Theil des Kegels ein und ist er ungefähr 1 mm von
der Naht entfernt. Der letzte Umgang weist concentrische
Spiralfurchen auf, und zwar stehen diese Vertiefungen an
der Basis des Umganges dicht aneinander, dabei tiefer ein-
schneidend, so dass die dazwischenliegenden Partien als
Spiralrippen erscheinen, während in der Mittelpartie der
Schlusswindung die Spiraleinschnitte weiter voneinander
sich entfernen und seichter sind. Die Basalfurchen sind
mit zahlreichen feinen Querstrichelchen ausgestattet, und
ebenso ziehen über die einzelnen Umgänge des Gewindes
zarte Querstriche. Die Farbe des Gehäuses ist hellgelb, auf
dem Spiralwulste stehen in ziemlich regelmäßigen Entfer-
nungen abwechselnd mit Weißfärbung dunkelgelbe oder
gelbbraune Flecken, die sich oft nach oben zu ausdehnen,
und auch in der Mitte der letzten Windung stehen ein paar
Reihen größerer Flecken nebst den Spuren von kleineren,
radialartig angeordneten. Der Außenrand der sehr engen,
innen weiß gefärbten Mündung ist scharf und bildet einen
stark vorgezogenen Bogen, der oben, entsprechend dem
obersten vertieften Theile der Schlusswindung, einen con-
caven Einschnitt trägt.
Ich halte die eben beschriebene Kegelschnecke für
eine Localform des C. aculeiformis Rve. (Proc. Zool. Soc.
1843), als dessen Heimat bisher nur die indo-australischen
Gewässer gegolten haben, und sehe auch in C. sieboldi
Rve. (Jcon. f. 269), C. australis auct. (Tryon, Man. of
Conch. VI, p. 73) und C. (Leptoconus) saecularis Melvill
(Manch. Mem. XLII, 1898, No. 4, p. 10 des Sep., t. 1, gure
23; aus dem Persischen Golfe) nahverwandte Arten.
Translation. From station 88 (58 m); a few specimens.
The elongated, slender shell consists of a double cone.
The spire is high and fairly scalariform; from the smooth
and shiny protoconch that diers quite clearly from the
other parts of the spire, the upper part of the apex is
missing (one whorl or more). Around the third whorl the
sculpture begins, consisting of a sub-median, broad spiral
cord above the suture and two or three spiral threads in
the concave area above. On the last whorl, ending below
in a long, narrow cone, that strong spiral cord occupies
the topmost part of the cone at about 1 mm distance from
the suture. The body whorl has concentric spiral grooves;
these grooves are tightly arranged and deeply incised at
the base of whorl, so that they seem spiral ribs, while in
the middle section of the last whorl the spiral incisions
are faint and shallow. The basal grooves are equipped
with numerous ne spiral threads, which are also present
on the spire. The colour of the shell is light yellow, on
the spiral ridge dark yellow or yellow-brown ecks alter-
nate with white colour at fairly regular distances, often
expanding upwards; also in the middle of the last whorl
there are a few rows of larger spots. The lip of the very
narrow, inside white, mouth is sharp and forms a strong
elongated curve which, seen from above, carries a con-
cave incision at the top.
I think that the described cone snail is a local form of
C. aculeiformis Reeve (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1843), which has
been considered distributed only in the Indo-Australian
waters so far; I consider also closely related species: C.
sieboldi Reeve (Jcon. f. 269), C. australis auct. (Tryon,
Man. of Conch. VI, p. 73) and C. (Leptoconus) saecularis
Melvill (Manch. Mem. XLII, 1898, No. 4, p. 10 of Sep-
tember, t. 1, Fig. 23 from the Persian Gulf).
Comments. This form of Conus aculeiformis Reeve,
1844 is considered a synonym of Conasprella elegans
(G.B. Sowerby III, 1895) (Röckel et al. 1995).
Conus planiliratus f. batheon Sturany, 1903
Figure 27
Sturany, 1903: 227–228, plate IV, gures 6a–c, 7a–b.
Original localities. Stations 127, 128, 143, 145 (21 – 800 m)
(Eritrea, Red Sea; Table 1).
Type material. Figured syntype: NHMW 84227 (station
143), illustrated by Sturany (1903) in plate III, gures
6a–c, height 35.9 mm. Further syntypes: NHMW 84225
(station 127): 1 specimen, illustrated by Sturany (1903)
in plate IV, gure 7a–b; NHMW 84226 (station 128):
1 specimen; NHMW 84228 (station 143): 5 specimens;
NHMW 84229 (station 145): 2 specimens.
Original description. Von den Stationen 127, 128, 143,
145 (212—800 m).
Das milchglasartige Embryonalgewinde ist glatt, et-
was glänzend, blasenförmig. Auf den darauolgenden
Windungen ist ein wulstförmiger Kiel wahrzunehmen,
der anfangs in der Mitte liegt und einige Höcker trägt,
dann aber diese letzteren verliert und, sich etwas nach
unten verschiebend, nahtständig wird. Es erscheint mit-
hin der Umriss des Gewindes stufenförmig. Zwischen
dem Hauptwulste (Kiele) und der oberen Naht liegen
3 — 4 schwächere Längs- oder Spiralreifen. Auf der
Schlusswindung bildet jener Hauptwulst die Kante; der
Theil zwischen der Kante und der Naht ist etwas con-
cav und es entspricht ihm am Mündungsrande oben eine
einschnittartige Aushöhlung; die übrige mächtige Par-
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 26. Conus aculeiformis var. torensis Sturany, 1903, Station 88 (El Tor, Egypt, Red Sea). A–C. Figured syntype, NHMW
84223: front (A), right side (B), back (C). E–H. Syntype, NHMW 84224: front (E), right side (F), back (G), protoconch (H).
D. Original gure by Sturany (1903). Scale bars: A–C, E–G: 5 mm, H: 0.2 mm.
tie des letzten Umganges trägt eine größere Anzahl von
rippenförmigen Spiralreifen (und zwar sind diese gleich
stark in gleichen Zwischenräumen gelegen oder zwei und
zwei liegen zusammengedrängt oder es wechseln stärkere
und schwächere ab, ganz selten bleiben sie in der ober-
en Partie der Schlusswindung, ungefähr von der Kante
abwärts bis zur Hälfte, aus, indem sich hier bloß seichte
Spiralfurchen vornden). Die Zeichnung besteht aus dun-
kelgelben Flecken auf hellgelbem oder weißem Grunde,
die hauptsächlich auf dem Hauptwulste stehen, sich aber
auch quer über die Windungen lagern und auf der letz-
ten Windung zu zahlreichen, unregelmäßig gruppierten
Spiralreihen von Flecken anwachsen, von denen wieder
benachbarte verschmelzen können. Bei frischen Stücken
ist eine häutige Epidermis zu nden, die aus quer über
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods84
Figure 27. Conus planiliratus var. batheon Sturany, 1903. A–C. Figured syntype, NHMW 84227, Station 143 (Harmil Island,
Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea, Red Sea): front (A), right side (B), back (C). E–G. Figured syntype, NHMW 84225, Station 127 (Akik
Seghir, Eritrea, Red Sea): front (E), right side (F), back (G). I–L. Syntype, juvenile specimen, NHMW 84228, Station 143 (Harmil
Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea, Red Sea): front (I), right side (J), back (K), protoconch (L). D, H. Original gures by Sturany
(1903). Scale bars: A–C, E–G: 10 mm, I–K: 5 mm, L: 0.5 mm.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
die Umgänge streichenden Lamellen besteht und dem
darunterliegenden Kalktheile die Querstreifung mittheilt.
Die Mündung ist eng, innen weiß, scharfrandig.
Es fällt bei dieser Zusammenstellung auf, dass die Ex-
emplare aus größeren Tiefen schlanker sind, indem das
Gewinde höher aufgebaut ist.
Conus planiliratus wurde von Sowerby im Jahre 1870
ohne genaue Angabe eines Fundortes beschrieben (Proc.
Zool. Soc. p. 255, t. XXII, gure 1); nach der Abbildung
zu urtheilen, hatte sein Exemplar die Dimensionen 41 ½:
20: 34 ½,. — E. A. Smith, als Bearbeiter der »lnvesti-
gator«-Mollusken, gibt für diese Art den Fundort „O
Calicut, west coast of South India, in 45 fathoms“ an
und erwähnt, dass das größte Exemplar ein Ausmass von
58:27 mm besitzt (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) XIV, p. 159
[1894], pl III, g 2).
Mit Conus sulcatus haben die beschriebenen Exemplare
der »Pola«-Expedition die Berippung des letzten Umgan-
ges gemeinsam, während sie von ihm durch den geraden
Verlauf des Kieles (Wulstes) gut unterschieden sind.
Als nahestehende Form wäre schließlich auch noch
Conus (Leptoconus) dictator Melvill zu nennen (Manch.
Mem. XLII, 1898, p. 9 des Sep., plate 1, gure 10), welche
im Persischen Golfe in einer Tiefe von 10 Faden an der
Sheikh Shuaib-Insel in der Größe von 47: 20 mm ge-
funden wurde.
Translation. From stations 127, 128, 143, 145 (212-800 m).
The milk white protoconch is smooth, slightly glossy,
bubble-shaped. On the following whorls a cord-shaped
keel can be noticed, which is initially in the middle and
bears some tubercules, but then loses these, and moves
towards the suture. The shape of the spire appears there-
fore scalariform. Between the main cord (keels) and the
upper suture three to four weaker longitudinal or spiral
threads run. On the last whorl, that main cord forms the
keel; the part between the keel and the suture is slightly
concave, and it corresponds to a notch-like cavity on the
upper part of the lip; the rest of this massive part carries a
greater number of rib-shaped spiral cords (they are equal-
ly spaced, or they are clustered in pairs, or they are alter-
nately strong and weak; very rarely they are absent on the
upper part of the last whorl, roughly from the keel down
to the middle, here ne spiral threads can be found). The
pattern consists of dark yellow patches on light yellow or
white ground, these patches are mainly on the main band,
but also lay across the whorls and grow on the last whorl
to become numerous, irregularly clustered spiral rows of
spots, sometimes merging again. On fresh specimens, a
membranous periostracum can be found with transverse
lamellae crossing the whorls and overlaying on the trans-
verse threads on the underlying calcareous shell.
The aperture is narrow, white inside, with a sharp lip.
It is remarkable that specimens from greater depths are
slimmer with a higher spire.
Conus planiliratus was described by Sowerby in 1870
without specifying a precise locality (Proc. Soc. Zool. p.
255, t. XXII, gure 1); judging from the gure, his speci-
men had the dimensions 41.5 : 20 : 34.5 [mm]. In his de-
scription of the “lnvestigator” mollusks, E.A. Smith gives
for this species the location “o Calicut, West Coast of
South India, in 45 fathoms” and noted that the largest
specimen had a size of 58 : 27 mm (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.
(6) XIV, p. 159 [1894], pl. III, gure 2). The described
specimens of the “Pola” expedition share with Conus sul-
catus the ribbing of the last whorl, while they can be well
distinguished by the straight direction of the keel.
Finally, the closely related form Conus (Leptoconus)
dictator Melvill can be mentioned (Manch. Mem. XLII,
1898, p. 9 of September, plate 1, gure 10), which was
found in the Persian Gulf at a depth of 10 fathoms along
Sheikh Shuaib Island with the size of 47 : 20 mm.
Comments. The syntype illustrated in Figure 27E–G has
a distinctly heavier and ticker shell than the one illustrat-
ed in Figure 27A–C. Recent authors do not recognize
the validity of this taxon (Röckel et al. 1995; Tucker and
Tenorio 2013), but disagree on to which taxon this Co-
nus should be synonymized to: Röckel et al. 1995 sug-
gested Conus grangeri G.B. Sowerby III, 1900, whereas
Bouchet (2015) lists it as synonym of Conus inscriptus
Reeve, 1843.
Family Raphitomidae A. Bellardi, 1875
?Pleurotoma beblammena Sturany, 1903
Figure 28
Sturany, 1903: 231, plate III, gures 4a–b.
Type locality. Station 143, “nächst der Insel Harmil”
[near Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea]
17°7'N, 39°55'E, 212 m.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84256, height 9.2 mm.
Original description. Von der Station 143 (212 m); eine
unvollständige Schale.
Die milchweiße, durchscheinende Schale ist spindelför-
mig gebaut und besteht aus 8 Umgängen; die Mündung
ist nicht vollständig ausgebildet. Das Embryonalgewinde
besteht aus kaum 2 Umgängen, die zwar glatt erscheinen,
bei starker Vergrößerung jedoch eine feine Gittersculptur
erkennen lassen. Die folgenden 4 — 5 Umgänge besitzen
3 starke Spiralwülste, von denen der mittlere am meisten
hervortritt, und überdies in den Zwischenräumen noch
je einen schwachen Spiralreifen. Durch ziemlich engste-
hende, etwas bogig verlaufende Querwülste wird eine
Durchkreuzung der Spiralsculptur, mithin eine Cancel-
lierung des Gehäuses hervorgerufen. Auf der vorletzten
Windung treten zu den erwähnten Spiralwülsten noch 2
feinere Spiralreifen unten nächst der Naht; auf dem letz-
ten Umgange verlaufen viele solche Spiralreifen in dem
Raume zwischen der Einlenkung des Mundsaumes und der
Basis des Gehäuses, ein Abwechseln von stärkeren Spiral-
wülsten und zarteren Spiralreifen ist hier schon weniger
deutlich erkennbar. Die Spindelgegend ist abgeglättet, die
Basis der Spindel ist gedreht und etwas zurückgebogen.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods86
Figure 28. Pleurotoma beblammena Sturany, 1903, Station 143 (Harmil Island, Dahlak Archipelago, Eritrea, Red Sea). A. Original
gure by Sturany (1903). B–F. Holotype, NHMW 84256: front (B–C), right side (D), back (E), protoconch (F). Scale bars: B–E: 2
mm, F: 0.1 mm.
Die Höhe der Schale beträgt 9,7, die Breite 3,6 mm.
Die systematische Stellung der beschriebenen Form
ist im Hinblick auf die mangelhaft erhaltene Mündung
Translation. From station 143 (212 m); an incomplete shell.
The milk-white, translucent shell is fusiform and con-
sists of eight whorls; the aperture is incomplete. The
protoconch consists of barely two whorls, which seem
smooth, but seen under high magnication show a ne
cancellated sculpture. The following four-ve whorls
show three strong spiral ridges with the median one most
prominent, and in each interstice a weak spiral thread. The
spiral sculpture is crossed by particularly narrow, slightly
curved axial cords which cause a cancellated sculpture of
the shell. On the last whorl, between the mentioned spiral
cords two more ner spiral threads are visible below the
suture; on the last whorl many spiral threads continue be-
tween the [inner] lip and the base of the shell; here, an al-
ternation of stronger and ner spiral threads is indistinct.
The columellar area is smooth, the base of the columella
is twisted and slightly recurved.
The height of the shell is 9.7 mm, the width 3.6 mm.
The systematic position of the described form is prob-
lematic because of the poor condition of the aperture.
Comments. A further member of the genus Taranidaph-
ne Morassi & Bontto, 2001.
Clathurella dichroma Sturany, 1903
Figure 29
Sturany, 1903: 252, plate V, gures 5a–b.
Original locality: Locality 25, “Sherm Sheikh (Mersa
Sheikh)” [near Abu Ghusun, Egypt], 26°– 24°N.
Type material. Two syntypes: NHMW 37717 (locality
25), the specimen gured by Sturany (1903), plate V, g-
ures 5a–b has been segregated, its height is 4 mm.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 29. Clathurella dichroma Sturany, 1903, Locality 25 (Abu Ghusun, Egypt, Red Sea). A–D, F, H. Figured syntype, NHMW
37717: front (A–B), right side (C), back (D), microsculpture (F), protoconch (H). E. Original gure by Sturany (1903). G. Original
label. Scale bars: A–D: 0.5 mm, F, H: 0.1 mm.
Einschnitt. Die Höhe der Schale beträgt kaum 4 mm,
die Breite 1,7 mm, die Mündung ist nicht halb so hoch
wie das ganze Gehäuse.
Translation. From locality 25.
The new species, present only in two specimens, has
great similarity and relationship with C. rubroguttata H.
Adams (according to Tryon a synonym of tincta Reeve).
The shell consists of eight whorls, of which the rst
three form a brown apex; the apex is followed by a white
coloured whorl, then the dark or reddish-brown colour-
ing on part of the shell follows. Here there are tubercles,
Original description. Von der Localität 25.
Die neue Art, bloß in 2 Exemplaren vorliegend, hat
große Ähnlichkeit und Verwandtschaft mit C. rubro-
guttata H. Ad. (nach Tryon einem Synonym von tincta
Rve.). Die Schale besteht aus 8 Windungen, von denen
die 3 ersten einen braunen Apex bilden; auf den Apex
folgt ein Umgang in weißer Farbe, auf diesen erst die
mit dunkel- oder rothbrauner Färbung gezierte Ge-
häusepartie. Es sind hier die Knoten, welche die 3
Längs- (Spiral-) rippen mit den Querwülsten an den
Kreuzungsstellen bilden, abwechselnd weiß und roth-
braun gefärbt. Der äußere Mundrand trägt oben einen
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods88
Figure 30. Mangelia epicharis Sturany, 1903, Locality 16 (Jazirat Shakir, Egypt, Red Sea). A–D, F, H. Holotype, NHMW 37714:
front (A–B), right side (C), back (D), microsculpture (F), protoconch (H). E. Original gure by Sturany (1903). G. Original holo-
type label. Scale bars: A–D: 0.5 mm, F: 0.2 mm, H: 0.1 mm.
Mangilia (Glyphostoma) epicharis Sturany, 1903
Figure 30
Sturany, 1903: 251, plate VII, gures 2a–b.
Type locality. Locality 16, “Shadwan-Insel” [Jazirat Sha-
kir, Egypt], Northern Red Sea, 28°– 26°N.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 37714, height 4.2 mm.
Original description. Von der Localität 16.
Das einzige Exemplar, welches zur Aufstellung der
neuen Art Anlass gegeben hat, besitzt eine große Ähn-
formed by the intersection of three longitudinal (spiral)
cords with the axial ribs, coloured alternatively white and
reddish-brown. The outer lip bears an incision above. The
height of the shell is barely 4 mm, width 1.7 mm, the
mouth has less than half of the shell height.
Comments. This species clearly belongs to the genus
Pseudodaphnella Boettger, 1895 (Fedosov and Puillandre
2012). It is very closely related to Pseudodaphnella
barnardi (Brazier, 1876) and P. phaeogranulata Fedosov
& Puillandre, 2012.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
Figure 31. Elusa halaibensis Sturany, 1903, Locality 30 (Halayeb, Egypt, Red Sea). A. Original gure by Sturany (1903). B–F. Holo-
type, NHMW 37815: front (B–C), right side (D), back (E), protoconch (F). G. Original holotype label. Scale bars: B–E: 2 mm, F: 1 mm.
lichkeit mit Glyphostoma melanoxytum Herv. von Lifou
(Journ. de Conch. XLIV, 1896, p. 78, t. 3, gure 19). Die
Färbung, das Embryonalgewinde und die Größe der Her-
vier’schen Art stimmt, wie ich mich im Berliner Museum
an einem typischen Exemplar überzeugen konnte, mit den
entsprechenden Verhältnissen der neuen Art vollstän-
dig überein, hingegen bildet das tiefe Einschneiden der
Windungen, also die tiefgelegene Naht bei G. melanoxy-
tum ein wesentliches Unterscheidungsmerkmal. Das aus
4 Umgängen bestehende Embryonalgewinde ist eine dem
übrigen Gewinde gewissermaßen aufgesetzte Mütze von
gelber bis brauner Farbe. Die beiden ersten heller gefär-
bten Umgänge sind nur scheinbar glatt, denn sie weisen,
unter dem Mikroskope betrachtet, eine feinste Punkti-
erung auf; auf sie folgen braunfärbige Umgänge mit ein-
er aus schief gekreuzten Linien gebildeten Gittersculptur.
Die nun folgenden 4 Hauptwindungen sind stug abge-
setzt, mit Spiral- und Querwülsten ausgestattet, weiß
in der Grundfarbe und mit unregelmäßig verlaufenden
braunen Quer- und Spirallinien geziert. Das ganze Ge-
häuse ist 4,6 mm hoch und 2 mm breit.
Translation. From locality 16.
The only specimen available from this new species has
a great similarity with Glyphostoma melanoxytum Her-
vier from Lifou (Journ. de Conch. XLIV, 1896, p. 78, t.
3, Fig. 19). The colour, the protoconch and the size of
Her vier’s species are identical to the newly described
species, as I was able to study type specimens in the Mu-
seum in Berlin, but the deep incision of the whorls and
therefore the deep suture of G. melanoxytum is a signi-
cant distinguishing feature. The protoconch, consisting of
four whorls, is put like a yellow to brown cap on the spire.
The rst two lighter coloured whorls are only apparently
smooth: viewed under the microscope, they show a ne
dotting; then brown coloured whorls follow with oblique-
ly crossed lines forming a cancellated sculpture. The
following four main whorls are scalariform with spiral
ridges and varices, white in colour and decorated with
irregularly brown transverse and spiral lines. The entire
shell is 4.6 mm high and 2 mm wide.
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods90
Figure 32. Syrnola trivittata Sturany, 1903 (Bitter Lakes, Suez Canal). A–E, J. Figured syntype, NHMW 37814: front (A–B),
right side (C–D), back (E), protoconch (J). F–H. Syntype, NHMW 37814: front (F), right side (G), back (H). I. Original gure by
Sturany (1903). K. Original label. Scale bars: A–H: 1 mm, J: 0.1 mm.
Family Pyramidellidae A. Adams, 1860
Elusa halaibensis Sturany, 1903
Figure 31
Sturany, 1903: 259, plate VI, gures 11a–b.
Type locality. Locality 30, “Mersa Halaib” [Halayeb,
Egypt], 24°– 22°N.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 37815, height 12.2 mm.
Original description. Von der Localität 30: eine einzige
Von der langgestreckten Schale sind 11 langsam
anwachsende Umgänge erhalten, das Spitzchen fehlt.
Unregelmäßig angeordnete Flecken von brauner bis vio-
letter Farbe, welche wohl aus aufgelösten Spiralbinden
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
hervorgegangen sind, nden sich über das Gehäuse
verbreitet, die violette Farbe ist besonders auf dem
letzten Umgange ausgeprägt. Das ganze Gehäuse misst
12 mm in der Höhe, 3,7 mm in der Breite, die Mündung
ist sehr schmal und 3,5 mm hoch; die Spindel ist mit einer
größeren Falte und 2 ganz kleinen unter dieser gelegenen
Falten besetzt.
Die neue Art ist mit E. brunneo-maculata Melv. (Mem.
Proc. Manch. Lit. et Philos. Soc. 1896/97, p. 13, plate 6,
gure 5) nahe verwandt.
Translation. From location 30: a single shell.
Elongated shell, with 11 slowly growing whorls, the
apex is missing. Irregularly arranged ammules of brown
to violet in colour are found spread throughout the whole
shell and probably derive from a dissolved spiral band, the
purple colour is particularly prominent on the last whorl.
The whole shell measures 12 mm in height, 3.7 mm in
width, the mouth is very narrow and 3.5 mm high; the col-
umella has one larger fold and two smaller ones below it.
The new species is closely related to E. brunneo-
macul ata Melvill (Mem. Proc. Manch. Lit. et Philos. Soc.
1896-97, p. 13, plate 6, gure 5.
Syrnola trivittata Sturany, 1903
Figure 32
Sturany, 1903: 259, plate VII, gures 8a–b.
Original locality: Bitter Lakes in the Suez Canal.
Type material. Two syntypes: NHMW 37814 (Bitter
Lakes), the specimen gured by Sturany (1903), plate VII,
gures 8a–b has been segregated, its height is 5.2 mm.
Original description. 2 Exemplare aus dem Bittersee im
Das abgebildete Gehäuse ist 5 ½ mm hoch und 1 ½ mm
breit und besteht aus 10 achen Umgängen. Die Anfangs-
windungen sind glashell und geben dem Gehäuse einen
kugeligen Abschluss nach oben; die darauolgenden
Umgänge haben eine gelblichgrüne Binde auf weißem
Grunde, der besonders oben gegen die Naht zu binden-
förmig hervortritt (die Naht sieht hier fadenförmig aus);
noch weiter nach unten treten 2, auf der Schlusswindung
sogar 3 Spiralbinden von der genannten Färbung auf.
Die Mündung ist ungefähr 1 mm hoch und trägt eine
schwache Falte auf der Spindel.
Das zweite Exemplar misst 6.2 mm hat 11 Umgänge
und undeutliche Spiralbinden.
Die besprochene Form ist am ehesten mit S. tincta
Ang. (Australien) zu vergleichen, die ich am Berliner Mu-
seum zu sehen Gelegenheit hatte.
Translation. Two specimens from the Bitter Lake in the
Suez Canal.
The gured shell is 5.5 mm high and 1.5 mm wide
and consists of 10 at whorls. The protoconch is crys-
tal clear and give the shell a globular completion on top;
the subsequent whorls have a yellowish green band on
white background, such white background is particularly
visible as a band close to the suture (the suture seems
liform); further down the shell, two, on the last whorl
even three, spiral bands of the mentioned colour appear.
The aperture is approximately 1 mm high and has a light
fold on the columella.
The second specimen is 6.2 mm and it has 11 whorls
and indistinct spiral bands.
The described form is compared best with S. tincta
Angus (Australia), which I had the opportunity to see at
the Berlin Museum.
Family Haminoeidae Pilsbry, 1895
Atys (Roxania) lithensis Sturany, 1903
Figure 33
Sturany, 1903: 235, plate VI, gures 2a–b.
Type locality. Station 114, “zwischen Suakim und Lith”
[between Suakin, Sudan, and Al Lith, Saudi Arabia],
19°38'N, 37°55'E, 535 m.
Type material. Holotype: NHMW 84291, height 12.2 mm.
Original description. Von der Station 114 (535m); ein
einziges Exemplar.
Das kleine, weiße Gehäuse, dessen Gewinde einge senkt
ist, so dass eigentlich nur der letzte Umgang frei bleibt,
ist stichförmig genabelt und besitzt zahlreiche, spiral an-
geordnete Reihen von Pünktchen. Die Mündung überragt
oben ein wenig die Ebene des Gewindes und hat eine
Höhe von 3 ½ mm die Breite der Schale beträgt 2 ½ mm.
In Gestalt und Sculptur erinnert diese Conchylie leb-
haft an die mediterrane Atys (Roxania) utriculus Brocchi
einerseits und an die japanische A. (Roxania) punctulata
A. Ad. anderseits, aber auch mit Cylichna noronyensis
Watson könnte sie verwandt sein.
Translation. From station 114 (535m); a single specimen.
Small white shell, the spire is sunk so that only the last
whorl is visible, the umbilicus is stitch-shaped and has
numerous, spirally arranged rows of dots. The aperture
reaches slightly above the spire and has a height of 3.5
mm, the width of the shell is 2.5 mm.
In shape and sculpture this shell vividly resembles
on one hand the mediterranean Atys (Roxania) utricu-
lus Brocchi, on the other hand the japanese A. (Roxania)
punctulata A. Adams, but may also be related to Cylichna
noronyensis Watson.
Comments. This species was assigned to Roxania by
Dekker and Orlin (2000: 34) and Janssen in Janssen and
Tavia ni (2015: 527).
Albano, P.G. et al.: Types of Sturany’s Red Sea gastropods92
Figure 33. Atys lithensis Sturany, 1903, Station 144 (between Suakin, Sudan, Al Lith, Saudi Arabia, Red Sea). A. Original gure by
Sturany (1903). B–H. Holotype, NHMW 84291: front (B–C), right side (D–E), back (F), microsculpture (G–H). Scale bars: B–F: 0.5 mm,
G–H: 0.25 mm.
Zoosyst. Evol. 93 (1) 2017, 45–94
We wish to thank Helmut Sattmann, Head of the 3rd
Zoological Department of the Natural History Museum
in Vienna, who allowed access and work on Sturany’s
types. Dan Topa helped during SEM imaging and Nesrine
Akkari gave assistance on the use of the light microscope.
Christine Zorn, Natural History Museum in Berlin,
provided information on Stylifer thielei. Antonio Bontto,
Alexander Fedosov, Daniel Geiger, David Herbert, Alan
Kohn, Mauro Morassi, and Anders Warén contributed to
the text by writing comments or providing information
on the taxonomy of many Sturany’s taxa. Wolfgang
Brunnbauer, librarian of the Zoological Library of the
Natural History Museum in Vienna, helped tracing the
editions of Sturany’s works.
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... The depth of taxonomic assignment varies across taxa, mostly reflecting the available knowledge on these groups in the Indo-Pacific province (the source pool of most nonindigenous species in the Eastern Mediterranean). For families like the Triphoridae, some of us (PGA, PAJB, and BS) have been conducting taxonomic research for a long time and we have thus been able to describe new species as we have robust knowledge of inter-and intraspecific variability and of type specimens (Albano et al. 2011(Albano et al. , 2017Albano and Bakker 2016). For other families, like the Eulimidae, we focused our attention on highlighting differences from native species and similarities with Indo-Pacific species, because a more thorough coverage would have required revising the taxonomy of entire Indo-Pacific species-groups, a task well beyond our objectives. ...
... The species shows a broad distribution in the Eastern Mediterranean ranging from Greece to Turkey and Cyprus (Micali et al. 2017;Stamouli et al. 2017;Angelidis and Polyzoulis 2018;Chartosia et al. 2018). Its final taxonomic assignment requires the clarification of the relation between several other Viriola such as V. corrugata (Hinds, 1843), V. senafirensis (Sturany, 1903), and V. tricincta (Dunker, 1882) (Albano and Bakker 2016;Albano et al. 2017. ...
... This species can be distinguished from Mediterranean Melanella by its gently curved whorls, straight spire with fewer whorls and thinner shell than most species. It superficially resembles the Red Sea "Eulima" orthophyes Sturany, 1903 (type illustrated by Albano et al. (2017)), which can be distinguished because of its slightly bent apical whorls and the unusual pustulous sculpture of the protoconch. The species presented here is apparently already widespread in the Eastern Mediterranean (Agamennone et al. 2020a). ...
Full-text available
New data on 52 non-indigenous mollusks in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea is reported. Fossarus sp. (aff. aptus sensu Blatterer 2019), Coriophora lessepsiana Albano, Bakker & Sabelli, sp. nov. , Cerithiopsis sp. aff. pulvis, Joculator problematicus Albano & Steger, sp. nov. , Cerithiopsis sp., Elachisina sp., Iravadia aff. elongata, Vitrinella aff. Vitrinella sp. 1 (sensu Blatterer 2019), Melanella orientalis , Parvioris aff. dilecta, Odostomia cf. dalli, Oscilla virginiae , Parthenina cossmanni , Parthenina typica , Pyrgulina craticulata , Turbonilla funiculata , Cylichna collyra , Musculus coenobitus , Musculus aff. viridulus, Chavania erythraea , Scintilla cf. violescens, Iacra seychellarum and Corbula erythraeensis are new records for the Mediterranean. An unidentified gastropod, Skeneidae indet., Triphora sp., Hypermastus sp., Sticteulima sp., Vitreolina cf. philippi, Odostomia (s.l.) sp. 1, Henrya (?) sp., and Semelidae sp. are further potential new non-indigenous species although their status should be confirmed upon final taxonomic assessment. Additionally, the status of Dikoleps micalii , Hemiliostraca clandestina comb. nov. and H. athenamariae comb. nov. is changed to non-indigenous, range extensions for nine species and the occurrence of living individuals for species previously recorded from empty shells only are reported. Opimaphora blattereri Albano, Bakker & Sabelli, sp. nov. is described from the Red Sea for comparison with the morphologically similar C. lessepsiana Albano, Bakker & Sabelli, sp. nov. The taxonomic part is followed by a discussion on how intensive fieldwork and cooperation among institutions and individuals enabled such a massive report, and how the poor taxonomic knowledge of the Indo-Pacific fauna hampers non-indigenous species detection and identification. Finally, the hypothesis that the simultaneous analysis of quantitative benthic death assemblages can support the assignment of non-indigenous status to taxonomically undetermined species is discussed.
... We here conclude our work to document the type specimens of Sturany's marine taxa, started with the Red Sea gastropods (Albano et al. 2017) and continued with the deep-sea Mediterranean species , by treating the bivalves described from the Red Sea. We provide high-quality optical and SEM images and, to help overcome the language barrier, we translate all original German descriptions into English. ...
... However, preprints ("Besonders abgedruckt") with double pagination were published in 1899 (date on their frontispiece) and are present in the library of the Natural History Museum of Vienna; therefore, this should be considered the correct year of publication for all new names. A similar situation occurred for some Red Sea gastropods (Albano et al. 2017). ...
Full-text available
Rudolf Sturany, the curator of molluscs of the Natural History Museum of Vienna between the late 19 th and early 20 th century described 21 species of bivalves from the Red Sea collected by the pioneering expeditions of the vessel “Pola” which took place between 1895 and 1898. We here list and illustrate the type material of these species, provide the original descriptions, a translation into English, and curatorial and taxonomic comments. All species are illustrated in colour and with SEM imaging. To stabilize the nomenclature, we designate lectotypes for Gastrochaena weinkauffi , Cuspidaria brachyrhynchus , and C. dissociata , whose type series contained specimens belonging to other species. This paper concludes the series on the type specimens of marine molluscs described by Sturany from the “Pola” expeditions.
... Previous studies of type material (Albano & Bakker 2016;Albano et al 2017Albano et al , 2019 already provide information on 162 Triphoridae species preserved in the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien in Vienna, and in the Natural History Museum of the United Kingdom in London. Here, additional information is provided on four species names of Triphoridae and a listing of the types of 20 Atlantic species deposited in the collection of Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NBC), Leiden, the Netherlands. ...
Full-text available
The Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NBC) holds type specimens of 24 taxa of worldwide Triphoridae. For historical specimens (pre-World War II) the species name in its original combination is provided, followed by bibliographic details of the original description, the location of the known type material, the original description, a diagnosis, nomenclatural notes and illustrations of the type specimens and original labels. For more recently described species information is provided on the type locality and type material. The name Triphora raoulensis is an unpublished manuscript name by T. Iredale, “co-type” specimens are deposited in the NBC and National Museum of Wales (NMW), and the name is considered unavailable.
... In a series of illustrated catalogues, we revised the type material of the marine species described by Rudolf Sturany, curator of the molluscan collection at the Natural History Museum in Vienna between 1889 and 1922 (Albano et al. 2017(Albano et al. , 2018(Albano et al. , 2019. Sturany worked on samples collected during the "Pola" expeditions to the Mediterranean and Red Sea (Schefbeck 1996;Stagl 2012) introducing 15 names for the eastern Mediterranean Sea and 56 from the Red Sea. ...
Full-text available
Rudolf Sturany published a series of papers describing multiple gastropods and bivalves from the Red Sea collected during the expeditions of the vessel “Pola” between 1895 and 1898. In a less known paper, he introduced the genus Levanderia (Galeommatidae) and described three more species from the Red Sea: Drillia levanderi , Levanderia erythraeensis and Raeta jickelii . We here list and illustrate their type material, provide the original description, a translation into English and curatorial and taxonomic comments.
... Queste forme sono state rin venute in numerose località assieme ad esemplari "tipi ci" di D. gibberula a vari stadi di sviluppo, comprese al cune della Sicilia nordorientale nell'areale di P. piccirid da (Fig. 2B) (Palazzi & Villari, 2001;Vazzana, 2010). So spettiamo quindi che questa specie non sia altro che una forma giovanile di Diodora Gray, 1821, ed in questo con cordiamo con l'opinione di Geiger espressa in Albano et al. (2017). Nel materiale esaminato, la selenizona è più o meno evidente per trasparenza quando la conchiglia è osservata in posizione ventrale, ma questo carattere non è risultato diagnostico. ...
Full-text available
The outcomes of the examination of shelled micromolluscs found in sediments of the circalittoral zone from N Lastovo Island (Croatia) are here given. 407 species was found, many of which constitute are new records for the E Adriatic Sea and Croatia, among them: Parachiton africanus (Nierstrasz, 1906), Sinezona semicostata Burnay & Rolán, 1990, Dikoleps umbilicostriata (Gaglini, 1987), Vitreolina cionella (Monterosato, 1878), Alvania subareolata Monterosato, 1869, Alvania tenera (Philippi, 1844), Alvania weinkauffi jacobusi Oliverio, Amati & Nofroni, 1986, Atys macandrewi Smith E. A., 1872 and Tellimya semirubra (Gaglini, 1992). It is noteworthy that some species found in our material enerally show a deeper vertical distribution.
... Remarks: This striking shell cannot be misidentified with any native Mediterranean triphorid. It belongs to a taxonomically difficult group of Viriola species whose validity is still uncertain, such as V. corrugata (Hinds, 1843), V. senafirensis (Sturany, 1903) and V. tricincta (Dunker, 1882) (Albano and Bakker 2016; Albano et al. 2017). The Mediterranean specimens are closely similar to V. bayani in the colour pattern of white fletches on brown background and in the sculpture of obsolete orthocline axial riblets between the main spiral cords, a conclusion also shared by Angelidis and Polyzoulis (2018). ...
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We report new findings of non-indigenous Indo-Pacific molluscs from shallow water habitats off Israel, Greece and Egypt, eastern Mediterranean Sea. The bivalves Pillucina vietnamica Zorina, 1978 and Alveinus miliaceus (Issel, 1869) were collected from sandy bottoms off Israel, whereas Gregariella cf. ehrenbergi (Issel, 1869) was recovered from a buoy originating from Port Said, Egypt, and stranded on the Israeli coast. The three species are first records for the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, we report range extensions for several gastropods: Varicopeza pauxilla (A. Adams, 1855) is recorded from Israel, Phidiana militaris (Alder and Hancock, 1864) from southern Israel (Ashqelon), and Viriola cf. bayani Jousseaume, 1884 from Israel and Crete. Shells and valves of an unidentified lucinid bivalve morphologically distinct from any known Mediterranean species were found along the Israeli Mediterranean shore.
... Therefore, the species included in Gemmulimitra constitute two conchologically distinctive groups: species in the first group have a typical sculpture of gemmate cords, such as G. neocaledonica sp. nov., G. boucheti (Fig. 21C), G. strongae (Fig. 21D) and G. gonatophora (holotype figured by Albano et al., 2017), while species in the second group have continuous, smooth spiral cords, such as G. avenacea (Fig. 21E), G. edgari and G. rubiginosa (Fig. 21F). Species of the first group closely resemble Fusidomiporta ponderi sp. ...
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Alongside confirmation of the monophyly of the gastropod family Mitridae, a recent molecular phylogenetic analysis disclosed multiple inconsistencies with the existing taxonomic framework. In the present study, we expanded the molecular sampling to 103 species, representing 26% of the 402 extant species currently accepted in the family and 16 of the 19 currently accepted extant genera; 83 species were sequenced for four molecular markers [cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S and 12S rRNA, and H3 (Histone 3)]. Molecular analyses were supplemented by morphological studies, focused on characters of the radula and, in a more restricted data set, proboscis anatomy. These data form the basis for a revised classification of the Mitridae. A first dichotomy divides mitrids into two unequal clades, Charitodoron and the Mitridae s.s. Species of Charitodoron show profound differences to all other Mitridae in foregut anatomy (lacking an epiproboscis) and shell morphology (smooth columella, bulbous protoconch of non-planktotrophic type), which leads to the erection of the separate family Charitodoronidae fam. nov. Three traditional subfamilies (Mitrinae, Cylindromitrinae and Imbricariinae) correspond to three of the inferred phylogenetic lineages of Mitridae s.s.; we redefine their contents, reinstate Strigatellinae Troschel, 1869 as valid and establish the new subfamily Isarinae. In the absence of molecular material, a sixth subfamily, Pleioptygmatinae, is included in Mitridae based on morphological considerations only. To resolve the polyphyly of Mitra and Cancilla in their current taxonomic extension, we reinstate the genera Episcomitra Monterosato, 1917, Isara H. & A. Adams, 1853 and Probata Sarasúa, 1989 and establish 11 new genera: Quasimitra, Roseomitra, Fusidomiporta, Profundimitra, Cancillopsis, Pseudonebularia, Gemmulimitra and Neotiara in Mitrinae; Imbricariopsis in Imbricariinae; Carinomitra and Condylomitra are left unassigned to a subfamily. Altogether 32 genera are recognized within the family. Their diversity and distribution are discussed, along with general trends in morphological evolution of the family.
We review the type specimens belonging to 71 species of Indo-Pacific Triphoridae Gray, 1847 stored in the Musum national d'Histoire naturelle in Paris. We provide detailed information on the original description, a diagnosis according to the most recently recognized diagnostic characters, and curatorial and nomenclatorial notes. The lots of Triforis (Iniforis) mirifica var. lifuana Hervier, 1898, Mastonia funebris Jousseaume, 1884, Mastonia issa Jousseaume, 1898, Inella numerosa Jousseaume, 1898, Mastonia obesula Jousseaume, 1884, Obesula pantherina Jousseaume, 1898, Mastonia peanites Jousseaume, 1898, Inella perimensis Jousseaume, 1898, Inella rossiteri Jousseaume, 1884 and Obesula senilis Jousseaume, 1898 contained specimens belonging to multiple species and we here designate lectotypes to stabilize nomenclature. We invalidate the neotype designation of T. pupaeformis Deshayes, 1863 because of significant differences between the neotype and Deshayes' original description. Triforis plicatus Deshayes, 1834 is a Newtoniellidae Korobkov, 1955. Finally, we consider the name Triphora lamyi Selli, 1974 unavailable. Revue des types de Triphoridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) de l'Indo-Pacifique au Musum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. Nous passons en revue les spcimens types appartenant 71 espces de Triphoridae Gray, 1847 de l'Indo-Pacifique conservs au Musum national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. Nous fournissons des informations dtailles sur la description originale, une diagnose selon les caractres diagnostiques les plus rcemment reconnus, et des notes sur la conservation et la nomenclature. Les lots de Triforis (Iniforis) mirifica var. lifuana Hervier, 1898, Mastonia funebris Jousseaume, 1884, Mastonia issa Jousseaume, 1898, Inella numerosa Jousseaume, 1898, Mastonia obesula Jousseaume, 1884, Obesula pantherina Jousseaume, 1898, Mastonia peanites Jousseaume, 1898, Inella perimensis Jousseaume, 1898, Inella rossiteri Jousseaume, 1884 et Obesula senilis Jousseaume, 1898 contenaient des spcimens appartenant plusieurs espces et nous dsignons ici des lectotypes pour stabiliser la nomenclature. Nous invalidons la dsignation du notype de T. pupaeformis Deshayes, 1863 en raison de diffrences importantes entre le notype et la description originale de Deshayes. Triforis plicatus Deshayes, 1834 est un Newtoniellidae Korobkov, 1955. Enfin, nous considrons que le nom Triphora lamyi Selli, 1974 n'est pas disponible.
The microgastropod family Triphoridae is one of the five most diverse marine molluscan families. It likely hosts a few thousand species worldwide, but its taxonomy has long been considered challenging due to the high diversity and subtle morphological characters needed for species delimitation. Consequently, only a small portion of the species appears to be formally described to date. However, further taxonomic work should be based on robust knowledge on the numerous names introduced so far. In this perspective, we have here compiled a list of all published names that can be attributed to the fossil and extant Triphoridae. We list 958 species and 75 genus names, of which 771 are known as extant species and 146 as fossil species, 41 are known from both fossil and extant records. We provide information on type locality and horizon, type material, synonymy and homonymy. Importantly, based on the review of hundreds of publications, we provide a preliminary overview of the geographic and stratigraphic distribution.
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We revise the type specimens of 132 nominal species of worldwide Triphoridae stored in the Natural History Museum of the United Kingdom (NHMUK), London. We provide the species name in its original combination, followed by bibliographic details of the original description, the location of the known type material, the original description (and its translation when in Latin), a diagnosis and curatorial or nomenclatural notes. We illustrated most specimens in the type series in colour and with SEM imaging and we have added the original figure whenever possible. The specimens of Triphoris alveolatus, T. granulatus, T. suturalis and T. verrucosus, all A. Adams & Reeve, 1850, T. pfeifferi Crosse & Fischer, 1865 and T. cucullatus de Folin, 1867, previously considered type material, are not considered here belonging to the type series. Adams & Reeve’s taxa should be considered nomina dubia. The name Triphora insularum is a manuscript name by H.E.J. Biggs who deposited “types” in the NHMUK but refrained from introducing the name due to the lack of apex of the studied material. We selected lectotypes for six species (T. concors Hinds, 1843, T. maxillaris Hinds, 1843, T. fuscomaculata E.A. Smith, 1904, T. shepstonensis E.A. Smith, 1906, T. eupunctata G.B. Sowerby III, 1907, and T. rufula Watson, 1886) to stabilize the nomenclature. Finally, we illustrate original specimens (although not types) of three species described by Turton, whose type material is lost.
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Jacques Philippe Raymond Draparnaud (1772–1804) was one of the most prominent malacologists at the transition from the 18th to the 19th century. His contribution to systematic malacology lies in a fundamental taxonomic work with the description of the continental malacofauna of France. He established a number of new taxa and many of them are still accepted as valid. Fortunately, most of the type series from Draparnaud’s collection are still present, being kept at the Museum of Natural History in Vienna, Austria. In this article we provide, besides a short historical review, information on the type series of species and varieties described by Draparnaud (1801a, 1805). In total 22 freshwater gastropod and bivalve species are presented and relevant information on species identity, synonymy, and taxonomic position of the type series is given. The lectotype for Limneus minuta Draparnaud, 1801 (= Galba truncatula O.F. Müller, 1774) is designated.
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On the occasion of Georg von Frauenfeld’s 200th anniversary a short overview of his malacological publications is presented and the validity of his published species is looked at from today’s perspective.
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The semi-enclosed and narrow Red Sea basin is characterized by bathyal zones in its axial sectors. It is determined by extreme hydrological parameters regarding its deep-water salinity and temperature which are a serious challenge to be coped with by deep-water benthos. Besides, it is separated from the adjacent Indian Ocean (Gulf of Aden) by a remarkably shallow sill that not only opposes easy transit for deep-water benthos but also exerts a strong control on the basin’s hydrology budget during sea-level fluctuations, likely causing pulsing basin-wide extinctions at times of low stands. Among the relevant macrobenthic groups inhabiting the deep Red Sea, Mollusca stand out as the more diverse phylum. Although the full taxonomic appreciation of the Red Sea deep-water molluscs is still unresolved, as many as 262 species are recorded to date from depths below 400 m (163 Gastropoda, 94 Bivalvia, 4 Scaphopoda, and 1 Polyplacophora). Part of this fauna is represented by eurybathic species with a wide bathymetric range. A substantial aliquot is equipped with a larval strategy (planktotrophy) in principle enabling the crossing of the shallow sill from the Gulf of Aden. Various taxa occur also in the Indo-West Pacific and only a few are putatively considered as Red Sea endemics.
Fusinus dovpeledi new species from the Red Sea is described. The new species is distinguished by shell characters from the similar Red Sea species F. leptorhynchus (Tapparone-Canefri, 1875,) and from F. colus longicauda (Lamarck, 1801) from southeastern Africa. New range records are provided for F. bifrons (Sturany, 1900) and F. arabicus (Mehill, 1898).
More than 11,350 species group taxa have at one time or another been assigned to the Conoidean gastropod group commonly referred to as turrids. A catalog including Recent and fossil species belonging to the Drilliidae, Pseudomelatomidae, Strictispiridae, Turridae, and six of the seven subfamilies of the Conidae is presented. Species described in the Terebridae and the Coninae ( sensu stricto) are excluded. The catalog is descriptive and no new generic assignments are made nor are new synonymies proposed. However, much of the secondary literature is also reviewed for each taxon, allowing previously proposed synonymies and generic assignments to be quickly found and evaluated. Preliminary analysis of the taxa included found temporal and geographical variation in the make up of Conoidean faunas. In general, Conidae ( sensu stricto) have increased in importance, whereas Turridae have declined in importance from Cretaceous to Recent. In all extant faunas, Conidae ( sensu stricto) dominate and range from 44.8% to 91.5% of the faunas from broadly defined geographic regions. Species diversity is high with more than 3000 Recent taxa potentially valid species. With a 38 species/ year rate of species description, the number of valid Recent species could increase by one- third in the next 50 years. Because slightly more than one- half of the taxa are fossil species and description of new species is rapid among the fossils, known diversity is also increasing among fossil taxa. Unfortunately a large number of species- level taxa were found that are little known and need study to determine their place in turrid systematics. Regardless, the catalog provides a foundation for future studies of these important marine carnivorous gastropods.