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A Monograph of the Lichen Genus

Pseudoparmelia Lynge (Parmeliaceae)

Mason E. Hale, Jr.

City of IVashington

Hale, Mason E., J r . A Alonograpli of the Lichen Genus Pse~idopai~melia Lynge

(Parmeliaceae). S m i f h s o n i a n Contl-ibzitions to Botany, number 31, 62 pages, 18
figures, 197(i.--A ~vorldmonograph ot the genus Pseiidopai-melia is presented.
T h e r e are 76 species, most occurring i n dry subtemperate to tropical areas a n d
especially concentrated i n the arid scrub lands of South Africa, Australia, a n d
Brazil. T h e genus is characterized 13) a n unusually high number of species with
di1,aricatic acid a n d related orcinol depsitles. T h e following new species are
described: P. callicliroa KnrokaMa, P. concornitnns Hale, P. conlabiosa Hale,
P. dahlii Hale, P . ncoquintal-ia Hale, P. siibarnbigzia Hale, P. .subamplexa Hale,
a n d P. ixnczolnnu Hale. T h e following new combinations are made: P. LOV
rugati-im (Kurokawa a n d Filson) Hale, P. c x o m n t a (Zahlbruckner) Hale, P.
geilachci (Zahlbruckner) Hale, P. (Lynge ex Gyelnik) Hale, P.
Totlrigiiesiana (Hue) H:ile, P. scliistncca (Kurokawa arid Filson) Hale, P. scoto-
pliylla (Kurokawa) Hale, a n d P. spodochroa (Kui-okaxva a n d Filson) Hale.

O F F I C I A L lIBL.ICATIO\ 1)Ai I: is hantlstampetl i n a lilnitetl tiutiihcr of initi;tl copies and is recorded

in rhc Institutions annual report. Snzitiisoizicin lcnr. S L K I Fco\ S ER D E S I G ~ : Leaf clearing from thc
Katsnra trce Cei.cidiphylluin jnfmnicuin Siebold a n d Zuccarini.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication D a t a

Hale, hlason E.
.4 monograph of t h e lichen genus P s e u d o p a r ? ? ~ c l kL~l n g e
(Smithsonian Contributions to botany ; no. 31)
15ibliography: p .
Includes index
Supt. of Docs. no.: SI 1.29:31
I . Pseudoparmclia. I . Title. 11. Series: Sn1itl1sonian Institution. Smithsonian contributions
to botzGi) , no. 31.
Q K l S 2 7 4 7 no. 31 [Qh585.P2] 381.08s [389.1] 73-619375
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Ecology and Habitats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Formation of Morphs and Chemical Populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Phytogeography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Taxonomic Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Doubtful and Rejected Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Literature Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

A Monograph of the Lichen Genus
Pseudoparmelia Lynge (Parmeliaceae)

Mason E. Hale 3r.

Introduction the cortex (Hale, 1975b), and X n n l h o p a r m c k z

(Vainio) Hale with narrow eciliate lobes and usnic
This world monograph of the lichen genus acid i n the cortex (Hale, 1974).
P,srutlopnrnielia is part of my continuing effort to As with Hypotmchyna (Hale, 1975a) and Relicina
rvvise the parmelioid genera. Although these genera (Hale, 1955b), much of the initial work on the
are usually lumped under the collective name Par- chemistry of Pseiidoparmelin was completed before
iii cliri, recent studies with the scanning-electron
thin-layer chromatography came into use in 1965.
microscope have demonstrated that species previ- T h u s i t has been necessary to reinvestigate the
ously classified under Parmelia fall into two distinct chemistry of many specimens. Even with the applica-
gi~oups, one with a paraplectenchymatous upper tion of the most recent techniques, however, this
cortex antl very frequently with pseudocyphellae, monograph can be considered definitive only in the
t! pifietl by Pnrmelia saxatilis (L.) Acharius and in- broadest sense. Fresh lichen collections are now be-
cluding the P. boi-reri group, and another with a ing made every year in exotic regions, especially in
palisade plectenchymatous upper cortex and an Africa, Australia, and South America, by botanists
ot.erlying pored epicortex hut never with pseudo- and more significantly by professional lichenologists,
cyphellae (Hale, 1973a). who had not previously collected outside temperate
T h e epicorticate group includes several hetero- areas and who choose to identify the specimens
geneous elements differing, for example, in marginal themselves rather than send them to a monographer.
Ornamentation (cilia, bulbate cilia), rhizine branch- Under these circumstances, any monograph will be
ing patterns (simple or dichotomously branched), incomplete i n two respects. For one, information on
arid lobe configuration and width (broad apically new records not available f o r study will be omitted,
rotund to narrow obtuse lobes). These elements are, records that could profoundly affect interpretations
i n my opinion, biologically isolated and represent of phytogeography. T h e older specimens now pre-
good genera, as follows: Bzilbothrix Hale with bulb- served in herbaria are a pitifully inadequate repre-
ate cilia antl no cortical pigments (Hale, 1974), sentation of lichen floras. Secondly, unpublished
Hypotmcliynn (Vainio) Hale with narrow eciliate new species which are sure to be found in a genus as
lobes antl dichotomously branched rhizines (Hale, large as Pseiidoparmelia obviously cannot be in-
1 Wja), Pnrmelinn Hale with narrow ciliate lobes cluded in the keys, and this lack makes species
(Hale, 1954), Paimotrerna Massalongo with broad identification more difficult for lichen students. This
rotund lobes (Hale, 1965a), Pseudopal-melia Lynge monograph is offered, then, with full realization of
Ivith nai-row eciliate lobes, Relicina (Hale and Ku- its limitations but with the hope that it will pro-
rokatua) Hale with bulbate cilia and usnic acid in vide a base for later workers.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.-~ am much indebted to
,ifason E , Hale, J r , , Depart11ient of Botany, lYationnl d l u -
stuin of Vlntuml History, Sftiit/isoniaii Institution, Washing- curators who sent specimens on loan and often
t o n , D.C. 20560 allowed considerable extensions of loan periods.


These include Mr. Peter James (BM), Dr. A. J. even at the margin. T h e degree of adnation varies
Kostermans (BO), Dr. A. Robyns (BR), Mr. M. S. from nearly subcrustose in P. xanthomelaena (Fig-
Christiansen (C), Dr. M'. A. Weber (COLO), Dr. W. ure 18e) to loosely adnate in P. caperata. Compa-
L. Culberson (DUKE), Dr. L. Williams (F), Dr. I. rable eciliate species of Parmotrema have wider,
M. Lamb (FH), Dr. C. E. Bonner (G), Mr. C. E. more or less marginally erect lobes. Lobe configura-
Palmar (GLAM), Dr. T . Ahti (H), Dr. H. Schindler tion is variable. While some species have sublinear,
(KR), Dr. J. Poelt (M), Dr. H . A. Imshaug (MSC), apically obtuse lobes 0.5-2.0 mm wide (Figures 6b,d,
Dr. H. Osorio (MVM), Dr. C. T. Rogerson (NY), Dr. 10e, 12d), an even larger number have subirregular,
Hildur Krog (0),Dr. E. F. Warburg (OXF), Mme. apically rotund lobes 2-6 mm wide (Figures 6a,c,
Jovet-Ast (PC), Dr. C. E. Smith (PH), Dr. S. Ahlner 9a, IOc, 12c). Lobes in both types are often contigu-
(S), Dr. S. Kurokawa (TNS), Dr. R . Alava (TUR), ous and crowded. There is no marginal ornamenta-
Dr. I. Tavares (UC), Dr. R . Santesson (UPS), Dr. H. tion i n Pseudoparmelia; the margins are smooth and
Riedl (W), Dr. J. W. Thomson (WIS), and Dr. G. sometimes black rimmed.
Cufodontis (TNU). Dr. Ove Almborn (LD) lent his T h e lower surface of the thallus is either black
own extensive collections in addition to materials or pale brown, and this color difference, although
from BOL, L, PRE, and T R H which he had on variable in some of the saxicolous species, can be
hand for study. Dr. Z. Cernohorskj kindly arranged an important taxonomic character. Broader lobed
for loans from BP at a time when travel in Hungary species with a black lower surface, such as the well-
was not permitted. T h e late Dr. H. des Abbayes known P. caperata, usually have a narrow brown
(REN) was extremely generous in sending loans as zone at the lobe tips. While most species have a
well as duplicates of type-collections of the new shiny paraplectenchymatous lower surface (Figure
species he was describing. For allowing me to ex- Ic), species in the P. amplexa group (P. amplexa, P.
amine collections in their private herbaria, I am pachydactyla, and P. subamplexa) have a minutely
especially indebted to Dr. D. D. Awasthi, Dr. Gun- grained, velvety appearing black lower surface to
nar Degelius, Dr. M. Mahu, Dr. T . D. V. SB' 'inscow, the margin (Figure la,b). This is caused by an ir-
and Dr. Rolf Santesson. regularly thickened, minutely papillose cell layer
T h e specimens were photographed by the Smith- sloughing from the lower cortex, a phenomenon
sonian Office of Printing and Photographic Ser- which I have not seen in any other parmelioid
vices. Scanning-electron microscope photographs genera.
were prepared by the Smithsonian Scanning-Elec- Rhizines are uniformly simple and produced in
tron Microscope Laboratory. moderate abundance (Figure Id). T h e only excep-
Dr. S. Kurokawa assisted with species identifica- tion to this rule is P. intertexta, which usually has
tions, chemical tests, and descriptions prior to 1961, pale branched rhizines, not unlike those of some
and his help is gratefully acknowledged. Field species of Relicina but not as agglutinated (Hale,
studies have been supported at various times by the 19758). Broad-lobed species usually lack rhizines
National Science Foundation, National Geographic along the margins at lobe tips or at most have a
Society, Smithsonian Research Foundation, and the zone of short papillae. T h e rhizines are often blunt
Morden-Smithsonian Fund. Cooperative field with pale, penicillate tips (Reznik et al., 1968).
studies were conducted in India with the Maharash- T h e internal structure of Pseudoparmelia pre-
tra Association for the Cultivation of Science, work- sents no unusual features (Figure Za,c,f). T h e upper
ing with Dr. P. G. Patwardhan, and in Venezuela cortex has a basic palisade structure (Figure 2 d ) and
with Dr. M. Lopez-Figueiras of the Universidad de is overlain by a thin pored epicortex (Figure le,f),
10s Andes. Finally, I wish to thank Dr. Ove Alm- as I had previously discovered by using the
born for reading the entire manuscript and check- scanning-electron microscope (Hale, 1973a). T h e
ing the bibliography and spelling of place names. medullary hyphae are often conspicuously encrusted
with lichen substances. T h e lower cortex is para-
plectenchymatous (Figure 2e). I n these respects it
Morphology is identical with the other epicorticate genera in the
THALLw-The thallus is typically foliose, orbic- family.
ular, 3-15 cm in diameter, and uniformly adnate, VEGETATIVE PRoPAGuLES.-The isidia in Pseudo-

FIGURE1.-Morphology of Pseudoparrnelia: a, lower surface of P . arzplexa (Degelius s. n.)

( X 160); b, enlargement of surface in a ( X 1600) with arrow pointing to a papilla; c, lower
surface of P. rutidota (Degelius A-37) ( x 160); d, cross section of P . rnalaccensis to show simple
rhizines (Hale 30353) ( x 140); e , surface of P. rahengensts showing pored epicortex (Kurokaum
1602) ( X 400); f , enlargement of surface in e showing pores and aggregations of crystals of usnic
acid ( x 1600). (All photographs taken with the scanning-electron microscope.)

FIGURE2.-Morphology of Pseudoparmelia: a , longitudinal cross section of P. uenezolana with

arrow in upper right pointing to the epicortes ( H a l e 43326a) ( x 390); 6 , enlargement of epi-
cortex in a (upper arrow) and upper cells of the cortex (lower arrow) ( x 4000); c, longitudinal
cross section of P . spodochroa ( W e b e r 47220) ( x 370); d, enlargement of upper cortex in c
( x 800); e, longitudinal cross section of P. sphaerospora (Culberson 10324) ( X 240); f, enlarge-
ment of lower cortex in e ( x 800); g, isidia of P. dnlilii (isotype in US) ( x 160).

pavmelia are quite uniform. Twenty species (P. P. concomitaizs have the largest spores, u p to 24 pm
adspersa, P. amazonica, P. annexa, P. arcana, P. long.
basutoensis, P. caroliniana, P. cinerascens, P. con-
crescens, P. conlabiosa, P. cyphellata, P. dahlii (Fig-
ure Zg), P. ecapernta, P. ischnoides, P. malaccensis,
P. martinicana, P. neoquintaria, P. salacinifera, P. T h e chemical constitutents of Pseudoparmelia
scoiophylln, P. siibtovtzila, and P. venezolann) have were first summarized by Hale and Kurokawa (1964)
normal, cylindrical, simple to sparsely branched on the basis of microcrystal tests. I have retested
isidia. Two additional species ( P . p a c h y d a c t y l a and most of the species with thin-layer chromatography,
P. pn@illosa)have abnormally thickened but other- using solvent sjstems A and B of C. Culberson
wise normal isidia (Figure 14d). No species have (1972) and in large part confirming the earlier re-
lobulate, procumbent, or ciliate isidia. sults. T h e lichen substances in the genus are listed
Pustules have been described and illustrated for below under the presently accepted classification
Hypotrachynci (Hale, 1975a), and they are more or with number of species containing each substance
less the same in Pseudoparmelia (Figure 7 b ) , very i n parentheses.
thickened, fragile, hollow isidioid structures which
usually break open apically. Some then produce A\LIPHATIC ACIDS

soredia, while in other cases no soredia form. Seven Caperatic acid (5)
species (P. baltimorensis, P. eruptens, P. geesterani, Protolichesterinic acid (3)
P. owariensis, P. pustulescens, P. schistacea, and P. Others (2)
zim babzuensis) have largely nonsorediate pustules.
One species (P. rnunkiaeri) has heavily sorediate
pustules. Orcinol Series
Ssralia occur in 14 species: P. alabamensis, P. para-Depsides
nptata, P. caperata, P. carneopruinata, P . crozalsi- DiLaricatic acid (9)
Erernic acid (1)
ana, P. cryptochlorophaea, P. epilezica, P. gerlachei, Gyrophoric acid (4)
P. labrosa, P. leucoxantha, P. soredians, P. subam- Lecanoric acid (4)
bigiin, P. subamplexa, and P. texana. They are usu- Obtusatic acid (1)
all) orbicular and discrete except in P. capevata, Perlatolic acid (2)
which has coalescent, more diffuse soralia. All are ineta-Depsides
Cr) tochlorophaeic acid (1)
strictly laminal except for P. leucoxantha (Figure Sekikaic acid (1)
13b), where the soralia are largely submarginal. I t is Depsidones
perhaps noteworthy that all of the sorediate species, Neoloxodic acid (2)
excepting P. alnbnmensis, are corticolous; sorediate, Soilobaridone (3)
obliqately saxicolous species are very rare in the p-Orcinol Series
genus. para-Depsides
T h e remaining 32 species lack any vegetative Atranorin ( 5 5 )
propagules. T h e older lobes, however, may become Barbatic acid (1)
4-0-Demethylbarbatic acid (1)
lobulate or heavily rugose, although, as pointed out
above, no species have true laminal lobulae (phyl- Constictic acid ( 5 )
lidia) or lobulate isidia. Virtually all of these species Fumarprotocetraric acid (1)
are fertile. Norstictic acid (2)
APoTHECIA.-Apothecia, found so far in 47 of Physodalic acid ( 2 )
Protocetraric acid (25)
the 76 species, are extremely uniform. They are
Salazinic acid ( 5 )
sessile to subpedicellate and 1-3 mm (rarely t o 6 Stictic acid (8)
nim) in diameter. T h e disc is always imperforate. Succinprotocetraric acid (1)
T h e asci contain eight spores, and the bulk of the
species have spores in the range of 6-10 pm wide DIUESZOFURAXES
and 7-13 Ipm long. Psezidoparmelia caperata and Usnis acid (20)

ASTIlR iQLIXOSES I t is still possible, however, to draw a general pic-

ture of the ecological requirements of the genus.
Skyrin (2)
Untletermined (3) It is evident, for example, that Pseudoparrnelia is
best developed in temperate, subtropical, and arid
Unidentified substances presumed to be depsi- tropical regions at low to mid elevations. This is in
dones are known in P. chaly beizans (chalybeizans contrast to the strong boreal requirements of Par-
unknown), P. chapadensis, P. exornata and P. papil- rnelia, and the highland tropical preferences of
losa (conformata unknown), and P. neoqiiintaria H y p o f m c h y n a (Hale, 1975aj. Only two species, P.
(quintaria unknowns). Unidentified depsides or baltiniorensis and P. caperata, grow as far north as
orcinol depsidones are probably present in P. van- the southern edge of the boreal forest, although in
derbylii. unidentified yellow pigments have been the Southern Hemisphere P. gerlachei occurs in
reported for P. arcana, P. baltirnorensis, P. condyl- subantarctic localities. At the same time only four
oirles, P. cor?xgativa, P. cyphellata, P. riitidota, and species occur with any frequency in humid lowland
P. .rphaerospora, but none of these are accompanied tropical forests: P. sphaerospora in the Americas
by triterpenoids. Details on these will be found in and Africa and P. dahlii, P. intertexta, and P. mal-
Taxonomic Treatment. accensis in Southeast Asia.
Divaricatic acid, perlatolic acid, and sekikaic acid Pseudopamzelia occurs most abundantly in the
are all accompanied by 1 to 3 weaker, as yet uniden- arid desert or sclerophyll scrublands of Africa and
tified spots falling below the main acid. Perlatolic Australia. I n these two regions alone nearly 30
acid may occur mixed with (or even be replaced by) obligately saxicolous species are known and most
stenosporic acid, but these two substances are not of them are endemic. T h e approximately 40 ob-
resolved in the solvent systems employed here. ligately corticolous species i n the genus occur
Gyrophoric acid always occurs as an accessory with mostly in open deciduous secondary forest or in
protocetraric acid, never alone, and norstictic is ac- disturbed sites such as pastures, parks, and botanical
companied by salazinic acid or stictic acid. gardens. About 8 species occur on either rocks or
TYhile I hope to discuss the chemical features of trees, the most typical being P. texana. These are
Pseudoparrnelia in relation to the other parmelioid generally habitats of great environmental stress with
genera in a separate article, several chemical traits intense insolation and prolonged drought.
stand out. T h e abundance of orcinol series depsides, Psezidoparinelia competes with two other par-
especially divaricatic acid, is noteworthy and in fact melioid genera: Parmotrema, which is mainly corti-
characterizes the genus. T h e absence of the com- colous, and Xanthoparmelia, a saxicolous group. I n
moner orcinol series depsidones such as alectoronic South Africa Parmelia subgenus Melanoparmelia
acid is significant, as is also the absence of echino- is also well devolped on rocks, and as a result Psezi-
carpic acid, galbinic acid, lichexanthone, and triter- doparmelia, Xanthoparmelia, and the Melanopar-
penoids, and the rarity of barbatic acid and rneliae often have similar lobe configuration and
norstictic acid. close thallus adnation. They all have simple rhi-
zines, lack marginal cilia, and rarely produce sore-
dia. I t may represent an example of convergent
Ecology and Habitats evolution for three genera in these stressed environ-
Knowledge of the ecology of any lichen group can Another possible example of. convergent evolu-
enhance our understanding of difficult species com- tion is represented by the three usnic-acid contain-
plexes, and it is best if this knowledge is gained ing species in the humid lowland forests, P. dahlii,
through firsthand experience in the field. Herbar- P. intertexta, and P. malaccensis. They occupy the
ium labels often omit important data on general same habitats (in particular canopy branches i n
vegetation, substratum, and elevation. IVhile I have dipterocarp forests) and have the same narrow, ap-
collected specimens of Pseudoparnzelia in various pressed, sublinear lobes and yellow pigmentation
parts of the world, I have never visited Africa or (usnic acid) as Relicina (Hale, 197513) but lack the
Australia, two very important centers for the genus. marginal bulbate cilia.
Formation of Morphs and Chemical Populations Parent (16) (lacking)

A detailed discussion of morph formation and

speciation in Hypotrachyna (Hale, 1975a), which
(lacking) (lacking)
/ \
Isidlate ( 3 ) Sorehiate ( 3 )
applies equally well to Pseudoparmelia, has already
been presented. Briefly, one assumes that nonfertile Parent (9) (lacking)
isidiate and sorediate morphs have evolved from
fertile nonisidiate or nonsorediate parent species
and that lacking any means of sexual reproduction
the morphs tend to conserve chemical traits. A par-
ent. morph may be traced rather easily, may already Parent (4) (lacking)
be modified through the usual genetic changes, or
may have become extinct and now be represented
only by the vegetative morph. While application
of the morph concept may be somewhat arbitrary in
actual practice, it has offered a reasonable explana-
Parent ( 2
tion of species evolution in several foliose genera.
There are seven theoretically possible combina-
tions of parents and vegetative morphs if we con- Isidlate ( 2 ) Soredim ( 2 1
sider only soredia and isidia (Figure 3). Pustules,
FIGURE3.-Patterns of inorph formation in Pseudoparmelia
which in any event are not common, would be
with number of species i n each categor) in parentheses.
considered as an offshoot of isidia. I n Pseudopar-
melia the largest category is the 16 fertile species
which, as far as we can determine from herbarium spodochroa - P. Scotophylla, P. tortula - P. subtor-
collections now available, have not produced any tula, P. xanthomelaena - P. ischnoides, and P.
vegetative morphs. Some will undoubtedly be found zam biensis - P. ecapevata.
eventually, but the presumption is that these spe- Soredia are comparatively rare in Pseudoparme-
cies (P. callichroa, P. caribaea, P. chapadensis, P. lia. There are four parent species with correspond-
concomitans, P. condyloides, P. corrugativa, P. ing sorediate morphs: P. epileuca - P. schelpei, P.
Iry$)ornilta, P. inornata, P. lecanoracea, P. rodrigue- ferax - P. gerlachei, P. inhaminensis - P. crozalsiana
siana, P. rupicola, P. rutidota, P. somaliensis, P. sub- (tentative), and P. scrobicularis - P. cavneopruinata.
tiliacea, P. vanderbylii, and P. violacea), most rather Six sorediate species, P. alabamensis, P. aptata, P.
rare, have not yet evolved successful vegetative cryptochlorophaea, P. leucoxantha, P. soredians,
morphs. and P. subambigua, appear to have no nonsorediate
Referring again to Figure 3, the next largest parent.
category is 12 isidiate mo.rphs for which no corre- Two groups of species hace the full complement
sponding parents have been discovered. These in- of morphs: P. amplexa - P. pachydactyla - P. sub-
clude P. adspersa, P. amazonica, P. arcana, P. caro- amplexa and P. nairobiensis - P. concrescens - P.
liniana, P. cineraseens, P. dahlii, P. geesterani, P. texana (including as well P. eruptens). A third
neoquintai-ia, P. owariensis, P. rahengensis, P. salac- series, P. rutidota - P. baltiniorensis (coarsely pustu-
inifera, and P. venezolana. IZ'e might assume in this late) - P. caperata (sorediate), is another possibility
instance that the morphs evolved from a nonisidiate but the species here all diLerge rather widely from
parent which has not been able to survive and pro- each other in some details.
pagate or which has not yet been discovered. A final group of four species, P. martinicana - P.
Coexisting parents and isidiate morphs (but with raunkiaeri and P. conlabrosa - P. labrosa, represent
no sorediate morph) are represented by the follow- isidiate-sorediate morph pairs but have no fertile
ing nine species pairs: P. exornata - P. papillosa, parent extant.
P. intertexta - P. malaccensis (tentative), P. molyb- Of the remaining species in the genus, P. geester-
diza - P. annexa, P. prolata - P. basutoensis, P. ani, P. pustulescens, P. schistacea, and P. zini-

babwensis are pustulate and have no obvious appears to be sympatric. T h e acids are particularly
relatives. interesting since sekikaic acid is a meta-depside
There is a particularly interesting group of saxi- and divaricatic acid the homologous para-depside
colous species in South Africa, including P. molyb- (Figure 4).
diza (lecanoric acid), P. spodochroa (salazinic acid), Rarer species with chemical differences used as
P. tortula (norlobaridone), and P. vanderbylii (un- taxonomic characters include P. dahlii (lecanoric
known depsides). They are so similar externally acid) and P. rahengensis (barbatic acid group) in
that chemical tests are needed to separate them. Southeast Asia. Pseiidoparmelia rutidota, a common
IVhile this group may have evolved from a common species in Australia and southwestern United States
parent, the chemical evolution has followed very into tropical America, contains protocetraric acid;
different pathways. T h e presumptive isidiate a virtually indistinguishable population, P. exor-
morphs of three of these (P. antzexa, P. scotophylla, nata, contains protocetraric acid with the confor-
and P. subtortula) are also sufficiently similar that mata unknown and occurs principally in Uruguay.
chemical tests are required for positive identifica- Other close relatives include P. ferax, which con-
tion. tains physodalic acid, and P. callichroa, which con-
If one subscribes to the concept of vegetative tains a fatty acid.
morphs, it then follows that morphologically identi- T h e presence or absence of usnic acid is the main
cal but chemically different vegetative morphs have criterion for recognizing P. nairobiensis (usnic acid
evolved from different parents through parallel evo- absent in the cortex) and P. zambiensis (usnic acid
lution and are therefore polyphyletic (W. Culberson, present) and their corresponding isidiate morphs,
1973). Pseudoparmeliu texana (divaricatic acid) and P. concrescens and P. ecaperata.
P. uptutu (perlatolic acid), for example, differ in
distribution, P. texana being pan-temperate whereas
P . aptatu occurs only in the Old World. T h e two Phytogeography
acids involved are para-depsides, divaricatic acid
T h e Psezidoparmelia floras of various geopolitical
having a C,H, side chain and perlatolic acid C5Hll
units are listed below. Many countries are so poorly
side chains (Figure 4). Another chemical pair, P.
collected, of course, that no meaningful floristic
owariensis (divaricatic acid) and P. pustulescens
comparisons can be made. However, the United
(sekikaic acid), is confined to the Old World and
States, West Indies, Venezuela, South Africa, and
perhaps Brazil and Australia are all rather well
known. Several lichenologists are now working in
R East Africa and Australia, and their studies, when
A,,--CO-0 - 0 - O H completed, will fill in many gaps.

I Canada: P. baltimorensis, P . caperata.
R United States: P . alabamensis, P . amazonica, P. baltirnoren-
sis, P. caperata, P . caroliniana, P. crozalsiana, P. crypto-
chlorophaea, P . martinicana, P. rutidota, P. salacinifera, P.
sphaerospora, P. texana.

Mexico: P. amazonica, P . carneopruinata, P. caroliniana, P .
crozalsiana, P . leucoxantha, P. martinicana, P. raunkiaeri,
P . rutidota, P . salacinifera, P. sphaerospora, P . texana.
Guatemala: P. caperata, P. sphaerospora.
Honduras: P. amazonica, P. carneopruinata, P. caroliniana,
P. cryptochlorophaea, P. salacinifera, P. texana.
Kicaragua: P. caroliniana.
FIGURE4.-Comparison of molecular structures of acids in Costa Rica: P . carneopruinata, P . caroliniana, P. sphaerospora,
Pseudopnrmelia: Divaricatic acid (R = C,H,) and perlatolic P. texana.
acid ( K = C,H,,) (above) and sekikaic acid (below). Panama: P. caroliniana, P. sphaerospora, P. texana.

WESTISDIES concrescens, P. ecaperata, P. inhaminensis, P. nairobiensis,

P. pustulescens, P . sphaerospora, P. texana.
Bahamas: P. sphaerospora.
Malawi: P. ecaperata.
Cuba: P. anlazonica, P. caribaea, P . cnroliniana, P. salacini-
Zambia: P. somaliensis, P. zainbiensis.
fera, P . sphaerospora.
Tanzania: P. aptata, P. inolybdiza, P. nairobiensis, P. S O -
Jamaica: P. carneopruinata, P. caroliniana, P. cryptochloro-
maliensis, P. sphaerospora, P. texnna.
phaea, P. raunkiaeri.
hloqanibique: P. concrescens, P. epileuca, P. eruptens, P .
Hispaniola: P. cnperata, P. caroliniana, P. cryptochlorophaea,
nialaccensis, P. schelpei.
P . inornata, P . martinicana, P . raunkiaeri, P . sphaerospora,
Union of South Africa: P. ainplexa, P. annexa, P. aptata,
P. texana.
P. arcana, P . basutoensis, P. concrescens, P. condyloides, P .
Puerto Rico: P . nmazonica, P. niartinicana.
crozalsiana, P. erufitens, P . geesterani, P. ischnoides, P.
Lesser Antilles and Virgin Islands: P. caribaea, P . crypto-
lecanoracea, P. niolybdiza, p . prolata, P. ptistulescens,
chlorophaea, P . inornata, P. martinicana, P. raunkiaeri, P.
P. rodriguesiann, P. soredians, P. spodochroa, P. texana,
P. tortula, P. vanderbylii, P. uiolacea, P. xanthoinelaena.
Trinidad: P . nninzonica
Madagascar: P. rodriguesiana, P. sonialiensis, P. sphaerospora,
P. texana.
Colombia: P . arnazonica, P . carneopruinata, P. salacinifera. ASIA
Venezuela: P. ainazonica, P. caperata, P. carnepruinata, P. India: P. aptata, P. caperata, P . crozalsiana, P. ecaperata, P.
P. caroliniana, P. cryptochlorophaea, P. martinicana, P. malaccensis, P. pustulescens, P. texana.
.ralacinifera, P. scrobicularis, P. sphaerospora, P. texana, Sri Lanka: P . dahlii, P . texana.
P. venezolana. Thailand: P. adspersa, P. ecaperata, P. oujariensis, P. rahen-
Ecuador: P . caroliniana. gensis, P. salacinifera, P. texana.
Peru: P. caperata, P. rutidota, P. sphaerospora, P. texana. Laos: P. caroliniana
Bolivia: P. rutidota. China: P. caperata.
French Guyana: P . caribaea, P. sphaerospora. Japan: P. aptata, P. caperata, P. owariensis, P . texana.
Brazil: P. aniazonica, P. caperata, P. carneopruinata, P . caro- Hong Kong: P. oa'ariensis.
liniana, P. chapadensis, P. cinerascens, P. crozalsiana, P. Taiwan: P. aiiinzonica.
cyphellata, P. exornata, P. hypolnilta, P. leucoxantha, P. Philippines: P. adspkrsa, P. intertexta, P. inalaccensis.
papillosa, P. rupicola, P. rutidota, P . salacinifera, P. scrobi- Malaysia: P. intertexta, P. nialaccensis.
cularis, P. sphaerospora, P. texana. Indonesia: P . nptata, P. intertesta, P. inalaccensis, P. texana.
Uruguay: P . carneopruinata, P. crozalsiana, P. exornata, P. S e w Guinea: P. intertexta.
papillosa, P. rutidota, P. texana.
Paraguay: P. cinerascens, P . scrobicularis. A N D NEW ZEALAND
Argentina: P . caperata, P. carneopruinata, P. crozalsiana, P. Australia: P. aptata, P. caperata, P. conlabrosa, P. corrugativa,
gerlnchei, P . papillosa, P. rutidota, P. scrobicularis, P. sore- P . ferax, P. intertexta, P . labrosa, P. neoquintaria, P . ruti-
dians. dota, P. schistacea, P. scotophylla, P. soredians, P. spodo-
Chile: P. caperata, p . ferax, P. gerlachei, P . labrosa, P. rutid- chroa, P. subtiliacea, P. texciiia, P. xcinthoinelaena.
ota, P. soredians, P. subnmbigua, P . texana. New Zealand: P. caperata, P. labrosa, P. rutidotn, P. soredians,
P. subtiliacea.
Europe: P. caperata, P. caroliniana, P. carneopruinata, P.
crozalsiana, P . soredians. New Caledonia: P. concomitans.
Tunisia: P. cnperata. Hawaii: P. caperata, P. texana.
Guinea: P. ecaperata, P . pustulescens, P. rodriguesiana, P.
T h e greatest concentration of species is found in
Ivory Coast: P. caroliniana, P. ecaperata, P. inalaccensis, P. South Africa. This region with adjacent countries
owariensis, P. rodriguesiann, P . texana. has a flora of 35 species, nearly half of the species
Cameroon: P. sphaerospora. in the genus (Figure 5). At least 15 of these are
Ethiopia: P. nptata. endemic and most saxicolous. Australia, a region
Somalia: P. soinalie~zsis.
of similar climate and yegetation, has 16 species, of
Uganda: P. nnnexa, P. arcana, P. caroliniana, P . concrescens,
P. Jiiolybdiza, P. nairobiensis, P. owariensis, P. pustulescens, which 5 {P. aptatn, P. s o i ~ t l i a n s ,P. spodochroa, P.
P. soinaliensis, P . subtortula, P. texana. texana, and P. xanthomelaena) also occur in Africa.
Urundi: P. somaliensis. I n the New It'orld, Brazil has the most species,
Kenya: P. caperata, P . epileuca, P. nairobiensis, P. pachydac- 18, of which 6 are endemic. North America has 12
tyla, P. soredians, P . subtortula, P. texana.
species but only 2 {P. nlabamensis and P. balti-
Zaire: P. concresceiis, P. crozalsiana, P . sphaerospora.
Rhodesia: P. subamplexa, P . tortula. morensis) are endemic there.
Angola: P. ainplexa, P. annexa, P. arcana, P. caroliniana, P. Temperate and tropical eastern Asia (India to

FIGURE5.--Number of species of Pseudoparmelia by major geopolitical regions.

Japan) has a rather small Pseudoparmelia flora of P. intertexta, (5), and P. owariensis (5). Within its
only 14 species, 4 of them endemic and the re- range P. caperata is undoubtedly the the most com-
mainder pantemperate or also widespread in Africa. monly collected foliose lichen, followed by P. caro-
I n general the Old World and New World floras liniana and i n Asia P. ecaperata.
are quite distinct. T h e Old World, however, is Twenty-nine species, nearly half the genus total,
much richer with about 55 species in contrast to have been found so far in only one country, as can
the 30 species so far collected i n North and South be determined from the lists of specimens examined
America. in the species treatment, and while many of these
Some idea of the abundance of the various spe- will be found in other countries with more intensive
cies can be gained by tabulating the number of collecting, this great a number reflects the high de-
countries (as listed above) where each species has gree of endemism characteristic of the genus.
been reported. This crude method of comparison
does not, of course, take into consideration the
relative sizes of the countries or the intensity of Taxonomic Treatment
collecting, but it is unlikely that the order of
abundance will be greatly changed by future col- T h e 7 6 species of Pseudoparmelia are arranged
lecting. T h e following species occiir in five or more below in alphabetic order. All specimens collected
countries: P. texana (24), P. caperata (17), P. sphae- by Hale are deposited in the Smithsonian Institu-
rospoi'a (16), P. caroliniana (13), P. amazonica (9), tion (US), and the herbarium acronym is not cited
P. canzeopminata (9), P. crozalsiana (Y), P. rutidota for these.
(9), P. salacinifera (B), P. ecaperata (7), P. aptata (7), T h e following key is divided into three sections:
P. concrescens (6), P. cryptochlorophaea (6), P. isidiate species, sorediate species, and nonisidiate,
malaccensis (6), P. martinicana (6), P. soredians (6), nonsorediate species.
KUMBER 31 11

Keys to the Species of Pseudoparmelia

I . Thallus greenish yellow (usnic acid present).
2. Thallus black below with at most a narrow brown zone at the lobe tips.
3. Isidia fine, n o more than 0.2 mm thick; medulla P - . . . . . . . . . P . ecaperata
3. Isidia thick and inHated, 0.5-1 nim thick; mzdulla P + retl.
4. Lower surface velvety black to the margin. . . . . . . . P . pachydactyla
4. 1,owrr surface shiny black with a narrow hrown ?one at the lobe tips.
5 . Isidia dense, cylindrical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . papillosa
5 . Isidia irregularly scattered, often br.xking open apically. . . P . baltirnorensis
2. Thallus iiniformly pale brown hrlow.
6. Medulla P + retl (protocetraric acid). . . P . malaccensis
6 . Medulla P - .
7. Medulla C + red (Iccanoric acid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . dahlii
i . Medulla C - or C + orange (barbatic acid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . rahengensis
1. Thallus whitish to greenish mineral gray (usnic acid lacking).
8. Collected on trees.
9. Lower surface uniformly pale brown.
10. Isitlia moderate to dense, 1 mm high: medulla K + red (salazinic acid). . . . . . . . . . .
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . salacirtifera
10. Isidia sparse, 2-3 mm high; medulla K - or K + yellow (stictic acid) . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . cyphellata
9. Lower surface black toward the ccnter and black at the margin or with a narrow
brown rone at the lobe tips.
11. Isidia inHated, pustulate, 2-3 mm high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . eruptens
11. Isidia not inflated or pustulate, to 1 mm high.
12. Upper surface finely reticulate!y cracked and strongly white-reticulate . . . . . .
..................................................... P . caroliniana
12. Upper surface continuous, not white-reticulate.
13. Medulla P - .
14. Medulla C + red (lecanoric acid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . conlabrosa
14. Medulla C - (divaricatic acid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . concrescens
13. Medulla P + red or orange.
15. Medulla K + (salazinic acid) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . cinerascens
15. Medulla K - .
16. Fumarprotocetraric acid present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. . adspersa
16. Protocetraric acid present.
17. Isidia fragile, crumbling; lobe tips white-reticulate. . . . . . .
........................................ P . rnartinicana
17. lsidia normal; lobes not white-reticulate. . . . P . arnazonica
8. Collected on rocks.
18. Isidia coarse, pustulate, usually erupting apically.
19. Medulla K + red (salazinic acid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . geesterani
19. Medulla K - .
20. Medulla P red (protocetraric acid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . simbabwensis
20. Medulla P - .
21. Divaricatic acid present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . owariensis
21. Divaricatic acid absent.
22. Sekikaic acid present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . pustulescens
22. Caperatic acid present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . schistacea
18. Isidia normal, thin and cylindrical, not pustulate.
23. Medulla P + red or orange.
24. Lobes 2-3 mm wide, apically subrotund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . scotophylla
24. Lobes about 1 mm wide.
25. Medulla K - ; collected in South America. . . . . . . . . . P . venesolana
25. Medulla K + ycllow (stictic acid); collected in Africa. . . . P . ischnoides
23. Medulla P - .
26. Lobes 2-4 mm wide, apically subrotund.

27. Upper surface finely reticulately cracked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. . cardiniana

27. Upper surface continuous and smooth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P . subtortula
26. Lobes 1-2 mm wide, apically obtuse.
28. Lower surface black. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . annexa
28. Lower surface uniformly brown or tan.
29. Thallus very closely appressed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . arcana
29. Thallus adnate to loosely adnate.
30. Quintaria unknowns present; collected in Australia. . . . . . . . .
................................. . . . . . . . . P . neoquintaria
30. Quintaria unknowns absent; collected in Africa.
31. Norlobaridone present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . subtortula
31. Norlobaridone absent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . basutoensis

1. Thallus greenish yellow (usnic acid present).
2. Lower surface uniformly velvety black below to the margin. . . . . . . . . . . . P . subamplexa
2. Lower surface shiny, black at the center and dark brown in a narrow zone at the lobe tips.
3. Medulla K + yellow turning red (salazinic acid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . soredians
3. Medulla K-.
4. Medulla C + red (lecanoric acid), P-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . subambigua
4. Medulla C-, P + red or orange.
5 . Soralia mostly laminal, becoming diffuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . caperata
5 . Soralia mostly apical or marginal.
6. Soralia generally orbicular; collected in Antarctic regions or the high Andes.
. . . . . . ........................................... P . gerlachei
6. Soralia elongate along lobe margins; collected in mid-elevation tropical re-
gions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . leucoxantha
1. Thallus whitish to greenish mineral gray (usnic acid absent).
7. Medulla P + orange or red.
8. Upper surface broadly reticulately ridged and foveolate (without lens); stictic acid
9. Lobes subirregular, 2-5 mm wide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . crozalsiana
9. Lobes sublinear, 1-2.5 mm wide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . carneopruinata
8. Upper surface smooth and plane; protocetraric acid present.
10. Soredia coarse, densely produced over the upper surface in coalescing soralia. , . . ,
...................................................... .. . P . raunkiaeri
10. Soredia farinose, produced in discrete orbicular soralia.
11. Collected on rocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . aiabamensis
11. Collected on trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . epileuca
7. Medulla P-.
12. Medulla C + deep red (lecanoric acid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . labrosa
12. Medulla C - or C + fleeting pink.
13. Soralia strongly capitate along lobe margins. . . . . . . . P . cryptochlorophaea
13. Soralia not capitate, entirely laminal.
14. Divaricatic acid present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . texana
14. Perlatolic acid present. ................................. P . aptata

1. Thallus greenish yellow (usnic acid present; P . chapadensis, P. hgpotnilta, and P . sphaerosporu
appear to be greenish yellow but lack usnic acid).
2. Lower surface brown or tan throughout.
3. Collected on trees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . intertexta
3. Collected on rocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . chapadensis
2. Lower surface black.
4. Lower surface velvety black to the margin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . amplexa
4 . Lower surface shiny black and often with a narrow brown zone at the lobe tips.
5 . Medulla P-.
6. Collected in Africa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . zambiensis
6. Collected in South America. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . callichroa
N U M B E R 31 13

3. Medulla P + red.
7 . Physodalic acid present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . ferax
7. Physodalic acid absent.
8. Protocetraric acid present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . rutidota
8. Protocetraric acid and the conformata unknown present. . . . . . . P . exornata
1. Thallus whitish to greenish mineral gray (usnic acid absent; P . chapadensis, P . hypomilta,
P. sphaerospora, and sometimes P. violacea appear to be yellowish green but lack usnic acid).
9. Medulla pigmented purple to yellow.
10. Medulla completely deep purple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . uiolacea
10. Medulla yellow or orange.
11. Medulla completely pale orange-yellow ( P . condyloides appears yellow but con-
tains no pigment.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . sphaerospora
11. Medulla pigmented only in the lower half.
12. Collected on rocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . lecanoracea
12. Collected on trees.
13. Lower surface brown; collected in South America. . . . . P. hrpomilta
13. Lower surface hlack; collected in Australia. . . . . . . . . . . . P . corrugatiua
9. Medulla white.
14. Collected on trees.
15. Lower surface uniformly brown.
16. Medulla P + red (protocetraric acid). . P . somaliensis
16. Medulla P- or P + faint orange (stictic acid).. . . . . . . . . . . . . P . sphaerospora
15. Lower surface black (often with a narrow brown zone at the lobe tips).
17. Medulla P - .
18. Collected in Africa; divaricatic acid present. . . . . . . . . . P . . nairobiensis
18. Collected in Australia and New Zealand; caperatic acid present. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . subtiliacea
17. Medulla P + red or orange.
19. Medulla K + yellow (stictic acid); surface of lobes reticulately ridged
and foveolate (without lens).
20. Lobes 1-2 mm wide; collected in South America. . . . P . scrobicularis
20. Lobes 2-4 mm wide; collected in Africa. . . . . . . . . . . P . inhaminensis
19. Medulla K - (protocetraric acid).
21. Lobes 1-2 mm wide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . schelpei
21. Lobes 3-6 mm wide.
22. Medulla C-; collected in the West Indies . . . . . . P . inornata
22. Medulla C + rose; collected in New Caledonia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . P . concomitans
14. Collected on rocks.
23. Lower surface uniformly brown.
24. Medulla P + orange (salazinic acid).
25. Chalybeizans unknown present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. condyloides
25. Chalybeizans unknown absent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. . spodochroa
24. Medulla P-.
26. Medulla C + red (lecanoric acid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . molybdiza
26. Medulla C-.
27. Thallus rather loosely attached on rocks and soil; lobes subelongate.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . prolata
27. Thallus tightly adnate on rocks; lobes shorter, apically rotund.
28. Norlobaridone present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . tortula
28. Unknown substances present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. . uanderbylii
23. Lower surface black (brown only in a narrow zone at the lobe tips).
29. Medulla P + orange or red.
30. Lobes less than 1 mm wide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . xanthomelaena
30. Lobes 2-4 mm wide.
31. Medulla K-; collected in the Caribbean region . . . . . . P . caribaea
31. Medulla K + yellow or red (salazinic acid); collected in Australia
and Africa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . spodochroa
29. Medulla P-.
32. Collected in South America. , . , . , . , . . , , , . , , , . . , , , , , . p . rupicola
, , , ,

32. Collected in Africa.

33. Medulla C + red (lecanoric acid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , P . molybdiza
33. Medulla C - (divaricatic acid). . . . . . . . , , . . . . . P . rodriguesiana

Pseudoparmelia rare, substipitate, 2-4 mm in diameter, the amphi-

thecium isidiate; spores 8, 5 X 10-12 pm,
Pseudoparmelia Lynge, 1914:15.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K -k yellow, medulla K -,
TYPE-SPECIES.-Pseudoparmelia cyphellata Lynge, +
C -, KC -, P red; atranorin, fumarprotocetraric
1914:15. acid, and succinprotocetraric acid.
Lynge erected this genus on the basis of a single DIsTRIBuTIoN.-Phi~ippines, Thailand.
collection from Brazil, citing the presence of pseu- HABITAT.-Planted Casuarina trees at low to mid
docyphellae on the lower surface as the main elevation (200-2000 m).
difference from Parmelia. Santesson (1942) demon- REMARKS.-The type collections (Schmidt XV
strated conclusively that these are in reality artifacts and XXXIV) are fragmentary. When I finally re-
caused by rhizines that had been torn off, revealing solved the chemistry with TLC, I soon discovered
the medulla in irregular patches. He did not reject that the species is the same as Parmelia filipina. Des
the genus, as implied i n the title of his article, but Abbayes (1958) compared P. adspersa with Parmelia
regarded it as a synonym of Parmelia. I d o not be- inactiva (Zahlbruckner) Vainio, a much larger am-
lieve that one could invoke Article 71 of the Code phigymnioid lichen containing protocetraric acid.
of Botanical Nomenclature here to reject Pseudo- I had compared it with Pseudoparmelia carolinana
parmelia. T h e gashes of dislodged rhizines on the (Nylander) Hale, which contains perlatolic acid
lower cortex are not monstrosities in the accepted and has a more consistently and conspicuously
sense. Lynge simply described a new genus o n a cracked cortex.
mistaken interpretation of the morphology. I n any SrEcIhiEws ExAiwNEo.-Philippines: Quezan Province, Hale
event, Article 71 was deleted from the Code at the 26976; Mountain Province, Santos 88 (PHU, US).
sessions of the International Botanical Congress
in Leningrad i n 1975. T h e only lichenologist to use
Pseudoparmelia alabamensis
this genus name in practice was Gyelnik (1933),
whose species (Pseudoparmelia aradensis and P. FIGURE6 b
pseudofallax) have been placed in Cetrelia (Culber-
Pseudoparmelia alabainensis (Hale and McCullough) Hale,
son and Culberson, 1968).
Parmelia alabamensis Hale and McCullough, 1968:44 [type
collection: St. Clair County, Alabama, Hale and McCuZ-
Pseudoparme lia adspersa lough 24072 (US; isotypes in DUKE, UPS)].
6a DEScRIPTIoN.-Thahs closely adnate on rock,
Pseudoparmelia adspersa (Vainio) Hale, 1974:189. ashy white, 2-4 cm broad; lobes narrow and sub-
Parmelin adspersa Vainio, 1907:168 [type collection: Lem linear, contiguous, 0.8-1.2 mm wide; upper surface
Sgob, S a m , Sclzinidt XV ( T U R , lectotype; C, isolectotype)]. transversely cracked with age, sorediate, the soralia
Parinelia filipina Hale, 1972a:99 [type collection: Tagaytay, laminal, capitate; lower surface black, moderately
Cavite, Philippine, Hale 26809 (US, holotype; T N S , UPS,
rhizinate, the rhizines black. Apothecia unknown.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K + yellow, medulla K-,
DEscRIPTIoN.-Thal1us adnate on trunks, whitish C-, KC- or rose, P + red; atranorin and proto-
ashy gray, 5-8 cm broad; lobes subrotund, 3-6 mm cetraric acid.
wide, the upper surface plane, continuous or finely DISTRIBUTION.-United States (Tennessee and
cracked with age, densely isidiate, the isidia mostly Alabama).
simple, cylindrical, 0.1-0.15 mm high, 0.05 mm in HABITAT.-oII large sandstone rocks in open de-
diameter; lower surface black except for a narrow ciduous forests at about 300 m elevation.
dark brown zone along the margins, sparsely to REMARKS.-This species is unique among the
moderately rhizinate. Apothecia (from Hale 26976) North American Pseudoparmeliae. An African spe-
NIJhlRER 31 15

FIGURE6.-Species of Pseudoparmelia: a, P . adspersa (Hale 26809, holotype of Parmelia filipina

Hale); b, P . alabamensis (McCullough 1842 in US); c, P . amazonica (Hale 19389); d , P . amplexa
(Gossweiler 3256e in US); e, P . annexa (Almborn 5683, holotype in LD); f, P. aptata (Almborn
6548 in LD). (Scale in mm.)

cies, P. epileuca (Hale) Hale, also has soredia and Pseudoparmelia amplexa
protocetraric acid, but it is corticolous and has
broader lobes. FIGURE6d

SpEcrhrms ExAar1sED.-United States: Tennessee, Hale Pseudoparmelia amplexa (Stirton) Hale, 1974: 189.
36927. Parmelia amplexa Stirton, 1877:212 [type collection: Somer-
set East, Union of South Africa, MacOu'an (BM, lectotype;
GLAM, isolectotype)].
Pseudoparmelia amazonica Parmelia caperata var. glaucopis Muller ilrgoviensis, 18943258
[type collection: Matangiri, Seen Region, Africa, Stuhlrnann
FIGURE6c 359 (559 o n type label) ( G , lectotype; BM, isolectotype)].
Parmelia glaucopis (Muller Argoviensis) Vainio, 1900:4.
Pseudoparmelia amazonica (Nylander) Hale, 1974: 189.
Parmelia subconspersa var. benguellensis Vainio in TVelwitsch,
Parrnelia amaronica Nylander, 1885:611 [type collection:
1901:401 [type collection: Mt. hlorro de Lopollo, Huilla,
Santarem, Brazil, Spruce 111 (H, Nylander herbarium n u m -
Angola, Welwitsclz 31 (BM, lectotype)].
ber 39111, lectotype; BM, G, NY, [V, PC, isolectotypes)].
Parmelia benguellensis (T'ainio) Dodge, 1959:70.
Pseudoparmelia benguellensis (Vainio) Hale, 1974:189.
DEscRIPTroN.-Thalhs closely adnate on bark,
5-10 cm broad, light mineral gray and turning buff DEscRiPTIoN.-Thallus rather closely adnate on
in the herbarium; lobes subirregular, apically ro- bark, coriaceous, greenish yellow, 3-5 cm broad;
tund, 2-6 mm wide, contiguous; upper surface lobes sublinear, crowded, partly black rimmed, 1-2
plane, continuous, moderately isidiate, the isidia mm wide; upper surface plane, dull, rugose and
rarely branched, to 2 mm high; lower surface black, becoming lobulate with age and heavily pycnidiate;
densely rhizinate except for a narrow naked or lower surface black and minutely velvety to the
papillate zone along the margins. Apothecia rare, margin, sparcely to moderately rhizinate. Apothecia
1-3 mm in diameter; spores 8, 8-10 X 13-16 pm. numerous, sessile, 1-2 mm in diameter; spores 8,
CHErvmmY.-Cortex K +
yellow, medulla K -, 7-8 X 16-18 pm.
C-, KC rose, Pf red; atranorin and protocetraric CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K-, medulla K-, C-,
acid. KC-, or KC+ rose, P + red; usnic acid and proto-
DrsTR1BuTIoN.-United States (Florida), Central cetraric acid with or without a trace of atranorin.
America, West Indies, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, DIsTRisuTIo~.-Southern Africa.
Guinea, and Taiwan. HABITAT.-on trunks and branches of trees in
HABITAT.-& trees (conifers, palm trees, decid- open rocky areas.
uous trees), Opzintia, and on rocks in open forests REMARKS.-I had at first identified all African
at 100-1500 m elevation. specimens as Pseudoparmelia rutidota (Hooker and
REMARKs.-SUperficially this species could be con- Taylor) Hale, but close examination showed that
fused with P. salacinifera (Hale) Hale, which has a they have consistently narrow lobes and a jet black
pale brown lower surface and salazinic acid. T h e velvety lower surface (Figure la, b ) . By compari-
two occupy very similar habitats (trees in open son, P. rzitidota, which is known from Australia and
secondary forests) and geographic ranges. the New World, often has quite broad lobes (to
SPECIXIESS ExAxr1NED.-United States: Florida, Hale 34139, 5 mm wide) and a shiny surface below and brown
16859, 17668, 17696, Moore 3357 (DUKE, US), R a p p 311, 662 bare zone near the tips. T h e sorediate morph of
(US). Mexico: Veracruz, Hale 19389; Chiapas, Hale 19972 P . amplexa is P. subamplexa Hale and the isidiate
(DUKE, LD, US), Hale 20187 (Bhl, US), 20607a. Honduras: El
morph is P. pachydactyla (Hale) Hale. All three
Paraiso, Standley 560 (F): Morazan, S t a n d l e y and Williams
1643 (F). Cuba: Pinar del Rio, Imshaug 25289, 25310, 25333 appear to lack any fatty acids, in contrast to the
(MSC); Oriente, Hioram 5963 (US). Puerto Rico: H o w e 1162 P. rutidota group, which usually produces one or
(XU). Trinidad: Wedertnann 2305 (8). Colombia: Santander, more of the common fatty acids.
Killil, 15212, N e e and M o r i 3768 (US), Venezuela: Merida,
S a s h 2025 (US). Bolivia: El Beni, Wedernzann 2305 (S). Brazil: SPECIMENS ExAxr1mD.-Rhodesia: KoPer (LD, US), Schiitte
Minas Gerais, Vainio 588 (BM, T U R ) , 603 (BM, T U R ) ; Rio d e (LD, US), Sheppard 2 (US). Angola: Bie, Gossweiler 3256e
Janeiro Burchell 946 (BM); Mato Grosso, M a l m e s.n., 20506b (BM, US), Degelius (Degelius herbarium, US); Huila, De-
( S ) , 2369, 2408 (LD, S, US). Guinea: N'Zerekore, Santesson gelius (Degelius herbarium); hfoxico, Degelius (Degelius
10573a (UPS). Taiwan: Asahina (TNSL herbarium. US).
NUMBER 31 17

Pseudoparmelia annexa rhizinate except for a narrow marginal papillate

zone. Apothecia not seen.
FIGURE6e CHEMIsmY.-Cortex K + yellow, medulla K- ,
Pseudoparmelia annexa (Kurokawa) Hale, 1974:189. +
C -, KC rose, P - ; atranorin, perlatolic acid, and
Parmelia annexa Kurokawa, in Hale and Kurokawa, 1964:151 an unidentified pigment.
[type collection: Caledon, Cape Province, Union of South DIsTRIBuTI0N.-Africa, India, Indonesia, Aus-
Africa, Almborn 5683 (LD, holotype; isotype in US)]. tralia, and Japan.
DESCRIPTIoN.-Tha11us tightly adnate on rock, HABITAT.-oII trees (Pinus, deciduous trees),
ashy mineral gray, 3-7 cm broad; lobes subirregular secondary forests at low to mid elevations.
to sublinear, 0.7-3.5 mm wide; upper surface plane, REMARKS.-This Old World lichen is externally
shiny, continuous or irregularly cracked with age, similar to P. texana (Tuckerman) Hale, which con-
moderately isidiate, the isidia mostly simple, about tains divaricatic acid and is pantropical-pantem-
0.2 mm high, darkening at the tips; lower surface perate. It apparently evolved in the Old World as
black, sparsely rhizinate. Apothecia adnate, 1.5-5 a chemical variant from a now extinct fertile per-
mm in diameter, the amphithecium isidiate; spores latolic acid-containing progenitor, related perhaps
8, 5 X 7-8 pm. to P. nairobiensis (Steiner and Zahlbruckner) Hale.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K + yellow, medulla K-, It is basically sympatric with P. texana in most of
C , KCf red, P- ; atranorin and lecanoric acid. Asia and in Japan comprises about two-thirds of
the specimens in this group. Chemical tests must
DIsTRIBuTIoN.-Uganda, Angola, and Union of
South Africa. be made to separate the species.
HABITAT.-on exposed rock outcrops from sea SPECIMENS ExAarINEo.-Tanzania: Hoeg (TRH). Union of
level to 1200 m. South Africa: Natal, Almborn 6548, 8538, 8697, 9643 (LD),
REkfARKS.-This rare saxicolous species is the Hoeg (TRH). India: .Sikkim, Hara (TNS). Japan: Province
Aki, Hale 29517, 29542; Province Ohmi, Hale 29473. Indo-
isidiate morph or close relative of P. molybdiza
nesia: Java, Groenhart 8853, 8854 (BOR), 2197, 5322, 5324
(Nylander) Hale, which lacks isidia and has gen- (L, US), Neeruoort 753 (BOR). Australia: Queensland, Bailey
erally broader lobes. Both are African endemics. (BM).
SPECIMENS EXAMINED.-uganda: Pian, Swinscow 6/1970
(BM, US), Other records from Angola and South Africa are
listed in Hale and Kurokawa (1964:151). Pseudoparmelia arcana
Pseudoparmelia aptata Pseudoparmelia arcana (Kurokawa) Hale, 1974: 189.
Parmelia arcana Kurokawa in Hale and Kurokawa, 1964:151
FIGURE6f [type collection: Baba, Mocamedes, Angola, Degelius (De-
Pseudoparmelia aptata (Krempelhuber) Hale, 1974:189. gelius herbarium; isotype in US)].
Parnzelia aptata Krempelhuber in Nylander, 1869:291 [type
collection: Kotgurh, Himalayas, India, Skolicrka 509 (M,
DESCRIPTIoN.-Thallus tightly appressed on rock,
lectotype; BM, H , K, US, isolectotypes)]. ashy white, 3-7 cm in diameter; lobes sublinear,
Parmelia asmarana Vainio, 1898b:37 [type collection: Asmara, crowded and appearing subareolate toward the
Ethiopia, Levander (TUR, Vainio herbarium number center, 0.3-1 mm wide; upper surface plane to con-
2664, lectotype)]. vex, continuous to tangentially cracked, moderately
Parmelia nipponica Zahlbruckner, 1927:353 [type collection:
Hachinoche, Japan, Faurie 1239 (W, lectotype)].
isidiate, the isidia mostly simple, about 0.2 mm
high; medulla white or in part pale yellow; lower
DEScRIPTIoN.-Thallus adnate on bark, whitish surface brown to pale brown, sparsely rhizinate.
mineral gray, 6-12 cm broad; lobes sublinear to Apothecia not seen.
subirregular, more or less apically rotund, 2-5 mm CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX Kf yellow, medulla K-,
wide; upper surface plane, continuous or cracked C-, KC-, P-; atranorin, fatty acids, and un-
with age, laminally sorediate, the soralia capitate; identified pigments.
medulla white except for pale orange pigmentation DIsTRIBUTION.-Angola and Union of South
below the soralia; lower surface black, sparsely Africa.

HABITAT.-on rocks in dry open areas at about species that will present much more detailed in-
1000 m elevation. formation.
REMARKS.-This rarely collected species seems to
be related to P. annexa (Kurokawa) Hale, which Ontario, Hale. United States: Massachusetts, Hutchinson
contains lecanoric acid. T h e yellow pigmentation 1744; Connecticut, Hale 19076; New Jersey, Hale 17266;
does not seem to be a consistent character to judge Pennsylvania, Becking 57070315, Hale 16292, Heller, White
from the few specimens available. 210; Maryland, Hermann 13768, Leonard 2933, 3086, h'orden
27, Plitt; West Virginia, Hale 10734, 13016; Kentucky, Allen
SPECIMENS EXAXINED.-uniOn of South Africa: Basutoland, 545, Hale 13115; Illinois, Hale 13926, 14029, Skorepa 943;
KoPer (LD); Cape Province, Hiieg (TRH); Orange Free Wisconsin, Hale 23542, Thomson 919; Minnesota, Hale 23479;
State, Plank (PRE). Missouri, Greeninan 4763, Ireland 3238, Schoop 254; Virginia,
Hale 15107, 17317, Luttrell 120, 4876; Xorth Carolina, Cul-
berson in Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati 915, Hale 16371; Tennes-
Pseudoparmelia baltimorensis see, Degelius, Hale 31118, Phillips 321; South Carolina, Hale
7747; Georgia, Hale 30877; Alabama, Hale 7125, 33841, Mc-
FIGURE7b Cullough 344, 2032; Mississippi, Hale 7846; Arkansas, Hale
in Lichenes Ainericani Exsiccati 2, Hale 3644, 3813, Moore
259; South Dakota, Vischer 4; Kansas, Hale 2934, 4534; Okla-
Pseudoparmelia baltirnorensas (Gyelnik and Foriss) Hale,
1974:189. homa, Hale 5053; Texas, Hale 34317. A number of records
in other herbaria would have been identified as Parmelia
Parmelia baltimorensis Gyelnik and F6riss in Gyelnik, 1931a:
caperata by me before 1970; it was impractical to borrow
167 [type collection: Gunpowder RiFer, Baltimore County,
these specimens again and correct the names.
Maryland, Plitt (BP, holotype; US, isotype)].

DESCRIPTIoN.-Thal1us closely to loosely adnate Pseudoparmelia basutoensis

on rocks, yellowish green, u p to 15 cm broad but
colonies of ten coalescing and covering extensive FIGURE7c
areas of rock; lobes sublinear to irregular, apically Pseudoparmelia basutoensis (Hale) Hale, 1974:189.
subrotund, 3-5 mm wide; upper surface plane, be- Parmelia basutoensis Hale, 1972b:342 [type collection: Roma,
coming covered toward the center with large, thick, Basutoland, Union of South Africa, KoPer (LD, holotype;
isotype in US)].
simple or branched isidioid pustules, fragile and
breaking open apically but not becoming sorediate; DEscRIPTroN.-Thallus adnate on rocks, pale
lower surface black except for a narrow, smooth greenish white, 3-5 cm broad; lobes sublinear to
to rugose, papillate, brown zone along the margins, subirregular, contiguous, 2-3 mm wide; upper sur-
moderately rhizinate. Apothecia rare, substipitate, face plane, isidiate, the isidia cylindrical, simple;
1-3 mm in diameter, the amphithecium pustulate; lower surface pale brown, sparsely rhizinate. Apo-
spores 8, 6-7 X 13-15 pm. thecia sparse, 1-3 mm in diameter, spores not found.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K - , medulla K--, c- or CHEMIsmY.-Cortex K +
yellow, medulla nega-
C + rose, KC+ rose, P + red; usnic acid, proto- tive with all reagents; atranorin and an unknown
cetraric acid, and very frequently gyrophoric acid. substance.
DIsTRIBuTroN.-Eastern United States and ad- DISTRIBuTIoN.-~nion of South Africa.
jacent Canada. HABITAT.-RockS in dry regions.
HABITAT.-sandstone and granite rocks in open REMARKS.-ASI pointed out in the original de-
deciduous forests. scription, this species has the general aspect of a
REhfARKs.-This species had been confused with Xanthoparmelia but lacks usnic acid. T h e non-
the equally common but usually corticolous P. isidiate morph and presumptive parent is P. prolata
caperata (L.) Hale. T h e distinction between the (Hale) Hale (see below), but neither species has
coarse lamina1 pustules of P. baltimorensis and the been collected in sufficient quantity for more de-
more or less diffuse soralia of P. caperata, as well finitive statements on biology and possible evolu-
as the presence of gyrophoric acid as an accessory tion of the group. T h e unknown substance appears
substance in P. baltimorensis, was recently dis- to be a new fatty acid that reacts faintly yellow with
covered by Dr. W. L. Culberson (in litt.), who sulfuric acid. T h e same substance has been dis-
kindly showed me his preliminary results. He is covered in a brown Parmelia, P. scabrella Esslinger
now preparing a paper on the biology of these two (Esslinger, 1976).

FIGURE7.-Species of Pseudoparmelia: a , P . arcana (Degelius, isotype in US); b , baltimoren-

sis (Luttrell 3369 in US); c, P . basutoensis (Hewitt, holotype in TRH); d , P . caperata (Plitt in
US); e, P . caribaea (Gallo 494, holotype in US); f, P . carneopruinata (Hale 42912). (Scale in mm.)

Pseudoparmelia callichroa Kurokawa, new species Parmelia cuperata var. subglauca (Nylander i n Gasilien) Ny-
lander, 1896:35.
DESCRIPTIoN.-Thallus adnatus, ramulicola, Partnelia caperata f . laeuissima Gyelnik, 1928:587 [type col-
viridi-flavicans, 3-6 cm latus, lobis subirregularibus, lection: Meleghegy, Fehkr, Hungary, GyeInik (BP, holo-
congestis, apice subrotundatis; superne planus vel type)].
Pnrmelia herreana Zahlbruckner, 1929:239 [based on P. fiaui-
mox irregulariter rugosus, isidiis sorediisque desti- cans (Tuckerman) Tuckerman].
tutus; cortex superior 10-13 Fm crassus, epicortex Partnelia pseudosorediosa Gyelnik, 1931b:288 [based on Par-
perforatus, stratum gonidiale 12 pm crassum, me- nzelia ochroleuca f. sorediosa &fuller Argoviensis].
dulla alba, 100-120 pm crassa, cortex inferior 12-13 Parmelia negatiua Gyelnik 1934:301 [type collection: Salisbury
Cove, Maine, Plitt (BP, holotype)].
pm crassus; subtus niger, nitidus, modice rhizinosus, Pseudoparmelia euplecta (Stirton) Hale, 1974:190.
rhizinis simplicibus, nigris. Apothecia numerosa, Pseudoparmelia pseudosorediosa (Gyelnik) Hale, 1974:190.
amphithecio ruguloso, margine crenato, 1.O-4.5 mm
diametro; hymenium 70-85 pm altum; sporae 8:nae, DEscRIPTrox.-Thallus adnate to loosely attached,
6-8 X 13-16 pm. growing on bark or more rarely on rocks, yellowish
CHmmmY.-Cortex K -, medulla negative with green, 5-20 cm in diameter, coalescing to form
all reagents; usnic acid and protolichesterinic acid. larger colonies; lobes subirregular, apically rotund,
HoLoTYPE.-Chile: Colchagua, Hacienda de Con- 3-8 mm wide; upper surface plane to undulate or
quenes, P. Duse'n 91, 22 August 1896 (S; US, iso- rugulose, continuous, sorediate, the soralia laminal,
diffuse and coalescing; medulla rarely orange near
DISTRIBUTIoN.-Chi~e. the lower cortex; lower surface black, moderately to
HABITAT.-On twigs. sparsely rhizinate except for a naked brown rugose
REMARKs.-This species would probably be zone along the margins. Apothecia very rare, 2-5
identified as P. rutidota (Hooker and Taylor) Hale mm in diameter; spores 8, 8-13 X 17-24 pm.
without a chemical test (P. rutidota is Pf red with CHESIISTRY.-COrteX K--, medulla K-, C-,
protocetraric acid). T h e thallus is smaller but we KC+ rose, Pf red, atranorin, caperatic, proto-
need many more collections to determine whether cetraric, and usnic acids; if pigmented, skyrin pres-
any morphological characters correlate with the ent.
chemical difference. DrsTRIsuTronl.-Pantemperate on all major conti-
nents (Figure 8).
HABITAT.-on conifers and deciduous trees in
Pseudoparmelia caperata temperate forests, common on rocks only at the
northern part of its range, from sea level t o over
FIGURE 3000 m elevation.
RE&fARKs.-This is by far the most widespread
Pseudopartnelia caperata (L.) Hale, 1974:189.
Lichen caperatus L. 1753:1147 [type collection: England, and commonly collected foliose lichen in all tem-
Dillenius, Historia Muscoruin 193, specimen represented perate areas of the world. T h e range in morpho-
by $1. 25: fig. 97 (OXF, lectotype)]. logical variation is very small and the chemistry
Parmelia caperata (L.) Acharius, 1803:216. remarkably uniform. I n eastern North America it
Parmelia caperata b. cyliphora Acharius, 1814:196 [type col-
can be confused with the primarily saxicolous P.
lection: North America, Ltfulilenberg (H, lectotype; UPS,
isolectotype): listed in error as "cylisphora."] baltimorensis (see discussion above). T h e presump-
Parinelia perlata var. flauicans Tuckerman, 1866:13 [type tive nonsorediate parent seems to be P. rutidota
collection: California, flolaizder TO (FH-Tuck, holotype)]. (Hooker and Taylor) Hale (see below).
Parlnelia euplecta Stirton, 1877-78:299 [type collection: Bris- Older authors consistently placed this species in
bane, .4ustralia, Bailey (BM,lectotype)]. Parmelia section A m p h i g y m n i a (= Parmotrema).
Parnielia flauicans (Tuckerman) Tuckerman, 1882:53 [not
P . flauicans (Swartz) Acharius, 1803:268 (= Teloschistes)].
T h e lobes, however, are clearly adnate at the mar-
Partnelia o c h r o l e w a f . sorediosa Muller Argoviensis, 1883b: gins, the bare rim below is very narrow, the tips of
77 [type collection: Mt. Dromedary, Australia, Reader (G, rhizines near the margin are frayed, and the apo-
lectotype)]. thecia are adnate and nonperforate. This combina-
Parmelia subglauca Nylander in Gasilien, 1894:126 [type tion of characters relates the species much m6re
collection: Saint Omer, France (H, lectotype: BM, PC iso-
closely to Pseudoparmelia than to Parmotrema.
Parmelia cylisphora [sic] (Acharius) Vainio, 1896b:7. T h e species is apparently present in Australia
NUMBER 31 21

8.-World distribution of Pseudoparmelia caperata. (Dots may represent more than one

and New Zealand, represented by the anonomously regularly sublinear, often densely imbricate, 3-6
pustulate P. euplecta. Parmelia ochroleuca f . sore- mm wide; upper surface plane or rugulose, cracked
diosa, also described from Australia, is atypical in with age; lower surface black, moderately rhizinate.
having rather discrete orbicular soralia. Future Apothecia subpedicellate, at first globose, urceolate
studies in this region may show that these popula- at maturity, u p to 5 mm in diameter; spores 8, 4-5
tions are distinct from P. caperata. X 10-13 pm.
SPECIMENS EXAMINED.-%e Figure 8 for localities of speci-
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K + yellow, medulla K--,
mens annotated in the major herbaria. Some specimens from + +
C -, KC rose, P red; atranorin and protocetraric
eastern North America which I annotated before about 1972, acid.
especially those on rock, will be P. baltimorensis. DISTRIBUTION.-weSt Indies and French Guiana.
HABITAT.-oII schist and volcanic rocks in open
areas u p to 275 m elevation.
Pseudoparmelia caribaea REMARKS.-Except for the t w o specimens from
FIGURE7e French Guiana and the Isle of Pines, P. caribaea
is confined to St. Barthblemy, where it has been col-
Pseudoparmelia caribaea (Hale) Hale, 1974:189. lected many times. There are n o close relatives in
Parmelia caribaea Hale in Hale and Kurokawa, 1964:152 the genus.
[type collection: St. Barthdemy, West Indies, L e Gallo 494
(US, holotype)]. SPECIMENS EXAMINED.-cUbP: Isle of Pines, Rritton et al.
14436, 15237 (US). St. Barthelemy: Le Gallo 403, 424, 527,
DEscRxPTIoN.-Thahs adnate on rocks, ashy 536, 546 (US), 2604 (MSC, US). French Guyana: Degelius
white, rather coriaceous, 6-10 cm broad; lobes ir- (Degelius herbarium).

Pseudoparmelia carneopruinata South Carolina, Ravenel 404 (H, lectotype; FH-Tuck, iso-
FIGURE7 f Parrnelia perlata var. subrevoluta Miiller Argoviensis, 1880:267
Pseudoparrrielia carneopruinata (Zahlbruckner) Hale, 1974: [type collection: Petropolis, Brazil, Deventer 45 ( G , lecto-
189. type)].
Parmelia carneopruinata Zahlbruckner, 1902:419 [type col- Parmelia isidiophora Zahlbruckner, 1902:420 [type collection:
lection: R i o d e Janeiro, Brazil, HBhnel 164 (W,lectotype)]. Botanical Garden, Rio d e Janeiro, Brazil, Hohnel 169, (W,
Parrnelia sbnrbaronis Bouly de Lesdain, 1923:278 [type col- lectotype)].
lection: Catalupe, Varezze, Liguria, Italy, Gresino 11467 (F, Partnelia luteola Zahlbruckner, 1909:170 [type collection:
lectotype)] . S e a r Barra Mansa, SPo Paulo, Brazil, Wettstein and Schifl-
iier (W, lectotype)].
DEsCRIPTIor\;.-Thallus closely adnate, corti- Parinelin zuainoana Lynge, 1914:87 [type collection: Santa
colous, greenish mineral gray or in the herbarium Anna da Chapada, Mato Grosso, Brazil, Malme 2435C (S,
buff, 5-9 cm in diameter; lobes sublinear, 1-2.5 m m lectotype)].
wide; upper surface strongly reticulately ridged and Pyxine azorea Nylander, 1895:lOO [type collection: Azores,
rugulose, becoming pruinose near the lobe tips, Michel 66 (H, lectotype)].
sometimes densely lobulate, sorediate, soralia about
DEsCRIPTION.-Thal~us closely adnate to bark,
1 mm wide, often coalescing; lower surface black,
rarely on rock, 5-10 cm broad; lobes subirregular,
sparsely rhizinate. Apothecia rare, adnate, 1-4 mm
rotund, 2-5 mm wide; upper surface plane, re-
i n diameter, the disc pruinose or naked, the am-
ticulately white-maculate and finely cracked, densely
phithecium sorediate; spores 8, 6-9 X 9-1 3 pm.
isidiate, the isidia 1-3 mm high, often branched;
yellow, medulla K f
lower surface black, very rarely uniformly dark
yellow, C-, KC-, P f pale orange; atranorin,
brown, moderately rhizinate except for a narrow
stictic acid, and constictic acid with associated un-
naked or papillate zone along the margins. Apo-
thecia rare, adnate, 1-3 mm in diameter, the am-
DIsTRIBuTIoN.-h!feXiCo, Central America, West
phithecium isidiate; spores 8, 6-8 X 13-15 pm.
Indies, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Ar-
gentina, and southern Europe.
yellow, medulla K -,
HABITAT.-on shade trees in banana and Coffee
C -, KC faint rose or purple, P - ; atranorin and
perlatolic acid with associated unknowns.
plantations and on deciduous trees in open pastures
DIsmrnuTroN.-Southeastern United States,
at 300-2000 m elevation.
Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Venezuela,
REbfARKs.-This species is closely related to P.
Ecuador, Brazil, Azores, Africa, and Thailand.
scrobicularis (Krempelhuber) Hale, which is or at HABITAT.-on trees (conifers and deciduous
least may be the nonsorediate progenitor. Another trees) in coffee plantations, secondary forest, and
very close sorediate species, P. crozalsiana (Bouly de pastures and rarely on rocks from sea level t o 2800
Lesdain) Hale, has much broader, subrotund lobes m elevation.
and a wider, more temperate distribution. T h e two RE&aARKs.-The first study of this species was
species, however, probably intergrade and are not
done by Culberson (1957), who clarified its re-
always easily distinguished. lation and frequent confusion with Parmelia
SPECIMENS ExAhrr?iEo.-Mexico: Xayarit, W e b e r 33609 rudecta Acharius, another widespread species which
(COLO); Veracruz, Hale 19398, 19432 (DUKE, US), 19452,
differs in having pseudocyphellae and lecanoric acid
19654, 19672, 19794, 21081, 21195. Honduras: Morazln,
Standley 11655 (F, US), 11657 (F). Costa Rica: San Josk, as well as a paraplectenchymatous upper cortex.
Standley 34811 (US). Jamaica: Orcutt 5603 (US), Plitt (Us). Pseudoparmelia caroliniana is the only isidiate spe-
Colombia: Lindig 2590 (G). Venezuela: Mkrida, Hale 42785, cies in the genus with perlatolic acid; P. aptata
42912. Brazil: Minas Gerais, M e x i a 5322 (BM); SPo Paulo, (Krempelhuber) Hale also has perlatolic acid but
Schindler 4512, 4525 (KR, US). Uruguay: Canelones, Osorio is sorediate and lacks the fine reticulation so charac-
6236 (MVM). Argentina: Jujuy, Fries 43b (S). Europe: Italy,
Sbarbaro (TUR). teristic of P. caroliniana. I wish to thank Dr. T. D.
V. Swinscow for pointing out the synoymy of
Pseudoparmelia caroliniana Pyxine azorea.
FIGURE9a SPEcrarENs ExAMrNm.-United States: See Culberson (1957)
Pseudoparmelia caroliniana (Nylander) Hale, 1974: 189. for localities over the range in the United States a n d Moore
Parmelia caroliniana Nylander, 1885:614 [type collection: (1968:223) for specimens from Florida. Mexico: Hidalgo,
NUMBllR 31 23

FIGURE9.-Species of Pseudoparinelia: a, P . caroliana (Hale 20144); b, P . chapadensis (Malme

2297B, lectotype in S); c, P . cinerascens (Xauier 713 in US); d , P . concomitans (Hill 12091, holo-
type in BM); e, P . concrescens (Swinscow 2U 24/21 in BM); f , P . condyloides (Almborn 4882,
holotype in LD). (Scale in mm.)

Robinson (US); Veracruz, Hale 19471, 19488, 21131, 21135; DEscRIPTIoN.-Thallus adnate, fragile, ashy
Chiapas, Hale 19900, 20104, 20144, 20215, 21310, 20333. Hon- eral gray, 4-5 cm broad; lobes short, beco
duras: MoraaBn, Standley 238, 11603 (F). Nicaragua: Standley
imbricate, 1-3 mm wide; upper surface plane
8432 (F). Costa Rica: Guanacaste, Standley 44370 (US).
Panama: Chiriqdi, Hale 38804. Cuba: W r i g h t 71 (FH, M, PC, regularly cracked with age, densely isidiate, i
UPS, US); Oriente, Imshaug 24763, 24858 (MSC). Jamaica: . cylindrical, simple or branched; lower surface b
I m s h a u g 13762, 14200 (MSC), Plitt (US). Haiti: Ouest, I m s h a u g rhizines moderate to sparse. Apothecia abun
22542, 22859, 22944, 23061 (MSC, US), Wetmore 2882, 3076, adnate; spores 8, 6 X 12 pm.
3149, 3207 (MSC, US), Leonard 3709b (US). Dominican Re-
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K f yellow, medulla
public: Cordillera Central, Imshaug 23714 (MSC, US, WIS),
23718 (Bhf, G, MSC); La Vega, Allard 18033 (US). Venezuela: yellow turning red, C-, KC-, P + orange
Distrito Federal, Dennis 1503 (BM). Santesson 6672, 6681 (S); ranorin and salazinic acid.
Mbrida, Hale 42039, 42196, 43318, 44081, 44225; Tachira, DIsTRIBunoN.-Brazil and Paraguay.
Hale 45632, 45649. Ecuador: Galapagos, Johannsen 10 (WIS), HABITAT.-On trees in open forest.
Weber 40031 (COLO, UPS). Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Eiten
REMARKS.-This rare species is superficially
7373 (US); SaoPaulo, Eiten 2978, (US) Osorio 4925 (MVM);
Santa Catarina, Reitz and Klein 13145, 15398 (US). Europe: P. salacinifera (Hale) Hale, which differs in ha
Portugal, Persson (UPS). Ivory Coast: Man, Santesson 10494 a pale brown lower surface.
(UPS, US). Uganda: Burahiya County, Swinscow 2U 18 (BM); SPECIMESSExAI\fINED.-Brazi1: Pernambuco, Xavier 713
Kyadondo County, Swinscou! 2U 1 / 7 (BM). Angola: Huila,
Degelius (Degelius herbarium). Laos: T s u y a m a 19 (TNS). Pseudoparmelia concomitans, new species
Pseudoparmelia chapadensis
DEscRIPTIoN.-Thallus laxe adnatus, cort
bubalino-albidus, coriaceus, 4-6 cm latus, lobis
Pseudoparmelia chapadensis (Lynge) Hale, 1974:189. irregularibus, apice rotundatis, 3-5 mm
Parmelia chapadensis L ~ n g e ,1914:153 [t) pe collection: near
Bocca da Serra, Serra da Chapada, Mato Grosso, Brazil,
superne planus, nitidus albo-maculatusque, so
Malme 2297B (S, lectotjpe)]. et isidiis destitutus; cortex superior 10-14 pm
sus, epicortex sparse perforatus, stratum goni
DEscRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate on rock, 10-12 pm crassum, medulla 90-110 pm c
yellowish green, 1-1.5 cm broad; lobes sublinear, Cortex inferior 8-10 pm crassus; subtus n
short, 0.5 mm wide, convex and expanded at the sparse rhizinosus, ambitu nudus, castaneus, nit
tips; medulla yellowish; lower surface pale brown, Apothecia numerosa, substipitata, 1-2 mm
moderately rhizinate. Apothecia common, sessile, metro; sporae 8:nae, 12 X 20-23 pm.
0.5-1.0 mm in diameter; spores 8, 4-5 X 8-10 p.m. CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K +
yellow, medulla
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K -k yellow, medulla K f ,
C + , KC+ yellowish, P + red; unidentified sub-
C +, + +
KC red, P red, atranorin, gyrophoric
and protocetraric acid.
stances present. HoLoTYPE.-New Caledonia: Baie des Crabe
DIsTRIBuTION.-Brazil. de Pins, on fallen branches of Araucaria cookii,
HABITAT.-Rocks in open areas. Hill 12124 (BM; US, isotype) .
REMARKS.-This peculiar species is tentatively DISTRIBUTION.-New Caledonia.
placed in Pseudoparmelia because the lobes are HABITAT.-on branches of Araucaria.
eciliate and the rhizines simple. Contrary to my REMARKS.-This species is known only from
earlier findings (Hale, 1960), it does not contain type collection and seems unrelated to any
usnic acid or protocetraric acid. T h e yellow colora- Pseudoparmeliae. T h e lobes are coriaceous
tion is caused by unidentified pigments in both the strongly white maculate. Only P. martinicana
cortex and the medulla. Perhaps additional collec- duces this combination of medullary substance
tions will clarify the status of the species. it is an isidiate, fragile lichen confined to the
Pseudoparmelia cinerascens
9c Pseudoparmelia concrescens
Pseudoparmelia ciwrascens (Lynge) Hale, 1974:189.
Parmelia cinerascens Lynge, 1914:104 [type collection: Para- Pseudoparmelia concrescens (Vainio) Hale
guari, Paraguay, Afalme 1498 (S, lectotype)]. Parmelia concrescens Vainio, 1901:400 [type collection:
NUMBER 31 25

da Xella, Huila, Angola, Welwitsch 30 pro parte (TUR, bullate, the cortex breaking away easily; lower sur-
lectotype; BM, isolectotype)]. face pale brown, moderately rhizinate, the rhizines
Parmelia capensis Nylander, 1885:613 [type collection: Cape pale. Apothecia numerous, adnate, 1-2 mm i n di-
of Good Hope, Union of South Africa, Drege (H, Nylander
herbarium number 35174, lectotype; PC, isotype); not ameter; spores 8, 4 X 5 pm.
P. capensis (Acharius) Sprengel, 1827:280 (= Teloschistes)]. CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K f yellow, medulla Kf
Parmelia austroafricana Zahlbruckner, 1929:152 [type: based yellow turning red, C-, KC-, Pf orange; atra-
on P. capensis Nylander]. norin, chalybeizans unknown, salazinic acid, and
Parmelia caffrorum Zahlbruckner, 1932a:555 [type: based on a pale yellow unidentified pigment.
P . capensis Nylander].
DISTRIBUTION.-~outh Africa.
DEscRwTIoN.-Thallus adnate o n bark, ashy HABITAT.-On rocks in open dry areas.
mineral gray, 4-10 cm in diameter; lobes irregularly REMARKS.-This is another species of Pseudopar-
sublinear, 1-3 mm wide; upper surface plane, con- melia that bears a close resemblance to Xanthopar-
tinuous or cracked on older lobes, densely isidiate, melia. T h e chalybeizans unknown, in fact, was
the isidia short, cylindrical, mostly simple; lower previously known only in Xanthoparmelia (Hale,
surface black, sparsely rhizinate. Apothecia rare, 1972b). This specimen apparently endemic to the
adnate, 2-3 mm in diameter; spores 8, 5 X 7-8 pm. arid regions of South Africa.
yellow, medulla K - , SPECIMENSExAhrlNED.-Material from the Union of South
C--, KCf faint wine red, P-; atranorin and di- Africa is listed in Hale (1972b3343).
varicatic acid with associated unknowns.
DISTRIBUTION.-SOUthern Africa. Pseudoparmelia conlabrosa, new species
HABITAT.-On trees or rocks in open woodland
at 1000-2300 m elevation.
REMARKS.-ThiS is one of the commoner, more DEscRIPTIoN.-Thallus arcte adnatus, corticola,
widespread lichens in Africa. I t is presumed to be viridi-albidus, 3-5 cm latus, lobis sublinearibus,
an isidiate morph of P. nairobiensis (Steiner and apice plus minusve subrotundatis, congestis, 2-2.5
Zahlbruckner) Hale, with which it is sympatric. m m latis; superne undulatus, nitidus, apice albo-
I t is also close to the more widespread P. ecaperata reticulatus, dense isidiatus, isidiis cylindricis, pro
(Muller Argoviensis) Hale, which differs i n con- maxima parte simplicibus, usque ad 0.5 mm altis;
taining usnic acid in the cortex. cortex superior 10-12 pm crassus, epicorticatus, epi-
SPECIMENS ExA%rINED.-uganda: Dummer 602 (US); Busiro cortice perforato, stratum gonidiale ca 10 pm
County, Swinscou! 2U 24/21 (BM, US); Kinkizi County, Dale crassum, medulla alba, ca 100 pm crassa, cortex in-
L46 (BM, US). Zaire (Congo): Degelius (Degelius herbarium, ferior paraplectenchymatus, 8-10 pm crassus; subtus
US), Hoeg (TRH), Louis 7494 (BR), de Witte 2675 (BR). niger, modice rhizinosus, rhizinis nigris, simplici-
Angola: Cuanza-Sul, Degelius; Bie, Degelius; Huila, Degelius;
Moxico, Degelius (all Degelius herbarium). Rhodesia: Arne11
bus. Apothecia ignota.
1282a (LD), Schutte 46c (LD, US). Moqambique: Alrnborn CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K + yellow, medulla K -,
6888, 7015 (LD). Union of South Africa: Natal, Almborn C +, +
KC red, P - ; atranorin and lecanoric acid.
8637 (LD). HoLoTYPE.-Australia: New South Wales, be-
tween Majors Creek and Araluen, W e b e r and
M c V e a n L-47102, 18 October 1967 (US; COLO,
Pseudoparmelia condyloides isotype).
FIGURE9f REMARKs.-This species is obviously related to
Pseudoparmelia labrosa (Zahlbruckner) Hale, a
Pseudoparmelia condyloides (Kurokawa) Hale, 1974:189. sorediate species with lecanoric acid also known
Parmelia condyloides Kurokawa in Hale, 1972:343 [type col-
lection: Kamieskroon, hamaqualand, Union of South
from Australia. N o parent morph has yet been dis-
Africa, Almborn 4882 (LD, holotype; TNS, US, isotypes)]. covered for these two species.

DEScRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate on rock, Pseudoparmelia corrugativa, new combination

dark mineral gray with a yellowish cast, 3-5 cm Parmelia corrugativa Kurokawa and Filson, 1975:38 [type
broad; lobes subirregular t o sublinear, crowded, collection: Near Bulhunnah, South Australia, Rogers 553
1.5-2.5 mm wide; upper surface plane to rugose- (MEL. holotype) (not seen)].

FIGURE10.-Species of Pseudoparmeliu: a, P. conlabrosa (Weber and McVean L-47102, holo-

type i n US); b, P. croralsiataa (Culbersota 63S6 in U S ) ; c, P. cryptochlorophaea (Hale 19771);
d , P. cyphellata (Maline 2532B, isolectotype in US); e, P . dahtii (Dahl, isotype in US); f , P.
ecaperata (Tsuyama 5 in US). (Scale in min.)
NUMBER 31 27

DESCRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate on twigs, Hale, a ciliate species. Since then it has been recog-
whitish mineral gray, about 6 cm broad; lobes nized from many localities. T h e lobes are usually
irregularly elongate, apically rotund, 1.5-3 mm quite broad and apically subrotund and the reticu-
wide; upper surface rugulose; medulla white in the late wrinkles very distinct without magnification.
upper part and deep yellow in the lower half; lower Once the chemistry is recognized, it could only be
surface black, sparsely rhizinate. Apothecia numer- confused with Parmelia carneopruinata (see be-
ous, 1-4 mm in diameter; spores 8, 7 X 10 pm. low), which has lobes less than half as wide on
CHEMIsTRY.-Cortex K +yellow, medulla nega- the average. There seems to be n o nonsorediate
tive with color reagents except for the pigment progenitor extant, unless we consider it to be the
which is K + purple, atranorin, and unidentified rare African species P. inhaminensis (Dodge) Hale.
substances. When I first examined the surface of this species
DISTRIBUTION.-~outh Australia. with the scanning-electron microscope (Hale,
HABITAT.-on twigs of tree in open area. 1973a), I noted a strongly nodular surface without
REMARKs.-ThiS species is very similar to P . pores, an anamolous condition for the genus. How-
subtiliacea (Nylander) Hale, which differs in hav- ever, examination of other species has shown that
ing a white medulla without pigments but with pores do occur rarely but that even though the
fatty acids. One additional specimen, which I have species does not seem to have a paraplectenchy-
not seen, was collected by Rogers (95) in Para- matus upper cortex, as one would expect in a
Wirra national Park, South Australia. T h e species nonepicorticate Parmelia, the cortical structure of
is well illustrated in Kurokawa and Filson (1975) this species is rather atypical.
(PI. 1: fig. 3). SPECIMENS EXAnfINED.-United States: Illinois, Hale 13980,
Skorepa 1757 (US); Indiana, Hale 14097; Kentucky, Hale
Pseudoparrnelia crozalsiana 13691; Ohio, Hale 13576; Virginia, Hale 15232, 15761, 18455;
Arkansas, Keck 1216 (US): Alabama, Hale 33829. Mexico:
FIGURE10b Mexico, Hinton 7724 bis (BM); Veracruz, Hale 19494. Venez-
uela: Merida, Hale 42288, 42312, 43049a: Tachira, Hale
Pseudoparmelia crozalsiana (Bouly de Lesdain) Hale, 1974: 45704. Brazil: Mato Grosso, Malme 2243C (S); Parana, Montes
189. 10121 (DUKE); Pernambuco, Xavier 700 (US). Uruguay:
Parmelia crozalsiana Bouly de Lesdain ex Harmand, 1909: Lavalleja, Osorio 3667 (DUKE); Maldonado, Osorio 4879
555 [type collection: Agde, Herault, France, D e Crozals, (US): Rivera, Osorio 1075 (US). Argentina: Tucumain, Ven-
May 1909 (US, lectotype)]. turi 336 (DAR). Europe: Italy, Davies (BM), Sbarbaro (US),
Sbarbaro in Lichenotheca Pama 32 (M), Sbarbaro in Lichenes
DESCRIPTIoN.-Thalhs adnate to bark, greenish Selecti Exsiccati 96 (H, LD, US). Uganda: Mawakota County,
mineral gray, 5-10 cm broad; lobes subirregular, 3-6 Swinscow 2U 41/2 (BM, US). Zaire: Louis 8150 (BR). Union
mm wide; upper surface strongly reticulately ridged of South Africa: Natal, Almborn 8636 (LD), Hoeg (TRH).
India: Tamil Nadu, Awasthi 4276 (Awasthi herbarium), Hale
and wrinkled, sometimes white-pruinose, sorediate, 43976.
the soralia often produced along the ridges, coa-
lescing; lower surface black, moderately rhizinate
except for a narrow brown marginal zone. Apo- Pseudoparmelia cyptochlorophaea
thecia not seen. FIGURE10c
CHEMISTRY.-cortex K +yellow, medulla K $.
yellow, C-, KC-, P f pale orange, atranorin, Pseudoparinelia cryptochlorophaea (Hale) Hale, 1974: 189.
stictic acid, constictic acid, and associated un- Parinelia cryptochlorophaea Hale, 1959: 18 [type collection:
Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic, Allard 15715a (US,
knowns. holotype)].
DIsTRIBuTroN.-Eastern United States, Mexico,
Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, France, Italy, Zaire, DESCRIPTION.-Thal~Us adnate to appressed on
Union of South Africa, and India. large branches, 5-10 cm in diameter, light mineral
HABITAT.-on trees in open secondary forests gray but soon turning buff in the herbarium; lobes
at 100-2000 m elevation. 3-5 mm wide, apically subrotund, crowded; upper
REMARKS.-I first identified this species in North surface rugulose and shiny, more or less reticulate
America in 1960 (Hale, 1960) where it had been white-madate at the tips, becoming cracked in
misidentified as Parmelina aurulenta (Tuckerman) older parts; margins sorediate, the soredia in dense

erect soralia, 0.6-1.0 mm thick, 1-1.5 mm high: HABITAT.-On trunks of trees in forest.
lower surface black and rhizinate at the center, REMARKs.-This species is clearly the isidiate
brown and naked to papillose in a narrow zone at morph of P. sphaeyospora (Nylander) Hale. Un-
the margins. Apothecia rare, 1-3 mm in diameter, fortunately it is still known only from the type
spores 8, 4-5 X 6-9 pm. locality.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX Kf yellow, medulla K-,
C-, KCS. rose, P-; atranorin, caperatic acid (C. Pseudoparmelia dahlii, new species
Culberson, 1965) , and cryptochlorophaeic acid.
DISTRIBUTION.-SOUtherrI United States, ~ ~ e x i c o , FIGURE10e
Central America, Tt7est Indies, Venezuela, and Thallus adnatus, corticola, viridi-flavicans, 3-4
cm latus, lobis sublinearibus, contiguis, 1.5-2.0
HABITAT.-OII trees (cashew, X y l o p i a , bamboo,
mm latis; superne convexus, opacus, dense isidiatus,
etc.) in mature forests at sea level to 500 m eleva-
isidiis cylindricis, simplicibus, usque ad 0.5 mm altis;
cortex superior 12-14 pm crassus, epicorticatus;
RE&fARKS.-The most unusual feature of this
stratum gonidiale 15-20 pm crassum; medulla alba,
New Tliorld species is the chemistry, the only re- 140-160 pm crassa; cortex inferior paraplectenchy-
ported occurrence of cryptochlorophaeic acid in the
matus, 12-14 p ~ crassus;
i subtus pallide castaneus,
Parmeliaceae. T h e capitate soralia are also unique. dense rhizinosus, rhizinis pallidis, simplicibus, elon-
T h e white reticulation is similar to that in the gatis. Apothecia adnata, 1 mm diametro: hymenium
Parinelia texana group, with which it is obviously 40-45 pm altum; sporae S:nae, 6 X 7-9 pm.
closely allied. CHEhfISTRY.-cOrteX K -, medulla K-, c +,
SPECIXIESS ExAarIxED.-United States: Georgia, Hale 16797, KC+ red, P-, usnic acid, caperatic acid and le-
21985; Florida, Hale 16989, 17584, 17609, 21674, 21815, 21839, canoric acid.
R a p p (US) (for furthcr records from Florida in DUKE see HoLoTYPE.-sri Lanka: Polonnaruwa, E . Dahl, 6
Moore, 19683225). Slexico: \eracruz, Hale 19771, 19811. H o n -
duras: Comayagua, Standley 5462, 5930 (F). Jamaica: Imshaug January 1972 (0;US isotype).
15967, 15969 (US), Plitt s.n. (US). Dominican Republic: La DISTRIBUTION.-.!%iLanka.
Vega, Allard 16833, 16845, 16834, 16861, 18028; Santiago, HABITAT.-On trees in lowland forest.
Znishaug 23884 (XISC, US); Santo Domingo, Allard 15715, RE~rARKs.-Superficially this lichen resembles P.
16182, 16187, 16191a (US). Trinidad: Degelius s.n. (Degelius malaccensis (Nylander) Hale yery closely, but the
herbarium); Lassen (C); Lewis 347 (PH). Venezuela: Barinas,
Steyerniark and R u b e 96533 (US); Mkrida, Hale 42305a.
rhizines are denser and longer, the lobes thicker
Brazil: Ceara, Cutler 8072c (F); Rio de Janeiro, Glaziou 1848 and dull without alboreticulate patterning, and
(M). the chemical components different. It is, however,
clearly a member of the P. intertexta-P. malaccensis
lowland rain forest complex. Another closely related
Pseudoparmelia cyphellata species, P. rakengensis (Vainio) Hale, which occurs
FICCRE 10d in the higher elevation monsoon forest in Thailand,
is also externally very close. Chemical tests are
Pseudopnrmelm c ) p h e l [ a t a Llnge, 1914.15 [type collection. needed to identify the species. I wish to thank Dr.
Santa Anna da Chapada, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 21\lnln2e
Hildur Krog for allowing me to see the specimens
2532B (S, 1ectot)pe; LD, UPS, CS, isolectot)pes)]
Parnzelra cTphellata (Lynge) Santesson, 1942.473. and to describe them.
SPECI\fENS EXA\rlhED.-sri Lanka: Dambulla, DahZ (0,us).
DEsCRIPTIoN.-Thallus as in P. sphaerospora (see
below) except the upper surface isidiate, isidia
cylindrical, rather sparse, u p to 1 mm tall. Apo- Pseudoparmelia ecaperata
thecia abundant, adnate to substipitate, 2-3 m m FIGUREl O f
in diameter; spores 8, about 5 X 7 pm.
Pseudoparrnelia ecapernta (Muller Argoviensis) Hale, 1974:
CHEhlISTRY.-cOrteX K f yellowish, medulla yel-
lowish to orange with color reagents; atranorin, Parrnelia acaperata Muller Argoviensis, 1891:378 [type col-
stictic acid, and an unidentified pigment. lection: Shire River, Zambesica, Africa, Kirk (G, lecto-
DIsTRIsuTIoN.-Brazil. type; BM, isolectotype)].
NUMBER 31 29
Parmelia nialaccensis var. laetepavens Vainio, 1921:38 [type- orbicular, confluent with age; lower surface black,
collection: Doi Sutep, Thailand, Hosseus, 1904 (TUR, moderately rhizinate. Apothecia unknown.
Vainio herbarium number 2764, lectotype)]. CHEMISTRY.-cortex K 4- yellow, medulla K - ,
Parmelia laetepavens (Vainio) Gyelnik, 1938a:32.
Parmelia djalonensis des Abbayes, 1951:966 [type collection: C-, KC-, P + red; atranorin and protocetraric
Fouta-Djalon, Dalaba, Guinea, des Abbayes (REN, lecto- acid.
type)] DIsTRIBuTI0N.-Kenya and Mocambique.
HABITAT.-On coconut and other trees in open
DEScRIPTIoN.-Tha1Ius as in P. concrescens (see
forest or savanna u p to 300 m elevation.
above) except yellowish green. Apothecia rare, 1-4
REMARKS.-This rare lichen appears to be the
mm in diameter, the amphithecium isidiate; spores
sorediate morph of P. schelpei (Hale) Hale, which
8, 6 X 11-14 .pm.
also occurs in Mocambique. T w o superficially re-
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K--, medulla K--, c - ,
lated sorediate species with protocetraric acid occur
KC+ faint wine red, P-; atranorin, divaricatic
in the New World: P. alabamensis (Hale and Mc-
acid, and usnic acid, rarely with protolichesterinic
Cullough) Hale, which is saxicolous and has gen-
erally narrower lobes, and P. raukiaeri (Vainio)
DISTRIBUTION.-Africa, Nepal, India, and Thai-
Hale, which has irregular pustular soredia.
HABITAT.-On trees or more rarely rocks in open SPECIMENSExAxfINED.-Kenya: Coast Province, Santesson
forest u p to 2000 m elevation. 20898 (UPS, US), Mocambique: Sul d o Save, Schelpe 4461a
(BOL, US), 4460a, 4461b (BOL).
REMARKs.-This species represents the isidiate
morph of P. zambiensis (Hale) Hale. It also repre-
sents the usnic acid-containing counterpart of P . Pseudoparmelia eruptens
concrescens, a species which does not occur outside FIGUREl l b
of Africa. It has no relationship to P. caperata, as
the name might be construed to imply, which con- Pseudoparmelia eruptens (Kurokawa) Hale, 1974:190.
tains protocetraric acid. Parmelia eruptens Kurokawa i n Hale and Kurokawa, 1964:
153 [type collection: Lydenburg, Transiaal, Union of South
SPECIMENS EXAI\lINED.-IVOry Coast: Seguela, Santesson Africa, A l m born 7498 (LD, holotype; US, isotype)].
10698a, 10702b (UPS, US). Guinea: NZerekore, Santesson
10568a (UPS, US). Zaire: Hoeg (TRH), Schmitt 3048 (BR). DESCRIPTION.-Tha11us adnate, corticolous, whit-
Angola: Bie, Degelius (Degelius herbarium); Cuanza Sul, ish mineral gray to buff in the herbarium, 5-8 cm
Degelius (Degelius herbarium); Huila, Degelius (Degelius broad; lobes subirregular, rotund, 2-8 mm wide;
herbarium); Moxico, Degelius (Degelius herbarium). Rho- upper surface plane, continuous, moderately isidiate-
desia: Angus (BM), Hoeg ( T R H ) , Kofler (LD), Schutte 61b
(LD, US). hfalawi: Jellicoe 55 (BM). Nepal: Poelt 107, 114
pustulate, the isidia irregularly inflated, basally
(M, US), Noordyte (L), Togashi (TNS). India: Tamil Nadu, constricted, bursting apically; lower surface black,
Awasthi 4431, 4432 (Awasthi herbarium, US), Degelius As- sparsely rhizinate except for a narrow naked zone
256 (Degelius herbarium), Foreau 54 (Awasthi herbarium, at the tips. Apothecia rare, adnate, 1-3 mm in
US), Hale 43673, 43713, 43866, 43948; Uttar Pradesh, Awasthi diameter, the amphithecium coarsely isidiate; spores
3496, 3972 (Awasthi herbarium). Thailand: Kurokawa 1670,
1954 (TNS, US), Tsuyama (TNS, US).
8, 5-7 X 19-12 pm.
CHEMISTRY.-COrteX K + yellow, medulla K - ,
C-, KC- or KC+ purple violet, P-; atranorin
Pseudoparmelia epileuca and divaricatic acid with associated unknowns.
DIsTRIBUTIoN.-Mocambique and Union of South
Pseudoparmelia epileuca (Hale) Hale, 1974:190. HABITAT.-on trees (and rocks?) in open forest.
Parmelia epileuca Hale, 1972:343 [type collection: District REMARKS.-This rare species is probably most
Inhambane, MoGambique, Schelpe 4461 (BOL, holotype;
isotypes in LD, US)].
closely related to sorediate P. texana (Tuckerman)
Hale. T h e large pustules of P. eruptens do not be-
DEscRIPTIoNs.-Thallus closely adnate on bark, come sorediate.
ashy white, 3-5 cm broad; lobes sublinear, contigu- SPECIMENS ExAM1NED.-Mocambique: Mitchell 332 (us).
ous, with smooth dark rimmed margins, 1.5-2.0 mm Union pf South Africa: Transvaal, hlaas Geesteranus 6453
wide; upper surface plane, sorediate, the soralia (L, US), 6455 (L).

* I a'"-
FIGURE11.-Species of Pseudoparvielin: a, P. epileuca (Schelpe 4461b, isotype in BOL); b, P.
eruptens ( A l m b o r n i498, holotype in LD); c, P . exoriiata (Lamb 1101 in US); d, P. ferax (Rogers
1326 in US); e, P. geesterani (Maas Geesteranus 6405, holotype in L); f , P. gerlachei (Santesson
6499 in US). (Scale in mm.)
NUMBER 31 31

Pseudoparntelia exornata, new combination Parmelia citrinescens Gyelnik, 1938b:271 [type collection:
Lago Nahuel, Puerto Blest, Patagonia, Argentina, Duste
FIGUREl l c 163 (BP, holotype; S, US, isotypes)].

Parmelia caperata var. exornata Zahlhruckner, 1912:379 [type DEScRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate on bark,
collection: Cerillos Canelones, Uruguay, Felippone 431 (W, greenish yellow, 5-8 cm broad; lobes subirregular,
lectotype; G, isolectotype)]. crowded, apically rotund, 3-4 mm wide; upper sur-
Parmelia rutidota f. filizans Lynge, 1914:153 [type collection:
Quinta, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, M a l m e 727 (S, lecto- face soon wrinkled and rugose, in part warty and
type)]. lobulate; lower surface black and coarsely rhizinate
except for a narrow brown zone at the margins.
DEsCRIPTIoN.-Thallus adnate to closely adnate Apothecia common, sessile, plane to almost urceo-
on bark, yellowish green, 4-10 cm broad; lobes sub- late, 2-4 mm in diameter; spores 8, 7-8 X 13-16 pm.
irregular, contiguous, apically subrotund, 2-4 mm +
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K yellowish, medulla K -,
wide, sometimes marginally dissected, becoming C-, KC-, P + red; atranorin, usnic acid, and
lobulate and crowded toward the center, with nu- physodalic acid.
merous pycnidia; lower surface black and sparsely DIsTRIBUTIoN.-Australia and Chile.
rhizinate but with a rugose bare brown zone at the HABITAT.-on branches and trunks of shrubs and
margin near the tips. Apothecia common, adnate trees in arid habitats up to 1200 m elevation.
to substipitate, 2-5 mm in diameter, the rim cre- REiMARKs.-This species was almost always iden-
nate; spores 8, 8-10 X 15-18 pm. tified as Parmelia rutidota until the chemistry
CHEMISTRY.-cortex K - , medulla K - , c - , was clarified by Kurokawa (1967). Pseudoparmelia
KC- or KC+ rose, P + orange; usnic acid, proto- rutidota contains protocetraric acid and generally
cetraric acid, and the conformata unknown. has a more expanded, thallus. While described from
DIsTRIBUTIoN.-Southeastern Brazil and Uruguay. Australia, P. ferax seems to be most common in
HABITAT.-& trees in open forest at 300-600 m Chile.
SPECIMENS ExAh%INEo.-Australia: South Australia, Rogers
REMARKs.-This species is closely related to P.
1320, 1326 (US); Victoria, F i l s m 6597 (US). Chile: Aconcagua,
rutidota in chemistry and morphology. It produces Follrnann 11784-L (US): Nuhle, M a h u 3538 (US); Santiago,
an unidentified substance, the conformata un- M a h u 1117, 2034, 3334 (US), Santesson 7124 ( S , US); Valpa-
known, just below protocetraric acid in the hexane raiso, Imshaug 36657 (MSC), R u n d e l 7335 (US).
solvent, the same chemistry known for its presump
tive isidiate morph, the saxicolous P. papillosa. T h e Pseudoparmelia geesterani
lobes tend to be thinner and more filiform and
finely lacinate than typical P. rutidota. It occupies 11 e
a restricted range in Brazil and Uruguay, whereas Pseudoparmelia geesterani (Hale) Hale, 1974:190.
P. rutidota occurs sporadically in the Andean chain Parmelia geesterani Hale, 1972h:344 [type collection: Trans-
and in northern Brazil, as well as in North America vaal, Union of South Africa, Maas Geesteranus 6405 (L,
and Australia. holotype; LD, US, isotypes)].

SPECIMENS EXAhfINED.-BraZil: Rio Grande do Sul, M a l m e DESCRIPTIoN.-Tha11us closely adnate on rock,

715 ( S ) . Uruguay: Lavalleja, L a m b 1101 (FH, US); San Jok, dark olive greenish to whitish, 2-4 cm broad; lobes
Osorio 877, 6154, 6195 (MVM); Tacuarembo, OsOriO 1106,
1165 (MVM); Treinta y tres, Osorio 5979 (MVM).
sublinear, crowded, 0.5-1 .O mm wide; upper surface
plane, isidiate, isidia coarse and irregularly inflated;
lower surface brown or blackening, sparsely rhizi-
Pseudoparmelia ferax nate. Apothecia unknown.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K S yellow, medulla Kf
yellow turning red, C -, KC -, P orange; atrano-
Pseudoparmelia ferax (Muller Argoviensis) Hale, 1974:190. rin and salazinic acid.
Parmelia ferax Muller Argoviensis, 1886:257 [type collection: DISTRIBUTION.-union of South Africa.
Australia: New South Wales, Gutawang, H a m i l t o n 2 (G,
HABITAT.-On exposed rocks at 1500-1800 m ele-
Parmelia obversa Stirton, 1899:76 [type collection: Australia, vation.
Paton (GLAM, lectotype; BM, isolectotype)]. REMARKS.-This lichen is still known only from

the type collection. It is not closely related to any 42843, 44667, 44676. Chile: Magallanes, Santesson 1924 (S, US).
other Psezidoparmeliae although it might be con- Argentina: Santa Cruz, Santesson 7079 (S, US). Antarctica:
Graham Land, L a m b 2644 (FH, US); Cap Fan Beneden, Ger-
fused with isidiate-pustulate P. owariensis (4sahina)
lache (TUR, Vainio herbarium numbers 2840, 2841, syntypes
Hale or P. imperfecta (Kurokawa) Hale. of P . antarctica).

Pseudoparmelia gerlachei Pseudoparmelia hypomilta

Parinelia gerlachei Zahlbruckner, 1929:137 [type collection:
Pseudoparmelia hypomilta (Fee) Hale, 1974:190.
based on Painzelia antarctica Vainio].
Parmelia hypomilta Fee, 1837:123 [type collection: Peru (G,
Partnelia antarctica Vainio, 1903:13 [t)pe collection: Cap van
lectotype; H , isolectotype)].
Beneden, Terre d e Danco, Gerlaclze 226 (TUR, Vainio
Parmelia regnellii Lynge, 1914:40 [type collection: Sao Joao
herbarium number 2839, lectotype); not P. antarctica Bit-
del Rey, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Malme 308 (S, lectotype;
ter, 1901:248 (= Hypogymnia)].
BhI, MICH, isolectotypes)].
Xanthofiarrnelia gerlachei (ZahlbrucLner) Hale, 1974:487.
Parmelia regnellii f. arida L p g e , 1914:141 [type collection:
DESCRIPTION.-Tha11us closely adnate on rock, Bocca da Serra, hiato Grosso, Brazil, Malme 2240 (S, lecto-
type; UPS, US, isolectotypes)].
rather coriaceous, pale greenish yellow, 3-5 cm
broad; lobes subirregular, crowded, apically rotund, DESCRIPTION.-Thallus closely adnate on bark,
2-4 mm wide; upper surface dull, sometimes lightly rather coriaceous, buff to straw colored, 1-3 cm
pruinose, broadly rugose o r foveolate, appearing broad; lobes sublinear 1.0-1.5 mm wide, often black
somewhat inflated, soredia developing in orbicular rimmed; upper surface plane to convex, densely
to irregular laminal, capitate soralia 2-4 m m i n white maculate; medulla white in upper half, dull
diameter; lower surface black and moderately red in the lower half; lower surface brown, moder-
rhizinate, papillate in a narrow brown marginal ately rhizinate, the rhizines brown. Apothecia (de-
zone. Apothecia not found. scription from M a l m e 171) common, adnate, 1-2
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K - , medulla K -, c - , mm in diameter; spores 8, more or less uniseriate,
KC-, P + red; usnic acid and either physodalic 5 X6pm.
acid or protocetraric acid or a mixture of both. CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K f yellowish, medulla K , +
DIsTRIBuTIoN.-Andean mountain chain and C f , KC+ yellowish (pigment K + purple), P-;
Antarctica. atranorin and unidentified substances.
HABITAT.-on rocks in exposed paramo or tundra DIsTRrBuTIoN.-Brazi~.
at 2900-3800 m in the Andes and to sea level in HABITAT.-On trees and rocks in open forests.
Antarctica. ~EnlARKs.-~seildopar?ne~iahypomilta is a vari-
REMARKS.-Ihad previously considered this to be able species in terms of lobe width. Lynges f . arida
a Xanthoparnzelia because of the saxicolous habitat has quite narrow lobes (1 mm or less) but the types
and presence of usnic acid. T h e apically rotund lobe of P. hypomilta and Parmelia regnellii are com-
configuration and penicillate rhizines and papillae parable in size. While it is difficult to generalize on
at the margin, as well as physodalic acid, are more a species so poorly represented in herbaria, it seems
characteristic of Pseudoparmelia, as suggested by closely related to P. congruens but is readily differ-
Kurokawa (1967). Pseudoparmelia gerlachei has entiated by the medullary pigment and, as far as we
evolved in extremely harsh environments where can determine, common occurrence on rock.
trees are completely absent. T h e most closely related SPECIMENSExAariNED.-Brazil: hlinas Gerais, Gardner
species and the probable progenitor is P. ferax (BM), Malme 171 (LD, UC, US), W a r m i n g 302 (M); Mato
(Miiller Argoviensis) Hale, which occurs on trees in Grosso, klaltne 2240 (S,US), Malnze in Lichenes Austroaineri-
Australia and Chile, Both species contain physodalic cani 92 (G, LD, S, UPS).
acid in the typical state, but P. gerlachei in Ven-
ezuela contains only protocetraric acid whereas Pseudoparmelia inhaminensis
Chilean and Argentinian specimens produce both FIGURE12b
acids. This combination is similar to that in Hypo-
Pseudoparrnelia inhaminensis (Dodge) Hale, 1974:190.
trachyna physodalica (Hale) Hale (Hale, 1975a).
Parmelia inhaininensis Dodge, 1959:130 [type collection: I n -
SPECIMENSEXAa~txED.-VeneZUela: Merida, Hale 42706, hambane, Inhatnine, Angola, Sousa (BM, holotype)].

FIGURE12.-Species of Pseudoparmelia: a, P . hypomilta (Malme 2745B in US); b. P . inhamin-

ensis (Degelius in US); c, P . inornata (Imshaug 24454, isotype in US); d, P . intertexta (Pentype,
lectotype of P . gracilis Muller Argoviensis in G ) ; e , P . .ischnoides (Almborn 1698, holotype in
LD); f, P . labrosa (James 577 in US). (Scale in mm.)

DEsCRIPTIoN.-Thallus adnate on twigs, soft and eous and has a different aspect. It appears to be best
fragile, buff mineral gray, 3-5 cm broad; lobes sub- developed in dry sea-level forests of smaller islands.
irregular, apically rotund, 1.5-2 mm wide; upper SmcnrExs ExA\cmm.-Records from the Bahamas, Grand
surface more or less regularly rugose and wrinkled, Cayman, and Haiti are listed in Hale (1971332).
the cortex easily breaking away, heavily pycnidiate;
lower surface black and moderately rhizinate except
for a narrow brown, bare zone at the tips. Apothecia Pseudoparmelia intertexta
substipitate, 2 mm in diameter; spores 8, 5-8 X FIGURE
10-12 pm.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K + yellow, medulla K $- Pseudoparmelia i7itertexta (Montagne and van den Bosch)
Hale, 1974:190.
yellow, C-, KC-, P + orange; atranorin, stictic Parnielia i n t e r t e x t a Montagne and van den Bosch in Mon-
acid, and constictic acid. tagne, 1896:327 [type collection: Java, Junghuhn (L, lecto-
REMARKS.-The chemical constituents and rugose type; PC, isolectotype)].
upper surface place P. inhaminensis close to P. CTO- Parrnelia ecoronata Nylander, 187354 [type collection: Pulo-
Penang, Malaya, Collingham [Cunningham in publication]
zalsiana (Bouly de Lesdain) Hale, which is sorediate,
(H, Nylander herbarium number 32999, lectotype)].
and P. sc.r.obicuZaris (Krempelhuber) Hale, which Parrnelia subrupta NJlander in Xylander and Crombie, 1883:
is nonsorediate and has a pruinose apothecial disc, 51 [type collection: Allagajah, near Malacca, Malaya,
a smaller, very rugose thallus, and unusually large hlaingay (BM, lectotype; H, isolectotype)].
conidiospores (about 20 pm long). T h e conidio- Parmelia gracilis hliiller Argoviensis, 1887:317 [type collec-
tion: Daintree River, Australia, Pentzke (G, lectotype); not
spores of P. inhaminensis are about 12pm long. It is Parrnelin gracilis (Persoon) Sprengel, 18273277 (= Usnea)].
a possible candidate as nonsorediate progenitor of Parrnelia relicina var. ecoronata (Nylander) Muller Argovi-
P. crozalsiana. ensis, 1891:378.
Parnzelia gracilenta Vainio, 1900:6 [type collection: Based on
SPECIhrEhS EXAMINED.-.hgOla: Mocamedes, L)egeliUS (De-
Parrnelia gracilis Muller Argoviensis].
gelius herbarium, US).
DEscRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate, corticolous,
marguerite yellow, 3-10 cm in diameter; lobes sub-
Pseudoparmelia inornata linear-elongate, 0.5-2 mm wide; upper surface more
FIGURE or less convex, faintly maculate; lower surface pale
brown to tan, densely rhizinate, the rhizines simple
Pseudoparmelia inornata (Hale) Hale, 1974: 190. to densely branched, pale. Apothecia numerous,
Parrnelia inornata Hale, 197la:32 [type collection: Grand
adnate, 0.7-2 mm in diameter; spores 8, 3-5 X 5-7
Cayman, Imshaug 24454 (MSC, holotype; US, isotype)].
DEscRIPTIoN.-Thallus adnate on bark, pale CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K 4- yellowish, medulla K -,
greenish mineral gray, 5-10 cm broad; lobes sub- C-, K C f rose, P f orange red; atranorin, proto-
irregular, apically rotund, 3-7 mm wide; upper cetraric acid, protolichesterinic acid, and usnic acid.
surface plane, continuous to cracked with age, usu- DISTRIBuTroN.-Andaman Islands, Thailand, Ma-
ally densely pycnidiate, white-reticulate at the lobe laysia, Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea, and
tips; lower surface black and sparsely rhizinate ex- Australia.
cept for a narrow bare, brown zone at the margins. HABITAT.-on canopy branches of trees (diptero-
Apothecia common, substipitate, 2-4 mm in diam- carps and Quercus) in rain forest at 150-1600 xn
eter; spores 8, 7-8 X 16-18 pm. elevation.
HEMI IS TRY .-cortex K -k yellow, medulla K - , REMARKs.-This is one of two Pseudoparmeliae
C-, KC+ rose, Pf red; atranorin and proto- (the other being P. malaccensis (Nylander) Hale)
cetraric acid. that have evolved in the Southeast Asian rain for-
DISTRIBUTION.-\~eSt Indies. ests, primarily on dipterocarps. T h e only other com-
HABITAT.-oD. trees in shaded woods near sea mon parmelioid genus there is Relicina (Hale,
level. 1975b), which is also characterized by a closely
REhfARKS.-This rather broad-lobed species might adnate habit and presence of usnic acid. Pseudo-
be considered as a possible progenitor of isidiate P. parmelia intertexta is a presumptive nonisidiate
martinicana (Nylander) Hale, but it is more coriac- progenitor of P . malaccensis (Nylander) Hale (see
NUMBER 31 35

discussion under that species), although it is anom- apically subrotund, 1.5-3 mm wide; upper surface
alous in having branched rhizines. plane to rugulose, shiny, sorediate, the soralia orig-
inating from coarse pustular ridges, becoming irregu-
SPECIMENS ExAhzlNED.-Andaman Islands: KUrZ 3 (M, UPS,
W). Thailand: Chang, Schmidt XVI (TUR). Malaya: Pahang, lar to diffuse; lower surface black and moderately
Hale 30184, 30225, 30482, 30498; Selangor, Hale 30073, 30260, rhizinate. Apothecia adnate, 3-5 mm in diameter;
30261, 30264, 30299, 31188. Philippines: Mountain Province, the rim sorediate; spores 8, 5 X 10-12 pm.
Hale 25811; Negros Occidental Province, Hale 26422, 26511, CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX Kf yellow, medulla K-,
26523. Malaysia: Sabah, Hale 28206, 28813, 29065, 30363,
30364. New Guinea: Versteegh (L, US).
+ +
C , KC red, P - ; atranorin and lecanoric acid.
DIsTRIBuTIoN.-Austra~ia, New Zealand, and
Pseudoparmelia ischnoides HABITAT.-On trees (Drachophyllum, Myrsine,
Hymenanthera, and Betula) in open woods at low
Pseudoparmelia ischnoides (Kurokawa) Hale, 1974:190. RElhlARKs.-The lobe configuration places this
Parmelia ischnoides Kurokawa in Hale and Kurokawa, 1964: austral species near P . texana (Tuckerman) Hale,
155 [type collection: Window Stream, Kirstenbosch, Wyn-
but the soralia are more diffuse and the chemistry is
berg, Cape Province, Union of South Africa, Almborn
1698 (LD, holotype; TNS, US, isotypes)]. distinct. T h e parallel isidiate morph is probably
P. conlabrosa Hale; there seems to be n o fertile
DEscRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate on rock, progenitor. T h e syntype of P. tenuirima var. labrosa
fragile, whitish ashy gray, 4-10 cm in diameter; ( T h o m s o n 2A 683 in W) is Parmotrema reticulatum
lobes sublinear-elongate, 0.5-2 mm wide; upper sur- (Taylor) Choisy.
face plane to convex, continuous, isidiate, the isidia
SPECIMENS ExAmNED.-chile: Chiloe, Santesson 2262 (s).
short, simple, darkening at the tips; lower surface Other records from Australia and New Zealand are listed in
black, sparsely rhizinate. Apothecia adnate, 1-2 mm Hale (1968:325).
in diameter, the amphithecium isidiate; spores 8,
5-6 X 7-8 pm.
Pseudoparmelia lecanoracea
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K + yellow, medulla K +
yellow, C-, KC-, P + pale orange; atranorin, stic- FIGURE
tic acid, and constictic acid.
Pseudoparmelia lecanoracea (Muller Argoviensis) Hale, 1974:
DIsTRIBuTIoN.--union of South Africa. 190.
HABITAT.-on rocks in open areas. Parmelia lecanoracea Muller Argoviensis, 1888:529 [type col-
REMARKs.-This species has a very limited range lection: Arisdrift, Oranje River, Namaqualand, Union of
in South Africa and probably represents a typical South Africa, Schenck 543 (G, lectotype)].
Cape endemic. It bears a superficial resemblance to
DEscRIPTIoN.-Thahs closely adnate, appearing
two other small saxicolous species, P . annexa (Kuro-
areolate at the center, pruinose whitish buff, 2-3 cm
kawa) Hale (lecanoric acid present) and P. arcana
(Kurokawa) Hale (fatty acids, pale below). broad; lobes sublinear, 0.6-1.0 mm wide, black
rimmed; upper surface convex, rugose with age,
SPECIMENS EXAhfIXED.-~ee Hale and Kurokawa (1964:156) roughened; medulla pigmented reddish yellow in
for records in the Union of South Africa.
the lower half; lower surface tan or darkening, mod-
erately rhizinate, the rhizines brown. Apothecia
Pseudoparmelia labrosa rare, adnate, 1 rnm in diameter; spores 8, 7 X 8-10
12f CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K + yellow, medulla K-,
Pseudoparnielia labrosa (Zahlbruckner) Hale, 1974:190. C f , KCf rose; atranorin and evernic acid; pig-
Parmelia tenuirirna var. labrosa Zahlbruckner, 1941:lo8 [type mented medulla K + purple, skyrin present.
collection: Saddle Hill, Dunedin, New Zealand, Thomson DIsTRIBuTroN.-~nion of South Africa.
V34 (W, lectotype)]. HABITAT.-On rocks.
Parrnelia labrosa (Zahlbruckner) Hale, 1968:325.
REMARKS.-ThiS species is still only known from
DESCRIPTIoN.-Tha11us adnate on bark, light buff the rather fragmentary type collection. As Muller
mineral gray, 4-8 cm broad; lobes subirregular, noted, it could be confused with a Lecanora. T h e

FIGURE13.-Species of Pseudoparmelia: a, P. lecanoracea (Schenck 543, lectotype in G); b,

P. leucoxantha (Eiten 449TA in U S ) ; c, P. trialaccensis (Hale 24859); d, P. martinkana (Hale
35662); e, P. molybdiza (Degelius SA-39 in US); f , P. nnirobiensis (Swinscow 6/19TO n US).
(Scale in mm.)
NUMBER 31 37

chemistry is anomalous for the genus. It is included yellowish green, 2-8 cm in diameter; lobes short,
here in the hope that future workers will be in a sublinear, 0.5-1.5 mm wide; upper surface plane
better position to assess its exact relationship. to convex, shiny, distinctly white reticulate at the
lobe tips, tangentially cracked with age, isidiate, the
isidia simple, 0.2-0.5 mm high; lower surface pale
Pseudoparmelia leucoxantha brown, densely rhizinate, the rhizines simple to
13b sparsely branched, becoming dark brown. Apo-
thecia rare, adnate, 1-2 mm in diameter; spores 8,
Pseudoparmelia leucoxantha (Muller Argoviensis) Hale, 1974: 4-5 X 6-7 pm.
190. CHEMIsTRY.-cortex K + yellowish, medulla K-,
Parmelia leucoxantha Muller Argoviensis, 1881:85 [type
collection: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Puiggari 1050 (G, lectotype;
C-, KC+ rose, P f red; protocetraric acid and
W, isolectotype)]. usnic acid.
DISTRIBUTION.-Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Indo-
DEscRIPTIoN.-Thallus adnate to loosely attached nesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
on rock or bark, dull greenish yellow, 3-6 cm broad; HABITAT.-On trunks and canopy branches of
lobes subirregular, apically rotund, 3-5 mm wide; trees in lowland rain forest from sea level to 150 m
upper surface plane, rimose with age, sorediate elevation.
along the margins and in part on the surface, REMARKS.-while 1 tentatively consider this as
soralia irregular i n capitate or elongate masses, the the isidiate morph of P. intertexta, mostly because
soredia coarse; lower surface black and sparsely of the chemical characters and similar habitat in the
rhizinate except for a brown, bare or papillate zone lowland rain forest of Southeast Asia, the two
along the margins. Apothecia rare, sessile, u p to 2 species have diverged considerably in rhizine struc-
mm in diameter, the amphithecium sorediate; ture. T h e rhizines of P. malaccensis are simple and
spores not developed. often turn darker brown that the lower cortex; they
CHEiwsTRY.-cortex K + yellowish, medulla K -, are pale and rather richly branched in P. intertexta.
C--, KC- or KC+ rose, P + red; atranorin (trace), T h e upper cortex is strongly white-reticulate in P.
usnic acid, and protocetraric acid. malaccensis, continuous in P. intertexta.
DIsTRIBuTroN.-Mexico and Brazil.
SPECIMENS ExAhlINED.-IVOry Coast: Santesson 10397a (UPS,
HABITAT.-oII sandstone boulders, more rarely
US). India: Tamil Nadu, Hoeg (Awasthi herbarium, US).
on trees, in dry scrubby areas (chapada vegetation Sri Lanka: Fosberg 51032 (US). Philippines: Basilan, Hale
in Brazil) at 300-1 100 m elevation. 24941, 25331; Zamboanga del Norte, Hale 24727; Zamboanga
REhfARKS.-There is considerable resemblance to del Sur, Hale 24859. Malaya: Selangor, Hale 30055, 30068,
Pseudoparmelia caperata (L.) Hale in lobe config- 30262, 30266, 30284, 30292, 30295, 31187. Sarawak: Hale 29992,
uration, but the soralia are more discrete and dis- 29994, 29998, 30000. Sabah: Hale 30353, 30362, 30368. Indo-
nesia: Java, Spanjaard 6102 (L).
tinctly marginal and lateral. It may well have
evolved from nonsorediate P. rutidota (Hooker
and Taylor) Hale but differs in substratum. Parmelia martinicana
SPECIMENS EXAhiIIVED.-Mexico: Oaxaca, Hale 20643, 20648. FIGURE13d
Brazil: Maranhao, Eiten and Eiten 4497A (US); Mato Grosso, Pseudoparmelia martinicana (Nylander) Hale, 1974:190.
Malme (S); Sao Paulo, Schindler 4564b (KR, US). Parmelia martinicana Nylander, 1885:609 [type collection:
Martinique, Tardin (H, lectotype)].

Parmelia malaccensis DEScRIPTIoN.-Thallus adnate, 3-9 cm broad,

pale tan mineral gray; lobes irregular, subrotund,
short, 2-5 mm wide; upper surface becoming rugose
Pseudoparmelia malaccensis (Nylander) Hale, 1974:190. toward the center, densely isidiate, isidia initially
Parmelia malaccensis Nylander in Nylander and Crombie, papillate, cylindrical to irregularly thickened, sim-
1883:52 [type collection: St. Johns Hill, Malacca, Malaya, ple or branched, rarely turning granular at the tips;
Maingay 21 (BM, lectotype; FH, H , Nylander herbarium
number 34984, isolectotypes)].
lower surface black and sparsely rhizinate at the
center, rugose, brown, and naked in a narrow zone
DESCRIPTION.-ThallUS closely adnate on bark, at the margin. Apothecia not seen.

CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K yellowish, medulla K-, Parmelia perfissa Steiner and Zahlbruckner, 1926:519 [type
C S , KC+ rose, P + orange red; atranorin, gyro- collection: Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, Union of South
Africa., Brutznthaler PV,lectotype; WU, isolectotype)].
phoric acid, and protocetraric acid (rarely with
norlobaridone). DESCRIPTION.-Tha~~Us adnate to appressed on
DrsTRIBuT1oN.-Southeastern United States, Mex- rock, whitish mineral gray, 4-8 cm broad; lobes sub-
ico, West Indies, and Venezuela. irregular, apically rotund, crowded toward the
HABsrAT.-On tree trunks and branches i n pas- thallus center, 2-3 mm wide; upper surface plane,
tures a?d secondary forests from sea level to 1000 rimose with age; lower surface dark brown and
m elevation. blackening, moderately rhizinate. Apothecia numer-
REMARKS.-ThiS is one on the commonest foliose ous, adnate, 1-2.5 mm in diameter; spores 8, 5 X 6
lichens in scrub forest and dry savanna in the West Pm.
Indies. I t may be related to nonisidiate P. inornata CmmsTRY.-Cortex K + yellow, medulla K -,
(Hale) Hale but has a thinner, more fragile thal- C t , KC+ red, P--; atranorin and lecanoric acid.
lus. It is most closely related to P. raunhiaeri DIsTRIBuTIoN.-Uganda and Union of South
(Vainio) Hale, which is distinctly coarsely pus- Africa.
tulate-sorediate. One specimen (Allard 17325) con- HABITAT.-on rocks in open or partly shaded
tained norlobaridone in addition to protocetraric habitats from sea level to about 1200 m elevation.
acid, but further collections should be examined REMARKS.-PSeUdo~al-melia moly bdiza is espe-
before deciding whether this population represents cially common in Cape Province. T h e isidiate morph
a distinct species or not. appears to be P. annexa (Kurokawa) Hale. T h e
SPECIAIE%S ExA\rINED.-United States: Florida, Hale 36813, brilliant C f red test identifies it immediately. Pseu-
36864. Mexico: Veracruz, Hale 19743. Bahamas: illerrill (US), doparmelia spodochroa (Kurokawa and Filson)
Britton 942, 1080 (FH). Cuba: Pinar del Rio, Inishaug 25289 Hale, P. tortula (Kurokawa) Hale, and even P.
(MSC); Guantanamo, Hzoram 2701 (US); Oriente, Hioram uanderby Zii (Zahlbruckner) Hale are very similar
5477, 5706 (US). Dominican Republic: Allard 17325 (US),
externally and occur in the same localities where
W e t m o r e 3922 (MSC), 3947 (MSC, US). Puerto Rico: Britton
1691 (FH, NY). St. Croix: Britton 75 (NY, US), Boergessen P. molybdiza is found. They would be differen-
(C), Raunkiaer 547 (C), Paulsen (C). St. Martin: Le Gallo tiated by a negative C test.
478b, 571 (US). St. Barthelemy: L e Gallo 415, 497, 515, 521,
SrEciarEivs ExAMlSED.-uganda: Pian County, Sroinscow
542a, 545, 563 (US). Guadeloupe: Culberson 14536, 14544
2U 31/10A (BM, US). Union of South Africa: Natal, A l m -
(DUKE), Degelius (Degelius herbarium) Duss (C), 489 (NY),
born 8645, Hoeg ( T R H ) ; Transvaal, Maas Geesteranus (L);
Le Gallo 465, 471, 489, 574, 575, 580 (US), 2729 (MSC), 2741
Basutoland, Kofler (LD); Orange Free State, A h b o r n 5818,
(BM). Dominica: Imshaug 33159, 33282 (MSC) (other records
5831, 5834 (LD); Cape Province, Almborn 1803, 2065, 2066,
listed in Hale, 1971:18), Martinique: Culberson 14732 (DUKE),
2M7, 4837, 4948, 4980, 5690, 11115 (LD), Degelius SA-39
Degelius (Degelius herbarium), Jardin (H). St. Lucia: Imshaug
(US), H 6 e g (LD, T R H ) , M a a s Geesteranus 6706, 6707, 6730
29701, 29968, 30144 (MSC), Evans 75 (FH, NY, YU), 101
(US). St. Vincent: EIliott (TUR), Itnshaug 30369, 30692 (I>).
(MSC).Tobago: Imshaug 31565 (MSC). Trinidad: Broadway
8099 (BM). Venezuela: Magdalena, firoadway 805 (US).
Pseudoparmelia nairobiensis
Pseudoparmelia molybdiza
FIGURE13e Pseudoparmelia nnirobiensis (Steiner and Zahlbruckner) Hale,
1974: 190.
Pseudoparmelia mol) bdiza (Nylander) Hale, 1974:190. Partnelia nairobiensis (neirobiensis? Steiner and Zahlbruck-
Parrtzelia rnolybdiza Nylander in Crombie, 1876a:19 [type ner, 1926:517 [type collection: Nairobi, Kenya, Schroder
collection: T a b l e Mountain, Cape of Good Hope, Union of 287 (W, lectotype)].
South Africa, Eaton (BM, lectotype; H, Nylander herbarium Parmelia gracifescens var. angolensis Vainio in Welwitsch,
number 35234, isolectotype)]. 1901:401 [type collection: Serra da Xella, Huila, Angola,
Partnelia atricliotdes Nylander in Crombie, 187613:167 [type Welujitsch 30 pro parte ( T U R , Vainio herbarium number
collection: Cape of Good Hope, Union of South Africa, 3059, lectotype)].
Eaton (BM, lectotype; H , isolectotype)]. Parmelia angolensis (Vainio) Dodge, 1959:103.
Parwelia brachyphylla Muiller Argoviensis, 1886:256 [type Parmelia ganguelIensis Dodge, 1959: 109 [type collection:
collection: Near Lydenburg, Transvaal, Union of South Ganguelas and Ambuelas, Benguela, Angola, Gossweiler
Africa, W i [ t n s 2752 (BM, lectotype). (BM, lectotype)].

Parnielia hansfordii Dodge, 1959:127 [type collection: Kam- CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K +

yellow, medulla K-
pala, Uganda, Hansford 1455 (BM, lectotype)]. or K + reddish, C-, KC-, P-; atranorin and the
quintaria unknowns.
DEscRiPTIoN.-Thallus loosely adnate to ap-
HoLoTYPE.-Australia: New South Wales, Mount
pressed on bark, rather coriaceous, greenish to buff
Wilson, Blue Mountains, G.E and G. Du Rietz 781,
mineral gray, 5-10 cm broad; lobes sublinear to sub-
12 November 1926 (UPS; US, isotype).
irregular, usually apically subrotund, 2-5 mm wide,
often becoming marginally lobulate with age; upper
HABITAT.-on exposed sandstone rocks.
surface plane, shiny, usually conspicuously pycni-
REMARKs.-The thallus of this unique Species is
diate, reticulately rimose with age; lower surface
rather loosely attached with a tendency for the lobes
black except for a narrow marginal brown zone,
sparsely to moderately rhizinate. Apothecia com- to become revolute, a kind of growth form often
mon, adnate, 2-5 mm in diameter; spores 8, 6-8 X seen with soil-inhabiting Xanthoparmeliae growing
under harsh conditions. T h e quintaria unknowns
8-13 pm.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K + yellow, medulla K--, have been discovered in the brown Parmeliae and
C - , KC+ faint violet or KC -, P - ; atranorin and in Xanthoparmelia quintaria (Hale) Hale, which
divaricatic acid with associated unknowns. has quite different lobe configuration and a black
lower surface.
DISTRIBUTION.-Kenya, Uganda, Angola, Zaire,
Rhodesia, and Tanzania.
HABITAT.-on trees and rocks in open or second- Pseudoparmelia owariensis
ary forest at 1000-1700 m elevation.
REMARKs.-This is one of the more common foli- FIGURE14b
ose lichens in central Africa. It appears to be (or
Pseudoparmelia owariensis (Asahina) Hale, 1974:190.
at least would be similar to) the progenitor for
Parrnelia owariensis Asahina, 1953:135 [type collection:
isidiate P. concrescens (Vainio) Hale and sorediate Inuyama, Province Owari, Japan, Asahina (TNS, lecto-
P. texana (Tuckerman) Hale. type)].
SPECIMENS EXAMINED.-Uganda: Buddu County, Lye L167
(BM, US); Burahiya County, Swinscow 2U 17/21 (BM, US). DEsCRIPTroN.-Thallus closely adnate on rocks,
Kenya: Central Province, Maas Geesteranus 10272 in Lichenes whitish mineral gray, 2-5 cm broad; lobes sublin-
Africani 29 (L, LD, US). Zaire: Degelius (Degelius herbar- ear, 0.5-2 mm wide; upper surface plane, continuous
ium), Louis 4857E, 4858 (BR). Tanzania: Kilimanjaro Prov., or cracked with age, isidiate-pustulate, the isidia
Santesson 20959 (UPS). Angola: BiC, Degelius (Degelius her-
coarse, short, cylindrical to irregularly inflated,
barium); Huila, Degelius (Degelius herbarium); Moxico,
Degelius (Degelius herbarium). Rhodesia: Bankart (BM), bursting open apically; lower surface black, sparsely
Bullock 2105 pars, Hoeg (TRH). Tanzania: Proctor 1023 B rhizinate. Apothecia unknown.
(BM). CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX Kf yellow, medulla K-,
C--, KC+ faint purple violet, P--, atranorin, and
divaricatic acid with associated unknowns.
Pseudoparmelia neoquintaria, new species DIsTRIBUTioN.-Africa, Thailand, Hong Kong,
FIGURE14a and Japan.
HABITAT.-On rocks in open areas a t lower eleva-
DEscRIPTIoN.-Thalhs laxe adnatus, saxicola, tions.
cinereo-albidus, 3-7 cm latus, lobis sublinearibus, REMARKS.-Pseudoparmelia owariensis is a mem-
1-2 mm latis, margine laciniatis; superne planus, ber of a saxicolous pustulate complex that also in-
continuus vel aetate rimosus, isidiatus, isidiis cylin- cludes P. pustulescens. These two species cannot be
dricis, simplicibus vel ramosis, usque ad 0.5 mm distinguished except by chemical tests. Many more
altis; cortex superior 10-15 pm crassus, epicorticatus, specimens will have to be examined to comprehend
epicortice perforato, stratum gonidiale 10-1 5 pm more fully their relationships.
crassum, medulla alba, ca 200 pm crassa, cortex in-
SPECIMENS EXANINED .--Ivory Coast: Seguela, Santesson
ferior paraplectenchymatus, 10-12 pm crassus; sub- 10713a (UPS). Uganda: Nyabushozi County, Swinsco7u 2U
tus castaneus, modice rhizinosus, rhizinis elongatis, 22/2A;22 22/4 (BM, US). Thailand: Kurokawa 1718,1719, 1720,
simplicibus, castaneis. Apothecia ignota. 1723, 1724, 1814, 1874 (TNS). Hong Kong: Thrower 1189 (BM).

FIGURE14.-Species of Pseudoparrnelia: a, P. neoquintaria (Du Rietz 781, holotype in US);

0, P. owariensis (Kurokawa 1874 in US); c, P. pachydactyla (Kofler in US); d , P. papillosa
(Zorron 2334 in US); e, P . prolata (Hoeg, holotype in TRH); f, P. pustulescens (Santesson
10691b in US). (Scale in mm.)
NUMBER 31 41

Pseudoparmelia pachydactyla up to 1 mm high, solid but the tips easily eroding

away, not becoming sorediate; lower surface black
and moderately rhizinate except for a bare or papil-
Pseudoparmelia pachydactyla (Hale) Hale, 1974:191. late zone at the tips. Apothecia common, substipi-
Parmelia caperata var. isidiophora Steiner, 18973215 [type tate and often appearing immersed among the
collection: Athi Plains, Kenya, Liechtenstein (WU, lecto- isidia, 1.5-3 mm in diameter, the amphithecium and
type)]. rim densely isidiate; spores 8, 7-8 X 16-18 pm.
Parmelia pachydact)la Hale, 1972b:345 [type collection:
based on P . caperata l a r . isidiophora Steiner]. CHEMISTRY.-COrteX K--, medulla K-, c - ,
Parmelia steineri Dodge, 19593125. [t)pe collection: based on KC-, or KC+ reddish, P + red; usnic acid, pro-
P. caperata bar. zsidiophora Steiner: not P. steineri Gyel- tocetraric acid, and the conformata unknown.
nik, 1938b:289 (= Xantho$arinelia molliuscula (Acharius) DIsTRIBuTIoN.-Brazi~, Uruguay, and Argentina.
HABITAT.-On acidic rocks in open areas from
DEsCRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate on rock, sea level to 1000 m elevation.
light greenish yellow, 4-6 cm broad; lobes sublinear, REMARKS.--While I had recently transferred this
crowded toward the center of the thallus, 1-1.5 mm species to Xanthoparmelia, partly because of its saxi-
wide; upper surface plane, dull, isidiate, the isidia colous habit, it displays features characteristic of
scattered, thick, about 0.3 mm wide and to 0.5 mm Pseudoparmelia: broad, apically rotund lobes, a
high; lower surface black and velvety to the margin, bare or papillate brown zone at the tips below, rhi-
sparsely rhizinate, the rhizines coarse, dull. Apo- zines with brown, fibrous tips, and presence of pro-
thecia unknown. tocetraric acid which is rare in Xanthoparmelia,
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K-, medulla K-, c--, especially in New World species. As so delimited,
KC- or KC+ rose, P f red; usnic acid and proto- P. papillosa is another offshoot from the P. ruti-
cetraric acid. dota complex differentiated by the very large almost
DIsmrBuTIoN.-Kenya and Rhodesia. pustular isidia. ,4 domparable saxicolous species con-
HABITAT.-oII rocks in semiarid regions at mid taining protocetraric acid, without the confor-
elevation. mata unknown, P. baltimorensis (Gyelnik and
REMARKS.-The black velvety lower surface is F6riss) Hale, has even larger more typically pustular
identical to that of Pseudoparmelia amplexa (Stir- outgrowths.
ton) Hale, the presumptive parent species. T h e SITCIMEYS EXAhrINED.-BraZil: Santa Catarina, Reitz and
sorediate morph is P. subamplexa Hale. Pseudopar- Klein 15977, 16120 (US). Uruguay: Lavalleja, L a m b 1107
melia pachydactyla is different from both of these (FH, US); Maldonado, 050riO 5026 (MVM, US); Rocha,
species in being saxicolous. Herter 826a (H, S, US), Zorron 2334 (US): Treinta y Tres,
H e i t e r 2 (H). Argentina: Buenos Aires, Eyerdam 2369b (F).
SPECllfENS ExAwNED.-Rhodesia: Division Victoria, Kof-
ler (LD, US).
Pseudoparmelia prolata
Pseudoparmelia papillosa, new combination
Pseudoparmelia prolata (Hale) Hale, 1974:191.
FIGURE14d Parmelia prolata Hale, 1972:344 [type collection: Cape
Parmelia p a p i l k x a Lynge ex Gyelnik, 1939343 [type collec- Province, Union of South Africa, Hoeg ( T R H , holotype;
tion: Canelones, La Paz, Uruguay, F. Felippone 752 (W, LD, US, isotypes)].
lectot) pe)].
Xanthopartnelia phpillosa (Lynge ex Gyelnik) Hale, 1974:
DEscRrPTIoN.-Thallus adnate to loosely attached
488. on rock or rarely on soil, pale olivaceous mineral
gray, 4-7 cm broad; lobes sublinear, extended, al-
DESCRIPTION.-Thal1us adnate on rock, greenish most divaricate, 2-3 mm wide; upper surface plane,
yellow, 4-6 cm broad; lobes subirregular, apically shiny; lower surface pale brown, moderately rhiz-
rotund, 2 4 mm wide; upper surface plane and inate, the rhizines pale brown. Apothecia not seen.
shiny, somewhat white-reticulate at the tips, becom- CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K +
yellow, medulla nega-
ing rugose and densely isidiate toward the center, tive with all reagents; atranorin and a n unknown
the isidia irregularly inflated, to 0.4 mm thick and spot (aliphatic compound?).

DIsTRIBuTIox.-union of South Africa. DEsCRIPTIo~..-ThallLis closely adnate on bark or

HABITAT.-on rocks, more rarely on loose soil, rock, yellowish green, 3-6 cm broad; lobes sublin-
in open areas. ear, 0.5-2 mm wide; upper surface convex, contin-
REMARKs.-The general configuration of this uous, densely isidiate, the isidia mostly simple, to
species is that of a Xanthoparmelia. I n many re- 0.2 mm high; lower surface brown to tan, moder-
spects it resembles P. n e o q z i i n t a h Hale, which ately rhizinate, the rhizines tan. Apothecia adnate,
occurs in similar habitats in Australia but has a 1-3 mm in diameter, the amphithecium sparsely
different chemistry. T h e isidiate morph is P. basu- isidiate; spores 8, 3 X 5 pm.
toensis (Hale) Hale. CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K f yellowish, medulla K - ,
SPECIMEYSEx.iVIhED.-see Hale (1972b:344) for records C-, or C + yellow, KCf orange, P- or P + faint;
from the Union of South Africa. barbatic acid, obtusatic acid, 4-0-demethyl-barbatic
acid, unidentified substance, rarely with an uniden-
tified pigment.
Pseudoparmelia pustuleseem DIsTRIsUTIoN.-Thailand.
FIGURE14f HABITAT.-on tree bark or rocks in open decid-
uous forests at 300-1350 m.
Pseudoparmelia pustulescens (Kurokawa) Hale, 1974: 191.
Parrnelia pustulescens Kurokawa in H a l e and Kurokawa, REMARKs.-This species is unique in producing
196.1:156 [type collection: Vila Flor, Humbo, Angola, barbatic acid. Is is superficially similar to two other
Degeliiis (Degelius herbarium, holotype; T N S , US, iso- narrow lobed, usnic acid-containing Asian species,
types)]. P. dahlii Hale (lecanoric acid), and P. malaccensis
Parmelia iinperfecta Kurokawa in Hale and Kurokawa, 1964:
(Nylander) Hale (protocetraric acid). Chemical
155 [ t j p e collection: Bcrgville, Natal, Union of South
Africa, A h b o r n 8815 (LD, holotype; US, isotype)]. tests should be made t o separate them.
SPECIMENS ExA?rrxm.-Thailand: Kerr L28, (BM, US), Kuro-
DEscRIPTIoN.-Tha~~us as in P. owmiensis (See karc*a 1602, 1815 ( T S S , US).
above). Apothecia adnate, 1-2 mm in diameter, the
amphithecium pustulate; spores 8, 4-5 X 7-9 ium.
CHEMISTRY:-?VledUlla K - , c -, KC -, P - ; atra- Pseudoparmelia raunkiaeri
norin, sekikaic acid, fatty acids, and unknown sub- FIGUREl 5 b
Pseudoparmelia raunkiaeri (Vainio) Hale, 1974: 191.
DIsTRIBUTIoN.-Africa and India. Parrrielia 7aunkiaeri Vainio, 1915:19 [type collection: Cane
HABITAT.-On rocks in open areas u p to 2000 m Bay, St. Croix, Raunkiaer 461 ( T U R , Vainio herbarium
elevation. number 2552, lectotype; C, FH, isotypes)].
RE&fARKs.-This species is essentially indistin- Parjnelia scnbrosa Vainio, 1896a:33 [type collection: Chateau
guishable from P. owariensis (Asahina) Hale and Belair, St. Vincent, Elliott 249 ( T U R , lcctotype; BM, iso-
lectotjpr); not Paririelia scabrosa Ta)lor, 1847:162 (= X a n -
a chemical test is needed to separate them. They thopi-i1zelia ~ c n b r o i n (Taylor) Hale)].
appear to be sympatric although collected to- Pni-?reelin 7~incercfinaZahlbruekner, 1929:222 [type collection:
gether only in the Ivory Coast. By using thin-layer based on Parrnelia scabTosa lainio].
chromatography I had earlier synonymized P. i m -
DEscRrPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate on bark,
perfecla (Hale, 1972b). light buff mineral gray, 5-8 cm broad; lobes sub-
11cxs ExA >
SIECI IED.-I\ 0 1 y
Is Coast: Seguela, Santesson irregular, apically rotund, 2-4 mm wide; upper sur-
10691b (UPS, US). Guinea: Zerekorce, Santesson 10584. Union face plane, becoming irregularly rugose toward the
of South Africa: Natal, Alrnborn 6110 (LD), Hoeg ( T R H ) .
center, pustulate-sorediate, the pustules coalescing
India: T a m i l Nadu, Hale 43674.
in a coarsely sorediate mass in older portions; lower
surface black and sparsely rhizinate except for a
Pseudoparmelia rahengensis narrow bare, brown zone at the tips. Apothecia un-
FIGURE15, known.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K f yellow, medulla K-,
Psezidopnriicelia ia/ieiigeiesi$ (Vainio) Hale, 1954:191. C - , KC-, or C + KCf rose; atranorin and pro-
Pai itcelia ralcei~geiisis Vainio, 1921:39 [type collection: Nong
Boa, near Raheng, Thailand, Hosseus 320 ( T U R , lecto-
tocetraric acid with or without gyrophoric acid and
unidentified fatty acids.

FIGURE15. Species of Pseudoparmelia: a, P . rahengensis (Kurokawa 1602 in US); b, P . raun-

kiaeri (Evans in US); c, P . rodriguesiana (Santesson 105 60a in US); d , P . rupicola (Reitz and
Klein 16113 in US); e, P . rutidota (Heller 260 in US); f, P . salacinifera (Moore 4406 in US).
(Scale in mm except for P . rahengensis which is x3.)

DIsTRrBvTIoN.-iZiest Indies and Mexico. cies. Pseudoparmelia rupicola (Lynge) Hale i n

HABITAT.-on trees in dry, open or secondary South America is also saxicolous and contains divar-
forest at sea level to 500 m elevation. icatic acid, but it has smaller, closely appressed
REMARKS.-The soredia of this species are rather lobes.
coarse and originate from small pustulate-isidiate SPECIMENSExAhmED.-Guinea: N'Zerekore, Santesson
growths on the upper surface. These burst open 10560a (UPS, US). Ivory Coast: Man, Santesson 10635 bis
and coalesce so that the major part of the thallus (UPS, US). Angola: Huambo, Degelius (Degelius herbarium,
is sorediate. T h e relationship to another West In- US). Union of South Africa: Natal, A l m b o r n 8594 (US);
dian species, isidiate P. martinicana (Nylander) Transvaal, A'ofier (LD).
Hale, is very close. T h e chemistry is variable. Speci-
mens from St. Croix (including the lectotype) and Pseudoparmelia rupicola
Grand Cayman lack gyrophoric acid. All others con-
tain both protocetraric and gyrophoric acids, as does F r c i R ~15d
P. martinicana. Pseudopariiielia 1 upicola (L)nge) Hale, 1974:191.
SPECIJIENS E x ~ ~ l l ~ f ~ . - h f e x i c Tamaulipas,
o: Purse11 5197 Parmelza ruprcola LJnge, 1914:132 [type collection: Porto
(US). Cuba: Oriente, Hiorant 5545 (US). Grand Cayman: Alegre, Rio Grande d o Sul, Brazil, M a l m e 1339 (S, lecto-
1 J i l S h a U g 24480, 24449 (MSC, US), 24508 (MSC). Jamaica: t,pe)I.
Zinsliaug 15000, 15571 (MSC), 19653, 16044 (MSC, US).
Haiti: Sud, Ij?is/iaug 231 19, 23140 (MSC). Dominican Repub-
DESCRIPTIoiv.-Thal~us closely adnate on rock,
lic: Santiago, 1Vetinore 3910 (MSC). St. Croix: Britton 77 whitish to ivory mineral gray, 4-8 cm broad; lobes
(XY, US), Evans (US, YU), Raunkiaer 461 (C). Tortola: Fish- sublinear, contiguous, 1-2 mm wide; upper surface
lock 493 (FH, NY). St. Barthklemy: L e Gallo 426, 520, 547, plane to rugulose, shiny, transversely rimose with
584 (US), 2626 (MSC). hlonserrat: Evans 46 (US, YU) Guade- age, becoming lobulate toward the center; lower
loupe: Degelius (Degelius herbarium).
surface black except for a dark brown zone at the
tips, moderately rhizinate, the rhizines black. Apo-
Pseudoparmelia rodriguesianu thecia common, adnate, 1-1.5 mm in diameter;
spores 8, 6 X 7-8 pm.
CHEMISTRY.-COrteX Kf yellow, medulla K--,
Pa?rizelia lodtiguesiana Hue, 1899:167 [type collection: Am- C-, KC- or KC+ wine colored, P-; atranorin
bosi tra, Madagascar, Rodriguez (PC, lectot) pes)].
and divaricatic acid with associated unknowns.
DESCRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate on rock, DIsTRIBUTIoN.-Brazil and Uruguay.
whitish mineral gray, 5-10 cm in diameter; lobes HABITAT.-oII sandstone outcrops in open areas
sublinear to subirregular, 2-3 mm wide; upper sur- at about 1000 m elevation.
face plane to rugulose, cracked with age; lower sur- REMARKs.-Pseudoparmelia rupicola closely re-
face black, sparsely rhizinate except for a narrow sembles sorediate P. alabamensis (Hale and Mc-
naked zone near the tips, Apothecia common, ses- Cullough) Hale in lobe configuration and adnation
sile, 2-8 mm in diameter; spores 8, 5-7 X 8-13 pm. on sandstone, and they may be remotely related.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX Kf yellow, medulla K--, Strictly saxicolous species of Pseudoparmelia are
C-, KC+ faint purple violet or KC-; P-; atra- rare in New World.
norin and divaricatic acid with associated un- S r r c i ~ r ~ vEs x 4 u n ~ ~ . - B r a z i l Catarina, Reitz and Klein
knowns. 16111, 16113, 16115, 16121 (US). Uruguay: Lavalleja, Osorio
DIsTRrBuTro;u.-Guinea, Ivory Coast, Angola, 6425 (MVM); Rocha, Hosseur (H).
Union of South Africa, and Madagascar.
HABITAT.-on open or exposed rocks at 1000-
Pseudoparmelia rutidota
1700 m elevation.
REMARKS.-This rarely collected lichen would FIGURE13,
seem to be closely related to P. iiairobiensis (Steiner
Pseudopartrielia rutidota (Hooker and Taylor) Hale, 1974:
and Zahlbruckner) Hale, which is normally corti- 191.
colous and somewhat larger and more loosely Partnelia i utidota Hooker and Taylor, 1844:645 [type collec-
adnate. Further field studies will be needed to deter- tion: Van Diemen's Land, Australia (FH, lectotype)].
mine the exact relationship between these two spe- Parvielia caperata var. caperatula Nylander, 1860:377 [type
NUMBER 31 45

collection: Australia (H, Wylander herbarium number genitors?) of the sorediate morph P. caperata (L.)
35731, lectotppe; F H , isolectotype)]. Hale, the pustulate morph P. baltimorensis (Gyel-
Parmelia caperata f. rafnealis Nylander, 1861:373 [type col- nik and F6riss) Hale, and the isidiate morph P.
lection: Andes, Bolivia, Mandon (H, Nylander herbarium
number 35692, lectotype; FH, S, isolectotypes)]. papillosa (Gyelnik) Hale. None of these fit their
Parmelia jelinekii Krempelhuber, 1868:321 [type collection: respective roles perfectly but together they form a
Australia, Jelinek 27 (M,lectotype; W, isolectotype)]. coherent species group.
Parmelia ochroleuca Muller Arguviensis, 1882:306 [type col- Chemical variation centers around the presence
lection: Near Illawarra, Australia, Kirton 1 ( G , lectotype);
or absence of fatty acids, in most cases caperatic
not Parnaelia ochroleuca Taylor, 1848:24 (= Sticta)].
Parmelia splendidula Delise ex Nylander, 18853605 [type acid, and a medullary pigment. There seems to be
collection: Peru (a,Nylander herbarium number 35733, no geographic pattern here, but assuredly many
lectotype)]. more field studies and collections are needed to
Parrnelia caperatula (Kylander) Nylander, 1885:606. determine this. For the present a rather broad spe-
Parmelia subcaperatula Nylander, 1885:606 [type collection:
cies concept seems unavoidable.
Derwent River, Tasmania, Brown (H, Nylander herbarium
number 35730, lectotype; BM, isolectotype)]. SPECIMENS EXAblINED.-United States: Texas, Darrow 4863
Parmelia confertula Stirton, 1899:77 [type collection: Bris- (US), Hale 5316, 5504, Heller in Lichenes boreali-americani
bane, Australia, Bailey (BM, lectotype)]. 197 and Decades of North American Lichens 260 (US),
Hubricht B1891, B1927, Jerrny (US), Jones (US), Orchard 4
DEsCRIPTIoN.-Thahs adnate to appressed on (US), Slater 3 (US), Whitehouse 2283, 2289, 2290 (US). Mex-
bark, light greenish yellow, 3-8 cm broad; lobes sub- ico: Tamaulipas, Nakanishi 184 (US), Purcell 5564, 5601 (US).
irregular, apically rotund, contiguous, 2 4 mm Bolivia: Mandon (BM). Brazil: Pernambuco, Xavier 776,
815, 816, 826. Chile: Valparaiso, Follrnann 13013 (US). Uru-
wide; upper surface plane or becoming rugulose
guay: Lorentz 740 ( M ) ; Minas, Heiter 90669 ( H ) . Argentina:
and cracked on older lobes; medulla white but Lorentz (M). Australia: New South Wales, Degelius A-37,
sometimes with a reddish pigment near the lower A-38 (Degelius herbarium, US), Doing (L, US), D u Rietz 683,
cortex; lower surface black, shiny, sparsely rhizinate, 693 (UPS, US), Hamildon L1812 (XSiV), W a t t s L1817 (NSW);
usually with a bare dark brown naked zone at the South Australia, Rogers 1463, 1697 (US); Western Australia,
tips. Apothecia common, sessile, the rim crenate, Irvine ( G ) ; Tasmania, Pearcey (BM); Victoria, Filson 5419
(US); Australian Capital Territory, Weber in Lichenes Ex-
1-3 mm in diameter; spores 8, 7-10 X 14-20 pm. siccati 268 (US).
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K - or K + yellowish, me-
dulla K--, C-, KC- or KC+ rose, P f red; usnic
acid, rarely atranorin, protocetraric acid with or Pseudoparmelia salacinif era
without associated unknowns, and with or without FIGURE
caperatic acid (and protolichesterinic acid?) and
unidentified K purple pigments. Pseudoparmelia salacinifera (Hale) Hale, 1974:191.
Parinelia salacinifera Hale in Hale and Kurokawa, 1964:157
DIsTRIBuTI0N.-United States, Mexico, South
[type collection: Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, Ru@
America, and Australia. (US, holotype; FLAS, isotppe)].
HABITAT.-on trunks and branches of trees in
semiarid regions at 100-2000 m elevation. DEsCRrPTroN.-Thallus adnate on bark, light ashy
REMARKs.-Pseudoparme~ia rutidota is a rather buff, 6-12 cm broad; lobes subirregular, apically
variable species, as one might assume from the long subrotund, 3-5 mm wide; upper surface plane to
list of synonyms. It occurs very commonly in certain rugulose, fissured with age, moderately isidiate, the
semiarid regions, especially Texas in the United isidia simple, to 0.3 mm high; lower surface brown
States and New South Wales in Australia. Outside to tan, moderately rhizinate except for a narrow
of this it is relatively rare. T h e comparable African naked zone along the margins. Apothecia rare, 2-4
populations appear to consist entirely of P . am- mm in diameter, the amphithecium isidiate; spores
plexa (Stirton) Hale, a smaller, more congested 8, 8-9 X 13-16 ,pm.
species with a black velvety lower surface. On the CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K + yellow, medulla K f
other hand, some specimens from Mexico and South yellow turning red, C-, KC-, P + pale orange;
America are quite a bit larger than the average. atranorin and salazinic acid.
Obviously environmental modification plays a role DIsTRIBUTION.-~Outheastern United States, Mex-
in this variation. Basically P . rutidota could be, or ico, Central America, West Indies, Colombia, Vene-
closely resemble, a now extinct progenitor (or pro- zuela, Brazil, and Thailand.

HABITAT.-On trees (deciduous trees, palm, con- will be more frequently collected as lichenologists
ifers) in open or secondary forest from sea level to visit coastal localities in East Africa.
1000 m elevation. SPECIMENS
ExAar!sED.-hfopcbique: Afogg 2099 (PRE, US).
REhfARKs.-The distinguishing features of this
species are the isidia and pale brown lower surface.
T h e only other comparable salazinic acid-containing Pseudoparmelia schistacea, new combination
species is saxicolous P. scotophylla Kurokawa from Pa, iirelia scliistacea Kurokawa and Filson, 1975:44 [type col-
Australia. It has a smaller thallus and small spores. lection: 65.5 km west of Kingoonya, South Australia, Filson
Pseudoparmelia cinerascens (Lynge) Hale has a 11921 (hIEL, holotjpe) (not seen)].
black lower surface. T h e only other species that
could be confused with it because of the similar DESCRIPTIoN.-ThallUS closely adnate, pale oliva-
habitat, range, thallus color, and lobe configuration ceous gray, 2-4 cm broad; lobes sublinear-elongate,
is P. amazonica (Nylander) Hale, which has a crowded at the center of the thallus, 0.5-1.5 mm
black lower surface and contains protocetraric acid wide; upper surface plane to convex, shiny, be-
coming tangentially rimose, pustulate; medulla
(K-h white; lower surface pale brown, sparsely rhizinate.
S[,Ecihims EXAMiNED.--Cnited States: Georgia, Hale 16843; Apothecia not seen.
Florida, H a l e 7994, 16714, 17045, 17083, 17735, 21690, 21967,
Moore 4406 (DUKE, US). R a p p (FLAS, US), Standiey 13084
CmMIsrRY.-Cortex K +
yellow, medulla K -,
(US). See Maore (1968:225) for further records from Florida. C-, KC-, P-; atranorin, a trace of usnic acid,
Merico: Chiapas, Hale 20607. Honduras: Comayagua, Standley caperatic acid, and an unidentified fatty acid.
6522 (F, US); Cortes, Morton 5896 (US). Cuba: Pinar del Rio, DISTRIBLIT~~N.-Australia.
Ztnshaug 25215 (MSC, US). Jamaica: Plitt (US). Colombia: HABITAT.-on rocks in open areas.
Santander, A'ee and M o r i 3736 (US). Venezuela: Maracay,
REMARKS.-The authors of this species compare
Nasli 1946 (US). Brazil: M a r a n h a o , Eiten 4198 (US); Mato
Grosso, Afaltiie (UPS). Thailand: Kurokawa 1931 (TNS, US). i t with P. arcana (Kurokawa) Hale, both having
closely adnate, almost subcrustose thalli. They have
different morphologies, however, P. arcana being
Pseudoparmelia schelpei
typically isidiate. A trace of usnic acid is alleged to
FIGLRE16a occur in P. schistacea. T h e species is illustrated in
Kurokawa and Filson (1975, pl. 4: fig. 1).
Pseudoparttieha schelpei (Hale) Hale, 1974:191.
Pa? inelia sclfelpei Hale, 1972b:344 [ty pe collection: Maxixe,
Sul do Sate, hlocambique, Sclielpe 4460 (BOL, holotype; Pseudoparmelia scotophylla, new combination
LD, US, isotypes)].
DESCRIPTIoN.-ThalluS closely adnate on bark,
whitish mineral gray, 2-4 cm broad; lobes sublinear, Partrielin scotophl lla Kurokawa in Kurokawa a n d Filson,
crowded, 1.5-2.0 mm wide; upper surface plane, 1955 45 [type collection. Ardglen Gap, Liberpool Range,
S e w South TVales, Australia, Kuiokauw 5174 (TNS, holo-
dull, rugulose with age; lower surface black, t\pe; MEL, isotjpe) (not seen)].
sparsely rhizinate. Apothecia numerous, adnate, 1-2
mm in diameter; spores 8, 4 X 8-10 pm. DESCRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate, whitish to
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K+ yellow, medulla K - , dark mineral gray, 4-12 cm broad; lobes sublinear,
C-, K- or KC+ rose, P + orange; atranorin and congested, apically subrotund, 1-2 mm wide; upper
protocetraric acid. surface plane, shiny, becoming densely isidiate, the
DIsTRrBuTroN.-h~ocambique. isidia cylindrical, simple, the tips blackened; lower
HABITAT.-on coconut palms near sea level. surface dark brown or blackening, sparsely to mod-
REMARKS.--NOother species in Pseudoparmelia erately rhizinate, the rhizines brown or black, sim-
has protocetraric acid and such narrow lobes. Pseu- ple. Apothecia (from type description) substipitate,
doparmelia caribaea (Hale) Hale, a saxicolous 6 m m in diameter, the amphithecium isidiate;
species in the West Indies, is much larger. T h e spores 8, 5 X 7-8 pm.
sorediate morph of P. schelpei is presumed to be CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX Kf yellow, medulla K +
P. epileuca (Hale) Hale, which also occurs in Mo- yellow turning red, C-, KC-, P + orange; atra-
cambique as well as in Kenya. I suspect both species norin and salazinic acid.

FIGURE 16.-Species of Pseudoparmelia: a, P. schelpei (Schelpe 4460, isotype in US); b. P.

scotophylla (Weber L-47301 in US); c, P . scrobicularis (Malme 1949, isotype of Parmelia
longiconida Lynge in US); d , P . somaliensis (Jellicoe 40 in US); e, P . soredians (Sampaio 247
in US); f, P. sphaerospora (Hale 21970A). (Scale in mm.)

DISTRIBuTIoN.-Austra~ia. Pseudoparmelia somaliensis

HABITAT.-on rocks in dry shrubby sclerophyll 16d
REMARKs.-This species is part of the Pseudopar- Pseudoparinelia sonzaliensis (Muller Argoviensis) Hale, 1974:
melia molybdiza (Nylander) Hale complex, char- 191.
Partrzelia sonalienxis Muller Argoviensis, 18853501 [type col-
acterized by isidia and salazinic acid. T h e color of lection: Somalia, Hildebrandt ( G , lectotype)].
the lower surface seems to be variable, dark brown Parnzelin scottii Vainio, 1898a:40 [type collection: Ruwenzori,
and blackening or remaining rather pale. A closely Africa, Scott-Elliott (TUR, Vainio herbarium number 2693,
related nonisidiate species and possible progenitor lectatppe)].
is P. spodochroa (Kurokawa and Filson) Hale, Parnzelia rainulicokz Dodge, 1959:172 [type collection: Mad-
agascar, Hildebrandt (FH, holotype)].
which usually contains both salazinic and norstictic
acids. DESCRIPTIoN.-Thallus adnate on twigs, whitish
SrEcI\rms EXA\fINED.-.~UStralia: Xew South Wales, D u
mineral gray, rather soft and appearing inflated,
Rietz 389 (UPS, US). 3-5 cm broad; lobes subirregular, 2-5 mm wide;
upper surface plane to rugulose, dull, becoming
white-pruinose; lower surface dark brown to black
and moderately rhizinate except for a brown naked
Pseudoparmelia scrobicularis zone along the margins. Apothecia common, sub-
stipitate, almost urceolate, 2-5 mm in diameter,
the amphithecium rugose, pruinose; spores 8, 5-7
Pseudoparrnelia scrobicularis (Krempelhuber) Hale, 1974:191. X 9-13 pm.
Partnelia scrobicularis Krempelhuber, 1873:lO [type collection: CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K +
yellow, medulla K -,
Lagoa Santa, Brazil, W a r m i n g (M, lectotype)]. C-, KC+ rose, P + red; atranorin and protoce-
Partnelia longiconida Lpnge, 1914:130 [type collection: Rio traric acid.
Apa, Colonia Risso, Paraguay, Alalme 1949 (S, lectotype: LD,
DISTRIBUTION.-Centra1 Africa and Madagascar.
US, TV, isolectotypes)].
HABITAT.-OII twigs and branches of trees in
DEscRIPTIoN.-Tha11us closely adnate on bark, open areas u p to 2300 m elevation.
light buff mineral gray, 2-5 cm broad; lobes sub- REMARKs-The most characteristic habitat of this
linear, contiguous, 1.O-1.5 mm wide: upper surface species is small twigs. T h e thallus is thick and soft
finely foveolate, dull to shiny, lower surface black, with large apothecia. There are no close relatives in
moderately rhizinate. Apothecia common, adnate, the genus for this African endemic.
1.5-2.5 mm i n diameter, the disc white pruinose; SPECIMENS ExAwxED.-Zambia: Jellicoe 40 (BM, US). T a n -
spores 8,6-7 X 10-12 &m. zania: Hoeg (TRH).
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX Kf yellow, medulla K +
yellow, C-, KC-, P f orange; atranorin, stictic
Pseudoparmelia soredians
acid, and constictic acid.
HABITAT.-On trees in open or secondary forest. Psetcdoparmelia soredians (Nylander) Hale, 1974:191.
REMARKs.-The reticulate wrinkles are very Parinelia soredians Nylander, 1872:426 [type collection: Forqa,
strongly developed but are not visible without low Reale, Spain, Xylander (H, Kylander herbarium number
34690, lectotype)].
power magnification. Two possibly related species,
Parmelia conspersa var. polyphylla f. sorediosa Muller Argo-
P. carneopruinata (Zahlbruckner) Hale, a pre- viensis, 1891:378 [type collection: San Miguel, Azores, God-
sumptive sorediate morph, and P . crozalsiana ittan (G, lectotype)].
(Bouly de Lesdain) Hale, have broad reticulately Parmelia san-rniguelii Gyelnik, 1931b3288 [type collection:
ridged lobes. based on P. conspersa var. polyphylla f. sorediosa Miiller
S m c i h i E i w ExAhrrNEo.-Venezuela: Distrito Federal, Ernst Parmelia halmaiana Gyelnik, 1935:47 [type collection: Ber-
( G ) . Brazil: Minas Gerais, Henschen (UPS). Paraguay: M a l m e gues, France, Bouly d e Lesdain, in Zahlbruckner Lichenes
(UPS); Paraguara, Balansa (G). Argentina: Misiones, Montes Rariores Exsiccati 236 (BP, holotype; BM, BPI, MICH,
10089 pro parte (LD). UPS, isotypes)].
NUMBER 31 49

DEscRIPTIoN.-Thahs adnate on branches and Parmelia Pavidoglauca Vainio, 1890:65.

Parinelia endoxantha Merrill, 1909:73.
trunks of trees, rarely on rocks, yellowish green,
Parinelia bipindensis Dodge, 1959:59.
6-1 5 cm broad; lobes subirregular, apically rotund, Parmelia zenkeri Dodge, 1959:74.
2-5 mm wide; upper surface plane, shiny, becoming [Full citations of the synonyms are given in Hale (1971b:10).]
rugose toward the center, sorediate, soralia orbicu-
lar, coalescing, often occurring along ridges and DEscRIPTroN.-Thahs closely adnate on bark,
wrinkles; lower surface black except for a marginal 5-10 cm in diameter, pale greenish or yellowish
brown zone, sparsely rhizinate, the rhizines black. mineral gray, often turning chamois in the her-
Apothecia rare, adnate; spores not seen. barium; lobes sublinear-elongate, 2-4 mm wide; up-
CHEmsmY.-Cortex K -, medulla K +
yellow per surface plane to convex, more or less maculate,
rugulose to minutely pitted with age; medulla
turning red, C-, KC-, Pf orange; usnic acid and
salazinic acid. white to pale yellow; lower surface light tan to pale
D1sTRIBUTIoN.-Europe, Central and South Af- olive brown or darkening, rugose, moderately rhiz-
rica, Argentina, Chile, and New Zealand. inate, the rhizines simple, tan. Apothecia common,
HABITAT.-On trees and rarely on rocks in open adnate, 2-3 mm in diameter; spores !,6-8 X 7-9
forests. Pm.
REMARKS.-This species is similar to P. caperata CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K- or K + yellowish, me-
(L.) Hale except for the discrete, orbicular soralia dulla yellowish to orange with color reagents; atra-
and different chemistry ( P . caperata is P + red norin, stictic acid, norstictic acid, gyrophoric acid,
with protocetraric acid). It is totally absent from quintaria unknowns, and an unidentified yellow
North America and eastern Asia, where P . caperata pigment in various combinations. T h e majority of
is very common. I n England it behaves as a Medi- specimens contained atranorin and the pigment;
terranean species, occurring mostly in the south- the next largest group (about 20% of the speci-
eastern parts of the country where rainfall is low mens) had atranorin, stictic acid, and the pigment.
and there are no severe frosts (James and Rose, T h e other combinations (atranorin with the quin-
1973). taria unknown, with stictic and norstictic acids,
or with gyrophoric acid) occurred in only a few
SPECIMENS ExAiwnim-Europe: Ireland, Mitchell (M); Eng- specimens.
land, Holmes (BM); France, Crozals (US), Dahl (WIS), des
Abbayes in Lirhenes Armorici Spectabiles 13 (LD), Mangillon DISTRIBUTION.-Southeastern United States, Mex-
668 (US), Santesson 10077 (UPS); Portugal, Persoon (UPS), ico, Central America, West Indies, South America,
Sainpaio in Lichenes de Portugal 247 (LD, M, US), Tauares and Central Africa.
in Lichenes Lusitaniae selecti exsiccati 140 (H, LD, M, US, HABITAT.-on shaded tree trunks in mature for-
WIS); Italy, Sbarbaro (US), Sbarbaro in Lichenes Selecti Exsic- ests, Taxodium swamps, or orchards from sea level
cati 24 (H, LD, M, US). Kenya: Central Province, Maas Geester-
anus (L). Union of South Africa: Transvaal, Almborn 6603, to 1100 m elevation.
7501, 7505 (LD), Hiieg (TRH); Natal, Almborn 9641, 9763 REMARKS.-I had previously discussed the occur-
(LD), Hdeg (TRH); Basutoland, hofler (LD); Cape Province, rence of this species in Dominica under the name
Almborn 1604, 1997, 1998, 2030, 2099, 2100, 2153, 2121, 4108, Parmelia congruens Acharius (Hale, 1971b:11).
4735, 5361, 10662, 10862 (LD), Hoeg ( T R H ) , Kofler (LD),
After making as definitive a summary as possible of
Maas Geesteranus 6623 (L), Penfield 220 (PRE). Argentina:
Buenos Aires, Santesson 48 ( S ) ; Chubut, Santesson 195 ( S ) . the chemistry, however, I discovered that the lecto-
Chile: Santiago, Mahu 1117, 2034 (US); Concepci6n, Burros type of P. congruens contains usnic and hypoproto-
3, 193 (H). New Zealand: Scott 323 (BM). cetraric acids and is better placed in the genus
Xanthoparmelia, leaving P . sphaerospora as the
Pseudoparmelia sphaerospora, new combination earliest name for the Pseudoparmelia species. T h e
medullary color often darkens in old herbarium
FIGURE16f specimens. T h e isidiate morph is P. cyphellata
Parinelia sphaerospora Nylander, 1859:254 [type collection: Lynge.
Madagascar, (H, lectotype; PC, isolectotype)]. SPECIMENS ExAMINED.-United States: South Carolina, Cul-
Parnielia leucochlora Tuckerman in Nylander, 1860:392. berson 10329 (DUKE, US); Georgia, Egan El-3403, El-6744
Parmelia cubensis Nylander, 1885:611. (US), Hale 16832; Alabama, Evans 93, 201, 345, 371 (US);
Parnielia uleana Miiller Argoviensis, 1889:506. Mississippi, McDaniel L-3 (US), Purse11 3083, 3153, 4181 (US);

Louisiana, Langlois 47 (US); Texas, Jenny (US); Florida, lobe surface is smooth and shiny except for Degelius
Calkins 2 (US), Culberson 10893 (DUKE, US), Hale 16728, SA-57, which has a roughened, almost coarsely
16889, 17652, 17738, 21623, 34134, 36829, 36887, hash 2035
(US), RaPP 19, 2086 ( U S ) . R a p p in Cryptogarnae Vindobo-
pruinose surface, a trait seen in specimens of other
nenses 3654 (US), R a p p in Lichenes Rariores Exsiccati 379 genera that grow in exposed desert regions. Further
(BM, UPS, US), Standley 73421 (US) (for further records from collecting in Africa and Australia will be needed to
Florida see Moore 1968:224). Mexico: Jalisco, W i r t h (US); decide whether the limits of the species as described
Chiapas, Hale 20030, 20174. Guatemala: Baja Verapaz, Hale here are too broad.
45998, Xellerrnan 8045 (US). Panama: Cocle, Hale 43571;
Panama, Hale 38546. Costa Rica: T o n d u z (US). Bahamas: SPECIMENS ExA~~iv~D.-Australia:Australian Capital Terri-
Brace 6792 (FH, S Y ) . Cuba: Wright 76 (BM, FH, G, XY, tory, Weber L-47220. L-47282 (COLO, US). Union of South
UPS, US); Pinar del Rio, Imshaug 25349, 25376 (MSC). Haiti: Africa: Cape Province, Alniborn 4900 (LD, US), Degelius
Nord, Leonard 8023 (S, US), 9002 (NY). Dominica: Hale SA-57 (Degelius hcrbarium, US).
35636, 35775, 35779. Venezuela: Distrito Federal, Dennis 1548
(BM); Guarico, Goodland 2 (US), Nilson 1500 (UPS). Peru:
San Martin, Allard 2294a, 22295a (US). French Guiana: Pseudoparmelia subambigua, new species
Degelius (Degelius herbarium). Brazil: Spruce 130 (BM);
Maranhao, Eiten 3887 (US); Goias, Iruin 32073 (NY, US); FIGURE
Mato Grosso, Malrne in Lichenes Awtroamericani 96 (BM, DESCRIPTIoN.-Thalhs arcte adnatus, mollis,
LD, S, UC, US), 2642 (UC, UPS, US), Rainos 6545 (BM); SPO
Paulo, Schindler 4586 (US). Cameroon: Zenker 4053 (BR).
viridi-flavicans, 5-10 cm latus, lobis subirregulari-
Zaire: Hoieg (TRH), Louis 6765, 7151, 8482 (BR, US). Guinea: bus, brevibus, apice subrotundatis, congestis, 1.O-
Santessoti 10574 (UPS, US). Angola: Gossuqeiler 8013a (BM). 3.0 mm latis; superne planus, centrum versus rugo-
Tanzania: Hoeg (TRH). Madagascar: des Abbayes in Lichenes sus, dense sorediatus, soraliis orbicularibus, con-
Madagascarienses 5 (US). fluentibus; cortex superior 8-10 pm crassus, epicor-
tex perforatus, stratum gonidiale 20 pm crassum,
Pseudoparmelia spodochroa, new combination medulla alba, 110-120 pm crassa, cortex inferior
7-10 pm crassus; subtus niger, sparse rhizinosus,
rhizinis simplicibus, nigris. Apothecia ignota.
Parrrzelia spodochroa Kurokawa and Filson, 1975:46 [type CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K - , medulla K - , c -l-,
collection: Warren Gorge, Flinders Range, South Australia, KCf red, P-; usnic acid and lecanoric acid.
K . Filsorz 11976 (MEL, holotype; T N S , isotype) (not seen)].
HoLoTYPE.-chile: Antofagasta, Paposo Que-
DESCRIPTION.-Tha~~usadnate on rock, whitish to brada Guanillo, elevation 880 m, M . Mahu 3405,
dark mineral gray, 3-6 cm broad; lobes sublinear, 12 September 1972 (US; Mahu herbarium, isotype).
apically subrotund, contiguous, becoming lobulate DIsmmuTIoN.-Chile.
with age, 1.5-2.5 mm wide; upper surface plane, HABITAT.-on shrubs and fence posts in open
transversely rimose with age; lower surface brown areas from sea level to 900 m elevation.
or blackening, moderately rhizinate, the rhizines REh.fARKs.-This lichen could easily be misiden-
brown or black. Apothecia (from Degelius SA-57) tified as Parmeliopsis ambigua (Acharius) Nyland-
adnate, 2-3 mm in diameter; spores 8, 6 X 8-11 er. T h e lower surface is black, however, and the
chemistry distinctive. Larger specimens may also
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX Kf yellow, medulla K + resemble Pseudoparmelia soredians (Nylander)
yellow turning red, C-, KC-, P + orange; atra- Hale, which contains salazinic acid and which may
norin, salazinic acid, and usually norstictic acid. well be the most closely related species. I t is known
DIsTRIBUTION.-AUStralia and Union of South only from Chile.
Africa. SPEClhlENS EXA?mNED.-chile: Coquimbo, Runde2 7230 (Us),
HABITAT.-on more or less exposed rocks in dry Santesson 2519 (S, US); Santiago, R u n d e l 7323 (US); Valpara-
iso, Santesson 2808 (S, US).
REMARKS.-This species is represented by only
five collections, which diverge rather widely in sev- Pseudoparmelia subamplexa, new species
eral characters. T h e color of the lower surface, for
example, varies from almost entirely black to pale
brown. Chemistry is uniform except for Almborn DEsCRIPTroN.-Thallus ut in Pseudoparmelia am-
4900 and the holotype, which lack norstictic. T h e plexa (Stirton) Hale sed superficie sorediatus, soraliis

FIGURE17.-Species of Pseudoparmelia: a, P . spodochroa (Weber L-47220 in US); b, P. subam-

bigua (Santesson 2519 in US); c, P . subamplexa (Schiitte 34k, isotype in US); d , P . subtiliacea
(Knight 7, lectotype in H); e, P. subtortula (Lye LZOZA, holotype in BM); 1, P . texana (Hale
42248). (Scale in mm.)

orbicularibus, discretis vel pro parte confluen- Pseudoparmeliu subtortula

tibus; cortex superior 15-18 pm crassus, epicortatus,
epicortice perforato, stratum gonidiale 15-20 ,pm FIGURE
crassum, medulla alba, 110-130 ,pm alta, cortex in- Pseudoparinelia subtortula (Hale) Hale, 1974:191.
ferior 14-20 pm crassus; subtus niger, opacus, modice Parmelia subtortula Hale, 1973b:3 [type collection: E. Mengo
rhizinosus, rhizinis simplicibus. Apothecia ignota. District, Uganda, L y e L202A (BM, holotype; US, isotype)].
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K-, c-, KC- or KC+
rose, P+ red; usnic acid and protocetraric acid. DESCRIPTION.-Thal~US as in P. tortula (Hale)
HOLOTYPE.-on tree, Chishawasha, Salisbury Dis- Hale (see below) except the upper surface isi-
trict, S. Rhodesia, K.Schutte 34k, 30 December 1953 diate, the isidia cylindrical, simple. Apothecia not
(LD; US, isotype). seen.
DrsTRIsuTroN.-Rhodesia. CHEMxsmY.-Cortex K +
yellow, medulla K - ,
HABITAT.-on trees in arid scrub land. +
C - , KC rose, P - ; atranorin, norlobaridone, and
REMARKS.-ThiS is the sorediate morph of P. neoloxodic acid.
amplexa (Stirton) Hale. It has the same peculiar DIsTRIBuTIoN.-Uganda and Kenya.
black velvety lower surface. As with the parent HABITAT.-On rocks in open areas at about 1000
species, it is restricted to Africa. m elevation.
REMARKs.-Pseudoparmelia subtortula is the pre-
SPECIMENS ExAMINED.-Rhodesia, Hoeg (TRH, us), Schutte sumptive isidiate morph of P. tortula, a species with
42 (LD, US).
identical chemistry, which occurs chiefly in South
Africa. Both are saxicolous African endemics unique
in producing norlobaridone and neoloxodic acid.
Pseudoparmelia subtiliacea
SPECIMENS ExAMINED.-see Hale (1973b) for records from
Uganda and Kenya.

Pseudoparnielia subtiliacea (Nylander) Hale, 1974:191.

Parmelia subtiliaeea Nylander, 1885:614 [type collection: New Pseudoparmelia texana
Zealand, Knight (H, Nylander herbarium number 35176,
lectotype; UPS, isolectotype)]. FIGURE 17f
Parmelia tiliacea var. feracissima Miiller Argoviensis, 1886:
256 [type collection: Guntawang, New South Wales, Aus- Pseudoparmelia texana (Tuckerman) Hale, 1974:191.
tralia, Hamilton 5 (G, lectotype)]. Parmelia texana Tuckerman, 1858:424 [type collection:
Blanco, Texas, W r i g h t (FH, lectotype; M, US, isolecto-
DESCRIPTION.-Thallus adnate on twigs, whitish Parmelia sublaevigata var. texana (Tuckerman) Nylander i n
mineral gray, 3-5 cm broad; lobes subirregular, Triana and Planchon, 1867:307.
black rimmed, 1.5-3 mm wide; upper surface plane Parrnelia confluexens Nylander, 1875:725 [type collection: St.
Paul (H, Nylander herbarium number 35178, lectotype;
to rugulose or foveolate; lower surface black, sparse-
BM, PC, UPS, isolectotypes)].
ly rhizinate. Apothecia common, substipitate, 1-5 Parmelia cingalensis Stirton, 1876:159 [type collection: Galle,
mm in diameter; spores 8, 6-7 X 12-14 pm. Ceylon (BM, lectotype); illegitimate name].
CHEMIsTRY.-Cortex K +yellow, medulla nega- Parmelia leptophylla Miiller Argoviensis, 1891:377 [type col-
tive with all reagents; atranorin and caperatic acid. lection: Baziya, South Africa, Baer 714 (BM, lectotype; G ,
DIsTRIBuTIoN.-Australia and New Zealand.
Parmelia tenuirinia f. sorediata Muller Argoviensis, 1894:258
HABITAT.-on twigs of subalpine shrubs and in [type collection: Usambara (Tanganyika), Africa, Holst 787
dry scrub land. pro parte (G, lectotype)].
REMARKs.-Pseudoparmelia subtiliacea is a very Parmelia exoriens Stirton, 1899:76 [type collection: Brisbane,
rare lichen and as a consequence it is poorly under- Australia, Bailey 215 (BM, lectotype; GLAM, isolectotype)].
Parinelia symrniga Hue, 1899:168 [type collection: Coonoor,
stood. T h e only close relative seems to be another
Nilgherries Mountains, India, Gray (PC, lectotype)].
Australian lichen, P . corrugativa (Filson and Kuro- Partnelia subconfluescens Magnusson, 1942:5 [type collection:
kawa) Hale, which has a pigment in the lower half Puu Waawaa, north of Hualalai, Hawaii, Selling 5669 (S,
of the medulla. holo type)].
N U M B E R 31 53

Parmelia mangenotii des Abbayes, 1951:969 [type collection: 20278. Honduras: Morazan, Standley 4105, 11623 (F). Costa
Mankono, Cercle of Seguela, Ivory Coast, des Abbayes Rica: San Jose, Q,uiros 1246, 1474 (US). Panama: Chiriqui,
(REN, lectotype; US, isolectotype)]. Hale 38914, Scholander (US). Haiti: Ouest, Imshaug 22537
Parnielia pseudorutidota Asahina, 1952:17 [type collection: (MSC), Wetmore 2670 (MSC, US). Venezuela: Merida, Hale
Nagachi, Shinshu, Japan, Takahashi (TNS, lectotype)]. 42121, 42920. Peru: Abancay, Iltis 2322 (WIS). Brazil: Minas
Parmelia tQnQkQeAsahina, 1954:371 [ t y p e collection: KUZU- Gerais, Eiten 6864, 6870 (US), Mosen 2309 (S, US): SaO Paulo,
Mura, Buzen, Prov. Yamato, Japan, Tanaka (TNS, lecto- Eiten 2978, 8060 (US), M i l n e 32 (BM), Osorio 4919 (MVM);
t,pe)l. Santa Catarina, Reitz and Klein 15114 (US); Rio Grande do
Parmelia QlbQnienSlSDodge, 1959:121 [type collection: forests Sul, Lima 90 (US). Uruguay: Canelones, Zorron 1929 (US);
of Albany, Cape of Good Hope, Union of South Africa, Montevideo, Osorio 1849, 6824 (MVM). Chile: Antofagasta,
Zeyher 3 (FH-Tayl, holotype)]. Rundel 7205 (US). Uganda: Busiro County, Swinscow 2U
24/4 (BM, US). Angola: Bie, Degelius (Degelius herbarium).
DEscRrPTroN.-Thallus closely adnate on trees Kenya: Rift Valley Province, MQQS Geesteranus 4551 (L).
or rocks, ashy white, 6-12 cm broad; lobes sublinear Rhodesia: Hoeg (TRH). Tanzania: Arusha Prov., Santesson
to subirregular, apically rotund, 3-5 mm wide; up- 21338 (UPS); Kilimanjaro Prov., Santesson 20948 (UPS);
Union of South Africa: Natal, Hoeg (TRH); Transvaal,
per surface plane to rugulose, usually deeply rimose,
Alrnborn 6253 (LD); Cape Province, Almborn 10664 (LD).
sorediate, the soralia laminal, punctiform to capi- Madagascar: des Abbayes in Lichenes Madagascarienses et
tate, in part initially pustulate with formation of Borbonici Selecti E X S ~ C C 11Q(LD,
~ ~ US). India: Tamil Nadu.
soredia; lower surface black and moderately rhiz- Foreau 4092 (Awasthi herbarium), Hale 40167, 43708. Thai-
inate except for a narrow naked brown zone along land: Kurokawa 1948 (TNS). Japan: Province Ohmi, Hale
29473. Indonesia: Java, Groenhart 1711 (L), Kurokawa in
the margins. Apothecia rare, 2-5 mm in diameter;
Lichenes Rariores et Critici E X S ~ C 39 ~ ~ US); Sumatra,
spores 8,6-7 X 9-11 pm. Groenhart 957 (L). Australia: New South Wales, Flockton
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX Kf yellow, medulla K-, 724B (US).
C - - , KCf pale violet or KC-, P--; atranorin,
divaricatic acid, and associated unknowns.
DIsTRrsuTIoN.-Pantemperate outside of Europe Pseudoparrnelia tortula
and pantropical at higher elevations. FIGURE
HABITAT.-On trees ( ACaCia, Eucalyptus, Junip-
erus, Pinus, Quercus) and more rarely o n rocks in Pseudoparrnelia tortula (Kurokawa) Hale, 1974:191.
Parmelia tortula Kurokawa in Hale and Kurokawa, 1964:157
open or secondary forest and in parks and gardens [type collection: Namaqualand, Cape Province, Union of
at 50-2400 m elevation. South Africa, Almborn 4805 (LD, holotype; TNS, US, iso-
REMARKS.-This is one of the most widespread Y pes)l.
species in the genus and while not usually occur-
ring in as great abundance, for example, as P. cup- DESCRIPTION.-Thallus closely adnate on rock,
eruta (L.) Hale, it is well represented, if not whitish mineral gray, 5-10 cm in diameter; lobes
frequently misidentified, in most large herbaria. subirregular to sublinear, apically subrotund,
T h e range of morphological variation is small and crowded toward the center, 1.5-4 mm wide, often
the chemistry uniform and distinctive. It is difficult twisted and contorted when free from the substra-
to understand why so many lichenologists failed to tum; upper surface plane to rugulose or undulate,
recognize it. T h e nonsorediate progenitor may be continuous, sometimes faintly pruinose; lower sur-
represented by the African P. nairobiensis (Steiner face pale brown, sparsely rhizinate, the rhizines
and Zahlbruckner) Hale and the companion isid- brown. Apothecia adnate to substipitate, 1-5 mm
iate morph by P. concrescens (Vainio) Hale. in diameter; spores 5-6 X 7-9 ,ym.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K f yellow, medulla K--,
consin, Thomson 10921 (US, WIS); Tennessee, Hale 37032;
C -, KC - or KC faint rose, P - ; atranorin, nor-
West Virginia, Hale 10308; Illinois, Skorepa 934 (us); Vir- lobaridone, and neoloxodic acid.
ginia, Hale 12814 (US); South Carolina, Culberson 7515 DISTRIBUTION.-uniOn of South Africa.
(DUKE); Alabama, Hale 34057; Georgia, Hale in Lichenes HABITAT.-on rocks in open treeless or sparsely
Selecti Exuccati 270 (US); Florida, Hale 36897; Arkansas, vegetated areas u p to 1000 m elevation.
Hale 5567. Mexico: Chihuahua, Matthews 43794 (US); Hi-
dalgo, Chase 7429 (F, US), Weber et d . 33690 (COLO);
REMARKs.-This rather undistinguished lichen is
Michoacaan, Hale 20849; Oaxaca, Cain 27578 ( T R T , US), still known only from South Africa, where it seems
Hale 20621, 20630; Veracruz, Hale 19407; Chiapas, Hale to be quite common. T h e presumptive isidiate

FIGURE18.-Species of Pseudoparmelia: a, P . tortula (Almborn 4805, holotype in LD); b,

P. vunder6ylii (AlmbOrn 5110 in US); c, P. venezolana (Hale 45526a, holotype in US); d, P.
uiolacea (Almborn 1771, holotype in LD); e, P. xanthomelaena (Maas Geesteranus 12145 in US);
f , P . zambiensis (Jellicoe 50, holotype in BM); g, P . zimbabwensis (Hceg, holotype in TRH).
(Scale in mm.)
NUMBER 31 55

morph, P. subtortula (Hale) Hale, occurs farther pm crassa, cortex inferior paraplectenchymatus, 8-
north in Kenya and Uganda. 10 pm crassus; subtus pallide brunneolo-albus,
sparse rhizinosus, rhizinis simplicibus, pallidis. Apo-
SPECIMENS EXAMINED.-&e Hale and Kurokawa (1964:158)
for records from the Union of South Africa.
thecia ignota.
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX Kf yellow, medulla K-,
C-, KC- or KC+ rose, P + red; atranorin and
Pseudoparmelia vanderbylii protocetraric acid.
HoLOTYPE.-Venezuela: Tachira, Pic0 Banderas,
Pdramo de Tama elevation 3200 m, M . E . Hale
Pseudoparmelia vanderbylii (Zahlbruckner) Hale, 1974:191. 45526a, 27 March 1975 (US).
Parmelia vanderbylii Zahlbruckner, 1932a:252 [type collec- REMARKS.-ThiS inconspicuous species is easily
tion: Union of South Africa, Van Rhynsdorp, Cape Prov- overlooked in the high paramo areas where it ap-
ince, P . A . van der Byl (W, lectotype)]. pears to be confined. This is the highest elevation
DEscRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate on rocks, at which the genus is found. There seem to be no
brownish or dark mineral gray, 3-6 cm broad; lobes close relatives. It would more likely be confused
subirregular, apically subrotund, contiguous, 1-2 with Parmeliopsis, which is characterized by the
mm wide; upper surface plane, shiny, rimose with presence of thamnolic acid.
age; lower surface pale brown, sparsely rhizinate, SPECIMENS EXAMINED.-VeneZUeh: Taichira, Hale 45499a,
the rhizines pale brown. Apothecia common, ses- 45523, 45528a.
sile, 1-2 mm in diameter; spores 8, 6 X 8-10 pm.
CHEMISTRY.-cortex Kf yellow, medulla K-
or Kf very faint orange, C-, KC-, P-; atra- Pseudoparmelia violacea
norin and two or more unidentified substances.
DrsTRIBuTroN.-~nion of South Africa. FIGURE
HABITAT.-oII exposed rocks in open areas.
Pseudoparmelia violacea (Kurokawa) Hale, 1974: 191.
REMARKS.-This species falls near P. molybdiza Parmelia violacea Kurokawa in Hale and Kurokawa, 1964:
(Nylander) Hale in general aspect and habitat but 158 [type collection: Blinkwater Ravine, Table Mountain,
differs in chemistry. Two specimens (the lectotype Cape Province, Union of South Africa, Almborn 1771 (LD,
and Almborn 4636) have identical chemistry (two hobtype)].
spots in both the hexane and benzene solvent sys-
tems) and the third (Almborn 51 10) has distinctly DEscRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate on rock,
different but still unidentified higher spots. All greenish mineral gray, 3-6 cm in diameter; lobes
three share the same two lowermost faint spots. sublinear, 1-3 mm wide; upper surface plane to
None matched any of the usual KC.- depsidones distinctly rugulose, continuous; medulla vinaceous
and depsides with which they were co-chromato- purple; lower surface pale brown, moderately rhiz-
graphed. inate, the rhizines pale. Apothecia adnate, 1-1.5
mm in diameter; spores not developed.
S P E C l h t E N S EXAhllNED.-uniOn of South Africa: Cape PrOV-
ince, Alvrborn 4636, 5110 (LD, US).
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K yellowish, medulla KS-
purple, P - ; unidentified anthraquinones.
DISTRIBUTION.-union of South Africa.
Pseudoparmelia venezolana, new species HABITAT.-on rocks in open forest.
REMARKS.-This remarkable species has been re-
18c collected once since the original description. It is
DEsCRIPTION.-Thallus adnatus, saxicola, cinereo- another typical saxicolous African endemic verging
albus, 3-7 cm latus, lobis sublinearibus, congestis, close to Xanthoparmelia. The pigments are, in fact,
0.6-1 .O mm latis; superne planus, nitidus, dense very close to those of X . endomiltoides (Nylander)
isidiatus, isidiis cylindricis, simplicibus vel ramosis, Hale, one being identical. No lichen substances are
0.2-0.4 mm altis; cortex superior 15-18 pm crassus, present in the cortex.
epicorticatus, epicortice distincte perforato, stra- SPECIMENS EXAMINED.-union of South Africa: Cape Prov-
tum gonidiale ca 10 pm crassum, medulla alba, 100 ince, Degelius SA-70 (Degelius herbarium, US).

Pseudoparmelia xanthomelaena DIsTRIBUTIoN.-Centra1 Africa.

HABITAT.-on trees in open areas at 2300 m.
REMARKS.-This is another African species that
Pseudoparnielia xantfiornelaenn (Muller Argoviensis) Hale, will surely be collected more often as lichenologists
1974:191. visit the continent. It appears to be the nonisidiate
Parnzelia xanthomelaena Mul ller Argoviensis, 1883a:48 [type
progenitor of P. ecaperata (Muller Argoviensis)
collection: Grampian Mountains, Australia, Sullivan 28
(G, lectotype)]. Hale, which has a wide range in Africa and Asia.
It could also be considered as the usnic acid chemi-
D E ~ C R I P T.-Thallus
I~N closely appressed on rock, cal counterpart of P. nairobiensis, which contains
buff mineral gray but darkening to brownish olive atranorin only in the cortex. A full understanding
gray at the center, 3-5 cm broad; lobes sublinear, of the relations of these species can only be gained
contiguous, lobulate, 0.5-1.5 mm wide; upper sur- when more specimens are collected.
face plane, shiny, transversely rimose with age;
lower surface black, moderately rhizinate. Apo-
thecia common, adnate, u p to 1 mm in diameter; Pseudoparmelia rimbabwensis
spores 8 , 6 X 7-10 pm. FIGURE
yellow, medulla K + Pseudoparnielia zinibabwensis (Hale) Hale, 1974:191.
yellow, C-, KC-, P + orange; atranorin, stictic Parmelia zim babzc~emisHale, 1972b:346 [type collection: Zim-
acid, and constictic acid. babwe, Rhodesia, Hoeg (TRH, holotype; LD, US, iso-
DISTRIBUTION.-uniOn of South Africa and Aus- types)].
DEscRIPTIoN.-Thallus closely adnate on rock,
HABITAT.-Exposed rocks from sea level t o 250
fragile, light mineral gray, 2-5 cm broad; lobes sub-
m elevation.
linear, contiguous, black-marginate, 1.O-1.5 mm
REMARKS.-This is one of the smallest species of
wide; upper surface plane to rugulose, in part
Pseudoparmelia. It is probably difficult to collect
pruinose, pustulate, the pustules thick, apically
since it cannot be removed free of the rock sub- pruinose and finally erupting without soredial for-
stratum. There are no obviously related species in mation; lower surface black, moderately rhizinate,
the genus, unless we consider P. ischnoides (Kuro- the rhizines black. Apothecia not seen.
kawa) Hale as a possible isidiate morph. CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K + yellow, medulla K-,
SPECIMENSEXAbiINED.-~niOII of South Africa: Basutoland, C-, KC-, P + red; atranorin and protocetraric
KoPer (LD); Cape Proiince, A l m b o r n 125, 275, 1136a. 1444, acid.
1546, 1503, 3023, Degelius 54-337 (Degelius herbarium), Maas DIsTRisuTIoN.-Rhodesia and Union of South
Geesteranus 12145 (L).
HABITAT.-oII boulders in open areas.
Psewloparmelia zambiensis
REMARKS.-The pustules of this species are simi-
1Sf lar to those of P. pusutlescens (Kurokawa) Hale, a
Pseudoparmelia zambiensis (Hale) Hale, 1974:191. somewhat larger species containing sekikaic acid
Parnielia zambiensis Hale, 1972b:346 [type collection: Kyika
Plateau, Zambia, lellicoe 59 (BM, holotype; US, isotype)].
S r E c I i r E N s EXA\fINED.-uniOn of South Africa: Transvaal,
DEsCRIPTIoN.-Thallus adnate on bark, greenish A l m b o r n 6108, 6491, 6496 (LD).
yellow, 4-6 cm broad; lobes subirregular, crowded,
2-3 mm wide, becoming lobulate toward the center; Doubtful and Rejected Names
upper surface plane to rugulose, rimose with age;
lower surface black, sparsely rhizinate, the rhizines Parmelia appressa Sprengel, 1987:58 [type collec-
thick, black. Apothecia common, adnate 2.5-3.0 tion: On Cinchona, tropical America].
mm in diameter; spores 8, 6 X 12 pm. T h e type collection could not be found. A speci-
CHEMISTRY.-cOrteX K--, medulla K--, c - , men in Acharius herbarium labeled Parmelia
KC- or KC+ faint rose, P-; usnic acid and di- appressa appears to be identical with Pseudo-
varicatic acid with associated unknowns. parmelia sphaerospora (Nylander) Hale. How-
NUMBER 81 57

ever, Sprengel mentioned affinity with Parmelia species in synonymy under Cetrelia olivetorum
perforata and P. perlata, both large Parmotrema (Nylander) W. Culberson and C. Culberson.
species. Pseudoparmelia euplecta (Stirton) Hale, 1974:190.
Parmelia caperata var. coerulea Bouly de Lesdain, I have tentatively placed this species as a synonym
1954:222 [type collection: Rocamadour, France, of Pseudoparmelia caperata in the Taxonomic
Duval]. Treatment.
The type specimen is probably in PC but I was Pseudoparmelia leucopis (Krempelhuber) Hale,
not able to locate it there. 1974:190.
Parmelia protorevoluta Gyelnik, 1931b3288.
Parmelia leucopis Krempelhuber, 1878:461 [type collection:
Parinelio revoluta f. nuda Muller Argoviensis, 1891:378 [type Lorentz and Hieronytnus, Argentina (M. lectotype)].
collection: Santarem, Brazil, Spruce 135 (G, lectotype; BM,
isolectotype)]. After reexamining the type collection, I found
The fragmentary type collections contain divari- some cilia in the lobe axils. These would exclude
catic acid. This is almost certainly a Pseudo- the species from Pseudoparmelia, and I hesitate
parmelia, perhaps P. nairobiensis (Steiner and to reassign it to another genus until better mate-
Zahlbruckner) Hale, a presumed African en- rial is available.
demic. Pseudoparmelia meiosperma (Hue) Hale, 1974:190.
Parmelia rutidota var. vestita Zahlbruckner, 1941: Parmelia internexa f. rneiosfierina Hue, 1899:185 [type col-
107. lection: Mafate, Reunion, Rodriguez (PC, lectotype)].
This variety is based on two collections, one
T h o m s o n ZA217 from Southland, New Zealand, The type-specimen has rather broad lobes with
which is Parmelia rudecta Acharius, and the dense isidia. The rhizines are dense and more or
other Cranwell ZA242 from Coromandel Penin- less branched. The chemical constituents include
sula, New Zealand, which can be identified as atranorin, evernic acid, and traces of lecanoric
Parmotrema crinitum (Acharius) Choisy. Both acid, a combination that is known in several spe-
specimens are preserved in W. cies of Hypotrachyna (Hale, 1975a) but in no
Parmelia soredians f. farinosa (Vainio) Gyelnik, Pseudoparmeliae. It does not fit well in Pseudo-
1938a:27. parmelia and until additional material is avail-
This is based on Parmelia farinosa Vainio (1890: able it is impossible to settle its generic position.
62) (Lichenes Brasilienses Exsiccati 551 in Pseudoparmelia pseudofallax Gyelnik, 1933:6.
TUR). It is a species of Xanthoparmelia (Vainio) Culberson and Culberson (1968:459) consider
Hale. this to be a species of Cetrelia but not having
Parmelia soredians f. lobulata Gyelnik, 1934:306 examined the type collection they could not de-
[type collection: La Calera Sud, Argentina, Hos- cide which one.
seus 22 (BP, holotype)]. Pseudoparmelia pseudofallax var. cretaceoides Gyel-
This is a species of Xunthoparmelia (Vainio) nik, 1933:7.
Hale. This taxon also belongs in the Cetrelia cetrari-
Parmelia soredians f. muscicola Gyelnik, 1934:306 oides complex.
[type collection: Capilla del Monte, Argentina, Pseudoparmelia pseudosoTediosa (Gyelnik) Hale,
Hosseus 23 (BP, holotype)]. 1974:191.
This is also a Xanthoparmelia. This has been reduced to synonymy under Pseu-
Pseudoparmelia aradensis Gyelnik, 1933:6. doparmelia caperata in the Taxonomic Treat-
Culberson and Culberson (1969: 5 15) place this ment above.
Literature Cited

des Abbayes, H. 1976. Chemosystematic Revision of the Brown Parmeliae.

1951. Lichens recoltes en Guinee frangaise e t en Cote Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory (in
d'Ivoire. Bulletin d'lnstitut francais d'dfrique Noire, press).
13(4):965-977. Fbe, A .
1958. Lichens recoltes en Guinbe franceise e t en Cete 1837. Essai sur les Cryptogames des Ecorces exotiques
d'Ivoire. Bulletin d e l'lnstitnt f r a n c i s d'Afrique oficinales, 11. Supplement and revision, 137 pages.
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(Synonyms in italics)

Cetrelia olivetorum, 57 crozalsiana, 27 molybdiza, 38

Lichen caperatus, 20 cryptochlorophaea, 27 nairobiensis, 38
Parmelia adspersa, 14 cubensis, 49 negativa, 20
alabamensis, 14 cylisphora, 20 nipponica, 17
albaniensis, 53 cyphellata, 28 obversa, 31
amazonica, 16 d ja lonensis, 29 ochroleuca, 45
amplexa, 16 ecaperata, 28 ochroleuca f. sorediosa, 20, 21
angolensis, 38 ecoronata, 34 owariensis, 39
annexa, 17 endoxantha, 49 pachydactyla, 41
an tarctica, 32 epileuca, 29 papillosa, 41
appressa, 56 eruptens, 29 perfissa, 38
aptata, 17 euplecta, 20, 21 perlata var. pavicans, 20
arcana, 17 exoriens, 52 perlata var. subrevoluta, 22
asmarana, 17 ferax, 31 prolata, 41
atrichoides, 38 filipina, 14 protorevoluta, 57
austroafricana, 25 pavicans, 20 pseudorutidota, 53
balt i morensis, 18 pavidoglauca, 49 pseudosorediosa, 20
basutoensis, 18 ganguellensis, 38 pustulescens, 42
benguellensis, 16 geesterani, 31 rahengensis, 42
bipindensis, 49 gerlachei, 32 ramulicola, 48
brachyphylla, 38 glaucopis, 16 raunkiaeri, 42
caflrorum, 25 gracilenta, 34 regnellii, 32
capensis, 25 gracilescens var. angolensis, 38 regnellii f. arida, 32
caperata, 20 gracilis, 34 relicina var. ecoronata, 34
caperata var. caperatula, 44 halmaiana, 48 revoluta f. nuda, 51
caperata var. coerulea, 51 hansfordii, 39 rodriguesiana, 44
caperafa b. qliphora, 20 herreana, 20 rupicola, 44
caperata var. exornata, 31 hypomilta, 32 rutidota, 44
capera f a var. glaucopis, 16 imperfecta, 42 rutidota f. filizans, 31
caperata var. isidiophora, 41 inactiva, 14 rutidota var. vestita, 57
caperata f. Eaevissima, 20 inhaminensis, 32 salacinifera, 45
caperata f. ramealis, 45 inornata, 34 san-miguelii, 48
caperata var. subglauca, 20 internexa f. meiosperma, 57 sbarbaronis, 22
caperatula, 45 intertexta, 34 scabrella, 18
caribaea, 21 ischnoides, 35 scabrosa, 42
carneopruinata, 22 isidioplzora, 22 schelpei, 46
caroliniana, 22 jelinekii, 45 schistacea, 46
chapadensis, 24 labrosa, 35 scotophylla, 46
cinermcens, 24 laetepavens, 29 scottii, 48
cingalensis, 52 lecanoracea, 35 scrobicularis, 48
citrinescens, 31 leptophylla, 52 somaliensis, 48
concrescens, 24 leucochlora, 49 soredians, 48
condy loides, 25 leucopis, 57 soredians f. farinosa, 57
confertula, 45 leucoxantha, 37 soredians f. lobulata, 57
conpuescens, 52 longiconida, 48 soredians f. muscicola, 57
congruens, 49 malaccensis, 31 sphaerospora, 49
conspersa var. polyphylla f. sorediosa, malaccensis var. laetepavens, 29 splendidula, 45
48 mangenotii, 53 spodochroa, 50
corrugativa, 25 martinicana, 37 steineri, 41


subcaperatula, 45 caribaea, 21 pachydactyla, 41

subconpuescens, 52 carneopruinata, 22 papillosa, 41
subconspersa var. benguellensis, 16 caroliniana, 22 prolata, 41
subglauca, 20 chapadensis, 24 pseudofallax, 57
sublaeuigata Tar. texana, 52 cinerascens, 24 pseudofallax var. cretaceoides, 57
subrupta, 34 concomitans, 24 pseudosorediosa, 20, 57
subtiliacea, 52 concrescens, 24 pustulescens, 42
subtortula, 52 condyloides, 25 rahengensis, 42
sy m miga, 52 conlabrosa, 25 raunkiaeri, 42
tanakae, 53 corrugativa, 25 rodriguesiana, 44
tenuiriina var. labrosa, 35 crozalsiana, 27 rupicola, 44
tenuiriina f. sorediata, 52 cryptochlorophaea, 27 rutidota, 44
texana, 52 cyphellata, 28 salacinifera, 45
tiliacea var. feracissinia, 52 dahlii, 28 schelpei, 46
tortula, 53 ecaperata, 28 schistacea, 46
uleana, 49 epileuca, 29 scotophylla, 46
vanderbylii, 55 eruptens, 29 scrobicularis, 48
uincentiana, 42 euplecta, 20, 57 somaliensis, 48
uiolacea, 55 exornata, 31 soredians, 48
wainioana, 22 ferax, 31 sphaerospora, 49
xanthornelaena, 56 geesterani, 31 spodochroa, 50
;am biensis, 56 gerlachei, 32 subambigua, 50
zenkeri, 49 hypomilta, 32 subamplexa, 50
rimbabwensis, 56 inhaminensis, 32 subtiliacea, 52
Parmotrema crinitum, 57 inornata, 34 subtortula, 52
Pseudoparmelia adspersa, 14 intertexta, 34 texana, 50
alabamensis, 14 ischnoides, 35 tortula, 53
amazonica, 16 labrosa, 35 vanderbylii, 55
amplexa, 16 lecanoracea, 35 venezolana, 55
annexa, 17 leucopis, 57 violacea, 55
aptata, 17 leucoxantha, 37 xanthomelaena, 56
aradensis, 57 malaccensis, 37 zambiensis, 56
arcana, 17 martinicana, 37 zimbabwensis, 56
baltimorensis, 18 meiosperma, 57 Pyxine azorea, 22
basutoensis, 18 molybdiza, 38 Xanthoparmelia gerlachei, 32
Denguellensis, 16 nairobiensis, 38 molliuscula, 41
callichroa, 20 neoquintaria, 39 papillosa, 41
caperata, 20 owariensis, 39 scabrosa, 42

* U . S . GOVERNMENT P R I N T I N G OFFICE: 1976--211--559/18

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