
Hagerman’s first contribution to the school industry is “The Sound of Science.” In this high energy show, students gain an appreciation of something they take for granted every day: sound. Sound is not only used for entertainment and communication, but it is used in a variety of different ways. From the basics to the advanced, Hagerman teaches the concept of sound and its many applications in a very funny fashion that will leave the students and teachers wanting more!

Using gadgets such as an electronic keyboard, an oscilloscope, a mega phone, tuning forks, and other fun tools, Hagerman teaches about the amplitude, frequency, and tone quality of sound. Breaking the sound barrier is easy with a bull whip and a brave volunteer. Beating to the beat of a crazy drummer, Hagerman easily blows out a candle some distance away with a bass drum. Other many exciting demonstrations cover how sound is made, changed, manipulated and measured.

With a masterfully crafted show and contagious enthusiasm for all things science, Hagerman makes learning fun for every student sitting in the audience. The science of sound assembly combines humor, excitement, and an abundance of knowledge to teach kids about sound in a way that sticks.

We offer multiple variations of our Sound of Science show to suit students of different ages. Assemblies for pre-kindergarten through second grade feature simplified terminology and lessons alongside the same level of fun and excitement. Shows for older grades are more advanced, but the fun remains as kids get to discover the awe-inspiring principles of sound through age-appropriate humor and wild demonstrations.

The moment the first students walk into the room for the science of sound assembly, Hagerman has their attention. Playing entertaining music on the keyboard that the students all know and love, he keeps the students focused before the show starts. This program has received great reviews all over the country!!

Caution: If you suffer intense abdominal pain from extreme laughing, book someone else.