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1. He entered as soon as she had left.

No sooner_________________________________________________________________________

2. As soon as we reached the hotel it stopped raining.
No sooner ________________________________________________________________________
3. He never caught any fish.
4. He went out of the room only when the bell rang.
Only when________________________________________________________________________
5. The captain will give a signal, then the troops will fire.
Not until the captain________________________________________________________________
6. I've never seen such an ugly place.
7. I immediately rushed to see them after Mary had phoned me the news.
No sooner_________________________________________________________________________
8. She called them from the street, so they opened the window.
No sooner ___________________________________________________ they opened the window.
9. When he heard the bell, he immediately left the room.
No sooner_________________________________________________________________________
10. Just as he walked into the room, someone hit him on the back of his head.
No sooner_________________________________________________________________________
11. I had just left the room when I heard the phone ring.
No sooner_________________________________________________________________________
12. As soon as he received the telegram, he packed a case.
No sooner_________________________________________________________________________
13. As soon as he went to sleep he started to snore.
No sooner_________________________________________________________________________
14. She had never eaten such hot food.
15. As soon as he had spoken, the doctor opened.
16. He had just gone out when the phone rang.
17. Someone called him from the office just after he had left.
No sooner_________________________________________________________________________
18. It was the first time I had met such an attractive man.
Never before______________________________________________________________________
19. As soon as he left, they all started shouting.
No sooner_________________________________________________________________________
20. As soon as Susan got home, the phone rang.
No sooner_________________________________________________________________________
21. Pary heard the motorcycles and started to shake at once.
No sooner_________________________________________________________________________
22. As soon as Alice had arrived, her mother helped herself to a glass of whisky.

23. When he heard the hooters, he knew he was in town.

No sooner_________________________________________________________________________
24. Kath switched on the radio immediately after putting down the receiver.

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