What Is ABC Analysis? A Comprehensive Guide

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February 12, 2024

Are you tired of manually managing your inventory and struggling to prioritize which items to stock up on? Look no further than ABC analysis, a powerful inventory management technique that helps you identify your most valuable products.

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ABC Analysis Guide

What This Article Covers:

What Is ABC Analysis?

ABC analysis is a valuable inventory management technique used by businesses to identify the importance of their inventory items based on various factors, such as risk data, cost and demand.

This method helps managers classify items or services into three categories — A, B and C — based on their significance to the organization’s financial success.

Class A items are the most critical SKUs (stock-keeping units), relying on profitability or sales volume. These items require constant monitoring and attention because they contribute significantly to a business’s revenue.
Class B items are moderately important to an organization’s success. Finally, class C items are the least significant and are generally low-cost items with lower demand.

Using ABC analysis, you can prioritize your efforts and allocate your resources efficiently. You can identify which items require more attention and resources to improve their profitability and which items are easy to manage with minimal resources.

This analysis also helps you effectively manage inventory levels, as managers can adjust their inventory control practices based on the classification of items.

Furthermore, ABC analysis isn’t limited to inventory management. Activity-based costing, which is related to ABC analysis, is also used by accountants. The purpose of this is to allocate overhead or indirect costs like wages or utilities to services and items in manufacturing.

It can help you understand the true cost of products and services, so you can make informed decisions to improve profitability.

Pareto Principle and ABC Analysis

ABC analysis is a prime example of the Pareto Principle in action. It uses the principle as a guide for evaluating and classifying your inventory. So what is the Pareto Principle?

Also known as the 80/20 rule, the Pareto Principle notes that the cause of 80% of outcomes is 20% of inputs. This principle changed the way of studying economics and helped us comprehend resource distribution worldwide.

ABC analysis is an inventory management method based on the Pareto Principle. It means that 20% of a company’s inventory accounts for 80% of its revenue.

Categorizing inventory into three buckets helps you make operationally informed decisions and focus on the items that matter most. This translates to reducing waste and improving your bottom line. For example:

  • Category A: Category A includes high-value items that make up only 20% of the inventory but account for 80% of its value. These items require close monitoring, as any stockouts or delays in delivery can have a significant impact on your business’s bottom line.
  • Category B: Category B includes items that are important but not as critical as category A items. These items make up about 30% of the inventory and account for 15% of its value.
  • Category C: Category C includes low-value items that make up the remaining 50% of the inventory and account for only 5% of its value. These items are easy to manage with less attention and resources.

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Calculation Steps

ABC analysis is a simple yet effective way to prioritize items in your inventory and focus your resources on high-priority products.

By classifying your products into A, B and C categories, you can determine which items generate the most revenue and which ones yield low profits.

Here’s how you can run an ABC analysis:

ABC Analysis Calculation Steps

Calculate Annual Usage Value

To determine the annual usage value per product, multiply the annual number of items sold by the cost per item. The formula is:

Annual usage value per product = (annual number of items sold) x (cost per item)

For example, if you sell 500 units of a product per year at $10 per unit, the annual usage value per product would be:

500 x $10 = $5,000

Repeat this process for all the products in your inventory.

Rank Products

Once you’ve calculated the annual usage value per product for all your items, rank them in descending order of value. The product with the highest annual usage value should be at the top of the list.

Calculate Aggregate

Calculate the aggregate amount for each product by adding up the annual usage value of that product and all the products that come before it in the list. This will give you a cumulative total of the annual usage value for each product.

Determine the A, B and C Categories

Determine the A, B and C categories based on the cumulative percentage of the total annual usage value. The top 20% of products with the highest annual usage value are category A, the middle 30% are category B and the bottom 50% are category C.

Assign Group Names

Finally, assign group names to each item based on their category. The products in category A should be your top priority, as they generate the most revenue. Followed by the careful management of Category B products, while you can deprioritize category C products.

Thus, ABC analysis can help you ‌identify which products are most important to your business and focus your resources on those products.

To maximize profitability, you can use this method to regularly analyze your inventory and ensure your business needs align with your inventory management strategies.

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How To Perform ABC Analysis

Here’s a step-by-step process on how you can perform ABC analysis:

How To Perform ABC Analysis

  1. Identify the Objective: To start, you need to identify your objective. Consider whether your main goal is to reduce procurement costs or optimize your inventory levels to improve cash flow. Maybe it’s both. Whatever your objective is, identifying it will help you determine how to approach your analysis.
  2. Collect Data: Once you’ve identified your objective, collect the necessary data, including annual spend analysis and any relevant cost data such as gross profit margin and ordering and carrying costs.
  3. Sort by Descending Order: Use the ABC analysis formula to sort inventory items in descending order of impact. This formula ranks each item’s order by cost, from the highest to the lowest impact.
  4. Calculate Sales Impact: Now’s the time to calculate the sales impact of each item using this formula: % Impact = (annual item cost) / (aggregated total of all items spent) x 100. The purpose of this is to compare items in the list and determine their classification.
  5. Classify Items: Once you’ve categorized the items, it’s time to work on making changes to reduce costs or ensure the availability of Class A items. This can involve vendor consolidation, contract renegotiation, or eProcurement methodology implementation.
  6. Analyze Classes: Finally, analyze the results of your ABC analysis regularly to monitor the success or failure of your decisions. Schedule reviews to ensure that you’re meeting your objectives and make the necessary adjustments to optimize your inventory management process continually.

Primary Benefits

ABC analysis is a powerful inventory management tool that can offer a range of benefits to businesses of all sizes. By prioritizing items based on their importance and demand, companies can optimize their inventory, reduce costs and improve overall efficiency.

Here are some of the key benefits of ABC analysis:

ABC Analysis Benefits

  • Enhance Inventory Optimization: By identifying and prioritizing items most in demand, businesses can use their warehouse space more effectively and reduce excess inventory levels for lower-priority items.
  • Improve Inventory Forecasting: ABC analysis aids in your demand forecasting by identifying the most valuable items to help set inventory costs and levels more effectively, leading to increased revenue and profitability.
  • Reduce Storage Expenses: Reduce inventory carrying costs and save money on storage by maintaining accurate stock ratio based on A, B and C categories.
  • Upgrade Customer Service: Offering higher service levels for the most profitable items can help you build customer loyalty and improve overall satisfaction.
  • Refine Supplier Negotiations: Focusing on the most important items can help you negotiate more reasonable terms with suppliers, including lower costs for bulk orders or other cost-saving measures.
  • Allocate Resources Strategically: By continuously evaluating resource allocation, you can ensure you’re using space, personnel and time effectively to meet customer demand for Class A items.

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Listed below are some of the limitations of ABC analysis:

  • Unstable Parameters: The parameters used to classify items in ABC analysis are subject to change over time, which can result in a significant amount of time and effort to maintain and update the classifications regularly.
  • Limited Pattern Consideration: ABC analysis may not be suitable for products with irregular demand patterns, such as seasonal items or new products, which may lack enough sales history data for accurate classification.
  • Resource-intensive Process: Collecting, analyzing and classifying sales data into categories requires a significant amount of time, discipline and effort to implement and maintain.
  • Mandatory Standardization: For a successful analysis, each item standardization is key when it comes to storing, naming, rating and monitoring. Failure to do so can lead to inaccuracies in classification, which can affect inventory management decisions.

Best Practices

When implementing ABC analysis for your inventory management, it’s important to remember some best practices that can help your business yield better results:

ABC Analysis Best Practices

Classify Inventory

It’s crucial to keep your inventory classifications simple so that your team can easily identify products belonging to each class. Some popular categorization methods include sales or price frequency.

Set Labor Levels

As per the classification, set labor levels with higher labor levels allotted to classes that have a greater impact on your business. It’s vital to measure each classification based on performance reviews, selling overstock, reordering and against its own KPIs.

Review Classifications

You may need to review and revisit your original classifications as ‌market conditions and inventory change. You should consider factors such as changes in sales per class, consumer trends and new industry competitors.

Use Software

To make the process more efficient, using software data and tools can be extremely helpful. Inventory management software can track sales and product turnover changes and generate reports to emphasize areas that require refinement.

By following these best practices for implementing ABC analysis, you can optimize your inventory management and make more informed decisions about how to allocate your resources. This can ultimately lead to better business performance and increased profitability.

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Next Steps

ABC analysis is a powerful tool that can help businesses optimize their inventory management and increase their profits. By focusing on the most important items and prioritizing them accordingly, you can reduce costs and improve your overall efficiency.

However, it’s important to remember that ABC analysis isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Each business is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It’s essential to take a customized approach and carefully consider the specific needs and goals of your business.

So, why wait? Take the next step towards streamlined inventory management and start searching for software that meets your unique requirements today! You can use our free comparison report to jumpstart your selection.

How do you think implementing ABC analysis will be advantageous for your business? Let us know in the comments below!

Amrita ChakrabortyWhat Is ABC Analysis? A Comprehensive Guide

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