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Species of uncertain affinities currently

assigned to Glenodinium

Genus 1. Glenodinium Ehrenberg 1836, p. 174

Type species: Glenodinium cinctum Ehrenberg 1836

The genus Glenodinium was described in a very incomplete way by Ehrenberg in

1836. In the following decades the name G. cinctum was used in most works dealing
with freshwater dinoflagellates, sometimes accompanied by descriptions and illus-
trations which differed considerably from one another. The generic name has been
used with criteria that varied more extensively over the years than for any other
dinoflagellate genus. For many authors throughout the twentieth century the name
was applied on the basis of the negative character of not having visible structure
on the theca (Meunier 1919), despite the definition of the genus based on a range
of tabulations in Schiller’s (1935a) monographic treatment in Rabenhorst’s Kryp-
togamen-flora. When Wołoszyńska (1916) described the genus Sphaerodinium, she
concluded, after publication of her paper, that it was identical to Glenodinium and
that her species Sphaerodinium limneticum was identical to Glenodinium cinctum
(Wołoszyńska 1917). Instead of transferring her species of Sphaerodinium to the
older genus Glenodinium, she did the opposite and transferred Ehrenberg’s Gleno-
dinium cinctum to Sphaerodinium. This resulted in confusion and the exclusion of
the type species from the genus Glenodinium in most identification manuals. Most
species below will undoubtedly be transferred to other genera, and the identity of
the type species will have to be resolved. Because of their very thin amphiesmal
plates, species of this group occupy an intermediary position between the “naked”
gymnodinioids and the heavily “armored” peridinioids and gonyaulacoids. Some
may prove to be peridinioids, other are perhaps woloszynskioids.
Key to species of uncertain affinities currently referred to Glenodinium:
1a Cells with eyespot������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 2
1b Cells without eyespot����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
2a Eyespot horseshoe-shaped or triangular��������������������������������������������������������� 3
2b Eyespot comma-shaped or round������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
3a Eyespot horseshoe-shaped������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4
3b Eyespot triangular������������������������������������������������������������ 2. G. amphiconicum
4a Cells dorsoventrally strongly compressed���������������������������������� 7. G. gessneri
4b Cells barely compressed dorsoventrally�������������������������������������� 1. G. cinctum
5a Chloroplasts present, sulcus does not extend to apex������������������������������������� 6
5b Chloroplasts absent, sulcus extends to apex����������������������10. G. leptodermum
6a Chloroplasts blue-green or glaucous������������������������������������������8. G. glaucum
6b Chloroplasts yellow or brown������������������������������������������������������������������������ 7

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2018

Ø. Moestrup, A. J. Calado, Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa, Bd. 6 – Freshwater
Flora of Central Europe, Vol. 6: Dinophyceae, Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa,
454  Species of uncertain affinities currently assigned to Glenodinium
7a Cells strongly compressed dorsoventrally���������������������������������� 7. G. gessneri
7b Cells not or only slightly compressed dorsoventrally������������������������������������� 8
8a With numerous chloroplasts��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
8b With few large rounded chloroplasts, cells shaped as a parallelogram�������������
���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13. G. peisonis
9a Cingulum slightly descending, sulcus forms circular area on epicone�������������
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17. G. segriense
9b Cingulum circular, sulcus forms very slight indentation on epicone����������������
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18. G. vindobonense
10a Edges of the sulcus terminate in antapical tooth�����������������4. G. denticulatum
10b No teeth at the antapical end of the sulcus edges������������������������������������������11
11a Cells disc-shaped������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 12
11b Cells may be slightly compressed dorsoventrally but not disc-shaped��������� 13
12a Cells very flat, posterior end flat, undulated, cell 46 µm long; in eutrophic
ponds��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11. G. limos
12b Cells ca. 14 µm thick and 32 µm long; in acid bogs���������������������� 12. G. mezii
13a Chloroplasts absent������������������������������������������������������������16. G. punctulatum
13b Chloroplast present��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
14a Epicone narrower than hypocone������������������������������������������� 3. G. dangeardii
14b Epicone as wide as or wider than hypocone������������������������������������������������� 15
15a Epicone wider than hypocone (overhanging)�����������������������15. G. pulvisculus
15b Epicone as wide as hypocone (occasionally hypocone wider)��������������������� 16
16a Epicone with apical pore������������������������������������������� 14. G. pseudostigmosum
16b No apical pore���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
17a With numerous chloroplasts������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
17b With two chloroplasts, one at each end�������������������������������� 6. G. eurystomum
18a Cell with wide indentation at the right anterior end������������5. G. emarginatum
18b Apical end without emargination����������������������������������������������������������������� 19
19a Cells 20–24 µm long, sometimes less����������������������������������� 9. G. helicozoster
19b Cells 30–40 µm long����������������������������������������������������������������17. G. segriense

1. Glenodinium cinctum Ehrenberg sensu auctorum (Fig. 404)

Glenodinium cinctum Ehrenberg 1836, p. 174; Ehrenberg 1838, p. 257, pl. XXII,
fig. XXII ≡ Peridinium oculatum Dujardin 1841, p. 374 ≡ Peridinium cinctum (Eh-
renberg) Claparède & J. Lachmann 1859, p. 404, nom. illeg. (non Peridinium cinc-
tum (O. F. Müller) Ehrenberg)
Glenodinium berghii Lemmermann 1900b, p. (117) (Glenodinium cinctum sensu
Bergh 1881, pp 247, 248, 251, figs 65–67)

Cells ovoid to subspherical, epi- and hypocone of approximately equal size. Epi-
cone hemispherical to rounded conical, hypocone rounded conical. Cingulum cir-
cular, sulcus does not extend into the epicone. Cells yellow, with smooth theca.
Large horseshoe-shaped eyespot. Ehrenberg (1838) indicated the size as 47 µm;
his illustrations show a range of 33–53 µm in length, width 33–50 µm, thickness
30 µm. Variants by subsequent authors include differences in relative length of the
epi- and hypocone and a differently shaped, or even absent, eyespot.
Ecology: mesotrophic to eutrophic ponds, more rarely in lakes (Lemmermann 1910).
Geographical distribution: Germany.
Genus 1. Glenodinium  455

b d g

c f e h

Fig. 404  Glenodinium cinctum Ehrenberg (a–f after Ehrenberg 1838; g, h after Bergh

1881). a, b ventral views; c dorsal view; d, e right lateral views; f cell division?; g emp-
ty theca seen from the dorsal side; h recently divided cells within mucilage of division

2. Glenodinium amphiconicum J. Schiller 1955, p. 49, pl. IX, fig. 49

(“ampliconicum”) (Fig. 405)

Cells biconical, slightly flattened dorsoventrally. Epi- and hypocone of almost

equal size. Sides straight or slightly concave when seen from the ventral side, the
cells thereby acquiring the appearance of a parallelogram. Cingulum barely de-
scending. Sulcus on hypocone only, deeper in front, more flattened posteriorly.
With numerous yellowish-brown chloroplasts, shaped as oval plates. The number
of chloroplasts varies with the season, fewer in spring, more in summer and au-
tumn. Eyespot almost triangular, located in the anterior part of the sulcus, anterior
edge of the eyespot slightly concave. Thin cell cover present. Cells 28–30 µm long,
24–26 µm wide.
Ecology: Lake Neusiedl, Austria, May–October 1951.
Geographical distribution: Austria.

a c d f g

b e

Fig. 405  Glenodinium amphiconicum J. Schiller (after Schiller 1955). a, b ventral

and dorsal views; c, d ventral views with triangular eyespot; e vertical view; f round
protoplast retracted inside enlarged cell cover; g biconical cell
456  Species of uncertain affinities currently assigned to Glenodinium

a b d

Fig. 406  Glenodinium dangeardii Lemmermann (after Dangeard 1888). a ventral

view; b, c cell division in immotile stage before and after liberation of daughter cells,
respectively; d immotile cell surrounded by a thick layer of mucilage; e resting cyst

3. Glenodinium dangeardii Lemmermann 1910, p. 634, figs 37–40 (p. 580)

(Fig. 406)

Glenodinium cinctum sensu Dangeard (1888, pp 127, 128, pl. V, figs 1–5)

Epicone hemispherical, smaller than the conical hypocone which is rounded at

the antapex. Cingulum circular. Sulcus extends to the antapex, and slightly onto
the epicone. Chloroplasts yellowish brown. Eyespot absent. Nucleus central. Cell
length 33–42 µm, width 25–32 µm. Cysts thick-walled, spherical. Immotile stage
enveloped by a thick layer of mucilage described by Dangeard (1888), but regarded
by Lemmermann (1910) as perhaps not belonging to this species.
Ecology: in ponds and swamps rich in vegetation.
Geographical distribution: France (Dangeard).

4. Glenodinium denticulatum J. Schiller 1955, p. 52, pl. X, fig. 54 (Fig. 407)

Cells elliptic, not dorsoventrally compressed. Epicone slightly smaller than hy-
pocone, rounded-conical, hypocone trapezoidal with flattened antapex. Cingulum
wide, circular or slightly descending. Sulcus with sharp edges, each edge terminat-
ing into a small tooth. A third tooth is present at the left posterior end of the cell.

a b c

Fig. 407  Glenodinium denticulatum J. Schiller (after Schiller 1955). a ventral view;

b dorsal view with nucleus; c dorso-posterior view
Genus 1. Glenodinium  457

b c d

Fig. 408  Glenodinium emarginatum G. A. Klebs (after Klebs 1912). a ventral view
with cell contents; b cell cover in dorsal view, with furrows on the ventral side outlined;
c cell division within parent amphiesma; d, e round cyst and dividing cyst within old

No distinct chloroplasts, but almost colorless yellowish-green discs are probably

chloroplasts. No eyespot. Large nucleus in the cell middle. Cell length 21–23 µm,
width 17–19 µm.
Ecology: Lake Neusiedl, Austria, late summer, at 24–28 ˚C.
Geographical distribution: Austria.
Note:  this species may be a form of Parvodinium umbonatum.

5. Glenodinium emarginatum G. A. Klebs 1912, pp 394, 439, text-fig. 6 (Fig. 408)

Cells inverted drop-shaped. Epicone rounded conical, larger than the broadly hemi-
spherical hypocone. Epicone with very slight excavation near the apex. Cingulum
descending, sulcus wide and somewhat oval, does not extend onto the epicone.
Chloroplasts elongate plate-shaped, arranged radiating along the periphery. Eye-
spot absent. Cell division within the parent cell, or the cytoplasm of the cell leaves
the theca through the front end of the cell or through the cingulum. Cell length
24–28 µm, width 16–20 µm. Cyst described as spherical, but there is doubt about
whether it is a resting cyst.
Ecology: in plant-filled container in the Botanical Garten, Buitenzorg.
Geographical distribution: Indonesia.

6. Glenodinium eurystomum T. M. Harris 1940, p. 24, fig. 9K–M (Fig. 409)

Cells oval, somewhat compressed dorsoventrally. Epicone larger than hypocone.

Cingulum distinct dorsally, obscure and oblique ventrally. With thin theca. Sulcus
obscure and narrow on the hypocone, large but obscure on the epicone. Eyespot ab-
sent. Two chloroplasts, one in each end of the cell, pale yellow, sometimes brown.
Food vacuoles often present. Maximum dimensions 17×14×8–10 µm, minimum
length 10 µm.
Ecology: small oligotrophic pools in peaty bog in the Reading area, England, July
Geographical distribution: England.
Note:  the wide extension of the sulcus on the epicone is very unusual; it may be related
to food uptake taking place.
458  Species of uncertain affinities currently assigned to Glenodinium

a b c

Fig. 409  Glenodinium eurystomum T. M. Harris (after Harris 1940). a, b ventral

views, with chloroplasts (stippled areas) and starch (small bodies) marked in a; c small
cell with ingested food particle (marked with hatching)

a b c d e

Fig. 410  Glenodinium gessneri J. Schiller (after Schiller 1955). a ventral view with
cell contents and lateral profile of eyespot; b–d ventral, dorsal and lateral views, re-
spectively; e deformed cell with eyespot

7. Glenodinium gessneri J. Schiller 1955, p. 49, pl. IX, fig. 48 (Fig. 410)

Cells biconical, dorsoventrally strongly compressed. Epi- and hypocone of equal

length. Cingulum wide and deep, very slightly descending. Sulcus wide proxi-
mally, becoming more shallow at the antapex, at which point the cell cover shows
a thickening. With numerous, small golden-yellow chloroplasts covering the entire
cell surface. Eyespot comma-shaped when seen from the ventral side, horseshoe-
shaped in lateral view. Cell size (estimated from drawings): length 37–42 µm,
width 33–37 µm and 18 µm thick.
Ecology: Lake Neusiedl, Austria, June 1952, at 18–20 ˚C.
Geographical distribution: Austria.

8. Glenodinium glaucum Skvortsov 1968, p. 93, pl. III, fig. 1 (Fig. 411)

Cell broadly spindle-shaped or ovoid with more or less attenuated and rounded
ends. Epi- and hypotheca equal in length. Longitudinal flagellum twice the length
of the cell. Chloroplasts granular, blue-green or glaucous. Eyespot present, nucleus
anterior. With firm and hyaline periplast. Cells 33×22 µm.
Ecology: in plankton of lakes, Sungari River Valley near Harbin, Manchuria.
Genus 1. Glenodinium  459


Fig. 411  Glenodinium glaucum Skvortsov (after Skvortsov 1968). a optical section;

b outline of vertical view

a b c d e

Fig. 412  Glenodinium helicozoster T. M. Harris (after Harris 1940). a–c  different
views of a specimen of the type predominant in autumn, with very pale and indefinite
chloroplast; d, e ventral and dorsal views of specimen of the spring type, with more
conspicuous chloroplasts

Geographical distribution: Manchuria.

Note:  the only characteristic feature of this organism is the presence of blue-green chlo-
roplasts. It is probably related to other species with blue-green (cryptomonad) chloro-
plasts such as Nusuttodinium amphidinioides.

9. Glenodinium helicozoster T. M. Harris 1940, p. 23, fig. 8D–H (Fig. 412)

Cells oval. Epi- and hypocone of equal width or the hypocone wider. Epicone ob-
tuse, hypocone somewhat flattened. Epicone and hypocone both dorsoventrally
compressed, the hypocone more so. Theca very thin, always rigid but present only
in larger cells. Cingulum distinct, descending, the ends displaced at least one cingu-
lum width. Sulcus obvious in the hypocone, also extending onto the epicone. Many
yellow, disc-shaped chloroplasts. Eyespot absent. Longitudinal flagellum as long as
the cell. Maximum cell size 24×22×19 µm, normally 20 µm long, but often smaller.
Ecology: in ditches and ponds with rotting leaves, October to May, Reading area.
Geographical distribution: England.
Note 1:  the illustrations provided show cells in which the epicone is usually smaller
than the hypocone. The hypocone is rounded or pointed. Harris (1940) failed to see any
plates, even in large, well-developed specimens. It may belong to Gymnodinium.
Note 2:  this taxon differs from G. segriense mainly in size. The two taxa may be con-
460  Species of uncertain affinities currently assigned to Glenodinium

a b

Fig. 413  Glenodinium leptodermum T. M. Harris (after Harris 1940). a ventral view
of slightly plasmolyzed cell with eyespot marked in the sulcus; b dorsal view. Areas
marked with hatching represent ingested items

10. Glenodinium leptodermum T. M. Harris 1940, p. 21, fig. 7A, B (Fig. 413)

Cells oval, somewhat dorsoventrally compressed. Epi- and hypocone equal in size.
Theca thin, absent in small cells. Plates not reported. Sulcus extends onto the epi-
cone, almost reaching the apex. Eyespot small, red. Chloroplasts absent, cytoplasm
colorless. Food vacuoles seen. Cells at maximum 24×16×12 µm, minimum length
14 µm.
Ecology: eutrophic water in July 1936 in water butt, University, Reading.
Geographical distribution: England.

11. Glenodinium limos T. M. Harris 1940, p. 25, fig. 8A–C (“limpos” in legend)
(Fig. 414)

Cells dorsoventrally strongly compressed, concave ventrally. Epi- and hypocone of

equal size. Hypocone with three shallow, obtuse projections. Chloroplasts not clearly
seen (a single specimen observed). No eyespot. Cell length 46 µm, width 40 µm.
Ecology: eutrophic pond, Reading district, February 1938.

a b

Fig. 414  Glenodinium limos T. M. Harris (after Harris 1940). a–c ventral and dorsal
views, and outline of vertical view of the same cell, respectively
Genus 1. Glenodinium  461

a b

Fig. 415  Glenodinium mezii Steinecke (after Steinecke 1916). a front (dorsal?) view;
b lateral view

Geographical distribution: England.

Note:  Harris (1940) mentions the presence of a rigid periplast but did not see plates.
The shape of the posterior end, with three shallow projections, appears characteristic.
However, in size and shape, it also agrees with Borghiella tenuissima, differing in the
morphology of the posterior end. Like B. tenuissima, G. limos seems to be a cold-water
form. A form of B. tenuissima?

12. Glenodinium mezii Steinecke 1916, p. 37, text-fig. 12 (Fig. 415)

Cells round, disc-shaped, compressed dorsoventrally. Epi- and hypocone of nearly

equal size, the epicone slightly higher and weakly flattened apically, the hypocone
broadly rounded and indented at the antapex. Cingulum narrow, deep with sharp
edges, only distinct on the dorsal side. Sulcus difficult to see. Cell wall thin and
fragile. Cytoplasm with several large vacuoles. Chloroplasts small, yellow discs in
the middle of the cell. Cell length 32 µm, width 21 µm. Moves slowly.
Ecology: described from the large peat bog Zehlau-Bruch near Königsberg, East
Prussia (now oblast Kaliningrad, Russia), October 1913, in brown water at a tem-
perature of ca. 4 ˚C.
Geographical distribution: oblast Kaliningrad, Russia.
Note:  when describing this species, Steinecke mentioned a large eyespot to be present.
However, the structure identified as an eyespot is located in the epicone far from the
sulcus, and its identity as an eyespot needs confirmation.

13. Glenodinium peisonis J. Schiller 1955, p. 48, pl. IX, fig. 47 (Fig. 416)

Cells rounded biconical, dorsoventrally barely compressed. Sides almost straight,

the cell therefore resembling a parallelogram. Epi- and hypocone of almost equal
length. Cingulum circular, wide. Sulcus wide, in the posterior end barely visible.
Chloroplasts relatively numerous, large, rounded, oval, yellow to yellowish-brown.
Eyespot very conspicuous because of its intensely red color. Between the chlo-
roplasts numerous red to redbrown lipid droplets. Cell length 22–25 µm, width
20–22 µm.
Ecology: Lake Neusiedl, Austria, September 1950.
Geographical distribution: Austria.
462  Species of uncertain affinities currently assigned to Glenodinium

a b

Fig. 416  Glenodinium peisonis J. Schiller (after Schiller 1955). a ventral view with
cell contents, the eyespot marked in front of the nucleus; b dorsal view

a b c

Fig. 417  Glenodinium pseudostigmosum Skuja (after Skuja 1964). a ventral view;

b partial dorsal view; c dorsal view of cell with degenerated, pale chloroplasts and
numerous small grains in the pinkish cytoplasm; d outline of cross-section

14. Glenodinium pseudostigmosum Skuja 1964, pl. LXVII, figs 24–27

(Fig. 417)

Cells broadly oval, dorsal side convex, ventral side flat or slightly concave. Epi-
and hypocone of equal size or the epicone slightly longer. Epicone hemispherical,
hypocone rounded angular, the right side longer than the left side. Cingulum cir-
cular or slightly descending, the ends turned slightly towards the antapex. Sulcus
wider than cingulum, shallow and difficult to see, apparently continuing to the an-
tapex. With slight pore at the apex. Numerous disc-shaped, parietal, pale yellow to
yellowish-brown chloroplasts. Eyespot absent. Nucleus usually in the cell center.
Cytoplasm often pinkish. Lipid droplets in both epi- and hypocone. Cell length
33–38 µm, width 27–34 µm, thickness 20–28 µm.
Ecology: Lake Torneträsk, northern Sweden.
Geographical distribution: Sweden.
Note:  this species most likely belongs in Tovellia, Jadwigia or Borghiella, judging from
the anterior pore in the epicone, which probably reflects the presence of an anterior line
of narrow plates.
Genus 1. Glenodinium  463

a b e g h l n

c d

i j
k m

Fig. 418  Glenodinium pulvisculus (Ehrenberg) F. Stein (a–f  after Ehrenberg 1838;

g–m after Stein 1883). a–f cells in different views; g, h ventral and dorsal views; i, j ven-
tral and dorsal views of cell interpreted by Stein (1883) as resulting from cell fusion;
k–m stages interpreted by Stein (1883) as gamete fusion (cell division?). n nucleus

15. Glenodinium pulvisculus (Ehrenberg) F. Stein 1883, pl. III, figs 8–17
(Fig. 418)

Basionym: Peridinium pulvisculus Ehrenberg 1830, p. 38

Nomenclatural synonym: Gymnodinium pulvisculus (Ehrenberg) F. Stein 1878, pp
90, 95, 97, 104

Cells almost spherical, smooth. Epi- and hypocone equal in size, both hemispheri-
cal or broadly hemispherical. Epicone slightly wider than hypocone. Cingulum cir-
cular or slightly descending. Sulcus tapers towards the antapex, terminating before
reaching the antapex. Eyespot absent. Longitudinal division seen. Cell diameter
13–24 µm.
Ecology: “Berlin” (Ehrenberg 1832); swamps in Prague (Stein 1883).
Geographical distribution: Czech Republic (Stein); Germany (Ehrenberg).

16. Glenodinium punctulatum T. M. Harris 1940, p. 21, fig. 7E, F (Fig. 419)

Cells oval, somewhat dorsoventrally compressed. Epi- and hypocone of same size.
Theca very thin but firm, ornamented with small elongate pits. Plates not observed.
Cingulum and sulcus both wide. The sulcus extends onto the epicone. Chloro-
plasts absent, cytoplasm colorless, eyespot absent. Cell length 18–24 µm, width
15–18 µm, thickness 20 µm.
Ecology: in large eutrophic pond, Reading area, February 1938.
Geographical distribution: England.
464  Species of uncertain affinities currently assigned to Glenodinium

a b c d

f e

Fig. 419  Glenodinium punctulatum T. M. Harris (a, b after Harris 1940; c–f after Schil-
ler 1955). a ventral view; b dorsal view, ingested food marked with hatching; c–f ven-
tral, two dorsal and vertical views, respectively, of Glenodinium bieblii J. Schiller

Note:  Glenodinium bieblii J. Schiller (1955, p. 48, pl. IX, fig. 46), described from Lake
Neusiedl, Austria, differs in occurring in summer (at 22–24 ˚C) but is otherwise very
similar and may be conspecific.

17. Glenodinium segriense P. A. Dangeard 1939, p. 280, pl. XVII, figs 9–23,
25–29, pl. XVIII, figs 1–17 (Fig. 420)

Cells ovoid, rounded biconical. Epicone broadly hemispherical or rounded conical,

hypocone larger, rounded conical. Cingulum descending, the ends displaced ca.
one cingulum width. Sulcus extends halfway to the antapex, on the epicone forms

a c d f


c n

b e g

Fig. 420  Glenodinium segriense P. A. Dangeard (after Dangeard 1939). a, b ventral

views, in b showing central nucleus and traces of amphiesmal plates; c dorsal view;
d dorsal view of motile cell with peripheral chloroplasts (c), starch (s) in the epicone
and vacuoles (v) in the hypocone; e cell with eyespot (e); f thick-walled cyst with
numerous, small lipid bodies, elliptic chloroplasts and central red bodies; g older cyst
showing lipid bodies (L), chloroplasts (c), the nucleus (n) and central red bodies
Genus 1. Glenodinium  465

a b d

Fig. 421  Glenodinium vindobonense J. Schiller (after Schiller 1955). a, b ventral

views; c transverse section; d cyst

a semicircular or elongate-rounded extension. With numerous yellowish brown,

parietal, discoid chloroplasts. Eyespot observed in some specimens but reported
absent in others. Nucleus usually in the epicone. With a few large lipid bodies. Cell
length 30–40 µm, width 20–30 µm. Cells are positively phototactic. Cysts roughly
hexagonal with paracingulum.
Ecology: in temporary stream (desiccation up to several weeks) near Ségrie,
France, during Easter 1939.
Geographical distribution: France.

18. Glenodinium vindobonense J. Schiller 1955, p. 51, pl. X, fig. 51 (Fig. 421)

Cells rounded to elongated elliptic, dorsal side convex, ventral side flattened, the
cell therefore somewhat flattened dorsoventrally. Epi- and hypocone of the same
length, both hemispherical. Cingulum wide, circular. Sulcus extends to the antapex,
becoming rounded here. On the epicone it forms a  slight invagination. Chloro-
plasts numerous, rounded or elongate, yellowish-brown, interspersed with numer-
ous small lipid droplets. Eyespot elongate. Cell length 24–26 µm, width 16–20 µm.
Ecology: in eutrophic concrete container in park in Vienna, particularly in summer.
Geographical distribution: Austria.
Note:  this species differs only in small details (mainly size) from G. segriense and the
two taxa may prove to be conspecific.
Species that cannot be identified due to
insufficient description (nomina inquirenda)
and invalid designations (nomina nuda and
other invalidly published names)
While going through the literature, we have sometimes come across descriptions
of new species of dinoflagellates that are so incomplete as to render meaningful
identification of the species impossible. Not surprisingly, such species have often
not been refound by subsequent authors. It may be argued that the type localities
of these incompletely described species could be revisited and material collected
which agrees morphologically with the original description. While this would be
relevant in cases of often-reported and well-described species, it is less relevant
for poorly-described species not reported since the original description. What also
speaks against the idea of going back to sampling at the type locality is the sad
fact that many freshwater localities have changed beyond recognition since the
organisms were first described, by pollution or otherwise. To select a  cell at the
locality as representing the original taxon may be rather arbitrary, and there seems
little point in pursuing such studies. In cases of well-described species when the
original description allows for the species to be recognized, the situation is dif-
ferent, and sampling at the type locality is important to characterize the material
genetically, for comparison with morphologically similar material from other parts
of the world.

Amphidinium achromaticum Skvortsov 1958, p. 194, pl. 5, figs 39, 40

The taxonomic affinity of this taxon cannot be determined. It represents an un-

known and probably unidentifiable uniflagellate protist (Calado & Moestrup 2005).

Amphidinium alinii Skvortsov 1958, p. 195, pl. 6, fig. 59

This organism was described with a single flagellum and bluish-green (glaucous)
chloroplasts. Its identity remains obscure.

Amphidinium lefevrei Skvortsov 1968, p. 83, pl. I, fig. 6 (“lefevrii”);

Amphidinium schilleri Skvortsov 1968, p. 82, pl. I, fig. 4

These two taxa do not appear to differ from each other. Whether they are dinofla-
gellates is uncertain.

Amphidinium nasutum Skvortsov 1958, p. 194, pl. 6, “fig. 65”

There is no figure marked 65 in pl. 6 of Skvortsov (1958), but it is probably the

unnumbered illustration between figs 46 and 52 (see Calado & Moestrup 2005).
This exceptional flagellate with green chloroplasts is very distinct and is perhaps
identifiable because of its snout. It bears little similarity to any dinoflagellate.
468  Species that cannot be identified due to insufficient description
Amphidinium obrae Er. Lindemann 1919, p. 218, text-figs 4, 5 ≡ Lissaïella
obrae (Er. Lindemann) Er. Lindemann 1928b, p. 71

An egg-shaped organism with a short conical point. A transverse furrow is pres-

ent near one end. There is no information about sulcus, flagella or internal parts.
Dimensions ca. 25 × 20 µm. In slightly salty water, Bentschener See, Poland. The
identity of this taxon can hardly be determined.

Amphidinium ovoideum (Lemmermann) Lemmermann 1900b, p. (115)

≡ Prorocentrum ovoideum Lemmermann 1896, p. 147, figs 1–3

This taxon was recorded from fresh water in Brazil (Bicudo & Skvortsov 1970).
However, the drawings provided by Bicudo & Skvortsov, and reprinted by Pop-
ovský & Pfiester (1990, p. 96, fig. 70, a, b), bear little resemblance to Amphidinium
ovoideum as drawn by Lemmermann (1896, p. 147, fig. 1), who illustrates one of
the marine species with a finger-like epicone, related to Amphidinium operculatum
Claparède & J. Lachmann.

Exuviaella wislouchii Skvortsov 1968, p. 80, pl. I, fig. 1 (“Exuviella”)

Original description in English (Skvortsov 1968, p.  81): “Cells from the front
almost spherical or broadly ellipsoid, apex truncate, the posterior pole broadly
rounded, 26–30 × 19–22 µm, in sectional view compressed. Flagella two, slender,
unequal, the principal wound around the cell, the lateral about 1/3 the cell long;
chromatophores yellow-brown; nucleus central; oil droplets numerous; cell motion
rotating forward. … Locality: In a swamp among Utricularia vulgaris in environs
of Harbin.”. The Ochromonas-like cell shown in the illustration of this taxon is
very unlike dinoflagellates, and its identity is therefore uncertain.

Glenodinium cosmariaeforme Skvortsov 1958, p. 195, pl. 5, fig. 32

Cells described as oval in ventral view, kidney-shaped in transverse section, com-

pressed dorsoventrally; “membrana hyalina”; epi- and hypocone of equal length,
rounded; cingulum indistinct; chloroplast green; cell length 33 µm, width 40 µm.
Found in Manchuria. Although the species is described as wider than long, the il-
lustration provided shows a cell longer than wide. The description also mentions
that the epicone and hypocone are of equal length, yet the drawing clearly shows
the epicone to be longer than the hypocone. The description of this species is so
incomplete and confused that it should be considered a nomen inquirendum. We
recommend to avoid using the name.

Glenodinium ellipsoideum Skvortsov 1968, p. 94, pl. III, fig. 5

Cells described as broadly ellipsoid, 18 × 16 µm in size; epi- and hypocone of equal
length, broadly rounded; slightly compressed dorsoventrally; with numerous small,
discoid, brown chloroplasts, marginal eyespot and nucleus nearly central. Found
in Manchuria, in the plankton. The diagnostic features of this species do not allow
it to be identified with any degree of confidence. The name should be considered
a nomen inquirendum and its use discontinued.
Species that cannot be identified due to insufficient description  469
Glenodinium frigidum Skvortsov 1968, p. 94, pl. III, fig. 6

Cells described as variable, almost round or ovoid, moderately dorsoventrally

compressed, 37 × 30 µm in size; epi- and hypotheca about equal in length; girdle
more or less spiral; sulcus short and acute; many brown chloroplasts; nucleus el-
lipsoid; eyespot not seen. The diagnostic features of this species are not sufficient
for reliable recognition. It should be considered a nomen inquirendum and its use

Glenodinium girans Penard 1891, p. 53, pl. IV, figs 5–7

Cell discoid (only one seen!), concave ventrally, convex dorsally. Theca of large,
thin plates. Cingulum distinct, making only three quarters of a turn and appearing
to terminate in a flat ventral area as in Ceratium (a “shield”). The two sides of the
sulcus distinct. Chloroplasts absent. Nucleus below a large central vacuole. No
eyespot. Length and width: ca. 300 µm! (perhaps a mistake for 30 µm?), thickness
ca. 10 µm. Cell movement quick, accompanied by rotation. Penard compares the
path of the cingulum with Ceratium and his pl. IV, fig. 6 resembles a Ceratium
cell seen from the posterior end. The single cell of G. girans found by Penard may
have been a recently germinated cell of Ceratium (the gymnoceratium stage), or
perhaps a teratological cell (see Huber & Nipkow 1923). The name was included
in a list of uncertain species by Schilling (1913) and it is absent from more recent

Glenodinium inaequale Schmarda 1854, pp 21, 24, pl. VI, fig. 2 ≡ Glenoaulax

inaequalis (Schmarda) Diesing 1866, p. 383

Although it was made the type of a new genus, Glenoaulax Diesing (1866, pp 305,
382), the name was hardly ever used and is absent from twentieth century floras.
The original description of a smooth wall, the broadly rounded cell shape and the
prominent eyespot suggest a woloszynskioid. However, the lack of detailed in-
formation about the organism advises against an attempt to identify it with any
currently recognized species. Labelling it a nomen inquirendum and avoiding its
use will prevent name changes that are difficult to justify, and it appears to be the
best option.

Glenodinium inaequale Chodat 1922, p. 90, fig. 13, nom. illeg. (non Schmarda
1854); an intended transfer to Peridiniopsis by Stein & Borden (1980, pp 3, 30,
39) was invalidly published for lack of reference to place of publication of

Cells with the anterior portion longer and wider than the posterior. Cell length
20 µm, width 14–16 µm. Sulcus restricted to the posterior portion. Numerous yel-
lowish- or golden-brown chloroplasts. An apical pore is mentioned in the descrip-
tion and illustrated in a drawing that shows a distinct, relatively thick cell cover.
The available features point to a Parvodinium species, but the lack of information
on plates impedes identification.
470  Species that cannot be identified due to insufficient description
Glenodinium lemmermannii O. Zacharias 1901, p. 308 (“Lemmermanni”)
(illustrated in Zacharias 1903, p. 291, fig. c)

Cell described as ellipsoid with broadly rounded ends and slightly flattened on the
ventral side; epi- and hypocone of similar size; cell length 60 µm, width 40 µm;
sulcus restricted to the hypocone and not reaching the antapex; nucleus in the epi-
cone and a 25–30 µm round oil body in the hypocone; numerous yellowish-brown
chloroplasts; eyespot absent. The drawing in Zacharias (1903) shows a dorsal view
and there is no information about the shape of the cingulum-sulcus area. The de-
scription is insufficient for a reliable identification.

Glenodinium majale Skvortsov 1958, p. 196, pl. 5, fig. 36

Cells described as pyriform, laterally compressed, with epicone much larger than
hypocone; cell length 148 µm, width 74 µm; chloroplasts brown; amphiesmal plates
distinct, epicone with 5 plates “frontalis equatorialis”, 1 medium and 1 apical plate;
postcingular plates 4 and a single antapical; sulcus with apical (?) spine. Found in
Manchuria. Skvortsov’s illustrations of this very large, thecate dinoflagellate do not
match his description. Reliable identification is not possible.

Glenodinium minutum Skvortsov 1946, p. 13, pl. 1, fig. 4

Cells described as widely oval to almost globose, 12 × 8.5 µm; epi- and hypocone
equal in length; numerous brown, discoid chloroplasts; nucleus in the cell middle;
no eyespot. Found in a pond in Manchuria. The description provides no reliable
diagnostic features and the taxon cannot be identified. It should be considered a no-
men inquirendum and its use discontinued.

Glenodinium pulvisculus var. depressum Virieux 1913, p. 5, pl. I, fig. 2


Cells very flattened along the apical axis, 22 µm long and 30–32 µm wide. Found
in Lake Victoria near Entebbe, Uganda, Africa. The drawing provided suggests
a diplopsaloid species, but further identification is not possible.

Glenodinium roseolum Schmarda 1854, pp 12, 24, pl. I, fig. 9 ≡ Gymnodinium

roseolum (Schmarda) F. Stein 1878, p. 90 ≡ Amphidinium roseolum (Schmarda)
J. Schiller 1932, p. 312

This organism was described with an asymmetrically located cingulum, but neither
a sulcus nor a sulcal flagellum were seen. An eyespot was illustrated in the smaller
part of the cell suggesting a species of Opisthoaulax. However, its identity cannot
be further determined (Calado & Moestrup 2005; Calado 2011).
Species that cannot be identified due to insufficient description  471
Glenodinium rotundatum Skvortsov 1958, p. 195, pl. 5, fig. 34 (“rotundum” in
the legend, p. 202)

Cells described as ovoid or orbicular in ventral view, lightly compressed; epi- and
hypovalve of equal length; cingulum spirals slightly to the left; sulcus distinct;
chloroplasts brown (“brannea”, probably a lapsus calami for brunnea), numerous;
cysts embedded in mucilage; “membrana hyalina”. Found in swamp near Harbin,
Manchuria. The description of this species is very confused. What the lowermost
of the two figures shows is uncertain. The species can never be reliably identified.
The name should be considered a nomen inquirendum and its use discontinued.

Glenodinium turfosum Skvortsov 1958, p. 196, pl. 5, fig. 35

Cells described as widely oval, with thin hyaline cover; length 39 µm, width 14 µm;
epivalve broadly rounded, larger than the hypovalve; apex of the hypovalve very
slightly pointed; cingulum wide; sulcus indistinct; somewhat compressed dorsally;
chloroplasts brown, numerous, discoid; nucleus almost spherical, large, placed al-
most in the middle of the cell; eyespot absent. Found in swamp near Harbin, Man-
churia. The description does not allow for identification of the species. Skvortsov
(1968) mentions that the drawing was not related to the diagnosis, and changed the
diagnosis (in English). We recommend to consider the name a nomen inquirendum
and discourage its further use.

Glenodinium vernale Skvortsov 1968, p. 95, pl. III, fig. 7

Cells described as broadly ovate, not dorsoventrally compressed; epicone shorter

than hypocone; cingulum straight (circular?), sulcus small; discoid, olive-green
chloroplasts; eyespot not seen; nucleus central; length 30 µm, width 20 µm. In cold-
water swamp near Harbin, Manchuria, in spring. The features presented do not
allow for an identification and we suggest considering this a nomen inquirendum.

Glenodinium viride Skvortsov 1958, p. 195, pl. 5, fig. 33

Cells described as broadly ovoid, with hyaline cover (“membrana hyalina”); epi-
cone acute, rounded, longer than the hypocone; hypocone rounded and slightly
acuminate; sulcus oblique; cells slightly compressed, in transverse section kidney-
shaped; nucleus elongate, kidney-shaped, positioned centrally in the epicone; chlo-
roplasts numerous, green, small, discoid; eyespot not seen; length 22–51 µm, width
18–40 µm. The species cannot be identified and the name should not be used.

Gymnodinium biciliatum Ohno 1911, p. 91, pl. 1 ≡ Woloszynskia biciliata

(Ohno) Stosch 1973, p. 131

Epi- and hypocone of almost the same length. Cingulum barely descending. With
two longitudinal flagella. Cell length 21–25 µm, width 15–21 µm. Cysts often with
spines. In spring near Tokyo, Japan. Cells positively phototactic. No information
was provided about cell contents, but water containing large numbers of cells was
described to be reddish-brown.
472  Species that cannot be identified due to insufficient description
Sexual reproduction was not known in dinoflagellates at the time of Ohno’s de-
scription, and he was therefore unaware that the cells he described and illustrated
were planozygotes, formed by fusion of motile gametes. Such planozygotes have
now been observed in many species of dinoflagellates. Some of the zygotes found
by him, e. g. his fig. 21, appear to belong to the Tovelliaceae, as similar cysts are
known to occur in Tovellia and Opisthoaulax. However, cyst-formation observed
by Ohno resulted in cysts without spines and the spiny cysts he describes may there-
fore belong to different species. Bicudo & Skvortsov (1970), in material from Bra-
zil, found cells that they identified as Gymnodinium biciliatum and having a single
longitudinal flagellum. The cell illustrated (Bicudo & Skvortsov 1970, fig. 1) has
few characters in common with the Japanese material. It is very uncertain which
species Ohno was describing, and we consider this taxon as unidentifiable.

Gymnodinium depressum Skvortsov 1968, pp 88, 89, pl. II, fig. 4

This taxon was described as a dinoflagellate but there is little information about
cingulum, sulcus or flagella. We consider the description to be inadequate for iden-

Gymnodinium frigidum Skvortsov 1968, p. 87, pl. II, fig. 1, nom. illeg. (non
Gymnodinium frigidum Balech in Balech & El-Sayed 1965, p. 112, pl. I, figs 6, 7)

Cells described as nearly spherical with broadly rounded poles and very thin, hya-
line cell cover (“membrana tenuissima”); slightly compressed dorsoventrally; chlo-
roplasts green and discoid; eyespot not observed; flagella of equal length (?); cell
length 26 µm, width 23 µm. Found in cold water swamp near Harbin, Manchuria.
The cingulum was described as straight and indistinct though it is well-marked in
the figure. The only information about the sulcus is that it is short. We consider the
description to be inadequate for identification.

Gymnodinium olivaceum Skvortsov 1968, p. 89, pl. II, figs 6, 7

Too little information was given about cingulum, sulcus or flagella. We consider the
description to be inadequate for identification.

Gymnodinium sinuatum Skvortsov 1968, p. 90, pl. II, fig. 8

Too little information was given about cingulum, sulcus or flagella. We consider the
description to be inadequate for identification.

Gymnodinium terrum Baumeister 1943a, p. 336, fig. 3a

Cells colorless, shaped like a quadrangle. Epi- and hypocone both conical with
slightly convex sides, equal in length. Epicone wider than hypocone. Cell length
28 µm, width 23–27 µm. Cells swim slowly with sudden jumps. Found in grassy
hollows in Germany. The description provides no information about cingulum, sul-
cus or cells contents, and only a silhouette is used as an illustration.
Species that cannot be identified due to insufficient description  473
A long series of Hemidinium species was described by Skvortsov (1958, 1968)
from Eastern Asia. Most species were described in a very incomplete way, often
with single illustrations that did not differ significantly from each other. Being a ge-
nus with a difficult taxonomy, the many new and incompletely described species
increase the confusion, and we eventually gave up trying to include them in this
book. The list of poorly described species includes:

Hemidinium animale Skvortsov 1968, p. 99, pl. IV, fig. 6

Hemidinium aquae-frigidae Skvortsov 1968, p. 100, pl. IV, fig. 10

(“aquae frigidae”)

Hemidinium kisselewii Skvortsov 1968, p. 98, pl. IV, fig. 4

Hemidinium kofoidii Skvortsov 1968, p. 101, pl. IV, fig. 11

Hemidinium lindemannii Skvortsov 1968, p. 102, pl. IV, fig. 12 (“Lindemanni”)

Hemidinium mucosum Skvortsov 1958, p. 194, pl. 5, fig. 21

Hemidinium oculatum Skvortsov 1958, p. 194, pl. 5, fig. 26 (“occulatum”)

Hemidinium olivaceum Skvortsov 1968, p. 100, pl. IV, fig. 8

Hemidinium woloszynskae Skvortsov 1968, p. 102, pl. IV, fig. 13

(“woloszynkas” in text)

Peridinium corpusculum Perty 1852, p. 162, pl. VII, fig. 14 ≡ Proaulax

corpusculum (Perty) Diesing 1866, p. 383 ≡ Gymnodinium corpusculum (Perty)
Kent 1881, p. 443

Described with epi- and hypocone of different sizes. The illustrations show a num-
ber of aspects that are difficult to interpret. Reliable identification is not possible.

Peridinium planulum Perty 1852, p. 162, pl. VII, fig. 17 ≡ Glenodinium

planulum (Perty) Diesing 1866, p. 392

The shape and color suggest a species of the Peridinium cinctum group. However,
the lack of information about plates prevents further identification.
474  Species that cannot be identified due to insufficient description
Peridinium truncatum O. Zacharias 1903, p. 292, fig. d

Upper half with concave sides, with a short spine on each side, lower part almost
semicircular, sometimes angular. Rather dark brown. Length 62 µm, width 66 µm,
thickness 54 µm. Plankton sample, alpine lake Aschensee, Austria (Tyrol), Au-
gust 1902. The identity of this taxon is presently unknown.

Peridinium uberrimum G. J. Allman 1854, p. 119 (“Peridinia uberrima”)

≡ Melodinium uberrimum (G. J. Allman) Kent 1881, p. 445 ≡ Gymnodinium
uberrimum (G. J. Allman) Kofoid & Swezy 1921, p. 264

Gymnodinioid cells originally described as covered with vibratile cilia (illustrated

in Allman 1855). The well-defined, apparently stiff cover without visible plates
suggests a woloszynskioid, but the available characters are insufficient even for
a reliable generic assignment. The purported presence of cilia outside the cingulum
led Kent (1881, pp 440, 445) to propose the new genus Melodinium. The generic
name did not catch on and the statement that the genus was ‘provisionally estab-
lished’ (Kent 1881, p. 445) arguably renders the name invalidly published (McNeill
et al. 2012, Art. 36.1).

Prorocentrum manshuricum Skvortsov 1958, p. 193, pl. 5, fig. 28

The identity of this taxon is very uncertain. It bears little resemblance to Prorocen-
trum, differing in having a single flagellum arising from a papilla and numerous
discoid chloroplasts.
Invalidly published designations

Amphidinium glaucovirescens J. Schiller 1955, p. 25, pl. I, fig. 10

Cells round-ovoid, not compressed dorsoventrally. Epicone bonnet shaped, hypo-

cone almost hemispherical. Hypocone approximately twice the length of the epi-
cone. Cingulum descending, wide, the ends slightly displaced. Sulcus also wide.
Three large bluish chloroplasts or ingested cyanobacteria. Cytoplasm with numer-
ous small lipid droplets and irregular grains. Cell length 16–18 µm, width 14–16 µm.
Ecology and geographical distribution: Ruster Kanal of Lake Neusiedl, winter, at
1–7˚C. Austria.
Schiller noted the naming of this species as preliminary (“ad int.”) and it is there-
fore invalidly published according to the ICN (McNeill et al. 2012, Art. 36.1,
Ex. 6). It is perhaps a species of Nusuttodinium.

Amphidinium obliquum J. Schiller 1955, p. 24, pl. I, fig. 8

Cells spherical to ovoid. Epicone flat, asymmetric, hypocone hemispherical, the

left side of the cell more curved than the right side. Hypocone 2–3× the length of
the epicone. Cingulum narrow, circular. Sulcus wide, narrowing midway towards
the antapex but widening again at the antapex. Approximately 10–12 light-brown
chloroplasts, rounded, disc-shaped. Cell length 12 µm, width 10–11 µm.
Ecology and geographical distribution: Ruster Kanal of Lake Neusiedl, Septem-
ber 1951. Austria.
Schiller indicated that the proposed designation was preliminary (“ad interd.”)
and it is therefore invalidly published according to the ICN (McNeill et al. 2012,
Art. 36.1). It is a poorly described species, based only on two fixed cells, and there
seems to be little point in validating the name.

Glenodinium regulare Massart 1901, p. 82, nomen nudum (name in a list)

Gymnodinium frigidum Wołoszyńska 1952, p. 312, pl. III, fig. 5, nomen nudum

(no description)

Gymnodinium gracile Lackey 1942, p. 193 (“gracilis”), nomen nudum

(provisional name in a list); non Gymnodinium gracile Bergh 1881, pp 251, 255,
figs 68, 69

Peridinium umbonatum var. toporense Wołoszyńska 1952, p. 314, pl. X,

figs 1–4, nomen nudum (no description)
List of taxonomic and nomenclatural novelties
appearing in this book

New orders
Amphidiniales Moestrup & Calado ordo nov.
Tovelliales Moestrup & Calado ordo nov.

New families
Amphidiniaceae Moestrup & Calado fam. nov.
Gyrodiniaceae Moestrup & Calado fam. nov.
Sphaerodiniaceae Moestrup & Calado fam. nov.

New genera
Matvienkoella Moestrup & Calado gen. nov.
Speroidium Moestrup & Calado gen. nov.

New species
Gymnodinium alaskense Bursa ex Moestrup & Calado sp. nov.
Gymnodinium astigmatum Moestrup & Calado sp. nov.
Gymnodinium intermedium Moestrup & Calado sp. nov.
Gymnodinium leptostauron Moestrup & Calado sp. nov.
Gymnodinium spirodinioides Moestrup & Calado sp. nov.
Hemidinium nobile Skuja ex Moestrup & Calado sp. nov.
Peridinium corrientes Moestrup sp. nov.

New variety
Actiniscus pentasterias var. arcticus Bursa ex Moestrup & Calado var. nov.

New names
Gymnodinium lividum Moestrup & Calado nom. nov.
Gymnodinium thompsonii Kisselev ex Moestrup & Calado nom. nov.
Gymnodinium vernum Moestrup nom. nov.
Nusuttodinium limneticum Moestrup & Calado nom. nov.
Stylodinium quadrangulare Moestrup & Calado nom. nov.
478  List of taxonomic and nomenclatural novelties appearing in this book

New combinations
Apocalathium aciculiferum var. inerme (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup & Calado comb.
Apocalathium aciculiferum var. juratense (Chodat & F. Chodat) Moestrup & Ca-
lado comb. nov.
Biecheleria aesculus (Baumeister) Moestrup comb. nov.
Biecheleria cestocoetes (R. H. Thompson) Moestrup comb. nov.
Biecheleria ordinata (Skuja) Moestrup comb. nov.
Biecheleria ordinata var. sparsa (Popovský) Moestrup comb. nov.
Borghiella marylandica (R. H. Thompson) Moestrup comb. nov.
Borghiella pascheri (Suchlandt) Moestrup comb. nov.
Borghiella silvatica (Er. Lindemann) Moestrup comb. nov.
Borghiella woloszynskae (Pascher) Moestrup comb. nov.
Chimonodinium baliense (Er. Lindemann) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Chimonodinium brasiliense (Borics & Grigorszky) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Chimonodinium godlewskii (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Chimonodinium granulosum (Playfair) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Chimonodinium keyense (Nygaard) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Chimonodinium lomnickii var. minus (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup comb. nov.
Cystodinium cornifax var. tenuirostre (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Gloeodinium montanum var. tatricum (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium aeschrum (T. M. Harris) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium elongatum (J. Schiller) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Gymnodinium fontinale (C. E. M. Bicudo & Skvortsov) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium hyperxanthoides (T. M. Harris) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium hyperxanthum (T. M. Harris) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium kesslitzii (J. Schiller) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium kesslitzii var. sanctipaulense (C. E. M. Bicudo & Skvortsov) Moes-
trup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium mazuricum (Javornický) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium mucicola (W. Conrad) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium partitum (Perty) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium planum (Fott) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium pratense (Baumeister) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium pusillum var. minus (Skuja) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium radiatum (Javornický) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Gymnodinium ruttneri (J. Schiller) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium sanctipaulense (C. E. M. Bicudo & Skvortsov) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium schilleri (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gymnodinium sphagnicola (W. Conrad) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Gymnodinium vierae (Javornický) Moestrup comb. nov.
Gyrodinium molopicum (T. M. Harris) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Jadwigia hiemalis (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup comb. nov.
Jadwigia limnetica (Bursa) Moestrup comb. nov.
Jadwigia neglecta (A. J. Schilling) Moestrup comb. nov.
Matvienkoella ovum (Bourrelly) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
New combinations  479
Naiadinium lubieniensiforme (Diwald) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium bidentatum (J. Schiller) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium caerulescens (J. Schiller) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium campaniforme (Popovský) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium crassifilum (J. Schiller) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium cyaneum (J. Schiller) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium eucyaneum (H. J. Hu) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium hiemale (J. Schiller) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium indicum (Shyam & Sarma) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium lacunarum (Skuja) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium montanum (J. Schiller) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium oculatum (J. Schiller) Moestrup comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium phthartum (Skuja) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Nusuttodinium viride (Penard) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Parvodinium africanum var. spinulosum (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup comb. nov.
Parvodinium africanum var. tatricum (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup comb. nov.
Parvodinium centenniale var. ovale (Playfair) Moestrup comb. nov.
Parvodinium dzieduszyckii (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup comb. nov.
Parvodinium inconspicuum var. armatum (Lemmermann) Moestrup comb. nov.
Parvodinium morzinense var. papilliferum (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup & Calado
comb. nov.
Parvodinium umbonatum var. armatum (M. Lefèvre) Moestrup comb. nov.
Parvodinium umbonatum var. papilliferum (Lemmermann) Moestrup comb. nov.
Parvodinium umbonatum var. spiniferum (M. Lefèvre) Moestrup comb. nov.
Peridiniopsis cunningtonii var. excavata (M. Lefèvre) Moestrup comb. nov.
Peridiniopsis cunningtonii var. treubii (Wołoszyńska) Moestrup comb. nov.
Peridiniopsis hiemalis (J. Schiller) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Peridiniopsis pygmaea var. brigantina (Er. Lindemann) Moestrup & Calado comb.
Peridiniopsis pygmaea var. brigantino-armata (M. Lefèvre) Moestrup & Calado
comb. nov.
Peridiniopsis quadridens var. adens (Entz) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Peridinium gatunense var. carinatum (Steinecke & Er. Lindemann) Moestrup &
Calado comb. nov.
Peridinium volzii var. maeandricum (Lauterborn) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Speroidium austriacum (J. Schiller) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Speroidium fungiforme (Anisimova) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
Stylodinium baumeisteri (C. E. M. Bicudo & Skvortsov) Moestrup & Calado comb.
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comb. nov.
Unruhdinium durandii (S. Rodriguez, Couté, Ten-Hage & Mascarell) Moestrup &
Calado comb. nov.
Unruhdinium penardii var. maius (Er. Lindemann) Moestrup & Calado comb. nov.
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All formal names of taxa at the rank of genus or below are printed in italics. Page
numbers in bold indicate entries for recognized taxa; numbers in italics mark the
pages where names are found in identification keys; bold-italics indicates illustra-
tions; regular type is used for other mentions of a taxon. Names of genera are listed
in their alphabetic position, followed by the indented list of specific and infra­
specific taxa mentioned in each genus. To facilitate the search for names of taxa
that have recently changed genus, specific epithets are included in their alphabetic
position followed by the generic names; and the last epithet of infraspecific taxa is
followed by the species name and the rank indication.

A adens, Peridinium quadridens f. 243

absumens, Gymnodinium  77 adens, Peridinium quadridens var. 243
acerosum, Cystodinium  394, 396, 396 adpressa, Phytodinedria  420, 420, 421
achromaticum, Amphidinium 467 aeruginea, Phytodinedria  420, 420, 421
achromaticum, Amphidinium tatrae f. 355 aeruginosum, Gymnodinium  145, 146
achromaticum, Peridinium 289 aeruginosum, Nusuttodinium 46, 143, 145,
achromaticum, Protoperidinium  284, 289, 290 146, 151
achroum, Cystodinium 405 aeschrum, Amphidinium 74
achroum, Gymnodinium  77 aeschrum, Gymnodinium  72, 74, 76
achroum, Gymnodinium helveticum f. 160, aesculum, Gymnodinium 348
162 aesculus, Biecheleria  346, 348, 348
aciculiferum, Apocalathium  28, 30, 33, 36, aestivale, Gymnodinium 125
299, 300, 301, 305 africanum, Parvodinium  29, 206, 207, 210,
aciculiferum, Glenodinium 300 211
aciculiferum, Peridinium  28, 300 africanum, Peridinium  29, 210
aciculiferum, Peridinium umbonatum var.  300 africanum, Peridinium tabulatum var. 211
acidotum, Gymnodinium  46, 144, 146 africanum (Bourrelly) Bourrelly, Stylodinium,
acidotum, Nusuttodinium 46, 143, 144, 144, nom. illeg. 435
146, 152 africanum Bourrelly, Stylodinium  429, 430,
Actiniscaceae  61, 62 431, 435
Actinisceae 62 africanus, Dinococcus 435
Actiniscus  62, 62, 64 alaskense, Gymnodinium 68, 69, 76, 77
–– canadensis  62, 63, 64 alatum, Gymnodinium 297
–– pentasterias 62 alatum, Peridinium 262
–– pentasterias var. arcticus  62, 62, 63 albulum, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 72, 73, 77,
acuminatum, Gymnodinium, nom. inval. 346 77, 102
acuminatum, Peridinium striolatum f.  260 alinii, Amphidinium 467
acuminatum, Peridinium striolatum var.  260, allorgei, Peridinium  270, 270
260 alsiophilum, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 78, 79
acuta, Apsteinia 287 amazonica, Peridiniopsis 31, 226, 227, 229
acuta, Diplopsalis  21, 287 ambigua, Diplopsalis 286
acuta, Entzia 287 ambiguum, Glenodinium  10, 286
acuta, Kolkwitziella 21, 287, 288 ambiguum, Kansodinium 10, 286, 286
acutum, Glenodinium 287 ambiguum, Peridinium 210
acutum, Peridinium 287 amphiconicoides, Gymnodinium 141
adens, Peridiniopsis quadridens var. 243, 244 amphiconicum, Glenodinium  453, 455, 455
532 Index
Amphidiniaceae VIII, 60 –– ruttneri 127
Amphidiniales  VIII, 13, 52, 53, 60 –– sauerzopfii 355
amphidinioides, Amphidinium 147 –– schilleri 467
amphidinioides, Gymnodinium 147 –– skujae 355
amphidinioides, Nusuttodinium 46, 144, 147, –– sphagnicola 130
148, 155, 459 –– steinii  60, 61
Amphidiniopsis 7, 181, 284, 284 –– tatrae 355
–– kofoidii 284 –– tatrae f. achromaticum 355
–– sibbaldii  284, 285 –– tenagodes 355
Amphidinium  VIII, 4, 14, 60, 65, 355 –– turicense 355
–– achromaticum 467 –– vernale 355
–– aeschrum  74 –– vigrense 147, 148
–– alinii 467 –– viride 357
–– amphidinioides  147 –– vorax 357
–– bidentatum 149 anauniensis, Baldinia 40, 321, 321, 322
–– bourrellyi 147, 148 andersenii, Borghiella  323, 324, 325, 327
–– caerulescens  144, 150, 150 andrzejowskii, Peridinium 196
–– coprosum 147, 148, 149 anglicum, Peridinium 202
–– cryophilum 88 anglicum, Peridinium apiculatum f. 202
–– elenkinii 355 anglicum, Peridinium laeve subsp. 202
–– eucephalum 355 anglicum, Peridinium palatinum f.  203
–– geitleri, nom. illeg.  147 angulatum, Peridinium cinctum f.  246
–– glaucovirescens, nom. inval.  475 angulatum, Peridinium cinctum var.  246
–– gyrinum 355 angulosum, Peridinium geminum var.  220
–– hyalinum 355 animale, Hemidinium 333, 334, 473
–– inconstans 355 apentasterias, Pseudoactiniscus  64, 65
–– kesslitzii 99 apiculata, Gonyaulax 179
–– kesslitzii var. sanctipaulense 100 apiculata, Tovellia  374, 375, 377
–– klebsii  61 apiculata, Woloszynskia 375
–– lacunarum 154 apiculatum Ehrenberg, Glenodinium  160, 202
–– lacustre  46, 355 apiculatum O. Zacharias, Glenodinium, nom.
–– larvale 355 illeg. 160
–– lefevrei 467 apiculatum, Gymnodinium helveticum var.  160
–– lohammarii 357 apiculatum (Ehrenberg) Claparède & J. Lach-
–– luteum  356 mann, Peridinium  179, 202
–– mucicola 111 apiculatum Penard, Peridinium, nom.
–– multiplex 357 illeg. 179
–– nasutum 467 apiculatum, Peridinium berolinense var. 297,
–– obliquum, nom. inval.  475 298
–– obrae 468 apiculatum, Properidinium 202
–– oculatum 156 apiculatum, Tyrannodinium berolinense
–– operculatum  60, 468 var. 297
–– operculatum var. steinii 60 apiculatus, Palatinus 181, 202, 202, 203, 205
–– ovoideum 468 Apocalathium 292, 298, 299, 306
–– phthartum 157 –– aciculiferum  28, 30, 33, 36, 299, 300,
–– pusillum  99, 100 301, 305
–– radiatum 124 –– aciculiferum var. inerme  300, 302, 302
–– roseolum 470 –– aciculiferum var. juratense  299, 302, 303
Index 533
–– baicalense 30, 299, 303, 303 austriaca, Massartia 296
–– euryceps 30, 299, 304, 304 austriacum, Ceratium hirundinella morpho-
–– malmogiense  28, 30, 300, 305, 306 type  167, 167
apoda, Peridinium bipes f., nom. inval.  274 austriacum, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 80, 81
applanata, Jadwigia 361, 362, 362, 363 austriacum, Katodinium 296
Apsteinia austriacum, Speroidium  294, 296, 296
–– acuta 287 autumnale Christen, Gymnodinium, nom.
aquae-frigidae, Hemidinium  333, 334, 473 inval. 104
arcticus, Actiniscus pentasterias var.  62, 62, autumnale Skvortsov, Gymnodinium  145, 146
63 aveirensis, Tovellia  374, 378, 378
arenicola, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 79, 79
areolatum, Peridinium cinctum f. 246
areolatum, Peridinium westii var. 246 B
armata, Bourrellyella 413 Bagredinium
armatum, Dinastridium  411, 413, 413 –– crenulatum 278
armatum, Parvodinium inconspicuum baicalense, Apocalathium 30, 299, 303, 303
var.  222, 222 baicalense, Gymnodinium  30, 68, 69, 81, 81
armatum, Parvodinium umbonatum var.  209, baicalense, Peridinium  30, 303
209 balatonicum, Peridinium inconspicuum
armatum, Peridinium inconspicuum f. 222 var. 220
armatum, Peridinium inconspicuum var. 222 Baldinia  320, 321, 321
armatum, Peridinium umbonatum f.  209 –– anauniensis 40, 321, 321, 321
armatum, Peridinium umbonatum var. 209 –– bernardinensis  321, 322, 323
armatum, Tetradinium chiastosporum var. 86 baliense, Chimonodinium 29, 299, 310, 311
armebeense, Unruhdinium  190, 191, 192 baliense, Peridinium  9, 29, 310
armebeensis, Peridiniopsis 191 baltica, Durinskia  187, 188, 188
armoricanum, Gymnodinium 134 balticum, Glenodinium 188
asiaticum, Hypnodinium 419 balticum, Peridinium 188
astigmatum, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 80, 80 bataviense, Cystodinium  388, 392, 394, 394,
astigmatum, Gymnodinium neglectum var.  364 395
astigmatum, Katodinium, nom. inval. 80 baumeisteri, Dinopodiella 431
astigmosum, Gymnodinium paradoxum f.  136, baumeisteri, Gymnodinium 67, 68, 82, 82
137 baumeisteri, Stylodinium  429, 431, 431
Asulcocephalium  320, 344, 345, 345 bavariense, Stylodinium 429
–– miricentonis IX, 345, 346 belizense, Parvodinium  207, 214, 215
asymmetricum, Gymnodinium 133 belizense, Peridinium 214
asymmetricum, Gyrodinium 133 berghii, Glenodinium 454
auburnense, Peridinium striolatum f.  260 bernardinense, Bernardinium 33, 360, 361
auburnense, Peridinium striolatum var.  260, bernardinense, Glenodinium 322
260 bernardinensis, Baldinia  321, 322, 323
auratum, Katodinium  68, 158, 159 Bernardinium 7, 359, 360
aureum, Phytodinium  426, 427, 427 –– bernardinense 33, 360, 361
australe, Peridinium  269, 277 berolinense, Glenodinium 297
australe, Peridinium tabulatum var. westii berolinense, Peridinium  8, 297
f. 269 berolinense, Tyrannodinium  296, 297
australe, Peridinium volzii var.  265 berolinensis, Peridiniopsis  297, 404
australicum, Glenodinium  10, 184, 364, 365 beta/epsilon-collineatum, Peridinium cinctum
austriaca, Gonyaulax 179 var. 246
534 Index
beta-collineatum, Peridinium guestrowiense –– tenuissima 13, 323, 329, 329, 381, 461
var. 265 –– woloszynskae  323, 329, 330, 330
beta-collineatum, Peridinium semicirculatum Borghiellaceae  19, 20, 53, 319, 320, 321
var. 247 botanicum, Peridinium volzii var.  268, 268
beta-delta-bitravectum, Peridinium elpatiewskyi botanicum, Peridinium willei var. 268
var. 238 Bourrellyella  9, 411
biciliata, Woloszynskia 471 –– armata 413
biciliatum, Gymnodinium  471, 472 bourrellyi, Amphidinium 147, 148
bicollineatum, Peridinium elpatiewskyi brachyceroides, Ceratium furcoides morpho-
var. 238 type  175, 176
bicorne, Cystodinium 414 brachyceros, Ceratium  165, 168, 169
bicornis, Dinococcus  414, 416 brachyceros, Ceratium hirundinella var. 168
bicornis, Raciborskia 414 brasiliense, Chimonodinium 30, 300, 310, 311
bidentatum, Amphidinium 149 brasiliense, Cystodinium bataviense var.  396,
bidentatum, Nusuttodinium  144, 149, 149 396
bieblii, Glenodinium 464, 464 brasiliense, Cystodinium phaseolus var.  408,
Biecheleria  320, 345, 345 409
–– aesculus  346, 348, 348 brasiliense, Hemidinium 332
–– cestocoetes  346, 348, 349 brasiliense, Peridinium  30, 310
–– ordinata  345, 346, 349, 350 brevipes, Cystodinium  390, 414
–– ordinata var. sparsa  350, 350 brigantina, Peridiniopsis pygmaea var.  241,
–– pseudopalustris  27, 344, 345, 346, 346, 241
347 brigantino-armata, Peridiniopsis pygmaea
bipes, Peridinium  28, 31, 36, 181, 272, 272, var.  241, 242
273 brigantino-armatum, Peridinium pygmaeum
biradiatum, Peridinium elpatiewskyi var.  238 f. 241
bisaetosum, Cystodinium 398 brigantinum, Peridinium elpatiewskyi f.  238
bisaetosum, Gymnodinium 398 brigantinum, Peridinium pygmaeum f. 241
biscutelliforme, Glenodinium gymnodinium brunnea, Cystodinedria  389, 389, 390
var. 315 bryophyticum, Hemidinium  332, 333, 334
biscutelliforme, Naiadinium 315 Bursaria
bitravectum, Peridinium laeve var. 204 –– hirundinella  3, 165
blax, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 82, 83 Bysmatrum 306
bogoriense, Gymnodinium  33, 68, 71, 83, 83
bohemicum, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 84, 84
bohemicum, Katodinium 84 C
boliviensis, Peridiniopsis cristata var.  231, caerulescens, Amphidinium  144, 150, 150
231 caerulescens, Gymnodinium 149
borgei, Glenodinium 227 caerulescens, Nusuttodinium  144, 149, 149
borgei, Peridiniopsis  5, 8, 20, 21, 32, 226, Calciodinellaceae 298
227, 227, 228 calcisporum, Theleodinium  25, 317, 318, 319
borgei, Peridinium 227 californicum, Peridinium penardii f.  187, 192
Borghiella  320, 321, 322, 323, 359, 462 campaniforme, Gymnodinium 150
–– andersenii  323, 324, 325, 327 campaniforme, Nusuttodinium  143, 150, 150
–– dodgei  33, 322, 323, 324, 324, 327, 329 campylops, Katodinium 368
–– marylandica  323, 325, 326 campylops, Massartia 368
–– pascheri  323, 326, 327 campylops, Opisthoaulax  366, 368, 368
–– silvatica  323, 328, 328 canadensis, Actiniscus  62, 63, 64
Index 535
cancer, Closterium 398 –– hirundinella morphotype robustum  167,
carinatum, Gymnodinium 113 168
carinatum, Peridinium cinctum var. 253 –– hirundinella morphotype scotticum  167,
carinatum, Peridinium gatunense var.  253, 168
254 –– hirundinella var. brachyceros 168
carinthiacum, Ceratium hirundinella morpho- –– hirundinella var. furcoides 174
type  167, 167 –– kumaonense 165
carinthiacum, Peridinium willei var. 262 –– longicorne 165
caroliniana, Dimastigoaulax 168 –– macroceras 165
carolinianum, Ceratium  10, 164, 165, 168, –– monoceras  165, 176, 177
170 –– rhomvoides 164, 165, 167, 175, 177, 178
carolinianum, Peridinium 168 –– tetraceras  164, 165
carpaticum, Peridinium wierzejskii f., nom. cestocoetes, Biecheleria  346, 348, 349
inval. 309 cestocoetes, Gymnodinium 348
caudatum, Gymnodinium  67, 84, 85 cestocoetes, Woloszynskia 348
caudatum, Peridinium 220 chalubinskii, Peridinium 256
caudatum, Peridinium tabulatum var.  220 charkowiense, Peridinium 239
centenniale, Parvodinium  207, 215, 216 charkowiensis, Peridiniopsis  237, 239, 239
centenniale, Peridinium 215 chiastosporum, Dinastridium 85
centenniale, Peridinium umbonatum var.  215 chiastosporum, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 85,
cerasiforme, Stylodinium  429, 431, 432, 438 86, 137
Ceratiaceae  163, 163 chiastosporum, Tetradinium 85
Ceratium  3, 4, 9, 10, 36, 53, 164, 469 Chimonodinium 292, 298, 299, 306
–– brachyceros  165, 168, 169 –– baliense 29, 299, 310, 311
–– carolinianum  10, 164, 165, 168, 170 –– brasiliense 30, 300, 310, 311
–– carolinianum var. elongatum  171, 171 –– godlewskii  300, 312, 312
–– cornutum 164, 165, 172, 173 –– granulosum  299, 300, 312, 313
–– curvirostre 168 –– keyense  300, 314, 314
–– elongatum, nom. inval. 171 –– lomnickii  25, 31, 300, 306, 307
–– furca var. lacustre 174 –– lomnickii var. minus  308, 308
–– furcoides  30, 34, 35, 164, 165, 174, 174, –– lomnickii var. splendidum  299, 308, 309
175, 176, 177, 178 –– lomnickii var. wierzejskii  300, 309, 310
–– furcoides morphotype brachycer- christenii, Gymnodinium 68, 69, 86, 87
oides  175, 176 cincta, Vorticella  3, 246
–– furcoides morphotype furcoides  175, 176 cinctiforme, Peridinium volzii var. 265, 268,
–– furcoides morphotype silesiacum  176, 176 269
–– furcoides morphotype yuennanense  176, cinctum, Glenodinium  184, 195, 339, 344,
176 453, 454, 455, 456
–– handelii 174 cinctum (Ehrenberg) Claparède & J. Lachmann,
–– hirundinella  27, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 164, Peridinium, nom. illeg. 454
165, 165, 166, 167, 175, 177 cinctum (O. F. Müller) Ehrenberg, Peri-
–– hirundinella morphotype austriacum  167, dinium 245, 246, 246, 248, 411, 473
167 Cleistoperidinium, Peridinium sect. 246
–– hirundinella morphotype carinthi- Cleistoperidinium, Peridinium subg.  181, 198,
acum  167, 167 199, 245, 246
–– hirundinella morphotype gracile  167, 167 clevei, Gonyaulax  179, 180
–– hirundinella morphotype piburgense  167, clevei, Gonyaulax apiculata var.  179
536 Index
Closterium corrientes, Peridinium  280, 281
–– cancer 398 cosmariaeforme, Glenodinium 468
closterium, Cystodinium  393, 396, 397 cracoviense, Gloeodinium  443, 445, 446
cnecoides, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 87, 87 cracoviense, Sphaerodinium 40, 339, 341, 342
coconiformis, Phytodinedria 424 crassifilum, Katodinium 151
coeruleum Dogiel, Gymnodinium 160 crassifilum, Massartia 151
coeruleum N.L. Antipova, Gymnodinium, nom. crassifilum, Nusuttodinium  143, 151, 151
illeg. 160 crassum, Cystodinium closterium var.  397,
collineatum, Peridinium elpatiewskyi var.  238 397
collineatum, Peridinium marchicum var. simplex crenulatum, Bagredinium 278
f. 238 crenulatum, Peridinium 10, 278, 278
coloradense, Dinamoebidium  59, 59 cristata, Peridiniopsis  227, 229, 230
coloradensis, Dinamoeba 59 cristatum, Glenodinium 229
colymbeticum, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 88, 88 cristatum, Peridinium apiculatum var. 203
complexum, Peridinium volzii f.  266, 267 cristatum, Peridinium cinctum var. tuberosum
compressa, Exuviaella 448 f. 253
compressa, Pyxidicula 448 cristatum, Peridinium laeve subsp. marssonii
compressum, Peridinium guestrowiense f.  267 f. 203
compressum, Peridinium volzii f.  267, 267 cristatum, Peridinium palatinum f.  203
concavum, Gymnodinium 348 cruciatum (Massart) J. Schiller, Gymno-
conchaeforme, Cystodinium  393, 397, 398 dinium 132
conicum, Peridinium intermedium var. 211 cruciatum R. H. Thompson, Gymnodinium,
contactum, Peridinium africanum var.  211 nom. illeg. 132
contactum, Peridinium inconspicuum var., nom. cruciferum, Peridinium elpatiewskyi var.  238
inval. 220 cryophilum, Amphidinium 88
contactum, Peridinium laeve subsp. marssonii cryophilum, Gymnodinium 68, 69, 88, 89
var. 204 cucumis, Peridinium 263
contactum, Peridinium linzium var., nom. cunningtonii, Peridiniopsis 181, 233, 234
inval. 222 cunningtonii, Peridinium  9, 233
contactum, Peridinium lubieniense var.  222 curvatum, Peridinium cinctum var.  246
contactum, Peridinium munusculum var. 220 curvirostre, Ceratium 168
contortum, Peridinium elpatiewskyi var.  238 cyaneum H. J. Hu, Gymnodinium, nom.
coprosum, Amphidinium 147, 148, 149 inval. 152
corillionii, Peridiniopsis  187, 193, 194 cyaneum J. Schiller, Gymnodinium 151
cornifax, Cystodinium  394, 398, 399, 404, 411 cyaneum, Nusuttodinium  143, 151, 152
cornifax, Glenodinium 398 cyclicum, Peridinium guestrowiense var.  265
cornifax, Gymnodinium 398 cyclicum, Peridinium volzii f.  265
cornifax, Gymnodinium fuscum var. 398 Cystodinedria 7, 389, 389, 393
cornuta, Dimastigoaulax 172 –– brunnea  389, 389, 390
cornutum, Ceratium 164, 165, 172, 173 –– inermis  389, 390, 391
cornutum, Peridinium 172 –– maxima  389, 391, 392
coronata, Tovellia 373, 374, 375, 376, 379, –– obtusata  389, 391, 393
386 Cystodinium  6, 45, 87, 389, 392, 393, 405, 411
coronata, Woloszynskia 375 –– acerosum  394, 396, 396
coronatum, Gymnodinium 375 –– achroum 405
corpusculum, Gymnodinium 473 –– bataviense  388, 392, 394, 394, 395
corpusculum, Peridinium 473 –– bataviense var. brasiliense  396, 396
corpusculum, Proaulax 473 –– bicorne 414
Index 537
–– bisaetosum 398 Desmomastix 7, 14, 57
–– brevipes  390, 414 –– globosa  57, 58
–– closterium  393, 396, 397 Desmomonadales 57
–– closterium var. crassum  397, 397 devorans, Gymnodinium  77
–– conchaeforme  393, 397, 398 Dictyocha, Gruppe Actiniscus 62
–– cornifax  394, 398, 399, 404, 411 diexiensis, Tovellia 380
–– cornifax var. tenuirostre  400, 400 Dimastigoaulax 164
–– dimorphe  394, 400, 401 –– caroliniana 168
–– dirhamphos  394, 401, 402 –– cornuta 172
–– dominii  393, 401, 402 dimidio-minus, Cystodinium steinii var. 398
–– grabenseei  394, 402, 403 dimorphe, Cystodinium  394, 400, 401
–– guttatum  394, 403, 403 dimorphe, Gymnocystodinium 400
–– heterorhamphos  394, 404, 404 dimorphe, Gymnodinium 400
–– hyalinum  393, 404, 405 Dinamoeba 59
–– iners  398, 399 –– coloradensis 59
–– interspersum 427 –– varians 59
–– lunare  394, 405, 406 Dinamoebaceae 58
–– minimum  394, 406, 406 Dinamoebidiaceae  58
–– novaculosum 398 Dinamoebidiales  13, 52, 58
–– pallidulum  394, 406, 407 Dinamoebidium 7, 14, 59
–– papilionaceum  394, 407, 407 –– coloradense  59, 59
–– phaseolus  394, 401, 407, 408 –– varians 59
–– phaseolus var. brasiliense  408, 409 Dinastridium 9, 389, 411
–– schilleri 398 –– armatum  411, 413, 413
–– sonfonense  394, 409, 409 –– chiastosporum 85
–– steinii 398 –– inerme  411, 413, 413
–– steinii f. tenuirostre 400 –– sexangulare  411, 411, 412
–– steinii var. dimidio-minus 398 –– verrucosum 411
–– unicorne 87, 394, 410, 410, 411 dinobryonis, Glenodinium 281
dinobryonis, Peridiniopsis 281
dinobryonis, Staszicella 280, 281, 282, 428
D Dinococcus 57, 389, 414
dadayi, Lophodinium 338 –– africanus 435
dangeardii, Glenodinium  454, 456, 456 –– bicornis  414, 416
danubiense, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 89, 89 –– incus  414, 416, 416
deflandrei, Parvodinium  207, 217, 218 –– inermis 390
deflandrei, Peridinium 217 –– oedogonii  414, 414, 415
deflandrei, Peridinium umbonatum var.  217 DINOPHYCEAE  57
deformabile, Gymnodinium, nom. inval. 83 Dinopodiella 428
delta/epsilon-travectum, Peridinium cinctum –– baumeisteri 431
var. 247 –– gracilis 432
denticulatum, Glenodinium  454, 456, 456 –– phaseolus 434
depressum, Glenodinium pulvisculus var. 470 Dinosphaera  182
depressum, Gymnodinium 472 –– palustris 31, 182, 183
Desmocapsa 7 Dinosphaeraceae  181, 182
Desmomastigaceae  57 Dinothrix 7
Desmomastigales  13, 52, 57 Diplopsalidaceae 284
538 Index
Diplopsalis elpatiewskyi, Peridinium umbonatum var.  237
–– acuta  21, 287 emarginatum, Glenodinium  454, 457, 457
–– ambigua 286 Entzia
–– ovum 289 –– acuta 287
dirhamphos, Cystodinium  394, 401, 402 Esoptrodinium 360
discoidale, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 90, 90 –– gemma 360
dissimile, Peridinium cinctum var.  247 –– soligenum 336
dodgei, Borghiella  33, 322, 323, 324, 324, eucephalum, Amphidinium 355
327, 329 eucyaneum, Gymnodinium 152
dodgei, Gymnodinium 379 eucyaneum, Nusuttodinium  144, 146, 152, 152
dodgei, Tovellia  374, 379, 380 eufrigidum, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 91, 91
dominii, Cystodinium  393, 401, 402 euryceps, Apocalathium 30, 299, 304, 304
durandii, Peridiniopsis 192 euryceps, Peridinium 304
durandii, Unruhdinium 187, 190, 192, 193 eurystomum, Glenodinium  454, 457, 458
Durinskia 15, 187, 187 eurytopum, Gymnodinium 72, 74, 91, 91
–– baltica  187, 188, 188 excavata, Peridiniopsis cunningtonii var.  235,
–– dybowskii  187, 188, 189 235
–– oculata  187, 189, 189 excavatum, Glenodinium quadridens var. 235
dybowskii, Durinskia  187, 188, 189 excavatum, Gymnodinium 346
dybowskii, Glenodinium 188 excavatum, Peridinium cunningtonii var. 235
dybowskii, Peridinium 188 excavatum, Peridinium geminum var.  220
dzieduszyckii, Parvodinium  207, 218, 219 excavatum, Peridinium inconspicuum var. 220
dzieduszyckii, Peridinium 218 excisum, Peridinium bipes f.  272
dzieduszyckii, Peridinium lubieniense f.  218 excisum, Peridinium bipes var.  272
eximium, Peridinium 247
E –– compressa 448
edax, Glenodinium 297 –– lima 449
edax, Katodinium  369, 370 –– lima var. major 450
edax, Massartia 369, 370 –– lima var. scrobiculata 449
edax, Peridiniopsis 297 –– wislouchii 468
edax, Tyrannodinium  8, 296, 297, 297
elegans Cleve, Peridinium 223
elegans M. Lefèvre, Peridinium, nom. F
illeg. 223 fastigata, Opisthoaulax  366, 368, 369
elegans, Peridinium geminum var.  225 fastigatum, Katodinium 368
elegans, Peridinium lubieniense f.  223 fimbriatum, Sphaerodinium 10, 339, 342, 343
elenkinii, Amphidinium 355 fistulatum, Peridinium centenniale f.  215
ellipsoideum, Glenodinium 468 fistulatum, Peridinium centenniale var.  215
elongatum, Ceratium carolinianum var.  171, fontinale, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 92, 92
171 fontinale, Katodinium 92
elongatum, Ceratium, nom. inval. 171 foveolatum, Prorocentrum  449, 449, 449, 450
elongatum, Gymnodinium 67, 68, 90, 90 frigidum, Glenodinium 469
elongatum, Gymnodinium inversum var.  98, 99 frigidum Balech, Gymnodinium 472
elongatum, Gyrodinium 90 frigidum Skvortsov, Gymnodinium, nom.
elpatiewskyi, Glenodinium 238 illeg. 472
elpatiewskyi, Peridiniopsis 31, 237, 237, 238 frigidum Wołoszyńska, Gymnodinium, nom.
elpatiewskyi, Peridinium 238 inval. 475
Index 539
fungiforme, Glenodinium 317 Glenodinium  4, 10, 453
fungiforme, Gymnodinium 294 –– aciculiferum 300
fungiforme, Katodinium 294 –– acutum 287
fungiforme, Speroidium  294, 294, 295, 296 –– ambiguum  10, 286
fungiformis, Massartia 294 –– amphiconicum  453, 455, 455
furcoides, Ceratium  30, 34, 35, 164, 165, 174, –– apiculatum Ehrenberg  160, 202
174, 175, 176, 177, 178 –– apiculatum O. Zacharias, nom. illeg. 160
furcoides, Ceratium furcoides morpho- –– australicum  10, 184, 364, 365
type  175, 176 –– balticum 188
furcoides, Ceratium hirundinella var. 174 –– berghii 454
fuscum, Gymnodinium  66, 68, 69, 74, 75, 100 –– bernardinense 322
fuscum, Peridinium  74, 75 –– berolinense 297
–– bieblii 464, 464
–– borgei 227
G –– cinctum  184, 195, 339, 344, 453, 454,
gatunense, Peridinium  10, 23, 27, 31, 32, 34, 455, 456
36, 40, 42, 246, 250, 252, 254, 257 –– cornifax 398
gatunense, Peridinium cinctum var. 250 –– cosmariaeforme 468
geitleri, Amphidinium, nom. illeg. 147 –– cristatum 229
geminum, Glenodinium 208 –– dangeardii  454, 456, 456
geminum, Peridinium 208 –– denticulatum  454, 456, 456
gemma, Esoptrodinium 360 –– dinobryonis 281
germanicum, Peridinium 246 –– dybowskii 188
gessneri, Glenodinium  453, 454, 458, 458 –– edax 297
gessneri, Gymnocystodinium 398 –– ellipsoideum 468
gibbera, Kolkwitziella 287 –– elpatiewskyi 238
gibbera, Kolkwitziella salebrosa var.  287 –– emarginatum  454, 457, 457
gibbosum, Peridinium cinctum var. 250 –– eurystomum  454, 457, 458
girans, Glenodinium 469 –– frigidum 469
glabra, Tovellia  374, 379, 381 –– fungiforme 317
glabrum, Gymnodinium coronatum var.  379 –– geminum 208
glaucovirescens, Amphidinium, nom. –– gessneri  453, 454, 458, 458
inval. 475 –– girans 469
glaucum, Glenodinium  453, 458, 459 –– glaucum  453, 458, 459
glaucum J. Schiller, Gymnodinium, nom. –– guildfordense 208
illeg. 148 –– gymnodinium  4, 315, 316, 317
glaucum W. Conrad, Gymnodinium  147, 148 –– gymnodinium var. biscutelliforme 315
Glenoaulax 469 –– helicozoster  454, 459, 459
–– inaequalis 469 –– inaequale Chodat, nom. illeg. 469
Glenodiniopsidaceae  181, 183 –– inaequale Schmarda 469
Glenodiniopsis 7, 184 –– kamptneri 208
–– pretiosa 9, 184, 186, 186 –– kulczynskii 231
–– steinii (Lemmermann) Wołoszyńska, nom. –– lemmermannii 470
illeg. 184 –– leptodermum  453, 460, 460
–– steinii Wołoszyńska  184 –– limos  454, 460, 460
–– uliginosa  184, 184, 185 –– lindemannii 242
–– lomnickii 306
–– lomnickii var. splendidum 308
540 Index
–– lomnickii var. wierzejskii 309 globosum, Phytodinium  426, 427, 428
–– longicorne 165 globosum, Stylodinium 428, 429, 429, 430
–– lubieniensiforme 317 Glochidinium 181, 198, 199
–– majale 470 –– penardiforme 199, 200, 200, 200
–– mezii  454, 461, 461 –– platygaster  200, 201, 202
–– minimum 102 Gloeodiniaceae  443
–– minutum 470 Gloeodiniales  13, 52, 54, 442, 446
–– monadicum, nom. illeg. 116 Gloeodinium  14, 45, 331, 334, 442, 443, 443,
–– muricatum 375 444
–– neglectum  362, 364 –– cracoviense  443, 445, 446
–– oculatum 189 –– montanum 54, 443, 443, 444
–– palustre 182 –– montanum var. tatricum  444, 445
–– pascheri 326 godlewskii, Chimonodinium  300, 312, 312
–– peisonis  454, 461, 462 godlewskii, Peridinium 312
–– penardiforme 200 Gonyaulacaceae  163, 178
–– penardii 195 Gonyaulacales  26, 52, 53, 163, 181
–– planulum 473 gonyaulacoides, Peridinium keyense var.  314
–– polylophum  10, 338 Gonyaulax 53, 178
–– pseudostigmosum  454, 462, 462 –– apiculata 179
–– pulvisculus  454, 463, 463 –– apiculata var. clevei 179
–– pulvisculus var. depressum 470 –– austriaca 179
–– punctulatum  454, 463, 464 –– clevei  179, 180
–– pusillum 225 –– jensenii 211
–– quadridens 243 –– limnetica 179
–– quadridens var. excavatum 235 –– palustris 182
–– quadridens var. treubii 235 –– polonica 179
–– quadridens var. wildemanii 234 –– spinifera 178
–– regulare, nom. inval. 475 goslaviense, Parvodinium  207, 218, 220
–– roseolum 470 goslaviense, Peridinium 218
–– rotundatum 471 goslaviense, Peridinium umbonatum var.  218
–– sanguineum (H. J. Carter) Diesing  384 grabenseei, Cystodinium  394, 402, 403
–– sanguineum Marchesoni, nom. illeg. 324, gracile, Ceratium hirundinella morpho-
384 type  167, 167
–– sedens 234 gracile Bergh, Gymnodinium 475
–– segriense  454, 459, 464, 464 gracile Lackey, Gymnodinium, nom.
–– spiculiferum 220 inval. 475
–– steinii 184 gracile Er. Lindemann, Peridinium, nom.
–– tabulatum 272 illeg. 305
–– turfosum 471 gracile Meunier, Peridinium 305
–– uliginosum  184, 186 gracile, Peridinium pusillum f.  225
–– vernale 471 gracile, Stylodinium  429, 432, 433
–– viguieri 245 gracilis, Dinopodiella 432
–– vindobonense  454, 465, 465 grande, Stylodinium  429, 433, 434
–– viride 471 granii, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 92, 93
globosa, Desmomastix  57, 58 granulosum, Chimonodinium  299, 300, 312,
globosum, Peridinium bipes f.  274, 274 313
globosum, Peridinium gatunense f.  252, 253 granulosum, Peridinium 312
globosum, Peridinium umbonatum var.  215 granulosum, Peridinium tabulatum var. 312
Index 541
guestrowiense, Peridinium 265 –– carinatum var. hiemale 330
guildfordense, Glenodinium 208 –– caudatum  67, 84, 85
guildfordense, Peridinium caudatum var. 208 –– cestocoetes 348
guttatum, Cystodinium  394, 403, 403 –– chiastosporum 68, 71, 85, 86, 137
gutwinskii, Peridinium  9, 264, 279, 279, 280 –– christenii 68, 69, 86, 87
Gymnocystodinium, nom. illeg. 400 –– cnecoides 68, 71, 87, 87
–– dimorphe 400 –– coeruleum Dogiel 160
–– gessneri 398 –– coeruleum N.L. Antipova, nom. illeg. 160
–– iners 398 –– colymbeticum 72, 73, 88, 88
–– unicorne 410 –– concavum 348
Gymnodiniaceae  61, 65, 66 –– cornifax 398
Gymnodiniales  15, 52, 53, 61 –– coronatum 375
Gymnodinida 65 –– coronatum var. glabrum 379
gymnodinioides, Nusuttodinium 149 –– corpusculum 473
Gymnodinium  VIII, 4, 14, 62, 65, 66, 66, 68, –– cruciatum R. H. Thompson, nom.
70, 72, 85, 109, 137, 143, 158, 159 illeg. 132
–– absumens  77 –– cruciatum (Massart) J. Schiller  132
–– achroum  77 –– cryophilum 68, 69, 88, 89
–– acidotum  46, 144, 146 –– cyaneum H. J. Hu, nom. inval. 152
–– acuminatum, nom. inval. 346 –– cyaneum J. Schiller  151
–– aeruginosum  145, 146 –– danubiense 68, 71, 89, 89
–– aeschrum  72, 74, 76 –– deformabile, nom. inval. 83
–– aesculum 348 –– depressum 472
–– aestivale 125 –– devorans  77
–– alaskense 68, 69, 76, 77 –– dimorphe 400
–– alatum 297 –– discoidale 68, 71, 90, 90
–– albulum 68, 71, 72, 73, 77, 77, 102 –– dodgei 379
–– alsiophilum 72, 73, 78, 79 –– elongatum 67, 68, 90, 90
–– amphiconicoides 141 –– eucyaneum 152
–– amphidinioides 147 –– eufrigidum 72, 73, 91, 91
–– arenicola 68, 70, 79, 79 –– eurytopum 72, 74, 91, 91
–– armoricanum 134 –– excavatum 346
–– astigmatum 72, 73, 80, 80 –– fontinale 68, 70, 92, 92
–– asymmetricum 133 –– frigidum Balech 472
–– austriacum 72, 73, 80, 81 –– frigidum Skvortsov, nom. illeg. 472
–– autumnale Christen, nom. inval. 104 –– frigidum Wołoszyńska, nom. inval. 475
–– autumnale Skvortsov  145, 146 –– fungiforme 294
–– baicalense  30, 68, 69, 81, 81 –– fuscum  66, 68, 69, 74, 75, 100
–– baicalense var. minus 81 –– fuscum var. cornifax 398
–– baumeisteri 67, 68, 82, 82 –– fuscum var. minus  74
–– biciliatum  471, 472 –– glaucum J. Schiller, nom. illeg. 148
–– bisaetosum 398 –– glaucum W. Conrad  147, 148
–– blax 72, 73, 82, 83 –– gracile Bergh 475
–– bogoriense  33, 68, 71, 83, 83 –– gracile Lackey, nom. inval. 475
–– bohemicum 68, 70, 84, 84 –– granii 72, 73, 92, 93
–– caerulescens 149 –– helveticum  4, 160
–– campaniforme 150 –– helveticum f. achroum  160, 162
–– carinatum 113 –– helveticum var. apiculatum 160
542 Index
–– hiemale (J. Schiller) Popovský, nom. –– monadicum, nom. illeg. 116
illeg. 153 –– mucicola 72, 73, 111, 112
–– hiemale Skvortsov, nom. illeg. 364 –– musei 369
–– hiemale Wołoszyńska  153, 330, 362, 364 –– neglectum  362, 364
–– hippocastanum 68, 70, 71, 92, 93 –– neglectum var. astigmatum 364
–– huber-pestalozzii 67, 68, 93, 94 –– novaculosum 398
–– hyalinum  72, 94, 95 –– nygaardi, nom. inval. 382
–– hyperxanthoides  67, 95, 95 –– obesum 68, 69, 112, 112
–– hyperxanthum  67, 96, 96 –– oligoplacatum 68, 71, 112, 113
–– impar 134 –– olivaceum 472
–– impatiens 68, 71, 96, 97 –– ordinatum 349
–– indicum 153 –– ordinatum var. sparsum 350
–– intermedium  72, 97, 97 –– pallidum 107
–– inversum  35, 68, 69, 98, 98 –– palustre  68, 106, 113, 114
–– inversum var. elongatum  98, 99 –– palustriforme 68, 70, 114, 115
–– irregulare B. Hope  86 –– paradoxiforme 68, 70, 115, 115
–– irregulare Christen, nom. illeg. 86 –– paradoxum  67, 116, 116
–– kesslitzii 68, 70, 99, 99 –– paradoxum f. astigmosum  136, 137
–– kesslitzii var. sanctipaulense  69, 100, 100 –– paradoxum var. majus  116
–– klebsii 417 –– partitum  67, 116, 117
–– knollii  77, 78 –– pascheri  326, 328
–– lackeyi, nom. inval. 154 –– pavlae 68, 71, 117, 118
–– lacustre 68, 71, 100, 100, 120 –– p-dohrnii 145, 146
–– lalitae 68, 70, 101, 101 –– peisonis 68, 71, 117, 118
–– lantzschii 72, 73, 102, 102 –– planctonicum 348
–– lantzschii var. rhinophoron 126 –– planum 68, 70, 118, 119
–– latum 72, 73, 102, 103 –– poculiferum 68, 69, 119, 119
–– legiconveniens 72, 74, 103, 103 –– posthiemale 68, 71, 120, 120
–– lens 381 –– pratense 72, 73, 120, 121
–– leopoliense 381 –– profundum  77, 78
–– leptostauron 72, 73, 104, 104 –– pseudomirabile 68, 69, 121, 122
–– limitatum 68, 70, 71, 104, 105 –– pseudopalustre 346
–– limneticum Lackey, nom. illeg. 154 –– pulvisculus 463
–– limneticum Wołoszyńska  68, 70, 105, 106, –– purpureum  67, 69, 121, 122
114, 154 –– pusillum  67, 123, 123
–– lividum 68, 69, 107, 107 –– pusillum var. minus  123, 124
–– luteofaba 68, 71, 107, 108 –– radiatum 68, 69, 70, 124, 124, 130
–– macronucleum  102 –– rarum  72, 125, 125, 126
–– manchuriense, nom. illeg. 145 –– rhinophoron 72, 73, 126, 126
–– marylandicum 325 –– roseolum 470
–– mazuricum  67, 107, 109 –– rotundatum  86, 410, 411
–– meervalli 369 –– rufescens 108
–– minimum G. A. Klebs  102, 138 –– ruttneri 68, 71, 127, 127
–– minimum Lantzsch, nom. illeg.  102, 138 –– saginatum 68, 71, 127, 127
–– mirabile  30, 68, 69, 108, 109, 110 –– sanctipaulense 68, 70, 128, 128
–– mirabile var. rufescens 108, 110 –– schilleri 72, 73, 128, 128
–– mirum 68, 70, 110, 110 –– schuettii  67, 129, 129
–– mitratum 72, 74, 111, 111, 141 –– simile 68, 71, 129, 129
Index 543
–– simplex (Lohmann) Kofoid & Swezy  358 –– hyalinum  94, 95
–– simplex Dangeard, nom. illeg. 358 –– molopicum  160, 162, 163
–– sinuatum 472 –– nivale 326
–– skvortsowii 364 –– pallidum 107
–– sphaericum 417 –– pascheri 326
–– sphagnicola 68, 69, 125, 130, 130 –– pusillum 123
–– spirale 160 –– silvaticum 328
–– spirodinioides 72, 73, 130, 131 –– spirale 160
–– stagnale 355 –– steinii 95
–– steinii 398 –– vorticella 367
–– stigmaticum 367
–– submontanum  77, 78
–– tatricum 68, 70, 131, 131 H
–– tenuissimum 329 Haematococcus
–– terrum 472 –– insignis 446
–– thomasii 68, 71, 132, 132 Haidadinium  388, 389, 417
–– thompsonii 72, 73, 132, 133 –– ichthyophilum  417, 418
–– titubans  72, 133, 134 handelii, Ceratium 174
–– triceratium 68, 70, 133, 134 hangoei, Peridinium 305
–– tridentatum 72, 73, 135, 135 hangoei, Protoperidinium 305
–– tylotum 68, 70, 82, 136, 136, 137, 328, hangoei, Scrippsiella  28, 305
370 Hassallia
–– uberrimum  109, 157, 474 –– insignis 446
–– uberrimum var. rotundatum  86, 410 helicozoster, Glenodinium  454, 459, 459
–– undulatum 68, 69, 137, 137 helveticum, Gymnodinium  4, 160
–– unicorne 410 helveticum, Gyrodinium  4, 31, 160, 160, 161,
–– varians 68, 71, 138, 138 162
–– veris, nom. illeg. 330 Hemidiniaceae 53, 320, 331
–– vernale  138, 355 Hemidinium  4, 13, 14, 45, 54, 320, 331, 442,
–– vernum  68, 70, 138, 139, 370 473
–– vierae  67, 139, 140 –– animale 333, 334, 473
–– viridaliut 68, 70, 101, 139, 140 –– aquae-frigidae 333, 334, 473
–– viride 157 –– brasiliense 332
–– vorticella 367 –– bryophyticum  332, 333, 334
–– waltzii 72, 74, 140, 141 –– kisselewii 333, 334, 360, 473
–– wawrikae  67, 141, 142 –– kofoidii  333, 473
–– wigrense 68, 70, 141, 142 –– lindemannii 333, 334, 473
–– woloszynskae 330 –– montanum  332, 333, 334
–– zachariasii 113 –– mucosum 333, 334, 473
gymnodinium, Glenodinium  4, 315, 316, 317 –– nasutum  319, 331, 332, 332, 333
gyrinum, Amphidinium 355 –– nasutum var. tatricum 444
Gyrodiniaceae VIII, 61, 160 –– nephroideum 331, 332, 334, 335
Gyrodinium  VIII, 4, 14, 65, 66, 136, 158, –– nobile  332, 335, 335
160, 163 –– ochraceum 332, 447, 448
–– asymmetricum 133 –– oculatum 473
–– elongatum 90 –– olivaceum  332, 473
–– helveticum  4, 31, 160, 160, 161, 162 –– pseudochraceum  332, 336, 336
–– hiemale 123 –– purpureum  332, 336, 337
544 Index
–– soligenum  332, 336, 337 I
–– tumidum 332 ichthyophilum, Haidadinium  417, 418
–– woloszynskae  336, 473 impar, Gymnodinium 134
hemisphaera, Phytodinedria  420, 422, 422, impatiens, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 96, 97
423, 424 inaequale Chodat, Glenodinium, nom.
Heterocapsa illeg. 469
–– quinquecuspidata  237 inaequale Schmarda, Glenodinium 469
heterorhamphos, Cystodinium  394, 404, 404 inaequale, Peridinium umbonatum var.  207
hiemale (J. Schiller) Popovský, Gymnodinium, inaequale, Properidinium 207
nom. illeg. 153 inaequalis, Glenoaulax 469
hiemale Skvortsov, Gymnodinium, nom. inaequalis, Peridiniopsis, nom. inval. 469
illeg. 364 inconspicuum, Parvodinium  9, 34, 35, 207,
hiemale Wołoszyńska, Gymnodinium 153, 219, 221
330, 362, 364 inconspicuum, Peridinium  208, 219
hiemale, Gymnodinium carinatum var. 330 inconspicuum, Peridinium tabulatum var. 219
hiemale, Gyrodinium 123 inconstans, Amphidinium 355
hiemale, Katodinium 153 incus, Dinococcus  414, 416, 416
hiemale, Nusuttodinium 98, 143, 153, 153 incus, Raciborskia 416
hiemale, Peridinium 240 indicum, Gymnodinium 153
hiemalis, Jadwigia  362, 362, 363 indicum, Nusuttodinium  143, 153, 154
hiemalis, Massartia 153 inerme, Apocalathium aciculiferum var.  300,
hiemalis, Peridiniopsis  237, 240, 240 302, 302
hiemalis, Woloszynskia  302, 362 inerme, Dinastridium  411, 413, 413
hieroglyphicum, Peridinium 269 inerme, Peridinium aciculiferum f. 302
hieroglyphicum, Peridinium tabulatum inermis, Cystodinedria  389, 390, 391
var. 269 inermis, Dinococcus 390
hippocastanum, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 71, inermis, Raciborskia  390, 414
92, 93 iners, Cystodinium  398, 399
hirundinella, Bursaria  3, 165 iners, Gymnocystodinium 398
hirundinella, Ceratium  27, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, insignis, Haematococcus 446
164, 165, 165, 166, 167, 175, 177 insignis, Hassallia 446
huber-pestalozzii, Gymnodinium 67, 68, 93, 94 insignis, Ouracoccus 446
hyalina, Phytodinedria  420, 422, 423 insignis, Rufusiella  446, 447
hyalinum, Amphidinium 355 insignis, Urococcus 446
hyalinum, Cystodinium  393, 404, 405 intermedium, Gymnodinium  72, 97, 97
hyalinum, Gymnodinium  72, 94, 95 intermedium, Katodinium, nom. inval. 97
hyalinum, Gyrodinium  94, 95 intermedium (Playfair) Playfair, Peri-
hyalinum, Spirodinium 94 dinium  211, 283
hyperxantha, Massartia 96 intermedium Candeias, Peridinium, nom.
hyperxanthoides, Gymnodinium  67, 95, 95 illeg. 283
hyperxanthoides, Katodinium 95 intermedium R. H. Thompson, Peridinium, nom.
hyperxanthoides, Massartia 95 illeg.  9, 10, 283
hyperxanthum, Gymnodinium  67, 96, 96 intermedium, Peridinium africanum var.  211
hyperxanthum, Katodinium 96 intermedium, Peridinium tabulatum var. 211
Hypnodinium  6, 388, 389, 417 intermedium, Tetradinium 440
–– asiaticum 419 intermedium, Thompsodinium  10, 282, 283,
–– lefevrei  417, 426 283
–– sphaericum  417, 419 interspersum, Cystodinium 427
Index 545
inversum, Gymnodinium  35, 68, 69, 98, 98 –– intermedium, nom. inval. 97
irregulare B. Hope, Gymnodinium 86 –– mazuricum 107
irregulare Christen, Gymnodinium, nom. –– molopicum 163
illeg. 86 –– monadicum, nom. illeg.  116, 117
irregulatum, Peridinium cinctum f.  247 –– musei 369
irregulatum, Peridinium cinctum var.  247 –– nieuportense  158
–– notatum 372
–– parvulum 121
J –– piscinale 370
Jadwigia  359, 361, 365, 462 –– planum 118
–– applanata 361, 362, 362, 363 –– polyplastidum 116
–– hiemalis  362, 362, 363 –– ptyrticum 371
–– limnetica  362, 364, 365 –– sanctipaulense 128
–– neglecta  362, 364, 366 –– schilleri 128
javanicum, Parvodinium africanum var.  211, –– spirodinioides, nom. inval. 130
212 –– stigmaticum 367
javanicum, Peridinium 219 –– tetragonops 371
javanicum, Peridinium africanum var. 211 –– vernale  138, 370
javanicum, Sphaerodinium  339, 342, 343 –– vierae 139
javanicum, Sphaerodinium cinctum var.  342 –– viride  67, 159, 159
javanicum, Tetradinium  439, 440, 441 –– vorticella 367
jensenii, Gonyaulax 211 –– woloszynskae 372
jensenii, Peridinium 211 –– woloszynskae var. notatum 372
jiulongense, Unruhdinium  190, 190, 191 kesslitzii, Amphidinium 99
jiulongensis, Peridiniopsis 190 kesslitzii, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 99, 99
juratense, Apocalathium aciculiferum kevei, Peridiniopsis 193
var.  299, 302, 303 kevei, Unruhdinium 187, 190, 193, 194
juratense, Peridinium aciculiferum var. 303 keyense, Chimonodinium  300, 314, 314
keyense, Peridinium  9, 310, 314
keyense, Peridinium marchicum var.  220
kincaidii, Peridinium 247
kisselewii, Hemidinium 333, 334, 360, 473
kamptneri, Glenodinium 208
klebsii, Amphidinium 61
Kansodinium  10, 181, 284, 286
klebsii, Gymnodinium 417
–– ambiguum 10, 286, 286
knollii, Gymnodinium  77, 78
Katodinium  VIII, 8, 65, 66, 158, 159, 365
kofoidii, Amphidiniopsis 284
–– astigmatum, nom. inval. 80
kofoidii, Hemidinium  333, 473
–– auratum  68, 158, 159
Kolkwitziella  6, 181, 284, 287
–– austriacum 296
–– acuta 21, 287, 288
–– bohemicum 84
–– gibbera 287
–– campylops 368
–– salebrosa 287
–– crassifilum 151
–– salebrosa var. gibbera 287
–– edax  369, 370
Kolkwitziellaceae 284
–– fastigatum 368
Kryptoperidiniaceae  15, 19, 20, 181, 182, 186
–– fontinale 92
kulczynskii, Glenodinium 231
–– fungiforme 294
kulczynskii, Peridiniopsis 196, 227, 231, 232
–– hiemale 153
kulczynskii, Peridinium 231
–– hyperxanthoides 95
kumaonense, Ceratium 165
–– hyperxanthum 96
546 Index
L limneticum, Oodinium 354
lackeyi, Gymnodinium, nom. inval. 154 limneticum, Piscinoodinium 352, 354, 354
lacunarum, Amphidinium 154 limneticum, Sphaerodinium  339, 343, 344, 453
lacunarum, Nusuttodinium  144, 154, 155 limneticum, Sphaerodinium cinctum var.  343
lacustre, Amphidinium  46, 355 limneticum, Spiniferodinium 105
lacustre, Ceratium furca var.  174 limos, Glenodinium  454, 460, 460
lacustre, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 100, 100, 120 lindemannii, Glenodinium 242
lacustris, Prosoaulax 46, 355, 355, 356, 357 lindemannii, Hemidinium 333, 334, 473
laesum, Peridinium cinctum var.  247 lindemannii, Peridiniopsis  242, 242
laeve, Peridinium 204 lindemannii, Peridinium 242
laeve, Peridinium apiculatum f.  204 lindemannii, Stylodinium 429
laeve, Peridinium palatinum f. 204 lineatum, Peridinium willei f.  264, 264
laevis, Palatinus apiculatus var.  202, 204, 205 lingii, Peridinium  246, 255, 256
lalitae, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 101, 101 Lingulodinium
lantzschii, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 102, 102 –– polyedrum 15
larvale, Amphidinium 355 linzium, Peridinium 210
latum, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 102, 103 Lissaïella
latum, Nusuttodinium 143 –– obrae 468
latum, Peridinium 287 lividum, Gymnodinium 68, 69, 107, 107
lefevrei, Amphidinium 467 lohammarii, Amphidinium 357
lefevrei, Hypnodinium  417, 426 lomnickii, Chimonodinium  25, 31, 300, 306,
legiconveniens, Gymnodinium 72, 74, 103, 307
103 lomnickii, Glenodinium 306
Leiocephalium  320, 344, 345, 351 lomnickii, Peridinium 306
–– pseudosanguineum IX, 351, 351 longicorne, Ceratium 165
lemmermannii, Peridinium cinctum var.  246 longicorne, Glenodinium 165
lemmermannii, Peridinium kincaidii var.  246 longipes, Stylodinium  429, 433, 434
lemmermannii, Glenodinium 470 longipes, Tetradinium intermedium var. 440
lens, Gymnodinium 381 Lophodiniaceae 53, 320, 337
leopoliense, Gymnodinium 381 Lophodinium  5, 10, 320, 337
leopoliensis, Tovellia  359, 374, 381, 382 –– dadayi 338
leopoliensis, Woloszynskia  377, 381 –– polylophum 337, 338, 338
Lepidodinium 160 lubieniense, Parvodinium  207, 222, 223
leptodermum, Glenodinium  453, 460, 460 lubieniense, Peridinium 222
leptostauron, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 104, 104 lubieniensiforme, Glenodinium 317
lima, Exuviaella 449 lubieniensiforme, Naiadinium  315, 317, 318
lima, Prorocentrum  450, 451 lubieniensiforme, Peridinium 317
limbatum, Peridinium 8, 272, 275, 276 lubieniensiformis, Peridiniopsis 317
limbatum, Protoperidinium 275 lunare, Cystodinium  394, 405, 406
limitatum, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 71, 104, 105 luteofaba, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 107, 108
limnetica, Gonyaulax 179 luteum, Amphidinium  356
limnetica, Jadwigia  362, 364, 365
limnetica, Woloszynskia  362, 364
limneticum Lackey, Gymnodinium, nom. M
illeg. 154 macroceras, Ceratium 165
limneticum Wołoszyńska, Gymnodinium 68, macronucleum, Gymnodinium  102
70, 105, 106, 114, 154 madagascariense, Peridinium cinctum
limneticum, Nusuttodinium  144, 154, 155 var. 255
Index 547
madagascariense, Peridinium gatunense maxima, Cystodinedria  389, 391, 392
var.  255, 255 maximum, Peridinium volzii var.  265
maeandricum, Peridinium 249 mazuricum, Gymnodinium  67, 107, 109
maeandricum, Peridinium cinctum f.  248, 249 mazuricum, Katodinium 107
maeandricum, Peridinium tabulatum var. 269 meervalli, Gymnodinium 369
maeandricum, Peridinium volzii f. 269 Melodinium, nom. inval. 474
maeandricum, Peridinium volzii var.  269, 269 –– uberrimum, nom. inval. 474
maius, Peridinium penardii f. 197 mezeniense, Peridinium africanum var. tatricum
maius, Unruhdinium penardii var.  197, 197 f. 213
majale, Glenodinium 470 mezii, Glenodinium  454, 461, 461
major, Exuviaella lima var. 450 micans, Prorocentrum 448
majus, Gymnodinium paradoxum var.  116 minima, Peridiniopsis 196
majus, Peridinium gatunense f.  252, 253 minimum, Cystodinium  394, 406, 406
malmogiense, Apocalathium  28, 30, 300, minimum, Glenodinium 102
305, 306 minimum G.A. Klebs, Gymnodinium 102, 138
malmogiense, Peridinium 305 minimum Lantzsch, Gymnodinium, nom.
manchuriense, Gymnodinium, nom. illeg. 145 illeg.  102, 138
manshuricum, Prorocentrum  448, 474 minimum, Peridinium 207
marchicum, Peridinium  220, 221 minimum, Unruhdinium 196, 197
marchicum, Peridinium inconspicuum f. 220 minnesotense, Peridinium limbatum
marssonii, Peridinium 202 subsp. 275
marssonii, Peridinium laeve subsp. 202 minus, Chimonodinium lomnickii var.  308, 308
marylandica, Borghiella  323, 325, 326 minus, Gymnodinium baicalense var. 81
marylandicum, Gymnodinium 325 minus, Gymnodinium fuscum var.  74
Massartia 365 minus, Gymnodinium pusillum var.  123, 124
–– austriaca 296 minus, Peridinium cinctum var. 247
–– campylops 368 minus, Peridinium treubii var.  235
–– crassifilum 151 minus, Peridinium wierzejskii var.  308
–– edax 369, 370 minus, Phytodinium simplex f.  426, 426, 427
–– fungiformis 294 minus, Spirodinium pusillum var. 123
–– hiemalis 153 minus, Tetradinium  439, 440, 442
–– hyperxantha 96 minutum, Glenodinium 470
–– hyperxanthoides 95 mira, Woloszynskia, nom. inval. 110
–– molopica 163 mirabile, Gymnodinium  30, 68, 69, 108, 109,
–– montana 155 110
–– musei  139, 369 miricentonis, Asulcocephalium IX, 345, 346
–– plana 118 mirum, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 110, 110
–– pratensis 120 mitratum, Gymnodinium 72, 74, 111, 111, 141
–– ptyrtica 371 mixtum, Peridinium, nom. inval. 223
–– schilleri 128 molopica, Massartia 163
–– stigmatica 367 molopicum, Gyrodinium  160, 162, 163
–– tetragonops 371 molopicum, Katodinium 163
–– vorticella  367, 372 monadicum, Glenodinium, nom. illeg. 116
–– woloszynskae 372 monadicum, Gymnodinium, nom. illeg. 116
–– woloszynskae var. notata  21, 372 monadicum, Katodinium, nom. illeg.  116, 117
Matvienkoella  VIII, 181, 284, 288 monadicum, Peridinium, nom. illeg. 116
–– ovum 288, 289, 289 Monas
–– partita 116
548 Index
monoceras, Ceratium  165, 176, 177 Nusuttodinium  15, 16, 66, 143, 150, 475
montana, Massartia 155 –– acidotum 46, 143, 144, 144, 146, 152
montanum, Gloeodinium 54, 443, 443, 444 –– aeruginosum 46, 143, 145, 146, 151
montanum, Hemidinium  332, 333, 334 –– amphidinioides 46, 144, 147, 148, 155,
montanum, Nusuttodinium  143, 155, 156 459
morsum, Peridinium caudatum var. 220 –– bidentatum  144, 149, 149
morsum, Peridinium tabulatum var. pusillum –– caerulescens  144, 149, 149
f. 220 –– campaniforme  143, 150, 150
morzinense, Parvodinium  207, 223, 224 –– crassifilum  143, 151, 151
morzinense, Peridinium 223 –– cyaneum  143, 151, 152
mucicola, Amphidinium 111 –– eucyaneum  144, 146, 152, 152
mucicola, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 111, 112 –– gymnodinioides 149
mucosum, Hemidinium 333, 334, 473 –– hiemale 98, 143, 153, 153
multiplex, Amphidinium 357 –– indicum  143, 153, 154
multiplex, Prosoaulax  355, 357, 357 –– lacunarum  144, 154, 155
munusculum, Peridinium 220 –– latum 143
muricatum, Glenodinium 375 –– limneticum  144, 154, 155
musei, Gymnodinium 369 –– montanum  143, 155, 156
musei, Katodinium 369 –– oculatum  144, 156, 156
musei, Massartia  139, 369 –– phthartum  144, 157, 157
musei, Opisthoaulax  366, 369, 370 –– viride  143, 157, 158
mutatum, Peridinium eximium var. 247 nygaardi, Gymnodinium, nom. inval. 382
nygaardii, Tovellia  374, 382, 383

Naiadinium 38, 298, 314 O
–– biscutelliforme 315 obesum, Gymnodinium 68, 69, 112, 112
–– lubieniensiforme  315, 317, 318 obliquum, Amphidinium, nom. inval. 475
–– polonicum  4, 21, 25, 37, 38, 314, 315, obrae, Amphidinium 468
315, 316 obrae, Lissaïella 468
nasutum, Amphidinium 467 obtusata, Cystodinedria  389, 391, 393
nasutum, Hemidinium  319, 331, 332, 332, 333 occultatum, Peridinium bipes f.  274
neglecta, Jadwigia  362, 364, 366 occultatum, Peridinium bipes var.  274, 275
neglecta, Woloszynskia 364 ochraceum, Hemidinium 332, 447, 448
neglectum, Glenodinium  362, 364 oculata, Durinskia  187, 189, 189
neglectum, Gymnodinium  362, 364 oculata, Peridiniopsis 189
nephroideum, Hemidinium 331, 332, 334, 335 oculatum, Amphidinium 156
niei, Peridiniopsis 195 oculatum, Glenodinium 189
niei, Unruhdinium  190, 195, 195 oculatum, Hemidinium 473
nieuportense, Katodinium 158 oculatum, Nusuttodinium  144, 156, 156
nivale, Gyrodinium 326 oculatum (F. Stein) Wołoszyńska, Peridinium,
nobile, Hemidinium  332, 335, 335 nom. illeg. 189
notata, Massartia woloszynskae var.  21, 372 oculatum Dujardin, Peridinium  189, 454
notatum, Katodinium 372 oedogonii, Dinococcus  414, 414, 415
notatum, Katodinium woloszynskae var. 372 oedogonii, Raciborskia 414
novaculosum, Cystodinium 398 oedogonii, Rhizophydium 414
novaculosum, Gymnodinium 398 oligoplacatum, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 112, 113
olivaceum, Gymnodinium 472
Index 549
olivaceum, Hemidinium  332, 473 pallidum, Gymnodinium 107
Oodinium pallidum, Gyrodinium 107
–– limneticum 354 palustre, Glenodinium 182
–– pillulare 352 palustre, Gymnodinium  68, 106, 113, 114
operculatum, Amphidinium  60, 468 palustre, Peridinium 256
Opisthoaulax  14, 21, 158, 359, 365, 366, 372 palustre, Peridinium cinctum var. 256
–– campylops  366, 368, 368 palustre, Peridinium raciborskii var. 246,
–– fastigata  366, 368, 369 256, 258
–– musei  366, 369, 370 palustre, Spiniferodinium 113
–– piscinalis  366, 370, 371 palustriforme, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 114, 115
–– tetragonops  366, 371, 372 palustris, Dinosphaera 31, 182, 183
–– vorticella  121, 365, 366, 367, 367 palustris, Goyaulax 182
–– woloszynskae 21, 366, 372, 373 papilionaceum, Cystodinium  394, 407, 407
ordinata, Biecheleria  345, 346, 349, 350 papilliferum, Parvodinium morzinense
ordinata, Woloszynskia 349 var.  224, 225
ordinatum, Gymnodinium 349 papilliferum, Parvodinium umbonatum
originale, Peridinium cinctum subvar.  247 var.  209, 210
originale, Peridinium guestrowiense papilliferum, Peridinium elegans f.  225
subvar. 265 papilliferum, Peridinium umbonatum f.  209
originale, Peridinium scallense subvar. 247 papilliferum, Peridinium umbonatum var. 209
ornamentosum, Peridinium 211 paradoxiforme, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 115, 115
ornatum, Peridinium cinctum var.  247 paradoxum, Gymnodinium  67, 116, 116
ornatum, Peridinium gatunense f.  253, 254 paradoxum, Peridinium laeve var.  203
orrei, Peridinium 225 partita, Monas 116
Ouracoccus partitum, Gymnodinium  67, 116, 117
–– insignis 446 Parvodinium  199, 206
ovale, Parvodinium centenniale var.  217, 217 –– africanum  29, 206, 207, 210, 211
ovale, Peridinium centenniale var. 217 –– africanum var. javanicum  211, 212
ovale, Peridinium umbonatum var. 217 –– africanum var. spinulosum  213, 213
ovatum, Peridinium hieroglyphicum var.  269 –– africanum var. tatricum  213, 214
ovoideum, Amphidinium 468 –– belizense  207, 214, 215
ovoideum, Prorocentrum 468 –– centenniale  207, 215, 216
ovoplanum, Peridinium cinctum f.  40, 248, –– centenniale var. ovale  217, 217
249 –– deflandrei  207, 217, 218
ovum, Diplopsalis 289 –– dzieduszyckii  207, 218, 219
ovum, Matvienkoella 288, 289, 289 –– goslaviense  207, 218, 220
ovum J. Schiller, Peridinium 289 –– inconspicuum  9, 34, 35, 207, 219, 221
ovum Matvienko, Peridinium, nom. illeg. 289 –– inconspicuum var. armatum  222, 222
–– lubieniense  207, 222, 223
–– morzinense  207, 223, 224
P –– morzinense var. papilliferum  224, 225
palatinum, Peridinium 202 –– pusillum  207, 225, 225
Palatinus  181, 198, 199, 202 –– umbonatum  30, 31, 35, 206, 207, 207,
–– apiculatus 181, 202, 202, 203, 205 208, 457
–– apiculatus var. laevis  202, 204, 205 –– umbonatum var. armatum  209, 209
–– pseudolaevis  202, 205, 206 –– umbonatum var. papilliferum  209, 210
paldangensis, Tovellia  374, 383, 384 –– umbonatum var. spiniferum  209, 210
pallidulum, Cystodinium  394, 406, 407 parvulum, Katodinium 121
550 Index
parvulum, Peridinium  9, 220 –– group quadridens  226, 242
pascheri, Borghiella  323, 326, 327 –– group thompsonii  199, 226, 244
pascheri, Glenodinium 326 –– group viguieri  199, 226, 245
pascheri, Gymnodinium  326, 328 –– hiemalis  237, 240, 240
pascheri, Gyrodinium 326 –– inaequalis, nom. inval. 469
pascheri, Woloszynskia  326, 327 –– jiulongensis 190
pavlae, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 117, 118 –– kevei 193
p-dohrnii, Gymnodinium 145, 146 –– kulczynskii 196, 227, 231, 232
peisonis, Glenodinium  454, 461, 462 –– lindemannii  242, 242
peisonis, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 117, 118 –– lubieniensiformis 317
pellucidum, Protoperidinium 289 –– minima 196
penardiforme, Glenodinium 200 –– niei 195
penardiforme, Glochidinium 199, 200, 200, –– oculata 189
200 –– penardiformis 200
penardiforme, Peridinium 200 –– penardii 195
penardiformis, Peridiniopsis 200 –– penardii var. robusta 197
penardii, Glenodinium 195 –– polonica  37, 315
penardii, Peridiniopsis 195 –– pygmaea  237, 240, 241
penardii, Peridinium 195 –– pygmaea var. brigantina  241, 241
penardii, Unruhdinium  190, 191, 195, 196 –– pygmaea var. brigantino-armata  241, 242
pentasterias, Actiniscus 62 –– quadridens  243, 243
Peridinaea 198 –– quadridens var. adens  243, 244
Peridinea 181 –– quinquecuspidata  236, 236
Peridiniaceae 53, 181, 182, 198, 428 –– rhomboides  193, 194
Peridiniales  15, 19, 20, 29, 52, 53, 181, 299 –– sphaeroidea  227, 233, 233
Peridiniophyceae 57 –– thompsonii  244, 244
Peridiniopsis  VIII, 5, 7, 187, 198, 199, 226, –– viguieri  245, 245
245, 292 Peridinium  3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 23, 35, 187, 198,
–– amazonica 31, 226, 227, 229 245, 292, 298, 299
–– armebeensis 191 –– achromaticum 289
–– berolinensis  297, 404 –– aciculiferum  28, 300
–– borgei  5, 8, 20, 21, 32, 226, 227, 227, 228 –– aciculiferum f. inerme 302
–– charkowiensis  237, 239, 239 –– aciculiferum var. juratense 303
–– corillionii  187, 193, 194 –– acutum 287
–– cristata  227, 229, 230 –– africanum  29, 210
–– cristata var. boliviensis  231, 231 –– africanum f. spinulosum 213
–– cristata var. tubulifera  231, 232 –– africanum f. tatricum 213
–– cunningtonii 181, 233, 234 –– africanum var. contactum 211
–– cunningtonii var. excavata  235, 235 –– africanum var. intermedium 211
–– cunningtonii var. treubii  235, 236 –– africanum var. javanicum 211
–– dinobryonis 281 –– africanum var. tatricum 213
–– durandii 192 –– africanum var. tatricum f. mezeniense 213
–– edax 297 –– alatum 262
–– elpatiewskyi 31, 237, 237, 238 –– allorgei  270, 270
–– group borgei  199, 226, 226 –– ambiguum 210
–– group cunningtonii  199, 226, 233 –– andrzejowskii 196
–– group elpatiewskyi  199, 226, 237 –– anglicum 202
–– group lindemannii  199, 226, 241 –– apiculatum (Ehrenberg) Claparède & J.
Lachmann  179, 202
Index 551
–– apiculatum Penard, nom. illeg. 179 –– cinctum var. carinatum 253
–– apiculatum f. anglicum 202 –– cinctum var. curvatum 246
–– apiculatum f. laeve 204 –– cinctum var. delta/epsilon-travectum 247
–– apiculatum var. cristatum 203 –– cinctum var. dissimile 247
–– australe  269, 277 –– cinctum var. gatunense 250
–– baicalense  30, 303 –– cinctum var. gibbosum 250
–– baliense  9, 29, 310 –– cinctum var. irregulatum 247
–– balticum 188 –– cinctum var. laesum 247
–– belizense 214 –– cinctum var. lemmermannii 246
–– berolinense  8, 297 –– cinctum var. madagascariense 255
–– berolinense var. apiculatum  297, 298 –– cinctum var. minus 247
–– bipes  28, 31, 36, 181, 272, 272, 273 –– cinctum var. ornatum 247
–– bipes f. apoda, nom. inval. 274 –– cinctum var. palustre 256
–– bipes f. excisum 272 –– cinctum var. regulatum 247
–– bipes f. globosum  274, 274 –– cinctum var. tuberosum  250, 251, 254
–– bipes f. occultatum 274 –– cinctum var. tuberosum f. cristatum 253
–– bipes f. tabulatum 272 –– cornutum 172
–– bipes var. excisum 272 –– corpusculum 473
–– bipes var. occultatum  274, 275 –– corrientes  280, 281
–– borgei 227 –– crenulatum 10, 278, 278
–– brasiliense  30, 310 –– cucumis 263
–– carolinianum 168 –– cunningtonii  9, 233
–– caudatum 220 –– cunningtonii f. quadrispinum 234
–– caudatum var. guildfordense 208 –– cunningtonii f. treubii 235
–– caudatum var. morsum 220 –– cunningtonii var. excavatum 235
–– caudatum var. planktonicum 208 –– cunningtonii var. pseudoquadridens 233
–– centenniale 215 –– cunningtonii var. quinquecuspidatum 236
–– centenniale f. fistulatum 215 –– cunningtonii var. wildemanii 233
–– centenniale var. fistulatum 215 –– deflandrei 217
–– centenniale var. ovale 217 –– dybowskii 188
–– chalubinskii 256 –– dzieduszyckii 218
–– charkowiense 239 –– elegans Cleve 223
–– cinctum (Ehrenberg) Claparède & J. Lach- –– elegans M. Lefèvre, nom. illeg. 223
mann, nom. illeg. 454 –– elegans f. papilliferum 225
–– cinctum (O. F. Müller) Ehrenberg  245, –– elpatiewskyi 238
246, 246, 248, 411, 473 –– elpatiewskyi f. brigantinum 238
–– cinctum f. angulatum 246 –– elpatiewskyi var. beta-delta-bitra-
–– cinctum f. areolatum 246 vectum 238
–– cinctum f. irregulatum 247 –– elpatiewskyi var. bicollineatum 238
–– cinctum f. maeandricum  248, 249 –– elpatiewskyi var. biradiatum 238
–– cinctum f. ovoplanum 40, 248, 249 –– elpatiewskyi var. collineatum 238
–– cinctum f. regulatum 247 –– elpatiewskyi var. contortum 238
–– cinctum f. tuberosum 250 –– elpatiewskyi var. cruciferum 238
–– cinctum f. westii 40, 249, 249 –– elpatiewskyi var. pseudocunningtonii 238
–– cinctum f. zonatum  250, 250 –– elpatiewskyi var. pseudopenardii 238
–– cinctum subvar. originale 247 –– euryceps 304
–– cinctum var. angulatum 246 –– eximium 247
–– cinctum var. beta/epsilon-collineatum 246 –– eximium var. mutatum 247
552 Index
–– fuscum  74, 75 –– intermedium (Playfair) Playfair  211, 283
–– gatunense  10, 23, 27, 31, 32, 34, 36, 40, –– intermedium Candeias, nom. illeg. 283
42, 246, 250, 252, 254, 257 –– intermedium R. H. Thompson, nom.
–– gatunense f. globosum  252, 253 illeg.  9, 10, 283
–– gatunense f. majus  252, 253 –– intermedium var. conicum 211
–– gatunense f. ornatum  253, 254 –– javanicum 219
–– gatunense var. carinatum  253, 254 –– javanicum var. tjibodense 219
–– gatunense var. madagascariense  255, 255 –– jensenii 211
–– gatunense var. zonatum 257 –– keyense  9, 310, 314
–– geminum 208 –– keyense var. gonyaulacoides 314
–– geminum var. angulosum 220 –– kincaidii 247
–– geminum var. elegans 225 –– kincaidii var. lemmermannii 246
–– geminum var. excavatum 220 –– kulczynskii 231
–– germanicum 246 –– laeve 204
–– godlewskii 312 –– laeve subsp. anglicum 202
–– goslaviense 218 –– laeve subsp. marssonii 202
–– gracile Er. Lindemann, nom. illeg. 305 –– laeve subsp. marssonii f. cristatum 203
–– gracile Meunier 305 –– laeve subsp. marssonii var. contactum 204
–– granulosum 312 –– laeve var. bitravectum 204
–– group allorgei  199, 270 –– laeve var. paradoxum 203
–– group bipes  199, 272 –– laeve var. stylatum 203
–– group cinctum  246, 246 –– latum 287
–– group crenulatum  199, 277 –– limbatum 8, 272, 275, 276
–– group gutwinskii  199, 279 –– limbatum subsp. minnesotense 275
–– group lomnickii  299 –– lindemannii 242
–– group striolatum  246, 259 –– lingii  246, 255, 256
–– group willei  246, 262 –– linzium 210
–– guestrowiense 265 –– linzium var. contactum, nom. inval. 222
–– guestrowiense f. compressum 267 –– lomnickii 306
–– guestrowiense f. sinuatum 265 –– lomnickii var. punctulatum 306
–– guestrowiense subvar. originale 265 –– lomnickii var. splendidum 308
–– guestrowiense var. beta-collineatum 265 –– lubieniense 222
–– guestrowiense var. cyclicum 265 –– lubieniense f. dzieduszyckii 218
–– gutwinskii  9, 264, 279, 279, 280 –– lubieniense f. elegans 223
–– hangoei 305 –– lubieniense var. contactum 222
–– hiemale 240 –– lubieniensiforme 317
–– hieroglyphicum 269 –– maeandricum 249
–– hieroglyphicum var. ovatum 269 –– malmogiense 305
–– hieroglyphicum var. rotundum 269 –– marchicum  220, 221
–– inconspicuum  208, 219 –– marchicum var. keyense 220
–– inconspicuum f. armatum 222 –– marchicum var. simplex 238
–– inconspicuum f. marchicum 220 –– marchicum var. simplex f. collineatum 238
–– inconspicuum f. spiniferum 220 –– marchicum var. simplex f. pseudope-
–– inconspicuum var. armatum 222 nardii 238
–– inconspicuum var. balatonicum 220 –– marssonii 202
–– inconspicuum var. contactum, nom. –– minimum 207
inval. 220 –– mixtum, nom. inval. 223
–– inconspicuum var. excavatum 220 –– monadicum, nom. illeg. 116
Index 553
–– morzinense 223 –– sphaeroideum Christen, nom. illeg. 233
–– munusculum 220 –– sphaeroideum L. Mangin  233
–– munusculum f. spiniferum 220 –– spinulosum (Wołoszyńska) Er. Lindemann,
–– munusculum var. contactum 220 nom. illeg. 213
–– munusculum var. contactum f. –– spinulosum G. Murray & Whitting  213
spiniferum 220 –– stagnale 300
–– oculatum (F. Stein) Wołoszyńska, nom. –– steinmannii  9, 220
illeg. 189 –– striolatum Playfair  10, 259, 259, 267
–– oculatum Dujardin  189, 454 –– striolatum Wailes, nom. illeg.  259, 267
–– ornamentosum 211 –– striolatum f. acuminatum 260
–– orrei 225 –– striolatum f. auburnense 260
–– ovum J. Schiller  289 –– striolatum f. rugosum 261
–– ovum Matvienko, nom. illeg. 289 –– striolatum f. truncatum 261
–– palatinum 202 –– striolatum var. acuminatum  260, 260
–– palatinum f. anglicum 203 –– striolatum var. auburnense  260, 260
–– palatinum f. cristatum 203 –– striolatum var. rugosum  261, 261
–– palatinum f. laeve 204 –– striolatum var. truncatum  261, 261
–– palustre 256 –– subg. Cleistoperidinium  181, 198, 199,
–– palustre var. raciborskii 255 245, 246
–– parvulum  9, 220 –– subg. Poroperidinium  245, 270
–– penardiforme 200 –– suttonii 233
–– penardii 195 –– sydneyense, nom. inval. 277
–– penardii f. californicum  187, 192 –– tabulatum 272
–– penardii f. maius 197 –– tabulatum var. africanum 211
–– planulum 473 –– tabulatum var. caudatum 220
–– playfairii 9, 272, 277, 277 –– tabulatum var. granulosum 312
–– polonicum  4, 37, 315, 317 –– tabulatum var. hieroglyphicum 269
–– polonicum var. trilineatum 315 –– tabulatum var. inconspicuum 219
–– pseudointermedium 283 –– tabulatum var. intermedium 211
–– pseudolaeve 205 –– tabulatum var. maeandricum 269
–– pulvisculus 463 –– tabulatum var. pusillum f. morsum 220
–– pusillum 225 –– tabulatum var. westii 249
–– pusillum f. gracile 225 –– tabulatum var. westii f. australe 269
–– pygmaeum 240 –– tabulatum var. zonatum 257
–– pygmaeum f. brigantino-armatum 241 –– tatricum 213
–– pygmaeum f. brigantinum 241 –– tatricum var. spinulosum 213
–– quadridens 243 –– treubii  9, 235
–– quadridens f. adens 243 –– treubii var. minus 235
–– quadridens var. adens 243 –– truncatum 474
–– raciborskii 9, 246, 255, 256, 257 –– tuberosum 250
–– raciborskii var. palustre 246, 256, 258 –– uberrimum  109, 474
–– rhenanum 246 –– uliginosum 184
–– scallense 247 –– umbonatum  207, 396
–– scallense subvar. originale 247 –– umbonatum f. armatum 209
–– sect. Cleistoperidinium 246 –– umbonatum f. papilliferum 209
–– sect. Poroperidinium 270 –– umbonatum var. aciculiferum 300
–– semicirculatum 247 –– umbonatum var. armatum 209
–– semicirculatum var. beta-collineatum 247 –– umbonatum var. centenniale 215
554 Index
–– umbonatum var. deflandrei 217 Phytodinedria  389, 393, 420, 421
–– umbonatum var. elpatiewskyi 237 –– adpressa  420, 420, 421
–– umbonatum var. globosum 215 –– aeruginea  420, 420, 421
–– umbonatum var. goslaviense 218 –– coconiformis 424
–– umbonatum var. inaequale 207 –– hemisphaera  420, 422, 422, 423, 424
–– umbonatum var. ovale 217 –– hyalina  420, 422, 423
–– umbonatum var. papilliferum 209 –– procubans  420, 423, 424
–– umbonatum var. spiniferum 209 –– reniformis  420, 423, 424
–– umbonatum var. toporense, nom. –– setosa  420, 424, 425
inval. 475 Phytodiniaceae  388
–– vancouverense 267 Phytodiniales  10, 13, 26, 52, 54, 388, 417, 428
–– viguieri 245 Phytodinium 6, 389, 425
–– volzii  9, 31, 246, 262, 264, 265, 266, 277 –– aureum  426, 427, 427
–– volzii f. complexum  266, 267 –– globosum  426, 427, 428
–– volzii f. compressum  267, 267 –– simplex  417, 425, 426, 426, 426
–– volzii f. cyclicum 265 –– simplex f. minus  426, 426, 427
–– volzii f. maeandricum 269 –– stellatum  426, 427, 428
–– volzii f. sinuatum 265 piburgense, Ceratium hirundinella morpho-
–– volzii f. vancouverense  267, 268 type  167, 168
–– volzii var. australe 265 pillulare, Oodinium 352
–– volzii var. botanicum  268, 268 pillulare, Piscinoodinium  352, 353
–– volzii var. cinctiforme 265, 268, 269 piscicida, Pfiesteria 293
–– volzii var. maeandricum  269, 269 piscinale, Katodinium 370
–– volzii var. maximum 265 piscinalis, Opisthoaulax  366, 370, 371
–– westii 249 Piscinoodinium 26, 320, 344, 352
–– westii var. areolatum 246 –– limneticum 352, 354, 354
–– wierzejskii 309 –– pillulare  352, 353
–– wierzejskii f. carpaticum, nom. inval. 309 plana, Massartia 118
–– wierzejskii var. minus 308 planctonicum, Gymnodinium 348
–– wildemanii 233 planktonicum, Peridinium caudatum var.  208
–– willei  29, 35, 246, 262, 262, 263, 264, 277 planulum, Glenodinium 473
–– willei f. lineatum  264, 264 planulum, Peridinium 473
–– willei f. sphaericum  264, 264 planum, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 118, 119
–– willei f. stagnale  264, 265 planum, Katodinium 118
–– willei var. botanicum 268 platygaster, Glochidinium  200, 201, 202
–– willei var. carinthiacum 262 playfairii, Peridinium 9, 272, 277, 277
–– wisconsinense  10, 29, 271, 271 playfairii, Prorocentrum  449, 450, 450, 451
–– zonatum  246, 257, 259 poculiferum, Gymnodinium 68, 69, 119, 119
Pfiesteria 292, 293 polonica, Gonyaulax 179
–– piscicida 293 polonica, Peridiniopsis  37, 315
–– shumwayae 46, 293, 294 polonicum, Naiadinium  4, 21, 25, 37, 38, 314,
Pfiesteriaceae  25, 53, 292, 292 315, 315, 316
phaseolus, Cystodinium  394, 401, 407, 408 polonicum, Peridinium  4, 37, 315, 317
phaseolus, Dinopodiella 434 polonicum, Sphaerodinium  339, 340, 340
phaseolus, Stylodinium  429, 434, 435 polonicum, Sphaerodinium cinctum var. 340
phthartum, Amphidinium 157 polyedrum, Lingulodinium 15
phthartum, Nusuttodinium  144, 157, 157 Polykrikos 62
polylophum, Glenodinium  10, 338
Index 555
polylophum, Lophodinium 337, 338, 338 pseudopalustre, Gymnodinium 346
polymorphum, Stylodinium  429, 435, 436 pseudopalustris, Biecheleria  27, 344, 345,
polyplastidum, Katodinium 116 346, 346, 347
Poroperidinium, Peridinium sect. 270 pseudopalustris, Woloszynskia 346
Poroperidinium, Peridinium subg.  245, 270 pseudopenardii, Peridinium elpatiewskyi
posthiemale, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 120, 120 var. 238
pratense, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 120, 121 pseudopenardii, Peridinium marchicum var.
pratensis, Massartia 120 simplex f. 238
pretiosa, Glenodiniopsis 9, 184, 186, 186 Pseudopfiesteria
Proaulax –– shumwayae 293
–– corpusculum 473 pseudoquadridens, Peridinium cunningtonii
procubans, Phytodinedria  420, 423, 424 var. 233
profundum, Gymnodinium  77, 78 pseudosanguineum, Leiocephalium IX, 351,
Properidinium 351
–– apiculatum 202 pseudostigmosum, Glenodinium  454, 462, 462
–– inaequale 207 ptyrtica, Massartia 371
Prorocentraceae  448 ptyrticum, Katodinium 371
Prorocentrales  13, 26, 52, 54, 448 pulvisculus, Glenodinium  454, 463, 463
Prorocentrineae 448 pulvisculus, Gymnodinium 463
Prorocentrinen 448 pulvisculus, Peridinium 463
Prorocentrum 11, 14, 448, 450, 451, 474 punctulatum, Glenodinium  454, 463, 464
–– foveolatum  449, 449, 449, 450 punctulatum, Peridinium lomnickii var. 306
–– lima  450, 451 purpureum, Gymnodinium  67, 69, 121, 122
–– manshuricum  448, 474 purpureum, Hemidinium  332, 336, 337
–– micans 448 pusillum, Amphidinium  99, 100
–– ovoideum 468 pusillum, Glenodinium 225
–– playfairii  449, 450, 450, 451 pusillum, Gymnodinium  67, 123, 123
Prosoaulax  14, 320, 344, 345, 355 pusillum, Gyrodinium 123
–– lacustris 46, 355, 355, 356, 357 pusillum, Parvodinium  207, 225, 225
–– multiplex  355, 357, 357 pusillum, Peridinium 225
–– viridis  355, 357, 357 pusillum, Spirodinium 123
Protodinium  320, 344, 345, 358 pygmaea, Peridiniopsis  237, 240, 241
–– simplex  358, 358 pygmaeum, Peridinium 240
Protoperidiniaceae 26, 181, 198, 284 Pyxidicula
Protoperidinium  181, 198, 199, 263, 284, 289 –– compressa 448
–– achromaticum  284, 289, 290
–– hangoei 305
–– limbatum 275 Q
–– pellucidum 289 quadrangulare, Stylodinium  429, 435, 437
Pseudoactiniscus  62, 64 quadridens, Glenodinium 243
–– apentasterias  64, 65 quadridens, Peridiniopsis  243, 243
pseudochraceum, Hemidinium  332, 336, 336 quadridens, Peridinium 243
pseudocunningtonii, Peridinium elpatiewskyi quadrispinum, Peridinium cunningtonii f.  234
var. 238 quinquecuspidata, Heterocapsa  237
pseudointermedium, Peridinium 283 quinquecuspidata, Peridiniopsis  236, 236
pseudolaeve, Peridinium 205 quinquecuspidatum, Peridinium cunningtonii
pseudolaevis, Palatinus  202, 205, 206 var. 236
pseudomirabile, Gymnodinium 68, 69, 121, 122
556 Index
Raciborskia 414 saginatum, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 127, 127
–– bicornis 414 salebrosa, Kolkwitziella 287
–– incus 416 sanctipaulense, Amphidinium kesslitzii
–– inermis  390, 414 var. 100
–– oedogonii 414 sanctipaulense, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 128,
raciborskii, Peridinium 9, 246, 255, 256, 257 128
raciborskii, Peridinium palustre var.  255 sanctipaulense, Gymnodinium kesslitzii
radiatum, Amphidinium 124 var.  69, 100, 100
radiatum, Gymnodinium 68, 69, 70, 124, sanctipaulense, Katodinium 128
124, 130 sanguinea, Tovellia 18, 374, 384, 385
rarum, Gymnodinium  72, 125, 125, 126 sanguineum (H. J. Carter) Diesing, Gleno-
regulare, Glenodinium, nom. inval. 475 dinium 384
regulatum, Peridinium cinctum f.  247 sanguineum Marchesoni, Glenodinium, nom.
regulatum, Peridinium cinctum var.  247 illeg.  324, 384
reniformis, Phytodinedria  420, 423, 424 sauerzopfii, Amphidinium 355
reticulata, Woloszynskia 386, 387, 387 scallense, Peridinium 247
rhenanum, Peridinium 246 schilleri, Amphidinium 467
rhinophoron, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 126, 126 schilleri, Cystodinium 398
rhinophoron, Gymnodinium lantzschii var. 126 schilleri, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 128, 128
Rhizodiniales 58 schilleri, Katodinium 128
Rhizophydium schilleri, Massartia 128
–– oedogonii 414 schuettii, Gymnodinium  67, 129, 129
rhomboides, Peridiniopsis  193, 194 scotticum, Ceratium hirundinella morpho-
rhomvoides, Ceratium 164, 165, 167, 175, type  167, 168
177, 178 Scrippsiella  292, 298
robusta, Peridiniopsis penardii var. 197 –– hangoei  28, 305
robustum, Ceratium hirundinella morpho- scrobiculata, Exuviaella lima var.  449
type  167, 168 sedens, Glenodinium 234
robustum, Unruhdinium penardii var.  190, segriense, Glenodinium  454, 459, 464, 464
197, 197 semicirculatum, Peridinium 247
roseolum, Amphidinium 470 setosa, Phytodinedria  420, 424, 425
roseolum, Glenodinium 470 sexangulare, Dinastridium  411, 411, 412
roseolum, Gymnodinium 470 shumwayae, Pfiesteria 46, 293, 294
rotundatum, Glenodinium 471 shumwayae, Pseudopfiesteria 293
rotundatum, Gymnodinium  86, 410, 411 sibbaldii, Amphidiniopsis  284, 285
rotundatum, Gymnodinium uberrimum var. 86, silesiacum, Ceratium furcoides morpho-
410 type  176, 176
rotundum, Peridinium hieroglyphicum silvatica, Borghiella  323, 328, 328
var. 269 silvaticum, Gyrodinium 328
rufescens, Gymnodinium 108 silvaticum, Spirodinium 328
rufescens, Gymnodinium mirabile var. 108, simile, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 129, 129
110 simplex (Lohmann) Kofoid & Swezy, Gymno-
Rufusiella  443, 446 dinium 358
–– insignis  446, 447 simplex Dangeard, Gymnodinium, nom.
rugosum, Peridinium striolatum f.  261 illeg. 358
rugosum, Peridinium striolatum var.  261, 261 simplex, Peridinium marchicum var.  238
ruttneri, Amphidinium 127 simplex, Phytodinium  417, 425, 426, 426, 426
ruttneri, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 127, 127
Index 557
simplex, Protodinium  358, 358 spiniferum, Peridinium umbonatum var. 209
simplex, Tetradinium  439, 440, 442 spinulosum, Parvodinium africanum var.  213,
sinuatum, Gymnodinium 472 213
sinuatum, Peridinium guestrowiense f.  265 spinulosum (Wołoszyńska) Er. Lindemann,
sinuatum, Peridinium volzii f.  265 Peridinium, nom. illeg. 213
skujae, Amphidinium 355 spinulosum G. Murray & Whitting, Peri-
skvortsowii, Gymnodinium 364 dinium 213
soligenum, Esoptrodinium 336 spinulosum, Peridinium africanum f. 213
soligenum, Hemidinium  332, 336, 337 spinulosum, Peridinium tatricum var.  213
sonfonense, Cystodinium  394, 409, 409 spirale, Gymnodinium 160
sparsa, Biecheleria ordinata var.  350, 350 spirale, Gyrodinium 160
sparsum, Gymnodinium ordinatum var.  350 spirodinioides, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 130, 131
Speroidium VIII, 293, 294 spirodinioides, Katodinium, nom. inval. 130
–– austriacum  294, 296, 296 Spirodinium 160
–– fungiforme  294, 294, 295, 296 –– hyalinum 94
sphaera, Stylodinium  429, 436, 437 –– pusillum 123
sphaericum, Gymnodinium 417 –– pusillum var. minus 123
sphaericum, Hypnodinium  417, 419 –– silvaticum 328
sphaericum, Peridinium willei f.  264, 264 –– vorticella 372
Sphaerodiniaceae  VIII, 19, 53, 319, 320, 339 splendidum, Chimonodinium lomnickii
Sphaerodinium  7, 10, 20, 320, 339, 344, 453 var.  299, 308, 309
–– cinctum var. javanicum 342 splendidum, Glenodinium lomnickii var. 308
–– cinctum var. limneticum 343 splendidum, Peridinium lomnickii var. 308
–– cinctum var. polonicum 340 stagnale, Gymnodinium 355
–– cinctum var. polonicum f. tatricum 341 stagnale, Peridinium 300
–– cracoviense 40, 339, 341, 342 stagnale, Peridinium willei f.  264, 265
–– fimbriatum 10, 339, 342, 343 Staszicella  7, 198, 199, 280
–– javanicum  339, 342, 343 –– dinobryonis 280, 281, 282, 428
–– limneticum  339, 343, 344, 453 steinii, Amphidinium  60, 61
–– polonicum  339, 340, 340 steinii, Amphidinium operculatum var.  60
–– polonicum var. tatricum  339, 341, 341 steinii, Cystodinium 398
sphaeroidea, Peridiniopsis  227, 233, 233 steinii (Lemmermann) Wołoszyńska, Glenodini-
sphaeroideum Christen, Peridinium, nom. opsis, nom. illeg. 184
illeg. 233 steinii Wołoszyńska, Glenodiniopsis 184
sphaeroideum L. Mangin, Peridinium 233 steinii, Glenodinium 184
sphagnicola, Amphidinium 130 steinii, Gymnodinium 398
sphagnicola, Gymnodinium 68, 69, 125, 130, steinii, Gyrodinium 95
130 steinmannii, Peridinium  9, 220
spiculiferum, Glenodinium 220 stellatum, Phytodinium  426, 427, 428
spinifera, Gonyaulax 178 stigmatica, Massartia 367
Spiniferodinium  65, 106, 114 stigmaticum, Gymnodinium 367
–– limneticum 105 stigmaticum, Katodinium 367
–– palustre 113 stoschii, Tovellia  374, 385, 386
spiniferum, Parvodinium umbonatum var.  209, stoschii, Woloszynskia 385
210 striolatum Playfair, Peridinium 10, 259, 259,
spiniferum, Peridinium inconspicuum f. 220 267
spiniferum, Peridinium munusculum f. 220 striolatum Wailes, Peridinium, nom. illeg. 259,
spiniferum, Peridinium munusculum var. 267
contactum f. 220 stylatum, Peridinium laeve var.  203
558 Index
Stylodinium 6, 389, 428, 440 tenuirostre, Cystodinium steinii f. 400
–– africanum (Bourrelly) Bourrelly, nom. tenuissima, Borghiella 13, 323, 329, 329,
illeg. 435 381, 461
–– africanum Bourrelly  429, 430, 431, 435 tenuissima, Woloszynskia 329
–– baumeisteri  429, 431, 431 tenuissimum, Gymnodinium 329
–– bavariense 429 terrum, Gymnodinium 472
–– cerasiforme  429, 431, 432, 438 tetraceras, Ceratium  164, 165
–– globosum 428, 429, 429, 430 Tetradinium 6, 14, 389, 439
–– gracile  429, 432, 433 –– chiastosporum 85
–– grande  429, 433, 434 –– chiastosporum var. armatum 86
–– lindemannii 429 –– intermedium 440
–– longipes  429, 433, 434 –– intermedium var. longipes 440
–– phaseolus  429, 434, 435 –– javanicum  439, 440, 441
–– polymorphum  429, 435, 436 –– minus  439, 440, 442
–– quadrangulare  429, 435, 437 –– simplex  439, 440, 442
–– sphaera  429, 436, 437 tetragonops, Katodinium 371
–– tarnum 428, 429, 437, 438 tetragonops, Massartia 371
–– truncatum 428, 429, 439, 439 tetragonops, Opisthoaulax  366, 371, 372
submontanum, Gymnodinium  77, 78 Thecadiniaceae  181, 290
Suessiaceae  19, 53, 319, 320, 344 Thecadinidae 290
Suessiales  19, 20, 52, 53, 54, 319 Thecadiniopsis  291
suttonii, Peridinium 233 –– tasmanica  291, 291
sydneyense, Peridinium, nom. inval. 277 Thecadinium 11
Theleodinium  298, 317
–– calcisporum  25, 317, 318, 319
T thomasii, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 132, 132
tabulatum, Glenodinium 272 Thompsodinium  9, 10, 199, 282, 283
tabulatum, Peridinium 272 –– intermedium  10, 282, 283, 283
tabulatum, Peridinium bipes f.  272 thompsonii, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 132, 133
tarnum, Stylodinium 428, 429, 437, 438 thompsonii, Peridiniopsis  244, 244
tasmanica, Thecadiniopsis  291, 291 Thoracosphaera  292, 298
tatrae, Amphidinium 355 Thoracosphaeraceae 53, 292, 293, 298
tatricum, Gloeodinium montanum var.  444, Thoracosphaerales  19, 20, 25, 52, 53, 292
445 titubans, Gymnodinium  72, 133, 134
tatricum, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 131, 131 tjibodense, Peridinium javanicum var.  219
tatricum, Hemidinium nasutum var.  444 toporense, Peridinium umbonatum var., nom.
tatricum, Parvodinium africanum var.  213, inval. 475
214 Tovellia  18, 47, 137, 328, 359, 360, 365, 366,
tatricum, Peridinium 213 373, 380, 462, 472
tatricum, Peridinium africanum f. 213 –– apiculata  374, 375, 377
tatricum, Peridinium africanum var. 213 –– aveirensis  374, 378, 378
tatricum, Sphaerodinium cinctum var. polon- –– coronata 373, 374, 375, 376, 379, 386
icum f. 341 –– diexiensis 380
tatricum, Sphaerodinium polonicum var.  339, –– dodgei  374, 379, 380
341, 341 –– glabra  374, 379, 381
tenagodes, Amphidinium 355 –– leopoliensis  359, 374, 381, 382
tenuirostre, Cystodinium cornifax var.  400, –– nygaardii  374, 382, 383
400 –– paldangensis  374, 383, 384
Index 559
–– sanguinea 18, 374, 384, 385 Unruhdinium 15, 187, 190
–– stoschii  374, 385, 386 –– armebeense  190, 191, 192
Tovelliaceae  19, 20, 21, 359, 472 –– durandii 187, 190, 192, 193
Tovelliales  VIII, 7, 19, 26, 47, 52, 54, 359 –– jiulongense  190, 190, 191
treubii, Glenodinium quadridens var. 235 –– kevei 187, 190, 193, 194
treubii, Peridiniopsis cunningtonii var.  235, –– minimum 196, 197
236 –– niei  190, 195, 195
treubii, Peridinium  9, 235 –– penardii  190, 191, 195, 196
treubii, Peridinium cunningtonii f. 235 –– penardii var. maius  197, 197
triceratium, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 133, 134 –– penardii var. robustum  190, 197, 197
tridentatum, Gymnodinium 72, 73, 135, 135 Urococcus
trilineatum, Peridinium polonicum var.  315 –– insignis 446
truncatum, Peridinium 474
truncatum, Peridinium striolatum f.  261
truncatum, Peridinium striolatum var.  261, V
261 vancouverense, Peridinium 267
truncatum, Stylodinium 428, 429, 439, 439 vancouverense, Peridinium volzii f.  267, 268
tuberosum, Peridinium 250 varians, Dinamoeba 59
tuberosum, Peridinium cinctum f. 250 varians, Dinamoebidium 59
tuberosum, Peridinium cinctum var.  250, varians, Gymnodinium 68, 71, 138, 138
251, 254 veris, Gymnodinium, nom. illeg. 330
tubulifera, Peridiniopsis cristata var.  231, 232 veris, Woloszynskia, nom. illeg.  137, 330
tumidum, Hemidinium 332 vernale, Amphidinium 355
turfosum, Glenodinium 471 vernale, Glenodinium 471
turicense, Amphidinium 355 vernale, Gymnodinium  138, 355
tylota, Woloszynskia 136 vernale, Katodinium  138, 370
tylotum, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 82, 136, 136, vernum, Gymnodinium  68, 70, 138, 139, 370
137, 328, 370 verrucosum, Dinastridium 411
Tyrannodinium  293, 296 vierae, Gymnodinium  67, 139, 140
–– berolinense  296, 297 vierae, Katodinium 139
–– berolinense var. apiculatum  297, 298 vigrense, Amphidinium 147, 148
–– edax  8, 296, 297, 297 viguieri, Glenodinium 245
viguieri, Peridiniopsis  245, 245
viguieri, Peridinium 245
U vindobonense, Glenodinium  454, 465, 465
uberrimum, Gymnodinium  109, 157, 474 viridaliut, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 101, 139, 140
uberrimum, Melodinium, nom. inval. 474 viride, Amphidinium 357
uberrimum, Peridinium  109, 474 viride, Glenodinium 471
uliginosa, Glenodiniopsis  184, 184, 185 viride, Gymnodinium 157
uliginosum, Glenodinium  184, 186 viride, Katodinium  67, 159, 159
uliginosum, Peridinium 184 viride, Nusuttodinium  143, 157, 158
umbonatum, Parvodinium  30, 31, 35, 206, viridis, Prosoaulax  355, 357, 357
207, 207, 208, 457 volzii, Peridinium  9, 31, 246, 262, 264, 265,
umbonatum, Peridinium  207, 396 266, 277
undulatum, Gymnodinium 68, 69, 137, 137 vorax, Amphidinium 357
unicorne, Cystodinium 87, 394, 410, 410, 411 Vorticella
unicorne, Gymnocystodinium 410 –– cincta  3, 246
unicorne, Gymnodinium 410 vorticella, Gymnodinium 367
560 Index
vorticella, Gyrodinium 367 –– tenuissima 329
vorticella, Katodinium 367 –– tylota 136
vorticella, Massartia  367, 372 –– veris, nom. illeg.  137, 330
vorticella, Opisthoaulax  121, 365, 366, 367,
vorticella, Spirodinium 372 Y
yuennanense, Ceratium furcoides morpho-
type  176, 176
waltzii, Gymnodinium 72, 74, 140, 141
Warnowiaceae  15, 19 Z
wawrikae, Gymnodinium  67, 141, 142 zachariasii, Gymnodinium 113
westii, Peridinium 249 zonatum, Peridinium  246, 257, 259
westii, Peridinium cinctum f.  40, 249, 249 zonatum, Peridinium cinctum f.  250, 250
westii, Peridinium tabulatum var. 249 zonatum, Peridinium gatunense var.  257
wierzejskii, Chimonodinium lomnickii zonatum, Peridinium tabulatum var.  257
var.  300, 309, 310
wierzejskii, Glenodinium lomnickii var. 309
wierzejskii, Peridinium 309
wigrense, Gymnodinium 68, 70, 141, 142
wildemanii, Glenodinium quadridens var. 234
wildemanii, Peridinium 233
wildemanii, Peridinium cunningtonii var.  233
willei, Peridinium  29, 35, 246, 262, 262, 263,
264, 277
wisconsinense, Peridinium  10, 29, 271, 271
wislouchii, Exuviaella 468
woloszynskae, Borghiella  323, 329, 330, 330
woloszynskae, Gymnodinium 330
woloszynskae, Hemidinium  336, 473
woloszynskae, Katodinium 372
woloszynskae, Massartia 372
woloszynskae, Opisthoaulax 21, 366, 372, 373
Woloszynskia  10, 359, 360, 386
–– apiculata 375
–– biciliata 471
–– cestocoetes 348
–– coronata 375
–– hiemalis  302, 362
–– leopoliensis  377, 381
–– limnetica  362, 364
–– mira, nom. inval. 110
–– neglecta 364
–– ordinata 349
–– pascheri  326, 327
–– pseudopalustris 346
–– reticulata 386, 387, 387
–– stoschii 385
Volumes of the Freshwater Flora of Central

(for volumes available on the market, the year of publication is provided in brackets)

Vol. 1/1: Chrysophyte and Haptophyte Algae (1985)

Vol. 1/2: Chrysophyte and Haptophyte Algae (Synurophyceae) (2007)
Vol. 2/1: Bacillariophyceae (Naviculaceae) (1999)
Vol. 2/2: Bacillariophyceae (Bacillariaceae, Epithemiaceae, Surirellaceae) (1999)
Vol. 2/3: Bacillariophyceae (Centrales; Fragilariaceae, Eunotiaceae) (2004)
Vol. 2/4: Bacillariophyceae (Achnanthaceae; Literature) (2004)
Vol. 2/5: Bacillariophyceae (English and French translation of the keys) (2000)
Vol. 3: Xanthophyceae 1. Teil (1978)
Vol. 4: Xanthophyceae 2. Teil (1980)
Vol. 5: Cryptophyceae and Raphidophyceae (in prep.)
Vol. 6: Dinophyta (this volume)
Vol. 7: Rhodophyta and Phaeophyceae (2011)
Vol. 8: Euglenophyta (in prep.)
Vol. 9: Chlorophyta I (Phytomonadina) (1983)
Vol. 10: Chlorophyta II (Chlorophyceae p. p.: Chlorococcales) (1988)
Vol. 11: Chlorophyta III (Chlorophyceae p. p.: Sphaeropleales)
Vol. 12: Chlorophyta IV (Chlorophyceae p. p.: Chaetopeltidales, Chaetophorales)
Vol. 13: Chlorophyta V (Ulvophyceae) (2018)
Vol. 14: Chlorophyta VI (Oedogoniophyceae: Oedogoniales) (1985)
Vol. 15: Chlorophyta VII(Trebouxiophyceae: Chlorellales, Oocystales)
Vol. 16: Charophyta I (Zygnematales) (1984)
Vol. 17: Charophyta II (Desmidiales) (in prep.)
Vol. 18: Charophyta III (Charophyceae: Charales) (1997)
Vol. 19/1: Cyanoprokaryota I (Chroococcales) (1998)
Vol. 19/2: Cyanoprokaryota II (Oscillatoriales (2005)
Vol. 19/3: Cyanoprokaryota III (Heterocytous Genera) (2013)
Vol. 20: Schizomycetes (1982)
Vol. 21/1: Fungi 1. Teil Lichens (Lichens) (2009)
Vol. 21/2: Fungi
Vol. 22: Bryophyta
Vol. 23: Pterido- und Anthophyta 1. Teil Lycopodiaceae – Orchidaceae (1980)
Vol. 24: Pterido- und Anthophyta 2. Teil: Saururaceae – Asteraceae (1981)

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