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 The pericardium is a fibroelastic sac made up of visceral
and parietal layers separated by a (potential) space, the
pericardial cavity. In healthy individuals, the pericardial
cavity contains 15 to 50 mL of an ultrafiltrate of plasma.
 Pericarditis is swelling and irritation of the pericardium, the
thin saclike membrane surrounding your heart. The sharp
chest pain associated with pericarditis occurs when the
irritated layers of the pericardium rub against each other.
Pericarditis is inflammation of the
pericardium (the fibrous sac
surrounding the heart
Pericarditis is inflammation of the
pericardium, a sac-like structure with
two thin layers of tissue that
surround the heart to hold it in place
and help it work.
 Pericarditis occurs after pericardectomy
in 5 % - 30% patients.
 1% - 3 % of cases develop after 10 days to 2
months after acute myocardial infarction.
 In the developed world, viruses are
believed to be the cause of about 85% of
 In the developing world tuberculosis is a
common cause but it is rare in the
developed world.
1. Idiopathic
2. Infections
 A.Viral - Coxsackievirus, echovirus, adenovirus,
EBV, CMV, influenza, varicella, rubella, HIV,
hepatitis B, mumps, parvovirus B19,
 B. Bacterial - Staphylococcus, Streptococcus,
pneumococcus, Haemophilus, Neisseria
(gonorrhoeae or meningitidis), Chlamydia (psittaci
or trachomatis), Legionella, tuberculosis,
Salmonella, Lyme disease .
 C. Mycoplasma
 D. Fungal - Histoplasmosis, aspergillosis,
blastomycosis, coccidiodomycosis,
actinomycosis, nocardia, candida
 E. Parasitic - Echinococcus, amebiasis,
 F. Infective endocarditis with valve ring
3. Neoplasm
A. Metastatic – Lung or breast cancer,
Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, melanoma
 B. Primary – Rhabdomyosarcoma,
teratoma,fibroma, lipoma, leiomyoma,
C. Paraneoplasm
4. Cardiac
 A. Early infarction
 B. Late postcardiac injury
syndrome (Dressler's
 C. Myocarditis
D. Dissecting aortic
A. Rheumatic diseases – Including lupus,
rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, scleroderma,
mixed connective disease
 B. Other – Granulomatosis with
polyangiitis (Wegener's), polyarteritis
nodosa, sarcoidosis,IBD (Crohn's, ulcerative
colitis), Whipple's Disease, giant cell
arteritis,Behcet's disease,rheumatic fever
 Pericarditis can also develop from a drug-
induced lupus syndrome caused by
medications including procainamide,
hydralazine, methyldopa, isoniazid,
mesalazine, and reserpine.
 Doxorubicin: The anthracycline
antineoplastic agents, such as doxorubicin
and cyclophosphamide, have direct cardiac
toxicity and can cause acute pericarditis
Penicillin : Penicillin and cromolyn sodium,
induce pericarditis through a hypersensitivity
Methysergide: Methysergide antimigraine
drug belongs to the group of medicines known
as ergot alkaloids. It causes constrictive
pericarditis through mediastinal fibrosis
7. Metabolic
 A. Hypothyroidism - Primarily pericardial effusion
 B. Uremia
 C. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
• Trauma
 A. Blunt, Penetrating
B. Iatrogenic - Catheter and
pacemaker perforations,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
• Radiation
Acute pericarditis (<6 weeks)
Sub acute pericarditis (6 weeks to 6
Chronic pericarditis (>6 months)
Recurrent pericarditis
Constrictive pericarditis
Viral pericarditis
Purulent pericarditis
Tuberculous pericarditis
Radiation Pericarditis
Traumatic pericarditis
Serous pericarditis
Fiberous pericarditis
Adhesive mediastino
• Constrictive pericarditis
When the pericarditis is
associated with a
thickening or scarring of
the pericardial layers, this
starts constricting the heart
within the thoracic cavity,
which in turn limits its
effective functioning. This
condition is known as
constrictive pericarditis.
• Viral pericarditis
Viruses that cause
pericarditis is known
as viral pericarditis
This kind of
pericarditis is simple
and can be handled
as an outpatient
• Tuberculous pericarditis
This condition is also
seen in a very minor
percentage of patients
having pulmonary
tuberculosis. Some of the
developing countries
remain the leading risk
groups of tuberculous
• Purulent or
pericarditis :-
It is due to causative
organisms may arise from
direct extension,
hematogenous seeding, or
lymphatic extension, or by
direct introduction during
facilitates this condition.
• Radiation Pericarditis
This type of pericarditis
is caused due to recent
mediastinal radiation at
any time from weeks to
months after the
• Traumatic
• Sharp or blunt trauma
causes traumatic
pericarditis. Invasive
cardiac procedures also
may give rise to this type
of pericarditis, which
includes cardiac
diagnostic catheterization
and electrophysiological
ablation procedure.
• Serous
Is usually caused by
inflammation such
as occurs in
rheumatoid arthritis
and systemic lupus
erythematosus .
• Fibrous and serofibrinous
• Itrepresent the same basic
process and are the most
frequent type of pericarditis.
Common causes include acute
myocardial infarction (MI),
postinfarction (including
Dressler syndrome), uremia,
radiation and trauma
• Hemorrhagic pericarditis
It involves blood mixed with a fibrinous or
suppurative effusion, and it is most
commonly caused by tuberculosis or direct
neoplastic invasion. This condition can also
occur in severe bacterial infections.
Hemorrhagic pericarditis is common after
cardiac surgery and may cause tamponade.
The clinical significance is similar to
suppurative pericarditis
• Chronic pericarditis Adhesive
mediastino pericarditis
• Is a reaction that usually follows suppurative
or caseous pericarditis, cardiac surgery, or
irradiation. This condition is rarely caused
by a simple fibrinous exudate. The
pericardial potential space is obliterated, and
adhesion of the external surface of the
parietal layer to surrounding structures
when microbes are inhaled or ingested, they migrate to
myocardium and cause inflammation
Accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac called pericardial
Compression of the heart
Increased Intra Pericardial pressure
Decreased ventricular filling and emptying
Increased venous
Decreased cardiac
Decreased Arterial
Cardiac Failure
Chest pain beneath the clavicle,
in the neck region worsens with
deep inspiration, relieved with
sitting or leaning forward.It is the
cardinal sign of pericarditis
 Mild fever, chills and night
 Malaise, myalgia
 Dyspnea due to constriction or
cardiac tamponade
Ewart sign: Ewart's sign is a set of
findings on physical examination in people
with large collections of fluid around their
heart (pericardial effusions).Dullness to
percussion ("woody" in quality), egophony,
and bronchial breath sounds may be
appreciated at the inferior angle of the left
scapula when the effusion is large enough to
compress the left lower lobe of the lung •
Beck’s triad: falling BP; rising JVP;
In Constrictive Pericarditis :
 Pedal edema
 Hepatomegaly
 Ascites
 Kussmaul’s sign
 Pericardial knock (early
diastolic sound) heard at the
 Usually - no friction rub
• History Collection- regarding the
etiological factors
• Physical Examination- check for Ewart’s
sign,pedal dema ,hepatomegaly JVD etc..
• CBC- Increased WBC, ESR, and CRP
• Cardiac Enzymes- increased but not as
much as with MI
• ECG- diffuse St elevation *important to
different from MI changes (acute
• Echo- for heart wall
• Chest X ray- shows
an enlarged heart and
pericardial calcification
• Doppler imaging- to
measure the amount of
blood flow through
your arteries and veins
• CT Scan to look for
calcium in the
pericardium, fluid,
inflammation, tumors and
disease of the areas
around the heart. Iodine
dye is used during the test
to get more information
about the inflammation.
• Pericardiocentesis fluid-
determine cause; treat
cardiac tamponade
• Cardiac MRI to check for
extra fluid in the pericardium,
pericardial inflammation or
thickening, or compression of
the heart. A contrast agent
called gadolinium is used
during this highly specialized
• Cardiac catheterization
To get information about the
filling pressures in the heart.
This is used to confirm a
diagnosis of constrictive
• Cardiac tamponade
Accumulation of pericardial fluid raises intra-
pericardial pressure, hence poor ventricular
filling and fall in cardiac output.
The drop in blood pressure can cause blurred
vision, nausea, confusion, and weakness.
• Pericardial effusion.
• Accumulation of fluid in the
pericardial sac. may have
symptoms such as:Chest pain
or discomfort, Enlargement
of the veins of the
breathing, Increased heart
rate,Nausea,Pain in the right
upper abdomen,Shortness of
breath,Swelling in the arms
and legs
• Chronic effusive
pericarditis It is an
uncommon pericardial
syndrome characterized by
concomitant tamponade,
caused by
tense pericardial effusion,
and constriction, caused by
thevisceral pericardium. th
e symptoms are chest pain,
lightheadedness, hiccups,
and shortness of breath.
• ASA or tylenol Acetaminophen decreases fever and pain ,
but does not help inflammation.Adult dosing is 2 regular
strength (325 mg) every 4 hours or 2 extra-strength (500 mg)
every 6 hours. Maximum dose is 4,000 mg per day.
• Aspirin or NSAIDs are recommended as first-line therapy
for acute pericarditis with gastroprotection. Commonly used
NSAID regimens include : Ibuprofen — Depending on the
severity of the pericarditis and individual medication
response, a dose of 400 to 800 mg of ibuprofen three times
daily is usually adequate for symptom relief. Ibuprofen can
be the preferred NSAID because of its rare side effects,
favorable impact on coronary artery blood flow, and large
• Aspirin — Aspirin can be given at a dose of 750 to 1000
mg every six to eight hours followed by gradual tapering
every week for a treatment period of three to four weeks.
• Corticosteroids Corticosteroids are strong medications
that fight inflammation. Your doctor may prescribe a
corticosteroid such as prednisone if your symptoms don't
get better with other medications, or if symptoms keep
• Colchicine anti-inflammatory agent It is recommended as
first-line therapy for acute pericarditis as an adjunct to
aspirin/NSAID therapy. You should not take this drug if
you have liver or kidney disease
Indomethacin — Indomethacin (NSAID)can be
administered at a dose of 50 mg three times daily for one to
two weeks followed by slow tapering But commonly it is
not rcommended due to its adverse effects
• Penicillin - for Bacterial infection
• ACE Inhibitors - relax the blood vessels in the heart and
help blood flow more easily •
• Beta-blockers are avoided because it decreases the
strength of ventricular contraction (have a negative
inotropic effect)
• Anticongestive measures such as
diuretics And Inotropics agents
(Inotrtropic agents such as milrinone,
digoxin, dopamine, and dobutamine are
used to increase the force of cardiac
• Anti-anxiety medication (Alprazolam
Diazepam ,Estazolam ,Flurazepam )
• Proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole,
• Pericardiocentesis:- is the aspiration of
fluid from the pericardial space that
surrounds the heart.
• Pericardial window a small opening
made in the pericardium, may be performed to
allow continuous drainage into the chest
• Percutaneous balloon
pericardiotomy :- is a procedure done to
drain excess fluid in the sac around the heart.
The procedure uses a long thin tube with
a balloon attached. During PBP, a doctor inserts
a needle through the chest wall and into the
tissue around the heart. Once the needle is inside
the pericardium, the doctor removes it and
replaces it with a long, thin tube called a
catheter. This tube has an inflatable balloon at
its tip. Repeated inflation of the balloon creates
a small hole or “window” in the pericardium.
When the hole is large enough, the doctor
removes the catheter and balloon replaces them
with a new catheter for final draining. This
allows fluid to drain out of the pericardium,
which improves heart function.
Percardiectomy may be
necessary to release both ventricles
from the constrictive and
restrictive inflammation and
scarring Pericardiectomy is
performed through a median
sternotomy, an incision through
the breastbone (sternum) in the
middle front part of the ribs that
allows the surgeon to reach the
heart. The surgeon will remove the
pericardium from the heart, wire
the breastbone and ribs back
together and close the incision
with stitches.
• Collaboration of oxygen and delivery of
analgesic drugs and drug side effects
• Observation of vital signs.
• Perform 12 lead ECG, 24 lead if necessary
• Bed rest with Fowler position / semi-
Fowler position client with pillows.
Positioning/sit up/lean forward
• Instruct client to deep breathe or use
incentive spirometery every 1 - 2 hours
• Monitor urine output
• Prevent complications of immobility
• Psychological support
• Monitor the drainage of pericardial fluid
• Manage the anxiety of the client
• Provide health teaching regarding the
disease condition and its treatment
 Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to
inflammatory process and decreased lung capacity
as evidenced by dyspnea,shortness of breath
Acute pain related to tissue ischemia secondary to
arterial occlusion, tissue inflammation as
evidenced by patient facial expression, forward
leaning posture,patient compaint for sharp chest
Impaired thermoregulation , hyperthermia, related
to infection and inflammation as evidenced by
Raised temperature
 Ineffective tissue perfusion related to decrease
blood flow as evidenced but delayed capillary
refilling,pale mucous membrane
Activity Intolerance related to imbalance
between oxygen supply and metabolic as
manifested by fatigue,decreased activity of
daily living
Anxiety related to therapeutic interventions and
uncertainty of prognosis as manifested by
Facial flushing , Restlessness , Voice quivering
Risk for Decreased Cardiac Output
related to structural abnormalities of
the heart
 Risk for cardiogenic shock related to
decreased cardiac output.

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  • 1.
  • 2.  The pericardium is a fibroelastic sac made up of visceral and parietal layers separated by a (potential) space, the pericardial cavity. In healthy individuals, the pericardial cavity contains 15 to 50 mL of an ultrafiltrate of plasma.  Pericarditis is swelling and irritation of the pericardium, the thin saclike membrane surrounding your heart. The sharp chest pain associated with pericarditis occurs when the irritated layers of the pericardium rub against each other.
  • 3. Pericarditis is inflammation of the pericardium (the fibrous sac surrounding the heart Pericarditis is inflammation of the pericardium, a sac-like structure with two thin layers of tissue that surround the heart to hold it in place and help it work.
  • 4.  Pericarditis occurs after pericardectomy in 5 % - 30% patients.  1% - 3 % of cases develop after 10 days to 2 months after acute myocardial infarction.  In the developed world, viruses are believed to be the cause of about 85% of cases.  In the developing world tuberculosis is a common cause but it is rare in the developed world.
  • 5. 1. Idiopathic 2. Infections  A.Viral - Coxsackievirus, echovirus, adenovirus, EBV, CMV, influenza, varicella, rubella, HIV, hepatitis B, mumps, parvovirus B19,  B. Bacterial - Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, pneumococcus, Haemophilus, Neisseria (gonorrhoeae or meningitidis), Chlamydia (psittaci or trachomatis), Legionella, tuberculosis, Salmonella, Lyme disease .
  • 6.  C. Mycoplasma  D. Fungal - Histoplasmosis, aspergillosis, blastomycosis, coccidiodomycosis, actinomycosis, nocardia, candida  E. Parasitic - Echinococcus, amebiasis, toxoplasmosis  F. Infective endocarditis with valve ring abscess
  • 7. 3. Neoplasm A. Metastatic – Lung or breast cancer, Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, melanoma  B. Primary – Rhabdomyosarcoma, teratoma,fibroma, lipoma, leiomyoma, angioma C. Paraneoplasm
  • 8. 4. Cardiac  A. Early infarction pericarditis  B. Late postcardiac injury syndrome (Dressler's syndrome)  C. Myocarditis D. Dissecting aortic aneurysm
  • 9. 5.Autoimmune A. Rheumatic diseases – Including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, scleroderma, mixed connective disease  B. Other – Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's), polyarteritis nodosa, sarcoidosis,IBD (Crohn's, ulcerative colitis), Whipple's Disease, giant cell arteritis,Behcet's disease,rheumatic fever
  • 10. 6.Drugs  Pericarditis can also develop from a drug- induced lupus syndrome caused by medications including procainamide, hydralazine, methyldopa, isoniazid, mesalazine, and reserpine.  Doxorubicin: The anthracycline antineoplastic agents, such as doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide, have direct cardiac toxicity and can cause acute pericarditis
  • 11. 6.Drugs Penicillin : Penicillin and cromolyn sodium, induce pericarditis through a hypersensitivity reaction Methysergide: Methysergide antimigraine drug belongs to the group of medicines known as ergot alkaloids. It causes constrictive pericarditis through mediastinal fibrosis
  • 12. 7. Metabolic  A. Hypothyroidism - Primarily pericardial effusion  B. Uremia  C. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
  • 13. • Trauma  A. Blunt, Penetrating B. Iatrogenic - Catheter and pacemaker perforations, cardiopulmonary resuscitation • Radiation
  • 14. BASED ON THE SYMPTOMS :- Acute pericarditis (<6 weeks) Sub acute pericarditis (6 weeks to 6 months) Chronic pericarditis (>6 months) Recurrent pericarditis
  • 15. Constrictive pericarditis Viral pericarditis Purulent pericarditis Tuberculous pericarditis Radiation Pericarditis BASED ON THE CAUSES :- Traumatic pericarditis Serous pericarditis Fiberous pericarditis Hemorrhagic pericarditis Adhesive mediastino pericarditis
  • 16. • Constrictive pericarditis When the pericarditis is associated with a thickening or scarring of the pericardial layers, this starts constricting the heart within the thoracic cavity, which in turn limits its effective functioning. This condition is known as constrictive pericarditis.
  • 17. • Viral pericarditis Viruses that cause pericarditis is known as viral pericarditis This kind of pericarditis is simple and can be handled as an outpatient procedure. • Tuberculous pericarditis This condition is also seen in a very minor percentage of patients having pulmonary tuberculosis. Some of the developing countries remain the leading risk groups of tuberculous pericarditis.
  • 18. • Purulent or suppurative pericarditis :- It is due to causative organisms may arise from direct extension, hematogenous seeding, or lymphatic extension, or by direct introduction during cardiotomy. Immunosuppression facilitates this condition.
  • 19. • Radiation Pericarditis This type of pericarditis is caused due to recent mediastinal radiation at any time from weeks to months after the exposure. • Traumatic pericarditis • Sharp or blunt trauma causes traumatic pericarditis. Invasive cardiac procedures also may give rise to this type of pericarditis, which includes cardiac diagnostic catheterization and electrophysiological ablation procedure.
  • 20. • Serous pericarditis Is usually caused by noninfectious inflammation such as occurs in rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus .
  • 21. • Fibrous and serofibrinous pericarditis • Itrepresent the same basic process and are the most frequent type of pericarditis. Common causes include acute myocardial infarction (MI), postinfarction (including Dressler syndrome), uremia, radiation and trauma
  • 22. • Hemorrhagic pericarditis It involves blood mixed with a fibrinous or suppurative effusion, and it is most commonly caused by tuberculosis or direct neoplastic invasion. This condition can also occur in severe bacterial infections. Hemorrhagic pericarditis is common after cardiac surgery and may cause tamponade. The clinical significance is similar to suppurative pericarditis
  • 23. • Chronic pericarditis Adhesive mediastino pericarditis • Is a reaction that usually follows suppurative or caseous pericarditis, cardiac surgery, or irradiation. This condition is rarely caused by a simple fibrinous exudate. The pericardial potential space is obliterated, and adhesion of the external surface of the parietal layer to surrounding structures occurs.
  • 24. when microbes are inhaled or ingested, they migrate to myocardium and cause inflammation Accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac called pericardial effusion. Compression of the heart Increased Intra Pericardial pressure Decreased ventricular filling and emptying Increased venous pressure Decreased cardiac output Decreased Arterial pressure Cardiac Failure
  • 25. Chest pain beneath the clavicle, in the neck region worsens with deep inspiration, relieved with sitting or leaning forward.It is the cardinal sign of pericarditis  Mild fever, chills and night sweats.  Malaise, myalgia  Dyspnea due to constriction or cardiac tamponade Palpitation
  • 26. Ewart sign: Ewart's sign is a set of findings on physical examination in people with large collections of fluid around their heart (pericardial effusions).Dullness to percussion ("woody" in quality), egophony, and bronchial breath sounds may be appreciated at the inferior angle of the left scapula when the effusion is large enough to compress the left lower lobe of the lung • Beck’s triad: falling BP; rising JVP;
  • 27. In Constrictive Pericarditis :  Pedal edema  Hepatomegaly  Ascites  JVD  Kussmaul’s sign  Pericardial knock (early diastolic sound) heard at the apex  Usually - no friction rub
  • 28. • History Collection- regarding the etiological factors • Physical Examination- check for Ewart’s sign,pedal dema ,hepatomegaly JVD etc.. • CBC- Increased WBC, ESR, and CRP • Cardiac Enzymes- increased but not as much as with MI • ECG- diffuse St elevation *important to different from MI changes (acute pericarditis)
  • 29. • Echo- for heart wall movement • Chest X ray- shows an enlarged heart and pericardial calcification • Doppler imaging- to measure the amount of blood flow through your arteries and veins
  • 30. • CT Scan to look for calcium in the pericardium, fluid, inflammation, tumors and disease of the areas around the heart. Iodine dye is used during the test to get more information about the inflammation. • Pericardiocentesis fluid- determine cause; treat cardiac tamponade
  • 31. • Cardiac MRI to check for extra fluid in the pericardium, pericardial inflammation or thickening, or compression of the heart. A contrast agent called gadolinium is used during this highly specialized test. • Cardiac catheterization To get information about the filling pressures in the heart. This is used to confirm a diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis.
  • 32. • Cardiac tamponade Accumulation of pericardial fluid raises intra- pericardial pressure, hence poor ventricular filling and fall in cardiac output. The drop in blood pressure can cause blurred vision, nausea, confusion, and weakness.
  • 33. • Pericardial effusion. • Accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac. may have symptoms such as:Chest pain or discomfort, Enlargement of the veins of the neck,Fainting,Fast breathing, Increased heart rate,Nausea,Pain in the right upper abdomen,Shortness of breath,Swelling in the arms and legs
  • 34. • Chronic effusive pericarditis It is an uncommon pericardial syndrome characterized by concomitant tamponade, caused by tense pericardial effusion, and constriction, caused by thevisceral pericardium. th e symptoms are chest pain, lightheadedness, hiccups, and shortness of breath.
  • 35. • ASA or tylenol Acetaminophen decreases fever and pain , but does not help inflammation.Adult dosing is 2 regular strength (325 mg) every 4 hours or 2 extra-strength (500 mg) every 6 hours. Maximum dose is 4,000 mg per day. • Aspirin or NSAIDs are recommended as first-line therapy for acute pericarditis with gastroprotection. Commonly used NSAID regimens include : Ibuprofen — Depending on the severity of the pericarditis and individual medication response, a dose of 400 to 800 mg of ibuprofen three times daily is usually adequate for symptom relief. Ibuprofen can be the preferred NSAID because of its rare side effects, favorable impact on coronary artery blood flow, and large
  • 36. • Aspirin — Aspirin can be given at a dose of 750 to 1000 mg every six to eight hours followed by gradual tapering every week for a treatment period of three to four weeks. • Corticosteroids Corticosteroids are strong medications that fight inflammation. Your doctor may prescribe a corticosteroid such as prednisone if your symptoms don't get better with other medications, or if symptoms keep returning. • Colchicine anti-inflammatory agent It is recommended as first-line therapy for acute pericarditis as an adjunct to aspirin/NSAID therapy. You should not take this drug if you have liver or kidney disease
  • 37. Indomethacin — Indomethacin (NSAID)can be administered at a dose of 50 mg three times daily for one to two weeks followed by slow tapering But commonly it is not rcommended due to its adverse effects • Penicillin - for Bacterial infection • ACE Inhibitors - relax the blood vessels in the heart and help blood flow more easily • • Beta-blockers are avoided because it decreases the strength of ventricular contraction (have a negative inotropic effect)
  • 38. • Anticongestive measures such as diuretics And Inotropics agents (Inotrtropic agents such as milrinone, digoxin, dopamine, and dobutamine are used to increase the force of cardiac contractions.) • Anti-anxiety medication (Alprazolam Diazepam ,Estazolam ,Flurazepam ) • Proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole, Pantoprazole)
  • 39. • Pericardiocentesis:- is the aspiration of fluid from the pericardial space that surrounds the heart.
  • 40. • Pericardial window a small opening made in the pericardium, may be performed to allow continuous drainage into the chest cavity.
  • 41. • Percutaneous balloon pericardiotomy :- is a procedure done to drain excess fluid in the sac around the heart. The procedure uses a long thin tube with a balloon attached. During PBP, a doctor inserts a needle through the chest wall and into the tissue around the heart. Once the needle is inside the pericardium, the doctor removes it and replaces it with a long, thin tube called a catheter. This tube has an inflatable balloon at its tip. Repeated inflation of the balloon creates a small hole or “window” in the pericardium. When the hole is large enough, the doctor removes the catheter and balloon replaces them with a new catheter for final draining. This allows fluid to drain out of the pericardium, which improves heart function.
  • 42. Percardiectomy may be necessary to release both ventricles from the constrictive and restrictive inflammation and scarring Pericardiectomy is performed through a median sternotomy, an incision through the breastbone (sternum) in the middle front part of the ribs that allows the surgeon to reach the heart. The surgeon will remove the pericardium from the heart, wire the breastbone and ribs back together and close the incision with stitches.
  • 43. • Collaboration of oxygen and delivery of analgesic drugs and drug side effects observed. • Observation of vital signs. • Perform 12 lead ECG, 24 lead if necessary • Bed rest with Fowler position / semi- Fowler position client with pillows. Positioning/sit up/lean forward • Instruct client to deep breathe or use incentive spirometery every 1 - 2 hours
  • 44. • Monitor urine output • Prevent complications of immobility • Psychological support • Monitor the drainage of pericardial fluid • Manage the anxiety of the client • Provide health teaching regarding the disease condition and its treatment process
  • 45.  Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to inflammatory process and decreased lung capacity as evidenced by dyspnea,shortness of breath Acute pain related to tissue ischemia secondary to arterial occlusion, tissue inflammation as evidenced by patient facial expression, forward leaning posture,patient compaint for sharp chest pain Impaired thermoregulation , hyperthermia, related to infection and inflammation as evidenced by Raised temperature
  • 46.  Ineffective tissue perfusion related to decrease blood flow as evidenced but delayed capillary refilling,pale mucous membrane Activity Intolerance related to imbalance between oxygen supply and metabolic as manifested by fatigue,decreased activity of daily living Anxiety related to therapeutic interventions and uncertainty of prognosis as manifested by Facial flushing , Restlessness , Voice quivering
  • 47. Risk for Decreased Cardiac Output related to structural abnormalities of the heart  Risk for cardiogenic shock related to decreased cardiac output.