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A. C. MADAN, M.A.,







Lav* AUG "9 1989

oi \$70


The First Edition having been at the last sold out

with unexpected rapidity, I have not been able to add
so much as I should have wished to this. The chief
novelty is the omission of what I called the second
class of Substantives, which proved to be only the most
common instance of the general rule, that Substantives
of any and every form denoting animate beings are
constructed with Adjectives and Pronouns in the forms

proper to the first class. Some words have been added

to the Vocabularies and a few mistakes corrected.

During the last four years the work of translation

and collection has been going steadily forward, Swahili
preaching has been going on, and some Elementary
School-books printed in Zanzibar for our vernacular
schools. The great work of evangelizing Africa seems
to grow in magnitude the more one understands what
isrequired for it ; but our hopes still grow with the
growth of our knowledge.
Edwabd Steers

London, January 1875.



This Edition may be taken to represent substantially

the final form which the Handbook assumed in the
hands of its compiler, the late Bishop Steere. No
estimate can be attempted here of his services to

philology in general, and the student of African

languages in particular, still less of their bearing on

the spread of Christianity in Central Africa. What-
ever the relative purity of the dialects of Mombasa and
Zanzibar, and however great the debt Bishop Steere
undoubtedly owed to his distinguished predecessor in
their study, Dr. Krapf, the broad fact remains that

Bishop Steere took the language as he found it spoken

in the capital city of the East Coast, reduced its rules
to so lucid and popular a form as not only to make it
but easy to all students, and finally made a

great advance towards stereotyping its forms and ex-

tending its use by embodying it in copious writings
and translations.

Some of the last hours of his life were apparently

spent in preparing this Handbook for a new edition.

Those who were familiar with the many cares and
anxieties then pressing on him, will not be surprised
that there were signs of haste a,nd pressure in his
xviii V Hi: FACE.

revision. With Part 1. v.r, he seems to have

ii satisfied. Tho cornet inns of the texl were few

and unimportant, and thongh the Lists of Words might

ha\ largely added t«>. he seems to have preferred
leaving them as they were, in view of tlio strictly
tical purpose of tho whole book.
With Part II. (the Swahili-English Vocabulary, &c.)

the case is rather different. AVith the aid of various

members of the Mission, the Bishop had made some-
what large collections in order to expand and complete
Probably from the pressure of work hefore alluded
to, he had only prepared a selection of them for this

Edition. It has been thought better, however, to in-

corporate all the words found in his notes and added

with his approval. But it must be remembered that
Bishop never regarded Tart II. as ranking as a
Dictionary, even in embryo, but rather as a tolerably
full list of words to serve as a useful companion to
Part I. Even with this reservation, there remain
many traces of imperfection in arrangement, spelling,
and inter] >n-tation of words, which would doubtless
have been removed if he had been allowed time to pass
the whole list under revision finally.
This final revision no one is in a position adequately

to supply. Minor corrections and additions have been

cautiously and sparingly made. One Appendix (No.V.),
likely to subserve the practical aim of the whole, has
added, with the Ven. Archdeacon Hodgson's ap-

provaL There still remain among the Bishop's notes

us specimens of Swahili verses, pro-
.,which might have formed another.

It is thought best, however, to reserve them, and leave

the whole book, as far as possible, as the Bishop left it.

Subsequent editors may find something to add. They

probably will not find much to alter.
A. C. M.

P.S. —Dr. Krapf's great Dictionary of the Swahili

Language, in its printed form, was in the Bishop's
hands too short a time to allow of his making any use
of it for this Edition of the Handbook.

Zanzibar, Christmas, 1882.


Introduction ... ... ... 1

The Alphabet • » • ••« 8

Substantives :

Grammatical rules 16

List of Substantives 24

Adjectives: —
Grammatical rules S3

Irregular Adjectives 86

Comparison of Adjectives 87
Numerals ... 89
List of Adjectives ... 94
Pronouns :

Personal Pronouns 102
Possessive Pronouns 109
Reflective Pronouns 112
Demonstrative Pronouns . 113
Relative Pronouns 117

Interrogatives, &c 122

Verbs :

Conjugation 125

Irregular Verbs 149

Auxiliary Verbs 155

Derivative Verbs 157
Lii of Verbs 165
7'. 1 1! l. !: F ( '0 .V TEN TS.
Adverbs, Prepositions, and Conjunctions 209
I --
oi Adv< rbs, &c
i 1
Formation of Words 226
le of Noun
Prefixes in nine languaj 234
leof the Preposition -o in four 235


Preliminary 01,?prv;i lions ,., 23!)

Swahili-English Vocabulary 245

Appendices: —
Specimens of Kuyume 425
Specimens of Swahili Correspond n<v jjy
III. Part of a Swahili Tale, with the Prefixes marked
and explained i::i

IV. and Idiomatic Phra

rjgp.ful u:;
V. Uu Money, Weights and measures in Zanzibar ... 455

There is probably no African language so widely known

as the Swahili. It is understood along the coasts of

Madagascar and Arabia, it is spoken by the Seedees in

India, and is the trade language of a very large part of
Central or Intertropical Africa. Zanzibar traders pene^-
trate sometimes even to the western side of the conti-

nent, and they are in the constant habit of traversing

mor^ than half of it with their supplies of Indian and
^ropean goods. Throughout this immense district
any one really familiar with the Swahili language will
generally be able to find some one who can understand
him, and serve as an interpreter.
This consideration makes it a point of the greatest
importance to our Central African Mission that Swahili
should be thoroughly examined and well learnt. For
if the members of the Mission can go forth from Zan-

can leave England already well

zibar, or, still better,

acquainted with this language, and provided wilh

books and translations adapted to their wants, they
will carrywith them a key that can unlock the secrets
of an immense variety of strange dialects, whose very
names are as yet unknown to us. For they will not
a 2
iv Fill: FACE.

only lio nl >lo at once to communicate with new tribes,

but in
mastering this really simple and far from
difficult language they will have learnt how to set
rning ami writing all others of the same class,
since they agree with Swahili in all the chief respects
in which itfrom our European tongues.

The work, then, which is here "begun is not to he

arded as though its utility were confined to the
islands and the narrow strip of coast of which this

language is the vernacular, but much rather as the

broad foundation on which our labours in the far inte-
i ior must years be built up. As there is no
for many
way by which those inner lands are so ordinarily or can
be so easily reached as from Zanzibar and the coast
dependent on it, so neither is there any way by which
we can make ourselves so readily intelligible, or by
which the Gospel can be preached so soon or so well as
by means of the language of Zanzibar and its dependen-
B, to which this work is intended as an introduction
a language whir) i, through its Arabic relations, has
a hold on revealed religion, and even on European
thought, while, through its negro structure, it is

xactly an interpreter of that re-
fitted to serve as

ligion and those thoughts to men who have not yet

even heard of their existence.
When r.i-diop Tozer arrived in Zanzibar at the end of
August 18G4, the only guides we had to the language
re the grammar and vocabulary of Dr. Krapf, and his

Book of Common Prayer.

translation of part of the

hiring Bishop Tozer's visit to Mombas in November,


he made a copy of a revised vocabulary belonging to


the Eev. J. Eebmann. However, although one cannot

estimate too highly the diligence and linguistic ability

displayed by Dr. Krapf and the patient sagacity of Mr.

Eebmann, we soon found that, owing partly to the fact
of their collections having been made in the dialect of

Monibas, and still more to the confused and inexact

style of spelling adopted unfortunately by both, their
works were of scarcely any use to a mere beginner.
I soon after procured copies of the manuscript voca-
bularies collected by Mr. Witt and Mr. Schultz, then

representing the firm of O'Swald and Co. in Zanzibar,

and with such help as I could procure from any quarter,
I began in July 1865 to print the first pages of my col-

lections for a " Handbook of Swahili as Spoken in

Zanzibar." When I had proceeded as far as page 33, I
made the acquaintance of Hamis wa Tani and. of his
son Mohammed, both of them well acquainted with

English and French, and of pure Swahili extraction.

To the disinterested kindness of Mohammed, who,
while confined to his house by sickness, allowed me to

spend every Saturday morning in questioning him

about his language, I owe all that is best in my know-
ledge of African tongues. With his help and revision I
completed the list of substantives, and found my way
through the intricacies of the adjectives and pronouns.
Of how much importance an accurate guide in these
matters would be may be seen from the " Table of
Concords," first printed in Zanzibar, in a form sug-
gested by Bishop Tozer, and now reprinted as part
of this volume.
Mohammed's sickness increasing about the time that

I had begun to print the conjugation of the verb, I Was

unable to continue my visits, and oompli ted the "Col-
Lections" from Dr. Krapf, with the help of the voca-

bulary collected by the late Baron von der Dccken

and Dr. Kersten, and of that collected by the Kev.
Thomas Wakefield of the United Methodist Free
n\ lies' -Mission, both of which I was kindly allowed
to copy.

Alter Mohammed's partial recovery I continued my

visits to him, and went through the verbs, making first
a list of useful English verbs from a dictionary, and

lite-ring all the words contained in the collections of

which I had
copies. I thus checked and supplemented
what others had already done, and obtained a tolerably
mplete insight into that branch of the vocabulary.
Before I could get much beyond this, Mohammed was
far recovered as to be able to sail for Bombay. I
have always much pleasure in acknowledging how
much I owe to him.
M an while I had begun my collection of short tales
in Swahili, the first of which were print* d in Zanzibar

with an interlinear version, under the title of " Speci-

us of Swahili," in March 1866, and reprinted in

early number of "Mission Life." I also began to

use my Swahili to a practical purpose by making the
collections for a handbook of the Shambala languaj
first draft of which was completed in May 1866.
Be collections were made with a view to the mission

•e commenced in that country by the Eev. C. A.

Alington; they were revised by the help of another

ber, and printed in Zanzibar in the year 1867.

Finding the Swahili tales most valuable as well to

myself as to those who were studying with me, I pro-
ceeded to print a further collection, with the title
" Hadithi za
Kiunguja," in Swahili only. For the tales
then printed I was mainly indebted to Hamis wa Kayi,
a very intelligent young Swahili, who always compre-
hended better what a foreigner wanted to know, and
explained more clearly what was difficult, than any one
else Imet with while in Zanzibar.
At the same period I had begun and carried on from
time to time the investigation of the Yao or Achowa
language, one peculiarly interesting to us, as that of
nearly all the released slaves under Bishop Mackenzie's

charge, and as having now supplanted the Mang'anja

in the country where our Mission was originally settled.
From this study I first gained a definite notion of the
wonderful effect the letter n has in African languages,
and so came to understand the origin of several appa-
rent irregularities in Swahili.
I had begun even before Mohammed bin Khamis left
Zanzibar to make some essays in translation, the best of
which are embodied in a pamphlet printed in Zanzibar,
" Translations in "
with the title Swahili it was com-

pleted in January 1867.

I was then getting help from many quarters, and on

explaining to some of our native friends our wish to

make a complete translation of the Bible into their
language, one of them, Sheikh 'Abd al 'Aziz, kindly
volunteered to translate for me the Arabic Psalter into
the best and purest Swahili. I found, before long, that
not only did his numerous avocations prevent any rapid

progress, but that bis language was too learned to suit

sactly our purpose in making the version; it did not

therefore proceed further than the Sixteenth Psalm. 1

printed these as at once a memorial of his kindness

and a specimen of what one of the most Learned men
in Zanzibar considers the most classical form of his
I cannot but mention at the same time the name of

Sheikh .Mohammed bin Ali, a man of the greatest

research, to whose kindness I was indebted for a copy,

made by his own hand, of some very famous Swahili
poetry, with an interlinear Arabio version; he also
revised for me a paraphrase of it in modern languag
for which I was chiefly indebted (as for much other

help) to Hassan bin Vusuf, whose interest in our doc-

trinesand teachings has always been most marked.

The verses and translation are both printed in the
ahili Tales."

At the end of 1867 I printed a translation of Bishop

Forbes' little primary catechism, chosen as being the
shortest and clearest I could find to begin upon.
Though very imperfect, I am glad to think that it
Las 1" en found of use.
When I had completed the Yao collections, I went on
to the Nyamwezi language, as being that of the largi
and mast central tribe with which there is constant and

tolerably safe communication.

In November 1867 I lost, by the sadly sudden deaths
of the Rev. <• E. Drayton and his wife, most useful
helpers, who were beginning to be able t<
L;ive mesul>-
ntiul assistance. Their places were, however, well

supplied by the Kev. W. and Mrs. Lea, who arrived

opportunely just before the time of our bereavement.
I was then engaged in preparing the translations of
St. Matthew's Gospel and of the Psalms, as well as in
beginning to put in order the materials for the present
work. To Mr. Lea I was indebted, amongst other

things, for the first version of the 119th Psalm, and to

Mrs. Lea for the arrangement of the Swahili-English

Vocabulary. The last thing I printed in Zanzibar was

a translation of the Easter and Advent Hymns, and of
Adeste Fideles, which I had the pleasure of hearing
the girls of the Mission Orphanage sing most sweetly
to the old tunes just before I left.
I ought also to mention that, having been often under

great obligations to the French Eomanist Mission, I

had the pleasure of printing for them a Catechism in
French and Swahili, which was indirectly valuable to

me as showing how the great truths we have in

common were rendered by a perfectly independent
student of the language. I know not how sufficiently
to regret that the excellent compiler, Pere Etienne

Baur, should have been content to use the jargon (for

it isnothing better) commonly employed by Indians
and Europeans, and should have adopted an ortho-
graphy adapted only to a French pronunciation.
Only three weeks before leaving I had the advan-
tage of consulting two large manuscript dictionaries
compiled by Dr. Krapf, and brought to Zanzibar by
the Eev. E. L. Pennell. I was able to examine about
half the Swahili-English volume, with the assistance
of Hamis wa Kayi, enough to enrich materially my

previous collections, and to show how far oven now

1 fall phort of in v first
predecessor in the work of
examining and elucidating the languages of Eastern
Africa. There remains for some future time or other
band the examination of the rest of Dr. Krapf's

dictionary, as well as the collation of what will no

doubt deserve to be the standard Swahili lexicon, on
which the Rev. John Kebrnann has been for nearly a
quarter of a century labouring unweariedly. Even
then there will remain many dialectic variations, ami
many old and poetical words and inflections, so that
formany years one who loves such studies might find

employment in this one language.

Since my arrival in England, at the end of November

1868, I have been able to superintend tho printing of
the Gospel of St. Matthew in Swahili, liberally under-
taken by the Bible Society, of translations of the
n lurch Catechism and of their Scriptural Beading
I.i'ssons out of the Old Testament, kindly undertaken

by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

r the Central African Mission I have carried through

the press this work and the collection of Swahili
Stories with an English version, published by Messrs.
Bell and Sons, of which those previously printed at
Zanzibar form a small part, and besides these a number
of small pamphlets, including translations of the Books
of Kuth and Jonah, and some slight specimens of the
Gindo, Zaramo, and Ngazidja languages. There remain
the Psalms, which the Bible Society has promised to

print for us, and the collections in the Yao and Nyam-
wezi languages, all which I should like to get through

the press in the course of this year. I wish there were

a chance of the Eev. John Rebmann's Swahili version
of St. Luke's Gospel, of which I have seen a large part,
being printed at the same time.
This handbook is arranged on the principle of sup-
plying with each portion of it such rules as are re-
quired for the practical use of that portion. In the
first part, aftersome introductory observations, Sub-
stantives, Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs have each
a separate section, containing first the rules which

govern their inflection and employment, and then an

alphabetical list of the Swahili equivalents of our

English words belonging to each part of speech. For

the mere finding of words one general alphabet would

perhaps have been more convenient but as the object ;

of this work is not merely to tell what the Swahili

words are, but also how
employ them correctly,
to it

seems better so to group them as to bring the rules of

grammar and the words which they control into as

close a connection with one another as possible. The
Editor has done what most readers would have had to
do— sort out first the word and then the grammatical
rules which must be observed in using it. The minor
parts of speech are indexed together to avoid a multi-
plicity of alphabets, except the Interjections, which
cannot be said to have exact equivalents in any other
language. The part ends with a section on the forma-
tion of words, which may be of use where the other
alphabets fail to give a satisfactory rendering, and

may also be useful as a guide in turning Swahili into

English, in the case of the many words which igno-

ranee or some oversight in preparing the second part

may have caused to be omitted. The roles and hints

prefixed to the second part arc intended to enable any-
one who sees or hears a Swahili word to ascertain the

material part of it, so as to be able to use the dictionary

which follows. It is evident that there must be great
difficulties at first in either using or arranging an

alphabetical list of words which may begin with, in

some cases, nine or ten different letters, according to

the grammatical position they hold in eaoh case.

Bowever, the difficulty is greater in appearance than

in practice.
The Appendices contain some curious or useful
matter which could not well find a place in the body
of the work. The first contains a specimen of a curious
kind of enigmatical way of writing and speaking called

Kinyume. The second

gives a specimen of the forms
used in letter- writing, both in prose and verse. The
third is part of a Swahili tale, with all the prefixes

separated and the grammatical forms explained, in-

tended as a guide and introduction to the art of
reading, and through that of writing the languag'.
The fourth Appendix consists of a small collection of
phrases, some of them such as are wanted in ordinary
conversation, some of them useful in illustrating the
idiom or peculiar constructions used by natives. This
collection might have been very much increased had
it not been carefully confined to phra tually met
with in conversation with persons reputed to speak

The name of the language Swahili is "beyond all —
doubt a modified form of the Arabic Saicahil, the plural
of Sahil, a coast. The natives themselves jestingly
derive it from Sawa hila, which a Zanzibar interpreter
would explain as
" All same cheat."

Little Steeping, May 1870.



The Swahili language is spoken by the mixed race

of Arabs and Negroes who inhabit the Eastern Coast

of Africa, especially in that part which lies between
Lamoo and the neighbouring towns on the north, and
Cape Delgado on the south.
It is classified by Dr. Bleek as one of the Zangian

genus of the middle branch of the Bantu languages.

That is to say, it belongs to one of JJie subdivisions of
that great family of Negro languages, which carries on
the work of grammatical inflexion by means of changes
at the beginning of the word, similar to that whereby
in Kafir, umuntu, aman, becomes in the plural abantu,
people. All these languages divide their nouns into a
number of which are distinguished by theii
and bring their adjectives, pronouns, and
first syllable,

verbs into relation with substantives by the use oi

corresponding changes in their first syllables. None

of these classes denote sex in any way. Dr. Bleek, in
his comparative grammar of South African languages,
enumerates eighteen prefixes which are found in one
or other of the languages of this family ;
but it must
be remembered thai he reckons by the form of the

prefix only,
so thai the singular and plural forms of

mosl words count as two, while the same form will

Bometimes answer to two or more forms in the other
number. Dr. Bleek's arrangement is the most con \
nient for his purpose, which is the comparison of the
formatives used in different languages; but I have not
followed it in this work, because I think that for practical

purposes such a classification should be used as will

enable the learner who sees or hears the noun in the

singular at once to put it into the plural. Pr

may be counted up separately but in practice we have

to do with nouns, not with prefixes, and a noun cannot

be put into a di fie rent class when it becomes plural
or singular without great risk of confusion. Thus in
Fredoux Sechuana grammar, 4 and 6 are the plurals
of 3, 10 and 6 are the plurals of 11, and 6 alone is the

plural of 5 and 14. Can this be a dear arrangement?

I have very little doubt that Dr. Bleek is right in

.tiding these classes as substantially the e ith

the genders in most of the European languages, which

are even now only sex-denoting to a veiy limit' d
extent. There is a distinction in Swahili as to words
which denote living beings, called by Dr. Krapf, not
very happily, a masculine gender, though it has no
relation to sex, but to life only.

It is very puzzling to a beginner, accustomed to

languages which change at the end, to find the be-

arings of words so very uncertain. Thus he ho;
thai a means good; but when he begins to apply

Lisknowledge he finds that natives use for the English

word good, not only ngema, but mwema, weraa, mema.
njema, jema, pema, chema, vyema, and Tcwema. Again,
yangu means my, but he will hear also, wangu, zangu,
pangu, kicangu, and micangu. It is
ch-angu, vyangu, langu,

necessary therefore to get at the very first a firm hold

of the fact that in Swahili it is the end,.and not the 1 1-

ginning of a word, which is its substantial and unchang-

ing part. The beginning of the word when taken to

pieces denotes its number, time, and agreements.

The " Table of Concords" prefixed to the section on
Adjectives, shows at one view the variables of the
language ;
and when that has been mastered, the diffi-
culties for an English student will be over. The
various forms will be explained, and the nicer distinc-
tions mentioned in the grammatical parts of the book.
In the preliminary observations prefixed to the second
part will be found an account of all the changes which
may occur at the end of a word, changes which in
practice are very soon mastered, relating as they chiefly
do to a few points in the conjugation of the verb.
There is a broken kind of Swahili in use among
foreigners, Indian as well as European, which serves
for very many purposes, though it is of course utterly
useless when one has to speak with exactness, or on
Bubjects not immediately connected with the ordinary
affairs of life and commerce. Its rules may be
laid down as follows —
If you are in doubt about how

to make a plural, prefix ma, or use nyiagi, i.e. many.

In conjugating the verb, always put the subject
B 2
fore and the object after it, for the present tense

prefix no-, fox the pasl ma-,

for the future ta-. For no
or //"/, wonderful how intelligible
use haliuna. It is

yen can make yourself by these few rules; but it is

just as wonderful what absurd broken stuff can be

made to do duty for English.

Let any one, however, who really wishes to speak
the language set the Table of Concords well into his
head, by any means bo finds best for the purpose, and
he will have no need to resort to broken and incorrect
ways of talking.
[Swahili, like a ll lan gua ges of the s amo family,

very rich in Verbs, and poor in Adjectives and Prepo-

sitions. There is nothing corresponding to the English

.Article, the word when standing alone implying the

indefinite article, while the definite article can in many
cases be expressed by the use and arrangement of the
Pronouns, but still must often be left unexpressed.
Though the Verb is etymologically the most important
is the Substantive which determines
part of speech, it
the form of all the variable syllables. The Substan-
tive will therefore be first considered, and next the
A'V< ctive, which very closely resembles it. The Pro-
line come next, as it is by their help that the

Verb conjugated, then the Verb itself, and after that


tin minor parts of speech, Adverbs, Prepositions, Con-

junctions, and, last of

all. the [nterjections. A sketch
of the grammar of each part of speech, which aims at
being sufficient for ordinary and practical purposes, is
M si -iven, and after that a list of words belonging to

that part of speech, thus forming a combined grammar

and English- Swahili dictionary. The second part con-
sists of a Swahili-English vocabulary, and so completes
the work.
The Swahili language has been hitherto but lit do

written by those who speak it, and they know and use

only the purely Arabic alphabet. There are copies of

religious and secular verses, and possibly other works,
composed in the old or poetical dialect, which is not
now, and I believe never was, thoroughly understood
by the mass of the people. The modern dialect is used
in letters but they have always a string of Arabic

compliments at the beginning, and Arabic words and

phrases freely interspersed throughout.
Any one who tries to read a letter or a poem written
in Arabic characters, will at once see why
it is impos-

sible to adopt them as the standard Swahili alphabet.

It is absolutely necessary to have a good idea of what

you are to read before you can read at all. The reason
is that Swahili has five vowels, Arabic only three, and
of Swahili consonants the Arabic supplies no means of

writing ch, g, p, or v, nor can consecutive consonants be

written without shocking Arabic notions of propriety.
Thus the Swahili are driven to write the ba for p and
for mb ; the ghain for g, ng, and ng\ as
as well as for b
well as for gh the fa for v and mv, as well as for / ;

the ya for ny as well as for y ; the shin for ch as well as

for sh ; and to omit altogether the n before d, j, y, and z.

Initial vowels and consecutive vowels are only to be

expressed by hemzas or 'ains. In. the first piece of
written Swahili I ever possessed (the Story of the Ox
and the Ass the words ng'ombe and punda were written

ghube and />/'</<». It will T»o easily seen how imperfect

and ambiguous a means of writing Swahili the Arabic
character must be. An instance occurred while I was
in Zanzibar of a letter written from Kilwa with the
account of a fight, in which it was said that one of

^Aj^\ tin principal men, amehufa, had died, or amevulca, had

got away, and which it was no one could certainly
tell; the last two consonants were fa and qaf, with
three dots over them. If two of the dots belonged
to the first letter, the man was dead ; if two
to the next letter, he was alive : but the dots were
equally placed that no one could tell how to divide
them. If the Arabic had possessed a v, there could
have been no mistake. It would no doubt be possible
to express Swahili sounds by using letters with addi-
tional dots and affixing arbitrary sounds to the letters

of prolongation, as is done in Persian and Hindi, but

the result would puzzle a genuine Swahili and could
never be quite satisfactory in any respect.
There seems to be no difficulty in writing Swahili
in Human characters, there being no sound which does
not so nearly occur in some European language that
the proper way of writing it can readily bo fixed upon,
ami illustrated by an example. When this is the (
there is no need to look for anything further. I think

those who try to settle the alphabets of new languages

are too apt to forget how essential simplicity is to a

really good alphabet. If the Eoman alphabet can be


made to distinguish all the sounds used in that lan-

guage, it does all for it that it does for any. To at-

tempt to distinguish the sounds used in that language,

from the sounds used in another, or to mark all the
varieties of tone which occur in speaking, is always
useless and embarrassing, and not one man in a thou-
sand has sufficient accuracy of ear to do it properly.

It is practically easier to learn to attach a new J

sound to a known letter, than to learn a new sound

and a new letter too, especially when the new letter

has to be printed and written, and the learner is en-

tangled in a maze of italics and letters with a point

below and a point above, or a line through them, or
some Greek letter which has not the sound one gives it
in Greek, or some new invention which will fit well
neither into printing nor writing, and looks at its ease
neither as a capital nor a small letter. It generally

happens that the sounds of a language, though not

identical with those of another, correspond with them
sufficiently to make the corresponding letters appro-

priate symbols. Thus an English and a French t are

not identical but which nation would or ought to

submit always to put a dot somewhere about its t to

show that it is not the t which it never will want to
use, and never did, and could not pronounce, if it met
with it ? Or, to take a stronger instance, ought Ger-
mans, Englishmen, and Spaniards always to cross the
them in italics, or deform their
tails of their fs, or print

books with new symbols, merely because they do not

pronounce their fs as Frenchmen do theirs ?

The Towels are to be pronounced as in Italian, the
Consonants as in English.

A = a in father.
B = o in hare.
!h = ch in cherry. Italian <* before i or e.

D = d in do. D occurs very frequently in the Mombas dialect

where j is used in thai of Zanzibar.
E = ai in chair.
F = / in fine. German v.
d — Ld gate, never soft as
ij in genius.
H = h in /ki/.

I = ee in /ee£.
J = j'
in Joy. Sometimes more like cty or di in cordial. French
di, German dj, Italian gi.
K = 7; in Calendar.
L = ?in /ong. Zr and r are generally treated as the same 1

31 = 971 in man.
N = n in no.
= o in &oy, more like au than the common English o.
P = y>
R = r in raise. An English, not a Scotch, Irish, Germau, or
French r. See L.
B = v in German ss. It is never pronounced like a z or

the English s in arise. <S' and sh are

commonly used for
one another indiscriminately.
T = fin itn. T frequently occurs in the dialect of Mombas
where ch is used in that of Zanzibar.

U = oo in tool.

V = v in very. German w.
W= w>in ttra. French ou. It is merely a u pronounced as a
Y = y in yonder. Germany. It is merely an i pronounced as a
consonant. Y
frequently used in the Lamoo dialect

where j occurs in that of Zanzibar.

Z = z in zany. German s. Z frequently occurs in the dialect of
Lamoo where v is used in that of Zanzibar.

There are several sounds introduced from the Arabic

which do not occur in purely African words.

Gh = the Arabic gliain ; it is a guttural g, resembling

the Dutch g. It may be obtained by pro-
nouncing a g (as nearly as it can be done)
with the mouth wide open. Most Europeans
imagine, the first time they hear it, that
there is an r sound after the g, but this is a
Eh = the Arabic Jcha ; it is a very rough form of the
German the Spanish j, or the Scotch ch in

loch. It resembles the sound made in trying

to raise something in the throat. It may
always be replaced in Swahili by a simple h,

but never by a k.
Th = the four Arabic letters ilia, thai, thod, and thah.

The first the English th in think,

of these is

the second that in they. The third and fourth

are thicker varieties of the second sound. In
Swahili they may all be replaced by a z. No
attempt is ever made to distinguish the last
three letters; but as the first is generally

marked in pronunciation, it is in the first

part of this handbook marked by printing

tho th in italics wherever it is to be pro-
nounced as in the English word think. The
sound of the English th in that occurs in
some Swahili as a dialectic variation for z.
In vulgar Swahili z is not merely put for
the Arabic th, but th is also put for the

Arabic z, as wathiri for icaziri, a vizir.

There are several compound consonantal sounds

which require notice.

Ch, a very common sound, representing what is

sometimes a t and sometimes hi in other —
dialects. C is not required for any other
sound, as it can be always represented by h
when hard, and by s when soft. It would
probably be an improvement always to write
the ch sound by a simple c.
rn, see ng'.

Kw represents the sound of qu in queer.

31 frequently stands for mu, in which cases it is pro-
nounced with a half-suppressed u sound
before it, and is even capable of bearing the

accent of the word, as in mtu, a person, wh

the stress of voice is on the m, which has a
dull nasal semivowel sound, not quite um.
Where m occurs before any consonant except
b or to, it must have this semivowel sound.

SI, standing for mu, has generally its semi-

vowel sound before u. Before a or e it

becomes mw, and before o it frequently loses

the u altogether, and is pronounced as a

simple m.
N has frequently a nasal semivowel sound, a half-

suppressed i being suggested by it. N has

always this semivowel sound where it is

immediately followed by ch, f, h, m, n, or s.

Ny has the sound of the Spanish n, the French and
Italian gn, the Portuguese nh, and the English
ni in companion, only a little thicker and
more nasal.

Ng' is a peculiar African sound, much resembling

the -ng which occurs at the end of many

English words. If we could divide longing

thus, lo-nging, without at all altering the

pronunciation, it would come very near

the African sound, which is never a final,

because all Swahili syllables must end in a

vowel. Some prefer to write this sound gn-,
as it resembles the sound given by Germans
and others to those letters when they occur
as initial letters in Greek. This sound must
be distinguished from the common sound of

ng-,in which the g distinctly passes on to

the following vowel, as in the English word

engage; in ng'- both sounds are heard, but

neither passes on to the vowel.
Sh is the Arabic shin, the English sh, the French ch,
the German xrh. Sh and 8 arc commonly
treated as identical.

P, T, K. and possibly some other letters, have occa-

sionallyan explosive or aspirated sound,
such as an Irishman will often give them.
This explosive sound makes no chango in
the letter, but is an addition to it, probably

always marking a suppressed n. Thus npcpo

with both p's smooth as in English
is a wind, ;

but the plural, which should regularly be

npepo, is p'epo, with a strong explosive sound
attached to the first letter. This explosive
sound may be marked by an apostrophe it ;

is,however, very seldom necessary to tin-

sense of a word, and is noticeably smoothed
down or omitted by the more refined and
Arabizcd Swahili.
There are other niceties of pronunciation which a
fine ear may distinguish; but as they are
by no means essential, and are seldom noticed
by the natives themselves, it is not worth
while here to examine them particularly.

As a rule, the vowels are all pronounced distinctly,

and do not form diphthongs. When, however, a for-
mative particle ending in -a is placed before a wnr<l

beginning with e- or i-, the two letters coalesce into a

long e sound. It is not, however, even in such a case

as this, always incorrect to pronounce the two vowels

distinctly, though it is not usually done. The instances


of and rules for this union of sound will be found

where the several prefixes which give occasion to it

are dealt with.

When two vowels come together at the end of a
word, they are often to the ear one syllable, and have
the sound of a diphthong they are really, however,

two syllables of which the former bears the accent.

This is at once apparent in the Merima dialect, in
which an put between the vowels. Thus
I is Jcafaa, to
be of use, which sounds as if written kufa, is in the
Merima dialect Imfala. The shifting of the accent
sometimes shows that the vowels are really separate.
Thus a common fruit tree is called mzambarau, in which
word the last two vowels apparently unite into a
sound like that in the English word how ; but when -ni
is added, making Mzambarauni, at the zambardu tree —
the name of one of the quarters of Zanzibar the u — is

quite separated from the a, and the last two syllables

are pronounced like the English ~oony.
It may be assumed in all cases in which two vowels
come together that an I has been omitted between
them, and will appear in some modification of the word
or in its derivatives.
The shifting of the accent above referred to takes
place in obedience to the universal rule in Swahili,
that the main accent of the word is always put upon
the last syllable but one, a rule which often changes
the sound of a word so materially as to baffle a beginner
in his endeavour to seize and retain it. The syllable
-ni is the chief disturber of accents ; and words which

end in it may be always suspected of being
imperatives if they are verbs, or of being in what is
known as the locative case if
they are nouns. There
only a very few words which end in -ni in their
simple forms.
The formation or division of syllables is so
connected with the powers of the letters, that this will
be a proper place to mention it. The rulo is that all
Swahili syllables end in a vowel, and that the vowel
must be preceded only by a single consonant, or
one preceded by n or m, or followed
by w or y.
There are a few half-assimilated Arabic words in
which double consonants occur but there is a
tendency in all such cases to drop one of the consonants
and attach the other to the vowel which follows them.
W can be placed after all the other consonants,

simple and compound, except perhaps F

and V.
Y can follow F, N, and V.
These two letters are used in the formation of Verbs,
-w- being the sign of the
passive, and -y- being used to
e a transitive
meaning. In several cases stands -fy-

for -py-; -py- occurs in one word only, mpya, new.

N can be placed before D, G, J, Y, and Z.
M can be placed before B, and perhaps Ch and V.
M in these instances represents an n- used as a suh-
•itival and adjectival Used in this
prefix. way, n
before b becomes m; before I or r it
changes the I or r
into d, making nd- instead of nl- or nr-; before to it

nges into m, and the w i

b, making ml-

instead of nw-. It is curious that w can be made to

follow n withoutany change, but that n cannot be put
before w. Before k, p, and t, the n is dropped, and

they become h\ p\ and f before the other letters eh,


f, h, m, n, and 8, it is merely dropped.

The resulting syllables are not always easy of pro-
nunciation to a European, as, for instance, nywa in hu-

nywa, to drink, nor is it very easy to pronounce ngu 01

nda ; but to a native such sounds present no difficulty,
whilst he can scarcely pronounce such a word as black.
Instances of the division of syllables will be found
in the specimen of Kinyume, which forms Appendix I.

Kinyume made by taking the last syllable from the


end of a word and putting it at the beginning, so that

each instance is a specimen of the native idea as to

what letters belong to the final syllable. Some Swahili

are very ready at understanding and speaking this

enigmatical dialect.
At the head of each letter in the second part will
be found some observations on its use and pronun-


Swahili nouns have two numbers, singular and plural,

(vhich are distinguished by their initial letters. Upon
the forms of the Substantives depend the forms of all

or governed
Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs governing
by them. It is, therefore, necessary to divide them
into so many classes as there are different forms either
of Substantives or of dependent words, in order to be
able to lay down rules for the correct formation of
sentences. For this purpose Swahili Substantives may
be conveniently divided into eight classes.

I. Those beginning with M-, 'M-, Mu-, or Mw-, in

the singular, and which denote living beings. They
make their plural by changing M- &c. into Wa-.
Mtu, a man ; watu, people.

The singular prefix represents in all its forms the

syllable Mu-, which is itself very rarely heard. Before
a consonant it is almost always pronounced as a semi-

v. iwel m, with the u sound before rather than after it.

Before a and e the u becomes a aant, and the

prefix appears
as //"*•-. Before o and u the u is very

frequently dropped, and the m alone is heard. The

prefix is treated as a distinct syllable when followed
by a consonant, but very rarely so when followed by
a vowel.
Mchawi, a wizard ; wachawi, wizards.
Mjusi, a lizard wajusi, lizards.

Mwana, a son ; v-aana, sons.

Miooga, or moga, a coward waoga, cowards. ;

Muumishi, or mumishi, a cupper ; waumishi, cuppers.

When the plural prefix wa- is placed before a word

beginning with a-, the two a's run together, and are
seldom distinguishable by the ear alone. When wa- is
placed before a word beginning with e- or »-, the -a
flows into the other vowel and produces a long e sound.

Mwenzi, a companion loenzi, companions.


Mwivi, a thief; wevi, thieves.


II.Substantives beginning with M-, 'M-, Mu-, or

Mw-, which do not denote living or animate beings.
They make their plural by changing M- &c. into Mi-.

Mti, a tree ; mitt, trees.

The same observations apply to the singular prefix

in this class as in Class I.

Mfupa, a bone mifupa, bones.


Mwanzo, a beginning; rnianzo, beginnings.

Mwembe, a mango tree ; miembe, mango trees.

Mwiba, a thorn ; miiba, or miba, thorns.

Moto, a fire ; mioto, fires.

The names of trees belong to this class.

III. Those which do not change to form the plural.

Nyumba, a house ;
nyumba, houses.
18 SW All 111 HANDBOOK.
The simple description of nouns of this class is that
they begin with n, followed by some other consonant,

li is
probable that Ni- is the ground form of the prefix
of this class, since it always appears as ny- before a
vowel. The singular powers and antipathies of the
Letter n- very much affect the distinctness of this class
of nouns. As n must be dropped before ch, f, h, h, p, s,
or nouns beginning with those letters may belong to

this class;*and as n becomes to before b, v, and w,

nouns beginning with mb or mv may belong to it. There
is a further complication in Swahili, arising from the
fact that foreign words, except only foreign names of
persons and offices, whatever their first letters, are

correctly placed in this class. The popular instinct,

however, refuses this rule, and in the vulgar dialect

classes foreign words according to their initial letters,

regarding the first syllable as a mere prefix, and treat-

ing it accordingly (see also p. 20). In some cases words

are handled in this way even in polite Swahili ; thus the
Arabic Kitabu, a book, is very often made plural by

treating the lei- as a prefix, and saying Vilabu, for books.

Kamba, a rope kamba, ropes.

Mbegu, a seed; nJjegu, seeds.

Nyumba, a house; nyumba, houses.
Meza, a table meza, tables.

Bundulci, a gun bunduki, guns.


Ndizi, :t banana; ndizi, bananas.

Njia, a road ;
njia, roads.

» There is nothing to show whether nouns beginning with these,

Utters belong to this class or to the fifth but it is always safest in

cases of doubt to treat them as belonging to this class, unless some

special largeness
is intended to be intimated concerning them.

IY. Those which begin with Ki- before a consonant

or C%- before a vowel. They form their plural by

changing Ki- into Vi- and Ch- into Vy-.

Kitu, a thing vitu, things.

Chombo, a vessel vymribo, vessels. ;

Substantives are made diminutives by being brought

into this class.

Mlima, a mountain Kilima, a hill. ;

Bweta, a box kibweta, a little box.


If the word stripped of all prefixes is a monosyllable,

ji- must first be prefixed.

Mti, a tree ; kijiti, a shrub.

Mwiko, a spoon ; kijiko, a little spoon.

Words beginning with Ki- may be turned into

diminutives by inserting -ji- after the prefix.

Kitwa, a head ; kijitwa, a little head.

Kiboko, a hippopotamus ; kijiboko, a little hippopotamus.

In regard to animals, the use of the diminutive has

a depreciating effect.

Mbuzi, a goat ; kibuzi, a poor little goat.

V. Those which make their plural by prefixing ma-.

Kasha, a chest ; makasha, chests.

Nouns are generally brought into this class by re-

jecting all prefix in the singular. If, however, the

word itself begins with a vowel, /- is prefixed ; if it be

a monosyllable, ji- is prefixed. The/- ovji- is
C 2

omitted in the plural, but may be retained to avoid

ambiguity, where the regular word would have re-

Bembled one formed from another root.

Jambo, an affair; mambo, affairs.

Jicho, an eye macho, ryes.

ho, a large vessel majombo, large vessels.


If the word begin with i- or e-, the -a of the plural

prefix coalesces and forms a long -e-; this

with it

distinguishes dissyllables with j- prefixed from mono-

syllables with/*- prefixed.

Jino, a tooth ; meno (not mano), teeth.

Foreign names of persons and offices belong to this


Waziri, a vizir ; mawaziri, vizirs.

In the vulgar dialect of Zanzibar all foreign words

which have a first syllable that cannot be treated as a

>re fix, are made to belong to this class, and ma- is

prefixed to form the plural (see p. 18).

Anything which is to be marked as peculiarly large
or important is so described by bringing the word into
this class.

Mjuho, a bag fuho, a very large bag.


Mtu, a man jitu, a very large man.


Kyuruba, a house jumba, a large house.


If a word is already in this class, it may be described

as larger by prefixing ji-.

Matanga, sails ; majitanga, great sails.


Maji, water, Mafuta, oil, and other nouns in that

form are treated as plurals of this class.

VI. Those which begin with TJ- in the singular.

They make their plural by changing TJ- into Ny- before
a vowel, or N- before a consonant.

Uimbo, a song nyimbo, songs.


Udevu, a hair of the beard ndevu, hairs of the beard.


This class is not a large one ; but the formation of

its plural is full of apparent irregularities produced by
the letter n.

1. All nouns of this class, which are in the singular

dissyllables only, retain the u- in the plural, and are
treated as beginning with a vowel.

Ufa, a crack nyu/a, cracks.;

Uso, a face nyuso, faces.


2. Words in which the TJ- is followed by d, g, j, or z,

take N- in place of TJ-.

3. Words in which the TJ- is followed by I or r, take

N-, but change the I or r into d.

Ulimi, a tongue ; ndlmi, tongues.

4. Words in which the TJ- is followed by b, v, or w,

take n-, but change it into m-, and their first letter is

always b.
Ubau, a plank mhau, planks.

Uwingu, a heaven mbiitgu, the heavens.


5. Words in which the TJ- is followed by k, p or t,


drop the U-, and give an explosive sound to the first

Upepo, a wind ;
p'epo, winds.

6. Words in which the U- is followed by ch, f, h, n,

or 8, merely drop the JJ-.

Ufunguo, a key ;
funguo, keys.

Nouns of this class are so few in Swahili that it is

scarcely worth while to notice these distinctions they ;

are, however, important as explaining what would

otherwise seem anomalies, and represent influences
which have a much larger field in other African
Abstract nouns generally belong to this class.

V I. The one word Mahali, place or places, which


requires special forms in all adjectives and pronouns.

VIII. The Infinitives of Verbs used as Substantives.

All Infinitives may be so used, and answer to the

English Verbal Substantives in -iwj.

Kufa, to die = dying.

Kwiba, to steal = stealing.

All Substantives of both numbers maybe put into

what may be called the locative case by adding ni.
This case has three great varieties of meaning, which
are marked by differences in all dependent pronouns.
1. In, within, to or from within.
2. At, by, near.
3. To, from, at v of places far off).

Nyumbani mwangu, in my house.

Nyumbani pangu, near my house.
Nyumbani kwangu, to my house.
Htoni, by the river.
Njiani, on the road.
Vyomboni, in the vessels.
Kitwani, on the head.
Mbinguni, in heaven. .

Kuanguhani, in falling.

The possessive case is expressed by the use of the

Preposition -a, which see. The objective or accusative
is the same as the subjective or nominative.
In the following list of Substantives the plural form
is o-iven in all caseo in which, if commonly used, it is

not the same as the singular.



The letters in parentheses denote the several dialects: (A.) Kiamu. that of

Lamoo;(M.) Kim vita, that of Mombas; (Mer.)Kimerima, that of the main-

land opposite Zanzibar; (N.) Kingozi, the poetical dialect; (Ar.) Arabic.

.t vhat-is-it,a thing the name of Address (of a letter), amvani.

which you do not know or can- Adornment, kipambo, jil. vipambo,
not recall, duile, pi. madude. pambo, pi. mapambo.
Such-a-one, a person whose name is Adultery, zani, uziui, uziuzi.
not known or is immaterial, Advantage (profit), fayida.
fullaui. Aih-i rsiti/, mateso, skidda.
Advice, sbauri,pi. masbiuri.
Adze, sboka la bapa, sezo.
Al>n.*/>mpnt, nnenyekeo. Affair, jambo.
Abhorrence, machukio. Affairs, mambo, shughuli, uli-

Ability, uwezo. mweugu.

Abridgment, muhtasari. Affection, ni^penzi, mapendo.
Abscess, tumbasi, nasur. Mutual affection, mapendana
ndance, wingi, ungi (M.), mari- Affliction, teso, p>l.
thawa. Age, umri.
an, Habeshia, pi. Maba- Old age, uzee.
beslii:i. Extreme old age, uknngwe.
Acceptance, ukubali. Equal in age, birimu moja.
Accident, tukio, pi. matukio. Former ages, zamani za kale.
Accounts, In -s;ibu. Agent, wakili, pi. mawakili.
"ni booh, daftari. Agreement, maagano, makatibu,
Accusation, matuvumu. mwafaka, mapatano, sharti.
tation (before a judge), m.-hta- Aim, sbabaha.
ka. pi. mi>htaka. Air, hawa, bewa, upepo.
Ache, iiiawuiivu, uchungu. For change cf air, kubadili hawa.
Almond, maluzi.
Action, kitendo, pZ. vitendo, amali. lozi, pi.

Addition in arithmetic), jumla. Alms, sadaka.


Aloes, subiri, shibiri. Siafu, a large Trown hind.

Aloes wood, uudi. Maji a nioto, a yellow hind which
Altar, mathbah, mathabahu. lives in trees.

Alum, shabbu. White ants, mchwa.

Ambergris, ambari. Ants in their flying stage, kutubi-
Amulet, talasimu, pi. matalasimu. kumbi.
Amusement, mazumgumzo, mao- Anthill, kisugalu, pi. visugulu.
ngezi. Anus, nikunda, fupa.
Ancestors, babu, wazee. Anvil, fuawe.
Anchor, nanga, baura. Ape, nyani.
Ancle {see Anklets), kiwiko cha Apostle, nitump, pi. mitume.
mgnu, ito la guu (A.). Appearance, umbo, pi. niaumbo.
Angel, malaika. Arab, Mwarabu. pi. Waarabu.
Anger, hasira, gbathabu. Arab from Sheher, Msbibiri, pi.
Angle, pembe.
Angoxa, Ngoje. Arab from the Persian Gulf, Msbe-
Animal, nyania. mali, pi. Washemali, Tende
The young of a domestic animal, balua.
ndama. Arabia, Arabuni, Manga.
A young she-animal that has not Arabic, Kiarabu.
yet borne, mtarnba, pi. Arbitrator, mpatanishi.
Native animals. See under their Arch, tao, pi. matao.
several names :
— Areca nut, popoo. See Betel.
Buku, a very large hind of rat. Arithmetic, hesabu.
Toi, a hind of wild goat. Addition, jumla.
Buga (?). Subtraction, baki.
Ndezi (?). Mult ipl ica t ion , tbaruba.
Xjiri (?). Division, mkasama.
Anklets (see Ancle), mtali. pi. mitali, Proportion, or division of profits,
furaugu. pi. mafurungu. Arm, mkono, pi. nrikono. [uirari.
Answer, majibu, jawabu. Under the arm, kwapani
Antelopes. See Gazelle. Armpit, kwapa, pi. makwapa.
Bora, Heleobagus arundinaceus. Perspiration of the armpit,
Dondoro, Dyher's antelope. kikwapa.
Koru, icater buch. Arrangements, madaraka.
Kuguni, haartebeest. Arrival, kifiko, kikomo.
Mpofu, pi. Wapofu, eland. Arrogance, gbururi.
Nyumbo, wildebeest. Arrow, msbale, pi. misbale, chenile,
Parabara. pi. vyembe (X.)-
Kulungu. Arrowroot, uwanga, kanji.
Antimony, wanja Tva manga. Artery, vein or nerve, uishipa, pi.
4nfs,chuiigu,tungu(M v ,sisiujizi(?). mishipa.
Artifice, kitimbi. pL vitimbi. Junia, used for rice, Ax., gunia.
Ascriptions of praise, tasbiih. Kigunui, used for dates, sugar,
I, jifu. ;>/. majit'u, ivu, pL &c.
mnivu (M.). Kif umbo, pi. vifumbo, very large
panda. used for cloves.
Assafa tida, mvuje. Baggage, vyombo.
Assi mbly, jamaa, jumaa, makutano, Bad, lazima.
makusanyiko. Bait, cbambo, pi. vyambo.
Place of «.»>•< mhly, makusanyiko. Baking place for pottery, &c, joko.
Asthma, pumu. Balances, mizani.
Astonishm< ut, mataajabu, msangao. 1 i<i Illness, upaa.
A ttrologer, mnajiimi. pi. wanajimu. A shaved place on the head, kipaa,

Astronomy, falaki, f&lak. pi. vipaa.

.1 fitment, wambiso. Ball, tufe.
Auction, ninada, pi. minada. India-rubber ball, mpira, pi.
Auctioneer, dalali. mipira.
Aunt, sbangazi, pi. masbangazi Any small round thing, donge, pi.
Authority, nguvu, mauilaka, bu- madonge.
kumu. Ballast, farumi.
Avarice, choyo, bakbili, tamaa. Bamboo, 'mwanzi, pi. miwanzi.
Awl, uuia, pi. nyuuia. Bananas, ndizi.
Awning, cbandalua. Banana tree, mgomba, pi. mi-
Axe, slioka, pi. mashoka. gomba.
Bunchlets of fruit, tana, pi.
B. mataiia.
Baby, mtoto mcbanga, kitoto The fruit stalk, mkungu, pi. mi-
kicbanga, malaika. kungu.
Bad; niaungo, mgongo. Band (stripe), utepe, pi. tepe.
Back of the head and neck, ki- Band (of soldiers, &c.), kikosi, pL
sbogo. vikosi.
Backbone, uti wa maungo. Baiulage, utambaa, pi. tambaa.
Badness, ubaya, uovu. Bangles. See Anklets.
Bag, mfuko, pi. mifuko, fuko, pi. Bank (of earth, sand, (fee), fungu,
mafuko, kifuko, pi. vii'uko. pi. mafungu.
Mkoba, pi. mikoba, a scrip. Bank of a river, kando.
Kibogoebi, pi. vibogosbi, a small The opposite bank, ng'ambo.
bug made of skin. Baobab. See Calabash.
Matting bags. Barber, kinyozi, pi. vinyozi.
Kikapu or Cliikapu, pi. vikapu. Bargain, mwaf'aka, maaukano.
Ivipu, pi. makapu, very large. Bargaining, ubazazi.
Kanda, pi. makanda, long and Bark of a tree, gome (hard), ganda
narrow, broadest at the bottom. (soft).

Barley, shairi (Ar.). Beam, mti, pi. niiti, boriti, mkimili,

Barque {a ship), merikebu ya mili- pi. mihimili.
ngote miwili na nuss. Beans, kuuiide.
Barrel, pipa, pi. mapipa. Cliooko, a very small green kind.
Basin, bakuli, pi. mabakulL Fiwe, grow on a climbing plant
A small basin, kibaba. with a white flower.
A brass basin, tasa, pi. matasa. Baazi, grow on a bush something
See Bowl. like a laburnum.
Basket. See Bag. Beard, ndevu, maderu.
Cbikapu, pi. vikapu. One hair of the beard, udevu.
Pakacba, pi. mapakacha, made The imperial, the tuft of hair on
of cocoa-nut leaves plaited to- the lower lip, kinwa mchuzi,

kionda mtuzi (M.).
Dohani, a very tall narrow basket Beast, nyama.
made of slips of wood supple- Beauty, uzuri.
mented by cocoa-nut leaves. A beauty, kizuri, pi. vizuri, baiba.

Tunga, a round open basket. Bed (for planting sweet potatoes),

Ungo, pi. maungo, or uteo, pi. tuta, pi. matuta.
teo (M.), a round flat basket Bedding, matandiko.
used for sifting. Bedstead, kitanda, pi. vitanda.
Kiteo, pi. viteo, a very small one. The legs, tendegu, pi. matendegu.
Kunguto, makunguto, a
pi. The side pieces, mfumbati, pi.
basket used as a colander. mifumbati.
Jamanda,pZ. majamanda, a round The end pieces, kitakizo, pi. vita-
basket of thick work, with a kizo.
raised lid. The head, nichago.
Bat, popo. The space underneath, mvungu
Batcheior, msijana (?). kitanda.
Bath, birika, chakogea. Bee, nyuki.
Bath room, cboo, pi. vyoo. See Beehive (a hollow piece of wood),
Privy. mzinga, pi. ruizinga.
Public baths, hamami. Beggar, mwornbaji, pi. waombaji.
Battle, mapigano. Begging, maomvi.
Battlements, menomeno. Beginning, mwanzo, pi. mianzo.
Bay, ghubba. Start in speaking or doing, feli,
Beach, pwani, mpwa (M.)- pi. mafeli.
Beads, ushanga, pi. shanga. Behaviour, mwenendo.
Kondavi, pi. makondavi, a large Good behaviour, kutenda vema.
kind worn by women, kutenda vibaya.
Ill behaviour,

(rosary), tasbiih. Bell, kengele.

Beak, mdomo wa ndege. Njuga, a small bell worn as an

A parrot's beak, mbango. ornament, a dog beU.
Uowing, kivnini. vuini. Bishop, aakafa (Ar.).
Bellows, mifuo, mivukuto. A cli, y.<
bieltop, kh.iini.
lhj, inatuinbo. /; / (./ horn '.-•
I, pindo. Bitterness, ucbungu, ukali.
The arm a bent form,
stiffened in Blabbi of seen ts, payo, pi. mapnvo.

kigosho cha mkono. Blacksmith, mfufl ohuma, ///. wafua

atooka bay, Mjanga. cbuma, mhunzi (Mer.), pi.
Betel biif, tambuu. It is c7<<tr. ,1 wabunzi.
until areca nut, lime, and to- Blackwood, sesemi.
bacco folded up in it, and gin-* Bladdi r. kibofu, ]>l.
its name t<> fin irhub-. Blade, ken
Beverage, kinywaji, pi. vinywaji. Blade of grass, uchipuka, pi. cbi-
Bhang, bangi. puka.
Biceps muscle, tafu ya mkono. Blame, matuvunra.
Bin r, jeneza, jenaiza. Blank* I, bll-buti.
Bifurcation, panda. Blemish, ila, kiptmguo.
BiL .
nyongo. Blessing, baraka, mbaraka, pi. mi-
Biliousness, safura (Ar.\ marungu ll iraka.

(M. .
Blindness, (loss of sight),
Bill. See Beak chongo of one ey>).

(account), hesabu, barua. Blinders (used for camels umen

Bill of fab ankra. , grinding in mills), jamanda (of
rl,.,j,j„ ,), niumlu, pi. miutidu ;
hud.-' I
work), kidoto (of cloth >

pamba. )./. Blister, lengelenge, pi. nialen:.r >'-
Bird, ndege, nyuni (M.). nge.

Young of birth, kiuda, pi. ma- A

vesicular eruption of the skin.
kinda. Block. See Pulley. [uwati.
Bird* if tltr air, ndege za anga. A block to dry skull caps upon,
Bird if ill omen, korofi, mkorofi. lamina.
Nativt bird*. Blood, ilamu.
Pugi, a very snudl kind of dove. Blood-vessel, msbipa, pi. misbipn.
Koron^o, crane. Blotch, waa, pi. mawaa.
Mbango, a bird with a hooked Blowing and bellowing noise (often
I "fi I;. Hindi; ivith a drum), VUOlL

Ninga, a green dove. Blue vitriol, mrututu.

waridi, << ./nm sparrow.
Jio'irif, ubau, pi. mbaa.
Mb lyuwayu, a swoIa Piece of board, kibau, pi. vibau.
Bundi, an owl. Boat, masbua.
— pungn — tendawala '?). Body, mwili, pi. miili.
Birth, uzazi, uvyasd, kizazi, kivyazi. Tin human trunk, kiwiliwili.
lit, biakwiti A dead body, mayiti.
very thin kind, kaki. The body of soldiers, &c, jamiL

Boil, jipu, pi. majipu. Bracelet, kekee (fiat).

Bomb, kombora. Kikuku, pi. vikuku (round).
Bombay, Mombee. Kingaja, pi. vingaja (of beads).
Bone, mfupa, pi. mifupa, fapa, pi. Banagiri(orarimeM<ed with points).
mafupa (vtry large). Timbi.
Booh, chuo, pi. vyuo, kitabu, pi. Braid, kigwe, pi. vigwe.
vitabu. Brains, bongo, mabongo.
A sacred book, msabafu, pi. misa- Bran, cbacbu, makapi.
hafu. Husks of rice, kunivi.
An account booh, daftari. Branch, tawi, pi. matawi, utanzu,
Booty, mateka, nyara. pi. tanzu.
Border (boundary), mpaka, pi. mi- Brand (apiece of wood partly burnt),
paka. kinga, pi. vinga.
An edging woven on to a piece of Brass, sbaba, nubas (Ar.).
cloth, taraza. Brass wire, mazoka (?).

Bother, utbia, buja. Bravery, ushujaa, u(fcabiti.

Bottle, cbupa, pi. macbupa, tupa Brawler, mgomvi, pi. wagomvi.

(M.), pi. matupa. Bread (loaf or cake), mkate.
A long-necked bottle for
sprinkling Breadth, upana.
scents, mrasbi, pi. mirashi. Break. See Orach, Notch.
A little bottle, a phial, kitupa, pi. Breakfast, cbakula cha subui,
vitupa. kifungua kanwa, cha msha
Bottom, cbini. kanwa.
Bough, kitawi, pi. vitawi. Breaking wind (upward), kiungulia,
Boundary, mpaka, pi. mipaka. pi. viungulia.
Bow, upindi, pi. pindi, uta, pi. (downward), jamba, pi. majamba,
mata, or nyuta. mashuzi.
Bowl {wooden), fua. See Basin. Breast, kifua, kidari, mtima.
Bowsprit, mlingote wa maji. Breasts, maziwa, sing. ziwa.
Box, bweta, pi. mabweta, ndusi, Breath, pumzi, nafusi, roho.
kisanduku, pi. visanduku. Bribe, rusbwa.
Small, kibweta, pi. vibweta. Bride, bibi harusi.
Large, kasha, pi. makasba, san- Bridegroom, bwana harusi.
duku. Bridle, hatamu (halter, reins, &c),
Small metal box, kijaluba, pi. lijamu (bit).
vijaluba. Brink, ukingo, mzingo.
Small, long-shaped metal box, often Brook, kijito, pi. vijito.
used to keep betel in, kijamanda, Broom, ul'agio, pi. fagio.
pi. Brother, ndugu, ndugu mume,
Small paper box, kibumba, pi. kaka (Kibadimu).
vibumba. Foster brother, ndugu kunyonya.
Boy, kijana, pi. vijana. Brother-in-law, shemegi.
Husband's brother, mwamua. A complicated business, visa

Wifi '« hrothi r, will. vingi.

Brow, kikomo cha nso, kipaji. His business, amri yake.
Bruise, vilio la damn, alama ya I have no business, &c., sina amri,
pigo. &c.
Brush Broom), buniahi.
(see Butter, siagi.
Brushwood, koko, makoko. Clarified butter (ghee), samli.
Bubble, povu, ^J. niapovu. Buttermilk, mtindi.
Bucket, inloo. Butterfly, kipepeo, pi. vipepeo.
Buckler, ngao. Buttocks, tako, pi. matako.
Buffalo, mati. Button, kifungo, pi. vifungo.
1?h /. kunguni.
Button loop, kitanzi, }>1.

Building, jengo, ^?. majengo. Button by which the wooden clogs

Building materials, majengo. are held on, msuruake, pi. mi-
jP/rmand good building, mtomo. suruake.
Bull, fahali, pi. mafahali, ng'ombe Buyer, mnunuzi, pi. wanunuzi.
mume or ndunie.
Bullet, poopoo, risasi ya bunduki.
1 hillock, maksai. Cabin (side), kipenu.
Bunch, tawi, pi. matawi, kitawi, pi. Cable, amara.
vitawi, kichala, pi. vichala. Caffre corn, mtama.
The bunch is said to be of the Cage, kizimbi, pi. vizimbi, tundu,
tree and not of the fruit. pi. matundu.
Tawi la mtende, a bunch of dates. Cake, mkate, pi. mikate.
Kichala cha mzabibu, a bunch of Cake of mtama meal, mkate wa
grapes. See Bananas. mofu.
Bundle, peto, pi. niapeto, mzigo, pi. Cake of tobacco, mkate wa tu-

mizigo. mbako.
In a cloth, bimdo, furushi, ki- Bumunda, pi. mabumunda, a sort
furushi. of dumpling or soft cake.
Of straw, mwenge, pi. inienge. Kitumbua, pi. vitumbua, a cake
Of sticks, titi, pi. matiti. made like a fritter.
Buoy, chilezo, pi. vilezo, mlezo, pi. Ladu, a round ball made of
milezo. semsem seed, spice, and sugar.
Burden, mzigo, pi. mizigo. Kinyunya, pi. vinyunya, a little

Burial-place, mazishi, maziko. cake made to try the quality of

Burier (i.e. a special friend), mzishi, the flour.

pi. wazislii. Calabash, buyu, pi. mabuyu.

Bush, kijiti, pi. vijiti. Inner part of the calabash fruit,
Bushes, koko, pi. makoko. ubuyu.
7. iness, shughuli, kazi. Calabash used to draw wat>r,
Urgent business, ainara. kibuyu, vibuyu.

Calabash tree or baobab, mbuyu, Carpet, zulia.

pi. mibuyn. Carriage, gari, pi. magari.
A pumpkin shell used to hold A gun carriage, gurudumo la

liquids, dundu, pi. madundu. mzinga.

Cola in%,masaibu, msiba,p£. misiba. Cartridge, kiass cba bundnki.
Calico. See Cloth. Carving, naksb, nakisbi.
Fine, bafta. Case or paper box, kibumba, pi.

Calf, ndama, ndama wa ng'ombe. vibumba.

Call (calling), mwito, pi. niiito. Cashew nut, korosbo, pi. makorosho
(a cry), ukelele, ukemi. Immature nut, dunge.
Kikorombwe, a signal cry.
Cashew apple, bibo, pi. mabibo,
Calm, shwali. kanju (M.), pi. makanju.
Calumba root, kaomwa. Cashew nut tree, mbibo, pi. mibibo,
Camel, ngamia. mkanju (M.), pi- mikanju.
Camelopard, twiga. Cask, pi pa, pi. mapipa.
Camphor, karafumayiti, kafuri. Casket, kijamanda, pi. vijamanda.
Candle, tawafa, meshinaa. Cassava, mubogo.
Candlestick, kinara, pi. vinara. A piece of the dried root, kopa, pi.

Cannabis Indica, bangi. makopa.

Cannon, mzinga, pi. lmziuga. Castle, geieza, ngome.
Canoe, galawa (icith outriggers ,
A chess castle, fil (Ar. elephant .

mtumbwi, pi. mitumbwi (with- Castor oil, mafuta ya mbaribt,

out outriggers), bori, pi. mahori mafuta ya nyonyo (?), mat'ut;t
(with raised head and stern). ya mbono (?).

Canter, mghad (of a horse). Castor oil plant, mbarika, pi. mi-
Thelth (of an ass). barika, mbono (?), pi. niibono.

Cap, kofia. Cat, paka.

A cup block, faroma. Catamite, haniti, hawa, hawara,
A gun-cap, fataki. sboga (A.).
Capacity, kadri. Cattle, ng'ombe, nyama.

Cape (headland), rasi. Cattle fold, zizi, pi. mazizi.

Captain, nakhotha, naoza, kapitani. Caudle made on the occasion of a

Caravan, msafara, pi. misafara. birth, of rice, sugar, and spice,
Caravan porter, mpagazi, pi. wa- and given to visitors, fuka.

pagazi. Caulking, khalfati.

Carcase, mzoga, pi. mizoga. Cause, sababu, kisa, asili, maana.
Cards (playing), karata. Cautery and the marks of it, pisho,
Cardamoms, iliki. Caution, batbari. [pi. mapisbo.
Care, tunza, pi. matunza. Cave, paango, pi. mapaango.
(cautiony, bathari. Censer, a small vessel to burn incense
Cargo, sbebena. in, chetezo. pi. vyetezo. mkebe,

Carpenter, seruiala, pi. masermala. pi. mikebe.


Centijn '/ . taandn. A child which cuts its upper teeth

d rtainty, yakini, kite. jir*t, mt'l is therefore considered

iff, kapi, /7. makapi. unlucky, kigego, pi. vigego.

(of ria ). kumvi. Childhood, utoto.
it and crush* d
(l>ra grains), wishwa. '
himnt y, dohaan.
Chain, mkufu, i>l. mikufu, mnyo- Chin, kidevu, pi. videvu, kievu
roro, pi. minyororo, silesile, (A.), pi. vievu.
I '
chain, riza. Ornanu nt hanging from the Vt il

Chair, ki:i. pi. \iti. below the chin, jebu, pi. nia-
Chalk, chaki. jcbu.
leleon, kinyonga, jjZ. vinyotiga, Chisel, patasi, chembeu.
Chance, nasibu. [lunibwi (?). Juba, a mortirt chisel.
Chandelier, thurea. Uina, a small chisel.

Change or changing, geuzi, j>Z. Choice, lnari, hiyari, ikhtiari, na-

magenzi. tliari.

ChapU r, Bora, bah. Your choice, upendavyo (as you

Character, sifa.
( 'haracters, hcrufu. Cholera, tauni, wabba, kipindu-
Oiarcoal, makaa ya ndti. pindu.
Charm (talisman), talasimu, pJ. ma- Church, kanisa, pi. inakauisa.
talaeimu. Cinders, makaa.
Chatter, upuzi. Cinnabar, zangefuri.
'batterer, lujiuzi, pi. wapuzL Cinnamon, mdalasini.
Cheat, ayari, mjanja, pi. wajanja. Cipher (figure of nought), sifuru,
A great chmt. patiala. zifuri.

h (the part over the cheek-bone), Circle of a man's affairs, &c, uli-

kitefute, pi. vitefute. mwengu wake.

(Tlie part over the teeth), chafu, Circumcision, tohara, kumbi
pi. machafu, tavu (A.), pi- (Mer.) (?).
Cheese, jibiui. [matavu. Circumference, kivimba, lnzingo.
Che$8t Bataranji. Circumstances, mambo.
Chest 'of men), kifua, pi. vifua. A circumstance, jambo.
(of animals or men ., kidari. Cistern, birika.
(a large box), kusba, pi. raakasha, Citron, balungi, pi. mabalungi.
sanduku. Civet, zabadi.
Chicken, faranga, pi. mafaranga, Civet cat, f'ungo, ngawa (a large*
kifarauga, pi. vifarauga. animal than the fungo).
Chief, mfalme, pi. wafalme, jumbc, Civilization, ungwana.
pi. majuinbe, muuyi. Civilized people, wangwana.
Chieftainship, ujumbe. Clamp for burning lime, tanun.
Child, intoto, pi. watoto, kitoto, /</. Clap of tli under, radi.
yitoto, mwana, pi. waana i, divai.

Class for study, darasa. Club, rungu.

Claw, ukucha, pi. kucha. Coals, makaa.
(of a crab), gando, pi. rnagando. Coast, pwani.

Clay (?), udongo. Coat, joho (a long open coat of

Clearness, weupe. broadcloth worn by the Aral**).

Clerk, karani. Cob of Indian corn, gunzi, pi. ma-

Clergyman, padre or padiri, pi. ma- gunzi.
padiri, khatibu. Cock, ]ogoo,pl. majogoo, jogoi. jirubi.
Cleverness, kekinia. A young cockerel, not yet able to
Climate, tabia. crow, pora.
Clock, sua. A cock's comb, upanga.
What o'clock is it ? Saa ngapi ? A cock's wattles, ndefu.

According to the native reckon- Cockles, kombe za pwani (?).

ing, noon and midnight are at Cockroach, ruende, makalalao (Ma-

the sixth hour, saa a sita; six lagazy).
o'clock is saa a Menaskara. Cocoa-nut, nazi.
Clod, pumba, pi. mapumba. Cocoa-nut mnazi, pi. miuazi.

Cloth {woollen), joko. Heart of growing shoot, used as


{Cotton), nguo. salad, &c, kicbikma, sbaha.

(American sheeting), amerikano. Cloth-like envelope of young leaves,

(Blue calico), kauiki. kilifu.

Cloth of gold, zari. Leaf, kuti, pi. makuti.

A loin cloth of about two yards, Midrib of leaf, uchukuti, pi.

sbuka, doti. cbukuti.

A loin cloth with a coloured border, Leaflets, ukuti, pi. kuti.
kikoi, pi. vikoi. Leaf plaited for making fences,
A turban clotli, kitambi, pi. vi- makuti ya kumba.
lambi. Half leaf plaited together, makuti
A woman's cloth, kisuto, pi. vi- ya pande.
suto. Leaflets made up for thatching,
A cloth tivisted into a kind of rope makuti ya viungo.
used as a girdle, and to make Part of a leaf plaited into a
the turbans worn by the Hindis, basket, pakacba, pi. ruapakacka.
ukumbuu, kumbuu.
pi. Woody flower sheath, kaiara.
Clothes, nguo, miguo, mavazi mavao. Bunch of nuts, tawi la mnazi.
Cloud, wiugu, pi. mawingu. Flower and first forming of nuts,
Bain cloud, gkubari, pi. niagbu- upunga, pi. punga.
bari. Small nuts, kidaka, pi. vidaka.
Broken scattered clouds, mavu- Half-grown nut, kitale, pi. vitale.
ndevunde. Full-grown nut before the nutty
is formed, dafu, pi.
Cloves, garofuu, karofuu. part
Fruit-stalks, kikonjc, pi. vikonyo.
madafu. In this stage the shell
full of (he milk or baridi.
'/;/ 'old,

juice (maji), and die nuts ore Baridi and upepo are often used
» ipilhi ii d for drinking. In mean wind or cold indiffer-
Haif-ripi nut, wfo n the nutty part ently.
is formed and the mUk begins to Cold in tin head, mafua.
wabble in the shell, koroma, pi. I have a cold in the head, siwi zi

makoroma. kamasL
Rtpi hut, nazL Collar-bone, mtulinga,pl.mituli
.1 /.at which //<(< grown full of a Colour. rangL
substana without Colours are generally described by
any hollow or mUk, joya, pi. reference to some kno\
maji stance : raugi ya kahawa,
.) nut which lias dried in the shell colour, brown :
rangi ya majani,
so as to ratth in it without leaf colour, green ; rangi ya

"tilt, mbata. niakuti, colour of the dry cocoa-

The fibrous case of the nut, cocoa- nut leaves, grey.
. mikumbi. Comb, kitaua, pi. vitann, sbanuu,
Cocoa-nutfibre thoroughly cleaned, pi. masbanuu (a large woodt n
usumba. comb).
A stick stuck iti the grovn-l to rip A cock's comb, upanga.
off the fibre, kifuo, pi. vifuo. Comfort, faraja.
The shell, kifuu, pi. vifuu, ki- Comforter, nil'ariji, pi. wafaiiji.
fufu (M.). Coming (arrival), kitiko, pi. vifiku.
Instrument for scraping the fr< sh (Mode of coming), uiajilio.
mit for cooking, mbuzi ya ku- Coming down or out from, msbuko,
knnia nazi. pi. rnishuko.

Oily juice squeezed out of the Command, amri.

"raped cocoa-nut, tui. Commander, y-m<uhm, pi. majema-
A small bag to squeeze out the tui dari, mkuu wa asikari.

hafombu, pi. vituinbu.

in. Second in command, akida.
Ih' scraped nut after the tui has Commission, agizo, pi. maagizo.
been pressed out, chicba. Comoro Islands, Masiwa.
'opra,th< nut dru dand ready lobe Great Comoro, Ngazidja.
pressed in the oil WW, nazi kavu. Comoro men, Wa ngazidja.
Cocoa-nut mafuta ya nazi.
oil, Johanna, Anzwani.
kabawa, (plant) mbuni. Mayotte, Maotwe.


tries, buni. Moh ill n, Moalli.
r"ffeepot, mdila, midila. wenzi.
pi. Companion, inwenzi, pi.
Coin a coin), Barafu. See Dollar, Company, jamaa.
Hupi &c. i
Compass (mariner's),
Colander (in basket nark), kunguto, uzima, ukainilifu,
£il. makunguto. utimilifu.

Compliments, salaamu. Coolie, hamali. pi. mahamali

Composition (of a word), rakibyueo. Copal, sandarusi.
Composition for a murder, money Copper, sbaba, sufuria.
paid to save one's life, dia. Coral (red), marijani ya fetbaluka
Concealment, maficbo. (marijani alone does not always
Conclusion, mwisbo, hatima. mean the true red coral).
Concubine, suria, pi. masuria. Fresh coral for building, cut from
Born of a concubine, suriyama. below high'Water mark, matu
Condition (state), hali, jawabu. mbawi.
(A thing necessarily implied)^ Cord, ugwe, ukambaa (M.), pi.
kanuni, kambaa, kigwe, pi. vigwe.
Confidence, matumainL Cork, kizibo, pi. vizibo.
Confidential servant, msiri, pZ.wasiri. Com, nafaka (formerly used as
Conscience, thaimri, moyo. money).
Conspiracy, mapatano, mwafaka. Mubindi, Indian corn.
Constipation, kufunga choo. Mtama, millet (the most common
Constitution, tabia. grain).
Contentment, uratbi. Mwere, very small grains growing
Continent, raerinia. in an upright head something
Continuance, maisha. like the flower of the bulrush.

Contract, maagano, sbarti. Wimbi.

Conversation, mazumgurazo, mao- Kimanga.
ngezi, usemi. Corner,pembe.
Convert, mwongofu, pi. waongofu. Comer of a cloth, tamvua, uta-
Cook, mpishi, pi. wapisbi. mvua.
Cooked grain, especially rice, wali. Corpse, mzoga, pi. mizoga, mayiti.
Cooking pot (metal), sufuria, pi. Corpulence, unene.
masufuria, kisufuria, pi. visu- Corruption, uovu, kioza.
furia. Cosmetics.

(earthen), nyungu, cbungu, pi. Dalia, a yellow composition.

vyungu. mkungu, pi. mikungu. Yasi, a yellow powder from India,
(o pot to cook meat in with fat, to Liwa, a fragrant wood front
braze meat in), kaango, pi. ma- Madagascar.
kaango, ukaango, kikaango, pi. Kipaji.
vikaango. Cotton, pamba.
A pot lid, mkungu wa kufunikia. Couch, kitanda, pi. vitanda.
Tliree stones to set a pot on over Cough, kikobozi.
the fire, manga, sing, figa, Council, baraza, diwani.
mafya, sing, jifya. Councillor, diwani, pi. madiwani.
Cross pieces put in to keep the Counsel, sbauri.
meat from touching the bottom of Countenance, uso, pi. nyuso.
the pot and burning, nyalio. Country, inchi, nti (,M.). The names
D 2
36 nVATIU.l HAXDnnoK.

are made from the (

'rime, taksiri.
name of the people by no mix of Crocodile, mamba, mbulu (?).
//.• I"-. V. k<>t:i.

Uuyika, the country of the Wa- Crookedness, knmbo.

nyika. A crooked thing, kikombo.
gala, thecountry of Wagala. tin Cross, msalaba, pi. raisalaba.
zuDgU, the country of the \Ya- Cross roads, njia panda.

zuugu, Europe. (
Wossing place, kivuko, pi. vivuko.
In the country, masbnmba. (
Wow, kunguru.
A country dialect, lugba ya ki- Crowbar, mtaimbo, pi. mitaimbo.
mashamba. Crowd, kundi, pi. makundi, ma-
rage, ushujaa, urnabit, moyo. kutano, matangamano, umaati,
h (of a ship), majira. Crown, taji.
rtesy, jamala, adabu. Crown of the head, upaa, utosi.
tyard (< ncloeun ), ua, pi. nyua, Crumbs, vidogo, sina. kidogo.
or uanja. Crutch for oars, kilete, pi. vilete.
Court within a house. behewa,kati. Cry, kilio, pi. vilio, ukoluiu, pi.
Cousin, mjukuu, pi. wajukuu. kelele, ukemi.
Covenant, maagano, sliarti. (for help), yowe.
r (a lid , kifuniko. ( of joy), hoihoi, kigelegele.
A dish cover made of straw and Cucumber, tango,pi. ruatango.

ofU n profusely ornamented} Cubit (from the tip of the middle

kawa. finger to the point of the elbow),
A booh cover, jalada. thiraa, mkono, pi. rnikono.
townees, tamaa, bakbili. (from the point of the elbow to tlce

Cow, ng'ouibe mke, pi. ng'ombe knuckles when the fist is closed),
wake. tbiraa konde.
id. mwoga, pi. waoga. Cultivation, kilimo.
Cowardice, uoga, Cultivator, mkulirna, pi. wakulima.
ory, kauri, kete. Cunning, cherevu, werevu.
ib. k:ia. Cup, kikombe, pi. vikombe.
Crack, ufa, pi. nyufa. Cupboard, eanduku.
Cramp, kiliarusi. Cupper, mumishi, pi. wauniishi.
A crump. •.' magango. Cupping horn, chuku.
iba. Curiosity (rarity kioja, pi. vioja,

in, siagi. hedaya, tunu.

Creed, imani. Curlew, sululu, kipila.
'. horL Current, mkondo wa maji.
Crest, Bhnngi (used aho for a way Curry, mcbuzi, mtuzi (M.).
of dressing (he hair in two large A small seed used in malcing it,

es). bizari.

Crew, baharia. An acid thing put into it, kiungo.


Curse, laana, pi. malaana. correct to refer them both to the

Curtain, pazia, pi. rnapazia. fourth).

Curve, kizingo. Dark saying, fumbo, pi. mafumbo,
Cushion, mto, pi. mito. maneno ya fumba.
A large cushion, takia, pi. ma- Darling, kipendi, pi. vipendi.
takia. Dates, tende.
Cuatard apple, topetope, mstofole, Bute-tree, mtende, pi. mitende.
konokono, matoiaoko. Daughter, binti, mtoto mke, mwaua,
Custom, desturi, matbekebu, ada. kijana.
Custom-house, fortba. Daughter-in-law, mkwe, pi. we-
Customs' duties, asbur. kwe.
Cut, a short cut, njia ya kukata. Dawn, alfajiri, kucba.
Cutting (breaking off), kato, pi. Day (of twenty-four hours, reckoned
makato. from sunset to sunset), siku.

Cuttle-fish, pweza. (time of daylight), mcbana, mtana

Arms of the cuttle-fish, rnnyiiiii, (M.).
pi. minyiriri. All day, mcbana kutwa.
Cutwater of a dhow, banamu. Day labourer, kibarua, pi. vibarua
Cypher. Sen Cipher. (so called from the ticket given
Cymbals, matoazi, sing. toazL to workpeople, which they give
up again when paid).
D. Daylight, mcbana, mtaua (M.).
Dagger, jambia (the curved dagger Dazzle, kiwi.
generally worn). Deal (wood), sunobari.
Damascus, Sham. Death, kufa (dying), mauti, ufu,
Dance, nicbezo, pi. micbezo. mafu.
Names of dances, guugn, msapata, Debt, deni.
bauzua, kitanga cba pepo, Deceit, bila, madanganya, udanga-
soma. nifu, badaa, uwougo.
Dandy, malidadi. Deck, sitaba, dari.
Mtongozi, pi. watongozi, a man Deep water, kilindi, pi. vilindi.
who dresses himself up to attract Great depths, lindo, pi. malindo.
women. Defect, upungufu, ila, kombo, ki-
Danger, batari, khofu, kicbo. punguo, pi. vipunguo.
Darkness, kiza, giza (these are only Deficiency, kipunguo, upungufu.
two ways of pronouncing the Defilement, ujusi.
same word, but the first is some- Deliverance, wokovu.
times treated as though the ki- Demand in marriage, poso, pi.
were a prefix and it belonged to maposo.
the fourth class, while the second Dependant, mfuasi, pi. wafuasi.
is taken as belonging to the fifth : Depth, kwenda, cbini, uketo.
it is probably, however, most Derision, mzaba, tbibaka.
swahili HAxnnooK.
m, kusudi, /</. makusudi, oia. id mast rising from the poop
ut. mshuko, pi. mishuko. (mlingote wa kalmi).
wangwa, jangwa, ph ma- Gkangi, they resemble the Bi-
jangwa. galaa except in not being so high in
, ukiwa. tin
i>oop or so lomj in the prow.
ttclton, kuharibika, kupotea. Batili, a low vessel with a long
uharibivu, upotevu.
ucfa'tn /(,>>'. projecting prow, a sharp stem, and
/'< tachrm nt (of soldiers, etc.). kikosi, high rudder-head. They have often
}>\. vikosi. a flying poop and a second mast
Iiila, shauri. pi. mashauri. Tiny belong to the piratical Arabs
l> vil, shetani, )<1.
mashetani. from the Persian Gulf.
wataowa. lied, ni, a dhow with a
mtaowa, pi. sharp stern
/< ". umande. and high rudder-head, and a per-
(native craft), cbombo, pi. //<
mlicuJar cutwater ; there is
ofU u a
vyombo; when very large, jombo, piece of board attached to it, malting
/</. majombo.
a kind of head ; when this is absent
Kinds of dhows :
— the vessel is an Awesia. Bedem
Dau, jil. madau, a small open may easily be distinguished among
iharp at //" tU rn,with a square other dhows by their masts being
matting sail. They belong t<> tl" upright ; in all other dhoios the musts
il inhabitants of Zanzibar, i neline forward.Tiny belong to the
.///</ are chiefly <
mployed in bringing coast of Arabia, especially that on the
: tn tin town. Indian Ocean.
Mtepe, pi. mitepe, a large open Dhow sail, duumi.

sharp ut the sU rn. with a large Prow, gubeti.

matting sail; theprow is Poop, sbetri.
,. !'! to resemble a camel's head, and Quarter galleries, makanadili.
,. ornamented "'Hit painting and Joists of deck, darumeti.
I it tli'dreamers. Th'e planks are Chunam for bottom, deheni.
together. There is always a Place for stoiving things likely to

the masthead. These be soon wanted,

pennon at iV.uli.

belong chiefly to Lamoo, and Dialect, maneno, luglia.
• -in a try near it. Dialects and languages are usually

Betela, the common dhow of Zan- expressed by prefixing ki- to the

: it has a square stem, u-ith a name of the place or people.

;i and a head much like those Kiunguja (for Maneno ya Kiu-

of Europi "a bouts. nguja), the dialect of Zanzibar
Igala, pi. mabagala, large dhows
15 (Unguja).
with very high square sterns and tall Kiinvita, the dialect of Mombas
. and bun
projecting prows. (Mvita).
Indian dhows ore mostly of this Kianiu, the dialect of Lamoo
they have very often (Amu).

Kigunya, the dialect of Siwi, &c. District of a toicn, mta, pi. mita.
Kiarabu, Arabic. For the districts of Zanzibar see

Kigala, the Galla language. Part II., p. 330.

Kimasbamba, a country dialect. Disturbance (riot), fitina.

Kishenzi, the talk of some uncivil- (trouble), kero.

ized nation. Ditch, bandaki, shimo, pi. mashimo.
Kiungwana, a civilized language. Divine service, ibada ya Muumru.
Kizungu, the languages spoken by Division (arithmetical), mkasama.
Europeans. Divorce, talaka.
Diamond, almasi. Dock for ships, gudi.
Diarrhcea, tumbo la kuenenda. Doctrine, elimu, ihn, matbhab.
Diet, maakuli. Document, khati.
Difference, tofauti, sivimoja. Dog, mbwa.
Difficulty, sbidda, ugumu, mashaka. Very large, jibwa, pi. majibwa.
Dinner (mid-day), cbakula cba Bize, a icild
hunting dog.
nichana. Mbwa wa koko, the houseless dogs
Direction (bidding), fundisbo, pi. outside Zanzibar.

mafundisbo, agizo, pi. maagizo. Doll, mtoto wa bandia.

Dirt, f aka. Dollar, reale, rea.
Disease, maratbi, tnveli, ugonjwa. Spanish Pillar dollar, reale ya
Disfigurement, lemaa. mizinga.
Disgrace, aibu, ari, fetbeba. Black dollars, reale ya Sham.
-Disgust, macbukio. American 20-dollar piece, reale ya
Dish, sabani. kombe, pi. makombe, tbababu.
mkungu wa kulia, buugu, French silver 5-franc piece, reale
kitunga, pi. vitunga (the first ya kifransa.
is the usual icord for European For the parts of a dollar see in the
dishes). section on Adjectives under
An earthen dish to bake cakes on, Numerals—fractions, p. 93.
waya. Dome, zege.
Disorder (confusion), fujo. See Dominion, mamlaka, bukumu.
Disease. Donkey, punda.
Display, wonyesbo. Donkey from the mainland, kio-
Disjiosal, amri. ngwe, pi. vioiigwe.
To put at his disposal, kumwamria. Door, mlango, pi. milango (vulgarly,
Dispute, masbiudano, tofauti. mwango, pi. miango).
Disquiet, fatbaa. Leaf of door, ubau, pi. mbau.
Dissipation, asberati, wasberati, Centre piece, infaa.
usberati. Door-keeper, mgoja mlango.
Distortion (by disease), lemaa. Door chain, riza.
Distress, sbidda, tbulli, utbia, msiba, Door frame, top and bottom pieces,
mashaka. kizingiti, pi. vizingid.
- ' . mwii i, miimo. kisibao (/ mbroidt red waistcoat"), awl
i hit' r
beading, upapi. nearly always « mask, barakoa

Dotage, mapiswa, y go nut tin ij throw over all

117//// tin

baka, ta a large square of black sill;, lebwani.

bM, waswas. On their/ut they rani/ wooden eloijs
lni:i. S Birds. In hi
by a button (msuruake) graspt <l
/ •
i/, paid by tin- husband to (he l,i tin, n tin toes.

wife's fru mis. mahari. Dressing of calico, dondo.

Dragon-fly, kering'ende. Drill, keke. The iron is called

Dragon' 8 blood, maziwa (or macho), kekee; the wood ii is fixed in.

ya watu wawili. msukano; tin handle in which it

n, ndoto. turns, jivu ; and the how, uta.

Dregs, chembe. Driiih, kinwa(or kinywa), pi. vinwa,

Di -. uguo, mavazi, mavao, uvao. kinwaji, jil. vinwaji.
Slav* < and very poor m< n wear Drinker, mnywa, ;>/. wanywa
mi nguo only, that is, a DiijijiiiKj (fat rooked out of meat),
loin cloth of white or blue calico. uto wa nyama.
a wear « kisuto, or
long cloth Drop, tone, pi. niatone, kitone, pi.
of blue, or printed, or coloured c vitone.
wrapped body tightly round the Droppings (dung), mavi.
immediately under the arms, anil mi Dropsy, istiska.
tin- head an
ukaya, a piea of bhu Drowsiness, leppe, leppe za uzingizi.
calico vith two long ends; it has a Drum, ngoma.
string passing undt rthe chin,to which Chapuo, a small drum.
n eilvi r ornaim ut, jebn, is attached. Kuinbwaya, a drum upon feet.
Well-dressed men mar a loincloth Msondo, a very tall drum, beaten
vith ii coloured borcU r, kikni, a long on special occasions.
shirt-like garment in white calico, Tin' shin of a drum, or anything
kanzu, a shawl, aniazu. twisted sir, tched Wee it very tightly, ki-
!! waist, a waistcoat, kisibao, wambo, pi. viwambo.
a On Drunkard, mlevi, pi. walevi.
long loose runt. joho. tin ir

h' ml t ii / I :>r wltiti- skull- Duck, bata, pi. mabata.

i ind it a Duryan, fines i la kizungu.
aba. 77/-//-
feet are Dust, vi i ii i
!>i, i
(much dust) ma-
slippt dint i
.-, viatu. VUIlllii.

ili, a Dust and sand on a road, tifutifu.

h ZU Of '
I It •" d licit' rials ii ml ii Duties. See Customs.
kofia (cap) adormd with gold and Duties of one's position, kiwango,
more commonly a .
or pi. viwango.

handkerchief, dusamali, folded "ml Dwarf, kibeti, pi. vibeti

tied on the head so as to hidt tin Dwelling, tnakao, makazi, makani,
hair. I'l" j also wear torn* h Dye, rangi. [masikaui.

Mkasiri, a tree whose bark is used Effort, jubudi, bklii.

to dye fishing-nets and lines Effusion {of blood), vilio (la damu),
black. pi. mavilio.
Ungamo, a yellow dye used to dye Bgg, yayi, pi. mayayi.
matting. White of egg, ute wa yayi.
Dysentery, tuinbo la kuhara daniu. Yolk of an egg, kiini cba yayi.
Eggshell, ganda la yayi.
E. kaka.
Empty eggshell,
Eagerness (excessive haste), pupa. Egypt, Misri, Masri, Massara.
Eagle (?) koho, firkomba, tai, pu- Elbow, kisigino, pi. visigino, kivi,
ngu, kipanga (all these words pi. vivi.
seem to denote some large bird of Elder, mzee, pi. wazee, sbeki, pi.
prey). masbeki.
Ear, sikio, pi. masikio. Elegance, jamala.
Hole pierced in the lower lobe of Elephant, tembo, ndoru.
the ear, ndewe. Elephantiasis (leprosy), jethamu.
Ear ornaments, a large round {Barbadoes leg), teende.
ornament in the lower lobe, Embarrassment, matata, uthia, ma-
jassi, pi. majassi. sbaka.
Ornaments in the upper part of Embroidery, almaria.
the ear, if dangling, kipuli,
pi. (stitching), darizi.
vipuli ; if shaped like a stud, (piping), kigwe, pi. vigwe.
kipini, pi. vipini. Embroilment, matata.
Ear-ring, pete ya masikio. Emetic, tapisho.^Z. matapisho, dawa
Ear of corn, suke, pi. masuke. la kutapika.
See Buiwli, Cob. Employment, kazi, utumwa.
Earnest money, arabuni, stakabathi. Emulation, bidii.
Earth, inclii, udongo. Encampment (of a caravan), kituo,
The earth, inclii, uliniwengu, pi. vituo.
Ease, raha. [dunia. Enclosure, uanja, ua, pi. nyua.
After pain, faraja. Enclosure made by a fence of
East wind, matlaa. cocoa-nut leaves, ua wa nia-
Eaves, rachilizi, pi. michilizi. kuti.

Eavesdropper, dukizi (or duzi), pi. Enclosure made by a fence of

madukizi. mtama stalks,ua wa mabua.
Eliony, mpingo. Enclosure with a stone fence,
Echo, mwangwi. kitalu, pi. vitalu.
Edge (of a precipice), ukingo. End, mwisbo, pi. miisbo (finishing),
(Of a piece of cloth), pindo, pi. batima, kikomo, pi. vikoino
mapindo. Qeaving off),
Edging woven into a piece of cloth, of a journey, kifiko, pi. vifiko.
taraza. of a piece of cloth, mialamu.

rnersofa turban cloth, <fcc, lash nr /•'./•

lid, kope.
tamvua, kishungi, j'l. vishungi. A stye in the eye, cliochea.
my, adui, />/. adai or maadui.
n, nl,
sbngbuli, utumwa.
kitendawili, pi. vitonda- Fable, ngano.
wili. Face, uso, pi. nyuso.
Enmity, wadui, adawa, kbusuma. Fxces, mavi
Entrails, matumbo. Faggot, tita,, pi. matita.
Entrance, kuingia, pakuingiba, Faith, imani.
inlaugo. Fall, taaangnko.
E vy, hasidi. kijicbo, kijito (NL). Falsehood, uwongo.
Epilepsy, kifafa. Familiarity, mazoezo.
Equal {in age), bin'mu, marika, Family, janiaa. ndugu.
Equivalent, badala. Famine, njaa, ndaa (M.).
Error, kosa, makosa. Fan, upepeo pi. pepeo, pepeo. pi.
Eructation, kiunguba.pZ. viungulia. mapepeo, kipopeo, pi. vipepeo.
pe, wokovu, kuokoka. Fare, nauli.
{'titer course), buddi. Fast, funga.
/ •

m, niapendo, mauiikano. Fasting month, Ramathani.

1 ,nate, maafikano. Fat. shaliamu, mafuta.
itty, milele. A piece of fat, kipande kili^ho-
Eunuch, tawasbi, maksai. nona.
Euphorbia, mtupa, pi. mitupa. Fat cooked out of meat, uto wa
Europe, Ulaya, Wilaya, Uzungu. nyama.
European (or any one wearing a FaU ajali.

European dress), Mzungu, pi. Fath r, baba.

Wazungn. In speaking of one's own father it

E>-e. Hawa. is 'polite to call him bwana.

ning, jioni. Stepfather, baba wa karabo.
startling), shani. Fatln r-in-lnu; inkwe. pi. wakwe.
Evil, uovu. Fathom, pima, pi. mapima.
itukufu, atbama. Fatigue, utufu, ulegevu.
nple, mfaiio, pi. mifano. Fatting, kinono, pi. vinono.
ment, mavi. Fault, hatiya, kosa, pi. makosa.
gbarama. Favour, upendeleo.
Extinguisher, mzima (a person), pi. A favour, fatbili.

wazima, kizima (a thing), pi. Favourite, kipendi, pi. vipendi,

vizima. mpenzi, pi. wapenzi.
Eye. jiclio, pi. macho, jito (M.), pi. Fear, khofu, uoga, kitisho, pi.
mato. vitislio, kicbo, pi. vicho.
Loss of an eye, chongo. Feast, k;iramu.
Eyebrow, nyushi, nshi (A.). Feast day, siku kuu.

Feather, unyoa, pi. nyoa, nyoa (or pi. mieko, hence "kitchen, jikoni,

nyoya), pi. mauyoya. niekoni.

A icing feather, ubawa, pi. mbawa. Tliree stones to set a pot over the
Feeder, mlishi, pi. walisbi. fire upon, jifya, pi- mafya, figa,
Ftllow-servant, mjoli, pi. wajoli. pi. maflga. Jifya is the word
Fence, ua, pi. nyua. most used in the town, figa that
Stone fence, kitalu, pi. vitalu. used in the country.
Ftnugreek, watu. Firefly, kiraurimuri, pi. vimurimuri,

Ferry, kivuko, pi. vivuko. kimetimeti, pi. vimetiraeti.

Fetters, pingu. Firmament, anga (?).
Fever, homa. Firmness, usimume, uf/iabiti, (in
Swelling of the glands of the groin building) intomo.
followed by fever, mtoki. Fish, samaki.
Dengue fever, kidinga popo. Dagaa, very small, small fry.
Field, koonde, pi. tnakoonde, mgu- Njombo, barred with black and
nda (Yao). yellow.
Field labourer, mkulima, pi. waku- Taa, a very large flat fish.
lima. Pono, a fish said to be nearly
Fierceness, ukali. always asleep.
Fig, tini. Other kinds, Cbafi, Changa,
Fig-tree, mtini, pi. mitini. Cbewa, Kungu, Mcbumbuluru.
Fight, rnapigauo. IMkizo, Mwewe, Mzia, Ngunx,
Figure of speech, mfano wa maneno. Nguva, Panzi, Pungu. Tlie

Filagree work, temsi. varieties of fish are exceedingly

File, tupa. numerous.

Filh. t, utepe, pi. tepe. Ckinusi, a kind of fish or evil
Filth, ucliavu, janaba. spirit never seen, but which is
Fin, pezi, pi. mapezi. supposed to seize men and hold
Fine for a murder, dia. them under water until they are
Fineness, uzuri. drowned.
Finger, kidole, pi. vidole, kidole cha Fish-trap, dema, lema, ema.
mkono, cbanda (M.),£»Z. vyanda. Fish poison from a species of
Fire, mo to, pi. mioto. Euphorbia, utupa.
Pieces of wood to get fire by twist- Fisherman, mvuvi, pi. wavuvi.
ing, upekecbo. Fist, konde, pi. makonde.
Fireicood, kuni, one piece, ukuni. Fits, kifufa.
A half-burnt piece of firewood, Flag, bandera.
kinga, pi. vinga. Flat (of a sword, &c), bapa.
Tlie act of pushing the wood further Flatterer, msifu, pi. wasifu, msifu-
into the fire, or an instrument for mno.
doing so,kichocheo,kitoteo (M.). Self-flatterer, rawajisifuni.

Fireplace, jiko, pi. meko, iueko, Flattery, kusifu.


Flavour, luththn, .mu. t

— to mah him
pay hi* foot'

katani, kitanl
ing, kumsbika lmkuli.
Flea, kiroboto, pi. viroboto. Forbidden thing, haramu, marufuku.
Flesh, nyama. nguvu.

Fleshiness, lanofu. Ford, kiruko, pi. vivuko.

Flint gun, bunduki ya gumegnme. Foreh ml. paji la uso.
/.'/(///•, kikomo cba uso.

i irika.
•. chini. Foreigner, mgeni, ;//. wageni, mja
( 'hut I
ft r, j ikafu. na maji, pi. waja na maji (from
Upper floor or roof, dim. over Beat).
Flower, ua, pi. uiaua.
For' loch, pan ja.
Flue, vumbi, (much) mavumbi.pi. Foreskin, govi mbo.
A flue dohaan. , I, niwitu, msitu.

Flute, liliinlii, pi. mafilimbi pi. viuma.

Fork, kiuui; .,
Fly, inzi, pi. mainzi. Forking of a road, tree, &c, panda.
vu. ,
Form (outward shape), umbo, pi.

amande, knngn, shemali. maumbo.

Fold <*f cloth), upindo. Fort, gereza, ngome, lmsuni.
Cattle-fold, zizi, pL mazizi. Fortune, bahati, naaibu.
majani. Fortune-teller (by means of diagrams'),

Folloirrr, mfuasi, pi. wafoasi, cbo- mpiga ramli, pi. waptga ramli.
kora, pi. macliokora (a hangi r- Foster brother or sister, ndugu

on). knnyonya.
V<>lhj, upumbafu. Foundation, rasingi or msinji, pi.

Fondness, mahaba. misingi.

I, nluikula, makuli (Ax.), kande Fowls, k'uku.
(Met.). Fox, mbweha.
Food saved from an evening meal Fraud, hadaa, niadanganya.
to be eaten in the morning, wali Freedom {from,shu> ry) hum, (per-
wa mwikuu, bariyo (A.). mission) ruksa, ruliusa.
Bokoboko, a dish made of wheat Freight, nauli.
and meat. Friday, Jumaa.
Bumbwi, rice flour pounded up Frit n'l, taBMfpl. rafiki or marafiki,

villi cocoa-nut. Bahibu, a^'iiabu,

pi. ehoga
Pilao, mi Indian pillaw. (amongst women, and in Zanzi-
T'.irinzi. bar only. See Catamite).
Fool, mpumbafu, pi. wapumbafa. Friijlit, khot'u, woga.
Foot, niguu, miguu, guu, pi.
pi. <a start), kituko.

magna, mjigau, pi. mijigan Fringe, matamvaa.

kijiguu, pi. vijiguxi Frog, chula, pi. vyula.
(small). Fruit, tunda, pi, matunda, zao, pi.

Footprint, uayo, pi. 'iyayo.


Bungu, pi. mabungu, about the Tiahu, played by throwing up

size of a medlar, with a thick sticks, &c, and watching their
russet skin. fall.

Mazu, a kind of banana. Dama, played on a board like

Zainbarau, like a large damson. chess.

Cbokochoko, a red prickly skin, Tasa, a game of touch.

a large kernel, and white pulp. Tiuge,« game consisting in follow-
Kunazi, something like a sloe. ing the movements of a leader.
Kitoria, pi. vitoria. —Koma, pi. Garden, bustani, shamba.
niakonia. — Fuu, pi. mafuu. Gate, mlango, pi. milango.
— Mtofaa. Gate of Paradise, kilango cba
Fruit which drops prematurely, jaha.
pooza, pi. mapooza. Gazelle, paa.

Fruit-stalk, (of cloves) kikonyo, General, jemadari, pi. majemadari.

pi. vikonyo, (of bananas) mku- Generation, kizazi, pi. vizazi.

ngu, pi. mikungu. Generosity, ukarimu.
Frying-pan, (metal) tawa, pi. Genius, Jini, pi. Majini.
matawa, (earthen) kaango, pi. Gentleman,mug wana, pi. wang wana.
niakaango. Gentleness, upole.

Fugitive, mkimbizi, pi. wakimbizi. Georgian woman, Jorjiya.

Fume, azma, fukizo. Gettings, pato, pi. mapato.
Fun. mchezo, mzalia. Ghee, samli.
Funeral, kuzikani. Ghost, kivuli, pi. vivuli.
Furnace (for melting metal), kalibu. Ghoid, zimwi, pi. mazimwi.
Furniture, pambo la nyumba, Giddiness, masua, mbasua, kizu-
vyombo. nguzungu.
G. Gift, zawadi (a keepsake),
tunu (a
Gain, fayida. choice thing), bashishi (largess),

Gait, mwendo. ada (customary gift), kilemba

on the completion of a icurk
Galago, koinba. (gift
Galbanum, ubani. or to the bride's father), wapo.

Gall, safura. Ginger, tangawizi.

Galla, Mgala, pi. Wagala. Giraffe, twiga.
Game, (produce of hunting) mawi- Girder, mhimili, pi. mihimili.
iido, (amusement) mchezo, ma- Girdle, mshipi, pi. mishipi, masombo
cs hezo. (of cloth), maaznmu (a shawl),
Bao, played on a board with thirty- kibobwe, pi. vibobwe (a piece
two holes in it. of cloth tied round the body
Muliyandimu, a game in which during hard work).
one holds down his head, some Girl, kijana, pi. vijana.
other knocks it, and he guesses Slave girl, kijukazi, pi. vijakazl
who struck him. Girth, kivimba.
ltd, flriirisi. GrandmoGu r, bibi.

GladtH M, furaha. Qreat-grandmoiher, mzaa bibL

Ola iri. Grammar, ssiruf.

(,hir< . an Grapes, zabibu.

6lo88, kioo. Gratitude, Bhukrani.
Loohing-glas8, kioo, pi. vioo. Grass, nyasi, majani, nyika.
Drinhing-glass, bilauri. grass cut for fodder, ukoka.
Glut, r. kimeta.
Grasshopper, panzi, /</. mapanzi.
;. .-ii'a. fakhari, utukufu. Grave, kaburi, pi. makaburi.
embwe. In the grave, ajter death, ahera,

Glutton, tnlafi, jpL walafi. kuzimu.

Goa<, nibuzi. Greatness, ukubwa, ukuu, utukufu.
strong he-goat, bebcra (Ar.). Greediness, choyo, rubo, tamaa.
vijumbe. Grey hairs, mvi.
< ', <

-hi'tween, kijumbe, pi.

GOD, MUUNGU, pi. miungu. Gridiron, uma wa kuokea nyama,
i -"it re, tezi. pi. nyuma za kuokea nyama.
GoM, tliahabu. Grief, sikitiko, kasarani, msiba,
Goldsmith, mfua tliahabu, pZ. wafua buzuni, baiiiu, simauzi.
thahabu. (for a loss), majonzi.
Goorf luck, ghanima, jaba. Grime (on a pot), masizi.
hiess, wema. Grit (small stones), changarawi.
Goods, mali (possessions), vyombo Groom, mcbunga, pi. wachunga,
(utensils), bithaa (merchandise). mtunga (M.), pi. watunga.
Goose, bata la Bukiui, pi. niabata Ground, chini, inchi.

ya Bukini. Ground nuts, mjugu nyasa, (a hard

Gonorrhaza, kisunono. round kind) mjugu raawe.
Gourd. See Pumpkin. Grudging person, Liana.
Gout, jongo. Gruel, uji.
Governor, wali, liwali, pi. maliwali. Guard, mlinzi, pi. walinzi.
Government, serkali, daulati. Guava, nipera, pi. mapera.
An official, mtu wa serkali. Guava-tree, mpera, pi. mipera.
Grain. See Corn. Guest, mgeni, pi. wageni.
Cleaned grain, mchele. Guide, rubani, kiongozi,p£. vioncjozi,
Cooked grain, wali. inkuu genzi.
Grains of corn, punje, chombe. Guitar, kinanda, pi. vinanda
Grandchild, mjukuu, pi. wajukuu. Guinea fowl, kanga.
Grent-grnii'lrhil'l, kijukuu, ///. (a crested kind), kororo.
vijukuu, kitukuu, pi. vitukuu, Gum (birdlime, &c), ulimbo.
kilembwe, pi. vilembwe. Gum (of the teeth), ufizi, pi. tizi.
Great-great-ijrti ndch ihl, kin iugina, Gum Arabic, haba, sumugb.
pi. finingina. Gum Amini or Copal, sandarusi.
Grandfather, babu. Gun, bunduki.

Flint ijmn.bunduki ya gumegume. Inside of the fingers, kikofi, pi.

Gun-barrel, kasiba. vikofi.

Nipple, kifa, pi. vifa. Handful (that will lie on the hand),

Gun-cap, fataki. ukufi, pi. kufi.

Gun-lock, mtambo, pi. mitambo. (that which will lie on the two

{cannon), mzinga, pi. niiziuga. hands), chopa, pi. maehopa.

gurudumo la (that can be grasped in the hand),
mzinga. konzi, pi. makonzi.

Gunpowder, baruti. Handkerchief, leso.

Pocket handkerchief, leso ya ku-
Gut, tpmbo, pi. ruatunibo.
futia kamasi.
Handle (like a knife-handle), mpini,
H. The guttural Arabic h, ha ngoe. pi. mipini, kipini, pi. vipini.
The softer Arabic h, be mdawari. (projecting like that of a sauce-
Hab<ts, mazoezo, ruatbebebu. pan), kono, mkono, pi. mikono.
Hemorrhoids, bawasir. (bowed like that of a bucket),
Haft, mpini, pi. niipini, kipini, pi. utambo, pi. tambo.
vipini. Handwriting, kbati, mwandiko.
Hair, nyele (or nwele), sing, unyele. Hanger-on, ckokora, pi. machokora.
(of the beard), ndevu, sing, udevu. Happiness, furaha, furahani, raba.
(0/ the body, especially of the Harbour, bandari, buudari.
Hardness, uguniu.
pubes), mavuzi, sing. vuzi.
Hare. See Rabbit.
(of the eyebrow), nyusbi, sing-
any ushi. Harm, matbara.
Harness, matandiko.
(of the eyelash), kope, sing, uknpe.
(of the hand and arm), malaika, Harp, kinubi, pi. vinubi.
sing, laika. Harpoon, cbusa, pi. vyusa.
(of an animal), siriga. Harvest, mavuno.
Straight hair, nyele za singa. Haste, baraka, bima.

Woolly hair, nyele za kipilipili. Hat, chapeo.

Half, nusu. Hatchet, kishoka, pi. visboka, kitoka
A half orange, cocoa-nut, <£c.,kizio, (M.), pi. vitoka, upamba, pi.

pi. vizio. pamba.

Halyards, benza. Hatred, machnkio, buotbu.
Ropes passing through the pulley Hawk, mwewe.
of the halyards, jarari. Hawker, dalali.
Hammer, nyundo. Head, kitwa (or kicbwa), pi.
Hand (or arm and hand), mkono, vitwa.

pi. mikono. A little head, kijitwa, pi. vijitwa.

Palm of the hand, kitanga cha Head of a ship, omo.
mkono, pi. vitangavya mikono.
Head winds, pepo za omo.
Front of the hand, kofi, pi. niakoli. Head cloth worn by women, ukaya
(of blue calico), dusamali (of Il<

silk). (in spi aking), kubabaika,

]! ndship, ujumb Hickup, kwikwe.
Sealing things, mapoza.
Hi In', n thing, fumbo, pi. mafumbo.
uzima, alia, li di
Jf- n!th, [state"). Hide, ngozi.
wafungu, Hill, kilima, pi. vilima.
Heap, fungu, 2'1-

changu. A rocky hill, jabali, pi. maja-

of et -. boma, pi. maboma. balL

of /run, I and sticks, l>i\vi. pi,

Hill, kipini, jil. vipini.
mabiwi, kichaka, pi. vicbaka. Hindrance, kizuizo, kizuio, kiauizi.
It is said thaiI'r.
of earth, kisugulu, pi. visugnlu. Krapf, I" ing
(a raised bed), tula, pi. matuta. on one occasion delayed from
Heart, moyo, pi. mioyo, or nyoyo, day to day, in obedit net to
Ultima, pi. mitiiua. superior orders, said to those

Heat, moto, bari (sweat), harara who delayed him:— Kesho aa

(prickly heat).
kesho ni madanganya, ao oi
Heaven, mbingu, sing, uwingu, makatazanya. To-morrow
samawati (Ar.). and to-morrow is deceiving or
Heaviness (weight), uzito. forbidding;" which they re-

(sorrow), hanm. —
plied: Si madanganya wala
Hedge, ua, pi. nyua. si makatazanya, ni mazuiza-
" It
II ilijr made in the sea for taking nya. is not direiving, awl
it is not forbidding, it is <b
fish, uzio, pi. nyuzio. lay-
//.-/, kifundo (or kisigino) cha ing."
mguu. Hinge, patta, bawaba.
Heifer, mtamba, pi. mitamba. Hip, oyonga (?), tokono (A.).
//. ir, mi'ithi, pi. wuvithi. ilijijiopotamus, kiboko, pi. viboko,
Ih ip, msaada. tomondo.
//> m, upindo. Hire, taja, ijara, ujira.
Hemp. See Cannabis Indica. History, hadithi.
mpen rope, kamba ulayit i. Hoarseness, kupwewa na 6auii.
//- a. k'uku. Hoe, jembe {or gem be), pi. ma-
Laying hen, koo, pi. makoo. jembe.
Ih n, full grown, hut that has not Hot ing-up time, mapalilo.
in i<l, t'embe. Hulil (of a ship), ngama.
II nna, bina. Hole, tundu, pi. matundu.
Ih rd, kundi, pi. makundi (through anything), kipi nyo, pi.
Hi rdsman, mchunga, pi. wachunga, vipenyo.
mtnuga M. , pi. watun (dibbled for seeds or plants), ko-
Hero, shujaa, pi. mashujaa, fahali, rongo, pi. makorongo.
pi. mataliali. Hob- to give light and air, mwa-
m shujaa. ngaza, pi. miangaza.

Hole in the lower lobe of the ear, Hurry, haraka.

ndewe. Husband, mume, pi. wanme.
Holiness, utakatifu, matakatifu. Husk, ganda, pi. maganda.
Hollow (of a tree), nivungu. Husk and bran of rice, kuravi.
Hollowness, uvurungu. Husk of the cocoa-nut, makumbi.
Home, kwangu, kwako, kvvake, Hut, kibanda, pi. vibanda.
kwetu, kwenu, kwao, according Hysena, fisi, pisi.
to the person whose home it is. Spotted hysena, kingubwa.
1 have some at home, iko kwangu. Hydrocele, mahipa, putabo, kito-
Honey, asali ya nyuki. nga (?)
Honour, besbima, ukarimu, utu- Hypocrite, mnafiki, pi. wanafiki.
Hoof, ukwato, pi. kwato, kwata. I.

Hook (fish-hook), doana. Ibo, Wibo.

(used to steady work with), Idiot, bayawani.

kulabu. Idleness, uvivu.

Hope, matumaini. Idolater, kafiri. pi. makafiri.

Hordeolum, chokea. Ignorance, ujiuga.
Horn, peinbe, pi. pembe or ma- Image, sanamu.
perabe. Imperial. See Beard.
An antelope's horn used as a Imprecation, apizo, pi. rnaapizo.
trumpet, baiagumu. See Imprisonment, kifungo.
Musical Instruments. Incense, bubmi, ubani, uvuiiil):!,

Horse, farasi, fras. uudi. ^ee Censer.

Host (army or multitude), jesbi, pi. Income, pato.
majesbi. Independence, upweke.
Host (entertainer), rnweuyeji, pi.
Indian (heathen), Banyani, pi. Ma-
wenyeji. banyani.
Hostility, wadui, adawa. Indian (Mahommedan), Mubindi,
Hour, saa. pi. Wahindi.

House, nyuraba. Indian rubber, mpira.

(large), jumba, pi. majumba. Indian corn, muhindi. See Maize.
(small), kijuruba, pi. vijuiuba. Infection, kuambulviza.
Household of slaves, kijoli. Infidel, kafiri, pi. makafiri.
Hum, mavunii. Infirmity, utbaifu.
Humility, unenyekeo. Information, babari.
Hump (of an ox), nundu. Ingenuity, uyuzi, umabeli.
(of a humpback), kigongo. Inheritance, \\r\tM.
Hunger, njaa, ndaa (M.). Inheritor, mxilhi, pi. vt&x'xthl.

Hundred, mi a. Ink, wino.

Two hundred, miteen. Inkstand, kidau cba wino.
Hunter, inwinda, pi. wawinda. Inlaid work, njumu.
Innovation, mzuzi, pi. niiziizi. fruit, Urn >i, pi. mnfinesi.
itnr. mzushi, wazushi. Jackfruit tret, uiiiuesi, pi. mi-
Inst ct, mduda, r L wadudu. finesi.


Jar {for carrying water), lntungi,
yi'ga, hot pi. mitongi.
Dudu vulr, a boring hornet. Jar {large, ksisiki.

Bunzi, pi. ruabunzi, a stinging ine, jasmiui.

fill- JaW,
Vunja jungo, a mantis. ,/.
alousy, uwivu.
Boroalioa, a long-shaped black J( 'ilous anger, ghoiri.
in- I in dust-ht a |
To weep for jealousy, kulia ngoa.
(« if-sufficu net/), kiuava. Jewel, johari.
uction, mafandiaho. Jin, jini, pi. raajini.
Jn.-tiuni' ut.<
(nautical), vipande vya Johanna, Anzwani.
kapimia. Joint, kiungo, ]il. viungo.
Instill, tukatio, pZ. matukano. {in a cane), l'undo, pi. mafundo.
Intellect, akili generally treated at {piece between two joints in a
a /Jural noun of Class III.'). cane), pingili.
Int' ntion, nia, kasidi. Joist, boriti.
JnA /_/(/•• tation, tafsiri. Johe, ubiski.
Jnfc rpri /< r, mkalimani, pi. wakali- Journey, safari, mwendo.
mani, posoro. Two days' journey, mwendo wa
Intestines, matumbo. siku nibilL
Small intestines, c-hango. Joy, furaba.
Inti rruption, kizuizo, pi. vizuizo.
Judge, kathi, pi. makathi, mwa-
Intoxicating thing, kilo, pi. vileo. inuzi, pi. waamuzi, mwomua,
Intoxication, kileo, kulewa. pi. waamua.
Intruder, kizu-hi, 77/. vizusld, ti-adi Judgment, hukumn, raaamuzi.
(one teno enters a house without Jug, kopo, pi. makopo.
lawful purpose). Juice, lnuji.
Imalid, mgonjwa,pZ. wagonjwa. Justice, bakL
J piece 0/ iron, chuma, pi. vyuma.
Iron liar, mtairnbo. pi. mitaimbo. Kiel, mkiiku, utako fMer.).
I., pi. visiwa. Kt mel, kisa, pi. visa.
Itch, uj*le, pele. K> tile, kanderinya.
Itching, mnyeo. Ki y, ufunguo, pi. funguo.
p rnbe. Kick, teke, pi. mat<
a large tuah, buri. Kidney, nso, figo (M.).
Kind, namna, gin.-i, aina.
Kiml, sort or ttyli is expressed by
Jacl.a', mbwa wa u ,, .lu. ki. prefixed to the place, thing,

or people. Kihindi, the Indian which together make a kbitima

sort. Kizungu, the European nziiua.

Viatu vya Kihindi, shoes like

those worn by the Indians. Labour, kazi.
Viazi vya Kizungu, sweet potatoes Labour pains, utungtu
of the European sort,i.e. potatoes. Lac (100,000), lakki.
Mavazi ya kifaume, robes cf the Ladder, ngazi.
kingly sort, royal robes. Ladle made out of a cocoa-nut, kata,
Kindness, wema. pi. makata (deep, used to dip
Every kindness, killa jambo la up water with) upawa, pi.

wema. pawa (shallow, used for gravy,

A kindness, fathili. curry, &c).
Kindred, ndugu, jamaa. Lady, bibi, mwana mke wa kiu-
Utani, the belonging to a kindred ngwana.
race. Lady of the house, mwana.
Mtani, pi. watani, a person of a Ladylove, mchumba.
kindred race. Lake, ziwa la maji, pi. maziwa.
King, mfalme, pi. wafalme, malki, Lamoo, Amu.
maliki. Lamp, taa.
Chess king, sbah. Lampstand, a piece of wood ivith

Kingdom, ufalme, ufalume, ufaume, tivo flat pieces projecting at

milki, mulki. right angles on which the lamp
Kinsman, ndugu, jamaa. See is placed, mwango, pi. miango.

Kindred. Lampwick, utambi, pi. tambi.

Kiss, busu. Land, incbi, nti (M.).
Kitchen, jikoni, mekoni. Landing-place, diko, pi. madiko,
Kite (bird), mwewe. liko, pi. maliko.

{toy), tiara. Language, lugba, maneno. 77*e

Knee, gote, pi. magote, ondo, pi. language of a place or nation

maondo (A.). is expressed by the use of the

Knife, kisu, pi. visu. prefix ki-. Maneno ya Kiu-

(large), jisu, pi. majisu. nguja or Kiunguja,i7ie languagi
Kotama, a curved knife used in of Zanzibar. Kinyamwezi, the

getting palm wine. language of the Nyamwezi

Shembea, a kind of curved knife. tribe. See Dialect.
Knight (chess), frasi. Filthy and insulting language,
Knot, fundo, pi. mafundo. matukano.
Knowingness, ujuvi, ujuzi, werevu. Languor, utepetevu.
Knowledge, maarifa, elimu, bekima. Lantern, fanusi, kandili, pi. ma-
Koran, korani, furakanu, msahafu. kandili.
It is divided into thirty juzuu, Lappet, kishimgi, pi. visbungi.
E 2

Largess, takarima, bashishi. Lever, mvukutn, pi. mivuknto.

Lath c. keezo. Liar, mwongo, pi. wawongo.
Laugh, chi k<>. pL macheko, kicheko, Libt rality, ukarimu.

pL vicli< k' >. Lict ntiousness, washerati.

Liar, Bheria, huknmu. Licorice, sus.

7-: if. ,
risasi, rusasL Lid, kifuniko,pZ. vifuniko, kihia, pt.

(for sounding), bildL vibia, mkungu wa kul'unikia.


ongozi, pi. viongozi. Lie, wongo, u wongo.

Leaf a tret ), jani, pi. majani.
[of Life, uzima (health), maidha (con~
(q/ a cocoa-nut tree kuti, , t>7. tinuance), rolio (soul).
makuti. Light, nuru, weupe, niwanga, pi.
Leaf (of a book), ukurasa, pi. mianga, anga, pi. maanga
km tsa. (glare).
an-to, kipenu, pi. vipenu. Lighthole, mwangaza, pi. rma-
/. lirau. ngaza.
arning, i

.4 man of learning, niwana wa Lights (of an animal), yavuyavu.

chuoni. Lightning, umeme.
Leather, ngozi, ngovi. Like (similar thing), kifani, pL
Leave, ruksa, ruhusa. vifani.
To take leave, k»i Likeness, mfano, pi. rnifano, kifano
Li " '.
cliachu, hamira. pi. vifano, sananiu, sura.
Lee upande wa chini.
side, Lime, chokaa.
Leech, mraba, pi. miruba, mdudu Lime (fruit), dimu.
afyonzaye damu. Sweet lime, dimu t;imu.
Lefihandt dness, shoto. Limit, mpaka, pi. mipaka (boun-
Leg (or fool ), mguu, pi. miguu. dary), kinga (block), upoo
(of a native bedstead), tendegu, (what cannot be surpassed).
pi. matendegu. Line, mstari, pi. mistari (drawn),
Loss of the use of the legs, kitewe, Bafu (row), ugwe (cord), sbairi
kiwete. line of verse).

Leg ring. See Anklet. Lint n. kitani.

I. ; ."/, hadithi. Lining of a kanzu round the throat,
Leisure (private time), fera kaba.
makini. Lion, simba.
Lemon, limao, pi. malimao. Lip, mdomo, rnlomo, or mwomo, pi.
ngth, urefu. midomo, milomo, or ruiomo.
Leopard, chui, tui (M.). Lip-ring, ndonya.
Leprosy, ukorxia, balanga, jethamu, id, maji, kiowevu.
matana. l.i
p, kitembe.
Letter, waxaka, pi. nyaraka, lama, Litter (carried by four men),
ati. macbera.
/.' tU i-
(of the alj habet), hern: Little pieces, vidogo, sing, kidogo.

Liver, ini, pi. maini. Lungs, pafu, pumu, yavuyavu (of

Lizard, mjusi, pi. wajusi. an animal).
Large water lizard, kenge. Lust, kawa.
Kinds of lizards, raguruguru, pi.

waguruguru gorong'ondwa — M.
kiuma mbuzi— mjumbakaka — Mace (spice), basbasi.
mjisikafiri. Machine, samani, mtambo, pi. mi-
Load, mzigo, pi. mizigo. tambo.
Loaf, nikate, pi. mikate. Madagascar, JBuki, Bukini.
Loan, maazinio, karatha. Madness, wazimo, makoka (country
Lock, kitasa, pi. vitasa (box lock), dialect).
komeo or goineo (a native Magadoxa, Mkuchyo.
wooden lock), kut'uli, pi. maku- Magic, uckawi (black magic),
fuli (padlock). uganga (white magic).
Locust, mzige, pi. wazige, nzige. Maggot (funza).
Log, gogo, pi. magogo. Magnesia (sulphate of), cbunivi ya
(nautical), batli. kaluli.
Loin nguo, doti, kikoi, pi.
cloth, Maiden, mwana mwali.
vikoi (with a striped border). Maize (plant), mubiudi.
Loins, kiuno, pi. viuno. half-grown, matindi.
Longing, uchu, taniaa, hawa. (corn), mabindi.
Look, natkari. (corn cob), gunzi, pi. magunzi.
Looking-glass, kioo, pi. vioo. (young cob), ngara.
Loop, kitanzi, pi. vitanzi. (parched corn), mbisi.
Loops to haul up a boat by, Majesty, enzi, ezi.

kiskwara. Malice, uovu.

Loss, kasara. Man (person), ratu, pi. watu.
Lots, kura. (male), ruwanamume, pi. waa-
Louse, chawa, tawa. naume.
Love, sbauko, mapenzi, habba, (human being), mwana Adamu,
makabu, pendo, mapendo. bin Adamu (Ar.).
Luck, bakati, nasibu. A very large man, jitu, pi. majitu.
Messenger of ill luck, korofi. A young man tvhose beard is

Lukewarmness, uvuguvugu. beginning to appear, mvulana,

Lumbrici, ckango. pi. wavulana.
Lump, fungo, pi. mafungo, fumba, Man of the world, mtu mwerevu.
pi. mafuinba. Mango, embe, embe (M.), pi. ma-
Lump (as in flour), kidonge, pi. embe. Embe za dodo, large
vidonge, vunibu, pi. mavunibu. mangoes.
Lump (of meat), ckinyango. Mango-tree, mwembe,pZ. micmbe.
Lunacy, kickaa, soda. Mangouste, mcbiro, pi. wackiro.
Lunatic, mwenyi kichaa. Mangrove, mkoko, pi. mikoko.

r. pinsi. Round mat on which food it laid

An i
legant manru r.madaha. out, kitanga,
pL vitauga.
Mann* r«, d( sturi, mathehebu. Strips of palm leaf for plaiting
I nautili re, adabu, tu*liJa.' fine mats, myaa, pi. iniyaa.
Mantis, vunja jungo. Strips of palm l<af for plaiting
Manure, samadl coarse mats, mwaa, pi. miwaa.

Manuscript, mwandiko, pi. mia- Narroio strips ready to be sewn

odiko. together to make coarse mats,
Mark, alama. sbupatu, pi. masbupatu.
Marks made by dragging anything Strips for making fine mats,
along, mkokoto, pi. mikokoto. ukiri, pi. kiri.
Tribal mark, neuiba. See Sjtot, The thick edge of strips of
Blotch. matting, ng'ong'o.
Market, soko, pi. masoko. Busati, a sort of matting brought
Marriage, ndoa, mikaba. from Muscat.
(the ceremony), harusi. Matchmaker, kijumbe, pi. vijumbe.
Iinti rmarriage), kuoana. Matches, viberitL
Mn row, bongo. Matter (pus), usaba.
Martyr, sbaliidi, pi. mashabidi A matter, jambo, jawabu.
Mask, barakoa. Wliat is the matter ? Kuna nini ?
Mason, mwashi, pi. waashi. What is the matter with yout
Masons trowel, mwiko, pi. miiko. Una nini.
M 188, the mass of, jamii ya. Mattress, godoro, pi. magodoro.
Mast, mlingote, pi. milingote, Mayotte, JMantwe.
mgotc, pi. migote. Meal (food), chakula.
Small mizen-mast, mlingote wa First meal after a fast, futarL
kalmi or galmi. Meal (flour), unga.
Master of a house, or of slaves), Meaning, maana.
I'V, una. Meanness, unyonge.
MaeU r
of a school), mwalimu, pi. Means, njia.
waalimu. Measles, churuwa.
MasU r'x son, bwana mdogo. Measure, kadri, kiasi, cbco, kipimo.
Masti r wm I.
man, fundi. A measure, kipimo, pi. vipimo.
One's own master, mweza mwe- Measuring rod, line, dec, chenezo,

nyewe. vyenezo.
Mat (coarse matting), jamvi, pi. See Cubit, Fathom, Span, Weight.
majamvi. The weights are usedas measures
Slet /ling mat, mkeka, pi. mikeka. for such a capacity as would
ping mat modi UJu a bag with contain that weight of millet
open, fumba. Meat, nyama. [ (mtama).
Oral prayer mat, mu^ala, pi. mi- Small pieces cooked on a skewer,
eala. m»liakiki, pi. misliakiki.
Pieces cooked on two parallel Curdled milk, rnaziwa mabivu.
sticks, subana. Buttermilk, nitindi.
Meatiness, mnofu. Mill, diuu, pi. vinu.
3L 'Idler, pingamizi. Steam mill, kiuu cha moshi.
Mediator {peace-maker),msel(>hisha., Oil mill, kinu cha kushindikia.

pi. waselehisha, rnsuluhislia, Hand mill, mawe ya kusagia

pi. wasuluhisha, mpatanishi, {this last only is used for grind-
pi. wapataniski. ing corn. Kinu is properly a
Medicine, dawa, pi. dawa or mada wa. wooden mortar, and the common
(medical knowledge), utabibu, oil mills consist of a lever turned

uganga. in a mortar by camels).

Medicine man, mganga, pi. wa- Millipede, jongoo.
ganga. Millet, mtama.
Meekness, upole. fully formed but unripe, mtarua
Melancholy, huzuni, hamu. tete.

Memorandum (written), khati. Millet stalks, mabua, sing. bua.

Memorial, kumbukumbu, uku- kinds of millet, kibakuli, kipaje.
mbusko. Mind, moyo (heart), akili (wits),
Memory, ukumbuka, ufahamu. Mine, niadini. [ilia (intention).
Menstruation, heth. 3Iint (herb), nana, fidina (?/.

Mention, kunibukunibti, Minute, dakika.

Merchandise, bithaa. Miracle, mwujiza,j>£. miujiza, ajabu.
Merchant, mfanyi biashara, pi. wa- Miscarriage, kubaribu niiniba.
fanyi biashara, tajiri, pi. ma- Mischief, mathara, uharabu.
tajiri {a rich man), taiAbiri, Miser, bakbili, cboyo.
bazazi (huckster). Misery, shidda, thidli.
Mercury, zebakh. Misfortune, msiba, pi. misiba, taabu.
Mercy, rekema, huruma. Missile, kimwondo, pi. zimwondo
Merit, ajara. {used to mean shooting stars,
Merka, Marika. because said to be cast at the

Message, maneno, habari. Jins by the angels).

Messenger, mjumbe, pi. wajumbe, Missionary, mpeekwa, pi. wa-

mtume, pi. watuine, tunie. peekwa.
Metal, madini. Mist, kungu, umande, sbemali
Middle, kati. Mistake, kosa, makosa.
Middle of a piece of cloth, mji. Mistress (of slaves), bibi.

Midge, usubi. {of the house), mwana. It is

Midnight, usiku saa a sita, kati ya reckoned good manners in

usiku, usiku wa rnanane. Zanzibar to speak of one's own

Midwife, mzalisha, pi. wazaliska. mother as mwana.
Mildew, kawa. Mistress (kept woman), kinyumba.

Milk, niaziwa. Mistress {sweetheart), ruchuinba.


\-mast, mlingote wa kalmi or Morsel, kidogo, pi. vidogo.

galmi. Mortar fo ling and chiming
ry, asiman grain, <Stc, l.iim. pi. vinu.
Mb U ration, kadri, kiosL Mortar for throning shells, ko-
'•si i/,
hays* mbora.
MohiUa, Moalli. /•' />/. r's
mortar, chokaa.
Mole, fuko (?). Platters used as mortar boards,
Mombas, M\ ita. chano. pi. vyano.
Monday, Juma a tatu.
Mosque, meskiti, moakiti, mesjid.
Mosquito, imbu.
Monfia, Mafya. Moth, nonndo.
Mod;, kirna. Mnthi r, mama. It Zan-
polite in
//. is

Tumbili, a smrt/l light-coloured zibar to

speak of one's own
moid:, ij. motlicr as niwana.
Ngedere, a small Hack monkey. Step-mother, mama wa kambo.
Mbega, pi. wabega, a black Mother-in-law, mkwe, pi. wakwe.
monkey with long white hair on Mould, kalibu.
tl„ shouldt /-.
(mouldiness), ukungu, kawa.
toon northi rly winds), musinii. Mound {of earth), kisugulu, pi. vi-
th, inw. zi. ],!. miezi. 8Ugulu.
J he months of the Arab year are Mound (of stones), boma, pi. ma-
(htirniined by the sight of the boma.
moon, or by the lapse of thirty Mountain, mlima, pi. milima.
full dayt months practi- timing (grief), msiba.
cally begin from the end of the To make ,a formal mourning,
fasting month, and are cull<<l kukaa matanga.
Mfunguo wa mosi, wa pili, — — To finish a formal mourning,

wa tatu, wa'nne, wa tano, — — knondoa matanga.
wa tdtri, — wa saba, wa nane, — To live very privately during
— wa kenda, Rajabu, Sbaabani, mourning for a husband, ku-
Ramatbani. See Time. kalia eda.
A month of lest than thirty days, The feast with which a mourning
mwf-zi mpungufu. cm, '-hides, hitimu.
A month of thirty full days, mwc- Moustache, muomo, pi. miomo.
7\ mwangamu. Mouth, kinwa, pi. vinwa, kanwa, pi.
Mi - ira. tnakanwa.
Moon, in" Mucus 'from the nose), kamasi.
», kiwi. (from the vagina), utoko.

Moonlight, bala mwezi. Mint, tope; much mud, matope.

Morning, subui, aesubui, ussubui. Muddini ss in water, vumbi.
Mor in'] nir, umande. Mule, nyumbu. baghala. [ruba.
.V .
ceo, Ma§ baribi Multiplication (arithmetical), tliii-

Multitude,makutauo, kuncli, pi. Napkin, kitambaa, pi. vitambaa.

makundi, jeshi, pi. majeshi, Table napkin, kitambaa cba
umaati. meza.
Mummy, mumyani. Narcotic, kileo, pi. vileo.
Mungoose, nichiro, pi. wachiro. Nation, taifa, pi. mataifa.
Murderer, muuwaji, pi. wauwaji. Native, mzalia, pi. wazalia, kizao,
Muscle, tafu. pi. vizao, kivyao, pi. vivyao.
Mushroom, kioga, pi. vioga. Nature, asili, tabia.
Music, ngonia. Nautical instruments, vipande vya
Musical Instruments. See Brum. kupimia.
Baragumu, a spiral antelope's Navel, kitovu, pi. vitovu.
horn used as a trumpet. Necessaries (especially as supplied
Kayamba, a sort of rattle. by God's providence), riziki,
Kinanda, vinauda, a stringed
pi. ziriki (M.).

instrument, used of European (usefid things), vifaa.

instruments generally. Necessity, farathi, lazima, ukwasef'u.
Kinubi, a harp. Neck, skin go, pi. mashingo. See
Matoazi, sing, toazi, cymbals. Back, Nape.
Mbui, a buffalo's horn played by Need, uhtaji, kutaka, matakwa.
beating. Needle, sindano.
Paanda, a trumpet. Neighbour, jirani.
Upato, a plate of copper sounded Neighbourhood, upande wa, ki-
by beating. yambo (?).
Vugo, a large horn sounded by Nest, tundu, pi. matundu.
beating. (a laying place), kiota, pi, viota.
Zeze, a three-strinaed lute. Net, rashipi, pi. misldpi.
Zomari, a sort of clarionet. used to take gazelles, &c, wavu,
Musk, niesiki, meski. pi. nyavu, cliavu, pi, vyavu.
Mussel (shellfish), kijogoo, pi. vijo- Stake net, hedge made in the sea,
goo, kome, pi. makome. uzio, pi. nyuzio.
Mustard, kharadali. Round casting net, kimia, pi.
Myriad, kikwi, pi. vikwi or zikwi. vimia.
Myrrh, uianeniane. Seine made of European cordage,
jarifa (or jarife), pi. majarifa.
N. Seine made of cocoa-nut fibre,
Nail (finger), ukucha, pi. kucha. juya, pi. majuya.
(iron), msomari, pi. misoniari. Fish trap made of basket work,
Name, jina, pi. majina. dema.
What is your name ? Jina lako Nettle, kiwavi, pi. viwavi (used also
nani ? News, habari. [of sea-nettles).
Namesake, somo, pi, masomo. Night, usiku.
Nape of the neck, ukosi, kikosi. All night, usiku kucha.
Four whole nights, edku nne
usiku ol'jirtions, makindano, inakalnzo.
kuoha. Occupation, Bhughnli.
Four dayt and nights, biku nne (Esophagus, undo.
mchftiia na usiku. Offering, sadaka (gift), thabihu
. .
ihtman jinamisL . (sacrifice), kafara (a sacrifici to

', chuchu ya ziwa, titi, avert calamity ; it is buried or

bubu (A.). thrown away).
of a gun, kifa, pi. vifa. Officer, akida, mkuu wa asikari.

A . si nitu. Oiiiriousness, f'utliuli, ufutbuli,

There is nobody, bapana (or Offspring, mzao, pi. wazao. [ujuvi.
hakuna) nitu. Oil, mafuta.

Noise, bauti. Castor-oil, mafuta ya mbarika.

of voices, kelele, pi. makelele, Semsem-oil, mafuta ya uta.

utliia. Ointment, marhamu.
See Bellow, Roar, Hum, Cry. Old age, uzeo, ukongwe (extreme).
Nonsense, upuzi, puo. Old person, mzee, pi. wazee, ki-
Noon, atbuuri, jua kitwani. kongwe, pi. vikongwe (ex-
e, tanzi, pi. matanzi. tremely old).
North, kibula, kaskazinL Omelette, kiwanda, kimanda.
Northerly winds, kaskazi Omen, fuli.

A ,pua, pi. pua or mapua. Omnipresence, eneo la Muungu (the

Nose ornament shaped like a stud, spread of God).
kipini, pi. vipinL Onion, kitunguu, pi. vitunguu.
Nose ring, azama. Open place, kiwanja, pi. viwanja,
Nostril,tundu ya pua, 'mwanzi wa wangwa, wanda.
pua(?> piece of waste ground in a town,
Notch, a place where a triangular uga.
piece is broken out, peugo. Opinion, wasia.
Not* .
barua, khatL Opium, afyuni.
Number, besabu, kiwango. Opportunity, nafasi.
Nurse, yaya (dry imrse), 'mlezi, pi. Ophthalmia, weli wa macho.
walezi (of a child), muguzi, pi. Orange, ehungwa, pi. machungwa,
wauguzi (of a sick person). chungwa la kizungu, danzi la
Nut, kokwa, pL makokwa. See kizungu.
heir, &c. Bitter or wild oranges, danzi, pi.

Nutmeg, kungunianga. madanzi.

Mandarin oranges, kangaja.
O. ckunza, chenza za
(a larger sort),

Oar, kasia, pi. mnkasia. kiajjemi.

Oath, aapo, pi. nyapo, kiapo, pi. Order. See Command.
viapo, yamini (regularity, or a regular order),

Obedience, inutia. taratibu.


Ordeal, kiapo, pi. viapo. Pad used as a saddle for donkeys,

Origin, asili, chimbuko, nrwanzo. khorj.
Ornament, pambo, pi. mapambo, Paddle, kafi, pi. makafi.
kipambo, pi. vipambo. Padlock, kufuli.
Dalia, a yellow cosmetic. Pail, ndoo.
Ndonya, lip-ring worn by the Pain, maumivu, uchungu, kunma.
Nyassa women. Paint, rangi.
Sarafu, a small gold plate worn Pair, jozi, jura, jeuzi, jauzL
on the forehead. Palace, jumba.
Shangwi, an ornament worn Palanquin, machera.
between the shoulders. Palate, kaaka, kaa la kinwa.
Urembo, black lines painted upon Palisading, zizi, kizizi.
the face. Palm of the hand, kitanga cha
Uzuri, cosmetic applications. mkono,^Z. vitanga vya mikono.
Vidani, collars of gold or silver. A sail-maker's palm, dofra, pi.
See Anklets, Bracelets, Ear, Nose. madofra.
Orphan, yatima. Palm-tree. See Cocoa-nut, Date.
Os coccygis, kifundugu. Leaf-stem of a palm-tree, upongoe,
Ostrich, buni. pi. pongoe.
Otto of roses, bal waradi. Mkoche, has an edible fruit.
Outlet, pakutokea. Mlala, hyphasne, branching palm.
Outrigger (of canoes), matengo. Mvuma, borassus palm.
Outskirts of a town, kiunga. Palm-oil tree, mchikicki, pi. micbi-
Oven, tanuu, tanuru. kicbi.
Over-looker,msimamizi, pi. wasi- its fruit, cbikichi, pi. machikicbi.
mamizi, mwangalizi, pi. waa- the small nuts contained in the
ngalizL fruit, kicbikicbi, pi. vicbikichi.
Owl, bundu Palm-wine, tembo.
Owner, mwenyewe. Spirit made from palm-wine,
Ox, ng'ombe or gnombe, maksai. zarambo.
Oyster, cheza, kome (?), pi. ma- Palm-wine syrup, asali ya tembo.
kome, kombe za pwanL Palmar abscess, kaka.
Palpitation of the heart, kiberebere
P. cba moyo.
Pace, mwendo. Panniers, sboi, shogL
Package, packet, or parcel, robota, Pap, ubabwa.
gora (of cloth), peto, pi. nia- Papaw, papayi, pi. roapapayi.
peto. Papaw-tree, mpapayi, pi. mipa-
Small packet, kipeto, pi. vipeto. Paper, karatasi.
Pad of grass, &c, used to carry a Parable, metbili, methali, mtano,
load on the head upon, generally pi. rnifano.
twisted into a ring, kata. Paradise, peponi.

QaU of paradise, kilango cba Peacock, (ansi.

jaha. Peak, kilele, pi. vilclo.

Paralysis, kipooza, tiwo (?). Pearl, lulu.

Paralytic, mwenyi kupooza. Pebble (very small), mbwo.
Pared . mbisi. (or small pit a of stone), kokoto,
Pardon, aratbi, musama, masameho, pi. makokoto.
Peel, ganda, pi. maganda.
Parent, mzaa, pi. wazaa, mzazi, pi. Peg, chango, pi. vyaugo.
wazazi, mzee, pi. wazee. Pelvis, tokoni.
Part, fungu, pi. mafungu, schemu, Pen, kalamu.
upande, ;»/. pande, kisma. Reed pen, kalamu ya 'mwanzi.
Partner, msharika, pi. washarika. I ,iis, mbo.

Partnership, usharika. People, watu.

Partridgt . kwale (?). People of this world, walimwengU.
Kering'ende, the red-legged par- Other people's, -a watu.
tridge. People like us, kina si.^i.

Party (faction), aria. Alidallah's people, kina Abdallali.

Pass, or passport, cheti, pi. vyeti. Pepper, piKpili manga,

Passage (by). pito,pl. kipito. Red pepper, pilipili boho.
(through), kipenyo, pi. vipenyo. Percussion cap, fataki.
A very narrow passage, kicho- Perfection, ukamilifu, utimilivu.
choro, pi. vicliochoro. Perfumes, mauukato.
Patch (in kiraka, pi. viraka
cloth), Period (or point of time), kipindi,
(in plan!;/ Ha), hasho. pi. vipindi.
Path, njia, pito, pi. mapito. Periury, aziir, znli.
Patience, 6aburi, subiri, uvumilivu, Permission, ruksa, ruhusa.
utulivu. Persia, Ajjemi.
Pattern, namna. Persian Gulf, Bahari il 'ali.

(to work from) kielezo, pi. vielezo. Person, mtu.

Van per, kibapara, pi. vibapara (an A grown person, mtu mzima. See
insulting epithet |. Old, &c.
I'aira (chess), kitunda, pi. vitmida. Perspiration, bari, jasbo.
1'aij, ijara, njia, faritha, msbahara Pestilence, tauni, wabba.
(monthly). Pestle, mchi (or mti), pi. michi,
Pea, deniru they are not grown in mtwango, pi. mitwango.
Zanzibar, but are brought dry Phantom, kivuli, pi. vivuli.
from ] ml in). Phlegm, belghamu.
A small pea-like bean, cbooko, Phthisis, ukobozi.
chiroko. Physic, dawa, pi. dawa or madawa.
Peace, amani, salamu. Physician, tabibu, mtabibu, pi.

Peace-maker, mpatanishi, mscle- wat.aliibu, niyanga. pi. wa-

Lioha, nisuluhiaha. ganga.

Pice, pesa, pi. pesa or nmpesa. Piping, kigwe, pi. vigwe.

Pirfde, achari. Pirate, baramia.
Picture, taswira, sura, sanatau. Pistol, bastola.

Piece, kipaude, pi. vipande. Pit, shkoo, pi. masbimo.

Piece of Madagascar grass cloth, Pitch or Tar, lami.
ramba, pi. maramba. Pity, bmuina.
Piece in by way of patch (in
let Place, mabali, pabali.
Place may often be expressed by
planking), basho. See Firewood.
the prefix pa-.
Pig, nguruwe, nguuwe.
Jivi, a wild hog. Panyamavu, a quiet place.
Pigeon, njiwa, ndiwa (M.). Pakutokea, a place to go out at.

Tame pigeon, njiwa manga. Panginepo, elsewhere,

Wild pigeon, njiwa wa mwitu. or by the use of penyi.
Pile of sticks, &c, for burning, biwi, Penyi mti, the place where the
pi. mabiwi. tree is, or teas.
Piles (haemorrhoids'), bawasir. An open place, kiwanja, pi.

Pilgrimage, baj. viwanja.

Pill, kidonge, pi. vidonge. A clear space in a town, uga.
Pillar, nguzo. A place where offerings are made
Pillow, mto, pi. mito. to propitiate spirits supposed to
Wooden head rest, msamilo, pi. haunt it, mzimu, pi. miziniu.

misamilo. Plague, tauni.

Pilot, rubani. Plain, uwauda.
Pimple, kipele, pi. vipele, upele, pi. Plan, sbauri, pi. mashauri.
pele (large), kiwe, pi. viwe ia Plane, randa.
small kind). Plank, ubau, pi. nibau.
Pincers, koleo. Planking, rubau.
Pine-apple, nanasi, pi. mananasi. A plank laid over the body before
Pinna (shell-jish), kaya, pi. inakaya, the earth is filled in, kiuuza,^.
panga, pi. mapanga. Plant, inbegu, nibeyu. [viunza,
Pipe (water), nelli. A young plant, niche, pi. miche,
(clarionet), zomari. cbipukizi, pi. vipukizi.
(tobacco), kiko, pi. viko. The Upupu, cowitch.
native pipe consists of a bowl Mbaruti, a thistle-like plant with
(bora), a stem (digali) hading a yellow flower.
from the boid into a small vessel Nyinyoro, a bulbous plant throw-
of water, which last is properly ing up a head of red flowers.
the kiko; the stem from the kiko Yungiyungi, the blue water-lily.
to the mouth is the sbilamu. Afu, the ivild jasmine.
The bubbling of the water when Kirukia, a parasite on fruit trees.
being smoked is the malio
it is Mpungati, a kind of cactus.
ya kiko. Plantains, ndizi.

Plantation, ehamba, pi. maahamba. Porpoise, pomboo.

l'lati visabani.
kisabani, pi. Porridge, ugali, uji, fuka, hasida.
A plate of natal, bamba, pi. ma- Portt r. Set Doorkeeper.
baiuba. mahamali.
{carrier), bamali, pi.
Plath r
of wood, ohano, pi. vyano. {in a caravan), mpagazi, pi. wa-
Pleasure, anasa, furaha. pagazi.
Pleasing (kings, mapendezi. Port Durnford, Burikao.
Pledge, rahani, amani, kabatbi. Position in the world, cheo, kiwa
]'l: iades, kilimia.
Plenty, wingi, ungi (M.), uiari- Possessions, mali, milki.
thawa. Possessor, mweiivi \v<-.

Plumb-line (a stone hung by a strip Possessor oj, &c, mwcnyi, &c, pi.
of banana leaf), tiina/.i. wenyi, &c.
Plug, ngurnzi, zibo, pi. ruazibo. Post, mti, pi. miti.
Plummet, chubwi. Bearing post, mkimili, pi. mihi-
Pocket, tafuko, pi. mifuko. mili.

Pocket-handkerchief, ieso. Posterity, wazao.

Poem, nmsbairi, utenzi {religious). Pot. See Cooking-pot, Censer.
Poet, mtunga masliairi, pi. watunga A lobster-pot, dema.
masliairi. Potash {nitrate of), shura.
Poetry ,
masliairi. Potatoes, viazi vya kizuugu.
One line of poetry, shairL Sweet potatoes, viazi, sing, kiazi.
Point, iicha. Raised beds for planting viazi,
Poison, sumu, uchnngu. tula, pi. matuta.
Fish poison, utupa. Potsherd {broken piece of pottery or
Pole, mti, pi. miti. glass), kigai, pi. vigai, gai, pi.
for carrying burdens on, mpiko, magai (a large piece), kige-
pi. mipiko. renyenza, pi. vigerenyenza (a
for propdling a canoe, upondo, pi. very small piece, a splinter).
pondo. Potter, mfinangi, pi. waflnangi, mfi-
Politeness, adabu. nyanzi, wafinyarjzi.
Pomegranate, kamamanga. A place to bake potter's work,
Vomeloe, furungu, pi. mafurungu. Poultry, k'uku.
Pond, ziwa, pi. maziwa. Poverty, uatasikini.
Pool, ziwa, jil. maziwa. Powder, unga.
Pool left by the retiring tide, Gunpowder, baruti.
kidimbwi, pi. vidimbwi Power, uwozo, nguvu, mamlaka, enzi.
Poop, shetri. Practice, mtaala, mazoezo.
Poor free man, maskini ya Muu- Praise, sifa, hamdi.
oga. Prattle, vijineno.
Porcupine, nungu. I'ruyi r (worship)), ibada.
• leo, matokeo ya hari. <-
ntreaty), kuomba.

(the prescribed forms), sala. The Promissory note, awala.

regular Mohammedan times of Pronunciation, niata'ruko.
prayer are, Magaribi, directly Prop, nibiniili, pi. miliiruili, niate-

after sunset ; Esha, an hour cr getueo.

two later; Alfajiri, before sun- A prop to keep a vessel upright
rise ; Athuuri, at noon ; Alasiri, when left by the tide, gadi.
about half-way between noon Property, mali, milki.
and sunset. Prophet, nabii, mtume, pi. mitume.
Preacher, mwenyi kukbutubu, or Prosecution, mstaki, pi. mistaki.
kuayithi. Proselyte, mwongofu, pi. waongofu.
Precept, mafundisho. Prostitute, kababa, pi. makababa.
Pregnancy, mimba. Protection, bami, bamaya.
Present (see Gift), zawadi. Under British protection, fi ha-
Customary present, ada, kilemba. mayat Ingrez (Ar.).
Customary presents at a wedding ; Proverb, infauo wa maueuo.
to the bride's father, mahari, Provision, madaraka.
kilemba to the bride's mother,
; Provisions, vyakula.
nikaja, ubeleko to the bride's
; Provocation, ekerabi.
kungu, kiosha miguu, kifunua Prow, gubeti.
mlango; to the bride herself, of a small vessel, kikono, pi
kipa mkono. vikono.
Press or Pressure, sbinikizo. (head), orno.

Prey, mawindo. Prudence, busara, fikira.

Price, kima, tham&ni. Pulley, kapi, pi. makapi, gofia.

Prickly heat, vipele vya babara. Pulpit, mirubara.
A medicament for it, liwa. Pump, bomba.
Pride, kiburi. Pumpkin, boga, pi. maboga.
Priest, kahini, pi. makabini (used plant, mboga, pi. miboga.
in the sense of soothsayer). shell used to carry liquids in

(Cliristian), kasisi, padre or pa- dundu, pi. madundu.

diri, pi. mapadiri. Mumunye, pi. mamumuiiye,
Prison, kifungo, gereza. sort of vegetable marrow.

Privacy, faragba. Tango, pi. matango, eaten raw

Privy, cboo. like cucumber.
Proceeds, pato, pi. mapato. Kitoma, pi. vitoma, a sma
Produce (fruit, seed, &c), zao, pi.
round sort.

mazao. Tikiti, pi. raatikiti, a round k nd

Profit, fayida, ghanima. of water-melon.
Progeny, mzao, pi. wazao. Punch, keke.
Progress, kiendeleo. Purchaser, mnunuzi, pi. wanunuzi.
Prohibition, makatazo. Purgative, dawa la kuhara.
Promise, abadi, wabadi. Purity, masafi, utakatifu

Purpose, kosndi, pZ. makusudi, bow, upindi \va mvua, kisiki

kasidi, nia. i
m\ ua (M. .

Fur**, kifuko cha kiitilia fetba. Ramnu r for b< ating roofs, kipande,
Pusn in . ludukuo. j'l. vipaade.
Putrvlity, ki "Rampart, boma, bi ra.
JV/ .
Rank, daraja, obeo.
Python, chatu. Ransom, kombozi, pi makombozi,
ukomboo, ukombozi, tidia,
Q. ufidiwa, ukombolewa.
Quail, tombo, tomboroko. Rarity, t'unu, heda
ty, tabia, ginsi, jisi, aina. Rash {small pimples), vipele.
Quantity, kiasi, kadiri, chco Rat, panya.
(nw asuri m ut). a very large hind, buku.
Quarrel, mateto, tofauti, nazar, Rations, posho.
mvi. Ravmess {of meat, &c.), ubicbi.

Quamhomeness, ugomvL I

dulness), ujinga.
r. rubo. Razor, m i

Thru-quarters of a dollar, kassa Reason, maaua, sababu, buja, akili

robo. U> asoning, lmja.

Quarter of a town, rata, pZ. mita. Ri hellion, maasi.

Queen, mallda. Recess, kidaka, pi. vidaka, kishu-

(c7c .-•.-),
ki.-iii. baka, pi. visbubaka (a pigeon-
Qui ttion, maulizo, swali. hoh ).
kiluli/.o. vitulizo. Wall at the bach of a recess, rati'.
Quieting thing, y>7.

Iness, utulivu, makiiii, kiinya. rmu i,, hit ion, maagizo.

Quiver, podo. /.' ctitude, adili.
Red coral, marijani ya fetbaluka.
R. Red Babari ya Sham.
Si a,

BaXbit, sungura, kisungura, pi. Redeemer, mkotabozi, pi. wako-

visangura, kitungule, pi. viiu- mbozi.
nguli-. kitili. Reed, unyasi, pi. uyasi, mwanzi, pi.
/: ice, ina^bindauo. miwanzi.
(for a stone roof),
,-. boriti Refi r ,
nee, maregeo.
kombamoyo, pi. raak Lmbilio.

moyo {for a thatched roof), /,'<

pao, pi. mapao (very thin . /,'.
gularity, kaida.
Rag, kitambaa, pi vitainbaa, m, ezi, enzi.

utai tambaa. kigwe, pi. vigwe.

. mvua. toraha, ehangwi.
Bain cloud, gbubari, pi maghu- /,'. Uttions (/• lativi i), akral a, ndugix,

Rainy season, masika. [baii. jamaa.

L ier rain.,, mvua ya m-n A near n lativt . karibu.

Relaxation (loosening), ulegevu. Reviling, mashutumu, masbutumio,

Religion, dini, dua. ruatayo.
Relish (something to he eaten icitlt Revival. See Resuscitation.
rice or porridge), kitovreo. Reward, ijara, ujira, majazo. tlm-
Remainder, rnsazo, masazo, mabakia, uabu (especially from God).
Remedy, dawa, niapoza. [baki. Reward for finding a lost thing,
Reminder, ukumbusko. kiokosi, pi. viokosi.
Remission (of sins), niagkofira, nia- Rheumatism, baridiyabis, uweli wa
ondoleo. viungo.
Remnant, mabakia. Rh inoceros, kifaru, pi. vifara, pea.
Rent, ijara. Rib, ubanu, pi. mbavu, kiwavu
Repentance, toba, majuto. chana (A.).
Representative, wakili. Rice, growing, or yet in the husk,
Reproaches, matayo. mpunga.
Reprobate, baa, pi. mabaa. cleaned from the husk, mcbele.
Reptile (?). cooked, wali.
Kenge, a monitor (?), a very large watery, and imperfectly cooked
slender lizard. raashendea.
P'ili, a large snake. cooked so that the are
Cliatu, a python. dry and separate, pukute ya
See Snake, Crocodile, &c. ivali.

Request, haja, niatakwa. scorched in the cooking ukoko,

Residue. See Remainder. utandu (A.).
A little left in ajar, &c, kishinda. left from overnight to be eaten in
pi. viskinda. the morning, wall wa mwikuu.
Resin, ulimbo. Kinds of rice, sena, buugala,
Respiration, kutanafusi, kushusba shindano, garofuu, kapsvai, ki-
Rest, raha, pumziko. [pitmzi. fungo, madevu, mwanga, sifara,
Resting-place, pumzikio, kituo, pi. uckukwi.
zituo or vituo. Riches, mali, utajiri, ukwasi,
Restlessness, fathaa. Rich man, tajiri, pi. matajiri, mwe-
Resurrection, ufufuo, ufufulio, ki- nyi mali, mkwasi, pi. wakwusi.
yama (the general resurrection). Ridicule, mzaba, tkiliaka.
Resuscitation, (actively) kufufua, Right, kaki, wajib, adili.
kuhuisha, (neuter) kufufuka, Iliijhteousness, haki.
kuhuika. Rind, ganda, pi. maganda.
Retainer, mfuasi, pi. wafuasi. Rind of a lemon, &c, after the
Retaliation kasasi, kisasi. inside has been squeezed or
Return, maregeo, marejeo kuja extracted, kaka.
zao, &c. Ring, pete, pi. pete or mapete.
Revenge inajilipa. Rings on the scabbard of a sword,
Reverence, unenyckeo. tic. ukoa, pi. koa.
SWJTITT.T ruxpnooK.

Ring where the blacL entert Ghala, a dork mom on the ground-
aoleo, pi. manoleo. floor, o etore-room.
iMr-rini, pete ya Uiu.>iliio. Root, sbina, ]>l.
worm, o Rootlets, mizizi, ini/.i (
Hippie, viwimbi. kamha, ngole (Mer.).
\g, juka. imba, ulayiti.
Rosary (Mohammedan beads), las-
Rt»< r, mto, pZ. inito.
Road, njia.
Dgarnmo, vtuni. /,' .
waradi, waridi.
Robbi r, mnyang'anyi, pi. wanya- Otto of roses, hal waradi

ng'anyi, havamia. Rose-water, marashi mawaridi.

People icho wander about at night, Rose apple, darabi, pi. ruadaiabi.
robbing and committing violence, Roundness, lnvhingo.
mrungura, mpakacha. Row (line), safu.
Rod;, mwamba, ;)/. miamba. Roto (noise), uthia, kcro.
.4 email rock, kijamba, pi. vi- Royaltij, kifaume, ufanrae.
jamba. Rubbish (from old buildings), fusi.

in the sra, kipwa, pi. vipwa. kifusi.

Rolling of u ship, mramnia. (small articles), takataka.

Roof, (hi: i, sakafu (stone roof or ler, skikio, sakani, msukatii, pi.

floor), paa, pi. mapaa (thatched misukani, usukani,pZ. suka

roof). The thatched roofs con- Ruddle, used by carpenters to mark
of a front and '</ out tlieir work, ngeu.
back elope, Mpaa cha mheleand Rudeness, saflhi.

kipaa cha nyuma, and hips for Ruin or Ruins, maanguko.

the ends, which ore, carried »/> Runaway (from a master, home, &c),
under and within thi main mtoro, pi. watoro.
slopes; these hips are called (from a fight, &c.), inkimbizi, pi.
visusi, sing, ki.^usi. wakimbizL
A lean-to, kipenu, pi. vipenu. Rupee, rupia.
The roof over a watching-place in Rupia or any similar skin disease,
the ju Us, dungu, pi. ruadunyu. buba.
Jlodk (chese), fil. Rust, kutu.
n (space), nafasi. Rustling, mtakaso.
partmenf), chumba, pi.
Ukumbi, ho II or porch ; it is will, in.

a house, but
stone ovhide an Sabre, kitara, pi. vitara.
initio a one. Sacrifice, sadaka (an offering), fi<lia
.ul'- or sebula, parlour, r 1
oiling up), tliabihu {sacrific-
Hon room. mathabuha {the victim),
"1, 'irofa, or ghoi a (an animal or thing
room. d but nut eat

Saddle, kiti cha frasi, matandiko, Scales (balances), mizani.

seruji (an Arab saddle), khoij Scale pans, vitanga vya mizani.
(the pad used for a donkey). Scar, kovu, pi. makovu.
Sadness (see Grief), rauunu. Scarf (often worn round the waist),
Safety, salamu, salama. deub.
Saffron, zafarani. Scent, barufu, manuka, nukato, pi.
Sail, tanga, pi. matanga. manukato, meski, marashi (a
Dhow-sail, duumi. scent for sprinkling).
Sail-cloth, kitali. Tibu, a kind of scent.
Sailor, babaria. See Rose, Ambergris, Aloes wood.
Saint, walli. School, cbuoni.
Sake, ajili, buja, maana. Scissors, makasi.
For my sake, unipendavyo (as you Scoop. See Ladle.
love me). Score (20), korja.
Sale (auction), mnada. Scorn, tharau, tbihaka.
Salesman, dalali. Scorpion, nge.
Saliva, mate. Scraps left after eating, makombo,
Salt, chumvi, munyo (A.). sing, kombo.
Saltpetre, sbura. Scrape (slide), para.
Salute (fired), mizinga ya salamu. Scratch, mtai, pi. mifai.
(salutation), salamu. Scream, kiowe, pi. viowe (cry for
Salvation, wokovu, suudi, njema. help), kigelegele, pi. vigelegrle
Salver, sinia, pi. masinia. (a trilling scream raised as a
Sanction, itbini. cry of joy).
Sand, mcbanga, mtanga (M.). Screw, parafujo.
Sandals, viatu, sing, kiatu, viatu Scrip, mkoba, pi. mikoba.
vya ngozi. Scrofulous and gangrenous sores,
strap of a sandal, gidarn. mti.
Sandalwood, liwa (?). Scrotum, pumbo, mapumbu.
Sandfly, usubi. Scull, kitwa, pi. vitwa, fuvu or
Sap, maji. bupuru la kitwa.
Saturday, Juma a mosi. Scum, povu, mapovu.
Saucepan, sufuria. Sea, baliari.
Saviour, mwokozi, pi. waokozi. A sea, mawimbi, wimbi.
Savour, lutbtha, tamu. A seaman, mwana maji.
Scab, kigaga, pi. vigaga. One from beyond seas, mja na
Scabbard, ala, pi. nyala. maji.
The metal rings on a scabbard, Seaweed, mwani.
ukoa, pi. koa. Seal, muhuri.
Scaffold (for building), jukwari. Seam, msbono, pi. mishono, band
Scales (of a fish), magamba, mamba
(tacked), upindo (a hem).
(M.). Season, wakati.

F '1
Tl<r principal seasons in Zanzibar One who serves at table, rawa-
are: —
Musimi, the timt of tlie ndikaji, waandikaji.

northerly winds (kazkazi), that In a sihamba there are generally

is, December, January, and three chief servants. 1. Msi-
.nary. For March, April, mamizi, generally a free man.
ami May, the rainy season, 2. Nokoa, the chief slave. 3.

masika after
; that, the cold Kadainu, th< second, head, slave,.
time, kipupwe ; then, about (he S( rriee, utumwa. budunni, bidinia.
end of August, dernani, or Setting-out, things set out or the place
niwaka. The southerly winds for them, maaudiko.
(kusi) begin to drop in October, Shaddock, furungu, pi. mafuriuigu.
and in the intervals between Simile, uvuli, vuli, mvuli, mvili,
them and the northerly winds kivuli, kitua.
come the times of easterly and Shadow, kivuli, pi. vivuli.

westerly winds, malelezi or tanga Shame (disgrace), aibu.

mbili. (modesty), baya.
> atoning. See Relish. (a thing causing confusion), ari,

Si at, kikao, makazi. fetbeba, hezaya.

The stone or earth seat near a having no shame, rajanja, pi.

door, baraza, kibavaza. wajanja.

nj, siri, faragba. Shape, kiasi, kalibu,namna.
Secrets, mambo ya «iri. Share, fungu, pi. mafungu, eeniebu,
Secretary, mwandisbi,^. waandi-bi. k is ma.
khatibu, karani. Sharing, usbaiika.
Secretary of State, waziri, pi. Shark, papa.
mawaziri. Sharpness, ukali.
>• et, rnatbhab, matbebebu. Shaving (of wood), usafi.

Sediment, masbapo. Sliaiol, sbali.

Seed, mbegu, mbeyu. worn round the waist, roabn/amu.
Seedling, mcbe, pi. niicbe. Sheaf, or bundle of cut rice, niganda,
Self, moyo, nafsi, nafusL pi. miganda.
fif< I
/'-content, kinaya. Slieath, uo, pi. mauo, ala, pi. nyala.
Semen, sliahawa, mannL Sheave (of a pulley), rorla, koradaiii.
Semsem, ufuta. Sited, banda, pi. mabanda, kibauda,
Semsem oil, mafuta ya uta. pi. vilianda.
What is left after the oil has been Sheep, kondoo.
pressed out, sbudu. Sheet, ebuka.
Senna, sanamaki. of a sail, demani.
Sense, akdi. of a book, gombo, pi. macrnmbo.
inel, mugoja, pi. wangoja. of paper, ukurasa, pi. kurasa.
mtmnuhi, pi. wattm Shelf, kiljau, pi. vibau.
mluuiwa, vl. walumwa, i:oker. in a recess, rufuf.

Suso, pi. masuso, a kind of hang- Shoulder, bega, pi. mabega, fuzi, pU
mafuzi (A.).
ing shelf.
Shell (sea shells),shel\e, pi. mashelle. Shoulder-blade, kombe la mkono.
(husk), ganda, pi. maganda. Shout, ukelele, pi. kelele, kelele, pi
(empty shell), fuvu, pi. mafuvu, makelele.

bupuru, pi. inabupuru, kaka. Shower, manyunyo.

Shepherd, rulisbi, pi. walishi, ujcku- Showing, wonyesbo.
nga, pi. wacbunga. Shrewdness, werevu.
Slierd. See Potsherd. Shroud, saanda.
Shield, ngao. Shrub, kijiti, pi. vijiti.

Shin, inuundi wa guu (A.). See Thorn.

Ship, merikebu, mavikabu, jahasi. Mwaugo, pi. miwaugo (?).

Man-of-war, rnanowari, merikebu Sick person, mgoajwa, pi. magonjwa,

ya mizinga. mweli, pi. waweli.

Merchant ship, merikequ ya taja, Sickness, ugonjwa, uweli, marathi.
Steam ship, merikebu ya dubaan> Side, upande, pi. pande.
merikebu ya mosbi. Side of the body, mbavu, mata-

Ship belonging to the government, mbavu.

merikebu ya strkali. The other side of a river, &c,
Full-rigged ship, merikebu ya ng"ambo.
milingote mitatu. Siege, mazingiwa.

Barque, merikebu ya miliugote Sieve, kiyamba.

inrwili ria nuss. Siftings of rice after pounding,
Native craft, chombo, pi. vyombo. wisbwa.
Shirt, kanzu. Sighing, kuugua.
Shivering, kitapo, kutetema, ku- Sign, dalili.
tetemeka. Signal, ishara.
Shoal (bank), fungu, pi. mafungu. Ukouyezo, pi. konyezo, a sign

Shock, shindo.
made by raising the eyebrows.
Shoe, kiatu cba kizungu or cba Kikorombwe, a kind of signal cry.
kihiudi, pi. viatu vya kizuugu. nyamavu, kimya

Slioemaker, msboni viatu, pi. wa- Silk, bariri.

sboni viatu. Silliness, mapiswa, puo.
Shoot, cbipukizi, ucbipuka, pi. Silly talk, upuzi.

ehipuka. Silver, t'etba.

A pointed shoot like that contain- Silversmith, mfua fetba, pi. wafua
ing a spike of flower, kilele, pi.
vilele. Simpleton, mjinga, pi. wajioga.
Sttop, duka, pi. maduka. Sin, tbambi, pi. thambi or ma-
Shops vrith warerooms, bokhari. thambi, makosa, taksiri.
Shot (small), marisaa. Singleness, upweke.
Shot-belt, beti. Sip, i'uuda (?).

mui. i u.wnnooK.

Sleeping plaoi , malalo.

ombu, pi. maumbu, ndugu,
Things to sleep upon, malazi.

ndugu mke. Sleeve, rnkono, pi. mikono.

As a tern) of endearrm nt. dada. Sling,kombeo, pi. makonibeo.
.F< r, ndugu kunyonya. SUp of a tree, &c, mcbe, pi. miolio.
S •/- r-in-hur. Bhemegi. A slip which has put forth leaves,
Situ r, mkaa, pi. wakaa. mche uliocbanua.
Sit/inn. kikao, ]>l. vikao, kitako, pi. One which has made a new shoot,
vitako. mche uliockipuka.
ukuu, ukubwa, kiasi, kadiri, Xli/iperiness, utelezi.
clieo. Sloth, uvivu.

ton, nizoga (?) Slovenliness, fujofujo.
'ful workman, mstadi, pi. wa- ^,n, illness,
Btadl Small-pox, ndui.
U d or master-workman, fundi. manuka, azma.
Smell, harufu,
I, DgOZL Smith (worker in metal), mfua, pi.
uwingu. wafua. See Blacksmith, &c.
3 ickness, ulegcvu. Smoke, moshi, pi. mioshi.
der, masiugizio, fitina (soicing Snail, koa, pi. niakoa, konokono.
of discord). Snake, nyoka, joka, pi. majoka
jhtt r-house, matindo. (large).
6 ', mtuinwa, ]>! watumwa, mu- Chatu, python.
hadimu,pZ. waliadiinu, mtwana, P'ili, cobra (?).

pi. Vffl\ .', aim. Snare, sliabuka.

A si-"-,
boy, kitwana, pi. vitwana. Sneezing, chafya.
A slave girl, kijakazi, ;//. vijakazi. Snoring, kukoroma.
A slave woman, mjakazi, pi. wa- Snuff, tumbako ya kunuka, or
jakazi. kunusa.
A concubine slave, suria, pi. ma- Snuff-box, tabakelo.
suria. Soap, eabuni.
A slave born in the house or Soda, magadi.
country, mzalia, pi. wazalia. Solder, lihamu.
A runaway slave, mtoro, pi. wa- Soldier, atdkari.
toro. Sole (of the foot), uayo, pi. nyao.
A fellow slave, mjoli, pi. wajolL Solitude, upekee, ukiwa.
A household of slaves, kijoli, pi. Somauli Coast, Banada.
vijoli. Somebody, mtu.
Pi a <>f
IiiikI allotted to a slave Some one else's, -a mwenyewe.
for his own use, koondi ,
pi. Child of somebody, i.e., of respect-
makoonde. able parents, mtoto wa watu,
ry, utumwa. mwana wa watu.
Somersaidt, kitwangomba.

Son, mwana, pi. waana, kijana, Span, futuri, sMbiri, sliibri.

mtoto niuine. Spangles, puluki.

Wadi Mohammed, Mohammed's Spark, chechi, pi. macbechi.
son. Sparkle, kimeta.
Bin Abdallak (Ar.), Abdullah's Speaker, mneni, pi. waneni, msemi,
son. pi. wasemi, msemaji, pi. wa-
Hamisi wa Tani, Hamisi the son semaji.
of Tani (Othman). Speaking, kusema, kunema.
Son-in-law, mkwe, pi. wakwe. A dark obscure way of speahiwj,
Song, uimbo, pi. nyimbo. kilinge cba maneno.
Soot, kaa rnoshi, makaa ya moshi. An enigmatical way of speaking,
Soothing thing, kitulizo, pi. vitulizo. in which the last syllable is

Soothsayer, kahini, pi. makahini. taken from the end, and made
Sore, donda, pi. madonda, kidonda, to begin the icorrf,kinyumc,
pi. vidonda, jeraha. kinyuma. (See Appendix I.)
Sores in the leg, nyungunyungu, Spear, fumo, pi. mafmno (flat-
mti. bladed) mkuke, pi. mikuke,
Sorrow, kasarani, huzuni, sikitiko, (three-edged) sagai,^. masagai.
matukio. Spectacles, miwani.
Sorrow for a loss, majonzi. Speech (speaking), kunena.
Sorrow for something done, ma- (oration), mataguso, milumbe.
jutio. Spider, buibui.
Excessive sorrow, jitimai. Spinal column, uti wa maungo.
Sort (kind), ginai, nartma, aina. Spirits, mvinyo.
The sort is often expressed by Evil spirit, pepo.
the prefix ki-. Kizungu, the Kinds of spirits, jhri, pi. majini,
European sort, kifaume, the milboi, mahoka, dungumaro,
kingly sort. kitamiri, kizuu, kizuka, koikoi,
Soul, roho. mwana maua, &c.
Sound, sauti. Spit, uma, pi. nyuma.
Soundness, uzima. Spittle, mate.

Source, asili, chimbuko. Spoil, mateka.

South, kusini, suheli. Spleen, wengo.
Southerly icind, kusi. Splint, gango, pi. magango, banzi,
Sovereign, mwenyi ezi, mwenyi pi. mabanzi.
inchi, mwenyi mji. Splinter (of wood), kibanzi, pi.
(coin), robo Ingrezi. vibanzi.

Sovereignty, ezi, enzi. (of glass or eartlienioare), kige-

Space, nafasi. renyenza, pi. vigerenyenza.
(of time), muda. Spoon, mwiko, pi. miiko, kijiko, pi.
(open space), tiwanda, uga. vijiko (a tea-spoon), mkamslie,
Spade, jembe la kizungu. pi. mikamsbe (a wooden spoon).
. mohi eo. mzaba. Startling thing, mzungu, pi. mi-
wna, /•/. mawaa, kipaku, /)/. zungu.
ipaku. A thing to fright n people, kinya-
( from a >'">/), kopo la gO, pi. vinyago.
nyumba, marizabu. State, hali.
Sprain, kuteuka. Statue, sanamu.
Spread, eneo. Stealing, kwiba.
Spreading a meal, maandiko. Steam, mvuke.
Sprit g, mtambo, pi. mitambo. A steamshipi merikebu ya moshi.
oat< chemcbem, jicho
r, la maji. Stt i
feleji, pua.

Sprihkli .
manyunyo. Steelyard, mizani.
Sprinkler (for scents), mrasbi, jl. Steersman, msbiki shikio.
miiasbi Stem of a tree, shina, pi. masbina.
of a cock, kipi, kipia, pi. vipia. of mtama, bua, pi mabua.
Spy, mpelelezi, pi. wapelelezi, Step (stepping), hatua.
mtumbuizi (A.). {of stone, &c), daraja.
n . mrabba. Step-father, baba wa kambo.
Squint, makengeza. Step-mother, mama wa kambo.
Stable, banda la frasi, faja la frasi. Steicard, msimamizi,p2.wasimamizi.
Staff, gongo, pi. magongo, uikougo- Stick, fimbo, ufito, pi. fito (thin),
jo, pi. mikongojo. bakora (a walking-stick with a
Stagnation, vilio, pi. mavilio. handle bent at right angles).
stain, wan, pi. mawaa. A short heavy stick, kibarangO,
Stain, daraja, ngazi. pi. vibaraugo, mpweke, pi. mi-
Up-stairs, juu, darioL pweke.
Downstairs, <liini. A staff, gongo, pi. magongo,
Stalks, of mabua.
mtama, bua, pi. mkongojo, pi mikongojo (an
of a kind of millet chewed like old man's staff).

sugar-cane, kota, pi. makota. Stillness, kimya.

of cloves, &c, kikonyo, pi. vikonyo. Stirrup, kikuku oba kupandia frasi.
Stall keeper, moburuzi, pi. wa- Stocks (for the feet), mkatale.
cburuzi Stomach, tumbo.
s>,i,, mi'
kigngumizi. ring, Pit of the stomach, chembe cha
Stamp, muhuri, chapa. moyo (A.).
Staple, pete, pi. mapete, tumbuu. Stone, jiwe, pi. mawe or majiwe.
Star, iiyota. A stone house, nyumba ya mawe.
Falling stars, nyota zikishuka. Small stones or pieces of stone,
Shooting stars, kimwondo, pi. kokoto, pi. makokoto.
vimwctado. Very small stones, not larger than
Starch, kanji, dondo. an egg, mbwe.
Start fright), kituko. Very small grit, changarawi.
beginning), feli, pi. mafeli. Fresh coral, matumbawi.

Precious stones, kito, pi. vito, Subject, rayia.

johari. Substance, asili.

Stones of fruit, kokwa, pi. ma- Subtlety, busara, werevu.

kokwa. Subtraction (arithmetical), baki.
Stooping, kiinamizi. Suburbs, kiunga.
Stop (end), kikomo, kinga. Sugar, sukari.
(stopping), kizuizo, kizuizi, kizuio. Sugar-cane, mua, pi. miwa.
Stoppage in the nose or wind-pipe, Suit of clothes, kisua.
mafua. Sulphate of copper, mrututu.
(stagnation), vilio, pi. mavilio. of magnesia, chumvi ya haluli.
Stopper, zibo, pi. niazibo, kizibo, pi. Sulphur, kiberiti.
vizibo. Sidtanship, usultani.
Store (put by), akiba. Sum, jumla.
Store-room, ghala. Summary, mubtasari.
Storm, tbaruba, tufanu. Summit, kilele, pi. vilele (used of
Story, hadithi, habari. See Tale. any sharp-pointed top or peak,
Stoutness, unene. of the centre shoot of a cocoa-
Strainer, kunguto, pi. makunguto nut tree as well as of the peak
(of basket-work). of a mountain).
Straits (distress), sbidda. Sun, jua, pi. majua.
(narrow seas), kilango cba babari. TJte coming out of the sun after
Strands of a cord, meno, ncba. rain, kianga.
Stranger, mgeni, pi. wageni. Sunday, Juiua a pilL
Strap, ukanda. Sundries, takataka.
Stratagem, bila. Sunset, magharibi, mangaribi.
Stream, mto, pi. mito, kijito, pi. Supercargo, karani.
vijito. Superciliousness, kitougotongo.
Strength, nguvu. Superintendent, mwaugalizi, pi. \ra-
String, ugwe, uzi, katani. angalizi, msimaiQizi, pi. wa=i-
String of beads, kigwe, pi. vigwe. inaniizi.

String-course, usbi. Supper, cbakula cha jioni.

Strip. See Mat. Suppuration, kutunga.
Stripe (line), uzi, pi. nyuzi, mfuo, Surety, mthamini, thamin, thamana,
pi.mifuo, utepe, pi. tepe. lazima.
Study, mtaala. Surf, mawimbi.
Stumble, kwao, pi. makwao. Swallow (bird), barawai, mbili-
Stumbling-block, kwao, pi. makwao. wili (?), mbayuwayu (A.).

Stump, shiiia, pi. mashina. Sweat, bari, jasbo, vukuto.

Stupor, kurukwa na akili. Sweetheart, mcbumba.
Stye in the eye, cbokea. Siveet lime,dimu tamu.
Style (of writing), dibaji, a good Sweetness, tamu.
style. Sweet potatoes, viazi, sing, kiazi.
mwonja, pi. waonja, m wo-
Indler, thulium. Taster,

]m ml' a. ods (M.), pi- waonda, kionja,
Swine, ngurawe, nguuwe. pi. viouja, kionda (M.), pi.
to, pi. fito. vionda.
apanga, pL panga.
l. Tea, cliayi, cha.
curved sword, kitara, pZ. vitava. Teacher, mwalimn, pi. waalimu,
straight two-edged sword without ndcufunzi, pi. wakufunzi.
any guard, upauga wa feleji. Teaching, mat undisko, elimu.
with a small cross hilt, apanga Teak, msaji.
wa imani. Teapot, buli, pi. mabuli.
Syphilis, sekeneko, kijaraha elm Tear, cbozi, pi. machozi, tozi (M.),
mboni, to.^o (a riruh nt hind pi. matozi.
posed to be the result of a Teazing, thihaka.
charm). Tediousness, ucliovu.
>. Sham. Telescope, durabini.
p, a.sxli. Temper, tabia.
Temperance, tawassuf, kadiri.
T. Temple, hekalu (a great thing, the
Tii ile, meza. temple at Jerusalem), baniya
Table-cloth, nguo ya meza. (a building, the tempJle at
Table - napkin, kitambaa cha Mecca).
meza. Temptation, majaribu, nyonda.
Tack of a sail, goshi. Ten, kumi, pi. makumi.
Tacking (sewing), bandi. a decade, mwongo, pi. miongo.
Tail, Hilda, pi. mikia. Tent, khema, hema.
'or, mshoni, pi. waahoni. Tt nicies, mapumbu, tamboa.
Taking away, maoudoleo. '/'•
timony, ushahidi.
Tale, hadithi, kisa, ngano. Tim riks, slmkuru, ushukura, salamu,
Tale-hearer, mzuzi. ansanta, marahaba.
Talipes, kupinda na mguu. Thatch, makuti (of cocoa-nut lean i ).

Talk, usi mi, Thin sticks used to tie the makuti

Silly talk, upuzi. to, upau, pi. pau
Talker, msemaji, pi. wasemaji. See Cocoa-nut.
Tamarind, ukwaju. Theft, uizi.
Tamarind tree, mkwaju, pi. mi- Thicket, kichaka, pZ. vicbaka, koko,
matata. [kwaju. pi. makoko.
T'lj,, bilula. Tli ickness, unene.
utepe, pZ. tepe.
Thief, mwivi, pi. wevi, nrwibaji, pi.
Tar, land, webaji.
Tartar on the teeth, \ikojra. Thieving, kwiba, uizi, wibaji.
tumu, tamu, luththa, nyonda, Thigh, upaja, pi. paja, paja, pi. ma-
inaondi, maonji. paja.

Tliimble, subana. Time, wakati, wakti, majira.

Sailmaker's palm, dofra, pi. ma- (sufficient), naf'asi.
dofra. (hour), saa.
Thing, kitu, pi. vitu (a thing of the (leisure), faragha.
senses), neno, jambo, mainbo (first, &c), mara.
{things of the intellect). (fixed term), mobulla.
I have done nothing, sikufanya Times (age), zamaui.
neno. Space of time, mnda.
I see nothing, sioai kitu. Period of time, kipindi.
A hind thing, jambo la wema. A short time, kitambo.

Strange things, mainbo mageni. Times, in multiplication, fl.

Third (a third part), theluth. iSi'a; times eight, sita fi the-
Thirst, Mn. manya.
Thorn, inwiba, pi. miiba or miba.
Mckongoma, pi. michongoma, a Divisions of Time.
thorny shrub used for hedges. There are two years in use in
Mkwamba, pi. mikwamba, a Zanzibar; that which is most com-
thorny shrub. monly heard of is the Arab year of
Thought, wazo, pi. mawazo, fikara, twelve lunar months. It cannot be
tliamiri, nia. more than about 355 days long, and
Thousand, elt'u, pi. elfu or alafu. has therefore no correspondence to
a thousand or myriad, kikwi, pi. the seasons. The months are de-
zikwi or vikwi. termined by the sight of the new
a hundred thousand, lakki. moon, or by the expiration of thirty
Thread, uzi, pi. nyuzi, katani. days since the beginning of the
Threat, wogofya, tisho. previous month. It happens some-
Throat, koo, pi. makoo. times that some of the coast towns
Thumb, kidole cha gumba. will begin their months a day before
Thunder, radi (near), ngururuo or after what was taken as its first
(distant). day in Zanzibar. A gun is usually
Thursday, Alhamisi. firedfrom one of the ships when
Ticket, kibarua, pi. vibarua. the month begins. Practically the
Tickling or tingling, mnyeo, kinye- Ramathan is treated as the first

nyefu. month, and the rest are reckoned

Ticks, papasi (in houses), kupe (on from it the word by which they

cattle). are denoted seems to mean not

Tide, maji kujaa na kupwa. fasting, as though the Ramathan
Spring tides, bamvua. being the month of fasting, the rest
Neap tides, maji mafu. were the first, second, third, &c,
Tiller, kana, gana. of not fasting, until the months of
Tiller ropes, mijiari, sing, mjiari. Rajab and Shaaban, which have
Timber, miti, mibau. both a special religious character
The following are the names of the early in the morning every one used
Aral' months, with their Bwahili to bathe the womi n are
in the sea;

equivalents: particularly careful to do so. Tie y

afterwards fill a large pot with
grain and pulse, and cook them.
Arab. SwAniu.
About neon they serve out to all
M.'harram. Mftingno a 'nne. friends who come; all the fires are
Safr. no a tano.
I'.il la al amtal. Mfunguo a Bita. extinguished with water and lighted
Rabia al akhr. Mfunguo a saba. again by rubbing wood. Formi rly
Jemad al aowal. Mfunguo a Dane. no inquiry was made as to any one
Jemad al akhr. Mfunguo a kenda. killed or hurt on this day, and it is
Rajab. Bajaba. and
still the custom to go armed
Sliaaban. Shaabani.
Raniathan. 1

to be on the guard against private
Shaowal. Mfunguo a mosi. enemies. It used to be a favourite
Th'il ka'ada. Mfunguo a pili. amusement to throw any Indians
Th'il hajjah. Mfunguo a tatu. that could be caught into the sea,
and otherwise ill-use them, until
The two great Mohammedan the British Government interfered
ta are held on the first of for their protection. The year is

Shaoiral, when every one giv< s pre- day of the week on

called alter the
sents, and on the tenth of Th'il which began; thus, in 1805 it

hajjah. when every one is supposed began on Thursday and was

to slaughter some animal and feast Mwaka Alhami&i ; in 18GG on
the poor. Friday, and was Mwaka Juma, and
The other year in use among the so on.
Swahili is the Nautical and Agri- The seasons will be found briefly
cultural year ; it is roughly a mentioned under that word.
year, having days. It 3G5
is The week has been reconstructed
>ned to begin from the Siku a
on the Arab week, retaining only
!:a (answering to the Persian the Arab names of two days, Alha-
Nairuz), which now occurs towards misi and Juma (Thursday and
the end of August. The last day Friday), which answer 1o our Satur-
of the old year is called Kig day and Sunday for Mohammedan
and the days are reckoned by religious purposes, and are the days
ides, called miongo, sing, mico- which slaves in the country aro
iii]o. Thus — Mwongo
tea mia con- generally allowed for their own
between 90 and
of the days recreation or profit. Juma is so
100. Mwongo wan ks which named from the assembly held on
de it is. The Siku a mwaka is that day for public worship; the

kept as a great day, and formerly

A rah names of the rest are merely
a numb r of 8] cial observances those used by English Quakers,
connected with it. in the night or first, second, third, &c.
ki lole, pZ. vidole, kidole cha Treatnu nt, mwamale.
niguu. Tn i . iiit I
]i!. miii.
/ ' buruhaui
n, dalili, Mkadi, Pondanua.
nb, kaburi, pi. niakaburi. Mtomondo, BamngtoAift
To-morrow, kesho. M umdoo,Calo})]njUuiu inophyllum.
the day after, keaho kutwa Tn nch, handaM.
?/<- </-i_v
".'V' r that, mtondo. Tnii'li for Itnilng in
afhr that, mtondo goo. msinji. msingL
gs, koleo, ;>f. makoleo. Trial, majaribu.
Tongue, ulimi, pL ndiml Tribi kabila, taifa, pi.
A piece of cloth, &c, to lie under (taifa is larger than kabila).
an opening, lisani.
Of what tribe are yowl Mtu gani
Tool, samani. wee?
Carpenter' 8 tool for marking lines, Trick, bila, eherevu, madatiganya.
mahatL Trot, nmskindo (of a horsi), matiti
Tooth, jino, pi. meno. (of an ass).
cuspids, chonge. Trouble, taabu, utbia.
Dirt on the teeth, ukoga.
Trousers, soruali.
He has lost a front tooth, ana Trowel (mason's), mwiko, pi. miiko.
pengo. Trumpet, paanda.
Tooth stick or brush, msuaki, pi. Trunk, sbina, pL masbina, jiti, pU
Top, juu. (cut down), gogo,pl. maem^ro.
{the toy), pia. (the human trunk), kiwiliwilL
Torpor, utepi tufu. Truth, kweli.
Tortoise, kobe. A truth teller, msemi kwulL
Total, jumla. Trying, maonji, majaribu.
Tou/C?, kitambaa cbakufutia uso, &c. l-ipa, pi. mapipa.
Tower, mnara, pi. minara. day, .luma a nne.
Town, mji, pi. mijL Turban, kilemba, pi. vilcmba.
Trace, dalili. A turban cloth, utambi, pi. tainl.i.
Track, nyayo. ends of turban cloth, utamvua. /-/.

Trade, biasbara. taravua, kishungi.

mfanyi biasbara, Turkey, bata la mzinga, pi. inalala
'for, kbaini. ya mzinga.
Trap, mtego, pi. mitego. Turmeric, manjauo.
(with a spring), ratambo, pi. rai- Turn, zamu, pi. mazamu.
tambo. By turns, kwa zamu.
Travt VU r, msafiri, pi. wasafirL Turner, mkereza, pi. wakereza.
vy, sinia, pL masinia Turnery, zikerezwazo.

le, asali ya maa. Turtle, kasa.

•it/t, bazina, kanzi, kbazana. Hawkshead turtle, from which

tortoiseshell is obtained, ug'a- What is it worth ?

Cbapataje ?

mba, gnauiba. Vapour, mvuke, fukizo.

Turtle clove, hua. Vapour bath, mvuke.
Twin, pacha. Vault, or vaulted place, kuba, kubba.

Twist, pindi, pi. mapindi. Vegetables, mboga.

ma- Dcdoki, a long
pi. madodoki,
Type {for printing,, chapa, pi.
chapa. many-angled seed pod.
Fijili or figili, a large white
U. radish.

Udder, kiwele. Jinibi, pi. majimbi, a root very

llcers, donda ndugu. much like a hyacinth root.
Umbrella, mwavuli, pi. miavuli. Vegetable marrow, muinunye, pi.
Native umbrella, dapo, pi. ma- maniumunye.
dapo. Veil, utaji, shela.

Uncleanness, janaba, uchavu. Vengeance, kasasi.

Uncle, mjomba, pi. wajoinba, baba Verses, masbairi.

nidogo (mother's brother), amu Utenzi, religious verses.

{father's brother). Utumbuizo, verses sung at a dance.
Undergrowth, magugu. Vesicular eruption on tlie skin,

Understanding, akili (pi). uwati.

Underwood, makoko. Vial, kitupa, pi. vitupa.

Unity, umoja. Vice, uovu, ulisadi, ufioki.

Universe, uliniwengu. (the tool), jiliwa, pi. majiliwa,
Uproar, fujo,kelele, makelele, uthia, iriwa.
kero. Vicegerent, kaimu, pi. makaimu,
Urine, mkojo. nayibu, kalife.
Use, kutumia, kufaa. Victim, niathabuha.
(habit), mazoezo. Victuals, vyakula.
Useful things, vifaa. Vigil, kesha, j)l.
Usurer, mlariba, pi. walariba. Village, mji, pi. miji, kijiji, pi. vijiji.
Usury, iriba. Vine, mzabibu, pi. mizabibu.
Utensils, vyoinbo. Vinegar, siki.
I'terus, rnji. Violence, jeuli,nguvu.
Uvula, kimio. Kwa nguvu, by violence.
Ana jeuri, he attacks people wan-
V. tonly.
Vagabond, bana kwao (homeless). Virgin, bikiri, kizinda.
Vagina, kuma. Viscera, matumbo.
Valley, boonde, pi, boonde or ma- Vizir, waziri, pi. mawaziri.
boonde. Vizirship, uwaziri.
Value, kima, tfiamani. kadiri, kiasi, Voice, sauti.
upataji, uthani. Vow, natbiri, naziri.
Voyagi . safari. Water, maji.
Vulture, tai. Fresh water, maji matamu, maji
y:i pi
W. Wat' r-closet, ohon, cliiro.

Wages, njira. Water cooler {earthen hottl),

monthly, mshahara. guduwia, gudulia, kuzi (a
,-.- . halasa. larger hind uritli handles and
Wailing, maombolezo.
tcoat, kisibau, ^>/. visibau. Water jar, mtungi, pi. mitun'.'i
sh i
m !, cba mkono. Water melon, battikh. See
m /<
s«, kisicho mkono or cba Pumpkin.
vikapa. Water shin, kiriba.
Walk, mwendo. Wave, winibi, pi. mawimbL
A walk, mat< mbezi. Way, njia.
go for a walk, kwenda teml the shqrtest tray, njia ya kukata.
Wall, ukuta, pi. kuta, kikuta, pi. Weakness, uthait'u.
vikuta, kitalu, pi. vitalu {of an Wealth, m&\\ mengi, utajiri, nkwaei.
enclosure), kiyainbaza (mud II
upon, selaha, inata (iveapons, i.e.,
and stud). bows and arrows).
Wall-plate, mbati, inwamba, pi. mi- Weather, wakati.
amba. Weatherside, upande gosbini,
Walnut, jfzi. upande wa juu.
Wandering about, mzunguko, pi. Weaver, rnfurua, pi. wafuma.
mizunguko. Wedding, harusi.
Want, ulitaji, upungufu, kipunguo. Wi ^ne, kabari.
(poverty), sbid'la, tunasikini. dnesday, Juma a tano.

War, vita, kondo (Mer.). Weeds, magugu.

Wurcroom, gbala. Kinds of weeds, kitawi, n.dago,
Warehouse and shop, bokhari, gugu mwitu, mbaruti.
bohari. Week, jumaa.
Warmth moto, ubarara. II'
ight (see Measure), utbani.
Iiukewarmness, uvuguvugu. JIoiv much does it weigh % Ya

Wart, chunjua. kassi gam utbani wake?

WaAi< rman, dobi. Natu i. Weights:
Waste, upotern, ubaribivu. Wakia, the weight of a silver

Waster, mpotevu, pi. wapofo vn. dollar, about one ounce.

mubaribivu, pi. wabaribivu. Battel, sixteen wakia, about one
Watch, ?aa. pound.
;//;. krsba, pi. makcslia. Kibaba, pi. vibaba, one ratti I and
(time or plac>- of watching), ki- a half.
ugojo. pi. vingi Mani, wo rattel and three-

(watching-place), lindo. quarters.


Pishi, four vibaba, or six rattel. Will {mind), moyo, nia, kusudi.

Frasila, thirty- five rattel, or twelve {testament), wasio.

mani. Wind, upepo, much wind, pepo.
Farra ya mti, seventy-two rattel, See Cold, Whirlwind, Storm, East
or twelve pishi. West.

Well, kisima, pi. visima. Northerly Winds, which blow from

December to March, kaskazi.
Weeping, kilio.
West, maghribi. Southerly winds, which blow from
West wind, umande. April to November, kusi.
Wet, rataba, maji.
Head winds, pepo za omo {also

Whale, nyarugumi, ngumi.

stem winds).
Wheat, ngano.
Wind on the beam, matanga kati.
Wheel, guruduniu, pi. maguru- Winding, kizingo, pi. vizingo.
dumu. of a stream, maghuba.
Wheeled carriage, gari, pi. ma- Windlass, duara. [dirisha.

gari. Window, dirisba, pi. dirisha or ma-

Wlietstone, kinoo, pi. vinoo. Wine, mvinyo {strong wine), divai
Whip, mjeledi, pi. mijeledi. Wing, bawa, pi. mabawa. [{claret).
A plaited thong carried by over-
A icing feather, ubawa, pi. mbawa.
lookers and schoolmasters, ka- Wink, kupepesa.
mbaa, kikoto (M.). Wire, masango, uzi wa madini.
Whirlwind, kisusuli, pepo za cha- Wire-drawer's plate, cbamburo.
mcbela. Wisdom, bekima, busara, akili.

Wliistling, msonyo, miunsi. Wit, ujuvi (?).

Wliite ants, mchwa. Witch, mcbawi, pi. wachawi.

White of egg, ute wa yayi. Witchcraft, uohawi.
Whiteness, weupe. One who uses witchcraft against
Whitening, chaki. another, wanga.
Whitlow, mdudu. Witness, sbahidi, pi. masliabidi.
Wick of a lamp, utambi, pi. {testimony), usbahidi.
tambi. : Wits, akili.
of a candle, kope, pi. makope. Wizard, mcbawi, pi.

Widow, nrjani, mjaani, mke aliofl- Woe, msiba. See Grief.

wa na mumewe. Woman, mwanamke, pi. waanaake
Width, upana. or waauawake.
Wife, mke, pi. wake, mtumke, pi. A young woman, kijana, pi. vijana
watuwake, mwauamke, pi. wa- A young woman ivho has not
anaake. left her father's lions

Wilderness, bara, nyika, unyika. breasts are not y

Wild people, waskenzi. mwauamwali.
Wild animals, nyama za mwitu, A slave woman, m
nyama mbwayi, uyarua wakali. See Person, Old, £

Womb, tumbo, matumbo, mji. kionda. pi. vionda, kidonda, pi.

li otidi r, ajabu. vidonda.
Wbndi rs, mataajabu. Wrath, ghathabu.
H '<«></, mti. See Fin wood, Timber. Wriggle, pindi, pi. mapindi.
A wood, insitu wa miti. Wrist, kiwiko cha mkono. kilimbili.
piea of wood, kijiti, pi. vijiti. Writer, mwandishi, pi. waattdishi,
Kinds of wood. akatabao, pi. wakatabao (writi r

Finessi, £Ae icood of (he jack-fruit of a letter).

tree; has a yellow colour.
Writings, maandiko, iuaandishi.
Mche, a reddish wood much usi d Writing-desk, dawat.i.
in Zanzibar. Wrong, thulumu, sivyo.
Mkumavi, a red icood.
Msaji, teak.
Yam, kiazi kikuu, pi. viazi vikuu.
Mtobwe, the wood of irhirh the
best, bakora are made.
A kind of yam like a hyacinth
root, jimbi, pi. majimbi.
Sesemi, Indian black wood.
Yard (of a ship), foramali.
Simbati, a kind of wood brought
(an enclosure), uanda, uanja, ua,
from near Cape Delgmlc
Yawn, nriayo. [pi. nyua.
Sunobari, deal.
)'. nr (see Time), mwaka, pi. miaka.
Wooden clogs, viatu vya mti.
Lust year, mwaka jana.
The button which is graspi d by
the misu-
Tlie year before last, mwaka jiuu
toes, msuruaki, pi.
ruaki. Yesterday, jana.
The day before yesterday, juzi.
Woollen cloth, joho (broadcloth).
Yolk of an egg, kiini cha yayi.
Tliick woollen fabrics, blanketing,
Young of birds, kinda, pi. makinda.
See Chicken, &c.
Word, neno, maneno. pi.
Youth, ujana, udogo.
find words, matukano.
A youth, kijana, pi. vijaua.
Work, kazi.
Workman, mtenda kazi. Z.

(skilled), fundi. Zanzibar, Unguja.

(skilful, a good hand), mstadi, pi. The language or dialect of Zanzi-
v. astadi. bar. Kiunguja. In Zanzibar.
Workshop, kiwanda, pi. viwanda, Kiswabili is understood to ntu an
kiwaiija, pi. viwanja. chiefly the language used on the
lorld, ulimwengu, dunia. Mombas.
coast north of
''eop 1 " of this world,
walimwengn. The original inhabitants of Zanzi-
tfairs, malimwengu. bar, Muhadimu, pi. Wahadimu.
agonango, cliango, Tfieir sultan is the Munyi
Zeal (effort), juhudi. [mkuu.
See Value. (jealousy), uwivu.
luii'lu, ph madonda. Zei,ra, punda milia.
C S3 )



Adjectives always follow the Substantives they

agree with.
Mtu mivema, a good man.

Regular Swahili Adjectives are made to agree with

the Substantives they qualify by prefixing to them the
initial syllables proper to the class of their Substan-
tives, in the singular or plural, as the case may be.
The minor rules laid down in regard to the prefixes of
Substantives are applicable to Adjectives and their

prefixes. The following instances will illustrate the

ary application of these rules :

Class I. M-tu 'm-baya, a bad man.

Wa-tu wa-baya, bad men.
M-tu mw-eupe, a white man.
Wa-tu w-eupe, white men.

Substantives of whatever class denoting living beings

may have their Adjectives in the forms proper to the

first class.
Mbuzi m-kubwa, a large goat.
Mbuzi tca-kubwa, large goats
Mbuzi mio-ekundu, a red goat.
Mbuzi w-ekundu, red goats.
G 2
Waziri mtoi ma, a good vizir.
Mawaziri wema, good vizira.
Kijiimi mirciiiii. a good youth.

\ijana wema, good youths.

Class II. if-W m-:nri, a fine tree.
l//-// iin'-:uri, fine trees.

M-/t mir-ema, a good tree.

jlfi-ri mi-ema, or m-ema, good trees.

Class III. Ny-umba n-zuri, a fine house.

Ny-wmba n-zuri, fine houses.
Ny-umba ny-eupe, a white house.
Ny-umba ny-eupe, white houses.
Class IV. Ki-tu ki-refu, a long thing.
F4-ta vi-refu, long things.
ch-epesi, a light tiling.
Fi'-iu vy-epesi, light things.
Class V. Kasha a heavy chc st.
Ma -kasha ma-zito, heavy chests.
Kasha j-ekundu, a red chest.
Ma-kasha m-ekundu, red chests.

Class VI. U-imho m-zuri, a beautiful song.

Ny-imbo n-zuri, beautiful songs.
U-bau m-refu, a long plank.
M-bau n-defu, long planks.

Ol \ss VII. Maluili pa-pana, a broad place, or broad places.

Mahali p-eusi, a black place, or black places.

Class VIII. Ku-fa ku-zuri, a fine death.

Ku-fa kw-ema, a good death.
be seen at once from the above examples how
It will

to make the Adjective agree with its Substantive in

ordinary cases. The following rules must be remem-
bered in order to avoid mistakes :

Adjectives beginning with a vowel require pre-

fixes which end in a consonant, wherever possible, as

in the above instances, mweujpe, mwekundu, mweina,

hepesi, Jcwema.

2. Adjectives beginning with a vowel must have j-

prefixed when they are made to agree

with nouns like
kasha, as in the instance given above of kasha jekundu,
a red chest. adjectives prefix ji, as in
kasha jipya, a new chest.

3. Prefixes ending in -a, when they are put before

adjectives beginning with e-, merge the a into the

of the adjective, as in the instances, weupe,

first letter

wekundu, mekundu, peusi. This suppression of the a is

more noticeable in Adjectives than in Substantives,
and occurs even in the few Adjectives which begin
with -o- -a before i- coalesces with it and forms e.

Weusi = wa-eusi. Meupe = ma-eupe.

Pema = pa-ema. Mororo = ma-ororo.

Wengi = wa-ingi.

>eginning with a consonant are subject

4. +
to the same rules when n is to be prefixed as Substan-
tives of the third class and plurals of the sixth. The
rules are given at length under Class VI. of Substan-
tives. The following instances will show their appli-
cation to Adjectives :

Nyumba ( ndogo,
Mbau ngeni, strange n prefixed.

Nyimbo \ nzuri, fine )

ndefu, long r becomes d.

mbovu, rotten n becomes m.
mbili, two
— nw becomes mb.
hubwa, great
nene, thick
pana, broad n suppressed.
tamu, sweet
chache, few
fupi, short
Besides the many apparent irregularities in these
v formations, there are two or three really irregular
t These are ngema or
nns. njetna (not nyema), good,
ami 'mpya (not pya), new.
Adjectives beginning with a vowel are, like the cor-
responding Substantives, regularly formed by prefixing
ny-, as in the instance given, nyeupe, from -eupe, white.
Instances are given in the list of Adjectives where
there is likely to be any practical difficulty in knowing
what form to use.

-Ote, all, and -enyi, or having or with, are not

treated as Adjectives, but as Pronouns. Instances
illustrating their changes will be found under each.
>n the other hand -n/japi, how many? is treated as an
Irregular Adjectives.

Although Swahili is rich in Adjectives when com-

pared with other African languages of the same family,
it is
very poor in comparison with English. The place
of the English Adjectivesupplied is —
By Arabic words which are used as Adjectives
but do not vary.
Rahisi, cheap. Laini, smooth.

By a verb expressing generally in the present


imperfect to become, and in the present perfect to be,

possessed of the quality denoted.
Fimbo imenyoka, the stick is straight.
Fimho ilhjonyoha, a straight stick.
Fimbo imepotoka, the stick is crooked.
Fimho iliyopotolca, a crooked stick.
Mtungi umejaa, the jar is full.

Mtuntji uliojaa. a full jar.


3. By a Substantive connected with the thing quali-

fied by the particle -a, of.
Mtu wa choyo, a greedy person.
Mtu wa akili, aman of understanding, a wise man.

If wished to predicate the quality of any person

it is

or thing, the verb hiwa na, to have, must be used.

Ana choyo, he is greedy.

Kina taka, it is dirty.

4. By the use of the word -enyi or -inyi, which may

be translated by having or with.

Mtu mwenyi afia, a healthy person.

Kitu chenyi mviringo, a round thing.
Kamba zenyi nguvu, strong ropes.
Embe yenyi maji, a juicy mango.

When -enyi is followed by a Verb in the Infinitive,

it answers to our participle in -ing.

Mwenyi kupenda, loving.

5. the use of Adjectival

By Substantives which
change only to form the plural.
Kipofu, blind, or a blind persoD, pi. Vipofu, blind, or blind people.

Wherein English a special stress is laid upon the

Adjective, in Swahili the relative is inserted.
Jiwe kubwa, a large stone.
Jiwe lililo kubwa, a large stone, literally, a stone that is large.
Mtu wa haki, a just man.
Mtu aliye wa haki, a, just man.

The Comparison op Adjectives.

There are not, properly speaking, any degrees of

comparison in Swahili..
The Comparative degree as it exists in English is

in several
1. By the use of kuliko, where there is, the idea heing
thatwhen the two things are brought together one of
them is marked by the possession of the quality men-
tioned,whence it follows that it must possess it in

mure eminent degree than the other.

Saa njema kuliko He, this watch is good (or

hii the best) where
that this watch is better than that.
is, i.e.,

Tama kuliko asali, sweeter than honey.

2. By the use of zayidi ya, more than, or of punde, a

little more.
is a large town
Unguja inji mkubwa zayidi ya Mvita, Zanzibar
more than Mombas, i.e., Zanzibar is a larger town than
Eitu kirefu punde, something a little longer.

3. By the use of leupita, to pass or surpass.

Salimu ampita Abdallah, Salim is better than Abclallah.
it is
Ndiyo tamu yapita asali, it is sweet, it passes honey, i.e.,
sweeter than honey.

Comparison of one time with another may be

4. ex-

pressed by the use of the Verbs kuzidi, to increase,

Lujmngua, to diminish.
Mti umezidi leuzaa, the tree has borne more fruit than it did


The Superlative may be denoted by the use of the

Adjective in its simple form, in an absolute sense.

Mananasi mema ya toapi ! Where are the best pines?

Ndiyo mema, these are the best.

Ni yupi alio mwema ! Who is the best of them ?

"When this form is used of two only, it is more


correctly Englishedby the Comparative than by the

Superlative. So conversely where the Comparative
forms are so used as to apply to many or all, they
must be translated by Superlatives.
Saa Mi njema huliho zote, this watch is the best of all.

All awapita ivote, Ali surpasses them all, or, is the best of all.


There are two sets of numerals in use in Zanzibar ;

one properly Swahili, the other Arabic, but in a


Swahiliized form.
The numbers from one to ten are as follows :


Arabic dual miteen is very commonly used to express

two hundred.
There is a Swahili word for a thousand, IciJcwi, hut it

isvery rarely used except in poetry. The common

word is the Arabic elfu. This is used in the same way
as mia ; thus, elfu tatu is three thousand, elfu iano, five
thousand, &c. The Arabic dual elfeen, two thousand,
is more common than elfu mbili. If the Arabic nu-
merals are employed the small number comes first, the

plural form aldf is employed, and the final of the small

number is heard, thus iheldthat aldf is three thousand,

khdmset aldf, five thousand, and so on.
Lakki is used for ten thousand, and the
word milyon
isknown, but is rarely employed, and perhaps never
with exactitude.
Fungate occurs for seven, as denoting the days spent by
the bridegroom in his bride's company after marriage.

Mwongo, plur. miongo, occurs for a ten or a decade, in

reckoning the nautical year.

Both these words occur in cognate African languages
as cardinal numbers.
When used in enumerating actual things, and not
in mere arithmetical computation, six of the Swahili
numbers are treated as regular Adjectives, the other
four remaining unchanged. The following table will
show the forms proper to each class of Substantives.
Watt Mm Ntcmba Vittt

4. wanne

Sixth, -a sita. Tenth, -a humi.

Seventh, -a saba. &c. &c.

Eighth, -a nane. Last, -a mivisho.

Ninth, -a kenda.

Once, twice, &c, are denoted by the use of marra, or

mara, a time.
Once, mara, moja.
The first time, mara ya kwanza.
Twice, mara mbili.
The second time, mara ya pili.
How many times ? Mara ngapi f
Often, mara nyingi.

Fractions may be expressed by the use offungu, a

part, as
Fungu la thelathini, a thirtieth.

The only fractions in common use are the parts of a

dollar, which are thus expressed in forms borrowed
from the Arabic :

One-sixteenth —Nuss ya themuni.

One-eighth— Themuni, or Themni, or Ze mni.

Three-sixteenths — Themuni na nuss ya themuni.

One-fifth —Zerenge.

One-quarter Bobo.
Five-sixteenths — Bobo na nuss ya themuni.

Three-eighths Bobo na themuni.
Seven-sixteenths — Bobo na themuni na nuss ya themuni.
O ne-h alf—Nuss.
Nine-sixteenths — Nuss na nuss ya themuni.

Five-eighths Nuss na themuni.
Eleven-sixteenths — Nuss na themuni na nuss ya themuni.

Three-quarters Kassa robo a dollar by a quarter}.
[i.e., less
Thirteen-sixteentlis—Kassa robo na nuss ya themuni.

Seven-eighths— Kassa themuni.

Fifteen-sixteenths— Kassa nuss ya themuni.

Numbers treated as Substantives make their plurals

by prefixing ma- :

Makumi mawili, two tens, i.e., twenty.

Mamoja pia, all ones, i.e., all the same.


Those words to which no hyphen is

prefixed do nottake any variable syllable.

A quality for which one cannot find

a word, a sort of a, -in
Kitn kinyang&lika gani? What
sort of a kind of thing is thisi

Ahle, having ability for, or power

over, mweza.
Abortive (fruit, Ac), -pooza.
Active, -tendaji.
Mpaka mmoja, having a common
Kutangamana, to adjoin.

Alike, sawasawa, -moja.

A live, hayi.
All, -ote, or -ot'e, varying as a pos-
sessive pronoun and not as an
Class i. wofe.
„ n. sing, mote, pi. yote.

Bad, -baya, making mbaya with Careless, -zembe.
nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Castrated, maksai.
-ovu or -bovu, making inbovu Certain, yakini.
with nouns like nyumba or A certain man, mtu mifloja.

nyimbo. -ovu expresses rather Cheap, rakhisi, rahisi.

corruptness than mere badness. Checkered, marakaraka.
mabaa. Chief, bora, -ktiu. See Cheat.
Utterly bad, baa, pi.
Good for very little, thaifu. Choice, -teule, aali.
Bare, -tupu, making tupu with nouns A choice thing, hedaya, tunu,
like nyumba or nyimbo. hikaya.
-a kiungwana
Bareheaded, kitwa kiwazi. Civilized, -ngwana,
Barren, of land, kame. (of the civilized sort).
of animals, tasa. Clear, safi, fasihi, -eupe (see White).

of persons, si mzazi. Clear, kweu, mbayani, thahiri

-wazi (see Open).
Beautiful, -zuri. (manifest),
Bent, of persons, kibiongo, pi. vibi- -eupe (see White).
ongo. Clever, hodari, mahiri, -a akili.
Best, bora (pre-eminent). Clumsy, -zito (see Heavy).
Bitter, -chungu ( -tungu (M.)), Coloured, -enyi rangi.
making ucbungu with nouns Of one uniform colour, -takatifu.
like nyumba, nyimbo, or kasha. Comic, -chekeshaji, -testeshi.
Dawa uchungu, bitter medicine. Common, vivi hivi, zizi hizi, &c,
Tunda uchungu, bitter fruit. yee kwa yee, &c. (see Pronouns),
Black, -eusi. Sometimes forms occur A common thing, jazi.
as if from -usi, such as wausi Complete, kamili, -kamilifu, -tinii-

for weusi, mausi for meusi, and livu.

viusi for vyeusi or veusi. It Confident, -tumaini.
makes nyeusi with nouns like Confidential, -siri.

nyumba or nyimbo, and jeusi Consecrated, wakf.

with nouns like kasha. Cool, wovisi.
Blind, kipofu, pi. vipofu. Correct, sahihi, fasihi.
Blue, samawi (sky colour). Countrified, -a kimasliamba.
Maji a bahari (sea-water colour). Covetous, bakhili, -enyi choyo, -enyi
Blunt, -vivu (see Idle). tamaa.
Kisu hakipati, the knife is blunt. Crafty, -a hila, -erevu.
Bold,-jasiri, shujaa, pi. mashujaa. Crazy, mafuu.
Breeding (of animals), koo. Credible, mutaabir, -tabari.
Koo mbuzi, a breeding goat.
la Crooked, kombokombo, mshithari.
Broad, -pana, making pana with Cross, -kali (see Fierce).
nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. Cross roads, njia panda.
Cunning, -orevu, -a hila.
D. Killa mtu, every man.
Damp, kimajL Killa niendapo, whenever I go,
Daring, -josiri. or, < V(nj time I go.
Dark, -a giza (0/ dar/fness), -euai Evi h at, thahiri, -wazi. See Open.
(see Black). Extravagant, mubatliarifu.
Dead, -fa.

e whose mother is dead, Mtu

aliofiwa na F.
D 1/', kiziwi, p?. viziwi. Fat, -nono.
D^r, ghali. Faithful, amini.
/' aged, marel 1 emu. F( ble, tbaifu.

rmed, kilema, pi. vllema. / ( mah -ke.


/' etructive, -barabu, -haribivu. On the female side, kukeni.

7'. oout, -taowa. Few, haba, -chache, making chache
Different, -ingine (see Other), mba- with nouns like nyumba or
limbali, ilitikifu. nyimbo.
Difficult, -gumu (see Hard), -zito Fierce, -kali, making kali with nouns
(see ][• arii). like nyumba or nyimbo.

hhjlgured by disease, -enyi 1<

Filthy, -chavu.
Disobedient, aasi. Final, tama.
Distinct, nibalimbali. Fine, -zuri.
Double, maradufu. Firm, imara (of things), thabit (if
Dressed-up, -patnbi. persons).
Drunken, -levi. Fixed (certain), maalum.
7>ry, -kavu, making kavu ?n77i nouns Flat, sawasawa, panapana.
like nyumba or nyimbo. Foolish, -purnbat'u.

yabis. Foreign, -geni.

Dufl, -vivu. See Idle, Forgetful, -sabau.
Dumb, bubu, j/Z. inabubu. Forgiving, -samebe.
Former, -a kwanza.
E. Fortunate, beri, -enyi bahali, -a

Easy, -epesi. See Light. heri.

Eldi r or Eldest, -kubwa. See Great. Free, bum, -ngwana.

quent, -semaji, -srmi.
. I'n li. -bicbi. See Raw.
Empty, -tupu. See Bare. Fresh water, maji matamu, maji a
Equal, sawa, sawasawa, pepo.
Eh mal, -a milele. Full, kujaa, to become full.

European, Ulayiti, -a Kizungu. FuU to the brink, fara, farafara.

Even (level), sawasawa. Full of words, mwingi wa ma-
(not odd), kamili. neno.
7. killa or kulla. It always Full grown, -pevu.
precedes its substantive. Future, mkabiL

G. Watu wenyi mali, rich people.

Generous, karimu, -paji. Class II. Mti mwenyi (or mwi-
Gentle, -anana. nyi) kuzaa, a tree in bearing.
Glorious, -tukufu, -enyi fakhari. Miti yeuyi (or yinyi) kuzaa,
Gluttonous, -lafi. trees in bearing.

Good, -ema, malting njema or ngema III. Nyumba yenyi (or yinyi)
with nouns like nyiiruba or ny- dirisha, a house with windows.
inibo, and j ema with nouns like Nyumba zenyi (or zi.iyi)

kasha. dirisha, houses with windows.

The idea of goodness may he ex- IV. Kikapu chenyi (or kinyi)
pressed by the suffix -to. nguvu, a strong basket.
Manuka, smells. Yikapu vinyi nguvu, strong
Manukato, good smells. baskets.

Kuweka, to put. V. Neno lenyi kweli, a true word.

Kuwekato, to put properly. Mabakuli yenyi mayayi,
basins with eggs in them.
Greedy, -enyi roho, -enyi taniaa,
-enyi choyo.
VI. Upiudi wenyi nguvu, ti

Great, bora, -kuu and -kubwa or strong bow.

-kuba, making kuu and kubwa Pindi zenyi nguvu, strong
tcith nouns like nyumba or botes.

nyimbo. Kuu is used preferably VII. Mahali penyi mtende, the

of moral or figurative greatness. place where the date-tree stands

Kubwa, of physical size. Healthy (of persons'), -enyi ana,-zima
Great, when applied to anything (of places, &c), -a afia.
not material, is usually rendered Hea ry, -zito.

by -ingi. High, -refu. See Long, -kubwa

Green, chanikiwiti, rangi ya majani. See Great.
Fresh, or unripe), -bichi. See Hollow, -a uvurungu, -wazi. See
Raw. Open.
H. A hollow stone, jiwe la uvu-
Handsome, -zuri. rungu.
Handy, -a mkono. It sounds hollow, panalia wazi.
A handbook, chuo cha mkono. The hollow or open space in or
Happy, -a beri, furahani. uiuh:r anything, mvungu.
Hard, -gumu. Holy, -takatilu.
Having, tcith, being tcith, or who or Hot, -a nioto.
which has or have, -enyi or I am hot, nina bari.
-inyi. It varies like a possessive Hot-tempered, baiarii.
pronoun, as in the following Human, -a mwana Adamu, -a bina-
examples :
— damu, -a mtu.
Class I. Mtu mwenyi (or mwi- Humble, -nenyekevu.
nyi) mali, a rich man. Humpbacked, -enyi kigongo.

Lined (of clothes), bitana.

Idle, -vivu. Little, -dogo, katiti (A.), -chache

Ignorant (like a simpleton), -jinga.
ltl-miu ned, -korofi. Little water, maji machacbe.
Ill-tempt r,
d, -kali. See Fierce. (Maji and otic r similar noitnx
Tmmatun -chauga. .
being tteated as plurals, and
Infirm, tbaifu. therefore requiting few and not
nious, -juzi. small as tht ir adjective.)

Inquisitive, -pekuzi, -jasusi, -pele- Kidogo, pi. vidogo, is used as a

1< zi. substantive for a little or a little

lificant (mea}>), -nyonge.

piece of anything.
(unimportant), khafifu. I.
/ring, hayi, -zima.
Insipid, -dul'u. Long, -rcl'u, making ndefu with
nouns lilce nyuniba or nyiuibo.
Long-suffering, -vumilim
./ alms, -vivu.
Lukewarm, -enyi uvuguvugu.
Juicy, -enyi maji.
Just, sawa, -a lniki, -cnyi hakL M.
K. Mad, -enyi wazimu, -enyi mahoka
See Good. (Country dialect).
Kind, -ema.
Male, -ume, making mume or ndnme
(doing kindnesses),
(as from -lume) with nouns of
Knowing, -erevu, -juzi.
the second class.
L. On the male side, kuumeni.
Languid, -tepetevu, -ehovu. Manifest, thabiri, waziwazi, mba-
'inj' ,-kubwa or -kuba. See Great.
. yani, -wazi. See Open.
wt U-grown), -kuza.
I Manly, -ume. See Male.

Lawful, balali. Bebera (a strong he-goat).

Lawful to you, balili yako. Fabali (a hull).

Laying (of birds), koo, jil. makoo. Many, -ingi or -ngi, making nyingi
Koo la k'uku a laying hen. with nouns like nyuniba or
Lazy. Sec Idle. nyimbo, and jiugi with nouns
/.>. , -a danialini, -a cliini. like kasha.

Left (hand, &c), -a kushoto, -a

kuke. Katbiiwukatha.
/. vel, -awa, Bawasawa. Maternal (on the mother's side), -a

Liberal, karimu, -pajL kukeni.

'.('/hi (not dark), -eupe. See White. (motherly), -a mama.
/« a >•</), -epesi, making ny< Mean, -nyonge.
with nouns like nyumba or Merry, -chek< haji.
y i
mbo, and jepesi with nouns Middling, kadiri.
1 :l-lia. Mischit runs, -harabu, -tunda.

(unimportant), khafifu. Moderate, ka.liiL


Much, -ingi (see Many), tele. Only, -a pekee, peke yake, &c.
Murderous, kiuwaji, nduli. Open, -wazi.
Other, -ingine or -ngine.
Class I. Mgine or mwingiue.
Naked, -tupu, uchi. See Bare. II.
Mwingine or mgine.
iS a
rrow, -embamba, making nyemba- miDgine.
mba with nouns like nyumba or III. Nyingine (sing, and pi \
nyinibo, and jernbamba with IV. Kingine or chingine.
nouns like kasha.
Necessary (unavoidable), laziin, fa- V. Jingine.
mangine or mengine.
(indispensable), kanuni. VI. Mwingine or mgine.
New, -pya, making 'mpya with nouns nyingine.
like nyumbaor nyimbo, jipya VII. Pangine or pingine.
with nouns like kasha, and (The) other, -a pili.
plpya with nouns of place. Other people's, -a watu.
Noble, bora, -kuu. See Great. Another person's, -a mwenyewe.
Notable, mashuhur, mashur. (not the same) is expressed

Nice, -ema (see Good), -tamu. See adding the relative particle (see
p. 117).
Nipping(pressing closely and tightly), panginepo, elsewhere, other places.


Obedient, tayi, -tiL Paternal (on the father's side), -a

Obligatory, farathi. kuumeni.
Obstinate, -kaidi, -shindani, -shi- (fatherly), -a baba.
pavti. Patient, -stahimili, -vumilivu.
Odd (not even), witiru. Perfect, kamili, -kamilifu, -timilifu.
Officious, -futhuli, -juvi. Perverse, -potoe, -tundu.
Old (of things), -kukuu, making Plain (evident), thahiri, -wazi.
kukuu with nouns like nyumba Pleasant, -tamu (see Sweet), -a ku-
or nyimbo. Kukuu implies pendeza.
being worn out. Where mere Plenty, tele.
antiquity is to be expressed see Polite, -a adabu.
Ancient, Poor, masikini, fukaia, fakiri.
(of persons), -zee. wretchedly poor, thalili.
Extremely old, -kongwe. utterly destitute, hohe hahe.
How old is he? Umri wake Printed, -a chapa.
apataje ? Profane, -najisi.
One-eyed, -enyi chongo. Pure, safi, fasihi, -takatifu.
m borne, -goravi. Safe, salama.

Quirk, -peei.
Same, moja, pi. mainoja.

', -tulivu («<*7f)> -nyamavu Sanguine, -tuniaini.

Satisfied or content, ratbi.
Self-satisfied, -kiuayi.
Savage, -kali (see Fierce), mbwai.
Rare, nadira, -a tunu. Very savage, nduli.
Bow, -bichi, making mbichi with Second, -a pili.
nouns like nyumba or nyimbo. A second in command, akida.
Bichi is used for raw, unripe, Secret, -a siri, ndaui kwa ndani.
underdone, fresh, or any state Separate, mbali.
which will or might change by Severe, -zito. See Heavy.
keeping or cooking. Shallow, [maji] haba, [maji] ma-

xperienced), -jinga. This word Sharp, -kali. See Fierce,

is specially applied to newly Short, -fupi, making fupi with nouns
arrived slaves. like nyumba or nyimbo.

Heady, tayari. Shrewd, -erevu, -enyi busara.

(quick), -pesi, ruabiri. Sick, -gonjwa, -weli.
};. bellious, aasi.
d, -ekundu, making nyekundu A silentman, mtu wa kimya-
iriilinouns like nyumba or kimya.
nyimbo, and jekundu with Slim, -embamba. See Narrow.
nouns like kasha. Slender, -embamba. See Narrow.
Regular, -a kaida, taratibu. Sleek, -nene. See Stout.
S.ifu za kaida, regular rows. Slmc, -vivu. See Idle.
Mtu taratibu, a person of regular Smooth, laini.
habits. Soaked (with rain, &c), chepechepe.
Remarkable, mashuhur, mashur. Soft, -ororo, making nyororo with
Etch, -enyi mali, -kwasi, tajiri, pi. nouns like nyumba or nyimbo,
matajiri. and jororo with nouns like kasha,
Right (hand, &c.), -a kulia, -a -anana, laini.
kuume, -a kuvuli. the soft, teketeke.

Ripe, -bivu, making mbivu Solid, yabisi.

nouns nyumba or nyimbo.
like Some, baathi ya, akali ya.
Bivu used as the contradictory
is Some — others — wangine — wa-


of biebi. See Raw. ngine .

Rotten, -ovu or -bovu. See Bad. Sound (healthy, living, <

ntire), -zinia.

Bough, kuparuza, to be rough ami Sour, -kali. See Fierce.

grating. Spotted, madoadoa, marakaraka.
Sound, -a mviringo. St a a re, mrabba.

Royal, -a kifaume. Steadfast, thabit


Steep, -a kusimama.
Still, -anana, -tulivu (quiet), -nya- Vain, ana makuu, he is vain.
mavu (silent), -zizima (very Valuable, -a Wtamani.
still water, &c).
Vigilant, macho. See Awake.
Stout (plump, thick), -nene.
Strange (foreign, surprising), -geni.
(startling), mzungu, pi. mizungu.
Strong, hodaii, -enyi nguvu, -uine. Wasteful, -potevu.
Sweet, -tamu, making tarau with Watery, chelema.
nouns like nyumba or nyinibo. Weak, thaifu.

Wealthy. See Rich.

Weary, -chovu.
Weather, -agoshini, -a juu.
See Long. Well. See Healthy.
Tall, -refu.
A Well done (cooked), -bivu. See
very tall man, -tambo.
Thick, -nene. Ripe.
Thick asali nzito. See Wet, majimaji, rataba.
WJdte, -eupe, making nyeupe ivith
nouns like nyumba or nyinibo,
Thievish, kijivi, pi. vijivi, niwibaji,
and jeupe with nouns like
pi. webaji.
Thin, -embamba (see Narrow),-epes.i.
See Light. Very white is expressed by putting
a strong accent on the last
Tiresome, -chovu.
and sometimes raising
True, -a kweli, bakika yako, &c. (it syllable,
the voice on it into a sort
is true of you, <£c), yakiiii of
Wliole, -zima. See Sound.
Trustworthy, amini.
pia, pia yote, zote, &c.
Truthful, -a kweli, -neni kweli.
Wide, -pana. See Broad.
Wild (of plants), -gugu.
U. (of animals), -a mwitu
Willing, -epesi, -pesi.
Uncivilized, -a kishenzi. Worn -kukuu
out, (of things), -ko-
Uncultivated, -gugu. ngwe (of persons). See Old.
Underdone (half-cooked), -bichi. See
Unhealthy, -welL
Unlawful, havamu. Yellow, rangi ya manjano.
Unripe, -bichi. See Raw. Young (immature), -changa, making
Usual, -zoea. mchanga icith nouns like
We are used to him, tuna mazoea nyumba or nyimbo.
naye. Younger, youngest, -dogo.


PersonaA Pronouns.

The full forms of the Personal Pronouns are —

I,Mimi. We, Sisi or Swiswi.
Thou, Wewe. You, Nyinyi or Nwinyi.
He or she, Yeye. They, Wao.

The second and third persons singular are often con-

t Wee and Yee. The second person singular
racted into
is always used where one person only is to be denoted.
There are no special forms for it and they when
referring to inanimate things. If any special emphasis
makes it necessary, the Demonstrative Pronouns
reeing with the nouns referred to must be used.
Similarly, for he or she and they, the Demonstrative
Pronouns proper to the first class may be used, when
any special emphasis is to be expressed.
The objective cases, me, thee, him, her, us, them, are
i ressed by the same forms as those given above for
the subjective case, J, thou, &c.
The possessive case, of me, of thee, of him, &c, is

generally expressed by the Possessive Pronouns (which

see, p. 109);there is thus no distinction between of me
and mine, of thee and thine, &c.

Habari zangu, my news, or news of me.

The Possessive Pronouns proper to animate beings

may be used of inanimate things also -alee, its, and


-ao, their, being used for of it and of them, in reference

to all nouns of whatever they may be.

The possessive case be regarded as an instance

of the Personal Pronouns in a special form subjoined to
the variable preposition -a, of.

The Preposition na, with or and, is commonly joined

with short forms of the Personal Pronoun to express
and or with me, and or with you, &c. &c.

Kami, and or with me. Nasi or Nasici, and or with us

Nawe, and or with you. Nanyi or Nanwi, and or with you.
Naye, and or with him or her. Nao, and or with them.
JViao, Nayo, Nacho, Nalo, Napo, Nao, Nayo, Nazo, Navyo, Napo,
Nalco, aud or with it and or with them.

The above forms may be used for either the objective

Nami = and I or and me,
or subjective cases after and.
Nawe = and thou or and thee, &c. &c.
It will be seen that in referring to animate beings

the latter half of the full form of the Personal Pronoun

is suffixed to the na-, and in referring to inanimate

things the syllable suffixed is that which denotes the

relative (see Eelative Pronouns, p. 117), a syllable
which occurs also as the final syllable of those Demon-
strative Pronouns which refer to a thing mentioned
Other Prepositions, that is to say, Jcwa and katika, are
construoted with the full form of the Personal Pronoun

referring to animate beings, and with the Demonstra-

tive Pronouns, where necessary, referring to inanimate
things. This rule distinguishes the preposition kwa,
for, by, from the form of the variable -a required

by substantives of the eighth class and sometimes by the

case in -ni.

Kwa mimi, for me. Kwangu, of me or my, to my [house].

The prefixes used in conjugating the verb to mark

the subject and object may be regarded as shortened
forms of the Personal Pronouns. The objective and

subjective cases are denoted by slightly different forms.

It will be most convenient to take the prefixes de-
noting animate beings first, as they alone can be used
in the first and second person. The following are the
subjective or nominative forms :

I, Ni- or N-. We, Tu- or 7V.
Thou, U- or W-. You, .1/-/-. 'M-, or Mio-.
He or she, A- (or Tu-). They, Wa-.

The rule for applying these prefixes is that the forms

ending with a vowel are used when they are to be im-

mediately followed by a consonant, and those ending
in a consonant are used before a vowel. In the third
person, both singular and plural, the vowel remains
unchanged before o or u, it coalesces with e and i
into an e, and merges into an a, so as to be no longer

distinguishable. Thus, where the verb or tense prefix

.rins withthe third person singular is apparently

without prefix and the third person plural is marked

only by a w-. Examples of and further observations on
prefixes will be found under Verbs, as playing an
PP. ON UNS. 105

important part in their conjugation.

The form yu- is
but seldom used for the third person singular, and
very rarely with any hut monosyllabic verbs.
The syllables which stand for the objective or accu-
sative case of the Personal Pronouns denoting animate

beings, when they are connected with Verbs, are —

-ni- or -«-. Us, -tu- or -tw-.
Thee, -ha- or -kw-. You, -ica-.

Him or her, -m- or -mw-. Them, -tea-.

The same rules as above app'y to the use of forms

ending in a consonant before a vowel, and forms ending

in a vowel before a consonant.
As the forms proper to the first class of Nouns denote
animate beings, there remain seven classes denoting-
inanimate things, each of which has its appropriate
subjective and objective pronominal
forms when con-

joined with a verb. The subjective pronominal prefixes

are —
Class II. sing. U- or W- plur. I- or Y-.
III. I- „ y- Zi- „ Z-.

IV. Ki- Ch- » Vi- „ Vy-.

V. Li- L- »» Ya-.
VI. U- W- >» Zi- „ Z-.
VII. Pa- P- Ta- „ P-
VIII. Ku- Kw- Ku- „ Kw-.

Here also the forms ending in a vowel are used

before a consonant, and the forms ending in a conso-
nant are used before a vowel. Examples of their use
will be found in the sections on the conjugation of the
There, used as the subject of a verb, is expressed by
ku- or pa- employed as personal prefixes. Ku- is the
more indefinite of the two. One, they, or people used
to denote what is
customary, are expressed by the
prefix hi-.
The objective forms in reference to inanimate
are very similar to the subjectives.

Class II. sing, -u- plur. -i-.

in. „ -i- -zi-.

IV. „ -ki- -vi-.

v. „ -li-
„ -u- -zi-.
VII. „ -pa- -pa-,
VIII. „ -ku- -ku-.

In these forms also u becomes w, and i before vowels.

The following examples will illustrate the use of the

objective syllables they are parted off from the rest of


the word by hyphens. Instances are given of both

vowel and consonantal verbs.

Class I.
A-ni-penda, he loves me.
A-n-ambia, hi tells me.
A-ku-penda, he loves you.
A-kw-ambia, lie tells you.
Na-m-penda, I love him.
Na-mw-ambia, I tell him.
A-tu-penda, he loves us.

A-tw-ambia, he tells us.

A-ica-penda, he loves you.
A-ir '. he tells
A-wa-penda, he loves them.
A-ica-ambia, he tells them.
„ II. A-u-penda, he likes it (mti, a tree).
A-^D-ona, he sees it.
A-i-penda, he likes them (miti, trees).
A-y-ona, he sees them.
„ III.
A-i-penda, be likes it (nyumba, a house).
A-y-ona, he sees it.
A-zi-penda, he likes them (nyumba, houses).
A-zi-ona, he sees them.

Class IV. A-ki-penda, he likes it (kitu, a thing).

A-ki-ona, he sees it.
A-vi-penda, he likes them (vitu, things).
A-vi-ona, he sees them.
„ V. A-li-penda, he likes it (kasha, a chest).
A-li-ona, he sees it.
A-ya-penda, he likes them (makasha, chests).
A-ya-ona, he sees them.
„ VI. A-u-penda, he likes it (uimho, a song).
A-w-ona, he sees it (ubau, a plank).
A-zi-penda, he likes them (nyimbo, songs).
A-zi-ona, he sees them (jribau, planks).
„ VII. A-pa-penda, he likes it or them (place or places).
A-pa-ona, he sees it or them.
„ VIII. A-ku-penda, he likes it (kwiba, stealing).
A-ku-ona, he sees it.

In all cases the Pronominal Syllable representing the

subject is the and therefore the first syllable

first prefix,

of the word ; and the syllable representing the object

is the last of the prefixes and immediately precedes the
A-takapo-ku-ona, when he shall see you.
Wa-lipoki-m-penda, when they loved him.
A-ki-kw-ita, if he calls you.

It is quite allowable for the sake of emphasis to use

the full forms of the Personal Pronouns as well as the

subjective and objective syllables.

Mimi nakupenda weice, I love you.
Weive wanipenda mimi, you love me.

"When so used, however, a very strong emphasis is

put upon the persons loving and loved, and unless such
an emphasis is intended the full forms ought not to be
used. The above phrases might be better translated

by —For myself I love you the best; and, It is

who love me.
In poetical Swahili an objective suffix is used as well
as the objective prefix. The syllables used as a suffix
are the same as those given before with na (see p. 103).
The suffixes are not used in the dialect of Zanzibar.

U-ni-hi/nthi-mi, do thou preserve me. (Both the -ni- and the

mi represent the object of the verb.)
Aka-zi-anrjusha-zo, and be threw them down. (Both the -zi- and
the-zo represent the object of the verb.)
Na-wa-ambia-ni, I tell you.

The use of the objoctive prefix implies a reference to

some ascertained object it is thorefore properly used

wherever in English the object would be expressed by

a Pronoun. "Where in English the object would not be

expressed by a Pronoun, the objective prefix has the

effect of a definite article, and its omission that of an
^r. indefinite article.

Natalia liununua nyumba (no objective prefix being used), I want

to buy a house.
Natalia kuinunua nyumba (the objective prefix -i- being u.-*<
I want to buy the house.
Naona mtu, I see
Namwona mtu, I see the man.

"Where a Demonstrative Pronoun is used with the

object, the objective prefix must always be used.

Natalia liuinunua nyumba hit, I want to buy this house.

Namwona mtu yule, I see that man yonder.

The objective prefix used where anything about


the person or thing is about to be stated.

Na-m-jua aliko [T is], I know where he is.

know of him where he
Nali-m-thauia ameliufa [I thought of him, be had died], I thought
he was dead.
Aka-m-kata kitwa [and he cut of him the head], and he cut off
his head.

Possessive Pronouns.

The Possessive Pronouns are always placed after the

Suhstantive denoting the thing possessed, and vary
according to its Class and Number.
The unvarying parts of the Possessive Pronouns are :

Our, -etu.
My, -angu.
-alio. Your, -enu.
His, her, or its, -ake. Their,

The same forms are used for its and their, of what-

ever class the thing possessing may he.

In many dialects of Swahili the form of the third
person singular is -aJcwe, and in some that of the second
is -akwo.
The above forms may be used as enclitics, and fre-
quently are so with some common words,
such as baba,
father, mama, mother, micana, child, micenzi, companion,

&c. When the final letter of the substantive is -a, -e,

or -i, it merges into the first letter of the possessive


Mwanangu, my child.
Mwenzangu, my companion,
Mimnako, thy child.
Mwenzako, thy companion.
Mwandke, his or her child.
Micenzalie, his or her companion.
Mwanetu, our child.

Mwenzetu, our companion.

Micanenu, your child.
Mwenzenu, your companion.
Mwanao, their child.
Mwenzao, their companion.
The initial letters proper to each class of Substan-
tives are :

Class I. sing, w- plur. \v-. Class V. sing. 1-

plur. y-.
»» II. „ w- „ y-. » VI. „ w- „ /.-.

•t HI- ii y- ii
z-. „ VII. „ p- „ p-.
„ IV. „ cli- „ vy- „ VIII. ,, kw- „ kw-

Besides these forms proper to the several classes,

Substantives in the locative case in -ni require special
forms of the Possessive Pronouns according to the
meaning of the case. These forms are the same for
all Substantives, of whatever class or number they
may be.

1. When the case denotes being within, or to, or from

within, the Possessive Pronouns must begin with mw-.
2. Where the case denotes mere nearness, and can be
translated at, by, or near, the Possessive Pronouns must
begin with p-.
3. For all other meanings the Possessive Pronouns
must begin with kw-.
The following instances will show how all these rules

are applied :

Class I. Mtn wangu, my man.
Watu waho, thy men.
Mbvzi wake, his or her goat,
Mbuzi wetu, our goats.
Waziri wake, his vizir.

Mawaziri wake, his vizirs,

„ II. Mti wenu, your tree.

Mili yao, their trees.
„ III. Nyurnba yangu, my house.
X'/umbo zako, thy houses.
„ IV. Kiti chake, his chair.
Viti vyt in, our chairs.

„ V. Kasha lenu, your chest.

Mdkasha yao, their chests.

Class VI. JJimbo wangu, my song.

Nyimbo zaho, thy songs.
»» VII. Mahali pake, his, her, or its place or places.
»> VIII. Kufa kwetu, our dying.
1. Nyumbani mwenu, in your house or houses.
2. Nyumbani pao, near their house or houses.
3. Nyumbani kwangu, to my house.
All the Possessive Pronouns will be found in the
Table of Concords arranged under the classes
(p. 82),
to which they are appropriate. The Personal Pronouns

may be added to give emphasis.

Kisu changu mimi, my own knife.
Vyangu mimi, they are mine.
The Possessive Pronoun is used for the preposition
-a, of, where it is intended to mark particularly the

person whose the thing is.

Kiti cha sultani, the sultan's chair, or a sultan's chair.

Kiti chake sultani, the sultan's own chair, or this sultan's chair.

There is another and short enclitic form for the

Possessive Pronouns of the second and third persons

singular, which is much used with some common

w irds, such as mume, husband, mice, wife, ndugu, brother
or sister, &c. They consist of -o for the second person

and -e for the third, with the appropriate initial letters

for each class as given above (p. 110).
Mumewe, her husband.
Mkewo, or mkeo, thy wife.
Mwenziwe, his companion.
Jinalo, thy name.
Shogaye, her friend.

It will be seen from the above tables that there is

absolutely nothing the singular and

to distinguish
in the form of the third class
plural of Substantives
which denote animate beings, when joined with Pos-
3ive Pronouns. It is probably for this reason, and

to avoid ambiguity, that they are frequently treated as

ordinary Substantives of that


Ndugu yangu, my brother.

Nduguye or Ndugu yake, his brother.
tfduguzo 01 Ndugu zako, thy brothers.
Mbuzi zttu, our goats.

Possessive Pronouns are sometimes used in English

where Personal Pronouns are used in Swahili.

Wtika-m-funga mikono nyuma [and they tied

him hands behind],
and they tied his hands behind him.
Ali-m-kata kitwa [he cut him head], he cut off his head.

After verbs of coming and going Possessive Pronouns

with vy- or th-)
beginning with z- (or in other dialects
are used somewhat as—his way, &c., were used in old

Amckwenda take, he has gone away, or he has gone off.

Twende zetu, let us be going.

Wamekuja zao, they have come home, or they have come away.

Reflective Pronouns.

The Swahili verb is made reflective by prefixing -ji-,

as if it were a pronoun in the objective form.

Na-ji-penda, I love myself.

Self may be translated by the Arabic word, nefsi,

naf»i, or nafusi ;
or by the word moyo, a heart, plur.

mioyo or nyoyo.
Na/si yangu, or moyo wangu, myself.
Nafti zetu, or nyoyo zetu, oursulvea.

Itself, themselves, &c, may also be expressed by the

word -enyewe with the proper prefix.
Class I. Mtu mwenyewe, the man himself.
Watu wenyewe, the people themselves.
Mbuzi mwenyeioe, the goat itself.
Mbuzi wenyewe, the goats themselves.
Waziri tnwenyeice, the vizir himself.
Mawaziri wenyewe, the vizirs themselves.
„ II. Mti mwenyewe, the tree itself.
MM yenyewe, the trees themselves.
„ III. Nyumba yenyewe, the house itself.
Nyumba zenyewe, the houses themselves.
i» IV. Kitu chenyewe, the thing itself.
Vitu vyenyewe, the things themselves.
„ V, Kasha lenyewe, the chest itself.
Makasha yenyewe, the chests themselves.
„ VI. Uimbo mwenyewe, the song itself.
Nyimbo zenyewe, the songs themselves.
„ VII. Mahali penyewe, the place itself.

Mwenyewe may be used for myself and thyself as well

as for himself or herself.

Wenyewe may be used for ourselves and yourselves, as

well as for themselves.

By myself, by ourselves, &c, are expressed by peke

with the appropriate Possessive Pronoun.
Peke yangu, by myself, or I only.
Peke yetu, by ourselves, or we only.

Demonstrative Pronouns.
There are three Demonstrative Pronouus. 1 , denoting
objects at no great distance. 2, denoting objects pre-
viously mentioned. 3, denoting objects at a distance.
They have each forms proper to the several classes of
Substantives and to the three meanings of the case
in -ni.
1. This or that, these or those, of objects at no grout
i i.a88 I. Mtu Innpi, tliis man.
]\'ntii hawa, these pe >ple.
Mbuzi hui/u, this goat.
hawa, tin

Waziri huyu, this vizir.

MavHiziri liawa, thus" vizirs.

„ II. flftt /<"«, this tree.
.1//// A//, these trees.

„ III. Nyumba hizi, this bouse.

Nyumba hizi, these houses.
„ IV. Kitu hiki, this thing.
Yiin hivi, tl.ese things.

„ V. Kasha hili, this chest.

Makasha haya, these chests.
„ VI. Uimbo huu, this song.
Nyimbo hizi, the se songs.
„ VII. Mdhali hapa, this place.
„ VIII. 7v«/a 7iu7ru, this dying.
1. Nyumbani humo (humu (?) ), here, in the house.
2. Nyumbani hapa, here, by the house.
3. Nyumbani huhu, here, to the house.
It will be observed that the second syllable of each
of these Demonstratives is the pronominal syllable

given at p. 105, and that all begin with h-, followed l>y
the vowel of the pronominal syllable.
2. This or that, these or those, referring to something
mentioned before. Both the other forms can also be
in tliis sense.

Ci I. Mtu Uuyo, that man.

Watu hao, tlmse people.
Mbuzi huyo, that goat.
Mbuzi hao, those goats.
„ II. Mti huo, that tree.
Miti hiyo, those trees.
„ III. Sijiiuihn hiy>, tl at h"
Nyumba hizo, thos houses.
PRO NO UN S. 110
Class IV. Kitu hicho, that thing.
Vitu hivyo, those things.
i, V. Kasha hilo, that chest.
hayo, those chests.
„ VI. JJimbo huo, that song.
Nyimbo hizo, those songs.
„ VII. Mahali hapo, that place or those
„ VIII. Kufa huko, that dying.
Nyumbani humo, in that house.
2. Nyumbani hapo, by that house.
3. Nyumbani huko, to that house.

3. That and those or yonder, referring to

things at a

Class I. Mtu yule, yonder man.

Watu icale, those people.
Mbuzi yule, that goat.
Mbuzi wale, those goats.
II. Mti vie, that tree. •

Mitt He, those trees.

III. Nyumba He, that house.
Nyumba zile, those houses.
IV. Kitu kite or chile, that thing.
Vitu vile, those things.
V. Kasha Hie, that chest.
Mukasha yale, those chests.
VI. Uimbo vie, that song.
Nyimbo zile, those songs.
VII. Mahali pale, that place or those places.
VIII. Kufa kule, that dying.
1. Nyumbani mle, in that house.
2. Nyumbani pale, by that house.
3. Nyumbani kule, to that house.

It will be seen that these last Pronouns are made

by adding -le to the second syllable of the first set of
Demonstratives. Sometimes the whole of the first for:u
is retained, making huyule, hawale, huule, Mile, hizile,
hikile, huile, hilile, hayale, hapale, hukule.
i 2
116 Ml. I ////./ HANDBOOK.
An increase of distance is denoted by a stress on the
final syllable.

Mtu yule, that man yonder.

Tulee, that one further off.
Yuleee, that one still further.

The more stress is laid on the final syllable, and the

more the voice rises into a falsetto, so much the greater
is the distance denoted.
When the substantive is mentioned the demonstra-
tive always follows it.

The demonstratives are frequently doubled, and then

have the meaning of just this, that very, &c.

Palepale, just there.

Mti uleule, that very tree.
Maneno yaleyale, just those words.

With the first set of demonstratives the final or true

pronominal syllable is doubled and prefixed to the usual

Popahapa, just here.
Vivihivi, just these things.
Zizfliizi, those very, &c.
Kuluhuku, just to this place.

These forms are also used to denote that there is

nothing special about what is mentioned.

Zizihizi, just these and no more.

Huyo is often used when people are chasing a man

or an animal.

Huyo ! Huyo ! = There he is ! There he is !

There are other form6 which ought probably to be

regarded as demonstratives, as they have the force of,
This is it, and, This is not it.

Class I. ndimi, it is I. ndisi, it is we.

ndiwe, it is thou. ndinyi, it is you.
ndiye, it is he. ndio, it is they.

„ II. ndio, this is it. ndiyo, these are they.

„ III. ndiyo. ndizo.

„ IV. ndicho. ndivyo.

„ V. ndilo. ndiyo.
„ VI. ndio. ndizo.

„ VII. ndipo.
„ VIII. ndiko.
ndimo, it is here, or it is there.


The negative is made by substituting si- for ndi.

Siye, it is not he. Sicho, &c. &c, this is not it.

Both forms may be used interrogatively.

Ndiye ? Is it he ? Siye ? Is it not he ?

Other demonstratives may be used with these for the

6ake of greater emphasis or clearness.

Kelative Pronouns.

The Eelative Pronouns have special forms appropriate

to the several classes of Substantives and the three

meanings of the -ni case.

Class I. Who and Whom, sing, ye or yee, plur. o or wo.
II. Which, sing, o or wo, plur. yo.
III. zo.

» IV. „ cho vyo.

v. „ lo yo.
VI. „ o or wo zo.
VII. po po.
VIII. ko ko.
1. Wlierein mo
2. Wliereat po
3. Wlitreto ko.
l'h ise relatives occur most frequently in their

simple forms in connection with -ote, all.

yet ote, wo wote, whosoever or whomsoever.

loo wote, yo yote, zo zote, cho chote, vyo vyote, lo lote,po pote, what-
- ViT.

vm mote, whereinsoever, inside everything.

po ]'ttt wheresoever or whensoever.


ho kote, whithersoever or wheresoever.

When connected with the substantive verb, to be,

i verb is represented by the syllable -U-.

Class I. allye, [he] who is. walio, [they] who are.

„ II. ulio, [it] which ia. iliyo, [they] which are.

„ III. iliyo. zilizo.

„ IV. Lilicho. vilivyo.

„ V. lililo. yf'liyo.

„ VI. ulio. zilizo.

„ VII. palipo. palipo.

„ VIII. huliko. kuliko.
1. mulimo, wherein there is.

2. palipo, where there is.

3. huliko, where there is.

There is a disposition in Zanzibar to make -o the

ieral relative. Thus one very often hears alio for
aliye, Ulio for lililo, and ilio for iliyo.

When joined with the verb the syllable denoting the

relative follows the sign of the tense if there is one.
The relative may be joined with the verb to form the
present, or rather, an indefinite tense, without the use of

any ;
ign of time whatever. It is made precisely as in
examples given above of the use of the relative
with the verb, to be, only substituting the particular
verb for the syllable -U-.

[he] who lovee, apendaye.

[they] who love, wapendao.

[the tree] which falls, uangukao.

[trees] which grow, imeayo.
[the house] which falls, yangukayo.
[houses] which fall, ziangukazo.

"Where the relative is the object of the verb the same

form may be used, only introducing the objective prefix

proper to the substantive referred to, and changing the

personal prefix.

[fruit] which I love, nilipendalo. -li- and -lo- being the syllables

appropriate to tunda, a fruit, and other nouns of the Filth


When taken to pieces the word is seen to be, ni-, I,

-li-, it, -penda-, love,-Zo, which.

Eelatives are rarely used in Swahili with any tenses

except the present imperfect (the -na- tense), the past

perfect (the -li- tense), and a peculiar form of the future
(the -taka- tense). The following instances will show
the way in which the relative is expressed with these
several tenses both as subject and object.

Class I. [the man] who is coming, ana-ye-huja.

„ who came, ali-ye-kuja.
„ who will come, ataka-ye-kuja.
,, whom he is striking, ana-ye-mpiga.
„ whom we loved, tuli-ye-mpenda.
[the men] who will beat us, watuka-o-tupiga.
„ whom we will beat,
[the ox] which is eating, ana-ye-kula.
„ which we shall eat, tidaka-ye-mla.
„ II. [the tree] which fell, uli-o-anguka.
„ which he cut down, ali-o-ukata.
[the trees] which were visible, ili-yo-onekana.
,, which we saw, tuli-yo-iona.
„ III [the house] which fell down, ili-yo-anguka.
„ which I bought, nili-yo-inunua.
I III. which
[the houses] fell down, ztTt-eo-angru&o.
which I bought, nili-zo-zinunua.
„ IV. [the knife] which cut me, Mli-cho-nikata.
„ which I took, nili-cho-kitwaa.
which I
gave yon, nili-cho-Jeupa.
[the knives] which fell down, trili^oyo-anguka.
,, which I gave you, niU-vyo-kupa.
„ V. [the chest] which is unfastened, lili-lo-funguka.
which I unfastened, nili-lo-lifungua.
[the chests] which were carried, yalvyo-chukuliwa.
„ which they carried, wali-yo-yachukna.
„ VI. [the song] which pleased me, uli-o-nipendeza.
,, which I liked, nili-ompenda.
[the letters, nyaraha] which I viToie,r>.iU-zo-zian<lih<i.
„ which I sent to you, niU-zo-kupdehea,
,, which reached me, zili-zo-nhcasilia.
„ VII. [the place] which I live in, nina-po-pahaa.
[the places] which I saw, nili-po-paona.

The particles of place and time, mo, po, ho, are treated
a- relal ive particles.

alimo, where he is ("within).

alipo, where he is (if near).
allien, where he is (far off .

anapulnctndn, when he is going:.

annliohwenda, whither he is ,L">ing.
alimokwenda, wherein he went.
alljU'hiri -mlii, when he went.
alikokwenda, whither he went.

There is one ambiguity which cannot be avoided

where both subject and object are of the same class.
Alii/empiga may mean, who beat him, or, whom he beat ;

Icilieholeikata may mean, which cut it, or, which it cut,

supposing kisu, a knife, to be one substantive, and kitn,

a thing, to be the other.
The negative is combined with the relative by the

use of -st-. There is but one negative tense, and it

embraces all times, past, present, and future.

asiye, [lie] who is not, who will not he, who was not.

usioanguka, [the tree] which falls not, which is not falling, which
did not fall, or, which will not fall.
nisicltokupa, [the knife] which I did not give you, do not give
you, or, shall not give, you.

Where the relative is used in English with a prepo-

the relative particle is sometimes joined with the
verb and also with the preposition but more commonly, ;

the force of the preposition being contained in that of

the Swahili verb, no special form is required. See
Derivative Verbs, p. 157.

The man whom I went with, mtu nali-o-hwenda naye.

The man I went to, mtu nali-o-mwendea.
Where I came from, nili-po-tolca.
Where I am going to, nina-ko-kwenda.

As the Swahili has no proper word for to have, but

uses for it kuwa na, to be with, cases of double relatives
are very frequent where having is mentioned.

The knife I have, kisu nilicho nacho.

The houses you have, nyumba ulizo nazo.
The knife I had, kisu nilichokuu-a nacho.
The houses you had, nyumba ulizokwwa nazo.

The relative is used in some cases in which it is not

employed in English.
Who went by? Nani ali-ye-pita (who is he who passed) ?

He likes this fruit, tunda hili ndilo alipendalo (this fruit is it

which he likes).
The boy is going, kijana aendno.
Whosoever may come, yee yote afakayekuja.

There is another way of expressing the relative

means of ambaye or ambaye kwamba, though not used
in Zanzibar. When it is
employed the final syllable of

ambaye changes according to the rules given above,

making ambao, ambazo, ambacho, ambavyo, &c.
Sometimes an English relative can be expressed by
the use of mwenyi, &c, having.
The man whose house it is, mtu mwniyi nyumba.

Interrogative and other Pronouns.

There are four Interrogatives which are not variable.

Nani? Who? Nin>? What?
Lini? When? |
Gani? What sort?

Gani always follows the substantive it is connected

Mtu gani? What man ? What sort of man ?
Kitu gani ? What thing ? What sort of thing ?

What? is sometimes expressed by the syllable -ni

suffixed to a verb.

Atapatani? What will he get?

Amefanyani? What has he done?
Knnanil What is there? What is the matter?
Kinaninil What has it? What is the matter with it?
Wanani ? What have they ? What are they at ?

What o'clock is it? is rendered by Saa ngajpi? How

many hours ?
The interrogative Which? is expressed by -pi pre-
ceded by the appropriate syllable, which is the same ae
that used as the subjective personal prefix to verbs.
It always follows the noun it refers to.
The noun refi rred to follows this interrogative.
I icapi mcrikebii ? Where is the ship ?

How ? is expressed by the syllable -je suffixed to the


Nitakipatajef How shall I get it?

Chalifanywajel How was it made?

lip ndaje, ao kupika, ao bichi? How do you like it, cooked or
raw ?

Asemajel [How does he talk?] What does he say ?

TJrefu wake yapataje ? How long is it ?
TJmri wa];<- apataje? How old is he?
Kwenda chini kwake chapataje [kisima] f How deep is it [a
well] ?

The use of Jcupata, to get, in these phrases nmst be

noticed. There is no direct way of attaching the hoic ?

to the adjective " His age, how

; they say therefore,
gets he it ?

How many ? is expressed by -ngapi, which is treated

as an adjective.
How many people;? Wntu wangapi?
How many goats ? Mbuzi wangapi or ngapif
How many trees ? MM mingapi ?
How many houses? Nt/urnba ngapil
How many chairs? Viti vingapi '

How many chests ? Makasha mangapi ?

How many planks ? Mbau ngapil
How many places? Mahali pangapil
How ? is in some cases expressed by the use of other
How long ago? Tangu lini? [since when ?]
How much? Kadri gani, or Kiaxsi ganil [what quantity ?]
How often ? Marra ngapi ? [how many times ?]
The exclamatory What ! is rendered by the inter-

rogative pronoun in -pi.

Furatui i/pi
! What joy 1
( 125 )


Regular Swahili verbs always end in -a, as, Jcvpenda,

to love, kupiga, to beat.

Verbs derived from the Arabic may end in -e, -», or-M,
as,kusamehe, to pardon, kusafiri, to travel, kuharibu, to
destroy. Verbs in this form do not change the final
vowel, where verbs in -a regularly do so.
The simplest form of the verb is used in Swahili,
as in English, for the second person singular of the

Penda! Love! Pirja! Strike!
Samehe! Pardon! Safiri! Travel!
Haribu ! Destroy !

The second person plural imperative is made by

adding -ni. All the other tenses and moods are made

by prefixing syllables to the simple form, except that

verbs in -a change -a into -e in the present subjunctive,
and into -i in the present negative, and a -w- is inserted
to mark the passive.
There is a negative as well as an affirmative con-
jugation, in which the tenses and persons are also dis-

tinguished by prefixes.
The various prefixes form in pronunciation o?^ word
with the verb, and when taken to pieces denote its

person, number, tense, mood, subject, and object.

Ameliramhia = A-mekw-amhia = He-has-you-tell = He has told
Wdliponipenda = Wa-ll-po-ni-penda = They-did-when-me-love
= When they loved inc.
Nitdkachokupa = Ni-taka-cho-ku-pa = I-shall-wbich-you-give-to
= Which I shall give to you.

Ningalimicona — Xi-it<i<ili-iuw-ona = I-shuuld-have-him-see = I

should have seen him.

The syllables used as prefixes have not the same

meaning standing separately as they have when com-
bined with the verb in their proper order; for this
reason, therefore, as well as to show the proper pro-
nunciation, they with the verb must all be written as
one word.
Lists of the several prefixes will be found at the end
of the preliminary observations to the second
part of
this handbook (p. 237). The personal prefixes will be
found described under Pronouns (p. 104), and seen
arranged under their appropriate classes of Substantives
in the Table of Concords, p. 82.

Indefinite Tenses.

Customary actions are expressed by prefixing hu-
to the verb. In this form there is no distinction of
number, person, or time.
Hu-enda, one goes, they go, everybody goes, he used to go.

Hu-penda, one likes, they like, one would like.

2. The relative may be joined with the verb without
any sign of time. The personal prefix only is put
before the verb, and the relative sign suffixed to it.
VERBS. 127

Sing. Class I. Ni-penda-ye, [I] who love.

U-penda-ye, [thou] who lovest.
A-penda-ye, [he] who loves.
„ II. U-angul:a-o, which falls.

„ III. 1-anguka-yo,
„ IV, Ki-anguka-cho,
„ V. Li-anguka-lo,
„ VI. U-anguka-o,
„ VII. P-anguka-po, where falls.

„ VIII. Kw-anguka-ko, whither falls.

Plur. „ I. Tu-penda-o, [we] who love.

M-penda-o, [you] who love.
Wa-penda-o, [they] who love.
M II. I-anguka-yo, or, Y-anguka-yo, which fall.

„ III. Zi-anguka-zo,
„ TV. Vy-anguka-vyo,
„ V. Y-anguka-yo,
„ VI. Zi-anguka-zo,

The relative may represent the object of the verb,

but in that case the objective sign (pp. 105-6) ought to
be inserted between the personal prefix and the verb.

Class I. Ni-m-penda-ye, [he or she] whom I love.

Ni-ku-penda-ye, [thou] „ ,, „
Ni-wa-penda-o, [you or they] ,, „ „
Sing. „ II. Ni-u-penda-o [it] which I love.

„ III. Ni-i-penda-yo,

„ IV. Ni-ki-penda-cho,
„ V. Ni-li-penda-lo,
„ VI. Ni-u-penda-o,
„ VII. Ni-pa-penda-po,
„ VIII. Ni-ku-penda-ko,
Plur. „ II. Ni-i-penda-yo, [those] which I love.
„ III. Ni-zi-penda-zo,

„ TV. Ni-vi-penda-ryo,
„ V. Ni-ija-penda-yo,
„ VI. Ni-zi-penda-zo,

3. The negative form, expressing Who. or which dies

L28 SWAHILI HAND BOOK. is made by the personal prefix, tho syllable -ei-

[not] and the relative sign, followed by the verb.

Sing. Class I.
Nisi-ye^penda, [I] who love not.

U-si-ye-penda, [thou] who love.>t not.

A-si-ye-penda, [he or she] who loves not

„ II. U-si-o-anguka, which falls not.
,, Isi-yo-angulca,
„ IV. Kisi-cho-anguka,
,, V. TA-si-lo-anguka,
„ VI. Usi-o-anguka,
„ VII. Pasi-po-anguJca, where falls not.
Kusi-ho-anguka, whither fulls Dot,
Musi-mo-anguka, wherein falls not.

Plur. „ I. Tu-n-o-penda, [we] who love not.

M-si-o-penda, [you].
(i-si-O-penda, [they].

„ II.
T-si-yo-anguka, which fall not.

„ III. Zisi-zo-anguka,
„ 1 \".
,, V. Ya-si-yo-anguka,
„ VI. Zisi-zo-anguka.

Where the relative is the object of the verb, it is

expressed as in the affirmative tenses, by the form of

the relative particle and the insertion of the objective

Nisi-zo-zi-penda, which I do not like.

This negative tense may be applied with equal pro-

priety to past, present, or future time, amounting in

a negative of the relation at the time and under
effect to

the circumstances implied in the context.

The application of the relative to the definite affir-

mative tenses is explained under Pronouns (p. 119).

The difference between —which I like — and — I who
like it — is to be found in the form of the relative
VERBS. 129

[Nyumba] nili-yo-ipenda, [the house] which I liked.

nili-ye-ipenda, I who liked it

\Kitu] nUi-cho-Mpenda, [the thing] which I liked.

nili-ye-kipenda, I who liked it.

Definite Tenses.

The important part of each tense is the tense prefix*

It preceded by the jperson al sign of the subject, and

may be followed directly by the verb. If any signs of

relation are used they are suffixed to the tense prefix,
and the objective prefix (if any) must always imme-
diately precede the verb: The tense prefix is the same
for all persons and both numbers. The personal prefix
isthe same for all tenses, except the slight changes

dependent upon the question whether the first letter of

the tense prefix is a vowel or not.
In order therefore to construct the proper form of
verb, it is necessary first to ascertain the proper personal

prefix,next the proper tense prefix, then the particles

of relation and objective prefix, if they are required,
and then to finish with the verb. Thus, to say, house A
has fallen down. A house
nyumba, a word of the third

class the proper personal prefix for a singular noun of


the third class is -i, the tense prefix for the present

perfect is -me-, the verb to fall is hu -

anguka (the hu-
being the sign of the infinitive : we have therefore —
Nyumba imeanguka = a house has fallen down.

If we wished to say, Six houses have fallen down ; we

find thatnyumba being of the third class keeps the same
form in the plural sita is six, and must follow its noun
; ;

the subjective prefix proper to plural nouns in the third

class is 21- ; the tense prefix and the verb remain the

Nyumba sita zimeanguTca, six houses have fallen down.

To take one more complicated example, I saw the

knife, which you gave him. The personal prefix for
the first person is ni- or n-, the tense prefix of the past
is -ali-, to see is ku-ona, knife is hisu, a substantive
of the fourth class.As some particular knife is intended
we must use the objective prefix, and that for a singular
substantive of the fourth class is -hi-. As the tense

prefix begins with a vowel we must use the personal

prefix which ends in a consonant.We have therefore —
Nalikiona Icisu = I saw the knife.

Which you gave him.' The relative referring to a

singular noun of the fourth class is -cho-. It must

fi 'How the tense prefix, which is -ali-, as before, for the

past perfect. The sign of the second person singular

is u-or w- the verb, to give to, is Jcu-jpa. The object

of the verb is him, the objective prefix for nouns of the

first class is -mu- or -m-. Putting these together we
Which you gave him, ivalichompa.

And the whole sentence,

I saw the knife which you gave him, nalikiona Mm walichompa.

It must not be forgotten that hu- and pa- may be

used for there in an impersonal sense.

Kulikuwa or VaXikvma, there was or there were.


apiga, ifc, and tl.erc btruck,

VERBS. 131

Indicative Tenses. —Present.

There are in the language of Zanzibar two Presents,
one Indefinite and one Imperfect.
1. The Indefinite Present answers to our common
English present, I come, I love, &c. It is made by
prefixing -a- to the verb.
N- ( I love.
W- Thou lovest.
He or she
W-, Y-, Ch-, L-, W-, P-, Kw- loves.
a-penda \
Tw- It loves.
Mw- We love.
W- You love.
Y-, Z-, Vy, Y-, Z- They love.
2. The Present Imperfect answers to our tense with
am, I am
coming, I am loving, &c. It is made by pre-
fixing -na- to the verb.
m- I am
u- Thou art
A-j U-, I-, Ki-, Li-, U~ He, she,
Pa-, Ku- *

na-penda \ or it is

Tu- We are
'M- You are
Wa-, I-, Zi-, Vi-, Ya-, Zi- They are
In the first person the ni- is often contracted into 'n-,

and sometimes altogether omitted. This tense used

after another verb may be translated by an English
present participle.
Namwona, or Nalimwona anahuja, I see him, or, I saw h5m

In the dialect of Mombas this -na- tense is used of

past time. In Zanzibar it is the more usual form of
the present.
K 2

Present Perfect.
The Present Perfect is ruado by the prefix -me- : it

denotes an action complete at the time of speaking, and

therefore answers to the English tense with have.

VERBS. 133

participle, signifying a state arrived at at the

time of

speaking or at the time referred to.

Yu hayi ao amekufa ? Is he alive or dead ?

Zalikuwa zimepotea, they were lost

In this sense it may "be used to form compound tenses,

somewhat as the past participle is in English.
In some dialects of Swahili the prefix is pronounced
-ma- rather than -me-. See the end of Appendix II.

Past Perfect.

The Past Perfect tense is made by the prefix -li- or

-ali- denotes an action complete in past time. It
: it

must sometimes be translated in English by the tense

with had, but more commonly it represents the indefinite
past, which usually ends in -ed.
N- }

continuous one, the syllable -hi- may be inserted after

the tenso prefix.

N-nJi-hi-mpevda, I loved him [not once but continuously].

W-ali-papi ndana, when they loved one another.
W-ali-po-ki-pendana, while they loved one another.

Narrative Past.

In telling a story it is usual to begin with one verb

in the -li- tense, and then to put all that follow in a
tense made by the prefix -ha-. This tense includes in
power of the conjunction and. It can never
itself the

properly stand at the beginning of a narrative, but no

other past tense can properly be used for any verb

except the first. It may occasionally be used after

another verb, where the time being indefinite would
in English be represented by a present.

VERBS. !*'

The Future Tense is made by the prefix -ta-.

) love.

atakaporudi nitamlipia. "Where it is the fact and net

the time, person, or thing, that is the important element
of the idea, it is better not to use the particles of rela-
\ but to employ the -hi- tense, which see.

Conditional Tenses.

There are four tenses which may be called Con-

ditional. The first, made with -Jci-, expresses a state of
tilings as supposed to be existing. The second, made
with -jajpo-,expresses a state of things supposed as
m ssible. The other two refer to contingencies one of ;

them, made with -nge-- or -nga-, expresses what would

now be happening, and the contingency on which it
would depend regarded as existing the other, made ;

with what would have happened, and

-ngali-, expresses
the contingency on which it would have depended

regarded as no longer existing.

Actual Conditional or Participial Tense.

This tense is made with the prefix -hi-, and may be

translated by the English present participle, or by as,

if, when,though, or any other words by which

the idea of a state of things can be introduced and con-
ted with the rest of the sentence.

VERBS. 137

The prefix Nilci- may "be contracted into Hi-.

Hifnkuza - Nikifukuza = As I was driving.

Viewed as a present participle, the -M- tense can be

nsed to form compound tenses, especially a past im-

Alikuwa dkiogolea, he was swimming about.

The following are a few examples of the use of this

tense :

Nitafurahi nikikuona, [seeing you I shall rejoice] I shall be
glad to see you.
Akija Abdullah micambia, [Abdallah coming, tell him] Tell
Abdallah when he comes.

Nikiioa nacho, [I having it] If I have it when I have it if I —
should have it —in case of my having —since I have
it it.

Alipotea dkizunguka kwa siku mbili, [He was lost wandering

for two days] He lost his way and wandered about for two
Majivuno yakiwa mengi, [Puffings up being many] Much self-


Cpepo ukiwa moto hutanua, [Air being hot] Air expands when
it becomes heated.

Akisema kweli, hasadikiwi, [Telling the truth, he is not believed]

If he should tell the truth, he would not be believed.

In this instance the use of the -lei- tense and of the

negative present are both remarkable. It will be seen,

however, upon examination, that there is no real con-
tingency in such a sentence as this. It affirms a fact
in a state of things, not a contingency upon a supposed
state of things ; it is not his telling the truth which

prevents his being believed.

A corresponding past tense may be made by the -K-
tense with the relative particle -po-.

Walipxrpenda, when they loved, being that they then leved.


Possible Conditional.

This tense is made by the

prefix -japcr-, and puts a
case ; generally implies that the case is an extreme

or unlikely one. It may be translated by even if.

Ni- -\

u- a
A. thou
U-, I-, Kir-
he or she
Li-, Pa-, Ku- \japo-penda, even if \ i* > love.
Tu- we
M- you
Wa- Vthey
I-, Zi-, Ft-, Ta-
The prefix seems to be formed from hija, to come,
and -po, the particle denoting when or where ; so that

ujapo may be translated, "When you come, and so with

the other persons ; this will give the force of the tense.

Wajctpoliupiga, when they come to beating you, i.e., even if

they beat yon.

Japo with the personal signs may be used alone in

the sense of even if. —
Ujapo huhioni, even if you do not see it.

Present Contingent.
This tense is formed by the prefix -nge- or -nga-, and
puts a condition and its results as present. It necessarily
implies that neither are in existence.
I should, or if I did
Thou wouldest, or if thou
He, she, or it would, or if
he, she, or it did
We should, or if we di<l
You would, or if you did
They would, or if they did
VERBS. 139

The -nga- form is used with monosyllabic verbs

angawa —though he be, or he would be.
The two branches of the contingency cannot in
English be represented by the same tense, as they are
in Swahili. The pair would stand in English, (1) If I
did— (2) I should, &c. (1) If it were— (2) it would
be, &c. Or they might stand, (1) Though I did —
(2) yet I should, &c.
The second branch is sometimes represented in

English by a past tense ; sometimes both are.

Kama ungekuica na dkili, mali yako ungedumu nayo, [If vou
were with wits, your property you would continue with
If you were a man of understanding, your property would
be (or would have been) yours still.

Past Contingent.
This tense is made with the
prefix -ngali-. It sup-
poses something at a past time, and concludes that
something else would then have happened, also at a

past time. It represents the English —If this had

happened, that would have happened. It supposes that
neither condition nor contingency did ever in fact
occur. In English a past tense is often used to
a present contingency, but the Swahili seem to dis-

tinguish them more carefully.

Had I, or I should have
Ni- Hadst thou, or thou
U- wouldest have
A- Had he, she, or it, or he,
U-. I; Ki- she, or it would have
Li-, Pa-, Kw- ngali-penda (
Had we, or we should \ loved.
Tu- have
Jii- Had you, or you would
Wa- have
I-,Zi-, Vi-, Ya-. Had they, or they would
There always an accent on the personal prefix and

none on the tense prefix, thus ungalikuja, angaliona, &c.

Kama ungalikuwapo hapa, ndugu yangu arujalipona, If you
bad been bere, my brotber would bavo got well

The Imperative.
It hasbeen mentioned above that the simplest form
of the verb may be used for the Imperative as in

English. The final letter of verbs in -a is frequently

changed into e-. The plural is made by adding -ni.

Penda, or Pende, love thou. Pendant, or Pendeni, love ye.

Twaa, or Twae, take thou. Twaani, or Twaeni, take ye.
Sifu, praise thou. Sifuni, praise ye.
Fikiri, consider thou. Fikirini, consider ye.

The form ending in -e is the more commonly used in

Zanzibar. The other persons are supplied by the use
of the Subjunctive.
Ka- may be prefixed to the Imperative to connect it

with a preceding verb.

Kajificheni, and bide yourselves.

The Subjunctive.

The Subjunctive is made by prefixing the personal

6ign, and when the verb ends in -a changing that
letter into -e. It may be translated into a variety of

English forms. It may be used as an imperative or

jussive, and is the only form that can be so used in the
first and third persons.
Nipende, let me love.

When used with an interrogative it may be translated

— —
am I to is he to, &c.
Nifanyejet What am 1 to do ?
VERBS. 141

It is the proper form to express purpose or object — that

I may, &c. —and must be used in many cases where in
English the infinitive is employed.

Mwambie ahusayidie, tell him to help you, or speak to him

that he may help you.

"Where no purpose is implied the infinitive is used as

in English.
I want to sleep, nataka kulala.

The force of the conjunction and may be expressed

by inserting -ha- after the personal prefix. And is used
in English in many cases where the second action is
more or less the object with which the first is to be
done, as in —
try and find, &c. In such cases -Tea- must
not be used, but only the subjunctive in its simple
A; TJ-, I-

Ki-, Li-, Pa-

The -M- becomes -to- before a, e, and t, and often
disappears before o.

Kw-amhia, to tolL
Kw-enda, to go.
Kw-isha, to finish.

K-oga, to bathe.

The Infinitive may always be used to express the

action denoted by the verb.

Kicenda, going.
Kufa, dying.
Kupendana, mutual loving.

[There are two idiomatic uses of the Infinitive Mood,

which are common, and may be mentioned here, the
one a logical, the other a grammatical, contrivance.
Any finite form of a verb may be preceded by the
infinitive of the same verb, the effect being rather to

particularize and give prominence to the idea conveyed

by the verb, than to emphasize the mode of an action.
Thus kufa utalcufa, as to dying, you will die. Dying,
that is what will happen to you. Not, you will
certainly die.
Again, when any finite form of the verb, and espe-
cially along form, would be closely followed by another
verb in the same form, connected with the former verb

by (at most) the simple copula na,' the second verb

may be put in the infinitive mood. By this device the
cumbrous repetition of a series of personal and other

prefixes in a number of successive verbs is neatly

Thus, anayeabudiica na leutuhuzwa," for anayetukuzica,
" who is worshipped and glorified."
— A. C. M.J
VERBS. 143


There are properly no Participles in Swahili. The

present participle in -ing may be represented by
-ana- tense of an incomplete action, by the -ki- tense
of a state of continued action, or by the use of the
The man sitting yonder, mtu akaaye kule.

The past participle may be represented by the -me-

tense of a completed action, or by the relative when
used adjectivally.
Nimekiona kisu kilichopotea, I have found the lost knife.

The Negative Conjugation.

All Swahili verbs may be employed with negative
prefixes to denote the reverse of their affirmative

meaning. It must be observed that the negative forms

do not simply deny the affirmative forms but rather
reverse them.
Napenda kwenda, I like going.
Nataka kwenda, I want to go.
Sipendi kwenda, I dislike going,
Sitaki kwenda, I want not to go.

In English I do not want is not so strong as I do not

like,but in Swahili sitaki is stronger than sipendi.
The negative tenses are formed by negative personal
prefixes, which, except in the first person singular, are
made from the affirmative forms by prefixing ha-.
For the negative
'o combined with the relative, see

p. 120.
IU S WAI1ILI II. I xnuooK.

Negative Present.
In tin's tense verbs ending in -a change that letter
into -i ; other final letters remain unchanged.
Jlu- I
IIa-, ILni-, IJ<ii-
Haki-, Hali-, llapa-
Haku- pendi


Haica-, Eai-, Hazi-

Huri-, llti>/a-
This tense is a more general negative than the
English do not tense. It is used for both past and
future wherever the negative depends upon some cause
which is not affected by the time referred to.
The -i of si- in this and other tenses often disappears
before a vowel.
Sogojji, I do not fear.
VERBS. 145

The not yet Tense.

There a negative tense made by the use of the


negative prefixes followed by -ja-, which is a sort of

negative present perfect, denying the action up to the
time of speaking.
Si- -\

Hu~ (I
Ha-, Hau-, Hai- Thou
Haki-, Halt- He or she
Hapa-, Baku- )ja-penda
Xt have not yet loved.
Hatu- We
Ham- You
Hawa-, Hai-, Hazi- They
Havi-, Haya-

The word bado is often used with this tense where

it is intended rather to imply that what has not yet
happened will some day come to pass.
Hajaja, he not yet come, he is not come even now.

Hajaja bado, he is not come, at least not yet.

The -a- of -ja- coalesces with i and e into a long -e-

Hajesha = Hajaisha = He has not yet finished.

Negative Future.
The negative future is made from the affirmative
by merely using negative instead of affirmative

personal prefixes.
Hu- I shall not
Ha-, Hau-, Hai- Thou wilt not
Haki-, Hali- He, she, or it

Hapa-, Haku-

ta-penda > will not love.

Hatu- "We shall not
Ham- You will not
Hawa-, Hai-, Hazi- They will not
Havi-, Haya-

Condition ll Tenses.
The case of not being or not doing is put by a tenue
med by the affirmative prefixes followed by sipo-;
may be translated by the present participle with a
by as, if, when, though, since, or any other
negative, or
word by which the case of not being, having, or doing.,
may be introduced.
A-, U-, I-, Ki-
He or she
IA-, Pa-, Ku-
sipo-penda i It i

not loving.
Wa-, I-, Zi-, Vi-
Ya They

This tense may be also used to translate an English

affirmative preceded by except or unless.
Asipojua, unless he knows.
Asipokuwa Abdullah, except Abdallah.

Contingent Tenses.
The negative contingent tenses, present and past,
are made from the affirmative forms by merely using

negative instead of affirmative personal prefixes.

Did I or I should "^
Didst thou or Thou
Did lie, she, or it,
Ha-. Umi-, TJai-
or He, she, or it
Haki-, Hali-
not love.
Hapa-, Haku- l vae-penda Did we or We
Did you or you
TTavm-, flai-, llizi-
llavi-, Haya- Did they or They
. would
VERBS. 147

Had I or I should
Si- Hadst thou or Thou
Hu- wouldest have
Ea-, Hau-, Hai- Had he, she, or it,
Hoiki-, Hali-
or He, she, or it

Hapa-, Hahtir would have not loved.

Hatu- ngali-penda\
Had we or We should
Ham- have
Hawa-, Hai- Had you or You
Hazi-, Havi- would have
Haya- Had they or They
would have

Negative Imperative.

The negative imperative is made by the use of si

(not), with the affirmative forms.

Si penda, love not. Si pendent, love ye not.
Si sifu, praise not. Si sifuni, praise ye not

The negative subjunctive is more often used in this

sense than the imperative form.

Negative Subjunctive.

The negative subjunctive is made from the affirma-

tive form by inserting -si- between the affirmative

personal prefix and the verb.

U- I may
A-, U-, I- thou mayest
, Ki-, Li-, he, she, or
Pa-, Ku- si-pende, That it may not love.

Tu- we may
M- you may
Wa-, I-, Zi- they may
Vi-, Ya-

L 2
The -t of si- often disappears before a vowel.

asende, that he may not go.

The negative subjunctive may be Englished in

^, vera! different ways. Itmay be used as above of a

purpose not to do, or it may be used of a purpose to do
which fails.

Akamtafuta <i*imwone, he looked for him, but did not see him
or, without seeing him.

This form is commonly used for the negative


Nisende, let me not go. Usende, don't go.

A form of subjunctive connected with the not yet

tense is made by the use of -sije- with the affirmative

Ni- i
VERBS. 149

Negative Infinitive.

The negative infinitive is made by the use of kutoa

(to put out), often contracted into huto- and used as a


Kutoa kupenda, or Kutopenda, not to love, or not loving, to

dislike, or disliking.

The Passive Voice.

The Passive is made from the Active by merely

inserting -w- before the final vowel.

Napenda, I love. Napendwa, Iam loved.

Sipendi, I do not love. Sipendwi, I am not loved.
Nimependa, I have loved. Nimependwa, I have been loved.

Kupenda, to love. Kupendwa, to be loved.

Verbs ending in two vowels often use the passive of

their applied form. See pp. 151, 161.

The Passive is used in a sort of impersonal way to
denote what is intended to be done.

Maji yamekwenda kutetwa, some one has gone to get water.

Pesa zimekwenda kuvunjwa, some one has gone to get pice in

exchange for silver.

Auxiliary and Irregular Verbs.

As the Auxiliary verbs are mostly also irregular, it

will be best to speak of their irregularities first, and
afterwards of their use in making compound tenses.

Monosyllabic verbs and most dissyllabic words be-

ginning with a vowel, retain the hu- of the infinitive
in those tenses in which the tense prefix ends in a
Liable in< a pal tie of bearing the accent. These tense

prefixes are -na-, -ame-, -ali-, -/a-, -japo-, -nge-, -ngali-,

and sije-. The other prefixes, -a-, -7<:a-, -fl»-, -n#a-, -hi-,

-ja-. -si-,
are capable of bearing the accent, and the ku-
is not retained when they are used. The personal
us, both subjective and objective, can bear the

accent, the relative signs cannot.

Thus, from kuja, to conic, we have :

Naja, I come. Nindkuja, I am coming.
Nilcaja, and I came. Nimekuja, I have coine.
Nikija, I coming. Nalikuja, I came.
8iji, I come not. Nitakuja, I shall come.
Sikuja, I did not come. Nijapokuja, even if I come.
Sijaja, I am not yet come. Ningekuja, I should come.
Nitijt , let me not come. Ningalikuja, I should have come.
Ni8ijekuja, before I come.
Nije, let me not come. Nisipokuja, when I come not.

Ajaye, he who comes. Aliyekuja, he who came.

Nijaye, I who come.

It is shown that this irregularity depends upon the

power of certain syllables to support the accent by

the changes which occur when an objective prefix is
Amekula, he has eaten.
Ame'mla, he has eaten him.

The verblcnpa, to give to, is peculiar in always re-

an objective prefix, and therefore never having
occasion to be irregular.
With dissyllables b"ginning with a vowel it is gene-
rally indifferent whether the hu- is retained or not.

Arnekwisha or Ameisha, he has finished.

Amekwanza or Ameanza, he ha.~ begun.
VERBS. 151

Many verts occur with or without a w-, which seems

to be a relic of the -ku-.
Kuiva or Kuwiva, to ripen.
Kuaza or Kuicaza, to consider.

The word kuja, to come, stands

alone in having an
irregular imperative.
Njoo, come. Njooni, come ye.

Monosyllabic verbs and some dissyllables

make their
passives in a more or less irregular way. The follow-
ing is a list of the monosyllabic verbs with their

passives :

Kucha, to fear. Kuchica, to be feared.
Kula, to eat. Kuliwa, to be eaten.
Kunywa, to drink. Kunywewa, to be drunk.
Kupawa or Kupewa, to receive.
Kupa, to give to.
Kucha is used in the dialect of Lamoo for to fear, the

word used at Zanzibar being kuogopa. Kucha means

at Zanzibar to rise (of the sun), and kuchwa (or, in the
dialect of Mombas, kutwd) means to set. The other
monosyllabic verbs, hufa, to die, kuja, to come, kunya,
to fall like rain, kuwa, to be, being neuters, do not
make a passive.
Two dissyllabic verbs make their passive by merely
adding -wa to the active form.
Kuua, to kill. Kuuawa, to be killed.
Kufua, to beat. Kufuawa, to be beaten.

Verbs ending in two vowels often insert an -I- in

making their passive. See under Applied Forms, pp.
Kuzaa, to bear. Kuzaica or Kuzaliwa, to be born
Kukomboa, to ransom. Kukombolewa, to be ransomed.
Kufungua, to open. Eufunguliwa, to be opened.
152 S M\ 1ITLI
The origin of tins use lies probably in the difficulty
pronouncing distinctly the regular passive forms.
Verbs ending in -c make their passive in -ewa.

Kusamehe, to pardon. Kusameh wa, to be pardoned.

Verbs ending in -i make their passives in -iwa.

Kuhiri, to confess. Kuhiriwa, to be confessed.

Verbs in -u generally make their passive in -iwa.

Kuharibu, to destroy. Euharibiwa, to be destroyed.

Where the -u is preceded by a vowel the passive is

made in -idiica.
Kusahau, to forget. Kusahauliwa, to be forgotten.

The verb has several peculiarities. The

kuica, to be,
Present tense is very seldom used in its regular form.
For the Present tense ni (or, in the negative, si) may
be used for all persons and both numbers, or the per-
sonal prefix appropriate to the subject of the verb may
st md alone. Ni
apparently preferred where being

is the important part of the idea the personal prefix ;

is used where the being of that particular thing is

intended specially to be noticed. Yu (not A) is used
for he or she is.

Si Jewell, ni kusifu tu, it is not true, it is

only flattery.
ZVi f'iri'iri, we are ready.

When joined with a relative the regular form has

the meaning of who may be.

Awaye yote, whoever it be.

Where no stress is intended to be laid on the being,

the verb to be, when joined with a relative pronoun, is
VERBS. 153

represented by See Relatives, p. 118.

the syllable -U-.

Li is used, though but rarely, with the personal signs

to form a tense with the meaning

continuing to be.
A narative past is also formed with it in the sense of —
I have continued to be.
Nili halt ya kuwa juu yoke, I being on his back.
Nikali nikipotea, and I go on wandering.

In many cases where the verb to be is used in English

merely to connect the parts of the sentence it is in
Swahili omitted altogether.
Kica nini weye kutoa kuonekana hizi siku nyingi? why [have]
you [been] invisible, i.e., Why have you kept out of sight so
Yupi mkuu wao? who [is] their chief?
Nyama ya kifaro ngumu rrrno, rhinoceros meat [is] very tough.
The Present Perfect has the meaning of has become.

Manenoye yamekuwa uwongo, his words are become false.

The Past Perfect must be used to translate was and

Nilipokuwa Sultani, when I was Sultan.

The English has or have been must be translated by

a present.

Nipo hapa siku nyingi, I have been here many days.

The Imperative is used with an i


Iwe, be thou. Iweni, be ye.*

In the negative present and with relatives si is used

as ni and -li- are in the affirmative tense. The regular
forms are also used, though but rarely.

* The subjunctive forms uwe, mwe are commonly preferred in

Zanzibar.— A. C. M.
The verb be is used in English sometimes to

denote existence viewed as an ultimato fact, sometimes

to denote existence in place and time, sometimes to
d.'imtr \istence as the possessor of certain qualities,

or the doer or sufferer of certain acts. In Swahili these

three uses are distinguished by the employment of
di lie rent forms.

The simple form of the verb is used only to denote

existence as the possessor of qualities, or the doer or
sufferer of acts.

Existence merely in place and time, whether the

place and time are in English expressed or no, is

denoted in Swahili by the addition to the verb of -po,
-mo, or -ho, as the case may be. See Eelatives, p. 120.

He is at my house, Yulto kwangu.

He is here, Yupo hapa.
He is in the house, Yumo nyumhani.
When he was here, AHpokuwapo hapa.
Where are they ? Ziko wapit

Existence viewed as a feet in itself is denoted by the

addition of na to the vorb, being the same form as is

used for the verbAto have. Na

joined to the personal

prefixes to makeWie present tense, in all other tenses

it is treated as aRparate word, and has generally the

appropriate relative sign suffixed to it.

Kiina mtu, there is a man.

Kidikuwa na mtu, there was a man.
Zinazo, they are.
Zilikwwa nazo, they were.

In Swahili there is properly no verb to have. They

ploy for it huwa na, to be with.
VERBS. 155

Nina, I have.
Nalikuwa na, I had.
Nitakuwa na, I shall have.
Niwe na, that I may have.

Where the objective prefix would be used with an

ordinary verb, the appropriate relative particle must

be suffixed to the na as well as to the tense prefix.

Ninazo, I have them.

Aliyekuwa nazo, who had them.
Alizohuwa nazo, which he had.

Auxiliary Verbs.
The Verbs used as Auxiliaries are, Jcuwa, to be, Jcutoa,
to take out, kuja, to come, hwisha, to come to an end.
Can is represented by the appropriate tenses of

Jcuweza, to be able. Must is expressed by sharti, of

necessity, or by the negative tenses of Jcuwa na buddi,

to have an escape from.
Sina buddi, I must.
Asiwe na buddi, that he may be obliged.

After Jcuwa na buddi either the infinitive or subjunc-

tive may be employed.
OugJitmay be represented by the tenses of Jcupasa, to
concern, or, to come to concern. Should is expressed
in the same way when it implies obligation, and by the
contingent tenses when it expresses a contingency.
Imenipasa hwenda, it concerns me to go, i.e., I ought to go.
Imenipasa nisende, it concerns me that I go not, i.e., I ought not
to go.

Kupasa is also used as follows :

Haikunipasa mimi, it is no business of mine.
Imekupasani ? What have you to do with it ?
Amenipasa mimi, he is a connection of mine.

May and might may be represented by Tcnweza where

they imply power, by halali, lawful, where they imply

lawfulness, and by the subjunctive where they imply a
The use of Jcuja as an auxiliary has been mentioned
under the -japo-, -ja-, and -sije- tenses, pp. 138, 145, Ids.
Kutoa used to convey a negation in cases where

the regular negative tenses cannot conveniently be

\Yith the infinitive it is
frequently contracted into
-to-, and used as a mere formative.

Kutoa kuja, or Kutohuja, not to come.

Kutoa hup* nila, or Kutopenda, not to love.

The meaning of these negative infinitives may be

given as, putting out coming, barring coming, coming
not happening. A transitive form may be made by the
use of kutosha, to make to go out.

Kutosha kumwuliza, to exclude asking him.

In many cases kutoa may be translated by, to forbear,

or, to neglect.

Ametoa kuja, he has neglected coming, he has not come.

Nikitoa kuja, if I forbear from coming, or, so do not
long as I

The negative tenses do not furnish a true present

perfect.The past, hakuja, is, he did not come the ;

present, haji, implies rather that he never will, that

coming is not to be predicated of him at all. The
difference between nisipokuja and nikitoa kuja is repre-
sented in English by that between, if I come not, and,
while I come not. In all cases the use of toa connects

the negation with the tense only ; the negative tenses

imply that the opposite of the verb might be affirmed.

Kwisha may often be translated by already.
Amekwisha kuja, he has already come.
Nimekwisha hula, I have done eating.

It is used to strengthen the present perfect, convey-

ing the meaning that something is not merely done,

but fully done and over.
A somewhat similar effect is produced on the present
by using katika kwisha.

Ni katika kwisha kula, I am finishing eating, I am just leaving

off, I have very nearly done.

Kuwa, to he, is used in Swahili very much as it is in

English, the -ki- and -me- tenses of the principal verb

being used as present and past participles.
Nili nikienda, I continuing to be going.
Nikali nikienda, and I am still going.
Nikiwa nikienda, I being going, while going.
Nikiwa nimekwenda, I being gone, having gone.
Nikiwa nimekwisha kwenda, having already gone-
Nalikuwa nikienda, I was going.
Nalikuwa nimekwenda, I was gone, I had gone.
Nalikuwa nimekwisha kwenda, I had already gone.
Nitakuwa nikienda, I shall be in the act of going.
Nitakuioa nimekwenda, I shall be gone.
Nitakuwa nimekwisha kwenda, I shall have already gone.
Nitakuwa niliokwenda, I shall be who has gone, I shall have
gone, I shall have gone to or been at.

Kuwa na, to have, is not used as an auxiliary.

Derivative Verbs.
There are four derivative forms which may be con-
structed out of any Swahili verb, where in English
we must use either another verb or some compound
1. "What may he called the applied form is used in
cases where in English a preposition would he em-
ployed to connect the verb with its object. By the use
of this form verbs which have things for their objects

may be made to apply to persons.

This form made by inserting i or e before the final

-a of the I is used when the vowel of the

simple verb.
preceding syllable is a, i, or u. E is used when the
vowel of the preceding syllable is e or o.

Kufanya, to make. Kufanyia, to make for.

Kuleta, to bring. Kuletea, to bring for.

Kusilcitika, to be sorry. Kuxikitikia, to be sorry for, to pity

Kuolca, to bake. Kuohea, to bake for.
Kuanguha, to fall down. Kuangukia, to fall down to.

Where the simple verb ends in two vowels the sup-

pressed I
appears in the applied form.

h'uzaa, to bear. Kuzalia, to bear to.

Kukwea, to climb. Kukwelea, to climb for.

Kusikia, to hear. KusiJcilia, to listen to.

Kukarrdioa, to redeem. Kulcombolea, to redeem for.

Kununua, to buy. Kununulia, to buy for.

The following is a list of the monosyllabic verbs

with their applied forms :

Kucha, to fear. Kuchdea, to fear for.

Kufa, to die. Kufia, to die to.

Kuja, to come. Kujia, to come to.

Kula, to eat. Kulia, to eat with.

Kunya, to fill (like rain). Kunyea, to fall upon.
Kunywa, to drink. Kunywea, to drink with.
Kuwa, to be. Kuwia, to be to.
Kuza, to sell, makes Kuliza, to sell to.
VERBS. 159

Kupa, to give to, having already an applied meaning,

has no applied form. There is a difficulty in expressing
what would have been the meaning of the simple form.
Kutoa is used for to give, in the sense of parting with.
Such expressions as, which was given you, must be
rendered by a change of person —
uliopewa, which you
had given to you, which you received. "Which he

gave me, is very commonly rendered niliopewa naye.

Verbs ending in -i and -u make their applied forms
in -ia.

Kufasiri, to explain. Kufasiria, to explain to.

Kuharibu, to destroy. Kuharibia, to destroy for.

The great paucity of prepositions in Swahili brings

the applied forms of verbs into constant use. The

only difficulty in their application lies in the exact

discrimination of the meaning of the simple word.

Many Swahili verbs imply in their simple form what

can only be expressed in English by the use of a pre-

position. Whenever a really good dictionary shall have

been compiled it will supply all the necessary informa-
tion. The applied form may be rendered by inserting
any preposition which will suit the context. Thus,
kushuhudia is, to bear witness about, for, or against, as

the case may be, and kunenea, which means to speak

about, may have to be translated by, to recommend, or

to decry, to scold, or to describe. The simple word
nena has in itself the force of to mention, so that it is
not necessary to use the applied form as a translation
of to speak of, where it means no more than to
Sometimes the shape of the word will be a useful

reminder to foreigners of its exact meaning thus, :

which may be roughly translated to lose, is in

the Bhape of an applied form, and really is one, its
exact meaning being, to become lost to. If, therefore,
we want to say, I have lost my knife, the construction
must be alii red iuto, my knife has become lost to me
( hisu changu kimenipotea), the subject and object having
to change places.
in English a preposition connected with tho

verb can stand by itself at the end of the sentence, the

applied form must be used in Swahili.
A knife to cut with, hisu rhn hukatia.
Stones to grind wheat with, vmn-c y<>. knmrjia ngann.
A place to come out at, mdhdli pa hutokea.
A bag to put money in, mfuko wa kid ilia fetha.

In these sentences the use of the possessive particle

English to, denoting a purpose or employ-
-a for the

ment, must be observed and remembered. This particle

turns what follows into a sort of adjective in this, as
in all other cases in which it is followed by a word
which capable of denoting a quality. It is somewhat

like the English expressions, a man of sense, a building

of great solidity, dc.

"When an applied form is followed by mbali it conveys
the idea that as a consequence of the action denoted by
the simple verb something is put out of the way, or
got rid of.

Afih, or Afie mhali, that, he may <lic out of our way.

Twrwuoxdie mbali, let us kill him and done with it.
Potelea mbali, perish out of my way = go and he hanged.

The passive of the applied form has a meaning which

VERBS. 161

it requires some attention to remember and apply

rightly, though it is strictly according to the rule that
the object of the active becomes the subject of the

passive voice.

Kuletea, to bring to. Kuleteica, to have brought to one.

Kufanyia, to make for. Kufanyiwa, to have made for one.

It is often difficult in English to express this passive

without using an altogether different word. What
suggests itself at first to an English ear, that the
passive of to bring to would be to be brought to, is wrong,
and must be carefully avoided. Sometimes a change
of prepositions will suffice to render the passive cor-

rectly hupa may be translated to present to, and then


hupewa is not to be presented to, but to be presented with.

Passives made in -liwa and -lewa are used as the

passives of both the simple and the applied form.

Kufunguliwa may be used as the passive of kufungua,

meaning, to be unfastened, or as the passive of kufun-

gulia,meaning then, to have unfastened for one. It
can never mean, to be unfastened for. If it is necessary
to express a passive in that form it must be done by

changing the construction.

A cry was made at him, alipigiwa ukelele [he had made at him
The door was opened for him, alifunguliwa mlango [he had
opened for him the door].

2. The Causative form is made by changing the final

•a into -sha or -za.

Kupungua, to grow less. Kupunguzq, to make to grow less.

Kuzidi, to grow greater. Kuzidisha, to make greater.
When the final -a is
preceded by a consonant the
neral rule is to use the applied form as the basis of
the causatrv e.

nda, to like. Kuj

Kufanya, to make. make.
Kufanyiza, to o u bo

Kupanda, to go up. Kupandisha, to make to go up.

Verbs which etui in the simple form in -ta end in

the causative form in -sa.

Kutakata, to be clean. Kutakasa, to make clean.

Verbs which end in -Tea may be turned into causa-

tives by changing -Tea into -aha.

Kuwdka, to be on fire. Kuwasha, to set on fire.

Kula to be soft. Kulainwha, to make
Kutoka, to go out. Kutosha, to make to ,^o out.

Kushuka, to go down. Kushusha, to let down.

The causatives of verbs ending in -e, -», or -m are

constructed on the applied form.

Kukaribu, to come near. Kukaribisha, to make to come near.

3. The Neuter, or quasi passive form is made by

changing the final -a into -lea.

Ku ungua, to unfasten. Kufunguka, to be unfastened.

Kuokoa, to save. Kuokoka, to be saved.

Where the final -a is preceded by a consonant the

neuter is constructed from the applied form.

Kn ik. Kuvunjika, to be brokea.

Kukata, to <
lit Kukatika, to be cut.
VERBS. 163

Cansatives in -eha may be turned into neuters by

changing -sha into -ha.

Kustusha, to startle. Kustuka, to be startled.

Verbs in -e, -i, and -u, construct their neuters on the

applied forms.

Kusamehe, to forgive. Eusameheka, to be forgiven.

Eufasiri, to explain. Eufasirika, to be explained.
Euharibu, to destroy. Euharibika, to be destroyed.

The -ha form is used (like the English passive) to

denote what is generally done or doable.

Kulika, to be eaten, or, to be eatable.

4. Eeciprocal forms are made by changing -a into


Kupenda, to love. Eupendana, to love one another.

Eupiga, to beat. Euptgana, to beat one another, to fight.

Verbs in -e, -i, and -u construct their

upon the applied forms.
Euharibu, to come near. Enkaribiana, to come near to one

The reciprocal form of the -ha form may be translated

by to be to be, &c.

Eupatikana, to be to be got.
Eujulikana, to be to be known, to be knowable
Euoekana, to be to be eeen, to be visible.

The derived forms are conjugated and treated in

every though they were original words, and

way as
other derived forms may be made from them to
extent that may be required.
M 2

The applied form of an applied form generally sig-

thing to or for a person lor a purpose.

nifies i" '1" a

Doubling the verb gives an idea of thoroughness.

Eukata, to out. Kul.iitiikatu, to cut up.

Kutafuta, to bi ek. Kntii/uldtiii'iitii, to sick all about.

Kuchafuka, to be in a mi 88. KuchafvlkacTiafuka, to be all in a

Kitpa*ul;a, to be torn. Eupasukapasfika, to be torn to

Kulatiha, to be cut. KuJtatikahatika, to be all cut

165 )


As it is
necessary to put to before the English Verb to make the Infinitive,
so it is
necessary to prefix ku- to make the Infinitive in Swahili. Before
.Monosyllabic Verbs the ku- bears the accent, and is retained in several o'f
the tenses. See p. 149.

A. Act, tenda.
Abase, thili. Adapt, fanya.
Abhor, chukia. Add to, ongeza, zidisha.
be Able, weza. Add up, jumlisba.
Abolish, batili, tangua, ondoska. Adjoin, tangamana.
Abound with, jaa. Adjourn, akirisba.
Absorb, nwa, pass, nwewa. stand over, akiri.
Abstain from, epuka, epushwa (to be Adjudged, fetiwa.
be kept from). Adjure, apisba.
Abuse (by words), tukana. Admire, penda.
Accept, kubali, takabali, pokea (re- I admire him, amem'-^ideza.
ceive). Admit, ingiza, acba kiuugia.
be acceptable or accepted, kuba- Adorn, painba.
lika. Adorn oneself, fanya uzuri.
Accompany, fuatana na, andamaDa. Adulterate, gbosbi.
(part of the way), siudikiza, adi. commit Adultery, zini, zinga.
Accuse, tuhumu, shtaki. Advance, endelea mbele.
Accustom, zoeza. Advance money to a trader, ko-
become accustomed, zoea. pesha.
Ache, uma. be Adverse, gomba, teta.

My head aches, kitwa cbauma or Advise, pa shauri.

kinaniuma. Adze, cbonga.
Acknowledge, ungama, kubali, kiri. Affect to be, jifanya, jiona.
Acquiesce, nyarnaa, rithia. Afflict, tesa.

Acquit, acba. be Afraid, ogopa, cba (A.).

be acquitted, toka. Agitate, sukasuka.
L66 M1IL1 II. IX') BOOK.

tm to an a i

Apply Out 8i
If to. t<

afikana, tuliliana, lekezanya, Appoint, nasibu, aini, chagua of

tnzanya (A.). teua («< led).

mutually satisfied), rathiana. Approach, kai Lbia jongea.
alih ), elekea, lingana. Approach our another, karibiana.
iha. Bring near, jongoza, karibisha.
ogi fisha, ogofya, tisha. Approvi .
kubali, penda, rathi.
ofarnu d [ktf-]wa aa khofu, ma, Bhindana (dispute
ingiwa Da khofu. together).
. farakia Arise, ondoka.
d. farakana. Arm. pa selalia.

a deft ct -in, umbua. Arm oneself, twaa selafaa.

Allot amongst many, awaza. Annuo,-, panga, andika, pangisha,

ha, pa ruksa,
ratibu, t'auya.
(neut .) badili, badilika, gcuka. be Arrogant, ghurika.

'.) geuza, badili Arrive, lika. wasili.

- arrive ut ones destination, knma.
a azed, toshea. make to arrive, fikisba, wasilisba.

1. lanyiza, t< iiireneza. reach a person, fikia, wasilia.

(of a person refornihin), tulia. Ascend, paa, kwea, panda.

.l?/4/y.-.', zumgumza. Ascertain, bakiki, uyuzi.
Anchor, ti& nuIJ^a. be ascertained, kinika.

r, tia hasira, ghathabi-ha. be Ashamed, ona haya, tabayari.

/, [kii-]\va na hasira, gba- make ashamed, tia haya, tahaya-
thabika. rislia.

[kii-]wa na pembe- Ask, uliza, uza, saili.

J.<-!,! Ask for, laka.

' •

. Make inquiries on behalf of any-
sumbi a, sumbusha, taa- one, ulizia, uuzia, sail i a.

bisha, hatiki (A.). Ask how one does, uliza hali.

in .
batili, ghairi Ask in marriage, posa.
tanguJ Assemble, (act.) kusanya, kutanisha.

jibu. ut.) kutana, kusanyika, kusa-
'r irl,, ,i
called, itika, itikia. n y ana.

or, ''nea. Assent, kubali, itikiza, afikana, ra-

iharuki, taabika. thiana.

Inxious, taharaki.-ha, taa- Assert, sema.
•ha. Hr asserts that he saw a ship,
(become ait. infidel), ku- kamma alionajabasL
furu. He astt rt.< thai he walked on the
Appear, onekana (become visible), water kamma alikvrenda mtoni
tokt-a (come out to). kwu mguu.

Astonish, ajabisha, taajabisha. Batter (bruise), cbubuaobubua.

be astonished, toshea, shangaa, be battered (like an old coppet

taajabika, toshewa, ataajabu. pot), cbubukachubuka.

Astound, sbangaza. Bathe, oga.
Atone for, setiri. Be, wa. See Irregular Verbs, p. 1 52.

Attach, gandamia, gandamiza, am- (to stay), kaa. ,

bisa. be on one's guard, [ku-]wa na

be attached, ambatana (of things), hathari.
arubisana (of people). be off one's guard, taghaf ali.

Attach, shambulia. Bear (fruit, children, &c), zaa,

Attack people wantonly, [ku-]wa vyaa.
na jeuri. (carry), chukua, himili.
Attend (wait upon), ngojea, fuata. (tolerate), vumilia, stahimili.
Attend to, sikia, pulika (A.), si- bear with another person, chuku-
kilia. liana.

not to attend, ghafalika. Bear with me, niwie ratbi.

refuse to attend, jfpurukusba.

bear witness, shubudu.
be Audible, sikiliana, sikizana. about, for or against, sbuhudia.
Avail, faa. Beat, piga, puta, menya (Kiyao).
Avoid, epuka. Beat up together, funda.
Beat to pieces, pouda.
get out of the way of, epa.
be avoidable, epeka, epukika. Beat a roof or floor, pigilia.
Avow, kubali. be well beaten, piitika.

Aioake (neut.), aruka. be beaten upon (as a wreck by the

waken (act.), amsha. waves), fuawa.

See Conquer, Thresh.
B. Beckon to, pungia nguo.
The usual sign to beckon a person
Backbite, chongeleza. to come is to wave a cloth up

Betray, khini. and down.

Bake, oka. Become (be fitting), sulihi.
(pottery), tomea, chomea. Nimekuwa, I am become.
Bale out water, vuta maji, teka Simekuwa, am I not become.
maji. The act of becoming is generally
Banish, fukuza (drive away), ondo- expressed by the present tense of
sha (make to go aivay), hamisha the verb expressing the being in
or tamisha (M.) or gurisba (A.), the state or possessing the quality.

(to make to remove). Become a fool, pumbazika.

Bar (a door), pingia. Beg, omba, bembeleza.
Bargain, fanya ubazazi. (entreat), sihi, nasibi.
Bark (like a dog), lia. I beg of you, tafathal.
Barter, badili, awithL Beget, zaa.
J: in. ai /.'/. ss, bariki (s-'( Copulate), barikia,
gin upon, anzili a, jalia.
/>'..;, . inuliki. '.
/" ri//;(c
/;. have, tenda. blind, povuka.
Behavt well, b nda wma. Block, kingamisha, pinga.
/: l
\v. tenda v Lbaya. Blos8om,to& maua (put forth flowers),
/;'.! like an invalid, , fanuka (/" <v " )•

11 j
w Blow (as th' wind), vuma, vuvia.
Belrh, ongulia. (with the mouth), puzia, puliza.
/'. !•], out, kokouioka. (a horn, (fee), piga zomari, &c.
Belit m . Badiki. (the nose), fata kaniasi.
/;. lu r, in. amini. (/„ llows), vukuta
f, (act. (neut.] pindana. away, peperusha.
j:. ,„l round, (act.) peta, («• »M Ill n ml* r, kosa.
petana, petemana.
/: nddown,(act.)wandsh&,(neut.)
The Imife is blunt, ki-u hakipati,

iiiama. kisu ni kivivu (A.).

/;. mi nth. faganza. lllm-t md. kokomoka.
Bequeath, wasia, a^hia. Blush, geuka (change colour).
/;• liusuru (Ar.). put to the blush, hizika.
Bet, shindania.
III. <ist. ii-ifu. jiganiba, tamba.
B< rare, [ku-]wa na ha- Boil (bubble up), chc'mka, tutuma.
thari. coolc by boiling, tokosa.

tekea. be cooked by boiling, tokota.

/.'< irilder,
/;< iritch. fanyia uchawi, loga(Mer.). be well boili d, tokoseka.

Bicker, papuriana. boil over, furika.

BitJ. See Com inn nil. Bore tli

rough, zua, pekeclia used
Make a first bid, miinu. also of boring with talk).

Bind, funga. with an awl, didimikia.

Bind books, jelidi. Border, pakana.
Bind oneself, fanya sharti. be Born, zawa, vyawa, zaliwa, vya-
Bind round (as when a stick is liwa, patbiwa.

sprung), ganga. Borrow, azimwa, kiriflii.

Bite, uma. Bother, sumbua, hatika (A.)-
Blab, payuka. Bow, (act.) inamisha, (neut.) inaraa.
laumu, tia batiyaiii, n< ]'>"/ the ears, piga koii.

/./), patiliza (visit upon), Braise, kaanga.

karipia (call out nt). Bray (like an ass), lia

Blaze, waka. pound in a mortar, pnnda.
i. toka damu. clean i-ura by pounding, twanga.

(copiously), churuzika damu, tuza Break, vunja, runda (M.)j (neut.)

damn (M.). vunjika, katika.

[Break'] through, toboa. Burn, waka (to be on fire), leketea

into fragments, setaseta. (to be consumed), washa (to set
by bending, ekua. on fire), teketeza (to consume),
to be sprung, ekuka. choma or chomea (to apply fire
off the cobs of Indian corn, goboa, to), onguza (to produce a feeling
konyoa. of burning, to scorch).
doicn the branches of a tree, kwa- Burrow, fukuafukua.
nua, pass, kwauyuka. Burst, pasuka, tumbuka.
wind, jamba, ongulia. Burst out, bubujika.
Breathe, pumua, puzia, tanafusi. Burst into tears, bubujika ma-
inspire, paaza, pumzi. chozi.

expire, shush a pumzi. Bury, zika.

hard, kokota roko, tweta (pant). Buy, nunua, zabuni.
breathe oneself (rest), pumzika. Purchase for, nunulia.
Breed, zaa, lia (M.). Buy bach, komboa.
be Brilliant, ng'ara. Buzz, like a bee, vuma.
Bring, leta.

to or for, letea. C.

Bring up, lea. Cackle, like a hen, tetea.

Bring together, pambana. Call, ita, nena, taja (name), amkua

Bring near, jongeza. (invite), lingana (A.).
Bring to an agreement, patanisba. Call out to, pigia ukelele, pigia
Bring to life again, fufua, huislia. ukemi (Mer.).
Bring another ! Na ije ngine !
Call for help, piga yowe.

Brighten (act.), katua Call to prayers, athini.

be bright, katuka (polished),^' ara become Callous, faganza.

{glistening). Calm, tuliza.

Bruise, chubua. be very calm, zizima.
be bruised, chubuka. Can (kuweza, to be able).

(batter), chubuachubua. Siwezi, I cannot.

Brush (clean), sugua. Naweza, I can.
Brush off, epua. Canter (of a horse), kwenka kwa
Bubble up, che'mka, tutuma. mghad; (of a donkey) kweruia
Bud, chupuza (spring), chanua(pw< kwa thelth.

forth leaves), mea (grow). Capitulate, selimu, sellim.

Build, jeuga. Care (take care), angalia [kii-]\va
in stone, aka. na hathari.

to point by putting in small take care of, tunza.

stones, tomea. consider, waza, tafakari.
(ships), unda. be careless, [ku]wa mzembe.

Bully, onea. I don't care, haitkuru,

be a Burden to, lemea. pia.
y, chukua. be changeable, badilibadili, ba«
. chukulia. dilika.
on a '
r the shoulder, chu- change one's mind about, gliairi.
kua mpikoui. change (<i piece of money), vunja.
on the lend or shoulders, pagaa. Charge (direct), agiza, sisitiza (M.).
a child on (li< back, beba, Chase, winda, winga.
astri/h on the hip or back, eleka. away, fukuza.
in front or on the lap, pakata. Chastise, atbibu.
in a bundle or faggot, titika. Chatter, puza.
off as spoil, teka. (of tin- 1 1
th), tetemeka.
as cargo, pakia. Cheapi n, rakhisisha.
on freight, takal>athi. Cheat, danganya, hadaa, ghusubu.
Carve wood, &c, kata nakchi. be cheated, danganyika, hadaika.
cbora (adorn with carving). Cheer, ondolea, huzuni.
be carved, nakishiwa. Chew, tafuna.
Cad, tupa. Chirrup (as to a bird), fionya. Both

upon or at. tupia. word and thing are used in

a g la nee, tupa nathirL Zanzibar to express contempt.
one's eyes, tupa macho. Clioke (throttle), kaba, sama.
{in a mould), it a. choke oneself with drink or spittle,
off all shame, jipujua. palia na mate, &c, &c.
cast lots, piga or f'anya kura. irritate the throat, kereketa.

Castrate, hasi. Clwose, chagua, teua, khitari, penda,

Catch, daka, nyaka. toa (send),
t'?t a as you choose, ikhtiari yako, upe-
trap, nasa, tega.
vua samaki.
_/?«/<, ndavyo.
put som< thing in catch rain-water, Chop, chanja (cut up), chinja or
kinga mvua. (M.) timla (cut), tema (slash),
(see one who th inks himself unseen), cbonga or tonga (cut to a point),
fathehi, gundtfa. katakata (chop up small).
be in time to meet with, diriki. Circulate (intelligence), tangaza.
I in it
Caulk, kalafatL incise, tahiri.
in, pomoka. Claim, dai.
Clap the hands, piga makofi.
'e to cease, komesha. Clasp in the hand, shikana, kamata.
talking, mama/a. in the arms, kumbatia, kumba-
(of pain), nyamaza.
kiza (uudi, &c). Claw, pa]>ura.
be Certain about, kinika, tasawarL a, takasa, fanya safi, Bafisha.

( act.) geusba, geuza, badili, be clean, takata, safika, takasika.

badilisha, (neut.) g<juka, ba'li- clean com by pounding, twanga.

lika. clean a second time, pwaya.

[Cleaii] be quite clear of husks and I have a cold in the head, siwezi

dirt, pwayika. kamasi.

&c, chambua.
cotton, cloves, Collect, kusanya, jamaa, (neut.) ku»
cocoa-nuts from the husk, fua. sanyika, kutana.
by scraping, paa. Comb, chana, cbauia.
cleanse by ceremonial ablutions, Come, ja, imp. njoo, pi. njooni.
tohara. by, for, to, <fcc.,jia.
clean out from within a shell, to a person on a business, jilia.
komba. (arrive), fika, wasili.
clean a man
out (get all his out, toka.

money), komba. in, ingia.

be cleaned out (hse all one's upon (meet with), kuta.
money), kombeka. near, karibu, karibia, jongea, fi-

Cleanse. See Clean. kilia.

Clear. See Clean. Come near ! or Come in ! Karib !

the sky is cZear,uwingu umetakata. Come no further ! Koma usije !

(make clear or plain), eleza, yuza, close to, "wasili, wasilia.

fafanua, fafanulia. together. See Assemble.

(be clear), elea, fafanuka, fafanu- to life again, fufuka, bui, huika.
kia. to an end, isha, koma, tekeza.

ground in a forest, fieka nrwitu. be fidly come (of time), wadia.

Cleave, (split), pasua, cbenga. come to light, funuka, fumbnka.
cleave to, gandama, ambatana. come to
nothing (of plants, fruit,
Click, alika, (act.) alisha. &c), fifia, pooza.
Climb, panda, kwea. come apart, katika.
a tree, paraga. come out in a rash, tutuka, tutu-
Cling, ambata. mka, tutusika.
together, guiana, ambatana, fu- Comfort, fariji,tulizia robo (calm

ngamana, shikamana. the soul), ondolea buzuni (taka

Clip, kata. away grief).
Close the eyes, &c, fumba. Phrases used by way of comfort-
the fist, fumbata. ing :

a door, shindika. Shukuru Muungu, thank God.
a book, funika. Hemdi Muungu, praise God.
Clothe, vika. Itoe buzuni, put aivay sorrow.

Coagulate, gandamana. Usiwe na buzuni, don't grieve.

Coax into, sbawishi. be comforted, farajika, sbiikuru
Cock (a gun), panza mtambo. Muungu, pendezewa, tawakaii
Coddle, engaenga. (trust in God and take courage),
Cohabit with, iugiliza. be Comfortable, tengenea.
Cold. See Cool. I cannot be comfortable in tha
be very cold, zizima. house, nyumba hainiweki.

Command, a'mru, arnbia (telT), Congeal, gandamana.

Commission, agiza. [amrisha. I
ratulate, furahisha, sbanfrilia.
Commit. Set Adultery. Connect, fungamana (tie together),
Compare, angalia kwamba ni sawa, ungana, nngamana.
pambanisha (bring together), Conquer, shinda.
parabanua (distinguish), linga-
( 'mis,
crate, fanya wakf.
nislwt (match), fafanisha (make Consent, kubali, rithia, penrla, ra-
like). thiana.

Compel, juliuru, lazimisha. Consider, fikiri, tafakari, waza.

Complete, timiza, timiliza, khati- Console (see Comfort), tuliza, tulizia
ini.-ha, maliza (finish). roho.

complete one's education, liitimu. Conspire, wafikana.

be complete, timia, tiniilia, islia Construct, jenga, jenzi.
(end). Consul/, taka shauri (ask advia ),

! h ml. See Understand. fanya shauri (consult toy tin r).

jua (know). Consume, la, ttketeza (fry fire),

kutana (take in), be consumed, isha, lika, k-ketea
be compreht tided in, ingia. (by fin ).
Conceal, setiri, iirha. Contain, chukua (contain as a bag
be concealed, stirika. does rice),
Concern, pasa. be contained in, ingia, [ku-]wamo,
I Uiat* , patanisha. 'mna (it is contained in it).

Condemn, laani (damn). Contend with, skindana na, husumu.

Adi> fetiwa kuuawa, he was ad- Content, rithika.
judged to be hilled. be content, [ku-]wa rathi, kinayi.

Imempasa kuuawa, he ought to be Continue, dumu, kaa, shinda (stay

killed. at work, &c).

-< nd, nenyc-kea. make to continue, dumisha.
lole, liana (join in a formal Contract, putiguza (lessen), fupiza
mourning). fanya ndogo (make

Conduct, peleka, leta, chukua. small), kaza (press together).

kiri, ungama, la'.ama. Contract, fanya shard (make a com.'

nfidt tumaiui.
ni. tract), fanya ubazazi (make a
have confidence, staamani. bargain).

Confide in, amini, tumania. Contradict, kanya wasa.

< 'nut rot, a/./<al»iti.sha, zuia.
Confound, nhanganya (mix), batili
(annul), Converse, zumgumza.
be in Confusion, fathaika (of Convert, geuza, fanya.

persons), chafuka (of things). Mwenyiezi Muungu ameimvo-

ngoa, God has turned him from
Confuse, changanisha.
his evil way.
put into confusion, fatbehL
become confused, fathaika. to be converted, ongoka.

Convince, <7rabutisba, iumainisha. Creep, tambaa.

become convinced, turnaini. Crinkle up, finyana.
Cook, pika, andaa. be Crooked, potoka, komboka.
cook with fat, kaanga. Cross (lie across), pandana.
cook without fat, oka. (cross a river), vuka, kwenda
cook muhogo cut into small pieces, ng'ambo ya pili.
pwaza. (cross a room), kwenda upande
to become cooked enough, iva. wa pili.

Cool, (neut.) poa, poroa, (act.) poza get cross, vnna.

(to cool by pouring backward be cross at having anything to do,

and forward), zinnia (cool hot kimwa.

water by pouring in cold). Crow, wika.
Copulate, jami, tomba (vulgar). Crucify, sulibi, sulibisba.
for the first time, bariki. Cruize, vinjari.
Copy, nakili. fanya nakl. Crumble, (act.) fikicba, (neut.) fu-
copy from, twaa ya. Crush, seta, ponda. [jika.
Correct, sahihi, sahihisha, rudi. crush and bruise one another,
Correspond (write to one another), pondekana.
andikiana. crush up, setaseta.
Corrupt, haribu. crush in, (act.) bonyesha, (neut.)

go bad, oza, haribika. bonyeka.

Cost, wakifu, simama. Cry, lia.

cost to, wakifia, siinamia. cry about, lilia.

Cough, kohoa. cry out at, pigia, ukelele, karipia.
Count, hesabu, wanga (Mer.), ba- cry for help, piga yowe.
Cover, funika, setiri. [zibu. cry for mercy, lalania.
as with a flood, funizika. Cultivate, lima.
cover, with leaves, put into embers, Cup, umika.
&c), vumbika. Curdle, uandamana.
be covered, stiiika. curdled milk, maziwa mabivu.
Covet, tatnani. Cure, ponya, poza, ponyesba.
Crack, tia ufa. make better, fanya ashekali.
as the earth does in dry weather, be cured, poa, pona.
atuka. cure fish, &c, ng'onda.
become cracked, ufa. Curse, laani, tukana.
Crash, fanya kishindo. Cut, kata.
Crawl, tambaa. cut obliquely, kata hanamu.
be Crazy, zulu. cut for, cut out for, katia.
Crease, kunjia. cut up, clianja, chenga.
be creased, kunjika. cut to shreds, pasukapasuka.
Create, nmba. be cut off from one another, ti-

be created, hulukiwa. ndikiana.

D. Delay, (neut) kawia, kawa, fawiti.

chachaga. (net.) weka, kawisha.

Damagi , Inribu. be Delirious, papayuka.

Damn, laani, laanisha. oer, okoa, vna, toa.

. cheza. be delivered, vuka, okoka.
dance for joy, randa. Demand, taka.
Dare, tAubntu, weza, jasirisha. nand in marriage, posa.
Dark' n, tin iriza. Demolish, vunja, haribu.
Darn, tililia.
Deny, kana, kaniska.
cbupia. deny to a person, nyiraa, hini.
Daub, jiaka. (refuse), kataa.
]><nrn. deny all credence to, katalia.
kuna kwoupe, to he qrey dawn, Depart, ondoka, toka, euda zangu,
pambazuka or pambauka, b" zako, &c.
light Depart from me! Oudoka ml
Dazzle, choma. yangu !

h e eyes are dazzled,

I macho yame- depart from (be alienated front),
fanya kiwi. furakana.
Deal in (trade in), fanya biashara Depend upon, [kii-]wa na.
ya, ice. Kunaye, depending upon him.
Deal cards, trawa karata. fungamana na, be connected with.
Decay, haribika, oza. fuata, be a dependant.
Decease, fariki. tungikwa, hang from.
J Depose, uzulu, uzulia.
ive, danganya, padaa.
deceive by promises, ongofya. Depreciate (act), khashifu, umhua.
be deceived, hadaika. Deprive of, twalia.

Decide, kata maneno. Deride, cheka, chekea, kufuru,

Deck out, hamba. fanyizia mzaha.
Declare, thihirisha, yuza. Descend, shuka.
Decoy, patia or twalia kwa che- Describe, andika, fafanulia (by L
revu. ing), parabanulia (by distin-
J i
rease, pungua, pu- Desert, acba, hujuru. [guishing.
nguka. Deserve, stahili.
!) dicate, fanya or wekea wakf. deserve well of, fathili.
vunja, kimbiza (put to Desire, taka, ipa, tamani (long for),
flight), penda (like).
to be defeated, vunjika, kiinbia. Desolate, vunja, haribu.
Defend, linda. Despair, kata tamaa.
guard oneself, kinga. Despise, tweza, tharau (pass, tha-
. bikiri. vunja, ungo. rauliwa), hakirisha.
.id, thulium. Destroy, haribu, vunja.
1 '•
ign, kubali, aeiiyi
I be destroyed, haribika, vunjika.

Detain, kawisha, weka. Dislocate, teuka.

Deter, kataza, zuia. Disquiet, fatbaisba.

Determine, yakinia, azimu, kaza. be disquieted, fatbaika.
determine a matter, kata maneno. Dismiss, likiza, ondoa.
Devise, fanya sbauri. be dismissed, tolewa.

Die, fa, fakiri, ondoka katika uli- Disobey, asi.

mwengu, toweka (A.), tekeza. Disorder (put things in disorder),

make to die, fisha. cbafua.
lose by death, fivva na. put an army in disorder, fathaisha.
Dig, chiiuba. be in disorder or dishabille, cba-

dig out or away, chimbna. fuka.

fukua, cut a small hole fit to be all in disorder, cbafukacbafuka.
receive a post. Dissipate, tainpanyatapaiiya.
Dignify, tukuza. Distinguish, pambanua.
become dignified, or be raised to Distort, popotoa.
dignity, tukuka. Distress (put in low spirits), kefya-

Dilute, tia maji. kefya.

Dim, tia giza. be in distress, thii.

Diminish, (neut.) pungua, punguka, Distribute, gawanya.

tilifika, (act.), punguza, tiliii- Disturb.
Dip, chovya. [ska. Don't disturb yourself ! Starebe !

dip and leave in, cboveka. Disunite, farakisha.

Direct, agiza (commission), ambia be disunited, epukana, farakiaua.

(tell), amuru (order), fundisha

(instruct), vuska (put into the Dive, zama.
right way). Divide, tenga, gawa, gawanya, kata,
Disagree, gombana, tetana. bussu.
Disappear, toweka. Divorce, acba, tokana, taugua ridoa.
(as a scar, &c), fifia. Do, fanya, tenda.
Disarrange, ckafua. I have done nothing, sikufanya
Discharge from an obligation, feleti. neuo.

Discover, vumbua. He has done nothing at all, baku-

Discriminate, pambanua. fanya lo lote.
Disembowel, tumbua, tumbuza. be done or doable, tendeka.

Disgrace, aibiska, bizika. do (be of use), faa.

be disgraced, aibika. It won't do, haifai.

Disgust, ckukiza. do anything slowly and carefully,

be disgusted, cbukiwa. kototeza.
Dish up, pakua. do wanton violence, busudu, fanya
When you wish a meal to be served jeuri.
you should say, not pakua, but be done (finished), isba.
lete cliakula. be done (cooked), iva.
]>'!', piswa. Drop (down), (neut.) anguka, (art.)
Double, nullity:!. angusha.
inya tashwishi [kii-"]wa aa into,(neut.) tumbukia, (act.) tum-
Bhaka. bukiza.
There is no doubt, bapana sliaka. (like leaves in autumn), pukutika.
]><:.<. Mii/ia. (fall in drops), torta.
wake up suddenly from a doze, drop from, little by little, dondoka.
zinduka, ztndukaaa. Drown (act.) tosa, (neut.) tota, t'a

Drag, kokota, burura (haul along), maji.

drag out of one's hand, chopoa, he Drunken, lewa.
kopoa. Dry, (neut.) kauka, nyauka, (act.)
Drain out, churukiza, churuzika. kaiislia.

Draw, vuta. becmiu- dry by water leaving it,

Dniir water, teka maji. pwa, pwea, pwewa,
Draw together, kunyata. be high and dry. pweleka.
Draw near, karibu, karibia, kari- put out to dry, anika.
biana. dry or cure fish, ng'uuda.
Draw a line, piga mstari. Dupe, dangauya.
Draw out nails, &c, kongoa. Dust, l'ula vumbi.
Draw breath, tanafusi. /'c, kaa, kaa kitako, keti (M.). //.

Draw in tin breath, paaza pumzi. Dwindle, kunjana, pnnguka, anga-

Draw up th<' earth round growing mia (go down in the world).
crops, ml ilia.
] Dye, tia rangi.
Draw the end of the loin cloth kutona liina, to lay on henna so
between th has and luck it in, as to dye the part red.
piga uwinda.
Dread, ogopa, ogopa mno. E.
Dream, ota. Earn, pata.
J i
88, vika. Ease, fariji, sterehisba.
Dress in, vaa, jit in. become easy, farajika.
Dress up, paraba, jipoloa. Ease oneself, kuuya.
Dress ship, paraba merikebu. Eat, la.

J/,* 88 Pi ;/' tables for the mark' t, in, with, for, &c., Ha.
chambua. be eaten or eatable, lika.

Drift, cliukuliwa. have eaten enough, shiba.

J /rink, nwa, or nywa; pass, nwewa. eat at the expense of each one in

Drip, t'Jita. turn, la kikoa.

Drive, ongoza (lead, conduct), chu- eat where each contributes some-

nga (as a shepherd), fiikuza thing to the feast, la kwa ku-

(drive away), fukuzia (drive away changa.

from), kirabizia (make to run eat all the food away from others.
away from).

Ametuima, he has eaten it all up Enquire, uliza (ask), huji (enqu >
before we came, into), hakiki (make sure about),

overeat oneself, vimbiwa. ulizia (enquire on account of).

make a person eat too much, Enrage, ghathabisba.

vimbisba. be enraged, ghatbabika.

eat without bounds, papia. Enrich, pa utajiri.

eat over voraciously, la kwa pupa. Enslave, tia utumwanL
Ebb, pwa. Ensnare, tega.
be Eclipsed, patwa. Entangle, tia matata.
Educate, funda, fundisha, alimisha, Enter, ingia.
adibu, or tia adabu (teach good Entice, vuta kwa cherevu, twaa kwa
manners), lea (bring up). werevu.

Elongate, ongeza urefu. Entreat, omba, sihi, nasihi.

Embalm, tia madawa asioze. Entrust, wekea amana, amini rutu

Embark, panda (go on board), ta- na kitu.

hassa (go on board with the be equal to (an undertaking, &c),

intention of sailing). weza.
Embrace, panibaja, kumbatia, ku- Equalize, sawanisha, sawazisha,
mbatiana. fanya sawasawa, linganisba (by
Embroil, tia matata. measurement).
Emerge, zuka. Erect, siinikisha.

Employ, tuma (send about), tumia Err, kosa, kwenda hapa na hapa

(make use of), tuniika (be (wander).

employed). Escape, okoka (be delivered), pona-
Empty out, mwaga, ntwaya. (to get icell), vuka (to get across).

Enable, wezesha, jalia. kimbia (run aivay), fiatuka (to

Encamp, tua (put down loads). escape as a spring, to get free).
Encourage, tia moyo, thubntisha. Establish, tengezeka (?).
End, (neut.) isha, konia, (act.) mali- Estimate, kadiri, kisi.
komesha, khatimisha.
za, Evaporate, nwewa. -
Endow with, wekea wakf. Exalt, inua (lift), tukuza, atbiraisha.
Endure, islii (last), vuniilia (bear be exalted (great), tukuka, athi-

with), stahiniili. mika.

Enervate, tboofisha. Examine, onja (taste), tafiti, fatiishi,

Engage, afikana, twaa, fanya sharti. sayili (by questions).

Engender, zaa, vyaa. Exceed, pita.

Enjoy, furaki, ona raha, furahiwa na. Excel, pita.

Enlarge, ongeza, zidisba. Except, toa, tosha.

Enlist (act), tia asikari Exchange, barlili.

be Enough, tosh a, toshelea. Excite, taharrakisba, fitini.

It is enough, bassi. be excited, hangaika.
have had enough food, sbiba. Excuse, uthui-u. saniebe (pardon).
' . /urn. Faint, zimia roho.
. j-i reia authority on r, hukumu. /•Vi//.
fanya jubudi, jitahidi.
. /a// K&e Mi/yi. nya.
cause to fall,
•nya, nabibisba.
rot'ji nyesha,
/ cist by m •
punga. /a?£ into, turubukia.
ua, krmjua (unfold),
letfall into, frumbuMza
ridi (increase), linmka or fall flat an Hi' ground, lala inchi.
kuuduka (beeorm opt n ). fall in (car, i,, ).
. tumaini. fall short, punguka, tindika (A.).

Expt I. toa, fukuza, fall sick, ugua,

Fall' r, sbangbaa, sita.
il sjiiril laj music, &c,
punga pepo. Fan, pcpea.
Expi ii'l
upon, be at the expt n Fancy, kumbuka, fikiri.

gharimia. fancy oneself, jiona.

Explain, eleza, pambanua, fasiri, Fast, fuDga.

fumbulia, panibanulia break a fast, or eat after a fast,
(explain to), tambulLsba (make
la ;••
Fasten, i'unga.
waka Fatten (get fat), nona (of animal*),
Explode, pasuka (burst),
(blaze). nenepa (of men).
Explort .
iUtii.slii, jiinisi, angalia. Fatigue, chosha, taabisha.
be fatigued, choka, taabika.

Express, thahiri, baini.

Favour, pendelea.
press out), kamua. Fear, ogopa, cba (A.), [ku-Jwa na
Extend, (act.) nyosha, (neut.) fika .

be fearless, peketeka.
{reach to), kunjuka, euea (be
Feast, keiimu.
spread over).
Feed, lislia.
Exterminate, og'oa pia yote (root up
ca use to be fed, lishisba.

inguish, zinia, ziniia.

put morsels into a friend's mouth,
o out, zimika.
Fi i ', ona (perceive), papasa (touch).
Extort, pokonya.
Extol, -ifu. Feign, jifanya.
F> II, kata.
1. stiicaU Jrom, toa na, namua
Mb Fence, fanya ua.
F< ml off a boat, tanua tnashua.
Exult, turahi.
Ferment, cliacha.
F. J':
rry over, vusba, vukidba, abirisha.
Fade, kauka, fifia (pine away),
fa. Ft tch, leta.

pukutika (wither and 'ho/,), Fight, pigana.

fika (grow weal: <m<l thin I. set on to fight, piganisha, pigani-
Fat7, pu:iguk t. shana.

Fill, jaza. Flap, piga

fill,in [a hole], fukia. make a sail flap by going too near
becornt full, jaa. The passive is the wind, pigiza tanga.
used for being filled with some Flash (lighten), piga umeme.
extraneous substance. Mtungi Flatten, tandaza.
umejaa maji, the jar is full of Flatter, sifu, sifu mno, jipendekeza
water, but, maji yamejawa na (ingratiate oneself with).
dudu, the water is full of Flavour, to get the right flavour
insects. Flay, chuna, tuna (M.). [kol< a
be half full (by remaining), shi- lose the skin, cbunika, tunika (M.).

nda, maji yashiuda ya mtungi, Flee, kimbia.

the jar is half full of water, be Flexible, pindana, [kii-]wa laiui.

fill up, jaliza. Flicker, sinzia.

fill with food, shibisha. Flinch, jikunja, ruka.
to be full, to have had enough, Fling, tupa.
sbiba. Float, elea, ogolea.
Find, ona, zumbua, vumbua, pata, Flog, piga.
kuta. Flood, gbarikisba,furika,tawanyika,
be to be found, zumbukana, pati- funikiza.
kaua. be flooded, ghariki.

find out in a trick, fatbehi, Flourish, sitawi, fana, fanikiwa.

gundua. make to flourish, sitawisba.
be found out, fetheheka. Flow, pita (flow by), toka (flow
find fault with, tia batiyani. out), bubujika (to burst and
Finish, (act.) maliza, (neut.) isba, bubble out).
koma. Flower, toa maua.
finish off, tengeneza, tengeleza. Flurry, zulisba.
finish a journey, koma. Flutter, papatika.
finish a scholar, bitimisba. Fly, ruka.
Fire (set on fire), tia moto, wasba fly off, puruka.
moto. Fold, kunja.
(apply fire to in any way), cboma. fold together, kunjana.
a gun, &c, piga buuduki, &c. fold in the arms, kumbatia.
Fish, vua samaki. Follow, fuata, andama (M.).
fish a spar, &c, ganga,
tia gango. follow a pattern, oleza.
Fit, faa (do well). become Foolish, pumbazika.
Ni kiassi cbangu kama nalika- Forbid, gombeza, kataza.
tiwa mimi, it fits as though it Force (see Compel), tia nguvu. la-
had been made for me. zimisba.
Fix, kaza. He was forced to ao, alikwenda
fix the eyes upon, kodolea. kwa nguvu.
Flame, waka, toa ndimi za moto. Force open, pepetua.
N 2
i. tabiri, bashiri.
How has year been predicted
this Oain, pata, pata fayida.
Mwaka bun ami GaUop, piga mbio.
:ijc? Oape, piga nyayo, funua
Forft it, lazimishwa. GorfcZe *c-> chagua sanda-
Hoi by, i
otea. ru^i, &c.

iron, &c, i'ua ohuma, &c. Gather (fruit), rbuma

weld on it tun- point or edge, tam- into n heap, zoa.

buza. fft< r (ac*.)i knsanya, kntani-

sha, jamaa, jamii
En forgottt n, Bahauliwa. togi ther (neut.), kusanyika, kuta-
-: imi hi
achilia, mwafa.
. nika.

Forgive me, niwie rathi. up into a small spun-, fim

J \ rsah acha. . ones, If up for on e/orf,jitutumui
Fortify, tia boma (jptd a rampart). Kttle 6j/ Kftfe, lumbika.

Foster, lea, lisha. »p one's courage, piga moyo

/Y-e slavery), wvLi Of acha
(/rom konde.
huru. Gi ?</.

be Genial (good-humoured and

(from prison), acba, fungua.
ft free (from prison), tokana.
nj), changa'rnka.
Freeze, ganda, gandamana. (!< t.
/ ( / hi tier, pona.
.;//</. gf

payfn ightfor, takabathisha. y.

/ a little better, [ku-]wa ashe-
raT-ry o/i fn ight, takabathi. kali.

hten, ogofya, tia khofu, ogo- get drunk, lewa, jilevya.

fisba, kkofisba, tisba. get dry, kauka.
become frightened, ingiwa na get fire by working one stick

khofu. against another, pekecha

startle, stusha, kutusha. get for, patia.
ront, kabili, lekea. gt
foul of one another, pambana.
order to
jmt in front of, lekeza. get goods on credit in
Frown, kunja ubo, kunja \ ipaji. trade with them, kopa.
//. has a frowning face, ubo una- gt
into, ingia.

kuiijainana. get intoa well, a scrape, &c, (art.)

Frustrate, batili, vunja. tmnbukiza, (neut.) tunibukia.
J<V!/. kaa get into a passion (neut.), ingiwa
Fulfil, tiroiza,
timiliza. na gbatbabu or basira.
a promise, fikiliza ahadl get into a quarrel (act.), vunibilia
rl sails, kunja matanga. vita.

Furnish a house, pamba nyuiuba. get [seeds] into the ground, vu-

get mouldy, fanya vikungu.


get out, toka. Glitter, metameta, mekameka, me-

get out of the way, jitenga. riraeta, mulika.
Out of the way ! Siniilla !
Glorify, tiikuza, sifu.
get out of one's sigltt, tokornea. Glow, ng'ara.
get palm wine, gema. Gnaw, guguna.
get ripe, iva. Go, enda, enenda.
get thin and watery, poroa. you can go, ruksa.
get through, (neut.) penya, (act.') go after or for, endea.
penyesba. (follow), fuata.
get up, ondoka. go alongside, parnbana.
rise to (a person), ondokea. go ashore (of a ship), panda.
get up or upon, panda. be left high and dry, pweleka,
get well, poua, poa. pwewa na maji.
be Giddy, levyalevya. go ashore (of a person), sbuka.
Gild, chovya. go away, enda zangu, zako, zake,
Give (a thing), toa. zetu, zenu, zao, according to
(to a person), pa, %>ass. pewa, to the person.
receive, toka ondoka.
give a complaint to, ambukiza. go away from, acha, toka.
give a taste, an inkling, or a little go back, rudi, regea.
specimen, dokeza. go backward, endelea nyuma.
give bad;, rudisha. go bad, oza.
give into the hand, kabithi. go before, tangulia.
give leave to, pa ruksa or rukusa, go before a judge, enda kwa
rukbusu. katbi.

give light to, tia rmvangaza. go behind, fuata.

give mutual gifts, pana. go by, pita.
give presents to, tunza, tunukia. go crooked, patoa, potoka.
give rations to, posba. go forward, endelea nibele.
give room or space, nafisisha. go free, toka.
give to drink to, nywesba. go into, ingia.

give to eat to, lisba. go marketing, enda sokoni.

gii-p trouble, raabisba, fanya inda, go off (like a spring), riatuka.
sunibua. go on (not to stop), fuliza, tuza,

give way under one, bonyea. fululiza.

Give way (roiv) ! Vuta !
go on (icith a icork), sbimda.
Glance, natbiri, tupa inacbo or na- go on board, panda.
tbari (cast the eyes or a glance). go on board in order to sail, ta-
Glare at, ng'ariza. hasa.
Gleam, mulika, ng'ara. go on with by turns, pokezana.
Glide, tiririka, teleza. go out, toka.
Glisten, zagaa. (like a cajidle), zimika.
182 £W All 111 HANDBOOK.
!! has none mil for th What is to b< grown herel Kill-
amekw< ada sbinda. mo oha nini ?

oxn r, vi to its
go i'
grow full size, pea.
go past, become/uH-^roum, pevuka,komaa.
go quickly down a steep place, grow up quickly, vuvumka.
ti I 'mka. not to grow (of seeds), fifia.

« ada mbio. grow large enough to bear fruit,
.;.. to '-'/" nse about or upon, gha- auka.,
rimia. grow fat, nenepa (of persons),
,;.. to tru t,
laki. nona (of animals).
it with shouting and joy, gron- thin and lean, konda.
shangilia. groio larger, kua, kitliiri.
qr> ft i law with, teta. groio less, pungua, tilifika,
go up (neuL), paa. make to grow large, kuza.
(act.) kwea, panda. Growl, nguruina.
kind, l'ana. Grudge, bini.
piga pembe. grudge at, husudu.
Govern, tawala, miliki. Unliable, nung'unika.
Grant to, pa, jalia, ruzukn. Grunt, guna.
kamafana, sliikana. Guarantee payment of a debt, ba-
!-/,. ,-liika,
fumbata. a result, tadariki. [wiii.
.. paruza. Guard, linda, tunza, liami, ngoj< a.
Graze, paruga, kwaruza. guard oneself against a blow,
graze one another, paruzana. kinga.
<ireat (of a person ,
tuknka. Guess, babatisba, kisi, thani.
bi <>nme great to or hard for, kulia. Guide, onyesha ujia (.<how the way),
Greedy, na robo or fkii-]wa peleka (take).
choyo, fanya tamaa (be greedy Gulp, gugumiza.
for). gulp down, ak'ia.
.-alimu, salimia, amkua, ba-

e, (act.) sikitisha,
tia huzuni. Ildlt, tua (put down burdens), si-

rfMtika, ingiwana huzuni mama (stand), sita (go lamt . or

a meno. to stop), chechemea (to put one

foot only flat on the ground).
coarsely, paaza. Hammer, gongomea (hammer in),
• fua pass, fuawa (beat as uilli a
Dgua. i,

groan at, zomea. sledge-hammer).

Grope, papasa. Hang, angika (as against a wall),
,kua (to become tungika (be suspended), tu«
large), mea (of plant*,
to grow ndika, aliki.
or be growable). (strangle), nyonga, Bonga.

Happen, tukia. You have hid the cap from me,

Which happened to him, kilicho- umenifieha kofia.

mpata. You have hid my cap, umenifi-

Harass, sumbua, uthi, utliia, clio- cbia kofia.
koza, sumbusha. Hinder, zuia, pinga, fawili.
be harassed, sumbuka, utkika. Hint, dokeza.
Harm, thuru, hasara. Hire, ajiri, panga (to rent).
No harm Haithuru
.' !
Hit, piga, pata.
Harpoon, paga. with a spear or arrow, fuma.
Hasten, (act.) harakisha, himiza. Hoard, weka, weka akiba.
(neut.) fanya hinia, haraka. be Hoarse, pwelewa sauti.

Hatch, ongua, zaliwa, onguliwa (be I am, hoarse, sauti imenipwea.

hatched), angua (break the Hoe, lima.
shell). hoe up, palia.
Hate, chukia, buothu, zira (M.). cause to be hoed, palililiza.
Have, [ku-]wa na (see p. 154). Hoist, tweka.
(possess), miliki. Hold, shika, kamata, fumbata
on board, pakia. (grasp), zuia (hold in), zuilia
power over, weza. (hold off from),
in one's debt, wia. hold in the mouth, vuata.
To have things done for one, is hold one's clothes or hands be-
expressed by the passive of the tween one's knees, ijata.
applied form (see p. 161). hold a public audience, or council,
Hawk about, tembeza. barizi.

Heal, poza. hold up (not to rain), anuka.

be healed, poa, pona, ongoka. hold in contempt. See Scorn.
Heap up, kusanya, fanya fungu. Hollow out, fukua.
Hear, sikia, pulika (A.). Honour, heshimu, pa hesbima,
hear one another, sikilizana, pu- jali.
likana. Hop, rukanika.
be to be heard, sikilikana. Hope, taraja, tumaini (feel con-
Hearken, sikiliza, pulika. fident).
Heat (get hot), pata moto. See I hope, roho yatumai.
Warm. Humble, tbili, hakiri.
Heave the log, tia batli. be humble, nenyekca.
be Heavy. See Weigh down. Hunger, [kii-]wa na njaa.
Help, sayidia, auni. be ravenously hungry, rapa, lapa.
Hem, kunga. I am very hungry, njaa inaniu-
Hesitate, skangaa, sita, ingiwa na ma.
shaka (get into doubt), Hunt, winda, winga, saka.
in speaking, babaika. Hurry, haraka, himiza.
Hide, ficba, settiri, sita (A.). Hurt, unia, umia, umiza.

(Indian *>rn), nnnva, anilma Injure, hasira, hasiri, hasirislia

(M.). injured, hasirika.
»fe), fua. Innovate, zua.
In taflti.
(or shell), papatua. [/njui-iiliri ,

in- •!.
/:• kagua.
Instruct, fundisha, funza, elemisha.
It, Bhitumu, tukana, ohokoza.
be III H. Illness is expressed fnti nil. kusudia (purpose), azuau or
by the use of the n< gative pri s< nt azimia, or yakinia (r< solvi l,

of th verb kuweza, to &< nia, or ania, or nuia (have in

Siwezi, I am ill. Ilawezi, he is one's mint!).

ill, &c. Nalikuwa siw> zi, / fnti r. zika.

was HI. Alikmva Lawezi, he I nli
rcedefor, ombea.
was ill, &c. Interpret, fasiri, tafsiri.
I Lure beenill for two months,
Interrupt, zuia, katiza, hanikiza,
Biwi zi yapata miezi miwili utbia (bother).
Imitate, ol< za, iga, fuata. Tit tf
i.rirnt,; lcvya.

rse, zamisha, chofya. become intoxicated, leva.

Implore, pembeleza. Intrude, fumania.
Impossible, toa kufanyika. Cuing into another person's home
It is impossible, haiyamkini. fur an unlawful purpose (ku-
Imprecate against, apiza. fisidi), or icithout lawful, /im-

Imprison, Ida gerezani, funga. pose (ku-fmuaniana), bars lnj

Improve, fci
ngeleza, Bilihi, eitawisba. the law of Zanzibar any cla im

Incline, (neut.) inama, (act.) ina- on the part of the intruder in

misha. respect of any assault or injury
incline to (like), penda. while there.
Increase, (act.) ongeza, siidisha. Inundate, gbarikisha, furika (swell),
(neut.) ong( zeka, zi«li, kitliiri.
tawanyika (spread).
/,<</< Med to, wiwa na. Invade, shambulia.
<lge in, zoeza, jizocza. tit, lumi, zumbua.
Infect, ambuMza. I n ' ili\ ita, alilcu.

Inform, arifu, hubiri, pa habari. invite to come in, karibisha.

letter-writing arifu is a// Irrigate, tia maji, nywesha.
employed, on other occasions Irritate, tia hasira, gkathabisha,
kupata or kmva na habari is kasirisha, chokoza.
generally used for to be in- Itch,
—cause to itch, nyca.
formed, and ambia (till) for to 1 itch, imeninyca.
I rai If, jipendekeza.
Inhabit, kaa, keti. Jam, kwamisha.
Inherit, lilltL become jammed, kwama, sakaina.

Jar the teeth, like grit in food, Kiss, busu.

kwaza meno. lift to the lips and kiss, sogeza.

Jerk, kutua. Knead, kanda.

Jest, fanya ubisbi or mzaha, thi- Kneel, piga magote.
haki. Knit the brows, kunja vipaji.
Join, (act.) uriga, («e?f£.)unganana. Knock, gonga, gota, piga.
Judge, hukumu, bukurnia, amua. at a door, or to cry Hodi ! if the
'Hie original meaning of amua door be open, bisha.
is toseparate, and it is used of Knoio, jua. Kujua is often used in
separating two persons who have the sense of to know of, about,
been fighting. how, &c.
Jumble together different languages I know where he is, namjua aliko
or dialects, goteza. (I know of him, where he is).

Jump, ruka. I know how to speak the language

of Zanzibar, najua kusema kiu-
K. nguja.
Keep, weka or cheleza (put away), I can do blacksmith's work, najua
tunza (take care of), linda kufua cburoa.
(guard), hifathi (preserve), slii- (to recognize), tarubua.
ka (hold), fuga (keep animals), be knowable, julikana.
weka or kawisha (delay). make to know, julisba, juvisha.

be kept gossiping, puzika. become known, tangaa.

be kept tame or in a cage, fugika. know what to do, tanababi.
It cannot be kept, i.e., it toill

either run away or die, hafu-

keep awake, (neut.) kesba, (act.) Lace in the rope or matting across a
kesheza. native bedstead, tanda, wamba.
keep from, epusba, zuilia. Lacerate, papura.
keep in order (a person), rudi. be lacerated, papurika.
be kept, or capable of being kept, be Lame, tegea, cbecbemea, tetea,
in order, rudika. kwenda cbopi, tagaa (walk with
the legs far apart).
keep on at, shinda.
Keep your distance ! Korna usije ! Land, (neut.) sbuka, (act.) shuslia.
Kick, piga teke. Last, isbi.
Kill, ua, pass, uawa, waga (Mer.), Laugh, cbeka.
fisha (to cause to die). laugh at, cbekelea.
kill with, &c, ulia. Launch, sbua, pass, shuliwa.
kill forfood, chinja, tinda (M.). Lay, tia, weka.
be Kind, tenda mema. lay a wager, pinga, sbindania.
do a kindness to, fathili. lay by, weka akiba.
Kindle, wasba, tia muto. lay down, laza.
186 5 WA T1ILI IIA XD r,<><>K.

lay ktamia, or zaa. or nya Leavi v. chacha.

mayayi. /.<
ad, azima, kiritlii.
lay hold of,
shika. /. :tln n,
ongeza urefu.
lay opt n, funua, weka wazL make long, fanya mrefo.

lay <"tf. andika, tandika, toa. Lessen, (act.) punguza, (neut.) pu-
lay <mt m"it* y, gharimu, gharlmia. nguka.
J'ty tin beams of a roof, iki/.a. Let (permit), acha, pa ruksa,kubali,
/.!./ th< table, andika meza. kubalisha.
lay upon the tahle, weka luczani. let alone, acha.
lay anyone's charge, tuhumu.
to let a house, pangiska nyumba.
lay upon some one else, kuinbisha. let down, shu.sha, tua.
bt Lazy, [kii-]\va umvu. let down a bucket, puliza ndoo.

to he cross at having anything to let free a spring, tiatua, fiatusba.

do, kiinw .1. let go an awl,,,,-, puliza.

ieod, ongoa, oi ;oza, pek-ka, fikisha let loose, fungua.

(make to arrive). let on hire, ajirisba.
lead astray, kosesha. let water, vuja.
lead </• notions, Bomesha. L, Pi 1, fanya .^awasawa, taudaza,
Leah, vuja, fu'nika {to open at the tengeneza.
seams). be level with, lingana na.
Lean upon, tcgemea, egemea. make level with, linga, linga-
Uan upon a staff, jigongojea. nisha.
b< 'i>me lean, konda. level a gun at, lekeza bunduki.
make lean or thin, kondeska. be Liberal to, korimu.
7 /•,
ruka. [Jin rate, fungua, pass, funcjnliwa.
jifunza, pata kujua.
i, from slavery, weka, or acha hunt.
/' arn manners, taadabu. Lick, ramba.
/. .
acha, ata (M.), toka, Lie (tell lies), sema uwongo
leave oy death, fia. (to be), kaa, [ku-]wako.
leave to (bequeath), achit. lie across, kingama.
leave go of, acha. a tree lies across the mud, mti
Leave off! Wacha! Bass I
umekingama njiani.
K .ma! lie across one another, pandana.

/ i
''fisting, fungua. lie down, jinyosha, jilaza, lala,
till fit or ready, limbika. tandawaa.
leave (cause to remain), saza. lie heavy on, lemea.
be h ft (rt /«•"'»), Baa, salia, baki. lie on the fac, wama, fuama (M).
taka, nik.-a. lit i m the side, jiinika.

give leave, ruhusu, pa ml liemi the back, lala kwa tani.

m about, ainria. In in wait for, otea.
e leave of,
aga. inua, tw<
take leave of one another, alalia. lift up the voice, paliza sauti.

Light, wasba, tia nioto. lose by having taken from one,

be light, angaza. twaliwa.
show a light, mulika. lose by death, fiwa na.
Lighten (lightening), piga umeme. lose one's senses, rukwa na akilL
Lite, penda. Love, penda, asbiiki.
be an object of liking, tanianika. be loved by, kora.
Liken, fafanisJia. Lower, skusha, tua.
Limit. Lull, pembeza, tumbuiza.
reach its limit, pea. Lurk for, otea.

Linger, kawia, kawilia. Lust after, lanaanL

Lisp, [ku-]wa na kitembe,
Listen, sikiliza, pulikiza.
listen secretly, dukiza. M.
Live, kaa (stay or be), isbi (continue), Magnify, kuza, tukuza.
[kii-]wa bayi (be alive), [ku-] magnify oneself, jitapa.
wako uJiniwenguni (be in this Make, fanya, fanyiza.
Load, ckukuza. fworld). make to do or be. See p. 162.
a person, twika. make a floor or roof, sakifu.
a ship, pakia. make a pen, cbonga kalamu.
a gun, sarniri, shindilia. make a sign to, asbiria.
be laden with, pakia (of a ship), make a ivill, wasia.
cliukua (carry). make another love one, pendeleza.
Lock, fuiiga. make brilliant, ng'aza.
with a native lock, gomea. make cheap, rakbisislia.
Loiter, kawilia. make clear, tbibirisba, eleza, weka
Loll, tandawaa. wazi.
Long for, tamani. make confident and hopeful, tu-
Look, tazaraa. maini=ba.
look out, or look carefully, angalia. make crazy, zulisba.
Look out ! Angalia !
Jiponye ! make dear, gbalisba.
look out for, tazamia. make delirious, papayuza.
lookfor, tafuta. make equal, like, &c, sawanisha,
look after, tunza. sawazisba.
a property, aua.
look over make for, fanyia.
look up to see what is going on, make [clothes'] for, katia [ngun].
tahamaka. make game of, tbibaki, fanyizia
Loose, fuDgua. mzaba.
be loose, regea. make haste, fanya bima, euda
Loosen, regeza. bima.
Lose (money), pafa basara. make ill, gonjweza.
potea (to be lost to). [nipotea. make into a ring, peta.
I have lost my knife, kisu kime make lawful, halilLsha.

light cf a matter, jipuru- Measure, pima, fcwaa clieo.

kuslia. •
///- r, enenza
make lih . <>' Mi diafa /« faoe<
», Belehisha.
make metal things, fua, fulia.
1/ fo'fote, tafakari, waza.
r»ah< :>< r talkative, payuza. .1/. .
/, onana, kutana, kutanika, ku«
make pastry, andaa, andalia. Ban] Lka.
make pi
''<< /« twi en, Buluhisha. meet with, kuta.
make plain, thahiri, eleza, thihi- go to iii< l

risha. weka wazi. .1/- //,

(newt.) yeyuka, ayika, (act.)
make pottery, finyauga. yeyusha.
mah raw, chubua. Mi ml, fanya, fanyiza.
ih<t!;< room for, nafisisha. (seio up), Shu
make sorry, sikiti (darn), tililia.

mala sun ,
hakiki. (bind up), ga
make to agree, patanislia. Ml nstruate, [kujwa na heth.
vmke to be at peace, suluhisha. .1/.
ntion, ni'iia, taja.
make to enter, ingiza. Mess,
make to go ?//>, pandisha, kweza. be all in a mess, chafukachafuka.
makt togrow lean, kondesha. make a mess of one's work, boro-

mala toh\ aror understand, sikiza. ngaboronga.

make to liza, lizana. Mi rcy (have or show), rehemu.
mak'' unlawful, harimu, hara- Mildew, fanya kawa.
Milk, kama.
make up afire, chochea moto. Mind, tunza (take care of), angalia
make up one's mind, tanababi. (lake care), kuuibuka {bear in
make vi r*es, tunga mashairi. mind).
make water, kojoa. Never mind, baithuru, usitia

make toi ak, thoo£ n;i. sbuguli.

make well, ponya, ponyesba. I don't mind, mamoja pia.
Don! mah a noise 1 Tulial Mingle, changanya.
be mingled,
Manage, amili, fanya.
Mark, tia alama. Miscarry, haiibu mimba.
Marry, oa (of the husband),
olewa Miss, kosa.
in'h ), nana (of the near to without touching),
of th (to go
couple oza (of the parents).

ask in marriage, posa. (not to go direct to), cp<a.

to be missed (not found), kosckana.
.I/./-/- r,
ghelibn, sbinda.
fce nwwfc r o/, weza, tamalaki. Mislead, poteza, kosesha.
Match, lingana
Mi take, kosa.
make to match, Linga, linganiska. Mix, changanya.
be a moicA /'or. weza. mix up by knocking and beating,
Mi an, taka, uia, kiuudia. buruga, f'uuda.

Mock, iga, tkihaki, komaza, kufuru. notice a defect, toa kombo.

be Moderate,[ku-]wa kadiri. take no notice, taghafali.
sumbua, ckokoza, liasirisha.
Molest, Nourish, lisba.
Mould (cast in a mould), ita, fanya Nurse (a child), lea, lisba.
kwa kalibu. (a sick person), ugnza.
grow mouldy, fanya uktragn.
Moulder, fujika, fuiijika, h;iribika.
(go into lumps Wee spoilt flour), Obey, til, fuata, sikia, tumikia.
fanya madonge. Object to, kindana, sbindana, nidi-
Mount, panda, kwea. ana.
Mourn (in a formal manner), kaa Oblige (compel), lazimisba, juburu,
matanga. juzia.
join in a formal mourning, be obligatory upon, lazimu.
hana. hold under an obligation to do,

Move, (neut.) jongea, (act.) jongeza. &c, juzu.

Move into the shade, jongea (by kindness), fatbili, tendea zeina.
mvulini. Observe, angalia.
(as a carpet does when a mouse is Obstruct, kataza, pinga.
under it), furukuta. Obtain, pata.
(shake), tukusa, tikisa, sukasuka. O'-cupy (keep engaged), fawiti.
(change place of dwelling), haina, Offend, cbukiza, tia gbaiii, tia
tama (M.), gura (A.). basira.
cause to remove, hamisha, tamiska, be easily offended, [ku-]vva na
guriska. cbuki.

Multiply, (act.) zidisha, ongeza, not to be offended, ku-wa ratbi.

(neut.) zidi, ongezeka. don't be offended with me, niwie
Murder, ua, pass. nawa. ratbi, kunratbi.
Murmur, nung'unika. I am not at all offended,, ratbi
Must, lazimu, skarti, Laua buddi. sana.
See p. 155. Offer to, tolea, jongeleza (bring near
Mutilate, kata. to),

offer for sale by auction, tembeza

N. make a first bid, rissimu.

Name, taja, nena, ita, pa jina (give Omit, acha.

a name to). Ooze, tiiirika.
Need, taka, ihtaji, ihtajia. ooze out, vujia, tokeza, tokea.

Neglect, gbafilika (not to attend to), Open (act.) funua (uncover), fungua
acbilia (leave undone). (unfasten), panua (make wide),
Nfl>ble, tafuna. fumbua (unclose the eyes, d"c),
Nod, sinzia (<?oze ),asbiria kwa twaka sindua (set open a door), pepe-
(as a signal). tua (force open).
Notice, ona, angalia, nathiri. (7teu(.)[kii-]wa wazi (to lie clear
funuka or kunduka (to opt n Paint, Ida rang!
panuka (become
flower), I'tuif,tweta.
uridt ).
funguka (to get un- 1'aralyse, poozesba.
be paralysed or paralytic, pooza.
fastt ncd).
Oppose, gomba, khalifu.kataza, tcta, Pare, ambua.
Bbindania, ingia kati. Pardon, samclic, afu, gbofira, gho-
be opposite, lekea, kabili, elekea, firia.

lekeana, kabilia. Forgive me, nipo bisa yangn.
put opposite, lekeza, kabiJisba, Ash mutual pardon and so take a
elekt za. last farewell, takaua buriaui.
Oppress, onea, lcmt a, thelimu. Parry, bekua.
r, amuru, amrisba, ambia, 7 'art out, gawa, gawanya.
agiza {commission). Pats, i»ita, pisha.
arrange in order, panga, tuuga. make to pass, pitisba.

put iido good order, fanyiza, pass going in opposite directions,

tengeneza, ganga. pisliana.
Ought. See p. 155. pass through, penya.
ihtajia, taka, pasa. pass over (a river), vuka.
Overbear, by loud talhing, &c, pa- (a fault), acbilia.
mbanya, pambanyiza. pass close to without touching,
Overburden, lemea. ambaa,
be Overcast, tanda [vringu]. be passable, endcka.
Overeat oneself, vimbika, vimbiwa. Pasture, chunga, lisba.
rfeed, vimbisha. l'ntrh (thatch, &c), chomelca.

Overflow, miminika, tawanyika, be Patient, vumilia, subiri.

ghariki, furika. Paw [the ground], parapara.

Ovt rsee, eimaniia, angalia. Pay, lipa.
Ovt ilurn, pindua. pay to, lipia.
be overturned, piuduka. cause to be paid, lipiza.
Ovt rtake, pata. pay freight for, takabathisba.
Overwhelm, gharikisba. Peck, dona, dondoa.
Owe, wiwa. Peel, ambua, puna.
I owe him, aniwia. P< i
p, cliungulia, tungulia (M ).

to have in one's debt, wia. Pelt, tupia.

Own, miliki (possess), kiri (confess), Penetrate, penya.
ungaiiia (acknowledge). /' rceive, ona, sikia, fahamu.

Perfect, kamili.sha.
be perfect, kamilika. See Com-

Pack »p, ftmga. Perforate, zua, zua tundu.
Paddh vnta kwa
. kafi or kapi. /'.
rform a promise, fikiliza ahadi.
Pain, unia, umi.i. ablutions, tohara.

devotions, sali. prepare a wall for the white plaster

a vow, ondoa nathiri. by smoothing it and tapping in
Perish, fa, potea, potelea, haribika. small stones, tomea.
Perjure oneself, apa uwongo, sbu- put on a plaster, bandika.
hudia zuli or aziir. Play, cheza, laabu.
Permit, rukusu, pa ruksa, acha. play the fool, peketeka.

Perpetuate, duinisba. play upon an instrument, piga

Perplex, tia matata, cbanganyisha. zomari, &c.
become perplexed, ingia matata, Please, pendeza, furakisba.
tanganyika. (like),penda.
Persecute, fukuza, tkulumu. as you please, upendavyo.
dunm, duinia,
l'< r severe, dawamu. Please Tafatbali

Perspire, taka haii. be pleased, pendezewa.

Persuade, shawiski, kinaisba, pa make pleasing, pendekcza.
skauri. Pledge, weka rabaui.
Pick (as with a knife point), Pluck, ckuma (gather), nyakua
ckokora. (snatch), nyonyoa (pick off
(gather), cbunia. feathers).
stalks, &c, from cloves, &c, cba- pluck up a courage, piga moyo
mbua. Plug up, ziba. [konde.
pick out (select), cbagua, teua. Plunder, teka, twaa nyara.
pick up, okota. Point, cbonga ; fanya 'ncba.
pick up bit by bit, dondoa, lura- point out, onyesba, ainisba.
bika. Poison, pa sumu.
pick holes in one another's cha- Poke, choma.
racter, papu riaua. Polish, katua.
Pickle, fanya acbari. Ponder, fikiri, waza, tafakarL
Pierce, zua, penyesha, penya. Possess, miliki, [kii-]wa na.
Pile up [plates, &c.\ andibanya. (of an evil spirit), pagaa.
Pinch, finya. be possessed by an evil spirit,
be pinched up, fin y ana. pagawa na pepo.
Pine away, fifia. be Possible, [kii-]wa yamkini, weze-
Pity, burunaia, sikiiikia, rekemu. kana, fanyika, tendeka.
Place, weka. Postpone, akirisba.
an arrow on the string, a knife in make Pottery, finyanga
the belt, &c, pachika. Pound, ponda, funda.
Tltere is no place for vie in the clean corn by pounding, twanga.
house, nyumba bainiweki. Pour, mimina.
Plait, suka, sokota. pour away, mwaga, mwaya.
Plane, piga randa. have Power over, weza.
Plant, panda. Practise, jizoeza, taala.
Plaster, kandika. practise witchcraft, i'anya ucbawi.
-:!'u, hemidi. Profess, uiigama.

prat '.
ji.-ifn, jigamba. Profit, pata fayida, fayidi, clmma.
tunia (M.).
Pratt, puza.
rform the fixed Prognosticati .

ih notions), abudu (worship), by ll"' stars, piga falakL

taka (a*i /or), ombea Prohibit, kataza, gombeza.
pray for,
(/»/. rcedefor). Proj* -•/, tokeza, tukiza.
kbutubu, ayithi Prolong, ongcza urofu, tuiliza, en-
I rfi .
/• Pri cipitous, chongoka. Promise, abidi, b>a abadi.
P ftrf, agua, basbiri,
tabid. give a promise to, pa abadi.
r, penda, kbitari,
stabiba. Pronounce, ta'mka.
Pregnant, cbukua mimba, bamili. J'nijj up, ti
gemeza, shikiza.
are, weka tayari.
bt propped, tegen
/ooiZ. andaa, andalia. prop up a vessel to prt vent

Present to, tunikia, pa. falling over when left by the

make presents to, pukusa, pa tidt gada. .

baslii-hi. tmiza. Propose, nena, tna sbauri.

Preserve, bifatbi, afu.
Pri>.i> cute, sbtaki.

be 8( rved, hifatbika, Prosper, fanikiwa, sitawi, kibali,


Press, kaza, shindilia, .-inikiza. jaliwa.

kamua. Prostrate oneself, Bujudu.

press upon,
kandamiza. before, to, &c, sujudia.
press Juavtly upon, lemea.
Protect, lianii, Hilda, bifathi, kinga
u with the U £&, vuata.
( icnn! off).

md/.-e aw impression (as with the Prove, i/mbutisha.

be proved, tfmbutu.
fingers), bonyesha.
press and
crush food for invalids Provide, w< ka aMba.
or children, vinyavinya. Provoke, kirihi, kirildsha, tia liasira,

against one another,

like ghatbabisha.
sheep in a flock, sougaDasu- Prune, chenga, feka.
ngana. Pry, dadisi, fatiishi.
jifanya. Puff, puliza.
/'/- pi '. zuia, kataza. be puffed up, tuna, fura, jetca,

Prick, cboma. jivuna.

Pride oneself, ji.-dfu. Pull, vuta.
Print, piga cbapa. pull out, ng'oa.
Prize up, t< kua. /lulled out, ng'oka.
fuliza. Moyo unaning'oka, my heart ha*
Proceed, enenda,
Proclaim, tangaza, bubiri, nadi, jumped into my throat, used of

Procure for, patia. [eleza.

a person much startled,

be procurable, patikana. pull out feathers, nyonyoa.


pull out of one's hand, cbopoa. put ropes to a native bedstead

pull up [roots'], ng'oa. tanda wamba.
Pump, piga bomba. put to (shut), sbindika.
Punish, atbibu, athibisha, tesa put to flight, kimbiza.
(afflict), sumbusba (give annoy- put to rights, tengeneza, tengeleza
ance to), patiliza (visit upon). put to straits, tbiiki.
Purify, takasa, safisba. put through, penyesba.
by ceremonial ablutions, tohara. Putrify, oza.
be purified, safiba, takasika. Puzzle, tatanisba.
Purpose, kusudia, ania. be puzzled, tatana, tatazana.
Pursue, fuata (follow), winda
(chase), fukuza (drive away),
tafuta (seek for).
Push, sukuma. Qualte, tetemeka, tetema.
push against, kumba. Quarrel, gombana, nenana, nazi-
push aside, piga kikumbo, yana.
push off upon, kumbisba. with, teta, gomba.
Put, tia, weka. Quarry [stone], cbimba, vunja.
put across [a river], vusha. Quell, tuliza.
put a pot on the fire, teleka. Quench, zima.
put an end to, komesba, gbairi. Quicken, bimiza (make quicker).
put aicay, weka. be quick enough (be in time),
put down, tua. diriki.

put forth leaves, cbanua. Quiet, tuliza.

put in a line, panga. become quiet, tulia, nyamaza,
put in order, tunga. tulika.

put in under anything, vumbika. Quit, acba, toka.

put into, tia. Quiver, tetema.
Tia motoni, put it in the fire.
Tia moto, set it on fire, B.
put into the right way, vusba.

put off,
akirisba. Eace, sbindania.
put off upon another, sukuniiza. Rain, nya.
put on [clothes], vaa. It rains, mvua inakunya, mvua
put on his guard, tabatbirisba. yanya (M.).
put on a turban by winding the cause it to rain, nyesha.
cloth round the head, piga leave off raining, atraka.
kilernba. Raise, inua (lift), paaza (make to

put out, toa. rise), tweka, kweza, pandisba,

put out [fire], zima, zimia. imisba.

put out of joint, shtusba, shtua. raise the eyebrows by icay of sign,

put ready for use, sogezea, konyeza.

raise the eyebrows by way of con-
(think), kumbuka, waza,
mpt, kuuia.
Reform, silibi, silibisba, sahihi,
flange together, paugauri.
Ransom, komboa, fidi (of tfte price), Babihisba.
fidia (of thi \
Refresh, burudisha, sterehisha,
tilth the knuckles, piga konzi. burudu.
chubuka. iza.
be mad' I iiv. Refuse, kataza, kataa,
See Stretch, hini.
Reacli. refuse to, nyiina.

(arrive at), fika, wasili. pata. refuse to believe, katalia.

reach a person, fikia, wasilia. Refute, batili.
cause to reach, fikiska, wasilisha. Regret, juta, sikitika.

put within hi* reach, [mw-jeneza.

/,' hearse, kaiiri.sba.
reach its limit, pea. Reign, miliki, tawala.
Read, Boma, fyoma (M.). Reject, kataa. kaaia.
teach to read, soniesba. Rejoice, (neut.) furahi,
up, vuna. rejoice in, furaliia.
the heads of Indian malic to rejoice, furabisha.
(break off
corn), goboa. shout and triumph, sbangilia.
Rear [a child'], lea. Relate, hadithia, nena, toa. pa.

ason, tefua. Relax, reg( z u

Rebel, a-i, khalifu, tagbi. be relaxed, regea.

Rebuke, ncnea, laumu, lawana. /,'. It ase, acba, likiza.

Rebut, dakuliza. from an obligation, feleti.
//< lish, ona tamu, ona luththa.
Rt ceive, poki a, pewa, twaa.
(accept), kubali, takabali.
ly upon, fungamana. jetea.
receive for some one else,
pokelea. E< main (stay), kaa,
kaa kitako,
receive a stranger, karibiaba. keti (M.).

IV ckon, hesabu, wanga. be left, eaa, salia, baki.

/,.' cite, karirisha.

remain awake, kesba.
Recline, jinyosha, tandawaa, pu- remain quiet, starehe.
mzika. to remain as he wishes, kumkalia

tambua, tambulia, fafa- tamu.

nua. Remedy, poza.
be recognizable, tambulikana. Remember, kumbuka, fahamu.
B collect, kumbuka, fabamu. remember against, patiliza.
Recommend, ueuea, agiza, arifu, Remind, kumbusha, fahanii.-.ha.
peleka. Remit [sins'], ghofiri.
Reconcile, patanifiha, seklii.-ha. remit to, ghofiria, ondolea.

Redeem, komboa, fidia. Remove, ondoa, tenga, ondolea.

Reduce, punguza. from an office,
a ""''• 1: ,/</, rarua, paeua.
f i
). .
b , i
. a. be rent to pieces, pasukapasuka

Renounce, acha, kana. Revive, as a plant in water, chupuza.

Rent, panga (hire), pangisha (let). (act.) fufua, huisha.
Repair, fanyiza, fanya. Revolt (disgust), kinaisha.
Repay, lipiza. revolt at, kinai.

Repent, tubu. Reicard, jazi, jazilia, lipia, fatbili

repent of, tubia. Ride upon, panda.
Reply, jibu (give an answer), itika Ridicule, fanyizia mzaha. thil.aki.
(answer when called). Ring a bell, piga kengele.
Repay, regeza, lipa. Rip, pasua.
Reproach, shutumu, kamia, taya. Ripen, iva.

Request, taka. Rise (ascend), paa.

Rescue, toa kunako hatari, toa (get up), ondoka.
mnamo hatari, okoa. (stand up), sirnama, inuka.
Resemble, fanana na. (rise to, or out of respect for),
make to resemble, fananisha. ondokea.
Resent, fanya ghathabu, ingiwa na (come to the top of the water),
gkathabu. zuka.
Resign, jiuzulu, jitoa katika. (of the sun), [kii-]cha.
Resist, khalifu. Roar, lia, nguruma, fanya kishindo

Resolve, yakinia, azimu. (make a crash).

Rest (neut.) purnzika, tulia, starehe. Roast, oka.
(act.) pumzisha. Rob, ibia (steal from), nyang'anya.
He never rests, hana zituo. (take by force), poka.
I cannot rest in the house, nyumba Rock, pembeza.
hainiweki. Roll, (act.) fingirisha.
Restore, rudiska, rejeza. (neut.) fingirika.
Restrain, zuia. (of a river, time, &c), pita.
Resuscitate, fufua, huisha. Root out, ng oa.
Retaliate, twaa kasasi, lipia sawa, Rot, oza.
jilipiza. be Rough, paniga, paruza.
Retire (go bach), endelea nyuma. be Round, viringa.
Return, (neut.) rudi, regea. (spherical), viringana.
(act.) rudisha, regesha. Rouse from sleep, amsha.
Reveal, funua. Row, vuta makasia.
Revenge, nahma, lipia maovu, toa be in rows, panga7ia.
kasasi put in a row, panga.
revenge oneself, jilipiza (or lipia) Rub, sugua.
kasasi. the skin off, chubua. tuna.
Reverence, nenyekea. rub to pieces, fikicha.

Reverse, pindua. rub in ointment, &c, paka.

Revile, shutumn. Ruin, angamisha. poteza, vuna
Revive, (neut.) fufuka, hui, buika. korofisha.
be of use to. faa.
be mint d. angamia, tilifu, iili.-iUa

satisfy lust, limia ngoa.

RttU . tawala. Save, okoa, ponya, vuaha,
be saved, okoka, poua, vuka.
nil* >' lint .
paga mstari.
iatt . ( uka. (put away), weka.
mbio, rukhuthu.
. kata kwa msumeno, kereza.

run a risk, hatirisha. Say, srma.

run against, 1'ulia. say to, ambia.
run away, kimbia. Scald, onguza, unguza.
fee to run away, kimbiza. be scalded, ungua.
run a master, home, Scare, fukuza, tin khofu.
away from
scare bird* from corn, tie., linda
,1 ... toroka.
run asliore, panda, tekeza. nilege.
run down, likt usatt r, or lih a Scatter, tawanya, tapanya (M-X
rson down u - farakisba.
<t st< <
p plnr< .

lem'ka. be scattered, tawanyika.

run down with blood, churuzika scatter about, tawanyatawanya,

:ilU. tapanyatapanya (M.).
run hard, kaza mbio. Scent {put scent to), Muga
run over, tiirika. smell out, nuki/.a.

run with <i

shuffling noire likt a Scold, fanyizia ukali, nenea, laumii,

rat, gugurusha. karipia.

run (in .-<
n-iiiij), [
i i
ira bandi. Scoop up, wangua.
h enda kassi. Scorch, unguza, onguza.
be scorched, ungua, ungnlia.
/ i t in nl.).
ingia kntu.
Bustle, piga mtakas .. Scorn, tharau, twtza, piketi
Scour, sugua.
Scrape, kuna.
Salute, salimu, sulimu, amkua, scrape along, kwaruza.
amkia, salimia. scrape for, with, &c, kunia.
fire a salute, piga rnizinga ya scrape into a coarse meal, )>naza.
BalamtL scrape off, puna.
Salve, bandika. scrape off bark, dirt, scales, &c+
Sanction, toa ilhini. to eh an to/ sera piiuj, pan.

Satisfy, rithika. scrape on the around, para.

satisfied or content, [ku-]wa scrape out, komba.
ratfai scrape up, kwangua.
satisfy with food, shibigha. Scratch, kuna, kunyua.
be satisfied, shiba. (make a scratch'), piga rntai.

}* never t
atisfit d, nyeta. scratch deeply, papura.

'fsatisfit 'l. kinai. scratch like a hen, pekua.

be enough, tooba. •u, piga kiowe, piga yowe.

Scrub, sugua. separate people who are fighting,

Search for, tafuta, tefua. amua.
search all about, tafutatafuta. (distinguish), pambanua.
Seal, tia muhuri. be cut off from one another, like
Seduce women, tongoza. friends separated by great dis-
See, ona. tances, tindikiaua.
be seen, or visible, onekana. be Serene, [ku-]wa saff, tulika
see any one off,
saiirisha. kunduka.
Seek, taka. Moyo wake umekunduka, hit

seek advice, taka skauri. heart is at peace.

seek out, kuji. Serve, tumikia. hudumia.
seek for, tafuta, zengea. be a servant, tumika.
seek out for, look out for, tafutia. serve for, faa kwa.
Seem. Set, weka.
It seems to me, naiona. (plant), panda.
seem sweet to, kora. (of the sun), ckwa, twa (M.).
Seize, kamata, guia, shika. Tlie sun is not
set, jua hali-
seize for debt, filisi. jachwa.
go quietly and secretly up to any- set a dog on one, tomeska mbwa.
thing in order to seize it sud- set a trap, tega.

denly, nyemelea.
set aside, tangua, ondoa.
Select, chagua, teua. set fire to, tia moto, waska, koka
Sdl, uza. The u- of this word is choma.

very unimportant, it is
generally sc in order, panga, tunga.
merged in the -u of ku-, the set on to fight, piganisha, pigani-
sign of the infinitive, which is sbana.
retained in most of the tenses, set open [a door], sindna.
sell to, liza. set out on a journey, safiri, shika
be ordinarily sold, uzanya. Dj'ia.

Send-, peleka, leta. set the teeth on edge, tia ganzi la

to a person, pelekea, letea. meno.
cause to reach a person, wasi- set up (put upwards), panza.
lisha. (make to stand), simikisha.
send away, ondosha, toa. set wide apart, panulia.

send back, rudiska, rejeza. Settle, (neut.) tuana.

send upon some business, tuma. settle an affair, kata tnaaeno.
Separate, teuga, weka mbali. settle down, tulia.

(leave one another), ackana, atana in one's mind, yakinia.


(M.), tokana. Sew, shona.

(alienate), farakisha. sew through a mattress to confine
become alienated, farakana, ta- the stuffing, tona godoro.

ngukana. Sliade, tia uvuli.


. im-t.) likiea. become Shrewd and knowing, en*

•n.) tikitika. make Shrewd, erevusha. [vuin,
ike off, i
pua, kupua, Shru k, piga kiyowe.
slial.e out, kung'uta, kumunta Shrink {become smaller), puDgua.
(Mer.). (from something), jikunja.

ne Shalloir, punguka. shrink up, jikunyata, fingana.

haya, tahayarisha. Shrivel (neut.), nyauka, iinyana.
put to*hti;iit, fi 1L1 lieka, aibika. kunjana.

/»»>, kamla. Shrug the shoulders, inua mabega.

, uniba. Shudder, tetenieka.
iwanya. Shun, epuka.
p ;rt out in shares, gawa, bnssu. He along, gngurusha.
partners in, shariki, sbarikiana, shuffle cards, tanganya kanta.
pen on a stone, noa. Shut (/nit in), shind

(fasten), fuuga.
shave round the h ad, It aving Lair (close), funiba.
on the crown only, kata denge. shut against, fungisha.
shave all save one long tuft, kata be Sick or ill, ugua, [kii-]wa mwi li.

pukutika. [kinjunjuri. [kii-]wa hawezi, &>•. Set III

S 11, papatua. and Vomit.

sin II beans, &c., pua baazi, &c. lie feels siek or sea-sick, mnyo
.«/(•// nuts, &c.,by beating, banja, wamchafuka, moyo umeimu a 1(

menya. (31.), ana ng'onga (A.).

Shelter, tia kivuli. Sift, chunga (by shaking), peta or
Shift a bunb
from one n to another, pepeta (by tossing), pepua
pokezama. (separate large and small, whole
shift over
a soil to the other side, and broken grains). Sifting is
kisi tanga. always done by tossing and
g'ara, zagaa, m< kameka. shaking in a round flat basket.
r (neut.), tapatapa, tuteraa, Sigh, ugua, kokota rono (draw
meka, tapa. breath with an effort).
with a gun], piga [kwa Silence, nvamazisba.

bunduki]. become silent, nyamaza.

(at .
chupnka, cbupuza. continue silent, uyamaa.
•ten, fapiza. be Silly, piswa.
be short and small, kundaa. Sin, fanya tliambi, kosa.
fall short, punguka, tindika (A.). Sing, imba, tumbuiza (lull).
it, piga kelele. Sink (act.), zamiflha, tosa (drown),
out of the way, piga kikumbo. didimisha (into a solid

v, onyesha, om :<.

a light, mulika. (neut.), zama, tota (elrown), didi-
thou: one's teeth, loa mono. iuia (sink into a solid substance}.

Sip, nywa funda (? to take in by Smell at, nukiza.

gulps). Smile, tabassam, cheka, kunja
Sit, kaa, kaa kitako, keti (M.). midoino.
Take a seat, kaa kitako. Smoke, toka moshi.
sit like a hen, atamia. smoke tobacco, vuta tumbako.
Skin, chuna, tuna (M.). smoke (meat, &c), piga mvnke.
Slander, singizia, fititii, aiuba, tku- Smoothe, lainisha.
mu. Smoulder, vivia.
Slap, piga kofi- Smuggle, iba ushuru.
Slash, tema. Snap, alika (neut.), alisha (act.).
Slaughter, chinja (to kill by cutting Snare, tega.
the throat), tinda (M.). It is Snarl, toa meno.
not lawful to eat any meat that Snatch, nyakua, pokonya.
has not been so killed. Sneeze, chafya, shamxia, enda or

Sleep, lala. piga chatya.

Sleep well ! Lala unono !
Snore, koroma, piga misono (make
doze, sinzia. a whistling sound).
I am sleepy, ninao uzingizi. Snort, piga pua.
be slept upon, lalika. Snub, kemea.
Slide, teleza. Soak, woweka.
Sling, tupa kwa kombeo. Sob, ingia na shake la kulia.

Slip, teleza. Sober, levusha.

It is slippery, pana utelezi. become sober, levuka.
slip down a steep place, poromoka, Soften, lainisha.
telem'ka. Solve, watbaisha, weka wazi
slip away grain by grain like eleza.
sand or corn, dondoka. Soothe, tuliza, pembeza, tumbuiza.
slip off, or out of one's hand, &c, be Sorry, sikitika, kasirika (be
chopoka, ponyoka. vexed), juta (regret).
Slit, pasua. I am sorry for it, sioni verna.
Slope, inama. Sound, pima maji.
be Sluggish, pumbaa. It sounds hollow, panalia wazi.

Smart, waka. Sow seeds, panda, yaa (A.).

make to smart, nyonyota. sow discord, fitini.
Smear on, paka. Sparkle, merimeta, mekameka, me-
Smell (emit a smell), uuka, nusa. metuka (A.).
I smell ambergris, inaninuka Speak, nena, sema (say), tamka
ainbari (ambergris makes a (pronounce), ambia (say to).
smell to me). speak about, at, for, or against,
Do you not smell it ? Huisikii nenea.
ikiuuka? (Do you not perceive speak against, amba.
it making a smell '?) speak distinctly, pauibazua.
ah out ! Sema sana !
Sprout, mea, cbupuka, tokeza (show
mah a tp "//, tagusa, lumba. itself), cbanua (put forth
Arabic, sema Kiarabu.
/.- l<n res).

speoA; " jumble of different lan- Spy out, peleleza.

guages or dialects, ^"tuza. Squabble, bisbana, gombana.

iml I .

ayamaa. Squander, t'uja, tapanyatapanya.

/. endeleza. Squeak, lia,

!,tumia, kliarij. Squeeze, kamua.

nd upon or about, harijia, glia- (grasp), fumbata.
rimia. squeeze togt tht r (act.), songa.
ml time, ongea. (neut.) soiigana.
Spill, mwaga, niimina. squeeze oneself into a hedg> or
' spilt, mimii.ika. against a wall to l 1 ofht rs pass,

Spin, idkota. jibanza.

Spit, tenia mate. Squint, [kii-]wa na makengi z;u
(act.) rusbia. Stab, cboiria.
(neut.) rukia, tawanya. Stagger, pepa.
Splice [a rope], in be staggered, tosbea, bbangaa.

[a spar], ganga. (astonish), sbangaza.

Split, {act.) pasua. Stain, tia waa, tia niadoadoa (spot).
splii up, ii' at.) pasukapasuka. Stalk [an animal], nyemelea.
split down (branches), (act.) Slammer, [ku'-]wa na kigugmuizi.
kwanua. sin nip, piga cbapa.
be split down, as when mnjonehas Stand, simama, kaa.
been try inn to climb up by them, up or still, simama (of persons).
kwanuka. make to stand, simaraisha, simiki-
/. baribu, vunja. sba.

(neut.), baribika, oza. stand aghast, ghumiwa.

with, laabu. stand by, simamia.
ut out, ruka. stand in the way of, kindana.
The wliale spouts, nyamgumi stand over, akiri.
anatoa moshi. stand staring, .shangaa.
in, shtusha msbipa, teuka. Stan at, kodolea.
be sprained, Bhtuka msbipa Start (be startled), sbtuka, gutuka.
ad, (m ut.) in, a, farisbi. (set out), ondoka, safiri.

) eoeza. [ka. start out of the way, kwepa.

opened and spread o»er,kunju- Startle, sbtua, atusha, kutusba.
11! a cloth or a bed, tandika. Starve, (neut.) fa kwa njaa.
spread out, tanda. (act.) fisha kwa njaa.
•/read [news'], tangaza. Stay, kaa, kaa kitako, keti (M.).
(income known), tangaa. //<
stayed all day, alishinda
inkle, nyunyiza. kutwa.

(wait), ngqja, subiri. stop short of its purpose or per-

(loiter), kawia, kawilia. fection, via.
(remain over long), hajirika. stop up, ziba.
(stop) (act), zuia. Store up, weka akiba.
be Steady, tungamana, tulia. Stow, pakiza.
Steal, iba, jepa (A.). Straddle (icalk with the legs far
steal from, ibia. apart), tagaa.
Steep, choveka, owamisha. Straighten, nyosha.
be steeped, owama. be straight, nyoka.

Steer,shika shikio. Strangle, nyonga, songa.

Steer northwards, shika majira ya Strain (a liquid), ckuja, tuja 01.).
jaa. See Sprain, pojiotoa.

[a vessel], andika. (make a violent effort), kakaniuka.

Step over, kiuka, kia. Stray, potea, zunguka.
Stick, (neut) sbika, gandama, a- Strengthen, tia nguvu.
mbata. Stretch, nyosha.
(act.)ambatiza, ganda. stretch up to reach anything, chu-
stick together, ainbatana, ganda- clminia.

ruana, guiana (Mer.). stretch one's legs, kunjua miguu.

stick fast, kwama, sakama. stretch the threads for weaving,
stick into [the embers to be roasted], tenda nguo.
vumbika. stretch across an opening (act.),
stick out, (neut.) toktza. tanda, wamba.
(act.) benua. Strew, mwagia, nyunyiza.
Stifle, zuia pumuzi. Strike, piga.
Still, tuliza, nyamazisba. strike on the ground, piga na nchi.
be very still, zizima. strike the foot against anything,

Stimulate, taharrakisha. kwaa.

Sting, uma. strike with the hoof, piga kwata.
St ink, nuka, nuka vibaya. strike out (in icriting), futa.

Stir, boruga, vuruga, kologa. strike a sore place, tonesba.

stir up and knock about, tibua. String (beads, &c), tunga.
stir up, turn over, and press Strip off, ambua, pua, menya,
together, songa. babua.
stir up (fire, strife, &c), ohoche- (branches, leaves, &c), pagua.
Stnop. inaina. [lezea. Strive with, shindana na, teta, hn-

Stop, (act.) zuia (hold in), komesha sumu.

(make to cease), kingamisha (make an effort), fanya bidii or
(block). jubudi.
(neut.) simama (stand), koma strive for breath, tweta.

(leave off), Stroke, papasa.

stop and stagnate, vilia. Stroll about, zutigukazmiguka.

be Strong and well-knit, pirikana, supply a trader with goods on

kakawana. '•/•-
dit, kopesha.
Struggle, fanya juhudi. Support, tegemeza, himili, chukua.
Study, taalL he supports Ids parents, awachn-
:/<»/ in a claw
for study, durusi. kua wazee waive.

Stumble, jikwaa. Suppose, tliani (think), thania (think

mafce to stumble, kwaza. of), kisi (gut-ss).
Stun. Suppurate, ton uzalia.
be st unn< <l, potca na akili, rukwa become Surety, thamini.
na akili. Surpass, pita.
Stunt, viza. Surprize, toshea, taajabisha.
be stunted, via. be surprized, fcaajabu, toshewa.

Stutter, [kii-]\va na kigugumizi, (come upon suddenly), fumania,

babaika. gundua.
Subdue, tiisha, Bhiuda. Surrender, sellini.

Submit to, tii, fuata. Surround, zunguka, tandama (?),

Succeed {follow), ja mahali pake. dura.
Such a one succeeded him, baada Survey, ana.
yake alikuja na fullani. Survive, [kii-]\va hayi baada ya.
{prosper), fanikiwa, kibali. Suspect, thania, tuhumu.ingiaab.aka,
succeed in doing, pat;i kufanya. Swagger, taniba, wuyawaya.
Suck, nyonya, amwa (M.), fyonda, Swallow, meza.
fyonza. Sway, punga.
such up, nwa. sway ai/out, like a drunken man,
such out, sr.ida. lewalewa, umbaumba.
I have sucked him dry (got all the sway backwards and forwards,
information, &c, I can out of tangatanga.
him), nimemzua. away like a tree loaded with fruit,
Suckle, nyonyesha, amwisha (M.). wayawaya.
Sue for (at law), dai. sway about in the wind, yumba.
Suffer, teswa, taabika, umwa. Swear, apa.
what he suffered, mambo ynlio- swear at, apiza.
mpata. make to swear, afya, apislia.
suffer loss, pata hasara. Sweat, toka hari, fanya jasko.
fcosha, tosheleza, kifu. Sweep, fagia, pea (M.).
ha. sweep together, zoa.
faa of use to), lingana
(be sweep away all there is, kuml>a.
(match), wafiki (be suitable to). Swell, fura, vimba, tuna, vuna.
Sum up, jumlisha. rise into little swellings, tutuka,
intend, -imamia, angalia. tutumka, tutusika.
ply, iiwini, ruzuku (used es- Swim (of a man), ogolea.
pecially of God). (float), clea.

moyo unaelea (M.), I feel dis- take one's revenge, jilipiza kisasi.
turbed in my inside. take out, opoa, ondoslia, toa.
(make to float), eleza. take out of a trap, namua (Mt-r.).

Sioindle, punja. take out of the sun or rain, anua.

Swing. See Sicay (neut.), ning'inia. take out of the pot, pakua.
(act.~), uing'iniza, hembesha. take suddenly and violently, poka.

swing the arms, which is reckoned take the responsibility, tadariki.

an elegance in a woman's car- take to pieces, kongoa.

riage, punga mikono. take up, tweka.

swing round the head in dancing, take up a little at a time, chota,

lintra. dokoa.
take upon oneself the obligations
of another, hawili.
Tack (in sewing), piga bandi. Talk, nena, sema, jizumgumza.
(in sailing), pindua kwa goshini. talk about, to, of, at, for, or against,

Take, twaa. nenea.

(receive), pokea, pewa. talk against one another, ncnana.
(to a person), pelekea. talk a person over into or
(to aplace), peleka, clmkua, fikiza. telling something, nyenya.
take a portion from the dish in talk and murmur in one's sleep,
eating, mega, anibua. weweseka.
take a piece in chess, la. talk English, &c, sema Kiingrezi,
take a walk, tembea, enda tembea. cf-c.

take across, vua, vukisha, vusha. talk nonsense, puza, puzika.

take as spoil, teka. talk scandal about, amba, izaia.
take away, ondosha, toa. talk through the nose, semea puaiii,
take away from a person, twalia. [kii-]wa na king'ong'o.
take away from, or off from, epua, Tangle, tia matata, tatanisha.
okoa. be tangled, tatana, tatazana.
take away the desire of anything Tap, gota, gouga, cbapa.
more, kinaisha. Tarry, kawa, kaa.
take by force, nyang'anya. Taste, onda, onja, thuku, limbuka
take care, angalia. (taste a new crop, &c, for the
take care of, tunza. first time).
take civet from the ngawa, zabidi. Tax, fanya ushura (?).
take courage, tawakali, piga moyo Teach, fundisha, funza, fnnda, ele-
konde. misha (instruct), juvya, juvis,ka
take down, angua. or julisha (make to know).
take leave of, aga, agana na. Tear, rarua, babua, papua, papura.
take off (clothes), vua. be torn, raruka, babnka, papuka.

(the fire), ipua. tear down [branches, &c.], kwa-

take one's due, jilipizt.. nua.
•_' !
be torn down and broken, kwa- Thrior. tupa.

nyuka. <Arow) </ rz<£< -r, ruslia.

T •'• .
chokoza, kefyaki fya. (ftrOMJ <r stern ,
cfec, \ ui'innis' a.
T-ll. ambia. //(/•ice iilmiit,
tawanya, tapauya
till a tale, haditbi, liadithia, ncna CM.), chafua, tefua(M.).
or toa haditbi. throw a!, tupia.
1>]l tal<* about, chongeleza. throw away, tupa.
T' mpt, jaribu {try), eliuwislii (per- Ilinnr down, uliiusha.
throw nr,
rboard, tosa.
dto, lekea. ///row up, or off, rusba.
Tend {sheep, &c), chunga, tunga //'/•«('• a burdi n <<//' Me shoulhr.
(M.), lisha. <\-i\. bwa i

Terrify, ogofya, tisha, kbofisha. I'hiiiui, r. [kii-]wa na ngurumo (d&-

stify, shuhudu, sbubudia, sema tant), piga radi (m «r).
osimhnda. Thwart, balifu.
']' ther, funga. Tickle in tl<<
ribs, tek< nya, shtua.
Thank, ambia asanti, shukuru (very 77. ,
seldom used except of God). <iV « /.•/('//. pi;:a i'mido.
Thank you, assant, marababa tie tip into a bundle or faggot,
(this last is tl' "proper answer tita.

to a slavt '«
Tightt a. (act.) kaza, tia kassi,
salutation). (m
zi ka.
Thatch, \ iniba, (
kazana, kazika.
Think (consider), aza, likiri, tafa- Tingle, nna kinyenyefu.
kari, kumbuka. Tip off the head, shoulder, &c.,
(oipposc), tbani, tliania. bwaga.
think oneself, jiona. he Tijixij. lcwa. ji!- vya.
oneself a man, jipevua. ma/ce lips?/, levya.
</</»& o/, tia maanani, kumbuka Tire, chosha, taajazi.
(remember), ma, ania, or nuia become tired, choka.
featx iTi one's mind). be tiresome, refuse to be pleased,
Third, nna kiu (y'o-l third), P<u-] Toast, oka. [deka.
wa na kiu (%ave third), be Together.
'j h, •!>
ogofya, ogofisha, kbofisha,
re, are Together, tu sote.

karaia (?). Tolerate, stabimili, vumilia.

Thresh, piga, pura (6ea< out com), Torment, atbibu, utbi, atbibisha.
fikiclia kwa miguu (tread out), Toss, rueha.
fikicba kwa mikono (rub out). Totter, tetemeka (tremble), pepe-
11, rill, tetema. suka (be shaken), kon a

Thrive, eitawi, fanikiwa (of p< i

(totter in one's walk).
orrfy) Touch, gusa.
Tliroh. ]»uma. foucA </• //////. papasa.
Titrottb ,
kaba. touch up, tengeneza.

Tout for custom, &c, sapa. Tuck into the girdle, dc, fulika.

Tow, fungasa. Tumble, anguka, pomoka.

Track, fuata nyayo. tunibukia (fall into).
Trade, fauya biashara. Turn or turn into, (act.) geuza, geua.
trade in a small ivay, keep a stall, (neut.) turn, turn into, turn itself,
churuza. geuka.
Train up, adibu, lea. turn over, or the other way,

Trample, finyanga, kanyaga. pindua (act.), pinduka (neut.).

Transcribe, nakili. turn round something else, zu-
Transform, geuza, badilL nguka (neut.), zungusba (act.).
be Transparent, ng'ara. He turned round, aligtuka.
Transgress, tagki, hahfu. The river turns, mto unazunguka.
Translate, tafsiri, fasiri, geuza. The ship turned, meiikebu ilipi-
Trap, tega. nduka.
Travail (of a woman), shikwa na turn (prevent its going on in the
utungu. same direction), pinga.
Travel, safiri. turn aside (neut.), potoa, potoka.
Tread, kanyaga, vioga (M.), finya- turn bottom upwards, fudikiza.

nga (trample). turn in a lathe, kereza.

Treat, tendea. turn out well for, f'anikia.
he treats me badly, kunitendea Ttceak, nyukua.

vibaya. Twist, (act.) nyonga, songa, popotoa.

Tie treats mewell, kunitendea zema. (neut.) potoka.

Tremble, tetema, tetemeka, tapatapa. [a rope~] sokota, suka, pakasa

Trickle, tiriiika. (Mer.).
Trim, tengeneza.
trim vegetables, &c, for sale, cba-
trim (sail), rausi. Unclose, fumbua.
be Uncomfortable, taabika, sumbuka,
Triumph, skinda, fanya sbangwi.
Trot, enda maskindo (of a horse),
toa kuona raba.
enda matiti (of an ass). Uncover, funua.
Trouble, taabiska, sumbua. Unfasten, fungua.
be troubled, taabika, sumbuka, Understand, sikia, jua, fafanua,
shugkulika. tambua (recognize).
be troubled in mind, fatkaika. I understand, yamenk-lea, yame-
Trust in, amini, jetea, tumauia. nitulilia.

entrust to, aminisba, weka, amini. make understand, sikiza.


(have confidence), tumaini. to be mutually intelligible, make

trust in God and take courage, one another understand, siki-
tawakali. zana.
Try. jaribn, onja (taste). Undertake, tkamaini, jilazimiska
try hard, jitabidi, fanya bidiL tadariki.
Undt rvalue, rakhisisba Vi nture, hatirisha, //ailmtu.

(unfasten), fungua. Vex, kasirisha.
untie (i knot, fundus. be vexed, kasirika, chukiwa.

(ruin), poteza. be Visible, onekaua.

Undress, vua nguo. Visit, enda kuangalia, kutazama,

Unfold, kunjuu. or kuzuru, jia (come to), endea
('nil:unga, angana.
(go to),
Unpick or Unrip, fumua. be visited, jiwa.
/>-(•',»), uns( ii-ii, t'umuka. visit upon, patiliza.
Unroof, ondoa sakafu (take off a Vomit, tapika, ki komoka (belch out).
stone roof), ezua paa, or zu- make to vomit, tapisha.
mbua paa (A.), (take off thatch ). Void, tangua. batili.
Unseic, fumua. be made void, tanguka.
come unsewn, l'umuka. Vow, weka natliiri (make a vow),
Unthatch, czua, zumbua (A.) perform a vow, ondoa uatl.iii.

Untie, fungua.
a knot, fundua.
Upbraid, nenca, tuliumu, taya. Wail, omboleza.
Upsi t, pindna. Wait, or wait for, ngoja, saburi,

Urge, ,-ukuraa, kaza. subiri.

Urinate, kojoa. Wait a bit, ngoja kwanza.

Use (mah use of), tumia. wait upon, ngojea.
To have been used for something, Wake, (neut.) a'mka.
knlikuwa na kitu. (act.) a'msha.
be of use, faa. remain awake, kesha, angaza.
be of use to one another, faana. be awake, [kii-]wa macho.
use bad language to, tukana. wake up suddenly with a start,
use words well and correctly, zinduka, zindukana.
saritu. Wale, alia.

Use (accustom), zoeza. Walk, enda, enrla kwa miguu.

'/' come used
to, zot a. (of a horse or ass), enda delki.
Utter, ta'inku. walk about, tembelea.
take a walk, tembea.
walk up and down, nda ma*ia.i

Value, tia kima (put a pricp upon), walk lame, chechea, enda chopi.
penda (h Wander, zunguka, potea.
be valuable, faa, faa sana, [kii-] in mind, papayuka.
wa na manfaa. Want (need), taka, ihtajia, ihtaji.
Vanish, toweka, toa kuonekana, (wish to have), taka, ipa.
be wanting, ihtajiwa, pungnka.
potfa, tokoiin a (get out of one's
Ward off, kinga (receine on some-
thing), bckna (knock off again)

Go awl hidi .' Tokoinea


Warm up, kanga moto, pasha moto. Weave, fuma.

ten da nsruo, to stretch the threads
Warn, onya, anabia, nasi, hatha-
risba (put on ones guard). ready for weaving.
Warp, benuka (as wood does in tarizi, weave a border on to a piece

Wash, osba. [drying), of cloth. This is the only kind

wash clothes, fua; by dabbing of weaving done in Zanzibar.
gently only, chackaga.
Weed (hoe up weeds), boruga, pali-

oneself, nawa. Weep, lia. [Ha.

wash one's hands, nawa mikono. weep together, lizana.
Waste, (act.) tilifu, tilifisba, fuja, burst into tears, bubujika macbozi.
thii. baribu, tawanya, tapanya Weigh, pima.
(M.). weigh down, lemea, topeza.
(neut.) pungua, tilifika. Weld on a piece of steel or iron,
Watch, (act.) vizia, ngqjea, angalia. tambuza.
keep watches, ngojea kwa zamu. Wet, tia maji, cbofya niajini (dip in
watch over, linda. water).
(not to sleep), kesha, angaza. Whet, noa.
Water, tia maji, nyweska maji Whisper, nong'ona, nong'oiiezana,
make water, kojoa. nong'onia.
Wave, punga.
(act.) Whistle, piga mbinda, miunzi, mi-
(neut.) tangatanga. sono, or rniao. Most, if not all,
Waver, shangaa. of these refer to an involuntary
Waylay, otea. whistling sound; to whistle

Weaken, tboofisha, toa nguvu. voluntarily is regarded in Zan-

become weak, thoofika. zibar as profane.
be Weaned, acba ziwa (leave the Widen, panua (act.), panuka (pass.).
breast), sbishwa. Will, taka, penda.
Wear, —the past tenses of kuvaa, If God will, insliallah, Muungu
to put on, are used to express akinijalia (if God gives me the

wearing. power).
He wears, amevaa. Win, pata.
He wore, alivaa. Wind (neut.), zongazonga, zungu-
Wear away, (neut.) lika, pnngua, kazungnka.
puDguka. wind thread, kunja uzL
(act.) la, punguza. Wink, kopesa, pepesa, pesa.
Wear out, (neut.) chakaa (by age or Kukonyesba, to raise the eyebrmcs ;
use). this is a sign used as winking
He wore out my patience, alinon de- is in England.

lea saburi. Wipe, futa, pangusa.

Wear ship, pindua kwa damalini. wipe the nose, futa kamasL
Weary, cbosba. Wish, taka, penda
become Weary, cboka. Wither, nyauka, fa, fifia.

Withhold from, nyiroa, liini.

Wrap, kunja.
Witness, ona i
Wreck, vunja.
l,.,ir witness, ehuhudu. be irnoh <l. vunja, vunjika.
wii it, for or against, shu- go on shore, panda.
liudin. be on short pw< L< ka.

ibu, staajabu. Wrestle, pigana kwa mbavu.

fanya kazi. tenda kazi.
Wriggh nyonganyonga.

work in metal, fua. Wring, sonjoa, kamua, popntoa.

{/'nm nf), cbacba. Wrinkle, nyeuka.
/, sumbua, Bumbusha. become wrinkled, kunjana.
Worship, abmlu. abudia. Writhe (like a wounded snake),
' II <>rth< pata kima (get a pria Write, aiidika.
What is it worth 1 Chapataje? Wrong, thulumu.
Wouml, nmiza.
be wounded, jerubi.
wound by striking or piercing un- ', onda, or piga miayo, fuuua
awares, vuaza. kinwa.
( 209 )



Adverbs in Swahili follow the words they qualify.

Sema sana, speak out. Njema sana, very good.

Adjectives may be used as Adverbs by prefixing vi-

or vy-.
Kunuka vibaya, to smell badly.

Verbs in the Infinitive and Substantives generally

may be made to serve as Adverbs by the use of the
Preposition kwa.
Ewa uwongo, falsely. Eica Ttujua, knowingly.

Many English Adverbs may be translated by sana

(very), which intensifies the action or quality expressed
by the word to which it is subjoined.
Vuta sana ! Pull hard !

Sliika sana ! Hold tight I

Enda sana ' Go fast 1


There are in Swahili very few Prepositions. Indeed

there are scarcely more than four, na,
ya, hwa, and Tcatiha.
•J 1<) Ml'.l ////./ HANDBOOK
Katika has the Bame force as the case in -ni, it dem.t. s

tlitynearly every form in which locality can

require to be expressed. Kwa denotes instrumentality

and object. Na is and or with, and by of the agent after
a passive Verb in this last sense ni is used at Mombas

an<l in other dialects. Ya, or rather -a with a variable

initial letter, denotes possession ;
it is treated as a pos-
isive pronoun, and changes its first letter
to the class of the noun which precedes it, that is of tin-

person or thing possessed; it can very nearly always

be translated by/. Its forms appropriate to each cl.
of substantives are :

iss I. siiii:. "•". plur. "". Class V. sing, la, plur. ya.
,, II- „ "". VI. „ va, „ za.

„ JIT. „ ya, „ za. „ VII. „ pa, „ pa.

„ IV. „ cha, „ vya. „ VIII. „ kwa, „ hwa.

Aee p. 209 in original.

of our Prepositions are expressed by a Noun or
Advi-rb followed by -a. Many others are expressed by
Verbs in their simple or applied forms (p. 159). Some
can scarcely be expressed at all. The Preposition from
Beems to be almost wholly wanting in Swahili It is
sometimes implied in the Verb, as in kutoha, to come or
go from, or to come or go out of, but generally it ie
irked only by katika or the case in -ni, which denote

rely the locality in which the action commenced.

From, of time, may be translated by tangu, or by tol:<t,

or tokea, which do not seem to be used of space or deri-

vation, but to be boat translated by since or beginning


Until to, and space, are frequently

as far as, of time
translated by hatta, and (less elegantly) by mpaka,
followed by a substantive.


Conjunctions are often dispensed with by the use of

the tenses with -ka-. And, but, or any other mere con-
nective in a narrative, is
unnecessary where the -Jca-

tense is employed, as in all ordinary cases it must be.

The Imperative and Subjunctive may also have -J:a-

prefixed with the force of the Conjunction and.

Katupa ! And throw it

Enenda sokoni Jccdeta ndizi ! Go to the market and fetch some
Uone, uhasadiki, that you may see and believe.

If and other Conjunctions introducing a state are

by using the -hi- tense of the Verb
generally expressed
(see Verbs, p. 136).
In order that is generally expressed only by putting
the Verb which expresses the purpose into the sub-


P 2



Alike, sawasawa, ginsi moja, tna-

About, (near) karibu na, kama. moja.
(in tin n< ighbourhvod of ), iipande Almost, karibu na.
\va. Alone, peke yake, &c. (by himself,
Above, (adv.) juu. &c), tu (only). Tu always
(prep.) juu ya. follows the word or phrase
At \idantly, tele, sana.

qualified by it.

After, (adv.) nyuma, baada. Along, kandokandoya.

(prep.) nyuma ya, baada ya. along with, pamoja na.
Nyuma is more correctly used of Alongside, mbavuni.
plan . a ltd baada, of time. Aloud, kwa sauti kubwa.
Afti akiisha (he finishing),
r fhi.<.
Already, mbele (before), sasa (now).
akaisha (and he finished). He is already gone away, ame-

Afterwards, nyumaye, baada yake, kwisha kwenda zake (p. 155).

baadaye, tena, kiisha, halafu, Also, na, tena. Na always pre*
pindi. what it is connected with.
Ann m, inara ya pili, tena. Although, kwainba, ikiwa.
Against, juu ya. Against is com- Altogether, pia yote, kabisa.
monly expressed by the use of Always, sikuzote, dayima, abadan,
the applit d form of the vi kipindi, milele (for ever).
Ann. Amidst, katikati ya.
long ago, zamani za kale, zamani, Among, katika.
kwan/i. among tliemselves, wao kwa wn<>.
I lorn long agol Tangu lini? \m imtly, zamani za kale, kwanza
ti„ din/,- ago, leo riku kumi, kwa And, na.
uiku kurni, tangu siku kun,;. And he, and 1, &c. See p. 103.

And is very often expressed by the At length, hatta, batima.

use of the -ka- tense. See p. 134 At night, usiku.
and p. 141. At once, mara, mara moja.
And followed by a negative must At the top, juu.
be translated by wala. At the bottom, cbini.
And so, and then, &c, bassi. An: ay.
Any is expressed by using the word go away, enda zangu, zako, See.,

according to the
person going,
Anywhere, po pote. come away, ja zake, &c.
1 dorCt see anything, sioni kitu. He is away, bako.
Anything whatever.kitu cbo chote.
Apart, mbali.
Around, pande zote, mzingo wa. Bach, nyuma.
As (when, orif), -po-,-M-. Seep. 136. He went bach, alirudi nyuma.
(as if), kama, kana, kwamba. upon the bach, kwa tani, cbali.
(like), -vyo, -vyo-, added to or Backwards, kingaligali (M.).
inserted in the verb. Because, kwa sababu.
As you please, upendavyo. because of, kwa sababu ya, kw^
As it teas formerly, yalivyobuwa ajili ya, kwani (for).
kwanza. Before, (adv.) mbele, kwanza.
As followed hy as is generally (prep.) mbele ya or za, kabla ya.
omitted. Kabla is used preferably of time,
As big as a house, kubwa kama mbele of place.
nyumba. To go before, tangulia.
As it stands, shelabela. Before he goes to sleep, asijelala.
Ailwre, pwani. Before I die, kabla sijafa.
go ashore, panda (of a ship), sbu- Behind, (adv.) nyuma.
ka (of a person). (prep.) nyuma ya.
be ashore (of a ship), pwelewa. Below, (adv.) cbini.
A*ide, kando. (prep.) cbini ya.
At, kwa, katika ; case in -ni, followed Beside, kando la, kandokando ya,
by pronouns in p-, when it de- zayidi ya (more than).
notes nearness only, but by pro- Besides, tena, zayidi; ni (also), pre-
nouns in kw- when it is inde- ceding the thing mentioned.
terminate. Better, afatbali, beri or kheiri.
At first, awali, kwanza. You had better go, afatbali uene-
At home, kwangu, kwako, kwake, nde, u beri uenende.
kwetu, kwenu, kwao, nyumbani. Afatbali is preferably, beri means
He is not athome, bako. Hayuko it would be a good tbing.
is commonly used by slaves in Between, katikati ya, beina.
Zanzibar, but is toholly incorrect. Beyond, (adv.) kwa kuko.
At last, nrwisbo, hatima, batta. (prep.) zayidiya, juu ya.
upande wa /
ft, lmtta.

pili W8. Even if, -japo. Seep. 138.

-and — ,
nu- sikuzote, dayima, kipindi.
of tin m, wote wawili, zote for ever, milele.
ml>ili, &c, &c. Everywhere, mahali pote.
But. lakini, vrallakmi (and however), Exactly, halisi, khassa, bawaba.
illakini (except however), ilia, Exceedingly, 'mno subjoined to Hie

bali. In many cases but may word

qualified, sana.
be best translated by the use of Except, ilia, ela (M.). Except may
ih> -ka- tense
of the verb. often be expressed by the use
By (after a passive verb), na, ni of the tense with -sipo. See
I.). p. 146.
(of an instrument), kwa. except by, billa.
(in a r) katika), ease in -ni followed Excessively, 'mno subjoined to the

by pronouns in p-. word qualified, chapa, ohapara.

linly, yakini, hakika, hapana Far or far off, mbali.
shaka. First, kwanza, mbele.
You certainly, &c, Hakika yako, to go first, kutangulia.
&c. Fluently, kama maji.
I, tobtob. For, (conj.) kwani.
'/'/, abadan, dayima. (prep.) kwa. For is generally
Crookedly, kumbukoinbo, niishithari. expressed by the use of the up-
plied form of the verb.
(in the place of), mahali pa.
killa siku. siku kwa siku. for the space of, muda wa.
Directly. See Now. for the sake of, kwa ajili ya.
Distinctly, kiada. for my sake, unipendavyo (as you
/' /(, cbini. love me).

During, wakati wa. Formerly, kwanza, zamani.

During his journey, alipokuwa Forth, 'nje.
akbafiri, akiwa akisaliri. to go forth, kutoka.
Forward, mbele.
E. go forward, endelea mbele.
Early, rnapema. Forwards (upon the face), t'ulifnlL,
up. -I. fudil'udi, kwa kufahamia (M.J.
Either — or — ,
ao — ao— ,
ama — Frequently, mara nyingi.

a ma . From, katika, case in -ni
Elsi where, panginepo. from among, miongoni mwa.
tirely, pia, kabisa, yote, pia yote. from time to time, mara kwa mara.
kabla vu, mbele yu. See L!>for .
(since), tangu, toka, tokea.

I had it from (of) the Sheikh, Immediately, mara, niaia moja.

nalipokea ya Sheikh.
now immediately, sasa hivi.

Further, teua. In, katika, case in -ni followed by

Further on, rnbtle. pronouns in m-.
in the shoulder, ya bega.
G. in front, pambele, mbele.

[I] in going, nikienda, nikiwa

Gently, polepole, tavatibu, nikienda.
Gladly, furaha. in good time, at its proper tirm ,

Gratis, burre, attia, bilashi. tahafifu.

in heaps, chungu chungu.
H. in order that, illi. See p. 141.
Hard, kassi. in place of, mahali pa.
to work hard, kutenda kazi sana. in the middle, katinakati. kati,
to run hard, kaza nibio. katikati.

Hastily, hima, kwa haraka. in the middle of, kati ya, katikati
Here, hapa, huku. in the morning, assubui. [\ a.

He is here, yupo. Indeed, kusema kweli

I am here, mimi hapa. great indeed, kubwa sana.
Here and there, hapa na hapa. Inside, ndani.

Hereafter, baadaye. inside of, ndani ya, case in -ni

Hither, hatta hapa, hapa. followed by pronouns in m-.

Hither and thither, kuku na He is inside, yumo ndani.
huku. Into, katika, case in -ni followed by
Hitherto, hatta leo, hatta sasa. pronouns in m-.
How 1
? -je subjoined to tlie verb.

Seep. 123.
kamaipi? Kwaje? Just, see p. 116, halisi.
How is it ? Ginsi gani ? Tliat is just it, ndiyo yalio.
How often ? Mara ngapi ?
How much ? Kassi gam ? Kadri
gani? Lastly, kwa mwisho, mwisho.
How, ginsi with -vyo- joined with at last, hatima, mwisho.
the verb ; ginsi is often omitted.
Late, kasiri.
How he was, &c., ginsi alivyo-
Less, duni.
kuwa, &c. to become less, kupungua.
However, lakiui. Less by, kassa.
Like, kama, methili, hesabu ya.
People like us, kina sisi.

If, kana, kwamba, kama; -ki- or Little, kidogo.

-po- inserted in the verb. See a littlemore, punde.

pp. 13d, 146.

a httle longer, -refu punde.
M. these Huns), zamani zetu (in our
times), siku hizi (in these da^s).
Merely, tu, bassi. Botfi words follow
the word or phrase they qualify. Now din eih/, .sasa liivi.

Mod* rat* hj, kadiri.

zaj idi.

nmr, than, zayidi ya. Obliqu* ly,banamn.

Of, -a, with a first letter varying
• i little more, punde.
according to the class of tl<>'
Moreov* r, tena, na.
Much mort . or much less, sembuse, preceding word, that is of th<

- nze. thing possessed.

I. JMtn wa Ali, Ali's man.
Watu wa Ali, Ali's people.
A ir {adv. . karibu. Mbuzi wa Ali, All's goat.
Near to, karibu na, karibu yn. Mbuzi wa Ali. Ali's goats.
Nearly, karibu na or ya, kadri ya. II. Mnazi wa Ali, All's cocoa-
A of necessity, kauuni la-
essarily, nut tree.

zim, ukwasefu. Minazi ya Ali, Ali's cocoa-

N* ither nor — —
wala— wala— ,
. nut trees.

\ r, kabisa (with a negative pre- III. Nyumba yu Ali, Ali's funis, .

(M.). kamwi Nynmba za Ali, All's
\ xt, -a pili
yake, kiisba. houses.
next )o, -a pili ya. iv. Kisu cha Ali, Ali's knife.
.\<.. ahaa, hahaa, la, siyo, hakuna, Visu vya Ali, Ali's Jcnivt s.

hapana, bamna. Tliese last v. Kasha la Ali, Ali's chest.

three words mean, there is not, Makasha ya Ali, Ali's
or there is none. chests.

Xo, by no means, hasha. vi. Uimbo wa Ali, AIVs song.

Nor, wala. "Syimbo za, Ali, Ali's sunt i. .

si. See Negative Tenses of Verbs, Mahali pa Ali, Ali's place.


p. 143. vni. Kuta kwa Ali, Ali's dying.

Not only — but also— ; si— 1 1. Nyumbani mwa Ali, in Ali' s
— lakini tena; — —

si tu, ilia . house.

A (
yet, bade, asitasa, haitassa, &c 2. Nyumliani pa Ali, by Ali't
(M.). Tliese words are us* d to house.
incompleteness, whatever 3. Nyumbani kwa Ali, to Ali's
th* subject referred to may be. house.
Not yet may generally be ex- Ya is sometimes pronounced a.

pressed by the negative tense saa a sita, twelve o'clock.

irith -ja- (seep. 145), after which Where it is intended to mark spec in y 1 7

bado is generally added. the individuality of the j)oss< ssor

Now, sasa, leo (to-day), wakati bun the possessive pronoun may l<e

at this time), zamani hizi (in *jcd instead of the preposition -a.

Kiti chake Sultani, means the kupita, to pass ; and in the seme
chair in which no one but the of finished, by kuisha, to come
Sultan sits, or the Sultana own to an end.

chair. The battle is over, mapigano ya-

Of is included in some words which mekwisha.
are therefore not followed by -a.
Kina Abdallah, Abdullah's people,
or people like Abdallah.
Patiently, stahimili.
Wadi Mohammed, Mohammed's Perhaps, labuda, hwenda, kwenda,
son. kwa nasibu, inshallah.
Binti Mohammed, Mohammed's
Perpetually, dayima, abadan.
daughter. Possibly, labuda, yamkini (it is pos-
In some common phrases -a is sible), kwa yamkini (by possi-
omitted apparently for shortness
only. Presently, halafu.
Often, mara
nyingi. Properly, vema, halisi, bawaba.
On, juu ya, the case in -ni. -to, used as an enclitic subjoined
Put on the table, weka mezani.
it to verbs and substantives.
Put on the top of the table, weka
Amejiwekato, he has placed him-
juu ya meza. self properly.
on both sides, pande mbilL
on every side, kotekote.
on foot, kwa miguu.
o?ione side, onesidedly, pogo. Quickly, hima, hiniahima, kwa ha-
raka, upesi, mbio (running).
on purpose, makxtsudi.
on the part mwa. Quietly, taratibu, polepole.
of, miongoni
mara moja. Quite, kabisa, pia halisi.
at once, mara moja, mara.
once only, mara moja tu. R.
Only, peke yake, &c. (by itself, Bather, zayidi (more), afathali (pre-
alone), tu, bassi, both following
the word or phrase qualified.
much rather, sembuse, seuze.
Orderly, taratibu.
Out, nje.
out and out, tama.
out, sema sana. Secretly, kwa siri,ndani kwa ndani.
kwa nje.
Side by side, kandokando.
Outside, nje,
outside of, nje ya. Silently, kimyakimya.
Outwardly, kwa nje. Since, tangu, toka, tokea.

Over, juu ya (of place), zayidi ya Slowly, polepole, taratibu, kiada.

(of quantity). Over

in the sense So, when followed by as is generally

of excess may be expressed by omitted, when standing alone it


may be expressed by ginsi, and Though, kwamba; the -lei- tense,

-vyo inst rU </ in tin >< rb. p. 136, "//( a tin case is put as
lb is not so tall as you are, si an existing one; the -nge- tense,

mrefu kama wewe. ji.

I '.s. irhere the case is put us
1 ,{<<l was so tall,
,. si- not •
ginsi alivyo mrefu. Though In is, aMwa.
as, hatta. Though he h angawa. .

Bonn tim>*.mara, mara kwa mara. (even if), -japo, p.

.•times he laughs, somrtiiw s )i< Thus (in this way), hivi, hivyo.
cries, mara hucheka, ni;ira hulia.
just thus, vivi hivi, vivyo hivyo.
Soon, sasa hivi (immediately), upeai (in the same win/), vivyo.
(quickly), bado kidogo (yet a Till, hatta, mpaka wa.
little), karibu (near). To (ax of the infinitivi ),
the sign
SHU- t ma, hatta leo. ku-; the u becomes w befon a,e,
Strongly, kwa nguvu. or i, and is often omitti d before
Sud>i> ilia, ghafala, mara moja, thu- o and u.
ruba moja. Kwisha = ku-isha, to finish.

Kwenda = ku-enda, to go.

K ga = ku-oga, to bathe.

That (hotc that), kwamba, ya kwa- To before a verb where it expri

mba. the purpose or the object aimed
in 'ordt r that), illi. See p. 141. at, is expressed by the use of the
J if a. is often expressed by the use of subjunctive.
the -ka- tense, or by the vcrhs I stood up to look, nalisimawa
to finish, or, kwenda, nione.
to go. Tell him to help you, mwambia
Akiisha akatoka, having finished akusayidie.
this, he went out
= then he went I want him to go, namtaka ai i

out. I want to go, nataka kwenda.

Akaenda ukamkamata, and he (In such cases as this the verb
at and seized him = then
»/•< he in the infinitive is used as a

edh im. substantia .)

(after this), baadaye, baada yake, (unto) is
nyumaye, nyuma yake. the verb, kupa = to give tc

[then il was), ndipo.

to give). If not contained in

(in those days), zamani zile, siku

the meaning of the, original
zile. it may be expressed by the use of
wakati ule. the applied form. In Gu
(at that time),
huko, kule. Pale cases in which to cannot he
There, pale,
points to what is nearest, kule brought into the meaning of the
hat is, farthest off. verb, it must be rendered by

Therefore, kwa sababu bii. kwa.


(at the time when), -po, treated

(as far as), hatta.
(to the house of), kwa.
a relative particle and joined
Together, pamoja, wote.
with the verb, p. 119.
When joined with persons together (during the time), wakati wa.
-ote, when it rains, wakati wa mvua.
is expressed by forms of
all. When the harvest comes, wakiti
twende sote, let us go together. wa kuvuna, [wa]vunapo.
mwende nyote, go together. (even if), -japo, p. 138.
wende wote, them go togefhi r.
let Whenever, wakati wote, killa -po.
both together, wote, wote wawili. Whenever I go, killa nendapo.
- Where ? Wapi, api. p. 123.
Topsy-turvy, kitwakitwa, vitwav
twa. Where are you going ? Wenda
Totally, kabisa, pia. wapi?
Truly, kweli. hakika, yakini, inna. Where, po, ko, mo, treated as relative
Twice over, kuwili. particles and joined with the
verb. Po implies nearness, and
U. mothe being inside.
Unawares, ghafala. 1 don't hnow where he is, simjui
Under, chini ya. alipo.
Until, hatta. I don't know where I am going,
Up, juu. ninapokwenda.
Upon, juu ya, case in -ni. See On. 1 don't hnow where I came from,
Upicards, juu. sijui ninakotoka.
Utterly, kabisa, pia yote, tikitiki. Where the tree is (or was), penyi
Wherever, po pote, ko kote, mo mote.
Vainly, burre.
Wherever I go, killa nendako.
Very, sana. Sana always folloivs
Wherever I enter, killa ningiamo.
the word qualified by it.
Wherever I am, killa nilipo.
Vigorously, kwa nguvu, sana.
Wherefore, kwa sababu hii or hiyo.
Violently, kwa nguvu, kassi. —or— ao—ao—
Wlhether , .

W. Whether it be, licha.

Well, venia, sana, -to. See Properly. (if), kwamba.

What ? See p. 122. While, maadam, maazal.
What do you want ? Wataka nini ? While, is generally expressed by
What tree is it ? Mti gani huu ? the use of -ki- prefixed to the

What man ? Mtu yupi ? verb, p. 136.

What = that which. See Relatives. While it is yet early, kungali na
p. 117. mapema bado.
When? Lirti? Why ? Mbona ? Kwani ? Kwa
When as soon as, &c), the -ki nini ? Ya nini ? Kwa sababu

tense, p. 130. gani ? Giusi or Gissi gani ?

With, na, pamoja na.
(as on itufrumi kwa. /
1, Yearly, mwaka kwa inwaka.
/See :< < na'aiii.
;ituitin<j. having), -enyi I i ii a •.
vema, njema,
p. 97. yakini, ndio, kweli.
Within, mlani. Ewaa or Ec wallah are ofk n usi d
Without, nje. by slaves <>r inf< riors to express
Without (prep.), pasipo (where there a Killing </.->•< lit.

is 7iot). Inshallab is used as a promis, to

Without is generally expressed by do som< thing.
the -sipo- terwe (p. 146). 7/ Lebeka or Labeka, contracted
fn'/y ?>e
represented by a simph into lclu I
or even be, is

negative. ii.<xl by in/, riors as an an*u-er

He in without shame, hana haya niii n called. Sttpi riors or
= he has no shame. (ipmh generally use naani. the
Without, followed in English by Arabic yes.
tlie participial or verbal in -ing,
Ndiyo yalio, that is just it.

ma;/ be r> ndered by the negative Yonder, kule, kulee, p. 115, 116.
subjunctive of the verb.
Without seeing him, asiniwone.
Without (hen being, pasiwe.
Wonderfully, ajib, ajabu. Zigzag, upogoupogo.
( 221 )


There are in Swahili, as in all languages, some

scarcely articulate Interjections, and many of the natives,
especially of the lower class, use a great deal of action,
often joined with half-articulate exclamatory sounds,
and enforce their meaning. The following
to illustrate
are the most usual Interjections, and those which can
best be written. The words used for Yes and Xo are
given in the preceding list, pp. 216 and 220.
The ordinary salutations are in practice a sort of

Interjections, not being very easily explained under

any other head.
A slave addressing a superior says Sikamoo or NasiJca-
moo, for nasMJca miguu, I embrace your feet. The
superior replies Marahaba, thank you, or welome, the
word being originally an Arabic form of congratulation
and well-wishing.
Equals very commonly say when they meet Jambo or
Yambo, to which the reply is Jambo or Jambo sana. There
is a playful or very affectionate way of continuing the

dialogue thus
— Jambo. Jambo. Jambo sana. Jambo sana.
Sana sana. Sana sana. Kama lulu (like pearls). Kama

marijani i
like coral), <(V., <{•<•. The more correct expres-
sions are —Hu jambo? Are you well? and the answer,
Si jambo, I am well. It is difficult to explain these

phrases intelligibly. Hu jambo? is literally, Are you

not a matter or affair? or still more strictly, Are you
not a word ? The meaning is very nearly that of the
English, Is nothing the matter with you ? Sometimes
Ha jambo is used to express, He is well, or Ha jambo
kidogo, He is not very ill, or He is a little hetter. One
may ask, U hali gani What state are you in? i.e., How

are you ? to which a proper reply is, Njema, hemd il Ilhthi,

Good, praise be to God. The Arabic Sabalkheir, Good

morning, and Masalkheir, Good afternoon, are often
heard. The more elegant forms are Subahk Allah bilk-
ln ir and Masak Allah bilkheir. It is not usual to inquire
about the health of a wife or of the women of a house-
Id, unless among very intimate friends, or for some

special reason. When necessary, one should say, Hu-

jambo nyumbani ? or U hali gani nyumbani ? How are

you in the house, i.e., How are your household, or

those in your house ? It is proper, if
you are asked
how you always to answer, well, for the sake of
the omen; and similarly if you are asked Habari ganif
What news ? to answer Njmna, good, and then after-
wardfi to give a true account of the matter.
In Swahili Interjections a final h is often distinctly

heard. It requires much practice to enable a European

to make this sound properly.
*- —


Ah! An exclamation of mingled Ee! O! The interjection of in-
grief and surprize. The final vocation.
h must be distinctly sounded. Ewe! plw.Enyi! You there ! A
Aksdnt or asanti, thank you. Ah- rather contemptuous way of
sdnt is an Arabic word mean- demanding attention. It is

ing, You have done well. It is used for Hi ! and any

I say !

sometimes used profusely by exclamation merely meant to

way of mere compliment. attract notice. It must not be
Amina. Amen, used at the end of used to a superior and rarely
a prayer. only to an equal. It is custo-
Aii '. Look you ! I say It is
mary to call to them Bwana !
used generally as a means of i.e., Master The answers

calling attention to what has will be found in the previous

been said, or is about to be said. list, p. 220, under the word
It is a sort of vocal note of Yes.
B. An
exclamation borrowed
Bam'! or Bass! That will do! from the Arabic it means, ;

Enough !
Stop ! No more !
give your attention to this, go
on with it. It is used where
we say, Come along Look !

Chub! An
exclamation of impa- sharp ! Be quick Go on ! !

tience and contempt the ch ;

If has been proposed to do

is the sound most heard, the anything, Haya ! means, Let

vowel being very short and in- us set about it. Haya ! is
significant. commonly used by a master 01
overl i
ket to hasten men about
tin ir work.
Laitil Oh thai I Would that!
Hima! Quick! Be quick! Make An exclamation of regret, a
haste ! Often double 1, Bit na wish that things had been
hima I
Hddi '. with a great stress on the
Looo! An exclamation of surprize;
o. It is not right to enter any
the o is more dwelt upon in
house or room (not your own) to the amount of
without first crying Hddi! and
waiting fur someone to come,
at 1' asl to answer, Karib,
Come in ! Marahabal Thank you! It is

used by way of acknow-

well !

ledging a gift or a compliment.

M.e I I am the one!
Je! or y. .'
Hi llo! What now! Miyei ! !

Well! What is it? .1/"

mjewel You did it yourself

Ole! An exclamation foreboding
Kdrib '
i.e., come near ! It is used evil. Woe! Olewenu! Woe
to invite people into a house, unto you! Ole wanguf Woe
to join a party, or to sit down
is me!
and put themselves at their
ease. Kdrib '
may generally
be translated, Come ami Bit Saa ! You ! I say ! It is put
with us and a ! common an.-u er after a word to give emp
kaa kitako, I am set to it. Njoosaa! Come on, ilo'
down. Salaam! Peace! Hail! It is

An exclamation of con- used as a salutation by the

tempt. Indians. The regular Arabic
Eva fori! Good-bye! Farewell! Salaam aleikum! Peace be
Sometimes a plural is made, with you and the answer, ^Ya

Kuaherini, though it seems to aleilt salaam! And with you

be an incorrect form. peace! is not very commonly
uetimes a special friend il. Salaam is often used
adds, Ya kuonana, as much as in the sense of compliments :

to say. May we soon meet again. Salaam Bibi! With the mis-
Kumbel What! What then! An tress' compliments,
— said in
expression of surprize, espe- presenting anything.
cially u.-eil when things turn Si in ilia! Out of the way! Ori-
out not to be as they were ginally, as it is said, BismiUah,
represented to be. In the name of God. It is now

the common cry by which people is properly used to deprecate

are warned of something com- any trouble or disturbance on
ing. Similla punda! Make the speaker's account.
way for a donkey ! Similla
Take care of the plank T.
ubau .' !

Two servants frequently go Tendeni ! Go on Let us go !


before a great man to clear the Probably the imperative of ku-

way for him, and call out to tenda, to do or to be employed
any one in the road, Similla! about.
Similla ! Tutu ! Don't touch ! Used to a
A plural Similleni some- ! is child meddling with what he
times made as though it were had better leave alone.
the imperative of a verb. The
more correct phrase for Get out
of the way is
Jitenge ! Vema ! So
"Very well be
! it!
Starehe! Don't disturb yourself I •;
That will do I
When a new-comer enters, the
rest rise to do him honour,


which he tries to prevent by Weye ! Yo^ ! You are the one!

Baying, Starehe ! Starehe J It j It's you I



The formation and introduction of new words go on

bo that no guide to the language
freely in Swahili,
would be complete without a section on the subject.
Foreign words are adopted in a shape as nearly like
their own as the rules in regard to Swahili syllables will
allow. At first indeed a word may be used in its crude
original shape, but it soon has vowels introduced into,
and subjoined to it, so as to bring it into a regular form.
Arabic words seldom present great difficulties when
once the gutturals have been toned down. Thus khabar

(news) softens into liabdri, wakt (time) becomes first

and then wahdti, Icabr or gabr (a grave) is softened

aiifl expanded into Icaburi. It is seldom that an Arabic

word presents so much difficulty as did these three.

Tortuguese has furnished some words, as kasha (caxa), a

large box meza, a table ; mvinyo (vinho), wine. French

aives a few, as bweta (boite) a box; divai (du vin)

claret. An instance of English adaptation occurs in
manoicari, which is the current designation of an English


Some have been given at the end of the section

on Verbs for the formation of several derived forms
(p. 157). Verbs in the causative and neuter forms may
be made from other parts of speech, especially from
foreign Adjectives, by changing their final syllable
into -isha or -esha, -iha or -eka, as though they had been
originally Verbs.

Ghali, dear. Kughalisha, to make dear.

Laini, smooth. Kulainisha, to make smooth.
Kulainika, to be made smooth.

Beside those formations which are in daily use, it is

a great help to the understanding of the language to
bear in mind the traces of formations not now ordinarily

employed. In regard to Verbs it is a constant rxile that

those ending in -ua reverse the meaning of similar verbs

ending in -a only.
Kufunga, to fasten. Kufungua, to unfasten.
Kufuka, to fill in a hole. Kufukua, to clear out a hole.

Several verbs show traces of a rule, which prevails in

some other African languages, that the change of -a into

-ya gives the Verb a causative meaning.

Eupona, to get well. Kuponya, to cure.

Kuogopa, to fear. Kuogofya, to frighten.

There are many questions about the form of Verbs

which need much more investigation. What is the rule
by which some causatives are made in -sha and some in
-za ? Has the -sha termination the effect of to make to

be, and -za that of to make to do f What is the explana-

tion of the apparently neuter form of some active Verbs,
such ns hifuniJca, to cover? "What is the effect of the
terminations -ma and -ta, as in huungama and l.-u/innbataf
What dialect did they originate in? What are the
rules for the termination -aivja, which seems to be
common in the most northerly Swahili?
It has been shown in the section on verbs how somo
tenses are formed by the use of an auxiliary, and some
by a tense prefix which has no independent meaning.
An example of the transition between the two is sup-
plied by the three forms of the negative infinitive 1. :

hutoa Jcupenda ; 2. hitoa penda ; 3. Jcutopenda. In the

first form both words have a substantial independence ;

in the second the principal verb, penda, is already

drawn out of its proper form, and depends for its
meaning upon the first verb, toa, as upon a prefix ;

thp third has swallowed up the final of the first verb


and appropriated its prefix Jcu-. The form of the future

prefix which is used with relatives points to taha as the
and the verb JcutaJca is so like our own

iriginal form,
word to will that one can hardly be wrong in supposing
that in both cases the change from a verb expressing
volition to a mere sign of tense expressing futurity has

proceeded in a similar manner. Now, if the tense pre-

fixes were ever independent words, the principal verb

must have been in the infinitive ; and, if so, the presence

of the hi- before monosyllabic verbs, wherever the accent
it, is fully explained
requires it was dropped wherever

served no purpose, and retained where it was con-


venient to retain it. The original independence of the

tense prefix and of the principal verb would also go to
account for theway in which the objective prefix clings

to the principal verb; it would then have originally

followed the leu-, and so it from all the
been severed by
other prefixes. The only cases in which the natives
separate the prefixes from the verbs in writing seem to
be where a particle of relation is joined with the -na-,

-U-, and -taJca- prefixes, and in the past conditional or

-ngali- tense. It is curious to have in such a word as
atakayekuja the same letters exactly used to form a
tense prefix and to express an independent verb. Ata-

kaye Tcuja means, who desires to come, atakayekuja, who

will come, in the sense of a simple future.


Adjectives are made from Verbs in correct Swahili In-

substituting -vu or -fu for the final -a. Where the final
is preceded by a consonant the Adjective is made from

the applied form.

Kunyamaa, to remain silent. -nyamavu, silent.

Kuharibu, to destroy. -haribifu, destructive.

Verbs that end in -ka change this into -vu in making

the Adjective.
KuchoJca, to become tired, -clwvu, tired.

These forms do not now appear to be freely made or

used in the common dialect of Zanzibar. A somewhat
similar meaning may be expressed by the use of the
variable Preposition -a followed by the Infinitive of the

Substantives may be freely made by prefixing to the

simple form of the Verb the initial letters proper to the

first, or to the fourth class, according to whether it is

a living being or a thing which does what the Verb
expresses. It must be observed, that this form is so
purely verbal that it takes an object after it just as a
Verb would.

Mfanya biashara, a trade maker, i.e., a merchant

Vifaa, things which arc of service, necessaries.
Kifungua mlango, the door opener.

The final letter is somel Lmes changed into -i, and the
word ceases to govern an object.
Meemi, a speaker.

"Where the final -a is preceded by a -b- it becomes -«-.

Kwiba, to steal. Mwivi, a thief.

Kugomba, to quarrel. Mgomvi, a quarrelsome person.

AVhere the above rules would produce a common

w.-rdwith another meaning, the leu of the Infinitive is

Kulima, to cultivate. Mkulima, a cultivator.

Minna, a mountain.

There are a few traces of a formation of verbals by

changing the last letter into -e, as in -teule, chosen, from

lndeu[T\a, to choose.
The habitual doer of an action may be denoted 1

adding -ji to the simple form of the Verb and prefixing

the initial letters proper to the first Class.

Kuomba, to beg. Mwombaji, a beggar,

Kuiba, to steal. Mvribaji, an habitual thief.

Another way of denoting a person who does what the

Verb expresses is formed by changing the final letter
JL,to si, -shi, or -zi, and employing the usual prefix

When the Yerb ends in -ha the -ha becomes shi ; where
the Verb ends in -ta the -ta becomes -si.

Kuokoa, to save. Hiookozi, a saviour.

Kununua, to buy. Mnunuzi, a purchaser.
Kuaka, to build (in stone). Mwashi, a mason.
Kufuata, to follow. Hfuasi, a follower.

The result of the action denoted by the Verb may be

expressed by changing the final -a into -o and using
some appropriate prefix.

Euzaa, to bear. Mazao, fruit, produce.

Kutenda, to do. Kitendo, an action.

Kioenda, to go. Mwendo, a journey, or going.

Of the Substantival prefixes those of the fourth (Ki-)

Class are most often used.
The same forms especially in the fifth Class are used
to express the place where an action is generally done.

Kuoka, to bake. Joko, a baking place.

Kukusanyika, to be assembled. Makusanyiko, a gathering place,
or an assembly.

Words of similar meaning are also made by the termi-

nations -zi -shi, -si. See above.

Mavao, or Mavazi, dress, garments.

Kizao, or Kizazi, birth, a generation.
Pendo, or Penzi, love.

Where the Verb and Substantive are both borrowed

from the Arabic, it is useful to remember that the Sub-
stantive has generally a where some other vowel occurs
in the Verb.

Kudbudu, to worship. Poada, worship.

Kusafiri, to travel. Safari, a journey.
Sometimes both the Arabic and the Swahili forms

Kujihu, to answer. Jaicabu and majibu, an answer.

Verbs joined with relatives, or with the particles of

place or time, may be treated as Substantives.

Wi iidalco hote, whithersoever thou goest

Killa nendapo, every time I go.
Zikerezvoazo, turnery, turned goods.

Substantives of place may be made from Adjectives

by putting them into the form required by Mahali,
place (Class VII.).

I'anyamavu, a quiet place.

The place where something is may be expressed by

1" i"j'1 -
Penyi mtende, where the date tree is, or was.

The place for doing anything may be expressed by

pa followed by the Infinitive of the Verb.
Palcutohea, a place to go out at, an outlet.

Abstract Substantives are ordinarily formed by means

of the prefix V- or W-.

Karimu, generous. Ulcarimu, generosity.

-eupe, white. Weupe, whiteness.
Mwizi, a thief. Vizi, thievishness.
Mnuaji, a murder. Uunji, murders.
Waziri, a vizier. Uwaziri, viziership.

An instance in which both Arabic and Swahili forms

are used occurs in the word for enmity.

Adui, an enemy. Wadui or Adawa, enmity.

Nations, their country and language, are regularly


expressed by the prefixes of the first, sixth, and fourth


Mgala, a Galla. Ugala, Galla land. Kigala, the Galla

Mzungu, a European. Uzungu, the native country of the
Europeans. Kizungu, the language which European

It is to be observed that the U- form would also

express the being a Galla, European, &c, and that the
Ki- form denotes the sort or kind of anything, not of

language only. It is seldom used absolutely except of

the language, but when preceded by -a (of) its true

meaning becomes evident.

Mavao ya Kizungu, European dress.
Viazi vya Kizwlgu, potatoes.

The Ki- form may be made from other substantives.

Mavao ya Mfaume, royal robes (form mfaume, a king, and

ufaume, kingdom or kingship).

The formation of Adverbs and Prepositions has been

described in the section on the smaller parts of
( 234 )

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o d
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o * a A .« i 3
u I
. i

—"5 £ ^
s g^jgsjzjjzju:^ t3 fc US

2 P
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— — .>
£ g a
( 235 )

Table of the Preposition -a (of)


Part II.



In using the following Vocabulary it is necessary to remember that

Swahili words change very much at the beginning and not often at
the end.
In searching for the meaning of a word, which is not to be found
exactly as written, it is well to examine first the final syllable, so as to
correct, or remove, any termination or enclitic which may be attached
to it. These are as follow :

1. The
passive of the verb is made by changing -a into -tea. Verbs
ending in two consecutive vowels frequently use as their passive the
passive of the applied form which ends in -litva or -lewa.

Kupenda, to love. Kupendwa, to be loved.

Kufungua, to unfasten. Kufunguliwa, to be unfastened.
Kuzaa, to bear. Kuzaliwa, to be born.
Kukomboa, to buy back. Kukombolewa, to be bought back.
2. Verbs ending in -a change the -a into -e in the subjunctive and
imperative, and into -i in the negative present.
Pende, love thou.
Apende, that he may love.
Hapendi, he does not love.
The change of the final vowel distinguishes
hapendi, he does n't
love, from hapenda, a contracted form of nikapenda, and I loved.
3. The plural of the imperative is made by adding -ni to the

Pendant or Pendent, love ye.

Sifuni, praise ye.
Fikirini, consider ye.

E 2
'_' Id PR EL I MIX- R 7 OBSER 1 I '. 1 TIO NS.

4. Substantives form the Locative case by adding -ni.

Nyumbani mwangu, inside my house.

\ imbam hirudin, to or at my house.
\ a ai pangu, by or near my bouse. All from Nyumba.

5. -nt may stand for ninif What?

Watakani ? What <lo you want ?

ti. i/e? How? is subjoined to the verb expressing the action in*
quired about.

Asemaje 1 How does he speak ? i.e., What does he say ?

7. mno, exceedingly, always follows the word it qualifi. is, and may
be treated as an enclitic.

8. -to, which, however, rarely occurs in the dialect of Zanzibar,

denotes goodness and fitness.

K '••
ka, to place. Kmr, halo, to place properly.
Manuka, smells. Manukato, scents.

3»he relative signs and the particles denoting
time and place are
subjoined to the verb when there is no tense prefix, otherwise they
follow the tense prefix.

Tulala-po, when we sli ep.

Tuna-po-lala, while we are sleeping.

The particles denoting time and place are,

-po, when or where.

-ho, whither or whence.

-mo, wherein.

Tie Be preceded only by the personal prefix imply the substantive

rb to be.

Tupo, he is there, not far off.

y.'ipo, &c, &c, they are there, not far off, &c, &c.
Yvko, he is there, far off.

Ziko, Ac, dec, they are there, far off, &c, &c.
Ywno, he is there inside.
Zimo, &c, &c, they are there inside, &c, &c.

'1 lie relative si^ns are, -cho, -hi, -o, -po, -vyo, -v>0, -ye, -yo, -zo.
'ith na prefixed have the meaning of and, or irilK

hint, or them.

10. The possessive pronouns may be used in enclitic forms.

Tliy, or your, may be expressed by subjoining, according to the
class of the substantive, -clio, -lo, -o, -pn -vyo, -wo, -yo, or -zo.

His, hers, or its, may be expressed by subjoining -che, -e, -le, -pe,
rye, -we, -ye, or -ze.
Other enclitic forms of the possessive pronouns are,

-nyu, or -angu, my. -etu, our.

•ho, or -ako, thy. -enu, your.

-he, or -ahe, his, &c. -ao, their.

The final letter of the substantive generally merges into the initial
of the pronoun.

Mwanangu, my child. Mivanetu, our child.

Mwanako, thy child. Mwanenu, your child.
Mwanake, his child. Mwanao, their child.

11. New verbs may always be formed when wanted by changing the
final vowel into -ia or -ea, -lia or -lea, to make the applied form into ;

-za or -sha, -iza or -eza, -isha or -esha, to make a causative form into ;

-ana, to make a reciprocal form and into -ha, -iha, or -eha, to make a

neuter or quasi-passive form.

12. In old and poetical Swahili the object of the verb is suffixed as
well as prefixed, as in U-ui-hifathi-mi, Do thou preserve me; where
both the ni and the mi denote the object of the verb.
The syllables thus used are -cho, -lo, -ni, -nyi, -o, -po, si, -vyo, -me,
-vo, -ye, -yo, -zo.

Having cleared the word of all adventitious terminations it wil/

probably be found at once ; if not, look for the first and so

on, taking syllable by syllable until the word, its number, person, and
tense, will all have been explained. It must, however, be borne in
mind that nouns in u- or w- generally drop the initial letter in the

plural and frequently substitute for it n- or ny-.

Verbs and adjectives are here indexed under the first letter of the
simplest form, or of that to which the prefixes are joined.

Kupenda will be found as Penda hu-, to love.

Mabaya will be found as -baya, bad.

Words which may be used as adjectives or as substantives, but from
their nature can hardly be applied to any but animate beings, will be
found under m- or mw- t as they can very rarely in the singular take
any other prefix.

i are indexed by the prefix with which they are generally

used. Itmust be remembered, however, thai the use of particular

prefixes may be nearly always varied to suit any particular ahade ol
rag, so that the word is not to be found under one, it may

happen that its meaning can be found under some other.

\Vliure no plural is mentioned, it is to be understood that the plural,
if used at all, is in the same form as the singular.

The following table of prefixes may be found useful. The os<

each will be explained in the Vocabulary.


3. Particles of place, time, and relation, which follow the tense

to the verb.
prefix, or, if there is no tense prefix, are subjoined


The sound of a in Swahili re- A = ya, of.

sembles that of a in the English -a with a varying initial letter,

word "father." It is, perhaps,
— of. -a is used in such phrases

except when doubled —somewhat as the following for in: Unitie

sharper and lighter. iva macho, put it in my eyes.

When the final a of any prefix — Akamchoma ya kitovu, and he
except the negative prefix ha
— is stabbed him in the navel.
brought by composition to precede A-, the sign of the third person
immediately either e or i, it coalesces singular prefixed to verbs when
with them and produces the sound governed by substantives which
of a long e. denote animate Deings — he, she.
Aka-enda is pronounced akenda. or it.

Akawa-ita is pronounced akaweta. Where the tense prefix begins with

A and u have a tendency to a, one of the a's disappears.
coalesce into an o sound. The following are instances of the
Arabic substantives incorporated way in which this a occurs.
into Swahili have often been made A-penda (for a-a-penda), he loves.

by changing -i- in the verb into -a- A-na-penda, he is loving.

ln the substantive. A-m-penda, he has loved.
Kubarizi, to hold a public A-li-penda (for a-ali-penda), he
audience. Baraza, a public loved.
audience. A-ka-penda, and he loved.
Kusafiri, to travel. Safari, a A-ta-penda, he will love.
journey. A-ki-penda, he being in the con-
A occurs in some dialects where e dition of loving.
is used in Zanzibar. See E. A-nge-penda, he would love.

ngali-penda, he would have Idamu, Adam.


lo\ Mir, nut Ailnnn, or Bin Adamu, a

la, even if he loves. human being, a man.

penda, he not 1<>\ in^. A/hunt, enmity.
A-pende, let him, or thai he may Adi leu-, to accompany a person part
love. of his way
A-ti-pende, let him not, or that Adibu ku-, to educate, to teach
he may not love, or without his manners.
loving. Adili, right, right conduct.
•a-, the sign of the present in- Adiliku-, to learn to behave rightly.
definite; it follows the prefix Adilisha ku-, to teach to behave
di noting the person of the rightly.
subject or nominative, and Adui, plur. Adui or maadui, an
precedes that denoting the Aee, Yes. [enemy.
object or accusative. A/a, plur. maafa, an enemy.
X-a-nt -penda, I love him (I do Afathali, rather, better of the two,
him love). best, preferably.

Aali, choice, good. Afia, health, good health.

disobedient, rebellious. Afikana ku-, to come to an agree-
Ian, oiabadi, always, constantly. ment, agree.
A WW ku ,
to pass over, go across (a Afiuni, opium.
Abiria, passengers. [river, &c). Afu, wild jasmine.
isha ku-, to put across, to ferry Afu ku-, to save, to deliver, to par-
over. don, to preserve. Also, to get
Abudia ku-, to give worship to. A/ya. See Afia, health. [well.
Abudisha ku-, to cause to worship. Afya ku-, to make to swear.
Abudu ku-, to worship. Aga ku-, to take leave of, to agree
Aclia ku-, to leave, leave alone, let with.
be, let go, allow, acquit, divorce. Agana ku-, to take leave of one
Achanaku-,to leave one another, to, another, to make an agreement.
separate. Agga ku-, to be lost, to perish.
Achari, pickle, a relish made of Agiza ku-, to commission, direct,
nion-juice and red pepju-r. give in charge, appoint to.

Achia ku-, to leave to or for, to be- Agizo, plur. maagizo, commission

queath to.
Achilla ku-, to pass over what a Agua ku-, to predict.
reon has done, to forgive, to Agulia ku-, to predict of.

neglect. Ahaa! No I

A da,& custom, especially a customary Ahadi (vulgarly wahadi), a promise,

gift. promises.
bu, good manners, politeness. Ahadiana ku-, to promise mutually,
Kutia ddabu, to make polite,
teach good manners.
to agree.

Alfi^l, family, relations. >

4 / I
AHE AL 2i7
Ahem, in the
grave.under the earth, Akhera = Ahera.
after death, at the end of the Akhtilaf, to quarrel.
world. [Ar. akhr, the other.] Atafanya akhtilaf, she will scold.
Ahidi ku-, to promise. Akia ku-, to build for.
Alisdnt, or Ahsanti, or Asanti, Ak'ia ku-, to swallow, gulp down.
thanks ! thank you !
Akiba, store, a thing laid by.
Aibika ku-, to be disgraced, to be Kuweka akiba, to lay up, to put
put to shame. by.
Aibisha ku-, to disgrace, to put to Akida, an officer, a second in com-
shame. mand.
Aibu, a disgrace, a reproach. Akida wa asikari, an army officer.
Aina, kind. Akidi ku-, to suffice.
Aini ku-, to appoint. Akiisha or Akisha, then, he having
Ainisha ku-, to show, point out. finished this business.
Aitiwalo, pronounced Etiwalo, what Akika, a funeral feast for a child.
he is wanted (or called) for, o- Akili, intelligence, wits, under-
itiwa-lo. standing (generally treated as a
Ajabisha ku-, to astonish, amaze. plural noun).
Ajabu, a wonderful thing, wonder- Akina, you —addressed to young or
fully. inferior persons. Akina bwana
Ajali, fate, death. young sirs. Akina bibi, my
Kusalimika ajali, to be altogether young ladies.
come to an end (to be saluted Akiri ku-, to stand over, to remain
by its fatej. behind.
Ajara, merit. Akirisha ku-, to adjourn, put off,

Ajib ! or 'Ajab ! Wonderful ! Won- make to stand over.

derfully. ako, thy, your, of thee.
Ajili, or djili, sake, cause; -ako wewe, your own.
Kica ajili ya, because of, for the Akraba, relations.
sake of. Akraba ya kuumeni, paternal
Ajiri ku-, to hire. relations.

Ajirisha ku-, to cause to hire, to let Akraba ya kukeni, maternal

on hire. relations.

'Ajjemi, Persian. Al, the Arabic article the. It is

Aka ku-, to build in stone, to do retained in many words derived
mason's work. from the Arabic, as Alfajiri for
Akali,some few, some. Al Fajr, the dawn. Sometimes
Akali ya watu, ya vitu, &c, some its form is varied, as Liicali for

few men, things, &c. Al Wali, the governor.

-ake, or -akwe, his, her, or its, of In Arabic phrases the definite
him, &c. article prefixed to the second of
-ake yeye, his own. two nouns is the sign of the
Akenda, for Akaenda, and he went. possessive case, as Eayiat al
248 A T. A A M B

9 ubj ofthe English,

w herein he is, or wns.

i.< .. a British sub Alisa, a dancing plaoe, a house of

Ala,p\ur.maala or nt/ala, asheath,
a Bcabbard. Aliaha hu . to cause to snap.

'Aloha, a tusk "f ivory. Kualisha mtarnbo wa bunduhi, to

click the lock of a gun.
Ala/u, thousands.
Alaniii, a mark, marks. Allah (Ar.), God, more reverently,

Alasiri, on- of the Mohammedan

Allah ta'ala, God the most high.
hours of prayer, about half-past Allah Allah, without delay or pre-
3 p.m.. afternoon. tence.

Afbunseyidi (Ar.), of the sons

of Allah bilkheir, may God make it
princes. good. A common answer to the
Alt' =Elfu, a thousand. usual morning and afternoon

Alfajiri, the dawn,

the earliest Mo- salutations.
hammedan hour of prayer, about Almaria, embroidery.
4 a.m. A
on the Becond
stress Almost, a diamond.
syllable denotes very early
dawn. Ama — ama, either —or.
Alfia. Ama tiyo ? Isn't it so ?
Kofia alfia, a chiefs cap. Amali, an act, a thing done.
Alhamisi, Thursday. Amali, a kind of amulet.
-ali- or -li-, the sign of that past A urn ma (Ar.), a turban ?
tense which denotes an action Amana, a pledge, a thing entrusted,
complete in time. a dcposit,a presentsent byanother
-li or -li- sometimes stands for
the verb to be, as in a-li-ye, he Amani, peace.
who is, or merely, who. AM, Amara, urgent business.
he is, or, he being. Niha-li, Amara (ya nanga), a cable.
and I am. Amba hu-, to speak against, to talk-

A Via hu . to make a mark by striking, scandal, to speak, to say.

to wale. Amha. See Ambaye.
Alifu, Alif, the first
Arabic letter, Anibaa hu-, to go near to without
the alphabet. touching, not to reach, to leave
All ha hu-, to invite, to call, to call Ambari, ambergris. [unhurt.
invited guests to a wedding, to Ambata hu-, to attach, to stick.
inform, to split, to click, to give Ambatana hu-, to cleave together,
a crack, to snap. to be mutually attached.
Alihwa hu-, to go through a certain Ambatiza hu-, to make to stick.
course of medicine, consisting Ambaye or Ambaye hwamba, who.
chiefly of various fumigations and The final syllable is variable,
a very strict regimen. making ambazo, ambayo, &c,
Aliki hu-, to hang. which.
Aliko, where he is, or was. aza hu-, to cause to pass near
Alimisha hu-, to instruct. without touching.

Ambia ku-, to tell, to say to. Amrisha ku-, to cause to be ordered,

Pass. Kuambiwa, to be told, to order.

have said to one. Amru ku-, to order, command.

Amhika ku-, to put (or be put?) Amsha ku-, to waken, cause to

firmly together. awake, rouse.

Ambilika ku-, to be spoken to. Amu, Lamoo.
be cemented Kiamu, the dialect of Lamoo, ot
Ambisana ku-, to to-
the Lamoo kind.
gether, to stick together.
Ambisha ku-, to make to hold to- Amu, father's brother.
Amua ku-, to judge, to separate two
Ambua ku-, to peel, to husk, to take people who are fighting.
a morsel in eating. Passive, Kuamuliica, to be judged.
Ambukiza ku-, to give a complaint Amuka ku- — Amka ku-.
to, infect. Amaru ku- = Amru ku-.
Amdelhan, a silky kind of stuff. Amusha ku- = Amsha ku-.

Amerikano, American sheeting, best Amwa ku-, to suck (M.).

cotton cloth used in trading in Amwisha ku-, to suckle (M ).
the interior. Ana, he has.
Njia, &c, ya Amerikano, the best Anakotoka, whence he is coming,
Amili ku-, to manage. [way, &c. where he comes from.
Amino-,Amen. -anaria, gentle, soft.
Amini ku-, to believe in, trust. Upepo mwanana, a soft breeze.
Kuamini mtu na kitu, to trust a Maji manana, clear, quiet water.
man with something, to entrust Anapokivenda, whither he is going.
something to some one. Anapolala, while he is sleeping.
Amini, or Aminifu, trustworthy, Anasa, pleasure.
faithful. Andaa ku-, to prepare for cooking,
Aminisha ku-, to entrust to, have to make pastry, &c.
perfect confidence in. Andalia ku-, to prepare for, to make
Amiri, plur. maamiri, an emir, an made dishes for.
Amka ku-, to awake. [officer. Andama ku-, to follow (M.).
Amkia ku-, to salute. Mwezi umeandama, the month is
Amkua ku-, to invite, summon (?).

up the new moon has begun.
Am rawi, a dipping line, made fast Andamana ku-, to accompany (M.).
to the foremost yard-arm. Andika ku-, to put in order, to lay
Amri, order, command. out, to describe, to write) to steer
Amri ya Muungu, a matter in a vessel.
C^M - '
* &^g)
God's hands. Andikanya ku-, to put tEings one

Sina amri, &c, I have no busi- upon another, as plates in a pile.

ness, &c. Andikia ku-, to write, to lay out,

Amria ku-, to put a thing at one's &c, for or on account of.

disposal, to give leave concerning Andikiioa ku-, to be written, laid

some thing. out, &c. for.
250 AN P A SH
Andikiana ku-, to write to one Anziliza ku-, to make a beginning.
another, to oorrespond. .1/'
tram, Johanna.
Anfu, knowing, ingenious. Ao, or.
a great light, the firmament.
Ao — an, either — or.

Ndegt za anga, birds of the air.

-ao, their, of them.
Anga fcu-, to jump or dance about Apa ku-, to swear.
liko a wizard. Apendalo, what lie likes.

Angaika to be in a great bustle. ? where

feu-, Apt ?

Angalia ku-, to look attentively, The o sometimes is so run into

regard, take notice, observe, be the final a of the preceding
'artful, beware of. word as to be scarcely separable
Angama ku-, to be caught in falling from it.

(as by the boughs of a tree). Apia ku-, to swear to, or about.

Angamia ku-, to be ruined, to make
fall, Apisha ku-, to to swear, to
come to poverty.
utaungamia mwituni, you will be swear at, to impn
ku-, to
lost in the jungle.
against, to wish bad luck to.
Angamisha ku-, to ruin. Apizo, plur. maapizo, aa imprecation.
Angaza ku-, to be light, to be bright, Arabuni, Arabia, in Arabia.
to remain awake, to keep watch. Arabuni, earnest money.
Eutia mwangaza, to give light to. Arathi, pardon.
Angia ku-, to bewitch by dancing Arba'a, four.
and jumping about. 'Art, a thing to make one blush a
Angika ku-, to hang up, to hang disgraceful thing.
against a wall. Aria, following, party, faction.
•angu, my, of me. Ariaa, lower let out the rope
! !

-angu mimi, my own. Arifu, knowing, ingenious.

Angua ku-, to take
down, hatch to Arifu ku-, to inform.
A mjuka ku-, to fall down. [eggs. Arobaini, forty.
Angukia ku-, to fall down to, or Arobatanhara, fourteen.
before. Asa ku-, to forbid.
Angwiha ku-, to make to fall down, Asali, syrup.
throw down. Aeali ya nyuki, honey.
A iiia ku-, to purpose, think of doing. Asali ya mua, the boiled juice of
Anika ku-, to spread out to dry. the sugar-cane, treacle.
Anion, a bill of sale. Asali ya tembo, fresh palm wine
A mm ku , to take out of the sun or boiled into a syrup.
rain. 'Ashara, ten.
Anuka ku-, to leave off raining. Asharini, twenty.
Anwani, the address of a letter. Askekali, better in health during
Anza ku-, to begin. sickness.
The ku- is
frequently retained, as K a ini ashekali, to improve.
Alikvcanza for Alianza. Kufanya ashekali, to make bett« r

Asherati, dissipation, a dissipated Atuka ku-, to crack as the earth

person. does in very dry weather.
Ashiiki ku-, to love, to love ex- Aua ku-, to make a survey of, to go
ceedingly. over and look at.

Ashiria ku-, to make a sign to. Auka ku-, to grow large enough to

At-hiir, customs duties. bear fruit.

Asi ku-, to neglect one's duty to, to Auni ku-, to help.
rebel, to be disobedient. Avya ku-, to produce, to spend, to
Kuasi mkewe, to quarrel with his give away.
wife, and not do his duty by Awa ku-, to go out or away (Mer.).
her. Awala, a promissory note.
Asikari, plur. asikari, or waasikari, Awali or Aoivali, first, almost,
a soldier. nearly.
Kutia asikari, to enlist. Awaza ku-, to dispose, to allot to

Asili, origin, nature,

source. each his share.
Asisha ku-, to cause to leave, to Awesia, a kind of dhow like a bedeni
cause to cease. (which see), without any prow or
Asitasa, not yet. head, with merely a perpendicular
Assubui, in the morning. cutwater.

Asusa, that which assuages bitter- Avoini ku-, to help, to supply.

ness or pain, takes away an un- Awithi ku-, to barter.
pleasant taste. Also
Azuza. Ayari, a cheat.
Ata, Atana, Atia, Atilia, (M.)
= Ayari, a pulley, the stay of a dhow's
Acha, Achana, &c. mast.
Atamia ku-, to sit on eggs, to hatch Ayasi, a sort of grass.
eggs. Ayasi ya shaba, brass wire.
Atamisha ku-,to put under a sitting Ayika ku-, to dissolve, to melt.

Atgul, average. [hen. Ayithi ku-, to preach.

Athabatisha ku-, to control. Aza ku- = Waza ku-, to ponder.

Athama, highness. thiuk.

Micenyi athama, the Most High. Azama, a nose ring.

Athari — Hathari. Azima, a charm used to bring back
Athibu ku-, to chastise, to punish. arunaway slave and to drive
Athibisha ku-, to punish. away evil spirits.
Athima =
Athama. Azima ku-, to lend.
Athirnika ku-, to be exalted. Azimica ku-, to borrow.
Athini ku-, to call to public prayers. Azimia ku-, to make an azima
Athuuri, noon, one of the Moham- against.
medan hours of prayer. Azimia ku-, to resolve.
Ati ! look you I say
! ! Azimu ku-, to resolve (generally
Atibu, a fragrant herb used in the pronounced dzimu).
composition of kikuba. Azizi,a rarity, a curiosity.
Attia, gratuitously, for nothing. Azma, sceut, fume.

Azur, perjury. Bnhna ku to strip off.


Aeuza, > Babuka ku-, to tear, to become tern.

Badala or Badali, a thing given in
exchange for something else, an
B has the same sound as in Badani. See Katmt.
lish. ll'tdili. ku-, to change, exchange,
A changes into m before b, as alter, become changed.
mbaya for n-baya, bad. Badilika ku-, to be changed, to be
mowa for n-bwa, a dog or dogs. changeable.
A also becomes mb. Ba<lo, not yet, used generally to

mtringu for n-Utt'ngru,

the heavens. express that the matter in ques-
a shortened form of bwana. tion is as yet incomplete.
/.' '.
Baa, evil Bado kidogo, soon.
plur. mabaa, a worthless Bafe, a kind of snake.
person, an utter reprobate. Bafta, a sort of fine calico.
••/./. afterwards. Bagala or Bdgala, a buggalo, a
Baada ya, after (used preferably large kind of dhow square in the
of time). stern, with a high poop and a

Baadaye, or baada yake, after it, very long prow. Most of the
then, afterwards. Indian trading dhows are of this
Baathi, some. build they have generally a

Baathi ya vcatu, some persons. small mizen-mast.

Baazi, a sort of pea growing on a BdgJiala, a mule.
small tree somewhat resembling Bagua ku-, to separate.
laburnum. Baguka ku-, to be separate.
Bai Ar.), a gate, chapter. Bagukana ku-, to be in hostility, to

i?a6 Ulaya, goods for the Euro- be on two sides.

pean market. Bahari, sea.

Bab Eachi, goods for the Cutch Bahari il'ali, the Persian Gulf.
trade. Bahari ya Sham, the Red Sea.
J!"!, il amana, something entrusted, Baharia, a sailor, sailors, the crew.
lent to one. Bahasha, a square bag or pocket
Baba, father. with a three-cornered flap to tie
Baba mdogo, mother's brother. over the opening, frequently
BaJja tea karnbo, stepfather. used to keep books in.
Baba wa vcaana, ) , Bahatior Bahhti, luck, good fortune.
_ , '
$ an owl.
Ii'ihii wa watoto, ) Bakhti mlu, that depends on the
Babaika to hesitate in speaking.
feu-, Bahatisha ku-, to guess. [person.
to stutter, to talk in one's sleep. Baini, &c. See Bayini, &c.
Babata ku-, to pat, to tap, to flatten Baini ya, between.
out. B ijin, small cakes of ground !«• i n -

Bali", trrandfatler. ancestors. and pepper.


Bajuni = Mgunya. Bandari, a harbour.

Bakaku, to dispute, to argue. Bandera, a flag, red stuff the colour
Bakhili, a miser, covetous, miserly. of the Arab flag.
Bakltii. See Bahati. Bandi, a seam.
Bala, the remainder, what is left. Kupiga bandi (in sewing), to
Baki (in arithmetic), subtraction. tack, to run, to baste.
Baki ku-, to remain, to be over, to Bandia.
be left. Mtoto wa bandia, a doll.
Bakora, a walking stick with the Bandika ku-, to put on a plaster or

top bent at right angles to the any medicament.

stem. The best are made of a Bandua ku-, to strip off, to peel off.
white, straight-grained wood Banduka ku-, to peel off, to come
(mtobwe), which will bend nearly out of its shell, to be peeled.
double like a piece of lead without Bangi, bhang, Indian hemp.
breaking or returning. Banika ku-, to roast en a spit over
Baksha, a packet, of clothes, &c. the fire.

Bakuli, plur. mabakuli, a basin. Baniya, a temple, a building,

Bakwia few-, to snatch out of the hand. especially that at Mecca.
Balaa, sorrow. Banja ku-, to crack nuts, &c, to

Balamwezi, moonlight, moonshine. break off the shell or husk by

Balanga, leprosy. beating.
Balasi, a large kind of water jar. Banyani, plur. mabanrjani, used in
Bali, but. Zanzibar as a general name for
Balighi,aboy who is a virgin, a youth. the heathen Indians who come
Balungi, plur. mabaluugi, a citron. as traders from Cutch.
Bamba, plur. mabumba, a plate, a Banza.
flat thin piece. Kujibanza, to squeeze oneself
Bambo, an instrument like a cheese- against a wall or into a hedge
taster thrust into a bag to draw to allow some one else to pass.
out some of its contents for ex- Banzi, plur. mabanzi, a small thin
amination. piece of wood, a splint.
Mabambo, large mats for beating Bao, the tiller of a small craft (A.).
out mtama upon. Bao, a game in card-playing.
Bamvua, spring-tides. Mabao sita = Nvumo.
Bana ku-, to squeeze, press as in a Kulia bao, to mark, in card-play-
vice. ing.
Banada, the Somauli coast. Bao or Bao la komwe, a board with
Banajiri or Banagiri, a kind of thirty-two small holes, each
bracelet ornamented with points about the size of a teacup, for
or blunt spikes, much worn in playing a very favourite game
Zanzibar. also called bao, with
komwe, or
Banda, plur. mabanda, a large shed. with pebbles. The holes are
Banda la/rasi, a stable. sometimes merely scooped out
in the ground, and any small hi- friends ; In nee the durbar, er
things asi I to play with. public audience held by the
Kuch< za bao, to play at the above sultan, and the council then held.
me. Baridi, cold, wind.
'. the flat of a Bword, &c. Maji i/a baridi, fresh water.
Kupiga bapa, to strike with the Baridiyabis, rheumatism.
flat of a sword. Bartki hn-. t" bless.

Bora, a species of antelope (Ilelgo- N.B. — Young people are said in

bagus arundinaceus). Zanzibar to bariki, when they
Bara or Barra, wild country, coast. first have connection with tin

The Arabic name. Ze'njibarr, is opposite sex. Girlsare thought,

compounded of this worcTand old enough between nine and
/- njor Za7ij, a negro : hence the ten.

Zanguebar and Zanzibar of our Barikia ku-, to give a blessing to,

maps mean only the negro to greet.

coast. The Swaliili name for Bariyo (A.), what is left from the
Zanzibar ia invariably Unguja. evening meal to be eaten in the
Barr Faris, the piece of Persian morning.
coast belonging to Oman. Barizi leu-, to sit in baraza, to hold
Barr SwdhU, the Swahili coast. a public reception.
Bnraba, proper, just, exactly. Barra. See Bara.
I',ir<ibara, a broad open road. Barua or Bdrua, a summons from a

afu, ice. judge, a bill, a letter.

Baragumo, a spiral horn used as a Baruti, gunpowder.
musical instrument; it is blown Barzuli, a fool.
through a hole at the small end. Basbasi, mace, the inner husk of
Barai, an after brace carried on the the nutmeg.
lee side to steady the yard of a Bashire kheri .'
may it be lucky !

dhow. Bashiri Itu-, to prognosticate, t"

Bardka, a blessing. Also common foretell by signs.

as a proper name. Banhishi or Bakhshiehi, a gift, a
Barakoa, a mask reaching down t<> largess.
the mouth, universally worn by Basiri ku-, to foresee.
the women of Oman and Zan- or Bassi, enough, it will do.
zibar of the upper class. When it
begins a sentence it

Barasi, a disease. means — well, and so, and then.

Barathuli, an idiot, dupe, simpleton. When it follows a word or phrase
Also barazuli- it means —
just this and no more.
Barawai, a swallow. Bastola, a pistol
Baraza, a stone seat or bench table, Bala, plur. mabata, a duck.
ner outside the house or in Bat'i la bukini, a goose.
the hall, or both, where the Bata la mzinga, a turkey.
m a er sits in public and re<< Batcla,the common dhow of Zan-
zlbar ; it ha a square stern and
? bends forward. They come from
fin ordinary boat-like head. the Arab coast.
Bati, tin, block tin. Bee, a bargain, a trade, transaction.
Batil. See Betili. Beek, for Lebeka.
Batili few-, to annul, to abolish, to Bega, plur. mabega, the shoulder.
reduce to nothing. Behewa, the inner court in a stone
Batli, the log (nautical). house. All large houses in Zanzi-
Batobato, plur. ma-, various colours bar are built round an inner
and marks on an animal. court
Ban, a wizard's fortune- telling Beina, between.
board. Beina yako nini ? what do you know
Kupiga bau, to divine. about it ? Compare Bayini.
Baura, a European anchor. Bekua ku-, to parry, to knock off ;i

Bavuni, alongside, at the side. blow.

Baiva, plur. mabaiva, the wing of a Belghamu, phlegm.

bird. Also, the scales of a fish. Bembe, food and confectionery
cooked by a woman for her lover,
Bawaba, a hinge.
Bawabu, a house-porter, door-keeper. and sent to him during the

Baicasir, bajmorrhoids.
It makes Bembeleza ku-, to beg.
-baya, bad. mbaya with
nouns like nyumba. Bembesha ku-, to swing.
Bembeza ku- \ to
beg, to caress, to
Bayini ku-, to recognize, to know.
Bembeleza ku- /
Bayinika ku-, to be notorious, to be pat.
well known. Benua ku-, to put forward, to stick
Bayinisha ku-, to distinguish be-
tween, separate distinctly.
Kubenua kidari, to walk with the
chest thrown forward.
Bazazi, a trader, especially a cheat-
a huck- Benuka ku-, to warp.
ing, over-sharp trader,
Kubenuka kiko kwa kiko, to warp
Beba ku-, to carry (a child) on the and twist this way and that.
back in a cloth. Besa, vulgar Arabic for pesa. Bes-
Bebera, a he-goat given to covering,
teen = Pesa mbili.

strong, manly. Besera, canopy of a bedstead.

Betela = Batela.
Bedari, the fixed lower pulley for
hoisting a dhow sail and yard, Beti, a pouch shot or cartridges.

bitts towhich and through which Beti (Ar.), a house, a line in verses.
the jirari are passed and secured. Betili or Batil, a dhow with a vers

Bedeni, a kind of dhow with a per- long prow, and a sharp stern
pendicular cutwater, or merely a with a high rudder head. They
piece of board by way of prow, a generally belong to the jShemali.
or Persian Gulf Arabs.
sharp stern, and high rudder head.
The mast of a bedeni is per- Beyana, legible, clear.
pendicular; in other dhows it Bia.

s 2
256 P. I A BOM
Kula bia, to subscribe to a meal Bisha hu. to knock or cry H«dil at
in common, to go shares in a a door to attract the attention of
meal. the people within. It is held

BiaiJiara, trade, commerce. very wrong to go beyond the

Kufanya biashara, t<> tnide. entrance hall of a house unlesB

M/anyi biaehara, a trader, a mer- invited in.

chant. Bisha feu-, to work in sailing. Also,
hili, grandmother. It is used as a to make boards.
title answering to my lady, and Bishana ha-, to squabble, to quarrel.
for the mistress of slaves. Bishara, a sign, a good sign.
Bibo, plur. mabibo, a cashew apple. Bisho, tacking,working to the wind-
-bichi, fresh, green, unripe, raw, ward.
under-done. It makes mbichi Upepo wa bisho, a foul wind.
with nouns like myumba. Bisi,parched Indian corn.
Bidii, effort to surpass, emulation. Bitana, lined, double, used of clothes
Bikira, a virgin. wherever there are two thick-
Btkiri leu-, to deflower. nesses.
BUashi, gratis, for nothing. Bithaa, goods, merchandise.
Bilauri, a drinking glass. -bivu or -wicu, ripe, well done. It

the lead (nautical). makes mbivu with nouns like.

Bilisi = Iblis, the devil nijumba.

2?tQo, except by. Hiiri, plur. mabiici, heap3 of garden
BUula, a tap. rubbish, leaves, wood, &c.
Bima, insurance. Bizari, a small seed used in making
Btma ku-, to insure against acci- curry.
dents. Bize, a wild hunting dog.
Binadamu, a human being (a son /;/
ima, a buckle.
of Adam). -bofu or -ocu, rotten, bad, malicious.
lo, the loin-cloth held up to
Boga, plur. maboga, a pumpkin.
r<ceive or carry things, a bundle Boga is used as a general word
in a cloth. for edible vegetables.

Kukinga bindo, to hold up the Bogi = Pombe.

loin-cloth to receive things.
Bogoa ku-, to strip off leaves, to tear
Bingwa, shrewd, knowing. apart, to chop away wood in
Binti. daughter. Women in Zan- making a point ?
zibar are generally mentioned by Bohari or Bohhari, a storehouse, a
their father's name only, as, Binti house with a shop and warerooms.
Mohammed, Mohammed's daugh- Boko, a buffalo (?).
ter. Bokoboho, a kind of food made of

Binka,plja. mabiril:a,& large vessel wheat, meat, &c.

for holding water, a cistern. Bohwa, jack fruit [Tumbatu].
Birinzi, a dish composed of meat, Boma, plur. maboma, a heap of

rice, J

pper, &c. stones, a rampart.


Bomba, a pump. Bua, plur. mabua, the stem of millet.

Bomboromoka, plur. ma-. See Boro- Buba, rupia, applied to various skin
moka. diseases.

Bomoa ku-, to make a hole through, Bubu, (A.), a teat.

to break down. Bubu, plur. mabubu, dumb.
Bomolca ku-, to have a hole broken Bubujika ku-, to bubble out, burst
through it, to be broken down. forth.

Bongo, plur. mabongo, brains, mar- Eububujika machozi,to burst into

row. tears.

Bonth, a bridge, a pier. From the Bubur (M.), dumb.

French pont. Buddi, escape, other course.
Bonyea ku-, to give way, to crush Sina buddi, I have no escape, ie.,

in. I must.

Bonyesha ku-, to press so as to sink Bueta, a box. Also bweta. (From

in, to make an impression with the French, boite.)
the fingers. Buga, a hare (?).

Bonyeza ku-, to examine by feeling Bughuthu ku-, to hate.

and pressing. See Tomasa. Buhuri, incense.
Boonde, a valley, a hollow place. Buibui, a spider.
Bora, great, very great, noble, best, Buki or Bukini, Madagascar.
most. Buki, a kidney.
Bori, the bowl of a native pipe. Buku, a very large kind of rat.
Boriti, a rafter, thick poles cut in Buli, plur. mabuli, a teapot.
the mangrove swamps and laid Bumbuazi, perplexity, idiotcy.
flat to support the stone roofs. Kupigwa na bumbuazi, to become
Borohoa, a dish made of pounded confused and abashed, so as not
pulse with flavourings. to be able to go on with one's
Boromoka ku-, to fall down a preci- business.
pice. Bumbwi, rice flour pounded up with
Boromoka, plur. ma-, precipices, pre- scraped cocoa-nut.
cipitous places. Also bomboro- Bumia, sternpost.
moka, plur. ma-. Bumunda, plur. mabumunda, a sort

Borongaboronga ku-,to make a mess of soft cake or dumpling.

of one's work. Bundi, a native bird, an owl. Owls
Boroshoa, a long-shaped black in- are thought very unlucky.
sect found in dunghills. Bunduki, a gun, a musket.
Boruga ku-, to stir, tocut up weeds. Bungala, a kind of rice.
-bovu or -ovu, rotten, bad. Bungo, plur. mabungo, a kind
Boza, a narcotic made by mixing something like a medlar.
bhang with flour and honey. Bungu,plur. mabungu, a dish.
Bozibozi, idle, dull. Bungu la kupozea uji, a saucer to
Brdmini, an agent (working for two cool gruel in.

per cent, commission.) Buni, raw coffee, coffee-berries.

258 B I" N
Bunt, an ostrich. Bushuti, woollen stuff, blanket,
Bunt, (Ar.), b ins, the sons of. Bustani, a garden.
Bunt ku-, to begiu, to be thefirstto Bum, a kiss.
do u thing, to Lnv< at. Busu ku-, to kiss.
Bunju, a poisonous fish. /'»", plur. mabuu, maggots in meet
Bunzi, plur. mabunzi, a stiii (M.).
fly. Buyu, plur. mabuyu,a calabash, the
thu ku-, to hate. fruit of the baobab tree, used

Bupuru, plur. mahupuru, an empty to draw water with.

shell. Buzi, plur. mabuzi, a very large
Bupuru la kitwa, a skull. goat.
Burangeni, of two colours, neither Bioaga ku-, to throw down what
black nor white; also painted of one has been carrying; to tip
different colours, as a dhow with off one's
head, &c; to rest by
a white stripe. throwing down one's burden.
Buratangi, a whirring kite. Kubwaga nazi, to throw down
I'xirdu. cocoa-nuts.
Marashi ya Burdu, eau-de- Bwana, master of slaves, master of
Cologne. the house, lord, sir, used politely
Burt, large-sized tusks of ivory. inspeaking of one's own father
ait, a final farewell, asking Bwana mdor/o, master's son.
a general forgiveness. Bwanda — Gwanda.
Kutakanaburiani, to ask mutual Bwara.
pardon and so take a last fare- Ileale ya bwara, c dollar under
well. full weight, a 5-franc piece.
Burikao, Port Dnrnford. Biceta. See Bueta.
Burre, for nothing, gratis, in vain,
for no good.

Jlnuda, a book of the prayers used

over a dying person. (7 is required only in writing the
BuruMka ku-, to be refreshed. sound of the English ch or of the
Burudisha hu-, to cool, to refresh. Italian c before i and e.

Buruga ku-, to mix up, to knock In the dialect of Zanzibar ch

together. frequently stands for the t of more
Jlnruhani, token, evidence. northern Swahili, as—
Buruji, battlemenl Chupa, a bottle (Zanzibar) =
Burura ku-, to drag, to haul along. Tupa (Mom has).
Burnra, prudence, subtlety, astute- Kueheka, to laugh (Zanz.) =
ness. Kutbka (Momb.).
Bumti, a kind of matting made at Chi, in the vulgar dialect, and
Muscat. amongst the slaves in Zanzibar,
Buthashi, a thin Bort of stuff. stands for hi in the more correct
ku, tow, a gun-wad. language. Several of the tribes in
CHA 259

the interior follow the same rule as way of writing might be quite satis-
the Italian in always pronouncing factory in all cases.
the same root letter ch before i and There is little doubt that the
e, and h before a and o. northern t becomes ch by the addi-
Thus slaves commonly say, Cliitu tion of a y sound, as the same sort
little thing, for Kituhi- of change takes place with d, which
becomes dy or j, and sometimes
As a rule, in all Swabili where with n, making it ny or the Spanish

the preformative hi has to be pre- n. The same sort of change in

fixed to an adjective or pronoun or English vulgarizes nature into
tense prefix beginning with a vowel, nachur, and Indian into Injun.
it becomes ch, thus—
Kisu changu, my knife, not Kisu Ch- = hi-, which see.

hiangu. Ch-, a prefix required by sub-

Kisu chdkata, the knife cuts, not stantives beginning with hi- or
Kisu hiahata. ch- representing hi-, in all pro-
Kitu cliema cho every good
chote, nouns and adjectives beginning
thing whatsoever, not Kitu with a vowel, and in tenses of
hiema hio kiote. the verb where the tense prefix
Where ch represents hi, as the begins with a vowel.
initial sound of a substantive, the CJia, of.

plural is made by changing ch into Many quasi-substantives may be

made by prefixing cha to a
Cliombo, a vessel, Vyombo, vessels. verb, ldtu being understood, as
But where ch stands for t, the chahula (a thing), of eating,
plural is made by prefixing ma. food.

Machupa, bottles. Cha or Chayi, tea.

Machungica, oranges. Cha hu-, to fear [A.] (the hu- bears

The Arabs confound in their the accent, and is retained in the
pronunciation ch with sh, though usual tenses).
the sounds are in Swahili perfectly Cha hu-, to dawn to rise [of the sun]

distinct. the hu- bears the accent, and

It would perhaps be an improve- is retained in the usual tenses.

ment to write all ch's which repre- Kmnehucha, the dawn (it has
sent hi by a simple c, which has dawned).
been usedfor this sound in Sechuaua, Kunahucha, the dawning.
and to write all c7i's which repre- Usiku
kuclia, all night till dawn,

sent t by ty, which has been used night long. See Chwa.

for this sound in writing Zulu. But Chaanzu, the beginning of a piece
both are here represented by ch, of uhiri.

because at least in the infancy of Chacha hu-, to ferment, leaven,

our studies it is puzzling to have work.
two signs for one sound, and neither Chachaga hu-, to wash clothes by
260 C II A ('II A

dabbing them gently on a stone

Chakogea [Kitu] cha, ku-ogea, a
01 board, not t>> tx .it them so hard thing to bathe in, a bath.
as is
implied in the more common Chahula, something to eat, food, a 3
word feu/ua. meal.
-chache, lew, little, not many or Chahula cha subui, breakfast.
mnoh. Tt makes chache with Chahula cha mchana, dinner.
nouns like myumba. Chahula chajioni, supper, which
Chachia feu-, to come with a press, is the chief meal of the
to come much at once, to hurst I'lur. vyakula, victuals.
upon one. Cliale, a cut or gash made for orna-
Chachu, hran, leaven, ferment. ment.
Chafi, a kind of fish. Chali, backward, on his back.
Chafi. Chama, a club, guild, baud of
Chafi cha mguu, calf of the leg = people.
tafii. Waana chama, members of it.

Chafu, plur. machafu, the check, Chaniba chajicho, a white film over
especially that part which is over the eye.
the teeth. Chambo, plur. vyambo, a bait.
Chafua hu-, to put in disorder, CJiambua hu-, to dress, clean, pick
disarrange. over, as to pluck off the outer
Chafvka hu-, to be in disorder, in when sending
leaves of vegetables
dishabille. them market, to pick the

Moyo umechafnha, (I) feel sick. sticks and dirt out of cotton, to

Chafukachafuka ku-, to be all in a pick cloves off their stalks,

mess, to be all tumbled about &c.
and in confusion. ( 7 i rribulia hu-, to clean up, to dress
fuo, a poisonous horse-fly. up work or things.
fya hu-, or hupiga chafya, or Chamhuro, a plate for wire drawing.
Jcwenda chafya, to sneeze. Chamchela.
( hagaa =
Tagaa. Pepo za chamchela, a whirlwind.
Chago, land crabs. CluCmsha kanwa (something to
Cliago, the place where the head is wake the
mouth), something
laid (on a kitanda, etc.). eatenthing in the morning.

Chagua, feu-, to pick out, select, Cliana Tana. =

garble. Ghana hu-, to comb.
Choi, or Chayi, tea. Clianda, plur. vyanda (M.), a finger,
Chakaa hu-, to become worn out, a toe.
to become pood for nothing Chandalua, an awning, a mosquito
through age or use. net.

Choke, or chahice, his, her, its. See changa, young, immature.

ahe. Changa lu-, to sift away chaff and
Chaki, chalk, whitening, putty. husks.
Chako, thy. See -ako. Kula hwa kuchanga, a feast
*JH A CHE 261

where each contributes some- Chaza, an oyster.

thing to the entertainment. Chazo, a sucker fish.
Ckanga'mka ku-, to be genial, to be Cheche, a small box (such as a
hearty and pleasant. lucifer-box).
Changamusha ku-, to cheer up. C7iec7ie,abrownniangouste. Also =
Changanya ku-, to mix. chechi.

Ghanganyika ku-, to be mixed. Cheche, a spark.

Changanyisha ku-, to perplex. Chechen ku-, to walk lame.
Changarawi, girt,little white stones Chechele, an absent person, one who
like those in coarse sand. goes far beyond where he in-

Chango, plur. vyango, a peg to hang tended to stop through inatten tion .

things upon. Chechemea ku-, to be lame. Also,

Chango, small intestines, round to reach up, stretch up to.
worms. Chechi, plur. macliechi, a spark.
Changu, a kind of fish. Chegua ku-, to choose.
Changu, a tribal mark (?). Cheka ku-, to laugh, to laugh at.
Changu, my. See -angu. Chekelea ku-, to laugh at, because of.
Chant = Tani, on the back, back- Cheko, plur. tnacheko, a laugh, a
ward. loud laugh.
Chania ku-, to comb for, &c. Clielea ku-, to fear for, about, &c.

Chanikiwiti, green. Chelema, watery.

Chanja ku-, tocut up [firewood, &c.]. Chelewa ku, to be overtaken by
Chanjiwa ku-, ndui, to be cut for something through thought-
small-pox, to be vaccinated. lessness, to wake up and find
Chano, plur. vyano, a large wooden it broad daylight, to be struck
platter, a mortar-board. foolish, to be dumbfounded.
Clianua ku-, to put forth leaves. Also, to be too late.
Chao, their. See -ao. Sikukawia wala sikuchelewa, I
Chapa, plur. machapa, a stamp, did not delay, and I was not late.
-a chapa, printed. [type, Cheleza ku-, to keep, to put on one
Kupiga chapa, to print. side, to put off.

Chapa ku-, to beat, to stamp. Chelezea ku-, to keep or put aside

Chapachapa, wet through, all Chelezo = Chilezo. [for.
dripping. Chembe, a grain, grains.
Chapeo, a hat. From the French Chembe,j)\uv. vyembe (N\), an arrow,
chapeau (?). the head of an arrow oraharpoon.
or Chappara, excessively. Chembe cha moyo
Chappa (A.), the pit of
Chapuo, a sort of small drum. the stomach.
Cliatu, a python, a crocodile (?). Chembeu, a chisel.
Chavu, plur. vyavu, a net. Chemchem, a spring of water.
-chavu, filthy, unwashed. Clie'mka ku-, to boil, to bubble up.
Chaiva, a louse. Chenezo, plur. vyenezo, a measuring
Chayi, tea. rod, line, &c.
2G2 en e c II I

iga In-, to cleave, to cut wood, Chiehiri, a bribe.

prune. Chikapo = KiJcapu, a basket.
small broken bits. Chikichi, plur. macnikichi, the fruit
— < 7u ma. of the palm-oil fori e.
tut, your. See -enu. Kichikichi, plur. vichikichi, the
having, with. Sec -enyi.
i/i, small nuts contained in the
Chenza, a large kind of mandarin fruit of the palm-oil tree.

orange. Chilezo, plur. vilezo, a buoy.

Chenza :<i
kiajjemi, Persian, i.e.,
Chimba ku-, to dig (M. timba).
good ehenzas. < 'himbia In-, to dig for (M.
Clieo, plur. vyeo, measurement, Chimbia ku- = Kimbia ku-, to rim
measure, length, breadth, &c, away.
j)i'.-ition in the world, station. Chirribua lu-, to dig out or away.

<li-pechepe, wet, soaked with rain, nbuko, origin, first

wetted. source.
nika hu- = Chipuka. Ch/ni, down, bottom, below.
Cherawi, a will-known mangrove Yuko chini, he is down stairs.
swamp in the island of Zanzibar. Chini ya, under, below.
a grindstone. Chinja /.«-, to cut, to slaughter


Cherevu, cunning, subtlety. animals by cutting the throat,

Cherkhana, machine. which is the only manner allow i il

Cherhhana cha kushona, a sewing by the Mohammedan law, hence

Cheruwa, measles. [machine. generally to kill for food (M.
zo, plur. vyetezo,& censer, a kutinda).
pot to fume incense in. Chinki,a. small yellow bird kept in
' '!.>
ti, plur. vyeti, a pass,
a passport. _es.

'hetu, our. See -etu. Chinusi, a kind of water sprite.
Cliewa, a kind of fish. which is said to seize men when
Cheza leu-, to play, to dance. swimming, and hold them un-
Kucheza gwaridi, to be drilled der water till they are dead, (?)
in European fashion. cramp.
Kucheza komari, to play for Chinyango, a lump of meat.
Cheza, a kind of oyster. [money. 'ilia, &c. = Chupuka, &c.
ku-, to play with. Chipukizi, a shoot, a young plant.
Kuchezea unyago, to deflower a See TepukuzL
virgin (?). Chipukizi ndio mti, children will
Kir. be men in time.
Chicha, the scraped cocoa- nut after Chiriki, a small yellow bird often
the oil has been squeezed out. kept in cages.
It is sometimes used to rub on Chiro, chironi = Choo, chooni.
hands to clean them of grime, Chiroko = Chooko, a kind of pulse.
but is generally thrown away as ( hiti '
te of hand, a rote

refuse. of any kind.


Cho, -cho, -cho-, which'. piece of cloth, thatch, &c, and

Che chote, whatsoever. put in a new one.
Choa, ringrorm. Chomoza hu-, to be hot.
Chocha hu-, to poke out from, out Chonga hu-, to cut, to adze, to hollow
of a hole. out, to cut to a point.
Chochea hu-, to make up a fire, to Kuchonga halamu, to make a pen.
turn up a lamp. Clwnge, canine teeth, cuspids.
Cliochelezca ha-, to stir up and in- Chongea hu-, to cut for, or with.
crease discord, to add fuel to the Chongea hu-, to do a mischief to, to
fire. get (a person) into trouble, to
Chofya hu-. See Chovya. inform against.
Choha hu-, to become tired. Cliongeleza hu-, to cany tales, to
Nimechoha, I am tired. backbite.
Ohohaa, lime. an eye.
Cliongo, loss of
Chohea, a stye in the eye, hordeolum. Kuiva na chongo, to have lost an
Chohoa hu-, to clear out, to free eye.
from dirt, enlarge a small hole. Mwenyi chongo, a one-eyed person.
Chohochoho, a kind of fruit with a Chongoha hu-, to be precipitous.
red prickly rind, white pulp, and Choo, plur. vyoo, a privy, the bath-
a large kernel. room, which always contains one.
Chohora hu-, to pick (with a knife, Chooho, a small kind of pea, very
&c). much resembling the seeds of
Chohora, plur. machohora, a hanger- the everlasting pea of English
on, a follower, a dependant. gardens.
Chohoza hu-, to teaze, to irritate. Chopa, plur. machopa, such a quan-
Chole, a place on the island of Zan- tity as can be carried in the two
zibar famous for cocoa-nuts also, ; hands.
the chief town of Monfia. Chopi.
Choma hu-, to stab, to stick, to Kioenda chopi, to walk lame in
prick, to dazzle. Vulgarly in such a manner as that the lame
Zanzibar —
to use fire to in
any side is raised at every step.
way, to burn, to roast, to parch, Chopoa hu-, to drag out of one's
to fire, to apply cautery, to bake hand.
pottery. Chopoha hu-, to slip out of the hand.
Chombo, plur. vyombo, a vessel, a Chora hu-, to carve, to adorn with
pot, a dhow. carving, to draw on a wall.
Vyombo is used for household Chorochoro, scratches, marks.
utensils, things used in a Choropoha hu-, to slip out of one's
house, goods. hand.
Clwmea hu-. See Choma hu-. Clwveha ku-, to put into water, to
Chomeha hu-, to be stuck into, to be steep.
set on fire.
Chovya hu-, to dip, to gild.
Chomelea hu-, to take out a bad Chosha hu-, to tire, to make tired.
264 c ii i) C II IT

C7tosi = Kifoze. Chulcuza hit. to make, to carry, to

Chota In-, i" make up a little at a load.

Chote, all. See -ote. [time. Cliiiln nr (Intra, plur.

vyula, a frog.
%0VU, weary, tired. Chuma, plur. vyuma, iron, a piece
Clmyn, Lrr< <
ilhicss. avarice. of iron.
Aftci »;/< choyo, a miser. Chuma hu-, to pluck, to gather, to
Ckozi, plur. machozi, a tear, a tear- make profit.
drop. Clniitiba, plur. vyumba, a room.
/ sbt! nonsense ! (
'humvi, salt.
Cliubua leu-, to take the skin off, to Cliumvi ya haluli, sulphate of
liruise. Clnoia lit, to Hay. [magnesia.
Ckvhuachubua l:n-, to bruise about, Chunga hu-, to pasture, to tend
to batter. animals.
ChubuJca leu-, to be raw, to be Chunga hu-, to sift.
bruised. Chungu, plur. vyungu, an earthen
Chubwi, a plummi t. king pot.
'A ucAu
ya ziica, a teat. Cliungu, ants:.

Chuchumia l:u-, to stretch up to Cliungu, a heap.

reach something. Cliungu chungu, in heaps.

C/im/, a leopard, leopards. -chungu, bitter

(uchungu, the
Chuja kit-, to strain. quality of bitterness).
Clu'julca hu-, to have the colour Cliungulia hu-, to peep.
washed out. Chungwa, plur. maclmwgwa, an
Chuhi, the being easily disgusted orange.
or offended. sweet
Cltungica la hizungu, a
Ana chuki kuiju, he is easily put orange.
out. Chuniha hu-, to lose the skin, to be
Chuhia leu-, to bo disgusted at, to Chunjua, a wart. [flayed.
abhor, to hate, not to bear. Clt unuha hu-, to love exceedingly, to
Chuhiwa ItU; to be offended. long for.
Chukiza hu-, to disgust, to offend. Chunuzi = Cltinusi.
Ckukizisha /cm-, to make to offend. Chunyu, an incrustation of salt, as
Chuhu, a cupping horn. upon a person after bathing in
Chukua Itu-, to carry, to carry salt water.
off,to bear, to support, to sus- Cliuo, plur. vyuo, a book.
tain. Chuoni, school.
Kii< h iikua
mimba, be pregnant. to Mtcana wa chuoni, a scholar,
ChukvHa ltu-, to carry for a person. learned man.
Pass, huchukuliwa, to be carried
Cliupa, plur. machupa, a bottle.
for, to have carried for one, to Chupia hu-, to dash.
be borne, to drift.
Chupuka hu- or Chipnha hu-. to
Chukuliana hu-, to bear with one sprout, become sprouted, to shoot,
another. to spring.

Chupuza hu-, or Chipuza hu-, to ask impertinent and unnecessary

sprout, to throw out sprouts, to questions.
shoot, to spring. Dafina, a hidden treasure.
Churuhiza hu-, to drain out. Daftari, an account book.
Chururika hu- = Churuziha hu-. Dafu, plur. madafu, a cocoa-nut
Churuica, measles. fully grown before it begins to
Churuza leu-, to keep a stall, to ripen, in which state it supplies a
trade in a small way. very favourite drink. When the
Churuziha hu-, to run down with. shell has begun to harden and
Kuchuruziha damu, to bleed the nutty part to thicken, it ceases
freely. to be a Dafu and becomes a

Chussa, plur. vyussa, a harpoon. Koroma.

Chuuza = Churuza. Dagaa, a kind of very small fish

Chwa hu-, to set (of the sun) . The like whitebait.

hu- bears the accent and is re- Daggla, a short coat.
tained in the usual tenses. Dai hu-, to claim, to sue for at
Mchana huchwa, or hntwa, all law.
day till sunset, all day long. Doha hu-, to catch, to get hold of.

Dahiha, a minute, minutes.

Dahu, the midnight meal during
the Kamathan. A gun is fired

from one of the ships at Zanzibar

D has the same sound as in about 2 a.m., to give notice that
It occurs as an inital the time for eating is drawing to
letter chiefly in words derived from a close. The name is said to be
the Arabic. derived from the saying :

Lor r and become d after an " Lent kuna ndaa kuu."
t uj>esi, Jcesho
"Eat quickly, to-morrow there will be
n. Eefu, long, makes harnba nde/u,
great hunger."
a long rope, not nrefu.
Kanitafutia, and seek out for me, Dahuliza hu-, to contradict, to deny
when pronounced quickly becomes formally, to rebut.
Kandaftia. Dalali, a salesman, a hawker, an
D in the dialect of Mombas be- auctioneer.
comes j or dy in that of Zanzibar. Dalia, a yellow composition much
Ndoo ! Come (Momb.). Njoo! used as a cosmetic it is said to

(Zanz.) give softness and a sweet smell

See C and J. to the skin.
Dalili, a sign, a token.
Daba, a small tin box. Also, a fool. Hatta dalili, anything at all, even
Dacha hu, to drop. a trace.
Dada, sister, a term of endearment Dama, a game played on a board
among women. like chess.
D&.1 *si hu-, to pry into things, to Damani = Demani.
wood to the town from the south
Danga ku-, to take up carefully. a> end of the island.
they take up a little water left l><uil<iii, the government.
at tin' l>"ttnin of a dipping plao Dawa, plur. dawa or madut,
to avoid making it muddy. medicine.
Danganika /.•»-, to bo cheat* d, "Dawa ya kuhara, a purgative.
Danganikia /.'/-, to put to confusion. Dawa ya kutapika, an emetic.
Danganisha hit-, to confuse. Dairamn ku-, to persevere.
janya hu-, to cheat, to humbug, Daicali, a writing desk.
to impose upon. Dayima, always, perpetually.
Danzi, plur madanzi, a bitter, Dayimara = Dayima.
scarcely eatable sort of orange. /'•
be, tin can. See Daha.
The Danzi is reputed to be the Deheni, lime and fat for chunam-
original orange of Zanzibar. The ming the bottoms of native craft.
name is sometimes applied to Deheni ku-. to chunam the bottom
allkinds of oranges, and sweet of a dhow.

oranges are called madanzi ya Deka ku-, to refuse to be pleased,

Kizungu, European (Portuguese) tobe perverse, to be teazing.

"ranges. Delhi, a donkey's walk.
Dao. See Dau. Kicenda delhi, to walk (of a
Ii'i/io, plur. madapo, a native donkey).
umbrella. Dema, a kind of fish-trap.
Darabi, plur. madurabi, a rose Demani, the sheet of a sail.
apple. Demani, the season of gentle
Daraja, a step, a degree, a rank, a southerly winds, beginning about
staircase, a bridge, a league. the end of August. It is applied
Dara#a,a, class for reading, a regular less correctly to the whole season

meeting for learning. of southerly winds from April to

Dart, a roof, an upper floor. the end of October.

Darini. up-stairs, or, on the ronf. Dendaro, a sort of dance.
Darizi, embroidery, quilting. See Denge.
also Kanzu. Kukata denge, to shave the hair
Darumeti, part of a dhow, inner except on the crown of the head.
planking. Dengu, peas, split peas. They are
Dasili. a detergent powder made not grown in Zanzibar, but are
of the dried and powdered leaves brought dry from India.
of the mkunazi. Deni, debt, a debt, debts.
Dasturi. See Desturi. I )'
raye (?), armour.
Dau, plur. madau, a native boat Desturi, a sort of bowsprit, to carry
sharp at both ends, with a square forward the tack of a dhow-sail.
mat sail. They are the vessels Desturi, custom, customs.
of the original inhabitants of Deuli, a silk scarf worn round the
Zanzibar, and chiefly bring fire waist.

Devai, claret, light wine. Hence Dohani, or Dokhani, a sort

Dia, composition for a man's life, of tall basket in which fruit

tine paid by a murderer. is brought on men's heads to
Dibaji, elegance of composition,
a market. The foundation is
good style.
made of sticks about two feet
Didimia ku-, to sink. long, loosely tied together,
Didimikia ku-, to bore with an awl, which are supplemented with
&c. plaited cocoa-nut leaves, until
Didimisha ku-, to sink, to cause to the whole becomes perhaps six
sink. feet high and fifteen to twenty
inches in diameter. These
Digali, part of a native pipe, being
the stem which leads from the dohani are often decked with
bowl into a vessel of water flowers and green leaves.

through which the smoke is Dokaa ku-, to nibble.

drawn. Dokem ku-, to give a little part of

Diko, plur. madiko, a landing-place. anything, to give a hint.

Dimu, a lime. Dokra, a cent.
Dimu tamu, a sweet lime. Domo.
Kupiga domo, to tell a person in
Dini, religion, worship.
Dim, the mariner's compass.
Diriki ku-, to succeed in one's pur- Dona ku-, to peck.
to be quick Donda, plur. madonda, large sores.
pose by being quick,
enough to catch a person, to be Donda ndugu, malignant ulcers.
in time. Dondo, pi. madondo, a tiger cowry .

Dirisha, plur. madirisha, a window. Used to smooth down seams with.

Diwani, plur. madiivani, a council- Dondo, starch, the dressing of calico.
lor, a title of honour among
the Dondoa ku-, to pick up small frag-
coast people. ments, to pick up rice, &c, to
Doana, a hook. pick up bit by bit.
Dobi, a washerman.
Dondoka ku-, to drop from little by
Doda ku-, to drop.
Dodo. See Embe. Mbegu zimenidondoka, the seeds
Dodoki, plur. madodoki, a long dropped from my hand one by
slender fruit eaten as a vege- one.

table. Dondoro, Dyker's antelope.

Dodoa ku-, to take up a little at a Donea ku-, to flutter like a bird.
time. Donge, plur. madonge, a small round
Dofra, plur. madofra, a
sailmaker's thing, a ball.
Donoa ku-, to peck, to sting.

-dogo, little, small, young, younger. Doti, a loin-cloth, a piece of cloth a

Dolman, Dokhaan, or Dohani, a little less than two yards long.

chimney. Doya ku-, to go as a spy.

Marikebu ya dohaan. a steamship. Dua, worship, theology.

Duara, a windlass, anything round. Dim, maduzi, one who de-

Dude, plur. madude, & what-is-it? lights to find out and proclaim
a thing "i" which you don't know secrets and private matters.
or have forgotten the name.
D'oln. plur. madudu, au insect,

hn iuvule, a kind of hornet which 2? has a sound between those of a

bores in wood. in gate and of ai in chair.

dufu, insipid, tasteless. In the dialect of Zanzibar it is

Duka, plur. madulca, a 6hop. often substituted for the a of more

DuMza fcu-, to listen secretly. northern Swahili, especially as re-

Dukizi, plur. madukizi, an eaves presenting the Arabic fet'ha.

dropper, a tale-bearer. Merikebu, a ship, is in the
Dumbuza.a plant having big yellow Mom baa dialect Marikabu, and in
flowers with dark centres. the Arabic Marlcab.
Dumia ku-, to persevere. The sound of e often arises from
DumUha l;u-, to make to continue. the fusion of the final a of a prefix
Dumu, ajar (?). with an e or i which follows it, as —
Jhimu leu-, to continue, to persevere. Akenda for A-lcaenrfa, and he
Dun, a fine. went.
l'umlu, jilur. madundu, a large Ahaweta for A-lca-wa-ita, and he
pumpkin shell used to hold called them.

liquids. Some of the cases in which e in

Dunge, the green skin of the ca- tie Zanzibar dialect stands for a in
shew nut, an immature cashew northern Swahili may be explained
nut. by the substitution at Zanzibar of .

Dungu, plur. madungu, the roof in for a mere 'n, as in the word for
over the little stages for watching "land" or country," which is'n/i

corn, &c. at Mombas, with so mere an 'n that

Dumgumaro, a kind of spirit, also the vowel of the preceding word may
thedrum, &c, proper for expelling be run into it. as in the saying —
Duni, below, less. [him. tfi wnddnti, mwan&nti."
Dunia, the world, this world. "A country can be ruined only by Its own
Dwrdbini, a telescope, an eyegl iss.
Kupiga dwrdbini, to use a glass, Whereas Zanzibar, besides the

telescope. usual change of t into ch, the first

Duru ku-, to surround. syllable has generally a distinct »'
Jjurusi leu-, to meet in a regular sound, and may be better written
class for study. inchi.
Lutamali, a striped silk scarf or Thus at Mombas the root of the
handkerchief svorn upon the head " "
adjective many seems to be ngi,
by women. making the substantive plenty," or
Duumi, a dhow sail. "a large quantity," unrji, and with
the proper prefix "many people," Elemisha ku-, to teach, instruct.

wa-ngi. But in Zanzibar " plenty " Eleza ku-, to make to float, to swim
is w-ingi, and "many people" ivengi, a boat, to make clear, to explain.
as if wa-ingi. Elfeen or Elfain, two thousand.
Elfu, a thousand.
Elbe, for Lebeka. Elimisha ku-, w instruct, to make
Ebu! Eebo! well then! come then! learned.
Eda. Elimu, or e'limu-, learning, doctrine.
Ku kalia eda, to remain in ex- -ema, good, kind. It makes jema
treme privacy and quiet for five with nouns like kasha, and njema
months, as is usual by way of or ngema with nouns like nyumba.
mourning for a husband. •embawba, narrow, thin, slim. It
Edashara, eleven. makes jembamba with nouns like
Ee ! !
kasha,&nd nyembamba with nouns
Ee Waa ! or Ee Wallah I the common like nyumba.
answer of slaves and inferiors Embe, a mango. In Mombas the
when called to do something, a plural is Maembe, in Zanzibar it
strong assent. is Embe.
Eema (M.) = Dema, a kind of fish- Embe dodo, or Embe za dodo, a
trap. very large kind of mango, so
Egemea ku-, to lean. named from a plantation in
Mee/ Yes! Pemba, where they first grew.
Ekerahi, a provocation, an irritating Embe kinoo, a small kind of
word or thing. mango which is very sweet.
EJcua ku-, to break by bending. Embwe, glue, gum.
Ekuka ku-, to be sprung, to be Embwe la ubuyu, a kind of paste
broken. made from the fruit of the
•ekundu, red. It makes jekundu calabash tree.
with nouns like kasha, and Enda kw-, to go. The kw- is re-
nyekundu with nouns like ny- tained in the usual tenses.
Ela (M.), except. [umba. Ktcenda is often used merely to
Elafu, thousands. carry on the narration without
Elea ku-, to float, to become clear. any distinct meaning of going.
Moyo wamwelea, he feels sick (M.) Sometimes it is employed as
Tamekuelea ? Do you under- an auxiliary, nearly as we say
stand ? Have they (my words) in English, he is going to do
become clear to you ? it. Sometimes it expresses
Eleka ku-, to carry a child astride an action merely, as Kwenda
on the hip or back. chafya, to sneeze. Kicenda and
Elekea ku-, to be right, to agree, to Kupiga used in this way can-
be opposite to. not be exactly translated.
Elekeana ku-, to be opposite to one Kwenda Tcwa mguu. to walk.
another. Kicenda ttmbea, to go for a walk.
270 E N D ESH
Kwenda mghad, >vc., to go canter- -enyi, having, possessing, with. Tt.

ing, && makes mwenyi, wenyi, yenyi,

Km nda tangu, zaJco, zake, &c, in Z( ni/i,
lenyi, chenyi, vyenyi, ami
other dialects, vyangu, vyaJce, /" mi), which see.
and thangu, tliake, &c, to ku~, to ask news of a person.
go away, to go, to go one's way, . or Ezi, sovereignty, dominion,
to depart. majesty.
Imekwenda twaliwar, they have Mwenyi ezi, the sovereign, ho who
gone to fetch it. is supreme. See Ezi.
a lew-, to go for, to, or after. Epa ku-, toendeavour to avoid (a
Endeka kw-, to be passable, to be stone, stroke, &c.)
capable of being gone upon, to Epea ku-, not to go direct to, to
be gone upon. miss a mark, not to shoot straight
Endelea kw-, to go either forward (of a gun).
or backward. Epi ka ku-, to be avoidable, to be
Ku- endelea mbele, to advance. what can be got out of the way of.

Kwendelea nyuma, to retire. •

i> light, not heavy, easy, quick,


Enddeza ku-, to spell, to prolong. willing. It makes jepesi with

ku-, to spread, to become

I nouns like kasha, and nyepesi
known. with nouns like nyuniba.
Em nda kit-, to go, mostly in the F.jma Int.-, to brush or shake off, to
sense of to go on, to proceed, to take away.
go forward. Epuka ku-, to be kept from, to avoid;
Enenza ku-, to measure together, to to abstain from.

try which exceeds the other. Epukana be disunited.

ku-, to
Eneo, the spread, the extent covered. Epukika ku-, to be evitable.
Eneo la Muungu, God's omni- llairpttkikL ii is inevitable.

presence. Epitfha hu-, to make to avoid, tc

Eneza ku-, to spread, to cause to keep from.
spread, to cause to reach. ku-, to be kept from, to
MuHiinti amemweneza killa mlu be forbidden something.
iki zake, God has put within rem, subtle, shrewd, cunning.

the reach of every man what En ruka ku-, to become shrewd, to

is necessary for him. get to know the ways of the
to mahogo for world, to grow sharp.
Enga hu-, split
cooking. Erevusha ku-, to make sharp and
Engaenga ku-, to coddle, to tend knowing.
over carefully. Eria hu-, to ease off, let down. See
Engua ku-, to skim. Ariaa.
-enu, your, of you. Esha, the latest Mohammedan hour
-enu ninyi, your own. of prayer, which may he said to
Enyi or Enyie, You there! You be from half-past G to about
there, I say 1 8 P.M.
Esse (?), a screw. right letter is probably in all cases
-etu, our, of us. a v.

-etu sisi, our own. The Arabs in

talking Swahili
Eua ku-, to sprinkle with water turn p's into /'s, and say funda for
after praying by way of charm punda, a donkey and conversely, ;

against a disease. some slaves from inland tribes turn

-eupe, white, clear, clean, light- /'s intop's. P, however, does some-
coloured. It makes jeupe with times become / before a y sound.
nouns like kasha, and nyeupe with as kuogopa, to fear,
kuogofya, to
nouns like nyumba. frighten.
-eupee, very white. There is a curious fy sound used
-eusi, black, dark-coloured. It in some dialects of Swahili, which
makes jeusi with nouns like is rarely heard in Zanzibar.
kasha, and nyeusi with nouns like
nyumba. Fa kti-, to die, perish, cease, fade
Ewaa = Ee Waa. away. The ku- bears the ac-
Ewe! You there Hi! I say, you!
cent, and is retained in the usual
plur. Enyi. tenses.
Eza ku-, to measure. Faa be of use to, to avail,
ku-, to
Ezeka ku-, to thatch, to cover with be worth something.

thatch. it is of no use, it won't do.

Ezi = Enzi, sovereignty. Faana ku-, to be of use to one an-
Mwenyi ezi Muungu, or Mwenye- other, to help one another.
zimngu, Almighty God, God Fafanisha ku-, to liken.
the Lord, representing in Swa- Fafanua ku-, to recognize, to under-
hili the Allah ta'ala, God the stand.
Most High, of the Arabic. Fafanuka ku-, to become clear.
Ezua ku-, to uncover. Fafanukia ku-, to be clear to.
Kuezua paa, to strip a roof. Fafanulia ku-, to make clear to.
Faganzi ku-, to become callous.
Mguu wangu umenifdganzi, my
foot is asleep.
Fagia ku-, to sweep.
F has the same sound as in Fahali, plur. mafahali, a bull, used
English. of men in the sense of
Fand v are confounded by the Fahamia. [strong.
Arabs, though in Swahili perfectly Kwa kufahamia (M.), on the face,
— :

Ku-faa means to be profitable to. Fahamisha ku-, to make to under-
Ku-vaa means — to put on. stand, to remind.
There is, however, in some cases Fahamu ku-, to understand, to re-
a little indistinctness, as in the member.
common termination ifu or ivu ; the Fahari = Fakhari, glory.
T 2
272 FA J FAT
Kufanya fahari, to live beyond Faranga, pi. mafaranga, a chicken,
one's means and Btation. a young fowl.
Farad or Frasi, a horse, in Arabic
Faja /row, a stable.

Fahefa, generous,a generous person. a man .

FakKati, glory. Fmi'i'i hu-, to comfort, to console.


iri, poor, a poor person. Furihi feu-, to become separated, lo

Fala feu-, (Mer.) = Fan feu-. decease.

Falaki, oxfi&ah, astronomy. Fdrine, a kind of rice and milk

/v'»/./;/<( falaki, to prognosticate gruel.

by tlif stars. Farishi hu-, to spread.
Fait, an omen, omens. Faritha, pay.
of Faroma, a block to put caps on
feu-, to be very good
a its

kind, to become like (?). after washing them, to prevent

Fanana hit-, to become like, to their shrinking.
resemble. Farrathi, necessity, obligation, obli-
feu-, to make
n isha to resemble. gatory.
ikia feu-, to turn out well for. Farrathi, a place one habitually
to prosper. goes to.
Fanust, a lantern. The th of this word is the Eng-
/-( feu-, to make, to do, to adapt, lish th in that, the th of the
to mend. preceding word is a little

Kujifanya, to make one's self,

to thicker.
pretend to be. Farumi,
Kufanya hura, to cast lots. /• '«.»//
ifashi, nonsense.
Fashini, the sternpost of a dhow.
Kufanya tihauri, to take counsel.
Fanyia feu-, to do or make for or to. Fasihi, correct, clean, pure.
\ikufanyiejet What am I to do Fasili, spreading.
with you ? J I a, hi dsili, wala fdsili, you have
Fanyika hu-, to be made or done, neither root nor branches, i.e.,
makable or doable. neither good birth nor great
Fanyiza /.«-, to amend, to mend. connections.
Fanyiziha hu-, to be very good, to Fasiri hu-, to explain, to int< rpret.

be well done. Faeiria hu-, to explain to, to into r-

I'ara or Farafara, brimful, full to pret to.
the brink. Fatahi, a percussion cap, a gun cap.
Faragha, privacy, secrecy, leisure. Fail, an. restlessness, disquiet.

Faraja, comfort, ease after pain. Fathaiha hu-, to be troubled, dis-

Farajika hu-, to be comforted, to quieted, thrown into confusion.
be eased. Fathali - Afathali, preferabl y .

Farakana feu-, to be alienated. Fathali=FaOiili.

Farakiana hu-, to be alienated in Fathehi hu-, to put to confusion,
.inl to one another. to find out a person in a trick,
Farahisha hu-, to alienate.
Fathili, a favour, a kindness, kind- a question of Mohammedan
nesses. law.
Fathili ku-, to do a kindness, to Feuli, the place in a dhow where
deserve well. they stow tilings which may be
Fat ilia, a Mohammedan form of wanted quickly.
prayer. Ft, by.
FatiisM ku-, to pry, to be over Sabafi saba, seven times seven.
curious. Fia ku-, to leave behind, to die to.
Fauluku-,to getpast,to get through, Pass. Kufiwa na, to lose by
to weather. death. j

Fawiti ku-, to delay, to occupy, to Fiata ku-, to hold one's hands or

hinder. one's clothes between one's legs.
Fayida, profit, gain, advantage, Fiatika ku-, to be kept back, to be
interest. delayed.
Fayidi ku-, to get profit. Fiatua ku-, to allow a spring to
Fayiti ku-, to delay. escape, to let off.

Fayitika ku-, to be delayed. Fiatuka ku-, to escape (as a spring)

Fazaa, trouble, confusion, anxiety. Ficha ku-, to hide.
Feka ku- = Fieka ku-, to clear Kunificlta kofia-, to hide a cap
forest lands. from me.
Felefele, an inferior
kind of millet. Kunifichia kofia, to hide my cap.
Feleji or Felegi, a
choice kind of Fidi ku-, to ransom (of the price
steel. paid).
Upanga via feleji, a long
straight Fidia, a ransom, a sacrifice (giving
two-edged sword, used by the up).
Arabs. Fidia ku-, to ransom (of the person
Feleti ku-, to discharge, to release paying).
from an obligation, to release. Fidina, mint (?).

Feli, plur. mafeli, a beginning of Fieka ku-, to clear.

speaking or doing. Kufieka mwitu, to clear ground

Fereji, a channel,
a drain. in a forest.
Ferusaji = Forsadi. Fifia ku-, to disappear, to cease to
Fctha, silver, money. be visible (as a scar or a mark ;

Fethaluka. Marijani ya fethaluka, it does not imply motion), to

the true red coral. pine away, (of seeds) not to
Fetheha, a disgraceful thing, a come up.
shame. Figa, plur. mafiga, the three
Fetheheka ku-, to be found out in a used to set a pot over the fire
disgraceful thing, to be put to upon. See Jifya.
shame. Figao, a movable fireplace.
be condemned or of large white radish.
Fetiwa ku-, to Figili, a kind
adjudged to [a punishment]. Figo, kidney (M.).
Fetwa ku-, to give judgment on Fika ku-, to arrive, to reach, to come.
1274 FI K V i »

Fikara, thought. Fim In-, to commil sodomy.

Fikia hit-, to reach a person. Firana kit', to commit sodomy to-
hit-, to crumble, to nib to g< ther.
to rul> to thresh
pieces, bard, Firigisi, tin- gizzard.
corn. (Used also obscenely). Firinghi = Firigisi. in ku-, to come to a person on Firkomha, an eagle (?).
business of his, to arrive and Firuzi, a turquoise.
return without delay. Fisadi, one who enters other peo-
Fikiliza kit-, to cause to arrive for. ple'shouses for a wrongful pur-
Kufikiliza ahadi, to fulfil a pro- Fisha ku-, to cause to die. [pose.
mise. Fist, a hyaena.
Fikisha ku-, to make to arrive, to Fisidi kit-, to enter other people's

lead, to take. houses for a w rongful purpose,


Fikira, thought, consideration. to commit an offence in another

Fihiri hit-, to consider, to ponder. man's house.
Fil. a chess castle or rook (in FitliuU = Futhuli, officious, over
Arabic, an elephant). talkative.
Pita ku- = Fin ku-. Fitina, slander, sowing of discord,
AfiL nibali, that he may die out a disturbance.
of the way. Fitini ku-, to slander, to sow dis-
Filimht, a flute. cord.
Filisi ku-, to take away a man's Fitiri,alms and presents given at
property, to seize for debt. the end of the Ramathan.
kit-, to come to want, to Fito (plur. of ufito), long slender
have been sold up, to have run sticks.

through all one's money. Fiwa ku-, to be died to, to lose by

Fimlii, a stick. death.

Finessi, plur. majinessi, a jack fruit. Mwanamke aliofiwa «o mumeice,

Finessi la kizungu, a duryan. a widow.

Fingirika kit-, to roll along, to be Fiwe, a sort of bean growing a a <

rolled, to writhe like a wounded climbing plant with a white

ike. Fqfqfu. [flowi r.

Fingirisha ku-, to roll, to make to Kufafqfofit, to die outright

Finya ku-. to pinch. [roll. Fola, a gift expected from those
Finyana ku-, to be pinched to- who first touch a new-born baby,
ther, to be gathered up small. paying your footing.
Finyanga ku-, to do potter's work, Foramali, a ship's yard.
to make pots, to tread and Formn^h.
trample. Dawati ya formash, a workbox.
ya 1:".-, to chirp, to make a Forsadi, a small kind of edible
chirruping noise with the mouth, fruit, mulberries.
to do so by way of showing con- Fortha, a custom-house.
tempt. Forthani, at the custom-house.

Fras, Frasi, or Farasi, a horse, a Fugika be capable of being

ku-, to
mare. kept, to be capable of domesti-
Frasi, a chess knight. cation, not to die in captivity.
-fu, dead. Fuja ku-, to waste, to squander, to
Maji mafu, neap tides. leak. See Yuja.
Fua, a wooden bow 1.
Fujika ku-, tomoulder, waste away.
Fua ku-, to beat (?), to wash clothes, Fujo, disorder, uproar.
to clear the husk from cocoa- Fujofujo, slovenliness, laziness.
nuts, to work in metal, to make Fuka, a kind of thin porridge.
things in metal. Fuku ku-, to fill in a small hole.
Kufua chuma, to be a blacksmith. Fuka moshi ku-, to throw out smoke,
Kufuafelha, be a silversmith.
to to fume. See Vuke.
Kufua thahabu, to be a goldsmith. Fukara, very poor.
Kufua kisu, &c, to forge a knife, Fukia ku-, to fill up a small hole.
&c. Fukiza ku-, to cense, to put the
Fuama ku-, to lie on the face fuming incense pot under a per-
(Momb.). son's beard and into his clothes,
Fuata ku-, to follow, to imitate, to by way of doing him honour.
obey. Fukizo, vapour, fumes.

Fuatana ku-, to accompany, to go Fuko (?), a mole.

with. Fuko, plur. mafuko, a large bag.
Fuatanisha ku-, to make to accom- Fukua ku-, to dig a small narrow
pany. hole, such as those to receive the
Fuawa ku-, to lie on the side and posts of houses ; to dig into a
be beaten by the waves, as when grave so as to get at the body ; to
a vessel goes ashore broadside on. dig out, to dig up.
Pass, of fua (?). Fukuafukua ku-, to burrow.
Fuawe, an anvil. Fukuta ku-, to blow with bellows.
Fucha = Futa. Fukuza ku-, to drive away, to chase.
Fudifudi, on the face (of falling or Fukuzana ku-, to chase one another.
tying). Fukuzia ku-, to drive away from.
Fudikiza ku-, to turn bottom up- Fulia ku-, to work in metal for, to
wards, to turn cards backs upper- make things in metal for.

most. Fulifuli, on the face, forwards.

Fufua ku-, to cause to revive, to Fuliza ku-, to go on, not to stop ;

resuscitate. also, to blow upon, to kindle.

Fufuka ku-, to revive, to come to FuUani, such a one, such and such
life again, (r |<^vp>
men or things.
Fufuliza ku-, to cause to come to Fululiza ku-, not to stop or delay
life again for some one. to go on fast.

Fufumonye, in the kitchen (Pemba). Fuma ku-, to weave.

Fuga ku-, to keep animals either Fuma ku-, to hit with a spear, to
tame or in captivity. shoot with arrows.
27(J F r m FUN
/ icmia hu-, to oome suddenly Fumuka hu- = Fu'mka hu-.

upon, to surprise. Intrude. Funda, a large mouthful making

Fumaniana hu-, to intrude into the cheeks .--well out, a sip ,( I,

iple'a bouses without reason- a draw at a pipe.

able cause. Those who do so Kupiga funda, to take large
have ii" remedy if they arc beat* o mouthfuls one by one.
or wounded. da hu-, to beat up, to mix by
atiti, an owl (?). beating, to pound.
F'uuba hu-, to close, to shut (used /' /.( Lu-, to teach.

of the eyes, the mouth, the Fundi, a skilled workman, a master

hand, &c). workman, a teacher of any handi-
Mm, no yafumba, a dark saying. craft.

Mdkuti ya fwriba, cocoa-nut Fundisha hu-, to teach, to instruct.

Laves plaited for making en- Kuji/undisha, to learn.
closures. Fundisho, plur. mafundisho, instruc-
Funiba, a lump. tion, direction, teaching.

Furriba, a kind of sleeping mat, Fundo, plur. mqfundo, a knot.

which is doubled and sewn to- Kupiga fungo, to tie a knot.

gether at the ends, so as to make Fundua hu-, to untie.

a large shallow hag. The sleeper Funga, a civet cat.

"ets inside, and draws the loose Funga hu-, to fasten, to tie, to bind,
be com- to imprison, to fast.
edge under him, so as to

pletely shut in. Kufunga choo, to become consti-

'((^'/.i/-,toclosethefist,tograsp. pated.
battka hu-, to be grasped. Fungamana hu-, to cling together,

Fumbia /;»-, to talk darkly.

to connect, to tie together, to rely

Fumbo, plur.mafumbo, a dark say- upon.

hidden thing. Fungana hu-, to bind, to stick
ing, a
hu-, to unclose, to open the together.
. &c. Fungasa hu-, to tow.

Fumbuha hu-, to come to light Fungate, a period of seven days

after the completion of the wed-
bulla hu-, to lay open to, to

explain. ding, during which the bride's

:. a kind of fish. father sends food to the bride-

Fu'mka hu-, to become unsewn, to groom and his friends.

a hu-, to shut against.

open at the seams, to leak (of

boat). Fungo, a civet cat.

Fumo, plur. mafumo, a flat-bladed Fungu, plur. mafungu, a bank, a
Bhoal, a heap, a part, a week.
and Nyassa). Fungua. See Mfunguo.
Fumo, a chief (Kingozi
a hu-, to unrip, to unpick. Fungua few-, to unfasten, to op< a,
to let loose, to leave off fast-
Kufumua moto, to draw out the
pieces of wood from a fire. ing.

Funguka ku-, to become unfastened, Furumi, ballast.

to be unfastenable. Furungu, plur. mafuntngu, a large
Funguliica ku-, to have unfastened citron, a shaddock, a kind of
for one, to be unfastened. anklet.

Funguo (plur. of Ufunguo), keys. Furushi, a bundle tied up in a

Funguza ku-, to present 'with food cloth.

during the Ramathan. Fusfus or Fussus, precious stones.

Funika ku-, to cover (as with a lid), Fusi, rubbish.
to close a book. Futa ku-, to wipe.
Funikika ku-, to become covered. Kufuta kamasi, to blow the nose.
Funikiza ku-, to cover (as with a Futa ku-, to draw a sword ( = vuta ? ).
flood). Futari, the first food taken after a
Funo, a kind of animal. fast.

Funua ku-, to lay open, to uncover, Futi, plur. mafuti, the knee (A.)
to open a book, to unpick sew- Futliuli, officiousness.
ing, to show cards. Futika ku-, to tuck into the girdle
Kufunua macho, to open one's or loin-cloth.

eyes. Futua ku-, to open out a bundle,

Funuka ku-, to become opened, to take out what was tucked in.
open like a flower, &c. Futuka ku-, to get cross or angry.
Funza, a maggot. Futukia ku-, to get cross with.
Funza ku-, to teach. Faturi, a span.
Kujifunza, to learn. Futuru ku-, to eat at the end of a
Fupa, plur. mafupa, a large bone, fast, to break a fast.

the anus (?). Fuu, plur. mafuu, a small black

-fupi, short.
It makes fupi with fruit.

nouns like nyumba. Fuvu, plur. mafuvu, an empty shell.

Fupiza ku-, to shorten. Fuvu la kitwa, a skull.
Fura ku-, to swell, to be puffed up Fuza ku-, to go on, not to stop.
from the effects of a blow only. Fuzi, plur. mafuzi, a shoulder
Furaha, gladness, joy, pleasure, (A.).
gladly. Fwata ku- =
Fuata ku-.
Furahani, with gladness, happiness. Fyoa answer abusively.
ku-, to
Furahi hu-, to rejoice, to be glad. answer a person with
Fyolea ku-, to
Furahia hu-, to rejoice in. abuse and bad language.
Furahisha ku-, to make glad. Fyonda ku- or Fyonja ku-, to suck
Furahiica ku-, to be made glad, to out.
be rejoiced. Fyonya hu-, to chirrup. See
Furijika ku-, to moulder away. Fionya.
Furika hu-, to run over, to boil Fyonza ku-, to suck.
over, to inundate. Fyoma ku-, to read (M.).
Furuhuta move, as of some-
hu-, to Fyuha ku-, to go off, to drop, to
thing moving under a carpet. escape like a spring.
21S GAA ( . A B

hollowed out of the trunk of ri

tree, and have two long polos

tied across, to the end of which
pieces of wood pointed at both
G is always to be pronounced ends are attached, which servo
hard, as in "gate." Much con- to prevent the canoe upsetting.
fusion arises from the way in which These outriggers are called
the Arabic letters jim and kaaf or mati'tigo. Sec Mlniuliwi.

qaf are pronounced by different Gamba. See Jigamba.

Arabs. Jim properly an English
is Gana, the tiller, the rudder handle.
/. and is so used by the Swahili, Ganda, plur. maganda, husk, rind,
and qaf is properly a guttural k, shell, hard bark.
but most Arabs in Zanzibar pro- Ganda la tatu, the three of cards.
nounce either jim or qaf as a hard Ganda ku-, to stick, to freeze.
This must be remembered in Gandama ku-, to cleave, to stick.
writing or looking for many Swahili Gandamana kit-, to cleave to-
words. gether, to coagulate, to curdle, to
The Arabic Gliain is retained in freeze.

many Swahili words borrowed from Gandamia ku-, to stick to, to cleave
the Arabic, and a similar sound to.

occurs in African languages also. Gando, plur. magando, the claw of

It ishere written gh. Most Euro- a crab.

peans think it has something of an Ganga ku-, to bind round, as when
r sound, but this is a mistake ; it is a stick is sprung to bind it
a hard grating g, made wholly in the round with string, to splice, to
throat. It resembles the Dnicii ;/, mend, to cure.
and the German g approaches it.
Gauge, a soft v nito limestone.
N. Gango, plur. magango, a cramp, a
splint, something which holdt

gaa /.»-, to turn over restlessly, other things together in their

to roll like a donkey. right place.
ri. See Kaburi. / What ? What sort of?
i, .rh\ a wooden prop keep a
to I he name of the thing queried
vessel from falling over when Nt always precedes the word
left by the tide. ijiiui.

Gadimu four, to put gadi. Ganzi.

plur. magaga, rubbish, dirt. Imekufa ganzi, it has lost all

Gai, plur. magai, a large piece of feeling. See Faganzi.

t Kutia ganzi la meno, to set the
'inline. See Kalme, the small mizen teeth on edge.
mast of a dhow. Gari, plur. magari, a carriage, a
ra. u canoe, a small canoe wheeled vehicle.
with outriggers. G are Garofuu, cloves. Also, a kind of rice.
G AU G HU 279

Gauza, Gauka, etc. See Geuza, especially rooms on the

Geuka, etc. ground-floor of Zanzibar houses,
Gawa ku, to divide, to part out. which have generally no win-
Kugaica karata, to deal cards. dows, but merely a few small
Gawanya ku-, to divide, to share. round holes (miangaza) near
Gay a ku-, to change one's mind, the ceiling.
to vacillate. Ghali, dear.
Gayami, a post with a cleat at the Ghalime. See Galme, Kalme
side of the poop, to fasten the Ghalisha ku-, to make dear.
sheet of a dhow sail to. Ghangi, a kind of dhow resembling
Gayogayo, a flat fish, (?) a sole. a bagala, except that it has not
Gema palm wine. They
ku-, to get so long a prow.
cut the immature flowering shoot Ghanima, good luck, profit.
and hang something under to Gharama, expense, payment to a
catch what flows from the wound, native chief by a caravan.
which is the tembo, or palm wine. Gharika, a flood, the flood.
The cutting is renewed from Ghariki ku-, to be flooded, to be
time to time to keep up the covered with water.
flow. Gharikisha ku-, to flood, to over-
Gembe, plur. magembe, a hoe. See whelm.
Jembe. Gharimia ku-, to go to expense
-geni, foreign, strange. about, to be at the expense of.
Genzi. Ghasi, a measure of about a yard.
Mkuu genzi, one who knows the Ghasi, rebellion.
roads well, a guide. Ghasi ku-,to bother, worry.

Gereza, a fort, a prison. Ghasia, bother, coming and going,

Geua few-, to turn, to change (Mer.). want of privacy.
Geuka ku-, to become changed, to Ghathabika ku-, to be enraged, to
turn, to change. be angry.
Geuza ku- or Geusha ku- (?), to Ghathabisha ku ,
to enrage, to make
cause to change, to turn, to angry.
change. Ghathabu, anger.
Geuzi, plur. mageuzi, a change, Ghelibu ku-, to master.
changes. Gheiri, jealousy, jealous anger.
Ghdfala, suddenly. Ghiana, an aggravating person.
Ghafalika ku-, to be imprudent, not Ghofira, plur. maghofira, pardon.
to attend to, to neglect. Ghofiri ku-, to forgive sins used of ;

Ghdfula = ghdfala. God only.

Ghairi ku-, to annul, change one's Ghofiria ku-, to forgive a person.
mind as to, put an end to. Ghdrofa, an upper room.
Kutia ghairi, to offend, to irri- Ghoshi ku-, to adulterate.
tate. Ghuba (?), a sheltered place, a
Ghala, a wareroom, a store place, screen.
<; ii v GUM
•art, plur. maghubari, a rain Gongn, plur. magongo, a large
cloud. stick.

Ghubba, a bay. Qongqji a ku-.

Ghumiwa J;u-, to be startled, to A ujigongojea, to prop oneself with
stand aghast. a Btaff, i" drag oneself
along by
Ghurika ku-, to be arrogant. the help of a stick.
Ghururi, arrogance. ."<( in n l:n-, to hammer in.

hi ku- = Gliodii ku-, to adul- Goo. See Mtondo goo.

t-rate. Gora, a package of
a piece of cloth,

mbu l:u-, to cheat, to swindle. cloth. See Jura.

Gidam, the Btrap of a sandal, Gorong'ondwa, a kind of lizard.

passing between the toes. Goshi, the tack of a sail.

Ginsi, sort, kind. Upandewa goshini, the weather
Ginsi ilivyokuwa njema, &c, it side.
was so good, &c. Kupindua kwa goshini, to tack.
Ginsi gaui ? or Gissi gani ? Gota ku-, to tap, to knock.
Why ? How is it ? Gote, plur. magote, the knee.
Gf'za nr A'/.n/, darkness. Kupiga magote, to kneel.

niba or Ng'amba, a liawk's-head Goteza ku-. to jumble together

turtle. different dialects or languages.
Gnombe or Ng'ombe, an ox, cattle. Govi mho, uncircumcised.
Goa. See Goo. Gvbeti, prow of a dhow.
Goboa ku-, to break off the cobs of Gubiti, barley-sugar (?).
Indian corn. Gudi, a dock for ships.
Godoro, plur. tnagodoro, a mattress. Gudulia or Guduwia, a water-co< ler,
Go/ia, a pulley. a porous water-bottle.

Gogo, plur. iwigogo, a log of timber, Gugu, plur. magugu, undergrowth,

the trunk of a tree when fulled. weeds.
GomJba ku-, to be adverse to, to Gugu micitu, a weed resemhlin.r
with. corn.
oppose, to quarrel
Gombana ku-,to squabble, to quarrel. -gugu, wild, uncultivated. ,

ubeza ku-, to forbid. Gugumiza ku-, to gulp, to swallow

Gvmbo, plur. magombo, a sheet of a with a gulping sound.
book. Guguna ku-, to gnaw.
plur. magorae, bark of a Gugurwha ku-, to run with
tree. a
Gomea ku-, to fasten with a native shuffling noise like a rat, to drag
lock. along with a scraping noise.
Gonteo, a native lock. Guia ku-, to seize (Mer.).

Gonga J;u-, to knock. Guiana ku-, to cling together.

Gonjweza ku-, to make ill. Gulegule, a dolphin.

Kwjigonjioeza, to make oneself Gumha.
out an invalid, to behave like a Kill nle cha gumba, the thumb.
sick man. Gumegume.
GUM H A- 281

Bunduki ya gumegume, a flint gun. one wholly made in the throat,


•gumu, hard, difficult. the other somewhat lighter than the

Guna ku-, to grunt, to make a dis- English h. In Swahili there is only
satisfied noise. one h sound, which is used for both.
Gundua ku-, to see one who thinks The Arabic kh is pronounced as
himself unseen, to discover un- a simple h in all words which are
awares, to catch. thoroughly incorporated into Swa-
Gunga ku-, (1) to warn against hili. The kh is used by Arabs and
doing something, (2) to refuse in words imperfectly assimilated.
temptation. Some people regard it as a mark of

Gungu, a kind of dance. good education to give the proper

Gungu la kufunda, danced by a Arabic sounds to all words of Arabic
single couple. origin.
Gungu la kukwaa, danced by two In Arabic a syllable often ends
couples. with h, which is then strongly pro-
(J u ia, a kind of matting bag.
ii nounced but in Swahili the h is

Gunzi, plur. magunzi, a cob of generally transposed so as to pre-

Indian corn. cede the vowel.
Gura ku-, to change one's place of Kuih'timu, to finish one's educa-
residence (A.). tion = Kuhitimu.
Gurisha ku-, to make to remove, to
banish (A.). H-, sign of the negative in the
Guru. second and third persons sin-
Sukari guru, half-made sugar. gular.
Gurudumo, plur. magurudumo, a H-upendi, thou lovest not.
wheel. H-apendi, he lovest not.
Gurudumo la mzinga, a gun- Ha-, sign of the third person sin-
carriage. gular negative when referring
Guruguru, a large kind of burrow- to animate beings, and of the

ing lizard. negative when prefixed to

Gusa ku-, to touch. the affirmative prefixes in the
Gutuka ku-, to start, to be startled. plural, and in the third person
Guu, plur. maguu, leg (A.). singular when not referring to
Gwa ku-, to fall [Tumbatu]. animate beings.
Gwanda, a very short kanzu. Ha-fupendi, we love not.
Gwia ku- = Guia ku-. Ha-mpendi, you love not.
Gwiana ku- = Guiana ku-. Ha-ivapendi, they love not
Ha-ifai, it is of no use.
The final a of this ha- never
coalesces with the following
H has the same sound as in the letter.
English word hate." Ha-, a contraction for nika.
There are in Arabic two distinct Hamwona, and I saw him.
11 A B HAL
The third person singular present ITai = Hayi, alive.
negative is distinguished by Haina, it is not, there is not.

the final i. Ila/tassa, not yet.

Hamvxmi, he does not see him. Haithuru, it does not harm, it is of
Haba, little, few, shallow. no consequence, never mind, it

Hdbabi, my lord. would be as well.

Hahari, news, information, message, //.//. the pilgrimage to Mecca.
story. Uaja, a request.
Habari eangu zilizonipata, an ac- liana haja, he is good for no pur-

count of what bad happened to pose, he has no occasion.

llnjni ku-, to go to live elsewhere.
Habushia, mahdbushia, an
plur. Hajirika ku-. to remain overlong,
Abyssinian. Many Galla women delay.
are called Abyssinians, and the Hakali.
name sometimes used for a con-
is Kmnshika hdkdU, to require i

cubine of whatever race. >tianger who goes upon work-

Hadaa, deceit, cheating. men's work to pay for his in-
Hadaa kit-,to cheat. trusion, to make him pay his
Hadaika lair, to be cheated, to be footing.
taken in. Haki-, sign of the third
Hadidi, the semicircular ornament singular negative, agreeing with
to which Arab womeu attach the nouns in ki- or ch-.

plaits of their hair. Haki, justice, right, righteousness.

llii'Hmu, aservant, slave. See .1///-
Hakika, true, certain, certain ly
hadimu. Hakika yako, it is true of thee,
Hadithi, a tale, a story, especially thou certainly.
one bearing upon Mohammedan Hakiki ku-, to make sure, to ascer-
tradition. tain, to prove.
Hadithia ku-, to relate to. JIakiri ku-, to humble.
Hafifu, light, insignificant. Ilakirisha ku-, to despise.
J I ifithtka ku- = Hijathika ku-, to Hako, he is not there.
be preserved. Haku-, sign of the third pi
Hahithawahetha (Ar.), these and negative indefinite.
Haku-, sign of the third person
Eaiba, a beauty, not beauty gene- singular of the negative past,
rally, but one good point. referring to animate beings.
Hai-, sign of third person singular This form is distinguished from
negative agreeing with nouns the preceding by the final Iettt i

which do not change to form of the verb, which is -i in the

the plural. indefinite and -a in the past tense.
Sign of the third person plural Hakuna, there is not, it exists not,
negative agreeing with nouns no.
in mi-. Hal wdradi, otto of roses.

Ealaf bilkithib, perjury. Eamira, leaven, made by mixing

flour and water and leaving it to
Halafu, afterwards, presently.
Ealali, lawful. turn sour.
sailors' wages. Eamislia ku-, to cause to remove, to
Unli, state, condition, health. i cause to change one's place of
U halt gani ? How are you ? residence, to banish.
Wa halt gani ? How are they ? Ha'mna, there is not inside, no!

Amelmtoa kali ya kwanza, he is Eanio, he is not inside.

reduced to his former condition, Eamsi, five.
he is as he used to be. Eamsini, fifty.
It is also used as a kind of con- Hamstasliara, fifteen.

junction, being,
if it be, when Eamu, grief, heaviness.
it is, supposing, so it was. Hamwimbi ? Don't you sing ?
Eali for Ahali, family, connections. Hana, he has not.

Hali-, sign of the third person liana ku-, to mourn with, to join
with in a formal mourning.
singular negative, agreeing
nouns which make their plural in Hana kwao, he has no home, a
ma-. vagabond.
Ealilisha leu-, to make lawful. Eanamu, obliquely.
Ealili yako, at your disposal. Hanamu, the cutwater of a dhow.

Ealisi or Edlisil exactly, without Handaki, a dry ditch, a trench.

defect or variation. Eangaika ku-, to be excited.

Ealua, a sweetmeat made of ghee, Hangoe, the guttural Arabic h, the

and hha. See Hdaivari.
honey, eggs, arrowroot (?),

Eanikiza ku-, to interrupt people.
Haluli. to talk so loud and long as to
Chumvi ya haluli, sulphate of prevent other people from doing
magnesia. anything.
Ea'm-, sign of the second person Hanisi, a man sexually impotent.
plural negative. Haniti, a catamite, a sodomite.
H'ama ku-, to change houses, to Hanzua, a kind of dance.
move. Hao, or Hawo, these or those before
Hamali, plur. mahamali, a porter, mentioned, referring to animate
a coolie. beings.
Hamami, a public bath. There are Eapa-, sign of the third person
now public baths in Zanzibar. negative, agreeing with mahali.
Bamaya, protection. place or places.
Fi hamayat al Ingrez, under Hapa, here, this place, in this place.

British protection. Hapana, there is not, no !

Hamdi, praise. Eapana refers rather to a par-

Hami, protection. ticular place, Eakuna is gene-

Hami ku-, to protect. ral.

Hamili ku-, to be pregnant. Eapo, here, this or that time.

Tangu hapo, once upon a time. Hasara hu-, to spoil a thing so that
H.ijni hale, in old timi its value is gone.
hapo, ever bo long, Hasha, ooi at all, not by any means,
a hapo !
get away !
get out of a very strong negative.
this! Hasho, a patch in planking, a piece
Hara ku-, to be purged. li t in.

Harisha hu-, to act as a drastic Hoot hu- or Khasi ku-, to geld, to

purgative. castrate.

Haraha, haste. Hasibu /.»-, to count.

Haraka /.'<-, to make haste. Hasida, a kind of porridge.
Harakisha ku-, to hasten. Hasidi, envy.
Haramia, a pirate, a robber. Hasira, anger.
HaramUf unlawful, prohibited. Kuwa ua hasira, to be angry.
Uarara, prickly heat, heat, hot Ku! in hasira, to make angry.
temper. Hasira hu-, to injure.
Harara, quick-tempered. Jln.-iri hu-, to vex, to do harm
Hararii, hot-tempered. to.

Hart, heat, perspiration. Hasirika ku-, to be injured, to be

Kutolia hart, to perspire. grieved.
Haribika hu-, to be destroyed, to Hasirisha ku-, to injure.
BpoiL Hassa, exactly.
llnrihu hu-, to destroy, to spoil. //.</«. See Hafta.
Kuharibu mimba, to miscarry. Hatamu, a bridle.

Tlarijia hu-, to spend money, to lay Hatari, danger, fear.

out money, to provide (a feast), Hathari, caution, care.
&c. Kuwa na hathari, to beware, to
Harimisha hu-, to make or declare be on one's guard.
unlawful. Kufanya hathari, to become care-
Harimu hu- =
Uarimiaha hu-. ful, to become anxious.
Harioe, a cry raised on seeing a Hdtif, an angel.
dhow come in sight (M. ). Hatiki leu-, to bother, to annoy
limiri, silk. (A.).
Harufu, Ilarufi, or // rufu, a letter Hatima = Khaiima, end, conclusion,
of the alphabet, letters, cha- at last.
racters. Ilatirixha ku-, to venture, to run
Harufu, ascent, a smell of any kind. the risk.
llirim, a wedding; vulgarly, the JJatiya =
Khatiya, fault.
bride. Kutiahathjani, to find fault with.
Jin-ana harusi, the bridegroom. Mwenyi hatiya nami, who has
Bibi /<< bride. done me wrong.
Haeai = Malssai, castrut* •]. Jlutlii, until, so far as, to, at length,
Hasara, loss. when a certain time had ar

J\Uj"i>'i l"i<nra, to lose. rived. It is used to introduce


the time when something fresh Haya, shame, modesty.

happened. Hana haya, he is shameless.
Haifa siku moja, one day. Kuona haya, to feel ashamed, to
Hatta assubui, in the morning, be bashful.
but in the morning. Kutia haya, to abash, to make
Hatta baada ya inwezi hupita, and ashamed.
when a month had passed. Haya ! Work away ! Be quick !

Hatlia, for nothing. Come along !

Hattiya = Hatiya. Hayale, those, those things.

Hatu-, sign of the first person plural Hayamkini, it is impossible.
negative. Hayawani, a man without his

Hatua, a step, steps. proper senses, an idiot.

Hau-, sign of the third person Hayi, plur. wahayi (?), alive.

singular negative agreeing with Hayo, these or those before men-

nouns in m- or mw; not denoting tioned, referring to plural sub-
animate beings,or with those in u-. stantives in ma-.
Havi-, sign of the third person Hayuko, vulgarly used in Zanzibar
plural negative agreeing with for hako, he is not there.

plural nouns in vi- or vy-. Hem'-, sign of the third person

Hawa-, sign of the third person plural negative agreeing with

plural negative. nouns which do not change to
Hawa-, Eve. form the plural, or with those
Hawa. these, referring to animate which begin in the singular with
beings. u-.
Hawa or Hewa, air. Hazibu ku- = Hesabu ku-.
Hawa or Hawat, longing, lust, Hazina, a treasure.
loving. Hazitassa, not yet.
Usifanye hawa nafsi, don't be Hedaya, a choice thing, a tale.
partial, don't show favour. Hejazi, the Hejaz in Arabia.
Hawa or Hawara, a catamite, a Hekalu, the temple at Jerusalem, a
paramour. great or famous thing.
Hawala, transfer of a debt, bill of Hekima, wisdom, cleverness.
exchange. Hekimiza ku-, to make a man under-
Hawezi, he is ill. See Weza ku-. stand, to put him in possession of
Hawi, he is not. knowledge.
Hawili ku-, to take upon oneself Hemidi ku-, or Hamidi ku-, to praise.
what was due from another, to Henza, halyards.
guarantee a debt, &c. Henzarani, cane-work.
Haya-, sign of the third person Heri = Kheiri, Lappy, fortunate, it

plural negative agreeing with is well.

plural nouns in ma-. Ni heri, I had better, it will te

IJaya, these, referring to a plural well for me.
substantive in ma-. Kua heri, good- bye.
•_'m; 1 1 E II III Y
Mtu wa 1> ri. a fortunate man. liiln. this or that before mentioned,
// riii. a cry r;ii>t d on lirat seeing a referring to singular nouns which
dhow coining. Compare Hariowe. make their plural in ma-.
JL rt'mu = Marika. Ilium, haste, hastily, quickly.
Hero, a wooden platter. EimaJiima ! be quick !

IJ-ni/u or Harufu,& letter of the llimili ];><-, to bear, to support.

alphabet. llimiza hu-, to hasten.

Hesabu, ac i m ts, an acoonnt. llinn, henna, a very favourite red
;aou /.'/-, to count, to reckon. dye, used by women to dye the
!l'.<Limti. honour. palms of their hands and the soles
Il.sliimu hu-. to honour. of their feet, often used to dye
//'///. menstruation, menses. white donkeys, &c., a pale red
Kuira na htth, to menstruate. brown.
*ll<tima. [aucestors. Hini hu-, to refuse to give, to with-
Kiuor/ia hetima, to pray for one's hold.
//. <rrz or Hawa, air. Ilirizi, a written charm worn on the
:oyo, a sham a , tiling causing side.
confusion. llirimu, an equal in age.
///-. for Niki-. See-A-i-. Ilirimu moja, of the same age
Hiana, a grudging person, one who Ilisa, pardon.
withh ihls things. Compare Nipe hisa yangu, pardon me.
Ghiana. Hitari hu-, to prefer, choose. See
Ili'tri, choice. Ihhtiari.
Hiba, property left after death. Hitima, the feast which conclndi e

Hidima, service. a formal mourning.

Illfafhi hu-, to preserve, to keep. Ilitimu hu-, to finish one's learning,

Hifaihika hu-, to be preserved. to leave off school, to know one's

Hifukuza = Nilcifulcuza. trade.

]lii, this, referring to singular llitimisha hu-, to finish a scholar, to

nouns which do not change to. bring to the end of his learning of
form the plural these, referring ;
whatever kind.
to plural nouns in mi-. II in',
thus, these, referring to plural
Hide, that, th nouns in vi- or vy-.

Hikaya = Hedaya, a wonderful Write, those.

tiling. Uivyo, after which manner, these
Jiihi, this, referring to singular mentioned before, referring to

nouns in hi- or ch-. plural nouns iu vi- or vy-.

Hikile, that, yonder. Hiyari, choice.
Hila, a device, a Btratagem. a deceit. Hi l/o. this mentioned before, re-

Mtu wa hila, a crafty man. ferring to singular nouns which

JIM, this, referring to singular do uot change to form the plural ;

nouns which make their plural these mentioned before, referring

in ma-. to plural nouns in mi- or in ma-.
HIZ HU J 287
Hizi, these, referring to plural applies to all persons and both
nouns which do not change to numbers.
form the plural, or which begin Hunijihu, it is in the habit of
in the singular with u- or w-. answering me.
Siku hizi, some days ago, some Huenda, he, &c, commonly goes.
days hence, now. Husema, they say.
Hizi hu-, to treat with contumely, to Hu- = h-u-, the negative prefix of
groan at, to cry out against. the second person singular.
Hizile, those. This form is distinguished from
Hizika hu-, to be put to the blush. the preceding by the termina-
Hobe ! now go on, be off. tion of the verb.
Kwenda hobe, to go wherever it Huenda, people go.
may be. Huendi, you do not go.
Holm, grandchild. Hia, a dove. They are said to cry,
Hodari, strong. Mama ahafa, Baba ahafa, nime-
Hodi! a cry made by way of saliamimi, tu, tu, tu, tu, tu, My
inquiry whether any one is within. mother is dead, my father is
No one ought to enter a house dead, I am left alone lone— lone —
until he has received an answer. — lone. Another cry of the same
Hogera hu-, to perform a particular class of birds is explained* as,
washing customary after cir- Kuliu mfupa mtupu, mimi nyama
cumcision. tele tele tele, A fowl is bare
Hogo, plur. mahogo, a very large bones. I am meat plenty, plenty,
root of cassava.
Hohe hahe, a phrase used to denote Hubba, love, affection.
extreme poverty and destitution. Hubiri, to announce, to give news.
Hoho. Hudumia hu-, to serve.
PUipili hoho, red pepper. Hudumu, service.
Mhate wa hoho, a cake made with Hui hu-, to revive, to come to life
fresh palm-oil. again.
Hoja = Huja. Huiha hu-, to be brought to life
Homa, fever. again, to live again.
Kongo, a present demanded by a Huisha hu-, to revive, bring to life
local chief for liberty to pass again, resuscitate.
through his country. Huja or hoja, sake, account, con-
Hongua, a Comoro dance. cernment, reasoning.
Horari, clever (?). Kina huja nyingi, it is full of
Hori, or KJiori, a creek, a small arm bother, it is troublesome.
of the sea. Hahina it is all clear, it is
Hori, plur. mahnri, a kind of canoe plain sailing.
with a raised head and stern. Hujambo ? Are you well ?
Hu-, a quasi-personal prefix de- Huji hu-, to inquire into, seek out.
noting a customary action. It Hujuru hu-, to desert.
u 2
288 II UK
Huko, there, at a distance. Buttle, that.
Hukona huko, hither and thither. Huyo, this or that before mentioned,
. in r. . tin n near. .
referring toan animate being.
Ilnku no huhii, thid way and In chasing a man or animal, any
thai ono who sees him erics out,
Hulnniu. judgment, authority, law. Iluyo! huyo! huyo! Here he is!
Jluhumu ku-, to as judge, to
act Iluyu, this, this person, this one,
have supreme authority over. referring to an animate being.
Hukumia feu-, to judge, to exercise lluyule, that.
authority uj llu:uni, grief, heaviness.
Hulukiwa ku, to be created, to be Ilwenda, perhaps.
a creature.
Humuma, plur. ma-, a man who
knows no religion.
Hundi, a draft, a bill of exchange. I pronounced like ee in feel.

Hito, this or that before mentioned, I before a vowel generally be-

referring to singular nouns in comes y. It is in many cases im-
u- or w-, or which make their material whether t or y be written,
plural in mi-. but where the accent would other-
Hunt, free, not a slave. wise fall upon it, its consonantal
Kuweka or Kuacha hum, to set character becomes obvious.
free from slavery. An unaccented i is often inter-
Huru, plur. tnahuru, a freed man. changed with a short u sound.
Mahuru tra Balyozi, or Barvzi, Thus the word for lead may be pro-
Blaves freed by the British nounced either risasi or rusasi.
consulate. N has generally an i sound im-

Huru, diamonds in cards. plied in it. It is sometimes ex-

Unruma, pity. pressed following the n, as in the
llururnia ku-, to pity, to have pity prefix ni. The final i of ni- disap-

upon. pears in rapid pronunciation, and in

Hussu ku-, to divide into shares, to the first person of the future, as n
put each one's share separate. cannot coalesce with t, both letters
/ icJu ku-, to do wanton violence, are often omitted. When n is fol-

to grudge at, to envy. lowed by a vowel, or by d, g, j,

Husumu ku-, to strive, to contend or z, the i sound is lost. When n
with. is followed by other consonants it

Jlufiuni, a fort. either disappears altogether or the

£Tu8uru ku-, to besiege. i sound is more or less distinctly
Huthuria ku-, to be present. prefixed, so as to make the n a syl-
//«ii, this, referring to nouns in lable by itself. The i sound is more
the singular which mike their distinct iu the dialect of Zanzibar
plural in mi-, or to singular nouns than in more northern Bwahili.
beginning with u- ox w-. Where i follows the final a of a
IMI 289

prefix (except the negative prefix

Ih'timu ku-, to finish learning, to
ha) it coalesces with a into the complete one's education.
sound of a long e. Ijara, pay, hire, rent.
Ijaza, a reward.
1, isor was, governed by a singular Ijaza ku-, to grant permission for
noun of the class which does worship.
not change to form the plural ; Ikhtiari, choice.
are or were, governed by a Ikhtiari ku-, to wish.

plural noun in mi-. Ikiza ku-, to lay the beams of a

I-, orbefore a vowel, y-, the personal roof.

prefix used with verbs whose Kuku ya kuikiza, a fowl cooked

subject is a singular noun of with eggs.
the class which does not change IJio, there is, it is there.
to form the plural, or a plural Ha, a defect, a blemish.
in mi-, it or they. He, yonder, referring to a
-i-,the prefix representing the ob- singular noun of the class which
ject of the verb
when it is a does not change to form its
singular noun of the class
which plural; those yonder, referring
does not change to form the to a plural noun in mi-.

plural, or a plural noun in mi-. Hi = Eli.

-i-, the reflective prefix in Kintfozi Hiki, cardamoms.

(and in Nyamwezi), self. Hioko, whichis, or was there.

Iba kw- (the kw- is frequently re-

Hiopandana, the composition of a
tained in the usual tenses), to word.
steal, to take surreptitiously. llizi, a small round thing held
Ibada, worship. to be a great charm against
lbia kw-, to rob, to steal from. lions.
Idadi. Hla, except, unless, but.
Hayana idadi, there is no count- lllakini, but.
ing them. HU, in ordt-r that.
Idili =
Adili, right conduct. Hmu, learning.
Idili ku-, to learn right conduct. Ima — ima, either— or.
Idilisha ku-, to teach right con- Ima ku-, to stand up (Ring'ozi and
duct. Yao).
Jftahi, brioger of luck. Njia ya kwima, a straight road.
Iga ku-, to mock, to imitate (M. Ima ku-, to eat up food provided
igiza). for other people.
Ih-. See Hi-. Ametuima, he has eaten our share
Ihtahidi ku-, to strive. as well as his own.

IKtaji ku-, to be wanting. Imani, faith.

nCtajia ku-, to want, to be wanting to. Imara, firm.
Ih'tilafu, different. Also a fault, Imba kw-, to sing.
difference. Imbu, mosquito, mosquitoes,
290 1 M I IT A
Irnisha fcu-, to Bel up, to make to inyi = -enyi, having, with. It makes
stand. mwinyi, wenyi,yinyi, rwij/i, ftwt/t,
Tm ma. kinyi, vinyi, and penyi.
H'.i imma, to a certainty. Inzi, plur. miiinr.i. a fly.

Zha, it has, they have. //»( /iw-, to want, desire to have.

Tnama fcu-, tobow,to stoop, to bend Kuipa roho rribele, to long for

down, to slope. everything one sees, to have

Inamisha hu to make . to bend unrestrained desires.
down, t<> bow. J;n.
arufara, bright. it is See luj'aa. Kupiga ipi, to slap (,N.).
h chi, land, country, earth. ? what ?

Inda. Kama ipi ? how ?

Eufanya inda, to give trouble. 7/ma /i;io-, to take off the lire.
to scare away hirds.
leu-, Zn&a, usury.
-ingi,many, much. It makes jingi Iriwa, a vice (the tool).
withnouns like hatha, and J«/ta 7«c, to finish, to come to an
nyingi with nouns like nyurriba. end. The kio- is retained in

Tngia hu-, to enter, to go or come the usual tenses, but sometimes

into. w is dropped, as amekuha
Ingilia hi-, to go or come into, for, amekwisha, he has done.
or to. Kwisha is commonly used as an
Ingiliza ku-, to cohabit with. auxiliary : thus, Amekwisha
ingine, other, different. It makes kuja, he has come already.
gine or mvringine with nouns Alipokwisha kuja, when he
like mtu and rati; jingine with had come.
nouns like kasha ; ngine or nyi- Akauha, or Akesha, after that,

ngine with nouns like nyumba; when he had done this.

and pintjine or pangine with Ishara, a sign, signal.
nouns of place. 7«/ti /.«-, to last, to endure, to live.

1 1 '<
—tr« n0ine,8ome—others. Isimu or Ismu, name, especially the
Ingiza htir, to make or allow to enter. name of God.
Ini, plur. maini. the liver. Ma ismah (Ar.)? What is your
Jnt'faa ku-, to hang down, to lay upon name?
its Bide. See Jiinika. Istara, a curtain.
Inna, truly. Istisha, dropsy.
JnshaUah. if God will, perhaps. It Ita kw-, to call, to call to, to name.
isused as a general promise to do to invito. The kw- is fre-

as one is asked to do. quently retained.

Into - Nta. Kwitwa, tobecalli d, issometimes
Inua ku-, to lift, to lift up. constructed as if it were ku-

Inuka ku-, to be lifted, to become tcitwa.

raised. Ita hu-, to cast in a mould.

Inya, mother (A.). Itala8si, satin.

ITH JA A 291

spelt with a z are vulgarly pro-

IthinL, sanction.
Kutoa ithini, to sanction.
nounced with a j in Zanzibar, as,
Ithneen, two. Kanju, for kanzu.
some purpose.
Itia ku-, to call for Chenja, for chenza.
This is only carrying to excess the
Itika ku-, to answer when called.
Itikia ku-, to reply to, to answer a rule that a z in the neighbouring

when called to. mainland languages becomes a j

Ittidza ku-, to assent to. in Swahili.
The Arabs and some Swahili
Ito laguu (A.), the ankle.
Iva ku- or Wiva ku-, to become ripe, confuse j with g. Thus the late
to become completely cooked, to ruler of Zanzibar was often spoke:;,

The ku- of as Bwana Magidi, his proper title

get done. is frequently
retained. being Seyid Mdjid.
Ivu, plur. maivu, ash, ashes (M.). J-, a prefix applied to substantives
Itoapi? where is it? and adjectives in the singular of
Iza ku-, to refuse. the class which make their plural
Izara ku-, to tell scandal about, to in ma-, when they begin with a
make things public about a vowel. Seeji-.
person improperly. Ja, like.
Ja ku- (the ku- carries the accent
and is retained in the usunl
J. The correct pronunciation of tenses), to come. The impera-
this letter, and especially that of tive is irregular, Njoo, come.
the Mombas dialect, is a very pecu- Njooni, come ye.
liar one. The most prominent sound Ja is used toform several tenses.
is that of y, but it is preceded by 1. With -po- added,meaning eveu
another resembling d. The French if; iva-japo-kupiga, even if they
di is perhaps the nearest European beat you.
representative. The Swahili write 2. With negative prefixes mean-
it by the Arabic jim, which is ex- ing not yet ha-ja-ja, he is not

actly an English j. yet come.

In the more northern dialects and 3. With negative prefix and sub-
in the old poetical Swahili the j is junctive form. An-je-Iala, be-
represented by a pure y.
fore he goes to sh ep, or that he
Moya = mnja, one. may not have already gone to
Mayi = maji, water. sleep.
A d in the dialect of Mombas Jaa ku-, tobecome full, to fill, to

very commonly becomes a j in that abound with.

of Zanzibar. Maji yanajaa, the tide is coming
Ndia (M.), a road, Njia (Zanz.). in.

Kutinda (M.), to slaughter ; Ku- Mtungi umejaa maji, the jar is

chinja (Zanz.). full of water.

Many words which are properly See Jaica ku-.

Jaa, AkaniU nda kill a jambo la wema,
Shika mdjira yajaa, 9teer north- and he showed me all possible
wards. kindness.
Jaa, a <lust heap. Jambo for si jambo, hu jambo, ha

Jabali, plur. majabali, a rocky bill. jambo, &c, I am well, are yon
Also s< e Kanza. well? ho is well, &o., &o.
J.i^ir/.iibsoluto ruler, a title of God. Jambo sana, 1 am very well, are
/adtliana feu-, to argue with. you v.ry well ? &c.
..'•!/,.[. good luok, unexpected g 1 Jami ku-, to copulate, to have con-
fortune. nection with.
Kilango cha jdha, tho gate of Jamii, many, a good collection, the
Paradise. mass, the company of, the body of.
a vessel, a ship.
izi, Jamiisha fell-, to gather.
Jul, Hi ku-, to dare, not to fear. Jamvi, plur. miijamvi, a coarse kind
Jalada, the over of a bound book. of matting used to cover floors.
,/.«// A-!*-, to give honour to. |
Jana, yesterday.
to bless, to enable, to last year.
./>j/f'<< feu-, Mwakajana,
grant to.
Janna, paradise.
Muungu akinijalia, God willing. Janaba, filth, uncleauness.
Jaliwa feu-, to be enabled, to have Janga, punishment.
power, &c, given one. Jangwa, plur. majangwa, a large
a l;u-, to fill up, used of vessels desert.
which have already something in Jani, plur. majani, a leaf. Majani
them. is commonly used for any grass
no, family, assembly, gathering, or herbage. *»<*** U',Jn
society, company. Janvia — Jambia.
aa ku-, to collect together, japo-, sign of a tense signifying
1 ler. even if.
vat (Uind.), a council of elders. Ujapofika, even if yr.u arrive.
da, courtesy, good manners, Jarari, the ropes passing through
elegance. the pulley attached to a dhow's
Jamanda, plur. majamanda, a solid halyards.
kind i f round bucket with a lid. Jaribu ku-, to try.
Jamba, breaking of wind down- Jarifa, plur. majarifa, a seine or
ward.-. drag-net made of European cord-
Jamba ku-, to break wind down- age. See Juija.
ward-. Jasho, sweat.
Jambia, plur. majambia, a curved Kufanya jasho, to sweat.
/.'it always worn by Muscat Jasiruha ku-, to dare.

At Jasisi ku-, to explore.

Jambo, plur. mambo (from huamba^) Jasmini or Jasmin, jasmine. The

a word (?), a matter, a circum- flowers are sold in tho streets of
stance, a thing, an affair. Zanzibar for their scent.
J AS JIB 293

Jassi, plur. majassi, the ornament Majengo, building materials.

in the lobe of the ear. It is Jenzi ku-, to construct.

generally a silver plate about an Jepa ku- (A.), to steal.

inch and a half across. Jepesi, light, not heavy. See -epesi.
Jathari, take care ! Jeraha, a wound.
Jau-a, a coarse kind of Indian Jeribu ku- = Jaribu ku-, to try.
earthenware. JeruM ku-, to be wounded.
Kikombe cha Jawa, a cup of coarse Jeshi, plur. majeshi, a host, a great
Indian ware. company.
Jau-a ku-, to be filled with, to be Jetea ku-, to be puffed up, to be
full of : used of something over proud, to rely upon, to
which ought not, or could not trust in.
be expected to be there. Jethamu, a leprosy in which the
Maji yamejawa dudu, the water fingers and toes drop off, ele-
is full of insects but mtungi
; phantiasis (?).
umejaa maji, the jar is full of Jeuli or Jeuri, violence.
water. Ana jeuli, he attacks people wan-
Jawabu, an answer, a condition, a tonly.
matter. Jeupe, white. See -eupe.
Jawahir (Ar.), jewels. Jeusi, black. See eusi.
Jaza ku-, to fill. Ji-, a syllable prefixed to subst m-
Jazi, a common thing, a thing which tives which make their plural
is abundant. in ma-, if they would otherwise
Jazi ku-, to supply, to maintain. be of one syllable only. This
Jazilia ku-, to reward. syllable is sometimes inserted
Jet Hullo I Well! What now! after a prefix to give the idea
-je ? how ? of largeness, or to prevent con-

Jehu, an ornamentworn by women, fusion witli someother word. Be-

hanging under the chin. fore a vowel it

becomes,/- only.
Jekundu, red. See -ekundu. -ji-,
an infixgiving a reflective
Jelidi ku-, to bind books. meaning to the verb.
Jema, good. See -ema. Kupenda, to love.

Jemadari, plur. majemadari, a com- Kujipenda, to love oneself.

manding officer, a general. Kuponya, to save.

Jembamba, narrow, thin. See Jiponye, save yourself, look out !

•embamba. Jia ku-, to come for, by, to.

Jembe, plur. majembe, a hoe. Njia uliyojia, the road you came
Jembe la kizungu, a spade. by.
Jenaiza or Jeneza, a bier. Jibini, cheese.
Jenga ku-, to construct, to build. Jibiwa ku, to receive an answer, be
Jengea ku-, to build ,for, or ou ac- answered.
count of. Jibu ku-, to answer, to give aa
Jengo, plur. majengo, a building. answer.
•204 JIB JON
Jibwa, plur. m<ijil»ra,an exceedingly Jioni, evening.
large dog. Jipu, plur. majipu, a boil.
Jicho, plur. macho, the eye. Jipotoa /.ft-, to dress oneself up
Jicho In maji, a spring of water. excessively.
Ji/u. plur. majt'/u, ashi S- Jipya, new. See -pya.
Jifya, plur. ma/ya, one of throe Jirani, a neighbour, neighbours.
>t .nes tosupport a pot over the Jiti, quality.
fire. Ma/ya is the usual word Jisu, plur. mujisu, a very large
in the town, mafiga is commonly knife.
used in the country. Jitenga hu-, to get out of the way.
Ji nnba hu-, to boast, to praise one- Jiti, plur. majiti, a tree trunk.
self. Jitimai, excessive sorrow.
Jiinika fcu-,
to lie on the side. Jito, plur. mato = Jicho, the eye (M. ).

.///,<(, plur. meko, a fireplace, one of Jitu, plur. maiu or majilu, a gnat
the stones to rest a pot on (?). large man, a savage.
Jikoni, in the kitchen, among the Jituza hu-, to make oneself mean or
ashes. low. See Tuza.
Jilia hu-, to come to a person on Jivari, purchase (of a dhow hal-
some business. yards).
Jilitra, plur. majUiwa, a vice (the Jivi, a wild hog.
tool). Jivu = Ji/u.
Jimbi, a cock. Jiwa hu-, to be visited.
JinrfA, Allocasia edulis. Both Jiwe, plur. mawe, a stone, a piece
leaves and root are eaten :
(a sort of stone. Plur. majiwe, of very
of Arum). large pieces of stone.
Jimbo, plur. majimbo, a place a part Jiwe la manga, a piece of freestone.
of the country (Old Swahili). Nyumba ya mawe, a stone house.
Jim}jo. Jodari, a kind of fish.
Kuosha najiml>n, to wash a new- Jogoi =
born child with water and Jagoo, plur. majogoo, a cock.
medicine. Johari, a jewel.
.Tina, plur. majina, a name. Joho, woollen cloth, a long loose
Jina lako nanif what is your coat worn by the Arabs.
name? Joha, plur. majoha, a very large
Jina la kupangira, a nickname. snake.
Ji'/vimixi, nightmare. Joho, a place to bake pots in.

Jingi, much. See -ingi. Johum, charge, responsibility.

Jingine, other. See -ingine. Jombo, plur. majombo, eui exceed-
Jini, plur. majini, jins, spirits, genii. ingly large vessel.
Jiuo, plur. rneno, a tooth, a twist or Jongea hu-, to approach, come near
strand of rope, or tobacco, &c. to, move.
Kamba ya meno matatu, a cord of Jongea mvulini, move into the
thite strands. shade.

Jongeltza ku-, to bring near to, to Juma a pili, Sunday.

offer. Juma a tatu, Monday.
Jongeza ku-, to bring near, move Juma a 'nne, Tuesday.
towards, move. Juma a tano, Wednesday.
Jongo, gout. Juma, small brass nails used for

Jongoe, a large kind of fish. ornamentation.

Jongoo, a millepede. Jumaa, an assembly.
Jorjiya, a Georgian, the most valued Jumba, plur. majumba, a large house.
and whitest of female slaves. Jumbe, plur. majumbe, a chief, a
Jororo, soft. See -ororo. head-man, a prince, a sultan.
Josh, a voyage, a cruize. Jumla, the sum, the total, addition
= Goshi, Luff! (in arithmetic).
Jotojoto. Jumlisha ku-, to add up, sum up,
Kupata jotojoto, to grow warm. put together.
Joya, plur. majoya, a cocoa-nut Junta, a kind of matting bag. See
which is filled with a white Gunia.
spongy substance instead of the Jura, a pair; a length of calico,
usual nut and juice. They are about thirty-five yards.
prized for eating. Jusi.

Jozi, Jeozi, or Jauzi, a pair, a pack Haijusi, it is unfitting.

of cards. Jut Kdsam (Hind.), perjury.
Jozi, a walnut. Juta ku-, to be sorry for, to regret.
Jua, plur. majua, the sun. Juu, up, the top, on the top.
Jua hitwani, noon. Yuko juu, he is up-stairs.
Jua know how, to under-
ku-, to Juu ya, upon, above, over, on the
stand, to know about, to know. top of, against.
Namjua aliko, I know where he is. Juvisha ku-, to make to know, to
Najua kiunguja, I understand the teach.
language of Zanzibar. Juvya ku-, to make to know.
Najua kufua chuma, I know how Juya, plur. majuya, a seine or drag-
to work in iron. net made of cocoa-nut fibre rope.
Juba, a mortice chisel. Juza, obligation, kindness.
Juburu ku-, to compel. Juza ku-, to make to know.
Jugo, ground nuts. Juzi, the clay before yesterday.
JuJiudi, an effort, efforts. Mwaka juzi, the year before laet.

Kufanya juhudi, to exert oneself. Juzijuzi, a few days ago.

Juju, plur. majuju, a fool. Juzia ku-, to compel, to have power
Juku, risk, a word used by traders. to compel.

Jukwari, a scaffold, scaffolding. Juzu, necessity.

Julia ku-, to know about, see to. Jambo la juzu, a necessary thing.
Julisha ku-, to make to know. Juzu ku-, to oblige, to hold bound,
Juma, Friday, a week. to have under an obligation to do
Juma a mod, Saturday. something.
Jvzuu, a section of the Koran. Akaimcambia, and he Baid to
There arc in all thirty, which arc him.
often written out separately. All Nika-ia often contracted into ha-.
tli.' Juzuu together are Khitima Kaa I11-, to sit, to dwell, to stay, to
uzima. live, to be, to stand, to remain,
to continue to live in, or at.
Kukaa kitciko, to sit down, to re-
main quietly.
K is pronounced as in English. Kaa, plur. makaa, a piece of char-
The Arabs have two fe's, one, the coal.

kef or kaf, a little lighter than the Makaa, coals, charcoal, embers.
English k; and one, the liahf or Kaa la moshi or Makaa ya moshi.
qaf, made wholly in the throat, and 800t.

many Arabs with a

landed by Kaa, a crab.
bard g. Thcro is a curious catch in Kaa makoko, small mud crabs
the throat between the preceding with one large claw.
and the qaf, very hard to
Kaa la kinwa, the palate.
explain, hut easy enough to imi- Knaka or Kaakaa, the palate.
Although the correct pronun- Kaa nga ku-, to fry, to braze, to cook
ciation of these two an ele-
k's is with fat.

it is not necessary nor very Kaango, makaango, an earthen

commonly observed in speaking pot to cook meat in.

Swahili. Kaba ku-, to choke, to throttle.

Ki is very commonly pronounced Kal " I*' knnzu, a sort of lining round
chi in Zanzibar, especially by slaves the neck and a short way down
of the Nyassa and Yao trihes. the front of a kanzu, put in to
Kh, the Aral >ic l:ha, occurs only strengthen it.
in words borrowed from the Arabic, Kabari, a wedge.
and subsides into a simple h so soon Kabibu, narrow.
as the word is thoroughly natu- Kabila, a tribe, a subdivision less
ralize 1. than taifa.
Khabari or Ualari, news. Kahili ku-, to be before, to be op-
Kheiri or Heri, well, good, for- posite.
tunate. Kabilisha ku-, to put opposite, to set
Ku-, -ka-, a syllable prefixed to or Kabisa, utterly, altogether, quite.
inserted in the imperative and give into the hand.
Kri>,iihi ku-, to

subjunctive with the of verbs, Kabla, before, antecedently.

force of the conjunction " and." Kabla ya, before (especially of
-kctr, the si'_ n of a pasl t'
in carrying on a narration it ; Kubuli, acceptance.
includes the force of the con- Kahili, pill#w.
" and."
junction Kaburi, plur. makaburi (pronounced

by many Arabs Gabri), a grave, -kaidi, obstinate.

a tomb. Kaimu, plur. makaimu, a vice-

Kadamu, a servant, the lowest of gerent, a representative.

the three chief men usually set Kaka, a lemon after it has been
over the slaves on a plantation. squeezed, the rind of a lemon,
On the Zambezi the man who the shell of an egg, &c.
stands at the head of the canoe Kaka, a brother {Kiliadimu, see
to look out for shoals is called Muliadimu).
Kadamo. Kaka, a disease with swelling of
Kadiri or Kadri, measure, modera- the hand and opening into sores.
tion, capacity, middling, mode- Kakakaka, very many.
rate, about, nearly, moderately. Kakamia, hard of heart.
Kndri gani ? how much ? Kakamia ku, to be longsuffering,
Kadiri ya, as, whilst. slow to be affected.
Kadiri ku-, to estimate. Kakamuka ku-, to make an effort,

Kadri = Kadiri. to strain (as at stool, or in

Kafara, an offering to avert evil, a travail).

sacrifice of an animal or thing to Kakawana ku-, to be strong, capable
be afterwards buried or thrown of great exertion, well-knit and
firm in all the muscles.
away, a charm made of bread,
sugar-cane, &c, thrown down in Kaki, a very thin kind of biscuit or
a cross-way. Any one who takes cake.
it is supposed to carry away the Kalafati ku-, to caulk.
disease, misfortune, &c. Kalamika ku-, to prevaricate in
Kafi, plur. makafi, a paddle. giving evidence (?), to cry from
Kafiri, plur. makafiri, an infidel,
an pain caused by medicine (?).
idolater, one who is not a Moham- Kala'mka ku-, to be sharp, to have
medan. one's eyes open.

Kafuri, camphor. Kala'mkia ku-, to outdo, to be too

Kaga ku-, to put up a charm to sharp for.

protect something. Kalamu, a pen. The pens for

Kago, plur. mago, a charm to pro- writing Arabic are made of

tect what it is fastened to. reed, and the nibs are cut

Kagua ku-, to go over and inspect. obliquely.

Kahaba, plur. makahaba, a prosti- Kalamu ya mwanzi, a reed pen.
tute. Kalamuzi, cunning, crafty.
Kahawa, coffee. Kalasia, little brass pots.
Kahini, plur. makahini, a priest, a Kale, old time, formerly.
soothsayer. -a kale, old, of old time.
Kai ku-, to fall down to, embrace Zamani za kale, old times.
the knees. Hapo kale, once upon a time.

Kaida, regularity. Kal/ati or Kalafati, caulking.

Ya kaida, regular. -kali, sour, sharp, keen, savage,
cross. Bevere, fierce. It makes Klllltho.

kali witli nouuB like nyumba, Baba >ra kambo, stepfather.

Jun lcali, a hoi sun. Mama wa kambo, stepmother.
J\.i//ri /.•>/-, 1" remain for. Kume, quite dried up, utterly
Ku'mhalia tamu, to remain as he barren.
would wish. Kami, a bulbous plant with large
Kalibu, a mould, a furnace. head of red ilowcrs.
Kama, Kamma, Kana, or Kwarriba, Kamia ku-, to reproach.
as, as if, like, if, supposing. Kujihamia, to reproach oneself.
Kama ku-, to milk, to squeeze. Kamili, perfect, complete.
Kamamanga, a pomegranate. •Jcamilifu, perfect, wanting nothing.

Kamali,a game played by chucking Kamililea Am-, to be perfect.

pice into a
hole. If only one Kamilishaltu-, to make perfect.
goes in they say Maliza," and K<t mini ku-, to press, to press
the player throws a fiat stone on out.

the one that is out. Kamusi, an Arabic lexicon.

Kamasi, mucus from the nose. Kamwe (M.), not at all, never.

Kufuta kamasi, toblow the nose. Kamwi = Kamwe.

Siwezi kamasi, I have a cold in Kana, a tiller.

my head. Kana, if, as. See Kama.

Kamaia leu-, to lay hold of, take, Kana ku-, to deny.

seize, clasp. Kanda, plur. makanda, a long nar-

Kamatana ku-, to grapple, to seize row matting bag, broader at the
one another. bottom than at the mouth.
Kamaii, balls of wheat-flour lea- Kanda ku-, to knead dough, to
vened with tembo. knead the limbs, to shampoo.
Kamba, a crayfish. Kandamiza ku-, to press upon.
Kamba, rope. Kande, food (Mer.).
Kamba ulayiti, European or Ka nderinya, a kettle.
hempen rope. Kandika ku-, to plaster.
Kambaa, plur. of ulcambaa, cord, Kandili, plur. mdkandili, a lantern.
string (M.). Kando, side, aside.
Kambaa, a plaited thong or whip Kando ya or Kandnkando y<i,

kept by schoolmasters and beside, along by the side.

overlookers in Zanzibar. Kanga, a guinea fowl.
Kambali, plur. rnakambali, a cat- Kanga,a dry stem after the cocoa-
tish living in fresh water. nuts have been taken off.

Kambarau, a forebrace carried to Kanga ku-.

the weather side to steady the Kukanga moto, to warm.
yard of a dhow. Kangaja, a small mandarin orange.
Kambi, plur. makambi, a circular Kania ku-, to deny a person.
encampment, a place where a Kaniki, dark blue calico.
caravan has hutted itself in. Kanisa, plur. rnakanisa, a church.
Kanislia ku-, to deny, to make to Shada, tassel at the neck.
deny. Kitanzi, loop opposite the tassel
Kanji, starch, arrowroot. in front.

Kanju, plur. makanju, a cashew Kazi ya sliingo, the elaborately

apple (M.). worked border round the
Kanju, vulgarly used for Kanzu. neck, including —
Kanuni, a thing implied, a neces- Tiki, red sewing over of the
sary condition, of necessity. edge of the neck.
Kanwa, plur. makamva, the mouth. Mrera, lines of red round
Kanya ku-, to contradict. the neck.
Kanyaga leu-, to tread, to tread Viboko, small zigzag orna-
upon, trample on. ment in the middle of the
Kanyassa hu-, to scold. neck-border.
Kami, a treasure. Vinara, small spots forming
Kanzu, a long shirt-like garment the outer edge of the
worn both by men and women border.
in Zanzibar. Men's kanzus Darizi, lines of silk worked
are white or of a brown yellow round the wrists and down
colour, with ornamental work the front.
in red and white silk round Njuzi (Ar. shararaji), orna-
the neck and down the breast ; ment at the bottom of the
they reach to the heels. Wo- strip of embroidery in front.
men's hanzus are generally Mkia wa mjuzi, line of silk
shorter, and are made of every running up the front from the
variety of stuff, frequently of mjuzi.
satin or brocade, but are always Vipaji, or viguu, four little

bound with red. projections on the sides of

P;.rts of ,a Kanzu (men's) : the mjazi.
Tao la kanzu, bottom hem. Kanzu ya ziki, worked with white
Magonqp nene, seams. cotton round the neck instead of
Badani, front and back pieces. red silk.
Also Kimo. Kaoleni, one whose words are not.
Taharizi, side pieces. to be trusted, a double-tongued

Sija/u, pieces turned in at the man.

wrists, to receive the darizi. Kaomiva, calumba root.
Vikwapa, gores. Kapi, plur. makapi, a pulley.
Lisani, flap under the opening Kapi, plur. makapi, bran, husks.
in front. Kapiana ku- (mikono), to shake
Jabali, red line across the back. hands.
Wialbori, lining at the back of Kapu, plur. makapu, a large basket
the darizi in front. or matting bag.
Kaaha, lining of the neck and Kapwai. a kind of rice.
shoulders. Karafati ku- = Kalafati.
Karafu mayiti, camphor. Tui kupopoloa, the same after

ana, B Bpecial gift of Clod, nn mixing with water, and strain-

answer to a holy man's prayer, ing again.
id honour. Kasiri, towards the end, late.
Karamu, a feast. Kasirika ku-, to become vexed.
Karani, a secretary, a clerk, a Kasirisha ku-, to vex.
supercargo. Kasiri ku-, to hurt, vex.
Karani, tucks. a the northerly wind which

Karara, the woody flower-sheath of Mows from December till

the cocoa-nul trie March.

Karata, playing-cards. Kaskazvni, in a northerly direc-
Karatha, a loan of money. tion.

Karatasi, paper. Kasoro, less by.

Karib, near, come
near, come in. Kassa, less by.
Karibia feu-, to approach, to draw Kassa rolx>, three-quarters of a
near to. dollar.
KarCbiana ku-, to be near to one Kaxsi. Sec Kiaxsi.
another. Kasi, hard, with violence.
Karibuha, to make to come near, to Kirmda kassi, to rush along.
invite in. Kutia kassi, to tighten.
Kari r. a near relative. Kasumba, a preparation of opium.
Karibu na or ya, near to, mar. Kataa /.»-, to refuse.

Karimu, liberal, generous. Koto, plur. makata, a ladle made of

Karipia ku-, to cry out at, scold. a cocoa-nut, only about a third of
Karirisha ku-, to recite. the shell being removed. kata A
Kasa, a turtle. holds from a quarter to half a pint.
Kasarani, sorrow, grief. Kata, a ring of grass or leaves put

Kasasi, retaliation, revenge, ven- on the head under a water-pot or

geance. other burden.
Kasha, plur. mahasha, a chest, a Kata ku-, to cut, clip, divide.
large box. Kujikata, to cut oneself.
Kashifu kur, to depreciate. Kukata Imnanu, to cut obliquely.
Kashmir, the ace of spades. Kukata maneiio, to settle an affair,
Kasia, jilur. makasia, an oar. to decide.
Kuvwta makasia, to row. Kukata nakshi, to ornament with
Kasiba, a gun barrel. carving, to carve.
Kasidi, intention, purpose. Kukata tamaa, to despair.

Kasi/a, inquisitivenees. Njia ya kukata, a short cut, the

Kasifu ku-, to be inquisitive. nearest way.
Kasiki. a large earthen jar for ghee. Kdtaba ku-, to write.
Kasimele, the juice of grated cocoa- Katakata ku-, to chop up.
nut before water is put to it. Katalia ku-, to deny all credence,
Tut la kn.-iintle. See Tui, to refuse to be convinced-
KAT KA Z 301

Kutani, flax, thread, string, cotton- Sauti imekauka, I am hoarse.

thread. Kauli, a word.
Kalaza ku-, to prohibit, to deter. Kauri, a cowry.
Katkdlika, in like manner. Kausha ku-, to make dry, to dry.
Kathdwakatha, many, many more. -kavu, dry. It makes kavu with
Watu kathaioakatha, such and nouns like nijumba.
such people. Kaica, a conical dish-cover of

Kathi, plur. makathi, a judge, a plaited straw, often ornamented

cadi. with spangles, &c.
Kati, inside, middle, the court Kaica, mildew, spots of mould.
within a house. Kufanya kawa, to get mildewed
Katia ku-, to cut for. or mouldy.
Kulcatiwa, to have cut, or cut out Kaica ku-, to be delayed, to tarry,
for one. to be a long while.
Ni Iciasi cJiangu kama nalikatiwa Kawadi (a term of reproach), a bad
mimi, it fits as though I had man.
been measured for it. Kawaida, necessity, custom.
^y Katika, among, at, from, in, about. Kawe, a pebble, a small stone (M.).
Katika implies nearness at least Kawia ku-, to delay.
at the beginning of the action ;
Kawilia ku-, to loiter about a busi-
it has very nearly the same ness.

meaning as the case in -ni. Kawislia ku-, to keep, to delay, to

Katika safari mle, during that cause to stay.
journey. Kaya, plur. makaya, a pinna, a kind
Katika ku-, to come apart, to be cut, of shell-fish.
to break, to be decided. Kayamba, a sieve, a sort of rattle.
Katikati, in the midst. Kaza ku~, to fix, to tighten, (of
Katikati ya, &c, in the midst of, clothes) to fit tightly, to go
between. hard at anything.
Eatili, a murderous, bloodthirsty Kukaza kwimba, to sing louder.
person, an infidel. Kukaza mbio, to run hard.
Katinakati, in the middle. Kazana ku-, to fix one another, to
Katiti (A.), little. tighten together, to hold together
Kaiiza ku-, to put a stop to, to tightly, to be robust.
break off, to interrupt. Kazi, work, labour, employment,
Kato, plur. makato, a cutting, a business.
breaking off. Ndio kazi yake, that is what he
Katu, a kind of gum chewed with always does.
betel. Kazi mbi si mtezo micema? Is
Katua ku-, to polish, to brighten. not poor work (as good as) good
Ealuka ku-, to be polished, to be play (mbi for n-ici) ?

bright. Kazika ku-, to become tight, to

Kauka ku-, to get'dry, to dry. become fixed.
;:o2 K A Z KI1 E

-kazo, nipping, pressing tight. Kerimu ku-, to feast, to be liberal to.

-ke, female, f n inine, the weaker. Kcring'ende, a dragon-fly, the red-

A., A ,/./- (N.). legged partridge.

a- :o, a lathe, a machine for turn- Kero, trouble, disturbance, uproar.
ing. Kesha, a watch, a vigil.
Kt ''a!' ! an exclamation of con- Kesha ku-, to watch, to reumin
tempt. awake, not to sleep.
Kefyakefya Am-, to tcaze, to put in Kesheza ku-, to make, to watch, to
Low Bpirits. keep awake.
A fee,
a chill. The
carpenters in Kesho, to-morrow.
Zanzibar always use drills, which Kesho kiilini or kuchwa, the day
are much better 6uited to the after to-morrow.
native woods than gimlets are. Kete, a cowry.
The iron is called kekee, the wood A* ti ku-, to sit down, stay, live(M.).
inwhich it is fixed msukano, the Kliabari, news, information.
handle in which it turns Jivu, Khadaa, fraud.
and the bow by which it is turned Khafifu, light, unimportant.
Vta. Kliaini, a traitor.
A- hee, a kind of silver bracelet. Khalds, the end, there is no more.
Kdde, plur. makelde, noise, uproar, Khdlifu ku- or JIalifu ku-, to resist,
shouting. oppose, rebel against.
Kern {At.), How much? How many? Khalisi ku-, to deliver.
A. mea ku-, to rebuke, to snub, to Khami, a chess bishop.
scold. Khamsi, five.
Kenda — Kicenda and Kaenda. Khamxini, fifty.
Kenda, nine. Kha mstashara, fifteen,
Yn kenda, ninth. KharadaM, mustard.
Kendapif for kwenda wapi, going Khdrij ku-, to spend.
where, i.e., where are you going V Kliashifu ku- = Kashifu ku-.

Kmge, a large water-lizard witli Khatari, danger.

slender body and long limbs and Khati, a note, letter, document,
tail. memorandum, writing, hand-
K'-ngea, the blade of a sword, knife, writing.
See. Kliatibu, plur. makhatibu, a secre-
A" ngele, a bell. tary, a preacher.
Kupiga kengele, to ring a bell. Khatima, end, completion.
A>ra ku-, to worry, to nag at. Khatimisha ku-, to bring to an end,
Kerani = Karani. complete.
Kereketa ku, to irritate the throat, h'h'iliya, fault. Sec llnthja.
to choke. Khazana, a treasure.
Kereza ku-, to saw, to turn, to cut Khema, a tent.
a tree half through, aitd lay it Kheiri = Heri, well, fortunate.
down, so as to make a fence. n;i ppy. g°od.
Mtu tea hheiri, a happy roan. -hi-, the objective prefix of verbs
Kwa hheiri, for good. having substantives of the above
Ni hheiri, I had better. form as their object.
Khini hu-, to betray. -hi-, the sign of that tense which
Khitari hu-, to choose. expresses a state of things,
Khitima nzima, a complete copy of being that, which may be trans-
the Koran. See Juzuu. lated by the help of the word?,
Khofisha hu-, to frighten. if, supposing, when, while, or

Klwfu, fear, danger. be treated as a present parti-

Kuwa na hhofu, "i to become ciple in -ing.
Kuingiwa na hhofu, \ afraid. Kihi- may be contracted into hi-.
Kutia hhofu, to frighten. Alihuwa ahiogolea, he was bath-
Khorj, a pad used as a saddle for ing.
donkeys. Ahija, if he comes, or when he
Khoshi (?), paint, colour. comes.
KJmbiri hu-, to inform, give news. The syllable -hi- is inserted in
Khusumu, enmity. the past perfect tense to de-
Khutubu hu-, to preach. note a continuing action or
Khuzurungi or Huthurungi, a stuff state.
of a brown yellow colour, of which JYalipo-hi-pendana, when or while
the best men's kanzus are made. they loved one another.
Ki-, a prefix forming a diminutive. Kia, plur. via, a piece of wood, a
It becomes ch- before a vowel, kind of latch, a bar.
and in the plural it becomesiu- Kia hu-, to step over.
and vy-, or in other dialects zi- Kiada, slowly, distinctly.
or ihi: cross
Kitilio, plur. vialio, pieces
Ki- as a prefix also means (es- put in a cooking pot to prevent
pecially if prefixed to proper the meat touching the bottom
names), such a sort and when ; and burning.
used alone, words of such a Kianga, the coming out of the sun
sort, i.e. such a language. after rain.
Mavazi ya hifaume, royal robes. Kiapo, plur. viapo, an ordeal, an
Viazi vya hizungu,, European oath.
potatoes. Kiarabu, Arabic.
Kiarabu, Arabic. Ya kiarabu, Arabian.
Kiyao, the Yao language. Kiasi = Kiassi.
Kir or ch-, the adjectival and pro- Kiass cha bunduhi, a cartridge.
nominal prefix proper to words Kiassi, measure, moderation.
agreeing with substantives of the Kiassi gani ? or Kassi gani ? How
above forms. much ?
Ki- or ch-, the personal prefix of Kiatu, plur. viatu, a shoe, a sandal.
verbs having substantives of the Viatu vya mti, a sort of tall
above form as their subject. wooden clog worn in the house,
x 2
04 K I A KIC
and especially by women. They cloth tied round the loins during
are held on by grasping a & rl hard work.
of button (msuruaki) between Kibqfu, plur. vibofu, a bladder.
the great and second toe. Kibogotihi, plur. vibogoshi, a small
Kiazi, plur. viazi, a sweet potato. skin bag.
Kiazi hikuu, plur. viazi vikuu, a Kiboko, plur. viboko, a hippo-
yam. potamus. See also KailZU.
Kiazi sena, with white skin. Kibua, a small lish.

Kiazi kindoro, with red skin. Kibueta, plur. ;/".»/.

to, a box.
7v /•>/ haluli, a knot of makuti to Kibula, the k<l,ln, the point to

light a pipe with. which men turn when they pray.

"i, a measure, about a pint Among the Mohammedans the
basin full, a pint basin, about a kibula is the direction in which
pound ami a half. BI( cca lies, which is in Zanzibar
Kibakuli, a kind oimtama. nearly north. Hence kibula is
Kibali &«-, to prosper. sometimes used to mean the
<</'/. plur. vibanda, a hut, a north.
hovel, a shed. Kibula kit-, to point towards, to be
Kibanzi, plur. vibanzi, a splinter, a opposite to.
ry small piece of wood. Kibumba, plur. vibumba, a small
Kibao, plur. ribuo, a shelf, a small paper box or case of anything.
piece of plank. In Tumbatu a Kiburi, pride.
chair is called kibao. Ki'niripembe, a native bird.
Kibapara, pauper, a a destitute Kicliaa, lunacy.
person (an insulting epithet). Mwenyi kicliaa, a lunatic.

Kibarango, a short heavy stick. Kichaka, plur. vichaka, a thicket, a

Kibaraza, plur. vibaraza, a small heap of wood or sticks.
stone seat. Kichala, plur. vichala, a bunch.
Kibarua, plur. vibarva, a note, a Kichala cha mzabibu, a bunch of
ticket. Kibarua is now used grapes.
in Zanzibar to denote a person Kicheko, plur. vickeko, a laugh, a
hired by the day, from the giggle.
custom of giving such persons a Kichikichi, plur. vichikichi, the
tick* t. to be delivered up when small nuts contained in the fruit
they are paid. of the palm-oil tree.
Kiberiti, sulphur. Kichilema, plur. vickilema, the
ches. heart of the
growing part of
Kih'ti. a dwarf. the cocoa-nut tree, which is
Kuku /.'''<-
ft, a bantam. eaten as a salad, and in various
a, plur. vibia, an earthen pot-lid. ways.
Kibiongo, plur. vibiongo, a person Kicho, plur. vicho, fear, a fear.
bent by age or iufirmity. Kichocheo, the act of pushing wood
Kibobice, plur. vibobice, a piece of further into the fire, an instru-

ment for doiDg it, exciting words Kievu (A.) = Kidevu.

to stir up a quarrel. Kiendelezo, progress.
Kichodhoro, plur. vichoclwro, a very Kifa, plur. vifa, the nipple of a gun.
narrow passage, such as is gene- Kifa uwongo, the sensitive plant.
rally left between the houses in Kifafa, epilepsy, fits.

Zanzibar. Kifafa, plur. vifafa, sparks and

Kichwa, plur. vichica, for Kitwa, the crackling of damp firewood.
head. Kifani, plur. vifani, the like, a
Kiddka, plur. vidaka, a recess in similar thing.
the wall. Kifano, plur. vifuno, a likeness.
Kidaka, plur. vidaka, a cocoa-nut Kifaranga, plur. vifaranga, a
when just formed. chick, a very small chicken.
Kidaka tonge, the uvula. Kifaru, plur. vifaru, a rhinoceros,
Kidanga, a very small fruit, before a small rhinoceros.
it gets any taste. Kifaume, royalty, a royal sort.
Kidari, the chest Mdari is used of
: Ya kifaume, royal.
both men and animals, kifua of Kifiko, plur. vifiko, arrival, point of
men only. arrival, end of journey.

Kidau, plur. vidau, a small vessel. Kifu ku-, to suffice.

Kidau cha wino, an inkstand. Kifu ndugu, the os coccygis, the
Kidevu, plur. videcu, the chin. bone which the Mohammedans
Kidimbwi, plur. vidimbwi, a pool say never decays.
left on the beach by the falling Kifua, plur. vifua, the chest, the
tide. bosom.
Kidinga popo, the dengue fever. Kifufu, plur. vifufu, the shell of the
Kidogo, plur. vidogo, a little, a very cocoa-nut (M.).
little, a little piece, a morsel, a KifuJeo, plur. vifuko. a little bag, a
crumb. pocket, a purse.
Kidoko. Kifuko cha kutilia fetha, a purse.
Kupiga kidoko, to click with the Kifumbu, plur. vifumbu, a small
tongue. round basket or bag for squeezing
Kiddie, plur. indole, a finger, a toe. scraped cocoa-nut in to get out
Kidoie cha gumba, the thumb. the tui.
Kidonda, plur. vidonda, a sore, a Kifumbo, plur. vifumbo, a very large.
small sore, a wound. kind of matting bag.
Kidonge, plur. vidonge,& very small Kifundo cha mguu, the ankle.
round thing, a lump in flour, a pill. Kifundo cha mkono, the wrist.

Kidoto, plur. vidoto, a small piece of Kifungo, plur. vifungo, anything

cloth tied over a camel's eyes which fastens, a button, prison.
while turning an oil press. imprisonment, a kind of rice.
Kielezo, plur. vitlezo, a pattern, Kifungua, an unfastener, an opener.
something to make something Kifungua kanica, early food,
else clear. breakfast.

Ki/ungua wZonj/o, a preseni made Kigugumizi, stammering, a stammer-

by the bridegroom to the htingu Kigvlu, lame.
of the bride ln-forc she allows Kigunni, plur. vigunni, an oblong
him to enter the bride's room, matting bag of the kind in which
on the occasion of his first dates are brought to Zanzibar.
visit to her. Kigunzi, the day before the Sihu a
Kifuniho, plur. vi/uniko, a lid, a mwalui.
rover. Kigwe, plur. rig we, a plaited cord.
a stick stuck in reins, a string of beads, a piping
Kiftto, plur. vifuo,
the ground to lip the husk off on the edge of a dress.
cocoa-nuts with. Kiharusi, cramp.
tied up in the Kiherehere (cha moyo), trepidation,
Kifurushi, something
corner of a cloth palpitation (of the heart).
rubbish from old Kihindi, the Indian sort, an Indian
Kifusi, rubbish,
buildings. language.
Kifuu, plur. vifuu, a cocoa-nut Ya kihindi, Indian.
shell. Kihoro, sorrow at a loss, fright,
Kigaga, plur. vigaga, a Bcab.
Kigai, plur. vigai, a piece
of broken Kiini, kernel, the heart of wood.
pottery or ^lass, a potsherd. Kiini cha yayi, the yolk of an
Kiganda cha pili, the two of cards. egg.
Kigaogao, the Peuiba name for
a Kiinimacho, a conjuror.
chameleon, meaning changeable. Kiisha or Kisha, afterwards, next,
Kigogo = Kijego. this being ended.

Kigerenyenza, plur. vigerenyenza, a Kijakazi, plur. vijakazi, a slave girl.

very small piece of broken pottery Kijamanda, plur. vijamanda, a

or glass, a splinter. small long-shaped box commonly
K /;/-'• f/< /',', plur. ri'1'ltijrle, a shrill used to carry betel and areca-
trilling scream much used as a nut in.

sign of
joy, especially on the Kijana, plur. vijana, a youth, a
occasion of a birth. young man, a complimentary
Kigogo, a little block of wood. epithet, a boy or girl, a son or
Kigogo cha Jcushonea, a small daughter.
ol'long piece of wood used by Kij'iluba, plur. vijaluba, a small
shoemakers. metal box.
Kigongo, the hump of a humpbacked Kijamha, plur. vijamba, a small rock.
person. Kijaraha, plur. vijaraha, a small
Mwenyi kigongo, a humpback. wound.
Kigono, plur. vigono (Yao), a sleep- Kijaraha cha booni, sores on the
ing place. penis, syphilis.
Kigotiho, a bend. Kijego, plur. vijego, a child which
Kigosho cha mlcono, an arm that cuts its upper teeth first. They
cannot be straightened. reckoned unlucky, and among
K IJ KI K 307

the wilder tribes are often killed. Kikisa ku-, to understand half of
Applied by way of abuse to bad what is said.

children. Eutti Mi yauik/kisa,I know some

vijiboko, a little of the words, but not all.
Kijiboho, plur.
hippopotamus. Kiko, plur. viko, a tobacco pipe, a
Kijicho, envy, an envious glance. pi] e. The native pipes consist
Kijiguu, plur. vijiguu,
a little leg. of a vessel half full of water with

plur. vijiko, a
small spoon, two stems, one leading to the
a spoon. bowl and one to the mouthpiece :

Eijiti, plur. a little tree, a

vijiti, the water vess 1 is properly the
bush, a shrub, a small pole, a kiko. See bori, digali, malio, and
piece of wood. shilarnu.

Kijito, plur. vijito,

a small stream, Kikoa, plur. vikoa.
a brook. Kula kikoa. to eat at the expense

Kijito (M.)
= Kijicho. of each one in turn.

Kijitwa or Kijichwa, plur. vijitica, Kikofi, the inside of the fingers.

a little head. Kiknhozi, a cough.
Kijici, thievish. Kikoi. plur. vikoi, a white loin-
Kijogoo, plur. mjogoo, a mussel,
a cloth with coloured stripes near
kind of shell-fish. the border.
Kijoli, the slaves, belonging to one Kikombe, plur. vikombe, a cup.
master. Kikombo, a little crooked thing.
Kijomba, Swahili (M.). Kikomo, plur. vikomo, end, end of
Kijongo = Kiijongo, a humpback. journey, arrival.
a great- Kikomo cha uso, the brow, es-
KijuJiuu, plur. vijukuu,
grandchild. pecially if prominent.
vijumbe, a go- Kikondoo. See Koncloo.
Kijumbe, plur.
between, a match-maker. Kikongwe, plur. rikongwe, an ex-
Kijumba, plur. vijumba, a little tremely old person, a feeble old
house, a hovel. woman.
Kikaango, plur. vikaango, a sma ! Kikomo, plur. vikono, the prow of a

earthen pot for cooking with oil small native vessel.

or fat. Kikonyo, plur. vikonyo, flower and
fruit stalks, the stalks of cloves.
Kikaka, over-haste.
Kikale, old style, the antique. Kikorombwe, a cry made into tke
Ya kikale, of the ancient kind, hand by way of signal, a call.

antique, of old times. Kikosi or Ukosi, the nape of the neck.

Kikao, plur. vikao, a seat, sitting, Kikoto, plur. vikoto (M.), a plaited
dwelling-place. thong or whip carried by an
Kikapu, plur. vikapu, a basket, a overlooker and used in schools.
matting bag. Kikozi, plur. vikozi, a detachment,
Kikaramba, a very old person (dis- a band, company, division.
respectful). Kikuba, plur. vikuba, a small packet
308 K I K K M I

of aromatic leaves, &c, worn in Kili/u, plur. rili/u, the cloth-like

the dn sa by women. It is com-
envelope of the young cocoa-nut
post '1 of n ku
sprinkled with -/'. leaves.
dalia, and tied up with a strip of Kilima, plur. vilima, a hill, arising
the mJcadi. ground, a mound of earth.
Kikuku, plur. vikuku, a bracelet, an Kilimbili, the wrist.
arm rinpr. Kilimia, the Pleiades (?).
Kikuku cha kupandia fra*i, a Kilimo, cultivation, the crop planted.
stirrup. Kilimo cha nini) what is the
Kikunazi (?), labia (obscene). crop to be ?

Kit: umbo. Kilindi, plur. vilindi, the deeps,

Kupiga Jcikumbo, to push aside, deep water.
to shove out of tlio way. Kilinga popo (?), rheumatism.
Kiluta. plur. ril;utn. a small stone Kilinge cha maneno, cha uganga,
wall. speaking in a dark manner not
Kikwapa, the perspiration from the generally understood.
armpit. See also Eanzu. KUio, plur. r/7/o, a cry, weeping.

Kilu-i. plur. vikwi, a thousand, ten Kiliza lni-, to chink money.

thousand. /v"///(f or Kulla, every.

Kilango, a narrow entrance. Killa in

ndapo, wherever I go, or,

Kilango cha bahari, straits. every time I go.

Kilango cha jalia, the gate of Kiluthu, velvet.
Paradise. Kliuii, a monkey.
A'//. ,
that, yonder. Kiimi, price, measure.
I\'i'> ji, a round flat wheaten cake. Kimaji, damp.
KUele, plur. vilele, a peak, a sum- Kimanda, an omelette.
mit, a pointed top, a point' I
Kimandu, the piece of wood put on
shoot in a tree or plant. behind the sill and lintel of a
Kilema, plur. vilema, a deformed door to receive the pivots on
person. which it turns.
Si ri via kucheka kilema, it is Kimanga, a small kind of grain.
wrong to laugh at one who is Kimanga, of the Arab sort, fc-'ee
deformed. Manga.
KUemba, plur. vUemba, a turban, a Kimanga.
customary present at the comple- Chui kimango, a full-grown leo
tion of a job and on many other pard.
occasions. Kimashamiba, belonging to the
Kill :iii>>
t-grandson. nitry. a country dialect.
Kileo, plur. trileo, intoxication, an Ya kimashamba, countrifii d.

intoxicating thing. Kimbaumbau, a chameleon.

Kilete, plur. vilete, metal rowlocks, Kimbia /./<-, to run away, to flee.
crutches. Kimbiza /,»-, to make to run away,
V</' i < = Kid* in. to put to flight.

Kimbizia leu-, to make to run away instrument, applied to nearly all

from. European instruments.

Kimerima. See Mer*ma. Kinara, plur. vinara, a little tower,
Kimeta, a sparkling, a glitter. a candleslick. See also Kanzu.

Kimetimeti, plur. vimetimeti, a fire- Kinaya, self-content, insolence.

fly- Kinayi ku- = Kinai ku-.
Kimia, plur. vimia, a circular
cast- Kinda, plur. makinda, a very young
ing-net. bird, the young of birds.

Kimio, the uvula, an enlarged Kindana ku-, to object to, to stand

uvula. in the way of.

Kimo, it is or wns inside. Kinena, the abdomen.

Kimoja, one. See Moja. Kinga, plur. -vinga, a brand, a half-
Kimporoto, nonsense. burnt piece of firewood.
Kimurimuri, plur. vimurimuri, a Kinga, a stop, a limit put to a
fire-fly. thing.
Kimvunga, a hurricane. Kinga ku-, to put something to catch
Kimwa ku-, to be tired, disgusted, something, to guard oneself, to
to be cross at having anything to ward a blow.
do. Kukinga mvua, to put something
Kimwondo, plur. vimwondo, a mis- to catch the rainwater.

sile, a shooting star, because they Kingaja, plur. vingaja, a bracelet of

are said to be thrown by the beads.
angels at the Jins. Kingalingali, on the back (of falling
Kimya, silence, perfect stillness. or lying).
Mtu wa Mmyakimija, a still man. Kingama ku-, to lie across.
Kina. Mti umekingama njiani, a tree
Kina sisi, people like us. lies across the road-
Makasha haya ya kina Abdallah, Kingamhha ku-, to block, to st;
these chests belong to Abdal- to spoil.
lah's people. Kinge, too little.

Kina, plur. vina, a verse, the final Chakula kinge, too little food.
which is the
syllable of the lines, Kingojo, a watch, time or place of
same throughout the poem. watching.
Kinai ku-, to be content without, Kingozi, the old language of Me-
to withhold oneself from desiring, linda, the poetical dialect, diffi-
to be self-satisfied, to revolt at, cult and ill-understood language.
to nauseate. Kingubwa, the spotted hyaena.
Kinaisha ku-, to
revolt, make to Kinika ku-, to be certain or ascer-
unable to eat any more, to take tained about a person.
away the desire of.
Kinamizi or Kiinamizi, stooping to Kukata kinjunjuri, to shave all
one's work. the hair except one long tuft.
Kinanda, plur. vinanda, a stringed Kinono, plur. vinono, a futling,
310 KIN K I P

Kiuoo, phir. vinoo, a whetstone. Kinza fair, to contradict, deny.

Kioga, plur. vioga, a mushroom,
Embe kinoo, a small yellow kind Kiohosi, plur. vioJcosi, a reward for
of piango. Qnding a lost thing and returning

Kiuu, plur. vinu, a wooden mortar it tothe owner.

for pounding and for cleaning Kioja, plur. vioja, a curiosity.
com, an oil-mill, a mill. Kionda, a taster.
Kinu cha Tnishindihia, a mill for Kionda mtuzi, the imperial, the
ssing oil.
pr< place where the imperial grow.-*
Kinu elm moshi, a steam mill. (M.).
Kinubi, plur. vinvbi, a harp. Kiongozi, plur. viongozi, a leader, a
J'.i Kinuhi, Nubian. guide, a caravan guide.
Kinwa = Kinywa. Kiongwe, plur. viongwe, a donkey
Kinwa, plur. vimra, a mouth. from the mainland; they arc re-

Kinwa mchuzi, the imperial, the puted very hard to manage.

place where the imperial grows. Kioo, plur. vioo, glass, a gloss, a
Kinyaa, filth, dung. looking-glHSs, a piece of glass,

Kinyago, plur. vinyago, a thing to a fish-hook (M.).
frighten people, such as a mock Kiopoo, a pole or other instrument
ghost, &c, &c. to get tilings out of a well, &c,

Kiiajegere, a small animal, a skunk. with.

Kinyemi, pleasant, good. Kiosha miguu, a present made by

Kinyenye/u, a tickling, a tingling. the bridegroom to the leungu of
Kinyezi. See Kinyaa. (he bride on the occasion of his
Kinyi, having. See -inyi. first visit.

Kinyonga, plur. vinyonga, a chame- Kioto, plur. viota, a hen's nest, a

leon. laying place, a bird's nest.
Kinyozi, plur. vinyozi, a barber, a Kofo = Kiota.
shaver. Kiotoe.
Kinyuma = Kinyume. Kupiga lioice, to scream, cry for
Kinyume, afterwards. help.
Kinyume, going back, shifting, Kiowevit, a liquid.
alteration, an enigmatic way of Kior.ii, putridity.
speaking, in which the last syl- Kipa mlono, a present mado by the
lable is put first. See Appendix I.
bridegroom to the bride when he
Kinyumba, a kept mistre.-s. first sees her face.

Kimjunya, plur. vinyunya, a kind Kipan, plur. vipaa,& thatched roof,

of cake, a little cake made to try the long sides of a roof.
the quality of the flour. Kipaa cha mbele, the front slope
Kingwa, plur. vinyua, a drink, a of the roof.
beverage. Kipaa cha nyuma, the back slope
Kinywaji, plur. vinywaji, a beve- of the roof.
rage, a usual beverage. Kipaje, a kind of mlama.
kip KIR 311

Kipaji, a kind of cosmetic. See a handle of the same kind as a

also Kanzu. knife handle, a stud-shaped orna-
Kipahu, plur. vipaku, a spot or ment worn by women in the nose,
mark of a different colour. and sometimes in the ears also.
Kipambo, adornment. Kipimo, plur. vipimo, a measure.
Kipande, plur. vipande, a piece, an Kipofu, plur. vipo/u, a blind per-
instrument, a small rammer for son.

beating roofs. Kipolepole, a butterfly.

Vipande vya kupimia, nautical Kipooza, paralysis.
instruments. Kipukuba, dropped early, cast fruit,

Kipande kilichonona, a piece of etc.

fat. Kipukute, Kipukuse = Kipukuba.
Kipanga, a large bird of prey, a Ndizi kipukute, little bananas.
horse-fly. Kipuli, plur. vipuli, a dangling
Kipangozi, a sluggish incurable ornament worn by women in the
sore on a horse or ass. ear; they are often little silver
Kipara, plur. vipara, a shaved place crescents, five or six round the
on the head. outer circumference of each ear.
Kipele, plur. vipele, a pimple. Kipunguo, plur. vipunguo, defect,
Kipendi, a darling, a favourite. deficiency.
Kipenu, plur. vipenu, a lean-to, the Kipupwe, the cold season (June and
side cabins of a ship. July).
Kipenyo, a small place where some- Kipwa, plur. vipwa, rocks in the sea.
thing passes through. Kiraka, plur. viraka, a patch.
Kipepeo, plur. vipepeo, a fan for Kiri ku-, to confess, accept, acknow-
blowing the fire, a butterfly. ledge, assert.
Kipeto, plur. vipeto, a jacket. Kiriba, plur. viriba, a water-skin.
Kirihi ku-, to provoke.
Kipi or Kipia, a cock's spur.
Kirihika ku-, to be provoked, to be
Kipigi, a rainbow (?).
Kipila, a curlew.
Kirihisha ku-, to make offended, to
Nyele za Jcipilipili, woolly hair. aggravate.
Kipindi, a time, a period of time, an Kirimba, a cage for wild animals,
hour. a meat-safe.

Kipindi chote, at every period. Kirimu ku-, to feast.

Kipindi cha aththuuri, the hour Kirithi hu-, to borrow, specially to
of noon. borrow money.
Kipinda. Kiroboto, plur. viroboto, a flea. The-
Kufa hipinda, to die a natural Hathramaut soldiers are nick-
death, as cattle, &c. named Viroboto, and their song
Kipindupindu, cholera. as they march is parodied by,
Kipingwa, plur. vipingwa, a bar. Kiroboto, Kiroboto, tia moto, tia
Kipini, plur vipini, a hilt, a haft, moto.
312 K I E KIS
Kitvkanjia, a kind of mouse Found of the water, a loop in the side ,

in Zanzibar. a dhow to puss an oar through

Eirukia, a kind of parasite growing for rowing.
on fruit tr« es. Kisi /.'(-, to guess.

Kiruu, Mind rage. Kukisi tanga, to shift over a soil

7\7.«<, plur. rtsa, a cause, a reason, to the opposite Bide.

a short tale. Kisi, Kei p her away !

Visa vingi, many affairs, a com- Kisibao, plur. visibao, a waistooat

plicated bus ness. with or without sleeves; they
Kiga cha koko, kernel of a stone. are very commonly worn in

Kisaga, a measure equal to two Zanzibar.

Kibaba8. Kisibao cha mikono, a sleeved
Kisahani, plur. visahani, a plate, a waiatcoat.
small duh. Kisibao cha vikapa or vikwapa, a
Kisanduku, plur. vi>andu!;u, a small sleeveless waistcoat.
chest, a box. Kisibu (?), a nickname.
Kisarani, a gree ly fellow, a miser. Kisigino or Kishigino, the elbow.
Kisasi, revenge, retaliation. Kisigino cha mguu, the heel.
Kisliada, a tailless kite. Kisiki, plur visiki, a log. Used in

Kisliaka, plur. vi<halca, a thicket. sialiclanguage for a prostitute.

Kisheda,a bunch of grapes, a papi

Kisiki cha mvua, a rainbow (M.).

fluttering in the air like a kite. Kisima, plur. visima, a well.
Kishenzi, of the wild people. Kisind (obscene), the clitoris.

Lugha ya kisheuzi, a language of Kisitiri, a screen, screen-wall,

the interior. parapet.
J\'i.<hi, a cli<
ss-queen. Kisiwa, plur. visiwa, an island.
Kishigino = Kisigino. Kisiyangu [Tumbatu] = Kizingiti.
Kishinda, a small residue left in a Kisiwiso.

place or inside something, as Kisiwiso cha choo chauma, consti-

in a water-jar less than half pation.
full. Kishoka, plur. vishoka, a hatchet, a
Fishinda vingi pi umr-tia? How small axe.
many portions (of grain) have Kishvbaka, plur. vishuhaka, a small
you put (in the mortar, to be recess, a pigeon-hole.
cleaned)? Kisliungi, plur. vishungi, the ends of

Kishindo, noise, shock. the turban cloth, lappets.

KUliogo, the buck of the head and Kisma, a part.
neck. Kisombo, a paste made of beans,

Akupaye kishogo si mwenzio, one 171 '//u;/o, &e.

who turns his bac upon you ;

Kisongo, plur. visongo, a piece of
wood to twist cord or rope with.
Ktshwara, a of rope to haul by Kisoze, a very small bird with back
in dragging a vessel into or out blue, and breast yellow.
K IS KIT 313

Kisu, plur. visit, a knife. Kitambaa cha kufutia mhono, a

Kisua, a suit of clothes. towel.

Kisugidu, plur. visugulu, a mound Kitambaa chameza, a tablenapkin.

of earth, an ant-hill. Kitambi cha kilemba, a piece of stuff
Kisungura, plur. visungura, a little for making a turban.
rabbit or hare (?). Kitambo, a short time.
Kisunono, gonorrhoea. Kitamiri, a kind of evil spirit.
Kisunono cha damu, with passing Kitana, plur. vitana, a small comb.
blood. Kitanda, plur. vitanda, a bedstead,
Kisunono cha uzaha, with passing a couch.
matter. Kitanga, plur. vitanga, a round mat
Kisunono cha mkojo, with constant used to lay out food upon.
micturition. Kitanga cha mhono, the palm of
Kisusuli, a whirlwind (?) a boy's the hand.
kite (?). Kitanga cha mzani, a scale pan.
Kisusi,plur. visusi, the hip of a Kitanga cha pepo, the name of a
roof. The main roof starts from dance.
the long front and hack walls, Kitani, flax, linen, string.
and is called the paa ; small Kitanzi, plur. vitanzi, a loop, a
roofs start from the end walls, button-loop.
and are carried to the ridge under Kitaowa, the kind proper for a
and within the paa : these are devotee.
the visusi. Amevaa nguo za kitaowa, he is

Kisuto = Kisutu. dressed like a devotee.

Kisutu, plur. visutu, a large piece Kitapo, plur. vitapo, a shivering, a
of printed calico, often forming shiver.
a woman's whole dress, a cover- Kitara, plur. vitara, a curved sword.
lid. Kitara, an open shed in a village,
Kiswa = Kisa. where people sit to talk and trans-
Kitabu, plur. vitahu, a book. act business.

Kitagalifa, a small matting bag for Kitasa, a box lock, a lock.

halua, &c. Kitatangi, a cheat. Also a very
Kitakizo, plur. vitakizo, the head bright-coloured sea-fish with
and foot-pieces of a bedstead. spines, a sea-porcupine.
Kitako, sitting. Kitawi, a kind of weed.
Kukaa kitako, to sit down, to re- Kitawi, plur. vitawi, a branch, a
main in one locality. bough, a bunch.
Kitale, plur. vitale, a cocoa-nut just Kite, feeling sure, certainty, faith-
beginning to grow. fully (?), affection.

Kitali, sailcloth. Kana kite haye, he has no affec-

Kitalu, a stone fence, a wall. tion.

Kitambaa, plur. vitambaa, a small Kupiga kite, to cry or groan from

piece of cloth a rag. inward pain.
.114 K I T KIT
Kitefiefu, Bobbing before or after small-pox. Also tititranga, and
orying. perhaps trie ya hionnga.
Kitefute, the oheek, the part of the Kit", plur rito, a precious stone.
face over the chuek-bone. Kitoha (M.) = Kishoka,
Kit- kit,
a tosser. Kitoma, plur. vitoma, a small round
Kit' tribe, a lisp. pumpkin.
Kit' mbwi, a thread of flax or fine Kitoma, orchitis.
grass. Kitone, plur. vitone, a drop.
K'ti nihiwili, plur. vitendawili, an Kitonga, hydrocele (?).

enigma. The
propounder says Kitongqji, a village.
Kitendawili; tlie rest answer Kitongotongo.
Tega; he then propounds his Kutezama kitongotongo, to glance
enigma. at contemptuously with halt-
Kitendo, plur. vitendo, an action. shut eyes.
Kit' ugenya, a small bird spotted Kitoria, a kind of edible fruit.
with white, yellow, ami red. Kitotco (M.) - Kichocheo.
Kileo, plur. viteo, a small sifting Kitnto, plur. vitoto, a little child.
basket. Kitovu, plur. vitovu, the navel.
KUeeo, a vase. Kitoioeo, plur. vitoioeo, a relish, a
Kitewe, loss of the use of the legs. something to be eaten with the
K.thiri ku-, to grow large, in- rice or other vegetable food, such
crease as meat, fish, curry, &c.
Umekithiri kuzaa, it has borne Kitu, plur. vitu, a thing, especially
more than before. a tangible thing.
KM, plur. viti, a chair, a Beat. Si Idtu, nothing, worthless.
KM cha frasi, a saddle. Kitua, plur. vitua, the shade of a
Kitimbi, plur. vitimbi, an artific , tree, &c~
an artful trick. Kituko, startledness, fright.
Kitinda miniba, the last child a Kitukuu, plur. vitukuu, a great
woman will hear; grandchild.
Kitindi. See Vitindi. Kitulizo, plur. vilulizo, a soothing,
Kiti-ho, piur. vititho, fear, a terrify- quieting thing.
ing thiug. Kitumbua, plur. vitumhua, a sort •!
Kiliti, plur. vititi, a hare, a rabbit, cake or fritter made in Zanzibar.
a little thiug (ML). Kitunda, plur. vitunda, a ch bb

Kititi, to the full, entirely, alto- pawn.

irether, all at once. Kit'indwi, a water-jar [Tumbafu].
Kititi cha bahari, the depths of the Kitunga, plur. vitunga,
a small
sea. round basket.
Kititia, a chill's windmill. Kitungu (?) a small round earthen

Kitiwanga, chicken-pox. Tbe dish.

natives say an epidemic of lciti- Kitungvle, plur. vitunguh, a hare or
xranga, always precedes one of rabbit (?).
KI T KIW 315
Kitunguu, plur. vitunguu, an onion. MicanamJce wa kiungwana, a lady.
Kitunguu somu, garlic. Kiungulia, plur. viungulia, an eruc-
Kitungwa, a small bird like a tation, a breaking of wind.
sparrow. Kiuno, plur. viuno, the loins.
Kituo, plur. viluo, an encampment, Kiunza, plur. viunza, the plank laid
a resting-place, a putting down. over the body before the grave
Hana kituo, he is always gadding is filled in. (Coffins are never
about. used.)
Kitupa, plur. vitupa, a little bottle,
Kiuwaji, murderous, deadly.
a vial. Kivi, the elbow.
Kitutia. Kivimba, plur. vivimba, the girth of
.Bahari ya kitutia, a boiling sea, a tree, the circumference.
deep and rough. Kivimbi, a small swelling.
Kitwa, plur. vitwa, the head. Kivuko, plur. vivuko, a ford, a ferry,
Kitwangomba, a somersault. a crossing-place.
Kitwakitwa, topsy-turvy. Kivuli, plur. vivuli, a shadow, a
Kitwana, plur. vitwana, a slave boy. shade, a ghost.
Kiu, thirst. Kivumbazi, a strong-smelling herb
Kuwa na kiu, to be thirsty. said to scare mosquitoes wash- :

Kuona kiu, to feel thirst. ing in water in which it has been

Kiua, plur. viua, an eyelet hole. steeped is said to be a preventive
Kiuka ku-, to step over. of bad dreams.
Kiukia = Kirukia. Kivumbo, lonely (?).
Kiuma, plur. viuma. a fork. Kivumi, plur. vivumi, a roaring,
Kiuma mbuzi, a small dark-coloured bellowing sound.
Kivyao = Kizao.
Kiumbe, plur. viumbe, a creature, Kivyazi, birth.
created thing.
Kiwambaza, plur. viwambaza, a
Kiumbizi, a peculiar way of beating mud and stud wall.
the drum the people sing the Kiwambo, strained
while, Slieitani ndoo tupigane tightly over a frame, like the
fimbo. skin of a drum, a weaving frame.
Kiunga, plur. viunga, a suburb, the Kiwanda, plur. viwandn, a work-
outskirts of a town.
shop, a yard, a plot of land.
Kiungani, near the town, in the Kiwango, plur. viivango, a number,
suburbs. position in the world, duties be-
Kiwigo, plur. viungo, a joint, an — longing to one's position, a man's
acid thing put into the mchuzi.
Kiunguja, the language of Zanzibar. Kiwanja = Kiwanda.
Kiungwana, the free or gentlemanly Kiwao, a great feast [Tumbatu].
Kiwavi, plur. viwavi, a nettle, a sea-
Ya kiungwana, civilized, cour- nettle.
teous, becoming a free man. Kiwavu chana (A.), ribs. K I W KOH
Kiwe, plur. ntM. Kizuio = Kh.ui:i.
EttM eAa uso, a small kiud of Kizuizi, plur. vizuizi, a stop, a thing
j'inipK- on the face. w bich hinders or stays.
Kiwele, an udder. Kizuizo, plur. vizuizo, a hindrance.
Kiwemhi . a pock< t-knife. Kizulca, plur. oieuka, a kind of evil
Kivoeo (M.), thigh, lap. spirit, a woman who is staying
A'/>./< loss of lie use of the legs.
. t in perfect secrecy and quiet
Kiwi, moon-blindness, a dazzle. during the mourning for her
Kufanya kiwi, to dazzle. husband. Bee Eda.
A"/"/, plur. vivoi, a small stick, a igu, a European language.

piea of \\ uod, a bar. Ya kizungu, European.

Kiwilco. Kizunguzungu, giddiness.
KhoiJco cha rrikono, the wrist. Kizuri, beauty, a beauty.
Kiioilco cha mguu, the ankle. Kizushi, an intruder.
Kiwiliwili, the human trunk, the Kizuu, plur. vizuu, a kind of evil
body without the limb3. spirit, which kills people at the

Kiyama, the resurrection. order of its master.

Kiyarribaza, a bulkhead, partition Ko, -];<>, -ko, win re whither, whence.

Also = Kiwambaza. Ko hute, whil bersoever.

Kiyambo, neighbourhood, a village. Jfoa, plur. makoa, a snail,

Kiza or G«:a, darkness. ifoa (plur. of Ulma), the silver rings
Kutia kiza, to darken, to dim. on the scabhard of a sword, &c,
Kizao, plur. t-tzao, a native, one plates of metal.
born in the place. Kobe, a tortoise.
Kizazi, plur. vizazi, a generation. Koche, plur. makoche, the fruit of a
Kizee, diminutive of mzee, gene- kind of palm.
rally used of an old woman. /v»/i, rent.

Kizibo, plur. vizibo, a stopper, a Kodolea ku-, to fix the eyes upon,
cork. to stare.

Kizio, plur. vizio, half of an orange, Kofi, plur. makojt, the flat of the
cocoa-nut, &c. hand.
Kizimbi, plur. vizimbi, a cage. Kupiga Icofi,
to strike with open
Kizin la, a virgin. hand, to box the ears.
Kizinia, plur. vizinga, a large log Kupiga makofi, to clap the hands.
half burnt. Kofia, a cap.
Kizingiti, the top and
threshold, Kdfila, a caravan.
bottom piecesof a door or window Kofua, emaciated.
frame, bar of a river. Kt>ija
= Kuoga.
Kizingo, turnings, curves of a river, Kohani, a small red fish like a
&c, (?) a burial ground. mullet.
Kizingo, Bharp shore sand used for Koho, a large bird of prey.
buil ling. Kohoa, kvr, to cough.
Kiziwi, plur. viziwi, deaf. Kohozi, expectorated matter.

Koikoi, plur. makoikoi, a sort of forming, which is then reckoned

evil spirit. a delicacy.
Koja, a gold ornament for the Kukomba mtu, to get allhismoney,
neck. to clean him out.

Kojoa ku-, to make water. Kombamoyo, plur. makombamoyo,

Koka = Kuoka. one of the rafters of a thatched
Koka ku-, to set on fire. roof.

Koko, plur. makoko, kernels, nuts, Kombe, plur. makombe, a large dish.
stones of fruit. Kombe la mkono (A.), the shoulder-
Koko, plur. makoko, brushwood, blade.
thickets, bushes. Kombe za pwani, oysters (?),
Mbwa koko, a homeless dog that cockles (?), sea-shells.
lives in the thickets and eats Kombeka be cleaned out, to
ku-, to
carrion. have had all one's money got from
Kokomoka ku-, to vomit, to belch one.
out, blurt out. Kombeo, a sling.
Kokota ku-, to drag. Kombo, plur. makombo, scraps,
Kukokota roho, to breathe hard. pieces left after eating.
Kokoteza ku-, to do anything slowly Kombo, a defect, crookedness.
and carefully. Kutoa k'ombo, to notice a defect.
Kokoto, plur. makukoto, a small Komboa ku-, to ransom, to buy back.
stone, a small piece of stone. Komboka ku-, to be crooked.
Kokwa, plur. makokwa, nuts, stones Kombokombo, crooked.
of fruit. Kombara, a bomb, a mortar.
Kolekole, a kind of fish. Kombozi, a ransom.
Kolea ku-, to become well flavoured, Kome, plur. makome, a pearl
to get the right quantity of a oyster (?), a mussel (?), a shell.
condiment. Komea ku-, to fasten with a native
Koleo, plur. makoleo, tongs. lock (komeo).
Kologa ku-, to stir. Komeo, a kind of wooden lock.
Koma, plur. makoma, a kind of fruit. Komesha ku-, to make to cease, to
Koma ku-, to cease, to leave oft*, to put a stop to.

end a journey, to arrive at a Komwe, plur. makomwe, the seeds of

destination. a large climbing plant abundantly
Koma usije ! Come no further ! furnished with recurved thorns ;

Komaa ku-, to be full grown. they are used to play the game of
Komaza ku-, to mock, to make game bao with.
of. Konda ku-, to grow thin and lean.
Komba, a galago. Kondavi, large beads worn by
Komba ku-, to scrape out, to clean women, as a belt round the loins.
out. Konde, a fist.
la kukomba, a cocoa-nut in
Dafu Kupiga moijo konde, to take heart,
which the nutty part is but just to resolve firmly.
:;is KON K OR
Kondesha ku-, to make to grow lcau. Konyoa ku-, to break off the cobs of
ICondo, war (Merima). Indian corn.
Kondoa, a sheep [Lindi]. Kopa, hearts, in cards.
Kondoo, Bheep. Kopa, plur. mdkopa, a piece of dried
Yuafa kikondoo, he dies like a muhoijo,which has been steeped
sheep, silently (whieh_J8_hjgh and cooked.
praise). Kopa ku-, to get goods on credit for
Kongo ku-, to grow old and feeble. the purpose of trading with, to
ioa ku-, to draw out nails, &c, cheat, to swindle.
to take to pieces. Rope, plur. of Ukope, the eyelashes.
Kongoea, Mombas. Kope, plur. makope, the wick of a

Eongoja ku-, to walk with difficulty, candle.

to totter. Kopcsa ku-, to wink.
Kongolewa ku-, to be taken to pieces. Kopesha ku-, to supply a trader with
Kongomero, throat. goods on credit, to give on trust.
Kongoni = Kunguni. to lend.

Ktmg'ota, a sort of woodpecker, Kopo, plur. makopo, a large metal

hlack and yellow. vessel, a spout.

Kongwa, a slave-stick. Kopoa ku-, to drag out of one's

Kongwe. ? ~.«W» hand, = Chopoa ku-.

Kutoa kongwe, to lead off the solo Kora ku-, to seem sweet to, to be

part of a song, in which others loved by.

join in the chorus. Koradani, a sheave of a pulley.
-kongwe, over-old, worn out with Korija, a pucker in sewing. Also, a
age. Korja, a score. [score.
hono, a projecting handle, like that Koroana ku-, to steep in water.
of a saucepan. Korofi, a bird of ill omen, a
Konokono, a snail. messenger of bad luck.
Kamjeslia ku- = Konyeza ku-. Korofisha ku-, to ruin a man.
Kunytza ku-, to make a sign by Koroga ku-, to stir, to stir up.
raising the eyebrows. Koroma, plur. makoroma, a cocoa-nut
Komi, what can be grasped in the in its last stage but one, when the
hand, a fiat full. nut formed but has not yet its

to rap with the full flavour. It has ceased to bo

Kupiga konzi,
knuckles. a dafu and is not yet a nazi.
Koo, plur. makoo, a breeding animal Koroma ku-, to snore.
or bird. Korongo, a crane.
Koo la kuku, a laying hen. Korongo, plur. makorongo, a hole
Koo la mbuzi, a breeding goat. dibbled for seed.
Koo, plur. makoo, throat. Kororo, a crested guinea-fowl.
Kt onde, plur. makoonde, cultivated Koroslw, plur. makorosho, cashew
land, fields, the piece of a ehamba nuts.
allotted to a slave for his own use. Koru, the waterbuck.
Kosa ku-, to err, mistake, miss, go Kufa kwetu kioetna kutampendeza,
wrong, do wrong, blunder. our good deaths will please him.
Kosekana ku-, to be missed, not to 4. The prefix proper to pronouns
be there. agreeing with substantives in
Kostsha ku-, to lead astray. the locative case (-nt)> where
Kosudia ku-, to purpose, to intend, neither the being or going
— Kusudia. inside, nor mere nearness, is

Kota, plur. makota, the stalks of a meant.

kind of millet which are chewed Enenda nyumbani kwangu, go to
Kota, a crook. [like sugar-cane. my house.
Kota ku-. Ziko kwetu, there are in our pos-
Kukota moto, to warm oneself. session, at our place.
Kotama, a curved knife u^ed in 5. In a few words a prefix signi-
getting palm wine. fying locality,commonlysoused
Kote, See -ote.
all. in other African languages, but
Kotekote, on every side. generally represented in Swa-
Koto. hili by the case in -ni.

Kupiga koto (M.), to strike with Kuzimu, among the dead, in the
the knuckles. ku-. [grave.
Kovo, plur. makovo, scar. 1. The sign of the negative past
Ku- or Kw-. always preceded by some nega-
1. The indefinite verbal prefix tive personal prefix.

auswering to there in English. Sikujua, I did not know.

Ku-likuwa, there was. Hazikufaa, they were of no use.
Ku-katanda, and there spread. 2. The objective prefix denoting
2. The sign of the infinitive. the second person jnnj^ular.
Ku-piga, to strike. Nakupenda, I love thee, or you.
Kw-enda, to go. Alikupa, he gave thee, or you.
The infinitive may be used as a Sikukujua, I did not know you.
substantive answering to the 3. The objective prefix referring
English form in -trig. to infinitivesof verbs, or to
Kufa, dying, the act of death. huku, there.
Kwenda, going. Kua ku-, to grow, to become large.
The ku- of the infinitive is re- -kuba or -kubwa, great, large.
tained by monosyllabic verbs, Kubali ku, to accept, assent to,
and by some others in all acknowledge, approve.
tenses in which the tense Kubalika ku-, to be accepted, to be

prefix ends in an unaccented capable of acceptance.

syllable. Kubalisha ku-, to make to accept.
3. The prefix proper to adjectives, Kubba, a vaulted place.
pronouns, and verbs agreeing -kubwa, large, great, elder, chief.
with infinitives used as sub- It makes kubioa with nouns like
stantives. nyumba.
Y 2
Kucha, or Kumekucha, the dawn. Kulla. often pronounced killa,eveij,
Uriku kucha, all night, each one. ku-, Kululu, nothing at all.

Kamba imejikuchua, the rope

has Nikapatakululu = Sikupataiu>nn.
worn away, chafed, stranded. Kululu, tigercowries, Cyprseatigris.

Kufuli, a padlock. Kulungu, a sort of antelope.

Kufuru ku-, to become an infidel, Kuma, the vagina.
m apostatize.
Kuntba ku-, to push against, to take
Kufuru ku-, to mock, to deride. and sweep off the whole of any-
K ugu n /.tin haitebeest(boselaphus). thing, e.(j.
to clear water out of a
Kuke. See -ke. box, to bale a boat.
Mkono wa kuke, the left hand. Kumbatia ku-, to embrace, to clasp.
Kukeni, on the female side. Kumhatiana ku-, to embrace (of two
Kuko, yonder, to yonder. persons).
Kwa kuko, beyond, on yon side. Kumbe? What? An expression of
K'uku, a hen. a fowl, fowls, poultry. surprise used especially when
lyukp. na huku, backwards
and for- something turns out otherwise
wards. than was expected, commonly
-kukuu, old, worn out. It makes
joined with a negative verb.
kukuu with nouns like nyurnba. Kurribi (Mer.), circumcision.
Kulabu,& hook to steady work with.
Anaingia kumbini, he is being
Rule, there, far off, yonder. circumcised.
A .'•'.
yonder, very far off. As the
Kumbi, plur. makumbi, cocoa-nut
distance indicated increases the fibre, the husk of the cocoa nut
e is more dwelt on, the voice and the fibrous mass out of which
raised to a higher and higher the leaves grow. Also, at Mgao,
falsetto. gum copal.
Kulekule, there, just there. Kuiuhikumbi, ants in their flying
Kulia ku-, to become great for, to stage.
become hard to. Kumbisha ku-, to push off upon, to
Kuliko, where there is or was. lay upon some one else.
Kulikoni? Where there is what Kumbuka ku-, to think of, to remem-
= why? (M.). ber, to ponder over, to recollect.
Kuliko, isusedin theordinary way Kumbukumbu, a memorial, a men-
of expressing the comparative. tion.
Mwema kuliko huyu, good where Kumbura, an explosive shell.
this man is, and therefore Kunibusha ku-, to remind.
better than he. Because if a Kumbwaya, a kind of drum stand
quality becomes evident in any- ing on feet.

thing by putting some other Kumekucha, there is dawn, th<

thin^ beside it, the first must dawn.


'ss the quality in a In Kumi, plur. makumi, ten.

degree than the other. Kumoja, on one side.


Kumpuni, makumpuni, a per-

plur. Kungu, mist, fog.
son who has obtained full know- Kungu manga, a nutmeg.
ledge of his trade. Kunguni, a bug.
Eumunta ku- (Mer.), to shake out Kunguru, a crow, a bird a little

or off. larger than a rook, black, with

Kumunlo, a sieve of basket-work. a white patch on the shoulders
Kumutika ku-, to desire (?). and round the neck it feeds on:

Kumvi, husks and bran of rice. carrion.

Kuna, there is, Kung'uta ku-, to shake off, to shake
Kunaye, depending upon him. out.
Kunani ? What is the matter ? Kung'ufo, plur. makung'uto, a sort
Kuna kwambaje ? What do you of basket used as a sieve or
say ? [Tumbatu]. strainer.
Kuna ku-, to scratch. Kuni, firewood. The singular,
Kunakucha, there is dawning, the ukuni, means one piece of fire-

dawning. wood.
Kunazi, a small edible fruit. Kunia ku-, to scrape or eeratch
Kunda ku- (M.) = Kunja ku-. with, or for.

Kunda, plur. makunda, a green Kunia ku-, to raise the eyebrows in

vegetable like spinach. contempt.
Kundaa ku-, to be short and small Kuniita, telling me to come.
of stature. Kunja ku-, to fold, to wrap up, to
Kundamana ku- = Kunjamana ku-. furl.

Kunde, beans, haricot beans. Kukunja uzi, to wind thread.

Kundi, plur. makundi, a crowd, a Kujikunja, to flinch, to shrink.
herd, many together. Kukunja uso or
Kukunja vipaji,
Kundua ku-, to please (?). to frown, to knit the brows.
-kundufu, giving pleasure. Kunjana ku-, to fold together, to
Nyumba ni kundufu, the house dwindle, to wrinkle.
is commodious. Kunjamana ku-.
Muungu ni mkundufu, God is the Uso unakunjamana, his face is

giver of all good things. sad, sour, and frowning.

Kunduka ku-, to grow larger, to Kunjia ku-, to fold for, to wrap up
open. for, to crease.
Moyo umekunduka, he is gratified Kunjika ku-, to become folded or
(N.). doubled up, to be creased.
Kunga ku-, to hem.
Kunjua ku-, to unfold.
Kunga, cleverness, clever. Kukunjua miguu, to stretch one's
Kazi haifai ilia kwa kunga, it
wants to be done cleverly. become unfolded,
Kunjuka ku-, to
Kungali. to spread over.
Kungali na mapema bado, while Kunjuliwa ku-, to be open and un-
it is yet early. folded.
322 K U \ K WA
Kunrathi, donM be offended, excuse Kmudia ku-, to purpose, to intend.
me, pardon me. Kuta, plur. of Okuta, walls.
Kunu alamu, be it known. Kuta meet with, to see,
ku-, to to

Kunya ku-, to ease oneself. Seo come upon.

find, to
Xya. Kutana ku-, to como together, to

Kunyata draw together.

ku-, to meet, to assemble.
Kujikunyata, to draw oneself to- Kutanika ku-, to become assembled.
gether, to shrink. Kutanieha ku-, to bring together, to
Kuiujua ku- or Kunyula ku ,
to assemble.
touch secretly (with a scratching l\~it(u, rust.

motion) by way of signal or of Kutuka ku-, to bo startled, to be

calling attention privately, to suddenly frightened.
make a scratch on the skin. Kutusha ku-, to startle, to alarm
Kupaa. See Makupaa. suddenly.
Kupe, a tick, a cattle tick. kuu, great, chief, noble. Kuu refers
Kupua ku-, to shake something off more to figurative, kubvoa to
one's dress, out of one's hand, physical greatness. It makes
&c. kuu with nouns Like nywmba.
Kura, the lot. Ana makuu, he is vain.
Kupiga kura, to cast lots. Kuume. See •ume.
Kuril, a sphere, a ball. Mkono wa kuume, the right hand.
Kurubia come near to.
ku-. to Kuumeni, on the male side.

Nalikurubia, &c, had a good Kuvuli.

mind to, &c. Mkono tea kuvuli, the right hand.
Kurumbizi, a small yellow bird, Kuwa, to be, to become (?). See
very inquisitive :
they say if he Wa.
sees a man and woman talking Kuwadi, also Kawadi, a procuress
" Mtu
together, he cries, anasema (Mtu anayewatonaosha ivatu).
ua mume." Kuwili, twice over, in two ways.
Kuta ku, t/> make to grow. -kuza, large, full grown.
Kusanya ku-, to collect, gather, as- Kuza ku-, to make bigger.
semble. Kuza, See Vza.
to sell.

Kusanyana ku-, to gather together. Kuzi, an earthen water bottle larger

Kusanyika ku-, to be gathered, to than a guduwia, with a handle
assemble. or handles and a narrow neck.
Kushoto, on the left Kuzikani, a funeral.
Mkono v;a kushoto, the h ft hand. Kuzimu, in tbe grave, under the
Kuai, the southerly winds which earth.
l.luw from May till (
Ictober. Kw-. See Ku-.
Kuzini, in the diiection of the Kwa, with, as an instrument,
Ku.<i, southerly. through, to a person, to or at S
Kusudi, plur. makusudi, purpose, the place where any one lives;
design. for, on account of.
K WA KffE 323
Kwa 'ngi (?), generally. Ya kwama, first, the first.

Kica, after verbs in the infini-

of, Ngoja kwama, wait a bit.
tive used as nouns, and after the Kwao, plur. makwao, a stumble, a
case in -ni. stumbling-block.
Kwaa ~ku-, to strike the foot, to Kwao, to or with them, at or to
stumble. their place their, of them, after

Kwaje? how? verbs in the infinitive used as

Kwake, to him, with him, to or at nouns, and after the case in -ni.
his or her house; his, her, or Kwapa, plur. makwapa, the arm-
its, after a verb in the infinitive pit.
used as a substantive, or the Kwapani, under the armpit. The
case in -ni. people of the African coast
Kwako, to thee or with thee, to or wear their swords by a strap
at thy place, your, thy, of thee over the left shoulder only ; the
or you, after verbs in the infini- sword hangs under the armpit,
tive used as a noun, and after the and is said to be kwapani.
case in -ni. Kwaruza ku-, to scrape along, to slip
Kwale, a partridge (?). with a scrape.
Kwama leu-, to become jammed, to Kwata, or Kwato, a hoof.
stick. Kupiga kwata, to strike the hoof,
Kwamha, saying (?), if, as if, though, to strike with the hoof.
Ya kwamba, that. [that. Kwatu, a horseshoe (?).
Kwamisha ku-, to jam, to make to Kwayo, a stumbling-block.
stick in a narrow place. Kwaza ku-, to make to stumble.
Kwamua ku-, to unjam, to free, to Kukwaza meno, to jar the teeth
clear. like grit in food.

Kuangu, to or at my house, to or Kivea ku-, to ascend, go up, climb.

with me, my, of me, after the Kweli, true, the truth.
infinitives of verbs used as sub- Ya kweli, true.
stantives, and after the case in Kwelu = Kweu.
-ni. Kwema, good, well, it is well there.
Kwangua ku-, to scrape up, to scrape Kweme, the seed of a gourd, very
oue's shoes, &c. rich in oil.

Kwani for, because, wherefore, for Kioenda, to go. See Enda, going.

why. Kioenda, perhaps.

Kwanua ku-, to split down, to tear Kwenu, with you, to or at your
down, to break. place, your, of you, after verbs in
to be down the infinitive used as nouns or
Kwanyuka ku-, split
after the case in -ni.
like the boughs and branches of
a tree, which some one has been Kwenyi, till, since, up to the time of,
from the time of.
trying to climb by them.
Kwama, beginning, at first, for- Kwapa ku-, to start out of the way.
Kweta ku-, to raise.
324 K W E LAD
Kir-tu, to or with as, to or at our some verbs, which appears in their
place, "iir, of us, after a verb in derivatives and in other African
the infinitive used as a noun, and languages : thus the common pas
after the case in -ni. sive of hufungua is
K>r, u, clear. So far is this disposition to drop
Knot ii
pe, white. See -eupe. an I carried, that even huleta, to
Kuna /.•('•'
ape, grey dawn. bring, is in old Swahili eta. It is

];h-, to make to go up. theMcrima dialect

Kir, ;<i to drag characteristic of

up a l>oat out of the water. to retain these Vb.

Kweza In-, to bid up an article at L and u are sometimes appa-
an auction. rently interchanged.
Kukwezwa, to have things made Mlango, a door, is vulgarly pro-
dear to one by others bidding nounced Mtcango.
them up. Ufalme, a kingdom, may be
Kvriba. See Iba hu-, stealing, to written Ufaume.
steal. In these cases, however, both
Kwibana, robbing one another. forms are probably contractions
Kirikirc, hiccup. from Mulango and Ufalwme.
Kwikwe ya kulia, sobs. L becomes d after n, and is some-
Kwisha. See Isha hu-, ending, to times confounded with d in inexact
end. pronunciation.
Kim, which. Ndume = Nlume or Nume, male.

L- or U-, the prefix proper to pro-

nouns and verbs governed by
L is pronounced as in English. words iu the singular, of the
L isnot distinguished from r class which make their plural
in African languages of the same in ma-.

family asSwahili. The distinction La, no.

becomes important in Swahili on La ku-, to eat, to consume, to wear
account of the Arabic words which away, take a piece in chess, &c.
have been incorporated into it. The ku-, bears the accent and is
Thus— retained in the usual tenses. The
Mahal i, means a place, but passive of hula is Jculiwa.

Mahari a dowry. Laabu ku-, to play, to sport with.

Waredi means a rose, but Waledi Laana, plur. malaana, a curse.
a youth. Slaves, however, fre- Laani ku-, to curse, to damn.
quently confound even these. Laanisha ku-, to bring acuroe upon.
• When r can be used for I, it has a Labcka = Lebeka.
light smooth sound, as in English. Labuda, perhaps.
There is a latent I sound betwi n i
Ladu, sweet cakes composed of trea-
every two consecutive vowels in cle, pepper, and flour or semsem
Swahili and at the beginning of seed, made up into balls.
Laghai, a rascal. Also Bagai. Lazima, surety, bail, necessity.
Laika, plur. malaika, one of the Lazimisha ku-, to compel.
hairs of the hand or arm. Lazimu ku-, to be obligatory upon.
Laini, smooth, soft. -le, his, hers, or its.
Lainisha ku-, to make smooth or Lea ku-, to bring up.
soft. Amelewa vema, he is well bred.
Laitil Would that! Oh that! Lebeka, the humble manner of re-
expressing regret at something plying when called, often short-
past. ened into Ebbe, or even Bee.
Lake or Lakwe, his, hers, its. See Legea ku-, &c, &c. See Begea ku-,
Laki ku-, to go to meet. [-ake. &c, &c.
Lakini, but, however. Lekea ku-, to be opposite to, to tend
Lakki, a hundred thousand, a lac. to.

Lako, thy. See ako. Lekeza ku-, to put opposite to.

Lala ku-, to sleep, to lie down. Kutekeza bunduki, to level a gun
Nyumba imelala inchi, the
house at.
is fallen flat on the ground. Lekezana ku-, to agree, come to an
Lalama ku-, to confess, to cry for agreement.
mercy; used of extorted confes- Lelam, by auction.
sions. Lelimama, a dance to the music
Lalamika ku-, to be made to cry made by beating buffalo horns.
out, to be quite beaten, to shout, Lema or Dema, a kind of fish-trap.
to scream. Lemaa, disfigurement.
Lalika ku-, to be slept upon. Mwenyi lemaa, disfigured by dis-
Lalika ku- = Alika ku-, to inform, ease.
announce to. Lembuka ku-, to be weak, limp.
Lami. pitch or tar. Lemea ku-, to oppress, to lie heavy
Lana ku-, to eat one another. upon, to overburden.
Landa ku-, to be equal with. Lengelenge, plur. malengelenge, a
See -angu. blister.
Langu, my.
Lao, their. See -ao. Lenu, your. See -enu.
Laomu ku-, to blame. Also Lau- Lenyi. See -enyi.
mu. Bakuli lenyi mayayi, a basin with
Lapa ku-, or Eapa ku-, to be ra- eggs in it.
venously hungry. Leo, to-day.
Launi, sort, species, form. Leppe, drowsiness, dozes, snatches
Laumu ku-, to blame. of sleep.
Lawa ku-, to come from (Mer.). Leso, a handkerchief.
Lawana ku-, to blame, to scold. Leso ya kufutia kamasi, a pocket-
Laza ku-, to lay down, to lay at its handkerchief.

Leta ku-, to cause to arrive at the
Kujilaza, to lie down. place where the speaker is, to

Ldzim, of necessity. bring, to send, to fetch.

ku-, to bring or send to or for Libasi, clothes.
a person. i,
whether it be, Ihough.
Kuli ! wa, to have brought or sent Lihamu, solder.
to one. Lihani, a cloth of a particular
/.-/'/. our. See -etu. Lijamu, a horse's bit. [pattern.
lea J: it-, to get sober. Lika ku-, to be eaten, to become
Levya ku-, to intoxicate. worn away, to be eatable.
KujiU run, to make oneself in- Lilciza ku-, to dismiss, to give leave

toxicated, to get drunk. to go, to release.

vyalevya ku-, to be giddy. Lika, plur. maliko, a landing-place.
Lewa ku-, to become drunk. Lilia ku-, to weep for, to cry about.
].walewa ku-, to
swing sway or Lima ku-, to cultivate, to hoe.
about like a drunken man. Lima, the feast made by the bride-
Li, it is.
groom on the first day of the
Li- or 1-, the prefix proper to pro- wedding.
nouns and verbs governed by a Limao, plur. malimao, a lemon.
singular noun of the class which Limatia ku-, to delay, to loiter C A.).
makes its plural in ma-. Limbika ku-, to leave till it is fit, to
-H-, 1. The objective prefix repre- wait for fruit till it is ripe, or for
senting a singular noun of the water till it is collected in the
class which makes its plural in dipping hole, to put aside till it

ma-, governed by the verb to is fit.

which it is prefixed. Limbuka ku-, to taste the first of a

2. -U-, or -ali-, the sign of that new crop.
past tense which denotes an Limbueha ku-, to bring to be tasted.
action complete in past time. Limiza ku-, to make to hoe, &c.
3. -It- sometimes represents the Linalokuja, which is coming.
substantive verb, as in aliye, he Linda ku-. to guard, to watch, to
who is ; nikali, and I am ; ali, keep.
he is, or he being. Kuhnda ndtget to scare birds from
Lia ku-, to breed (M.). corn, &c.
Ida ku-, to eat for, &c. Lindi, plur. malindi, a pit, a deep
Chumba cha kulia, a room to eat place.
in. Lindo, a watching place.
Mkono wa kulia, right hand, being Linga ku-, to swing the head round
the only one ever used to eat in dancing.
with. Linga ku-, to make to match, or to
Lia ku-, to cry, to weep, to cry out ;
be level.
applied to the cries of animals Lingana ku-, to match, to be level
generally. Also, to give a with or like one another.
sound. Lingana ku-, to call, to invite (A.).
Kulia nana, to weep for jealous-7. Linganisha ku-, to make to match,
Inalia wazi, it sounds hollow. to compare together.
LIN M 'S21

Lini ? When ? Lote, all. See -ote.

Linyi = Lenyi. Lo lote, whatsoever.

Lipa ku-, to
pay (a debt). Lozi, an almond.
Lipia ku-, to pay (a person). Luanga, a kind of bird.
Lipiza ku-, to cause to be paid. Luba, a leech.
Kujilipiza, to take one's due, to Lugha, language.
repay oneself. Lulu, a pearl.
Kujilipiza kasasi, to avenge one- Lumba ku-, to make a speech.
self, to take one's revenge. Lumbika ku-, to gather little by
Lisani, a piece of cloth put in little, to pick up small pieces one
behind an opening, a flap to by one.
obviate the effect of gaping at the Lumbwi, a chameleon (?).

fastening, a tongue. See Kanzu. Luththa, flavour, savour.

Lisha ku-, to feed. Luva, sandal wood (?).
Lishisha ku-, to cause to be fed, to
cause people to give one food.
Lima M.
ku-, to be eaten, to be worn
away, to be consumed. M pronounced as in English.

Liwa, a fragrant wood from Mada- M before b generally represents

gascar, which is ground up and an n. Mb stands sometimes for
used as a cosmetic, and as an rib, as nyumba mbaya, for nyumla
application to cure prickly heat ; n-baya ; sometimes it represents nw
Madagascar sandal wood. or nv, as mbingu for n-wingu.
Liwali, plur. maliwali, for Al Wall, M is frequently either followed
Liza ka-, to sell to. [a governor. by w or u, or else has a sort of semi-
Liza ku-, to make to weep. vowel power, as if preceded by a
Lizana ku-, to make one another half-suppressed u.
weep, to cry together. The natives of Zanzibar very
lo, thy, your. rarely say mu ; they change it into
Lo, -lo-, orwhich, representing
-lo, urn or rather 'm. Even Mwenyiezi
a singular noun of the class Muungu, Almighty God, becomes
which makes its plural in ma. Mnyezimngu.
Lo lote, whatsoever. It is important to write 'm, and

Hakufanya lo lote, he has done not m only, where it represents mu

nothing at all (neno under- if a b or w follow, because otherwise
stood). the m
might be supposed to coalesce
Loa ku-, to get wet with rain, &c. with them. If any other consonants
Loga ku-, to bewitch, to practise follow, it is immaterial, for m must
magic (Mer.; then always stand for mu, and be
Lo or Loo ! Hullo An exclamation
capable of being pronounced as a
of surprise; the number of o's separate syllable.
increases in proportion to the Any verb may be turned into a
amount of surprise. substantive by prefixing 'm or mw
328 M- MA A
to mean one whodoes, &c.,followed of Zanzibar nearly all foreign

immediately by the object <>f the words are made plural by pre-
verb or the thing done. The last fixing ma-.
letter is sometimes changed into i Many plural nouns in ma- must be
and if j* is added to the substantive translated as though they were
it gets the sense of one who habit- singulars, the true singular

ually does what the verb signifies. being used only todenote Bome
one exceptionally large or im-
if-, 'm, nut-, or mw-, sign of the portant instance.
second person plural prefixed to When followed by an i or e, the a
verbs. of ma coalesces with it and
M-. 'm, mu, or mw-, the singular forms a long e sound.
prefix of those nouns which -ma-. See -me-.
make their plural in wa-, if they Maad im, while, during the time,
denote animate beings, or in mi-, when.
if they do not. Maadin - ttadini.
M . mu-, or mic-, the prefix
'm-, Maadin ya Tcinywa, what rises

proper for adjectives agreeing into the mouth without inter-

with a singular substantive de- nal cause, water-brash.
noting an animate being, or with Maafikano, bargain, estimate,

any substantive beginning with teem.

mu-, 'm-. mw-, or u-. Maagano, contract, agreement,
-m-, -'m-, or -mw-, the objective covenant.
referring to a singular re-
prefix Maagizo, commission, direction,
substantive denoting an animate commendation.
being. Maakuli, diet, food.
M-, mu-, or mw-. the prefix proper to Maalum, fixed, recognizable = MU-
pronounsgoverned by the case in chotambulikana.
ni, when it denotes within or in- Maana, meaning, reason, cause,
side of. sake.
Ma-, the sign of the plural prefixed Kulia maanani, to remember,
to substantives (and to adjec- think about.
tives with them)
agreeing Maandari, biscuits, cakes, &c,
which have either no prefix pastry, preserves.
in the singular or begin with j- Maandiko, writing, place forputting
or jir. out food, the act of spreading fl

All words intended to denote meal, a description, things writ-

something specially great of ten.
its kind make their plural in Maandishi, things which are writ-
ma-. ten, put out, set in order, &c.
Foreign words denoting a person, Maanguko, ruin, fall,
or an office, make their plural Maa'mzi, judgment.
in ma-. In the vulgar dialect Maarifa, knowledge.
MAA M AH 329

Maaruf, understood, I understand. Ma/undo, cross-beams in a dhow, to

Maasi, rebellion. steady the mast, &c.

Maazal, while. Ma/ungulia, unfastening.
Maazimo, a loan. Mafungulia ng'ombe, about 8 a.m.
Mabaya, bad. See baya. Mafupi, short. See -fupi.
Mabakia, the remnant, what is or Mafusho, steam from a pot of ma-
was left. jani, used as a vapour-bath in
Mabichi, raw. See -bichi. fever, &c.
Mabiwi, heaps, piles of sticks and Mafuta, oil, fat.
rubbish. See Biwi-. Mafuta ya uta, semsem oil.
Mabovu, rotten. See -ovu. Mafuta ya mbarika, castor oil.
Machache, few. See -chache. Mafuu, crazy, cracked.
Macliela, a litter, a palanquin. Mufya, Monfia.
Machezo, a game, games. Mafya (sing, jifya), the three stones
Macho (sing, jicho), eyes. used to put a pot over the fire
Yu macho, he is awake. upon.
Macho ya watu wawili, or M.aziwa Magadi, rough soda.
ya watu wawili, dragon's blood. Magamba, scales of a fish.
Macho ya jua, the sun-rising, Maganda, peel, husks.
east. Magarasa, 8, 9, and 10 in cards
Machuhio, hatred, abomination, dis- (not used in playing).
gust. Mageuzi, changes.
Machwa ya jua, the sun-setting, Maghofira, remission of sins.
west. Maghrebbi, or Magaribi, or Ma-
Madaha, a graceful manner. ngaribi, sunset, the sunset prayers
Madanganya, deception, trick. of the Mohammedans, the west,
Madaraka, arrangements, provision . Morocco.
Madefu, beard. Maghrib ayuk, N.W.
Madevu, a kind of rice. Maghrib akrab, S.W.
Madifu, the fibrous envelope of the Maghuba, the winding of a stream.
cocoa-nut leaves. Mago. See Kago.
Madini, metal, a mine. Magongonene. See Kanzu.
Madoadoa, spotted. Magugu, weeds, undergrowth.
Madogovi, a kind of drumming, &c. , Magundalo, an instrument of tor-
used in exorcisms. ture, in which the victim is sus-
Maficho, concealment. pended, and weights being at-
Mafu, death, dead things. tached to him, he is jerked up
Maji mafu, neap tides. and down. Used for extracting
Mafua, a chest complaint causing evidence.
a cough, a cold in the head, a Mahaba, love, fondness.
stoppage in the nose. Mahala or Mahali, place, places.
Mafundisho, instruction, precept, Mahali pa, in place of, instead of.

direction. Mahali pote, everywhere.

330 M A II MAK
Mdhana (Ar.), exot ssive worry. Majilipa, revenge.
Maharazi, a shoemaker's awl. Majira, time.
Mahari, dowry paid by the husband ; M'nira, course of a ship.
bo the wifi '- r< lations, Majonei, grief for a loss.
Mahati, a carpenter's tool used for Majori, an elder.
marking lines to a measure. Majuni, a cake made of opium, &c,
Mahazamu, a shawl worn round the very intoxicating.
Waist. Majutio, regret, sorrow for some-
Mahindi, Indian corn, maize. thing done.
Mahiri, clever, quirk. Majuto, regret, repentance.
Mahoka, devil, evil spirits, madness. Makaa, coal, coals, embers.
Maisha, life, continuance. Makaa ya miti. charcoal.
Maisha na milch, now and lor Mtilxdalao, cockroaches applied in

ever. derision to the Malagazy colony

Maiti — Mayiti, a dead body, a in Zanzibar.

corpse. Makali, fierce. See -kali.

Majahaba, dock for ships. Makanadili, places in the stern of
Majana (.?). honeycomb. native craft, the quarter gallerii-s

Majani, grass. The singularja/u, of a dhow.

means a leaf. Makani, dwelling, dwelling-place.
Rangi ya majani, green. Makao, dwelling, dwelling-place. ^

Majani ya ptcani, grass wort, Makasi, scissors.

'samphire (?). Makatazo, prohibition, objections.
Majartbu or Majeribu, trial, tempta- Makatibu, agreement.
tion. Makavu, dry. See -kavu.
Majazo, reward. Makazi, dwelling.
Majengo, building materials. Makengeza, squinting, a squint.
Majeribu = Mujaribu. Maki, thickness.
Majeruhi, wounded. Nguo ya maki, stout cloth.
Maji, water, liquid, juice, sap. MakimbUio, refuge, place to run to.

Maji maji, wet. Makindano, objections.

Kama maji, fluently. Makini, leisure, quietness.
Maji kujaa na kupwa, the tides. Makiri, a thumb-cleat in the side of
Maji ya /< po, Maji ya baridi a dhow.
Maji matamu, fresh water. Makosa, fault, faults, mistakes, sin -

Maji mafu, neap-tides. Makoza (obscene) testicles.

Maji a bahari, blue, sea-wat- r Maksai, a bullock, castrated.

colour. Makubwa or Makuu, great. S< i

Maji a moto, hot water, a 1 -kubwa and -kuu.

yellow kind of ant which makes Makukuu, old. See -kukuu.
its nest in trees. Makuli, diet.
Vajibu, an answer. Mdkulya, food [Tumbatn].
iajilio, coming, or mode
of coming. 'inhi, cocoa nut lil>re.
Makumbi ya popoo, areca-nut Maliki ku-, to begin a building, a
husk. boat, or a house.
Makumbi ya usumba, cocoa-fibre Malimo, master, navigator. In the
cleaned for mattresses, &c. canoes on the Zambezi the steers-
Makumi, tens. man is called malimo.
Makumi mawili, twenty. Malimioengu, business, affairs, mat-
Makupaa, the sheaves at the mast- ters of this life.
head of a dhow, through which Malindi, Melinda.
the henza leads. Malio ya kiko, the bubbling sound
Makusanyiko, place of assembly, of the water when a native
pipe is
assembly, being smoked.
Makusudi, purpose, design, on pur- Maliza ku-, to complete, to finish.
pose, designedly. Malki or Malaki, a king.
Makutano, assemblage. Malkia, a queen.
Malcuti, leaves of the cocoa-nut tree. Mama, mother.
Makuti ya viungo, leaflets made Mama wa kambo, stepmother.
up for thatching. Mamba, a crocodile.
Makuti ya kumba, leaves plaited Mamba, the scales of a fish (M.).
for fences.
Mambo, circumstances, affairs,
Makuti ya pande, half leaves tilings (plur. of Jambo).
plaited for fences or roofs. Mamiye (Mer.), his mother.
Makwa, the notching and shaping Mamlaka, power, authority, domi-
at the end of a pole to receive nion.
the wall-plate of a house. Mamoja, ones, same.
Malaika (plur. of Laika), the hair Mamoja pia, it is all one, I don't
on the hands and arms. care.
Malaika, an angel, angels. A baby Mana = Mwana.
is often called malaika.
Manamize, a name for a hermit
Malaki or Malki, a king. crab.
Malalo, sleeping-place. Manane.
Malazi, things to lie upon. Vsiku wa manane, the dead of
Malazie — Mar at hie. night.
Malele, orchilla weed. Manda, a loaf.
Malelezi, changes of the monsoon, Mandasi, a pudding. See Maan-
time of the easterly and westerly dasi.
winds. Manemane, myrrh.
Malenga, a singer. Maneno, language, message, busi-
Mali, goods, property, riches. Pro- ness, matters, things (plur. of
perly a singular noun making Neno).
no change for the
plural, but Maneno ya fumba, dark sayings.
treated sometimes as a Maneno ya Eiunguja, &c, the
plural in
language of Zanzibar, &c.
MaHdadi, a dandy. Manga. Arabia.
332 M A N MA II

V i
igaribi, sun.-et. See Maghn bbi. Mapt ndo, affection, esteem.
r\>* Jfangt, many. See-ngt. Mapt n;i\ liking, affection, pleasure,
Mut'iiri or Mmikiri, a cross-piece love, things which are low d.
at the bowsofadhow for fastening Mapepeta, a preparation of imma-
tack of the sail, ture rice.

flfango, 8 round hard black stone Mapigano, a fight, a battle.

used to grind with. Mapiswa, silliness, dotage.
g'ung'um, 6ecretly, in fearful Mn/ioza, remedy, healing things.
expectation. Mapooza, things which do not serve
Muni(obscene), semen. their purpose, fruit which drops
Mmi. a weight, about three rattel. prematurely.
Manjano, turmeric. Mapululu, the wilderness.
Rangi a manjano, yellow. Mipumbu, testicles, the scrotum.
Mankiri. See Mangiri. Mnu, a time, sometimes, at once.
Maiit>l>ii(s\ng.noleo),the ringw bere Mint moja, once, at once.
the blade of a knife issues from Mara mbili, twice.
the handle. Mara ya pill, the second time,
Manuka, sm< II, scent. Mara nyingi, often.
Manukato, scent, good smells. Mara kwa mara, from time to

Manyang'amba, flour bulls in a time.

Bweet sauce Mura ngapil bow many times,
Manyiga, a hornet. how often ?
Manyoya, feathers of a bird, hair of Maradufu, double.
a goat. Mmahaba, thanks, very well, wel-
Manyunyo, a shower, a sprinkle. come.
Maomboleza, loud wailing. Maralcaraka, chequered, spotty.
Maomvi, begging, Maraaharasha, a sprinkle, sprink-
Maondi, taste. ling.
Uaondoleo, removing, taking away. Marashi, scents.
Maongezi, conversation, ainuseim int. Ma rash i via waridi or ya mzomari,
Maongo, the back. rose-water.

Maonji, tasting, trying. Marathi, disease, sickness.

Maoteo, growth from old mtama Marathie, sociable.
stools. Sina kiburi, marathie mimi, I am
Maotiot .
Mayotte. not above fraternizing.
Mapalilo, hoeing-up time, hoeing Marefu, long. See -refu.
between the crops. Maregeo, return, reference.
\[a pana, broad. Sic -pana. Mn ri hnmu, that has obtained mercy,
Mapatano, agreement, conspiracy. deceased.
Mapema, early. Marejeo, return.
Mapendano, mutual affection. Mnfua, a desk, book-rest.
Mapendezi, pleasing things, the Marhaba = Marahaba.
be; ed. Marhamu, ointment.
Marigeli, a large pot. Mashendea, rice which is watery
Marijani, red coral, imitation coral, and imperfectly cooked.
gum copal. Mashindano, a race.
Marijani ya fethaluka, the true Mashindo.
red coral. Kwenda kwa mashindo, to trot.
Narika, a person of the same age. Mashtaka, accusation.
Martha, Merka, a town on the So- Mashua, a boat, boats, a launch.
mauli coast. Mashiir or Mashuhur, remarkable.
Marikabu = Marikebu = Mtrikebu, notable.
a ship.
Mashutumio, reproaches, revilings.
Marindi, the little flap of beads Mashutumu, reviling.
worn by a string round the loins Maslmzi, breaking wind.
by native women. Fathili yapunda ni mashuzi =
Marisaa, shot, small shot. You cannot make a silk purse
Marithawa, abundance, plenty of out of a sow's ear.
space, material, &c. Masia.
Marizabu, a spout. Kwenda masia, to walk up and
Marra = Mara, time, times. down.
Marufuku, a forbidden thing, pro- Masika, the rainy season, i.e., March,
hibited. April, and May.
Kupiga marufuku, to give public Masikani, a dwelling.
notice against. Masikini = Masakini.
Marungu (M.), biliousness. Masingizio, slander.
Masahaba, the companions of Mo- Masi'wa, the Comoro Islands and
hammed. Madagascar.
Masafi, purity. Masizi, grime, soot, &c, on the
Masaibu, calamity. bottom of cooking pots.
Masakasa (Yao), an encampment. Maskini = Masakini.
Masakini, or Maskini, or Meskini, Masombo, a girdle of cloth.
poor, a poor pei son. Masri = Misri, Egypt.
MasalkheirL good afternoon. Masriif, provisions.
Masameho, pardon. Masua, giddiness.
Masango, wire. Nina masua, I am giddy.
Masanufi, a kerchief used for throw- Masukuo, a whet-stone.
ing over the shoulders, &c. Masuto, reproaches.
Masazo, what is left, remainder. Mata, bows and arrows, weapons.
Mashairi, verses, poetry. Alataajabu, wonders, astonishment.
Shairi, one line of verse. Matakatifu, holiness.
Mashaka, doubts, difficulty. Matako, the seat.
Mashamba, the country. Plural of Matakwa, request, want, desire.
Stiamba, a plantation. Matambavu, the side, a man's side.
Mashapo, sediment. Mata'mko, pronunciation.
Mashariki, the east, easterly. Matamu, sweet. See -tamu.
Matamvua, fringe. Mat'ini. cymbals.
Matandiko, bedding, harness, v.hat Matokeo, going-out places.
spread. Matolceo ya hari, pores of the
Matana, leprosy. skin.

Matanga, large mats, sails. Matomoko, a custard apple.

Kukaa matanga, to keep a formal Matubwitiibwi, mumps.
mourning, generally for from Miituhnno, filthy ami insulting ex-
five to ten days. pressions, such as —
Kuondoa matanga, to put an end Mwana kumanyo
to (he mourning. Mwana <-u haramu.

Matanga kati, wind abeam. Kazoakazoa.

Matangamano, a crowd. Kiimanina.
Matata, a tangle, an embroilment. Matukio, accidents, things which
Ki'iiti matata, to tangle. happen.
Matayo, reproaches; revilings. Matumaini, confidence, hope.
Mate, spittle. Matumbawi, fresh coral, cut from

Mategemeo, props, a prop, support, below high-water mark: it is

protection. used for roofs and where lightness
Mat /.(t is an object.
spoil, booty, prisoners.
'. a walk. Mm a mho, tiie entrails.

Matengo, 1 1 1
• -

outriggers of a canoe. Matupu, bare. See -tupu.

Mateto, afflictions, adversity. Maturuma, stiffencrs put on a door,
Mateto, quarrel. the knees in a dhow, ribs of a
Mathabahu — Nafhhrih. boat, &c.

Mathabuha, a victim, a sacrifice. Maluku, bad and abusive language.

Mathahabi oi Mathhdb, sect, persua- Matuvumu, accusation, blame.
sion. Maua (plur. of Ua), flowers.

Mathara, mischief, harm. Maulizo, questions, questioning.

Wathbah, an altar. Maumivu, pain.
bu, manners, habits, customs, Maungo, the back, the backbone.
Mathahabi (?). Mauthuru, unable.
Matilo, lift from the after part of a Mauti, death.
yard to the mast-head of a dhow. Minim, dress, dressing.
Malindi, half-grown Indian corn. Mavazi, dress, clothes. Plural of
Matindo, a slaughter-house, a place Vazi.
for killing beasts. Mavi, dung, droppings, excrement.

/'H»<~&> »,cA/\
**Aifi Mavi ija chuma, dross.
Kir, nda kwa mattti, to trot. Mavilio. See Vilio.
Mattaa, the east « ind. Mavulio, clothes cast off and giv< a
Mattaa ayuk, N.E. to another, clothes worn bj
itlaa akrab, S.K. who is not their owner.
Mattai = Matlaa. Mavunda, one who breaks every-
Mato, Lyes. (M.). thing he has to do with.
Mavundevunde, broken, scattered Potelea mbali! Go and be hanged !

clouds. Tumiculie mbali, let us kill him

Mavumi, burn of voices. out of the way.
Mavuno, harvest, reaping. When used with the applied
Alavuno ya nyuki, honeycomb. forms of verbs, it means that
Mavuzi (plur. of Vuzi), the hair of the person or thing is by that
the pubes. means got rid of, or put out of
Mawazi, clear. See wazi. the w ay.r

Mawe (plur. of Jiwe), stones, stone. Mbango, a bird with a parrot-like

Ya mawe, of stone. beak, a person with projecting
Mawe ya kusagia, a hand-mill. teeth.
Mawe, a vulgar ejaculation, rub- Mbano, a circumcising instrument.
bish! Mbau (plur. of Ubau), planks.
Mawili, both. 'Mbau, plur. mibau, planking, tim-
Mawimbi (plur. of Wimbi), surf, a bers.
'Mbaruti, mibaruti, a weed
Mawindo, game, produce of hunt- with yellow flowers and thistle-
ing. like leaves powdered with white.
Mayayi. See Yayi. Mbasua, giddiness.
Mayiti, a dead body. Mbata, a cocoa-nut which has dried
Mayugwa, a green vegetable cooked in the shell so as to
rattle, with-
like spinach. out being spoilt.
Mazao, fruit, produce. Mbati, wall-plate.
Maziko, burial-place. Mbavu, ribs, side.
Mazinga ombo, sleight of hand Mbavuni, alongside.
(Comoro). Mbawa, wing feathers. See TJbawa.
Mazingiica, a siege. Mbayani, clear, manifest.
Mi zingombwe, magic, witchcraft.
Mbayuwayu, a swallow (A.).
Mazislii, burial clothes, furniture, Mbega, a kind of monkey, black,
&c. with long white hair on the
Maziwa, milk, (plur. of Ziwa) Mbegu, seed, seeds. [shoulders.
breasts, lakes. 'Mbeja.
Maziwa mabivu, curdled milk. wa
'Mbeja hani, young man of
Maziwa ya watu wawili, dragon's
Mbele, before, in front, further on.
Mazoea, custom. Mbele ya, before, in front of.
Mazoezo, habits, customs, practice. Kuendelea mbele, to go forward.
Mazoka, evil spirits. Mbeleni, in the front. This word
Mazu, a kind of banana. is used in Zanzibar with an
Mazumgu'mzo, amusement, conver- obscene sense.
Mbeyu = Mbegu, seed.
Mbali, far off, separate. Mbilo, plur. mibibo, a cashew-nut
Mbali mbali, distinct, different. tree.

z 2
Mbiehi, fresh. See -birhi. Mbuzi, a goat, goats.
}V i.jili. amal] thorns, briers. Mbuzi ya kukunia nasi, an iron
Ml Hi. u\ >. Bi e -totft. t
.rape cocoa-nut for cooking
Mot'Zt mfttft, two by two. with. ,
, .
Ml, Mini;, the wrist Mbwa, a *-***
(?). dog, dogs.
Mbingu, plur. of Uicingu, the skies, Mbwa ica mvritu, a jackal,
the heavens, heaven. jackals.
running, fust. Mbtoayi, wild, fierce.
Kupiga rribio, to run, to gallop. Mbtoe, little pebbles, little white
Kbiomba, mother's sister, aunt. stones larger than changarawi.
//;;'// r«7r<>, lie comforted. A Mbweha, a fox.

Swahili greeting to one who has Mbm u, eructation, belching.

just lost a relative.

Mil, a, one who fears.

Mbisi, parched Indian corn. Mcha M>ningu,aGod-{eanugmim.

M in. a proclamation, public notice. Mchafu, filthy.
Ml'iru, ripe. See -bivu and -wivu. Mchago, the pillow end of the bed.
izi. Mckakacho, footsteps (?).
Kupiga rribizi, to dive. Mchana or Mfana, daylight, day-
vegetables, greens.
t, time, day.
Mboga mnanaa, a kind of mint. Mchanga Mtanga, sand.
•go, plur. miboga, a pumpkin Mchawi, plur. wachawi, a wizard.
plant. Mrhayi, lemon grass.
ifboleo, manure. Mche, plur. Miche, a plant, a slip, a
Mhoiial Why? for what reason? seedling.
Used especially with negatives. Mche, a kind of wood much used in
Mboni ya jicho, the apple of the Zanzibar.

Mbono, castor-oil plant (?).

[eye. Mchekeshaji, plur. uachekeshaji, a
Mboo, the penis. merry body, one who is
a climbing plant yielding a
», laughing.
superior kind of oil. Mchele, cleaned grain, especially
Moi See rice.
», bad, rotten, corrupt.
'/ and -bovu. Mchelema, watery.
Mbtt = Imbu, a mosquito. Mcheshi, a merry fellow, a laugher.
Jf&ut, a buffalo's horn, which is Mchezo, plur. michezo, a game.
iten as a musical instrument. Mchezo wake huyu, it is this man's
Mbuja, a bw< turn to play.
dandy, gracefully.

Knsema mbuja, to say elegantly. Mchi, plur. michi, or If//, plur. m///,
Mbulu, a crocodile (?). the pestle used to pound or to

Mbungu, a hurricane (Kishenzi). clean corn with. Also a screw

i ostrich. of paper to put groceries in (?).

'/, plur. rnibuyu, a baobab Mchicha, plur. michicha, a common

tr- calabash tree. They are spinach-like plant used as a
gent.. ill;, looked upon a a haunted. veg< table.

Mchikkhi, plur. michikichi, the Mdudu, plur. wadudu, an insect.

palm-oil tree. Mdudu, a whitlow.

Mchilizi, plur. michilizi, the eaves. Mdukuo, a push in the cheek.
Mchiro, plur. wachiro, a mangouste. Mdumu, a mug.
Mclwchoro, passage, an opening be- Me-, see Ma-. Many words are pro-
tween. nounced with ma- at Mombas,
Mchofu = Mchovu. and with me- at Zanzibar.
plur. michongoma,
a -me-, the sign of the tense which
thorny shrub with white flowers denotes an action complete at
and a email black edible fruit. the moment of speaking, an-
Mchorochoro, a rapid writer. swering to the English tense
Mchovu, plur. wachovu, weary, lan- with have. Sometimes it is
guid, easily tired, tiring, tire- used to denote an action com-
some. plete at the time referred to,

Mchumba, a sweetheart, one who aud must then be translated by

seeks or is sought by another had.
in marriage. This tense may often be used
Mke mchumba, widow (?). as a translation of the past
Mchumbuluru, a kind of fish.
Mchunga (or Mtunga), plur. wa- Yu hayi, ao amekufa ? Is he
chunga, a herdman, a groom, one alive or dead ?
who has the care of animals. Most Swahili verbs denoting a
Mchungaji, a herdsman, shepherd. state have in their present
Mchuruzi, plur. Wachuruzi, one who tense thi^ meaning of entering

keeps a stall, a trader in a very that state or becoming, and in

small way. the -me- tense the meaning of
M-huzi, or Mtuzi, curry, gravy, soup. having entered or being in it.
Mchica, white ants. In some cases the -me- tense is
Mda or Muda, a space of time, the best rendered by another verb.
space, &c. Anavaa, he is putting on, ameuaa,
Mda, plur*, mida (?), a piece of plank he wears.
propped up to support a frame- In some dialects the me is pro-
work, &c. = 'munda. nounced ma.
Mdago, a kind of weed. Mea few-, to grow, to be growable.
Mdalasini, cinnamon. Medun, tortoiseshell.
Mdarahani, an Indian stuff.
Mega leu-, to break a piece, or gather
Mdawari. up a lump and put it in one's
He mdaicari, the softer Arabic h, mouth, to feed oneself out of the
the he. common dish with one's hand, as
Mdeli = Mdila. is usual in Zanzibar.
Mdila, plur. midila, a coffee-pot. Mekameka hu-, to glitter, to shine.

Mdomo, plur. midomo, the lip. Meko (plur. of Jiko), a fireplace.

Mdomo wa ndege, a bird's beak. Mekoni, a kitchen, in the kitchen.
m i: m 1V1 F U
Mi meluka hu (A.),

kle. Mfanyi biashara, plur. teafanyi, a'


.U. /. oi ci roaches. man who does business, a trader,

Also a Blang term for a rupee. a merchant.

Mengi or Mangi, many. See -ngi. Mfariji, plur. wafariji, a comforter.

o (plur. of Jino), teeth, Mfathili, plur. wafathili, one who
no, battlements. does kindnesses.
Menya Lit-, to Bhell, to husk, to M/i /'//. a water channel.
)hui/n /.(/-, to beat (Kiyao). [peel, Mfili&ika, a bankrupt.
Jf( riLthii. a ship, ships. Mfinangi, plur. wafinangi, a potter.
Merikebu ya serikali, a ship be- Mfinessi, plur. mifinessi, a jack fruit
longing to the government. i

.!/( rikehu mkiiuja i/n <>r umnnicari, .1//''/. plur. ica/w, a dead person.
a man-of-war. Mfua, plur. wafua, a smith, a
rikebuyataja,a merchant ship. worker in metal.
Merikebu ya miUugote mitatu,& flf/ua chuma, a blacksmith.
full-rigged ship. Af/ua / //"(, &c, a silversmith, &c.
Merikebu ya milingote miwili na Mfuasi, plur. wafuasi, a follower, a

•i, a barque. retainer, a hanger-on.

Merikebu ya ddhaan or ya moshi, Mfuko, plur. mifuko, a bag, a
steamship. pocket.
-. the mainland of Africa, M/uma, plur. wafuma, a weaver.
cially the coast south of .1// nbati, plur. mi/umbatiythv side-
Zanzibar. pieces of a bedstead.
Wamerima, people who live on Mfunguo, a name applied to nine of
the coast south of Zanzibar. the Arab months.
Kimerima, the dialect of Swahili Mfunguo ica must, is the Arab
6poken on the coast south of Shaowal.
Zanzibar. Mfunguo wa pili, is the Arab
Merimeta /;</-, to glitter, to shine. 77/ '/Z Jlaacto.

Meshmaa, a caudle, candles. Mfunguo iva tatu, is the Arab

Mesiki or Meeki, musk, scent. nv; //".,;/.

Meskiti Moskiti, a mosque. Mfunguo wa 'nne, is the Arab

ftf< tank shine, to glitter.
to, to Moharram.
Methili or Methali, like, a parable. Mfunguo wa tano, is the Arab
Mi •'. a table.
.i/<--za /.)/-, t<> swallow. Mfunguo wa sita, is the Arab
Mezaurwen h liabia al aowal.
Waraka mezawwereh, forgery t Mfunguo wa caba, is the Arab
litre pi< ce of a door. Eabia id alchr.

M/alme, plur. wafalme, a king. Mfunguo wa nniie, is the Arab

M/ano, plur. mifano, a likeness. Jemart al aowal.
Mfano wa maneno, a proverb, a Mfunguo wa Icenda, is the Arab
parable, Jcnuid ul akin:

Mfunguo wa
is often so pro- Mgonjwa plur. wagon
nounced as to sound like jwa, a sick person, an invalid.
Fungua. Mgwte = Mlingote, a mast.
The other three months, Rajab, Mgunda, cultivated land.
Shaaban, and Ramathan, keep Hgunya, plur. Wagunya, a native of
their Arabic names. the country between Siwe and
the Juba.
Mfuo, plur. mifuo, a stripe.
Karatasi ya mifuo, ruled paper. Mguruguru, plur. waguruguru, a
Mfupa, plur. mifupa, a bone. large kind of burrowing lizard.
Mfuto, winning five games out
of Hguu, plur. miguu, the leg from the
six at cards. knee downward, the foot.
Mfyozi, an abusive person. Kwenda hwa miguu, to walk.

Mgalct, plur. wagala, a Galla. Wi-. See MmA.

Mganda, plur. miganda, a sheaf or Mlialbori. See Kanzu.
bundle of rice. Mhimili, plur. mih'limi, a girder, a
Mganga, plur. loaganga, a medicine beam, a bearing post, a prop.
man, a doctor, a dealer in white Mhulu, a large tree lizard.
magic. Mhunzi, plur. wdhunzi, a black-
Mgao, a place near Cape Delgado. smith.
Mgawo, a deal in card-playing. Mi-, plural prefix of substantives,
Mgeni, plur. wageni, a guest, a and of adjectives agreeing with
foreigner. them, which begin in the singular
Mghad, a horse's canter. with m-, or 'm-, mu-, or mw-, and
Kwenda mghad, to canter. do not denote animate beings.
Mgine = Mwingine, another, other. -mi, an objective suffix denoting
Mgogoro, an obstacle in a road, a the first person singular. This
stumbling-block. In slang, a suffix is poetical, not used in
nuisance, crush, worry. Zanzibar.
Mgoja or Mngoja, plur. wagoja, one Mia, a hundred.
who waits, a sentinel. Miteen, two hundred.
Mgoja mlango, a door-keeper, a Mialamu, the ends of a piece of

porter. cloth.

Mgomba, plur. migomba, a banana Miashiri, pieces lying fore and aft
tree. to receive the stepping of the

Mgombice, bull's-mouth shell, Cassis Miayo, yawning, a yawn. [mast.

rubra. Miba or Miiba, thorns.

Mgomvi, wagomvi, a quarrel-

plur. Mibau, timbers.
some person, a brawler. Mifuo, bellows.
Mgonda, a slave's clout. Milmha, marriage.
Mgongo, plur. migongo, the back, Mikambe.
the backbone. Kupiga mikambe, in bathing, to
Nyumba ya mgongo, a penthouse duck down and throw over one
roof. leg, striking the water with it.
340 M I L MJU
Mihi, a custom. Miusi, Mack. Sec -eus»*.
Milamba. Miwa (plur. of Mho), sugar-can* s.

Kteenda milatriba, to go round by Miwali, midribs of a palm-leaf.

a new rond to avoid war or Miwani, spectacles.
some other obstacle, to strike Miyaa, leaves for making mats.
out a new way. Miye, me, it is I.

Mihh . 1 1.
mity. Mi-.ani, balances, steelyard, scales.
Ta >:,:' I eternaL
Mxsif roots M.). i

MUhoi, having been

jins, which Mi izi, roots, rootlets.
merely singed, not killed by the Mja na maji, one who has come
missiles of the angels, lurk in over the sea, a foreigner. Also,
by-placis to deceive and harm a slave.
people. Mjakazi, plur. tcajakazi, a woman
Miliki = MUM. slave.
Miliki to reign, to possess. Mada-
1;h-, Mjanga, Bembatooka bay in
MUM, kingdom, possession, pro- gascar.
perty. Mjangao, melancholy, silent sorrow.
MUumbe, a speech, an over-long Mjanja, plur. u-ajanja, a cheat, a

ch. shameless person.
Mirriba, pn gnancy. Mjani, a widow.
Kuwa na mimba or Kuchul;u<i Mjasiri, plur. irajasiri, a bold ven-
mimha, to be pregnant. turesome man.
Kuharibu mimba, to miscarry. Mjasstm, inquisitive.
^ Mimbara, the pulpit in a mosque. Mj< ledi, a whip.
|*ff- Mimi, I, me. Mjemba, a plough (?).
Mimina ku-, to pour, to pour over. Mji, plur. miji, a town, a city, a
Miminika ku-, to be poured over, to \
illage, the middle part of a piece
be spilt, to overflow. of cloth. j?
Mingi, many. See -ingi. Mji, the uterus.
Miugine, others. See -ingine. Mjiari, plur. mijiari, tiller ropes.
Mini (At.), right, fc"**/ Mjiguu, plur. mijiguu, large long
Mini vca shemali, right and left. legs.
Minyonoa, a kind of flowering Mjinga, plur. vajinga, a raw new
acacia. comer, a simpleton; applied es-
Viongoni mwa, in respect of, as to, pecially to newly arrived slaves,
on the part of, from among. ignorant, inexperienced.
Mtraha, muscles. See Mrala. Mjisikafiri, akind of lizard.
Mirisaa, shot. Mjoli, plur. tcajoli,a. fellow-servant.
MukUhari, crooked. Mjomba, plur. wajomba, uncle.
Mi$ko, Russia. Mjugu.
Hurt, Egypt. Mjugu nyassa, ground-nuts.
Mitten, two hundred. Mjugu mawe, a hard kind of
Miumi, a whistling. ground-nut.

Mjnkuu, plur. wajukuu, a cousin, a manfully, again and again

grandchild. (slang).
Mjumba, plur. wajumba, an uncle. Mkarakala, a medicinal shrub.
Mjambakaka, a kind of lizard. Mkasama (in arithmetic), division.
Mjumbe, plur. wajumbe, a mes- Mkasnsi, a handsome tree, whose
senger. wood is useless. Hence the
Mjume, a weapon-smith. proverb,
Mjumu, studded with brass. Uzuri wa mkasasi,
Ukipata, maji, l/asi.
Mjusi, plur. wajusi, a lizard.
Mjusi wa kanzu. See Kanzu. Mkasiri, a tree whose bark is used
Mjusi kafiri, a rough kind of todye fishing-nets black.
small lizard. Mkataba, a written agreement.
Mjusi salama, a smooth kind of Mkatale, the stocks.
small lizard. Mkate, plur. mikate, a cake, a loaf.
Mjuvi, plur. wajuvi, a chattering, Mikate ya mofu, cakes of mtama
officious person. meal.
Mjuzi, plur. wajuzi, a person of in- Mikate ya kusonga, ya kumimina,
formation, one who knows. &c, cakes of batter, &c.
Mkaa, plur. xoakaa, one who sits. Mkate wa tumbako, a cake of
Mkaa jikoni, Mr. Sit-in-the- tobacco.
kitchen. Mkazo, nipping, pressing tight.
Mkaa, an astringent wood used Mke, plur. wake, a wife, a female.
in medicine. Mke aliofiwa na mumewe,& widow.
Mkabala, opposite. Mkebe, a pot to burn incense in, a
Mkdbil, future. drinking pot.
Mkadi, plur. mikadi, the pandanus Mkeka, plur. mikeka, a fine kind of
tree; its flowers are valued for mat used to sleep upon.
their smell. Mkeo = Mkewo.
Mkaidi, obstinate, wilful. See Mkereza, plur. wakereza, a turner.
-kaidi. Mkewe, his wife.

Mkaja, a cloth worn by women, Mkewo, your wife.

given as a present at the time of Mkia, plur. mikia, a tail.

a wedding. Mkimbizi, plur. wakimbizi, one who
Mkali, fierce. See -kali. runs away.
Mkamilifu, perfect. Mkindu, plur. mikindu, a kind of
Mkamshe, plur. mikamshe, a kind of palm whose leaves are used to
wooden spoon. make fine mats.

Mkandaa, plur. mikandaa, a kind Mkizi, a kind of fish.

of mangrove tree full of a red
Mkoba, plur. mikoba, a scrip, a
dye much used for roof beams. small bag.
Mkanju, plur. mikanju, a cashew Mkoche, plur. mikoche, a kind of
tree (M.).
branching palm with an edible
Mkaragazo,& strong tobacco. Also, fruit.
342 MKO ML]
urine. Mkumavi,B kind of red wood much
plur. mikoko, a mangrove ua d i:i Zanzibar.
tree. Mkumbii Rfgao.), gum-copal tree.

Wcokoto, plur. mikokoto, the mark MTcunga (?), midwife.

made by a thing being drag Mkungu, plur. wikungu, the fruit

ng. Btalt "i' the banana.

plur. mikoma, a large tree
Mkungu, plur. vdkungu, a kind of
bearing an edible fruit. earthen pot.
bozi, plur. yjukombozi,
a Mkungu wa kufunikia, a pot lid.

redeemer. .r/WKtf^tfV? Mkungu wa kulia, a diah.

Mkuu, plur. wakuu, a great man, a
Mkondo tea maji, a current. chief.

Mkongojo, plur. mikongojo, an old Mkuu wa asikari, a commanding

man'* staff for him to lean upon officer.

as he walks. Mkuu ica genzi, a guide.

o, plur. tntkono, the arm, es- Mkuza, large, full grown.
pecially from the elbow to the Mkwamba, a kind of thorny shrub.
fingers the hand, a sleeve, a
; Mkwaei, plur. vcakwasi, a wealthy
projecting handle Like that of a person, rich.
saucepan, a measure of nearly Mkwe, wakice, a father or
half a yard, a cubit. mother-in-law, a son or daughter-
Ta mkono, handy. in-law.
CItuo cha mkono, a handbook. Mlcweme, a climbing plant bearing
a gourd with round fiat seeds
Mkorofi, ill-omened.
Mkvbwa, the eldest. See rich in oil.
-kubwa. Mkwezi, a climber, one who goes
Mkuchyo, Ma;radoxa. up.
Mku/u, plur. mikufu, a chain, es- Mlafi, plur. walafi, a glutton.
pecially of a light ornamental
Mln In, plur. milala, hyphaene, a
kind. branching palm.
Mkufunzi, plur. wakufunzi, a Mlmnba, a dark-coloured bird that
eats insects, aud drives away
Mkuke, plur. mikuke, a Bpear with other birds, even the crows.
a sharp point and triangular Mlango, plur. milango, a door, a
blade. gate.
Mkuku, the keel of a ship. Mlanza, a pole for canning thii

Mkule, a gar-fish.
Mlariba, plur. ivalariba, usurer.
Mhulimn. plur. wakulima, a culti- Ml'-, there within.
vator, a field labourer. Ml< oi, plur. walevi, a drunkard.
Mkulimani, plur. iro!;uUmani, an Mlezi, plur. u-alczi, a nurse, one
interpn who rears children.
Mktdo, plur. mikulo, a pottle-shaped Mlezo, plur. milezo, a bnoy.
matting bag to strain tut through. Mlima, plur. milima, a mountain.

Mlingote, plur. milingote, a mast. always follows the word qualified

MHngote tea halmi or galmi, the by it.
small mizen-mast carried by Mnofu, meatiness, fleshiness.
large dhows. Mnono, fat. See -nono.
Mlingote tea maji, the bowsprit. Mnunuzi, plur. wanunuzi, a buyer,
Mlinzi, plur. walinzi, a guard. a purchaser, a customer.
Mlishi, plur. walisM, a feeder, a Mnyamavu, plur. icanyamavu,
silent person, still, quiet.
Mlishf, the month Shaaban. Mnyang'anyi, plur. iranyaiufanyi, a
MUzamu, a waterspout on a house. robber, one who steals with vio-

3/ /oZe, the comb of a cock. lence.

Mlomo, plur. milomo, a lip. Also, Mneyo, a tickling, itcMDg, a creep-

Mdorno. ing sensation.
Mmoja, one, a certain man. See Mnyiriri, plur. minyiriri, the arms
-moja. of the cuttle-fish.
'Mna, there is within. Mnyonge, plur. icanyonge, an insig-
Mnada, plur. minada, a sale, an nificant, mean person.
auction. Mnyororo, plur. minyororo, or mnyoo,
Mnadi, an auctioneer, huckster. plur. minyoo, a chain.
Mnadi hu-, to sell by auctiou. Mnyica, plur. tvanyica, a drinker,
Mnafiki, plur. wanafiki, a hypocrite. one who drinks.
Mnaja, a prophet going to ask a 3/o, -mo, or -mo-, the particle de-
thing of God. noting place inside something
Mnajimu, plur. icanajimu, an as- Mumo humo, there inside, [else.
trologer. itfoaZft, Mohilla.

Mnajisi, plur. wanajtsi, a profane Mofa, small round cakes of mtama

person, blasphemer. meal.
Mnara, plur. minora, a tower, a Mohulla, a fixed time, a term. Also
minaret, a beacon. Muhulla.
Mnazi, plur. minazi, a cocoa-nut Moja, plur. mamoja, one, same.
tree. Mamoja pia, it is all one.

Mnena, one who speaks. -moja, one.

Mnena laceli, one who speaks the iJfq/a mo/a, one by one.
truth. ATo/fl baada wa moja, alternately.
Mnene, stout. See -n«ne. Mm mmoja, a certain man.
Mneni, plur. waneni, a speaker, an 32q/a u aj>o, any

eloquent person. il/oZa, Lord. Used of God.

Mngazidja, Wangazidja,
plur. a Moma, a kind of poisonous snake.
native of Great Comoro. Mombee, Bombay.
Mngwana, plur. wangicana,& gentle- Moris, Mauritius.
man, a free and civilized person. Kutoha Moris, to score twenty-
JMnfo (?).
nine or more in a game at
iV/io, exceedingly, excessively. il/no cards.

Kwenda Moris, to mark less than Mpera, plur. mipera, a guava tree.
twi ni_\ -nine in a game at cards. 'Mj'lu. new- See ,

Moron, Boft. Bee -ororo. Mpiga ra/trili, plur. wapiga, a for-

Moshi, jilur. mio8hi, smoke. tune-teller, one who progrx

Afow, one in counting). | cates by diagrams. Formerly
si, first. they did so by throwing sand,
»7t, a mosque, the ace of spades. whence the name.
Mot, , all. See -o<e. Mpiko, plur. mipiko,& pole to carry
lur. ?)u'o/o, fire, a fire, heat. burdens on.
)'<( moto, hot. Kuchukua mpikoni, to carry on
A"< ., to get hot.
'>, a pole over the shoulder.
plur. 7ti/'di/o or nyoyo, heart, Mpingo, ebony.
mind, will, self. Mpini, plur. mipini, a haft, a
' '
Ya moyo, willingly, heartily/ '
I handle.

Mpagazi, plur. wapagazi, a caravan Mpira, india-rubber, an india-rub-

porter. ber ball.
Mpaji, jilur. uxipaji, a giver, a Mpishi, plur. wapishi, a cook.
libera] person. plur. vnapofu, the eland.

Mpaka, mipaka, a boundary,

plur. Mpotevu, plur. wapotevu, a wasteful
Mpaka mmoja, adjacent, [limit. person.
Mpaka, until, as far as. Mjmliif, plur. vwpofoe, perverse,
Tutacheka mpaka India, we shall wilful, good-for-nothing.

langh till we cry. Mpumbqfu, plur. toapwmbafu, a fool.

Mpambi, plur. wapambi, a person Mpunga, rice, either growing <>r
dressed up with ornaments. while yet in the husk.
Mp'tnzi, a sower. Mpungati, plur. mipwngati, a kind
of cactus.
Afpopoyi, plur. mipapayi,& papaw
tree. Mpuzi. plur. wapuzi, a silly chat-
a ) rer.
Mparamuzi, ]>lur. miparamuzi,
sort of tree said to be unclimb- Mpwa, the sea-beach (M.).
able. Mpweke, plur. mipwelte, a shor
a thick stick, a bludgeon.
Mpatanishi, plur. wapatantshi,
peac' maker,one who brings about Mpya, new. See -pya.
an agreement. Mraba, plur. miraba, muscles,
ilfiw tea miraba minne, a very
Jfpafo, into r! eed work, lattice.
Mpeekwa, wapeekwa, a person
plur. strong man.
-nt, a missionary,= Mpelekwa. Nruhba, square.
Mpekuzi, plur. wapekuzi, one who Mradi, preferably (?).
scratches like a hen, an inquisi- Mramma, the rolling of a ship.
tive person. Mrashi, plur. mirashi, a long-necl ed
plur. wapehlezi, a spy. bottle, often of silver, used to
,V//« /'/<:.*',

Mpenzi, plur. icapvnzi, a person sprinkle scent from; a woman's

who is loved, a favourite.
MEE MSH o4.)

Mremo, waremo, a Portuguese.

plur. Mshakiki, small pieces of meat
Also Mrenu. cooked on a skewer.
Mrenaha, the thorn-apple plant. Msliale or Mshare, plur. mishale, an
Mrenu, plur. Warenu, a Portuguese. arrow.
Mrithi, plur. warithi, an heir, an Msharika, plur. washarika,
inheritor. partner.
Mruba, plur. miruba, a leech. Mshayi = Mchayi.
Mrungura, people who rob and com-
Msheheri or Mshehiri, plur. TPas/te-
mit violence at night. fcero, a native of Sheher in
Mrututu, sulphate of copper, blue- Arabia, many of whom are settled
in Zanzibar. The butchers and
Msaada, help. [stone.
Msafara, plur. misafara, a caravan. coarse mat makers are almost all

Msqfiri, plur. wasafiri, a traveller, Sheher men.

one on a journey. Mshiki, one who holds.
Hsahafu, plur. misahafu, a koran, MshiM shikio, the steersman.

a sacred book. Mshindani, plur. washindani, ob-

Msaliafu wa Sheitani, a butterfly. stinate, resisting.

Msaliau, plur. wasahau, one who Mshindio, woof.

forgets, a forgetful person. Mshindo (obscene), coitus.

Msaji, teak. Mahipa, plur.mishipa, a blood-

Msala. See Musala. vessel, a nerve, any disease affect-

Msalaba, a cross. ing these, hydrocele.

Msaliti, a betrayer of secrets. MsMpavu, plur. washipavu, obsti-
Msamehe, plur. wasamelie, forgiving. nate.

Msangao, astonishment. Mshipi, plur. mishipi, a net, a girdle.

Msapata, a kind of dance, Mshoni, plur. washoni, a tailor, a
ilfsasa, sandpaper, a shrub with sempster.
leaves like sandpaper. Mshoni viatu, a shoemaker.
Msayara, kind, gentle. M^hono, plur. mishono, a seam.
Msazo, remainder. Mshtaka, plur. mishtaka, an accusa-
Mselehisha, plur. waselehisha, a tion, a charge before a judge.

peacemaker. Mshtaki, a prosecutor.

Msemaji, plur. wasemaji, a talker, Hshuko, coming down, coming away
an eloquent person. from performing one's devo-
Msemi, plur. wasemi, a talker, a tions.

speaker. Mshuko wa magaribi, about a

Mseto, a sort of food, a mixture of quarter of an hour after sunset.
mtama and chooko. Mshuko wa alasiri kasiri, about
5 P.M.
Msewe, plur. misewe, a sort of
castanet tied to the leg. Hshuko wa eslia, about an hour
Mshabaha, similar. after sunset, or from 7 till
.Ms7ia?tara, plur. mishahara, monthly
8 P.M.

pay, wages.
Mshumaa = Meshmaa.
::i.; M s I M TA
'ur. tnisiba, a calamity, a Msuaki, plur. litititalii, a tooth stick,

mourning. a little stick of the eamborau

M-i/u. a flatti tree, used as a tooth-brush. It

Msifu'mno, plur. wasifu'mno, an is prepared by chewing the end

xceesive praiser, a Batterer. until it becomes a mcro bunch of

Msijana, a bachelor (?). til ires.

Msimamizi, ]>lur. toostmamm, an Msnji, plur. misitfi, a tree bearing a

ker, a steward, the head pod of soft cotton, Eriodendron
man over a plantation, who is anfractuosum.
nearly always a free man, often Mmhani, plur. misulcani, a rudder.
an Arab. Msuhano. See Ki Tee.

.7, plur. misinji, foundations, Msuluhiiva, a peacemaker.

trench for laying foundations. M< a mart = Msorfiari.

Msinzi, plur. misinzi, a sort of man- Msumeno, plur. misumeno, a saw.

\e tree. Msumkule, the name of Lion go's
M$io, a piece of stone to rub Uwa sword.
on. 1/
unobari, fir tree, deal.
M fated thing, what will de-
io, a Msuruahi, mimruaki, the
stroy or affect a person. See wooden button which is grasped
Mzio. between the toes to hold on tbe
M ',/. plur. irasiri, a confidential wooden clogs commonly worn by
one trusted with secrets.
rson, women and in the house.
Msitani [Pemba] = Barazani. Meuzo, the handle of a millstone.
U-/ //. a forest. Msweni = Msueni, cholera.
.1/ //« tea
mift, a thick wood. Mia or Mtaa, plur. mita, a district,

Msomari, plur. misomari, a nail, an a quarter of a town.

iron nail. See Marashi. The mita of Zanzibar, starting

Msondo, a very tall drum, beaten on from the western point and
ial occasions. going round the outside first,
Msonyo, a whistling. and then into the middle,
Mstadi, plur. wastadi, a skilful are Shangani, Baghani, Gere-

workman, a good hand. zani, Forthani, Mita ya pwani,

Mdaliamili or Mstiihiuiili, plur. wet- Kiponda, Mbuyuni, Malindi.
Htahimili, a patient, enduring, Funguni, Jungiani, Kokoni,
long-suffering person. Mkunazini, Kibokoni, Kidu-
'.i, plur. waalaki, a prosecutor- tani, Mzambarauni, Kijuka-
,««, a shoe; a piece of wood kuni, Vuga, Mnazimoja, Mji
fixed to the keel, with a hole to mpya, Mtakuja, Jumea, Soko la
receive the heel of the mast. i\Iahogo, Kajiflcheui, Mfuuni,
M i, ni.
plur. mietari, a line, a line Migomboni, Tiuyani, Shun,
ruled. Hurumzi, Kutani, Mwavi. All
Eupiga mslari, to draw a line. these are on the peninsula,
•dr, a custard apple. which joins the mainland only
at Mnazi moja. Funguni is Mtatago, a tree or beam thrown
on the point where the creek across a stream.
enters, which almost surrounds Mtego, plur. mitego, a trap.
the town. Crossing the creek Mtendaji, plur. watendaji, an active
by the bridge, there are the person.
following mita : Ng'ambo,— Mtende, plur. mitende, a date palm.
Mchangani, Gulioni, Kwa Mtepe, plur. mitepe, a kind of dhow
Buki, Vikokotoni, Kisimani or native craft belonging chiefly
kwa kema, Mchinjani, Mweni- to Lamoo and the coast near it.

be mjugu, Kikwajuni, Mkadini, Mitepe are sharp at the bows

and then Mnazi moja again. and stern, with a head shaped
Mtaala — Mtala. to imitate a camel's head, orna-
Mtabari, credible. mented with painting and tassels
Mtai, a scratch, a slight superficial and little streamers. They carry
cut. one large square mat sail, and
Kupiga mtai, to scratch. have always a white streamer or
Mtaimbo, plur. mitaimbo, an iron pennant at the mast-head their :

bar, a crowbar. planking is sewn together, and

Mtajiri, plur. watajiri, a merchant, they are built broad and shallow.
a rich man. More correctly Mtesi, an adversary, a quarrelsome
Tojiri. litigious person.
Mtalcaso, the rustling of new or Mtesteslii, comic.
clean clothes. Mteule, plur. wateule, chosen, select.
Kupiga mtahaso, to rustle. Mthamini, a surety,
Mtala = Mtaala, practice, study. Mthulimu, a cheat, a thief.

Mtali, plur. mitali, bangles, anklets. Mti, plur. miti, a tree, pole, wood.
Mtama, millet, Caffre corn. Mti kati, a tall post set in the
Mtama mtindi, half-grown stalks ground between a prisoner's
of mtama. legs, so that when his feet are
Mtama tete, fully formed but not fettered together he can only

yet ripe. move in a circle round the post.

Mtamba, plur. mifamba, a young she- Mtisliamba, a charm of any kind.
animal which has not yet borne. Mti, scrofulous and gangrenous
Mtambo, plur. mitambo, a spring, a sores.

trap with a spring, a machine. Mtiba, a darling, a term of endear-

Mtanashati, a swell, dandy. ment.
Mtandi, a loom. Mtii, plur. watii, obedient.
Mtando, the warp in weaving. Mtima, heart, chest (old Swahili
Mlani, plur. watani, one who belongs and Kiyao).
to a kindred tribe or race. Mtindi, buttermilk.
Mtaowa, plur. wataowa, a devout Mtindo, size, form, shape, pattern.

person. Mtini, plur. mitini, a fig tree.

Mtaramu, shrewd, wise. Mto, plur. mito, a river, a stream.
348 Ml<» MUA
Mlo wa branching river, ;i Wakuna mtu, there is nobody.
delta. Mtu gani i of what tribe?
2lf2o, plur. mil", a pillow, a cushion.
Mtu wa (•/,«//, a limn in govern-

a kind of wood of whicb

. ment employ.
the best bakoras arc made. Mtulinga, plur. mitulinga, the col-
Mtofaa, plur. mitofaa, an apple lar bone.
like fruit. Mtulivu, plur. watulivu, a quiet
swelling of the glands al
. a man.
the bend of the thigh followed Mtumaini, plur. tcatumaini, san-

by fever. guine, confident.

Mlomo, firmness, good building. Mturriba, plur. mitumba, a bale of
cloth made up for a caravan.
Jtftomondo,plur. mitomondo,the Bar-
ringtonia ; its fruit is exported to Mtumbuizi, plur. icatumbuir.i,a spy,
India. an inquisitive person (A.).
the day after the day Mtumbwi, plur. mitumhwi, a canoe
to-morrow. hollowed out from the trunk of
Mtondo goo, the day after that. a tree, distinguished from a
loo, plur. mitindoo, Callo- galawa by having 1:0 outriggers,
phyllum inophyllum ; oil is made and being generally of larger
from its Bei da size.

illongozi, plur.icatongozi, a man Mhnne, plur. mitume, an apostle, a

who dresses himself up to allure prophet. Applied especially lo
wi 'men. Mohammed as a translation of
Mtoro, plur. iraforo, a runaway. his Apostle of God.

Mtoto, plur. wafolo, a child. Used Mtvmhe, plur. watuwake, a woman,

also of anything a wife.
small of its kind, when men- Mtumishi, plur. watumuhi, a ser-
tioned in connection with vant.

something larger to which it is Mlumwa, plur. watumwa, a slave, a

attached; e.g. young shoots,
small boats, &c. Mtundu, mischievous, perverse,
Mtoto wa troublesome.
watu, a child of some-
body, having relations, a woman Mtungi, plur. mitungi,a. water-jur.
of respectable family as dis- Ml >ipa, plur. mitupa, euphorbia.
hed from one of slave Mtupu, bare. See -tupu.
e, a woman therefore Mtutu, plur. mitutu (Ar.), a mul-
who has somewherego if Bhe to berry tree.
leaves her husband, or he her. Mtuzi, curry, gravy (M.). Also
Mtoto wa meza, a drawer of a Mchuzi.
table. Mtwango, plur. mittcango, a pestle
>, without manners, shameless. for pounding and cleaning corn.

Mtu, plur. watu, a pen on, a man. Mu-. See M-.

[y, anybody. Mua, plur 1

Mubatharifu, extravagant. Mulki, a kingdom.

Muda or Mda, a space of time, term. Mume, male. See -ume.
Muda wa, the space of. Mumimi, Azrael, the angel of death.
Mudu Aw-. Mumunye, plur. mamumunye, a kind
Kujimudu,to gain a little strength of gourd resembling a vegetable
after illness. marrow. It often grows of such
Muhadimu, plur. wahadimu, a ser- a shape that its hard rind, when

vant, one of the original inhabi- ripe, can be used for bottles,
tants of Zanzibar. These waha- ladles, and spoons.
dimu pay two dollars a year for Mumyani, a mummy. Mummy is

each household to the Munyi still esteemed as a medicament.

mliuu, of which Seyed Majid now Munda, plur. miunda, a piece of
(1870) takes one; they also work plank to serve as cap to a post.
for him. They all live in vil- See also Mda.
lages in the country, and speak a Mundu, plur. miundu, a bill, a
language of which there are at small hatchet.
least two dialects, materially Munyi, a chief, a sheykh. Tbe
different from the Swahili of the Munyi mhuu is esteemed the true
town. Sultan of the Swahili, at least in
Muharabu, mis- the island of Zanzibar and the
plur. waharabu,
chievous, destructive. parts adjacent. He is descended
Muliaribivu, plur. waharibivu, a de-
from an ancient Persian family,
structive person, one who ruins the heiress of which married,
himself, destroys his own chances. some generations since, au Arab
Muhdruma, a kind of silk handker- from Yemen. The title is now
chief, worn instead of a turban. (1874) in abeyance. His chief
Muhindi, plur. Wahindi, a native residence is at Dunga, near the
of India, centre of the island.
especially an Indian
Mussulman, of whom there are Muomo, plur. miomo, the moustache,
two chief sects settled in Zanzi- the lip.

bar, the Khojas and Bohras. Musala, plur. misala, an oval mat
Muhindi, plur. mihindi, the Indian used to perform the Mohammedan
corn plant. Also Mahindi. devotions upon.
Muhogo, cassava, manioc. Musama, pardon.
Muhtasari, an abridgment, a sum- Musimi, the northerly winds, which
mary. blow in December, January, and
Muhulla, time, a fixed period. February. The musimi is some-
Muhuri, a seal. times reckoned to extend till

Mujiza, plur. miujiza, a wonderful June.

thing, a miracle. Also
Musimo = Musimi.
Midi or Midia, clever, knowing. Mustarehe, enjoyment.
Muliha hu-, to show a to Mustarifu, with a competency,
neither rich nor poor.

2 A
m i r }l wA
Mutaabir, oredil Mmmda,or Mvunja, plur. wavunda,
Mutia, obedience. a breaker, a destroyer, one who
Mnuaji, plur. wauaji, a murderer, ruins.
a slayer. gu, the hollow of a tree, a
Muuguzi, plur. toauguzi, a nurse, hollow tree.

who nurses sick people. Mvungu tea hitanda, the space

Muumi.-ld\ plur. tcaumtsZtt, a cupper . under a bedstead.
, Muundi ira mguu (A.), the shin. Mvuvi, plur. wavuvi, a fisherman.
The Mw-. See .1/
^^ Sfuti , God, plur. miungu. .

^_ bili rarely use Muungu or Mwa, of.

'Mungu alone. They almost il/iraa,plur. miwaa, strips of the

always say 2M i '3I"u<jh. leaf of a tree called mJcoma (?).
Vashini ya Muungu, a poor free used to make coarse mats and
person. baskets.

Muzimo, a place where offerings are Mwafa leu-, to forgive.

made to some spirit supposed to Mwafaha, a conspiracy, an agree-
haunt there. Baobab trees are ment, a bargain.
generally supposed to be haunted :a hu-, to pour away, to ei i

Mvi, grey hairs. [by spirits. out, to spill.

Mvffi, the shade of a tree. Mwagia hu-, to pour upon, to empty
Mvinje, Cassiorinus. out for.

Mvinyo, strong wine, spirits, wine. Mwajisifuni, a self flatterer.

Mriringo, round, roundness. Mwaha, plur. miaha, a year. The
Mvita, Mombas. year commonly used in Zanzi-
Mvivu, idle. See -vivu. bar is the Arab year of twelve
Mvua, rain, rains. lunar months. There is also
Mvua ya mwalca, the rain which the Persian year of 365 days.
falls about August beginning with the Nairuz,
Mvuje, assafcetida. called in Swahili the Sihu a
Mvuhe, vapour, steam. mwaha. From this day the yeai
tfvukuto, plur. mivuhuto, a lever. is reckoned in decades, each
Mralana, plur. wavulana, a young decade being called a mwongo.
man whose beard is just begin- The year is called from the day

ning to grow. of tho week on which it com-

M>ule, the lesser rains, about mences : Mwaha juma, Mwaha
October or November. alhamisi, &c.
Mvulini, in the shade. Mwaha jana, last year.
Mcuma, plur. mivuma, the borassus Mwaha juzi, the year before last.

palm. Mwdka kwa mwaha, yearly.

Mcumilivu, plur. xravumilivu Mwahe, his, hers, its. See -ahe,

patient, long-suffering. Mwaho, thy. See -alio.

mo, a rubber, 6ix g mes won by Mwali. See Mwana mwali.

one side (in cards;. Mwali, plur. miwali, a sort of palm
MWA M WE 351

plur. mianga,
•with very long and strong leaf Mwanga, light,
which are used for doors, light, a kind of rice.
ladders, and other purposes. Mwangalizi, plur. waangalizi, an

Mwalimu, plur. waalimu, a teacher. overseer, one who overlooks or

Mwamale, treatment, mode of treat- looks to.

ing. Mwangaza, plur. miangaza, a light

Mwarriba, plur. miamba, a rock. hole, the small round holes which
Mwamba, plur. miamba, the wall are often left near the ceilings
mud and stud house. of rooms in Zanzibar.
plate in a
Mwamua, plur. waamua, a judge. Mwango, plur. miango, a lamp-stand.
Mwamua, husband's brother. a piece of wood about eighteen
Mwamuzi, plur. waamuzi, a judge. inches long, from near the bottom
Mwana, the mistress of the house, of which two small pieces project
a matron. It is polite in Zanzi- at right angles, to hold the com-
bar to speak of one's own mother mon clay lamp of the country.
as micana. The mwango is generally hung
Mwana, plur. waana, a son, a child. against a wall.
Mwanangu, my child. Mwango = Miango.
Mwanao, your child. 'Mwango, plur. miwango, a kind of
Mwanawe, his or her child. Mwangu, my. See -angu. [shrub.
Mwanetu, our child. Mwangwi, echo.
Mwana Adamu, a child of Adam, Mwani, seaweed.
i.e., a human being. 'Mwanzi, plur. mhoanzi, a bamboo.
Mwana maji, a seaman. Miwanzi ya pua, the nostrils (?).
Mwana maua, a sprite represented Mwanzo, plur. mianzo, beginning.
as a white woman with an ugly
Mwao, a worry, bother.
black husband.
Mwapuza, a simpleton.
Mwana mke, plur. tcaana wake or Mwashi, plur. waashi, a mason.
waanaalte, a woman. Mwathini, one who calls to prayer
Mwana mke wa kiungwana, a lady. at the mosque, a muezzin. Also
Mwana mume, plur. waana waume Mueththin.
or waanaume, a man. Mwavidi, plur. miavuli, an um-
Mwana mwali, a young woman brella.
whose breasts are not )'et flat- Mwawazi, the Disposer, a title oi
tened, one who has not yet left God.
her father's house.
Mwaya kur = Mwaga ku-, to pour
Mwanamizi, a soldier crab.
Mwandikaji, plur. waandikaji, a 'Mweli, plur. waweli, a sick person.
waiter, a table servant. Mwema, good. See -ema.
Mwandiko, plur. miandiko, a manu- Mwembamba, thin. See -embamba.
script, Mwembe, plur. miemhe, a mango tree.
Mwandishi, plur. waandifhi, a
Mwendanguu, a great and irre-
writer, a clerk, a secretary. parable loss.
352 M W E MW I

irfo, ^<>iiiL'. gait, jouni first seen, unless tho old month
nendo, going on, behaviour. has already had thirty days if ;

Mwenge, ]>lur. mienge, a lnimlle of so,the day which would have

Btraw, &c, used to carry a light. been the 31st, is the 1st of the
Mwenyeji, plur. wenyeji, a host, a new month.
piTson who has a homo in the Mwezi mpungufu, a month of less

pla than thirty days.

Mm nij' we, plur. wenyewe, the owner, Mwezi mwandamu or mwangamu,
self, myself, thyself, himself, a month of thirty full days.
&c. Mwezi ngapi ? what is the day of
Mbau za mwenyewe, some one the month?
else's planks. Mwezi tea sita, the Gth day of the
Mwenyi, having, possessing. See month.
-enyi. Mwiba, plur. miiba, a thorn.
Mwenyi ezi Muungu, Almighty Mirihaji, plur. webaji, an habitual
God. thief, a thievish person.

Mwenyi chongo, a one-eyed per- Mwigo, a sort of large dove with n <1
son. bill, white neck, and black body.

Mwenyi inchi, the lord of the It cries Kooo ! Then one answers,


Kooo ! " Magulie ! "
Mwi hiji kichaa, a lunatic. Kooo I —" Kwema "
nendaho ?

Mux nyi I uhutubu, a preacher. Kooo ! — then one may go on. If it

Mwenyi kupooza, a paralytic. answers not, a bad omen.

it is

Mwenyi mali, a rich man. Mwiko, plur. miiho, a spoon, a

Mr.nzangu, plur. wenzangu, my mason's trowel. Also a measure,
companion. direction, prohibition, especial-
Mwenzi, plur. wenzi, a companion. ly of a medical practitioner.
Mr, re, a kind of corn or seed like Kushiha mwiko, to live by rule, to
linseed, growing on a close spike live abstemiously.
like a bulrush flower. Mn-ili, plur. miili, the body.
rem, plur. werevu, a shrewd Mwimo, plur. miimo, side piece of
person, a man of the world. a door frame.
Mu-we, a hawk, a kite, a kind of 'Mwinda, plur. wawinda, a hunter.
Mwingajini, a common plant whose
M,r, 'in feu-, to steal. leaves are said, when rubbed in,
'Mweza, plur. waweza, able, having to cure the aching of the limbs in
power over. fever ; a decoction of the roots is
Mweza mwenyewe, one's own said to be useful in dysentery.
master. Mwingi, much, full.

Mwezi, the moon. Mwingi wa rrtaneno, full of

Mwi plur. miezi, a month. The
.', words.
months in Zanzibar begin on Mwinyi = Mwenyi, having, with.
the day on which the n. See -enyi.
MW I M Z O 353

Mwisho, plur. miisho, end, conclu- Mzalixha, plur. wazalisha, a mid-

sion. wife.
Mioiihi (Patta) = Mwivi. Mzaramu, a pool of water.
Mwito, calling, summons. Mzazi, plur. wazazi, a parent,fruitful.
Mwitu, forest. &' mzazi, barren.
Ta mwitu, wild. Hfzee, plur. wazee, an old person, an
Mbwa wa mwitu, jackals. elder,

Mwivi, plur. wevi, a thief. ilfzem&e, plur. wazembe, a careless

'Mwivu, plur. wawivu, a jealous person.
person. Mzige, a locust.
Mwizi (A.) = Mwivi. Mzigo, plur. mizigo, a burden, a

Mwoga, plur. waoga, one who fears, load.

a coward. Mzima, an extinguisher, one who
Mwohosi, plur. waohosi, one who puts out.
picks up anything. Mzima, plur. wazima, a Jiving or .

Mwokozi, plur. waolcozi, om .who healthy person. ^J^ jZ^^w ^ h-

. i, -

saves, a saviour. jPj*' ilftwmzima, a grown person. «£*^< **

Mwombaji, plur. waombaji, a beg- Mzimu. See Zimwi, Muzimo,

gar. Kuzimu.
Mwombezi, plur. waombezi, an inter- Mzinga, plur. mizinga, a hollow
cessor. cylinder, a hollowed piece of
Mwomo = Mdomo. wood used as a beehive, a can-
Mwongo, plur. miongo, a decade of non.
ten days, used in reckoning the Reale ya mzinga, a pillar dollar.
nautical or Swahili year, from Mzingi or Mzinji, plur. mizingi,
the siku a mwalca. foundations, trench for laying in
Mwongo mwanga-pi, in what de- the foundation. Also Msinji.
cade is it ? Mzingile mwambiji, a puzzle, a

'Mwongo, plur. wawongo, a liar, a labyrinth.

false person. Mzingo, the circumference, brink.
Simekuwa 'mwongo ? am I not a Mzingo wa, around.
liar? Mzio, that which wouldbe deleterious
plur. waongofu, a con- to any one ; each person is said to
vert, a proselyte. have his special mzio —of one it is

Mwujiza, plur. miujiza, a miracle. cuttle-fish, of another, fish,

Mzaa, plur. wazaa, a parent. and so on. Also Msio.

Mzaabibi, a great-grandmother. Mzishi, plur. wazishi, a burier, one
Mzabibu, plur. mizabibu, a vine. who will see to one's funeral, a
Mzaha, sport, ridicule,
derision. special friend,
Kumfanyizia mzaha, to deride Mzo, sixty pishi.
him. Mzofafa, on tiptoe.
Mzalia, plur. wazalia, a native, a Mzoga, plur. mizoga, a dead body, a
slave bom in the country. carcase.
Miomari, Bee 2 '"' Before ft, p, and perhaps f, it is
plur. ,iu':un>iu, a Btrail •
dropped, and the consonant
and startling tiling. gets an explosive sound.
I, r, and perhaps t,
the n
Mnmgu, plur. JPdzungru, a Euro- Before
pean, ono who wears European remains, but the other conso-
clothea. nant becomes a d.

Msungu ira ptli, queen in curds. Before ch, j T to, n, and s, it is

Mzangu wa tutu, knave in cards. merely dropped.

Mzungu wa '"«< !

, king in cards. N can stand before d, g, j, »/,

Mzunguko, plur. mizunguko, a wan- and 2.

dering about. N before Jc is in two cases at least

Mzushi, a heretic, an innovator. contracted into h.

plur. wazuzi, a tale-bearer,

?', Jl'tpenda = Niltapt nda.
one who reports maliciously or Uipcnda = Kihipenda.
untruly the word of others.
3fzuzu, plur. tcazuzu, a simpleton. There is a sound in Swahili which
Mueea, used to. is treated as a simple consonant,
which does not occur in European
languages as an initial sound. It
N. same with the
is very nearly the
N pronounced as in English.
is final ng in English, in such words
An t sound is generally connected as loving, going, &c. The sounds of
with an initial n. It sometimes n and g seem both audible, but so
precedes more or less distinctly, blended that neither of them can be
and may be written in or '«, making eanied on to the following vowel.
n a distinct syllable. Some- It ishere written ng\ to distinguish
times the n flows into the following it from the common sound ng, in
letter, so that the i sound is alto- which the g passes on to the follow-
gether lost. Very often it follows ing vowel. There is some little
i: as in the common
syllable ni or difference in the way in which dif-

vj. It is characteristic of the Zan- ferent persons pronounce it; it has

- make the initial i
dialect to sometimes more of a gn sound, and
sound distinct. Thus inchi, a coun- might be so written it it be under-
try, is at Mombas
'nti. stood that the two letters are so
_Y< i- <
itracted into 'nor fused together that neither can be
u. and where n would be dropped heard as if it stood alone. It has
nt sometimes is so, as in the first been sometimes written H, which is
person of the future tense, nitapenda either a mistake or very misleading.
or 'ntapenda or tapenda. That the sound really is ng, may be
N cannot be placed before b, ch, proved by the fact that such words
/;. /, p, r, k, t, V, or iff. as begin with it are treated as words
Before b, w, and perhaps v, i\
beginning with n, and that when
comes m, and w changes into b. other prefixes are applied they are
N- N- 355
treated as if the root began with g. Before b, and perhaps v, the n
It is not, however, a very common changes into m, before w the nw
sound in Swahili. become mb. Before I or r the
There is another sound com- nl or nr become nd. Before k,

pounded of n and i, which is very p, and t, the n is dropped and

by the Spanish n,
fairly represented the other consonant gets an ex-
or by ni such English words as
in plosive or aspirated sound, and
companion, &c. It is pronounced may be written k\ p\ and V ;

perhaps in Swahili with a slightly before ch, f, m, n, and s, the n is

broader and more nasal sound. It merely dropped. Where, how-
ishere written ny, to distinguish it ever, dropping the u- would
from the common syllable ni, in leave the word a monosyllable,
which the i has a vowel sound. the u- is retained, and ny pre-
The ny sound in the dialect of fixed.
Zanzibar sometimes represents an n N- (see ny-). The prefix proper to
in more northern Swahili, as in adjectives agreeing with sub-
Kunica or ktinywa, to drink. stantives of the class which docs
The change from n to ny has in not change to form its plural
many verbs the effect of giving a of whichever number, or with
causative meaning, as in kupona, to plural substantives which make
get well, kuponya, to make well, to their singular in «-. Where the
save. simple form of the adjective
begins with a vowel, ny- is pre-
N-, or ni-, the sign of the first per- fixed, except -ema, good, which
son singular of verbs, I. makes njema or ngema. The
-H-, or -ni-, the
objective prefix changes before a consonant are
the same as those given just
proper to denote the first person,
me. above for the plural nouns in u-.
N- Nyumba mbaya, not ribaya.
(see ny-).
1. A prefix frequently occurring „ chache, not nchache.
in substantives which do not » nclo jo.

change to form the plural. If „ fupi, not nfupi.

followed by d, g, j, or 2, it is „ ngema.
pronounced with them and does „ njema.
not form a distinct syllable. „ kubwa, not nkubwa.
Before other consonants it forms „ moja, not nmoja.
a distinct syllable, and may be „ nane, not nnane.
written '«- or sometimes in-. „ pana, not npana.
2. The plural prefix of substan- „ 'mpya, not npya or pya.
tives which begin in the singular „ nde/u, not nrefu.
with u-, followed by a conso- „ tatu, not ntatu.
nant. The u is dropped and n „ mbili, not nioili or npili.
prefixed before d, g, j, and 2. » nzuri.
356 N A NAN
No, and, also, by, of the ap;ent
with ; Nabihisha ku-, to exhort.
of a passive, and with, of the Nabii, a prophet.
sharer in the action of a reci- Nadi kit, to proclaim, to make a

procal verb. l>id for a thing, to sell by auction.

Na when joined with a pronoun See Mnadi.
commonly forms one word with Nddira, rare.
Nafdka, corn, corn used as money.
Nami, and I, or with me. Mtama, or millet, was formerly
Nawe, and thou, or with thee used in Zanzibar as small
Nao, nayo, nacho, nalo, ami or change: was superseded by

with them, it, &c., &c, &c. the introduction of pice from
Na joined with the verb kuwa, to India about the year 1845.
be, orwith the personal prefix Nafasi, space, room, time, oppr
only, constitutes the verb to tunity.
have. The
object frequently is Nafisisha ku-, to give space, to make
joined with the na, ana, or
— space.
anazo, anaclio, &c, &c, he has. Nafsi or Nafusi, self, soul, breat'i.

Alicho nacho, which he has Nafuu, profitable.

AHchokuwa nacho, which he had. Nahau, spelling, grammar.
Atakachokuioa nacho, which he Nahma ku, to revenge.
will have. Nahotha ya maji, water-tank.
Atahuvm nacho, he will have it. Nat, a sort of anvil fixed in a forked
The verb kuwa na is used some- piece of wood.
times in the sense of being, as Najisi = Nejjis, profane.
Palikuwa na intu, there was a Nakhotha or Nahoza, captain of a
man. vessel, master mariner.

Hakuna, there is not. Nakili ku-, to copy, to transcribe.

Kuna, there is. Nakishi, Naksh, or Nakshi, earring.

Zinazo, they are.
Kukata naknh, to carve, to orna-
the sign of the present tense ment with carving.
of a continuing action. Nakishiwa ku, to be carved or in-
Analncenda, he is going.
And'' ma, he is Baying. Nakl, a copy.
This tense lias sometimes the Nako, and it was there.
ct of a present participle. Ndkudi, cash, ready money.
Alcamwona anakuja, and he saw Noma ku- = Inama ku-, to bend
him coming. down, to bow the head.
N.B. — At Mombas the -na- tense Nami, and I, or with me.
is used as a past tense. At Na'mna or Namuna, sort, pattern.
Zanzibar it is the most usual Namua ku- (Mer.), to take out of a

present. trap, to extricate.

Na at 'Nna = Nina, I have. Nana or Na'ana, mint.

Noam or .Warn, yes. Nana, mistress (N.).


Nnnazi, plur. mananazi, a pine- Ndaa (M.), hunger, Njaa. =

Nane, eight. [apple. Ndama, a calf, the young of a
-nane, eight. domestic animal.
Ya nane, eighth. Ndani, within, inside.
Nanga, an anchor. Ndani ya, inside of.

Kutia nanga, to anchor. Kiva ndani, inner, secret.

Nangonango, a worm (?). Ndani hwa ndani, secretly.

Nani ? Who ? Ndarobo.
Nanigwanzula, a kind of lizard. Kusema cha ndarobo, to speak a
Nao, and they or with them, and it secret language.
or with it. Ndefu = Ndevu, the beard. Sing.
Naoza = Nahhotha, a captain. udevu, one hair of the beard.
Napo, and there, and here. Ndefu, long. See -refu.
Nasa hu-, to catch in a trap. Ndege, a bird, birds, an omen. To
Nasihu-, to warn. see a woman with a load is lucky,

Nasibu, luck, fortune. and would be called ndege njema.

Rica nasibu, by chance, perhaps. To see a man by himself carrying
Nasibu hu, to appoint. nothing is unlucky, and is ndege
Nasiha hu-, to suggest. mbaya.
Nasihi hu-, to entreat, to beseech. Ndere.
Nastahiba, I see it better, prefer. JJnga wa ndere, a magic poison.
Nasur, an abscess. Ndewe, a hole pierced in the lobe of
Nat a hu-, to be adhesive, to stick. the ear.
Nathari, choice. Ndezi, a kind of animal.
Nathiri, a look, a glance, a vow. Ndi-, a prefix used with the short
Kuweha nathiri, to vow. form of the pronoun to express,
Kuondoa nathiri, to perform a this is the one, I am
it is this,

vow. he, you are he, &c.

Nathiri hu-, to glance. I,Ndimi.
Natoa, a blemish (?). Thou, Ndiwe.
Nauli, freight. He or she, Ndiye.
Nawa hu-, to wash oneself. It, Ndio, ndiyo, ndicho, ndilo,
Kunawa mihono, to wash one's ndipo, ndiho, ndimo.
hands. We, Ndisi.
Nazdr, quarrel. You, Ndintji.
Nazi, a cocoa-nut, a fully ripe nut. They, Ndio, ndiyo, ndivyo, ndizo.
Nazi havu, copra, cocoa-nuts dried Ndiyo yalio, that is just it, that
fit for pressing. is how matters stood.
Naziri = Nathiri. Ndia (M.) = Njia.
Naziyana hu-, to quarrel. Ndimi, tongues. See TJlimi.

'Ncha, the point, the end, tip, a Ndio, yes.

strand in cordage. Ndivoa (M.) or Njiioa, a pigeon.
Nchi. See Inchi. Ndizi, bananas, plantains.
- \ II I KG A

gala, a thick Bwei V pa ku-, to grow used es-

kind of banaua. pecially of persons.
Ndiri mjt nga, a long kind of plur. maneno, a word, a thing.

banana used in cooking. Sikufanya neno, I have done

Nd a, a Large ridged kind thing.
of banana. Nenyekea kit-, to be humble, to con-
•. mania desci ml.
. a lip-ring, worn by the -nenyekevu, humble, condescending.
Nyass i.
Nepa ku-, to sag, to dip in the
NdooniQfi..) 1 = Njqo, and middle as a long rope does.
Njooni, C'.me. ^f^* Neupe or Nyeupe, white. See -eupe.
a pail, a bucket. X> usi or Nyt usi, black. See -eusi.

Ndoto, a dream. -nga- or -nge-, the prefix of the

Ndovu, an elephant present conditional tense.
Vdugu, a brother or sister, a cousin, ni-nge-kuwa, I should be.
a relation. -Ngadu, land crabs.
Ndugu kunyonya, a foster brother, -ngawa, though.
Ndui, small-pox. [&c. Ng'aa ku- = Ng'ara ku-, to shine.
X'luli, savage, given to slaving, a -ngali-, the prefix of the past con-
man wholly without patii ace. ditional.

Ndume, male, from -lame or -ume. nt-ngali-kataa, I should have re-

Ndusi, a box. fused.
.Y. bit =
Nabii, a prophet. Ngama, the hold of a ship.
a. grao favour. ,
Ng'amba, a hawkshead turtle, from
uefha ku-, to enrich. which
tortoiseshell is procured.
— =
Nefsi Nafsi Nafuri, self.
Ng'ambo, the other 6ide of a riser
•ha ku-, to charge with, to at- or creek.
tribute falsely to. Ngamta or Ngamiya, a camel.
Akamnegesha mwivi, and he Ng'anda, a handful.
called him a thief. Ngano, a tale, a fable.
Nejjis, 'T Nejisi, or Xajisi, profane, Ngano, wheat.
blasphemous. Amekula ngano, he has been dis-

X'Ui, a pipe, a water-pipe. graced ;

that is, having been
bo, tribal marks. as if in paradise, he has now
Nena hi-, to Bpeak, to name, to to eat the food of ordinary
mention. mortals.
vna kn-, to talk against one Ngao, a shield or buckler they are ;

another, to quarrel. circular and very small.

thick, Btout, fat, whole, com- Ngara, the young cob of Indian
plete, plump. bL ek. corn.
ku-, to talk to. of, at, for, or Ng'ara ku-, or Ng'ala, or Ng'aa, to
tinst, to blame, to scold, to re- shine, to glitter, to be transparent,
: i mend. to be clear.
NGA N GU 359
Xgariba, a circumcisor. Ngome, a fort.
N'gariza ku-, to fix the eyes, to glare. Ny'onda ku-, to cure or dry fish, &c.
Amening'ariza macho, he glared N<fonga.
at me. Ana 7ig'onga (A.), he is inclined
Ngawa, a civet cat (?). to vomit.
The ngawa is a larger animal Ng'ong'e, the strips of leaf or fibre
than the fungo. used for sewing matting, and for
Ng'aza ku-, to make to shine, or to tying.
be brilliant. Ng'ong'o, the thick edge of a strip
Ngazi, a ladder. of matting.
Ngazidja, Great Comoro. Ngono, the share of her husband's
'Agre,a scorpion. company which is due to each
-nge-, sign of the conditional pre- wife.
sent, would. Ngovi = Ngozi, skin.
Yangedumu, they would still con- Ngozi, skin, hide, leather.
tinue. Nguchiro, a mangouste. Also, a
Ngedere, a small black monkey. sort of bird = Mchiro.
Ngema, good. See -ema. Ngumi or Nyamgumi, a whale.
Ngeu, ruddle used by carpenters to Ngumi.
mark out their work. Kupiga ngumi, to strike with the
-ngi or -ingi, many, much. fist.

Ngiliza. See higiliza. Ngumu, hard. See -gumu.

-ngine, other, different. Nguo, calico, cotton cloth, clothes.

Wangine wangine, some —other. Nguo ya meza, a table-cloth.
Ng'oa ku-, to pull up, to root up, to Nguo ya maki, stout cloth.
pull out. Kutenda nguo, to stretch the
JSgoa. lust. threads for weaving.
Kulia ngoa, to weep for jealousy. Nguri, a shoemaker's tool shaped
Kutimia ngoa yakwe, to satisfy like a skittle.
his desires. Nguru, a kind of fish.

Ng'ofu, the roe of a fish. Nguruma ku-, to roar, to thunder.

Ngoja ku-, to wait, to wait for. Ngurumo, a roar, distant rolling
Ngoje, Angoxa. thunder.
Ngojea ku-, to wait upon, to watch. Nguruvu, a kind of jackal with a
Ng'oka ku-, to be rooted up. bushy tail.
Moyo unaning'oka, I was startled Nguruwe or Nguuwe, a pig, swine.
out of my wits. Nguruzi, a plug.
Ngole, rope. Nguue = Nguruwe, a pig.
Ngoma, a drum, a musical perform- Nguue, red paint.
ance generally. Nguva, a kind of fish.
Ng'ombe or Gnombe, an ox, a cov^ a Nguvu, strength, power, authority.
bull, cattle. Kica nguvu, by or with streugt h,
Ng'ombe nduine, a bull. by force, strongly, rankly.
360 N C II NJ1
Nguzo, a pillar, pillars. form for enyi, or nyie, you !
•ngtoana, free, oivilized. there !

gvae, -nt, enclitic form for nini, what?

Ngwe,aa allotment or space for cul- •/</, enclitic for nyi as an objectiv.
tivation. suffix (N.).

Ngwena, a crocodile, a seal. Nawaambiani, I tell you.

Ngwiro, a large kind of aut. Nia, mind, intention, what one has
2W, I am, was, is. in one's mind.
ATi is used to express is or was, for Nia ku, to have in one's mind, to
all persons aii' 1 both numbers. think to do.
Ni (M.), by, with the agent of a Nikaao, which I inhabit.
ssive verb. Nikali, and I am or was.
\ .
X-, or N-, I, the sign of the Nilcali nikienda, and I am going.
first person singular. Before the Nil, blue (for washing).
-ta- of the future it sometimes Nikwata, the little wall lizard.

disappears. Nili, I being.

-n i- or -?i-, the objective prefix de- Nili hali ya kuira juu yake, I
noting the first
person singular. being on his back.
-ni, added to substantives, forms a Nina, I have.
sort of locative case, signifying Nina, mother (N.).
in, at, into, to, from, from ont Ninga, a kind of green bird some-
of, near, by. thing like a dove, a woman's
1. When followed by pronouns, name.
&c, beginning with 'm or into, Ning'inia ku-, to swing.
this case implies within, inside Ning'iniza ku-, to set swinging.
of, or the coming or going to Nini ? What T
or from the inside of the tiling Kwa nini, or Ya nini why ? what ?

named. for?
2. When followed by pronouns, Ninyi, ye, you.
&c, beginning with p, it signi- Ninyi nyote, all of you, all to-
fies nearness to, or situation at, gether.
by, before, near. Nipe, give me. See Pa ku-.
3. When followed by pronouns, Nira, yoke.
Ac, in kw, it denotes going or Nisha, starch (?).
coming to or from, or at, from, Njaa, hunger, famine.
and in, in a vague sense, or of 'Nje, outside, forth.
things far off. 'Nje ya, outside of.

-n i. added to verbs in the impera- Kwa 'nje, outwardly, on the out-

tive forms the second person side.

plural. It is sometimes suffixed Njerna, good, very well.See -ema.

to common phrases, as kuaherini, Njiaor Ndia, a way, a path, a road,
good-bye, and tta ncU Umi, lei as means.
go, and is
explained as a short Njia panda, cross roads.
N JI NY 3b* 1

Nji'ri, a kind of animal. Nuele or Nwele =

Nyele, hair.
Njiwa, a pigeoD, pigeons. Nuia ku-, to have in one's mind, to
Njiwa manga, tame pigeons. intend.
Njiwa ya mwitu, a wild pigeon. Nuka ku-, to give out a smell, to
Njombo, a fish barred with black and stink.

yellow. Tumbako ya kunuka, snuff.

Njoo, come. Nukato, plur. manukato, a good

Njooni, come ye. smell, a scent.
Njozi, an apparition, vision. Nukiza ku-, to smell out like a dog.
Njuga, a dog-bell, a small bell Nukta, a point, a vowel point.
worn as an ornament. Nuna ku-, to sulk.
Njugu, ground nuts. Nundu, a hump, a bullock's hump.
Njugu nyassa, soft ground-nuts. Nungu, a porcupine.
Njugu mawe, hard ground-nuts. Nungu [Pemba], a cocoa-nut.
Njumu, inlaid with silver, inlaying Nung'unika ku-, to murmur, to
work. See Mjumu. grumble.
Njuwa =
Njuga. Nunua ku-, to buy.
Nnaokaa, where I am living, which Nunulia ku-, to buy for.
I am inhabiting. Nunuliwa ku-, to have bought
-tine, four. for one.
Fa 'tine, fourth. Nura ku-, to say the words of an
Noa ku, to whet, to sharpen on a oath.
stone. Nuru, light.
Noker, a servant. \ Nusa ku-, to smell.
Nokoa, the second head man at a Tumbako ya kunnm, snuff.
plantation, generally a slave. Nuss, or Nusu, or Nussu, half.
Noleo, plur. manoleo, the metal ring Nusuru ku-, to help.
round the haft where a knife is Nwa ku- or Nywa ku-, to drink, to
set into its handle. absorb.
Nona ku-, to get fat, applied espe- Niveleo, plur. manweleo, pores of
cially to animals. the skin.
Nong'ona ku-., to whisper, to mur- Nwewa ku-, to be absorbed, to be
mur. drunk.
Nong'oneza ku-, to whisper to. Ny-, a common prefix to substan-
Nong'onezana ku-, to whisper to- tives which do not change to
gether. form the plural, where the root
-nona, fat. begins with a vowel.
Nonoa ku- (?). Substantives in u- or w- followed
Noondo, or Nondo, a moth. by a vowel make their plural
Nshi (A.), eyebrow. by substituting ny- for the -w.
Nso, the kidneys. Dissyllables in u- make their
'Nta, wax, bees'-wax. plural by merely prefixing ny-.
'Nti = Inchi, land, country, earth. Ny-, the prefix proper to adjectives,

agreeing with substantives of Nyanya, a small rod Bruit used as a

either numbi r of the class vegetable, &c.
which do not change to form Nyanya ya kizungu, a sort of
llnir plural, or with the plural small tomato.
of substantives in «-, when the Nyanyam ku-, to profane, contemn.
root of the adjective b< gins Nyara, booty.
with a vowel, except -ema, Nyasi, grass, reeds.
!. which makes njema or Nyati, a buffalo, buffaloes.
vi- ma. Nyatia ku-, to creep up to, to stalk

Nya kit-, to fall (of rain) ; the ku- (an animal, &c).
bears the accent, and is re- Nyauka ku-, to dry up, to wither,
tained in the usual tenses. to shrivel.
^[lua indkunya, the rain is fall- Nyawe, his mother (M.).
ing (Zanzibar). Nyayo, plur. n{ uayo.
Mvua yanya, rainfalls M.).

I; it-, to to itch, to itcb

Nyaa, nails of the fingers (N'.). Imeninyea, I itch

Nyaka ku-, to catch. Nyefua ku-, to devour like a beast

Nydkua ku-, to snatch. of prey.

Nyala, sheaths. See Ala. Nyegi.

Nyalio, cross pieces put in the Ku >ra na nyegi, to be in heat.
bottom of a pot to prevent the Nyekundu, red. See -elcundu.
meat touching the bottom and Nyele, or Nuele, or Nwele, the hair,
burning. sing, unyele, one hair.
Xyama, flesh, meat, an animal, Nyele za kipilipili, woolly hair.
animals, beasts, cattle. Nyele za singa, straight hair.
Syama mbwayi, savage beasts. Nyembamba, thin. See -emibamba.
Nyamaa hu-, to continue silent, not Nyemelea ku-, to go quietly and
to speak, to acquiesce. secretly up to a thing in order
-nyamavu, silent. to seize it.

Nyamaza hu-, to become silent, to Nyt mi, a great dance.

leave off talking, to cease (of Nyenya ku-, to talk a person into
pain). telling something.
Nyamgumi, a whale. Xii'-nyekea ku-, to be humble.
Nyanana, gentle. See -anana. Nyenzo, rollers, anything to make
-nyangdlika, a sort of a. things move.
Kitu kinyangdlika, a sort of a Nyepesi, light. See -epesi.
thing. Nyesha ku-, to cause to fall.
MnyangtHika ganit What sort Kunyeslia mvua, to cause it to
of a man is it ? rain.

ng'anya hu-, to rob, to take by Nyeta ku-, to be teasing, ill-condi-

force. tioned, never satisfied.
vgari, large (spider) shells. Nyt <ipe, white. See -evpe.
Nyani, an ape, apes. Ny< usi, black. See -euni.
NYE NY W 30 3

•nyevu, damp. Nyonyota ku-, to make to smart.

Nyie or Enyie, you there, I say ;

Nyororo, soft. See -ororo.
used in calling people at a dis- Nyosha ku-, to stretch, to straighten,
tance. to extend.

Nyika, wilderness, cut grass (A.). Kujinyosha, to lie down, to take

Nyima ku-, to refuse to, to withhold a nap.

from, not to give to. Nyota, a star, stars, point of the
Nyiminyimi, into little bits. compass.
Nyingi, many, much. See -ingi. Nyote, all, agreeing with ninyi, you.
Nyingine, other, another. See See -ote.

•ngine. Nyoya, plur. manyoya, feather. » ? >-

Nying'inia ku-, to sway, swing. Nyoyo, hearts. See Moyo. C^J^

Also NingHnia. Nyua, plur. of ua, a courtyard, en-
Nyinyi, you. closure.

Nyinyoro, a bulbous plant

which Nyuki, a bee, bees.
throws up a large head of red Asali ya nyuki, honey.
flowers. Nyukua ku-, to tweak, to pinch
Nyoa, plur. manyoa, a feather,
= sharply.
Nyoya. Nyuma, at the back, afterwards.
Nyoa ku-, to shave. Nyuma ya, behind, after.
Nyoi (?), a locust. Nyumaye, after it, afterwards.
Nyoka, a snake, a serpent, snakes. Kurudi nyuma, to go back. o9
Nyoka ku-, to be straight, to be Nyumba, a house, houses. ^y
stretched out. Nyumbo, the wildebeest, catoblepas
Nyonda, temptation, trial. gorgon.
Nyondo, a moth. Also Noondo. Nyumbu, a mule, mules.
Nyonga, the hip. Nyundo, a hammer, hammers.
Nyunga ya sarara (A.), the loins. Nyuni, a bird, birds (M.).
Nyonga ku-, to twist, to strangle. Nyungo, plur. of Ungo.
Nyonganyonga ku-, to go from side Nyungu, a cooking pot.
to side, to wriggle. Nyungunyungu, sores in the leg,
-nyonge, mean, insignificant, vile. said to be caused
by the biting of
Nyongo, bile. worms bearing the same name.
Nyong'onyeya ku-, to be weary, Nyunyiza ku-, to sprinkle, to
languid, to get slack and power- sprinkle upon.
less. Nyunyunika ku-, to murmur (?).

Nyonya ku-, to suck. Nyushi, the eyebrow.

Nyonyesha ku-, to suckle. Nywa ku- or Nwa ku-, to drink,
Nyonyo. suck up, absorb. The ku- bears
Mafuta ya nyonyo, castor oil (?). the accent and is retained in the
Nyonyoa ku-, to pluck a bird, to usual tenses.
pull out feathers. Nywea ku-, to get very thin, to
Nyonyoka = Nyonyoa. Taste away.
364 NY W ONE
Nyroaha kit-, to gi\e to drink. Okoka ku-, to become saved, to
A i, jilur. manzi, a By. Also Zhei. Okota ku-, to pick up. [escape.
Neige, a locust. Ole, woe.
jtuiziijii. a butterfly. Ole wangu, icenu, &c., woe unto
Nzima, sound. Bee -:ima. me, unto you, &c.
.Xzt'to, heavy. See -z«7o. Oh wa ku-, to marry or to be mar-
.ri, fine. See -zurt. ried, used of the bride.
Oleza ku-, to make like, to follow a
Omba ku-, to pray to, to beg of, to

Ois pronounced a little more like beseech.

air than is usual in English. Ombea ku-, to intercede for, to beg
U before o sometimes becomes a on behalf of, to pray for.
Omboleza ku-, to wail.
w, but very often disappears, as:
Koga for kuoga, to bathe. This Omo, the head of a ship.
word and some others in o are Pepo za omo, head winds (?).

sometimes incorrectly conjugated Ona ku-, to see, to perceive, to feel.

as if beginning in ko.
Kuona kiu, to feel thirst.
Kujiona, to think oneself, to
-o or -o-, sign of the relative, re- affect to be.

ferring to substantives in the Naona, I think so.

singular which make their plural Onana ku-, to meet.

in mi-, or to singular substantives Onda ku- (M.) = Onja ku-, to taste,
in u-. to try.

-o, the short form of wao, they or Ondo, plur. maondo (A.), the knee.
them. Ondoa ku-, to take away.
Oa feu-, to marry, used of the bride- Ondoka ku-, to go away, to get up,
groom. Passive, kuolewa. to arise.
Oana feu-, to intermarry, to marry Ondoka mbele yangu, depart from
one another. me.
Oavoa leu-, to become married (of Ruondoka katika ub'mwengu htm,
the mau). to depart out of this world.
Oaza ku-, to marry. Ondokea ku-, to rise to, or out of
Oga feu-, to bathe, frequently pro- respect to.

nounced koga. Ondokdea ku-, to arise and depart

Ogofisha frighten, make
ku-, to from.
afraid, to menace, to threaten. Ondolea ku-, to remove, to take
Ogofya ku-, to frighten. away from.
OgoUa ku-, to swim, to swim about. Kuondolea huzuni, to cheer.
Ogopa ku-, to fear, to be afraid. Ondosha ku-, to make to go away,
Oka ku-, to bake, to cook by fire take away, abolish.
only. Onea ku-, to see for to anticipate
Okoa ku-, to save, to take away. for, to bully, to oppress.
Onekana ku-, to become visible, to -ovu or -bovu, rotten, bad,
appear, to be to be seen. wicked. It makes mbovu with
Ongea ku-, to spend time, to waste nouns like nyumba.
time in talking. Ovyo, trash, any sort of thing.
Ongeza ku-, to make greater, add to. Owama ku-, to be steeped.
Kuongeza urefu, to lengthen. Owamisha ku-, to steep.
Ongezeka ku-, to increase. Oza ku-, to rot, to spoil, go bad.
Ongoa ku-, to convert, to lead Also, to marry (of the parents).
Ongofya ku-, to deceive by promises.
Ongoka ku-, to be converted, to be P.
led aright, to be healed.

Ongokewa ku-, to prosper.

P pronounced as in English.

Ongonga ku-, to feel nausea. P, at the beginning of a word, has

Ongoza ku-, to drive, to lead. frequently an aspirated or rather
an explosive sound, such as Irish-
Ongua ku-, to hatch.
Onguliwa ku-, to be hatched.
men sometimes give it. This is
Onguza ku-, to scorch, to scald. very marked in the name of the
island of Pemba or P'emba.
Onja ku-, to taste, try, examine. P'epo.
the plural of upepo, wind, has a
Onya ku-, to warn, to make to see.
Onyesha ku-, to show. very strong explosive sound given
ku-, to take out, to fish up. to the first p, but in upepo both
Opoa p's
are smooth, like an ordinary
Opolea ku-, to fish up with, for, by, Eng-
&c. lish p. It is probable that this

Orfa, or Orofa, or Ghorofa, an upper explosive sound represents a sup-

room. pressed n.
-ororo, soft, smooth. It makes jororo, P followed by a y sound some-
with nouns like kasha, and times becomes/; kuogopa, to fear,

nyororo with nouns like nyumba. kuogofya, to frighten kuapa, to


Osha ku-, to wash. swear, kuafya, to make to swear.

Osheka ku-, to have been washed.
Osia, learning of old times. Pa- or P-, the prefix proper to ad-
Ota ku-, to dream (kulota, Mer.). jectives, pronouns, and verbs
Ota ku-, to grow. of both numbers governed by
-ote or ofe, all, every one, the mahali, place or places.
whole. It varies like the pos- The prefix proper to pronouns
sessive pronouns. following the case in -ni, when
Merikebu zote, all the ships. it denotes nearness, at, by, near.

Merikebu yote, the whole ship. The prefix pa- is often applied to
Tivende sote, let us go together. a verb in the sense of the
Twende wote, let us both go. English there.
Lo lote, cho chote, &c, whatsoever- Palina or palikuica na, there was.
(kea ku-, to lie in wait for.
Hapana, there is not.

2 B
366 p \ r a k

It is Dot quite bo indefinite as &u-. Paga ku-, to strike hard, to harpoon

I'n fctf-, to present with, to give to. a whale.
The lu bears the accent ;
Pagaa ku-, to carry on the shoulders,
cannot 1m- usi .1 without a p'i'.-njl an evil spirit),
to possess (of
!. and the objective Amcpagaica na pepo, he is pos
prHix bears the accent. All- sesscd of an evil spirit.

Jalpa, lio gave you; aWmpa, he Pagaza ku-, to make to bear, appl Lei I

gave him. The passive is four to an evil spirit causing a man to

or kupewa, and means, to fall sick.

have given to one, to receive. Pagua ku-, to take off, strip oil' (as
.a gazelle, a 6inall kind of boughs and leaves).
antelope. PahaU, in the place, at the place.
plur. mapaa,a thatched roof. Paja, plur. mapaja, the thigh.
Nyumba ya mapaa manne, a roof Paji red mtama [Pemba].

of four slopes. Pajl la uso, the forehead.

Paa ku-, to ascend, to go up. Pakn, a cat, eals.
ku-, to sera] Paha ku-, to rub in, to smear on.
Kupaa eamaki, to scrape the Pafoaa ku- = Paka ku-.
les off a (Mi. Pakacha, plur. mapakacha, a baski t
Kupaa sandarusi, to clean gum made by plaiting together part
copal. of a cocoa-nut leaf.

Kupaa moto, to take fire and Pakacha, plur. mapakacha, people

carry it on a potsherd, &o. who prowl about at night to do
Paanda, a trumpet. mischief.

Paange, a horsefly, a gadfly. Pal-ana ku-, to border upon.

Paango, plur. mapaango, a cave, Pakanya, rue.
a den. Pakasa ku- Qler.), to twist rope.
Paaza ku-, to make to rise. Pakata ku-, to hold a child on the
Kupaaza pumzi, to draw in the lap or in front.
breath. Pake, his, hers, or its, after jnahaK,
Pa a ku-, to grind
coarsely, not to or the case in -ni signifying
make fine meal. nearness. See -ake.
Pa '". a in. i v, Pahia ku-, to load a ship, to be
Kuzaliwa pacha, to be bora twins. loaded with, to carry as cargo,
I'd'],, ya nje, a child of which
tohave on board.
its mother was pregnant while Pakicha ku-.
suckling a previous child. Kupakicha migun,to cross the lc;r.s

Pachika ku-, to put an arrow on in sitting; reckoned improj^r

the string, to stick a knife in in Zanzibar.
one's girdle, &c. Pakilia ku-, to embark for, to put
iri or Padre, plur. on board for.
a padre, a priest, a
clergyman. Pakiza ku-, to stow on board ship,
Pafu, lungs. &c.
Pako, thy, your, after maliali, or Pambanisha ku-, to bring together,
the case in -ni denoting nearness. to compare.
See -ako. Pambanua ku-, to distinguish, to
Pakua ku-, to take out of the pot, separate, to discriminate.
to dish, to lade out. Pambanulia ku-, to describe by
Pdkuna ku, to scratch. distinguishing.
Pakutdkea, a place to go out at, an Pambanya ku-, or Pambanyiza ku-,
outlet. to overbear by loud talking, &c.
Pale, there, that place, of thiDgs Pambauka or Pambazuka ku-, to
not very far off. become light in the morning.
Palepale,- just there, at that very Pambazua ku-, to speak plainly.
spot. Pambele, in front.
Palia ku-, to hoe. Pambo, plur. mapambo, adornment,
Kupalia moto, to pick up for, and dressing.
take live embers to a person. Pambo la nyumba, house furniture.
Kupaliwa na mate or maji, to Pamoja, in one place, together.
choke with spittle or with Pamoja na, together with, with.
what one is drinking, so as to Pana, there is or are, was or were.
send it into one's nose, ears, -pana, broad, wide. It makes pana
&c. with nouns like nyumba.
Palikuwa na, there was or there Pana ku-, to make mutual gifts.
were. Panapana, flat, level, even.
Palilia hu-, to hoe up, to draw the Panapo, where there is, are, was or
earth up round growing crops, to were.
hoe between crops. Panchayat, five head men (Hind.),
Paliliza ku-, to cause to be hoed. governing council.
Paliza ku-, to lift up the voice. Panda (M.) = Panja.
Palu, plur. mapalu, little cakes of Panda, a bifurcation, as where a
sugar, bhang, and opium. road divides into two, where
Pamba, cotton. two streams join, where the
Pamba ku-, to adorn, to deck out, bough of a tree forks.
furnish. Njia panda, cross roads, or where
Kupamba merikebu, to dress a three ways meet there is a

ship. superstitious custom of empty-

Ku'mpamba mayiti, to put cotton ing rubbish and dirt at such
in ears, mouth, &c. of a dead places.
person before burying him. Panda ku-, to mount, to get up,
Pambaja ku-, to embrace. ascend, ride, to go on board, to
Pambana ku-, to meet in a narrow go ashore (of a ship).
place where two cannot go Panda ku-, to set aside.
abreast; applied to ships it Panda ku-, to plant, to sow.
means, to go alongside, to get Pandana ku-, to lie across Gnu
foul of one another. another.
2 b 2
868 p A n PAS
Panda mbili, on both sides. See Papasa ku-, to touch gently, to
ode. stroke, to feel, to grope., v fr**^
Pandieha ku-. to make to go up, to Papasi, Loks, especially
t tliose found
hoist, tn raise. in native huts.

1'muja lu-, to rent, to hire a hoUBe. Papatika ku-, to flutter like a bird.
Panga feu-, to put in a line, to 6et Papatua ku-, to shell, to husk.
in order.
Papayi, plur. mapapayi, papaws, a
Panga, plur. of upenga. common kind of fruit.
Pangana ku-, to be in rows. Papayuka ku-, to be delirious, to

Panotne, another place, other places. wander.

S i
-u jine.
Papaynza ku-, to make delirious.
Panginepo, elsewhere. Papia ku-, to eat all one can get, to

Pangisha ku-, t<» let a house to. eat without bounds.

Pa igisha fat-, to make people sit in
Papua ku-, to tear.
rows or in order. Papura ku-, to claw, to scratch
I'r.niju, my. See -angu. deeply.
l'-unjusa ku-, to wipe. Papuri, thin cakes flavoured with
In aja, the forelock. asafcetida.

Mapanja, the receding of the Papurika ku-, to be lacerated.

hair on each side of the fore- Papuriana ku-, to pick holes in one
lock. another's reputation.
I'anua ku-, to widen, to make Para, a scraping, sliding.
broad. Para, plur. mapara, cakes of sem-
Panulia ku-, to widen for, to set sem.
wide apart. Parafujo, a screw.
Panuka ku-, to become broad, to Paraga ku-, to climb a tree.
widen. Parahara, a largo kind of antelope.
Panya, a rat, rats. Parapara ku-, to paw the ground
Panyamavu, a quiet place, a calm like a horse.

sj'ot. . See -nijiiui'i

in. Paruga ku-, to be rough and grat-
Paza ku-, to set up, to raise. ing.
Kupanza mtarnbo wa bunduki, to Paruza ku-, to grate, to graze, to be
cock a gun. harsh and rough, to strike a
Panzi, a grasshopper, a kind of match.
fish. Paruzana ku-, to graze (as of two
Panzi ya nazi, brown rind of the boats, &c).
a-nut kernel. Pasa Pasha ku-, to come
ku-, or to

Poo, their. See ao. concern, to become a duty.

. clubs (in cards). Imekupasaje ? What have yon
'apa, a shark. to do with it?
hapa, just here. Imenipa8a, I ought.
Papa ku-, to transude, to allow Pasha ku-, to lend money to, to

transudation. give privately or beforehand.


Kupasha moto, to warm up, to Pato, plur. mapato, what is got,

*' *set
before the fire. gettings, income, proceeds.
Past, a clothes-iron. Patta, a hinge.
Kupiga past, to iron. Patwa ku-, to be eclipsed.
Pasipo, without, where there is not. Properly, to be got, referring to
Pasiice, without there being. the superstition that a
Pasua ku-, to cleave, to split, to snake has seized the moon 01

rend. sun.
Pasiika ku-, to become rent, to Pau (plur. of TJpau), the purlins
burst, to crack, to be split. of a roof, the small sticks tied

Pasukapasuka ku-, to be split up, horizontally to fasten the thatch

rent to pieces. to. Also, rafters (?).
Pata, a drawn game at cards where Payo, plur. mapayo, one who can-
each side marks sixty. not keep a secret.
Pata ku-, to get, to reach, to suffer, Payuka ku-, to blab, to talk without
to find an opportunity, to suc- thinking.
ceed in doing, to happen to. Payuza ku-, to make over-talkative.
Kupata is often used with other Tembo limempayuza, the palm
verbs where we use may or wine has made his tongue go.
might :
Pazia, plur. mapazia, a curtain.
Apate kuja, that he may come. Pea, a rhinoceros.
Kisu chapata, the knife is sharp. Pea ku-, to sweep (M.).
Kisu liakipati, the knife is blunt. Pea ku-, to grow to full size, to get
Kilichompata, what happened to its growth, to become such that
him. there is nothing more to do, to
Chapataje ? What is it worth ? reach its limit.
Kupata hasara, to lose. Pekecha ku-, to bore a hole, to get
Fata ku, to make a lattice, as by fire by twirling a stick, to trouble

weaving sticks or canework. people by tales and tale-bearing.

Patana ku-, to agree, to come to an Peketeka ku-, to scorn, to have no
agreement. fear about one.
Patanisha ku-, to bring to an agree- Pekee, onliness.
ment. Wa pekee, only.
Patasi, a chisel. Peke yangu, &c, by myself, I alone.
Puthiwa ku-, to be born. Peke is uever used in Zanzibar
Pati, a coloured kind of stuff. without a possessive pronoun
Patia ku-, to get for. following it, and signifies that
Patiala, a great cheat, a thorough the person or thing is alone, or
rogue. that it is the only one.
Patikana ku-, to be procurable, to Pekeyetu, by ourselves, or we
be got. alone.
Patiliza ku-, to visit upon, to re- Pekua ku-, to scratch like a hen.
member against. Pele, plur. of upele, the itch.
Peleka ku-, to cause to arrive nt a Penyesha to pierce, to put
place distant from the i" reon through, to cause to penetrate.
B] ciiking, to bi ndj to take, to con- Penyi, having (of place), where is
duct. or was.
Pelekea ku-, to send, take, <
ir o induct Penyi mtende, where the date tree
to a person. Pepa ku-, to stagger. [was.
Peldeza ftu-, to spy out, to look I'epca ku-, to fan.
curiously into. Pepeo, plur. mapepeo, a fan, a screw-
J"' tribe, horn, corner, ivory. propeller.
Pembe ya nyoka, a small white Peperuka ku-, to be blown away.
horn, esteemed to be a great Pepermha blow away.
ku-, to
medicine. Pepesa ku-, to wink.
Kuxca na pembe pembe, to have Pepesuka ku-, to totter.

corners, to be angular, to be all Pepeta ku-, to sift, to toss in a flat,

corners. basket, so as to separate the chaff

Pembeni, in the corner. and the grain.
Pembe zamvakn. the four seasons, Pepetua ku-, to force open.
points of tbe world. Pepo, a spirit, a sprite, an evil
Pembea, a swing. spirit.
beleza ku-, to beseech. Pepo mbaya, an evil spirit.
Pembcza ku-, to rock, to lull. Peponi, paradise, in paradise.
Penda ku-, to like, to love, to wish, Pepo (plur. of upepo), much wind.
to approve, to choose, to prefer. Pepo za chamchela, a whirlwind.
Pendekeza ku-, to make pleasing. Maji ya pepo, fresh water.
Kujipendekeza, to ingratiate one- Pepua ku-, to sift apart the whole
self with, to flatter. from the broken grains.
Pendelea ku-, to favour. Pera, plur. mapera,& guava.
!' wleleo, plur. mapendeleo, a favour. Pesa, plur. pesa or mapesa, pice, the
1 ndeleza ku-, to make another love
Anglo-Indian quarter anna, the
one. only small coin in Zanzibar ;

Pendeza ku-, to please, to become sometimes a dollar is worth 110,

pleasing. sometimes only 112.
lezevoa ku-, to be pleased, to bo Pesa ku- (M.) = Pepesa ku-.'
glad. Peta ku-, to bend round, to make
Pendo, love. into a ring.
Pendo la malt, the love of riches. Peta ku- = Pepeta ku-.
Pengi, many plao -ingi. Petana ku-, to bend round, to be
J "jo,a notch, a place where a bent in a circle.

triangular bit is broken out. Pete, plur. pete or mapete, a ring.

Ana pengo, he has lost a front Pete ya masikio, an earring.
tooth. Petemana ku-, to be bent round.
Pmu, your. Pee -enu. l'i to, plur. mapeto,a, bundle, a tiling
!' nya ku-, to penetrate. carried, a large matting bag.

Petu, our. See -etu. Kupiga mbio, to run, to gallop.

-pevu, Ml grown. „ mbizi, to dive.

Fevua leu-, to make full grown. „ miao, misono, or miunzi,
to think oneself a to make a whistling
man. noise.
Pevuka ku-, to become full grown, „ mikambe, in bathing, to
to reach its full size. duck under water and
Pewa ku-, to get from some one, to fling over one leg.
be presented with, to receive. Kupiga mizinga ya salaamu, to

Pezi, plur. mapezi, a fin. fire a salute.

-pi subjoined to the personal sign „ mstari, to rule a line.
makes the interrogative which ? „ mtakaso, to rustle like
See Api. new clothes.

Nitawezapi ? How can I ? „ mvuke, to smoke meat,

-pia or -pya, new. „ nyiayo, to gape. [&c.
Pia, all, the whole, entirely. „ pasi, to iron.
Pia yote, completely, utterly. „ petnbe, to gore.
Pia, a top, a humming-top. „ pigo, to strike a blow.
Piija ku-, to strike, to beat,
to flap. „ pua, to snort.
Kupiga na inclii, to strike on the „ ramli, to prognosticate
ground. by diagrams.
Kupiga is used of many actions in „ randa, to plane.
which the idea of striking does „ teke, to kick.
not always seem to be implied. „ umeme, to lighten, to
tc pump. flash.
Kupiga bomba,
„ bunduki, bastola, &c., to „ uwinda, to draw the ends
fire a gun, a pistol, &c. of the loin cloth be-
„ chapa, to print. tween the legs and
„ falaki, to prognosticate tuck them in.
by the stars. „ yowe, to cry for help.
„ fundo, to tie a knot. „ zomari, kinanda, &c, to
„ kelele, to shout. play upon the flageo-
'„ kengele, to ring a bell. let, guitar, &c.
„ kilemba, to wind a cloth Pigana ku-, to fight.
round the head so as to Kupigana kwa mbavu, to wrestle.
make a turban. Piganisha ku-, to make to fight, to

„ kiowe, to scream. set on.

„ kofi, to box the ears, to Piganishana ku-, to set on to fight

slap. together.
„ kura, to cast lots. Pigilia ku-, to beat as the stone
„ makofi, to clap the hands. roofs are beaten. Small wooden
„ magote, to kneel. rammers are used, and a great
„ mbinda, to whistle. number of people are engaged for
172 r i o POF
ut three days, with music and
Pingamizi, a meddler, one who in-
songs the object of this beatiDg
terferes to spoil a bargain, or to
is to prevent the roof cracking us give trouble.
it dries, and to consolidate it Pingia hu-, to fasten a door, &c, by
while moist. means of a bar. /.»-, tn make to In at.
Kupigiza tanga, to go so close to Pingili ya mua, the piece of a
the wind that the Bail flaps. 6ugar-cane which lies between
/V<70, plur. mapigo, a blow. two knots.
Pika ku-, to cook. Pingo, plur. mapingo, a bar.
Pikia feu-, to cook for. Pingu, fetters, consisting generally
have cooked for one.
Kupikiica, to of two rings and a bar.
PUao, pillaw, an Indian dish. Pini, plur. mapini, a haft, a hilt.
PHli, a large kind of snake. Pipa, plur. mapipa, a barrel, tub,
1'ibi, two (in counting). cask, pipe.
Fa j'ili, the second. Pipya, new. See -pya.
Ta pili yoke, the next. Pirikana ku-, to be strong and well
Yule wa pili, the other. knit.
Mara ya pili,a second time, again. Pisha ku-, to make to pass, espe-
Philipili hoho, red pepper. cially without intending to do so,
Pilipili manga, common pepper. let pass, make way for.

Pima, plur. mapima, a fathom. Pishana ku-, to pass while going

Pima ku-, to measure, to weigh. opposite ways.
Kupima maji, to sound. Pishi, a weight of about G lbs. = 4
Pinda ku-, to bend. rilmba.

Kupinda na mguu, talipes. Pisho, cautery, marks of cautery.

i to bend togctl.
indana hu-, r.
Pisi, parched maize.
Pindi, plur. mapindi, a twisting, a Pitt = F/'si.

wriggle, cramp. Piswa hu-, to become silly, to dote.

Pindi,if, when
(?), although. Pita ku, to pass, surpass, excel.
Pindo, plur. mapindo, the longer Pitisha ku-, to make to pass, to

edge of a cloth, selvedge. pass.

lua ku-, to turn over, to upset. Po, -po, or -po-, a particle signifying
Kupindua hwa damaliui, to wear where, or when, while, as, if.
ship. Po pote, everywhere, wherever.
Kupindua hwa goshini, to tack. Poa ku-, to become cool, to become
Pinduka ku-, to be turned over, to Podo, a quiver. [well.
be upset. Pofu, plur. mapofu, scum, bubble,
Pinga ku-, to hinder, to block the froth.

way, to lay a wag< r. Pofua ku-, to spoil the eyes, to make

Kupinga chombo kwa shikio, to blind.
turn a dhow on one side by Pofuka ku-, to have the eyes spoilt,
means of the rudder. I
to become blind.

Pogo, on one side. Ponyeslia hu-, to cause to be made

Kwenda pogo, to go onesidedly, well, to cure.
not straight. Pony oka ku-, to slip off, slip out of
Point a, the wrist-stitching of a one's hands.
coat. Ponza ku-, to put in danger.
Pdka ku-, to take suddenly and Poopoo, a bullet, a musket ball.
violently, to rob. Pooza, plur. mapooza, a thing which
Kupokwa, to be robbed. never comes to perfection.
Pohea ku-, to receive, to take from Pooza ku-, to become useless, to
some one else. wither and drop.
Pokelea ku-, to receive for or on
Mwenyi kupooza, a paralytic.
account of another. Poozesha ku-, to paralyze.
Pokezana ku-, to go on with by Popo, a bat.
Popoo, the areca nut, commonly
Pokezanya ku-, to shift a burden or chewed with and
betel-leaf, lime,
work from one to another as each tobacco.
gets tired. Popotoa ku-, to wring, twist, strain,
Pokonya ku-, to snatch away, to distort.
Popotoka ku-, to be distorted.
Pole, a little, slightly.
Pora, a young cockerel not yet old
Amengua pole, he is not very well.
enough to crow.
Polepole, gently, moderately,quietly. Poroa ku-, to cool, to get thin or
Pombe, native beer.
Pomboo, a porpoise. Poromoka ku-, to slip down a steep
Pomoka ku-, to fall in, to cave in. Also Boromoka.
See Bomoka.
Posa ku-, to ask in marriage.
Pomosha ku-, to cause to fall in.
Posha ku-, to give rations to.
Pona ku-, to get well, to become
Posho, rations.
Peso, a demand in marriage.
Ponda ku-, to pound, to beat up, to
Posoro, an interpreter, a middle-
Pondeka ku-, to be crushed.
Pole, all, of time or place. See
Pondekana ku~, to crush and bruise
one another, as mtama stalks do
Potea ku-, to become lost, to get lost,
after much rain and wind.
to perish, to become lost to.
Pono, a kind of fish said to be
Kisu kimenipotea, I have lost my
nearly always asleep. knife.
Ana usingizi kama pono, he is
Potelea ku-, to perish.
never awake.
Potelea mbali, go and be hanged.
Ponoa ku-, to strip off.
Poteza ku-, to cause to be lost, to
Ponya ku; to make well, to cure,
cause to perish.
to save.
Potoa ku-, to go crooked, to turn
Jiponye ! Look out !
aside. See Jipotoa.
... POT r i n

For nothing. baa ku-, to be BluggiBh about.

-potoe, obstini I

a ku-, to become crooto d, to Pumba.iha ku-, to become a fool.

l>c tunud and twisted. Pumbo pumbu, the scrotum.

Povu, Bcum, skimmings, bubble, or koko za pumbu,

Mapumbu, or

froth. mayayi ya pumbo, testicles.

Povuha ku- — Pofiika ku-, to be- Pumu, an asthma, the lungs.
ie blind. Pumua ku-, to breathe.
Poza ku-, to cure, to cool by lading Pumuzi, breath.
up and pouring bach again. Kupaaza pumuzi, to draw in the
the nose, the apex of an arch.
. breath, to inspire.
Mwanzi wa pua, the division Kushusha pumuzi, to breathe out,
between the nostrils, the nos- to expire.

tril. Pumzi = Pumuzi.

Pua, steeL I'lim lika ku-, to rest, to breath one-
Pun ku-, to shell beans, pi as. &c. self.

;/, a very small kind of dove. Pulhztkio, plur. mapumzikij, a rest-

Pujua ku-. ing-place.
Kujipujua, to cast off all shame. Puna ku-, to peel, scrape, scrape off.

Pukusa ku-, to rub the grains off a 1' inula, a donkey, donkeys.
cob of Indian corn, to make to Punda milia, a zebra.
fall off, to shake fruit from a tree, Punde, a little more.
to throw coins among a crowd, Mrefu punde, a little longer.
&c. Punga (sing. Vpunga), the flowi r

Pukute. and very first stage of the cocoa-

Pukute ya wait, rice so cooked nut.
that the grains arc dry and Punga ku-, to swing, to sway, to

separate. wave. Swaying the arms in

Pukutika ku-, to Bhed, to drop like walking is thought to give
leaves in autumn. elegance to a woman's carriage.
7 lika ku-, to hear, to attend to Kupunga pepo, to expel an evil
(A.). spirit by music, dancing, &c.
Pvlikana ku-, to hear one another. Kukunga upepo, to be fanned by
i ku-, to puff or blow with the the wind, to beat the air.
Also, to let go an anchor,
mouth. Pungia ku-, to wave to, to beckon
down a bucket into a well.
let to.

PuUki, spangle, spangli Kupungia nguo, to cloth wave a
l'nlulu, plur. mapululu, wilderness, up and down by way of beckon-
waste country. ing to some one to come.
mi or Pululuni, in the wilder- P'ungu, a kind of fish, a large bird
ness. of prey.
B-, to tli rob. Pungua ku-, to diminish, waste,
; i
plur. mapumba, a clod, a wear away.
ip. Punguani, a defect (M.).
PUN K AH 375
Punguka ku-, to become smaller, to Pivea ku-, to be dry.
fall short. Sauti imenipwea, I am hoarse.
Pnnguza ku-, to diminish, to make Pwekee, only, alone (A.).
less, to lessen. Pweleka ku-, to be dried up, to be
Kupunguza tanga, to reef a sail. left high and dry.
Punja ku-, to swindle, to sell a Pwewa ku-, to become or be left
little for the price of a large dry.
quantity. Kupivewa na sauti, to become
Punje, grains of corn. hoarse.
Puo, nonsense. Pweza, a cuttle-fish.
Pupa, eagerness, excessive rapidity. -pya, new, fresh. It makes 'mpya
Kula kwa pupa, to eat so vora- with nouns like nyumba ; jipya,
ciously that one's companions with nouns like kasha ; and pipya,
get little or none. with nouns of place.
Puputika ku-, to fall in a shower.
Pura ku-, to beat out corn.
Puruka ku-, to fly off.
Purukusha ku-.

Kujipurukusha, to refuse to B is
pronounced as in English.
attend to, to make light of a The Arabic B is much stronger
Puta ku-, to beat. [matter.
and more grating than the English,
Putika ku-, to be well beaten. more so perhaps than even the
Putugali, a fowl [Pemba]. Scotch and Irish r. In Arabic words
Puwo, nonsense. it iscorrect to give the r this strong
Puza ku-, to talk nonsense, to sound, but in Swahili mouths it
chatter. is generally smoothed down to-
Puzia ku-, to breathe, to blow with wards that indeterminate African
the mouth. sound which is frequently written
Puzika ku-, to talk nonsense, to be as an I. The Swahili, however,
detained gossiping. often prefer to write and pronounce
Pwa ku-, to ebb, to become dry. itas a smooth English r. (See L.)

Pwaga ku- = Kupivaya.

Pwai ku-, to be
loose, to waggle Badi, a crack of thunder, crashing
about. See Pwaya. thunder, thunder near at hand.
Fwani, the shore, on the beach, Badu = Badi.
near the shore. Baff, the wall at the back of a re-
Pwaya ku-, to give a final cleaning cess.

to rice
by repounding it. Bafiki, plur. rafiki or marafiki, a
Pwaya ku-, to be loose (of clothes). friend.

Pwayika ku- to be quite clear of Baha, peace, joy, ease, pleasure.

husks, dirt, and dust. Baliani, a pledge, a mortgage.
Pwaza ku-, to cook muhogo cut up Bahisi = Bakliisi.
into small pieces. Baliman, a chart, a map.
Rat /."-. to put Tii food into Kunrathi, don't lie offended.
a person's mouth as a mark of Ttathiana ku-, to consent, assent.
honour or al Ratibu hu-, to arrange.
'>/, the Beventh month of the Ratli = Rdtel.
Arab year. It is esteemed n Uausi hu-, to trim a sail.

red month because Moham- Rayia, a subject, subjects.

med's journey to Jerusalem is Rayiatal Tngn z,
I!iitish subjects.

said to have taken place on the Up or Rei, the ace in cards.

27th of it. Bi a or II all a dollar. ,

Rakhisi, or Eahisi, cheap. Iu ale ya thahabu, an American

Rakhisisha /;«-, to make cheap, to gold 20-dollar pi(
undervalue. Reale Fransa or ya Kifransn, i

Rakibisha &«-, to put together, to French 5-franc piece.

up and put in order. Reale ya Sham or F< tha ya Sham,

Rokihyueo, the composition of a black dollars.
word. -refu, long. It makes ndefu with
/,' imathani, the month of fasting. nouns like nyumba.
ba, plur. maramba, a piece of Regea ku- = Rcjea hu-.
Madagascar grass cloth. Regea hu- or Legea ku-, to be loose,
Ramha ku-, to lick. slack, relaxed, feeble.
Samoa, a chisel-shaped knife used R gt ikn hu-
or Regeza hu-, to loosen,

by shoemakers. to relax.

RarrUi, sand (Ar.). Ki fcani = Rahani.

Kvpiga ramli, to divine by dia- Kuweka rehani, to pawn.
grams. Rehema, mercy.
li'nnmu, sadness. // feemw /i«-, to have mercy upon.
Randa, a plane. // i = Re.

Kupiga randa, to plane. Rejea ku-, to go back, return, refer.

];<iuda hu-, to dance for joy. Rejt ~a hu-, to make to go back, to

li'inr/i, colour, paint. repay.

Rarua hu-, to rend, to tear. Rtkabisha hu-, to put on the top of.

Rag il mali, chief possession. l!< h liu hu-, to ride.

Rashia ku-, to sprinkle. r< mo, Portuguese.
V.'//.head, cape. 'id, a scented herb, sweet basil.
R&taba, wet. „ ya kipata, with notched
Rdtfl, or ratli, a weight of about a leaves.

pound. „ ya kiajjemi, with long

Rathi, satisfied, content, gracious, straight leaves.
approving, approval, blessing. Ringa ku- = Kulinga, to sway to
Kuwa rathi, to be satisfied, to be he tune of a song (only the chief

content with. men may do this).

Niurie rnthi, forgive me, excuse i,
lead. Also Lisasi.
me. Ritavi ya bunduli, a bullet.
E IS S 377

Bisimu leu-, to make a first bid Eukhuthu ku-, to run.

when anything is offered for sale. Eukica ku-.
Eith i ku-, to inherit {-th- as in thing). Kurukica na ahili, to lose one's
Bithia ku- (-th- as in this), to be senses, to be stunned.
contented with, to acquiesce in. Bungu, a club, a mace.
Bithika ku-, to satisfy, to content. Bupia, a rupee.
Biza, a door chain. Bupta = Bobota, a bale.
Biziki, necessaries, all that a man Busasi = Bisasi, lead.
has need of. Busha ku-, to make to fly, to throw
Bobo, a quarter, a quarter of a up or off, to throw a rider, to
dollar. splash about.
Bobo Ingreza, an English sove- Bushia ku-, to throw upon, to splash.
reign. Bushwa, a bribe.
Bobota, a packet or parcel of goods. Butuba, dampness.
Boda, sheave of a pulley. Butubika ku-, to be damp.
Bofya. Butubisha ku-, to make damp.
Kupiga rofya, to fillip. Buwasa, a pattern from which any-
Boho, soul, spirit, breath, life. thing is to be made.
Boho, greediness, the throat. Buzuku ku-, to supply with needful
Bubani, a pilot, a guide. things, especially of God provid-
Budi ku-, to return, to go back, to ing for His creatures.
correct, to keep in order.
Budiana ku-, to object to.
Budika ku-, to be made to return, to
be kept in order, to be capable of
being kept in order. S is pronounced as in several, or
Budisha ku-, to make to return, to like the ss in German.
give back, to send back. Sh pronounced as in English,

or like sch in German.

Budufya ku-, to double.
Bu/uf, the shelf in a recess.
S and sh are distinct in Arabic
Euhusa = Buksa, leave. and are generally distinguished in
Euhusa ku- = Bukhusu ku-, to give good Swahili. There are, however,
Buka ku-, to fly, to leap. [leave. many words in which they are used
Bukaruka ku-, to hop. indifferently, and in common talk
Bukia ku-, to fly or leap with, &c. the sh seems to be rather the more
Buksa, or Buhusa, or Eulhusa, leave, common. Many natives seem un-
conscious of any difference between

Aupa riUcsa, to give"<eave, to set them.

at liberty, to dismiss. S is used for the Arabic tha by
Buksa, you can go. persons who cannot pronounce th.
Bukhusu few- or Buhusu ku-, to give In the Pemba dialect sh is ofttn
leave, to permit, to allow, to dis- used for ch.
miss. Mashungwa = Machungwa.
. S A A S A K
hour, clock, watch. Safirisha &«-, to make to travel, to
- >

ngapil whal o'clock is it? see any one off.

According to Arab reckoning Safisha Ini-, to make puro or clean.

the day 1»
jina at sunset. Mid- Safu, a row, rows, a line.
nighl i~ usiku saa ya situ; four Safu za kaida, regular rows.
a.m. saa a kumi; six A.M. saa Safura, biliousness, gall, a coui-
a (henashara ; noon, saa " siia. plaint in which people take to
Saa ! You ! I say ! You now 1
eating earth.
N Come along, do
o saa! 1
Saga ku-, to grind.
.s'./.i remain over, to be left.
ku-, to Kusagwa na gari, to be run over
;, plur. masaala,
a question. by a cart.

Saanda, a shroud, a winding-sheet. Saga/, a

spear, a javelin.
Saba, or Saba'a, seven. Sagia ku-, to grind with or for.
la saba, seventh. Maice ya kusagia, millstones, a
Sdbaa, a stay (in a dhow). mill, a handmill. Two loose
Sababu, cause, reason. stones are often used, the upper
Kwa sababu ya, because of, be- one is called mwaua, and the
cause. lower mama.
Sabaini, seventy, = Sabwini. Sahani, a dish.
Sabatashara, seventeen. Sahari, checked stuff for turbans.
Sabuni, soap. Sahau ku- or Sahao ku-, to forget, to
Sabuni ku-, to bid, to be in treaty, make a mistake.
to buy. Sahaidiwa ku-, to be forgotten.
8aburi, patience. Sahib, sir.
nri ku-, to wait. Sahibu, a friend.
Sabwini, seventy. Sahili.
Sadaka, an offering, an alms, an act Kutia sahili, to sign.
of charity, anything done for the Sahihi, correct, right.
love of God. Sahihi ku-, to be to be
Sadiki ku-, to believe. right.
Safari, a journey, a voyage, used for Sahihi sha ku-, to correct.
"time" or "turn." Saili ku-, to ask, to question.
Safari Mi, this time. SnUia ku-, to ask on behalf of.
Saka ku-, to hunt.
Safi, pure, clean. Sakafu, a chunammed floor, a floor

Safi leu-, to clean. or roof of with covered

Safidi ku-, to clear up, to maki a mixture of lime and sand, and
smooth and i
beaten for about three days with
Snfihi, rudeness small wooden rammers.
'/ /.«-, to In- purified. Sakama become jammed,
ku-, to to

Safina (Ar.), a v< Sakani, a rudder. [stick fast.

iriku- to travel, to set out on a Saki ku-, to come close to, to touch,

journey, sail, start. to come home.

S AK SEL 379

Sakifu ku-, to make a chunammed Sandale, sandal wood.

floor or roof. Sandarusi, gum copal, gum amiui.
Sala, prayer, the prescribed Moham- Sanduku, a chest, a box.
medan form of devotion includ- Saniki ku-, to make excuse.
ing the proper gestures. Sapa ku-, to tout for customers.
Salaama = Salama. Sara/u, a small coin.
Salaam, or Salaamu, or Salarnu, Sarifa or Sarf, exchange, rate ot

to Sarifa gani ya niji sasa ? "What
is the current rate of exchange ?

Salahisha ku-, or Selehislia, or £wZu- Sarifa ku-, to use words well and
/ij's/ia, to make to be at peace. correctly.
Salala, the meat near the backbone, Sdruf, grammar.
the undercut of meat. Sarufu, a small gold plate with a
Salama, safe, safety. devout inscription, worn on the
fitoZi leu-, to use the regular Moham- forehead as an ornament.
medan devotions, to say one's Sasa, now.
Sasa hivi, directly, at once.
Salia ku-, to be left, to remain. Sataranji, chess.
Salimu leu-, to salute. Sauti, voice, sound, noise.
Salimia ku-, to salute, to send com- Sawa, equal, right, just.
pliments to. Kitu kisiclwkuka sawa naye, some-
Saliti ku-, to betray secrets. thing unworthy of him.
Saluda, a sweetmeat made of saffron, Sawanisha ku-, to make alike,

sugar, and starch. equal, even, &c.

Sama ku-, to choke, to be choked. Saivasawa, like, alike, even, all the
Samadi, manure. same, level, smooth, equal.
Samaki, a fisb, fish. Saivaica, peas (Yao.).
Samani, tools, instruments, ma- Sawazisha ku-, to make equal or
chine. alike.

Samawati, the heavens. -sayara, gentle, quiet, long-suffering.

Samaioi, blue, sky colour. Sayidia ku-, to help.
Sambasa, a little pasty. Say Hi ku- = Saili ku-.
Samehe ku-, to forgive, to pass over. Saza ku-, to leave over, to make
Samiri ku-, to load a gun. to remain.

Sa'mli, ghee, clarified butter. Sazia ku-, to leave for.

Sana, very, much. It is used to Sebabu = Sdbabu, cause, reason.
intensify any action. Sebula or Sebule, reception room,
Sema sana, speak loud. parlour.
Vuta sana, pull hard. Sefluti, a poultice.
Sanamaki, senna. Sehemu, part, share, dividend.
Sanamu, an image, a likeness, a Sekeneko, syphilis.
statue, a picture, an idol. Selalia, a weapon.
380 S E L SHA
Kupa st
laha, to arm. 8ezo, an adze.
fcu- = Suluhisha, to make
kUha Shaabani, the eighth month of the
to be at peace, to mediate be- A rait year.
tween. s !,,il in, copper, brass.
Selimu fcu- or SiUim ku-, to capitu- Shdbaha, aim.
late. Kutwaa ehabaha, to take aim.
fcu-, to say, to talk, to speak. Simla tint, like.
S ma «ina, 8peak out. Nyama shabaha mbwa, an animal
Semadari, a bedstead, specially of like a dog.

the Indian pattern. Shabbu, alum.

huse, much less. Shabuka, a snare.
„a ku-, to say about. Shadda, a tassel. See Kanzu.
Kusemea puani, to talk through Shah, a chess king.
the nose. Shaha,. the heart of the cocoa-nut

Semeji = Sliemegi.

Sena, a kind of rice. Shahada, the Mohammedan confes-

Si fcu-. to make secret signs of sion of faith. Also L'uhuhada.

coutempt about some one who
is Sliahamu, fat.

Senturi, a musical box. [present. Shahawa (obscene), semen.

Sera, a rampart. Shahidi, plur. mashahidi, a witness,
5 rkali or Serikali, the court, the a martyr.

government. Shaibu (Ar.), an old person.

Mtu wa serikali, a man in go- Shaibu lajuzi, exceedingly old.

vernment employ. Shairi, a line of poetry.

6 rmala, a carpeuter. plur. mashairi, verses, a poem.

Seruji,an Arab saddle. Shuka, a bush.

Sesemi, blackwood. Shaka, plur. mashaka, a doubt.
Seta ku-, to crush. Shake,,
tela ku-, to crush up, to break Kwingia na shake ya kulia, to sob.

into fragments. »S7iah', a shawl.


'a< fi, the seveu

in cards. Sham, Syria, Damascus.
i'/ca, &c. See Stiriha, &c /' ilia ya Sham, German dollars.
5 .'
Inii, sixty. Shamba, plur. mashambu, a planta-

.-ttiri, mi iron (?). tion, a farm, a piece of land in

6 tfm /;u-, or Setiri, or 5ttfr«, to the country. {uL*Jfrft

cover, to conceal, to hide, to atom Shambidia ku-, to attack.

for. Shamua ku-, to sneeze. Also Shu-

much less, much more. Also mua.

Sembust,. .<L<t«na, a town near Melinda, long

dia, belonging to the Shanga. [since ruined.
Mtcana shanga, a northerly wind,
not so strong or persistent as
Seyedina (Ar.), our lord, your ma-
the regular katkazi.

Shangaa ku- or Sangaa ku-, to be I

Sheitani, Satan, the devil, a devil,
astonished, to stand and stare, to excessively clever.
stop short. Shela, a black veil.
Shangaza ku-, to astound, to as- Shelabela, as it stands, in a lot, with
tonish. all defects.

Shangazi,plnr. mashangazi, an aunt. Shelele ku-, to run a seam.

Shangilia ku-, to make rejoicings Shelle, plur. mashelle, a shell.

for, to go to meet with music and Shema (Ar.), bees-wax.

shouting, to be glad about. Sliemali (Ar.), the left, the north
Shangwi, triumph, shouting and (because to the left of a person
joy, an ornament of gold worn by looking east) the Persian Gulf,

women between the shoulders. Arabs (because to the north of

Shani, a startling, unexpected event. Muscat) mist (because it comes

Shanuu, plur. mashanuu, a comb, a on in the Persian Gulf with a

large coarse wooden comb. northerly wind).
Sharbu, a moustache. Sliembea, a kind of curved knife.
Shari, evil, the opposite of Heri. Sliemegi, a brother or sister-in-
Sharia = Sheria. law.
Shariki ku-, to share, to be partners Sliena (Ar.), orchilla weed.
in. Slieria, law.
Sharikia ku-, to share with, to be in Sheriz, glue.
partnership with. Slietani, plur. mashetani = Sheitani.
Sharikiana ku-, to be partners, to Shetri, the poop of a dhow.
share together. Sliiba ku-, to have had enough to
Sharti, or Sharuti, or Slmruti, or eat, to be full, to be satisfied.

Sliuti,a contract, of obligation, Shibiri or Sliibri, a span.

of necessity, must. Also, the Shibisha ku-, to fill with food, to
iownhaul" of a dhow-sail, a satisfy with food.
truss. Acs** ,
|?v.<-»i>w SJiidda, difficulty, distress.
Kufanya sharti, to bind oneself. Shika ku-, to lay hold of, to hold
Sltatoruma, shawl for the waist. keep, to determine. »^W
fast, to
Sliauko, love, exceeding fondness, Kushika njia, to take one's way.
strong desire, will. to set out.
Sliauri, plur. mashauri, advice, Shika lako, mind your own busi-
counsel, plan. ness.

Kufanya shauri, to consult to- Sliika ras He, steer for that point

gether. Shikamana ku-, to cleave together.

Kupa shauri, to advise. Sliikana ku-, to clasp, to grapple, to

Shawi = Tawi. stick together.
Sliawishi ku-, to persuade, to coax Sliikio, a rudder, a thing to lay hold
over. of. See Sikio.
Sliikiza ku-, to
prop up.
Shayiri, barley.
Shehena, cargo. Shilamu, the stem leading to the
2 c
mouthpiece in a native pipe. other. In Zanzibar they rarely
Kiko. employ any other word. At
;.(), plur. mashimo, a pit, an ex- Lamoo shoga means a catamite.
cavation, ii
large hole. panniers, a large matting bag

Shina, plur. mashina, a stump, a with the opening across the

trunk, a main root. middle, so as to form two bags
Shinda Am-, to overcome, to conquer, when laid across a donkey's back.

to stay, to continue at. Shoi = Shogi.

Maji yathinda, it is half full of Shoka, plur. mashdka, an axe.
water. Sh'ika la bapa, an adze.
Atnekwenda shinda, he is gone Shoka In tiss, an axe (Mer.).
out for the day. Shoka la pwa, an a<lzo (Mer.).
Akashinda kazi, and he went on Shola, an ear of corn, a head of
at his work. Shona ku-, to sew. [grass.
Shindana ku ,
to dispute, strive Shonea ku-, to mend for, to sew for,
vrith, race. with, &c.
Shindania leu-, to het, to oppose, to Shonuka ku-, to become unsown.
to. Slmli .

Shindana, plur. mashindano, a race. Kwenda shote, to go with a rush.
See Sindano. Shoto.
Shiitdika leu-, or Sindika, to shut, to Wa kushoto, left.

put to, to press in a mill. Ana shoto, he is left-handed.

Kushindika mafuta ya nazi, to Shlaki ku-, to prosecute, to charge,
to accuse.
grind cocoa-nuts into oil.
Shindikia ku-, to show any one out, Sldua ku-, to startle, to tickle. See
to escort a person on his way. Stusha.
See Sindikiza. Shtuka ku-, to be startled, to start.

Sh indilia ku- to press, to load a gun. Slma ku-, to launch. Pass, kushu-

Shindo, a shock. liwa.

Shingari, a consort, a dhow sailing Shuba, the elders of a town.

iu company with another. Shuhaka, plur. vtaahubaka, a ri cess
Shingari ku-, to sail in company (of in a wall.

dhows). SI, ml a, what is left when the oil has

Shingo, plur. manhingo, the neck. been ground out of semsem seed.
Shinikizo or 16 a press. Shughuli, business, affairs, occupa-
izi, Shiraz, from Shiraz. Per- tion, engagement.
sian work is generally called Shughulika ku-, to be occupied, to
thirazi. be worried.
Slushwa ku-, to be weaned. Shughulisha ku-, to occupy, to dis-
6hitumu ku-, to insult. See Shu- tract attention, to interrupt.
turnu. Shuhuda, testimony.
Shoga, a friend ; used only by wo- 8 uhudia ku-, to bear witness about,
men in speaking of or to one an- for, or against.
SHU -SIP 383

Sliukudu ku-, to bear witness. descend, to land goods from a

Shuhuti. ship.
Shuhuti ya kutolea chant, a small Kushusha pu'mzi, to breathe out,

piece of wood used by

shoe- an expiration.
makers in cutting strips of Shtiti or Shuuti = Sharti, of neces-
coloured leather. Shutumiwa ku-, to be reviled, [sity.

Shujaa, plur. mashujaa, a hero,

a Shutumu ku-, to revile.
brave man. Shicali or Sliwari, a calm.

Shuha, a sheet. Si, not.

Shuka Jtu-, to descend, go down, Si vema, not welL

come down, be let down, to land Si uza, sell not.
from a ship. Si, is or are not.

SJiuke, the flower of Indian corn. Mimi si sultani, I am not a sultan ;

Shukrani, gratitude. or, Am I not a sultan ?

Shuku leu-, to suspect. Si yeye, it is not he or him.

Shukuru, thanks. Si-,the opposite of ndi-, expressing,
Shukuru ku-, to thank. This word This is not it. Is not this it ?

is very rarely used in Zanzibar, Simi, Sisisi,

except in relation to God and ; Siwe, Sinyi,

kushukuru Muungu means almost Stye, Sio, sivyo, siijo,

always, to take comfort, to leave Sio, siyo, silo, Sizo, simo.

off mourning, or to become re- Sicho, sipo, siko,
signed. Si-, sign ofthe first person negative.
Shuliwa ku-, to be launched. Sikubali, I do not consent.
Shumua ku-, to sneeze. Sikukubali, I did not consent.
Shumvi, [Pemba], See Cltumvi.
salt Sitakubali, I shall not consent.
Shunga ku-, to drive
away, to scare. In the present tense the final
Sh ungi, a crest, long hair (?). letter of verbs in -a becomes -i

Shungi mbili, a way of dressing Sioni, I do not see.

the hair in two masses. -si- inserted between the personal
Shupatu, plur. mashupatu, a narrow prefix and the verb, is the sign
strip of matting. The broader are of the negative imperative or
sewn together tomake floor mats, subjunctive, the final letter of
the narrower are interlaced to verbs in -a becoming an -e.
make the native couch or bed- Nisione, that I may not see, let
stead. me not see, or without my
Shupaza, spades (in cards). seeing.
Shura, saltpetre. •si-, sign of the negative in ex-
Shuruti = Sharti, of necessity. pressing relation.
Shurutiza ku-, to compel, to force. Asio, he who is or was not, or
Alishurutizwa ndani, he was who Also Asiye.
will not be.

pushed in.
sipo-, sign of the tense expressing
Shusha ku-, to let down, to make to not being.
2 c 2
384 SI A SIK
Asipoona, he not seeing, if he Sihilizana hu-, to hear one another.
does not see, though he does Sikio or Sliihio, plur. masihio, the
not see, without his seeing, ear.
when he sees not. Sihilika hu-, to be sorry.
Sia /.»-. to give :i sentence, to pro- Sikitikia hu-, to be sorry for. to pity.
nounce as with authority, to de- Sikitiko, plur. masihitiho, sorrow,
clare. grief.

Sto/u, a large reddish brown ant, Sil.itisha hu-, to make sorry.

that travels in great numbers Sihiza hu-, to make to hear, under-
and bites fiercely. stand, &c.
Siagi, cream, butter. Sihizana hu-, to be mutually intel-
Sibn hu-, to get, to succeed. See ligible, to make one another heir.
Subu. Sihu, a day of twenty-four hours,
Si/a, praise, character, character- from sunset to sunset, days.
istic. Sihu huu, a great day, a feast.
Sifara, a kind of rice. The two great feasts are the
Sifu hu-, to praise. Pass, husifiwa. three days at the end of the

Kujisifu, to magnify oneself, to Ramathan, when every one

boast. makes presents, and three days
Kusifu'mno, to overpraise, to after the tenth of Thil hajj or
flatter. M/unguo wa tatu, when every
Siftde (a term of reproach), a med- one ought to slaughter some
dlesome fool. animal, and feast the poor.
Si/uru, a cypher, a figure of nought. Sihu a mwaha (see Mwongo,
Sigizia few-, to tack (in needlework). K/'junzi), the Nairuz, about the
Sihi hu-, to entreat. 23rd of August, the beginning
Sijafu, the cuff, the hem. See of the Swahili and nautical
Kanzu. year. The old custom is for
>bo,I am well. The invariable every one, but especially the
answer to hu jwrribo ? how are women, to bathe in the sea
you? in the night or morning then :

Si jarribo punde, I am a little

they cook a great mess of grain
better. and pulse, which is eaten about
imo or Sihamoo, for Nashilea noon by all who like to come.
iwjuu, the salutation of a slave- The fires are all extinguished
to a master. and lighted again by rubbing
Wei, vinegar. two pieces of wood together.
Sikia hu-, to hear, to obey, to under- Formerly no inquiry was made
stand. as to any murder or violence
Bikilia hu-, to listen to, to attend to. committed on this day, and old
liana hu-, to be heard, to be quarrels used regularly to bo
Sihiliza hu-, to listen, to listen to. —£fought out upon it.
Sihu jsote, alv
SIL S IT 385

Silihi ku-, to improve, to reform. Imeingia simo mpya, something

Silihisha ku-, to make to improve, new has turned up.
to reform. Simu, the electric telegraph.
Silimu ku-, to become a Moham- Sindano, a needle (or shindano).
medan. Sindano, a kind of rice.
Simama ku-, to stand up, to come Sindi, a long-tailed weasel.
to a stand, to stop, to be erect, Sindikia ku-, to crush.
to stand in, to cost. Sindikiza ku-, to accompany part of
Simamia ku-, to stand by, to over- the way.
look workmen, to cost to. Sindua ku-, to open, to set open.
Simamisha ku-, to make to stand. Singa, hair of an animal.
Simanga ku-, to crow over, boast Nyele za singa, straight hair,
European hair.
Simanzi, grief, heaviness. Singa ku-, to scent, to put scent. -P^r-
Simba, a lion, lions. Singizia ku-, to slander, to spread
Simba uranga, a well-known man- false reports about.

grove swamp at the mouth of Sini, China.

the Lufiji. Sini, no matter.
Simbali, a kind of wood brought Sinia, plur. masinia, a circular tray
from near Cape Delgado. used to carry and set out food
Sime, a short straight sword used upon, generally of copper tinned.
on the mainland. Sinikiza ku-, to press.
Simika ku-, to be erect, to be set Sinzia ku-, to doze, to nod, to flicker.
up, to stand (often used in an sign of the tense signifying
obscene sense). the case of the thing mentioned
Simikia ku-. not being.
Kusimikia mlango, to set up and Siri, secrecy.
build in a door. Mambo ya siri, secret affairs,
Simikisha ku-, to set up. secrets.

Similla, Simille, Simileni, probably Kwa siri, secretly.

for Bismillah, the common cry Sisi, we, us. Sometimes pronounced
in Zanzibar, meaning, make swiswi, suisui, or siswi.
way, out of the way. Sisi sole, all of us.
Similla punda, make way for a Sisi wote, both of us.

donkey. Si*imia ku-, to sigh (?).

Similla ubau, make way for a Sisimizi, ants (?).
plank. Sisitiza ku- (M.), to charge strictly,

Simo, I am not in it, am not con- to charge to keep secret.

cerned, have nothing to do with Sita, six.

it. Ya sita, sixth.
Simo. Sita ku-, to halt, to go lame (A.), to
Simo Mi si njema, this event is hide.
not good. Sitaha, the deck.

ishara, Bixteen. Sonda hu-, to suck out.


Sitawi ku-. to flourish. >, swelled (?) glands.

Ngoma ipi inn ritawi, which dance Songa ku-, to strangle, to squeeze,
is goiug best? to stir together.
Sitawuha hu-, to make to flourish. Songanasongana hu-, to press against
whistle (of a steamer or one another like sheep in a flock.
Sitti, my lady, lady. [engine). Songca ku-, to push through, to
Stttina, our lady. Applied by the shoulder your way through a
Arabs to St. Mary. Sonjoa ku-, to wring. [crowd.
mnja, different. Sonya ku- = Kvfijonya.
Sivyo, it is not thus. See Si-. Somali, trousers.
Siwa, an ivory horn only used on Sosoneka ku-, to be hurt or ache, so
great occasions. as to writhe with pain.
I am not well. See Wezakur. Sosonesha ku-, to make to writhe
that is not it, no. See Si-. with pain.
Siyu or Sin, Siwi, the chief town Sote, all ; agreeing with sisi, we or
of the district near Lamoo, the us. See -ote.
chief seat of old Swahili learning. Tu sote, we are together.
lunacy. Tivende sote, let us go together.
Sodo, a woman's napkin. Soza ku-, to beach a boat or vessel.
, wool. Ssafi or Safi, pure, clean.
Sogi, Sot,
= Shogi. Staajdbu ku-, to wonder much, to bo
a hu-, to approach affectionately, greatly astonished.
to come near to. Staamani hu-, to have confidence,
la ku-, to lift to the lips and to rest trustfully.

kiss, to bring near to. Stahabu ku-, to be pleased, to prefer.

Sogezea ku-, to put ready for, to Stahamili or Stahimili, jtatiently.
bring for use. Stahi ku-, to honour, to have respect
plur. matolto, a market, a for.

bazaar. Stahiba ku- (?), to prefer. See

Kwenda sokoni, to
go marketing. Stahabu.
Sokota ku-, to twist, to plait, to spin. Stahiki ku-, to resemble, to be of
Soma ku-, to read, to perform de- one sort with.
votions. Stahili hu-, to deserve, to be worthy

masoma, a kind of dance.

plur. of, to be proper, to be right and

Sombela ku-, to work oneself along fitting.

on one's hands and seat without Astahili, serves him right.
using the legs. Stahimili hu-, to bear, to endure,
tha ku-, to teach to read, to tolerate.
lead devotions.
Stakabathi, earnest, fastening penny.
plur. masomo, something read, Stambuli, Constantinople.
used as a title of friendship, a Starehe ku-, to sit still, to be at rest,
namesake. to remain quiet.

Starehe ! Don't disturb yourself ! Sukari guru, half-made sugar.

don't get up ! Sukasuka ku, to shake, to agitate.
Sterehisha ku-, to give rest to, to Suke, plur. masuke (or shuke), an
refresh. Also Starehisha. ear of corn, a head of mtama, &c.
Stirika ku-, to be covered, to be con- Sukua ku-, to slacken, to loose.
cealed. Sukuma ku-, to push, to urge.
Stusha ku-, to startle, to sprain, to Sukumi, a steersman, quarter-
put out of joint. master.
Subana, small pieces of meat roasted Sukumiza ku-, to put upon another
on two parallel sticks. person, to say it is his business,
Subana, a thimble. to throw off from oneself, to push
Subiri, patience. away in anger, to throw (a thing)
Subiri, aloes. at a person who wants it. Also,
Subiri ku-, to wait. to avert (by sacrifice, &c).
Subii ku-, to cast in a mould. Sukutua ku-, to rinse out the mouth,
Subu ku- or Sibu ku-, to happen to. to wash one's mouth.
Subui, morning. Sulibi ku-, to crucify.
Subulkheiri, good morning. Sulibisha ku-, to crucify.
Suburi, patience. SuiiM ku-, to become, to be fitting
Subutu ku- = Tliubutu ku-. for.

Suduku hu-, to ascertain, to know Sulika ku-, to turn about, become

the truth. giddy.
Suff, wool. Suliinu ku-, to salute.
Suffi, a devotee, a hermit. Sultani, plur. masultani, a sultan,
Suffuf, a great variety or number. a chief man. Sultani at Zanzi-
Sufi, woollen. bar does not mean a king ; it is

Sufuria, copper. used of the head men of a vil-

Sufuria, plur. sufuria or masufuria, lage.

a metal pot. Sultan Rum, the Sultan of Turkey.
Sufuria ya chuma, an iron pot. Sulubika ku-, to be strong.
Sugu, amark, a callous place. Also, Sulubu, strength, firmness.
obstinate, insensate. Suluhisha ku-, to bring to accord,
Suaua ku-, to rub, to scrub, to to make peace between.

brush, to scour. Suluhu, concord.

Suheli, south. Sululu, a curlew.
Sui, an irrepressible, unconquer- Sumba ku-, to sway away, to twist

able man. and turn oneself.

Sujudia ku-, to prostrate oneself to, Sumbua ku-, to worry, to annoy, to

to adore. give trouble.
Sujudu ku-, to prostrate oneself, to Sumbuana ku-, to worry one an-
bow down. other.
Suka ku-, to plait, to clean. Sumbuka ku-, to be put to trouble,
Sukari, sugar. to be harassed, to be annoyed.
38 SUM
Sumbulia feu-, to speak sharply to. but only very careful speaki. \ dis-

Sumbutha kit-, to vex, harass, tinguish them in Swahili.

trouble, worry, annoy. T at the beginniug of a word has
Sumu, poison. sometimes an explosive sound, as in
Sumugh, gum-arabic. t'aka, dirt. It is probable that this
Sungura, a rabbit (?), a hare (?). represents a suppressed n.
Sunni, advisable, recommended, a There is a slight difference in
tradition, what is advisable or sound between the i's of tatu, three,
recommended, but not compul- and tano, five, the former being the
se/ r/, deal wood, [soiy. smoother, but natives do not seem
Sunza ku-, to search for anything conscious of the difference.
with a lighted brand at night. T in northern Swahili frequently
Supaa ku-, to be very hard or dry. becomes ch in the dialect of Zanzi-
Supana = Supaa. bar.
Sura, a likeness, a resemblance, a Kuteka, to laugh (M.) kueheha
chapter of the Koran. (Zanz.). Hutkuteka,to plunder,
Suria, plur. masuria, a concubine, or to draw water, does not
a female slave. change.
Suriyama, born of a concubine. Kutinda, to slaughter (M.) ku-
Sururu, an insect that lives in chinja (Zanz.).
cocoa-nut trees. There is no sound similar to that
>>iricali, trousers. See Somali. of the English th in the original
Sus, liquorice. language of Zanzibar. It occurs in
Suso, a kind of hanging shelf, a some dialects of Swahili in place of
hammock. v or z. There are however in
S>!*upaa = Supaa. Arabic four th's. 1. Tha, pro-
Suta ku-, to reproach, to charge a nounced like the
English th in
man with slander, to slander, to thing. 9. Thai, pronounced like
seek out a man and ask whether the English th in this. 3 and 4.
he has said sucli and such things. 1
Tliad and Tha or Dthau, which
Su'udi, or Suudi njetna, salvation, are scarcely distinguished by the
felicity. Arabs themselves, and have a very
Suza ku-, to stir up. Also, to thick variety of the thai sound.
Practically the two English tt'sare
Suzia ku-, to turn with (?). quite sufficient, and the ear soon
Swafi = Safi. catches the right method of employ-
Sicali, a question. ing them.
The Indians and many Africans
pronounce all these as z. Some
Swahili confuse the various with th's

Tis pronounced as in English. z, and employ the sound for

There are two f's in Arabic, one words properly written with a z, as
much thicker than the English t, wathiri for waziri, a vizir.
-TA- TAG 3S9

-ta-,the sign of the future tense. Tabdssam ku-, to smile.

When the relative or the par- Tabia, constitution, temper, temper-
ticlesdenoting time and place ament, climate.
are inserted in the future, the Tabibia ku-, to doctor.

prefix regularly becomes -taka-. Tabibu, a physician.

It is possible however to retain Tabiki ku-, to Hue, to close to or
-ta- to express a more definite upon, to cling to as a fast friend.
eense. Tabikiza, to make to cling.
Atakuja, he will come. Tabiri ku-, to foretell, to prophesy.
Atakayekuja, who will come. Taburudu ku-, to refresh.
Atakapokuja, when he shall Tadariki ku-, to accept the respon-
come. sibility of, to guarantee the result
Atapokuja, when he come, of.

or, if he shall come. Tadi, violence, hurry.

In the person singular the
first Kwenda kwa tadi, to rush, to go
ni-, which is the sign of
is often
person, dropped. Tadi ku-, to fight with.
Takuja = Nitakuja, I shall Tafakari ku-, to consider, ponder,
come. think.
Ta- at the beginning of Arabic I
Tafdthal or Tafathali, please, beg
verbs is the mark of the fourth of you.
or fifth conjugations or derived out matters
Tafiti ku-, to seek
forms. secretly, to be over-inquisitive.
Taa, a lamp, especially the small Tafsiri ku-, to explain, to interpret.
open earthen lamps made in Zan- Tafsiri, interpretation.
zibar. Tafsiria ku-, to explain to, to inter-
Taa, a large kind of flat fish. pret to.

Taa, beneath one's feet. Tafu (M.) = Chafu, cheek.

Taabika ku-, to be troubled. Tafu, gastrocnemic muscles.
Taabisha ku-, to trouble, to annoy. Tafu ya mkono, the biceps muscle.
Taabu, trouble. Tafuna ku-, to chew, to nibble.
Taadabu ku-, to learn manners. Tafuta ku-, to look for, seek, search
Taajabisha ku-, to make to wonder, for.

to astonish.
Tafutatafuta ku-, to search all

Taajabu ku-, to wonder, to be as- about.

tonished. See Staajabu. Tafutia ku- or Taftia, to seek out
Taajazi ku-, to tire. for some one, to look for.
Ta"ali ku-, to study. Tagaa ku-, to straddle, to walk
Taandu, a centipede. with one's legs far apart.
Taataa ku-, to throw oneself about. bow legs, crook-
Tage, plur. matage,
Tabaka, lining. edness.
Tabakelo, a snuff-box. Taghafali ku-, to be off one's guard,
Tabanja, a pistol (Ar.). to forget to take notice.

Taghaiari /.?<-, to be changed. Kutaka shauri, to seek advice.

Taghi ku-, to rebel. Takahali ku-, to accept; used of

•../, branches, main branches. God's hearing prayer.
Tdhafifu, gently, in good time, Takabathi ku-, to carry on freight.
light. Una. Takabathisha ku-, to pay freight
Nguo tdhafifu, thin calico. for.

Tahamaka ku-, to look up to sec Takdddam ku-, to be in advance of,

\\ hat is going on. to get before.
Taharaki leu-, to be troubled, to Takalika ku-, to be very faint or
be thrown into confusion. tired.

Taharalcisha ku-, to put iutoa state Takarimu, gift, largess.

of auxiety, to excite, stimulate. Talcasa ku-, to clean, to make clean
Taharizi. See Kanzu. and clear.
Taharuki lm-, to be troubled, to be Takaaika ku-, to become cleansed.
anxious, to be thrown into con- Takata ku-, to become clean and
fusion. Also, Taharaki. clear.

Tahassa ku-, to go on board a ship Uwingu umetakata, the sky is

with a view to sailing. clear.

Tahathari ku-, to beware, to be on -takatifu, holy, cleansed.

one's guard. Takhari ku-, to stay.
Tahatharisha ku-, to warn. Taki = Chicha.
Tahayari ku-, to become ashamed. Takia, plur. matakia, a large
Tdhayarisha ku-, to shame, to make cushion.
ashamed. Tako, plur. matako, the buttock.
Tahidiku-. »>,.^*^*^VV <£? Taksiri, a crime.

Kujitahidi, to exert oneself, to Takura ku-, to scratch, to dig with

try hard. claws or fingers.
Tahirikn-, to circumcise. Talakq, divorce.
TahsUa, farewell, leavu-taking. Taldssim or Talasimu, plur. matala-
Tai, a large bird of prey, a vulture. simu, a talisman, a charm, a
Taifa, plur. mataifa, a tribe, a figure divided into squares and
nation. marked with magic words and
Taja, hire. s\ mbols.
Taja ku-, toname. Tali ku- or Ta'ali ku-, to study.
Taji, a crown. Talik = Tarik.
Tajiri, plur. matajiri, a merchant, Taliza ku-, to smooth off, to smooth
a rich man, a capitalist, a prin- up, plaster, &c.
-taka-. See -to-. [cipal. Tama, out and out, final.
Tcika, dirt. Tama ku- (M.) = Hama ku-, to re-
Takataka, rubbish, sundries, small move.
articles. Tama ku-, to sit, crouch (Yao.).
Taka ku-, to want, to wish for, to Tama.
ask for. Kuslrika tama, to lean the head
T AM TAN 391

on the hand, reckoned unlucky tinuously, but in little groups :

in Zanzibar. each group is a tana.

Tamaa, longing, avarice, greedi- Tanabahi ku-, to make up one's
ness. mind, to know what to do.
Kuhaia tamaa, to despair. Tanafusi ku-, to draw breath.
Tamdldki ku-, to be master of. Tanda ku-, to spread, to be spread
Kuj itamdlahi mwenyewe, to be out, to be overcast, to put ropes
one's own master. to a native bedstead.
Tamani ku-, to long for, to lust Kujitanda, to stretch oneself
after. across.
Tamanika ku-, to be liked, to be an Tandama ku- (?), to surround.
object of liking. Tandawaa ku-, to recline, to loll at
Tamba ku-, to swagger. one's ease.
fainbaa ku-, to creep, to crawl. Tandaza ku-, to make flat.

Tambi, vermicelli. Tandika ku-, to spread, to lay out,

Tambo, a tall man. to saddle.

Tamboa, testicles. Tandu, long slashes made on their

Tambua ku-, to recognize. faces by Makuas and others.
Tambulia ku-, to understand. Tandua ku-, to unsaddle, to take off
TambuUkana ku-, to be recogniz- harness.
able. Tanga, plur. ma tanga or majitanga,
Tambulisha ku-, to make to recog- a sail. The sails of mitepe aud
nize, to explain. madau are made of matting.
Tambuu, betel leaf chewed with Tanga mbili, the seasons of
areca nut, lime and tobacco. changeable winds.
Tambuza ku-, to put a new point or Matanga kati, wind abeam.
edge, to weld on fresh iron or Kukaa matanga, to sit at home
steel. in sign of mourning, to mourn.
Tamisha ku- (M.) = Hamisha ku-. Tangaa ku-, to come to be known.
Ta'mka ku-, to pronounce. Tangamana ku-, to adjoin.
Tamu, sweetness, flavour, taste. Tangamuka ku-, to be cheerful.
It makes
-tamu, sweet, pleasant. Tangamusha ku-, to cheer up.
tamu with nouns like nyumba. Tanganya, &c. (M.) = Changanya,
Tamuka ku- = Ta'mka ku-. &c, to mix, to shuffle cards.
Tamvua, ends or corners of turban Tangatanga ku-, to go backwards
cloth, &c. and forwards, to wave.
Tana ku-, to divide, to slit, to comb, Tangawizi, ginger.
to part. Tangaza ku-, to spread news, to cir-
Tanatana ku-, to divide up into culate intelligence.
little bits. Tange, the trees and rubbish cleared
Tana, a bunchlet of bananas, &c. off" a new plantation.
Bananas and
plantains grow Tangisha ku-, to make evident.
spirally in a large bmch, not con- Tango, plur. matango, a sort of
:v.)2 T A N T AS

hu-, to dissipate..
gonrd eaten raw, resembling in Tapanyatapanya
taste :i eiicumlxT. to waste.
to vomit.
Tangu, Bince, from. Tapilea leu-,

Since when? How to make to vomit.

/V;)i;;» Knt? Tapisha leu-,

long ago ? Tapisho, plur. matapislio, an emetic.

Tangua ku-, to annul, to abolish,

to Tapo, plur. matapo, a detachment,
with- a division, a part of an army
separate, untwist, unplait,
draw a promise, &c. larger than leileozi.

to annul a mar- Tarabe, side piece of a window,

Kutangua ndoa,
riage, to divorce. door of planks.

Tnnguka leu-, to be anmdled. Tarafu, on the part of.

Tangukana leu-, to separate. Tarafu yalee, on his part.
Tangulia leu-, to precede, to go be- Taraja ku-, to hope.
Tarathia leu-, to persuade in a
fore, to go first.

Nimetangulia kuleuarabia, I told friendly way.

you beforehand. Taratibu, carefully, gently, orderly.
Taratibu, orderliness, an order
Tangulifu advanced.
Tani, Othmau. form.
Tani. Taraza, an edging, a narrow silken
Kwa tani, backward, on his back. border usually woven on to tur-
Tano or Tanv. five. ban and loin-cloths in Zanzibar.
Ya tano, fifth. Tarazalee, business on a small scale.
-tano, five. Tarazaki ku-, to trade in a small
Tantanbelwa, a great bother, a
worry. Tarile, a date, year, &c, the clew-
Tanua to expand, to spread out,
leu, line or bunt-line of a dhow-sail.
to fend off a boat. Kitabu cka tarile, a chronicle.
Tanuka leu-, to lie on one's back and =
Tarirnbo Mtaimbo, an iron bar.
spread oneself out, to sprawl. Tarizi leu-, to weave on an edging.
Tanuru or Tanuu, a clamp for burn- Tartibu — Taratibu.
ing lime, an oven. Tasa, a brass basin.
Tanzi, plur. matanzi, a noose. Tasa, a game of touch.
Tanzia, news of a death. Tasa, a barren animal.
matao, an arch, an
Too, plur. Tasaivari leu-, to do with certainty,
arched opening, a bay. to be fully able.
to shiver.
Tapa leu-,
Hatasawari, it is certain that he
Kiijitapa, to magnify oneself, to does not do it.

make a great man of oneself.

Tasbihi, Mohammedan beads.
to jump about like a
Tapatapa leu-,
Tasfida, good manners.
fish when taken out of the water,
Taxhwishi, doubt.
to shiver, to tremble.
Tasihili, quickness, quickly.
T'ljKinya ku-, to scatter, to throw
Taslimu, ready cash.
Tassa — Tasa.

Tata. See Matata. Tayi, obedient.

Kicenda tatatata, to toddle. Tayo, plur. matayo, a reproach, re-
Tataga ku-, to go above or over, to viling.
cross a stream on a tree. Tazama ku-, to look.
Tatana ku-, to be in a tangle, to be Tazamia ku-, to look out for.

puzzled. Tazwi, forgery.

Tatanisha ku-, to tangle, to puzzle. Teende la viguu, Barbadoes leg,

Tatanya ku-, to unravel, disen- elephantiasis (?).

tangle, solve a riddle. Tefna ku-, to reason, to searcb, fco

Tatazana ku-, to be tangled.

throw about.
Tathbiri, a mercbant. Tega ku-, to set a trap or snare, to

Tatia ku-, to wind, to tangle, to snare. See Kitendawili.

complicate. Tegea ku-, to be lame.
Tatiza ku-, to wind. Tegemea ku-, to lean upon, to be
tatu, three. propped up.
Ya tatu, tbird. Tegemeza ku-, to support.
Tatua ku-, to tear. Tego, a virulent kind of syphilis
Tatuka ku-, to be torn. supposed to be the effect of a
Taumka ku- = Ta'mka ku-. cbarm.
Taunt, plague, cholera. Tegu, plur. mategu, a tape-worm.
Tausi, peacock. Tegua ku-, to take a pot off the fire,
Tavu (A.), the cheek. to remove a spell.

Tawa, plur. matawa, a frying-pan. Teka ku- (M.) = Cheka ku-.

Tawa, plur. tawa, a louse. Teka ku-, to plunder, to take as
Tawa ku-, to live secluded (Yao.), to spoil, to draw water.
tie. Kuteka 'mji, to plunder a town.
Tawafa, a candle, candles. Kuteka ng'ombe, to carry off an ox.
Tawakali ku-, to trust in God and Kuteka maji, to draw water from
take courage. a well.
Tawakdwakatha, many. Teke, plur. mateke, a kick.
Tawala ku-, to govern, to rule. Kupiga teke, to kick.
Tawanya ku-, to scatter. Tekelea ku-, to prove true, to come to.

Tawanyika ku-, to become scattered. Tekeleza ku-, to perform a promise,

Tawashi, a eunuch. restore a pledge.

Tawassuf, temperance. Tekenya ku-, to tickle in the ribs.

Tawaza ku-, to make to rule. Teketea ku-, to be consumed, to be
Tawaza ku-, to wash the feet, to burnt away.
perform the ablutions. Teketeke, the soft, something soft.
Tawi, plur. matawi. a branch, a Teketeza ku-, to consume, to cause

bough, a bunch, an ear of millet. to be burnt down.

Tekewa ku-, to become bewildered.
Taya, jaw, jawbone.
ku-, to reproach.
Tekeza ku-, to run ashore, to come
to an end, to die.
Tayari, ready.
394 TE K TET
Tt kua J:u; to prize up, to toss, to into their houses with dates
throw up out of a noie. and sweetstuff.
T< le, plenty, abundantly, abundant. Tendea ku-, to do to, to behave to,
Tt le, gold luce or braid. to treat.
Telea ku-, to come down, descend, Tendcgu, plur. matendegu, the li s

laud from. of a bedstead.

Tfleka ku-, to put a pot on the fire. Tendeka ku-, to be done, to be
Telemua ku-, to pull down, to cause doable.
to slip down. Tenga, a sun-fish.
Telemuka ku- or Tdcmka ku-, to Tenga ku-, to separate, to remove.

go down a steep place, to go Kujitenga, to get out of the way.

quickly down in spite of one's Tengea ku-, to be ready and in

self, to slither

T'lemuko, the bed of a river. Duka limetengea, the shop is all

'!' Jeza ku-, to slip. ready and open.

Tema with a sword. Tengeka ku-, to be put on one side.
ku-, to slash as
Tema ku-. Tengelea and Tengeleza = Tengeneza
Kutema mate, to spit. and Tengenea.
Tenxbe, a hen full grown but which Tengenea ku-, to be comfortable, to

has not yet laid. be as it should be.

Tembea ku-, to walk about, to take Tengeneza ku-, to finish off, to put

a walk. to rights, to touch up.

Moyo wangu umetcmbea, my Tengezeka ku-, to be established,

thoughts are wandering. made right.
Tembelea ku-, to walk about. Tengua ku-, to put aside.
Ternbeza ku-, to offer for sale by Tepukua ku-, to cut away young
auction, to hawk about. shoots.

Tembo, palm wine, wine. Tepukuzi, plur. Matepukuzi, shoots

Tembo, an elephant. from the root of a tree.
TJmka = Ta'mka. Terema ku-, to be at ease.
Temsi, filigree work. Tesa ku-, to afflict.
Tena, afterwards, again, further. Kuteswa, to suffer, to be afflicted.

Tenda ku-, to do, to apply oneself to, Teso, plur. mateso, afflictions, adver-
to act. sities.

Kutenda zema or vema, to behave Tela ku-, to oppose, to strive against,

well. to be adverse to, to go to law
Tenda kani, a pole across a dhow to with, to mention disparagingly.
fasten the sheet to. Tetea ku-, to cackle like a hen. -
Tendawala, a kind of bird. Tetea ku- (M.) = Chechea ku-, to
Tende, a date, dates. walk lame.
Tenda halwa or halua, Arabs Tete ya kwanga, rubeola.
from the Persian Gulf, who Tetema ku-, to tremble, to quiver.
steal slaves by tempting them Tetemea = Chechemea.
TE T TH U 395

Tetemeka ku-, to tremble, to shake. Thathu, a kind of jay brought down

to shiver, to quake (as the earth), from Unyanyembe.
to chatter (of the teeth). Thawabu, a reward ; especially re-

Teteri, a small kind of dove. wards from God.

Also, to lead
Tett za ku-, to rattle. Tlielatha, &c. See TJialatha, &c.
a sick person by the hand. Tlielimu ku-, to oppress.

Teua ku-, to choose, select, pick Thelth, a donkey's canter.

out = Cliagua ku-. Tlieluth, a third.

Teuka ku-, to dislocate, to sprain. Themanini, eighty.
•teule, choice, chosen. Themanini, a linen fabric.
Tezama and Tezamia = Tazama and Tliemantashara, eighteen.
Tazamia. Themanya, eight.
Tezi, a fibrous tumour, goitre. Themuni, an eighth.
Tliabihu, an offering, a sacrifice. Thenashara, twelve.
Thabit, plur. mathabit, firm, brave, Theneen, two.
Thahabu, gold. [steadfast. Thihaka, ridicule, derision.
Thahiri, evident, plain.
Thihaki ku-, to ridicule, to make
Thahiri ku-, to make plain, to game of.

express. Titihirisha ku-, to make clear, to

Thaifu, weak, infirm, bad.
Thalatha, three. Also Tlielatha, &c. Thii ku-, to be in distress.
Thalathatashara, thirteen. Thiiki ku-, to be put to straits.

Tlialathini, thirty. Thili ku-, to abase.

Thalimu, a fraudulent person, a a measure of about half a

swindler. from the point of the
Tlialimu ku-, to wrong, to defraud. elbow to the tips of the fingers.
TJtaliH, very low, very poor. Thiraa konde, from the point of
Thamana (th in this), a surety. the elbow to the knuckles of
Tliamani (th in thing), a price. the clenched fist.

Ya thamani, of price, valuable. Thoofika ku-, to be made weak, to

Thambi, sin. become weak.

Tlidmin, surety. Thoqfisha ku-, to weaken, to make
Thamini ku, to become surety.
Thamiri, conscience, thought. Thoumu, garlic.
Thani ku-, to think, to suppose. Tlmbutisha ku-, to give courage to,

Thania ku-, to think of a person, to to make certain, to convince, to

suppose him, to suspect. prove.
Tharau, scorn. Thubutu ku-, to dare, to have
'Tharau ku-, to scorn. courage for, to be proved.
Thdruba, (Ax. a stroke), a storm, Sithubutu, I dare not.
(in arithmetic) multiplication. Tliuku ku-, to taste.
Tlidruba moja, at one stroke, Thukuru ku-, to invoke.
suddenly. Thulli, distress, misery.
Tlnilumu, wrong. Tililia ku-, to daru.
Thulumu l;u-, to do wrong, to per- Timazi, a stone hung by a line, used
secute. as a plummet by masons.
Thtduru, a kind of sandpiper. Timbi, bracelets.
Tliuluth, a third. Also Thduth. Timbuza ku-, to begin to show itself,
Thumu ku-, to slander. like the sun in rising.
Thurea, a chandelier. Timia ku-, to be complete.
Thuru ku-, to barm. Timilia ku-, to become complete.
Haithuru, no harm, it does not -timilifu, complete, perfect.
matter. make completeyjk'-'M
Timiliza ku-, to
Tia ku-, to put, to put into. Timiza ku-, to complete, to make
Kutia nanga, to anchor. perfect.
Kutia chuoni, to put to school. Time, a woman's name.
Tiara, a boy's kite. Timvi, an ill-omened child.
Tiba, a term of endearment. Tinda ku- (M.) = Chinja ku-, t<>

Tibika ku-, to be cured. cut, to cut the throat, to slaughter.

Tibu ku-, to cure. Tindika ku- (A.), to fall 6hort.
Tibu, a kind of scent. Tindikia ku-, to cease to.
Tibua ku-, to stir up and knock Imenitindikia, I am out of it, I

about. have no more.

Tifua hu-, to cause to rise like dust Tindikiana ku-, to be separated, to
or a mist. be severed, as friends or relations
Tifulta ku-, to rise in a cloud. at a distance from one another.
Tit ku-, to obey. Tinge, a game consisting in imitating
Tiisha ku-, to make to obey, to all the motions of a leader.

subdue. Tint, a fig, figs.

Tika ku-, or tonka, to put a burden Tint (M.) = Chini, down.
on a man's head for him. Tij.itipi, a brown bird, a mocking
Tiki, just like, exactly as. bird.
Tikia ku-, to reply. See Itikia. Tipua, ku-, to scoop out, to dig out,
Tikisa ku-, to shake. to dip out.

Tikiti, plur. matihiti, a sort of water Tiririka ku-, to glide, to trickle.

melon. Tig' a =
Tissia, nine.
Tihitika ku-, to be shaken. Tisaini, ninety.
Tikitiki, utterly and entirely, to the Tisatashara, nineteen.
last mite. Also, (M.) into little Tisha ku-, to frighten, alarm, make
bits. afraid.
Tikiza ku-, to have patience with. Tissia, nine.
Tilia ku-, to put to, for, &c. Tita ku-, to tie up together.
Tilifika ku-, to waste, to grow less. Tita, plur. matita, a faggot, a bundle
Tilifisha ku-, to diminish, to make of firewood.
to dwindle away. Titi, the nipple. j
Tilifu ku-, to ruin, to waste. Tilia hu-, to shake, to sink in
Also (?) of the sea, when deep Tohara ku-, to purify by ablutions,
and rough, to boil. to perform the Mohammedan
Titika ku-, to carry a bundle of ablutions.

sticks, &c. Toi, a kind of wild goat.

Titima ku-, to roar and roll like Toja ku-, to slash, cut gashes, as a
thunder. means of bleeding, &c.
Titiwanga, chicken-pox. See Kiti- Tojo, a cut made for ornament, &c.
wanga. Toka or Tokea, from, since.
Tiwo (?), paralysis. Toka ku-, to go or come out or away
•to, a suffix, denoting goodness or from, to be acquitted, to go
propriety, rarely used in Zan- free.

zibar. Kutoka damu, to bleed.

Kuweka, to put ;
Kutoka hari, to sweat.
Kuwekato, to put properly. Tokana ku-, to go forth from one
Manuka, smells ; another, to divorce, to be set free.
Manukato, scents. Tokea, from, since. See Toka.
Toa ku-, to put out, to take away, Tokea hapo, in old time, from old
give, expel, to deliver, to except,
to choose out. Tokea ku-, to come out to, or from,
Kutoa meno, to grin, to show the to appear.

teeth, to snarl.
Tokcza ku-, to ooze out, to project.

Toazi, plur. matoazi, cymbals.

Tokomea ku-, to get out of one's

Tola, repentance. Tokoni, the pelvis. [sight.

Toboa ku-, to break through, to Tokono (A.), the hips.
break a hole in a wall. Tokora ku-, to pick one's teeth.
Tokosa ku-, to boil, to cook by
Tobwe, a simpleton, ignoramus.
Tofaa, plur. mafofaa, a fruit shaped boiling.
like a codling with rosy-coloured ToJcoseka ku-, to be well boiled, to

streaks, = Tomondo. See Mto- be done.

mondo. Tokota ku-, to become boiled, to be
cooked by boiling.
Tofali, plur. matofali, a brick.
Tolea ku-, to put out for, to offer to.
Tofauti, difference, dispute.
Kutolewa, to have put out for
Nimeingia tofauti kwa kuwa wee
umeniibia fttha yangu, I have one, or to be put out, to be
a quarrel with you for stealing
Toma, orchitis, hydrocele.
Tomasa ku-, to poke with the fingers,
Tofaa' ku-, to hurt or put out an
to feel, used of examining a
Tofuka ku-, to have an eye hurt or living creature, as Bonyesha, of
inanimate objects.
put out.
Tomba ku-, to have sexual connec-
Toga ku-, to pierce the ears.
tion with.
Togwa, unfermented beer.
Tohara, circumcision. Tombo, a quail.
2 D
Tomea ku- (M.) = <
ku-. Toroiha ku-, to abduct, to induce U
to run away.
ea point by plastering

over and putting small stones in Tom hu-, tu cause to sink, to drown
in ike the work firm. Kutona macho, to spoil the v. < .-

Tomesha fcu-, to set on (a dog, &c). To8d, plur. matosa, fruit just be-
Junto, dross of iron, &o. ginning to ripen, all but ripe.
Tomiee = Zbmo. Tosha ku-, to suffice, to be enough
wdo, a hippopotamus. for, to cause to come out.

Tomondo, plur. umlciiionilo — Tofaa. Toiltea ku-, to be astonished, to be

Tona feu-, to drop. staggered.
i /.-«-. Toshdeza ku-, to suffice.
Kutona /una, to lay and hind on Toihewa ku-, to be astonished.
a plaster of henna until the Tota ku-, to sink.
part us dyed red. Totea ku- (M.) = Choehea ku-.
Kutona godoro, to sow through a Toteza maclw ku-, to spoil the eyes.
mattress here and there to con- Totoma ku-, to be lost, to wander.
fine the stuffing. Totora ha-, to pick one's teeth. Also,
Tondoo, a small brown nut con- Tokora.
taining oil.
Tooya = Cho'iya.
/.'«-, to strike against, to 'loir, a ku-, to eat as a relish or
touch a sore place, to make a sore kitoweo.
run. Toweka ku-, to vanish. At Lamoo

plur. matone, a drop. word is us d for to die.


Toneza ku-, to cause »p.

to dr Towelea ku-, to eat by mouthfuls.
Tonga ku- (M.) = Chonga ku-, to Towesha ku-, to ruin, to put out of
cut. the way.
Tongea ku- Chongea. = Toweza ku-, to pour gravy, &c, over
Tongosimba, a small bird black the rice.
with white neck it makes a ;
Tozi, plur. matozi (Ml), a tear.
it noise in flj Trufu, trump (in cards).

Tongoza ku-, to seduce. Tu, only, nothing but this, only

rope, mud, plur. matope, much mud. just. The -« of tu is very short ;

ropea /.-"-. to sink in mire, to be it always follows the word or


phrase which it qualities.
a custard apple.
Tu, we are or were.
Topeza ku-, to be to for one. Tu or Tit)-, the sign of the

heavy first

Topoa ku-, to take out, to break a

person plural, we.
BpelL to clear for cultivation. -tu- or -tw-, the objective prefix de-
. plur. matora, a small
spear. noting the first person plural, u

Torati, the law of Moses, the Pen- Tua ku-, to put down, to put down
loads, to nst. to halt, to encamp,
Twdka ku-, to run away from a to set (of the sun).
fn >ra home, &c. Jua sunset
likitua, at
Tua hu-, to grind by pushing a Tuliha hu-, to be serene and tranquil.
stone backwards and forwards. Tulilia hu-, to settle down tor or in
Tuama hu-, to settle, to clear itself. regard to.
Tuana hu-, to settle. Yamehutulilia ? have you under-
Tuhia hu-, to repent of. stood me ?
Tubu hu-, to repent. Yamenitulilia, I have.
Tufanu, a storm, a tempest. Tuliliana hu-, to come to an agree-

Tufe, a ball. ment.

Tuhumu hu-, to accuse of, to lay to Tuliza hu-, to calm, to still.
his charge, to suspect. Tulizia hu-, to calm for.
Tui (M.) =
Chui, a leopard. Kutulizia roho, to calm, to console.
Tui, the oily juice squeezed out of Tuma hu-, to mploy, to send about

the scraped cocoa-nut. some business.

Tuiliza hu-, to prolong. Tuma hu- (M.) = Chuma hu-, to

Tuja hu- (M.) = Chuja hu-, to strain. Tumaa hu-, to hope. [profit.

Tulca, posts of a verandah or long Tumai hu- = Tumaa.

eaves. Roho yatumai, I hope.
Tuhana hu-, to use bad language Tumaini hu-, to be confident, to

to, to abuse, to address with in- hope.

sulting or iudecent expressions. Tumainisha hu-, to make confident,
Tuhano, plur. matuhano, bad words, to make to hope.

insulting or filthy language. Tumania hu-, to hope in, confide in.

2Wftafcu-,&c.(M.) = Chuhiahu-,&c. Tumba, a long rice-bag.
Tuhia hu-, to happen. Tumbaho, tobacco.
Tuhio, plur. matuhio, a thing which K acuta tumbaho, to smoke.
happens, an accident. Tumbaho ya hunuha or hunusa,
Tuhiza hu-, to project. Tumbasi, an abscess. [snuff.
Tuhua hu-, &c. (M.) = Chuhua Tumbili, a small kind of light-
•tuhufu, glorious, great. [few-, &c. coloured monkey.
Tukuka hu-, to become exalted, to Tumbo, plur. matumbo, gut, belly,
grow great. viscera, womb.
Tuhusa hu-, to move, to shake. Tumbo la huenenda, diarrhoea.
Tuhuta hu-, to move about restlessly, Tumbo la huharadamu, dysentery.
to shake nervously. Tumbua hu-, to disembowel, cut
Tukutiza hu- (obscene). open, pick a hole in, open (an
Tuhuza hu-, to exalt, to makegreat. abscess).
Tulia hu-, to become quiet, to settle Tumbuiza hu-, to soothe, to sing to,
down, to amend from a riotous to sing by turns.
life. Tumbuha hu-, to burst, to be burst,
Tulia, don't make a noise. &c. See Tumbua.
Tulia leu-, to grind with. See Tua. Tumbuhia hu-, to fall into.
Jiwe la hutulia, a stoue to grind
Ametumbuhia, hisimani, he has
got into a scrape.
2 d 2
Tumbukita feti-, to throw into, to Tunguja, a common weed, a species
oauee to fall into, to get a person of solatium.
into :i
Bcrape. Tungulia ku- (M.) = Chungulia ku-,
Twnbulia l;u-. to peep
Kutumbulia macho, to stare at. Tit a ika ku- (M.), to lose the skin, to
Tumbuu, a Btaple. be flayed.
Tumbuza ku-, to disembowel, to Tumi, a rarity, a choice gift, a
penetrate, to j^et through. present.
Turne, a messenger. Tiinnl;a ku-, to love
excessively, to
Tumia feu-, to employ, to spend, to long fur.

use. Tn n a I. ia ku, to make a present to.

ilea feu-, to be employed, to Tunza, plur. matunza, care.

serve. Tunza ku-, to take care of, to look
Tumikia feu-, t^> be employed by, to after, to make gifts to.

serve, to obey. Tuna, a tile.

I'mait, taste, tasting. Tu mi, plur. matupa (M.), a bottle.

'/, the month Rama than. Tupa feu-, to throw, to throw
Tuna ku-, &c. (M.) = CItunaku,&c. Kutupa nathari, or macho, to cast
Tuna ];u-, to swell, to get cross. a glance, to cast the eyes.
Tunda, plnr. matunda, a fruit. Kutupa mkono, to break olf friend-
Tvndama few-, to gather, to settle at ship.
the bottom. Tn j, ia ku-, to throw at, to pelt with.
Tundika feu-, to hang up, to be Tiijiiza ku-, to pass its proper mea-
suspended. sure or time.
Tundu, plur. tundu or matundu, a -tupu, bare, empty. It makes tupu
hole, a cage, a nest. with nouns like nyumba. See
Tundu yapua, a nostril. t'hijiii.
'''ma feu-, to stand stockstill in Tupua feu-, to root out, to pull up.
wonder at, &c. Turuhani, tare,allowance for pack-
Tunga, a round open basket. age, &c, in weighing.

Tunga feu-, to suppurate. Tururna. See Maturuma.

Tunga feu-, to put together in order, Turupuka ku-, to slip out of one's
to string beads, to make verses. hand.
Tungama feu-, to clot, to congeal. Tusbiih, ascriptions of praise, a
Twngamana feu-, to be steady. rosary, the beads used by Mo-
Tungia feu-, to thread a needle. hammedans in praying. See
Tungua to let down, to pull
ku-, Tasbih.
down, hook down.
to Tusha ku-, to lower, to make mean
Tunguka ku-, to be pulled or let or low.
down. Tuehi, plur. matwlri, abuse, bad
Tungika ku-, to depend upon, to language. See Matusu.
bang from. Tuswira, a picture.
Tungn (M.j = Chungu, ants. Tula, plur. matuta, a heap of earth.
T UT U 401

a raised bed for planting sweet Tweta ku-, to pant, to strive for
Tutu! Leave it alone Don't touch ! ! Tweza ku-, to despise, to hold in
Used to little children. contempt.
Tutuka ku-, or Tutu'mha or Tutu- Twiga, a giraffe, a camelopard.
siJca, to rise in little swellings, to Twika ku-, to put a load on a man's
come out in a rash. head. Also Tika.
Tutuma leu-, to make a noise of

bubbling, to boil up. U.

Tutumua ku-.

Kujitutumua, to gather oneself U is pronounced like oo in food.

up for an effort. U before a vowel takes a conso-

Tuza ku-, or Tuuza ku-, to weep (of nantal sound, and may be written
a wound). w. This change is not so marked
Kutnza damu (M.), to run down u as before the other vowels.
before a
with blood, to bleed exces- Sometimes both it's keep their vowel
sively. sound. U before o is frequently
Tuza ku- = Tunza ku-. dropped :

Kujituza, to make oneself mean Moyo = Muoyo.

or low. The syllable mu- is seldom so

Tuzanya ku-, to come to an agree- pronounced in Zanzibar; it becomes

ment (A.). mw- or 'm, or a simple m.
-tw- = -tu-. L and u are sometimes appa-
Twa ku (M.) = Chwa ku-. rently interchanged, as,
Twaa ku-, to take. Ufalme or TJfaume, a kingdom.
Kutwaa nyara, to take as spoil. Mlango or Mwango, a door.
Twalia ku-, to take from. Nouns in u- or w- generally lose
Twaliwa ku-, to be deprived of, to their u- in the plural, most of them
have had taken from one. Used substituting n- or ny- for it, but
also in the sense of, to be taken. dissyllable nouns keep the w- and
Tirana ku- or Tuana ku-, to settle. prefix ny-. See N.
Twana ku- = Twazana. The insertion of a -u- before tin:
Twanga ku-, to clean corn from the final -a of a verb reverses its mean-
husk by pounding it in a wooden ing.
mortar. Kiifunga, to fasten.
Twangia ku-, to clean corn for, Kufungua, to unfasten.
with, etc. There is a suppressed I between
Twazana ku-, to resemble in face, the u and the a (as always in
to be like. Swahili between two consecutive
Tweka ku-, to hoist, to raise, to vowels), which appears in the ap-
take up. plied forms.
Twesha ku-, to go by night to see Kufungulia, to unfasten for.

any one. The passive of the applied forms

. \i rbs in -ua is used also as tho Uaya, plur. nyayo, the solo of tho
In. >t, a
passive of the Bimple form. footprint.
Kufungidiina,to be unfastened, or Ubabvoa, pap, a 6oft food for chil-
to have unfastened for one. dren.
K ma, to kill, is irregular, and / hiifu or UImvu, plur. mliavu, a rib.

makes its passive by adding -wa, Mbavtini, in or at its side.

.tea, to be killed. Ubani, incense, galbauum.

Ubatili, nullity.
Ar.), and. Ubau, plur. mbau, a plnnk.
U, thou art, it is, of nouns in u-, ['liium, plur. mbawa,a wing feather.
1 of those which make tl eir Ubazazi.

plural in mi-. Kufanya ubazazi, to make a bar-

U- or ?/:-, the sign of the second gain.

rson singular. Ubeleko, a cloth worn by women, a
V •
the personal prefix of the
r ;/•-, customary present to the bride's
third person singular denoting a mother on the occasion of a
substantive in u-, or one which wedding.
makes its plural in mi-. Ubishi, a joke.
-u-, or -ic-, the objective prefix de- Ubuyu, the inside of the calabash
noting a substantive in «-, or one fruit.

that makes its plural in mi-. Uchafu or Uchavu, filthiness.

U- as a substantive prefix is used Uchiujaa = Utagaa.

to form abstract nouns, and also Uchala, a raised stage to put corn
to form the names of countries, &c. upon.

as, Uchawi, witchcraft, black magic.

Unyika, the Nyika country ;
Kufanya uchawi, to practise
Uqala, the Galla country ;

Uzungu, the country of Eu- Uchi, nakedness.

eans. /
chipuka, plur. chipuka, a shoot, a
I a ku-, to kill. blade of grass.
Passive, kuuawa, to be killed. Uehoehoro, a passage, opening be-
f'n, plur. maua, a flower. tween.
Ua, plur. nyua, a yard, an enclosure, Uchovu, tediousnesa.
a fence. Uchu, a longing.
Ua voa mabua,&n enclosure fenced Uchukuti, the leafstalk of the ;ocoa-
with mtama .-talks. nut leaf.

makuti,an enclosure fenced
tea Uchukuzi, carriage, cost of carry-
with plaited cocoa-nut leaves. ing.
Uai hi, a court, a yard. Uchuhwi, a kind of rice.

I anda = Wanda. Uchumi = Utumi.

= Uanda. Uchungu, bitterness, pain, poison,
apo, plur. nyapo,
an oath. Uchungu, bitter. See -chungu.
Uaica ku-, to be killed. Dawa uchungu, bitter medicine.
UD A UKA 403

Udaka, babbling, telling secrets. Ugo, enclosure, close.

Udevu, plur. ndevu, one hair of the Ugomvi, a quarrel, quarrel soniem ss.

beard. Vgonjwa, sickness, a sickness.

Udogo, smallness, youth. Ugrani, a general collection of debts.
Udongo, clay, a kind of earth used Ugua ku-, to fall sick, to groan.
to mix with the lime and sand in Ugumu, hardness, difficulty.
making mortar. Uguza hu-, to nurse, to take care of

Ufa ku-y to become cracked. Ugive, string. [a sick person.

Ufa, plur. nytifa, a crack. Uharabu, mischief.

Kutia u/a, to crack. Uharara, warmth.
Ufagio, plur. /agio, a brush, broom, Uliaribivu, destruction, destructive

a bundle of the leaves of a palm ness.

used to sweep with. Ulttaji, want, thing wanting.

Vfahamu, memory. Ulturu, freedom.

Ufajiri = Alfajiri. Vimbo, plur. nyimbo,& song,a ballad.

Vfalmeoi U/aume,luugdom, royalty. Uirari (in arithmetic), proportion,

Ufidiwa, a ransom. division of profits. See Worari.

Ufisadi, vice. Vizi, theft, thieving.

Ufiski, vice. Ujahili, boldness.

Ufito, plur. fito, a thin stick, sticks Ujalifu, fulness.
such as those which are used as Ujana, youth.
laths to tie the makuti thatch to. Vjari, tiller-ropes.
Ufizi, plur. Jizi,
the gums. Ujenzi, building.
I 'r'u, death, the state of being dead. Uji, gruel.
Ufufulio or U/n/u-o, resurrection, Ujima, help of neighbours, assist-

revival. ance in work.

Ufukara, destitution. Ujivga, rawness, dulness, ignorance.
Ufukwe, absolute destitution. Vjio, coming.
Ufumbi, valley, bottom. Ujira, hire, reward.
Ufunga, stone bench, = Kibaraza. Ujumbe, chiefship, headship.
Ufungu, relatives. Ujuvi, knowingness, officiousness,
Ufunguo, plur. fungtio, a key. pretended knowledge.
Ufuo, sandy beach. Ujusi, defilement, whatever is re-
Ufuta, semsem. moved by ablutions.

Ufulhuli, officiousnesa. Ukaango, plur. kaango, an earthen

Uga, an open space in a town wl ere pot for cooking with oil or fat.

a house has been pulled down, or Ukafu.

where a dance could be held. Ukafu wa maji, a bubble on
Ugali, porridge. water.

Uganga, white magic, medicine. Ukali, fierceness, sharpness.

Ughaibu, the little packet of betel Ku/anya ukali, to scold.
leaf, areca nut, lime, and tobacco Ukambaa, plur. kambaa (M.), cord
made up for chewing. line.
I"| D K A U KU
Ukamdifu, perfectness, perfection. Vkomba, a scraper, a curved knife

UJtanda, a Btrap. for hollowing out mortars, &c.

Ukao. Btay, Btoppi Ukombolewa, a ransom.
UkarimU) generosity, liberality. Ukombozi or Ukomboo, a ransom
Ukaim. delay. Ukonilr (}r,i f, nde , a (date) stone.

Ukaya, a long piece of blue calico, Ukongwe, oldneas, extreme old age.
often ornamented with Bpangles, Ukonyezo, plur. konyi to, a sign made
worn by slaves and poor women by lifting tin- eyi brow.
in Zanzibar over their heads: Ukoo, nastiness, uncleanness (?).

it bas two long ends, reaching Ukoo, ancestry, pedigree, family

nearly to the ground. origin and connections.
le, I'lur. tele, a cry, a noise.
Ukope, plur. kope,& hair from the
Akapigiwa ukelele, and a cry was eyelash.
made at him. Ukosi, the nape of the neck.
Ukemi, a call (Men). Ulcubali, acceptance.

Nipigie ukemi. give me a call. 'lira, greatness, bigness.

Ukengele, a sort of knife made
in Ukucha, plur. kucha, a nail, a claw,
Zanzibar. a hoof.
Uketo, depth. Ukufi, plur. k»fi, a handful, what
Ukingo, the brink, a screen, an en- will lie upon the hand.
tre mad'- with cloths. Ukumbi, an apartment at the en-
JJhiri, plur. a strip of fine
kiri, trance, a hall, a porch. The
matting about an inch broad, out ukumbi is within a stone bouse
of which mikeka are made. and outside a mud house.
Ukiwa, desolation, solitude where Ukumbuka, recollection.

people once were. Ukumbueho, memorial, a reminder.

or Huko, there. Ukumbuu, plur. kumbuu, a girdle
Vkoa, pi nr. k'oa, a plate of metal, made of a narrow cloth, a turban
one of the rings on the scabbard cloth twisted tightly into a sort
of a sword. &c. of rope such as the turbans of

Ukoga, the tartar and dirt on the the Hindis are made of.

th. dufu, pleasingness, comino-

JJkohozi, phthisis. diousness, liberality.
Ukoka, grass cut for fodder. Ukungu, mould, mouldiness.
Ukoko, the rice on the top of the Kufanya ukungu, to get mouldy.
which is often dry and Ukungu, the first light of dawn.
scorched through the custom of Ukuni, plur. kuni, a piece of firo
pouring away the water when the wood.
rice is done and heaping live Ukurasa, plur. kuram, a leaf of a
embers on the lid of the pot. book, a sheet of paper.
Ukoko CA.). a cough. Ukuia, plur. kuta, a stone wall.
Ukdlogefu, decay. Ukuti, plur. kuti, a leaflet of the
ma, lepr cocoa-nut tree.
Uluiu, greatness, size. Ulizia ku-, to make inquiries on
Ukwaju, a tamarind. behalf of.

£77iM;ase/w,necessity,having nothing. TJlongo, falsehood. See TJwongo.

Ukwasi, wealth, riches. Uma, plur. nyuma, a spit, a large
Ukicato, plur. kicato, a hoof. fork, an awl.
TJlalo, a tree or trees cut down so Umawa kuokeanyama, a gridiron.
as to fall across a river and make Uma ku-, to bite, to sting, to hurt,
a bridge over it. to give pain to, to ache.

Ulaji, gluttony. Umaheli, ingenuity.

Ulambiyambi, a very young: dafu. Umalidadi, dandyism.
Ulanisi, a faul-mouthed person. Umande, dew, morning air, mist,
Ula na or W'h' '% liome applied ; the west wind.
especially to the home of Euro- Umasikini, poverty.
peans, Europe. Umati, a multitude, people.
Ulayiti, European, inferior calico. Umati lea, Christians.
Kamba ulayiti, hempen rope. Umati Musa, Jews.
Tile, that, yonder. Umati Muhammad, Mohammedans.
Uledi, a dhow boy, a cabin boy. Umba ku-, to create, to shape.
Ulegevu, relaxation, the state of Umba ku-, to bale out a boat. For
being slack. Kumba.
Ulia ku-, to kill for, with, &c. Umbaumba hu-, to sway about like
Tumulie rnbali, let us kill him a drunken man.
out of the way. Umbo, plur. maumbo, form, outward
Ulili, a couch or bedstead (Kianz- likeness, appearance, character,
wani). species.
Ulimbo, birdlime, gum, resin. Najiona umbo la huwa hiziwi, I
Ulimbwende, dandyism. feel getting deaf.

Ulimi, plur. ndimi, the tongue, a Umbu, plur. maumbu, a sister.

tenon, the heel of a mast. Umbua hu-, to allege a defect, to
Ulimicengu, the world, the universe, depreciate.
a man's own world or circle of Umbwa, or better Hlbica, a clog.
duties and pleasures. -ume (or -lume), male, strong. It
Kuwalto ulimwenguni, to be alive. makes ndume with nouns like
Ulingo, a raised platform to scare nyumba.
Ulio,which is. [birds from. Mkono wa kuume, the right hand.
Ulitima, the last three cards of the Umeme, lightning. '

pack. Umia ku-, to give pain to« V*

Vliza ku-, to ask, to inquire of a Umika ku; to cup.
person. Umio, the oesophagus.
Kumuliza Jiali, to ask how he Umito, heaviness, feeling heavy.
does. Umiza ku-, to hurt.
Siwezi kuulizwa uiccngo, I cannot Umha hit-, to swell, to rise when
tell a lie. leavened.
406 UM K V P A

Umku (?) feu-, to call. Unguza ku-, to scorch or scald, to

Umo or Humo, there insido. burn.
/./, oneness. Ungwana, the state of being a free
r»ir«, ago. and civilized man, civilization.
I7mrt wake apatajef How old -ungwana, civilized, as opposed to

is he? •shenzi; free, as opposed to

Umua ku-, to take honey from the •tumwa.

liive. Kiungwana, of a civilized kind.

you have, thou bast. Unuele, or Unwele, or Unyele, plur.

17na nt'ntf What is the matter nyele, a hair.
vrith you? Vnyago. See Kinyago*
ozitaka, which you are asking Kuchezea unyago, to teach wo-
for. manho >d.

Undo ku-, to build ships or boats. Unyasi, reed, grass.

Undu, the comb of a cock. Unyayo, plur. nyayo, the solo of the
Unene, 6toutncss, thickness. foot, a footprint.
Unenyekeo, humility, abasement, Unyele. See Unuele.
reverence. Unyende.
Unga, Hour, powder. Kupiga unyende, to cry with a
I inja wa ndere, a magic poison. f .hie thin voice.

Unga feu-, to unite, to splice, to join. Unyflca, the Nyika country.

Ungama, a place near Melinda, Uinjna, plur. nyoct, a feather
.-wallowed up by the sea.
Unyo/u, straightness, uprightness.
una ku-, to acknowledge, to
Unyogovu, idleness.
confess of one's own accord.
Unyonge, vileness, meanness.
Ungamana ku-, to bring together, I
connect. to strut about,
Kupiga unyungu,
Ungamo, a yellow dye used for to show oneself off.

dyeing malting. Unyushi, plur. nyushi, a hair from

Ungana feu-, to unite, tojoin together. the eyebrow.
the Bign of the second person
Uo, plur. maun, a sheath.
[ re-,

Uoga or Woga, fear.
Ungedumu, you would continue. . rot teiii icss, badness, corrup-
Ungekutca, you would be. tion, malice, evil.
I'ntji, much, plenty. Uozi, marriage.
the hymen Upaa, baldness.

Euvunja ungo, be deflowered,

U/iaa tea kitwa, crown of the
to begin to menstruate.
head, baldness.
Virgo, plur. maungo, a round flat Upaja, plur. paja, the thigh.
basket used in sifting.
Upaji, liberality.
'ufjun ku-, to be scorched or scalded.
Upamba, plur. partiba, a bill, a small
Ujiguja, Zanzibar. hatchet.
Vngulia ku-, to scorch or scald. Upana, width, breadth.
UP A URA 407

Upawle, plur. pande, a side, part. Upembo, curved end, hook, a stick
Upande wa Mvita, near or about to hook down fruit with.
Mombas. Upendaji, the habit of liking.
Upaiide wa chini, the under side, Upendavyo, as you please.
the lee side. Upendtlto, favour.
Upande wa juu, the upper side, Upenzi, love, affection, liking.
the weather side. Upeo, plur. peo (M.), a sweeping
Upande wa goshini, the side where brush.
the tack of the sail is fastened, Upeo, the extremest point visible,
the weather side. the extreme limit, something
Upanga, a cock's comb. which cannot be surpassed.
Upanga, plur. panga, a sword. Upepeo, plur. pepeo, a fan.
Upepo, plur. pepo, a wind,
Upanga wafelegi,& long straight cold.

two-edged sword carried by the See Pepo. The plural is used to

Arabs. denote much wind.
Upanga wa imani, a short sword Upesi, quickly, lightly.
with a kind of cross hilt. Upia = Upya, newness.
Kuweka upanga, to set up a Upindi, plur. pindi, a bow.
sword on its edge. Upindi wa mvua, the rainbow.
Upao, plur. pao, one of the small Upindo, a fold, a hem.
sticks used as laths to tie the boat or
Upo, a water-dipper for a
thatch to. dhow.
Upapi, the outer beading of a door Upofu, blindness.
Upogo, a squint.
Upataji, value. Upogoupogo, zigzag.
Upato, a round plate of copper Upole, gentleness,
beaten as a musical instrument. used to
Upondo, plur. pondo, a pole
Upawa, plur. pawa, a flat ladle made propel canoes and small vessels.
out of a cocoa-nut shell, used
Upongoe, plur. pongoe, the leaf stem
for serving out curry, gravy, &c. of a palm tree.
An upawa differs from a l<ata in Upooza, paralysis.
being very much flatter and Upote, striug, bowstring.
shallower : more than two- Upotevu, waste, destiuctiveness,
thirds of the shell are cut away wastefulness.
to make an upawa ; scarcely a Upumbafu, folly.
quarter is cut off in making a Upungu, plur. punga, a flower or
kata. embryo nut of the cocoa-nut tree.
Upekecha, the piece of wood used Upungufu, defect, defectiveness.
to make fire by rubbing. Upupu, cow-itch.
Upeketevu, destruction, harm, quar- Upuzi, nonsense, chatter, silly talk.
relling. Upweke, singleness, independence.
Upele, plur. pele, a large pimple. Upya, newness.
Pele, the itch. Uruthi, contentment.
Urefu, length. Usiwa, on the high seas.
I'n nihil, ornament, applied espe- plur. nyuso, face, countenance.
cially to the black lines painted Ussubui, for Astvbui, in the morning,
on their faces by the woniun of the morning.
Zauzibai by way of ornament. Usubi, a sandfly, a midge.
J'rilhi, inheritance. sufi, silk cotton from the msufi

Urongo = Uwongo. tree.

Urotfia, invoice. Usultani, plur. sukani, a rudder.

Cm, diamonds (in cards). Usvltani, sultanship.
Usafit Bhavinga and chips. Usumba, sec Makwmbi.
Usaha, matter, pus. Via, plur. nyuta or mata, a bow,
Usemi, talk, conversation. ('In.
[bow and arrows.
Ushadi, plur. nyushadi, verses. Mafuta ya uta, semsem oil.

I'xhuhidi, or Ushukuda, testimony. Utaa, a raised stage to put corn,

Ushambilio, haste, suddenly. K^&c,>on.
Ushanga, plur. shanga, a bead. Utabibu, medical science, being a
Usharika, partnership, sharing. doctor.

Ushaufu, deo it.

Utagaa, n, branch of a tree.

rati, dissipation. A\bo Asherati. Utaji, a veil.

Ushi, a string-course. Utajiri, wealth.

hujaa, heroism, great courage. Utakaoho, what you wish.
JJshukura, thank's. Utakatifu, holiness, purity.
Ushungu,& vegetable poison, used Utako (Mer.), keel of a dhow.
to poison arrows. Utambaa, plur. tambaa, a bandage,
Ushupafu, perversity, crookedness. a rag.
Ushuru, tax, duty, customs. Utambi, plur. Iambi, a lamp- wick, a
TJ*ia leu-, to leave directions or piece of stuff for a turban.
"Tilers, by will, &c. See Wasia. Utambo {wa sufuria, &c), a swing-
Usikizi, bearing, attention, under- ing handle like that of a pail.
standing. Utamvua, end or coruer of a turban,
Usiku, night. The plur. sihu is used of a cloth, &c.
to denote days of 24 hours. Four Utandu (A.) = Ukoko.
whole nights must be roudere 1 I'hi mini hymen.

nihil nne u>-iku hucha. Four days Utani, a kindred race, the belonging
and nights, sihu nne mchana na to a kindred tribe, familiarity.

iku. r/niizH, plur. tanzu, a brand).

r imanga, mockery. Utashi, desire.
!' imeme, firmness. Utasi, tongueticdness.
r inga, plur. einga, a (straight, not Utawi.
woolly) hair. See Singa. Kupiga utawi, to drink grog to-
!i i.
plur. eingizi, sleep. See
Zingi Ute.

Ihiri, delay. Ute wa yayi, the white of an egg.

UTE U WA 409

Utelezi, slipperiness. Utumbavu, thickness, swelling,

Utembe, the chewed refuse of betel rising.
leaf, &c. Utumbuizo, a soothing thing, verses
Vtenzi, a poem, especially a reli- sung during a dance.
gious poem. Utume, sending people about.
Uteo, plur. teo (M.), a sifting bas- Utumi, use, usage.
ket. Utumo, business, place of business.
Utepe, plur. tepe, a tape, a baud, a Utumiva, slavery, employment, en-
fillet, a stripe. gagement.
Utepetefu, languor.
Kutia utumwani, to enslave.
Uteei, strife. Utungu (M.) = Uchungu.
1'ihabiti, bravery, firmness. TJtungu, is used in the dialect of
Uthaifu, weakness, infirmity. Zanzibar only for the pains of
'Uthani, weight. childbirth, TJtungu wa uzazi.
Uthiku-, to harass, trouble, *w**y-A Utupa, a species of euphorbia used
Uthia, bother, noise, uproar. as a fish poison.
Uthia ku-, to harass. Utupu, naked (vulgar).
Uthibaji, cheat, deceit, stratagem. Mtu utupu, a naked man.
Uthika ku-, to be harassed. Mtu mtupu, a mere man.

TJtMUfu, calamity, great trouble. Uuaji, murderousness.

Uthuru ku-, to excuse. TJudi, aloes wood.
Uti. Uuza ku. See Uza ku:
JJti maungo, the backbone.
ica Uvi, a door [Tumbatu].
Utiko, the roof-ridge of a thatched Uvivu, idleness, sloth.
house. Uvuguvugu, lukewarmness.
a provoking trick.
JJtiriri, Maji yana uvuguvugu, the water
Vtofu, dull, without amusement. is lukewarm.

Utofu, thinness, weakness. Uvuli, shade.

Utoko, mucus from the vagina. Uvumba, incense, galbanum.
Uto. Uvundo, a smell of corruption.
Uto wa nyama, fat cooked out of Uvurujika, tendency to crumble, a
meat, dripping. being spoilt and decayed.
Utonwa, thick white sap. Uvurungu, hollowness.
Utondm, small dhows trading about Jiwe la uvurungu, a hollow stone.
Zanzibar, coasters. Uvyazi, birth.
Utosi, the top of the head. Uwanda, a plain.
Utoto, childhood. Uwanga, arrowroot.
Utufu, fatigue. Uwanga, a sweet dish made of

Utukufu, greatness, exaltation, wheat, flour, sugar, and ghee.

glory. Uwanja, a courtyard, an enclosure.
Utule, wretchedness, weakness, un- Uwashi, masonry.
fitness. Uwati, a vesicular eruption on the
Utulivu, quietness, patience.
no U W A VAL
>,'. tin'
vizirship. T;;'. plnr. nyuzi, thread, string, a
Uueli, sickness, disi ise. stripe.
Vuili wa riungo, rheumatism. Uziki, poverty.
->, power, ubility. Uzima, health, heartiness, complete-
Uiriu'la. ness, life.

Kwpiga uwinda, to pass the ends Pee Zinrjizi an<\ Udngizi.


of the loin-cloth between the Uzinguo, disenchantment, as from

legs and tuck them in, as is tho power of the evil eye.
done loosely by the Banyans, Uzini or Uzinzi, adultery, fornica-
and tightly by men at work. tion.

Uwingu, plnr. rnbingu, heaven, sky. Uzio, plnr. nyuzio, a hedge made in
The plural is the form more com- the sea to catch fish.
monly used. Uzulia ku-, to depose.
I'/rivu, jealousy. Uzulu ku-, to depose, to remove from
Vvxmgo, falsehood. an office.
Manenoye yamekuwa uwongo, he Kujiuzulu, to resign, to give up a
has become a teller of lies. place or office, to abdicate.
J'liajuapo, if you know them. Uzuri, beauty, fineness, ornament
a mushroom. vzuri, to adorn oneself.
l~!i'><ja, Kufanya
Uyuzi, ingenuity. Uzushi, raising from the bottom, at-

Vijuzi ku-, to ascertain. in fishing for pearls.

I':n leu-, to ask, to ask questions. a
TJzuzu, rawness, greenness (of
/ : feu- or Za ku-, to sell. simpleton).
The u in kuuza, or rather kuza,
to sell, is very short and insig-
nificant it is possibly only a

partial retention of the ku-,
which bears the accent and is V is pronounced as in English.
retained entire in the usual
V,f, and b, are sometimes a little
tenses. The w- in kuuza, to difficult to distinguish accurately in

ask, is much more important, the dialect of Zanzibar. This i>

as is shown clearly in the ap- probably owing to the want of

* i

plied forms. in Arahic.

Kuuliza, to ask of a person ; V and vy change in some dialects
pres. pcrf. ameuliza, into 2-, in others into tit-.

Kuliza, to sell to a person ; becomes mwizi at

Mirivi, a thief,
prea pcrf. ameliza. Lamoo, and mwithi at Patta.
J'zanya ku-, to be ordinarily sold, Vaa ku-, to put on, to dress in.
he for sale.
t ,
The past tenses arc used in
V tzt, birth. sense of, to wear.
Uzee, old age. Am<raa, he wears.
I indifference, apathy, slow- Alivaa, he wore.
ness. Yalta ku-.

Mshipi tea huvalia nguo, a girdle Yijinmn, little words, prattle.

to gird up one's clothes with. 1 'iha ku-, to clothe, to dress.

Vao, plur. mavao, dress. Vile, those yonder.

Yaranga, interrupting and bother- Vileviie, just those things, like
ing talk. tilings, in like manner.
Yazi, plur. mavazi, a dress, a gar- Vilia ku-, to stop and stagnate, as
ment. the blood does in a bruise.
Vema, well, very well. Vilio, a stagnation, a stoppage.
Vema or Vyema, good. See -ema. Ma vilio ya damu, bruises, effusion
Ft- or Vy-, the plural prefix of sub- of blood.
stantives (and of adjectives and Yimba ku-, to swell, to thatch.
pronouns agreeing with them) I'imbisha ku-, to overfeed a person.
which make their singular in ki- Vimbiwa ku-, to be overstuffed, to
or ch-. overeat oneself.
Yi- or Vy-, sign of the third person Yimo, all of one size.

plural prefixed to verbs governed Yinga vya molo, firebrands, sing.

by nouns in vi- or vy-. hinga cha moto.
Vi- or Vy- prefixed to adjectives See
Vinyi, many. -ingi.
often gives them an adverbial See -ugine.
Vingine, others.
Vinjari ku-, to cruise about, to go
the objective prefix represent-
•vi-, looking out for something, to
ing nouns in vi- or vy-. watch.
Via ku-, to stop short of perfection, Yinyavinya ku-, to press and crush
to be stunted in its growth, to food for children and sick
remain ouly half cooked for want Vinyi. See Muoenyi.
of fire, &c, &c. Vinyu = Mvinyo.
Yiaa ku- = Vyaa ku-. Vioga ku- (M.), to tread.
Viatu (plural of Kia(u), shoes, san- Viombo =Vyornbo.
dals. Yiote or Vyote, all. See -ote.
Yiatu vya Kizungu, European Vipande vya kupimia, nautical in-
shoes. struments, sextants, &c.
Viatu vya ngozi, leather sandals. Vipele (plur. of Kipele), small
Yiatu vya mti. wooden clo^s. pimples, a rash.
Viazi (plur. of Kiazi), sweet pota- Vipele vya harara, prickly heat.
toes. Viringa ku-, to become round.
Yiazi vya Kizungu, potatoes. Imeviringa, it is round.
Viazi vikuu, yams. Viringana ku-, to become spherical.
Viberiti (plur. of Kiberiti), matches, Visha ku-, to give clothes to.
lucifers. Vita, war.
Yidani, collars of gold, &c Vitanga vya mizaui, scales, scale-
Viembe or Yyembe, arrows. pans.
Yifaa, necessaries, useful things. Vitindi vya shaba, brass wire.
]~>jice, braid, reins. Vitica vitwa, topsy-turvy.
r.v/.i i;u-, to Bmoulder. Vulia ku-, to catch fish for, or
Vivi hiii. common, just there, just with.
60, anyhow. Vuma ku-, to blow as the wind, to
-tint, idle, dull, slow. buzz like a bee.
Kisu ni hivivu, the knife is blunl Vuma Am-, to lose (in card-playing).
(A.). Vumbi, plur. mavumbi, dust, flue,
o, thus, in the way mentioned. muddiness in water.
Vivyohivyo, in like manner. 1 mribika hu-,to put in under some-
Viirintl.i (plur. of Kiwimbi), wave- thing, to stick into the embers, to
lets, a ripple. cover with a heap of leaves, &c.
Viza ku-, to stunt, to prevent its Vumbikia ku-, to put seeds or plants

attaining perfi ction, to interrupt, in the ground before rain, to

to stop or hinder in work. them into the ground.
Vizia ku-, to watch, to spoil one's Vumbilia ku-.
work for one, to hinder one from Kuvumbilia vita, to get into a
working. quarrel.
Vizuri, fine, finely. See -zuri. Vumbu, plur. mavvmbu, lumps in
Vua ku-, to take off clothes. flour, &c.

Vua ku-, to save, to deliver, to take

Vumbua ku-, to find after a search,
across. to discover.

Vua ku-, to fi li. tn catch fish. Vurai, a noise as of blowing or

Vuuta /.''<-or Vwata In-, to press with bellowing, often made with a
the teeth, tohold in the mouth. dr>un.
Vuaza kit-, to wound by striking or
Vumilia ku-, to endure, to tolerate,

running into unawares, to cut. to bear.

Vugaza ku-, to put to (a door). Vumisha ku-, to win (in card-play-

Vugo, a horn played upon by beat- ing).
Vuja ku-, to leak, to let Water. Ling. Vuna leu-, to reap.

ku-, to ooze out. Vuna ku-.

I uka ku-, to cross, to go over, to Kujivuna,to swell up, to be

pass a liwr, to be Bared. puffed up.
. sti am, vapour, sweat. Vunda, &c. = Vunja, &c.
Vukielca ku-, to take across, to ferry Vunda ku-, to rot.
over. -vuwju, hollow.
Vukiza ku-, to cause to fume, to Vunja ku-, to break, to ruin, to

give off vapour. spoil, to change a piece of

Vultuta ku-, to blow bellows. money.
Vukulo, sweat. Kuvunja jungo, tohave a fina I

feast, as before Eamathan.

JJwJu rule, an insect living in Vunja jungo or chungu, a ma;
wood, a carpenter bee (?). (Mantis religiosa), so called from
Vuli, Bhade.
the superstition that a persoi
Mluyito wa kuvuli, the right hana. touching it will break the neH
VUN -W A- 41:

piece of crockery or glass he

to hreak for, with, &c.
Vunjia Jtu-,
Vunjika Jcu-, to become broken. W pronounced as in English.

Vuruga ku-, to stir. W

is commonly in Swahili a con-

Vurujika ku-, to break up into frag- sonantal m, and in many words w

ments, crumble. or u may be written indifferently.
Vurumisha ku-, to throw a stone, &c. There are other cases, as in the
Vusha ku-, to put acros3, to ferry
passive termination -wa, where the
over, to put into the right way. sound can only be expressed by an
Vuta ku-, to draw, to pull.
English w.
Kuvuta maji, to bale out water.
Kuvuta makasia, to row. W- = which see.
Kuvuta tumbako, to smoke to-
W-, the prefix proper to possessive
pronouns governed by substan-
Vuvia ku-, to blow. tives either or plural
Vuvumka ku-, to grow up quickly. which denote animate beings.
Vuzi, plur. mavuzi, a hair of the
Wa, of. See -a.
pubes. Also, (A.) hair in gene- Wa nini, why.
Hamisi wa Tani, Tani's Hamisi,
Vy- = Vi-. i.e. Hamisi, the son of Tani.
Vya, of.
Wa or U, the Arabic and.
Vyaa ku-, to bear children, or fruit. Wa ! an Arabic exclamation.
Pass, vyawa or vyaliwa.
Wa-, the plural prefix of substan-
Vyake or Vyakwe, his, her, its. tives in m-, 'm-, or mw- which
Vyako, thy. denote animate beings.
Vyakula (plur. of Chakula), things Wa-, the plural prefix of adjectives
to eat, victuals, meals, provisions.
and pronouns agreeing with sub-
Vyaliwa ku-, to be born. stantives which denote animate
Vyangu, my, of me. See -angu. beings.
Vyao, their, of them. See -ao. Wa-, the prefix marking the third
Yyetu, our, of us. See -etu.
person plural of verbs governed
Vyenu, your, of you. See -enu. by nouns denoting animate be-
-vyo or -vyo-, as. ings.
Upendavyo, as you please. Where the tense prefix begina
Unipendavyo, as you love me, for with an -a- that of the personal
my sake.
prefix coalesces with it, so that
Alivyoagiza, as he directed. See there is no difference between
gin si. the second person singular and
Vyo, -vyo, -vyo-, which. See -o. the third plural.
Vyo vyote, whatsoever. •wa- the objective plural prefix
Vyomljo (plur. of Chombo), vessels, referring to substantives which
household utensils, baggage. denote animate being"
2 E
kit-, to be, to 1" oome (?) : the Wagunya, the Swahili living north
feu- beare seat and is re- of !Si\vi.

tained in the usual cases. Wahadi, plur. nyahadi (?), for

The presenl tense of the substan- Ahadi, a promise.

tive verb is generally repre- Wdhid, one.
sented by ntor by (lie personal Wai I: it-, to be in time.
prefix standing aloue. Wainua, verily.
The present tense with the rela- Wdjib, rightness, it ought.
tive is represented by the syl- Wiijilii ku-, to visit, to see face to
lable -U-. Aliije, he who is. face.

The present perfect amekuwu, &c. Wajihiana ku-, to meet face to face,
has the sense of, to have be- to see one another.
come. TJ 'as is represented by Waka ku-, to blaze, to burn up, to
the past perfoct tense alihuwa, burn.
&c. Wakati, time, season.
Kuica na, to have. Wakati huu, now.
6li)K Luica mwongo ? should I Wake or Wakwe, his, her, or its.

not be a liar ? Wakf. [See-./,,

Woo. ku-, to shine much, like the Kufanya wakf, to dedicate, to si t

sun or the moon. apart for holy uses.

Waa, plur. mawaa, a spot, a blotch, Wakia, the weight of a silver dollar,
a stain. about an ounce.
Wdbba, cholera. Wakifu ku-, to cost.
Waboondei, the people living in the Wakifia ku-, to cost to.
low country between the sea and Wakili, an agent, a representative.
the Shambala mountains. Wako, thy.
Wadi, son of. Wakti = Wakati.
Wadi Mohammed, Mohammed's Wakti gani nijef at what time
son. am I to come ?
Wadi ku-, to complete a term. Wala, nor, and not.
Watu wa " London" wamewadi, Wala wala— —
neither nor
— — .

the (H.M.S.) " London's com- Where or would be used in
mission has expired. English after a negative wala is
Wadia ku-, to be fully come, to be used in Swahili.
quite time for anything. Walai or Wallaye, the most com-
Wadinan for Walad ennas, born mon Swahili oath.
of people, that is, of decent Walakini, but, and however.
family. Walao, not even.
Wadui, enmity, hostility. Wale, those yonder.
Wafikama ku-, to conspire together. Wali, cooked grain, especially rice.

Wafiki ku-, to suit, to be suitable Wall wa mwikuu, what is left

to. from some meal overnight. to bo
Wayn ku- (Met.), to kill. eaten in the morning.
Wait, a governor. Commonly joined with the per-
Liwali for Al Wall, the governor, sonal sign of the noun.
is more commonly used in Zan- Yu wapi or Yuko wapi ? where is
zibar. [he]?
Walio. See Nyalio. Zi wapi or Ziko wapi ? where are
Walio, they who are. [they]?
Walimwengu, the people of this Wapilia ku-, to be laden with scent,
world. highly perfumed.
Walli, a saint. Wapo, a gift.
Wama Jcu-, to lie on the face. Waradi, or Waredi, or Waridi, a
Wamba ku-, to lace in the ropes rose.

upon the frame of a kitanda, to Waraka, plur. nyaraka, a letter.

fill up. Waria, a clever dhow-builder, a
Warribiso, attachment. clever man at any business.
Wana, they have. Warr, a yard (measure).
Hawana, they have not. Wasa, plur. nyasa, small sticks to
Wanda Jcu-, to get very fat and
up between larger ones in a
wall or roof.

Wanda, plur. nyanda, a finger, a Wasa ku-, to contradict.

finger's-breadth. Washa ku-, to light, to set fire to.
Wanga ku- (Mer.), to count, to
Kuwasha moto, to light up a fire.
reckon. Washarati, great dissipation, licen-
Wanga, one who uses witchcraft tiousness.

against another. Washenzi, wild people, uncivilized

Wanga, arrowroot. Also Uanga. men.
Wanga or Wangwa, a cliff. Wasi, rebellion. Also Vagi.
Wangine, others, other people. Wasia, sentence, will, declared
Wangine —wangine , some — — opinion. Also Wosia.
others — .
Wasia ku-, to bequeath, to make a
Wangu, my. See -angu. will.

Wangua ku-, to scoop up. Wasili ku-, to arrive, to come close

Wangwa, a desert, a bare waste to, to reach.
place. Wasili, receipt, credit side of ac-
Wongwana or Waungwana, gentry, count, i.e. the left-hand column.
free and civilized men. Wasilia ku-, to reach a person, es-
Wanja. pecially of letters.
Wanja wa manga, antimony. Wasilisha ku-, to cause to reach.
Wano, plur. mawano, the shaft of Wasio, who are not.
an arrow or harpoon. Wasio = Wasia and Wosia.
Wao, they. Wastani, middling, in the middle
Wao, their. See -ao. Waswas, doubt.
Wapi ? which people ? Wathahisha ku-, to solve.

Wapi ? or apt ? where ? Wathiki. narrow.

2 e 2
tic W AT -WIL
Watia Lit-, to sit upon eggs. Weli, sickness.
Watu, f<
nugn II' li. wa macho, ophthalmia.
Watu (plur. of Mln), poople. Welti, saintly, a saint.
-a watu, othet people's. II '«
ma, goodness.
Han/, plur. »yaru,a net to catch Wembe, plur. nyembe (?), a razor.
_'fl7('llt 3, &C Wenga ku-, to cause to break out
two. two persons.
)r,((o7(, into sores.
Woti wawili, both. Wengi, many. See -ingi.
FPiaya, an earthen dish to bake II-
ngo, the spleen.
cakes on. Wenu, your. See -enu.

Wayaumya J:n-, to sway like a bough Wenzangu, my companions = Wa-

loadcil with fruit, to swagger, to enzi wangu.
be bent down and burdened. Werevu, cunning, shrewdness.
Wayo, plur. nyayo, sole of the foot, Weu, a place_clcared for planting.
footprint. Also Uayo. Weupe, whiteness, clearness, light.
Waza hu-, to think, consider, reflect. Weupe, white. See -eupe.
Wazao, progeny, offspring, posterity. Wevi or Wezi, thieves. See Mwiri.
icazi, open, clear, manifest. It Wewe, thou, thee.
makes tcazi with nouns like Weweseka ku-, to talk and murmur
n yumba. in one's sleep. Also Weweteka.
Kitwa kiimzi, bareheaded. Weye, you ! it is you.
Panalia wazi, it sounds hollow. Weza ku-, to be able, to be a match
Waziwazi, manifest. for, to have power over, to be
Wazimu. equal to.

Ana wazimu, he is mad. Siwezi, I cannot, or, I am sick.

Waziri, plur. mawaziri, a vizier, a Nalikuwa siwezi, I was ill.
secretary of state, a chief officer. Sikuweza, I was not able.
Wazo, plur. maicazo, thoughts, Amehaicezi, he has fallen sick.
-ice, his, hers, its, for wake. -weza. See mweza.
thee, for wewe. Wezekana ku-, to be possible.
Wea hu-, to become the property of. Wezesha ku-, to enable.
Wt ha ku-, to place, to lay, to put -wi, bad (old Swahili and Nyam-
away, to keep, to delay. Wia ku-, to be to. [wezi).
Nywriba hainiweki, I have no rest Niwie rathi, don't be offended
in the house, I cannot remain with me.
in the house. 2. to have in one's debt.
Wekea hu-, to put away for. Kuwiwa, to be indebted.
Kuwehea omenta, to entrust to. Wibo, Ibo.
Kuwehea wahf, to dedicate. 117//, husband's sister.

Weko. Wiha ku-, to crow like a cock.

K'/iia weko, to weld. Wilaya = Ulaya, home, Europe
Wekua ku-, to break up, to remove. -wili, two. It makes mbili with

Weleko, a cloth worn by women. nouns like nyumba.


Wirnbi, plur. mawimbi, a wave.

Mawimbi, surf.
Y is pronounced as in English.
Wimbi, a very small kind of grain.
Winda ku- or Witiga ku-, to chase,
Y is in Swahili a consonantal i,

and it is often indifferent whether it

to hunt.
be written i or The use of y
Wingi = TJngi, plenty, a great
ishowever important to distinguish
such words as kimia, a cast-net,
TImgu, plur. mawingu, a cloud.
and kimya, silence.
PFino, ink.
The insertion of a y sound before
Wishwa, chaff, the husks of rice, the
the final -a of a verb has in many
flour sifted off along with the
cases the effect of giving it a causa-
tive meaning. See P.
Witiru, odd, not even.
Witiva (= Kwitwa ?), the being
Kupona, to get well.
called. Kuponya, to cure.
TTiuo ku- = Jot &M-. Kuogopa, to fear.
Kuogofya, to frighten
-wivu, jealous.
-wivu = -bivu, ripe. Y= 1.

Wiwa ku-, to owe, to be indebted Y-, the prefix proper to possessive

to. pronouns governed by singular
Wiza. substantives of the class which

Mayayi maiciza,
eggs with does not change to form the
chickens formed in them, hard plural, by plural substantives in
set. mi-, or by plural substantives in

Wo, -wo, who, whom.

-wo-, which, Ya, of. See -a. [ma-.
Wo wote, whatsoever, whosoever. Ya kitovu, in the naveL
-wo, thy, = Wako. Ya kwamba, that.
Wogofya, plur. nyogofya, a threat. Yaninit Why?
Wokovu, deliverance, salvation. Ya-, sign of the third person plural
Wongo, falsehood. Also Uwongo. prefixed to verbs governed by a
Wonyesho, showing, display. plural substantive in ma-.
Worari, rateable division, sharing. -ya-, objective prefix denoting
Ar. Wora, to cast pebbles. plural nouns in ma-.
Wosia, injunction, sentence, charge, Yaa ku-, to sow seeds.
wise saying. Also Wasia. Ydbis, or Yabisi, dry, solid.
Wote, all, both. Yai = Yayi.
Twende wote, let us both go. Yaika ku-, to melt.
Wote waicili, both. Yake or Yakwe, his, hers, its. See
Wovisi, cool. -ake.
Woweka ku-, to soak. Yakini, certainly, certainty, it is

Ydkinia ku-, to determine, to set
one's mind upon.
118 Y A K
Yakinisha lu-, to make certain. -yo, thy, = Ynko.
YaJco, thy, your. Sec -al;o. Yo, -yo, -yo-, sign of the relative,

Yakowapi, where arc they? which.

Ydkuti, emerald (?). Yo yote, whatsoever.
Yalr, those yonder. Yoe = Yowe.
Yuliomo, which are within. Yonga ku-, to sway.
Yambo = Jairibo. Yote, all. See -ote.

Yamini, an oath. Kwa yote, altogether, wholly.

hint, possibly, possibility. Yoice, a cry for help.
Kira yamkini, possibly. Kupiga yowe, to cry for help.
Yamkini lu- (?), to be possible. Yu, he or she is.

Haiyamkini, it is not possible. Yu-, sign of the third person sin-

Ynmur, deer. gular, referring to an animate
Yange, See -nge-. being. It is used chiefly before

Yangedumu, they would remain. monosyllabic verbs and in the

Yangu, my, of me. See -angu. Mombas dialect.

Yani = Ya ntnt'f for what? why? Yuaja, he comes.

Yao, their, of them. See -ao. Yuko, yumo, &c, he is there,
Yasi, a yellow powder brought from within, &c.
India, and used as a cosmetic. Yule, yonder person, that person.
Yntima, an orphan. Yuma ku-, to sway in the wind.
Yavuyavu, lights, lungs. Yuna, he has.
Yaya, a nurse, an ayah. Yungiyungi, the blue water-lily.
Yayi, plur. mayayi, an egg.
Yuza ku-, to declare, to make clear.

Yayi ya pumbu, testicles.

Y«! = Je! Hullo 1 Weill What
Ye, -ye, or -ye-, sign of the relative, Z is pronounced as in zany, the
referring to animate beiugs, German 8. Zin some dialects takes
who, which, whom. the place of v or vy in that of Zan-
Ye yote, whosoever. zibar.

Yeekwayee, common-place people. Z is used by people who cannot

ye, Mb, hers, or its, = Yake. pronounce th, for the Arabic thai,
Yee or, he or she, him or her. thod, and dtha. See T.
" ta-ta."
Yet,a child's good-bye,
Yemkini = Yamkini. Z- or zi-, the sign of the third person
i^J* Yenu, your, of you. See -enu. plural prefixed to verbs which
Yenyi, having. See -enyi. are governed by plural substan-
a, our, of us. See -etu. tives of the class which does not
Yeyvka lew-, to melt, to deliquesce. change to form the plural, or of
uiha ku-, to cause to melt, to that which makes its singular
melt. in u-.

Yinyi = Y'utyi. Z-, the prefix proper to prom

Z A ZID 419

of the
governed by plural nouns Zani, adultery.
class -which does not change to Zao, plur. mazao, fruit, produce.
form the plural, or of that which Zao, their. See -ao.

makes its singular in u. Zarambo, a spirit distilled from palm

of. See -a. wine.
Za ku-. See Uza ku-, to sell. Zari, a precious kind of stuff, gold
Zaa ku-, to bear, to breed, to beget, thread, gold brocade.
to bear fruit. Zatiti ku-, to set in order, arrange,

prepare for.
Zabadi, civet.
Zabibu, plur. mazabibu (?), grapes, Zawa be born.
ku-, to
raisins. Zawadi, a present, a keepsake, a
Zabidi ku-, to take civet from the rarity.

ngawa. Zaicaridi, a Java sparrow.

Zabuni ku-, to buy. Zayidi, more.
Zaburi, the psalter, a psalm. Zazi (?), afterbirth.
Zafarani or Zafrani, saffron, a
wo- -ze, his, her, or its,
= Zake,
man's name. •zee, old, aged.
Zagaa ku-, to shine, to glisten. Zebakh, mercury.
Zaidi or Zayidi, more. Zege, a dome.
Zaka, tithes. Zelabia, a kind of sweetmeat con-
Zake or Zakwe, his, hers, its. See taining syrup.
-tike. Zengea ku-, to seek for.
Zako, thy, your. See -ako. Zenu, your. See -enu.
Zakula (AO = Vyakula, victuals. Zenyi. See -enyi.
Zalia ku-, to bear to. Zetu, our, of us. See -etu.
Zalisha ku-, to beget, cause to bear. Zeze, a sort of lute with three
Zaliwa ku-, to be born. strings.
Zama ku-, to sink, to dive. Zi- = Z-.

Zamani, times, long ago. -zi-,the objective prefix denoting a

Zamani za kale, old times, long plural substantive either of that
ago, anciently. class which doe3 not change to'
Zamani za Shanga, when Shanga form the plural or of that which
flourished. makes its singular in u-.
Zamani hizi, nowadays. Ziba ku-, to up a hole in a wall,

Zamani zetu, our times. &c, to plug up, to stop.

Zambarau, a kind of fruit, in ap- Zibana ku-, to be stopped up, to stop
pearance not unlike large
dam- itself up.
son. Zibo, plur. mazibo, a plug, a stopper.
Zamisha ku-, to make to sink. Zibua ku-, to unstop, to bore
Zamu, a turn, turns. through.
Kica zamu, by turns. Zidi ku-, to increase, to do more
Zangefuri, cinnabar. than before.
Zangu, my, of me. See -angu. Kuzidi kujua, to know more.
•420 z i n ZU A
Zididha to make to Zimjizi, sleep, great sleep. Also
hit-, greater,
add to. \gizi.

Zii'uri, a cipher, a figure of nought. Zingizi ku'mkom&ika mzazi, a


Zika ku-, to bury, to inter. sleepwhich is supposed to put

Zikerezwazo, turnery, turned goods. an end to all further child-
See Kereza. bearing.
Zingulia ku-, to relieve from

Kanzu ya zilti, worked with evil eye.

white cotton round the neck Zini ku-, to commit adultery or for-
instead of silk. See Kanzu. nication.

ZOtika ku-, to be impoverished. Zira ku-, to hate (M.).

Zikuri, plur. pifcu»(N.), a thousand.

Ziriki (M.) = lliziki.

heavy, difficult, severe, sad,

ZUe, those yonder. -zito,
ima, sound, whole, healthy,
com- clumsy, thick.
Asali nzito, thick syrup.
Zima ku-, to extinguish, to put out. Zituo.

Euzima roho, to faint. liana zituo, he never rests.

Zimia ku-, to put out. Ziwa, plur. maziwa, a lake, a pond,
Ziiuiha ku-, to go out, to be extin- the breasts.

guished. Zizi, plur. mazizi, a cow-yard, a

Zimiliza ku-, to rub out. cattle-fold, a stable, palisading.
Zimu. See Wazimu, 'Mzimu, Ku- Zizi hizi, just these, common.
zirnu, Zimvoi.
Zizima ku-, to become very calm, ku-, to cool hot water by very still, or very cold.
adding cold to it. Zizimia ku-, to sink to the bottom.
Zimwi, plur. mazimwi, an ogre, Zo, -zo, -zo-, sign of the relative,
a ghoul, an evil being which which.
devours men, &c Zo zole, whatsoever.
Nazi ina zimwi, i.e. the cocoa-nut -20, thy, = Zako.
has grown without anything Zoa ku-, to gather into little heaps,
inside the shell. to sweep together.

Zina ku-, to commit adultery. See Zoea ku-, to become accustomed, to

Zini. become used to.
Zindika ku-, to hold an opening Zoeza leu-, to accustom to, to make
ceremony in, to open for use. used to.
Zindiko, an opening ceremony. Kujizoeza, to practise.
Zinduka ku-, to wake up suddenly Zomari, a kind of clarionet, a pipe.
from a doze with a nod and a Zomea ku-, to groan at.
start. Zongazonga ku-, to wind.
nhana ku-, to wake up sud- Zote, all. See -ote.

Zua ku-, to pierce, to bore through,
to innovate, to invent.
Zinga ku-, to commit adultery (?;.
I ku-, to Mil
up. Niiiicmzua, I have sucked him
ZUI zuz 421

dry, I have got all the informa- Zumgu'mza ku-, to amuse, converse
tion I can from him. with.
Zuia ku-, to hold in, to restrain, to Kujizumgu'mza, to converse, to
hinder. amuse oneself.
Kuzuia pumzi, to stifle.
Zunguka ku-, to go round, to sur-
Zuilia ku-, to hold for, to keep off, round, to wind round, to revolve,
to hold in its place. to wander.
Zuka ku-, to emerge, to rise. Zungukazunguka ku-, to stroll about.
Zuli, perjury. Zungusha ku-, to make to go round,
Zulia, a carpet. to turn.
Zulia ku-, to invent to, to make a Zuri ku-, to lie, to swear falsely.
false excuse to, to say falsely that handsome.
-zuri, fine, beautiful,
one has such and such a message. Zuru ku-, to visit.
Zulisha ku-y to make crazy, to Kwenda kuzuru, to go to visit.
flurry. Kuzuru kaburi, to visit a grave.
Zulu ku-, to be crazy. Zurungi = Huthurungi, the brown
Zumarid, an emerald. material of which kanzus are
Zumbili, consolation. made.
Zumbua ku-, to find. Zuzua ku-, to puzzle a stranger, or
Kuzumbua paa (A.), to take off a greenhorn.
thatch. Zuzuka ku-, to be puzzled or be-
Zumbukana ku, to be to be found. wildered, not to know what to do.
( 425 )

Appknwx I.

Specimen of Kinynme, as written out by Johari, a native of the

Bwahili coast a little south of Zanzibar. The Swahili is in the Merima

126 APr/xnjx J.

8« A1III.L. Knnri ui English.

\ n-.i iiiiiniuma Raiijn mainaniu I ache with hunger.
Yidole /,. riiln Fingers.
Shingo Ngoshi The neck.
Si I: in li Id&ikvoe It is not true.
Fundi iu A master workman.
Sivyo Vyosi Not thus.
Karatasi Sikw, ata Paper.
Kulamu Mukala A pen.
Wino Novri Ink.
Pakura Jtapuku Disli up.
I'll; nil .'hi Tut m mleze Let us be off.

Senendi Ndisene I am not going.

Chakula Lachiku Food.
Utakio.nda Ndautakwe You will go.

Mchanga Ngamcha Sand.

Samauati (Ar.) Tisiimiiwit Heaven.
Aruthi Ai.j Thiaru Earth.
Tumu Man.
Mungwana Namungwa A free man.
Mtumwa Mi' nnitu A slave.
iki Kisita I dislike it.

Meza Zame A table.

1 :n:eta Tabice A box.
Sanduku Kv&andu A chest.
Kit id, a Bukita A book.
Msahafu Fumsulta A Koran.
427 )

Appendix II.

Specimens of Swahili correspondence in prose and verse, containing :

— 1. Two Swahili letters, the one on giving, the other on receiving a

small present. The forms of address, &c, are those used in all letters,
whatever their subject may be. 2. Two specimens of verses sent as
letters, the first to excuse breaking an appointment, the second sent
from Pemba by a Mombas man to his friends at home, who upbraided
him for not returning. This form of writing is a very favourite one.

Iliajenab il moheb rafiki yangu, bwana wangu, bwana mkubwa,

D. S., salamu sana, ama baada ya salamu, nalikuwa siwezi siku
nyingi, lakini sasa sijanibo kidogo, ama baadahu, nimekuletea kitoweo
kidogo tafathali upokee, nao k'uku saba'a, wa salamu, wa katabahu
rafiki yako H. bin A.

To the honourable the beloved, my friend, my master, the great, sir,

D. S.,many compliments, but after compliments, I was unwell for many
days, but now I am a little recovered, and after this, I have sent you a
little kitoweo [i.e. something to be eaten with the rice or grain, which
forms the bulk ofall meals], and I beg your acceptance, they are seven

fowls and compliments, and he who wrote this is H. son of A,

Ilia jenab, il mohel), il akram, in nasih, D. S., il Mwingrezi, insha'

Allah salaam aleik wa rehmet Allah wa barakatahu; wa baada,
nakuarifu hali zangu njema wa thama nawe kathalik ya afia, wa
zayidi amana yako ulioniletea imefika kwangu, ahsanta, Mwenyiezi

Muungu atakujazi kheiri ukae ukitukumbuka, nasi nyoyo zetu zinaku-


kumbuka ?ana. tunapenda uje 'nti ya T'nguja, wewe na bibi, naye nje
tumwangalie, naye aje atazame 'nti ya Dnguja, nasi kulla siku tukilala
tukia'mka tunakuombea Muungu uje 'nti ya Unguja, tuonane kwa
afia na nguvu, nasi twapenda macho yetn yakuone wewe nssubui na

jioni, na nsipoknja wewe, usitusahau kwa nyaraka allah allah.

N 9alimie bibi mke wako salamu Nasi tunakutamani, kama

tungalikuwa ndege tungaliruka tukija tukaonane nawe mara moja

tukiisha tukarudi. Nyumbani kwangu mke wangu salamu sana. M.
bin A. akusalimu sana, wa katabaliu M. wadi S. 26 mwezi wa mfunguo

To the honourable, the beloved, the noble, the sincere D. S., the
Englishman, please God, peace be with you and the mercy of God ami
1 lis
blessing and afterwards, I inform you that my health is good, and

may you be the same as to health, and further, your pledge which you
Bent me has reached me, I thank you. Almighty God will satisfy you
with good that you may continue to remember us, and as for us, our
hearts think much of you we wish you to come to the land of Zanzibar,

you and the mistress, and let her pome that we may behold her, and
let her come that she may look upon the land of Zanzibar and we ;

every day when we sleep and when we wake pray for you to God that
you come to the land of Zanzibar, that we may meet in health and
strength, and we, we wish that our eyes should see you morning and
evening, and if you come not yourself, forget us not by letters, we
adjure you. Salute for me the mistress your wife with many compli-
ments. And w c are longing for you, and if we had been birds we

would have come flying to see you once and then return. At home my
wife sends many compliments. M. son of A. salutes you much, and
he who wrote this is M. the eon of S. 26 of the month Jemad al


Kala es sha'iri. The Verse says.

Risala enda kwa hima Go, message, qub-kly
Kwa Edward Istira To Edward Steere,
Umpe yangu salama Give him health,
Pamwe na kumkhubira, Together with telling him,

Siwezi yangu jisima I am ill in my body,

Ningekwenda tesira I would have gone readily
Kumtazama padira To see the Padre,
Pamwe na Edward Stira. Together with Edward Steere.
Pamwe na Edward Stira. Together with Edward Steere.
Ilimu ya Injili The doctrine of the Gospel—
Yuaijua habara He knows how its news
Pia yote kufasili. To explain,— all of it.

Ni muhebbi akhyara He a choice friend,


Kwetu sisi afthali.

Especially in our house ;

Edi ni mtu wa kweli. He is a man of truth.

Eabbi, nipe tesira. O Lord, give me prosperity.

Hatukiati kisiwa kwa uvambume na upembe

Tukaifuasa bawa kulewalewa na ombe
Ni mpunga na maziwa na kulla siku ni ngombe
Twalalia kwa jivumbe, lipangine kwa rihani.

We shall not leave the island for tale-bearing and plotting,

And follow the fancy to be tossed on the sea.
Here are and milk, and every day an ox;
We sleep among perf ames, and strings of sweet basil.

Swahili letters are always written with a string of Arabic compli-

ments at the beginning, and Arabic words are freely introduced
throughout. In letter-writing kuarifu is used for to inform, and
kuwasilia (not kufikia) for to reach, as in the phrase your letter has
reached —
me waraka icako vmeniwasilia. Swahili verses are written in
an obsolete dialect Arabic words and foreign words generally,
full of

called Kingozi. has not yet been studied by any European. Among
its more remarkable peculiarities is the use of a present perfect made

by a change in the termination of the Verb, similar to those in use in

the Yao and in other languages of the Interior. Thus a poet may
write mbwene for nimeona, and nikomile for nimekoma. Some speci-
mens of this dialect will be found in the poetry at the end of the
" Swahili Tales." •

* U'*^

^T*rJ«t -£*rWM. £*W.Y~t /V.v ,Sa»,,ru Uy, n 4*J*n

3^;? ,n^ n^h,f,U *Z, Zcrtr„

2 r
431 )

Appendix III.

Part of a Swahili tale with the prefixes marked and explained. It

isprinted first as in the main it would be written by a native next ;

the compound forms are marked by hyphens and explained and last ;

comes an English translation.

Yule kijana akafuta upanga wake, akanena, mimi nitaingia humo I.

The tale, of which this is a part, is called the Hadithi ya Waridi, II.
na Ureda, na Jindi, na Sinebar. The portion of it here printed begins
with a verb in the ka tense, because it is carrying on a narration
already commenced. The first words of the story are Aliondokea mtu

tajiri. After this first verb in the li tense the rest are formed with ka,
unless they are constructed with a relative or particle of time or place,
which cannot be joined with ka but only with li.
Yule, that; demonstrative (p. 115) referring to a singular sub-
stantive of the first class, kijana being regarded as the name of a
person. Ki-jana, a young man
or woman, here a man. A-ka-futa,
and he drew a-, sign of third person sing., appropriate to a noun

of the first class or to any word denoting a living being; -ka-,

sign of the narrative past tense ; -futa, draw. U-panga, a sword ;

a sing, substantive of the sixth class. W-ake, his; possessive
pronoun, third person sing.; w-, prefix proper to a pronoun agree-
ing with a sing, substantive of the sixth class. A-ka-nena, and
he said a- and -ka-, as before -nena, speak or say out. Mimi, I. Ni-
; ;

ta-ingia, I will go in ; ni-, sign of the first person sing. -ta-, sign of the

future tense -ingia, go into, enter.

; Humo, in here a demonstrative

The youth drew his sword, and said, I will go into this pit, whether III.
2 f 2

shinioni, nikafe no nikapone. Akaingia, akamwona mtoto amefungwa,
aaye mwanamume. Akamwambia, nifungue nikupe khabari ya
humo Bhimoni. Akamfungua, akaona vichwa vingi vya watu. Aka-

II. proper to the -ni case, when it denotes being, &c., within. Shimo-ni,
into the pit; shimo-,a singular noun of the fifth class; -ni, sign of
the Locative case. Ni-ka-fe, and let me die; ni-, sign of first person
sing.; -ha- and (p. 141) -fe, subjunctive form of fa, die.
; An, or. Ni-
ka-pone, and let me live ; ni- and -ha-, as before ; -pone, subjunctive
:n of pona, be saved. A-ha-ingia, and he went in; third sing.,
narrative past of ingia, go in. A-ka-mw-ona, and saw him a-ka-, and ;

he did -mic-, objective prefix proper to a substantive of the first class


(mtoto); -ona, see. M-toto, child sing, substantive of the first class.

A-me-fungwa, bound; sign of third person sing., governed by a

substantive of the (mtoto) -me-, sign of the present perfect,
first class ;

which is here used as a sort of past participle: -fungwa, passive of

funga, bind. Na-ye, and he (p. 103). Mw-ana-m-ume, a male; mu-
sing, prefix of a noun of the first class; m- (for mu-), prefix agreeing
with a substantive of the first class; -time, male; the whole word,
mwanamume, is used for a man, or auy human being of the male sex.

A-ka-mw-ambia, and he said to him; a-ka-, third sing, narrative past ;

-mic-, subjective prefix denoting a person (kijana) -ambia, say to. Ni- ;

fungue, unbind me; ni-, objective prefix, first person -fungue, impera- ;

tive sing, of fungua, unbind. Ni-ku-pe, that I

give you; ni-, may
subjective prefix person -7m-, objective prefix, second person -pe,
first ; ;

subjunctive of pa, give to. Kliabari, news sing, substantive of the;

third class. Y-a, of; y-, sign of agreement with a sing, substantive of
the third class (khabari). Humo, here in a demonstrative agreeing ;

with the -ni case when denoting within. Shimo-ni, in the pit -ni, sign ;

of the locative case. A-ka-m-fungua, and he loosed him ; a-, ka-, third
sing, narrative past -m-, objective prefix referring to a substantive of

the first class (mtoto); -fungua, unbind. A-ha-ona, and he saw, third
sing., narrative past. Vi-chwa, heads or skulls ; vi-, sign of a plural
substantive of the fourth class ;
vichwa is in more elegant Swabili vitwa.
V-ingi, many; v- or vi-, adjectival plural prefix, marking agreement
with a plural substantive of the fourth class (vichwa); -ingi or -ngi,
many. Vy-a, of; vy-, marking the agreement with a plural noun of

III. I die or live." And he went in and saw a boy, and he was bound. And
'the boy] said, "Unl ind me, that I may tell you about what there is in
this pit." And he unbound hiin, and saw many human skulls. And he

mwuliza, habari gani hii? Akamwambia, mna nyoka humo, kazi I.

lakini amenifanya mtoto wake,

yake kula watu, na mimi angalinila,
miaka mingi nimetoka kwetu. Akamwuliza, sasa yuko wapi nyoka?

wo-, plural prefix first class. II-

the fourth class (vichwa). Wa-tu, people ;

Akamwuliza, and he asked him ; a-, ha-, third sing, narrative past ;

ask or ask
-mw-, objective prefix referring to a person (mtoto) -uliza, ;

of. Habari or khabari, news, sing, substantive third class. Gani,

what sort ? Hii, this ; demonstrative denoting a sing, substantive of
the third class {habari). A-ha-mw-ambia, and he said to him; this
word is of constant occurrence, it means that one person told or said to
another ; there is no mark of sex or means of distinguishing which
before was the speaker, these points must
person of several mentioned
be gathered from the context. M-na, there is inside m-na is part of ;

the verb huwa na, to be with or to have, used as it often is to denote

mere being (p. 153) it answers to the English there is; there may be

the last is used where the place suggested

represented by ku-, pa-, or m- ;
is within something, it refers here to shimoni, in the pit. Ny-oka, a
of the third class, denoting an
snake, a sing, substantive in the form
animate being. Humo, there within, referring to shimoni. Kazi, work
or employment, sing, substantive, third class. Y-ake, his y-, prefix ;

of the third class ; -ake, possessive

agreeing with a sing, substantive
to eat; ku-, sign of the infinitive
pronoun, third person sing. Ku-la, ;

-la, eat. Wa-tu, people; wa-, plural prefix first class. Na, and.
Mimi, I or me. A-ngali-ni-la, he would have eaten me o-, third sing., ;

agreeing with the name of an

animal (nyoka) -ngali-, sign of the

to the first
past conditional tense; -ni-, objective prefix referring
cannot bear any accent, the
person ; -la, eat ; the tense prefix -ngali-
word is therefore pronounced angalinila. Lakini, but. A-me-ni-fanya,
he has made me a-, referring to nyoka ; -me-, sign of present perfect

ni-, objective prefix, first person; -fanya,

make. M-toto, child; m-,
sing, prefix, first
class. W-ake, his; w-, prefix agreeing with sing.
substantive of the first class (mtoto). Mi-aka, years ; plural substan-
tive of the second class (sing, mwaka) ; mi-, plural prefix. M-ingi,
many ;
m- or mi-, prefix, denoting agreement with a plural substantive
of the second class (miaka). Ni-me-toka, I have left ; ni-, first person
subjective ; -me-, present perfect; -toka, go out of. Kw-etu, home ;

" What is this ? " And he said, " There is a snake in it, that eats HL
men, and would have eaten me, but that it took me for its own son. It
is many years since I left home." And he asked, " Where is the snake

Akamwambia, twende, nikakuonye mahala amelala. Akamwambia,
twende. Walipofika, yule kijana akamkata kichwa kirnoja, akatoacha
j'ili, akamkata, hatta vikatiniu saba. Wakarudi, wakaenda zao.

II. ^M » prefix agreeing with a substantive (perhaps nyumha) in the case

in -n»; A-ka-miv-uliza, and he asked him a-, third sing.
-du (our). ;

(kijana); -ha-, narrative past; -mw-, third sing, objective (mtoto);

-uliza, ask. Sasa, now. Yu-ko, he is; yu-, sign of third person
sing., referring to a substantive of the second class (nyoka); -ko,
denoting existence in space Wapi, where? Ny-oka, snake;
(p. 154).

Bing. substantive. A-ka-mw-ambia, and he said to him. (See above.)

Twende, let us go ; tw-, sign of the first person plural -ende, ;

subjunctive of enda, go. Ni-ka-ku-onye, and let me show you; ni-,

sign of first
person sing. ; -ka-, and (p. 211); -ku-, objective second

person sing.; -onye, subjunctive of onya, show. Mahala, the place,

the place where. A-me-lala, he is asleep; a-, third sing, animate
nyoka); -me-, present perfect; -lain, lie down to sleep, to go to sleep.
A-ka mw-ambia. (See above.) Tw-ende, let us go; tw-, first person
jilur. -ende, subjunctive of enda, go.
; Wa-li-po-fika, when they
irrived; tea-, sign of third person plural agreeing with substantives
ileuoting persons (kijana and mtoto) -li- or -ali-, sign of the past

perfect, or of past time generally when joined with a particle of

I kition; -po-, sign of time when; -fika, arrive. Yule, that; demon-
stral Lve denoting a person (kijana). Ki-jana, youth sing, substantive ;

fourth class, but denoting a person, and therefore joined as here

with pronouns and verbs in forms proper to the first class. A-ka-
mkata, he cut him; a-, third sing, of a person (kijana); -ka-, narra-
tive past; -m-, objective prefix, referring to the name of an animal

nyoka) (see p. 112); -kata, cut or cut off. Ki-chwa, head, sing, sub-
ative fourth class. Ki-moja, one ki-, prefix denoting agreement

with a sing, substantive of the fourth class (kichwa or kitwa); -moja,

rne. A-ka-toa, and he put forth a-, third sing., referring to, a sub-

ntive denoting an animal (nyoka); -ka-, narrative past; -toa, put

rh. Cha pili, a second (p. 92) ch-, referring to a sing, substantive

lurth class (kichwa). A-ka-m-kata, and he cut him. (See above.)

Hatta, until. Vi-ka-timu, they were complete ; vi-, third, plural refer-

" Let us me show you where it

Ill, now?" He said, go and let is sleeping."
" Let u- When
1 1- 6aid, go." they got there the youth cut off one of it-
heads ;
it put forth a second, and he cut it off, until he had cut off

n. And they returned, and went on their way.

Akainwanibia sasa twenne zetu kwetu, lakini tukifika kwetu I.

wenende wewe kwanza kwa baba yangu, ukamwambie kana mtoto

wako nikikuletea utauipa nini ? Akikwambia, nitakupa rnali yangu

ring to nouns of the fourth class, here to vichwa, heads, plural ofkichica ; II.
-ka-, narrative past; -timu, be complete. Saba, seven. Wa-ka-rudi,
and they returned tea-, third plural referring to persons (kijana

and mtoto) -ha-, narrative past -rudi, return. Wa-ka-enda z-ao, and
; ;

they went away wa-, third plural (kijana and mtoto) -ka-, narrative
; ;

past ; -enda, go ;
a prefix denoting agreement
z-ao, their (ways) ; z-,

with a plural noun of the third or sixth, or in the dialect of Lamoo

of the fourth class ; -ao, their. Possibly zao agrees with njia, ways.
(See p. 112.)
A-ka-mw-ambia, and he said to him. Sasa, now. Tw-ende z-etu.
let us go away ; sign of first
person plural ; -ende, subjunctive of

enda, go z-, sign of agreement with a plural noun of the third or the

sixth class; -etu, our. (See above.) Kw-etu, home ; to-, sign of agree-
ment with the case in -ni-; -etu, our. Lakini, but. Tu-ki-jika, when
we arrive ; tu-, sign of the first person plural -hi-, sign of the partici-

pial tense (p. 136) ; -fika, arrive. Kw-etu, home. W-enende, go w-, ;

sign of the second person singular -enende, subjunctive of enenda, go, ;

or go on. Wewe, thou. Kwanza, first ; originally the infinitive of the

verb anza, begin kwanza, to begin, beginning, and therefore first.

Kwa, to a person, or to his house. Baba, father. Y-angu, my ; y-,

sign of an agreement with a singular noun of the third class, used here
© Uoquially with one denoting a person (baba); -angu, my (p. 109). U-
ka-mic-ambie, and say to him u-, sign of the second person singular
; ;

-ka-, and -mw-, objective sign referring to a noun denoting a person


(baba); -ambie, subjunctive of ambia, tell. Kana, if. M-toto, child.

W-ako, thy tc-, sign of agreement with a singular substantive of the

first class (mtoto). Ni-ki-ku-letea, if I bring to you ni-, sign of the ;

first person singular -ki-, sign of the participial tense (p. 136)

-ku-, objective prefix referring to the second person singular; -letea,

bring to. U-ta-ni-pa, you will give ; u-, sign of second person sing. ; me
-ta-, sign of the future tense ; -ni-, objective prefix referring to the
first person singular; -pa, give Nini, what? A-kt-kw-ambia, if to.

he tells you; a-, sign of the third person singular referring to a

And [the boy] said, " Now let us go to my home but when we are III. ;

getting near to it do you go first to my father and say to him, If I bring


your son to you, what will you give me ?

If he says to you, ' I will

I. nib.-u kwa nussu, usikubali, mwambie nataka koila yako uliyo ukivaa
ujanani mwako. Atakupa kofia ya thahabu, u&ikubali, ela akupe

II. person (baba) -W-, sign of the participial tense; -kw-, objective prefix

ferring to the second person singular; -avibia, say to. Ni-ta-ku~pa,
1 will
give you; ui-, sign of the first person sing. -ta-, sign of the ;

futtnv tense ; referring to the second person

-Tat; objective prefix

singular -pa, give

; Mall, possessions treated sometimes as a noun
to. ;

of the third class, sometimes as a plural noun of the fifth class.

tent with a singular noun of the
T-angu, my; y-, sign of an
third or with a plural noun of the fifth class. Nussu, half. Kwa,
by. Nussu, half. U-si-kuhali, do not accept w-, sign of second person

singular ; -at-, sign of negative subjunctive (p. 147); -kubali, sub-

junctive of kuhall, accept. Mw-ambie, tell him; mw-, objective

prefix referring to a person (baba); -ambie, imperative of ambm,
tell; mw- is known to be the objective third person, and not the

subjective second plural, by the form of the word ambia ; being

applied form it must have the object expressed. N-a-taka, I want n-, ;

sign of the first person singular -a-, sign of the present tense -taka,
; ;

want. Kofia, cap sing, substantive of the third class. Y-ako, thy

y-, 6ign of agreement with a sing, substantive of the 'third els

U-li-yo, which you, or which you are, or were u-, sign of the second

person sing. : -U-, used for the substantive verb -yo, relative sign ;

referring to a singular substantive of the third

class (kofia). TJ-ki-

raa, putting on u-, sign of the second person singular -ki-, sign of

the tense -vaa,

participial on. U-jand-ni, in youth u-, sign of a
; put ;

sing, substantive of the sixth clas3 ; -nl-, sign of the locative case.
Mic-ako, thy; mw-, sign of agreement with a substantive in the
locative case with the meaning of in. A-ta-ku-pa, he will give you ;

a-, sign of third person sing, of a person -ta-, sign of the future ; -ku-,

objective prefix referring to the second person sing. -pa, give to. ;

Kofia, cap; sing, substantive of the third class. Y-a, of; y-, sign of

Agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class. Thahabu,

gold substantive of the third class.
U-si-kubali, do not accept «-, ;

sign of the second person sing. si-, sign of the negative subjunctive;

-kubali, subjunctive of kuball, accept. Ela, except. A-ku-pe, let him

to a person;
give you; a-, 6igu of the third person sing., referring

but say, I want the cap which '

III. you half of all I have,' do not accept that,

you used to wear in your youth.' He
will give you a cap of gold ;

not accept it, unless he give you a cap quite worn out, take that. And

kofia mbovu kabisa, hiyo pokea. Na mama yangu mwambie nataka I.

taa uliyo ukiwasha ujanani mwako. Atakupa taa nyingi za thahabu,

uoikubali, ela akupe taa mbovumbovu ya chuma, hiyo pokea.

to the second person sing. ; -pe, sub- II.

-ku-, objective prefix, referring
substantive third class. M-bovu,
junctive of pa, give to. Kofia, sing,
rotten ; m-, being n- converted into m- by standing before -b (p. 85),
substantive of the third class (kofia).
sign of an agreement with a sing,
Kabisa, utterly. Hiyo, this one; demonstrative denoting a thing
mentioned before, and agreeing with a sing, substantive of the third
class (kofia). Pokea, receive :
imperative sing, of pokea, receive.
Na, and. Mama, mother :
sing, substantive in the form of the third
class denoting a person. Y-angu, my y-, sign of an agreement with

a sing, substantive of the third class, here used colloquially. Mw-ambie,

tell her mw-, objective prefix referring to a person -ambie, imperative
; ;

sing, of ambia, tell. N-a-taka, I want «-, sign of first person sing. ;

-a-, sign of present tense -taka, want. ;Taa, sing, substantive third
U-li-yo, which you, which you
class. were or are ; -u, sign of the
second person sing. -U-, used for
: the substantive verb (p. 151) ; -yo,
relative particle referring to a sing, substantive of the third class

(tao). U-ki-washa, lighting; u-, sign of second person sing.; -M-,

sign of the participial tense -washa, light. U-jand-ni, in youth ; u-,

sign of a sing, substantive of the sixth class ; -ni, sign of the locative
case. Mw-ako, thy ; mw-, sign of agreement with a substantive in the
locative case with the meaning in. A-ta- ku-pa, she will give you ;

a-, sign of third person sing., referring to a person ; -ta-, sign of the
future tense ; -ku-, objective prefix referring to the second person sing. ;

pa, give to. Taa, lamps plural substantive of the third class (shown

tobe plural by the context). Ny-ingi, many ny-, sign of agreement ;

with a plural substantive of the third class (taa). Z-a, of; z-, sign of
agreement with a plural noun of the third class. Thahabu, gold.
U-si-kubali, do not accept second person sing, negative subjunctive of

kubali. Ma, except. A-ku-pe, let her give you ; a-, sign of third

person sing., referring to mama; -ku-, objective prefix referring to

second person sing. -pe, subjunctive of pa, give to.
; Taa, sing,
substantive third class. M-bovu-m-bovu, all spoilt; m- (for n- before
•b), sign of agreement
with a sing, substantive of the third class (taa) ;

§ay to my I want the lamp you used to burn in your youth.' ni.

She you many lamps of gold do not accept them, unless she
will give ;

give you an old worn iron lamp, take that,"


I. Wakaenda zao hatta walipofika karibu ya mji, yule kijana aka-

mwambia, mimi 'takaa hapa, aa wewe enende kwetu, ukafanye mjini
shuruti na baba yangu kamnia hiyo niliokwambia. Akaenenda.
Alipofika akaoua mjiui watu hawaneni, wana insiba inkuu, akauliza,

J I the adjective is doubled to sbow thoroughness. Y-a, of; y-, sign of

witb a siug. substantive of the third class. Ch-uma, iron ;

a sing, substantive of the fourth class ;

it is used in the singular of iron
as a metal, and in both sing, and plur. with the meaning of a piece or

pieces of iron. ffiijo, this one demonstrative referring to something


mentioned before, and agreeing with a sing, substantive of the third

class (taa). Fukea, receive imperative sing, of pokea.

II u ka endaz-ao, and
they went their way. (See above). Ilatta, until.
Wa-li-po-fika, when they arrived. (See above). Karibu ya, near to-
il/-//, town ; m-, sign of a sing, substantive of the second class. Yule,
that. (See above). Ki-jana, youth. (See above). A-ka-mw-ambia, said to
him. (See above). Mimi, I. 'Ta-l:aa, will stay ta-, 6ign of the future, ;

the prefix of the first person sing, being elided before it the sign of no ;

other person can be so elided. Hapa, here. Na, aud. Wewe, thou.
I.ik nde, imperative sing, of enenda, go, go on. M-ji-ni, to the town ;

in-, sign of a 6ing. substantive second class; -ni, sign of the locative
case. Kw-etu, our ; lew-, sign of an
agreement with a substantive in the
locative case. TJ-ka-fa.nye, and make u-, sign of second person sing.
; ;

-ka-, and -fanye, subjunctive of fanya, make.

; Shuruti, a covenant ;
sing, substantive third class. Na, with. Baba, father. Y-anrju,
my. (See above, and p. 112). Kamma, as. Hiyo, that demonstrative

•rring to something mentioned before, and agreeing with a sing,

substantive of the third class (shuruti). Xi-li-o-kw-ambia, which I
toldyou ni; sign of the first person sing.
; ; -U-, signToT thepast tense
which must be used with a relative -o- ; (for yo), relative particle
referring to shuruti (p. 117); -lew-, objective prefix referring to the
second person sing. A-ka-enenda, and he went on. A-li-po-jika, when
he arrived. A-ka-ona, he saw. M-ji-ni, in the town m-, sign of a ;

«ing. substantive of the second class; -ni, sign of the locative case.
Wa-tv, people wa-, sign of a plural noun of the first class. Hawa-

neni, they speak not; hawa-, sign of the third person plural negative

III. And they went on till they arrived near the town, when the boy said,
"I will stay here, and you go on into the town, to our house, and make
the agreement with my father a° I told you." And he went on and
arrived in the city, where he saw the people not talking [but] in great

msiba kuu wa nini? Wakamwambia, mtoto wa Sultani amepote siku I.

uyingi. Akauliza, nyumba ya Sultani ni ipi, nipelekeni. Wakampe-

leka watu. Alipofika akamwuliza baba yake, una nitri ? Akamwa-
inbia, mtoto wangu amepotea. Akamwambia, nikikuletea utanipa

agreeing with a plural noun of the first class (watu) -neni, negative

present form of nena, speak. Wa-na, they have third person plur.

present of kuwa na, to have, governed by watu. Msiba, grief

m-, ;

sign of a sing, noun of the second class. M-kuu, great m-, sign of ;

agreement with a sing, substantive of the second

class (msiba).

A-ka-uliza, and he asked. Msiba, grief. Huu, this demonstrative ;

agreeing with a sing, substantive of the second W-a,

class (msiba).

of; w-, sign of agremeent with a sing, substantive of the

second class
Nini, what? Wa-lca-mw-ambia, and they said to him.
M-toto, the child. W-a, of; w-, sign of agreement with a sing, sub-
stantive of the first class (mtoto). Sultani, the sultan a sing, sub-;

stantive of the fifth class, but when viewed as denoting a person

constructed with adjectives and pronouns as of the first. A-me-potea,
is lost third sing, present perfect of kupotea, to become lost ; he has

become lost, i.e., he is lost. Siku, days; plural substautive of the

third class. Ny-ingi, many; ny-, sign of agreement
with a plural
substantive of the third class (siku). A-ka-uliza, and he asked.
\i/-umba, house ny-, sign of substantive of the third class. Y-a,

y-, sign
of agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class
(nyumba). Sultani, sultan. Ni, is (p. 152). I-pi, i-, sign

of reference to a sing, substantive of the third class (nyumba). Ni-

take me; ni-, objective prefix referring to the first person
sing. ; pelekeni, plural imperative of peleka, Wa-ka-m-peleka,
and they took him. Watu, people. A-li-po-fika, when he arrived.
A-ka-mw-uliza, he asked him observe here and elsewhere the use of

the ka tense to carry on the narration, even where there would be no

connective employed in English. Baba, father. Y-ake, his. (See
above). U-na nini, what is the matter with you ? u-na, second person
sing, of the present tense of kti-wa na, to have ; nini ? what ? A-ka-
mw-ambia, and he said to him. M-toto, child. W-angu, my. A-me-

" "
nmurning, and he asked, What is this mourning for ? They told him, III.
"The Sultan's son has been a long time lost." He asked, " Which is the
Sultan's house? Take me there." And the people took him there. When
" "
he reached it he asked the boy's father, What troubles you ? He said,
" "
My son is lost." And he said to him, If I bring him to you what will
I |0 Apr KM >

nini ? Akamwarabia, nitakupa mali yangu nussu kwa nussu. Aka-

mwambia, marahaba. Akaenda akamtwaa, akaja naye. Alipomwona
babaye na mamaye, Lkawa furaha kubwa mjini. Wakapouda Bana
yule kijana kama mtoto wao.
Halt. alipotaka kwenda zakc, yulo kijana akamwambia, enendn

kamwage baba na mama, mwambio akupe kofia na mama akupe taa.

II, potea, is lost. (Seep. 132.) A-ha-mw-amlria, and he said tobim. Ni-ki-
hu-letea, if I bring to you. (See above). U-ta-ni-pa, you will give me.
(See above). Nini, what? A-ka-mw-ambia, and be said to bim. Ni-
ta-ku-pa, I will give you. Mali, goods. (See above). Y-angu, my. (

uliove.)Nussu, half. Kwa, by. Nussu, half. A-ka-mw-ambia, aud ho

said to him. Marahaba, very good. A-ka-enda, and he went. A-ka-
m-twaa, and took him. A-ka-ja, and came. Na-ye, with him. A-li-

po-mw-ona, when he saw him. Baba-ye, his father; -ye, enclitic form
of the possessive pronoun proper to tho third person y-, sign of ;

agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class, used here with
one denoting a person (p. 111). Na, and. Mama-ye, his mother ;
(See above). I-ka-wa, it was; i-, sign of agreement with a sing, sub-
stantive of the third class (furaha). Furaha, joy; sing, substantive
third clac-s. Kubwa, great; agreeing with furaha ; as «-, which would
be the regular sign of agreement with a sing, substantive of the third
class,cannot stand before k, it is omitted altogether (p. 85). M-ji-
ni, in the town m-, sign of sing, substantive second class; -ni, Bign

of the locative case. Wa-ka-penda, and they (the father and mother)
loved. Sana, much. Yule, that. Ki-jana, youth. Kama, like.

M-Uito, child. W-ao, their.

If'itta, at last. A-li-po-taka, when he wanted. Kw-enda z-ake, to go

away. (See above and p. 112). Yule, that. Ki-jana, youth. A-ka-mw-
ambia, he said to him. Enende, go; sing, imperative of enenda, go.
Ka-mw-age, and take leave of him ka-, and -mw-, objective prefix
; ;

referring to a person if mw had been the subjective second plur. the


ka would have followed it m-ka-age = and do ye take leave -age

; ; t

j ] ] you give me ? " He said, " I will give you half of all I have." He said,
" Iam content." And be went and took the boy and brought him.
When his father and mother saw him, there was great joy throughout
the town. And they loved that youth as though he had been their
own son.
When at last he wished to go away, the boy said to him, "Go and
take leave of my father and mother; tell him t< give you the cap and

Akaenda, akawaambia, wakampa kofia nyingi, akakataa akainwambia, I.

nataka hiyo mbovu, wakampa, na mauiaye akampa taa. Akawauliza,

kofia hii maana yake nini ? Wakamwambia, mtu akivaa, baonekani
na mtu. Akavaa asionekane akafurahi sana. Akauliza, taa hii
maana yake nini ? Wakamwambia, ukiwasha batta bapa watatoka

imperative sing, of aga, take leave of. Baba, father. Na, and. II.

Mama, mother. Mw-ambie, tell him; mw-, objective prefix referring

to a person ; -ambie, imperative sing, of ambia, tell. A-ku-pe, that he
may give you. Kofia, cap. Na, and. Mama, mother. A-ku-pe, that
she may give you. Taa, lamp. A-ka-enda, and he went. A-ka-wa-
ambia, and he told them (the fatber and mother). Wa-ka-m-pa, and
they gave him. Kofia, caps. Ny-ingi, many. A-ka-kataa, and he
refused. A-ka-mtv-ambia, and he said to him. N-a-taka, I want.
Hiyo, this one. (See above.) M-bovu, rotten. (See above). Wa-ka-m-pa,
and they gave him. Na, and. Mama-ye, his mother. (See above,
uuder babaye). A-ka-m-pa, she gave him. Taa, lamp. A-ka-ica-uliza,
and he asked them. Kofia, cap. Hii, this ; demonstrative referring
to a sing, substantive of the third class (kofia). Maana, meaning,
purpose ; sing, substantive third class. Y-ake, its ; y-, sign of

agreement with a sing, substantive of the third class (maana). Nini,

what ? Wa-ka-mw-ambia, and they said to him. M-tu, person, any
one (p. 16) m-, sign of sing, substantive of first class. A-ki-vaa, if

he puts on. Ha-onekani, he is not to be seen ha-, negative prefix of


the third person sing, referring to a person ; onekani, negative present

form of onekana. Na, by. M-tu, any one (p. 16). A-ka-vaa, and he
put on. A-si-onekane, that he might not be seen a-, prefix of third :

person sing, referring to a person (kijana); -si-, sign of negative

subjunctive ; -onekane, subjunctive form of onekana. A-ka-furald, and
he rejoiced. Sana, much. A-ka-uliza, and he asked. Taa, lamp.
Hii, this. Maana, purpose. Y-ake, its. Nini, what? Wa-ka-mw-
ambia, and they told him. U-ki-washa, if you light. Hatta, as far as.
Hapa, here. Wa-ta-toka, they will come out wa-, sign of third person

my mother to give you the lamp." He went and told them, and they III.
gave him many caps t but he refused and said, I want that worn-out
one " and they gave it to him, and the boy's mother gave him the

lamp. Then he asked, "What is the object of this cap?" And they told
him, When a man puts it on, no one can see him." He put it on so as
to become invisible, and was very glad. " And he
asked, What is the
" " If
object of this lamp ? And they told him, you light it as far as this,

watu wawili wakutilie thahabu nyumbani mwako usiku kucha, na

ukiwasha hatta bapa watatoka watu wawili wakupige kwa vigo-
Dgo usiku kuoha. Akauena, inarahaba. Akafurahi eaua, akaenda

II. I'lur. referring to a plural substantive of the first class (watu). Wa-tu,
people. Wa-wili, two ica-, sign of agreement with a plur. substantive

of the first class (watu). Wa-ku-tilie, that they may put for you ; wa-

sigu of third person plur. referring to a plur. substantive of the first

class (watu) -ku-, objective prefix referring to the second person sing.

subjunctive form of tilia, put for. Thahabu, gold. Ny-umbd-ni,


in house; ny-, sign of substantive of the third class; -m, sign of

locative case. Mw-alw, thy mw-, sign of agreement with a noun iu

the locative case denoting within. Usiku, night. Ku-cha, dawning or

sun-rising; used after usiku, it means all night until the morning
comes. Na, and. UJci-washa, if you light. Hatta, as far as. Hapa,
here. Wa-ta-toka, they will come out. Wa-tu, people. Wa-wili, two.
Wa-ku-pige, that they may beat you; -pige, subjunctive form of piga.
Kwa, with. Vi-gongo, cudgels: vi-, sign of a plural substantive of
the fourth class; ki-gongo is a diminutive (p. 19) of gongo, a staff.
Usiku, night. Ku-cha, till morning. A-ka-nena, and he said.
Marahaba, thank you. A-ka-furahi, and he rejoiced. Sana, much.
A-ka-enda z-ake, and he went away.

HI. two men will come out and bring you gold into your house all
long; but if you light it as far as this, two men will come out and beat
you with cudgels all night long." And he thanked them, and rejoiced
very much, and went hia way.
443 )

Appendix IV.


The first fifty-four were collected towards a book of conversations,

which was begun with the help of our lamented friend, Mrs. G. E.
Drayton; the rest, which are arranged in alphabetical order, were
noted from time to time, either as likely to be useful in conversation,
or as illustrating some special rule or idiom.

1. How many fowls have you there ?

TJnao k'uku ngapi ?

2. What do you want for them ?
Kiad gani unakuza (At how much do you sell) ?
3. Have you any eggs ?
Unayo mayayi ?
4. I will not give more than a pice apiece for the eggs.
Nitakupa peso, moja tu kununua yayi, sitaloa zayidi (I will
give you one pice only to buy an egg, I will not give more).
5. I don't understand you, say it again.
Sema mora ya pili, sikusikia.
6. Let me hear it again.
Sema mara ya pili, nipate kusikia (Say it a second time,
that I may get to understand).
7. Fetch me a basin for the eggs.
Letee bakuli nitie mayayi.
8. Bring the basin with the eggs in it.

Letee bakuli lenyi mayayi.

9. I don't want any to-day, come to-morrow.
Leo sitaki, njoo kesho.
10. Are lemons cheap now ?
Malimao rahisi sasa f

11. I won't bay them, they are too dear.

Sitaki kumrnua, ni ghali.
12. What <1<>
you want ?
ir,i/((/,(i ntntf
13. I don't know what you want.
i ulitakalo.
14. Where do you come from?
Watoka icapil
15. Don't wait; I will send an answer immediately.
Etu nda zako, usingoje, majibu yatakuja sasa hivi (Go your
way do not wait for an answer, it will come immediately ).

] 6. Isyour master at home ?

JJwana ynpo ?
17. Master is not at home he is pone out.

Bwana hako (or hayuko) nynmbani ; ametoka.

18. Where are you going?
Unakicenda wapi 1

19. I have lost my way.

Nimepotea, njia sijui (I am lost; the way I don't know).

'20. Will you guide me to the English mission ?
Nataka unionyeshe mosketini Ingreza t
21. Can you understand English ?
1! we unajua maneno ya Kiingreza
i 1

22. I cannot speak Swahili [of Zanzibar].

Sijui kusema Kiunguja.
23. Did the water boil ?

Maji yameche'mka
24. Does the water boil?
Maji yanache'mka ?
2fj. These plates are not clean.
Sahani hizi zina taka.
Wipe them carefully.
Futa vema kica kitambaa.
27. Sweep this room well.
Fagia vema katika chumha hiki.
28. Dust the furniture.
Pangusa vumbi katika vyomho.
29. You have cracked that cup.
Umekitia ufa kikombe kite.

Throw it away.

31. Fetch me the vinegar, the pepper, and the Bait
Niletee tiki, na pilipili, na chumvi.
32. Don't make so much noise.

Usifanye uthia.
33. Put a fresh wick in my lamp.
Tia katika taa yangu utambi.
M. Fold up the table-cloth smoothly.
Kunja vema kitambaa cha meza, usikivunje (Fold well the
cloth of the table ; spoil it not).
35. When youhave swept the room put on clean clothes.
urnekwisha kufagia, vaa nguo safi.
36. Take this to Miss T.
Chukua, upeleke kwa bibi T.
37. You have put all these books upside down turn them. ;

Umepindua vyuo hivi vyote, uviweke upande mgine.

38. Leave that alone !

Acha !
39. Come here, I want to speak to you.

Njoo hapa, 'nna maneno nitakwambia (I have words J will

say to you).
40. Get ready to go for a walk.

Fanya tayari upate kwenda kutembecu

41. Are you ready ?
Umekuwa tayari?
42. Which way shall you like to go ?

Njia gani utakao kupita ?

43. How far is it to your shamba ?
Kadri gani mbali ya shamba lako hatta kufika (How much
farness of your shamba till getting there) ?
4.4. Not very far perhaps an hour's walk.

Si mbali sana, labuda ikipata saa moja.

45. Shall you walk, or ride your donkey, or sail ?
Utakwenda kwa miguu, ao utapanda punda, ao utukwenda
kwa mashua ?
46. We willgo round the town and home by the bridge.
Tutazunguka katika mji, halafu turudie darajani (Then let.

us return by the bridge).

47. Bring me some hot water after breakfast.
Niletee maji ya moto, nikiisha kula.
48. Half a bucket full.
Nuss ya ndoo.
t9. Turn the mattress over every morning.
Geuza killa siku godoro, chini juu.
50. Turn it top to bottom.
Vpande huu uweke upande wa pili.
2 o

51. I am very glad to see you.

Umependa moyo wangu kukutazama.
52. What ship is that ?

Marikebu gani hii ?

Has she cast anchor yet ?

Imetia nanga ?

5 1 .
No, she will come nearer the shore.
Bado, inakuja karibu ya pioani.
55. A good man does not desert his friends when they fall into

Mtu mwema hawaachi rafiki zake wakipatika na thidda.
56. Are you idle ?
Ati mvinu ?

57. At what time come

shall I ?

Wakti gani nijs ;

58. Did he stay long ?
Alikaa sana ?
59. No, he went away directly.
Hda, alikwenda zake mara.
60. Does he drink wine ?
Hunywa divai f

61. He does not.

62. Does this boat leak ?

Mashua hii yavuja ?

63. Do not draw water from the well, the owner forbids it.

Usiteke maji kisimani, mwenyewe agombeza.

64. Don't jerk this rope ; if you do it will break.
Kamba hii usiikutue, ukikutua itakatika.
65. Eat as much as you like.
Kula kadri utakavyo.
66. Find me a large hen.
Kanitaftia koo la k'uku.
67. Follow this road.
Fuata [or andama'] njia hii.
68. I want you to follow me.
Nataka unifuate [or uniandame].
69. Give it only to me and not to them.
Nipe mimi tu, usiwape wale.
70. Go and see if the people have collected.
Kaangalia watu wamekutana.
71. Go and stop that talking.
Enenda kakomeslia maneno haya.

72. Stop this outcry.

Makelele haya yakome (Let these cries cease).
73. Go away, whoever you are.
Enda zaho, kadri utakaokuwa.
74. Guard yourself, I am going to hit you.
Einga, takupiga.
75. Has he a large box ?
Ana kasha ?
76. He has.
Analo kasha.
77. Have you a pipe at home ?
Eiko kicako kiko ?

78. He built a bridge across the river.

Alijenga bonth katikati ya mto.

79. He built a mosque by the river, aud endowed it with a shamba
near ours.
Alijenga moskiti ng'ambo, akawekea tcakf shamba karibu
shamba letu.

SO. He described Mombas asit was in early times, as it is now, and

as it will be a hundred years hence.
Aliandika Mvita ilivyokuwa kwanza, ilivyo sasa, na itaka*
vyokuwa kwa miaka mia.
81. He does not believe me though I saw it.

Hanisadiki ningawa nimeiona.

82. He had the toothache.
Alikuwa na jino likimwuma.
83. He has been abroad many years.
Alikuwa safarini miaka mingi.
84. He has presence of mind.
Moyo wake uwapo.
85. His mind is absent. Hapo ati.

86. He is a troublesome fellow to deal with.

Ana taabu kuingiana naye.
87. He is absorbed in his own thoughts even ; if you speak to him he
takes no notice.
Tu katikafikara zakwe ; ujaponena naye hawepo.
88. He is here.

Yupo hapa.
89. He i3 not here.
Hapo hapa.
90. He is yonder.
Yuko kule.
2 g 2

91. II> is no! there.

Hako hull'.

I [< is no! yel dressed.

He leftus about ten days ac;o.
Alittraeha kadri ya (or kama) siku kumi.
:<i. He ought to be beaten.
Aihtaji kupigwa.
95. He pretends to be satisfied, but do not trust him.
Ajifanya kuwa rutin', usimwamini.
96. He rose up from bis chair.
Aliondoka kitini ku-ake.
97. He runs as fast as he can.
Anakvx nda mbio kama awezavyo.
-. He says he will walk on the water !

Ati atakwenda mtoni kwa miguu!

99. He that hateth suretyship is sure.
Mtu asiyekubali kuthamini ui katika amani.
100. He that is not against us is with us.
Mtu asiyekuvHijuu ijetu, bassi yee pamoja nasi.
101. He that is not with us is against us.
Asiytkuwa pamoja nasi, bassi huyujuu yetu.
102. He tried to make himself agreeable, and he succeeded.
Alijipendekeza ndipo akapendeza.
103. He was changed from a man into a horse.
Alibadiliwa mtu kuwa frasi.
in). He was more energetic than his father.
Huyu alikuwa akiweza zayidi ya baba yoke.
105. His non-appearance is unaccountable.
Kutowekana kwake haitambulikani.
His self-conceit is no good to him.
Majivuno yake hayamfai neno.
]"7. How are your household (i.e. your wife, daughters, &c.)?
U hali gani nyumbani kwako.
I I iw far is it across the island ?

Kupataji rribali wake hapa haita pwani i/a pili


A fast walkerwould tike fromsunrise to the middle of the afternoon

Akiondoka mtu assubui hatta alasiii, uliu hodari kwenda,
110. How lone: has he been ill ?

Tangu Uni hawt

111. How long was his illness?

Tangu lini alikuwa liavn zit


112. How pleasant !

to hear that you were to go home.
H3. How glad you must have been
Furaha ipi mwaliposikia mioende zenu hwenu.
114. I am amusiug myself with a book.
Najizumgumza na chuo.
1 1 5. I am here. Nipo liapa.
lltj. I am never without pimples.
Vipele havinitoka
117. I am sleepy.
yinao usingizi.
118. 1 cannot hold in this horse.
Siwezi kuzuiafrasi huyu.
1 19. I cannot see so far as you can.
Sioni mbali, kama waonavyo iceice.

120 I don't like his way of tying it.

Sipendi ginsi afungavyo.

121. I don't see what you show me.
Sioni ulionyalo.
122. I don't see it, though he does.
Siioni angawa aona.
123. Take care, though you don't see it.

Kaangalia, ujapo hukioni-

124. I feel myself at home.
Hujiona niko kicetu.
125. Make yourself at home.
Usifanye haya, hapa kama kvoako (Feel no modesty, here is

like your home).

gave him good advice, though he would

12G. I not take it.

Nimemwonya illakini liakuonyeka.

] 27. I had almost left off expecting you.
Nalikaribia kukata tamaa ya kukuona.
128. I had lost my way, and I came out close to your shamba.

Nalipotea njia nikatokea shambani kwako.

129. I have asked him again and again, but he will not tell me.
Nimemwuliza mara kwa mara lakini hanambii.

130. I have gained a hundred dollars.

Nalipata fayida reale mia.
131. I have made you my mark, if you step over it, look out (a common
Nimekupigia mfuo wangu kiuka wangalie.
132. I know where he is.
Namjua mahali alipo.

138. I
pray God no! to visit it upon me.
Vi M i
Wuungu asinipatilize,
134. I saw the flash of the gun, but did not hoar the report.
Nimeona mwanga, lakini sikusihia mzinga India.
135. I shall go by sea as far as I can.
Nitaktcenda kwa bahari, hatta itnkaponifikisha.
136. I shall go for a walk to stretch my legs.
A itahwenda It rribea
kiikunjua miguu.
137. I
thought myself a king.
Nalikuwa 7tiliiicaza nimchuwa Sultani.
138. I will .-hut the door that he may not go out.
Nitafunga mlango atipate kupiia.
139. If be strikes you, hit him again.
Akikupiga, nawe mjriga tena.
140. If you had been here he would not have been beaten.
Kama ungalikuwapo hapa, haiiyalipigwa.
141. Tt
depends upon his coming.
Kima at'tkapokuja.
1 12, It is bad weather.
Kumekaa vibaya.
Halcweiuh 1; i.

I !:;. It is being hawked about by a salesman.
Kinatembezwa kwa dalali.
141. It is not there, though you say it is.
Hakipo, ungawa wasema kipo.
1 to. It is time for us to go.
Imekuwa wakati ica siei kwenda zetu.
146. I* is quite time for us to go.
Imevoadia wakati wetu wa kwenda zetu.
1 17. It was a secret, but it oozed out.
Yalikutca habari ya siri, iJtatokeza,
Let him go.
Mivachent enende.
1 id. Moslems are forbidden wine.
Waslimu wameepuzhwa divai
150. Much self-exaltation ruins a man's position in the world.

Majivwno yakiwa mengi ya'mvunjia mtu cheo.

151. Nothing I do phases him.
Killa na/anyalo halimpendezi (everything which I do
pleases him not).
152. Whatever I do he finds fault with me.
Killa na/anyalo hunitia khatiyani.

153. Put the water on the fire.

Kateleka maji.
154. Sit down.
Kaa kitako.
155. Don't get up.

156. The baobabs are now coming into leaf.

Siku hizi mibuyu inaclmnua majani.
157. The fields are flourishing.
Koonde imesitawi.
158. The music is first-rate.
Ngoma inafana.
159. The news has spread.
Khabari zimeenea.
160. Spread the news.
Zieneza khabari.
161. The people who went to Bardera are come back.
Watu icaliokivenda Baradera, wamekuja zoo.
162. The room wants darkening.
Chumba chataka kutiica giza.
163. The top of this mountain is inaccessible.
Juu ya mlima huu haupandiki.
all dead.
164. They [the trees] are almost
Kama kwamba iliokufa yote.
165. They are badly stowed.
Mapakizo yao mabaya.
166. They cut the boat adrift.
Wakakata kamba ya mashua ikachukuliwa na maji.
167. They and receiving presents.
like giving
Hupendelea kupana
in the fort.
168. They shut themselves up
Wakajizuia gerezani.
169. They me what he had done.
Walinambia alivyofanya.
170. They were fighting, and I passed by and separated them.
Walikuwa wakipigana, hapita mimi nikawaamua.
171. This chest must-be taken care of.

Kasha hili la kutunzwa.

172. This has been worn.
Nguo hii imevaliwa.

173. This tree is not so tall as that.

Mti huu si mrefu kama ule.

171. Upon your oath !

Utaapa .'

I T.">. Wash me these clothes.

Nioshee nguo hi i.

1 ~G. The clothes have been washed.

Nguo zimeosheka.
177. I have washed myself.
X i menawika.
1 7> W ash
ine ! Noslie!
179. We attacked them and they fell into confusion.
TwaliwashambvXia, icakafazaiha.
— « *
We like his company.
Kikao chake chema (his sitting is good).
181. What do you earn by the month ?

Upataje killa mwezi ?

182. What is become of him ?
Amekuwaje f
183. What is this news about Ali ?

Habari gani tuzisikiazo za Ali f

184. What are you talking about ?

Mnneno gani mnenayot •

Muktatha gani ?
Mnenani ?

185. What willyon ferry meajver for?

1 *
Utanivu&ha kwa kiasigani f
186. When I have seen Mohammed, I will give you an answer.
Nikiisha mwona Mohamadi, nitakupa jaicabu.
187. Where is the knife I saw you with
Kiko wapi kisu nalichokuona nacho jana t
188 Where is the pain ?

Mahali gani panapouma 1

1 89. Where is your pain ?
Wauma wapi ?
L90. Who is in there?
Mna nani ?
191. Yon cannot teach him anyhow.
Kadri u'mfunzavyo hajui.
192. We do not know whether he will not learn, or whether he cannot.
Hatujui ya kwamba hataki hujifunza ao hana akili za
193. You have made this thread too
Uzi huu umeutia kassi mno.

194. You ought him very much.

to love
Wnstahili kumpenda sana.
19f>. Kuamtxt na kusengenya. To talk of a person behind his back, and
secretly to make contemptuous signs about him when
present. This phrase is often used as a test of a stranger's
knowledge of Swahili ; what it describes is counted as a

special sin.
196. To ask a man his name.
Oh ! Rajiki yangu nambie jina lako (Oh !
my friend, tell
me your name). Wajua, bwana wee, tumeonana mimi
nawe, jina lako nimelisahau, tafdthal nambie jina lako
(You know, sir, you and I have met [before], but I have
forgotten your name, please to tell me your name).
When —
you have heard it, say Inshallah, sitalisahau tena
(Please God, I shall not forget it again).
197. A polite question and answer at leave-taking.
Unayo haja tena ? (Have you any further desire ?)
Eaja yangu ya kuishi wewe sana na furaha (My desire is
that you may live loDg and happily).
( 455 )

Appendix V.


The is based on scattered notices in the late Bishop

following account
and on some tables furnished to the Rev. P. L.
Steere's collections,
Jones-Bateman by a well-informed servant of the Mission in
1. Money.
The only copper coin in common
use in Zanzibar is the Anglo-
Indian quarter-anna, or pice, in Swahili pesa, plur. peso, or mapesa ;

but the robo pesa, or quarter-pice (of which, however, three are equal to
one pice), is also current.
The silver coins current are the Anglo-Indian rupee and, less com-
monly, the Austrian dollar. The eight-anna
(half-rupee), four-anna
(quarter-rupee), and two-anna pieces are also met with.
The relative values of these coins and their equivalent in English
money fluctuate considerably. For practical purposes, it is sufficient
to remember that an English sovereign may be generally
for 12 rupees, English bank-notes, cheques, drafts, &c, being subject
to a small discount that an Austrian dollar is reckoned as equal to 2

rupees and 8 pice, and that a rupee is worth usually from 60 to 64

pice. It follows that, though accounts are usually kept in dollars
and cents, and 5 dollars reckoned as equal to one pound English, it is
more exact to consider —

On the mainland, dollars and pice are taken freely on the coast and
main lines of traffic, and rupees are met with; but elsewhere, silver
dollars only, and such objects of barter as calico, brass-wire, beads, &c.

2. Measures of Lmijth.

There isno exact standard or relationship of measures of length.

Those in common use are merely taken from parts of the human body,
viz. :

II anda.
plur. nyanda, a finger's breadth.
Shibiri, a span, the distance between the tips of the outstretched
thumb and little finger.

Mdrita, a slightly shorter span, from the tip of the thumb to that
of the fore-finger.
Thiraa or Mkono, a cubit, the distance from the finger-tips to the
elbow joint. Of this again, there are two varieties: —
Thiraa kamili, or full cubit, as just described, and —
Thiraa konde, or fist cubit, from the elbow-joint to the-

Wari, or yard, is one half of the —
Pima, a man's height, or the distance he can stretch with his
arms, a fathom. A doti is a measure of similar length.
The uayo, or length of the foot, Arab khatua, is also used occa-
sionally, and the English foot, futi, regularly by Indian carpenters and
in other trades. Approximately, the relations of these measures may
be tabulated thus :

1 wanda = 1 inch.

8 or 10 nyanda = 1 shibiri kamili = 1 quarter-yard.

2 shibiri = 1 thiraa or mkono ~ 1 cubit or half-yard.
2 thiraa = 1 wari = 1 yard
2 wari = 1 pima = 1 fathom.
1 by the average length of an hour's walk-
)istance is loosely estimated

ing. Dunga, which lies almost exactly halfway across the island of
Zanzibar, at a distance of perhaps twelve miles, is described as a walk
o\ four h'nirs, saa 'nne; and Kokotoni, at the north end of the island,

distant perhaps twenty miles from Zanzibar, as a walk of at least

-ix hours, saa sita. On the mainland, a day's march is a common but
gue measure of perhaps twenty miles.

3. Measures of Weight.

For gold, and other costly articles, the unit is the

silver, silk, scent,
wakia, or weight of an Austrian silver dollar, almost exactly an ounce.
I r the names of fractional of see " parts any
i)o unit, Handbook," p.

but the weight of a pice is often used as a convenient though inexact

measure of small quantities.
For heavy articles, the usual unit is a rdtel, or rattli, equal to 16
icaJiia, and corresponding to one pound.
16 wakia = 1 rdlel.
3 rdtel = 1 mani.
6 rdtel = 1 pishi.
6 pishi = 1 frasila, about 35 lbs. avoirdupois.
10 frasila = 1 mzo.
Hence, 64 frasila or 6| mizo may be regarded as = 1 ton.

4. Measures of Capacity.

No fixed liquid measure is used by the poorer classes. Shopkeepers

sell their oil, treacle, &c, by tin-ladlefuls (kikombe), or by the bottle

(chupa), or by the tin, i.e. the tins in which American oil is imported
to Zanzibar (Jtanaki, tini, also debe).
Corn (nafaka) or dry measure is, of course, of great importance in a
country where grain is the staple of food and chief article of commerce.
The smallest unit is the —
Kibaba, a measure of perhaps a pint.
Kibaba cha tele, if the measure is heaped up —the usual pro-
Kibaba cha mfuto, if cut off flat.
2 vibaba (vya tele) = 1 kisaga.
2 visaga = 1 pishi, about half a gallon.
The pishi connects the measures of capacity and weight, and for
som of the common dry commodities, such as chiroko and kundi, the
pishi may be regarded as equivalent either in capacity to 4 vibaba, or
in weight to 6 rattli.
Grain is sold wholesale by the kanda, or sack of grass-matting, or (if
from India) by the gunia, a wide sack. The gunia often weighs about
168 lbs. The kanda varies, both with the kind of grain and the place
from which it is imported. For instance, while at Kwale, Mgao, and
Mvita, towns on the Swahili coast, the kanda of rice at times contains
10, 11, or 12 pishi, and the kanda of Indian corn 10 pishi, at Pangani,
Tanga, and Mtang'ata the kanda of rice will contain 15, 16, or 17

pishi,and the kanda of Indian corn 13 or 13| pishi.

Various other terms are in use for different commodities, e.g. poles

are sold by the korja, or score stone for building by the boma, a heap

which may weigh 4 cwt. to 5 cwt. lime by the tanuu (clamp) or kikapo
; ;

calico by the jura, 35 yards and various other things by the " mzigo "

or load.

5. Vointz of the Compass.

PL Steere, Edward
8702 A handbook of the Swahili
S724 language




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