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Barrett’s Esophagus – Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Written by Kausalya on

Barrett's esophagus is a disease in which the esophagus or tissue that connects the mouth and stomach of the human body gets replaced by the tissue similar to the intestine lining. A person suffering from this syndrome tends to have an obsessive f People who have long term gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD are often found affected by it. The reason behind this condition is damage done by the exposure to acid from the stomach. In some cases, it has been found out that Barrett's esophagus developed into esophageal cancer. Hence it becomes essential to have regular checkups and diagnosis for precancerous cells or dysplasia.

3D medical animation showing Barrett's Esophagus
3D medical animation showing Barrett's Esophagus


This medical condition doesn’t produce any significant symptoms as the tissue changes. As most of the people diagnosed with it have GERD, heartburn becomes a common symptom of this medical condition. Some other prominent symptoms include:

  • Chest pain (less common)
  • Difficulty while swallowing
  • Passage of bloody, tarry or black stools
  • Vomiting of blood / resembling coffee grounds

Patients who have been suffering from heartburn or acid reflux from the past 5 years or more, should consult a doctor for diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus.  


According to medical research resources, the root cause of this medical condition hasn’t been identified yet. In GERD, muscles at the bottom of the esophagus work abnormally. Due to this, the food and acid from the stomach aren’t blocked to come back. As the cells try to heal themselves, they can transform into the type of cells found in Barrett's esophagus. The abnormal functioning turns into an abnormality through long-term exposure. Patients who don’t have GERD are also at risk of developing Barrett's esophagus.

Over time, the cells of the lining of the esophagus develop into precancerous cells which in turn transform into cancerous cells. This may not be necessary, but chances are there that it can happen.

This disease can be diagnosed more in men than women, and mostly after they become 55 years old or above. Some of the patients who have been diagnosed have never experienced heartburn or acid reflux.

Current and past smoking have also been the risk factors that may increase the chances of developing Barrett's esophagus. Body fat around the abdomen can also induce the risk of the disease.


Patients of Barrett's esophagus are given treatment on the level of dysplasia they have. Some of the popular treatments that have been used on the patients after proper diagnosis, as per medical resources include:

Low grade or no dysplasia: Patients with low or no dysplasia are recommended treatments through which the GERD symptoms can be managed. These medications include proton pump inhibitors and H2-receptor antagonists.

Some patients have been recommended surgeries in some of the cases which include:

Nissen fundoplication: Through this surgery, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) can be strengthened through wrapping the top of the stomach around the LES.

LINX: A LINX device, made up of tiny metal beads is inserted around the lower esophagus that keeps the contents of a patient’s stomach from leaking into the esophagus.  

Cryotherapy: In this medical procedure, an endoscope dispenses cold gas or liquid that helps to freeze the abnormal cells which are allowed to thaw and then freeze again. This process is carried out again and again till the abnormal cells die out.Stretta Procedure: In this procedure, radio waves are used to cause modifications in the muscles of the esophagus connecting the stomach. Through this, the strength of muscles increases and the reflex of the stomach decreases. 

Disclaimer: The information in no way constitutes, or should be construed as medical advice. Nor is the above article an endorsement of any research findings discussed in the article an endorsement for any of the source publications.


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