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Capstone Draft Proposal Worksheet

Name: Carter Prodanuk

Topic: Gym and nutrition
Strand: Project
Inquiry Question: Why is eating the correct types of food so important while you're training
even if you work out every single day? How much faster would progress be if
you ate extremely healthily and the right amounts and types of food?

1) Capstone Project Summary:

In the box below, please type out a 200 – 300-word explanation of what you are planning to do with
your Capstone to be as specific and detailed as possible.
For my Capstone project I am going to be speaking about the gym and nutrition. When it comes to the
gym and nutrition, I would like to say I'm experienced and knowledgeable about both topics, but I still
have lots to learn, and I would also like to learn more.
For the gym part of my Capstone, I will be taking workout videos of me performing the exercises and
speaking about how to do them and what muscle group is working. I will also give myself a goal and create
a workout plan that will help me reach it. For example, if my goal is to gain strength, I will create a plan
that is heavy weight with fewer reps and a longer resting time to get to my goal.
For the second part of my project, I will explain why eating the correct types of foods and healthy foods
are so important and beneficial. I will answer the question “How much further would you get in your
progress if you ate the correct amounts and types of food rather than eating whatever you like too. I will
also be tracking the foods I eat and explaining why I'm eating them.
To extend my understanding I will have to ask people that are experienced like personal trainers and
nutrition specialists.

2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project will demonstrates your abilities and skills from each
section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two points from each skill area of the
core competencies.)

Core Competency: How you demonstrate it in your Capstone Project:

Personal Awareness & 1. I can set goals and stay focused in difficult situations.
Responsibility I will set goals throughout my project and not give up when there isn't an
easy answer or solution.
2. I am learning to take care of myself
My topic will help me learn more about what's good and bad for the
human body when it comes to food and training. Working out will help
me stay in shape and keep my mind happy and healthy.

Social Responsibility 1. I can appreciate other perspectives on issues and topics that will
solve problems in other ways.
I know just because people don’t solve issues the same way I do doesn’t
mean that they’re wrong or not doing it right. Everybody has their own
way of doing things and I must work with that
2. I'm aware that I must work independently and solve problems on
my own.
I need to be efficient with my time in class and at home so I can take my
time on my project and not rush any ideas. I also need to know how to
solve problems and work around issues.

Critical Thinking 1. I can create new ways to represent my learning around a variety
of problems and needs.
I need to know how to present my project in more than one way in case
something goes wrong.
2. I can defend my answers and judgements about my topics
I need to give reasonings for any answers and have evidence to back up
my information.
Creative Thinking 1. I can create unique ideas that may provide new perspectives.
I will give many ways to answer questions so that everybody is able to
relate and understand.
2. I can evaluate my ideas and make something productive out of
I can use tools to expand on my ideas and go further into my level of
understanding. It will help me become more detailed.
Communication 1. I can work with other students and solve problems together
One of my strong points is talking with people and communicating ideas
and different perspectives. I will use that to my advantage with my
2. I can reflect on the processes of learning and share what I have
I can go back to the work I have done and see what I did well and what I
can also improve on. I will share ideas with others and give examples.
Personal & Cultural Identity 1. I understand what is important to me
I know what is important in my life and I will give those things priority
and stay focused on the things that will benefit me.
2. I understand my strengths and how to use them.
I know what I'm good at and I'll use those things to my advantage and
expand on ideas that I have experience with.

3) Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question.

Explain WHY you are choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry
connect to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?

I am choosing my topic because I'm extremely passionate when it comes to the gym and nutrition and I do it
every single day, it's part of my lifestyle. The gym and nutrition have become a huge personal interest
because I have struggled with eating and body image before the gym has allowed me to be the best person I
can be mentally and physically.

4 ) Background: What background knowledge / connections / prior learning do you have that can help
you to be successful with your project?
I have been training and tracking my foods/calories for over a year now so over time I have become
experienced. I have a couple of older friends that have been in the bodybuilding industry for more than
10 years now, so they have had a huge impact and influence on me. I'm always eagerr to learn more
about my topic so hopefully I can stay motivated.

5) Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What connections does
this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals? What are you hoping to gain from
completing this project (other than graduating or passing CLC 12)?

The inquiry question has a connection on my life because I've always wondered how important food is
while training and when you're not. I have trained super hard for months, eating whatever I wanted at
first and I have also trained hard while being and a diet so now I'd like to track my progress for each and
figure out how much progress I'm losing or making even faster.
It also connects to one of my goals because I'd like to learn how to be super disciplined with myself and
stay and track without wanting to “skip” a day or have a cheat meal when I know I shouldn’t be having
one. I am hoping to gain a lot more knowledge and understanding so I can help other people that have
the same goals or questions that I once had at first.

6) Capstone Presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to present your
project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once completed. You may use a
combination of mediums.

o Electronic portfolio: Power Point, Canva or Prezi

o Physical portfolio
o Website
o i-movie presentation
o YouTube channel
o Other
I would prefer to present my project on a PowerPoint because I can give detailed slides explaining what I'm
doing and talking about. Also, because I know how to work on a PowerPoint so there wouldn’t be any
confusion. I will answer all the mandatory questions on their own slide, so I don’t forget one or skip some
information that is needed for my Capstone.

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