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‘Ausfuhrlichere Informationen Uber Plege und Zucht der Fische finden Sie in diversen Fachbiichern, sowie in folgenden Zeitschriften: Detailed information about the care and breeding ‘ofthe fish can be found in several specialist books ‘and also in the following periodicals: “"AKTUELL” (WDA-Rundbrief), Verband Deutscher Vereine fur ‘Aquarien und Terrarien "Aqua-Magazine", Fair Wind Co, Ltd. Japan "Das Aquarium" (Magazin fir zeitgemate Vivaristik), Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag "Tropical Fish Hobbyist", ‘TH. Publications USA Symbole ErkiGrungen seem CT ‘ersehen Sie ganzlleicht an dem Buchstaben vor der ~— Code-Nummer A= Afrika = Europa + Nordamerika S = Sidamerika X= Asien die letzte Zahl der Code-Nummer steht immer fr das Alter des fotografierten Fisches: (aby / Jugendfarbung) (Gungfisch /juvenil/ Verkaufsqr68e) {(halbwiichsig / gute VerkaufsoraBe) (ausgewachsen / adult) (Zucht-Tier/ breeder) (Schau-Tier /show-fish) wild-Form Nachzucht /bred Zucht-Form /breeding-form Kreuzungs-Form /cross-bred ingefahre Groe, die dieser Fisch ‘ausgewachsen (adult) erreichen kann. cece: Cmanniicn F —weiblich OF Cr B 22.25 (71-77F)_tropische Fische A pave 75-85) icusetd W 4 10-22°C (50-72°F) _kalt(Nordamerika/Europa) pH Wert B_ po 5-72 keine besonderen Anspriiche (pH 7) AP pii58-65 liebt weiches u. leicht saures Wasser AP ph75-85 liebt hartes u. alkalisches Wasser O hell, viel Licht / Sonne D nicht zuhell @ fast dunkel Paar | Allestessr, Tockenfuter, keine besonderen Ansprtiche Futter-Spezialist, Lebendfutter, Gefrierfutter, Fisch - Rauber, Futterfische zufuttern Pflanzenfresser, flanzenkost zufuttern e800 | (3) keine besonderen Eigenschaften (_imoberen Bereich / Oberflachen-Fisch ()_imunteren Bereich / Boden-Fisch Ens nur Bodengrund und Steine etc. @ steine/Wurzeln / Hohlen {© Pflanzen-Aquarium + Steine/Wurzein as Schwarmfisch, nicht unter 10 Exemplaren halten Eierleger Lebendgebsrer Maulbriter Algenvertilger/ Scheibenputzer (Wurzeln+Spinat) Friedfisch,leichte Pflege, (ir Gesellschaftsbecken) sschwierig 2u halten, vorher fachliteratur beachten \orscht extrem schwierg. nur fr erfahrene Speziasten -geschurzre Art (WA) "CITES" Sondergenehmigung nétig OPoOk eth (a em Tin 40-80em 60-100«m 100-200 40-801 80-2001 200-4001 400-3001 ‘ber 30001 (Schauaquarien) Centimeter (em) OO Haftung: ‘Mle Angaben in diesem Buch sind nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen niedergeschrieben. Far eventuelle Fehler schlieen die Autoren und er Verlag jegliche Haftung aus. Mit dem Ermer dieses Buches erkennt der Eigentimer diesen HoftungsausschluB ausdrickich an. Liability: Allthe information inthis book has been recorded with all due care and attention. ty for any inaccuracies, ‘By purchasing this book the owner explicitly accepts this diselaimler of liablty The authors and the publishers will not accept iabl- 1. Auflage 1996 CIP. Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek Ulrich Glaser sen, & Wolfgang Glaser Aqualog South American Cichlids | Verlag ACS. GmbH ISBN 3-931702-04-9 © Copyright Verlag A.C.S. GmbH Rothwiesenring 5, (64546 Mérfelden-Walldorf / Germany Alle Rechte vorbehalten, Reproduktion, Speicherung in Datenverarbeitungsanlagen, Wiedergabe auf elektronischen, fotomechani- schen oder shnlichen Wegen, Funk und Vortrag - auch auszugsweise - nur mit Genehmigung des_ Veriages. Allrights reserved. No par of this publication may bbe reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any ‘means, without permission. Grafik Design: Gaby Geif, Rédermark- Urberach Druck, Satz, Verarbeitung: |WS Offset Repro GmbH, Offenbach Giese Druck, Offenbach Gedruckt auf EURO ART glinzend, 100% chlorfreivon PWA Umwetfreundlich Printed in Germany © ACS. Glaser GmbH / Southamerican Cichlicls | Ulrich Glaser sen. Wolfgang Glaser Ske “GEE” verag:A.€.5.GmbH, Germany Vorwort Foreword Unser erstes Buch -LORICARIDAE all L-NUMBERS war ein Riesenerfolg und wir arbeiten weiter. So ist auch dieses Reference-Heft nur ein Auszug ‘us unserem Gesamtwerk mit Bildern Uber alle Zierfische aus allen Erdteilen, Unser Ziel ist es, Ubersichtliche Bildbande 2u, erstellen, die es jedem Aquarianer, ‘ber auch Handlemn und Importeuren, auf ein- fachste Weise erméglichen, jeden Fisch schnell und problemilos zu identifizieren und anhand des kurzen Symboltextes die wichtigsten Pflege- grundsitze zu erkennen. Unsere Biicher enthalten in dbersichtlicher Reihenfolge jeden bis jetzt bekannten Zierfisch nach einem genauen Code-Nummern System geordnet, wobei jede Artihre Code- Nummer hat und immer behalt, selbst dann, ‘wenn sich der Artname eventuell einmal andern sollte. Dariiberhinaus wird jeder neu entdeckte oder neu geztichtete Fisch jarlich in Bild und Kurz text als Erganzung erscheinen, zusammen mit Infos tiber Namens-Anderungen ete, womit Sie mit unserem Werk dann immer "up to date" sind, Dank unseres ausgeklugelten 7-stelligen Code- ‘Nummer-Systems hatin Zukunft jeder Zierfisch an jedem Ort der Welt seine eigene Code-Nummer fur immer, soda8 sich unsere Blicher auch hervorragend und international als. Katalog und Preisliste far den Handel eignen. Unser Werk soll keinesfllsallgemein- oder artbe- zogene Fachliteratur Gberflssig machen, son- dem wir wollen Ihnen nur die unvorstellbare Arten-Vielfalt Ubersichtlich prasentieren und Ihnen die Moglichkeit geben, schnell und pro- blemlos thre Fische zu bestimmen, far Plege, Zuchtetc. nehmen Sie sich bitte gute Fachbiicher zur Hand, von denen es genagend gibt. Wir wiinschen thnen viel Freude mit diesem Aqualog-Buch, Kritik immer willkommen, wirwerden thre Anregungen in der Nevauflage bericksichtigen. ‘Our first book "LORICARIDAE, all the L-num- bers" has been a huge success and we are now continuing the work. This reference volume is also just one part of ‘our comprehensive reference work which con- tains photographs of all the ornamental fish from every part of the globe. Its our goal to produce clearly laid out illust- rated volumes making it possible for every aquarium owner, retailer and importer to any fish quickly and simply and to ‘are information about them using the short symbol-based texts. Clearly arranged, our books contain every known ornamental fish, listed according to a precise code-number system in which each species is allotted a code-number, which remains the same, even if the name of the species changes. Furthermore, each year a supplement will be Published containing a picture and basic Information on newly discovered or newly bred fish including information on name changes etc. This means you will always be up to date with our reference work. In the future, thanks to our ingenious 7-figure coding system, every ornamental fish in every part of the globe will have its own per- ‘manent code-number making our books emi- nently suitable as the basis for international catalgues and price-lists for the trade. Thi in no way intended to make reference work i other general or specific ornamental fish. reference works redundant. Instead our intention isto present the unbe- lievable variety of species in the clear format, enabling you to identify your fish quickly and, simply. For information about care and bree- ing please consult any of the good specialist guide books, of which plenty are available. We hope you enjoy using this Aqualog-Book. We are always pleased to receive your com- ‘ments and criticism; this will then be taken Into consideration in the new edition. Mérfelden-Walldorf, Januar 1996 Ulrich Glaser sen. Wolfgang Glaser South American Cichlids | Was sind Cichliden??? Cichliden und ihre, Verwandten” kommen in allen 5 Erdtellen vor, die meisten und farben- prichtigsten in Afrika und Sudamerika, Unter Cichliden versteht man in Deutschland ,Buntbarsche". Bel einem Barsch" denkt man bel uns in Europa unwill- Karlich an einen grauen Speisefisch, wobei ‘man aber nicht vergessen sollte, daB es auch hierzulande sehr schéne Arten, wie zum Beispiel den FluBbarsch (Perca fluviatilis), oder ie urspriinglich aus Nordamerika stammen- den Sonnenbarsche (Lepomis) gibt, die es in Bezug auf Farbenpracht ofine weiteres mit ihren Verwandten in aller Welt aufnehmen kénnen, aber auch dort sind die gré8er wer- denden Arten ebenfalls begehrte Speisefisché Dain den Aquarian meist die bunten Exoten gepflegt wer- den, spricht man {in der Deutschen Aquaristik) von Buntbarschen’ Bei den Barschen gibt es eine unvorstelibare Artenvielfat, es gibt ,Winzlinge” wie Elassoma evergladei, die ausgewachsen ‘gerade einmal 3cm erreichen, coder ,Riesen, die bis zu 100¢m .gr08 werden, Sie konnen lang gestreckt sein, wie 28, die Hecht-Buntbarsche /Pike-Cichliden, oder ovale typi- sche ,Fisch-Form™ haben, oder ‘auch bizarr, oder rund-tellerfor- mig wie die Discus-Buntbarsche und Scalar. Die Cichliden gehéren allge- mein zu den hoher entwickelten Fischen, sind meist, aber nicht ‘ausschilieBlich, revierbildend, es gibt vollkommen ,friedliche’, die sich ohne weiteres fur ein ‘gemischtes Geselischaftsbecken eignen, mehr oder weniger agressive", die keine andere Art neben sich dulden, oder die _streitsUichtigen’, die schon untereinander echte Rabauken sind, Alldas Vorgenannte tiftin cerster Linie fir die .-Southamerican - Cichlids zu, rman sollte also unbedingt darauf achten, welche Arten man zusammen pflegen will, ob sie auch 2ueinander passen und har- Nicht nur in Stdamerika, sondern ‘auch in mittelamerikanischen Linden, wie Nicaragua, Costa- Rica, Panama usw, gibt es hers cche bunte Cichliden, die wirin Band I und Il vorstellen werden, Die meisten Cichliden betreiben sehr interessante Brutpflege, 28. die ,HOhlenbriter’, die in selbst ‘geschaffenen Mulden oder vor- handenen Fels- oder Wurzelspal: ten ablaichen und diesen Brut platz gegen Raubern oder ‘vemeintlichen Eindringlingen aggressiv verteidigen. Viele Arten sind ,Maulbriter', die ovophilen nehmen gleich die befruchteten Efer ins Maul und briiten sie aus, die lavophilen nehmen ihre ,Kinder* erst, wenn sie ausgeschlapft sind (Larven) bei Gefahr ins Maul und lassen sie wieder heraus, wenn die Gefahr voriber ist Mitgenauen Fundortangaben sollte man vorsichtig umgehen, denn in vielen Gebieten (2.8. Pantanal) , werden wahrend, jeder Regenzeitriesige Gebiete Uberschwemmt und verschiede- ne Flufsysteme miteinander verbunden, das ist etwa so, als wenn ein Fisch in Frankreich gefunden wird und nachher in Russland vorkame. Essind eben enorm grove Gebiete mit unvorstellbar cgroBen Wasserflzchen und einem gewaltigenFischreichtum und solange diese Biotope erhalten bleiben, und daftr ‘missen wir uns alle engagieren, kann dort niemals dberfischt werden, die Fischer fangen wie teh und je mit Handnetzen ihre tagliche Mahlzeit und, wenn sie Lust haben, einige kleine Fische mehr, wofiir sie etwas Geld bekommen, was sie auch drin- gend brauchen, denn es ist- ‘meist ihre einzige Einnahme- auelle Aullerdem gibt es inzwischen in fastallen Ursprungslindem ‘roe Frellandanlagen, in denen Speise- und Zierfische in groBen Mengen und hervorra- gender Qualitat fur den Export geztichtet werden, Die meisten sidamerikanischen Cichliden passen sich den Bedingungen im Aquarium leicht an, denn auch in der [Natur mlissen sie sich immer wieder auf die, je nach Jahreszeit,abweichenden Wasserwerte einstellen. Die von uns angegebenen Zahlen beziehen sich aut Mittelwerte firs Aquarium, schaffen Sie Ihren Pfleglingen die optimalen Bedingungen, in ilem Woblbefinden danken sie cesthnen durch Farbenpracht und Vitalitat, und wenn dann stolz die erste ,Nachzucht" SSChWIMMM sonuW@5 Kann €5 Schéneres fir einen Hobby- Aquarianer geben, © ACS. Glaser GmbH SOUTH AMERICAN CICHLIDS 1 What are cichlids? Cichlids and their ‘relatives’ are found on all five continents - the majority of them and the ‘most colourful in Africa and South Amer {In German, cichlids are known as ‘Buntbarsche’ “ornamental perch’. In Europe when people think of perch they automatically visualise a grey food fish. There are, however, here in Europe also very beaut- ful species, e.g. the European perch (Perca flu- viatilis) or the pumpkin-seed perch (Lepomis) which originates from North America. These canbe favourably compared with thelr cousins. from other parts of the world. And in Africa and South America the larger species are also ‘caught and eaten as food fish. The more exotic coloured species are principally the ones kept in aquariums which is why they are known in German as “ornamental perch’ There is an unimaginably large ‘numberof perch types. There are the small fy'such as Elassoma ‘evergladel which grow to no longer than and there are the ‘giants’ which grow to.a length of 100 cm. They may be elongated such as the pike cichlids, may havea typi- caloval ish shape" or an exotic shape or be plate-shaped such as the discus cichlids and scalars. The cichlids belong principally to the more highly developed fish. They are mosty although not exclusively, territorial by nature Some are entirely peaceable'and are perfectly suited to a mixed ‘aquarium, some are aggressive’ toa greater or lesser extent and are intolerant of any other species and others arebeligerent loo- king for fights amongst theirown kind, Allthe aboveis especially true of the South American cichlids mea- fing that care shouldbe token when choosing which types to put together, and when deciding whether they area good match and are able to coexist peacefully. Inaddition to the South American species featured in this volume there are wonderful ornamental Cichlids to be found in central American countries such as ‘Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama etc. These willbe presented in volumes Ian. ‘Most cichlids have very inte- resting breeding characteristics. Forexample, the cave breeders’ which spawn in hollows which they create themselves, or in rock orroot crevices. They then aggressively defend this spaw- ning ground against raiders or supposed intruders. ‘Many species are mouth bree ders. The ‘ovophiles'immediately suck up the fertilised eggs into their mouths and incubate them there. ‘Larvophilestake their ‘young (larvae) into their mouths after they have hatched ifdanger Is present, and release them when ithas passed, Details ofa fish's place of origin should be regarded with caution 4s in many regions (eg, Pantanal) vast areas are flooded every rainy season and many river systems become connected. This would be comparable to.afsh occurring in France and then being found in Russia. Theseare vast regions with unbe- lievably large stretches of water with an incredible variety of fish - ‘slong as this biotope remains intact, a cause which all of us should support. They cannot be overfished as the fishermen there use the same methods they have for centuries of fishing for ther doily food with hand nets. ifthey have time they catch a few more and sell them for money which they desperately need, as this is often their sole source of income. Inmost of these native countries there are also large outdoor forms where large numbers of high quaity edible and omamen tal fish are bred for export. ‘Most South American cichlids ‘adapt easily to the conditions in the aquarium asin their natural environment they have to accom= ‘modate the changing water values with each new season, The figures we give refer to the ‘mean aquarium values. Ifyou provide your fish with optimum conditions then youwill be rewar- ded with a wonderful display of ‘colours and a high level of vitality. And for an aquarium enthusiast, there is nothing to beat the fee- ling vrhen the next generation of successfully bred cichlids starts swimming. South Americo Cichlids | 5 Lieber Leser, sollten Sie im Besitz kleiner oder groBer oder Foto-Sammlungen sein, bitte setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung. Wir suchen fiir unsere nachsten Biicher immer gute Bilder von allen Fisch-Arten und besonders schénen Aquarien, und wiirden thre Bilder, natiirlich gegen eine angemessene Benutzungsgebithr, gerne verdffentlichen. To our readers, ifyou are in possession of either a small or large collection of slides or photographs please contact Us. For our upcoming books we are always on the lookout for good pictures of alltypes of fsh and also for attractive aquariums. We would lke to publish your photographs - obviously fora suita- ble charge, Gi South America teh © ACS. Glaser GmbH '$13703-4 Cichla sp. ARAGUAIAIII ADULT. $13703-2 Cichla sp. ARAGUAIA I JUVENIL ARAGUAIA CICHLID, tilltoday not described! ARAGUAIA CICHLA till today not described! Tocantins Brazil, W, 55-60 em Tocantins, Braz, W, 55-60 cm b> R0OOHGe AD b> R00DGe AD ——— s1a71 1 Cichla ocellaris JUVENIL ‘51371844 Cichlaocellaris ADULT PIKE- CICHLD PIKE -CICHLIO 450m North-Southamerica, W, 40-5dcm b ROCHGe Ag North-Southamerica, b> R0eRR A 51372544 Cichlacf.ocellaris ‘RIO PRETO" 513735-3 Cichla orinacensis ADULT PRETO -PKE-CICHLID ORINOCO - PIKE-CICHLID middle course ofRio Negro, W, 40-50em Rio Orinoco, Venezuela/Columbia, W, 50-60cm > 20050" Am b 200TH» Ag $13735-4 Cichlaorinocensis ADULT '$1373545 Cichla orinocensis ADULT ORINOCO - PIKE-CICHLD (ORINOCO - PIKE-CICHLID Ri Orinoco, Venezuela/Columbla, W, 50-50em ic Orinoco, Venezuela/Columbia, W, 0-6Oem © 20088" Aaa > R00NG» AD South America Cichlids | 7 $13745-2 Cichlacl.oninocensis RIO INIIDAY JUVENT. INIRIOA - PIKE-CICHLID Orinoco region, W, 50-60em b ROOHD= Am 513755-2 Cichla sp. TAPAJOS| JUVENIL TAPAJOS -CICHLA Braz, W, 40-50cm b R0OHE™ AD '$13758-2 Cichla temensis JUVENIL CTEMENSIS-PIKECICHLID. Brazil Venezuela, Columbia, W, 60-70em & 200K AD '513760-2 Cichlacf.temensis CARON JUVENIL CARON -CICHLA, Venezuela, W, 60-70em b 20080" ag South America Clehtidst '513748-2 Cichlacf-orinocensis "RIO VAUFES’ JUVENIL \VAUPES - PIKE-CICHLID' Ctinoco region, W, 50-60em b R0OHG= AD pe es '$13758-1 Cichiatemensis JUVENIL TTEMENSIS PIKE-CICHLID Braz, Venezuela, Columbia, W, 60-70¢m b ROOHE™ AD '513756-4 Cichlatemensis ADULT TEMENSIS- PIKE-CICHLID Brazil, Venezuela, Columbio, W, 60-70cm b 20ONG— An '$13760-3 Cichla cf. temenss CARONI-CICHLA Venezuela, W, 60-70em > 20enG~ Aa ARON?’ SEMIADULT + ADULT © ACS. Glaser GmbH 513762-3 Cichlac.temensis “ARAGUAIA" SEMIADULT ARAGUAIA-CICHLA Araguaia-region, Grail, W, 60-70em b 8000S» ag os $13763-2 Cichla cf. temensis “CAURA” JUVENIL CCAURA-CICHLA XINGUI-CICHLA, Brazil, W, 40-50cm b> R000» A $23310-3 Crenicichiaacutostris MALE [ACUTIS - CRENICICHLA Rio Tapajos, North East- Brazil, W, 26-32em b ROO Gm A '513765-3 Cichla cf. temensls “VAUPES™ SEMIADULT \VAUPES - CICHLA Rio Vaupes,Orinoco-region, W, 60-70cm b 2005G~ sg ——- © 5137702 Cia sp. XINGUI JUVENIL XINGU -clehLa Bra W, 40500 b R0eCMBr A $23310-2 Crenicichla acutrostis JUVENIL |ACUTIS- CRENICICHLA Fo Tapajos, Nrth-East- Brazil, W, 26-32cm b> ROOBHm A ‘ACUTIS-CRENICICHLA Fa Tapajos, North-East - Brazil, W, 26-30em > 2000Hr ag South America Cichlids 1 2 523315-4 Crenicichia albopunctate MALE SPOTTED -CRENICICHLA Fe 2003 ag hee ie 523320-4 Cenicchiasp, ALTA MALE ALTA-CRENICICHLA Cuyunt ver System, VenezuGuayana, W 18-20em > 2000S ag 523325°5 Croncichia anthurus. MALE ANTHURUS -CRENICICHLA Peru, Ecuador, West Columbia, W, 18-20em > R0ONHe AD R ANTHURUS -CRENICICHLA Peru, Ecuador, West Columbia, W, > 2008G" am South America Clehlids | '$23315-4 Crenicichlaalbopunctata FEMALE SPOTTED -CRENICICHLA Fr.Guayana + Surinam, W, 12-15em bP R0OMGe AD '$23320-4 Crencichlasp. ALTA. FEMALE ALTA. CRENICICHLA, Cuyuni-River System, Venezu.+Guayana, W, 12-1Sem b B0OREGe AD '$23325-5 Crenicichla anchurus. FEMALE ANTHURUS -CRENICICHLA Peru Ecuador, West Columbia, W, 12-15em b ROOMBe AD APPROUAGE -CRENICICHLA French ~Guayana, W, 15-20em b ROOMGe AD © ACS. Glaser GmbH '523335-4 Crenicichla sp. ARAPIUNS FEMALE '523340-4 Cronicichla sp. ATABAPO MALE ARAPIUNS- CRENICICHLA ATABAPO -CRENICICHLA Rio Arapiuns Tapajos-System, Brazil W, 12-15em Rig Atabapo, Columbia, W, 25-30em b 20005» ag > 206TH Aw ea x i $23340-4Crenkcchla sp. ATABAPO FEMALE 523950-3 Creniccha sp. SEEM ATABAPO-CRENICICHLA BELEM -PIKE-CICHLD Ro Atabapo, Columbia, W, 24-28 Braz, W, 20-25am bR0CRRr A > 20000 as '523355-4 Crenicichla sp. BELLY-CRAWLER FEMALE BELLY-CRAWLER- CRENICICHLA Rio Meta, Columbia, W, 16-18m BELLY-CRAWLER -CRENICICHLA Rio Meta, Columbia, W, 20-22cm > R0CTG» Ag '523360-3 Crencichla sp. BOCON MALE '$23360-3 Crenicichlasp.BOCON. FEMALE BOCON - CRENICICHLA, BOCON - CRENICICHLA Flo Inida System, Columbia, W, 16-18em Rio nirida~ System, Columbia, W, 12-14em b R0O5G» Ag b ROOHGe A u hllds | CICHLAOCELLARIS CICHLAQCELLARIS South America Clehitds t ©ACS. Glaser GmbH CRENICICHLA SP. "TAPAJOS |" '523370-4 Crenicichia cametana MALE TOCANTINS -CRENICICHLA Rio Tocantins, North-East Braz, W, 22-25em b R0CMHr AD 523378-4 Crenicichla cardiostigma (pterogramma?) MALE PTEROGRAMMA- CRENICICHLA, Upper course at Rio-Branca, North-Brazi W, 18-20¢m b> 2000 A 523375-5 Crenicichiacardiostigma Male RIO-BRANCO - CRENICICHLA Rio Branco raz, W, 18-20cm b 20O5G A '$23380-4 Crenicichla sp. CASIQUIARE FEMALE CCASIQUIARE -CRENICICHLA Lpper-course of Orinoco, Columbia, W, 12-15¢m > 20CTHe AD 14 South America Clehllds | '$23370-4 Crenicichla cametana FEMALE TTOCANTINS-CRENICICHLA Flo Tocantins, North-East Brazil, W, 18-20cm > 2008H" Aa '$23378-4 Crenicichlacardiostigma (pterogramma?). Female PTEROGRAMMA-CRENICICHLA ‘upper course at Rio-Branco, North Brazil W, 12-15em. > ROODReA '$23375-5 Crenicichla cardiostigma FEMALE FIO-BRANCO - CRENICICHLA Flo Branco, Bazi, W, 16-18em b> R0ORGe AW CINCTA- CRENICICHLA, ‘Amazonas, eal, W, 35-40cm b R008Gr Am © ACS. Glaser GmbH '523390-5 Crenicichla compressiceps. MALE ‘COMPRESS -CRENICICHLA, Fio Tocantins, North-East-Bral, W, 7-8em b> R0OHHy A 23395-4 Crenicichla cyanonotus MALE ‘CYANO CRENICICHLA, Amazonas System, Brazil, W, 22-25em b 2000S» AD CCYCLOS -CRENICICHLA Flo Tocantins, North-East Brazil, W, 14-16em > R00TGeA $523400-5 Crenicichiacyclostoma FEMALE. CYCLOS- CRENICICHLA Rio Tocantins, Norh-East-Brazi, W, 11-13¢m. b R0OMGe AD '$23390-5 Crenicichla compressiceps FEMALE ‘COMPRESS -CRENICICHLA Rio Tocantins, North-East-Brazl, W, 56cm b R00HGe AS 523395-4 Crenicichiacyanonatus FEMALE ‘CYANO -CRENICICHLA Amazonas System, Brazil, W, 18-20cm b> R00DHe AD '$23400-5 Crenicichlacyclostoma MALE CCYCLOS -CRENICICHLA io Tocantins, North East-Brazl, W, 14-16cm bP R0OHGe AD 523415-4 Crehicichiadorsocellata, FEMALE CAMPOS CRENICICHLA Campos, East Brazil, W, 18-20em > 2008Hr Aa 15 $23425-4 Crenicichiaedthae MALE EDITH -CRENICICHLA, Pio Paraguaya, Brazil, W, 18-20em b> 20050" am ne : 523435-4 Ciencia fenata MALE TRINIDAD ~CRENICICHLA Trinidad, W, 18-20em > 2008G~ sD '$23440-4 Crenicichla frenata var, MALE FRENATA -CRENICICHLA, Columbia, W, 18-20¢m b 2009G~ An $23450-4 Crencchlageoyi MALE GGEAYI -CRENICICHLA, (rinoco-Syster, Columbia, W, 18-20em > ROOHG~ A America Cle 523425-4 Crenichi edithae FEMALE EDITH -CRENICICHLA Bio Paraguaya, Brazil, W, 14-16em b 200TH ag 523435-4 Crenicichlafrenata FEMALE TRINIDAD CRENICICHLA Trinidad, W, 13-15em b 2009Ge AD 523440-4 Crenicichlafrenata var. FEMALE FRENATA-CRENICICHLA Columbia, W, 13-15em b R0OHGe AD 523450-4 Crenicichlageayl FEMALE (GEAYI-CRENICICHLA (Orinoco-Syster, Columbia, Wy, 14-16¢m 2008Ge Ag © ACS. Glaser GmbH '$23455-4 Crenicichiac.geayl MALE BRIGHT-BLUE -CRENICICHLA Orinoco / Venezuela, W, 15-17em b> R00UG» ag BRIGHT-BLUE -CRENICICHLA (Orinoco / Venezuela, W, b 200BGr AD 'S23465-4 Crenicichlasp. GUANIAMO. FEMALE GUANIAMO -CRENICICHLA Upper Orinoco, Venezuela, W, 16-18em b 20OBD A e - '$23470-4 Crenicichla sp. GUARIQUITO. FEMALE CGUARIQUITO- CRENICICHLA Fio Guarigulto, Venezuela, W, 13-1Sem b R0O5H~ An '523455-4 Crenicichla cf. geayi FEMALE BRIGHT BLUE -CRENICICHLA Orinoco / Venezuela, W, 12-15cm > R0ORHe AD '$23465-4 Crenicichlasp. GUANIAMO. MALE GUANIAMO-CRENICICHLA ‘upper Orinaco, Venezuela, W, 18-20em b> 2009Hr aD '$23470-4 Crenicichla sp. GUARIQUITO MALE GGUARIQUITO -CRENICICHLA Rio Guariquito, Venezuela, W, 18-20cm > R0OMHr AD 523475-4 Crenicichlasp. var. GUARIQUITO. MALE. AYACUCHO ~CRENICICHLA Puerto Ayacucho, Columbia, W, 18-20em b> R000 Re AD South Americe Ciehtidst w '$23475-4 Crenicichla sp. var. GUARIQUTO AYACUCHO ~CRENICICHLA Puerto Ayacucho, Columbia, W, 13-15em b> 20070 Ag +5 Crenicichla sp. GUAYANA, FEMALE DEMERARA -CRENICICHLA Demerara-iver, Guayana, W, 13-18cm > 2008Be an tis : 523490-4 Crenicichla heckel_ FEMALE HECKEL -CRENICICHLA, Rio Trombetas, North-East Brazil, W,4-5em b> R00HHe AD '$23500-4 Crencichlasp.INIRIDA FEMALE INIRIDA| -CRENICICHLA Fic iniida, Columbia, W, 16-18CM b ROOBGe A 18. South America Cichlids | 523480-5 Crenicicha sp. GUAYANA MALE DEMERARA -CRENICICHLA Demerara River, Guayana, W, 18-20¢m b R0ODGe AD 523490-4 Crenicichla heckel, MALE HECKEL -CRENICICHLA Rio Trombetas,North-East-Srazl, W, 6-7em > 20030 Aw '523500-4 Crenicichiasp.INIRIDA| MALE INRIDA | -CRENICICHLA Rio niida, Columbia, W, 18-20¢m™ b> R00THr AD '$23505-4 Crencichla sp INIIDA Il FEMALE INIRIDAI ~CRENICICHLA Rio inifida, Columbia, W, M.14-16cm, F:12-14cmn > 200TH AD © ACS. Glaser GmbH 523510-6 Crencichia sp. INIRIDA Il *RED-SPOT” MALE '523510-6 Crenicichiasp.INRIDA Il "RED-SPOT”. FEMALE INIRIDA Il -RED-SPOT -CRENICICHLA INIRIDA Il -RED-SPOT - CRENICICHLA Rio nia, Columbia, W, 15-17em Rio ntida, Columbia, W, 13-15em 2eaG» ag > R0e%Ge AD be be '523520-4 Crenicichla sp. JABUTI MALE '523520-4 Crenicichla sp. JABUTI_ FEMALE JABUTI- CRENICICHLA, JABUTI-CRENICICHLA Rio Tapajos, Brazil, W, 16-18em Rio Tapajos, raz, W, 14-16cm > 2008a" AD > 8008G" aa '$23525-5 Crenicichla jaguarensis FEMALE. '$23530-2 Crenicichiaegui JUVENIL JAGUAR -CRENICICHLA JEGUI-CRENICICHLA Fo Parana, East-Brai, W, M20-22em, F.18-20em Pio Tocantins, North-East Bra, W, 26-28cm b ROOHGe Ag b ROOHGe A 523530-4 Crenicichiajegui_ MALE '523530-4 Crenicicha jegui FEMALE JEGUI-CRENICICHLA JEGUI-CRENICICHLA Rio Tocantins, North-East Brazil, W, 26-28em Fio Tocantins, North-East-Brazil, W, 20-22em b 2B0eDGe AT > 20055 AT South America Cichlids | 19 '$23540-4 Crencichla johanna JUVENIL NORTH-EAST-CRENICICHLA MALE _23-25em JOHANNA -CRENICICHLA Flo Tocantins, NorthEast-Bral,W, FEMALE 18-20em ‘Amazonas-Area, Brazl, W, 35-40em b> 20OTGe A b> R0OTGe Ag '523540-4 Crenicichia johanna FEMALE JOHANNA CRENICICHLA JOHANNA -CRENICICHUA ‘Amazonas-Area, Brazil, W, 35-40cm Amazonas-Area, Brazil, W, 30-35em > R0CMBy A > R00UHr AG '$23545-4 Crencichlac johanna vat. FEMALE '523560-4 Crencichla labrina MALE JOHANNAVAR:-CRENICICHLA LABRINA~CRENICICHLA Crinoco, Columbia, W, M.34-38em -+F.28-32em Fio-Tocantins-System, North East-Brazil W, 18-20em > 2005Ge Ag 523560-4 Crenicichialabrina FEMALE '523565-5 Crenicichia sp. labrina, MALE LABRINA -CRENICICHLA ‘AMAZONAS -CRENICICHLA M.18-20em Rio-Tocantins-System, Norh-East-Brazl W, 12-15em ‘down below Amazonas, NIE-Bral, W, F. 12-15em b 200NGr AD b> ROHS AD South America Ciehtlds 1 ©ACS. Glaser GmbH '$23570-2 Crenicichlalentculata JUVENIL LENTICULATA -CRENICICHLA, Fic Negro/Orinoco, N-Brazil + Columbia, W, 35-38em B s000a» 4g $23570-4 Crencclenticlata FEMALE LENTICULATA -CRENICICHLA, Fio Negro/Orinoco, N-sazil + Columbia, W, 34-36em b> B008Ge A a SS Geeicichlalepidota FEMALE LEPIDOTA-CRENICCHLAnottoo agressiv# Rio Paraguaya, ral, W, 12-14 F 8000R» aD $23580-4 Crenicichlalepidota real FEMALE REAL LEPIDOTA - CRENICICHLA down course at Rlo Guapore, NE-Bral,W,10-T2em South America Clehlids | $523570-4 Crenicichialenticulata MALE LENTICULATA - CRENICICHLA Rio NegrosOrinoco, N-razl + Columbia, W, 35-38em > R0OTGr Ag $23575-4 Crenicichalepidota MALE LEPIDOTA-CRENICICHLA not too agressiv!! Rio Paraguaya, Braz, W, V4-16em b R0OMGe Ag 523580-4 Crenicichla lepidota real MALE EAL LEPIDOTA -CRENICICHLA down course at Rio Guapore, NE-Brazil, W, 13-15em b ROOMGs AD '$23590-4 Crenicichlalucus MALE LUCIUS -CRENICICHLA upper Amazonas, Peru + W-Braal, W, 18-20em > ROOTGe AD ACS. Glaser GmbH 523590-4 Crenicichlalucius FEMALE LUCIUS -CRENICICHLA Male 18-20em ‘upper Amazonas, ecu + W-Grazl, W, Female 13-18em © 2000He Aa '523595-4 Crenicichialugubris MALE LUGU -CRENICICHLA Amazonas System Bi > 20000r As i, W, 35-38em '523596-5 Crenicicha lugubris var. MALE RED-MOUTH - CRENICICHLA, Rio Araquaya, NE-razi, W, 35-38em b R0CEOr A §$23600-2 Crenccha el ugubis“ATABAPO" JOVEN [ATABAPO -CRENICICHUA Rio Atabapo, Columbia, W, 31-35cm b R0eMGe Ag 523595-2 Crenicichialugubris JUVENIL LUGU - CRENICICHLA Amazonas System, Brazil, W, 35-38 > R00RG~ Ag 523595-4 Crencichlalugubris FEMALE LUGU- CRENICICHLA ‘Amazonas System, Brazil, W, 33-35em > 2008G" AM 5235965 Crencichla lugubri var. FEMALE RED-MOUTH.- CRENICICHLA Ri Araguaya, NIE-Braal,W, 33-35cm b R005Ge AD $23600-5 Crenicichla cf. ugubds "ATABAPO" FEMALE ADULT ATABAPO -CRENICICHLA Rio Atabapo, Columbia, W, 30-33cr © 20005 Ag South America Cichllds | ACS. Glaser GmbH CRENICICHLANOTOPHTHALMUS. FEMALE '523610-3 Crenicichia macrophthalma FEMALE MACRO - CRENICICHLA b R000 AG §23620-2 Crenicichla sp. MANAUS JUVENIL MANAUS -CRENICICHLA Rio Negro -System, North-Brai, W, b R00MGr AD '$23620-4 Crencichla sp. MANAUS. FEMALE [MANAUS -CRENICICHLA io Nagro- System, North-Braal, W, 12-1dem > R00NGe Ag '$23625-2 Crenicichia marmorata JUVENIL MALE MARBLE ~CRENICICHLA Ri Tapajos, down Amazonas-System, W, 32-38cm > 20000 ag Rio Negro, North-Brazl, W, M.23-25cm, F20-22cm 'S23615-4 Crenicichla sp. MACURU FEMALE MAICURU -CRENICICHLA M.18-20em down course at Rio Maicuru, Nf-Braz, W, F.13-15em '523620-4 Crenicichlasp. MANAUS. MALE [MANAUS -CRENICICHLA Rio Negro - System, North-Bral, W, 16-18cm b> POOTMe Aw $23625-1 Crenicichla marmorata JUVENIL MARBLE ~CRENICICHLA Ric Tapas, down Amazonas-System, W, b> R0CTHe AG '523625-2 Crenicichla marmorata JUVENIL FEMALE MARBLE - CRENICICHLA Rio Tapajos, down Amazonas System, W, 30-36em © ACS. Glaser GmbH OR AGILE ahha - “aimee '523625-4 Crenicichia marmorata MALE '$23625-4 Crencichla mermorata FEMALE MARBLE CRENICICHLA MARBLE - CRENICICHLA Rio Tapajos, down Amazonas-System, W, 32-38¢m Fo Tapajos, down Amazonas System, W, 30-36¢m b> R0CHHr Ag b> R008Ge Ag an '$23635-5 Crenicichlasp."MATO-GROSSO™ MALE [MATO-GROSSO -CRENICICHLA Mato-Grosso, Brazil, W, 18-20em b> B0OTGr ag lasp.marmorata MALE [MARMORATA - CRENICICHLA Rio Tapajos, NE-Brazil, W,M.33-35em, F30-33em '$23635-5 Crenicichla sp. "MATO-GROSSO” FEMALE 523635-5 Crenicichiasp, “WATO-GROSSO" [MATO-GROSSO -CRENICICHLA MATO-GROSSO - CRENICICHLA Mato-Grosso, Bra, W, 16-t8em Mato Grosso, Braz, W, b> 2000Ge Ag > R0CMRe AG '523640-2 Crenicichla sp. menezes} JUVENIL '$23640-5 Crencichlasp.menezesi MALE IMENEZES|-CRENICICHLA MENEZES! -CRENICICHLA Pernambuco, East Braz, W, Pemambuco, astSrazl, W, 14-16¢m > R0CRGe Ag b> ROCHE A 27 'S23640-5 Crencichla sp. menezesi FEMALE MENEZESI-CRENICICHLA Pernambuco, East- Braz, W, &-10cm b 2008S» As '$23655-3 Crenicichla sp. nothophthalmus MALE NEGRO CRENICICHLA Orinoco-System, Columbia/Venezuela, W, 12-14em b R0CUG» AD '523660-4 Crenicichia notophthalmus MALE NORTH -CRENICICHLA Flo Negro, North Baal, W, 10-12em > 20ORGe A $23663-3 Crenicichia cf. notophthalmus, MALE BIG-POINT-CRENICICHLA Braz, W, 9-11em b R0O0RGr AD South America Cichlids | 52364544 Crencichla multspinosa MALE [MULTI -CRENICICHLA, lo Maron, Fr-Guayana + Surinam, W, b R009Gr AG '523655-3 Crenicichiasp.nothophthalmus FEMALE NEGRO -CRENICICHLA Orinaco-System, ColumblaVenezuela, W, 7-9em > 206TH Ag '$23660-4 Crencichla notophthalmus. FEMALE NORTH -CRENICICHLA Rio Negro, North-Brazl, W, 7-8cm b> ROOTGe AG '523663-3 Crenicichiac.notophthalmus. FEMALE 81G-POINT-CRENICICHLA Brazil, W, 68m b> R00DBeA © ACS. Glaser GmbH Sidamerikanisches Biotop South American Biotope Oberall sind beliebte Aquariumfische ‘auch begehrte Speisefischs Everywhere popular aquarium fish are also sought-after food fish HLA PHAIOSPILUS lids 1 .CS. Glaser GmbH '523664-4 Crencichiasp.notophthalmus “UAUPES" MALE LUAUPES -CRENICICHLA, Rio Uaupes, W, 10-12cm b R0OCRGe AS (ORANGE XINGU -CRENICICHLA Beler, Bear, W, 16-18em > 800TH AD '$23680-4 Crenicichla sp. ORINOCO FEMALE -MANY-SPOT-CRENICICHLA Orinoco, Venezuela + Columbia, W,13-15em > 2000Ge Ag We 2 ee ce Et 5236754 Crenkchla ORNOCO FEMALE ORINOCO -CRENIICHLA OrinocoCaroni Venezuela, W, 7-9cm > ROCTHe AD ae i '523664-4 Crenicichla sp. notophthalmus "UAUPES" FEMALE LUAUPES -CRENICICHLA Rio Uaupes, W, 83cm b ROODBeA '$23680-4 Crenicichla -MANY-SPOT-CRENICICHLA Orinoco, Venezuela + Columbia, W, 18-20em > 200TGr ag $23675-4 Crenicichia ORINOCO MALE ‘ORINOCO CRENICICHLA ‘rinoco/Caroni, Venezuela, W, 11-13em b> R0CHHer AD '$23690-5 Crencichla sp. PACAYA MALE PACAYA-CRENICICHLA, M.18-200m Rio Pacaya, dow course at Anazonas, W, F. 15-17cm b ROCHE AD South America Clehlids | 31 $23695-4 Crenicichiapercna MALE PERCNA--CRENICICHLA, Rio Xingu, NIEBraz, W, 32-36em b R00RRe AG '$23705-4 Crenicichla sp. PERNAMBUCO. MALE. PERNAMBUCO - CRENICICHLA, Pernambuco, Brazil, W, 11-13em b R0ORHr AD '523705-5 Crenicichia sp. PERNAMBUCO PAIR PERNAMBUCO -CRENICICHLA Pemambuco, Brazil, W, © 20CHH* AD '$23710-2 Crericichla phalosplus.JUVENIL SPILUS -CRENICICHLA, Fio Xingu, NE-Brai, W, b 20eTG» Am 32 South Americo Clehilds | '523695-4 Crenicichlapercna FEMALE PERCNA -CRENICICHLA Rio Xingu, NEBrazl, W, 30-34em b R00DGr AG '$23705-4 Crenicichla sp. PERNAMBUCO FEMALE PERNAMBUCO - CRENICICHLA, Pernambuco, Brazil, W, 6-8em 0090" Aa PR $23710-1 Crenicichla phaiospilus Juvenl SPILUS-CRENICICHLA Rio Xingu, NIE-Brazi, W, aba $23710-3 Crenicichla phalospilus. e 20038r am © ACS. Glaser GmbH '$23715-4 Creniichlasp.PINDARE PINDARE- CRENICICHLA MALE 18-20em Bio Pindare, raz, W, FEMALE 14-16¢m b 200NG~ Ag '523720-4 Crenicichla proteus FEMALE PERU-CRENICICHLA, Rio Ucayali-System, Peru, W, 12-V4cm b R0OTG» Ag '$23725-4 Crenicichla punctata. FEMALE PUNCTATA~CRENICICHLA Rio dos Sinos, South-East Brazil 18-20em b R007Gr Ag $23735-4 Crenicicha sp. "RED BELLY" RED-BELLY -CRENICICHLA, Brazil, W, Male 18-20cm + Femal 14-16em b 20eCHHe AT '$23720-4 Crencichla proteus MALE PERU ~CRENICICHLA Rio Ucayall-System, Peru, W, 16-18-m b R00MGr AD '$23725-4 Creniichla punctata, MALE PUNCTATA- CRENICICHLA Rio dos Sinos, South-Fast Brazil 22-25¢m b ROOTHer Aa . ree $23735-4 Crenicicla sp. ‘RED BELLY" RED-BELLY -CRENICICHLA, Brazil, W, Male 18-20em + Female 14-16em b> ROCHH» AD 35-5 Crencichla sp."RED-BELLY" RED-BELLY -CRENICICHLA Brazil, W, Male 18-20cm + Fema 14-16cm > 200GGe Aaa 33 South America Cichlid CCRENICICHLA REGANI “RIO NEGRO” Crenicichia regan “#10 das MORTES! 34 South America Clchttds | ©ACS.Glaser GmbH '$23737-4 Crencichla regan “das MORTES' [MORTES - CRENICICHLA, ‘Araguaia, Brazil, W, Male 13m -+ FEMALE Sem > 80055» Ag (GUAMA-CRENICICHLA North-East-Brail, W, Male 13cm + Female Sem > 8000 Hr Aw '523739-3 Crenicichla regan "RIO-ACARA AACARA -CRENICICHLA, North-East Brazil, W, Male 13cm + Female 8em b 2000 He AD $523740-4 Crenicichia regan REGAN -CRENICICHLA Rio Capar, Tapajos, W, Male 13cm + Female Sem > ROOHie AS '$23737-4 Crenicichla regani "¢as MORTES" [MORTES - CRENICICHLA, Araguala, Braz, W, Male 13cm + FEMALE dem b R0O8Or AS eee 5237364 Crna regan NO-GUAMA uns CENCICHLA North as re Male Sem + Female b> R000De AB $23739-3 Crenicichia regan "RIO-ACARA’ |ACARA -CRENICICHLA, North-East-Bral, W, Male 13cm + Female scm b R000H» AD 523740-4 Crenicichia regan REGAN -CRENICICHLA Rio Capar, Tapajos,W, Male 13em + Female Sem b> R000H As South America Cichlids t 35 523747-4 Crenicichla regan "RIO-NEGRO™ RIO-NEGRO - CRENICICHLA North-Brazi Tapajos, W, Male 3cm+ Female Sm © 20000 AB 523742-3 Crenicichiareganl "TEFE” TEFE- CRENICICHLA lest Brazil, Tapajos, W, Male 13cm + Female Scm > 20000r As '$23743-4 Crenicichlaregani "TROMBETAS® THOMBETAS -CRENICICHLA North-Sraail, W, Male 13cm + Female 8em > R0OTG~ Aw '$23744-4 Crencichlaregani “GUAPORE (GUAPORE- CRENICICHLA West Braz, W, Male 13¢m + Female Sem b> R0OTGe Aw 36 South America Ciehtids | 523741-4 Crenicichiaregani “RIO-NEGRO™ RIO-NEGRO - CRENICICHLA North-Baail, Tapajos, W, Male 13cm -+Female Sem > 20000 AB '523742-3 Crenicichlareganl "TEFE" TTEFE-CRENICICHLA, West Brazil Tapajos, W, Male 13em + Female Sem > 20000" As '523743-4 Crenicichlaregani "TROMBETAS' TROMBETAS -CRENICICHLA North-Brazi, W, Male 13cm + Female Sem bP R0O8Ge Am > : ey MEE, x: 5237444 Cena eget "GUAPORE GsunPORe CRENIGCHA esta W, Male sem + Female em bP ROOMGe AS © ACS. Glaser GmbH '$23745-4 Crenicichlaregani “TAPAJOS" TAPAIOS -CRENICICHLA, Brazil, W, Male 13cm + Female 9em b 2000G~ Ag p< '523748-4 Crenicichla sp.regani_ MALE BLACK-LINE -CRENICICHLA Rio Xingu, N/E-Brazi, W, 88cm b R0OTE~ Ag '$23750-4 Crenicichla retulata. MALE RETICULATA- CRENICICHLA ‘Amazonas System, Baal, W, 22-25em b ROOMEr AG '$23785-4 Crenicichla sp. FIO-BRANCO FEMALE RIO-BRANCO -CRENICICHLA Ric Branco, Brazil, W, ML10-12em + F.8-9em b> ROOHEe AS 523745-4 Crenicichla regani "TAPAJOS TTAPAJOS -CRENICICHLA Bai, W, Male 13cm + Female Som b R00MGe AS 523748-4 Crenicichla sp. regan FEMALE BLACK-LINE -CRENICICHLA, Rio Xingu, NIE-Brazil, W, 56em b R00REr AS $23750-4 Crenicichia reticulata FEMALE RETICULATA - CRENICICHLA Amazonas System, Brazil, W, 18-20em b> ROCmH» AG '523760-4 Crenicichla saatils "SURINAM" MALE SSAXA-SURINAM - CRENICICHLA Guayanay/Surinam, W, 18-20cm > 200 Ag South America Cichlids 1 37 523760-4 Crenicichla savatiis SURINAM" FEMALE 523758-4 Crenicichla saxatlls, MALE SRQA-SURINAM - CRENICICHLA SAKA CRENICICHLA ‘Guayana/Surinam, W, 13-15cm Fr-Guayana, W, 18-20em b R0OMGe AD b R00MRe Ag cast a car $23756-4 Creniccha savas FEMALE 5237652 Crenkicha ch saxatls JUVENIL SSRKA-CRENICCHA PEARL-CRENICICHLA Fr-Guayana, W, 15-18em Trniges, W, b R00RBr AG b ROOM» A 4 1 '523765-4 Crenicchlac.savatlis MALE $23765-4 Crenicichla ct saxatils FEMALE PEARL -CRENICICHLA PEARL -CRENICICHLA Tinidad, W, 18-20em Trinidad, W, 16-18cm & 2008Hr AD b 2009Gr Ag Reseed 4 Crenicichlasp.saxatiis FEMALE '$23775-4 Cronicichlasp.saxatils, MALE BIGPOINT- CRENICICHLA BIG-POINT-CRENICICHLA Belem, N/E-Brazil, W, 18-20em Belem, NE-Brazl, W, 13-15em b 200TH A b ROOMHe Ag South America Cichlids | © ACS. Glaser GmbH 523780-4 Crenicichiasemifascata, MALE '523780-4 Crenichiasemifasciata FEMALE SEMI-CRENICICHLA SEMI-CRENICICHLA Rio Paraguaye, Paraguay, W, 22-25em Rio Paraguaya, Paraguay, W, 18-20em b> R0CT BA SINOP -CRENICICHLA SINOP -CRENICICHLA Mato-Grosso, Brazil, W, 18-20em Mato-Grosso, Brazil, W, 16-18em > 2065Hr ag > R0O5H~ Ag Oe eS '$23790-4 Crenici '523790-4 Crenicichla stocki_ FEMALE STOCK'- CRENICICHLA STOCKI-CRENICICHLA io Tocantins, NE-Brazl, W, 22-25cm, io Tocantins, N/EBrazl, W, 18-20cm b BOOMH~ A b 20e0Ge Aw '523795-4 Crencichla strigate. FEMALE STRIGATA-CRENICICHLA M35-38¢m + F30-35em Rio Tapajos, Tocantins, Guama, N/E-BraziW, b> ROOTGr A '$23795-2 Crenicichl svigata. JUVENIL STRIGATA~CRENICICHUA Pio Tapajos, Tocantins, Guama, NE-Brazil W, > R0OGGKA South America Cichlids 1 © ACS. Glaser GmbH '528800-2 Crenicichasp. SURINAN JUVENIL SURINAM - CRENICICHLA, Surinam, W, Male 22-25em + Female 18:20em b ROOMGm A '523805-4 Crenicichla sven, MALE META CRENICICHLA Bio-Meta-System, Columbia, W, 18-20em b R000G AD $23810-2 Cenicihla cf svent MALE GGAITAN- CRENICICHLA Gaitan (Meta), Columbia, W, 18-20em b ROCHGe AD 523810-5 Crenicichlacf.sveni PAIR GGAITAN - CRENICICHLA Gaitan (Meta), Columbia, W, b ROOTS» AG '523800-3 Crenicichinsp. SURINAM MALE SURINAM - CRENICICHLA, Surinam, W, Mele 22-25em + Female 18-20cm > 2000GeA 523805-4 Crenicichlasveni FEMALE META-CRENICICHLA RiorMeta-System, Columbia, W, 13-15em b 2008 AD $23810-3 Crenccha ct. sven FEMALE GAITAN-CRENICICHLA Gaitan (Meta), Columbia, W, 16-18-m © 2060 H* Ag '523820-4 Crenicichla sp. TAPAJOS| FEMALE TTAPAJOS I~ CRENICICHLA Rio Tapajos, W, Male 33.3Sem + Female 28-30em > R0OBG A South America Clehtids | av CRENICICHLA SP.XINGU | FEMALE '$23825-2 Crencichla sp. TAPAJOS JUVENIL TTAPAIOS-CRENICICHLA Flo Tapajos, W, Male 33-35cm + Female 26-30¢m b> 20090" Ag 523835-2 Crenicicha trina. JUVENIL TIGRINA-CRENICICHUA Male 32-35em, Rio Trombetas, NE-Braz W, Female 30:33¢m > R0CTRe AG $23845-5 Crenicichla urosama_ FEMALE UROSENA -CRENICICHLA, Ri Tapas, NE-Brazil,W, 6-Bcm b 20088» Ag LURUBAXI-CRENICICHLA, Male ‘Amazonas Brazil, W, Female 15-17em b 20C8G»* Ag '523830-4 Crenicichla tere) MALE TERNETZI-CRENICICHLA Male 28-32em Oyapockc fiver Fr-Guayana,,W, Female 25-28em > R0CEG~ Aa $23845-5 Crenicichla urosema. Male LUROSEMA -CRENICICHLA Rio Tapajos, NE-Brazl, W, 8-10em b> 200K He aD ae es '523850-2 Crenicicha sp, URUBAX! JUVENIL URUBAX!-CRENICICHLA Male 18-20cm Amazonas, Brazil, W, Female 15-17em b> 200m AD '523860-2 Crenicicha sp. VENEZUELA (befor strigata) JUVENIL \VENEZUELA- CRENICICHLA Orinoco-System, Columbia + Venezuela > Roemer Aa South America Cichlids 1 43 '523860-3 Creniichia sp, VENEZUELA (befor stigata) PAIR VENEZUELA CRENICICHLA up: Male + down: Female Orinoco-System, Columbia + Venezuela b R0CMRe A '523863-4 Crenicichiasp. VENEZUELA PAIR JUMBO - CRENICICHLA Male 35-40cm Orinoco-Caroni, Venezuela, W, Female 33:38m b B00 Re ag 'S23865-2 Crenicicha sp. VENEZUELA -2wera/awart JUVENIL DWARF -CRENICICHLA Venezuela, W, Male 15-18m + Female 1416em b R000Hr Aa 523863-2 Crenicichia sp. VENEZUELA. JUVENIL JUMBO - CRENICICHLA Male 35-40em Orinoco-Caroni, Venezuela, W, Female 33-38m b R0OMGr AD '523865-1 Creniihlasp VENEZUELA 2werg/dwar?JUVENIL DDWARE - CRENICICHLA Venezuela, W, Male 15-18em + Female 14-16em b ROCHGr AD 23865-3 Crenicichasp. VENEZUELA. zwerg/dwart) PAIR DWARF - CRENICICHLA Venezuela, W, Male 15-18em + Female 14-16em b> ROCHE» AD $23870-2 Crenicicha viata FEMALE-JUVENIL VITTATA -CRENICICHLA, Male 30-34cm Paraguay-Area, Rio Paraguaya, W, Female 26-30cm b R00RH» AG AA. South America Cichlids | 23870-3 Crenicichla viata MALE VITTATA- CRENICICHLA Male 30-34em Paraguay-Area, Rio Paraguaye,W, Female 26-30cm bP ROOHGe AD ACS. Glaser GmbH 15238704 Crenicichl vittta FEMALE VITTATA-CRENICICHLA, Male 30-34em Paraguay-Area, Rio Paraguaya, W, Female 26-30cm '523880-4 Crencichla wala) FEMALE WALLACII-CRENICICHLA Rio Branco, North- Baz W, Sem > R00DGe Ag '523895-2 Crencichla sp. XINGU| JUVENIL XINGU| ~CRENICICHLA Bio Xingu, N/-Brail, W, 35-38em b> BOOTH A '$23895-4 Crencichlasp. XINGU FEMALE XINGU ~CRENICICHLA Rio Xingu, N/-Brazi, W, 30-32cm > 2000G~ AG '523880-4 Crenicichla wallacl () MALE WALLACI|-CRENICICHLA Flo Branco, North-BrazW, 11-12¢m b> R000 AB $23885-4 Crenicicha cf. wallaci(?) MALE AYACUCHO-CRENICICHLA Male 12-14em Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela,W, Female 10-12¢m b R000Gr AD '$23895-4 Creniichlasp. XINGUI MALE XINGU! ~CRENICICHLA Rio Xingu, N/E-Brazl, W, 35-38em > R0OMEe AD 523900-2 Crenicichla sp. XINGUI JUVENIL XINGU II ~CRENICICHLA Rio Xingu, NE-Brai b R000Re Aa South Americe Clehlide | 45 '523900-4 Crenicicnlasp. XINGUI MALE XINGU II ~CRENICICHLA Rio Xingu, NE-Brazl, W, 34-36cm b R000 Hr AG XINGU Il ~CRENICICHLA Rio Xingu, NE-Brai, W, M34-36em + 32-34em b> R0OMDr A R0CTReA Apistogramma agassiil RED-TAIL Der, und alle anderen demnichst all other coming soon in “SOUTHAMERICAN ~CICHLDS I" 46 '523900-4 Crenicichla sp. XINGU Il FEMALE XINGU I ~CRENICICHLA Flo Xingu, NE-Brazl, W, 32-34em > 200TH AG '$23905-4 Crenicichlasp. XINGU II FEMALE XINGU Il ~CRENICICHLA Fo Xingu, NE-Bral, W, M34-36em-+F32-34em b> ROODHe A '$23910-3 Crencichlasp. XINGU-ORANGE ORANGE -CRENICICHLA Blo Xingu, NEBr, b ROOBGm A 1M.30-33cm +F.28-30em Apistogramma hongslo Der, und alle anderen demnichst/allother coming soon, in “SOUTHAMERICAN ~CICHLIDS I" @ACS. Glaser GmbH Geophagus sp. ALTAMIRA. $32110-3 Geophagus alions ALTAMIRA- GEOPHAGUS ALTIFRONS - GEOPHAGUS Xingu, razl, W, 23-25em Brazil, W, 22-24¢m b> R00TR+ AD b ROOD» AD 532115-4 Geophagus sp.altfrons "RIO-NEGRO' 532115-4 Geophagus sp. altfrons “RIO - NEGRO" RIO-NEGRO ALTIFRONS RlO-NEGRO - ALTIFRONS Flo Negro, Brazil, W, 23-2Scm Rio Negro, Beal, W, 23-25em b R0OSG* AD b 2000G AD 532120-3 Geophagus alfrons “TAPAJOS" '532125-3 Geophagusaltifrons "XINGU TAPAJOS - ALTIFRONS, XINGU -ALTIFRONS Rio Tapajos, Brazil, W, 23-25em Rio Xingu, Brazil, W, 23-25em > 200504 Ag > R00TG* Ag 532130-3 Geophagus i. altfrons '$32135-3 Geophagus sp. ARAGUAIA ALTIERONS -GEOPHAGUS |ARAGUAIA-GEOPGAGUS Rio Trombetas,NIE-Brazl, W, 23-25em Braz, W, 20-22¢m > R0CTG* AD b ROOTD* AG South America Cichlids t © ACCS. Glaser GmbH '$32140-3 Geophagus sp. AREOES [AREOES - GEOPHAGUS Brazil Araguaia, Tocantins, W, 15-17em b> 200O0De om eS 532143-2 Geophagus sp. AREOES-2-SPOT Juvenil ‘TWO-SPOT- GEOPHAGUS Brazil Araguaia, Tocantins, W, 15-17em b ROOTD* og 532145-2 Geophagus argyrostictus JUVENIL ABGY -GEOPHAGUS Xingu, Brazil, W, 18-200 b> R00MGr AD 532145-4 Geophagus argyrostictus PAIR with Eggs |ARGY -GEOPHAGUS Xingu Brazil, W, 18-20cm, > 200K H AD $32140-4 Geophagus sp. AREOES PAIR ‘AREOES - GEOPHAGUS Brazil, Araguaia, Tocantins, W, 15-17em b R00nO* om Re 532143-2 Geophagus sp. AREOES-2SPOT ‘TWO-SPOT- GEOPHAGUS Braz, Araguaia, Tocantins, W, 15-17em b R00 on 532145-4 Geophagus argyrostictus MALE ADULT |ARGY-GEOPHAGUS Xingu, Brazil, W, 18-20 b> R00Rar A '$32150-2 Geophagus australis [ARGENTINA - GEOPHAGUS Argentina, W, 16-18em b> 2005005 South america Clehlids | 49 ©A.CS. Glaser GmbH $32160-4 Goophagus basliensis MALE BRAZIL -GEOPHAGUS South-Brail, W, 27-30cm > R0OTG» om '$32160-4 Geophagus brasiliensis PAIR BRAZIL - GEOPHAGUS South-Bradil, W, 27-30em > 200TR» og Geophagus brasiliensis “form AT BRAZILA-GEOPHAGUS Brazil, W, 25-28em b R0OME on a $32170-4 Geophagus brasiliensis “form 8" BRAZILB -GEOPHAGUS Braz, W, 23-26em & 20000» om oes Seer ‘Geophagus brasiliensis FEN BRAZIL -GEOPHAGUS South-Brall, W, 27-30cm © 200TO» om '$32165-4 Geophagus brasliensis "form A" BRAZIL A-GEOPHAGUS Brad, W, 25-28m > 200HG Aon “form B scophagus brasiliensis BRAZIL -GEOPHAGUS Basil, W, 23-26em b R0OHE on $32175-3 Geophagus spc. brasiliensis JUVENIL BAHIA GEOPHAGUS Bahia, East Braz, W, 22-25cm © 20000 on South America Clehllds 1 51 5-5 Geophague sp. CAQUETA '$32190-3 Geophagus sp. CARON CAQUETA- GEOPHAGUS ‘CARON! - GEOPHAGUS Rio Caqueta, Columbia, W, 18-20em Orinoco, Venezuela, W, 22-25em b> 200TH AD > 2008G ag 532190-4 Geophagus sp. CARON! '532195-2 Geophagus casslabris JUVENIL ‘CARON! - GEOPHAGUS PANAMA -GEOPHAGUS Orinoco, Venezuela, W, 22-25em Panama /Columbia, W, 21-28cm bP R00TO* AT & R000G* AD '$32195-4 Geophagus crasslabris MALE '$32195-4 Geophagus crasslabris FEMALE with Babies! PANAMA-GEOPHAGUS PANAMA - GEOPHAGUS Panama /Columbia, W, 21-23em Panama /Columbia, W, 21-23em b R0OTD* Ag b 20050 Ag '532200-3 Geophagus sp. CURUA '$32210-3 Geophagus grammepareius ‘CURUA-GEOPHAGUS CARONI- GEOPHAGUS Rio Curua, NE-Brazil, W, 25-28em CaroniVenezuela, W, 13-15cm b> 2000a AD > R0CTH» on 52. South america ich 1 © ACS. Glaser GmbH '$32225-4 Geophagus hondae-steindachner| HUMPHEAD -GEOPHAGUS Columbia, W, 18-22¢m > 200TR~ on MARABA - GEOPHAGUS Tocantins, trail, W, 20-25em > 200TR* Aa '532260-3 Geophagus sp. MITU IMITU- GEOPHAGUS Rio Vaupes, Columbia, W, 23-25¢m 200TH AG 532275-4 Geophagus pellegini CHOCO -GEOPHAGUS Choco, West-Columbia, W, 18-20em > 200TG~ oo '$32235-4 Geophagus sp. INIRIDA. INRIDA-GEOPHAGUS Orinoco, Venezuela / Columbia, W, 23-25em onD~ An '532250-3 Geophagus sp. MARABA (ct. alifrons) MARABA- GEOPHAGUS “Tocantins, Brazil, W, 20-25m b R0OTD* AD '$32260-3 Geophagus sp. MITU MITU-GEOPHAGUS Rio Vaupes, Columbia, W, 23-25m b ROOTG+ AD '$32275-4 Geophagus pellearini CHOCO - GEOPHAGUS Choco, West Columbia, W, 18-20em b R00TR* on South America Cichlids t 53 GEOPHAGUS PROXIMUS, 1. Corydoras maculifer 2. Corydoras sp. axelrodi- decker! Diese und alle anderen demndichst in These and all other coming soon in A eke og “all- corydoras” 35 fears 532280-4 Geophagus sp. PINDARE '532285-2 Geophagus proximus JUVENIL PINDARE GEOPHAGUS [AMAZONAS - GEOPHAGUS Pindaiba-Are, Braz, W, 15-17em ‘Amazonas /Santarem, W, 18-20cm > 2000a» om > 2000R~ Ag '$32285-4 Geophagus proximus |AMAZONAS - GEOPHAGUS AMAZONAS- GEOPHAGUS, ‘Amazonas /Santacer, W, 18-20cm ‘Amazonas /Santacer, W, 18-20em > 2005G AD b ROOD A '$32285-4 Geophagus proximus PAIR '$32295-2 Geophagus sp. "RED-PERU’ JUVENIL [AMAZONAS- GEOPHAGUS RED-PERU- GEOPHAGUS ‘Amazonas /Santarern, W, 18-20cm Peru, W, 18-20cm b> 20000 Aa bP R0OGR on '582295-4 Geophagus sp. RED-PERU’ ADULT RED.PERU- GEOPHAGUS Peru, W, 18-20¢m b 20000» on '$32305-3 Geophagus sp. RIO -MOWU RIO-MOJU - GEOPHAGUS Fio Moju, W, 14-16em b R0OTRe Om 56 South Ameria Cichlids | @A.CS.Glaser GmbH '532310-4 Geophagus sp. IO-NEGRO I RIO-NEGROIl - GEOPHAGUS. Rio Negro-System, North-Brazl, W, 18-20cm > R0OTR oo '532320-4 Geophagus steindachneri(G.hondze) COLUMBIA-GEOPGHAGUS FEMALE with Babies Columbia, W, 20-23cm b> 2000R on SURINAM -GEOPHAGUS Surinam, W, 18-20em > 2R00TR* on '$32330-4 Geophagus surinamensis SURINAM -GEOPHAGUS. Surinam, W, 18-20cm b ROOTS» om $32320-4 Geophagus steindachneri(G hondse) MALE COLUMBIA -GEOPGHAGUS Columbia, W, 20-23em b ROOTS» on '582320-5 Geophagus steindachneri(G.hondae) COLUMBIA-GEOPGHAGUS GRANDFATHER. Columbia, W, 20-23em b R00DO on '$32330-3 Geophagus surinamensis SURINAM - GEOPHAGUS Surinam, W, 18-20cm > R0OTGe oo 532345-4 Geophagus cf.surinamensis ‘ovophi SURINAM -GEOPHAGUS nimmt die Eierins Maul zum Ausbréten | CGuayana)W,18-20cmit take the Eggs into the Mouth for breeding! © 20050 on 57 South America Cichlids t Pee “ie on '$32345-4 Geophagus cf.surinamensis “ovophi" SURINAM -GEOPHAGUS imme dle Elerins Maul zum Ausbriten ! ‘Guayana}W,18-20emit take the Eggs into the Mouth for breeding ! b RIOR oOo '532335-4 Geophagus sp. surinamensis “larvophit™ SURINAM - GEOPHAGUS nimmt nur die Larven ins Maul bel Gefaht ‘GuayanaW,15-17em, ttake only the lars into the Mouth for cate! bP R00ODGre on '$32360-4 Geophagus taeniopareius VENEZUELA -GEOPHAGUS Orinoco, Venezuela, W, 13-15cm b B00HGe oD '$32365-4 Geophagus sp. TAPAIOS | RED-CHEEK-GEOPHAGUS Tapajos, Brazil, W, 15-176m b> 200TGs on "RED- CHEEK" 58 South America Cichlids 1 '$32335-4 Geophagus sp.surinamensis“larvophi™ SURINAM -GEOPHAGUS nimme nur dle Larven ins Maul bei Gefahe! {Guayana,W,15-17em, it take only the lars into the Mouth for cate > 2000Gr+ on '$32345-5 Geophagus sp.surinam. ‘ovophil" FEMALE with Babies! SURINAM GEOPHAGUS. nimi dle Berns Maul zum Ausbrdten GuayanaW.18-20cmit take the Eggs into the Mouth for breeding! b ROOSRe on '$32360-4 Geophagus taenioparcius PAIR \VENEZUELA- GEOPHAGUS, Orinoco, Venezuela, W, 13+15cm b R0ODGe on “RED - CHEEK PAR ED:CHEEK- GEOPHAGUS Tapajos Braz, W, 15-17em b R00DO» og AS. Glaser GmbH GEOPHAGUS SP. SURINAMENS'S (GEOPHAGUS SP. SURINAMENSIS 59 $32370-4 Geophagus sp, TAPAJOS I TTAPAJOS II -GEOPHAGUS Tapajos, Braz, W, 15-17cm > R00TG» on '$32385-4 Geophagus sp. VENEZUELA VENEZUELA -GEOPHAGUS Venezuela, W, 22-25em bRIOTG« oD 5340004. Gulanacara sp, CARON CCARON- GUIANACARA Caroni, Venezuela, W, 13-15cm b> 2000G~ om $24025-3 Guianacara ct owroewell ‘SHOCO -GUIANACARA Surinam, W, 12-14em b R00HGe og 60, South America Cichlids t '532375-4 Geophagus sp. TROMBETAS. ‘TROMBETAS - GEOPHAGUS Rio Trombetas, N/E-Brazl, W, 18-20cm b 2005G~ og 5340004 Guianacara sp. CARON! ‘CARON -GUIANACARA, Caron, Venezuela, W, b> R00TRe on '$34020-3 Guianacara owroewefi BBLUE-GUIANACARA Guayana, W, 13-15cm > R0OSGe on $34025-3 Gulanacara cf. owroewell SHOCO- GUIANACARA Surinam, W, 12-14em b 2000Rr om © ACS. Glaser GmbH 34035-4 Guianacara sp. “RED - CHEEK’ ADULT RED-CHEEK -GUIANACARA, FroGuayana, W, 13-15em b 2000Rr om '$34035-4 Guianacara sp. “RED-CHEEK" ADULT/PAIR RED-CHEEK- GUIANACARA, FroGuayana, W, 13-15cm b 200GTr og 534205-4 Gymnogeophagus sp. “BAHIA- RED" BAHIA-GEOPHAGUS South Brazil, W, 18-22em b R00DSe on PAIR with Eggs '$34210-2 Gymnogeophagus balzanl_ JUVENIL BALZANI-CICHLID Paraguay / Argentina, W, 15-17em b 200HD* on '$34035-4 Guianacara sp. "RED-CHEEK’ ADULT RED-CHEEX.- GUIANACARA FreGuayana, W, 13-15cm b> 2000R» om ai es '$34205-4 Gymnogeophagus sp. “BAHIA-RED" FEMALE BAHIA -GEOPHAGUS South Brazil, W, 18-22em b RIOD on BAHIA GEOPHAGUS South Grail, W, 18-22em b 200MR on PAIR with Babies! BALZANI-CICHUD Paraguay / Argentina, W, 15-17cm b R0ORG» on South America Clehllds | 61 BALZANI-CICHLID Paraguay / Argentina, W, 15-17em b ROTO OD '$34215-4 Gymnogeophagus sp. BRAZIL Male BRAZIL |-GEOPHAGUS South-Brazi, W, 13-1Scm b RIOT o5 '$34230-3 Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys MALE REDFIN- GEOPHAGUS South «Brazil, W, 16:18cm 200K AD '$34230-5 Gymnogeophagus aymnogenys REDFIN- GEOPHAGUS South Braz, W, 16=18em > 2008 AD 62 South America Cichlids | '$34210-4 Gymnogeophagus balzani_ FEMALE with Babies! ie , Me: Rn 534210-5 Gymnogeophagus balzani_ ADULT- MALE BALZANI-CICHUD Paraguay / Argentina, W, 15-17om b R00TS* om '$34220-3 Gymnogeophagus sp. BRAZILII ‘BRAZIL I-GEOPHAGUS South Brazil, W, 10cm bR00TE os '$34230-3 Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys. FEMALE REDFIN- GEOPHAGUS South Bazi, W, 16-18em > 200Rd™ AD '$34240-3 Gymnogeophaguslabiatus MALE LABIATUS- GEOPHAGUS South -Brazl, W, 16-18, b R00DO* on © ACS. Glaser GmbH '$34240-3 Gymnogeophagus abiatus FEMALE LABIATUS- GEOPHHAGUS South Braz, W, 16-18em bP RIOT G~ o0 24245-4 Gymnogeophagus sp. labiatus PAR ROUNDHEAD - GEOPHAGUS South Brazil, W, 16-18cm b BOOT» on '$34255-3 Gymnogeophagus meriionalis -MERIDIO- GEOPHAGUS South Braz, W, 13-15em b B0ODGe oD '$34255-4 Gymnogeaphagus merdionalis PAIR MERIDIO - GEOPHAGUS bei der Brutpfege! South Bran, W, 13-15em by breeding care! > 2000He on 534245-4 Gymnogeophagus sp. labiatus MALE ROUNDHEAD - GEOPHAGUS South-Brazl, W, 16-18m b200TG oD '$34255-2 Gymnogeophagus meriionalis JUVENIL [MERIDIO - GEOPHAGUS South Braz, W, 13-15em > RIOTGe oD '$34255-4 Gymnogeophagus meridionalis MERIDIO -GEOPHAGUS South- Brazil, W, 13-15em Pb 200gge om '534265-4 Gymnogeophagus thabdotus RHABDOTUS - GEOPHAGUS Brazil, W, 14-16em b R008G on South America Clehlids 1 63 VINOGEOPHAGUSBALZANI MALE Cichlids 1 © ACS. Glaser GmbH ae ae al Beever perry? $34275-3 Gymnogeophagus setequedas MALE $34275-3 Gymnogcophagus setequedas FEMALE (QUEDAS- GEOPHAGUS ‘QUEDAS- GEOPHAGUS South-Brazl, W, 12-13¢m, South Grail, W, 12-13em b R00TG* on b 200TG* on BSc! ay aE ES $78205-3 Revoclslopie 5782053 Reuoculusapafe. PAR NARBLE-RETROCULUS MARBLE-RETROCULUS Tocantins Agua Brac, W, 23-25 Tocantins Aragunia Bra W, 2325em > R003 aa > 20000" AD '$78205-4 Retroculus lapicifer 1S78215-2 Retroculus xinguensis JUVENIL MARBLE -RETROCULUS, XINGU - RETROCULUS Tocantins Araquia, Bra, W, 23-25cm Xingu, Brazil, W, 23-25em > R00MHr AD b R0OMGe AD $78215-4 Retroculusxinguensis S78215-4 XINGU -RETROCULUS XINGU -RETROCULUS Xingu, Bazil, W, 23-25em Xingu, Brazil, W, 23-25em, b R00HD» Aa > R008 Ag South America Clehlids | © ACS. Glaser GmbH $$85305-2 Satanoperea acuticeps JUVENIL FOURSPOT - GEOPHAGUS Santarem, Amazonas, W, 23-25em '$85315-4 Satanoperca sp. COLUMBIA, COLUMBIA SATANOPERCA Fio Vaupes, Columbia, W, 23-25¢m b ROOD» ome es veckfarbung fright -color '585325-4 Satanoperca daemon Sch ‘THREE SPOT - GEOPHAGUS Orinoco-Area, W, 23-25em b 2000Ge on '$85335-4 Satanoperca sp. FRENCH-GUAYANA, FRENCH-GUAYANA -SATANOPERCA Fr-Guayana, Ciique St. Anne, W, 24-26em b> ROOT o '585305-3 Satanoperca acuticeps FOURSPOT -GEOPHAGUS Santarem, Amazonas, W, 23-25cm b R00DGr on '$85325-4 Satanoperca daemon THREE SPOT - GEOPHAGUS Orinaco-Area, W, 23-25em b R00BGr on '585325-4 Satanoperca daemon ‘Aggressions-Farbung ‘THREE -SPOT - GEOPHAGUS aggressive color Orinoco-Ares, W, 23-25em b 2009Gr oo $$85350-2 Satanopercajuruparl EARTH EATER Santarem, Brazil, W, 22-25cm > R00TO on 67 South America Clehllds | $85350-3 Satanopercajurupari EARTH -EATER Santarem, Brazil, W, 22-25cm b ROOT on '$85355-2 Satanoperea sp, jurupar EARTH -EATER gefengen an der Grenze von W,20:22cm —keeped itt border Fr.Guay:+Surinam > 200DR og 585365-4 Satanopercaleucostita CCUYUNI-SATANOPERCA, Cuyuari, Venezuela, W, 23-25em b ROOTS on i $585365-4 Satanoperca sp. leucosticta META SATANOPERCA Rio Meta, Columbia, W, 23-25em b R000G* om South America Clehlids 1 $585350-4 Setanopercajurupari EARTH -EATER Santarem, Brazil, W, 22-25cm b 200M on '$85355-4 Satanoperca sp. jurupar EARTH.-EATER _gefengen an der Grenze von W,20-22cm —_keeped it atborderFr.Guay.+Surinam > ROHR on $85365-5 Satanoperca leucosticta ‘CUYUNI- SATANOPERCA, CCuyuari, Venezuela, W, 23-25em b R0OHO om '$85365-4 Satanoperca sp.leucostcta Pair META SATANOPERCA Rio Meta, Columbia, W, 23-25em > 200TH» on ©A.CS. Glaser GmbH 1. Hier ist ihre Heimat, fotografiert wahrend derTrockenzeit. In der Regenzeit ist der Wasserstand 1-2 mhdher. Thisis its native environment, phot During the rain 2. In grofen Frellandanlagen, wie hier in Bez den Export geztichtet. They are bred for export in larg America Cichlids | $85370-4 Satanoperca cf. leucosticta PEARL - SATANOPERCA Brazil (2) unbekannte Herkunft/ unknown place 20cm > R00DG on '585375-3 Satanopercaliith ONE-SPOT-GEOPHAGUS Fo Negro, Brazil, W, 23-25cm b 200RGe ODF $85385-4 Satanoperca mapirtensis ‘ORINOCO SATANOPERCA Orinoco, Venezuela, W, 23-25¢m b R00Ta oD '$85395-4 Satanoperca pappaterra PANTANAL -SATANOPERCA Pantanal, raz, W, 18-20em b> 200TGe og '585370-4 Satanoperca cf. eucosticta PEARL SATANOPERCA Brazil (2) unbekannte Herkunft/ unknown place 20em > R00TR on Satanopercalilith Schreckférbung /fight-olor ONE-SPOT- GEOPHAGUS Fio Negro, Brazil, W, 23-25em b R0OSGr oo '$85385-4 Setanoperca mapiritensis ‘ORINOCO SATANOPERCA. Orinoco, Venezuela, W, 23-25em b> R000 Oo '$85395-4 Satanoperca pappatera—PAIR PANTANAL- SATANOPERCA Pantanal Brazil, W, 18-20cm Nachtferbung color at the night b ROOMS» om South Americo Clehidst n 'S85405-3 Satanoperca sp, "REDLPY REDUP-SATANOPERCA Fr-Guayana, W, 18-20em > 200DG~ on REDLIP- SATANOPERCA Fe-Guayana, W, 18-20cm > 200MG» om '$85405-5 Satanoperca sp. "REDU '585410-4 Satanoperca so. RIO-XINGU (lth 7) REDLIP- SATANOPERCA XINGU -SATANOPERCA FroGuayana, W, 18-20cm Rio Xingu, Brazil, W, 16-18em b ROOTS om b R00Ho» on 5420-4 Satanoperca sp, UAUPES $85415-4 Satanoperca sp. GUAYANA LUAUPES -SATANOPERCA (GUAYANA- SATANOPERCA RioTiquie, W, 16-18em Guayana, W, 14-16em b 2008De on b> R0OSG* on ‘58541544 Satanoperca sp, GUAYANA '593004-3 Teleocichla sp. PARU. GGUAYANA--SATANOPERCA PARU -TELEO Guayana, W, 14-16em Fi Paru do Oeste; North Brazil, W,12-13cm b B00DG» on A2000Ge AD 272, South America Cichlids 1 © ACS. Glaser GmbH '$93005-3 Teleocichlasp. | MALE I-TELEO Plo Xingu, Brazil, W, 5-6em 420000 Aa '593010-3 Teleocichla so. “BLACK” BLACK. TELEO I Rio Xingu, Brazil, W, 13-15em 58000 A '$93015-3 Teleocichla sp. Il DOT” DOT-TELEO Bio Xingu, Brazil, W, 5-6em AR00TGe AT '592020-3 Teleocichla sp. IV *GOBIO" MALE GOBIO- TELEO IV Rio Xingu, Brazil, W, 7-8em 420000" Ag '593005-3 Teleocichla sp. FEMALE | -TELEO Rio Xingu, Brazil, W, 45em 48000Ge AT x '593010-3 Teleocichla sp. Il "BLACK" BLACK-TELEO Fo Xingu, Brazil, W, 13-15em 42000Gr Aa '$93015-3 Teleocichla sp il "DOT" DOT TELEO Rio Xingu Bazi, W, 5-6em A420000" Ag '593020-3 Teleocichlasp. IV “GOBIO" FEMALE GOBIO-TELEO IV Rio Xingu Brazl, W, 56cm A8000Ge Ag South America Clehlids | 73 $93030-3 Teleocichla centrarchus MALE CCENTRO-TELEO Flo Xingu, NIE-Bral, W, 10-12em A200TR» AD $93035-4 Teleocichla cinderella MALE ‘CINDI-TELEO Rio Tocantins, NI-Braz, W, 10-T2em 420000» AD ‘BROADBAND - TELEO| Bazi, W, 8-11em 420005" Aw '$93050-3 Teleocichla gephyrogramma MALE GEPHYRO -TELEO Fo Xingu, NE-Brai, W, M7-Bem +F 56cm 420000" AB South America Cichlids '$93030-3 Teleocichla centrarchus FEMALE CCENTRO- TELEO Flo Xingu, NIE-Brazi, W, B-Sem 420000" Ag '$93035-4 Teleacchla cinderella FEMALE CAINDI-TELEO Rio Tocantins, WE-Brazl, W, 8-Scm 420000" An ig s '593050-2 Teleocichia gephyragramma JUVENIL GEPHYRO-TELEO Rio Xingu, NE-Brazi, W, M.7-8em + F5-6em A2000R~ Aa '593050-3 Teleocichla gephyrogramma FEMALE. GGEPHYRO-TELEO Rio Xingu, NIE-Brai, W, M.7-Bem-+F5-6m 420000» Ag © AS. Glaser GmbH '593060-3 Teleocichia monogramma MALE MONOGRAMMA- TELEO Rio Xingu, N/E-Brazi, W, 10-120 4200TGe AS MONOGRAM -TELEO Rio Xingu N/E-Brazil, W, 6-7em 4£28000G" ag '$93070-4 Teleocichla prionogenys FEMALE PRIONO-TELEO Bio Tapajos, NE-razil, W, 7-8em 420000" A '$93075-4 Teleocichla proselytus FEMALE LyTO-TELEO Rio Tapajos, WE-Brazl, W, 78cm 4200T0~ Ag '$93063-3 Teleocichla sp. monogramma FEMAL '593060-3 Teleccichla monogramma FEMALE MONOGRAMMA -TELEO Rio Xingu, NE-Brail, W, 8-Scm 480000" Aa '$93070-4 Teleocichla prionogenys MALE PRIONO-TELEO Rio Tapajos, NEBrazl, W, 11-13¢m 420000" As $93075-4 Teleocichla proselytus MALE LyTO-TELEO Rio Tapajos, NIE-Brazl, W, 9-T1cm 59307544 Teleocichla proselyius FEMALE beirutpfiege LyT0- TELEO bybreeding care Fo Tapajos, NE-Brazl, W, 7-8em 420000" AT south America Clchllde | 75 593085-3 Teleocichla sp. SPOTLINE -TELEO Brazil, W, 10-12cm 420000" AB =. ee: 593095-4 Teleocichia sp. XINGU I MALE XINGU Il - TELEO Rio Xingu, NIE-Brazl, W, 7-8em A8000Gm Ag '$93100-3 Teleocichla sp. XINGUIV MALE XINGU IV - TELE io Xingu, NE-Brazl, W, 7-8em. A42000Ge ag 593090-4 Teleocichlasp. XINGU II MALE XINGU It -TELEO Rio Xingu, NE-Brazil, W, 14-16em A200TGm AB 76 '$93085-3 Teleocichlasp. SSPOTLINE -TELEO Braal, W, 10-12cm 420000" AD '$93095-4 Teleocichla sp. XINGU Ill FEMALE XINGU I ~ TELEO Rio Xingu, NIE-Brazl, W, 5-6em. 420000r Aa 1 EERE Teleocichla sp. XINGUIV. FEMALE XINGU IV -TELEO Rio Xingu, NE-Braal, W, 5-6em A8000Gr aa '593100-3 '$93090-4 Teleocichla sp. XINGU Il FEMALE XINGU II -TELEO Fio Xingu, NE-Brazi, W, 10-11em 42000Gr Am ACS. Glaser GmbH '599755-1 Uaru amphiacanthoides BABY =whitespot- color \WEDGESPOT-CICHUD. all Amazonas- Area, W, 23-25em 420005" on 599755-4 Uaru amphiacantholdes WEDGESPOT-CICHLD all Amazonas- Area, W, 23-25em 420008» on $99755-4 Uaru amphiacanthoides FEMALE \WEDGESPOT-CICHUD allAmazonas--Area, W, 23-25em 420090» on '599755-5 Uaru amphiacanthoides WEDGESPOT -CICHLD all Amazonas Area, W, 23-25m A2000He og 599755-2 Uaruamphlacanthoides | JUVENIL WEDGESPOT-CICHUD all Amazonas Area, W, 23-25em 4800TBe oo 99755-4 Uaruamphiacanthoides MALE \WEDGESPOT-CICHUD all Amazonas. Area, W, 23-25em A48000Rr 0D 99755-4 Uaruamphiacanthoides PAIR \WEDGESPOT-CICHLD all Amazonas Area, W, 23-25cm AR0OOHe oD Cichlasoma (Heros) festae blue BLUE FESTAE- CICHLD alle anderen demndchstin all other coming soon in * SOUTHAMERICAN CICHLIDS I” South America Cichlids | 7 $00103-3 Acarchthys geayl_ (new name: Guianacara geay) '$00106-2 Acarichthys heckelil JUVENIL GEAYI-ACARICHTHYS HECKEL - ACARICHTHYS Brazil/ Columbia, W, 16-186m ‘Amazonas (Santarem b> R00NR» Aa > R0OHGe A W, 20-22cm $00106-3 Acarchthys heckeli '500106-4 Acaricthys heckelii PAIR HECKEL -ACARICHTHYS HECKEL - ACARICHTHYS. ‘Amazonas Santarem), W, 20-22cm ‘Amazonas (Santacer), W, 20-22cm b R008Gr Aa > R000Gr Au '$06258-3 Astronotus ocellatus WILD FORM, $06267-4 Astronotus ocellatus ALBINO ‘OSCAR WILD-FORM. = ALBINO - OSCAR Southamerica, 30-35em Southamerica, Z, 30-35cm b> R0000 5" Aa & R00ODGerA $06268-4 Astronotus ocellatus WILD-FORM-BIG-SPOT '$06261-4 Astronotus sp ocellatus “MARBLE* (OSCAR WILD-FORM MARALE- OSCAR Southamerica, 20-35em Southamerica, 30-35em b> R00ODReA > R0008H~ As 78, South America Cichlids | © ACS. Glaser GmbH $06265-4 Astronotus sp. ocellatus "RED - PEARL" RED. PEARL. - OSCAR Southamerica, 2025em > 200005" Ag a '$06269-4 Astronotus sp ocllatus_plane-colour (not red) BLACKFIN- OSCAR PAR Southamerica, 2025em b> R00CHEr A '507705-4 Blotodoma ch. cupido ‘ELEM -CUPIDO Tocantins Brazil, W, 11 > 2009Gr Ag $07715-3 Biotodoma wavtin| \WAVRINI- BIOTODOMA, Columbia, W, 12-14em b> 200TOr on '$06269-4 Astronotus sp.ocellatus_ plane - 2000RGr AD '$07703-4 Biotodoma cupido CUPIDO-CicHUD Tocantins Brazil, W, 11-13em b 2000Ge AD '$07705-4 Biotodoma cf. cupido ELEM -CUPIDO Tocantins, Grail, W, 11-13em b 20050 Ag 0717-3 Biotodoma cf. wavrin ‘ORINOCO- BIOTODOMA Orinoco -Area, W, 13-15em b ROOTEm oO South America Clehttds | 73. Res ee, ac: Seeing F $07717-3 Biotodoma cf, wavrini ‘ORINOCO- BIOTODOMA Orinoco Area, W, 13-15em > 200TRr on 511908-4 Chaetobranchopsis btaeniatus ‘TWO-SPOT- CHAETOBRANCHOPSIS Paraguay / Argentina, W, 10cm b 200MRr on '$11915-4 Chactobranchopsisfiavescens PAIR FLAVI-CHAETOBRANCHOPSIS Paraguay, W, 20-25cm b R00MGr on '$11927-4 Chactobranchopsis sp. orbicularis BLACK-BAND -CHAETOBRANCHOPSIS Bolivia, W, 12-15em b> 200THe on South America Cichlids t '511908-3 Chactobranchopsisbitaeniatus “TWO-SPOT - CHAETOBRANCHOPSIS. Paraguay / Argentina, W, 8-10cm b> 2008Or oo '511915-4 Chaetobranchopsislavescens FLAVI -CHAETOBRANCHOPSIS Paraguay, W, 20-25em b 2000G» oo $11925-6 Chastobranchopsis orbcularis ‘ORI -CHAETOBRANCHOPSIS. ‘Amazonas Area, W, 11-13¢m b R00MGr on '$11935-4 Chactobranchopsisspectabills SPECTA-CHAETOBRANCHOPSIS. Venezuela, W, 14-16em b 200OSGr on © ACS. Glaser GmbH INDEX Code - numbers $0010 scabs gen (cuianwcae gere__GEAYEACARICHTENS 78 are acai fee AeanCHTES a Soma alee Ceca LOroM z eee Seed me aaaie ame sen z aaa ats ee pear ama POUCA 5 Shey. Asvenats alate ABND® pence a See eee eieas WLMORLAGSDGT' OStAR We OB z SaaS Rg Se ea Aiur tnccuLoUnae Ac ESCAR 5 a neeanaeaes cboeenue zi Sons Bisocors ais SEEN AOTEOOHA z Snes Becca wee HARE BOICEOWA 2 ria Bea a GaNGeSaIpToboMA Pao als anon oes Oma SUS Ia onACHODSE™—” 0 Haren encima end SNARES a” 00 ae ad Gaetan omc es aaeate ical cameos secures FACED EAR ANCES” 00 1 ee SES CauR a 00 iba Sanaa pee ; Saree ceeecard Pe oes hn Sek Geta Seale a GEO? PRE SE CCHLD ; Srarie” Get omneces CHINE SRE LICL B See cae eas ROAD RIOR PRE SCHL fi Siavan”” Gets snecenae cl HO VAUPES Tipe ceAD ; Se See Yibuioe cos q siarae” Gen emese TEMENSS PREC eI SU cena ureee CDRP CiRONcCHIA ; Sed” Gets temense AGUA Re CH 3 3tares” Center CARY Cumann 3 Sve” Geurenensed VANES eA 3 Seoen Ges anOsTT XNCUIECEALA 3 Soe a eae ae AUT CRENEALA 3 Saal aaa naeae a OnE eMC i‘ Scena ARE RACRILA 0 Soi” Genders snus ANTORUS cRENERAER ° Ee ee mae ADUACEC NOC HA p Shs Genachn se ARAPUNS? ARSON CHENICHLA Hi So” Cease ATABAPO® SEEM Gece " Sho Goa Sanne SRE NOL NL qT Seer cares Teenie See WereRGGLA HI Sean eae eae Peon a Saran peeneaa Lee ween 2 2 ee See ROCHA a iva” Cees uaenitna lias" PEAOGHAMWACCRENICHLA "14 Soa Ceneug OScua eee “ 7 Seem eeceecs ENCTACRENEICHA ' a canoe meee cones CR NCCAA tn sige” Geucusgnecens CYANO CRENCALA 8 Sapir seueees SreLos CENCE A 8 Sins Gemeusseescl CAPS CREM 5 snes coRcncaras Eee is clemecrscnes FRNGAD CHENG % cee SCCM Retr FEAT HNCLLA s ee Goa Cv coeueea 6 Seok Geena Sy cRENCHLA i Sele Cees GE? Sata CRE NCERLA ae Cee ESCO eUASGUTCRNCHLA u SEUe aS ee rg Suaiaibcarneenta re Seam” Cenenlo se CURIAM Aa Riemer i Seen” Ceneenieheael ECKEL CENA 18 Sn Genes a WORT ee B asty” Cenectle se WHE ca ' 523510" Crenicichla'sp."INIRIDA® IN "REDSPOT™ “Crenicichia””~ 19 South america Clehllds | © ACS. Glaser GmbH 923520. 523525, 523530, 523535, 523540, 523545 523560, 523565 533570, 523575 ‘523580 523590) 523595, 523596. 523600. 23610 523615, $23620. $23625, 523630, 523635, $23640, 523645 523655 523660 523663 523664 523670 523675 523680. 523690 523695, 523708 523710 23715 523720, $23725, 523735 823737 523738 523739, 523740, 523741 53374) 523743 Spa7ad 523745 533748 533780 523755, 523758 523760 523765, 523775 23780 523785, 23790, 323795, 533800, 533805 523810. 533820 INDEX Code - numbers Crenicichla sp."JABUTI" JABUTI-CRENICICHLA, Crenicichla jaguarensis JAGUAR-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia jegui JEGUL-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia jegui sp. NORTH-EAST-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla johanna JOHANNA-CRENICICHLA. Crenicichia johanna var-cf JOHANNA.VAR-CRENICICHCA Grenicichia labrina LABRINA-CRENICICHLA. Grenicichia labrina sp, AMAZONAS-CRENICICHLA Grenicichia lenticulata LENTICULATA-CRENICICHLA Grenicichia lepidota LEPIDOTA-CRENICICHLA Grenicichla lepidota "REAL® REAL-LEPIOOTA-CRENICICHLA ‘Crenicichlalucius LUCIUS-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla lugubis LUGU-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia lugubris var. RED-MOUTH-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla lugubris cf, "ATABABO™ ‘ATABAPO-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla macrophthaima, MACRO-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla sp, “MAICURU" MAICURU-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla sp. MANAUS’ MANAUS-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla marmorata MARBLE-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia sp. "*MARMORATA MARMORATA-CRENICICHIA Crenicichla sp. *MATO-GROSSO* MATO-GROSSO-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla menezesi sp. MENEZESI-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla muitispinosa MULTL-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla nothophthalmus sp NEGRO-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla notophthaimus, NORTH-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia notophthalmus ef ‘Crenicichla nothophthaimus sp: “‘UAUBES" BIG-POINT-CRENICICHLA UAUPES:CRENICICHLA Crenicichla sp. "ORANGE" Xingu/Belem ‘ORANGE-XINGU-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla “ORINOCO® ‘ORINOCO-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla sp. “ORINOCO MANY-SPOT-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla sp. *BACAVAY BACAVA-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia percna BERCNA-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla sp, "PERNAMBUCO" BERNAMBUCO.CRENICICHLA Crenicichia phiospilus SPILUS-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia sp. PINDARE® PINDARE-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla proteus PERU-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla punctata PUNCTATA-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla sp. "RED-BELLV® RED-BELLY-Crenicichla Crenicichla regani "DAS MORTES* MORTES-CRENICICHLA’ Crenicichia regani*RiO-GUAMA’ SUAMA-CRENICICHLA, Crenicichla regani"RIO-ACARA™ ACARA-CRENIcICHLA Cfenicichla regani REGANECRENICICHLA Crenicichla regan "#iO-NEGRO* RiO-NEGRO-CRENICICHLA Grenicichla regani *TEFE™ TEFECRENICICHLA ‘TROMBETAS-CRENICICHLA ‘GUAPORE-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla regani “TROMBETAS* Crenicichla regan’ “GUAPORE™ Crenicichia regani “TAPAJOS TAPAJOS-CRENICICHLA. ‘Crenicichla regan sp. BLACK-LINE-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla reticulata RETICULATA-CRENICICHLA’ renicichla sp, "RIO-BRANCO* RIO-BRANCO-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia saxatilis SAXA-CRENICICHLA, Crenicichia saxatilis “SURINAM SAXA-SURINAM-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia saxatilis ef PEARL-CRENICICHLA, Crenicichla saxatlis sp, BIG-POINT-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla semifasciata SEMI-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia sp, "SINOP* SINOP-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia stocki STOCKL-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia strigata STRIGATA-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia sp. “SURINAM SURINAW-CRENICICHLA Crenicichia sven) META-CRENICICHLA Crenicichla sveni ck GAITAN-CRENICICHLA Grenicichia sp, "TAPALO8* ‘TAPAIOS L-CRENICICHLA 1341 ©ACS. Glaser GmbH 523825 523830, 533835, 523845 523850, 523860, 523863 523865, $23870. 523880. 23885 523895, 523800 523905, 523910. §32105 532110, S32115, 532120, 532125, 532130, 532135, 532140, 532143, 530188 532150. 532160. 532165 532170 32175, S32185 532190, 532195, 532200, 532210. $32225 532235 532250, 532260, §33275, 532280. 532285, 532295, 532305, 532310 532320 532330, 532335 532345 532360, 532365, 332370, 32375, 532385, 534000, 534020 534025, 534035, 534205, 534210, S3azis 534220 100. South America €lchi INDEX Code - numbers Grenicichla sp. "TAPAJOS" Crenicichla ternetzi Grenicichia tigrina Grenicichia urosema, Crenicichia sp. URUBAI* Crenicichla sp. “VENEZUELA (befor strigata) Grenicichia sp. *VENEZUELA® Grenicichia sp. "VENEZUELA-DWARE* Grenicichia vittata Grenicichla sp. “XINGU | Grenicichla sp. XINGU' il Crenicichla sp. *XINGU" ti renicichla sp. "XINGU-ORANGE® ‘Geophagus sp. ALTAMIRA" ‘Geophagusaltfrons, ‘Geophagus altitons ‘RIO: NEGAG! Geophagus altifrons “TAPAIO: ‘Geophagus altifons *XINGU- Geophagus altirons ct Geophagus sp, "ARAGUAIAY Geophagus sp, “AREOE' Geophagus sp, “AREOES® 2-spot Geophagus ardyrostictus Geophagus australis Geophagus brasiliensis Geophagus brasiliensis FORM AY ‘Geophagus brasiliensis *FORM 8° ‘Geophagus brasiliensis sp. cf Geophagus sp, (CAQUETA’ ‘Geophagus sp, CARON! ‘Geophagus cressilabr ‘Geophagus sp. CURUA™ ‘Geophagus grammepareius Geophagus hondae-steindachner| Geophagus sp. “INIRIOA™ Geophaqus sp, “MARABA’ (ctaltifons) Geophagus sp. *MITU" Geophagus peliegrini Geophagus sp, PINDARE® Geophagus sp. RIO-NEGRO*il Geophagus steindachneri(G, hondae) ‘Geophagui surinamensis ‘Geophagus surinamensis $p.larvophil ‘Geophagus surinamensis cf. “ovophil ‘Geophagus taeniopareius ‘Geophagus sp. TAPAJOS" FRED-CHEEIC Geophagus sp. TAPAIOS"I Geophagus sp. “TROMBETAS* Geophagus sp, VENEZUELA Guianacare sp. “CARON Gianacare owroewet Guianacare owroeweri ct Guianacare sp. "REO-CHEEK Gymnogeophagus sp. *BAHIA-RED™ Gymnegeophagus balzani Gymnogeophagus sp. "BRAZI Gymnogeophagus sp."BRAZI TAPAJOS-CRENICICHLA 43 TERNETZI-CRENICICHLA a TTIGRINA-CRENICICHLA. 43 UROSEMA CRENICICHLA 43 URUBAXL-CRENICICHLA 43 VENEZUELA-CRENICICHLA’ 43,44 ‘JUMBO-CRENICICHLA 44 VENEZUELA-DWARF-Crenicichia. 44 VITTATA-CRENICICHLA 44,45 WALLACI-CRENICICHLA’ 45 ‘AYACUCHO-CRENICICHLA 45 XINGU I CRENICICHLA 4245 XINGUII-CRENICICHLA 45,46 XINGU IIECRENICICHLA 6 ‘ORANGE-CRENICICHLA 4% ‘ALTAMIRA-GEOPHAGUS 4B ALTIFRONS-GEOPHAGUS 48 RIO-NEGRO-ALTIFRONS. 4B TAPAIOS-ALTIERONS. 4B XINGU-ALTIFRONS 48 ALTIERONS-GEOPHAGUS 48 ARAGUAIA:GEOPHAGUS, 48 ‘AREOES-GEOPHAGUS 47,49 ‘TWO-SPOT-GEOPHAGUS, 49 ‘ARGY-GEOPHAGUS 4950 ARGENTINA. GEOPHAGUAS 43 BRAZIL-GEOPHAGUS 51 BRAZIL A-GEOPHAGUS 31 BRAZIL 8 .GEOPHAGUS 31 BAHIA-GEOPHAGUS 31 CAQUETA-GEOPHAGUS 52 CARONI-GEOPHAGUS 52 PANAMA GEOPHAGUS 52 ‘CURUA-GEOPHAGUS. 52 CARONI-GEOPHAGUS 52 HUMPHEAD-GEOPHAGUS 3 INIRIDA-GEOPHAGUS 33 WARABA-GEOPHAGUS 53 IMiTU-GEOPHAGUS 33 CHOCO-GeoPHAGUs 53 PINDARE-GEOPHAGUS: 56 ‘AMAZONAS-GEOPHAGUS, 54,56 RED-PERU-GEOPHAGUS. 56 RIO: MOJU-GEOPHAGUS 56 RIO-NEGRO I Geophagus 37 ‘COLUMBIA-GEOPHAGUS 57 SURINAM-GEOPHAGUS 7 SURINAM-GEOPHAGUS, 58 SURINAM GEOPHAGUS 57,58 \VENEZUELA-GEOPHAGUS 58 RED-CHEEKGEOPHAGUS. 58 ‘TAPAJOS il GEOPHAGUS 60 ‘TROMBETAS-GEOPHAGUS 60 VENEZUELA-GEOPHAGUS, 60 ‘CARONI-GUIANACARA 60 BLUE-GUIANACARA 60 SHOCO-GUIANACARA 60 RED: CHEEK -GUIANACARA 61 BAHIA-GEOPHAGUS 6 BALZANI-CICHLID 61,6264 BRAZIL I-GEOPHAGUS 2 BRAZIL I-GEOPHAGUS 62 Glaser GmbH INDEX Code - numbers 534230. Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys REDFIN-GEOPHAGUS 62,65 534240” Gymnogeophaus labiatus LABIATUS- GEOPHAGUS, 6263 534245” Gymnogeophequs labiatus sp. ROUNDHEAD-GEOPHAGUS 68 534255.” Gymnogeophagus meridionalis MERIDIO-GEOPHAGUS. 8 534265" Gymnogeophagus rhabdotus RHABDOTUS. GEOPHAGUS 68 524275” Gymnogeophagus setequedas ‘QUEDAS-GEOPHAGUS 66 ‘578205. Retroculus lapidifer MARBLE-RETROCULUS 66 §78215”” Retroculus xinquensis XINGU-RETROCULUS 66 585305.” Satanoperca acuticeps FOUR-SPOT-GEOPHAGUS o 585315” Satanoperca sp. “COLUMBIA COLUMBIA’ SATANOPERCA o 585325.” Satanoperca daemon, ‘THREE-SPOT-GEOPHAGUS 6769 585335. Satanoperca sp. “French-GUAVANA® FRENCH-GUAYANA-SATANOPERCA"”"” 67 585350.” Satanoperca jurupar! EARTH-EATER 6768 585355.” Satanoperca jurupari 3b, EARTH-EATER 68 585365. Satanoperca leucc META-SATANOBERCA 68 ‘585370. ” Satanoperca leucosticta ct. PEARL-SATANOPERCA n 585375” Satanoperca lth ‘ONE-SPOT-GEOPHAGUS n 585385.” Satanoperca mapiritensis ‘ORINOCO-SATANOPERCA n 585395” Satanoperca pappaterra, PANTANAL-SATANOPERCA n 585405” Satanoperca sp. REDLIP™ REOLIP-SATANOPERCA 2 585410.” Satanoperca sp. “RIO-XINGU (ilith??), XINGU'SATANOPERCA R 85415" Satanoperca sp. “Guayans ‘GUAVANA-SATANOPERCA’ R 585420.” Satanoperca sp. “UAUPES" UAUPES-SATANOPERCA n 03004” Teleocichla sp. "PARU" PARU-TELEO. 2 593005 "” Teleocichla sp. ETELEO. B 593010" ” Teleocichlal sp. “BLACK BLACK TELEOI B 593015.” Teleacichlal sp. "DOT" DOF-TELEO il B 593020” Teleacichla lV sp. "GOBIO" GOBIO-TELEO IV B '$93030.” Teleocichla centrarchus. CENTRO-TELEO. 74 593035. Teleocichla cinderella CINDI-TELEO. 14 93040" ‘eleocichia cinderella BROADBAND-TELES 74 '593050"” ‘Teleocichla gephyrogramma GEPHYRO-TELEO 7% $93060°"” ‘Teleocichla monogramma, MONOGRAMMA TELEO, 5 593063” Teleocichla monogramma 3p, MONOGRAMMA"TELEO. 75 $93070.” Telegcichla prionogenys PRIONO-TELEO, 75 $93075.” Teleocichla proselytus LYTO-TELEO. 5 $93085 Teleacichla sp. SPOTLINE-TELES) 76 593090" ” Teleocichia sp. “XiNGU' Il XINGU I-TELEO 76 ‘593095 ‘Teleocichia sp. XINGU" i XINGUI-TELEO 76 93100" Teleocichia sp. XINGU'IV XINGUIV-TELE) 76 $9975. Uaru amphiacanthoides WEDGESPOT-CICHLID n ACHTUNG / ATTENTION: Einige Arten jetzt umbenannt: ‘Some species are now newly named: Satanoperca vother / before Geophagus Gymnogeophagus vother / before Geophagus Guianacara geyai vother / before Acarichthys geayi Glaser GmbH 101 INDEX Alphabet Acatichthy geayl (Gulanacare geyal) Acatichthyshecksli acuticeps Satanoperca acutirostrs Crenicchla albopunctata Crenicichia ALTA sp. Crenicichle ALTAMIFA sp. Geophagus altifrons cf Geophagus altifions Geophagus ‘amphiacanthoides Var anthurus Cenicichle ‘APPROUAGE sp. Crenicichla ‘ARAGUAIA sp, Geophagus ‘ABAPIUNS sp. Crencichia, AREGES 2 spotsp. Geophagus AREOES sp. Geophogus ‘argyrosticius Geophagus Astronotus oceliatus Astronotus ocellatus “ALBINO™ Astronotus ocellatus sp." MARBLE* Astronotus ocellatus sp.PLANE-COLOUR* Astronotus ocellatus sp. "RED -PEARI Astronotus ocellatus WILDFORM-BIGSPOT ATABAPO sp, Crenicichla ATAPAPO lugubvis cf Cenlclchia ‘australis Geophagus BAHIA-RED sp. Gymnogeophagus baizani Gymnogeophagus ‘ELEM sp. Crencichla BELLY-CRAWLER sp, Cenicichia Biotodoma cupido, Biotodoma cupido ce Biotodoma wavtin| Biotodoma waviini ck bitaeniatus Chaetobranchopss BLACKIl sp, Teleocichl, BOCON sp, Crenicichla brasiliensis Geophagus brasiliensis sp. c. Geophagus ‘BRAZIL Isp. Gymnogeophagus ‘BRAZIL Isp. Gymnogeophagus ametana Crenicichla CAQUETA sp. Geophagis catdiostigma Crenicichia ‘cardlostigma Crenicichla CARON sp. Geophogus CARON sp. Guianacera CASIQUIARE sp. Crenicichla, ‘enirarchus Teleocichla ‘Chaetobranchopsis btaeniatus CChaetobranchopsis favescens Chaetobranchopss orbicularis CChaetobranchopsis orbicularis sp. Chaetobranchopsis spectabils Cichla ocelars Cichia oceliars ch “AIO PRETO® Cichla orinocensis Cichla orinocensis ¢*RIO:NIRIOAY Cichla orinocensis cf. "R10-VAUPES* Gichla 5p. “ARAGUAIA™ i Gichla sp. “TAPAIOS" | Gichla sp. XiNGUTI 102 South America Clehllds 1 GEAYI-ACARICHTHYS HECKEL ACARICHTHS. FOUR-SPOT-GEOPHAGUS ACUTIS-CRENICICHLA SPOTTED-CRENICICHLA ALTA-CRENICICHLA ALTAMIRA-GEOPHAGUS ALTIFRONS-GEOPHAGLS ALTIERONS-GEOPHAGUS WEDGESPOT-CICHLID ANTHURUS-CRENICICHLA APPROUAGE-CRENICICHLA ABAGUAIA, GEOPHAGUS ARAPIUNS-CRENICICHLA ‘TWO-SPOT-GEOPHAGUS AREOES-GEOPHAGUS ARGY-GEOPHAGUS OSCAR-WILDFORM ALBINO-OSCAR ‘MARBLE-OSCAR BLACKFIN-OSCAR’ REO-PEARL-OScAR (OSKAR WILD: FORM: ‘ATABADO-CRENICICHLA ‘ATABAPO-CRENICICHLA ARGENTINA-GEOPHAGUAS BAHIA-GEOPHAGUS. BALZANI-CICHLID. BELEW-PIKE-CICHLIO) BELLY-CRAWLER-CRENICICHLA eUPIBO-

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