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Sample Job Descriptions

of Office Bearers
Sample Job Descriptions of Office Bearers

President / Chairman

1) Ensures the effective action of the board in governing and supporting

the organisation, and oversees board affairs. Acts as the representative
of the board as a whole, rather than as an individual supervisor to staff.
2) Partners with the ED in achieving the organisation's mission.
3) Provides leadership to the board in expediting the goals of the
4) Encourages board's role in strategic planning.
5) Speaks to the media and the community on behalf of the organisation
(as does the ED); represents the agency in the community.
6) Chairs meetings of the board after developing agendas in concert with
the ED.
7) Recommends to the board that committees are to be established and
appoint the chairpersons of committees, in consultation with other
board members.
8) Seeks volunteers for committees and coordinates individual board
member assignments. Make sure each committee has a chairperson,
and stays in touch with chairpersons to be sure that their work is
carried out; identify committee recommendations that should be
presented to the full board. Determine whether executive committee
meetings are necessary and convene the committee accordingly.
9) Serves ex officio as a member of committees and attend their meetings
when invited.
10) Establishes search and selection committee (usually acts as chair) for
hiring an ED wherever necessary. Convenes board discussions on
evaluating the executive director and negotiating compensation and
benefits package; conveys information to the executive director.
11) Reviews with the ED any issues of concern to the board and discuss
issues confronting the organisation.
12) Formally evaluates the performance of the ED and informally evaluates
the effectiveness of the board members.

13) Ensures that board matters are handled properly, including preparation
of pre-meeting materials, committee functioning, and recruitment and
orientation of new board members.
14) Monitors financial planning and financial reports.
15) Plays a leading role in fund-raising activities.
16) Evaluates annually the performance of the organisation in achieving its
17) Performs other responsibilities assigned by the board.

Vice-President / Vice-Chairman

1) Acts as the President/Chair in his or her absence; assists the

president/chair on the above or other specified duties.
2) Reports to the President/Chairman.
3) Works closely with the Chair and other staff.
4) Participates closely with the Chair to develop and implement officer
transition plans.
5) Frequently assigned to a special area of responsibility, such as
membership, media, annual dinner, facility, or personnel.
6) Some organisations choose to make the vice president, explicitly or
implicitly, the president-elect.
7) Performs other responsibilities as assigned by the Board.

Honorary General Secretary

1) Maintains records of the board and ensures effective management of

organisation's records.
2) Manages minutes of board meetings.
3) Ensures minutes are distributed to members shortly after each
4) Is sufficiently familiar with legal documents (constituencies, by-laws,
etc.) to note applicability during meetings.
Honorary General Treasurer

1) Manages the board's review of, and action related to, the board's
financial responsibilities.
2) May work directly with the bookkeeper or other staff in developing and
implementing financial procedures and systems.
3) Ensures that appropriate financial reports are made available to the
board. Regularly reports to board on key financial events, trends,
concerns, and assessment of fiscal health.
4) Recommends to the board whether the organisation should have an
audit. If so, selects and meets annually with the auditor in conjunction
with the Finance and/or Audit Committees.
5) Ensures, through the Finance Committee, sound management and
maximisation of cash and investments.

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