
Gynura japonica (Thunb.) Juel


Location in our garden



Cacalia pinnatifida Lour.

Doronicum japonicum Lam.

Kleinia japonica Less. 


Herbaceous. A semi-succulent plant, producing stems up to 130 cm tall

Part Used

  • The Whole Plant

Growing Requirements

  • Need Shade


  • Forest
  • Roadside
  • Rocky Areas
  • Grassland


It is said that G. japonica originated in Burma and China and is divided into herbal plants. In Indonesia and Malaysia, this plant is a well-known medicinal plant. This plant's twin benefits are not only used as a medicine but can also be used as a food in the form of vegetables.

Vernacular Names

San qi cao (Chinese), Waan Mahaakaan (Thai)


G. japonica is a lush shrub at a height of 0-350 m above sea level. Live well on hills, forest margins, roadsides, in sandy areas. Suitable for soils that are light (sandy), medium (loamy), and hard (clay). Acid, neutral, and simple (alkaline) soils have a sufficient pH. It can develop in semi-shade or no shade (light woodland). It likes soil that is damp.


  • Roots - tuberous, may be lobed or round, and have a diameter of 2-6 cm wide.
  • Leaves -spatulate (spoon-shaped) or obovate (egg-shaped with a rounded tip), elliptical, ovate (egg-shaped with a pointed tip), and have shallow lobes.
  • Flowers - yellow to red, compound inflorescence is known as a campanulate head 
  • Fruits - dry 1-seeded fruit is known as achene (3-4 mm long).


It can be propagated by stem cutting and root sprouts by vegetative methods. With a length between 15-20 cm, stem cuttings were made and the bottom of the stem cut angled to develop root area is more common.

Chemical Constituents

Flavonoids (quercetin 3,7-O-di glycoside), alkaloids (senecionine, seneciphylline, seneciphylline dan (E)-seneciphylline), tannins, polyphenols, essential oils, phenolic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeate acid, vanillic acid, p-coumaric acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid.

Traditional Medicinal Uses

  • This herb, which promotes circulation, is used as an anticoagulant, depurative, febrifuge and styptic.
  • There is anti-angiogenic activity in Gynura segetum. The plant can be used as a possible source of cancer protection.
  • The new rhizome is crushed and externally added to the wounds caused by wild animal bites.
  • To relieve soreness, the fresh sap is inculcated into the eyes.
  • The leaves are used to minimize inflammation of the skin caused by insect stings, pimples and bruises, as well as to treat scabies and erysipelas.
  • The powder of the dried leaves of G segetum is applied externally for an early cure to diseased parts and is believed to be very effective in reducing swelling on the body in Chinese medicine.

Part Used

Reference Sources